#snaders sides fanfiction
vvirgils · 4 years
Chronicles of Straith #2-The Witch’s Dragon:Chapter 17
Chronicles of Straith #1-Fate’s Door///Chapter 16/Chapter 18//Masterpost
It was still dark when Virgil woke up. She couldn’t remember why, the traces of her dream taking flight the second her eyes opened. The idea of getting up was far off in her mind, not when she was this warm, what must be Laurus nudged against her side.
How had she fallen asleep, anyways? The last thing Virgil remembered was insomnia, racing thoughts. So she’d gotten out of bed, and come into…Roman’s room. Where she’d talked with them for a while before falling asleep and… 
Oh. That was definitely Roman’s head. Virgil reconsidered her stance on staying in bed. The last thing she wanted was somebody to come in here to wake Roman up and find her. She was certain that that would be mortifying. Taking care not to disturb her sleeping friend, Virgil got out of the bed and tiptoed back to her room.
Well, at least she’d gotten some sleep. Still half-awake, Virgil went back to sleep—in her bed, this time. Laurus had taken over the middle of her bed, so she pushed him to the side and settled in.
Jessie woke her up in the morning, throwing the room into light, and she got up in record time. For the first time since the dragon had showed up in Straith, she had a good night of sleep, and most of it was due to Roman. Somehow, around them, she had just…calmed down. She supposed that talking about her problems (for once in her life) helped, but maybe there was something else.
It was ridiculously early when she woke up, and Jessie appeared to have slept well. Their rainbow-haired chaperone rambled about how excited she was to go on this adventure, and how much she missed her family. Having nothing better to do than awkwardly interact with Roman, Virgil joined in, surprised to find herself with enough energy to match the bounce in Jessie’s step. Laurus was much more tired, opting for Roman’s shoulder over hers.
Their bags were already packed and taken away to the ship, which meant that they were going to get to do “all sorts of team-building activities!” in Jessie’s words when they all met the captain of the ship. As much as Virgil found Jessie to be endearing, the thought of talking to Roman in front of other people was enough to make her hurl herself off the side of the ship. She focused on carrying Gray’s case down the path to the docks first.
Fortunately, their captain, who introduced himself as Mac, was not interested in team-building activities.
“I have places to be, and I don’t have the time to play games when it is still nighttime and I have stuff to do,” he said when Jessie suggested it, hands on his hips and eyebrows fully raised. “You can go hang out in the cabin, unless you want to freeze out here.”
Before Roman or Jessie could suggest anything, Virgil was down the hatch and making a beeline for the cargo. Setting down her magical dragon carrier on the wooden floor, she cast all the spells she could think of to keep the dragon asleep and the case in place. Once it was all done, Virgil sat behind a box marked FRAGILE and stared at the countless packages in front of her like they were going to tell her the answers she hadn’t even asked herself.
Well, Virgil supposed a good start to getting answers from something other than clearly non-sentient boxes would be asking herself questions. She started with the obvious— why was she being so weird about last night? It wasn’t like she’d never shared a bed with anyone before, as Missy and Jest could attest, and though she wasn’t unfamiliar to paranoia over simple social situations, this was ridiculous.
Roman was her best friend, and Virgil couldn’t even look them in the eye. Had something crazy happened last night that her very subconscious was protecting her from? No, it couldn’t be. All she remembered was asking Roman if she could come in, then settling herself in next to them, how she’d felt like she was intruding, but they had assured her she wasn’t. It had been so nice, holding their hand, and not feeling alone in her struggles. She remembered smiling at their stories and laughing even when it wasn’t funny, just because she loved them.
Hold up. She loved Roman? Well, certainly as a friend. But just thinking about the many ways that the sticky word “love” was used made her contemplate if her feelings for Roman were anything other than platonic. The more she rolled the thought around her head, the more Virgil realized that she wasn’t opposed to the idea of kissing them, or holding their hand. In fact, she’d be okay with a date, maybe a nice restaurant. She wouldn’t mind a long walk with just the two of them either.
Virgil widened her eyes, staring down the boxes in front of her as if to silently impart the one thought running through her head. I have a crush on Roman. It was a relief to figure it out, but it also created a new batch of problems. Which she would rather talk to Roman again than think about, which was saying something. Before anxiety could take root in her head, she got up from the hard floor of the ship and moved back towards where she’d came in, seeking a distraction.
