#smitten zoro
swirlymarimo · 1 year
Zoro: *staring at Sanji's forearms*
Sanji: *filleting a fish with his sleeves rolled up*
Franky: Oi, you're practically drooling on the table.
Zoro: Hm?
Franky: Bro...
Sanji: Oi Zoro.
Zoro: *panic* Y-yeah?
Sanji: Go see if Usopp and Luffy caught anymore, I need about 4 more of these to make this dish the way I want.
Zoro: Sure. *exits the kitchen*
Franky: You have him wrapped around your finger don't you?
Sanji: You think?
Franky: That guy would give the sun and stars to you if you asked.
Sanji: *chuckles*
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hyacinth-04 · 9 months
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Seaside restaurant owner Sanji!! 🐟🐠🐡
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kendyb21 · 16 days
Contains: Some explicit and suggestive behaivor
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They love their dramatic 🍑 boyfriend.
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viwifie · 9 months
there's no heterosexual explanation for this
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ilovepinkhairedpeople · 4 months
ngl... one of the scenes that stuck in my head the most during wano arc was law just having an inner monologue where he slowly develops understanding and respect for zoro. like, during dressrosa, he didn't really know him that well but despite this, zoro still invited him for a drink together. bUT LIKE WANO... WANO ARC HITS DIFFERENT.
its the way that the battle above (???) was the first time law truly knew the extent to which zoro would sacrifice himself for luffy. at first, he mostly just saw him as a vice captain whose as stupid (and a drunkard) as his captain but its that fight in onigashima that set his records straight. its the way that zoro stepped in to protect the rest of the worst generation despite him not being close to them. its the way that zoro continues to contribute to the fight despite his bones having been broken already. its the way that law stares at zoro in total awe as he wonders how zoro is able to pull such a stunt despite his worsening condition. and i believe that it was then he realized zoros pride, ambition n loyalty which pushes him to constantly support luffy in whatever way he can. its the fact that law saw and showed his care for zoro by suggesting that they retreat. however, zoros pride and loyalty towards luffy is an impenetrable force that he cannot break through. it was zoros sheer determination that made him able to make kaido bleed.
nothing like a good dose of lawzo dynamic to end the day 🙏
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I wrote some angst again after a long time and now I want to write something and make it angstier. 😭
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revasserium · 8 months
Pining Zoro and blind-to-it Reader?
opla!zoro; 3,422 words; fluff fluff fluff so much fluff, straw hat!reader, fem!reader, (seeminlgy) clueless!reader, lots of pining, banter, teasing, smitten!zoro, the whole nine yards
summary: in which everyone knows zoro's got it bad for you, except for you, of course.
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“so… i should just… talk to her.” zoro says uncomprehendingly, blinking at an exasperated nami, who has to take a long, steadying breath to keep from shoving him overboard. the waves beneath them are calm, the day above them, a gorgeous, endless stretch of blue so brilliant it almost pains the eyes to stare.
nami resists the urge to pinch her nose bridge as a dull ringing starts to echo in her ears.
“yes. sweet god — just go up to her and say ‘hey, i think i might like you’ and i guarantee you, things will go from there.”
zoro shifts his tightly knitted arms, squinting at her as if she might be lying or purposefully luring him into a trap, “go? so there’s a chance it could go badly.”
this time, nami really does drop her face into her hands, groaning loudly.
“well there’s always a chance it could go badly —”
“sounds like a bad idea to me.” zoro looks away, eyes still narrowed as the light sea breeze ruffles his hair, a colony of news coo squawking loudly overhead, one of them dropping down to careen towards the going merry, landing on the thick white railings next to them, ruffling it’s feathers as nami pushes off to dig in her pocket for some berry.
“oh! newspapers here!” your voice makes both zoro and nami jump, and a second later you’re bounding up the stairs to the forecastle deck and stuffing some berry into the news coo’s bag. your arm brushes by zoro’s as you lean over to offer the news coo a piece of dried shrimp, which it considers for a second before leaning forward and gobbling up.
nami gives zoro a soft shove from his other side, leveling him with a meaningful look before turning and making a show of going to check on her tangerine grove.
zoro doesn’t have time to glare before the news coo takes off with a pat-pat-pat of wings, leaving you and him very much alone on the sunny fore-deck. he purses his lips, casting about for something to say even as you hum happily to yourself, your arm still painfully close to his as you unroll the newspaper and flip though, blissfully unaware of the inner turmoil of the man standing next to you.
“uh — anything interesting?” zoro asks, desperate for something, anything to fill the silence.
you shrug, “nope… just the usual — uptick in piracy along the coast, tightening of marine patrols…” you turn and cast him a grin that makes his stomach twist inside him like a contortionist from buggy’s freakshow.
zoro clears his throat, thumbing absently at the hilt of his swords before taking a deep breath.
“hey — uh…”
“hm?” you turn towards him, with your wide attentive eyes and your stomach-curling smile.
zoro blinks, his gaze flickering from your soft button nose to the way the wind twines its fingers in the loose strands of your hair. two twin pearls glitter from the lobes of your ears and he feels the tension melt from him as he sucks in another breath.
just say it, nami had said, just tell her.
really, how hard could it be?
“i uh — there’s something i wanna talk —”
“wait, hold still,” you say, your eyes going wide as you lean forward suddenly and zoro’s visions tunnels in around him — you’re close, closer, too close/too close/too close!
your fingers card through his hair and he has to bite back the shiver that rockets down his spine as you pull your hand back with a black-tipped feather.
“the news coo left you a present,” you say, laughing as you offer him the feather.
zoro considers it for a second before taking it from you.
“it could’ve left worse,” he says, recalling the few times that he’d gotten bird shit in his hair.
you giggle; the sound makes him want to scream but instead, he settles for clearing his throat again.
“now, you make a wish,” you say, nodding towards the feather in his hand.
“never heard of that before,” he frowns slightly, “thought you could only wish on dandelion seeds and…” he waves at the endless stretch of sky above you, “shooting stars and stuff.”
your smile is so wide that zoro thinks his cheeks might start to hurt for you.
“haven’t you heard that rules are meant to be broken?” you ask, offering him the feather again. he looks at you, then at the feather, and the back at you.
“okay — i wish —”
you squawk flapping your hand, “no! you can’t tell me what the wish is! otherwise, it won’t come true!”
zoro smirks, cocking an eyebrow, “i thought rules were meant to be broken?”
you blush the most darling shade of red and he decides to take it easy on you (and, honestly, himself). so, he plucks the feather from your hand and closes his eyes, making a soft, silent wish. a wish that, in truth, he’d been making since the moment he met you.
when he opens his eyes, it’s to find you staring.
“kay. now what?” he asks, rolling the feather between his thumb and forefinger.
“now…” you gently tug the feather from him before opening your palm and letting the wind whisk it away, “you let the sea take your wish. and if you’re worthy, it’ll grant the wish for you!”
zoro lets out a breathy laugh, “if i’m worthy? and how’s it supposed to know that?”
you lean in, and if it were anyone else, he might’ve been annoyed, but with you, somehow, he finds himself charmed.
your voice is conspiratorial as you whisper, “because… the ocean knows all the secrets the sky can’t keep.”
at dinner, with you by his side, usopp detailing some imaginary adventure, nami laughing, sanji blowing smoke rings towards the middle of the fire-lit deck. your cheeks are pink from the wine everyone is passing around and for a second, you bump into him and turn — he turns towards you too —
your eyes catch like unsuspecting fish to a bobbing hook and zoro feels his stomach tug as you grin up at him, the night sky caught in the flutter of your lashes.
he can’t help the way his gaze flicks down to your lips, and then back up again.
