#so i know what you want front me bc i have no goddamn clue
shininginyourlight · 9 months
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real talk i'm genuinely surprised some b/g/3 people follow me at all given like. i don't really present anything b/g/3 at all on the surface (at least with my info, obviously my rps have mainly been b/g/3 related of late). especially ta/vs bc like i'm just yes hi hello idk if i'll ever rp as a canon character but i do have a bunch of other characters with a verse for that i guess
like idk what is actually wanted from me most of the time i'm literally just seeing some of y'all follow me and i'm like 🧍‍♀️
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #8: Giovanni (Epithet Erased)
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An: This has been me writing for obscure characters bc I want more of them out there. Enjoy.
Giovanni would die for you
This man already loves his minions so much, so with you, he's absolutely smitten
What's that? You're rank Senpai in the Bonzi Blasters?
He's in love.
Hmm? You also can't tell your right from your left?
Don't worry, if Car Crash can figure it out, so can you.
You have one of the highest bounties he's ever seen, but not one functioning brain cell.
How you managed to do it, he'd never know.
But he's so goddamn supportive anyway.
You broke into a museum during the day?
"That's it baby, catch em' by surprise!!!"
You throw PeaShooters instead of firing them?
"You still knocked down the enemy! And bonus points for creativity!!!"
You lost the loot helping one of your minions?
"What's a cheap treasure to Bad Guy Street Cred? Minions always come first!"
If Giovanni is ever in any trouble, you're his solution.
Caught by the police?
You're using your own Epithet to get him out.
The higher ups are upset with him?
You just walking by and asking 'what's going on' is enough for them to drop it.
Nobody wants to mess with a person who even Zora couldn't catch.
He needs a new knife because his mom won't lend him one anymore?
You lend him yours and buy him his own set.
He totally finds a way to combine his Soup Epithet with yours so you guys have couple coordinated attacks.
Does not and will not ever take advantage of your ranking to better himself.
If he wants to move up a level, (on this pyramid scheme) he'll do it himself through hard work.
Plus he loves bragging about how cool you are.
This dork is exactly the type to confess to you during a heist when you're about to die.
The "If we don't make it out of here, there's something I want you to know" type.
And you don't realize he's trying to confess so your response is the typical "We are going to make it out of here!"
Even when you and his underlings have already defeated the enemy, he's still convinced you two won't make it out.
"I just want you to know, I love and admire you!"
"Giovanni, we're at the base????" (The base is your house.)
And he's 🤨🤨🤨
"Oh, then nevermind."
Screaming because after that both groups of minions are trying so damn hard to get you guys together.
They try setting up a date and Giovanni is so embarrassed when he realizes what's happening.
And you have no damn clue, so it embarrasses him further because he has to come up with an excuse for 'inviting' you to a nice dinner.
Flowers show up at your door signed 'Captain Gio ❤️'
And he's absolutely terrified because 'Guys!!! That was a little too forward!!!😡😡'
But still you have no clue and are just happy he got you something that wasn't stolen. Well, probably not stolen
It does work out, eventually.
This bad not-so-bad guy will call you the sweetest names.
And he totally gets ragged on by his boys if he uses one in front of them.
Babe, honey, Senpai, love of his life, sunshine.
Might even slip in 'the baddest of villains' if he's feeling spicy.
He let's you pick out the seasonings for his Epithet, but shhhh! That's a secret!!!
He tells you about Molly and you suggest a 'surprise adoption.'
And he's all on board until he realizes he's way too young for kids. That and you two can't afford one. 😞😞😞
So you settle for stopping by the toy store every once and a while to say hi.
She's very appreciative and also confused.
Because it's always the day after you visit that all the toys at the store are bought by an anonymous customer.
And the week after that a hospital is gifted a generous amount of toys for the kids staying there.
But yeah, you and Giovanni are totally bad guys. 🙄🙄🙄
Although she does wonder where you get all that money from to buy from the store.
Giovanni does worry that the Head Bonzi Blasters are taking advantage of your stupidity.
So he always makes sure to go with you when you have a meeting
He just wants the best for his S/O, okay. 🥺
And he's right because you're being scammed big time. And it's extremely obvious.
He shuts that down right away, even if he won't be in the higher-ups good graces.
His mom loves you and begs for you to take Giovanni with you everytime you leave.
But you two can't exactly afford a stable apartment for two people. 😬😬😬😬
She still holds out hope though.
Does Giovanni get jealous?
How dare you ask!
The Great Giovanni Potage is never jealous!!!
Nope, not one bit.
Not even as the sales clerk slips you their number, only to find out they're being accused of tax fraud by an anonymous source the next day
Nope, totally not jealous 😤😤😤
He also totally does not hold your hand when another Banzai Captain is flirting with you so they get the message that you're taken.
Couldn't be him.
It is him please don't find somebody cooler with a better Epithet
Goldfish brain or not, he loves you and will support you through even the worst of blunders.
NEXT UP: Hiei Jaganshi
An: On an unrelated note, I would let Thorn from the Hex Girls break my spine like a toothpick.
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yong-bokk · 3 years
all in²
pairing: special agent ! lee felix x medical examiner ! reader
genre: f for fluff and felix
warnings: mentions of dead bodies and a ghost.. or a murderer... or a ghost murderer
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welcome back to skz criminal investigation division !!
i’d like to introduce you to special agent lee felix yongbok ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )
he’s one of the two agents with the prettiest long blond hair in the division in the whole wide world
also has the prettiest !! freckles !! that looks like stardust sprinkled all over his cheeks
to conclude: felix looks like a tiny ball of sunshine,
especially when he smiles ,,
BUT he can kick ass real hard ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
very good with weapons and combat in general
he also has the deepest voice which comes in handy during interrogations
“stand up and show your skills you know the drill”
+12983742 points for intimidation >:
don’t u worry though
bc he’s nothing but a cuddle bug and the sweetest ball of fluff to his loved ones ‧⁺✧(⁙´ワ`⁙)⁺
and that will include u
but first ! u’ll have to meet him
so u, my precious reader, are the new medical examiner in the office yay!!!
it has only been a week since u started ur new job and u’re still trying to adjust
but thankfully u have seungmin, the senior medical examiner and also ur new partner, who has been so so helpful and friendly
u’ve been so busy during ur first week with work and all the transfer administrations that u haven’t got the chance to formally meet everyone
so far u’ve only met, well, seungmin
and the unit chief, bang chan, who is very friendly too
but one day !!
an unfamiliar face showed up at the medical examiner’s office |ω・)
i’m going to give u a clue
long blond hair, prettiest freckles, and a BLINDING smile
FELIX (♡ > ◡ < )
he came to ur office to fetch a report from seungmin
and that’s when he saw u for the first time
u were bagging up a few articles of clothing to send to forensics
felix never thought anyone could make a lab coat look so pretty
u: exist
felix’s lovestruck braincells: (⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)(⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)(⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)
cue: felix embarrassing himself in front of u
“hi, i’m here to r-report”
u are ??????(・ ・ ? confused
bc the most beautiful person u’ve ever seen just popped out of nowhere and says he’s here to report?
what does he even have to reportksljflkasdf
“hi! uhm i’m sorry, report what?”
“the medical report….?”
“OHH u mean u’re here for the medical report? hold on”
out of his entire lifetime
his brain choses to be dysfunctional right there in front of u
felix, deep down inside: i want to. (」。≧□≦)」 D I S SIPATE. (」。≧□≦)」
“oh right y-yeah, for the burn victim”
u hand him a copy of the report u had prepared and walked him through some of the findings
“we found something in the victim’s ear but i think we haven’t heard back from the lab-“
“hey yn they ran out of the cookies u wanted- oh! (。・o・。)ノ hey felix!”
“h-hi seungmin”
seungmin looks at him weirdly bc ??? what was that
who is this and what have they done with felix, his giggly cuddlebug of a friend
after u finished going through everything, felix said thank u and bolted out of ur office so quick
chan: “u okay there, buddy? u look.. uh”
“……that’s exactly how i feel too”
since then on
he never stops thinking about u
also keeps reminding himself of how embarrassing he was and gets sad over it again • ʖ̯ • )
not that he knows but !! u keep thinking of him too
u’re a little sad that all u know about him is that his name is felix (he didn’t even tell u himself :c ) and that he’s one of the special agents in chan’s division
but u two don’t see each other again after that for awhile
the next time u saw him was when u got back to ur office after lunch break
felix was fetching another report from seungmin
and he was all smiley and giggly (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* with seungmin but the moment u walked into the room
he just smiles awkwardly at u and rushes out
u figured that he’s uncomfortable whenever u’re around
and it was like that for a very long time
he’d come in with chan sometimes for the reports
and he’d be like buddy-buddy with seungmin but whenever u’re there he’s just hhshdfhshfgotta go
u wanted to be his friend too because he looks so lovely to be around :(
little did u know that he’s just shy because he likes u like A LOT and his brain just short circuits whenever u’re within his eyesight :(
u got felix going dumb da da dumb (sorry)
but stop being sad bc
here comes !! the twist to the plot !! (。✧ᴗ✧。)
one day
u were working late and we’re talking like LATE late because
(1) seungmin was out of office for a hearing, and
(2) suddenly 4 new bodies came into the office in a span of 2 hours?!@?!?!@# and u were currently in the brink of breaking down ;—;
but seungmin didn’t raise no quitter
with the power of coffee and anime by ur side, u started working through the bodies one by one
it’s a little past midnight now and u were quite sure the last light outside ur office turned off a couple hours ago and
u see
u could just leave and have seungmin work at it in the morning
but the caffeine in ur bloodstream said u wouldn’t be able to sleep once u get home anyway so
(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و back to work (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
u were scraping something from the last victim’s nails when suddenly ??? the lights went off
ok let’s be real
u are ⁿᵒᵗ afraid
u work with dead bodies every. day. but it’s god knows what o’clock in the morning AND NOW it’s pitch black and u just hhhhSHDFHS
ur hand went into ur pocket to fish out ur phone but then u remembered that u left it to charge on ur table AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM
reader u dummy
u didn’t know how long u froze in that same spot bc ???u’re kinda afraid and u couldn’t see anything
but suddenly u heard the sound of glass shattering and someone’s groan and u thought
this is it this is ur END
seungmin is going to walk into this office tomorrow and find 5 bodies instead of 4
u crouched as a horrible attempt to hide from the ghost……….. or potential murderer…………. honestly u don’t know which one’s better (maybe bc the answer is NOT BOTH??!)
u were internally cursing about how u could’ve had a scalpel in hand for self protection but instead all u had with u was a goddamn TOOTHPICK when u felt something? or someone?touch ur shoulder
“p leasedon’t kill me i’m new here i really don’t know anything pleaseiwon’t sayanything to anyone”
“i’m not here to kill usdfskdfjs it’s me!! felix”
felix? (・Θ・)
that was
“w-what are u doing here?”
“the electricity got cut off and i heard hyunjin say u’re working late and probably still down here so… (´ . .̫ . `) i came here to check on u”
u could barely make out his face in the dark but he was close enough u could see him smiling at u
the two of u just stayed there crouching on the ground and u were just about to say something when suddenly the lights flickered on again
( 〃..) ohsldkfjs he’s so close and if he keeps smiling that lovely u swear u’ll combust
“are u gonna go home yet?”
“i-i’m not done yet”
“oh ! i’ll wait for u”
“WHAT no it’s late go home”
“exactly! it’s late!! i’m not letting u go home at 3 in the morning by urself”
so u quickly finish and when u’re done u found felix nearly dozing off on ur table </3
how can a person be so CUTE ◕︿◕
he walked u home and offered u his jacket along the way
(wouldn’t take no for an answer)
it was a little awkward bc the two of u are just very very Shy
but u enjoyed his company
when u finally arrived at ur apartment,
the two of u just stood there for a little while, u fiddling with ur bag and him with his earring
“i-“ “hey-“
“sorry, u go first”
“i apologize for scaring u earlier…. whenever we meet i just always embarrass myself”
he mumbled the second half of his sentence and ur sleep-deprived brain couldn’t make out what he said but !! he looked so disappointed (っ◞‸◟c)
so u gave him a tiny hug
“no, thank you for checking up on me earlier and for walking me home”
felix was bright red
shy shy felix shy
“no worries..” ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ “i guess.. i uh- i’ll get going, yeah? see u tomorrow?”