She made her way back easily enough—this wasn’t a very big ship—and saw Roman and Jessie sitting on chairs in the cabin of the boat, talking. They stopped when she walked in.
“Hey guys,” Virgil said, trying to remember how words worked. “Um, are we going to eat breakfast soon?”
“Yeah, in an hour. There’s a tiny kitchen around here somewhere, but we’re not supposed to use it. Jessie and I were just talking about it, actually,” Roman said, giving Virgil one of their easy smiles.
“Sounds good, I don’t know if I can wait much longer, it feels like I’ve got a miniature dragon clawing at my insides,” Virgil said, noting that her purple dragon was curled up in Roman’s lap. 
Roman laughed, and Virgil felt the flutter in her chest. Noticing it startled her—usually, she didn’t notice the quickening of her heart around Roman— but not anymore. “How’s the dragon, by the way? Is it safe? I don’t want it getting out on the boat.”
“I worked some sorcery so that it won’t roll around in the hold, and I gave it another sleep spell. It’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about,” Virgil said, trying to comfort them the best she could.
Something in her tone must have been off, though, because then Roman asked, “Are you okay?” Their eyes spoke volumes, referencing the night before.
Virgil looked at them, at her friend who had stuck with her through everything, who had been the first to hear the secrets she kept closest. She could see the concern for her woven into their face, feel how much they cared. There was no way that Virgil would let her crush create a divide between her and them.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little out of it.” She had to tell them about her feelings.
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virgiliananxiety · 6 years
Illogical Intelligence
Based on this post by @randomslasher
Pairing: Analogical
Word count: 1073
Warnings: panicking thoughts, angst, hurt/comfort mild language, knife mention, one innuendo (it’s just a really bad joke from Roman)
A huge thanks to @adultmorelikeadolt for editing this for me!
Tags: @the-incedible-sulk
“Well, today I thought we could talk a bit about my life as a single man?” Thomas said. “While I’m okay, and happy, I do think it would nice to have a boyfriend.”
“Well, of course, kiddo,” Patton smiled comfortingly. “But there’s nothing wrong with wantin’ someone to cuddle with!”
“I, personally, think it is fantastic idea,” Roman added, a bit to grandly for Virgil’s tastes. To be fair, most things Roman did were a bit too grand for Virgil’s tastes. “We can dive in, and hopefully at the end get someone to dive in us.” He raised an eyebrow at his own joke, prompting a round of groans from the other sides.
“Yeah, we can dive more into how I end up ruining every relationship you’ve ever had.” Virgil sighed, fiddling with the edge of his hoodie. As much as he tried, he couldn’t help but bring the entire room down.
“Virgil, breathe. We’ve talked about this.” Logan grabbed Virgil’s hand and looked him dead in the eyes, steely blue bouring into his own. “The thoughts you’re experiencing are purely a result of irrational thinking and a tendency to blame yourself.” Virgil glanced at the ground, but Logan squeezed his hand to make him match the gaze again. “You are valued and you are a crucial part of us. We’ve seen what could happen without you, you are lovely and so, so, important.” He dropped his voice to a low whisper. “To me especially.”
A small smile danced across Virgil’s lips, he couldn’t help it when it came to his boyfriend. The moment was broken, however, when Patton let out a high-pitched squeal.
“You guys are just so cute!” He exclaimed, causing heat to flush to Virgil’s cheeks.
“They’re blushing, how adorable,” Roman chimed in. “But back to the topic at hand, how do you all believe we should go about this matter?”
“I propose we all think of what we appreciate in a man, and how those standards apply to our picking an object of affection.” Logan suggested, adjusting his glasses. “We can then use those core values to figure out who might be our next,” He paused, flipping through his pile of flashcards, “‘bae’.”
Thomas winced, and Virgil himself smirked at the rather...old slang. “That one’s a little outdated, Logan. But I do like the idea. Should we just, I don’t know, go around and say what’s attractive to us in a guy?”
“Beauty, of course.” Roman started, shimmying his shoulders slightly.
“Not only that!” Patton chimed in. “He has to be kind, and appreciate you are as a person, Thomas.” Thomas nodded in agreement.
