#so it's automatic for me to cry for sad shows even if i dont really feel particularly sad
virgilisspidey · 1 year
In a span of just three days
Three fregin days
I went from watching the first episode of a newly released anime
Read the manga they adapted it from
And immediately went to ao3 to read fanfiction
I have never ever been this passionate and in love with a story ever. I am hooked, i cried, i laughed, i got angry, i got shocked—
I fell in love
I always read stuff because i want to get hurt but this manga— fucking hell— this masterpiece
It made me feel everything
I want to be able to do that too
Watch and read oshi no ko ya'll it's amazing and that comes from a person who cried for the anime and it's only been the first episode
It's amazing and i cried
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Convert Anon💜 here!!
Me remembering that canonically Azul is bigger than the tweels and just *looks at Azul and makes amall grabby hands* lemme see him all big🥺🥺
Also i have been just doing random thinks of if our dna permanently changed from some sort of magic mishap and we’re now what our lover is and also we have magic now and even with tests it’s showing up as this different dna and it’s irreversible and now we’re stuck like this (Also not cause I got octopus as what sea animal I am no no way is this the inspiration for it)
(And sorry but octotrio is once again the first and is being Remy to my brain)
We wake up in the infirmary, groaning and trying to sit up and everything is cold. Everything looks funny as well, and the sounds are much different. Once our brain is able to rub two braincells together that we’re in water and also mentally making a reminder to strangle Ace for throwing that ingredient into the potion.
Then, we notice the tentacles, shock and surprise and flailing back before bumping out head and looking down at ourselves. What came to mind was the overblot form of Azul, but he’s a octomer so it makes sense and we’re not-
Ace is so dead.
Basically now we have Azul teach us how to octopus and also we now have to take human potions to be on land and Ace would 100% get one big ol smack for it. Ace stop throwing random things in potions. If I woke up as an eel the first thing i would do is first off, bite Ace for doing this to me, then ask Floyd or Hade to teach me how to swim and also how to eel
Next would be Malleus as a dragon fae(Ace bullying hours cause he knocked over a lot of things)(somehow you’re now fae)
You wake up with a tail and horns, trying to adapt to these new weights and Malleus has to help you get used to magic again and Lilia also may or may not also help but also may tease and Malleus maybe would teach you how to turn into a dragon and maybe try to help you make a hoard and you two can lay on shiny’s together
If you woke up as a vampire I feel like Lilia would maybe be sad, cause he’s so old and you were so young but now you have eternity together but also you will outlive almost all of your friends and he knows what it’s like and will comfort you later when it happens and hold you as you cry
Waking up as a beastman would be so funny like with Leona we’re now a lioness and he now has a lil bit of fear and Ruggie we’re a hyena and he’s also very scared cause newborn female hyenas outrank older males automatically and he would need some lovings very much, as a wolf I think Jack would try and help up as much as he can and also now you’re also kinda pack cause crush and now you’re a wolf too and he’s like 👀🥺🐺(like if you want tk become pack with him)
I think azul would be as huge as Ursula and then you really will be tiny compared to him lolol but hey, more to hug and cuddle. Kind of like ponyo mother.
Convert anonie you are speaking my language. I love stories in which the love interest sometimes changes to match their beloveds 💕💕💕 
you dont have to apologize for going with octatrio first, its okay ☺️🌻
Rest In Peace Ace, you have my condolences. 🤲😂🌟 on the bright side, you have eight arms and legs and you can multitask now 😂 whoop! lolol jkjk 
ah ace, crewel is also going to have your head. on the bright side, Azul is going to have fun teaching you to navigate in your new form and now you can talk to the fishes 👏👏 you wonder and happiness in this new form might even help Azul have a positive view of his October form
careful convert anon, I might be wrong but biting might be a a type of mating ritual. you don't want to make the leech this jealous now would you??👀👀
yes, waking up as a fae and a dragon at that? ace I am going to hug you ...after he gets threatened with a few fire spells. malleus is going to be excited to have another dragon fae with him. his child of ma-..well fae now match him and you get closer with him even more as you spend time with him. after awhile, he might even teach you history of the fae and the culture...as time goes on. you might even notice that he is courting you the tradition dragon way.
....man waking up as a vampire as its gifts and its tragedies...but at least I have an excise for wanting to bit Lilia’s ears now lolol but true, living a long life will hurt as time passes but now you have Lilia to comfort you and malleus as he too will live a long life. I feel like Lilia having a companion in life with give him a sense of comfort and happiness. Silver will be happy for his father that he won't be lonely after he passes. but there is always hope, as time passes...you notice that some of these new people you meet along the way..well, they kind of remind you of your friends from hundreds of years ago. you cant help but smile and greet them. happy to have them in your life again.
(....I went deep there, do you see the hold this old grandpa has on me?? shddjddnj) 
leona can definitely not call us herbivore anymore in a snarky way anymore, but he's going to have funny teaching you how to be a beastman. watch the rest of Savanaclaw fall on their feet making sure you are taken care of because they respect women. but as tine goes on, you and leona get closer and closer. sometimes he pulls on your tail affectionally, or rubs your ears, or nuzzles you and at this point you can hear the “can you feel this love tonight” song playing 
Ruggie is going to be sweet and teach you the ways but he's extra tired now, leona give him a raise damnit. it isn't easy racing an adult ...new born but at least he will have fun. you will see that Ruggie give more for to you than usual, sometimes out of his own stash. and you would share it back to him. in a way, this is him showing he can provide for you and he's worthy and you sharing the food in return shows you think him of equal status.
jack is a good boy, he will help you out. he wouldn't mind you becoming a part of his pack and maybe even more. he will help you to the best of his abilities and even call home and ask for advice if he doesn't know. you can see his wag tail whenever you accomplished something you are proud of. he knocks his forehead onto yours when he is especially happy and proud.
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ze-maki-nin · 2 years
Requested: Yep!
hello hello i have a request- what do you think the dream team would be like with a reader who blames themselves for other people's emotions or actions a lot and cries when other people cry? (definitely not based on how i am-)
Pairing: CC!Dream Team x Gn!Reader
Idea: CC!Dream Team with a reader who blames themselves for other peoples emotions and cries when others cry!
Tags/Warning: Crying (?), blaming one's self (?), Fluff! (If there are any warnings that I missed pls tell me!)
Word Count: 1047!
A/N: Sorry this took so long! And I didnt know if you wanted them separate, so I just did both, separate and together-
Dream Team together!
☆ You 4 would be in a call with bad or someone and someone would start crying-
☆ And so do you-
☆ They would be so confused at first
☆ Like???
☆ Why you crying??
☆ You would tell them “If someone cries I do and I dont know exactly why-”
☆ or something like that-
☆ On the inside youre blaming yourself for making that person cry even tho you dont know why they started crying
☆ Its just an automatic thing you think when someone is sad/cries, is mad, upset, any negative emotion
☆ No one really knows this
☆ Its your little secret
☆ well-
☆ Phil and Techno know but thats it
☆ After your little crying session with the other person is over you go back to whatever you where doing
☆ Feeling guilty for ‘making’ them cry
☆ Even tho you didnt
☆ Now.
☆ If someone gets mad in the call you start apologizing
☆ Even tho you most likely didnt do anything
☆ The person would ask why you where apologizing
☆ “I made you mad didnt I? I always make people mad on accident”
☆ “No?? I was mad at the game-”
☆ You would then apologize saying it was something you do-
☆ Apologize for things you didnt do
☆ They would understand somewhat and go back to playing
⌒ You would just be chillin on his bed while he records a video
⌒ And he would start getting annoyed at whoever he was recording with
⌒ You flinched, thinking he was getting annoyed cause you where in here while he was recording or something
⌒ “Sorry” “What?”
⌒ Hed hear you apologize and be so confused
⌒ Like you didnt do anything wrong???
⌒ Why are you apologizing?
⌒ You would then ask “Didnt I make you annoyed?”
⌒ He would frown and walk over to you
⌒ “You could never annoy me Baby, why do you think that?
⌒ You would then explain to him that you just thought he was annoyed
⌒ And somehow convinced him to go back to recording even tho he was a bit concerned
⌒ After the recording he decided he wanted to cuddle you
⌒ So there you where
⌒ cuddling
⌒ when all of the sudden Dreams eyes started watering
⌒ something probably got in his eyes
⌒ but you thought he was crying so you started for apologizing
⌒ “M so sorry” “Im sorry for whatever I did” “I didnt mean too”
⌒ You would eventually start crying
⌒ He would be so concerned :(/pos
⌒ “Babe my eyes are just watering, are you ok?”
⌒ You would be kinda embarrassed
⌒ Youd start explaining to him that you thought you did something wrong
⌒ And when he started crying you did too and you dont know why
⌒ Hed reassure you that youre fine and did nothing wrong and suggest taking a small nap with him
⌒ Inside youd be convincing yourself that it was your fault he was crying
⌒ and that he was crying not that his eyes were watering
★ You where just chillin with Sap on his couch, watching a show
★ When a scene that made him mad came on
★ And he started yelling at the tv
★ Once he finished you began apologizing profusely
★ “Woah woah woah-Why are you apologizing?”
★ “Didnt...Didnt I make you mad?”
★ He would sit there kinda stunned
★ And then explain to him that he was mad at the movie and not because of you
★ You would nod
★ Not really believing it but not wanting to ‘anger’ him further
★ Even tho he wasnt angry anymore
★ You would start thinking of the things you could have done to make him angry
★ Which causes you to zone out
★ Sap would see this and snap you out of it
★ “Huh-Sorry, kinds spaced out”
★ “Thats fine Flower! What were you thinking about?”
★ You told him that you where thinking of things that you could have done to make him angry
★ He stared at you confused
★ How could you make him angry?
★ Youre literally the sweetest person
★ Reassure you that you could never make him mad
★ And cuddle you til you believe that-
⛧ He would just be scrolling through his phone on his bed
⛧ When you came into his room crying
⛧ He would panic but calm himself down
⛧ And tell you to come tell him whats wrong and cuddle
⛧ You would then say that you made someone hurt another person even tho you didnt know them
⛧ He would be confused at first
⛧ But then realize that you were blaming yourself for something you didnt do
⛧ “Darling you didnt do anything!”
⛧ Hes trying to reassure you
⛧ even tho hes not that good at it-
⛧ at least hes trying right?
⛧ Hes thinkin of things he could do to calm you down
⛧ And then suggest you guys watch some youtube
⛧ Probably Dream or Sap-
⛧ It takes your mind off of the people
⛧ He'd cuddle you
⛧ until yall fell asleep
⛧ The computer still playing youtube videos
Sorry if this isnt what you wanted!
I also didnt have many ideas for George so sorry about that-
Taglist: @sugarrbbee @dawnfallx @forefinn @angstyx @lakifaki @n3r0-1417 @meliancries @wilczachannn @wrenqueenisboss @gray-moon2 @pixviepie
Just ask to be added!