“see u tomorrow, be safe”
felix waited until u went inside and then let out a giggle
u hugged him
this is the BEST day of his life
it doesn't even matter if his house is on the other side of the city
he’d walk u home every day if it means u would hug him again
“thanks for walking me home again” (⌒⌣⌒ )
lix looked like he was about to ask u something
but all he could say is his usual “no worries”
u see
felix has been meaning to ask u for ur number for a WEEK now but he just couldn’t seem to get the words out of his head >:
he was just about to chicken out once again when u fished out ur phone and gave it to him
“u know… i’d say text me when u get home but i don’t have ur number”
smooth reader very smooth (^⌒^*)
he thanked the heavens he didn’t drop ur phone when typing in his number because boy was he SHAKING
the two of u stayed up all night texting and neither could stop smiling that day
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sharkboygirlish · 3 years
Word Count: 1414
Disclaimer: One Piece and all it’s characters belong to Eiichiro Oda, I just like to write about them.
Warnings: None.
Rating: T
Author’s Notes: I was thinking about how luffy absolutely for sure has ptsd from his insane childhood & how he probably deals with nightmares from time to time bc of it. i like to hc that he goes to cuddle with various crew mates when he’s having a really hard night; and that he started doing it bc of the very first night he and zoro spent in the boat together so I wrote about it, lol. 
this is mostly from zoro’s pov & honestly now that I’m writing this post I might make this a series alternating between luffy’s pov and the rest of the straw hats when he comes to them for comfort bc I love writing cuddle fics. we’ll seeeeee.
Summary: Zoro’s not used to comforting people, but for his captain? He could learn to be. 
Lost somewhere in a foggy dream land, Zoro woke when he was startled by what sounded like soft cries drifting into his left ear. ‘What the hell?’ 
Cracking one groggy eye open, the swordsman turned his head in Luffy’s direction to find him thrashing side to side with his arms thrown over his face like he was defending himself. 
Were they under attack? He sat up to get a better look but he didn’t see anyone else in their boat. ‘So Luffy… Was still asleep? Should he try to wake him up?’
“Oi, Luffy! Wake up, you’re just dreaming.” 
He must not have spoken loud enough because Luffy didn’t react. Instead, he started twisting even more violently to the point that the boat rocked with him. It sounded like he was mumbling the phrase, “I won’t tell you,” over and over again but Zoro hadn’t the faintest clue why.
“Luffy! Wake UP!” Zoro tried again, this time louder, and when that didn’t work he swore. ‘The hell else was he supposed to do?!’ He had to put a stop to this before Luffy capsized the both of them.
Without many other ideas, or options really, he decided to plant one of his knees on either side of Luffy’s thighs, trapping them. Then he reached down and grabbed one of the rubber boy’s wrists in each of his hands, pinning them to his chest and pressing his whole torso against the bottom of the boat.
“Snap out of it Luffy, you’re havin’ a nightmare!”  To his great relief, Luffy’s eyes finally fluttered open but his pupils were like pinpricks, his breathing erratic, head whipping around like he wasn’t sure where he was. 
When his eyes landed back on his first mate, Zoro noticed how his pupils dilated back to their normal size. “Zoro..?” He managed to slow his breathing as he looked up at him, slightly confused but considerably less scared. It was almost like recognizing Zoro’s face had been what calmed him down.
The pirate hunter heaved a quiet sigh, releasing Luffy’s wrists and sitting back on his heels a little, regarding the boy lying beneath him with something in his expression akin to sympathy. “Does that happen a lot?”
Luffy was quiet for a while, gaze sweeping off to the side like he was remembering something he didn’t want to. Stuck to his eyes were a layer of tears that made them sparkle like the stars above their heads. His voice was quiet when he finally did answer. “Sorta.”
That was troubling for more than one reason. Zoro furrowed his brows, concerned, arms moving to cross over his chest before he realized that he was still straddling the captain’s thighs. ‘Shit, fuck, whoops.’ 
Blood threatened to burn his cheeks as he quickly moved off to kneel next to him instead. This time he knotted his arms together because he was self-conscious.
Luffy didn’t seem to think anything of it as he sat up and hugged his shins to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He looked so… Tired, and small. 
A stark contrast from the fearless captain that had leapt in front of a flurry of bullets to save him from execution without thinking once. It hurt his heart to see Luffy like this. ‘But what could he possibly do to help?’
“Is there… Anything that’ll make them stop?”
“Well…” Luffy knit his brows together as he thought for a moment, looking in Zoro’s direction. “It never happens when I sleep with someone.”
Zoro stared back at him with slightly narrowed eyes for several seconds.
‘He couldn’t possibly be talking about sex, right? There was no way. Did -- Luffy even know what sex was? Never mind - he must have meant literally sleeping next to somebody else.’
“What, so like… Cuddling?”
“I guess, yeah.”
He was blinking so innocently over at Zoro that the swordsman felt his heart wrench like he’d been stabbed. “…Why cuddling?”
“Dunno. Just makes me feel more safe.”
There was no reason that he couldn’t do that for his captain. None that weren’t rooted in machismo ideals about when/how it was appropriate to comfort or be affectionate with other men, at least. 
“I…” He began and then hesitated, glancing anywhere but directly at Luffy. ‘Why was his pulse spiking like this? What the hell was he so nervous about? Knock it off, idiot.’
Zoro bit the inside of his cheek to punish himself for being so out of control of his own body. Hard as he tried he just couldn’t keep his face from turning red as he spoke. “I’ll sleep with you, Luffy. If it’ll make you feel better.”
If he noticed him blushing his captain didn’t comment, but he did lift his head into a slight tilt. “Are you sure? You don’t have to, you know.”
“Of course I know that, dumbass,” Zoro dragged a hand through his hair, his face burning even hotter than he thought it could. He started to chastise himself for being so stupid and embarrassing but then Luffy smiled at him. 
Not the wide grin he tended to give out during the day, though. This one was smaller, less in his mouth and more in his eyes. Zoro calmed almost instantly, the tension leaving his shoulders and untying his knotted stomach. ‘Why did Luffy’s smile make him feel so light and sunny every single time?’
“Okay,” he seemed relieved, like the offer had been exactly what he needed, “Thanks Zoro.”
Zoro heaved a heavy sigh when he was sure that most of the blood had drained from his cheeks, looking back at his captain with feigned irritation. “Shut your mouth.”
Luffy giggled, beaming with both eyes scrunched up as Zoro stretched out beside him, placing both hands behind his head. Then he moved to join his first mate, draping an arm across his torso and tangling one of his legs with his. His head settled onto Zoro’s chest, cheek pressed right over the space where his heart pounded quicker than its owner would like to admit.
“Night Zoro.” Luffy mumbled fondly, eyelids slipping closed as he nuzzled his forehead against one of Zoro’s collarbones.
‘Damnit. He was too goddamn cute for his own good.’ Zoro bit the inside of his cheek again, gazing silently up at the dark clouds shifting above his head and wondering why on earth he’d just referred to Luffy as cute. That wasn’t a word men were supposed to use to describe each other...
But for fuck’s sake, he was cute. He was fucking adorable. He was like a little kid that needed Zoro to protect him -- and he could do that. He would do that. He would do anything if it meant keeping Luffy safe. 
“Yeah,” Zoro murmured after a while, folding one of his arms securely around Luffy’s waist and pulling him in till the top of his head was nestled under his chin, “Night, captain.”
Luffy hummed back softly. A few minutes later he was snoring peacefully while the swordsman’s eyes remained trained on the rapidly thinning clouds. 
Somehow in the span of just a day this.. kid had become the most important person in his life and Zoro refused to let death take him like it had taken Kuina. He hadn’t been there to catch her when she fell -- but he would be there for his captain. He vowed to himself and the stars winking down at him that he would always protect Luffy. 
If he fell Zoro would catch him. If he was thrown into the sea, Zoro would dive after him without even thinking once. If he was captured Zoro would break him free or he would die trying.
He felt Luffy shifting against his side and at first Zoro thought he might be having another nightmare -- but then he just snuggled closer and buried his face in his neck. ‘So fucking precious.’  A small smile pulled at his mouth that he didn’t fight off.
Holding Luffy felt nice. No, it felt really nice. It gave him a sense of purpose and made him feel needed, wanted. The only other time he felt something remotely similar to this was when he got his hands on expensive sake -- but this feeling was so much better. Maybe... It was okay to relish in it for a while.
If only under the cover of night where it was just him, his captain, and the nearly endless sea.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
okkkk so how do you think this particular situation would go down, I desperately need to know bc your portrayal of tomura and your writing is just 😍but anywaYS what do you think would happen if someone from the league or Tomura himself killed the reader’s very close friend either on accident or as collateral damage of a big fight between the league and someone else?? And he has no clue who the person was & he didn’t care til y/n comes up to him completely destroyed like ‘did you kill them?’
in short, likely not too well. 
warnings: angst, death, mentions of blood and gore
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You are clutching at your phone when you hear the hideout’s front door open and creak closed. 
It’s dark in your room and the only light is the electronic gleam of your cellphone. You can hear them all laughing, talking, dispersing, and no doubt giving themselves a pat on the back for another job well done. Fucking havoc and ruin managed, time to turn in. 
Tomura is usually the first to drift up the stairs and you can hear his footfalls, pacing heavily along the creaking wood. He pauses in front of your door, but someone calls to him before he can enter and he steps away, his footsteps fading into nothingness.
Good, you think, finally lowering your phone. You’re not ready to see him, you’re not ready to talk about this. No, talking about it would make it feel real, and making it real is going to be a problem.
Yes, you know that Tomura is a villain, fuck, a killer. You’re not stupid. You realize that none of this lines up with anything normal, anything safe, or anything right. But, the call you received a few hours earlier had shocked you.
It had been months, hell, years since you’d heard from her, or her mother.
Her mother’s voice was faint, broken and distant. She said she didn’t know who else to call. She knew you worked in the area, that you had...connections. She just wanted to know where her daughter was, where your friend was. Apparently, her last known whereabouts were around the Tokyo area, close to the UA campus, too close to where the last strike that Tomura had ordered had taken place. 
Nothing was confirmed. 
There wasn’t enough of the bodies left to do that. Most were identified by shattered bone remnants, teeth fragments, or bits of scraped up mitochondrial DNA. Some were charred, others beaten, and the last bunch were sliced into ribbons, marred with either deep cuts, or shallow, well placed nicks, designed to do the most damage, to cause the most blood loss. 
Nevertheless, it was the last place she had been seen and it’s the last major skirmish the League had participated in. There was no coincidence, no misunderstanding, no room for doubt. Your friend, one whom you’d known since childhood, was most likely dead. 
She had either been decayed, burnt, or mutilated. Either way, dead is dead and you can’t bear look at any of them, as they laugh and joke down below. You also can’t fathom how stupid you’d been, how naive. And you certainly don’t want to see him.  
You should leave. He’d likely let you. Make up some excuse and go far, far away, to wallow in your guilt and your uncomfortable denial. 
You hear his footsteps again and your head snaps up, your eyes bright with unshed tears. He pads past your room and you hear him open his own door. The others will likely be downstairs for hours, but you can slip out now, disappear before he even realizes that you’re gone. You stand and as you tug out your duffle another thought slips into your mind: Or, you can confront him. See if he denies it, see if he remembers seeing her, if he admits to killing her, if he fucking shows you any shred remorse. She was your friend and he likes to say that he cares for you. Let’s see if that’s true. Put it to the test, once and for all. Then, then you can leave, you bargain.  
Shoving the empty duffle bag onto your bed, you stalk out the your door before you can blink, feet whisking you to his familiar doorway, your fingers shaking as you twist the knob and yank, flooding his dim room with the weak light of the hall. 
He’s sitting on his bed, and his lean, bare, back is facing you, his dark shirt hanging on his forearms, half tugged off. He turns at the groan of his hinges and he blinks up at you, his eyes wide, red irises gleaming. 
“Figured you were asleep,” he remarks as you close the door, leaning heavily against the wood, steadying your breaths. He peers over you, his eyes softening as they linger on your face, and he flings his shirt away, discarding the dark fabric onto the ill kept floor. Once he processes your stony expression he pauses, his head lowering, a frown creeping over his lips. “What?”
You let his question hang and take one more gulp of air, wincing your eyes closed, and steeling yourself for the horrors that are about to wash over you. Ready or not, you’re going to ask.