“He has to be able to put up with me.”  Virgil said, earning a skeptical look from Logan. “I mean, he has to be okay with you at your worst, and be able to comfort you. Lo, you have anything to add?”
“Well, personally I believe intelligence is the most attractive quality in any person.” Logan said, and the honesty in his face stung a little to Virgil. “I believe that the only way for someone to be worthy of a relationship is to have a lot of intelligence, and only then are they the perfect match.” A knife twisted within Virgil, deep in his stomach. It felt like it was slicing open all the butterflies, one by one. He felt the air thicken in his lungs, a weight starting to settle on his chest, and his mind had one objective: “run”.
“I’m gonna have to, uh, sink out.” He said suddenly, interrupting whatever Patton was saying. He saw the other side open his mouth to stop him, but Virgil just sank down into his own private oblivion.
Is that really what Logan wants? Someone super smart? Virgil wasn’t smart, he wasn’t nearly good enough for Logan. He wasn’t ever good enough for him, how did he ever think he was? He was so stupid for thinking that he actually deserved Logan, how could he be so stupid, this whole thing was just because he was so stupid, he wasn’t good enough for a boyfriend, why couldn’t he just be good eno–
“Virgil!” A voice boomed through his thoughts, and he felt himself be yanked from his room, back to their shared area.
“Virge, kiddo, are you okay?” Patton knit his brow, a concerned look overtaking his features.
“Uh, me? I’m totally good.” He swallowed, pulling his hood down to cover his face, puffy from tears he didn’t realize had been shed.
“Dude, you’re definitely not ‘totally good’.” Roman said.
“Look, just cause I’m not the smartest doesn’t mean I don’t know when I’m alright.” Virgil snapped. “I’m. Fine.”
“Is that what this is about?” Virgil turned to Logan at the sound of his voice. For the first time, it was so small, and so, so, hurt. Virgil almost started crying again, he didn’t want to hurt Logan at all. “You think that I don’t believe that you’re intelligent?”
“Well, I’m not smart at all compared to you.” Virgil couldn’t bring himself to look at his boyfriend.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?” Logan shouted, causing all the sides to jump back. “I’m sorry, Virgil, but that is bullshit.” Virgil finally looked up at him, and those eyes, oh god, those eyes. Eyes that held the wonders of the world, the beauty of complexity, and the heart that was so pure on the inside. “There is no one way to be ‘smart’.” He held up air quotes. “Intelligence can come up in a number of ways, and yours is by far my favorite.”
“Of course.” He adjusted his glasses, preparing for a long explanation. “The standard system has a way of measuring intelligence, by memorizing, and basic logic skills. This however, doesn’t compared to what you have. You think of every possible scenario, and analyze them to all hell and back. You find details that all of us miss, and you make every plan fool-proof. You caution us, and though it is sometimes irrational, it is still incredibly intelligent. You make us all complete, and you keep Thomas safe.” His gaze softened, tone as sincere as it could be. “You are incredible. And I love you for it.”
Virgil felt tears fall as he was pulled into Logan’s tight embrace, large arms wrapping around him securely. “I love you, too.” He mumbled into his boyfriend’s shirt, and buried his face in his chest.
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what-even-is-thiss · 7 years
I should probably just stop hijacking other people's posts. Somebody from the Sanders Sides fandom send me a fan fiction prompt. I want to write even more things. Maybe something to do with Logic. He's my favorite to write for but I'm terrible at coming up with basic ideas for him and all the ideas I find are either romantic or have something to do with Anxiety. So, in conclusion, please send me prompts. I want ideas.
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littlefirefox · 7 years
Why I ship the shit I ship
So,I know that shipping in general is a fangirl’s main thing.Basically,it’stwo people or characters that have a chemistry, fanon or canon that makes you super happy and giggly. I know that shipping characters is usually fine,because they aren’t real people, though people do fight over differnet characters.Then, there is shipping real people in the real world. I understand why morals are questioned, but if it does not directly affect you, then don’t bother. I realize that it’s hard to avoid people who ship IRL people, but that does not give you permission to be an asshole. 