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i just …. i couldnt understand the red, yellow and orange heart then i started looking back at past buddie scenes and i fucking wanted to cry!!!! am i the only person who never FULLY grasped how often some shade of the colors red and yellow are used in buddie scenes?! like i noticed it but i never …. NOTICED it! and it gets more intense and obvious as the seasons go on …. clothes, background lighting, set props - balloons …. since like … day one … if they slowly start transitioning to orange guys …. im gonna die …. like full stop, stop breathing because ….. we’ve all been burned too many times by shows …. and it scared me to get my hopes up …
how sad is that? its 2022 and people are still afraid to show two MALE main characters as more then just “special friends” …. how 1950’s is that phrase? they try to make it sound “modern and inclusive” by saying that they’re trying to show how families come in all forms - which is true! accept that that includes gay men as well! I remember reading an interview that … i think it was rafael silva … im not sure … i dont watch lonestar so it was an article i read by accident …. it might have been ronen rubinstien (correct me if i spelled that wrong - also let me know if you know who the it was((it was rafael silva!! thank you @idealuk !!)) ) … anyway in the interview he was talking about how before filming he watched 911 and saw buck and eddie and thought they were a couple and he was surprised because he thought to himself - oh they already have a gay couple in this series - i wonder why they want another one? …. i think that says SO MUCH about the television industry …. for it to be surprising to an actor for there to be more then one gay couple on a show - or series - whatever …. is just …. horribly sad to me.
and the movie industry is SO much worse …. how often do we see male gay couple in movies as more then just background characters who are mostly used as comic relief? or shown in unrealistic forms? usually in pastel colors living in suburbia, all smiles and “perfect relationship”, overly flamboyant or them trying to depict the stereotypical male/female roles. that or they’re used for shock value - look how outrageous and overly sexual they are … or to show how great the straight are - where they randomly drop the fact that they have a boyfriend or husband - for the straight main character to either pause in awkward surprise for a moment to then smile and be “cool with it” or to automatically go along with it without pause - still showing how “cool with it” they are …
im getting off tack lol … in television its a bit more common to see two main character women in a relationship - a BIT …. and thats because two women is considered sexy to even the most homophobic of men - whereas two men - when done on tv, is considered “edgy” or so great for showing “different” kinds of love, or for really pushing the boundaries …. but even then its still rare for television shows to show two men in a REAL relationship … where its beautiful and ugly, fights and making up and just … being in real love with one another. and i think that 911 has a real problem with writing same sex couples…. the original 911 obviously - not Lonestar which i think is an entirely different set of writers - correct me if im wrong there…. i think that the Hen/Karen relationship is beautifully done - when its done. its REAL … its beautiful and ugly … trust and fear and betrayal and forgiveness … its real. but again that is - when its done. compared to the other relationships on the show …. how often do we actually see Hen and Karens relationship for more then a few minutes? or as more then just a coming home scene after a hard day? …. only when its special, Hen heavy episodes. but the other couples …. they’re in EVERY episode …. excluding the last season without Chim and Maddie…. even Buck and Taylor received more of a storyline and screentime the the day one Hen and Karen …. but this thing with Buck and Eddie …. a relationship that has been “all in” intensity since episode one … and has ALL of the things that Hen and Karen do - thats a “different kind of family” a “special kind of friendship” … and i keep thinking … where have i heard those buzzwords before? oh right… supernatural.
supernatural broke so many peoples hearts … because they straight up USED their fans. not the actors - the actors have went out of their way to show just how much they were on the same side as the fans … but the showrunners … the producers and writers and the NETWORK all capitalized off of destiel, used their fans to keep the money coming in and then when it was over - when they had their last chance to do something that nobody has had the guts to do - show two previously before seen straight male best friends admit to having fallen in love with one another … they pretty much spit and then laughed in their fans face … and then called it real - that sometimes that happens - one person feels something the other cant …. despite having shown for ten years that the complete opposite was true … i watched supernatural from the very first episode to the very last - hoping for some kind of redemption for a show i LOVED up to the very last moment . but now i cant even bare to see gifs of it because it hurts … and i know im not alone in that.
i think that if 911 goes down that route …. if they keep building up to something that they know they arent going to follow through on … if they throw these two men into yet another straight “normal” relationship - because thats the opposite of “different” right? “normal” ? ugh … now i want to vomit for another reason completely …. stupid supernatural and cw … if they do throw them into new straight relationships … i think that will be it for ALOT of fans … not all … because there are fans who arent there for buddie and there are fans who will stick it out until the very last moment, hoping …. but there will be a considerable amount of fans who will feel betrayed and used again …
in regards to the color of the heart … idont know if it actually means something or if its all in my head but either way …. i do believe that families come in all forms and so do friendships and love … but i dont believe that the buck/eddie relationship is one of them … i dont know … ok … end of rant. ❤️💛🧡
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lol-q · 3 years
There’s so many things I love about the show that I haven’t seen people give enough credit for and I want to go on a little ramble because people are focusing so much on what they don’t like vs. what they do. So here’s my list. Sorry for the grammatical errors 😬
I love that the lesbian main character is this sweet, innocent, big hearted young woman and not portrayed as a overly sexual fuckboi that hits on every woman. I love that Fatou is soft and gentle. More lesbian rep like that please
I love the soundtrack. It’s exactly the type of stuff I imagine Fatou would listen to and it’s not just the top 100 hit songs.
I love that they use the soundtrack as a way to connect to the plot line, like the lyrics to the song Fatou was listening to when she was on the rooftop said “And I hate to leave you feeling all alone.But your story cannot start until you've grown. You can find how to be OK on your own. I just can't be the one that makes you feel at home” which was a hint as to where the plot was going
^^ also the song playing during Kieu My and Fatou’s museum date
I love the little mannerisms Nhungi chooses to show as Kieu My. The happy little bounce she did in ep 1 when she called out Fatou’s name and when she subtly checked Fatou out by looking her up and down.
I love how their rooms show their individual personality so well. Like Fatou’s room in the beginning of the season was normal and then it became increasingly messy as the episodes moved forward, showing her stress and chaos in her life
I love the height difference between Fatou and her brother lol
I love when her brother and her were thinking of what to get their parents so they split the bill on a gift - a very subtle way of showing siblings interacting
I love when Fatou and Ismail interact cuz it’s so funny
I love the physics teachers speaking voice, he sounds like kermit the frog
I love fatou’s eyebrows. Idk it’s just so perfect. Give me tips plz
I love that the characters rewear clothing. And it’s not a show where every episode is a new outfit with new clothes. Very realistic and it always bothered me when teens on highschool on tv have new clothes every episode
I love that Fatou’s original bio on tinder was “wanna cuddle?”. I feel like that girl would rather cuddle with someone than win the lottery. She’s so soft (also why did it say she was 24 in ep 2 when she was on tinder lol)
I love that the show showed the struggles of coming from a bilingual family and being the only one that struggles to speak it. When fatou was talking to her grandparents with her brother and her brother had to translate for her and it was awkward af, I felt that. I’m the youngest in my family and I struggle to speak Tagalog so people have to translate for me sometimes and it sucks.
^^ I relate to fatou so much in that scene cuz the dynamic in my family is the same as Fatou’s. My parents lay off and let me and my brother do our thing unless there’s an indication we need their help. The only time I ever spoke about school with my family was when report cards would come and they would see my grades weren’t that good. I remember my mom seeing I had a D in middle school and automatically jumping to conclusiosn without letting me speak. My brother is academically successful and he would also try and get me to do more school stuff when I was younger. Like he would make me do math problems to help with my grades. So it’s all very relatable for me
I love when Fatou sings, her voice is so soft and smooth.
I love whenever Kieu My and fatou are flirting both so blatantly and yet so subtly. Like the tension is there but it’s still awkward despite how smooth they both try to be it’s so adorable
I love how Fatou and Kieu My are so confident flirting and talking to eachother through texting but when it’s irl it’s still awkward and new. It shows the reality of an actual relationship in the making. It’s not just a full head dive into “I love you”.
I love when they were at the table tennis bar place and Fatou was hyping up Ava when there were dudes looking at them and Ava did a fancy ass turn and smile. She’s so pretty
I love that Fatou’s problems were shown in subtle ways in the beginning with money. Counting money at her job and when she wa trying to pay for the drink at the bar. It was a small interaction but in real life it would cause a lot of stress and anxiety if money counting problems kept happening over and over again
I love Yara and Josh’s friendship. More platonic friendship between a male and a female please. Also more Yara in general please.
I love that Zoe owned up to her actions last year to the entire group (minus Ismail Constantine and Kieu my) on New Years. I see her owning up to the role as Nora’s big sister.
I love when Josh was drinking a lot during New Years and Fatou was trying to get him to slow down. It shows how big her heart is for her friends. Also I think Josh and Fatou could be great friends
I love that Kieu My looks at Fatou like she hung the stars. When Fatou mentioned she knew Kieu My was a Scorpio, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that girl smiled so big (before episode 5 of course)
I love that whenever they kiss Kieu my is smiling.
I love Sira’s side profile. There I said it. Girl has the jawline of a Greek goddess.
I love that they change Fatou’s hair. She looks good in every hair style but it’s always nice to see her in different styles.
I love that they showed the struggles of being a passive and gentle person. Because we’re not assertive in regular everyday life we are easily looked over. And it’s hard for us to muster the gusto to be assertive and take what we need because we prefer shying away from conflict and just letting things flow. I relate to fatou’s character so much in that sense. I lowkey think this is the universe’s way of telling me to stop being so passive about life and to take charge idk.
I love that the topic of white savior and performative activism was touched on. And I love that it was between two friends because it’s very realistic to how dynamics work between young people these days. The way they handle it differs in opinion but the fact that they even spoke about it was great.
I love that moment when Kieu My wrapped the vietnamese pancake in the lettuce snd handed it to Fatou. Its so sweet. If I was Fatou I would have forgiven her right then and there lol
Episode 6. Just all of it. Even the angsty part. I want more of that. Episode 6 yes. I’ll marry episode 6
Kieu My wearing Fatou’s cardigan. 💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨😫😫💕✨✨🥺
^^ but also as a person that tried bangs before, you can’t tell me that girl woke up with her bangs perfectly in place lol. This girl probably bought a mini straightener or something too
Fatou telling Kieu My it doesn’t matter if she wears make up or not rather than going off on how she looks prettier without it. She’s just like “it doesn’t matter. You’re pretty no matter what, my little space nerd”
Pissed off fatou is a hot fatou. Js
I love Sira’s acting in general. But the way she shows Fatou’s sadness is great. It’s not just tears and that’s it. When she got fired it was a build up of tears but she wasn’t sobbing, same thing with the cashqueens argument. But she broke when her and Kieu My got in a fight.
Finn being socially awkward. It’s so funny cuz Zoe is this bubbly party girl and her boyfriend is so awkward. Nice balance.
^^also his hair makes me laugh idk why
Ismail opening up to Fatou shows how so many people feel at ease with her. Girl has a calming presence for everybody, she doesn’t even realize how much she’s helped others.
I love that Constantine wears the same jacket over and over again. Idk it seems to fit his character.
^^also kudos to the actor who plays him, he’s doing an amazing job
Love Fatou. Love her dimples and her soft voice. She gets all high pitched when she’s normally speaking but when she was fighting with Kieu My her voice became lower. Just love the way Sira’s voice sounds. Also Nhungi’s speaking voice.
Love the shaky camera movements. The fast pans and the slow motion dance scenes.
Love the aesthetic of Kieu My smoking but PLEASE DONT SMOKE, CHILDREN. ITS BAD FOR YOU.
Love the different aesthetics of the cashqueens
Love maike. Great actress. Give this turtle an Oscar.
Love Kieu My climbing the roof to help her Fatou. Softie to her girlfriend but an ice queen to the world lol.
Love the actors. Love the characters. It just makes me so happy.
This is so well written, i might actually cry no but really it was really nice to read your positive and cuteee facts after the tag check :/ and it really helped because i get mad and sad when i see bad takes. Everything you said was so true and i think im fangirling over this essay. And it made me emotional 👉👈.  Represantation does really matter.
This season is so important for so many people and i don’t think some people realize that when they’re ‘’criticizing’’ some things. Not only we have a lesbian main, we have a black lesbian main who is the softest person in the world and she has LD and/or ADHD. I sometimes can’t believe we got to the point of skamverse where we get rep instead of hurtful,problematic seasons and plots, some might interpret that as shade but it really isn’t, careless storylines really does hurt ppl and why would you want to hurt people when you can give 8 min of sapphic museum date instead 👭🌌 :)
i love this season, i love this gen and i love this essay
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
ashamed to say the 3D reflects our true inner reality, yes? my ENTIRE family has turned against me, after some atrocious conflicts in which they all ganged up on me nd judged me, name-calling, very hurtful things too, provoked me. i been dealing with some serious mental uh 'issues' on my own nd when this happend i was already on the verge of a breakdown nd the good news is while the conflict happened i kept telling myself theyre only reflecting me u can get thru it etc. Later i looked at the hard facts nd realised some of the hurtful things they said were my deep secret feelings abt myself. BUT my question is why the HELL cant they talk to me like normal people? confronting one person vs whole family, why?! i felt so small nd like an object, nd not a single person defended me. am i not a part of the family?