“That mission that you did, the one by UA, how many people...I mean...w-was it it in a populated area?”
“It wasn’t supposed to be. It was supposed to take place on a back street. The heroes shifted us onto the main road. Why are you asking this? I thought you didn’t want to know about--”
“So there were civilians involved? Everyday people? Normal people, going about their day? There were...they...” you can’t spit out your real question and you clench your fingers into your palms, indenting tiny crescents into your skin. 
“Yes. Civilians were there. Like I said, the heroes forced us into the open, we had to clear a pathway out. Again, why are you asking about this?”
A dark silence greets his query and that haze of tears is misting over your eyes again. Tomura, noticing your distress, stands and steps toward you, his fingers already reaching for you. Once those digits trace along your skin you bristle, jumping away and thudding clumsily into his side table, nearly toppling the surface and hissing in pain at the sharp sting. Your eyes lift to Tomura’s and he’s staring down at your half sprawled figure, utterly perplexed. 
“What the fuck? What’s wrong?” his voice is low, holding that familiar rasp, but there’s an edge of annoyance lingering there, too. 
“What’s wrong?” you spit, righting yourself and rubbing your throbbing hipbone. “What’s wrong? Oh...oh nothing. Just the fact that someone I know...fuck...knew...goddamn it...I knew her Tomura. She was my friend and now she’s...well they don’t know what the fuck she is. There’s not enough of her left. They’re having to identify with her DNA. There’s not even anything to bury. They’ll have to put an empty coffin into the ground. Her mother will... 
The last place she was seen was right outside that street. She was buying a...fuck, I don’t even know...but she was living her life and then someone...no...not someone...you, you took it from her. How...how...” your voice breaks and you crumple to the dusty floor, burying your face in your hands, your tears falling wet and hot as they drip through the cracks in your fingers.
Tomura is stock still above you, unsure and completely wrong footed. He doesn’t shift toward you though, no he remains and he watches, his fingers itching, palms tingling to reach for you. 
He doesn’t like this, no, he doesn’t like this one fucking bit. But what can he do? What did you think? Things happen. He didn’t know. He didn’t fucking know. He wants to tell you that, but it doesn’t undo the hurt, it doesn’t rewind the death. It’s too late. All he can do now is watch as a deep welling of self loathing passes over his mind, trickling up his spine and making every hair stand on edge. The true horror of the situation hits him like a freight train and he gulps heavily, trying to maintain his own composure. He’s going to lose you, you’re going to leave. He’s going to...you...you won’t...you’ll go. He’ll be alone...
After a few minutes, you steady yourself again, angrily brushing tears from your lashes, rubbing at your face until it stings from the friction. Your eyes flick up to Tomura, but he’s still rooted to the same spot, his eyes burning as he watches you. You fall onto your bottom, your legs splaying under you, fingers snatching at the edge of your shirt, balling and rolling the fabric, anxious and agitated. You start to shake, but you finally manage to press on, voice soft and whisper thin.
“I know you didn’t know...I didn’t even know she was still in Japan. I haven’t seen her in years. Her m-mother...her mother called me. I didn’t even realize until a few hours ago...I don’t know why I didn’t think...I know what you do. I know that there are always casualties in...whatever the fuck this is. War? Terrorist attacks? But fuck, Tomura, this isn’t changing anything. It’s just hurting the little people. The insignificant players. The ones who are trying to go about their day to day--”
“They don’t get a fucking pass just because they’re normal people, (Y/N),” Tomura growls, his tone taking on a ragged bite. “They live in this society, they prop up and support the systems. They wallow in their apathy and laziness, always thinking that the heroes will clean it up, the heroes will take care of it. Everything has a cost. 
What do you think we’re doing? What do you think you’ve been helping us with? Do you understand now? Do you see? Society can’t change unless it’s uprooted and destroyed. That’s not a blood less task. Yeah, I might have killed her. Dabi might have killed her. Or Toga, or Twice, or Compress, or Spinner, or a fucking mix of all six of us might have killed her. 
I don’t have time to hold up a picture of your loved ones before I engage in a fight. If...if you can’t...fuck. What do you want me to say (Y/N)? I can’t bring her back. Saying sorry does nothing and I’m not going to insult you with halfhearted apologies. I’m fucking not. So, if that’s what you’re wanting to hear--”
“I don’t know what I wanted. I don’t know what I expected,” you mumble, but Tomura stops his preamble at the sound of your voice, listening, waiting, knowing you’re about to wash your hands of the whole thing. 
Wash your hands of him.
Even if you leave, he won’t kill you. He can’t. You mean too much to him. Fuck, he thinks he loves you. He’s never said it, but he should have. Fuck, fuck. He should have said so many things, told you what you mean to him, given you more, listened more, held you more, but there’s no time now and anything he tells you to fill that gap will just sound hollow.
You lift yourself to your feet, legs unsteady and wobbling, propping your hand against the wall. “I’m going back to my room,” you tell him, slipping past his tense form and letting yourself back into the hall, your feet heavy and head lowered. 
You should pack, you think as you kick off your shoes and strip down to your underwear, sliding onto your cool sheets. You should be tossing everything you can into that duffle and disappearing into the night. But all you can seem to do is curl up on your bed, wrapping your cold arms around yourself, and sobbing out the last of your frustrations and hurts.
It’s late when your door opens and you don’t turn to look at him, you can’t. Still, you let him slip beside you, his warmth soothing some of the lingering tremors that are dancing along your spine, making you quake. He clings to you, pressing soft kisses against your neck, telling you that he’s glad you’re still here. He’s circumspect and quiet, but he won’t let you go, moving each time you do, keeping you tucked against him, his strong arms caging you close. 
Hours pass, and the only noise in the dark room is your shared exhales and distant heartbeats. Finally, as the sun slips over your shaded window, you lace your arms with his, silently accepting his unspoken regret and sorrow. He turns you to him and tilts your face up, lifting you and dropping gentle caresses on your lips.
He won’t change, you know that. It doesn’t undo the hurt. It doesn’t make him less of a murderer. But you can’t go. You can’t leave him. He...he means too much to you. You’re in this now, body and soul, and come hell, come death, come absolute destruction, you’ll stick by him.
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chwetuan · 4 years
+ the engagement spinoff ; jackson 
+ genre: fluff with a sprinkle of humor, coach!jackson
+ category: one-shot (wc - 1192)
+ a/n: this is the sister fic to baby mama drama, you don’t need to read yug’s version before this one but i recommend reading it at some point bcs its p cute. enjoy - Z <3 
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“Yugyeom. I have no fucking clue how to connect to that man.”
Jackson has come to bother Yugyeom. 
He’s quite literally, a hot mess. His hair is so disheveled from running his fingers through it every other minute, and the frustration marring his features makes him look years beyond his age.
Yugyeom is sat at the dining room table, grading assignments and working on lesson plans, and quite frankly — he’d prefer if Jackson would leave him alone.
“He’s too eccentric. He’s all over the place. I just don’t understand it. How the fuck did he say yes to you the first time? I’ve already fucked up once and this ring in my pocket gets heavier and heavier each goddamn day.”
Jackson doesn’t even want to think back on the first time he asked your father for his blessing, but regardless, the memory floods his mind.
“Oh, fuck off.” Your father responds with a loud laugh. He’s sat across from Jackson drinking from a carton of orange juice, a patterned silk shirt on that most definitely has not left the nineties flowing off of his frame.
Your father was an interesting character. He owned a small craft store for a living and loved your bother-in-law Yugyeom from the start. Jackson thinks it’s bullshit. Just because Yugyeom knew how to string macaroni together to make a necklace did not mean he had an appreciation for artistry, or whatever it was your father said.
Anyways, your father hated sports, and Jackson was literally a basketball coach, so, immediately, there was a disconnect.
Jackson is speechless. Has no clue what to say. All he can manage to choke out is-
“Wha- huh? Excuse me?”
“I said,” your father pauses. “Fuck off. You can’t marry my daughter. Not yet, anyways.”
Jackson is so confused. He’s so, so confused, and the man sitting across from him is such a goddamn mess. He has no clue how his beautiful, loving, composed girlfriend could come from such a specimen.
“Why not?”
Your father hums, starting intensely at Jackson through his blue-tinted bifocals. “You haven’t proven yourself yet.”
It’s all he says before he stands to his feet, grabs his carton of orange juice, and walks out of the door into the garden.
Jackson can’t do anything but groan and slump in his seat.
“Prove myself? What the fuck does that mean, Yugyeom?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? You obviously know! You’re the one with a wedding band on your finger.”
Yugyeom sighs loudly, pushing his grade book aside and placing his full attention on the man in front of him.
“I just wanna marry her, man. I’m in love with her. It’s so scary to love someone that much.”
Yugyeom understands. He understands like no one else in the world. He smiles knowingly.
“He’s a weirdo. The biggest weirdo. He only drinks cold coffee and actually enjoys cold leftovers. He wears silk shirts and blue tinted glasses and he doesn’t understand the internet of WiFi, but he loves those two girls that we’re in love with. So much more than we can comprehend. They’re his daughters. His babies. The children he raised. He cares for them so much even though he’s a complete fucking wackjob. But he’ll come around, I know he will.”
Jackson sighs. “I’m gonna marry her, Yugyeom.”
Jackson waits another two months. Two whole months of staring at your pretty face and staring at the ring he picked up eight months prior.
He can’t take it anymore. He’s done trying to connect with the psycho you call father.
So he simply won’t.
Your father is seated on his recliner, same damn orange juice carton on the end table, when Jackson barges into the living room.
“Listen up, old man. I’ve waited long enough.”
Your father is surprised, to say the least. But happy for the afternoon entertainment.
“I’m listening.”
“I am in love with your daughter. I have been for years. I want nothing more than to put a ring on her finger and dedicate the rest of my fucking life to making her happy. You gotta let me do that, man. It’s been ten months. This ring in my pocket is driving me insane. I wake up every morning next to the woman I love and I just want to make her my wife. So I am asking you, one more time, to please give me your blessing.”
There’s a long pause filled with Jackson’s heavy breathing and your father staring at him. The thought that he’s fucked up slowly begins creeping in. Maybe-
“Jackson. Boy, I have to say, I’m quite surprised.” Your father has a small smile playing on his lips. “I mean, your approach is very aggressive. But that’s how all you sportsmen approach things. Can’t stand to see it.” He sighs.
I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up.
“Yet, somehow, I think this is the most I’ve understood you in the six years that I’ve known you. So, go on, son. You have my blessing.”
Jackson starts crying.
It happens literally that evening — not even six hours later. Jackson is giddy when you get home, in the kitchen ordering take out from your favorite restaurant.
“What’s gotten into you?” You ask, kicking your work heels off at the door of your apartment and smiling tiredly at him.
He shrugs his shoulders, crossing over to kiss you on your forehead and take your purse from you. “I love you. That’s all.”
A little while later, when you’re wearing Jackson’s t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, sitting on the carpet of your living room and eating takeout from your coffee table, you nearly choke on your spring rolls.
On the coffee table, posed next to the fortune cookies, is an open ring box with the most gorgeous engagement ring, sparkling right at you.
In the background, Jackson holds his breath and the movie you watched on your first date is playing.
“Is this...?”
A pause.
“I-I guess this is where I should start talking, huh?” He cleats his throat. “Um. Well. You...You know how much I love you. It scares me sometimes. And truth is, this fucking ring has been in my possession for a year, but your fucking father told me no when I asked for his blessing the first time. And I know...how important his input is to you, so I didn’t want to propose without his blessing. But he just... he’s such a nut job, baby. He told me to fuck off, when I asked him. You know your dad is crazy, right, baby?”
You’re crying at this point — tears rolling down your face as you listen to him. You’re so goddamn happy. “I know.”
“But I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want to wait any longer. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy, because you make me so fucking happy.”
Another pause.
“Will you marry me?”
And of course you say yes. You had the ring on your finger before he even asked the question.
Once again, Jackson starts crying.
. . .
(posted may 8th, 2020)
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2019 Fic Recs
To celebrate the end of 2019 (and also to procrastinate on my own fics!), I figured I’d round up 19 of my favorite fics of the year! Now, to be clear, these were all written (at least partly) during 2019, and they’re all complete. But that’s like all they have in common. They’re from random fandoms and some are def explicit and they’re in no particular order, but mostly it’s Riverdale lmao. Bc i’m trash and i ain’t ashamed.