Fandom communities are wide, broad and very diverse. You have artists, writers, bloggers, people who do all three, people who spectate, newbies, veterans and crack shippers along with many variations. It’s designed that way so that everyone feels like they have a place in a community. Fandoms are a great way to meet new people, observe writings from young writers and look at incredible art from all kinds of sources. So, why should a ship ruin your time.
I have many ships,as I’ve been in many differnt fandoms. Some, I stayed in a little but left, due to a new interest. Others, I am still in because I am so involved in the fandom or that I can’t get enough of it. Some fandoms I was in or currently are in right now, are: Thomas Sanders, Jacksepticeye, Crankgameplays, Markiplier, Teamiplier, Hetalia, Free!, Attack on Titan, Harry Potter, Supernatural,Sherlock, Doctor Who and at one point, Twilight. As you can see, almost all of them contain real people, whether actors or not. I know for a fact! that YouTube especially, is kinda new in the whole Fandom thing, as it can be hard to create and maintain a captive audiance and keep that audiance to create a fandom around that. But,with it’s growing popularity, YouTube fandoms are growing bigger. And with bigger fandoms, come shipping fangirls. 
C’mon though, there are a lot of collabs and there are quite a few that make you smile, because there is a chemistry between the people. Little chemistries that blossom into amazinga nd pure friendships. These friendships lead to meeting IRL and collabing together in the same location. (I’m mainly talking about gaming channels here). Fangirls love a good chemistry, and they are pretty fricking good at finding a quality chemistry and blowing it out of the water. Soon, there’ll be fanart, fanfictions and posts about these encounters, ranging from fluff, to angst to smut and lemons. We all know it happens, so deal with it. 
Then, come the realists, who start bashing ships with facts. “They aren’t gay”, “They have girlfriends” and “Why are you writing abotu REAL people??” So what?! It’s make believe and for fun anyways! FanFICTION! Fiction is not real / parallel universes, where this stuff can become a reality. Trust me, we know it’s not real. That doesn’t mean we can’t dream and create universes to make it real. 
But, that is not what this is about. You all probably know this, since I’m writing this on Tumblr. This is about my ships (which I will list a majority of them) and then I will (try) to explain why I ship it the way I do without a lot of words.
My ships include the following:
Phan (YT) This ship is one of the most famous, but I don’t ship it as most do. I view this glorious ships as the cutuest and purest brotp ever. I’m talking plaonic I love you’s, forehead kisses and hand holding. This ship for me is fluff! Because they’ve known each other for a long time, I don’t doubt they tried dating, but I can’t see it working out. I feel with their bond, it’d be awkward for them, so they break up, and just stay as incredibly close friends.
Jelix (YT) A semi-rare pair of YouTubers jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie. This is also just an incredible brotp for me. Any collabs they do are super fun and engaging and they almost seem like brothers. The playful fighting and insults remind me of a brotherly feel to their relationship. I know that Jack is dating Signe and she is an incredibly badass girl with killer style, and I ship Septishu so hard! They are absolutely adorable together!!
Septishu (YT / IRL ) Oh. My. God! I can’t even begin to explain this ship. It’s super cute and super canon! Wiishu is an INCREDIBLE person, with the gall to keep up with the loud tennis ball that is Jack / Sean. She has an amazing sense of style and her make-up is always gorgeous. How can ANYONE hate this incredibly adorable Danish badass?! Plus, she has her own YouTube! Any videos she does with Jack are incredibly cute and sweet. 
Tythan (YT) This one will garuntee get me in trouble... Tythan. Oh, the newest (kinda) ship of Ethan from Crankgameplays and Tyler from Teamiplier. Two guys who (maybe?) live(d) together and appear quite frequently on Markiplier’s channel. But, there is a chemistry between the adorable Baby Boy Blue and Stone-Face Tyler. With subtle glances, a couple hovering incidents and a bunch of adorable interactions, how can you not like these two boys. They botha re incredible and sweet people who just wanna spread kindness. How I ship this,I still don’t know. It’s  mixture of lovey-dovey romance with platonic friends who just get along great! I just like seeing my bois together!
Crankiplier- A weird pair, but I like the weird ones. Basically, it’s just Mark and Ethan as their current relationship is. They get along great and Mark has said that Ethan impresses him, with his perservearance of not giving up on his YouTube channel. Plus, thei have great laughs together and their collabs are hilarious! 