Part 2 is simply its been a week and theyve still been cold towards me as if I yelled AT THEM ABT THEIR PAINFUL 'tRuThS' in front of EVERYONE LMAOOO. At first if i was around we'd have dinner together while they'd all talk to each other like best friends aka sickeningly overly friendly while completely IGNORING me while i sat there. i could tolerate it. I WAS PISSED AT THEM TOO Now its too painful. They're having dinner without telling me, yesterday didnt leave enough food for me knowing i hadnt eaten, serve tea/snacks without my portion. i honestly feel so unspeakably trigered nd sad. worst is these things r reminding me of deep school memories when id feel excluded like this by other kids at parties or class activities nd its like im back there. anyway im glad i controled myself a bit nd didnt counter with horrid things abt them to THEM yet they think they can say the same to me. im so hurt rn i cant even tell u lol i was okay the whole week but now its too much,, ive been crying the whole day
thing is, ik this seems like 'im a victim oh noooo they ganged up on meee'. Nope its more like how do i change myself to change them?! u could say why not talk to them how they made u feel, except whenever ive defended myself in the past regarding hurtful things they/anyone in family did, the siblings/parents would say irritating things like: "oh so YOU'RE the one hurt? Oh thats right, its because YOU'RE right! yes, yes, you're always right. Forgive me for saying anything against the perfect person u are." Or one of them says: "You?! I hurt YOU? What about me? You don't care about me! So you think what ur doing is okay?" or "no, who do YOU think u are to tell ME what to do?" it just goes in circles like this! i dont deserve to hurt myself or do smth to myself even if they dont give a damn, even if years of silent suffering of the 'mEntAL pRoBlEms' (which my lovely parents have already told me is my fault years ago, hence why I NEVER show it to them, unless im crying too much then lol they just mock me, but idc abt THAT bcoz now ik i hav a right to let out my emotions)). i mean this is worse rjan usual. its kinda insane nd when guests come they start talking to me as if nothing's wrong then when they leave, they ignore me!
this whole twisted dynamics, feelijf left out nd helpless is ig some crazy assumptin from childhood of being alone nd unable to defend myself. plus when they argye with anyone, they become overly self-righteous nd over the years its clear they can only scream, blame the scapegoat and never talk abt serious matter like normal ppl. And yes, in the past when i bring this up, they like to reply with stuff like: "no YOU'RE the one who doesnt talk to US bla bla" like, when i do u just shut me down? have belittled my mental 'issues', mocked me when im at my worst, stabbed me with cruel silent treatments nd thinking its alright "bcoz of self-righteousness blegh". Or maybe i think its okay for them to punish me? or whatev? Like law says u get what u r. if these ~~~ keep doing this to me, im doubly ashamed to say this means im the one at fault?! i let this monster assunptin grow nd now idk what to do. the worst thing imo is how i failed to tell them,even if they ignored me in the past, how i feel when anything like this or a conflict happens nd none of them stand up for me, or at least are neutral to me. bcoz now if i do, they say nope, u dont care what we do, YOUR the shameless one :! so yeah they hav the advantage of 'numbwrs' while im too afraid to stand up for myself lol. btw they never apologize nd i suspect they expect ME to apologize to TYEM bcoz everything's already ruined bcoz of 'me'..... i give up on them, i really do, but my heart hurts. Either i harden my heart, nd save up to move out, OR i try to change my self or whatev assumptins i have. But how do i do that? i try afirming: "my familys so nice to me, im respected by them" but it feels so fake tears literally enter my eyes lol
firstly i want to say, thank you for coming here to vent and being open about your feelings. it’s so important sometimes to just let it all out, without holding back. so that way you can move forward more bravely, to create the life you truly want to experience. that being said, i am going to be completely honest with you here in hopes that perhaps it may inspire you and you will be ready to do what is needed for the life you truly want to experience.
“BUT my question is why the HELL cant they talk to me like normal people?” -> “i felt so small nd like an object, nd not a single person defended me. am i not a part of the family?” here is your question, and here is your answer. i think that being completely honest when venting your feelings can actually be so helpful, because if you read back what you have said, you will be able to clearly find the patterns that are creating your personal hell. FEELING IS THE SECRET. ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT. the true way you feel, becomes your experience. Feelings/assumptions/beliefs come first, and the experiences come second to confirm them. That’s all that’s happening here.
i am glad that you were able to keep your reactions to a minimum! that's wonderful and as many of us know, it can sometimes be hard to do in such hurtful circumstances. but you managed to do it, this shows just a small glimpse of the power you truly hold within. although emotionally you may feel out of control, there is still the choice to choose better for yourself which you demonstrated through your reaction to them. good for you!
the truth is, you acknowledge the victim mindset to seem like you’re not engulfed in it, but no, you’re still very clearly engulfed in it. as i have said before, you can’t be a VICTOR and feel bad about it. feeling bad about taking responsibility, about everyone is you pushed out, about any of these types of concepts automatically shows a victim mindset. talking to them won’t do anything, because there are no second causes. you could talk to them nicely, you could be the nicest person in the world. but you can’t pretend your way out of your inner world. your inner world is the one and only cause of your experiences. until you change the story you tell yourself, they will stay the same. this is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. and it can feel heavily, because it’s ultimately only you’re choice. they can’t change until you do. the heaviness of the situation may make it seem impossible to turn around, but that’s just an illusion. your emotional attachment to the situation makes it seem so real and hard to change, but no. that’s just an illusion too. however, it’s ultimately your choice. Do you want to take responsibility for your life, or do you want to keep being tossed around like your lost at sea, victim to the merciless angry waves? Because we always have a choice. No one chooses your inner world, you do. No one can go into your mind and decide things for you, that’s only your job.
you can harden your heart, but who would be the one who suffers more? It won’t be your family, i can assure you. it’ll only be you. by doing that, you keep that old story alive and therefore you keep experiencing it. you keep those stories alive that are desperately showing themselves to you, saying “LET US GO.” but you remain identified with those painful stories, so you grip onto them tight. you keep on thinking of possible reasons for their behavior, but you could just read your entire ask back to yourself and you’ll see every reason. your reactions, your beliefs about them, your emotional pain. its your refusal to let those things go, and focus on what you truly want that keeps you in this state and keeps them in this state. sure it’s painful to face the responsibility at first, but it’s not a blame game. thinking its about blame is just a misunderstanding of the teachings. it’s not about they’re so perfect and you’re so not, so you have to change your ways. it’s about this is how life works here. this is about... you can ONLY ever experience self. whatever is going on within, will be reflected in your outer world. it’s about how they can’t change, UNTIL YOU DO. so instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you have to decide to give yourself the gift of a wonderful life because you have that power too. you stop deciding they can be in control of your experience, and you decide your experience yourself.
to change your assumptions, stop trying to affirm over them and actually face what’s keeping you from believing in your desires. yeah, it’s going to be painful and uncomfortable. but you need to face the pain that you’re running away from, so that it can finally be released. you have to realize, it only stayed true because you believed it to be true. and if you are to live a life free from that story, and experience a more desirable story, then you must let the pain go. give yourself love and grace as you work through it, and know that there is a more beautiful side of life that awaits for you to accept it in.
No One To Change But Self
There is Nothing to Forgive
How to Sit with Your Triggers
give yourself the time you need, it's not race. the love that you wish to experience exists, allow it in. 💖
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lissalizzie · 3 years
CHISHIYA X READER - A SOFT ONE ( +18 because of some words I used)
It is really cute I promise, listen to the song while you read... It will give you the vibe
Sorry for any mistakes
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You were so tired of waiting...
When you first felt your heart beating faster for Chishiya after one of your first games your never imagined it would be so hard to deal with being in love with him.
The problem was... That guy seemed not to care about a thing... He didnt have friends, he didnt talk about any person in the real world... It was like he was born alone and that scared you as hell cause that made the job of getting to his heart kinda impossible...
It was a little dumb and silly to be worrying about a love in a world like that one... In a reality like that one...But you just couldn't help that... Everytime you saw him it was like you wanted so much to be his... Like you wanted him to saw you too but he never did.
And the days passed, the months passed. You weren't a girl, you were a woman... You didn't like playing more than you were already pushed to...
At some point it started to make you cry to see him because you wanted him to notice, at least, which he didnt seemed to... But that time you were wrong.
The thing was Chishiya was feeling something for the first time in his life, and he wasn't even recognizing it because it was a first time experience.
Seeing you was like another kind of pleasure, a sweeter one, some kind one soft sensation. It wasn't like when he won a game or a card... It was peaceful... Being with you didn't make his body felt like all the adrenaline in the world was in his veins... Is was like... Home... Like he didn't want to run, or hide, or plan anything, or talk... He just wanted to listen to you and watch you... Because you were such a great view for him.
Chishiya was used to paying attention on everything around him, and  of course that included you... But at some point your eyes started to be the focus... Because they were like a big, deep and beautiful ocean... And your lips...Do they supposed to shine like that while you talk? Chishiya always catched himself asking those questions.
He was confused, so he kept even quieter than he usually was...
But when he couldn't hide it anymore...He felt like something was exploding inside him. Maybe it was on your birthday when everyone tried so hard to make you happy but he just... didnt show up on that little party cause he was trying so hard to deny his feelings for you like a dumb guy would do... And then when he was coming back to his room late at night he heard you cry... And he knew it was you because he would recognize your voice even at hell after listening to you talking about everything for so long...
You were alone at your room, Kuina had left after talking to you for long hours trying to convince you that... You should only love people that are capable to value the intensity of that love... And she was so right and you were feeling so dumb.
When you saw his cold eyes in the room you almost felt like punching him in the face cause you were so angry. Not cause he didnt come to your birthday party, but because he was acting like a fucking teen and he was a man... How could he manage all those feelings about the games and could not deal with the fact that another person... Liked him? That made you feel like giving up so much, because what was the point of keeping a feeling for someone that made you cry more than made you happy ?
- You know... Looking at me like that wont help anything.
- Oh it will... It will help you to stay alive
Chishiya was smart, he was fast but one of the reasons he liked you back was... You was just as good as him... If not better.
- I didn't even know it was your birthday, y/n
- Don't you dare try playing dumb to me - You was so angry you felt like you were burning. You were so tired of suffering for someone else.
He breathed in and out as he was looking at the ground.
- Okay... I...
- No... This is not about you, there is nothing about you here, Chishiya. If you didn't want me you just had to say no and we would move on. You treated me like a child, you treated me like a girl that would follow you around like a psycho, you didnt respect me . ...because I can deal with anything but I will not accept a fucking man or anyone here looking down on me just because I'm in love... - You words were so heavy it was like anyone could actually touch them. It was clear it was not just because it was in love with him you were gonna give up on who you were or on your well being. - I fucking give up, okay? - You just threw your hands in the airs with sad eyes, you didnt want to but you also didn't see any hope on that cause he never really showed anything to you.
At that moment Chishiya felt that if he didnt make any move he would lost the one thing... He really felt that he wanted and it wasnt artificial and automatic...
We walked till your faces were really close and, for the first time, you saw an expression on his face... fear.
- I... Please, please dont leave, y/n
- Why? So you can still doing what you're doing? I'm not here for you to use me
- Can you just... Let me talk ? I... I'm afraid... Okay? I'm afraid, y/n. I never felt anything like that... I never was afraid to lose someone... I never... - He touched your hair, his eyes passing through the details of your face. - I never felt like my world was about anyone else other than me... And now it seems like it is... And I'm so afraid cause I feel vulnerable like I never did in my life... it's terrifying. - He confessed. - I'm not the kind of guy who talks... I'm not the kind of guy who knows how to... you know... expresses himself... This is me, y/n. But somehow I... Let's say... the thought of losing you on game is even more terrible as the one of... me dying on a game... And it's weird but when I think about something... You... - He closed his eyes... he wanted so much to talk but it was always so hard... like something was there trying to stop him.- Just dont leave... Because I am here waiting for you to come back everytime you leave... You matter to me... And I want to know how it is... To matter to someone else too... and to do it together. I'm sorry if I hurt you... I never meant to, and I'm sorry I acted like a jerk cause I really wasn't paying much attention on my behavior... You didn't deserve that... But please... If you could give me a chance... To show you I'm not about... what you saw
You were do shocked you couldn't even say a complete word. It didn't make any sense... Why was he being like that? It was so... dreamy it almost didn't feel like reality and that's what you were so afraid about.