“feel like sharing?” you ask, nodding towards his half-finished bottle.
wordlessly, he hands the bottle to you and watches as you bring the mouth to your lips and take a long drink. he tracks the soft bobbing of your moon-lit throat and feels his own mouth go dry at the sight.
across the fire, sanji watches with a growing smile and nami rolls her eyes.
“oi, moss-head — mind if i take a swig too?” sanji asks as you hand back the bottle, dragging the back of your hand across your lips, and zoro turns to pin sanji with a glare.
“get your own,” he says, before polishing off the rest with a few hard sips and tossing the bottle into a rapidly growing pile.
zoro licks his lips and tries not to think about the way your lips had fit around the bottle just right; he tries not to wonder if you’d taste like wine. or, if he’d even have the mind to think that far if you were to let him kiss you.
“… and then, you pull it through… like this?” you slowly bring your arm through a swiping movement, your hands clutched around the hilt of a wooden training sword. zoro sighs, shaking his head.
“uh — not quite — here,” he pushes off from the barrel he’s sitting on to circle around behind you, wrapping one hand around both of yours, the other palm curling around your middle to press against your stomach, “you’re breaking in your waist again — keep your core tight and —” he helps you swing the sword through in a swift arc.
it takes him a second to realize how close you are, how he can feel your entire back pressed against his entire front, how perfectly you fit into his arms, how easy it’d be to hold you to him and never let go.
“so just… practice that a few hundred times,” he says, stumbling back as his cheeks go hot and he feels the inexplicable urge to toss himself into the calm, saltine waves below, if only to cool down just a bit.
“will you practice with me?” you ask, your smile wider than the sky is wide — zoro is sure.
he blinks at you for a second before making a show of sighing and rolling his eyes.
“ah… i guess i could use a bit of practice too.”
he pulls out the wadou ichimonji and takes his stance next to you.
“ready?” he asks.
you nod, glancing over and adjusting your posture.
“okay, how many are we doing?”
zoro casts around for a number, “a thousand.”
“five… hundred?”
you cast him a look that makes his stomach flip inside him.
“how about we start with a hundred, and then i’ll see how i feel from there?”
zoro clicks his tongue, smirking, “i could do a hundred in my sleep.”
you make a show of rolling your eyes, “fine then — go take a nap!”
zoro huffs as he clears his throat, “right then — let’s start — one, two —”
you squeak as you hurry to catch up, jumping as he reaches out a hand to correct your posture.
up on the foredeck, luffy watches with usopp by his side.
“hey! i wonder if zoro would teach me sword tricks if i asked!”
usopp sighs, clapping luffy on the back even as he shakes his head.
“uh — not that i think he wouldn’t but … maybe you should just… let them do their thing, yeah?”
“i think you really should tell her,” luffy says, slapping zoro on the shoulder, a bit harder than he’d intended. zoro winces, pressing a palm to his chest — still sore from their recent raid.
“i don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
luffy laughs, leaning forward against the railing, “nami said you’d say that.”
zoro fights the urge to scowl as he sighs, his eyes narrowed at the damnably calm horizon. at least if the weather weren’t so nice, he could make up an excuse to leave but —
“really, what’s the worse that could happen?” luffy asks.
zoro grunts, shooting luffy a sidelong look, “oh i don’t know, she doesn’t feel the same and shit gets awkward and —” he waves a hand at the going merry, “the crew falls apart.”
thankfully, luffy doesn’t pause to call him out on for once not denying it.
instead, he lets out a contemplative hum, “hm… yeah, that could happen. but… i don’t think it will.”
inside his chest, zoro’s heart clunks, strange and uncoordinated.
“why? she say something to you?” he can’t keep the curiosity from his voice, the stomach-squeezing anticipation he’d only ever associated with the heat of battle and a really good fight. but now, he feels it whenever you get too close, and he wonders if he can go insane like this — if one day his heart might just give out.
“nope!” luffy’s voice is too bright, too cheerful, and zoro feels himself rolling his eyes before he can stop himself, “i’ve just got a feeling!”
“a feeling.”
“yeah! and — have a little faith! the straw hat crew isn’t that fragile.”
with that, and another hearty clap to the shoulder that leaves zoro hissing in pain, luffy clomps off towards the kitchens, where sanji is already doing dinner prep. zoro lets out another sigh as he straightens, carefully stretching his arms to test the range of motion.
above him, a flock of migratory geese fly southward in a soft, arrowhead formation. zoro holds up a hand to shield his eyes from the sun as he watches them pass overhead.
a single feather flutters down towards him and he finds himself reaching out to catch in the palm of his hand.
a wish, huh, he thinks, twirling the feather between two fingers before casting around to make sure no one else can see him. satisfied that everyone else is either too far away or below decks, zoro closes his eyes and makes a wish —
alright roronoa, please. don’t fuck this up.
“ahem.” zoro clears his throat after dinner, making a point to down a couple more drinks than usual. he’s never been one to believe in liquid courage, but… it couldn’t hurt, right?
“can we, uh, talk?”
you smile a smile that threatens to crack his chest wide open, nodding.
“sure! what’s up?”
across the room, sanji visibly stills but nami catches his eye and shakes her head ever so slightly.
“c’mon… not in here,” zoro says, jerking his head towards the hallway that leads to the decks above.
“what’s got you so secretive all of a sudden?” you ask as he leads you all the way up to the crows nest, reaching down to help tug you up, letting his hand linger in yours as you grin up at him.
“i’m allowed to have secrets,” he says, turning to stare out at the darkened sea, the summer moon hanging low and full-bellied over the glittering waters, the stars winking like so many all-seeing eyes.
“we all are, but… i thought we’d gotten all your big ones after that one night the whiskey bar —”
zoro coughs, “alright, alright — don’t need to bring that up again.”
you laugh, leaning forward to pillow your cheek against your crossed arms, propped up along the edge of the crows nest.
“so? what’s this new secret, then?”
zoro swallows, “uh — wouldn’t exactly call it new.”
“alright then, an old secret.”
“not super old, either —”
you turn to look at him, half-exasperated, half-amused, but when you catch sight of his expression, you still, pressing your lips.
“zoro? is… everything okay?”
he ticks his tongue against his teeth and lets out a long breath, as if bracing himself for something before he says —
“yeah. i think —” he clears his throat again, trying to recall what nami had said about just saying it and he tries again.
“i think i might like you.”
the coil in his chest feels tight enough to snap, but you’re quiet as he turns to steal a glance at you.
“oh,” you say, you expression curiously contemplative as you look out over the darkened seascape.
zoro has to physically stop himself from shaking you by the shoulders — say something, goddamnit! say anything!
“so…” he says, knitting his arms across his chest instead.
you turn towards him, your eyes bright as twin stars.
“you think you might like me, right?” you ask, and for a second, zoro can only blink down at you, completely thrown by your lack of reaction. of all the things he’d imagined you doing — everything from getting angry to apologizing to throwing yourself at him with an impassioned speech about how you’d felt the same since the beginning — this was not one of them.
“uh… yeah, pretty sure that’s what i said.”
you cock your head, a quick, bird-like gesture that makes zoro’s heart skitter inside his chest, threatening to leap from his mouth as you continue to stare up at him, completely unabashed.
“ah… so what do you think we should do then?”
zoro stares, “… do?”
“yeah, because if you’re not sure if you like me… we should do something to make sure, right?”
and it’s then that he sees the soft, playful uptick of your lips, the glittering darkness behind your eyes. the tension in his chest seems to loosen even as he lets out a breath, chuckling before quirking an eyebrow and taking a step towards you, caging you in against the crows nest’s edge.
“mm. you’re right — i can think of a few things we could try, though.”