Cranksepticeye- Another odd-ball. I don’t know why I like this pair. It’s just, fitting? Both loud bois with colored hair with a dedication to making their fans happy. Plus, they have somewhat similar mannerisms, like constantly brushing hair out of their eyes, and their loud and hyperactive personalities, along with steadfast morals. To me, it’s a mirroring thing and besides, my bois are precious. 
Septiplier-No, THIS one will definitelly get me in trouble... Okay, this originally wasn’t going to be on here, but I ship this. Now, before you get your panties in a twist, let me explain this. I love the friendship of Mark and Jack. The banter and the playful jabs are so funny. They have girlfriends and I only ship them as friends. Much like Tythan. The dynamic chemistry between them, plus the banter, their Prop Hunt videos and general collab videos are hilarious. I did ship it romantically at one point, but not the smutty lemons and that. Eck. I like pure things with dynamic characters that have great chemistry. Septiplier is dead, but their friendship lives on in my heart, because to me, that’s all they ever would be. 
HETALIA: I should say this. All of these ships are based around Fanon only, as I’m not a fan of the show itself. I really love the fanon universe that’s been created.
RusAme- Shut up. I like a good, conflicting pair! A lot of good angst, and headcanons. These two are such a power couple.
FrUK- SIBLINGS!! I don’t ship this romantic. Their pasts are too deep and troubled for them to be romatically in love in my book. 
USUK- SIBLINGS!! See FrUK for the explanation. 
Spamano: A fiesty Italian matched with a lovey-dovey Spaniard who has a great ass? Sign me up! A pair tha’s dynamically opposed, hell yeah!
GerIta- It’s canon. You can notprove it too me othewise.
ScotEng- https://www.youtube.com/user/KamisWorld94 There ya go. These two (German??) cosplayers have created these characters so beautifully that I can’t help but NOT ship them.
AmeCan- Brotherly Love. Grown up together under heavy Native American influence until the British and French came, but still raised in similar ways and are the best bros ever!
DenAme- Two hyperactive, silly adults with the enerdy of 6 year olds? Yep! Two stubborn men with morals, a love for showing strength and then silly antics? Sign me up!
PrUK- Bros. I fully believe in the Head Canon that these two were twins. yeah. 
SpUK- Pirate. Days. 
Awesome Trio- Beer? check. Three men with childish energy levels? check. A home alone? check. Crazy, drunken antics? Sign me up!
SANDERS SIDES: Aka the zany personalities of the amazing Thomas Snaders
Polysanders- Because I love the idea of the aspects of Thomas loving themselevs and each other.
Drarry- Shut up. I can’t help it! I’m a slut for contradicting characters finally resolving all their hate for love instead, finding out that being gay is okay, and that they are happier. (I’m also a slut for 8th Year Drarry. Huh! be still my beating heart!)
Harmony- Come on! These two get along like brother and sister. Hermione always worrying about Harry, Harry making sure Hermione has some fun. He usually sticks with Ron on arguments, but he does side with hermione when Ron’s being and arse. They watch out for each other, and in thd Deathly Hallows, when Ron leaves and Harry tries to cheer her up? That was super pure and I love their relationship. 
Ginny X Luna- Cute lesbians both underestimated by others? YES!! Luna helps Ginny be a little more girly and Ginny helps Luna with her hexes. Ginny definitely is the protector, but Luna’s in Ravenclaw for a reason. She’s super witty, and exceptionally clever, with music. Plus, Luna and Ginny having sleepovers where they braid hair and just chatter are my achilles heel!
WolfStar- What? Come on! I love Maruaders so much! I would pay a lot of money, to have a Maruader’s universe series, written like Casting Moonshadows. That fic is a blessing on this Earth!! Plus, the YT group, Mishcief Managers have a to die for Marauder’s universe and even a killer Drarry storyline!
Notice: I am not tagging any of the people mentione din this for good reasons. Many of them have said that they do not want to be tagged in shippy stuff that’s about their friends. At least, that’s what I’m trying to prevent. I love them all, because they are all amazing people, so don’t be douchebags and tag them. (What I mean is by @ ) I will tag the various ship names, and fandoms.
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