Starting out with the Riverdale here babyyy:
Things unrequited by Bearfacedcheek
New Veronica, new type?
Set after S01E01 Veronica decides that Jughead Jones is the perfect antidote to all the bad romantic and moral choices she always seems to make. But making Jughead hers doesn't prove as straight forward a task as she expects
No peace nor rest by Bearfacedcheek
They're not stupid. They know there's no peace in revenge. But the sight of Betty and Archie together makes them stupid and whisky makes them weak, so they take the only revenge they can.
Set post 2x08 Betty and Archie enter a relationship, leaving Jughead and Veronica heartbroken and a night of drunken revenge sex morphs into something far more complicated.
have i been too discreet? by partyhardy
In which Betty realizes she slowly watched Jughead fall for Veronica. 
keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type by Krewlak
The new kid at school argues with Veronica and it sparks something inside of Jughead. 
Supporting Characters by torombolo
Maybe this was inevitable, Jughead thought, staring at the couple in front of him. He spared a glance at Veronica. From the look on her face, she thought the same thing. Betty and Archie. Archie and Betty. Perfect. The American Dream.
“Fine,” the dark-headed girl had told him, “I’m fine.”
“Me too,” he said convincingly. Whether he was trying to convince her or himself he wasn’t sure.
But Darling, Who Ever Said That Love Was Fair? by bothromeoandjuliet
There is no room for blood and thorns in the bubblegum scented word that was Betty Cooper's life, and both Jughead and Veronica know it. But that doesn't mean that they can help what they are or what they feel. Only, nothings fair in love and friendship. 
Hindsight, As They Say, Is Twenty-Twenty by bothromeoandjuliet
Betty's always wondered why Jughead Jones broke up with her, and now, eight years after the fact, she finally gets her answer. (A one shot/drabble ft. past!bughead, and past!veggie, with a healthy dose of jeronica sprinkled all the way through.) ((Also I manage to write fluff that doesn't just turn to angst!)) (((So thats exciting)))
Some Stucky:
This Side of the Blue by notlucy
Tucked against a set of crumbling, stone steps was a tank made of metal and glass, filled to the brim with greenish water, distorted sunlight filtering through and casting strange shadows. Playing tricks on the eye. A trick was the only explanation for what Steve saw floating there. This figment of his childhood. This myth. This legend.
Within the tank, the siren bared its teeth.
Paper Tree by Ellessey
Bucky just laughs and shoves another bite of egg in his mouth, giving Steve a shrug and a full-cheeked smile. He's so damn cute Steve wants to shout at him, but he can't seem to say any of the right things. "Shoulda got you a comb for Christmas," is what he comes up with instead.
"What did you get me?"
It's Steve's turn to shrug now, and if he looks more terrified than cheeky as he does so, he can only hope Bucky doesn't catch it before Steve hurries out the door.
On December first, Steve wraps up a letter for Bucky and sets it under their Christmas tree. Now he has twenty-four days left to figure out how to tell Bucky what he wrote, face to face.
Political Animals by crinklefries, Deisderium
Okay, so the real problem is that you shouldn’t fuck your arch-rival, political enemy, and the person you loathe the most in the world where you work. Or like, at least, you shouldn’t keep doing that.
But okay, the thing that Descartes or whoever didn’t know was that Steve really tries, but Bucky Barnes has a mouth that should probably constitute an eighth sin or something.
Jesus fucking Christ, Sam’s going to kill him.
(or—Steve’s best friend is the U.S. Constitution and he can’t seem to stop fucking a hot Republican. They shouldn’t fall in love, but somehow they do. That’s it, that’s the fic.)
like heaven stood up in you by napricot
“You said you were gonna miss him,” says Bruce slowly. “He was supposed to be back in five seconds, but you hugged him and said ‘I’m gonna miss you.’”
Bucky’s face is serene again now, and gives nothing away. “I know Steve,” he repeats. “You think you can hand him a time machine and some rocks of unspeakable power and he’s just gonna go put ‘em right back where they belong?”
Steve does put the Infinity Stones right back where they belong. He just does a couple other things too. Or: three timelines and a Reverse Time Heist.
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap by AggressiveWhenStartled
Steve had gone fully red-faced with pedantic altar-boy fury. “Did your computer forget how to Google translate?” he bellowed, sticking his head up and over. Bucky yanked him down again. “What are you even trying to say?”
Bucky tried to shake the sparkles off the grenade he had been planning on lobbing over the divider. “It sounded like Latin to me,” he said reasonably, pursing his lips and frowning at the explosive. It dripped a sparkle, and a puff of purple smoke curled up where it hit the concrete.
“That’s because you spent Sunday school flirting with Sarah Cunningham,” Steve accused, bobbing back up to throw his shield and ducking back down to dodge a shining ball of blue light. “You wouldn’t know Latin if it came up and kissed you on your ugly mug.”
“I’d sure know it if Sarah Cunningham did, though.” Bucky grinned, struck by the memory. “That gal really knew what she was doing.”
Some DC stuff (Halbarry):
Iconoclast by the_mythologist
When an alien race’s covert invasion and assassination spree decimates the Supercommunity, the survivors must band together to defeat against an unseen, invincible enemy. With many of their greatest heroes off-world or dead, the remnants of the Justice League, Teen Titans, Birds of Prey, Batfamily, and a few unaffiliated ‘heroes’ are all that stand in the way between the ‘Iconoclasts’ and Earth’s annihilation.
John Constantine is most unamused.
Slowing Down by Cinderstrato
It hadn’t been long after they first met before Barry began to suspect, in a vaguely-formed way, that it would be easy to fall in love with Hal.
sweating out a hot day by magnetocent
it's a hot day, but barry decides it's not hot enough 
Okay now some one-offs from random fandoms/pairings:
Off The Record by crookedswingset
Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp’s money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn’t nail down: the real identity of everyone’s favorite webhead.
Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.
Stars Beneath His Skin by ElloPoppet
On the white piece of paper was a smattering of small, black dots. McCoy turned the paper, in search of a pattern or alignment of some kind but not finding even a trace. The dots appeared to be drawn at random or rather, McCoy noticed as he squinted, printed. He looked up at where Spock was standing over him and returned a cocked eyebrow of his own.
“If you need help cracking some kind of code, this isn’t exactly my specialty, genius.”
Rather than banter back, Spock responded immediately and smoothly. “It is not a code. That is the alignment of stars that would have been visible in the night sky from Earth should one have been standing at the coordinates where my Mother was born at the moment of the occurrence.” Silence blanketed the room, McCoy not having a goddamn clue how to respond to that. Luckily, Spock wasn’t finished.
“I wish to memorialize her with what most races would call a tattoo, and I would like your help with the matter.”
Too Close To Love You by stylescoalition 
Aleks used to have a big crush on Brett but he doesn’t anymore, which is great considering they work together, on top of being good friends (suuuper lit). Now, Aleks is going to be living with Brett in LA until he finds a place of his own, but just because he isn’t crushing on Brett doesn’t mean that Brett isn’t crushing on him. Suffice to say, it makes things complicated… except it really isn’t as complicated as they think. 
drawn to wilder nights by detectivemeer
Scott and Derek start a frenemies-with-benefits relationship, and it goes about as well as one would expect.
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dxntloseurhead · 5 years
these won't be completely in order bc ill think of different things as i go
also sorry this is late
- costumes!!! shoes!!! sparkly!!! - THERES A SELFIE WALL OUTSIDE THE THEATRE - oh my god the EYE CONTACT and the INTERACTION i was not prepared for that - that moment when you're in the theatre and you're sitting there and you realize oh my god this isn't a dream im actually right here - the stage was SO CLOSE oh my god the queens were literally right in front of us my gay heart couldn't handle it - i said this already but literally almost the entirety of ex wives (and later in the show but mainly ex wives) there was SO MUCH EYE CONTACT - "remember us from pbs?" - sam did a britney voice on “k-howard is here and the fun’s begun” and i,,,,, - sorry i don’t have much to say about no way other than it Slaps - andrea’s boleyn is the most Babey and i stand by that. - during dluh after "he doesn't wanna bang you, somebody hang you!" aragon stormed off to bessie and started complaining, and bessie just proceeded to shrug - literally in that moment bessie was the real version of the  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji - “wait! what was i meant to do?” ACTUAL CUTIE ANDREA MACASAET EVERYONE - andrea does a voice that sounds like crytyping out loud on “i’m sorry not sorry ‘bout what i said” at the end of the second chorus - also “I’M NOT SORRY!” at the end,,, beautiful - MALLORY'S. PERFORMANCE. AS. SEYMOUR. I. NEARLY. CRIED. SHE'S SO GOOD. - howard looked so genuinely upset during the song like she was super affected by it - haus of holbein is hilarious live oh my god - THE LADIES IN WAITING DIDNT HAVE RUFFS(?) BUT THEY DID HAVE SUNGLASSES I- - sam adjusted her sunglasses downwards and looked over them at some point i don't remember exactly which line (i think it was "at least your complexion will bring all the boys in"?) and oh my GOD i wasn't ready - also sam sang the line “but we cannot guarantee that you’ll still walk at forty” and its like the only line in the song that isnt in a german accent. instead, she sounded like a stereotypical commercial saleswoman and it KILLED ME - oh!!! anna and sam respectively were the other possible matches before anna in the tinder parody portion - get down????????? even more of a bop - the length of the pause after “as he takes my fur”... it literally lasted like half a minute before they resumed the song and the audience kept cheering and laughing while the queens were like “?????????” - WHEN BRITT DID THE OPERA THING I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT I WAS STILL SHOOK - she asked a group of three on the other side of the front row to dance and did they EVER (but then after she was like "this is MY song") - “so that’s one horse out of the race!” “rude.” - MALLORY’S BABY MARY BIT KILLED ME OH MY GOD IT WAS ACTUALLY SO FUNNY - “babes! who’s that again?” “uh, i think she was the least relevant catherine.” “ohhhh, i still don’t care.” - in her speech roasting the other queens before aywd, howard says "hot" instead of "fit" just in case you wanted to know! - speaking of that speech i l o v e d it so much - also “and surviving.” is directed to both cleves and parr - i knew aywd was intense but goddamn i wasn't ready i almost cried for a second time - during about the third chorus or so, howard started to look so tired and was less and less enthusiastic with the choreo - i knew about the pink light after the song but damn that hit hard also it looks cool as fuck - *long pause* “...and then i was beheaded.” - “i’m sorry, were you not listening to my song? there were four choruses. that’s how much sh- i had to deal with!” - the queens all talk over each other making fun of parr after the “i’m catherine parr and i draw the line in arbitrary places” line. - “i know, gold star for cathy parr.” - “yeah, tudor womanhood. would recommend!” - oh my god idnyl was sooooo good i love anna’s voice its so pretty - THE WAY SHE SANG “it’s what i have to do” OH MY G O D - also “darling get a clue!” - the entire “remember that i was a writer” part as well as the way she sings “we all disappear”... yes, just yes - late comment but i love anna’s parr hair, it’s not the usual parr hair and it looks so good on her - “okay, why does anyone know who we are?” “my sixth finger!” “put it away, babe.” - “we don’t know!” “catherine de valois- i mean we don’t know!” - “and get down like it’s 1499.” - “the dissolution of the monasteries, yes!” “no.” - such a long pause before the “fake competition” part just before the idnyl remix... - “awwww, we could’ve done that as a song!” - god their voices all just go together so well,,, - anna’s “WE DON’T NEED YOUR LOVE!” is so great - “edmonton, we have a voice!” *beat* “we said, we have a *riffs incredibly* VOICE!” - “his religious reforms?” “well actually-” “now’s not the time, catherine!” - the slow beginning of six is so pretty...... why didnt they do it like this on the album - “yeah! aragon, you wanna go first?” “well girl, i guess i could for a change” - the queens hyping up cleves before her verse has always been my favourite thing seriously it’s so cute - the way sam sang “and all i do is SIIIIING”,,,,,,,, i love her - the irony of “before we drop the curtain” considering the curtain literally gets pulled down at the beginning of the show - THE CONFETTI POP AT THE END OF SIX SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME BUT IT WAS AMAZING also i collected confetti off the floor after - still in love with how the LIW play the outro to six at the end of megasix - ANDREA!!! HUGGED!!! ME!!! we gave britt an envelope with bracelets for each of the queens and a letter and she took it to andrea after and later i went to get another picture (bc we missed getting a picture with andrea at first) and she was like "were you the one who gave us the envelope?? can i hug you??" I NEARLY CRIED - i got pictures with and signatures from all of the performing queens! my stepdad also got pictures with them as well as autographs on his jersey - god the show was so good and mallory seymour is AMAZING
okay that’s all i really have to say, there’s so much more but its hard to summarize an entire show in one post
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Bamn! And the kid is 4
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  Izuku gets hits by a de-aging quirk and it turns out hes always been super cute.
izuku gets hit w a de-aging quirk back to like,, age 5-8
angst + fluff + dads happens
izuku, iida, bakugo, kiri and all might are getting groceries
not a great team for shopping but its like, just post internship pre cultural festival so its no a disaster
all might is there to make sure they dont do something stupid or get lost. he was kinda hesitant to go with them because he cant protect them anymore but they are little heroes! so they should be ok, right?
w r o n g
the villain attacks katsuki just outside the store, the only one of them that doesnt have a licence, izuku takes a hit for him and he and iida quickly take the villain down while kiri protects the bystanders
then izuku collapses and bakugo is ready to yell because if izuku takes one more hit for someone hes going to be the hit
all might runs over because even though its still dangerous he has a hero license (bc it hasnt been cancled yet because no one wanted to be the person to do it) and thats his s o n. iida is calling the people he should be calling
all might finds just, this tiny tiny green freckly mess in izuku's oversize clothing and he wants to cuss up a storm because FUCk hes liKe 6
bakugo runs over because all might looks like hes going to cry and hes not ready for that today and he sees this horrifically familiar face. he he does swear.
izuku looks so lost but he sees bakugo and he lights up!!