- You know I'm not like those idiots you try to confuse, right ?
- Oh, for god's sake - He took your hands and  you both sat down on the bed. - If I was trying to confuse you I would be using your weak points... Like the fact you didnt had sex in like a year and you're physicall as hell... Or... I would be using that perfume you told Kuina you liked so you would be considerably distracted cause you already have feelings for me... Yes you should be more careful who you tell your secrets to, by the way... - He laughed - I wouldn't be showing you all my weaknesses if I wanted to do something to you, y/n
Well... You knew him enough to sense a little bit of sincerity there... And you felt like you could trust him... As risky as it sounded... But falling for him was already risky.
- So why are you telling me this ?
- Cause I can't take this alone anymore... And I really feel something about you... And it is good I guess... so...
You just smiled and, softly, you kissed him. He touched your face and... You thought it would never gonna happened but it was and it was just right.
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - I
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 3090
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Light descriptions of violence, nothing much. For now. Jungkook is just a cute pie here ok dont touch me.
 Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII
gif is not mine
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The gray walls of the silent shelter were cold as it were since day one, the bed was small and the blanket could be softer, from the window a yellow light of a light pole bringing the sensation of isolation. Not so different of the last home of Jungkook.
There were two main differences, though. First and more important, now he didn't need to fight to not die in the rings. And - he was thinking if it is good or not - for the first time in so long he could have a prospect of hope, after all, some people seemed interested in adopting him.
But all of them feared him too.
Some days he spend all his time thinking about how to improve his own image so that someone may want to take him home - trying the hardest to look good in his padronized white clothes, fixing is hair, and maintaining a good posture always. Other days he is just a damn pessimist, knowing that anyone will want a pitbull hybrid. But okay, so if they can't acept him with his disturbed past, he won't acept them neither. He want to be loved after all, high standars... Thats what he tells himself often.
Tonight he don't really care.
Like in his previous home he was going to bed feeling like trash, bones hurting like hell and taste of blood in his mouth. In the reflection on the window he could see the cut and swell in his lips and the hematoma below his left eye. Earlier he got beat up by the shelter's guards. They were four against one, and they had batons to hit and electrocute him. All of this just because he wanted to be alone in his corner and growled for another dog who was annoying him by pulling his tail, maybe they thought he was going to do something violent, but he wasn't. Despite his past, Jungkook hate fighting. And then he just tried to defend himself.
Hours passed and he couldn't sleep, something in his gut telling him he should be alert. The night watchman should've passed by his door ten minutes ago. But he heard nothing. He waited to hear the now familiar sound of the watchman's steps... But instead when the sound came it was of a lot more of feet hitting the ground, coming in his direction, and fast.
Suddenly the door of his room opened with a bang, a tall figure in all black and with a gun in it's belt looking at him from the door frame. 
Jungkook hate guns. More than he hate fights. So before he knows it, he is against the wall, protecting himself.
The man said something taking a slow step closer, but Jungkook couldn't hear it clearly - he was too afraid to. Only two types of pople use guns: Cops and the bad guys, sometimes the person is both, like his past owner. He don't like it. Other hybrids were leaving with more people in black in the corridor, and he couldn't understand why. The man reached out for him, and he growled, his ears flat against his head, tail between his legs. So the man steped back, calling for someone.
Poor thing. A million things were crossing Jungkook's mind, all of them horrible... They found me... my old owners found me... They will kill me... They will make me kill... I need to scape...
He was ready to fight his way free, to jump against the tall man and run the faster he could. He was ready to fly through the window even if it was a fall of three floors. Anything but going back to that hell...
His thoughts got cut by a smaller person appering from behind the man. You were all in black too, with tactical boots and all. But no gun. 
"Go help with the others..." Your voice came demanding but soft. When the man disappeared, you tried to approach Jungkook. He growled again. "It's ok..." You said pulling down your mask, revelling your face, and a soft smille. "My name is Y/N. I'mma friend, we are here to help.". You took a step closer, and Jungkook let you. You saw it as a hint to continue, crouching down to stay on the same level as him - he hadn't even realized he was huddled in the corner - and reaching out so he can smell you. "We know this place is no good... So we came to rescue.".
He sniffed you once. In the next second Jungkook was all over you. Practically jumping around you, wagging his tail and smelling you. You smell like truth to him, also something sweet, so he'd follow you anywhere.
"Hey, easy boy." You laugh. Automatically Jungkook got embarrassed for being so excited, a little bit more and he would've crushed you in a hug. "What's your name?"
"Well, Jungkook... Nice to meet ya." You reach out to greet him, and he took your hand in his. But before he could say anything back, the man appeared in the door frame again, now caring a little cat hybrid girl.
"Y/N, all the bombs are in place. We need to go."
Bombs? Jungkook ears lifted in alert. Like bombs that explode? He looked to you waiting some reaction.
"Oh crap. Is everyone out?" You casually answered.
"We are the last ones I think..." He said as if it was about the weather, carefully accommodating the sleepy girl in his arms.
Maybe bombs are not that big of a deal. Jungkook thought to himself, accepting the odd perspective of both of you.
"Ok, Jungkook, this place is going down. If it there is anything you want to take with you..." 
Before you finish the sentence he was putting a tiny wallet in his pocket, and wearing a old cap from the nightstand.
"Ready." Jungkook said with a nod.
You smiled, pulling your mask back up in place. "Let's go then.". You took his hand and ran through the door, Jungkook close behind.
Out side almost all the other hybrids were already safe in the couple of vans of your group, approximately twenty people in black escorting them. You lead Jungkook to one of them following the orientation of another woman with mask and high ponytail. "You go with Youngjae, Y/N.".
"Ok, thanks."
A lot of the hybrids were totally ok with the action, others, mostly the youngers, were sleeping or half asleep. Despite that, a rabbit girl were crying to not enter the van you were supposed to go in.
"You are not understanding... I was going to be adopted on Monday, I need to be here when they came to get me... " she sobbed.
"We know, it's ok... " Youngjae rubbed her arms to comfort her. "We read your file, and I promise you will be with your new owners soon. Okay?"
The girl entered in the van, still a little reluctant, sitting in the passenger's seat - where you were supposed to sit. You didn't think much about it though. You made Jungkook enter and sit in one of the only two available sits, and even if it were more options for you, he didn't let go of your hand, practically pulling you down. He wouldn't make eye contact with you, preferring to keep his gaze down, and wouldn't initiate a conversation, but he would not let go of you neither...
Actually he was holding your hand for dear life.
This is good. You through to yourself. 
Hybrids need to feel safe, and if he feels this way right now... It's good. You read all the files of all hybrids days before this of invasion, to know how bad the situation was. Not all of the poor creatures had a sad past before the shelter - all of them were suffering abuse in the shelter  - but you remember specifically of Jungkook file, and his violent precedence in rings. When you saw the pictures  of how he arrived at the shelter, bruised and curled up in the corner you felt sick and sad. Employee reports said he didn’t allow proximity and showed passive aggression, save for one of the vets, so you - experienced in hybrid behavior - volunteered to be responsible for him. Definitely you didn't expect him to be so easily trusty of you. And that's really good. 
"You ok?" You murmure to him just in case. He just nodded, still staring his feet.
A whimper caught the attention of both of you. The dog hybrid that was beside Jungkook, that must've be sixteen, was shrinking up against the window and holding a bunch of stuffed animals as a shield, apparently afraid him. Jungkook scoffed it with a low growl, turning his eyes back to his shabby shoes, choosing to ignore the boy. This kid was the one invading his space earlier that morning. You got alert to intervene in case of a fight, tensing up.
But Jungkook hate fights. Even more if it happens in tight places like a van. He wouldn't do anything even if he wanted to, and it wasn't the case. There is no one who can force him to fight again.
"Everyone is here? Ok. LET'S GO!" That other woman closed the van's door that started moving. In the shelter's external wall, Jungkook saw the enormous words 'SET US FREE' written in red. Just after the last van passed through the gate the building they all were just a few meters before exploded.
"Wooow!" You cheered along Youngjae and some hybrids.
Jungkook turned on his sit to see the flames through the back window, flames red and high likng the black sky of the night, illuminating all around. You observed the look of amazement in his eyes, wondering what he was thinking. Well, the shelter is what saved Jungkook from his old life. In the shelter he could eat three full meal a day, have his own things and shower every day - his favorite part. But he was always surrounded by crowds what make him anxious most of time, and always getting scolded by the shelter employees that clearly didn't really cared for him, getting beaten up more than once. So he couldn't name the feeling in his chest. He could be sad... Or it could be satisfaction... A mix of both maybe. He just imagined the face of the guys that beat him up seeing the ruins and that written wall next morning and chuckled.
"Jungkook sit straight and put the seat belt, please." You squished his hand lightly.
Another feeling that he couldn't name... "Oh. Ok."
A silence settled in the vehicle, cutting trough the night city at high speed. Most of the hybrids were falling asleep, feeling the euphoria of getting free of the shelter going away, long night after all - and it didn't even ended yet - you couldn't blame them to be tired. You knew that in the moment the job ended and the adrenaline lowered, you would be dead tired yourself, ready to sleep till next year. Unfortunately you must keep your image intact and free suspicions, what means going to work normally next day. But in the moment you needed to be alert and ready to protect. Or at least awake.
Just like Jungkook. This boy was wide awake, looking through the window, paying attention in how the  Youngjae drives super fast, and gazing you by the corner of his eyes. If he had more space he would be jumping around, his dog excitement exploding out of control. Or he would get shy and only imagine it while looking trough nothing. Something in his mind was, where were you all going? That girl apparently was going to be adopted soon, do that mean he would be adopted too? What kind of owner he would get? But can he trust it would happen? Or trust in these people in black? He didn't know you or your group. What if you were the bad guys, kidnapping hybrids to do bad things...? Jungkook stared suspiciously to you, who was talking quietly with the driver. You didn't seen bad, or mean, or evil. Quite the opposite, you look cute and sweet and beautiful, almost too good to be real. He could say you look totally harmless too if it were not for the shock weapon in your waist and tactical boots ... or the whole situation in general. You're just like every ordinary people that usually look at him fear and mistrust.
"Is everything ok?" You asked again. He just made 'no' with his head. You narrowed your eyes, focusing on Jungkook's face. "This bruises... What happened?"
The poor boy considered what to say, fearing that you would not believe him if he said that he got unjustly beaten, which is true, but obviously you would think he deserved it. Maybe he should stay quiet, so you wouldn't hate him. He should at least look like a good boy to impress. Before Jungkook decided between truth or silence - lying was out of question, he was horrorible in it - a voice besides him awnsered.
"The guards were bored and attacked him for no reason." You both looked to the young boy who had a guilty expression. "I'm sorry, it was my fault, I just wanted to play..."
"Oh". Both you and Jungkook cooed. He didn't expected do recieve a out side help, much less a apologise, the feeling was unprecedented. 
"And well, you were the only one who didn't know about the rescue, I wanted to tell you."  
Jungkook was confused. "Everybody knew?"
"All the hybrids..." The boy said, suddenly super comfortable around Jungkook.
"And some employes who helped us from within." You added, pulling Jungkook's face for you to see again. "Did someone treated this cut?" You questioned. 
Jungkook made 'no' with his head once more and than completed with a low voice. 
"The doctor who likes me wasn't working today.".
You sighed in understanding.
"She was one who helped us, we got her an alibi away from here."  You leaned forward, talking to the driver through the rear view mirror. "Youngjae, do we have a first aid kit?" 
"Under my seat."
The boy stared at the stuffed animals for a good time and then extended one to Jungkook. “Keep him.”