“yeah?” you voice is little more than an exhale on the wind, but it’s the last thing zoro tastes before he finds his lips on yours.
as far as kisses go, zoro would later think back, it was a pretty damn good one.
it started as a slow kind of kiss, a soft, unfurling of breath on breath, and then lips on lips. the ghost-friction of promises made and kept and unbroken, the first spark to a fire that had been threatening to consume him since the moment he’d heard you laugh.
and then — just like that, he’s kissing you. and you’re kissing him back, the gravity and inevitability of it making his head spin even as he presses in closer. it is sweet and warm and trembling — soft and hard and deepening. he runs his tongue along the seam of your mouth and savors the way you gasp open for him.
just him.
he swallows it like he wants to swallow you, reaching up to sink his fingers into the silk and gossamer of your hair, pulling you so close he can feel your heartbeat thrumming against his chest, your nails as they curl into the linen of his shirt.
it takes everything inside him to pull back, and everything else left not to dive right back in again. you’re both panting, a little breathless, and zoro — a lot relieved.
“so…” you say, your tongue flickering out to lave across your bottom lip.
zoro doesn’t try to stop his eyes as he tracks the spine-tingling motion.
you grin, biting back the shiver that chases through you at the deep, base rumble of his voice, echoing from his body to yours.
“what’s the verdict? have you decided if you like me yet?” you ask, batting your lashes even as he watches your own eyes drop down to his lips. a dark, warm, purring satisfaction curls inside his chest at the way your pupils dilate, black as the night, bright as all her favorite stars.
“hm,” zoro hums, leaning down to skim a knuckle along your jaw, slowly guiding your face towards his again, “dunno… jury’s still out… might have to try it a few more times. y’know… just to be sure.”
“mm…” you sigh as he leans down to graze his teeth along your pulse point, fingers tightening around your waist as he feels you tremble in his arms, “y-yeah… wouldn’t want you to be —” you hiccup as he sinks a soft bite into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, “uncertain.”
“no…” and his voice is all groan and gravel as he lets himself breathe you in, “we certainly wouldn’t want that.”
far below, beneath the decks of the going merry, sanji takes a long pull from a post-dinner cigarette, his lips twisting into a concerned sort of frown.
“it’s been a while since they’ve been up there. think we should go check on them?”
luffy shugs, still happily picking at the remains of the turkey carcass sitting in the middle of an oblong plate.
“they should be okay — i mean, they say that no news is good news, right?”
“uh, not sure that applies to this kinda thing,” usopp says as he makes to peak out of the nearest window.
nami swirls her drink, “i think they’re fine. and we’d hear if zoro threw himself off the crows nest, right?”
across the table, sanji blinks and luffy pauses in his munching.
“whoa, you think he’d really do that if she rejects him?” usopp asks, his face going a little pale.
nami rolls here eyes, “no.” and then a moment later, “but really, we’d hear him if he jumped, right?”
luffy licks his lips, shrugging, “dunno, probably though. he’s pretty heavy so he’ll make a pretty big splash.”
sanji taps a bit of ash into his empty bowl and lets out a long suffering breath.
“yeah, y’know really, no news is good news.”
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bountycancelled · 9 months
OPLA characters reacting to a sweet, girly reader who turns out to be a a ruthless fighter
genre: headcanons, fem! reader, kinda suggestive??, idfk just read it bro
requested: nope, but reqs are open! pls, for the love of god, request for the opla♡
feat: zoro, sanji
a/n: reader's feminine but not female if that makes sense, only witting again because I'm obsessed with the one piece live action. also, this may be a little ooc, since I haven't watched the anime/read the manga, sorry about that! also, if you wanna be added to my perm taglist, pls feel free to ask!
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when you first joined the crew, zoro was immediately unsure of what exactly you brought to the table. I mean, they already had a swordsman, a sharp shooter, a navigator, a dumb cook and a captain/motivational speaker. so what were you doing here?
from luffy's explanation of you, he was aware that you were a good fighter, but he had never seen you in action.
the only things he had seen from you were stuffed animals laying around the ship, pastel outfits he could spot for miles, and bows that had been put in his hair while he slept.
he was tolerant of you at best, and straight up apathetic at worst, but finally, there came a time where someone tried picking a fight with you since you seemed like an easy target while you were walking with him and nami.
although he wasn't particularly fond of you (lies), he still felt the need to defend you as a crewmate, but the ass whooping you gave the stranger made him freeze in place.
there was blood splatter on your pretty face, deep red sploches of your cute clothes, and a look of pure hatred in your eyes. and you had never looked more beautiful in zoros eyes.
that was the first time zoro had ever smiled at you. sure, he had slightly smirked at your cuter tendencies, but in that moment he was truly smitten with you.
from that day, zoro wanted to train with you. what you lacked that he had in experience, you made up for in absolute cruelty when fighting. you were quick, agile and you weren't afraid to make zoro hurt, and he loved every second of it.
zoro would sometimes smile when he saw bruising on his body from his time training with you but catch himself and go stone faced immediately. no, he was not falling for you, absolutely not.
except he was, and the next time you showed up by his side with a slight limp, some tears in your cotton candy coloured clothes, blood all over you, and a sadistic smile on your face, he would tell you as much.
sanji is unsurprisingly, enamoured by you the second you join the straw hats.
I'm talking, looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky, cheesy and constant compliments like "you're cuter than any of your stuffed animals, yn-swan~" and even brushing up on his baking skills to bake you aesthetically pleasing sweet treats that always put a smile on your face.
if I'm being completely honest, it doesn't bother him that he doesn't know exactly what your strengths are, you could be amazing at everything like barbie or you could literally not know night from day and he'd still admire you all the same.
one day, you're wearing bottoms that are on the shorter side not that sanji minds at all and you're out exploring the island you're at with him by your side, holding all your bags because in his words "angels don't do hard labour when he's around" when someone decides to hit on you.
you reject them politely, but when they make a less than appropriate comment about your outfit, you click your tongue and shake your head, readying yourself to hospitalise someone.
sanji's mood switches to one of being happy because he's around you to one of murderous intent the second this rando tries you, but you already have them wheezing on the floor with broken nose before sanji can even lift his leg off of the ground.
you're back to usual self, fixing the bow on your hair while complaining about how fucking hard it is to get blood stains off of your clothes, while sanji is thinking about how fucking hard he is
safe to say that this heartless, terrifying side of you makes sanji fall even harder and question whether or not he's a masochist.
he'll still insist on doing things like carrying you anywhere (most of your shoes you impractical as fuck, but style>functionality always) lifting things for you and treating you like a piece of fine china because that's exactly what you deserve, no matter how badass you are.
only difference is, now he'll never come to aid when it comes to kicking ass, because he enjoys seeing you take people to heaven and back more than anything.
he compliments now range from "omg you are the most adorable, lovable, doll-like angel I've ever seen" to "please punch me, step on me, make my nose bleed, choke me-" and he's now ten times more annoying about you than he was before, which no one thought was possible.
believe me when I say that images of you in frilly outfits with your eyes gleaming like diamonds eveytime you make someone bleed occupy 90% of his thoughts. (the other 10% is all things cooking, of course.)
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OPLA is so gay and Luffy is so ace that's it's not even subtle
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I can't find anymore screenshots so -
*Koby and Luffy stargazing in the boat*
*Insert image of Nami and Kaya on the couch*
Nami trying to find a dinner outfit and asking Luffy: "How does this look?" "Looks like Nami."
*1 outfit later*
"Still looks like Nami."
Usopp asking Zoro: "If you were Kaya would you like me?"
Luffy: "I like you already!"
Usopp: "No that's not what I - whatever- Zoro-"
Zoro: "You're asking the wrong guy."
This live slug reaction:
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*Every single interaction Zoro has with Sanji*
*Literally the moment Luffy was like, "This tastes great!" Sanji was smitten, absolutely doomed to join the crew.