"kacchan!! youre so tall wow!!! so coool!!!"
and bakugo is going to scream bc f u c k hes so annoying and adorable. bakugo tells izuku that he is normally his age but got hit with a quirk that made him small and hes!! so excited!!
hes rambling about how cool the quirk is and wondering how long it lasts and how it works and allmight is just shell shocked still
"young bakugo, should we tell his mother?"
",,, inko is in america chasing down her husband to divorce him. i dont think she needs this shit right now"
kiri comes over bc whats happening? and he shrieks a little and hugs izuku
izuku is very lost but hes giggling bc kacchan's cool friend likes him, so maybe kacchan likes him now! bakugo is like "fuck why do i feel emotions thats wack"
so iida, having just reported what happened and now on the phone to aizawa walks over to tell aizawa everyones status. he and sees izuku and goes dead silent
"iida?? iida whats wrong?"
",,, hes,,, so s m a l l "
"wAiT WhAt"
"like,,, shrunk?????????"
"no sensei like,,, hes 5"
just a loud "F UUCK" as aizawa hangs up to run over
ok but they are all awkwardly buying the food bc they really need to get food, tiny izuku or no
and so izuku is with bakugo and allmight while the others do the worlds fastest grocery run
and izuku asks all might "mr? is your quirk being really tall? because thats super cool if it is!!" and bakugo is dying because what the fuck does all might say to that
"no my boy, im actually quirkless!"
"oh,, sorry sir"
"why are you sorry?"
"i dont know, but thats what everyone says to me when i tell them so i think its bad?"
and he just mumbles
"kacchan said i could play with him again if i got my quirk but i never did. do i get my quirk now? is that why we have cool friends??!"
and bakugo is going to cry bc all might looks so sad and he cant deal with that
so iida and kiri have bought all the crap and they are waiting out from with this tiny bubbly kid who they have to hold hands with or he Will run off to go look at stuff
aizawa shows up in the school car (,,, driven by mic because he cant fucking drive) and izuku is like OH HI
and aizawa is like ",,, hello?"
and izuku sees mic too and he thinks for a few seconds
"are,,, you two the new heroes that just started? from that really cool sports festival!!! i heard you from my preschool!!"
and bakugo is cackling be he fucking remembers that
and aizawa is red and nods and mic is like TINY CHILD WHO ARE YOU because aizawa didnt tell him what was going on
izuku is like "hi im midoriya izuku! please call me izuku!!" and mic is crying bc??? baby boy??
so they get an update ab the villain, apparently the quirk lasts for 2 weeks and allmight is caught between happy bc Tiny and sad bc My Boy??? he says how long it lasts and katsuki groans loudly
'AUntIEs iN aMEricA For 3 WeEKs"
in the car all might has to hold him because aizawa didnt think this through and there isnt a child seat, so izuku is playing with all mights fringe because its long enough to be in his face and allmight is cry bc its his boy!!!!
they are up front because iida and katsuki need to talk to aizawa about whatever is going down with izuku. kiri is just there for moral support honestly, he is still pretty lost
izuku is asking present mic all these questions about his quirk ands all might is legitimately impressed at the control mic has because h looks like hes 30 seconds from bursting into a screech of joy at this tiny boy but his voice is just a little louder than normal
mic is singing a song in english
and izuku says "thats a rude song! my mum said so!" in perfectly understandable English and katsuki l a u gh hs
and mic, cackling bc hes worked it out had to pull over for a sec
all might is red because hes been swearing in english the whole time oops
aizawa is like "Um????? whats happening"
katsuki, through tears : this little shit has known english his whole life but he didnt want more english homework so he just pretended he didnt through middle school and forgot to admit he could when we started UA
izuku looks lost bc what did he do?? mic is saying sorry to this tiny child for singing a rude song, iida is ab to have a stroke
mic and izuku chat about mics quirk in english happily and they pull up to ua and izuku is like wAIT WHAT. bakugo is cringing bc howwww do they explain this
present mic and aizawa, 0 clue what going on "its UA. you go to school here."
"oh, did i get into gen ed? is that why kacchan is my friend again?!!"
"youre in the hero course with me, brat"
and izuku looks upset and aizawa is lost because what kid cries when they are told they get to be a hero
"dont be mean, its rude to lie"
"why would i lie?"
when izuku says hes quirkless bakugo and all might look like someone kicked them
aizawa is like "wait,, quirkless?" and izuku looks at him confused because evryone knows izuku is quirkless
"yeah,, i have the toe thing-y."
and the kids face crumples
"does this mean i cant go into UA now??"
mic picks up the kid before he can start to cry and says "of course not! i bet youd be a great hero, quirk or not!!"
aizawa and mic are giving all might and Bakugo a Look because they look so sheepish
kiri and iida are lost because izuku Very Much has a quirk, it explodes him
all might all but pushes everyone through the gate and aizawa and mic are just staring at him because they Know hes not spilling something
anyway, eri comes to visit!! bc izuku is small!!
she calls him deku and izuku looks sad bc kacchan only calls him deku when hes mad at him and izuku just whispers "you can call me izuku please?" and eri is like "YES IZUKU HI IM ERI HELLO"
izuku is very happy
hes still like, wearing a shirt dress basically so aizawa gets momo, who has a little quiet "HES SO SMALLL" scream in the cupboard, then pops out to make him a onesie. izuku asking if it can be allmight and momo is like “OF COURSE IT CAN YOU LITTLE MUNCHKIN ID DIE FOR YOU”
izuku gets this massive fuzzy onesie and hes like !!!” yourequirkissocoolallmightiloveitsoftthaNKYOU”
momo just hugs him because hes so tiny and cute oh my lord
eri and izuku play heroes!! eri is lemillion and izuku is all might and they are defeating the great villain Kirishima
kiri wasnt warned he was the villain. he just has these kids yeeting on to him and hes so lost
all might and bakugo are trying to make a child sized dinner. they are working together bc if they pretend they are doing something important maybe aizawa wont kill them
aizawa is just,,, glaring at them. he hasnt moved from the corner of the kitchen. bakugo is getting nervous, all might is trying not to spit blood into the food
its like, 4pm? and izuku and eri are sleepy but they are Big Kids so they dont need to nap. all might and bakugo are trying to finish the food before they fall asleep bc god damn it they worked for this
aizawa is trying not to smile but they are so goddamn cute. izuku is cheering because they made katsudon
"kacchan how did you know this was my favourite!! youre so coooolllL!!!!"
bakugo, suddenly feeling crushing guilt: yeah,, im,,, awesome
aizawa is like, walking slowly towards all might and hes scrambling to think of something to spare him from his wrath
izuku, crying: OH MY GOD
yagi, crying also : thankyou bakugo i owe you my life
izuku is asking so many questions aizawa has to remind him to breathe
please tiny izuku is very fond of aizawa but no one has any idea why bc the dude is scary
"eraserhead sir, when can i see my mum?"
aizawa, suddenly wishing he had kurogiri's quirk: ",,,,you seee"
ok but like, just for a little pain
"it'll be like a sleep over, ok kid?"
"you really want me to stay? most kids wont let me even play for a little while, so no one sleeps over. i can stay home without my mum if you want! i dont wanna bug you,,,"
aizawa, feeling a rush of fondness for this terrible child "no its ok, stay here. youre a good kid"
baby izuku clumsily braiding aizawas hair bc his mum taught him
consider: baby izuku and shinso
baby izuku is on a need to know basis bc there is a traitor somewhere. shinso is just minding his own business and runs into a giggling curly boy
and hes like ",,, who are you???"
"im izuku!!!"
shinso just looking at him and groans
"of course its you. its always you"
he picks up izuku and takes him to aiawa. izuku is patting his hair happily
"i found the gremlin"
"hi eraserhead!!!"
