#so fuckjng sad
Did you really think I wouldn’t notice? You’re supposed to be my favourite person so do you really think I don’t know about what the little things in your expression mean? I know everything about you, I guess that’s why it hurt when it didn’t seem true on your side
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thinking of simon and marcy again 😭 gonna start crying fr
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cringefailfagcat · 6 months
weeeee having a moment 🙃 someone let me vent to them so i dont call my ex n trigger their mental illness again
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i realy just. fuck up evrythjng huh
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17gz · 7 months
a few years ago my friend recorded the funniest video i've ever fucking seen in my life but he doesnt have it anymore and it breaks my heart but let me paint a picture because i remember every frame and remember my friend telling me how this went down.
its 2021. we're in art school, doing classes over zoom.
my friend is in the literature and diversity class that i also took.
my teacher is a 30 smth year old gay south asian man who is lovely and wonderful and incredibly well read.
our final for the class is a full presentation on a piece of media of our choice, as long as it brushes on diversity (specifically lgbt related work) and analyzing its strengths and weaknesses. we get about 15-20 minutes to present in front of our class.
while i was not in this specific semester's class, my friend was there. the presenter is next. they turn on their camera.
cheap crunchy amazon wig. black sweater. snazaroo grey face paint. candy corn horns.
this person was in full terezi costume. their presentation was on homestuck.
the video is about 5 seconds long. it pans from the student's square, to the powerpoint on screen. and finally it pans to my poor teacher, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking down taking a deep breath.
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"Makeup is literally the best part of being a gi-" no. please leave my house.
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xamaxenta · 1 year
It’s difficult to not feel discouraged sometimes when your partner is also an artist and happens to be faster than you in every conceivable way
This doesn’t bother me often because everyone is different and comparing production time and skill against each other or anyone is detrimental mostly and its ok to have your own workflow
but it does weigh on me vaguely sometimes sometimes that she can finish 2-3 full coloured pieces within a week and ive been painfully scratching out the same number but theyre only sketches that ill never revisit within a month
None of this actually matters in the long run, it just makes me feel bad on occasion
#like i should be doing more#im very sorry for complaining so much online#i just dont really have any other way to express myself#i know some of you have generously and kindly reached out to me to offer an ear#but my fatal flaw is i cant talk to anyone about my problems i just idk it was beaten into me that none of it matter#matters or my problems arent a big deal and i know ots healthy to think actuallt my problems are worth talking about or a big deal#but its hard to change a behaviour that was kinda literally beaten jnto you that talking about stuff likw this is a waste of time#i guess i just feel bad that i could do more and i dont because i dont want to#but i also want to if that makes any sense at all#i suppose it also doesnt help that alot of the work im doing right now i actually sorta hate like none of it is good to me personally#i want to stop being toxic towards myself#i just wanna stop hating me and who i am and what i do every step of the way#but that mean little voice inside me is like ahh. it wont shut up#I always say i need a break or more time but what am i gonna do with it#doing nothing at all isnt fulfilling#it sounds. sad like what teenager me did and i dont want to be or feel like that ever again but its fuckjng hard#this is so woe is me#im a liar bc i say the main text doesnt bother me but it bothers me alot im very envious of her speed prolificness and drive to create#and i have none like thats so unfair#this makes me sound ultra bitter god fucking damn it#i want to go to sleep and genuinely never fucking wake up again#please im done i just dont want to
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if everyone with a pet could please give their pet the biggest amount of love on my behalf i would love that right now:(
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toytulini · 10 months
wish ig wasnt so fucked i do miss posting art on there but itll never be like that again. how zuck managed to make it feel physically bad and gross to use an app is incredible. its like a corpse of the app i used to use. a bad puppet. a shell. parading around, empty and awful. came back wrong. i cant use it the way it is anymore. "reels" and "stories" and the algorithm. im not using those. im not using that. it feels gross. its sliming me. its oozing slime out of my phone. i just wanted to make posts. have all my stupid art in one place and chill with my mutuals. but no. its trying to sell me ads and pretty people. and now i cant view my notifications bc it sold pretty people too hard and broke teenager's brains. itstelling me to watch reels. all the people i follow are posting their posts in their stories that im not watching bc ive refused to evolve the way i use that app past like 2016. why dont ppl just make posts. what the fuck is the point of stories. is that not just snapchat? im not downloading that either
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
aughh money
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this-should-do · 2 years
at my friends colleges art bulding students get like this stairwell to draw on and shit and she just found a very faded message reading
"i was here and now im gone, i left my name to carry on"
but the signature had faded away
:((( think im gonna cry
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discountwives · 1 year
the gu/s ai planned a hit on me and i made him feel so bad that i made him explode. me when im a powerful empath XP
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ctommyisnt · 4 months
Hello dear scar chatter. Just behind you is a bloodthirsty creature whose only goal is to eat you alive. You need to send a dono to scar without saying the words ‘sorry, jellie, or grieving.’ If you cannot do that I will release it and you die. You have sixty seconds.
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kimjunnoodle · 9 months
i started a new medication and i feel like that address tweet where they made a list
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strawberry-pretzels · 9 months
blegh it's my birthday tomorrow. yaaaaay im gonna b 8 years old 😍
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head in hands. accidentally looked at old instagram posts 8 injured 400 killed
#ughgghhhghhh sad tags abt . things incoming.#takjng up spaaaace#idkkkk#ive made. mistakes#anyway i think that was enough#uhh. found an old video where we. like. did the whole. nod and glance at each other and say something at the same time#like. its so fuckjng hard to believe i used to Have That with someone#i used to have someone i could just. do that with. tell everything to. match fingernails with.#lay with on the couch w my head in her lap while we were watching movies and have her play w my hair.#wear my stupid wendy courderoy hat around constantly and not feel weird abt it.#like. that used to be. real#well. not real#bc it was never fucking real i just. thought it was.#and the whole time i was. comfy being weird around her. she was. absorbing all of that and telling everyone#abt it and making fun of me behind my back#and its so fucking hard that. i used to think that was real.i was so happy. and the Whole TIME i wasgetting played like a goddamn fool#amd im probably. never gonna have that again because she fucked me up so bad#fuck dude#its like#i want to go back. i want to be in love w her again. i want to be her friend again.#even though i . was in fucking pain the whole time and didnt even know it. i miss her . and its absolute fucking garbage and i hate it#fuuuck.#i miss her but i hate her guts but she used to be my whole world but she ruined my fucking life but i miss her#i still remember the way her house smelled. i still remember the way her.#living room floor felt. the texture of it. craning our necks up all awkward to look at the tv.#the way her microwave sounded. the cabinet where they kept the cups in the kitchen. the creak of the basement steps.#the one loose floorboard in her bedroom that we had to hop over in the middle of the night so we didnt wake up her sister#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbb#im fine. im normal abt this. i fucking miss her so much and i hat e it
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