*The fact that the writers both included and let Gin live, jackass captain be damned. What does this have to do with the list? Idk, I love Gin.*
*Luffy just totally going shell shocked when Zoro's hurt while the rest are rushing to help him*
Mihawk at Luffy: "Although I do like that hat." I laughed my ass off because I totally didn't expect that - they totally knew what they were doing adding that to the script you can't convince me they didn't. Mihawk's not even hiding it. He knows exactly who that hat belongs to. And also the fact that he was sent to capture Luffy, saw the hat, and said to Garp's face, "Nah I think he should be a pirate lmao get fucked."
*Mihawk's entire existence should literally make everyone swoon*
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swirlymarimo · 1 year
Baby Blues
"Your eyes are beautiful."
The statement comes from nowhere, completely unprompted it seems to the cook who's leaning against the wooden banister of the Thousand Sunny's upper deck with a half-forgotten cigarette burning close to his fingertips. It's only that he's unable to see how the golden sunset and the deep blue of the ocean reflect in his irises.
Zoro can. He's been willingly sucked straight into the stunning pools of blues and the dark blackness of his dilated pupils for the better part of the past half hour. They were chatting about simple things, like the little details of their day. As bad as it may sound Zoro wasn't really paying much attention to Sanji's latest dilemma of boredom with his dishes. He was craving to make something new, something that excites the tongue whatever that means. Instead, he was discovering completely new hues of blue that pooled along the inner edges of his pupil and how there was a dark ring of navy surrounding the outer rim. They were stunning. He's always thought so, ever since first eye contact.
"My eyes?"
Sanji chuckles, the randomness of the compliment taking him by surprise. He has no idea what prompted his partner to say such a thing. After all, he had just been venting about his recent and very displeasurable creative block. He thinks Zoro must have been halfway listening like he sometimes does. It's not like he was being rude or disinterested, Sanji knows what's happening. Zoro is staring at him again, and his brain is simply turning to mush.
"Yeah, they're blue just like the sea."
An obvious observation. The sea was blue yes, and so were Sanji's eyes. It was a common bit of knowledge. Still, he understands what his lover means by this. He's attempting to offer sweet nothings. Despite that though Sanji has the desire to play around with the swordsman and play coy.
"So you like the color of the sea?"
If Zoro had two eyes to roll he would have. Instead, he spares a side-eye toward the man that loves to irritate him even in moments when he's trying his best to be romantic.
"No. What I like is your eyes, the sea reminds me of them."
Certainly, Sanji can't twist that. He'll have no choice but to acknowledge his sweetness. Or so he thinks. A favorite pass time of Sanji's is to make things more difficult for him to get some kind of entertainment. Moments like these are not always exempt from that.
"But you knew the sea before you knew me."
Zoro raises an eyebrow but he has the perfect retort right on the tip of his tongue.
"And I never thought it looked particularly beautiful until then."
"Take that," he thinks to himself. It almost serves as a second compliment, his beauty being the reason Zoro can find beauty in the water. Typically romantic praises aren't his strongest quality but that one felt like a champion to him.
Sanji cradles his chin into his hand putting his body weight fully against the sturdy wooden banister. That was quite sweet hearing the last confession. No one has ever said anything like that to him before and he would be a liar if he claimed not to have butterflies in his chest. He passes a soft smile to the man beside him.
"What did you think was beautiful before the sea?"
It's an honest curiosity. If his eye's had become the reason Zoro could think of the sea as a beautiful thing, something that almost everyone would think then he wants to know what beauty meant to him before that.
Zoro seems surprised by the question as if he hadn't ever thought about it before. He looks out across the calm waters and searches his memory for an answer. Pretty things never held much value to him in his youth so he never bothered with any of them. Appearances had little to do with the truth of it all.
"I never cared about things like beauty. I knew what kinds of things usually look nice but I never paid attention to the beauty in other people." He supposes that's a good shortened way to explain how he'd learned to look past appearances.
Sanji didn't understand his lack of interest in beauty. From a young age, appearance was always something important whether it was how one was supposed to dress or simply the world around you.
"Because it didn't matter to me," Zoro answers truthfully. For a very long time, he chose to believe that beauty meant nothing in the grand scheme of things but as he grew older he learned to appreciate the value of lovely things. Not shiny jewels or flashy appearances but the beauty of people's smiles, and how important it is to see a little bit of good in the world.
"And it matters now?"
Zoro reaches a hand out and gently caresses Sanji's cheek with his thumb. Stroking gently along the sharp jawline as those pretty blue eyes find his again. He smiles widely as he answers.
"Of course it does. Beautiful things like the blue sky and the crystal sea, the warm glow of sunsets, and the sound of smooth singing. It all seems beautiful to me now because it all reminds me of you and you are beautiful."
Sanji can't help the small chuckle that escapes him or the blinding smile that stretches across his face.
"You've gotten so soft."
Now it's Zoro's turn to chuckle. Thinking about how he once was in comparison to how he is now and it's like night and day.
"Is that a bad thing?"
He's gotten so far in life and he believes that if he'd never let his guard down and allowed his softer side to grow that he never could have become who he is right now. He wonders what that would have been like.
"Of course not."
Of all people, Sanji understands perfectly that softness is not a weakness but a strength. He may be the one mostly responsible for encouraging Zoro to drop the steely facade and learn to enjoy himself.
"Can I kiss you?"
All of his gratitude goes to the man in his arms and all he wants to do is thank him for persuading him to become this big softie that's head over heels in love instead of the bitter, angry, lonely man he could have been.
"Do you want to kiss all beautiful things?"
Sanji smiles through the cheeky question, enjoying the small laugh he draws from Zoro. He wonders if Zoro knows that he's beautiful too when he lets that wide smile that wrinkles the corners of his eyes show.
"No. Only you."
Afterall Zoro only finds a few things in life pretty enough to kiss but only one of them is capable of kissing him back.
"Then please do."
Sanji grins as his nose bumps against Zoro's, their faces having gotten closer as they talked without knowing it. In seconds their lips are pressed together in one of the softest, sweetest kisses Sanji has ever been given, all of this because Zoro thought his eyes looked nice in the sunset.
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willowbelle · 3 months
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The Right Direction
zoro & falling in love with you
per this request from my 500 follower event!
❤︎ roronoa zoro x fem reader ❤︎
༉‧₊˚✧ (nsfw, afab!reader, 18+ only) ༉‧₊˚✧
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cw: dom!zoro, teasing, first time sex, thigh-riding, oral sex (f!receiving), piv sex, reassurance, praise, hair-pulling, rough sex
summary: poetic beginning, zoro is head over heels in love, jokes about how zoro is directionally challenged (lol) zoro is a bit jealous, gives in to his longing, zoro is very skilled with his mouth (three-sword style, duh ;) first time sex, porn with plot, zoro confesses his love. (awe)
word count: ~5,000 (omg)
tagging: @bby-deerling @eelnoise
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The Right Direction
Falling in love with you was a sensation that crept up on Zoro quietly, unexpectedly, and with no warning signs. 
It was an allconsuming feeling that took him abruptly, tugged at his heartstrings, and left him utterly and painfully smitten. 
Zoro is persistent in all that he does; headstrong and resilient, forcing himself through the trenches without a second thought.
This quality remains true as he attempts to make you his. 
He’s guarded, of course, desperately attempting to conceal the fact that he is so blatantly head over heels in love with you. 
He carefully masks his emotions behind a facade of casual indifference, forcing himself to maintain his typical cool demeanor even as his insides churn and scream with longing. 
Though he may feign disinterest, his heart pumps your name into his veins with every beat; loud, intense, unavoidable. 
Your form is etched into every crevice of his brain, your voice a permanent chorus in his ears. No matter how hard he tries, you remain an indelible mark, intoxicating and exhilarating. 