"thank god
izuku makes him help with his hero notes because he doesnt know kanji yet. izuku is just telling him what to do while shinso does as hes told, trying not to smile
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Survey #263
laptop is still broken, nvm. :’)
Do you have a favorite song by The Cure? "Sweet Soul Sister." (': Are there things you've never told for fear that others would judge you? Yep. Can sex ever be casual? I personally don't support it, but ultimately, so long it's consensual, protected, and both parties understand what's going on, you do you. Would you like to go on television to receive a make-over? Not on TV, no. It'd be awesome to see myself after a professional makeup, but I ain't going on TV to show my ugly face. What will no one ever see you do? Smoking. Are you quick to anger? Rarely. Are you slow to forgive? Not really. Usually. What do you need help with? Being an adult, lmao. Do you take the easy way out of things? More often than I'd like... What is your favorite fabric to wear? *shrugs* I don't pay attention to the fabric I wear, really. Do you still make a wish when you blow out your birthday candles? C'mon dude, you've got to! I don't believe in wishes increasing your odds of anything, but it's a must anyway! Do you look for four leaf clovers? Just casually when I'm walking or sitting outside. What are you the guardian of? My pets! Are you for or against censoring child pornography? I've seen many stupid questions in surveys. But this is the absolute dumbest. What the fuck is wrong with you. Are naked child images in paintings more acceptable than photographs of naked children? GENERALLY, yes, but it really depends on the artistic portrayal. None should be sexualized. Now that we can create such lifelike digital images, do you think it should be allowed for digital child pornography to exist (as in there were no children involved in the porn, it is all digitally made, the kids aren't real, they just look real)? Absofuckinglutely not. The concept is absolutely repulsive. Enough with these fucking questions. Do you like Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy better? Wheel of Fortune, ig. Jeopardy is pretty boring to me. What is your favorite tarot deck? I don’t know enough about tarots to comment. How do you feel about Wicca and Paganism? IT'S SUPER SUPER INTERESTING AND COOL AND I LOVE LEARNING ABOUT IT!!!! I relate most to Neo-Paganism anyway, so I obviously don't mind them. Wicca especially is a very, very misconstrued religion that has just been horribly abused by the media. Do you believe that people who practise the above religions are able to accomplish magic? No, I don't. If you were given the opportunity to lead a creative writing program for a small group of students in a high school with a low budget in generally poor neighborhood, would you do it? No, but only because I could never been a teacher. Sounds fun otherwise. Should high school cafeterias stop serving twinkies and other fatty foods? BIIIIITCH whose HS sells Twinkies????? I need to know?????? Anyway, no, but I believe there must be mostly actually nutritional options. Let kids have the chance to have a little snack during a boring 'ole school day. What band is so romantic that anyone who listens to them must be romantic at heart? BOY Josh Groban. Have your gods and idols let you down? The Christian god did. What do you waste? Whew... time... time. When was the last time that you were neither going to school or working for a month or more? Currently. Ugh. What is your light at the end of the tunnel? The potential of a beautiful future. Speaking of the light, is the light that people see when they die the random firing of electrons or is it something more? Good question. I lean towards it being a natural phenomenon as everything shuts down, BUT I find the reincarnation/birth canal theory to be quite interesting. I don't really believe it, but hey, who the hell am I to decide if it is or not. If you were going to have a mural painted in your bed room what would you want it to be of? A scene of meerkats probably. Is sex more about fulfilling a need or giving yourself? Giving yourself. Do you like your belly? FUCK NO. Do you think more or act more? Think, sadly. Should there be a mandatory retirement age? Of course not. You work all you want boo. What's the craziest thing you've ever done on impulse that worked out well? This is gonna sound... very bad, but my suicide attempt. It made things abundantly clear I needed serious help. It led to my partial hospitalization program. Do you have any exercise tapes or DVDs? No but OH MY GOD this made me remember my lil sister used to a Barbie one that we followed lmaoooo. Does the sound of crickets bother you? No, I quite enjoy it actually. Is the sound of a fan on at night soothing? Yessss. How do you feel you will likely die? I really don't know, but probably cancer-related. Recent events have made it abundantly clear it does in fact run in our family, and genetic testing because of Mom's cancer revealed that at least through her, my sisters and I are susceptible to pancreatic, breast, and ovarian cancer. Once this virus passes over, we're all getting tested for free to get an understanding of what hell Dad gave us lmao. Have you ever been slapped in the face? No. How about punched? Yeesh, no. That was something unique about you as a child? I was CRAZY about dinos for the average little girl. Have you ever come up with a memorable quote? Not really. What is something interesting about where you live? The town is like, really, really old. Downtown looks right out of an old movie. Were you breastfed as a baby? Yeah. If you’ve lost your virginity, what was your first time like? I don't remember it because it didn't really register what we were doing was sex. I still don't know today if you could call it sex since it was really dry humping through thin clothes, but it sounds close enough. What do you think about masturbation? You do you boo. Is it sometimes better than the real thing? I don't think so, though I only had a brief episode where I did it when I was put on a new birth control that made my hormones like so, so far beyond control. I stopped that shit sooo fast. I got almost nothing out of it, honestly. Intimacy is a two-person job for me. Who do you think about most? Jason, whether I want to or not. Favorite way to pamper yourself? Go to bed early lol. What's your most expensive piece of clothing? I don't have a clue. I don't really have expensive stuff. What was your last big achievement? Ugh... I'm not the person to ask. I haven't made any big ones even semi-recently. Have you ever had a "false alarm" moment, what was it about? Oh sure. The first time that comes to mind was when I thought Venus was dying once when she had a series of horrible coughing/gagging fits a long time ago. We took her to the vet with the risk of a respiratory infection, but she was clear, thankfully. I think she had early signs, though. Do you know how to ride a bike? Ye. If you were in the hospital who are the two people you'd want by your side? Mom of course, and it'd be nice if Sara was there if she was at all capable of that, but I'm fine w/ just Mom. If you could ever take a street sign, what sign do you want? Well, I wouldn't, but probably "stop" bc that applies to a lot in my life, lmao. Have you ever not returned something you borrowed and if so what was it? I don't think so? When you pack your lunch, what's your favorite packed lunch? Usually just a good 'ole pb&j. :') What was the one most important thing you learned from your parents? Take care of your goddamn relationship. Talk shit out instead of yelling. Work together. Never neglect the reason you're with each other. Have you done something you worry could come back to haunt you, what? No, because I don't believe in karma. If you had to build a small ark, what 7 animals would you save? Those with the biggest ecological impact, like bees and spiders, for example. I wouldn't be very happy with all my choices while all other animals perished, but you've gotta think of what comes next. Out of just selfishness I'd obviously have to spare a spot for meerkats, aha. They'd help with the bug control, though! I don't know about the other four, though; I'd have to think real hard on 'em. What is something your parents love that you actually love too? Classic rock and metal. Has anyone ever said "I love you" and you couldn't say it back? I firmly remember this is how I ended that childish shit with Joel. He said it and I couldn't. Have you ever ridden a camel? No. What's been the hardest loss you've had to take? Jason. What emotion is your least favorite and the one you are not in touch with? Fear, of course. No one likes being afraid. I'm not all that in touch with greed at all. Do you think facial moles or freckles are cute? I don’t mind 'em. Sometimes they're super-duper cute. Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't trust strangers for shit. If you're searching for a relationship, where is your go-to place to look? I don't really "look" anywhere. What book have you read multiple times? I lost count of how many times I've read Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari. Granted, in subsequent reads, I would skip over the HUGE tangent chunks that were entirely unrelated to meerkats. I seriously remember one long-ass section was like a goddamn essay on why smaller animals tend to have unnaturally large testicles like I don't fucking care talk about Flower again. I think I only decided to read it in full two times, but maybe not even that. Do you keep a budget? I don't have the income to do so. Have you ever test driven a car you knew you weren't going to buy? No, never test-drove anything. What do you have a hard time visualizing? There's a number of things, but this one thing is weird shit: I can't picture my old therapist. Even when I saw her every month, I could almost NEVER visualize her in my head. She's a fucking cryptid or something, paranormal shenanigans is going on here. She's the only person I know where I have that problem. What makes you feel uncomfortable in group settings? I worry I'll make myself look stupid in front of everyone. What was your worst date ever? I don't feel like I've really had a bad one. I've had one that did nooooot go according to plan and I know the average girl would've been annoyed, but I'm actually an understanding human being who found the adventure fun in the end. Basically a flat tire, a sketchy tire place, and a lot of walking happened lmao. Tyler felt fucking awful, felt bad for him. Have you ever gotten in a bidding war on Ebay, if so for what item? HAHA yeah, though it was technically Mom, but she had me keep an eye on it. I remember Parasite Eve took some battling to get. I think maybe a Legend of Spyro game, too? Are you supportive of your friends even if you don't agree with them? So long it's not literally insane or stupid, usually. It really does depend. What did you think was stupid until you tried it? Hm. I'm not sure. What subject do you and your parents never see eye to eye on? Religion. I keep most of my beliefs to myself now. Where do you see yourself in 1 year's time? Honestly, I don't want to ponder and picture this. What is your favorite type of seafood? I only like shrimp. What triggers your inner shopaholic? HA, do tattoos count? See cool ones, and then I'm planning (more than only always...) tons of new ones I want and will just be DYING (ALSO more than always lakdjfwe) to go to the parlor. What public figure do you disagree with the most? I really can't say considering I'm just not educated enough here. What is your opinion on rats as pets? They are absolutely wonderful! Smart, sweet, and very clean despite their stigma. I've had quite a few. What is something you're afraid to try? Sky diving, the Tower of Terror ride. ;___; That kinda stuff. What song makes you dance uncontrollably? None. Do you like nachos, if so what topping is a MUST have? Cheese is all I really need for nachos. Do you have any subscriptions? Yes, to Adobe Creative Cloud. Which is better, Mario or Sonic? Mario games are cute, Sonic's make me cringe - I've watched enough Game Grumps to know lmao. I hate hate hate cringe culture, like let people enjoy whatever, but I absolutely cannot stop my cringe reaction to some shit. I don't judge the people that enjoy whatever it is, though. THAT pisses me off. Who is the most creative person you know? I've known Sara and Connie much too long to not say them. They have such vast imaginations. Besides a pickle, what is your favorite thing pickled? I've actually never tried anything pickled, I think... no wait. Aren't jalapenos? Well there, jalapenos. What did you do for your 21st birthday? If not, 21 what are your plans? I had my normal therapy sessions in the mental hospital lmfao. It's unfortunate, but I do have fond memories of the day. Everyone was so damn sweet, and the friend I made there even got in touch with one of the lunch ladies, who literally went to go buy me a slice of cake. She and the other employees in the kitchen brought it out at dinner, and everyone sang happy birthday. I think I remember tearing up just because it was so goddamn sweet, but also bittersweet in that I was in a fucking mental institution for my BIGGEST birthday. When I got out, Colleen bought me a red velvet cake to "make up for it," ha ha. I miss her every now and then alsdkjf;wae. Are you a role model for anyone in your life? Oh, I doubt it. Do you think you need to slow down and enjoy life more? I don't need to go any fucking slower in my life. Can you impersonate anyone famous? I don't believe so. Never really tried anyone. What is your favorite salty snack? Spicy Cheetos mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What is your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden for sit-down, Sonic for fast food. Have you ever been in a play for school? In elementary school. I never had a big roll, though. Do you wish you had more friends? Very much. What is the main character’s name in the book you’re reading? Aunt Lydia. Which famous author would you like to meet? I'm not particularly interested in any. Which artist would you like to meet? Hey hey hey. Mark's brother is a comic artist. Meet him, one step closer to meeting God Himself. (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง Which singer would you like to meet? OZZY sobs What celebrity do you have a crush on? Anyone who's even heard about a hint of my Markiplier obsession knows I would fuck him into oblivion. When you were in middle school, were you in love with someone you never talked to? No, I didn't romantically love anyone. Do you believe that there is an unseen spirit realm? I do. Martini, margarita, or sangria? YO STOP I'm weak with these things. I can't pick. Do you feel you are extremely gifted but no one appreciates you? No. I honestly feel like people have more faith in what I'm capable of than deserved. What Lisa Frank character is your favourite? The angel cat, probably. Or tiger. Do you know how to use Braille? No. When you use stairs, do you usually hold the rail? Currently, I have to because of my muscle atrophy. I need help to stay steady. Have you ever worn a veil? No. Have you ever planted a tree? We actually did plant an apple tree in our front yard at my childhood home. Never grew much. Have you ever made anything with clay? A number of things from art classes. Has today been a good day? No, honestly. Have you ever fed a horse hay? Yes. Are you more likely to text "Okay", "OK" or just "K"? "'Okay.' The other two are restricted for when I am in a mood and want someone to know I am in a mood." <<<< HA HA SAME. Do you like the taste of lime? Sure. Have you ever seen a mime (in real life)? Not to my recollection. Have you ever seen a deer (in real life)? Plenty of times; whitetails are common here. Right now, what can you hear? "Game Over" by Falling In Reverse. Have you ever seen a bear (in real life)? In the zoo, yes. I think there's a possibility I have in the wild, but only from a distance? Have you ever eaten glue? No. Do you tend to buy clothes used or new? New. If you have Netflix, how many items are in your queue? N/A
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adamsvanrhijn · 5 years
Sorry you've probably addressed this before but I'm honestly dying to know what your impression of the movie was without having seen the show first? Were there things that you felt lost by or did you just vibe with it regardless? I binge watched the show just before the movie came out but honestly kinda wish I went in cold!
i haven't much!!
so i saw it with my mom, who did see the series, like, as it was airing. so now i know more about it than she does lol
i'm gonna be completely honest, the movie made like no goddamn sense to me at all.
like, the plot was ok to follow but character wise i could not keep track of them all. and for that reason i don't think it stands alone — i knew what was going on but they didn't do an excellent job of establishing who these people were and why i should care (having since seen the series this straight up could have been like, idk, 2017 special event christmas special given how it carries on)
the only character plotline i was fully on track with from the get go was edith & bertie's, actually. understood that from start to finish which was nice. did i know their names, no, but i knew what was happening and how i was meant to feel about it. also laura carmichael is gorgeous
only names i knew walking out were..... tom (branson) and (thomas) barrow. my mother informed me the latter was also thomas. and i liked daisy for her political apathy even if i thought her love subplot was wonk? which oh i was able to follow that but only bc it was extremely formulaic ajdjd. but i didnt know her name leaving the cinema
carson coming in seemed really weird snjfkd i was like WHO IS THIS GARDENER MAN
i had no clue who thomas was or felt any reason to follow him until webster was like You Know You Want To and i was like. my jaw literally dropped
so, thomas's plotline i obviously started to pay big attention to from there on out and i uhhhh literally starting crying when he walked in and had the never seen anything like it line because that's like. you don't need to know shit about downton abbey to be affected by that if you're gay and have a modicum of historical / sociocultural awareness.
i spent most of the movie trying to remember who was who in the beginning and matching them up with who was in the scene i was watching?
uhh the social class themes were fucking insufferable, i rolled my eyes like every time anna or mary opened their mouths. and for this reason i walked out and spent the next day and a half like, ok i like the irish guy, the gay guy, and the kitchen girl, i doubt i'll bother watching the show, and AS WE ALL KNOW
that isnt quite what happened
i have my chrono tag linked in my bio which i've been told is an adventure
my mom sort of explained some things to me as we left and i remember she was like, it didn't really stand alone and there are some things that mean more when you know the series, and then she got all julia roberts mom on me and was like Thomas, The Gay One, Attempted Suicide and it took everything i had not to be like. mom his plotline makes sense to me without knowing that.
also i really liked tom branson and then watching the series he was just meh. actually? the way everyone has told me like, oh you saw good thomas first that must have made the series feel different!
i actually feel that way about branson ajfjfkdk bc i expected to like him and then i like, didn't til about s5-s6
but yeah no i'm a character driven audience member and i really felt lost on that front.
moooost of my problems were resolved when i saw it the 2nd time, but that time it was sort of still like. wow some of these people are blink and you miss it. like i had no fucking clue who bates was walking out the first time because he didn't do literally anything (not that i am complaining)
also sjfjdj watching it a 2nd time and being like oh the hallboy wasnt in the series huh
i would like to say that i wouldnt have watched the series if i hadnt seen the film already, like i know for a fact i never would have intentionally, but if like, a friend sat me down and made me sit through episode one, i would have had the exact same reaction i did about halfway through the movie
that reaction being, WHAT, there's a GAY ONE, SUDDENLY I CARE
so starting and ending your series with gay action is how you draw me in hook line and sinker is the moral of the story here!