Jungkook looked at the stuffed bunny closely and smiled. “Thank you.”
With the white suitcase open on your lap and letting go of Jungkook's hand - for his dislike - you puted some hydrogen peroxide in a piece of gauze and faced him. "Can I?" You asked permission with a smile. Just like the sweet doctor did when the shelter welcomed him you took care of him - with a little less skill, but lovelly still, making him feel safe. Ok, he absolutelly trust you now.
Durig the next hour you received on the radio  news of the vans that took different paths  arriving at the meeting place, yours being one of the last ones. Gladly no one had any unwanted encounters or problems on the way. The place in question was a freight train station, the secondthe van stoped, Youngjae was out to open the lateral door and you waking the hybrids up. "Lets go my sweet things. You can go back to sleep in a little while." You picked up a sleepy little hybrid, and along Youngjae helped all of them to get aou of the van, to follow the group to two big wagons open for them. Outside, those who saw would see only a common freight train, but inside the cars were adapted to take those hybridos in comfort and safety to a farm, one of the places where your organization guarantees a dignified life for hybrids, especially those who have not had an easy past, whether living there or going to good owners - whatever they choose. Jungkook tried to accompany you in the crowd by holding your hand, but he lost you by a few meter, almost not being able to see you between so many heads and the low light, just following your voice, biting his lip anxiously. For a moment his focus leaved you to the rabbit hybrid girl, she got separated from the group, having time to just quickly  say goodbye to another girl, before she run to a car where a couple was waiting for her, the three of then huged, the man took her bag and putted in the trunk. She was really being adopted. Oh man, Jungkook want this so bad. If he is a good boy will he be adopted soon too? "Please, get in." A man in black putted a hand in Jungkook shouder, making him came back daydream. He got surprised for a momente, this man had dog ears to, the men in black have hybrid in their crew. "Please, get i the train." "Wait. No... Y/N..." Apparently he was the only one disturbing, all the other hybrids obeying quietly or already inside the car, looking at him as if he was a weirdo - at least Jungkook felt this way. "Y/N?" "I'm here." You emerged from the crowd. "It's okay, Jungkook, you can get in." "Ok." He smiled to you taking your hand again. He trust you so... But he stoped midstep when he noticed you didn't move. "Aren't you coming too?" You seemed surpresided when responding. "No." He thought for half a second and decided, setting his feet on the ground. "So I'm not getting in neither." "Jungkook..." you tried to argument but he interrupted you. "I'll go where you go." You both held each other's gaze for a moment. All the hybrids were now accommodated in the train wich was about to leave. That women from before came to hurry you, but you wheren't listenning at all. "Does it mean you want to go home with me?" You firmily asked. Without a second thought he vigorously nodded. "Yes." You released a sigh of relief and smiled.  "They can close the doors. This one I'll take with me." You say to the woman, making Jungkook jump in his spot from excitement.  "Are you sure?" She questioned.  "Yep"  You guided a super happy Jungkook to the oposite direction the train started to move to, the sound of the locomotive and loud honk blinding the little sounds of joy coming out of his mouth as he takes your hand again, swinging it back and forth. Your organization companions looking at you with knowing eyes. Never before you even consider adopting any of the rescued hybrids.
this gonna be a series too. pls give love to it.
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gaylonelydyke · 3 years
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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narcosmx · 4 years
narcos mexico: love language head cannons
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a/n: I NEEDED SOMETHING SOFT OKAY i’m soft at heart and this made me happy to write because being fluffy is my life okay kill me i apologize for bothering you all with ths 
i chose recieving gifts for amado because that focuses a lot on being thoughtful and gestures and i just amado.... 
even though i have devolved into like writing him as a fucking DADDY who will constantly rearrange his guts, i still stand by the fact that he would be so fucking whipped for his girl and he’s not afraid to show it 
he’s never going to forget an important day, he’s never going to make you feel like you’re underappreciated 
just gestures are everything for him 
he hasn’t been home for a while, fuck it we’re going on a trip and he can fly you out in his little avioneta and he probably has everything fucking set up already 
i’m just imagining this little like sunset dinner on a hillside where he has dinner and wine waiting for you and why am i doing this to myself 
would be one to splurge on whatever the fuck you want and whatever the fuck you want to do
like you want to go try this new restaurant in butt fuck who knows where, amado is there for it
you’ve always wanted to go snorkling or some shit, amado’s taking you 
he remembers these things about you and like keeps them in his back pocket for later 
and if you remember something about him oof it’s over for him like i just remembering how he takes his coffee and looking at you with this little smile like “mira nomas mi mujer hermosha”
always showing up with flowers and chocolate for you; exactly the way you like it because he remembers every fucking little detail 
miguel’s love language would be quality time with focus on giving undivided attention 
he knows that the time that he gets to spend with you is few and far between so he has to do fucking everything to make sure that the time is well spent???
like i just have this feel of like when he notices you really need him, he tells all of his men to leave him alone just miguel standing there like ‘no quiero oir de nadien, no quiero ver a nadien, se arreglan solo cabrones’ and giving them the fucking look™️
i just him coming to find you and being like, craddling you and sitting on the couch and having you settled in his lap
pushing your hair out of your of your face and placing it behind your ear and kissing your forehead gently
asking you what’s wrong in this cooing tone and just !!! eye contact !!! he wants you to know that hes truly there with you; not just physically but he’s emotionally spending this time with you i am crying
long walks out in sinaloa, like holding hands or with his arm wrapped around you and quiet whispers, him kissing the back of your hand constantly
like i can see you prompting that like, he’s freaking the fuck out about something and just as he’s starting to rage you’re like sabes que vamonos a caminar and i just 
so imma fucking do these two together because they give me the same vibes and their love language would be acts of service as fuck
so acts of service focus on “easing a burden” and i swear these men would make it their live’s mission to make your life as easy as possible 
they make you a fucking priority, they are the ones that if you need them without question they are dropping shit and coming to get you 
any responsibility they can take on for you and you let them oof they will jump on that shit immediately 
bringing in the groceries and they’re like NO NO NO MI REINA YO TE AYUDO and by ayudo he means you’re not lifting a finger again like... actually become playfully offended if you bring your own groceries in 
“amor, mi carr-” dont even have to finish the fucking sentence they’re already up and out to look at it 
“me haces un favorcito” and there is no way that the answer to it is no; no matter what comes after it, they will be like FUCKING YE S!!!
is it the stupidest thing like can you go get me my favorite ice cream bebe and um yeah they’re already gone 
and you doing acts of service for them has them falling in love with you all over again 
like could you imagine, you wake up early to make him breakfast because you know he’s going to go somewhere important and is leaving earlier than usual
and like he comes into the kitchen and you give them a little sleepy smile in your pjs as you serve them breakfast they would be d y i n g 
“no, bebe, no mi amor hermosa” in like disbelief as they come to pick you up and kiss you i’m not okay
this man is a literal motherfucking baby so he needs all the love but if i had to pin point a specific one for him it would be words of affirmation 
words of affirmation focuses on words that build security in the relationship and god is that what ramon fucking needs
the amount of times that you need to grab his face and probably bring him down to face you because he’s a tol bby and tell him that he’s doing enough fucking wow 
the amount of times you have to reassure him that’s he’s not just the stupid ass younger brother 
celebrating when he doesn’t fuckign do a pendejada or when he doesn’t go rage and kill someone 
but another reason i chose this one for him is because it also involves bragging and like building someone up in public and dear god ramon would never fucking stop talking about you 
if you did anything for him he’s telling everyone he encounters for the next four years about “mi novia es un angel, pinshi chulada que me cuida”
god forbid you dress up because he’s out here GASSING YOU UP about how gorgeous you look
and the way he knows you’re there is having that physical contact with you 
when he’s really going through it, you’re never out of his reach; he needs to be holding your hand, have his arm wrapped around you, 
i just how would you cure a sad or grumpy min?? literally just put your hand on his shoulder or like grab at his arm and he’s already instantly calming down 
just pouting at him with arms open and grabby hands for him to come hug you and he’s literally melting in your arms
holding benjamin, just the idea of it has me crying in the club like 
it could be when you’re hugging him and he is like leaning on your, and he’s putting his head in your neck and you’re just holding his head and rubbing his back as you like sh sh sh him 
or in bed like you’re in bed when he comes home and he’s visibly not okay so just reaching out your hand for him and him curling up to your chest
and benjamin being physically affectionate towards you like he doesn’t even have to think about it 
he can’t leave the house without giving you a goodbye kiss, it’s physically impossible for him to leave
whenever you come to see him, he’s automatically moving from wherever he is and moving beside you
just him bringing you into his chest and kissing the top of his head
likes standing with you having your arms wrapped around his torso i 
mi bebe you see also recieving gifts but another vibe to it 
he’s the one that buys you little things from wherever he’s been like coming home with twice as much shit as he left with 
and him being like “es que esto me hizo pensar en como...” and listing off all these stupid little things and how they made him think of you 
like this dude would be like but this is the color dress you were wearing on like your 3rd date 
this is the album that has that one song that we fucked to that one night in ensenada, no not that time the other time 
he’s such a fucking emo he would be the one writing you fucking love letters to send home and even when everyone else is shitting on him for it, he’s still there writing away about how much he missed you
the guys are like “la puedes llamar pendejo???” and he’s like “ ES QUE NO ENTIENDED CABRONES “ and him getting all fucking poetico 
could you imagine leaving him little notes for him to find; like in his shirts or in his car or literally anywhere
and when he finds it he goes so fucking heart eyes and never lets it go
will read it so many times he fucking memorizes it, keeps it with him at all times like he has a collection of all the notes you’ve ever written him i am 
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jpegjade · 4 years
Void - Spencer
I’ve weighed whether or not to put this one out there. i’ve spent a day just sitting on it, editing, and rewriting some parts. i decided to put this out there bc i realize that i have friends here who go through the same things i do and it might help them. so to all my friends out there, old, new, or the ones i have yet to meet, i’m sorry we’re in this but i’m happy we’re in this together. 
Warnings: Okay so i will say this now and i mean it: if you are struggling with depression and feel uncomfortable during any point in this fic, do. not. read. the. rest. i tried to scale back a little bit bc i wrote it when i was having a really bad time (and probably still having that time rn lmao) so i didn’t include details and it’s a little bit ambiguous but it’s dealing with a hard topic: hopelessness and suicidal ideation. like i said, nothing graphic and no details but it is suggestive and real. so no fluff. 
The world is such a dark fucking place. There’s nothing good in the world. There’s nothing good for you to experience anymore. The world was a dark, tar colored hell. 
Nothing brought you joy. You could fake it so well on the surface, pretending the world was in color for you. The only colors you experienced were void of emotion, void of feeling, just void. The world around you was void of joy, happiness. There was nothing you wanted more than to escape. Any version of a sweet release would be perfectly fine. Something that you could deal with, some way to deal with the world. 
“Hey.” Spencer said, bringing you out of your thought bubble haze. He walked through the door, gripping his satchel.
“Hmm? Hey baby.” You plastered a fake smile on your face just for him. 
Spencer knew you were going through a rough time but he didn’t know exactly how bad it was. He didn’t know you had written notes for each of your family members and Spencer. He didn’t know that you thought about the easiest way to go, what required the most courage and the least amount of energy. He didn’t know you were scared to leave. 
“You look tired. Have you had a nap today?” He said, leaning down to give you a kiss on the cheek. 
“No, I’m okay. Just tired in general, I guess.” You said, watching him put his bag down. 
He came over to sit next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him. He smelled like fall. You wondered if you would miss that, if you would miss him. Would you miss anything?
“Well, maybe we can relax together? Take a nap, watch a movie?” He looked down at you, stone faced as ever. 
“Yeah, maybe.” You said, staring off into the distance. Everything seemed to be off in the distance for you, all of it. The future, the past, now. It all seemed so far away from you. The world seemed so far away from you. 
“Are you okay? You don’t seem like you’re all the way here.” Spencer said, kissing the top of your head. 
“I’m just tired. Maybe I will take that nap with you.” You put on another fake smile, getting up to get something to drink from the kitchen. Everything was so exhausting, even Spencer. 