You’ve ignited something within him; a flame that courses through his veins and makes him feel new; uncharacteristically tingly and vulnerable. You coax these feelings out of the innermost parts of him; parts he'd never shared with anyone.
He often finds himself disappearing into his mind to find you; materializing your image beneath his eyelids, fantasizing about what it would be like to call you his. Your essence permeates every corner of his body, and he can no longer ignore the unmistakable presence you've marked within him.
He avoids your gaze, tilts his head up and wrinkles his nose to deny you conversation; he’s messy and obvious, but it’s fun to play along. 
The others notice, too; Zoro’s quieter than usual, more reserved. This brute of a man seems softer, now, entrapped in the sway of fantasy and daydreaming. 
He’s been overtaken by something greater than he’s ever experienced, more compelling than sword fights, even. It’s new, foreign; it’s the unmistakable sensation of falling in love. 
You've unknowingly embed yourself into every fiber of his being, having taken command of his every move, sitting confidently on your throne in his skull. 
Zoro’s entrapped by emotion, and for once, he’s careful where he places his feet. 
He’s quiet, sturdy, cautious. But, he persists, like he always does; bold and confidently, almost embarrassingly so. 
“What’s got you so quiet lately, Zoro?” Nami questions, “You seem real out of it lately.”
“I’m always quiet,” the green-haired man grumbles, not even wasting the energy to open his eyes as he sits relaxed against the wood panelling of The Sunny. 
“Yeah, I know,” the young navigator chuckles, “But this seems different.” 
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t,” he sighs indifferently.
His good eye opens suddenly, ears having pricked up by the mere sound of your footsteps. 
He knows you’re there before you've even arrived; chatting and laughing with Luffy as the two of you walk into the main area of the ship. 
Nami notices the shift in his demeanor as you waltz by; his typical stoic behavior has dissolved entirely, and he’s now anxiously tapping his fingertips on the wooden floor, iris following your every move with a level of precision that simply couldn’t be brushed off. 
A smirk tugs at the lips of orange-haired woman, and she hums knowingly, 
“Ah, I see.” 
“Shut up,” Zoro rasps, he’s talking to Nami, of course, but his head has tilted in the direction of your body, entranced by the hypnotic sway of your hips as you and Luffy make your way into the kitchen. 
A twinge of possessiveness pricks at his skin, and although he knows Luffy is quite innocuous, and you’re certainly not his, he still gives in to the pull of his domineering tendencies. 
“Fuck, hold on,” he groans, rising to his feet, following you and the captain. 
Nami chuckles softly to herself as the swordsman departs, 
“I see.” 
The kitchen is warm and lively like usual; crewmates strewn about the dining room haphazardly as they chat loudly about nothing and everything all at once. 
Zoro immediately spots you, even amidst the ruckus; he’s grown quite fond of your appearance, you seem to always catch his eye.
You’re standing in the corner of the dining room, shoulders parallel to the table as you lean against the wall. You’re turned towards Luffy, head thrown back as you clutch your stomach, laughing at something the captain said. 
Zoro’s heart feels funny in his scarred chest, but he can’t quite place the feeling. He feels hot; hot and anxious, seeing you there with someone else. 
He grits his teeth and clutches the satin binding around his abdomen, moving forward with purpose. 
For once in his life, this stubborn man lets his yearning takes the reigns and lead him in the right direction. 
He advances next to you, wedging his broad shoulders between you and the captain, mirroring your action as he leans against the wall.
The sudden intrusion frightens you a bit, and you jump, playfully swatting at his muscular shoulder, 
“Jeez, Zoro, don't sneak up on us like that!”
Luffy grins brightly, happy to see his right-hand-man joining in on the festivities. 
“Hi, Zoro!” Luffy’s signature laugh erupts from his chest as he roughly pats the swordsman on the back. 
“Luffy,” Zoro begins, lifting a muscular arm to point towards the stove where Sanji’s busily working, “Cook’s almost done, don’t let your food get cold.” 
“Oh, you’re right! Thanks, Zoro!” Luffy beams, immediately perking up and bouncing off the wall, making his way towards the cook. “Sanjiiii!” the rubber man whines, his voice trailing off as he continues on. 
You chuckle softly at your captain’s one-track mind and turn towards Zoro, expecting him to be laughing, too. 
Except, he’s not. His face is like stone, per usual, utterly serious, his brooding demenour burning holes into your visage. 
 “Y/n, come with me,” he grumbles, voice low and hushed. 
“What?” you question, tilting your head. Surely, you'd heard him incorrectly. 
The green-haired man says nothing, just grabs your delicate hand in his strong, calloused one, leading you away from the kitchen. 
“Can’t ignore it anymore,” the tall man grumbles, his back turned to you as you blindly follow his lead. 
“I-Ignore what?” you stutter, “Zoro?” 
Desire has crept up his spine and sunk its claws into his shoulders, digging into his neck to nip at his ear; it's unavoidable, now, and he has no choice but to give in to its unwavering persistence. 
In an instant, you’re twirled around and pressed against the wall of the hallway, Zoro immediately closes the gap, his chapped lips crashing onto yours with such intensity it makes your brain rattle in your skull. 
The kiss is rough and electrifying in its suddenness, but Zoro is skilled, lacing his rough fingers through your hair as his thick tongue pushes its way into your unsuspecting mouth. 
“Mmm!” you let out a surprised whine at the intrusion, but welcome it, running your delicate hand along his jawline, cupping his face in your palm.
He tastes like salt and booze but you like it.
You can faintly hear his golden earrings jingling as your mouths dance together, and your lips turn upwards into a smile against his. 
“Whatcha smilin’ about?” the tall man grumbles into your mouth.
You playfully bite his bottom lip in response, gently tugging on the tender flesh, “I see the way you look at me," you giggle against his lips, "How long have you been waitin’ to do that, Zoro?”
He hesitates, silently weighing the choice between remaining in his familiar role as the silent, indifferent figure in the corner, or yielding to your inquiry. Though he desires to cling to comfort, something new tickles at his throat, threatening to escape. 
“Too long,” he groans.
At his confession, you grant him control again, removing your teeth from his lip and pressing your tongue against his once more. 
You’re ravenous, tugging on his shirt collar to get him closer, pressing your lips against his with such intensity it feels as though you’re melding into one. 
You’re a moaning, sweaty mess; you’ve never been kissed like this before. 
He’s rough with his lips, but kind, still, calloused thumb tracing circles into the apple of your cheek as his drool spills down your chin. 
Your crewmate moaning into your mouth, his fingers dancing in your hair as he keeps you pressed firmly against the wall, coupled with the way your tongues are dancing together so intensely, passionately, you feel your head start to grow fuzzy. 
You begin to lose yourself, entranced in the bliss of the embrace, so you pull away, huffing, 
“Zoro,” you whine, “Please.” 
He groans at the loss of contact before pulling away, too, taking a precautionary glance down the hallway. 
“Walls are thin,” he grumbles, “My room,” he grabs your hand once more, pulling you along, “Let’s go.”
You don’t even think twice before following the swordsman, for once, you place your trust in this stubborn man to lead the way. 
Soon enough, you’re kissing again, but this time, Zoro’s seated on his bed with you standing in front of him.
He slides his big, strong hands up and down your sides; he’s greedy with his touches, softly massaging your flesh in his calloused palms as they move up and down your ribcage. 
He makes you feel small and you like it, as if he could pick you up and throw you, but still catch you if you fall.
“Come on,” he mumbles against your mouth, moving one hand down to pat his thigh, “Sit.” 
You acquiesce immediately, straddling his big thigh, whining in pleasure at the new sensation. You silently curse in your head, you’ve already relinquished control to this man and you’ve only just begun; he’s got you hook, line, and sinker, and he knows it. 
“Good,” he chuckles softly, lips turning upwards against yours at his ability to command you so easily. 