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momo-de-avis · 4 years
I finished book one of Mistborn and please do not comment on how I, a “slow reader”, devoured nearly 700 pages in two weeks, let’s keep the focus out of that for now.
And since nobody asked for this, a few thoughts:
- I have concluded that, considering Allomancy works while metals are in the digestive system, a mistborn’s greatest enemy is explosive diarrhoea. With the power of one brigadeiro cake and some laxatives, I would have kicked Kelsier’s ass alone. Allomancers would collectively die on Christmas night here in Portugal
- One of the final twists was very obvious to me, and I do not say this in a deprecating way. Actually, quite the opposite. Sanderson was pretty fucking subtle in the language, but once a certain character clapped his boots together and fucked off into the afterlife, I pretty much caught onto it. Fucking well done, my guy.
- “I’ll tell Mare about you. She always wanted a daughter.” Thanks, just come into my living room, kick the shit out of me, rip my heart out of my chest, burn it in front of my eyes and throw me off a building while you’re at it. Being a pile of snot and tears wasn’t enough, was it?
- I swear to god, Mr Sanderson, if I read another “however,” I’ll fucking SNAP
- STOP PUTTING SO MANY COMMAS NEXT TO “BUT” it is so distracting, I felt asthmatic reading it.
- I have a new english word I absolutely despise and it’s “maladroitly”. What the fuck is that convoluted twist of the tongue that IS SUPPOSED TO SOUND FRENCH BUT DOESN’T.
- Kelsier is a pretty cool chap, but bold of you to assume I’d give a crap about his ass kicking skills when Vin’s right there saving the ass of a dumbass nobleman philosophising his way out of trouble like. Then again, I love a character who’s a goddamn bastard, proud of himself, cocky in everything, and fucking good at what he does. If you’re going to give me a nearly all-male cast, do it like that. I can promise you Mistborn will likely be the only saga with just one female protagonist you won’t hear me badmouth.
- How the crap do you pronounce “Sazed”? Cause Sah-zed sounds appropriate to me, but the “Saze” nickname threw me off
- This book literally hurt my hand from holding it while I smoked at the window. This should be a felony.
- This was a rare case of “yep, everyone actually sounds their age”. Like, I did not forget for one second that Vin is 16/17.
- This is... more of a personal taste thing. But I hate continuous thoughts highlighting the obvious. Just swarms of sentences written in italic stating things you already know, but clearly put there to string the thought process together. I generally just hate chunks of italics in a sentence and random thoughts popping up in the text, but really, that’s my thing (Leigh Bardugo pissed me off equally with this).
- Mr Sanderson is going to be the one to cure my bilingual portuguese malady of mixing up Push and Pull. Goddamn, that was like Exposure Therapy for me.
- I’ll let you guys in on a secret. I had no fucking clue what this book was about. Nothing. Just vaguely aware that it was “fantasy”, nothing more. I thought it was high fantasy. I was ready to actually NOT like it, expecting elves and shit to start popping up. I just took on advice to read it bc people were so passionate about it, and that was all I cared. I went head first just to fucking get out of the usual genres I read. I was VERY pleasantly surprised. I am pretty icky about fantasy, I don’t like high fantasy, I tend to despise stories about elves being oppressed and mythological racism, and was NOT expecting a story about a mad political heist, more on the urban fantasy level, with an actual concise and pretty logical magical system (WHERE THE WORD MAGIC IS SELDOM USED, THANKS) and more of political squabble between different power structures than just wizards and elves going swoosh swoosh pew pew magical beams out of my ass, overpowered arms and Special One shitting on ye peasants. I think I found my sub-genre of fantasy after running away from it for years.
- I do not---DO NOT---give a crap about pairings and shipping. I can think of 2 cases that made me care about two characters ending together, one actually pretty recent. Well, add a third one, cause I was ready to set my house on fire if fucking Vin hadn’t gone back to her dumbass noble in that last paragraph.
- On a final note, I blame you for this, @dilact 
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generalthirstclub · 4 years
I am the shame of god but here’s the meme
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) - passes the fuck out. head empty no thoughts - if you’re lucky he might manage to mumble a “goonite” - either way: a literal angel wtf - this bitch tender B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) - I think he knows he’s got cake. he’s double cheeked up. dummy thicc, if you will. - if you have tiddies he likes those. also, on a more innocent note, ur hands!!! and ur stomach and your eyes and your lips and your thighs a C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) - doesn’t get too riled up about it one way or another - he kinda likes seeing it on you 😳 - not ur face though that’s icky. he doesn’t want any on his face so it doesn’t occur to him that you would - if you specifically ask he’ll be like “ew ok lol” - if you swallow it he goes 😧😳🥴 - I don’t like how confronting this question is because it makes me ponder the logistics of this whole situation D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) - not really a secret but a bitch gets pegged on the reg E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) - no fucking clue. he’s quick to figure out what works though - real perceptive! - if he can’t figure it out himself, sometimes he might try to ask you whether or not you like something but he can’t get the question out bc he’s baby F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) - ohohohoho back this mans up against a wall - also you know how he does the splits? th - anything where he’s contorted in some crazy way appeals to him - if he’s topping pls put a leg over his shoulder he will uwu G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) - he’s a huge dweeb at all times. if something you do or say strikes him the slightest bit funny he’s gonna cackle. - you made a face he thinks is funny? mid coitus he’s snickering. he will imitate your funny face. what a bastard H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) - I hate this question because it makes me think about the fact that I am writing this about a goddamned train… trains don’t have p*bes… I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  - oh he’s heart eyes all the way babey. - he might try to put on this Indifferent Sex God act but really? he just likes you a whole lot - smooches. constantly. all the time J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) - if anyone sees him do that he’ll literally die right there on the spot - he either waits until the dead of night or makes up some excuse as to why he has to leave right now and go alone to some exceedingly secluded part of the rail yard - if it’s the former he can Indulge. the latter is reserved strictly for emergency situations - if a bitch is indulging a bitch is indulging. hes gonna think abt something cute he saw you do (or whoever else hes jerkin it to idk) K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) - pain. both giving and receiving - any kind of marks - hair pulling. also both giving and receiving - praise. praise him. tell him he’s pretty. tell him he’s doing a great job. tell him you love him so much. t L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) - pretty vanilla about this one actually (see N) - push him up against a wall - or let him push u up against a wall! the red caboose would like to be of use mother fucker! M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) - being a little shit - read: when he’s bratty and you snap at him - or the other way around - also? feeling wanted. when he does something vaguely sexy and sees someone looking at him for too long. N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) - anything in public— he’d just be so embarrassed if you were caught! also I feel like consent is a huge thing for him and whoever walks in on 2 people fucking did not consent to seeing that - anything especially degrading to his partner, though he doesn’t mind being called a little slut if he’s bottoming 😳 - not really into the whole pet play thing. “that’s silly! you’re not a dog!” O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) - again, no clue what the fuck he’s doing (see E) - very eager to please however! and you can’t tell me this bastard doesn’t have any oral fixation I mean look at him - n e wayz if he’s giving the best thing about it is how excited he gets. super messy as well. drools everywhere. - if he’s receiving then his pillow princess levels are maxing out. he’s having a good time. straight vibing if you will - you went and sucked all his braincells out thru his dick! - tries to cover his mouth but he’s not gonna be that much quieter (see V) P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) - entirely depends on his fickle moods. sometimes he’s in that Cherishing Mood. other times he’s a wild untamed feral fucking animal Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) - not very often. I don’t imagine he’d prefer it. - however if he’s in that wild untamed feral fucking animal mood he’s not opposed to it R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) - as long as it definitely won’t kill either of you he’s down - big fan of knifeplay tbh. - In general he’s more willing to risk hurting himself than his partner bc he definitely likes you and would be upset if you got hurt S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) - leans more towards one long round than a bunch of short rounds because (see A) this motherfucker busts one nut and is out like a light - he only lasts as long as he does (which is to say, very average) by sheer force of will. unfortunately sometimes this means stopping for a second to get ahold of himself T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) - seems like the type to have like. One (1) big old dildo that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT!!! U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) - ooohohoho so much - (see M) sometimes he does vaguely sexy stuff,,, on purpose 😔 - again idk how to approach this for anthro trains but if we think of them as just people then uh - wears clothes that he knows will show his tumtum if he stretches 😳 and then he stretches 😳 in front of u - it’s an easy way to read people! if they have no interest in him then they won’t pay it any mind. if they do, this is the easiest possible way to figure out about it V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) - louder than average for sure - starts out with just his breathing changing audibly, - then that changes to either high whines or low growls (depending on what’s happening) - he’ll try to muffle himself either by covering his mouth or keeping it closed. it won’t work - a lot of “mmf”s are still gonna get through 😔 - if you can convince him to uncover his mouth… fuckin get ready - hes about to sound super pretty and breathless 🥺🥺🥺 - if you had a mcr phase and you remember destroya… it’s like that kinda - you know how wide his vocal range is? it shows W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) - he makes real cute faces and is super embarrassed about it - tries to hide his face in the crook of your shoulder 🥺 - on an unrelated note I feel like he’d call it “making love.” just cause he’s baby X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) - just a regular old pp? he seems like the type to be a little shorter than average but his diameter game is certainly not lacking Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) - not terribly but when he’s ready he’s READY Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) - IMMEDIATELY
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gnomebud · 4 years
evens my fellow bastard
hello bastard 🔪🔪
2. what is your body type?
short and chubby babeyyyy
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
yep! although i want to dye it like seven times a day
6. are you more femme or butch?
i have absolutely no fucking clue !! i guess femme?? though i don’t want to be?
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
yep! many times at girl scout camp, and also we own a bow so we used to shoot the trees in my backyard
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
i haven’t seen a musical on broadway-broadway, but i’ve seen les misérables, wicked, the sound of music, and the lion king!
16. have you ever been part of a protest or march?
organized a walkout at my school babieee !! also was in march for our lives, and marched w MFOL at pride!
18. last movie you watched?
uhhh a shitty christmas movie that my family was watching, it was horribly racist and poorly written and just awful
22. reason you joined tumblr.
to actually follow @cmyk8 and @/batcii instead of just checking their sites everyday in seventh grade 💀💀
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
idk, the p.numbra podcast? squash? coconut?
26. have you had sex?
not yet ;)
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
definitely something in a two truths and a lie game, but i don’t remember what :(
32. how do you feel right now?
cozy and full of rage!
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
“pleaser” by wallows or “hang on little tomato” by pink martini or “home” by edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes!!
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
all of ib?
38. last time you cried and why.
yesterday, because my sister yelled at me & made me feel dumb
42. the last time you felt broken?
this is too personal for a goddamn friday evening
44. are you more dominant or more submissive?
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
i prefer to date @faegoblin
48. do you have any kinks?
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
lol yeah every middle school crush
54. is trust a big issue for you?
i don’t think so! maybe moreso with adults
56. is confidence cute?
hell yeah !