You hated that you felt that way. You loved Spencer with every part of you, you never wanted to let him go. But you just wanted to take off, go somewhere, escape. That’s all you thought about: escaping. 
“Hey, y/n? I’m going to get changed out of these clothes.” Spencer called, hoping you heard him. In one ear and out the other, just like everything else he said lately. 
You always felt so bad when it came to Spencer. He didn’t ask for this. He didn’t deserve to go through this. You didn’t want him to deal with you anymore but any time you brought it up to him, he promised you weren’t a burden. He always promised you weren’t a burden but you knew, deep down, that he was lying. He was lying to you in exchange for your lies to him, pretending you’re happy when you’re miserable. The two of you were lying to each other and to yourselves. He knew you weren’t okay but wanted to believe otherwise. You knew Spencer was attached to you but you pretended he was detached from your relationship. 
“Baby? Come lay with me?” Spencer called, being needy. You loved when he was needy when you felt well. When you were feeling good, you loved the fact that he was open to show a type of emotion, even after all he went through. 
“Only for a little while.” You called back, downing half a glass of water really quickly. 
You climbed into bed, curling into his lap in bed. He liked when he could hold you just as much as he liked being held. You sat there silently, annoyed with the fact that anyone was touching you right now. All you wanted was to disappear. 
“Can we talk?” Spencer mumbled. 
“Yeah, sure.” You really did try to sound upbeat but in the end, you weren’t able to do it. 
“How are you really doing? And please don’t lie... “ Spencer said, sighing. 
“Spence…” You just wanted everything to go away, just like this conversation. 
“Look, I know I can’t fix this. I have been looking for ways to make this better for you because you are suffering and I see it every day. I can’t… I don’t know how to stop it and I’m scared that you’re going to do something that I really can’t fix.” He said, slowly. 
“There’s no way to stop this.” You said, flatly. “You can’t stop it and neither can I. I’m beyond help. The meds don’t work. The therapy doesn’t work. The coping mechanisms dont fucking work and I’m so damn tired.” You said all that without emotion and it scared Spencer. 
These days, you scared Spencer more than any murderer did. His greatest fear was losing you and he fought to keep his head straight because he knew he had you. All this time, he knew he had you and it was terrifying him to think that you could be gone today, tomorrow, the day after that and he couldn’t do a thing to stop it. Could he?
“You can’t leave… Not like this…” Spencer said, trying to rack his brain of different responses that might help you. He couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t selfish, on his part. 
Everything he had to say was selfish. It was all about how he didn’t want you to go, how he would feel, how he would be affected when you were gone. Everything he thought of was about him and that frustrated him. He just wanted to help you, not try to guilt you into anything by making it about how he feels but… 
“Spencer, there’s no point. Okay? There’s no point in going through the motions anymore. I am in so much pain on the inside, nothing fills it. I am so tired. I feel alone constantly. I feel like there’s nothing left for me here. I am broken. I am broken. I am broken.” You started crying but you weren’t sure why. 
Spencer just pulled you close to him, feeling your body shaking. He couldn’t tell if it was anger or sadness or if you were just cold but your body wasn’t still. 
You tried to get up, get away from him, run, but he held you tighter. You just wanted to get out of that room, get out of your skin, get out of existence but Spencer wouldn’t let you. He just held you close and rubbed your back. 
“I can’t make you stay. I can’t give you this fake positivity. I won’t guilt you into staying. If you want to do this, it’s ultimately up to you. But what I can do is tell you that I love you. I loved you when I got to know you. I love you now. I will love you no matter what you decide to do.” Spencer said. He sounded so fragile, like he was going to break at any moment. 
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, Spence.” You said, numbly. “All I know is that I can’t live like this. I can’t survive like this. I wasn’t built to survive this and I’m so scared of what comes next…” 
There was a silence and you heard Spencer sniffle. He was truly at a loss for words. How could he miss that it was this bad? He was a profiler. He knew that everyone had an end game but he couldn’t tell if your endgame was leaving him or not, leaving this world or not. So he just sniffled and stayed quiet, trying to hold everything back. 
“Hmm?” He responded, nervous. 
“What’s the easiest way to go? I’ve done research but… I wanted to ask my smartass boyfriend.” You chuckled and it turned sour. It wasn’t funny but it was a reflex. 
“Can we please not talk about this? I want to help you get better. I want to use all my energy trying to figure out how to help you feel like living is worth it. I don’t want to think about finding you…” Spencer’s voice caught in his throat. 
“Would you miss me?” You whispered, staring blankly at the wall feet in front of you. 
“Y/n…” Spencer paused. Your automatic thought was that he was going to pull bullshit out of his ass so you could feel better. You sighed, prepared for something generic. 
“You don’t realize the effect you have on people, on me. The world is so dark to you because you are a beacon of light. You are the lighthouse in everyone’s storm. That’s why everyone comes to you, looking for hope. You are a shining light and everyone sees it but you. Your world is dark because you look out and see nothing but the darkness, nothing but the storm.” 
Spencer’s breath wavered and you felt his thumb start moving across your thigh. He was nervous and fidgety, hoping he said the right words. 
“I miss you every moment I leave for work. I miss you on trips. I miss you at the office. I miss you whenever you’re not holding my hand. I miss you when you’re at work, when you can’t talk to me. I miss you. So yes, I would miss you if you weren’t here for me to come home to. And I know that might be comforting for a moment but at the end of the day, it’s not about me. It has never been about me. This is about whether or not you have the will to stay, whether or not you want to be here.” Spencer’s heart raced. 
“I guess you’re right.” You said, growing tired. You had a lot to think about.
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
1) ice skating dates! i like Shouto not knowing how to skate so Izuku shows him and the reverse as well! 2) As pro heroes they leave dumb hints on the internet about their relationship! like really dumb though. Shouto just has a social media account that's called Pro_Hero_Deku's_Husband and just posts candid pictures of Izuku. everyone thinks the user is a crazy stalker, but its just Shouto. 3) in highschool Shouto would be taller for kisses, but then when they get older Izuku is the taller one
(I am going to post several of the messages I have received together! Thank you for sending them in! These made me very happy!)
ultragayturtlepride said:
this isn't really tododeku BUT i think is a funny thought. Shouto is actually left handed but learned to write with his right hand just to spite his father. okay back to Tododeku. I've always had this idea (and i might have said this already i don't know) Izuku accidentally confesses to Shouto by writing something about him in his analysis journal then one day Shouto asks to look at what Izuku wrote about him to see what he needs to improve 1/2
2/2 Shouto looks through it to see what he needs to improve on. Izuku has forgotten what he wrote and when they study together (or Shouto looks through it alone) he sees what was written about him. blushes, fluff, mumbling words, and a proper confession follow
Izuku and Shouto have had many dates at Dagobah Beach. I like to think that if one of them proposed in a proper way it would be there. If they didn't get engaged there, it would be either in the middle of a battle when they think their going to die, or when Izuku is in the hospital (Izuku proposes only in this situation) after a life threatening battle
@da-crazy-fangirl said:
1. Todoroki starts doing deku’s tie for him because he can’t do it very well himself, 2. Deku gets every freckle kissed every night (mom called freckles angel kisses), 3. Todoroki actually is able to boost dekus confidence, 4. The whole autism thing, deku helps todoroki understand emotions and empathy 5. Todoroki is massive emotional help for deku because of his hyper empathy, 6. Deku finds food that aren’t cold soba that todo will like the texture and temperature of for todoroki
Anonymous said:
Just gonna throw this out there - Tododeku as sleeping beauty. But the version where the “beauty” sleeps a hundred years and wakes up in a different world but falls in love with the prince who woke them up. The prince helps them with culture shock and also finds their great great nieces and nephews. (Honestly either one could be the “beauty”. Leaning more towards Shouto tho so he can balance out the sad of having his family gone with “fuck yeah my dads dead”)
Anonymous said:
I know we all talk about how much of a conspiracy theorist Todoroki is. But guess what? So is Midoryia. This is a hero fanatic that takes notes on his heroes and friends abilities and how they operate and you're telling me he doesn't come up with his own theories? That's why they are the ultimate power couple. They support one another's theories and everyone around them is at a lost
Anonymous said:
You know what I think about? That time Todoroki was deciding whether or not to use his fire during his fight with Bakugo, and just when he thinks he made a mistake in his previous match he hears Midoryia shouting “DONT GIVE UP” and just loses his shit. I mean yeah, at the end he still decided to not use it but like how’d you even hear Midoryia in that gigantic stadium where thousands of people are already screaming their heads off? This kid ended up crushing on his rival way too easily
Anonymous said:
I love how Shouto who appears calm cool and collected actually has zero chill like he heard All Might and Midoriya in the same sentence and decided that his rival (crush) was his faves secret child and that he was going to beat his rival (get his attention to show him how amazing he is) and then after they became friends he decided he was never going to leave his side ever again
Anonymous said:
Izuku having nightmares cause of what he's gone through and so he wakes up in the middle of the night and goes downstairs to make tea but Shouto is already down there cause he had a nightmare about Endeavor's abuse and the two of them are trying not to show they're upset so they can comfort their friend and it ends up with the two of them cuddling and crying together until they fall asleep for the rest of the class to find the next morning
Anonymous said:
Izuku and Katsuki are probably gonna intern with Shouto and Endeavor right? So I'm just imagining Izuku and Shouto flirting hardcore and Endeavor is like "my child and this kid?? wtf?!" and Katsuki is like "man you get used to it" and Endeavor wants to be FURIOUS with Shouto but can't cause then Izuku does something goofy or badass or anything at all and Shouto's entire face goes bright red and he smiles so fondly and softly and Endeavor is like "OH SHIT"
Anonymous said:
Vigilante quirkless Izuku who started at 14 when All Might said to give it up cause hes stubborn and was like imma prove you wrong and becomes pretty famous he runs into and possibly saves AM one night and AM was like "I should've just had you as my successor" and he takes Izuku under his wing then to train him (could also be tododeku cause Izuku fights alongside Shouto at some point or saves his life and tells him to fuck off and use his full power and Shouto falls in love right there)
Anonymous said:
Oooooo but its canon that Izuku is the one that Shouto smiles for and he just comes out and says it to all of 1a and Izuku is just so happy and flattered and in love when he realizes it and he gets all wide smiled and crinkly eyed and Shouto just falls in love even more
Anonymous said:
We don't see a lot of Toga and Todoroki confrontations when it comes to Deku in this fandom. I do have this fic in mind that Toga manages to steal Todoroki's blood cause she figured she could get close to Deku but Deku just automatically recognized that this wasnt his Todoroki. ALSO I'm pretty sure real Todoroki would be pissed if he found out how often Toga places herself ontop of Midoryia
Anonymous said:
During the whole Stain fight I figured Shoto didnt have the time to even notice. But when Izuku started showing off his moves in that class race after their internships, I loved his expression like, "omg how did I not process this beautiful site before me". Izuku comes in with a new suit, glowing neon green energy bolts surrounding him, his eyes also illuminate. And Shoto thinks about that a lot
Anonymous said:
Lmao Katsuki tryna get Shouto's attention about whatever and Shouto is just like "Izuku 😊💖" and Katsuki is like "STOP IGNORING ME" and Shouto is like "Izuku the wind really picked up huh? Kinda loud today?"