“Shut up,” you tease, wrapping your arms around his strong neck, lips melding together once more. 
His hands travel down, gripping your hips firmly. He instantly begins to move you, rocking your hips back and forth, earning delicious moans to escape from your lips as your needy sex grinds back and forth against his muscular thigh. 
“W-Wait,” you rasp, and he does, holding you still and glancing up at you, “I-I want to feel you” you whine, tugging at his shirt. 
He averts his gaze as his hands travel down to wrap his fingers underneath the hem of his shirt. You’d never seen him like this, he looked shy. 
His fingers trace along the fabric for a moment  before he slowly lifts it up and over his head. Your eyes widen as his physique is revealed; you’d seen him shirtless before, but never like this. This was passionate, vulnerable. As the fabric is peeled away, the contours of his muscles greet your eyes, and you twitch, core tightening at the sight. He’s toned and tan, beautiful. 
The long scar spanning diagonally across his chest, from his shoulder to his lower abdomen, was enticing. It added the allure of something foreign to you; danger, strength, leaving you openly oggling and aching to know more. 
His gaze meets yours again, and the sight of your astounded face makes a dark blush rush to his cheeks. 
He pushes the shyness down, as is his custom, arrogance surfacing once more. 
“Like what you see?” he smirks playfully. 
You lean forwards to plant a soft kiss to his thick neck. 
“You tell me,” you start, your voice a sultry whisper as you begin to kiss down his neck and chest, “Seem like I like it?”
Although he tries to push it down, a low groan inevitably escapes from his throat, making him tense at his own vocals. 
The unsuspected noise makes you smirk against his bronzed skin, satisfied with your ability to make this silent, stoic man groan from a mere kiss. 
You prepare to jest, but he beats you to it, already speaking before you can interject
“Don’t start,” he groans, “You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this,” he admits. 
And with that simple confession, you’re the one blushing, instinctively rocking your hips against his thigh.
A satisfied noise escapes from Zoro, “See,” he smirks, “You’re no better.”
You know he’s right, so you dodge protesting, unapologetically grinding your hips back and forth as you continue to kiss down the contours of his muscles. 
“Fuck,” his head teeters back as he curses, solid hands finding their place in your hair. 
He leans back to rest on his forearms, giving you more access to his torso. He watches on as you make your way down, shuffling off him to sink to your knees in front of the mattress. 
Realization strikes and he leans forward to cup your chin in his big palm, tilting your face upwards to meet his gaze. 
“Stop,” he commands, making your eyes widen, fearful that you’ve done something wrong. However, he smirks again, settling your nerves, “Swap with me.” 
Heat rushes to your face and finds its home in your core; taken off guard by his suddenness and unwavering desire to please you. 
You listen, of course, rising to your feet as he does the same. He swiftly lifts you, making you giggle in surprise as he gently tosses you onto the plush mattress. 
He takes your previous position, sinking to his knees in front of the bed, his large hands instantly finding their place on each of your thighs. 
He squeezes your plush flesh firmly, sliding his hot palms up and down your legs teasingly. You sigh in pleasure at the contact, letting your head fall back onto the mattress as you let the green-haired swordsman worship your timid body. 
He continues his gentle pursuit, sliding his hands up to meet the fabric of your denim shorts. He taps your leg with the rough padding of his fingertip, making you crane your neck to look down at him, 
He shoots you a questioning glance, silently asking for permission to remove your clothing. 
Your heart warms at his request for consent, and you nod softly, making his lips tick upwards into a gentle smile. 
A rough palm slides up your body, prompting you to relax against the mattress once more. 
His thick fingers find their way to the button and zipper of your shorts, one hand traveling to the side to grip the waistband as the other works diligently on the metal confinements. 
Your body tingles and goosebumps begin to bud all over your skin as the sound of your zipper along its track meet your ears; this was really happening. 
Zoro’s fingers curl under your waistband and you instinctively raise your hips to aid him in sliding the fabric off your body. 
“Thank you,” he smirks.
You take the opportunity to remove your shirt and bra, too, and he watches, unashamed at his blatant desire to gaze upon your naked form. His eye widens at the sight of your pretty breasts, your nipples hardening as the cool air meets them. 
“Fuck,” he says, his tone is soft, but ridden with admiration as he openly ogles you, “You’re beautiful,” he praises, sliding a hand up to grasp your left breast as he nuzzles his face between your thighs.
His warmth breath meeting your slit through your panties causes a desperate, shaky whine to escape from your lips. You crane your neck to gaze down at him, your bottom lip tucking under your teeth at the sight. You nibble at the tender flesh, desperately awaiting his next action. 
He slides both hands down to rest on your trembling knees before spreading your thighs, making you suck a suprised gasp into your lungs. 
He shoots you a wolfish grin, gaze never leaving yours as he playfully bites at the soft fabric of your panties. 
“Mm!” you whimper softly, head rolling back as heat rushes to your face, eyes screwing shut tightly in anticipation. 
He kisses along the soft skin of your inner thighs before taking the waistband of your panties between his teeth. 
“Hey,” he speaks clearly, despite still clenching down on the fabric, “Look at me.”
His lusful command has you complying instantly, despite your embarrassment, and you find yourself leaning up on your forearms to gaze down at the green-haired man between your legs. The sight alone makes your core tighten and flood with warmth. 
As soon as your eyes meet his, he begins pulling. He slowly inches your underwear down your thighs, all the way down, allowing them to fall down your calves and pool at your ankles.
He kisses up your legs again, making your lip tremble as you whimper desperately for him. 
He smirks in response to your silent plea, rewarding you with a firm, wet kiss to your aching slit. 
“Sh-Shit,” you hiss, back arching off the mattress instinctively at the long-awaited contact. 
You keep your eyes on him, just as he instructed, and he continues to worship you, fingers moving in to spread your wet folds, making you whine. He plants a line of passionate kisses down your needy slit, lips meeting your entrance to kiss it before slipping his tongue through his lips and swiping at your weeping opening. 
“F-Fuck,” you curse, “Z-Zoro…” “Mmm,” he moans against your cunt, “You taste so good.”
His tongue works diligently from the get-go, lapping at your slit like he’s starving and you’re his last meal. 
“Ah, fuck,” you moan shakily, sweat beginning to bead on your forehead as the man between your legs works greedily; each flick of his hot, thick tongue making stars erupt beneath your eyelids. 
Flames of pleasure tickle your skin, singeing your flesh as Zoro works his way upwards, instinctively latching onto your aching clit and sucking ravenously at the swollen nub. 
The sensation makes you cry out, delicate hands darting down to rest atop his head, trembling fingers lacing in his hair and tugging needily at the moss-colored strands. 
Euphoria washes over him, the culmination of receiving everything he’s ever wanted finally hitting him. He’s between your legs, your legs, and the desire to please you overpowers any other craving he’s ever experienced. You top everything, even his passion for swords, his desire to become the world’s greatest swordsman, you reign supreme.
He wants nothing more than to please you, love you, make you come undone beneath his touch. He wants to burn himself into your brain and fill your head with nothing but visions of him, his name falling from your slack jaw over and over again like a needy prayer. 
And here you are, doing just that. 
He continues his pursuit, pressing his face into your cunt harder as his tongue darts up and down from your weeping opening to your pulsing clit. 
Your legs begin to tremble, but Zoro’s grip remains firm; keeping your thighs wide open so he can continue his dirty work. 
He’s groaning into you, earning just as much pleasure from this as you are. His gaze is penetrating, not leaving your face as you squirm beneath him. It’s undeniably magnetic, captivating, and as much as you want to throw your head back and avert your gaze, you can’t. He’s locked onto you with unyielding intensity, and you reciprocate, staring down at him, face red and mouth hanging slack as you pant. He looks unbelievably good like this, natural, even, as if his face was always meant to be slotted between your quivering legs.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” he presses, his low voice clear as day even as it’s hungrily suckling on your clit. 