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
oh shit i don’t know!
64. who do you hate?
the eli lilly company, trump, pence, betsy devos, honestly the whole administration, and brian kemp. but mostly brian kemp. also the p*numbra podcast team and jesse from maxfun for personal petty reasons.
66. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
i don’t know that i had one? hmm.
68. what do you look for in a possible partner?
number one: are they @faegoblin
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
yep, most of them!
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
lmao dev patel tbh he is Sexey
76. do you fall in love easily?
i am demi! so nope i don’t think so!
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
82. tall people or short people?
84. twirl them around or get twirled?
twirl them!
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
88. making out or soft kisses?
92. have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
yes but i didn’t realize it and then yes!
94. most embarassing thing you’ve done in front of someone cute?
i’ve definitely fucked up words before
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
everything my mom has said, but also that one time she told me i didn’t have to buy everything rainbow bc it was embarassing to her 🤪
98. what is love to you?
goofing off, communication, exploring, sleepy cuddles, that warm feeling when u see they’ve texted u, saying something dumb and instantly being filled with love
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thegeminisage · 5 years
i’m gonna liveblog my rewatch of 2.08 because i can
it’s stupid long so here’s the cut
just to give you an idea of how fast this switch flipped for me at the start of this episode when uther is like “u will find no one who embodies nobleness better than my son arthur” i went “PFFFFFT” & had a good chortle
i have a lot to say about this duel challenge sequence. 1. why are strangers always coming in and tossing their glove on the floor. everyone in that room is armed. just take them out! 2. arthur picks up the glove first this time, unlike 1.03. guess he can learn after all 3. he does it BEFORE SEEING HER FACE god classic he’s so fucking stupid
everyone getting their panties in a twist over having to fight a WOMAN when in reality she goes on to kick his ass is like...both tiresome & hilarious
i used to really be on the fence about the Vibe between merlin & arthur because while they seemed quite happy to die for one another from the get-go most of the time arthur is just being MEAN and merlin isn’t as mean back and it’s like :/ ok i don’t get what everyone else is so heart-eyes over. but in 2.08 they do a lot of confiding in one another and just general talking about plot-stuff where arthur’s insults are...not absent, but kept to a minimum, and idk it’s nice! it’s nice. less like arthur is a massive bully and more like they’re Companions. i’m not hopeful about it lasting bc this show doesn’t know the meaning of the words “consist continuity” but it was reeeeeaally good here
arthur’s face when he lost to a G I R L and uther just walked out with no comment. even back when i still hated him i was like “ouch”
that being said it was a welcome change of pace to see merlin giving ARTHUR shit for once. finally
upon morgause and morgana’s first meeting when morgause says “i hope you will remember me fondly” i went “WOW THAT’S GAY” because i didn’t KNOW and cathy told me later she had to put her head in her hands for five whole minutes. don’t shoot me i’m just the messenger they’re the ones who wrote it that way
my favorite thing about morgause is that i couldn’t immediately figure her out. i’m in the habit of throwing out guesses about future plot points for fun, because i’m a writer and that’s how i deconstruct things, and since this show was kind of meant to be kid-friendly i’m usually right. but as far as morgause went...i didn’t have a clue. i had NO IDEA this whole ep would be like this
i’ve said this before (not on this blog tho) but arthur is like...really eager to die. i keep joking that he has a death wish but upon further reflection i don’t think he’s actively seeking to end his life as much as he would be relieved to die for something noble like honor or whatever because then he would have...done it right, if that makes any sense, and wouldn’t have to worry about screwing it up anymore. he doesn’t want to die but he craves a good death. to prove to his dad and himself that he’s made of the right stuff?? i’m not being very clear. this concept requires more thought
it’s REALLY a lot for me that uther would rather throw arthur in his own chambers than have him find out about ygraine. yyyyikes
merlin sneaking in that rope was so cute. he finally got the group’s communal braincell for a few minutes
on the other hand after the troll episodes i am SO tired of dung being played for laughs. i really suffered
also man i’m so glad morgana finally got some sleep it’s what she deserves
this Dead Parent talk really mcmurdered me. both merlin and arthur lost a parent when they were very young & they now cannot remember said parent and we HAVE THAT IN COMMON so every single word they said was like an arrow straight to my heart!!!!!!! like as good as the ending to this episode was (and OH it was good OHHHHH it was GOOD) i think this right here is what truly softened me up towards arthur. this is relatability, this is emotional vulnerability, this is a genuine human connection made between EQUALS and frankly it’s exactly what i’ve been wanting from these guys for a season and a half. their willingness to die for each other is good stuff to be sure but it’s EMPTY without some meat to back it up & we’re finally getting what we deserve
“i’d do anything for even the vaguest memory” like they didn’t have to go that hard & read me for filth like that but they did. they did. arthur. babe. my guy.
almost every time someone comes in to speak with uther he’s eating and he has like an entire mini-banquet in front of him even though he’s all by himself. like, an entire plate of grapes, a whole-ass chicken, an intact loaf of bread, a bowl FILLED with whole uncut apples...wtf??
“what would YOU know about magic, merlin?” “nothing ;)” i did have a good chortle truly
i’ve already made my points about arthur and a good death but MAN he was hasty to put his head on that chopping block for no good fucking reason at all. holy shit. him casually doing that swing-thing he does with his sword to the axe ahead of time really adds a lot to this entire thing and also aged me ten years
when arthur was like “what if my father’s attitude towards magic is wrong” and “surely not everyone who practices magic can be evil” i gasped so fucking loud. so fucking loud
and the worst part is you can practically feel merlin’s heartbeat pick up. just LOOK at his “wtf am i hearing is this for real could my dreams actually come true” face. but at the same time, he’s got to be the one with a healthy suspicion here because arthur is in over his head. so he STILL can’t trust it. and then naturally it goes to hell so quickly that the chance for merlin to confide in arthur is lost. i can’t believe this took 4 irl years and five seasons. watching this live must have been like TORTURE. i’m practically bingeing it and i’m still suffering deeply
it’s very odd to me that arthur specifically said his mother died before he opened his eyes but the first thing ygraine says to him is that she remembers him staring up at her. to me that’s an obvious clue that she’s a fake, and the cutaway during that line to merlin’s face tells me he had the same suspicion (and that he’s kind of horrified by it)
i know for a fact that ygraine’s telling of these events is slightly altered from the truth too...there’s no way that uther would have been so overcome with grief that he went on to commit genocide if he knew beforehand that his wife would die and was willing to sacrifice her
on the other hand, there’s also a cutaway to morgause’s face during this speech in which she looks surprised or confused at what ygraine says, which doesn’t add up if she was pulling these strings, so...What Is The Truth
not to be like this but merlin bearing witness to this whole series of events is like...there’s some things that once you go through them with somebody things between you change and there’s a new intimacy there...i don’t expect much from a show that likes to return to the status quo but in my heart it’s how i feel
OH BOY HERE WE GO. arthur arrives in camelot and pulls his sword out as soon as he leaves his horse leaving a visibly spooked merlin behind him this is the STUFF
“arthur was born of magic” is really a hell of a line because even though i already knew this backstory i hadn’t stopped to consider it like that...no, magic is not a crucial part of arthur’s identity and how he views himself the way it is for merlin and morgana, but it’s still a part of his history and what made him who he is, that made him alive and different from other people. his hatred and fear of it becomes so much more tragic in that light. i think also there was such a clear line drown before between people who are magic and people who are not and for me, mentally, arthur kind of...swapped sides, or is at least straddling the border
merlin’s absolute FURY at uther’s hypocrisy is like...........fucking. another thing i wanted to see for a season and a half. imo there’s not nearly enough meat to the fact that merlin is magic and ultimately serves uther who is trying to decimate him and his kind - has actually SAVED UTHER'S LIFE on MULTIPLE occasions. this is the first time this show actually went “hey uther is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people and that’s really not at all ok” and i am SO into it. like, no, he’s not misguided. he’s not “just grieving.” he’s a murderer. he’s responsible for genocide.
the final 9 minutes of this episode feature arthur pendragon being absolutely FURIOUS. he’s LIVID. he’s PISSED. and i love it more than anything else this show has done so far
i genuinely, truly believed he didn’t have this in him. never in my WILDEST DREAMS could i have imagined arthur doing this. i had written it off as the stuff of fanfics. but holy shit my man snapped
reasons i did not see this coming at all even a little: 1. i figured there was no way arthur would get over his anti-magic thing until near the end (i know it must come back later, but STILL) 2. i did not believe for one second he could ever seriously stand up to his father for more than a few minutes at a time 3. most of what’s making arthur so goddamn pissed is that he thinks his dad killed his mom on purpose but he’s also showing a fair amount of horror at the fact that uther hunted down and killed everyone even remotely associated with sorcery like animals. do you know what that is? does anybody else understand the enormity of this? HE IS SHOWING EMPATHY. i DID NOT believe he was capable of it.
i do feel a way about how uther started this scene from a place of cool confidence - he was handing out orders, “leave us and no one comes in,” manipulating the situation, “she was lying to you, magic users are trying to destroy us,” and finally trying to close the door on the topic and reassert control, “i am your kind and your father and you will SHOW ME SOME RESPECT” - and arthur was not only having none of it (the way his eyes narrowed as uther’s casual “she was lying”...oh boy) he TURNED THE TABLES and had uther ON THE DEFENSIVE. the number of times we’ve seen uther shut other people down and get his way because he’s king and everyone is afraid of him and this time uther was the one who afraid LITERALLY for his life. HOW’S THAT TASTE BITCH god it was SO satisfying. like, there’s one shot where arthur is walking slowly towards him after all his verbal tactics have failed to de-escalate the situation and he’s in the backround with his eyes so fucking wide and he looks TERRIFIED. i LOVE IT
“you are my son. you would not strike an unarmed man.” “i no longer consider myself your son” AND HE STRIKES HIM
when i say that i LITERALLY screamed i am not at all exaggerating or using hyperbole. cathy asked twice if i needed to pause & collect myself. i could not have paused if my life depended on it
i’m really on the fence about merlin stopping arthur. on the one hand, arthur has suffered enough and doesn’t need to suffer more by having to carry the guilt or dadmurder. under the other, uther is a monster and needs to die, and the entire world would be better off without him
like...arthur’s face when he says “you have caused so much suffering and pain”...he really finally got it. for one beautiful brilliant moment he understood
i am NOT on the fence about merlin lying to arthur. that was the wrong way to do it. arthur 6000% deserves to know the truth and that’s only gonna come back and bite them later i’m sure (unless it never comes back at all in which case i’ll be pissed)
i’m not sure that arthur would have backed off if they had told the truth and said “uther didn’t realize your mom was gonna die so really that part wasn’t his fault”...he was really mad! but he might’ve. lying was not the way to go. i’m so angry at literally everyone in that scene for allowing arthur to walk away believing he was wrong. he was so full of conviction and he was about to do a really good thing - not good for him personally, but good for the world - and everyone he trusts lied to his face in order to maintain the status quo and not have to deal with anything ugly. i HATE it. i’m team arthur now. i’m in the arthur defense squad. all those dumb liars aren’t good enough to be his friends!!!!!!
like, even his dad’s words were sooo carefully chosen to avoid lying but also avoid telling the whole truth. even in that moment when arthur was laying it all bare and they could have made some sort of progress as character and as people. we had to go BACK TO THE STATUS QUO
Once Again Arthurs Heart Is Hardened To Magic i hate it thanks
honestly look uther telling arthur that he’s a trusted ally in the fight against magic should make him feel a lot more distressed than what we got. i mean i’m sure he’s glad his cover is safe but he should realize that if uther approves he’s doing something wrong
furthermore, uther hasn’t changed a bit. he says he came to thank merlin and that merlin is a loyal servant and trusted ally, but then threatens his life before he leaves. honestly we should have just let arthur stab him
i do appreciate them making a point of mentioning that merlin was tempted to let uther die and that it would have been better for him if uther HAD died and he only did what he did to protect arthur but like...there were ways to do that that didn’t involve lying i think. this is an optimistic show most of the time. it wouldn’t have messed with my suspension of disbelief if arthur had dropped the sword knowing the real whole truth! but no, The Status Quo
i don’t know if i will still love arthur so much in the coming episodes.................we’ll see. i’m kind of nervous because i don’t know how they’re ever going to top this. i think we peaked right here and it’ll never be this good for me again
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