Anonymous said:
Izuku is teaching Shouto to cook and as you said has him peeling veggies at first right? So Shouto is like "I'm gonna be the best veggie peeler EVER" cause he wants to impress his man but he's too focused on Izuku and he cuts himself so he's all embarrassed and Izuku is like "OH NO SHOUTO ARE YOU OK" and so he cleans Shouto's cut and bandages it up and then he presses a small kiss to it and Shouto is DYING and Izuku is like "that's what my mom always does when I get hurt"
Anonymous said:
Shouto oversharing to Izuku during the Sports Festival and having Izuku see him as an equal and a rival and expecting him to be his best for no one but himself: "I really hope this doesn't awaken anything in me"
Anonymous said:
Shouto is like "You're my rival because you're All Might's successor!" and Izuku is like "Cool so you're one of my best friends now and how would you like to go to a date to kick some villain ass" and Shouto's like "......ok but next time we go on a date I get to choose and it's gonna be saving some asshole's life"
Anonymous said:
Sometimes (all the time) I think about how Izuku legit tore apart his body and broke half his bones just to help Shouto and show him he is way more than just endeavor and I AM SONBING RN 😭😭😭😭 WHAT DID WE DO TO GET 2 PURE BOYS FILLED WITH SO MUCH LOVE
Anonymous said:
Izuku and Shouto are each other's first kiss. Izuku googling how to kiss to make sure he does it right and even asking Katsuki (who he knew had kissed Kirishima at least once) for advice
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generouscoffeelove · 4 years
Things not always go your way they never even stay the same but you can make your mind to go with the flow u can make yourself to work within the things but sometimes it's hard to face the reality sometimes you are not ready to accept the situation, we all are never mature enough that we cant cry crying makes your mind healthy but overthinking only leads to depression and stress. People will say whatever will come in their mind but it's not always necessary to carefully listen to their opinions. 
When you are determined to achieve something and deep down you know that the path you chose is right for you then no one can divert our mind from those guts. People will depress you, they will tell you that u r wrong and their opinions are right bcz they can't see a person becoming more successful than they themselves. Nowadays no one is more sincere to you than your parents, not even your relatives.
Sometimes I think about the day when I will achieve my dreams but then what if I have no more plans to move on ? what if i get the person i love but what after that ? as i will be near to it i will forget the hurdles and all the things i lost on the path towards my goal. Man is greedy, his requirements can never be completed bcz he wants more & more. If u want to get to ur dreams u have to listen to yourself only u dont care about the people and even if u hurt them u have no problem but then comes the deceiving part where u think that following your dreams might separate your family from u this fear of losing someone really special in ur life makes ur way turn back. I think it's the law of life u cant live happily if the people around u r sad. A person like me sometimes thinks that leave everything and go get whatever u want but in the end u have to come back. U will never forget where u belong and thats how u feel the existence of love.
 The first love relations with you are of the same blood. But how can u fall for someone so badly ? How can you love someone out there in this world more than those people who raised you ? This love can be of two types. The love relation with Allah and secondly the other with one of his people. How weird it is to think that we pray to get someone else in our lives instead of praying to get Allah’s affection. To be honest, pray for it and you will get the things you love automatically even if you love someone so badly. First put this in your mind that excess of everything is bad. It's only Allah who will give u everything and will never upset u but the people around u can love u the most but can also give u the pain that u cant bear. 
Everything happens for good. Maybe someone in your past who deceived you was there by Allah’s choice to make you strong and to make you prepared that nobody is there with you forever. People will always stay in search to get ur weak points but staying close to Allah will hide all of those mistakes on ur side which u made unexpectedly or even if u knew u should pray to be forgave and he will forgive u try to pray from the core of your heart. Nothing is more peaceful than crying in sujood bcz that is the moment when u feel hopeless and u dont have words to describe the society around u that how u feel. I faced a lot of times when i was compared and i was insulted but all i used to do was to stay silent and secretly in the heart say “ Ya Allah u should answer them”. Sometimes its good to stay quiet bcz the silence makes the people go crazy. The silence is breaked automatically by Allah. He himself shows the people that u were wrong.
 Not always u have to stay silent but when u r being doubted for a wrong reason or the person saying is crossing the limits listen 3 times but the 4th time smack his face. Bcz they deserve it. From my perspective rules should be for everyone, and the strictness u faced should also be embossed on the coming kids. It's not right to scold or insult someone in the middle where everyone is sitting bcz it makes you stressed and this is the fact where suicidal thoughts start to enclave even a young mind. I dont why im even writing this but the point is that i really don't want anyone to interfere in our lives and not even to scold us bcz they dont live with us they don't face the things we are facing right now, they cant live a week with us but after all they are right and they will never like to meet a person with empty pockets. To every individual on this planet earth, money is everything and money can buy happiness even. People will embrace you till the day u have money but the day u fall a little they will not even ask that are u ok or do u need any help. 
Life will change so will the people but the real face of people can only be seen when you stand in a tough time and they turn their backs away from you. We lived a great past life, we went to restaurants, we ate mcdonalds and shopped etc. so what everybody does when they have money. People should really look into themselves and then say a word to other people. At the end i would like to share a small verse with huge meaning from Quran that:
 In surah alam nashra
            “Beshak har mushkil ke baad asani hai”
            “Indeed after every hard time there’s good time”
People will stay with you till you are useful to them. the day u fall in need of help, some will help u only those who were sincere to u maybe it can be those people whom u never even noticed or they were not even in priority but they stand with u, they come into your life as angels. Because you wanted them and they were to be in your life by the grace of Allah. 
As you grow up u learn through experiences u learn to stand after crawling but not at once u fall u cry and then u get up, u stand at ur own. As a kid, u are learning actually u are learning throughout your life; from people and mistakes. U are not living until u fail.
 U learn to live through love and failures. Love is the road which can give u the best memories to laugh and cry on, but the bumps can give u those bruises and wounds which will heal but the pain will last forever. The time is cruel after u lose someone u love, and even more when the loved one becomes part of your routine. U cannot live without food as well as love. It's easy to console the broken person but it's not possible to feel the pain as that person is feeling. During this time the emotions are at level best of depression and stress if u cant be nice to them then better stay away bcz they can even harm themselves.
Love is very important in life. If u love someone but can’t tell bcz of some fear.
The fear can be of being rejected or it can be the matter of pride. The matter of our reputation is very sensitive, especially for a girl. A small mistake can break the entire reputation which was made from long and hard work. But people will only bring up the flaws bcz they need a topic to talk on. More importantly,the thing that matters is peace with the reputation u hold, if u have reputation and money but u still feel alone u are not fine. 
The hardest part in life is to live without the person whom you cry for days and nights but you can't tell bcz u are afraid of losing the reputation u hold. It's not wrong but it's killing u deep inside. U keep smiling but its only breaking you. It's funny cuz u are ruining yourself. Less to be worried bcz u are being destroyed by love. The part that hits hard and it's all about fate. Being compared to a less experienced person is bad bcz u know that the person hasn't faced any of the circumstances as u did.
“A dream is a wish that your heart makes”
For loving someone you don't have to be perfect. U dont have to change yourself bcz u know that person will accept u no matter what. This is the belief that love brings into our soul. Love happens; it never asks you who I should be with. It's the beauty and the magic of eyes which makes u staring. A fact says that if a person misses you they appear in your dream and if you think about someone alot it means that person was thinking about you first. I believe a lot in these facts bcz they happen a lot. The real fun and peace in love is by burning in the fire of awareness. U keep waiting for the other person to make a move but what to do if the other person is waiting for u. 
Okay, I know I'm talking rubbish right now. It's currently 3:14 a.m. and I'm unable to sleep. I'm not in the mood to write in my diary so it's better to keep on writing to keep yourself busy. Life is not in the mood to study all i want to do is to explode up and cry i know why but tears seem to be dried and i no longer have emotions my mind just wants to fall into midnight in a deep conversation with myself or with a trustworthy my heart seems to beat for some reasons that keep giving me the same tensions which i want to remove. It feels like my soul is whirling like a storm. I don't know what to do to scream or to cry or to stay awake or sleep. Sometimes i just want to stay up and think about my future and the choices I'm making but i don't have leisure time. 
Hard times will not stay with you forever but at every point of ur life they will make u realize that don't forget where u belong and what u survived in ur past. U can never forget your past bcz ur weakness makes u strong. It's better not to expect alot from people. They can bring u disappointment only or a bit of what u were expecting. U cant eat when ur hands are tied u have to make a move to eat and feed your hunger nobody else is going to do this for you.
 Be independent. It's an easy sentence with two words to say but it requires all of your life to be courageous enough to face the coming hurdles. U are going to face many challenges .
“if ur life got harder congratulations !! u just leveled up”.
 Smile even if there are 1000 reasons not too but this time during these days it seems to me as if I'm the shining star alone in the sky where clouds are trying to dull my spark but i keep shining the clouds hide me but then i come back. The mechanism of nature also teaches you many lessons of life. If you think deeply, the sun teaches you that after every dusk there is dawn. The sky can't show the glitter of stars without night. The moon tells you it's good to go through phases. The black clouds teach u that when u are loaded after going through many stages its ok to let everything pour out through tears. The average rain can bring happiness to the beings on earth they will feel calm but if it rains more than normal it destroys the belongings of human.Similarly, if we cry normally it freshens our mind but the excess of it leads to depression and damage of internal conditions and peace.
“Excess of everything is bad”
I don't know when girls felt peaceful in their lives, enjoyed and cherished the most beautiful moments of their lives. All the time they have to worry about something even if it's health,dressing,family,friends or some sort of harassment. She cant feel free to live. Talking to a male about life and studies is a crime and is considered something related to flirting and to be feel ashamed on. Something for which the parents can't speak on if they want to. The people thinking in this way for someone's daughter should think that in future they will also have daughters and what if this will happen to them. If today you consider someone else your daughter or sister honestly u have a peaceful and beautiful future.
But if u see girls as some material to be used and thrown u were born to be wrong then even if u say urself muslim or human look at ur habits and inner person it is more worse than animal. You have to change yourself first to change the people around you.
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empressarcana · 4 years
Hey fam, so here is the Charmie reading I did back on June 23rd-26th. I put both dates because it showed I added some stuff to the note. This is just a simple copy paste of what I channeled. A lot of it might not make sense and that’s fine. Some things are phrases or words that I channeled and felt were significant to write. I believe this was the first time I channeled Armie. The first part of the channeling, I wasn’t automatic writing, I was responding to the messages coming in. After the initial channeling, I did go into a trance looking at the cards I pulled and wrote what you will see here in this post. Usually, I edit it to make sense, but this is not edited.
This reading takes place after Cabo, so if you are sensitive to the topic, please don’t read any further. Thank you. ❤️
Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only.
It got worse.
Why would Timmy do this? Why would he do something like this with the state of the world the way it is?
What is your damage, Tim? Why in the world would you? Talk to me.
Liberate yourself from a broken heart? Nine of Pentacles + 3 of swords
Who broke your heart, Tim? Magician, 7 of cups, lump in my throat, I started crying, it is deep very deep. Could this be the expectations of always being charming, illusions, putting on illusions to the public. Man blindfolded, what do I really want? There are many choices but none of them of what is there I want, I want something I cant have. You dont want to put on masks anymore. But how to get out?
Everything has been disillusionment since filming CMBYN, not because the people you work with aren't amazing it is just that experience might be one and only. Existential I feel it is existential crisis over whether you will be able to relive, that experience.
What is it that you want? 8 of cups + Empress To get away from the monster you've created.
Have you talked to Armie? Lovers, 10 of pentacles, Page of Swords, swallowing truth, looking at his family, not saying what he truly feels.
Libra, Broom, andTornado
I will balance out and clean up my mess and liberate myself with vigor.
More lighthearted still sad, drained, talking about Timmy, trying to get info on what I talked to him about---
10 of wands, Queen of Pentacles, Justice and Moon.
Carrying a burden, you're worrying for him that's why you're asking.
Queen of Pentacles? Balance the love, inspiration, dreams, emotions.
What are your thoughts on the Timmy's current situation? 8 of wands, rush to save him? High Priestess but these thoughts are kept secret, can't share with anyone.
Reason it was easier for Armie, to get into conversation with him, he saw my post, he has been looking at the tumblrs
Blushing I feel and see blushing.
Armie what is Timmy to you? 4 of swords, Knight of swords, Lovers, Page of Cups, 9 of cups.
Soulmate,Lover Friend A dream come true, a wish come true. Let's me be myself, I can be myself.
Bring me to life
Telling Armie to talk to Timmy I am getting really depressive vibes he is being self destructive
I closed the connection.