You’re astounded by his ability, his gifted mouth,  and then you remember, 
“Th-The three-sword-style pays off, huh?” you tease, words shaky as you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching.
“You tell me,” he replies smugly, slowly shaking his head back and forth to treat your clit with more stimulation, "Does it?"
“Fuck!” you cry out, relinquishing control, allowing your orgasm to take the reigns, washing over you with such intensity it feels as though you’re levitating. 
Your veins tingle beneath your skin, and you tremble, gushing onto the swordsman’s skillful tongue, earning a low grown from him. 
“Mm, fuck,” he growls, continuing to lap at your pulsating sex, overstimulating you beyond belief. 
You’re twitching and gasping for air, legs snapping shut around Zoro’s head as he slurps up all that you’ve given him. 
He leans up, chin coated in your essence, a confident grin spreading across his face as he revels in his sense of accomplishment.
He rises to his feet, making your chin tilt upwards as you stalk his movements. 
His scarred chest heaves up and down as he gazes down at you, attempting to catch his breath, too. 
In an instant, his stong hands are at the waistband of his pants, working diligently to remove the fabric. He slides them down his tanned, muscular thighs, stepping out of the article of clothing  and kicking it to the side. 
His eye never leaves your face as he begins to pulls down his boxers; he wants to observe your face as he reveals himself to you, to catch every reaction and relish in each one. 
Your eyes widen as his cock springs free; your face abandoning your desires to remain nonchalant. You knew he’d be big, but fuck, he’s far bigger than you thought, and you struggle to imagine how all of him was going to fit inside you. 
He advances forwards, hands falling at either sides of your head as he holds himself above you. 
You suddenly feel very small as he cages you in like a predator does its prey; his big, strong arms tensing as he hovers over you. 
Your pupils are wide and lust-blown as you look up longingly at the strong man above you. 
Your gaze is telling enough, and he smirks, bringing a hand down to grip his cock. 
He slowly begins rubbing his tan, weeping tip against your slick folds, causing his bottom lip to tuck between his teeth as he groans. 
He’s unbelievably sensitive and uncharacteristically nervous, determined to love you adequately, to give you what you deserve. 
“Just tell me if it’s too much, okay?” he rasps out, abandoning his tough-guy persona to gift you with the reassurance he knew you so desperately needed. 
You nod, smiling sweetly at this foreign kindness. 
With your approval, he begins pressing in. The stretch is evident and you it makes you whine, instinctively reaching up to dig your fingers into his muscular back. 
His good eye is half-lidded as he gazes downwards to watch himself enter you, hissing at the feeling of your tight opening accepting the blunt tip of his thick cock. “I’ve got ya,” he assures you as he continues. 
“M-mm, Zoro!” you whine out, throwing your head back and shutting your eyes tightly. 
It feels like he’s splitting you in half as he inches his way inside you, but you feel safe underneath this burly man, regardless of the pain. 
Eventually, through tears in your eyes and nails down his back, he bottoms out, groaning at the sensation of his twitching cock being fully engufled by you. 
His hand returns to its place by your head, and he leans down, planting a strong, passionate kiss to your open, panting mouth. 
His kisses trail from your lips to your cheek, to your ear, “Tell me when you’re ready,” he rasps. 
You stay still for a moment, allowing your body to acclimate to the intense feeling of Zoro’s big cock stuffing you full. 
You lean up to kiss him, tongues dancing together for a moment before you pull away again, looking up at him with big, needy eyes. 
Even though your eyes spoke volumes, conveying everything without a single word, you spoke nonetheless,
“I’m ready, Zoro.” 
With your permission, he begins, bringing his strong, able hips back to thrust into you. 
“Fuck,” you whine at the sensation. You could feel him in your stomach, stretching out your insides, and although there was an underscore of pain, it was overtaken by something greater, pleasure. 
“Sh-Shit, y/n,” the swordsman groans, “You’re so fucking tight.” 
He begins thrusting in and out of you, leaning down to latch onto one of your hardened nipples. 
Your body jolts beneath him as he moves; the feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of your tight walls was an overwhelming feeling that had euphoria seeping from your skin and your brain swiveling in your skull. 
“Oh, Zoro,” you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist, fingers still gripping onto his back tightly. 
“Fuck, I love feeling you open up for me, y/n,” he groans against your breast, picking up the pace in response to your heels desperately digging into his lower back. 
“This what you want?” he smirks, leaning up to watch himself disappear into you over and over again. 
“Y-Yes, Zoro!’ you mewl out, “P-Please harder!”
You had pleasure in your sight and you were chasing it hungrily; Zoro’s talented hips aiding your eager pursuit. 
“Fuck, Y/n,” he groans as he gazes down at your trembling form, “As you wish,” 
He begins thrusting harder, faster, making heat pool in your head as your mouth hangs slack, moaning loudly and without care.
You already feel yourself going dumb on his gifted cock, screwing your eyes shut as you allow pleasure to overtake your body. 
The moment your eyes shut, he stops, making them shoot open again to give him a needy stare. 
“Z-Zoro,” you whine, pressing your heels harder into his back, praying he gets the message, “W-Why did you stop, Zoro? P-Please,” you whine.
He remains still, determined to teach you a lesson, “Keep your eyes on me, y/n,” he groans, his voice is strict and authoritative, but still riddled with ecstasy, “In fact,” he begins, moving a strong hand up to grasp your hair, tugging firmly on the strands to force your gaze downwards, making you whimper. “Watch it.” 
He begins moving again, blush dancing across your sweaty cheeks as you watch Zoro’s big cock move in and out of your tight folds. 
“W-Wow,” you moan out, keeping your eyes on the spot where your bodies meet. 
“Yeah?” he moans, “Nice isn’t it?”
“M-mhmm,” you whimper in agreement, letting your mouth fall open as blissful moans escape from it. 
He starts thrusting hard again, gritting his teeth as he watches, too.
Your combined moans barely mask the lewd sounds of your sloppy cunt and your skin slapping together. Zoro’s still got your hair gripped tightly in his hand as he fucks you hard, his weighty balls slapping against your cunt each time he enters. 
You feel a coil tightening in your core, tingly and ready to snap at any moment. Heat rushes to your head and your limbs feel numb as you chase your orgasm; it’s fast-approaching and you’re insatiable. 
“I-I’m so close, Zoro!” you cry out desperately, and he groans, his cock twitching as he fucks you through it.
He relinquishes the hold on your hair as he thrusts into you mercilessly; confident you’ll keep your eyes where he instructed. 
“Z-Zoro,” you whine, looking up at him, you’re expecting him to still be looking down at your parts, but he’s not, he’s looking at your face. 
His heart pounds, blood pumping through his veins with both anticipation and trepidation as he stumbles over the sentence in his head. The weight of his emotions feels palpable on his tongue as he relinquishes control over the words that had been lingering on the tip for far too long. 
“Y/n,” he whines, a new noise, uncharacteristically needy and riddled with something greater than lust. 
The pace of his hips never falters as he confesses, the admission spilling from his lips with sincerity and spontaneity, as if it was always meant to be spoken, 
“I-I love you, y/n” he leans down, lips dry from breathing heavily as he kisses you,
 “I fucking love you.” 
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
༉‧₊˚✧ woohoo! this is my first full-length fic about a character other than law! ༉‧₊˚✧
i love zoro so very much, and have fallen for him even more while writing this! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
i hope i did him justice! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
& this is for my bff @bby-deerling so i needed it to be amazing ♡︎
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bowieandqueen11 · 8 months
Sanji With A Clingy Reader Would Include...