I will say that both connections were very different, with Timmy I felt despair and with Armie it was more melancholic. He was definitely not pushing me away like Timmy was. Like, what even, Timmy likes shoving me away, which is understandable he is going through a lot of inner turmoil right now and doesn't know how to hide it because of those incredibly intense emotions.
Sorry it all sounds cryptic, this is why I make sure to edit things so they don’t sound like this. I put so much work into my readings, fam. I appreciate everyone’s support. Every like, reblog, donation, it all means the world. Now, remember, if something doesn’t resonate, let it go. Keep your heart light as a feather but love deeply.
This is your friendly, neighborhood tarot reader, signing out!
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justash02 · 4 years
Bts reaction;
You get jealous
Click here to see all k-pop work -> masterlist
Kim seokjin;
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Jin decided to take you, his girlfriend, with him to a MMA’s Jin also told you that their would be a after party.
So when you and the boys came in after they won the award for best foreign group all of you decided to go to the after party. It was crowded so Seokjin had you closely to him so he wouldn’t lose you in the crowded.
Suddenly Seokjin stopped walking making you bump into him, you looked up at him confused before looking past him. Camila Cabello was right in front of you, does that mean shawn mendes in around here too?!
“Sorry, world wide handsome coming through.” Jin laughed in broken English, she smiled, “It’s okay, you dont run into an attractive man everyday.” She was low key flirting and you were shocked that she was obviously flirting with him when you were just standing right beside him.
Holding hands.
Isn’t she like literally dating shawn mendes? She gave you a quick glance before smirking, you felt your blood boil. She was obviously flirting with him and you don’t have to speak good English to know that.
Jin flirted back without even thinking about it because, he’s Jin, he flirts with everyone he meets. It’s kind of his charm.
Namjoon soon stepped in front of them and told Camila that they needed to go and talk to their manager, he saw the looks you were giving her, but Jin didn’t. she nodded and stepped aside letting us pass.
“I’m going to the toilet if that’s what your worried around. Don’t flirt with people too much.” You said bitterly as you walked away, “Nice working Hyung.” He heard jungkook saying but soon heard a slap and a groan coming from the younger boy.
“Namjoon, where the toilet here?”
Joon told him where it was and he almost ran to the toilet, what if this time he really messed up?
He soon reached the door and he softly knocked, he silently prayed that this was only a one single toilet but even he would be smart enough to know that that wasn’t the case.
A girl who he doesn’t even know opened the door, “Um, I’m not a creep, I swear, I’m worried about my girl.” She just looked at him funny, probably because of his English but stepped aside.
He smiled and bowed her way before walking in, he pushed at every door and soon he found a locked one.
“Baby? Are you in here?” He heard a soft hum and the sound of the door being unlocked, he looked down at you before smiling.
He softly petted your head before pecking your lips, “How dare you being jealous when I already shown you so many times that I love you, do you need me to show you again, Princess.”
Min yoongi;
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“Oh my god, Y/n. He’s even more attractive than the pics you showed me.” Yoongi smiled because he saw that Y/b/n was joking around but you didn’t.
You scoffed but didn’t say anything.
this was supposed to be your anniversary with yoongi at the cute cafe the two of you met when he was writing a new song but you ran into your best friend and now she’s all over him.
When it went on for a good 15 minutes more you stood up and throw some cash on the table before walking out without looking at them.
He was quick to run after you, leaving your best friend alone.
But he didn’t worry about that, you were his top priority. The same fear he keeps having was once again back and he felt torn apart.
What if this is the time you’re going to leave him because he doesn’t shut down the flirting. If can even call that flirting.
He spots you by his car, he sighs softly before walking up to you. “What was that about?” He asked, “Go back to her, seems like you enjoy her company.” Was the only respond he got back for his question.
He held out his hand for you to take, you hesitated before doing so, he slowly pulls you into him and kissed your forehead.
“You don’t need to be jealous babe, I’m all yours. I would be stupid if you let a beautiful and kind girl like you go.”
Kim Namjoon;
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Namjoon and you have been dating in secret for some time now, and here you two were with both your groups on a variety show.
You had to play truth or dare with the grown man which you thought was kind of childish, but you also knew that this was their way of getting to know things that we didn’t want to tell them.
“Namjoon-ah, truth or dare?” Joons head shot up his name being called as he swallowed down his unease.
“U-uh... dare?”
The commentator smirked, “I dare you to have y/b/n on your lap.” His eyes widened at the request of the man, “I-I really can’t do that. I’m sorry.”
“Why not? Is there a special someone that we should know about?” The rest of the commentators smirked as they saw namjoons face.
Namjoon gave you a quick glance but you didn’t return it, you didn’t know how to feel about this. What the hell was he doing?
Your bandmember plants herself onto Namjoon and you felt like you were about to cry, E-Excuse me? Can I go to the toilet?” They shot you a look before nodding.
You sighed and walked out, you expected Namjoon to come after you and talk to you about what that was all about but he never did.
After the interview was done she still was onto namjoons lap, now instead of sadness you felt anger and jealousy, he was your boyfriend after all.
“Y/b/n, we need to go.”
“Get up.”
She immediately stood up and walked back to the rest of your bandmembers, you looked at Namjoon once’s more before walking away.
He quickly got to his feet and grabbed onto your arm, “Y/n/n-“
“It’s fine, I’m fine, your fine, everything is fine.” You said as you pulled your arm back, he sighed and grabbed into your face.
“I was doing it for you, baby, if I went after you everyone would’ve know about us. I’m trying to protect you.” He whispered as he pulled you closer, you sighed as you felt yourself relax as he warmed you up with his body.
“I’m sorry baby, if it helps I didn’t enjoy any second of it. She was creepy as hell.”
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You felt dumb so being jealous of one of his bandmembers, Yoongi was holding Hoseok’s hand and of course he lets yoongi do whatever he wants.
You watched the two hug before smiling at eachother, you pouted and stood up, yoongi was the first to see you as he smirked and opened one arms of you to join.
You smiled and quickly made your way over to the two, “Aww Hoseok, your girl if jealous.” He teased as hope looked down at you, he patted your head before kissing his forehead.
“I would be two, Hyung, we would make a a pretty good couple.”
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Jimin asked you to come with him to a fan meeting and made you watch from back stage, you didn’t have anything against army and army didn’t have anything against you.
But you know your boyfriend and his flirtatious characteristics, you watched as your boyfriend played with the poor army, he was holding her hands and kissed her knuckles.
The army blushed a deep red before it was time for a member switch. This went on and on for the whole fan meeting till it was over.
Jimin smiled brightly as he came back stage to hug you, but when you turned your back to him he knew it was too much what he had done.
“Come on, baby, you know this is important for the ous and also for army. Imagine spending so much money on this and your bias not even looking at you.” He explains as he smiled lovingly at you.
“You promise that’s the only reason?”
He nods cutely before pecking your lips.
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(Tae out here really bias wrecking me-)
And of course you knew that Tannie would be apart of your cuddle session but soon Taehyung unwrapped his arms from your body and only cuddle the pup close.
You sighed and pouted as you watched the two, you scooped over and laid your head into his shoulder, “Tae Tae, you just got back, Uhh.. you’re really just gonna cuddle Tan? Not me?”
He smiled softly before looking at you, he lets go of the dog for a second who laid down beside you and Tae. Tae turned to you and hugged you close to him as he smirked.
“You really got jealous of dog..”
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It was Friday night and it was game night. No not for you and jungkook but for the maknae line.
You decided to lay on the bed as you scrolled through your phone as you boyfriend yelled at the other two men.
You sighed and dropped your arm onto your face as you started to close your eyes, “JIMIN! HELP ME BRO?! YOU SUCK AT GAMES EVEN MORE THAN YOONGI HYUNG!” Your boyfriend suddenly yelled making you jump at his sudden yell.
“Yah! Just shut up, punk!” I heard the voice of the older male through my boyfriends headphone.
You softly took jungkooks hands off of the joystick and sat onto his lap, he automatically wrapped his arms around you to still play the game as you dropped your head into his shoulder.
“You better pay attention to me when this one in done.” You mumbled into his neck.
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lofikids · 3 years
aoi and mika + yon + colt for funsies :) pls i wanna laugh
please send me a ship and I will tell you :  aoka + yoi + aolt edition 
who’s the cuddler: aoi. mika has literal panic attacks when she tries to hug people FDKGFDGKFHFGHGF so that will take some building up. 
who makes the bed: mika, that’d be the same for all of these. shes literally such a clean freak and everything needs to be in order. if aoi made the bed, mika would still go up after and remake it to make sure its perfect.
who wakes up first: mika, she doesn’t sleep in late. 
who has the weird taste in music: they both vibe to that weirdcore shit that makes you feel like you’re on another realm of existence together so i’d say they’re both on a similar level.
who is more protective: i’d say mika because its literally programmed into her to protect the ones she loves but then again i feel like aoi would literally kill a man for even looking mikas way. probably not even for that. aoi would just kill a man.
who sings in the shower: mika, so loud. so so loud.
who cries during movies: mika but then she says “NO IM NOT YOU’RE CRYING” so automatically aoi is now the one crying.
who spends the most while out shopping: they’re probably both as bad as each other.
who kisses more roughly: mika!!!
who is more dominate: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM aoi. DJISOFKDGFLDJG. they’re a nice mix but mika gives in often. and in everyday life mike probably follows aoi’s lead a lot 
their song: freak by lana del rey. DSJIOOFKLGFGLFGFLG
who’s the cuddler: yon. she really fucking hates cuddles one day & then the next you literally can’t pull her off of you. and those happen often, so enjoy your koala. though yon is unhappy at the fact its aoi she’s having to hug, but it will do.
who makes the bed: neither of them. they literally sleep on the floor, on separate sides of the house.
who wakes up first: yon, i dont even think she does sleep. shes too busy thinking about how to become the next god.
who has the weird taste in music: yon forces aoi to listen to her music which is mainly just edm, pretty much all yon listens to anyways. aoi probably finds it weird. yon enjoys it though.
who is more protective: yon saw someone ask aoi to dance once and she didn’t like that so she used her powers to curse that person. simply out of free will. and it awakened something in her and that was because of aoi. i decided this now. yon.
who sings in the shower: neither, its just dead silence and they do it together and stare at each other.
who cries during movies: neither...... i don’t think yon knows what crying is.
who spends the most while out shopping: YON DOESNT SPEND MONEY SHE JUST ROBS AND IM SURE AOI IS THE SAME.
who kisses more roughly: yon, because she isn’t too sure on how to actually kiss good, so its just a hot ass rough mess always.
who is more dominate: aoi.
their song: let her dance by the bobby fuller four.... its just weird and fun.
who’s the cuddler: colt. he likes to feel safe and not having a whole bunch of physical contact through his life hes now relying on that affection to keep him going, hence a lot of back hugs and warm embraces at random times that would make a person sad from how much emotion is in it.
who makes the bed: colt, hes gotten used to doing it overtime and will just want to make things easier for aoi, especially if shes seeming particularly gone with the... how would u say it.... drugs? that day
who wakes up first: aoi. colt will sleep for 15 hours straight and he is a heavy ass sleeper aswell so he just will not wake up....
who has the weird taste in music: aoi probably. but colt listens to g-easy un ironically so i think he takes the cake, even from an ooc view point.
who is more protective: colt. hes the arm around the waist, give others dirty looks when they’re together kind of boyfriend. he also likes to rest his hand on the back of her neck, a trick he picked up from levi. and even tap his fingers over it, normally outside to show that shes with him and nobody would be getting near her. the liverpool slang comes out if anyone does though.
who sings in the shower: aoi gets dragged in and colt tries to sing to her. she probably isnt a fan.
who cries during movies: colt, he cries at everything. the smallest thing in a movie and he has to take a step away and come back. hes just a big baby.
who spends the most while out shopping: aoi, colt is having a nervous breakdown trying to keep up with the spends and maybe slow her down a little bit with alternative options. but fails.
who kisses more roughly: colt! hes not known to be soft about it.
who is more dominate: colt. he likes to control what he can, whenever he can. which isnt the best but trauma will do that to u.... JDFKLSGFD
their song: glue by bicep
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