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Request: OH BABY telling about one piece is like unlocking a whole second heart of mine i have fully for that anime and manga and live action. and so, if you ever decided of course, you writing something similar to something you did on marvel once and sanji with reader that has no personal space and is touchy would be amazing. but also... kissing zoro is great to, if you ever decided? anyway! HOPE YOU LOVE IT (one piece i mean), and if not ignore me UwU
Ooh yess babes this is so SWEET!! :3 I LOVED IT omg hello to my latest obsession not me ordering the first collection of the manga
This was really sweet and fun to do, but I did stay up all night writing it so all comments are much appreciated!
Warning: slightly spicy, some mentions of fighting!
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @fanpageknight.)
Look at this man. Seriously, look at this man with his little bottom lip bite and eyes like the sun shines heavily out of them and tell me he would be anything less than absolutely madly, heart wrenchingly, soul crushingly enthralled with a clingy reader??? That's right you can't take the l on this one.
It all started that day when the three of you ended up shipwrecked on that sad sack excuse of a rock. When you and Sanji huddled on one side of the forsaken isle to stay away from the terrifying Pirate Zeff. His hands had shaken as he drew them up to his chest, but he mustered the nerves to string open the sack Zeff had thrown at his feet. Once he had counted out the cans, he offered all the food to you.
He wanted you to stay alive far more than himself. Ever since you had landed on his ship he had been smitten, and his weary heart would beat its last under this smothering sun as long as you would live on for the both of them.
To keep him calm: to stop his gasping, tortured heaves as he tried his best not to writhe in panic at the thought of never stepping back on safe land again, you would spent most of those 85 days sitting over the cragged edges. Sanji couldn't tear his eyes away from peering down at the gushing shards of stone below that seemed to rip up in tides and tear for his swinging feet; to try and distract him from sniffling any longer, your hand would tentatively creep over the rock until it landed flatly, and unceremoniously on top of his own. His fingers flexed beneath your own, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he folded them upwards, giving your hand a shaking squeeze: a dutiful promise, a flitting confession of love, that you just happened not to feel in your ruminations of the circumstances.
In fact, he asked you that night, in an uncharacteristically quiet and bashful voice, if you would keep his nightmares away by holding him like his mother used to. You felt terrible: you were so stunned that for a moment you stood with the last piece of mouldy bread you had in your hand in shocked silence. Poor Sanji thought you were about to reject him outright: throw what little he had left of his heart - that he had so carefully lifted out and placed in his hands to offer to you, only to have it thrown back to his feet in the usual ridicule he got for his love. His bottom lip began to tremble, until you nearly knocked him onto his bottom with how fast you dropped everything and flew over to lock him in a tight hug, not minding the fact that your shoulder was growing wetter and wetter despite the brewing rain each time Sanji buried his snivelling head against it.
So you would let him rest safely in the bracket of your arms: his left cheek resting in the warm stretch between your collar bone and your neck, his right hand draped leisurely around your waist as you told him stories of pirates and treasure: of the Deep Blue and tropical fish that shone like bursts of fragmented starlight every time their fins graced the water. Although he would groan any time you removed your hand from where you were stroking the wet strands of his hair back from his forehead, it was quickly replaced with wonderment as you would point up at a cluster of stars and whisper excitedly: 'look, there's some now!'
He had never been afraid of nights ever since that moment, not when the stars were still out and he could trace with the butt of his cigarettes the fish you had drawn specially for him in the skies. It was like a secret message: a lover's reminder that he was never alone. That you were always with him. That your beauty - your light, it shone everywhere, no matter where he was.
It was the first time he had kissed you, two forgotten children lost underneath the dripping crevice of your little hideaway. As your belly began to rise and fall underneath his elbow, and he believed you had exhausted yourself out after trying to make him feel better, he dared to dart up from your shoulder and press his lips firmly against your cheek. It had been quick, almost gliding past time like a dolphin leaping up out of the water, but it had meant so much to him that he curled up into a ball in your side and flushed a bright cerise, having to shove his fist into his mouth to stop his manic giggling from waking you up.
But you weren't asleep, and as Sanji settled back into your neck with a smile bright enough to rival the shine of buttercup petals, you swore as he began to drift off in the first peaceful dream he had had in years that one day you would return the favour, but in full.
The two of you were thick as thieves growing up, to the point where Zeff became so distracted by your antics that he often tried to separate the two of you by making you work the floor and Sanji either in the kitchens, or off fishing at the docks. Ten seconds later though, he'd be kicking through the kitchen doors again to find you leaning on the kitchen counter next to an eager faced Sanji, whose to busy to register Zeff's shouting. Instead he places the spoon to your lips, having spent half of lunch service prep cooking you a brand new recipe he had spent the whole night creating out of a medley of your favourite foods. He subconsciously licks his bottom lip, the tension in the room felt by the other chefs who try to carry on washing pans and cutting vegetables enough to put everyone on edge as Sanji refused to look anywhere but your lips. Holding his hand under your chin, his dipped eyes were broken by a sudden grin as a loud 'mmhhh' left your mouth and you chewed in sweet bliss.
Still ignoring Zeff's increasingly erratic rant, as Sanji goes to start cleaning up his pan you slide down to stand behind him, wrapping your arms tightly around your back and jutting your chin into his shoulder blade like a baby koala. You can tell he's laughing silently by the way his shoulders shake against you, but all he does is pull up your hand from his belly button to press sweet, dainty kisses up and down the lengths of your fingers, before dropping it down to press your palm flatly against his heart.
'I think that might be your greatest dish yet, buttercup!'
'From you, that means everything my precious heart.'
'Why do you call me that?', you murmur, refusing to lift your lips from his shirt.
'Well my sweet love, why do you call me buttercup? I mean, I always know I smell of butter and the likes-'.
He's distracted by your snort against the side of his neck, but the two of you are too love-strikingly embarrassed to say anything again. Even if neither of you could see the warm peach rushing up both your cheeks, Zeff could. He could also hear the padding thuds of Sanji's heart as he gripped his fingers that almost imperceptibly bit tighter around your hand, and he found himself sighing at how oblivious you two idiots were.
Sanji is definitely just as clingy as you, if not more so. You've definitely met your match in this man. I mean, any time you're out on the floor, handing out bread to tables and scanning the room to check if there were any patrons you may have to throw out by the scuff of their collars later, his eyes are trained on yours. He leans against the banisters, not even trying to remotely hide how obviously he's tracing your path with a dumbstruck, lit up smile. If you're in the kitchens, desperately trying to bite your tongue and not tear Zeff a new one as he chops his hands together and rushes you to plate up? He's sliding up to your side in an instant, throwing scathing looks at the man while trying to help you spoon thyme onto your bass, nuzzling the side of his head into yours encouragingly. If you have any free time at all? Sanji is fast on your heels, darting after you like someone's firing shots at his dress shoes, as if you have his heart tied to a string on your wrist as he seeks out whatever nook you're going to relax in. It doesn't matter if you're at the bar, watching the docks, or trying to hide from Zeff in one of the cupboards in the pantry: Sanji is squatting down and grunting as he shoves himself in right next to you. He sits criss cross, only satisfied when at least one of his knees is resting heavily over yours, and he has full access to watch what you're reading over the side of your neck.
He only fully settles, though, if you touch him in some way. He genuinely will begin mewling once your hand reaches over to brush your knuckles over his jawline, or your hand finds itself guided to bunch itself up in his hair. One time, he guided your hand into his lap, and you began to absentmindedly stroke your pointer finger along the seam of his inner thigh. Thank goodness you had your head buried in a book one of the pirate crews had come to swap some dried meats with you for, because it took every muscle in Sanji's body twitching: every finger clenching and unclenching into his knee until he drew blood not to knock you flat right there and then and kiss you like there was no tomorrow.
He gets a MASSIVE nosebleed - so gushing, in fact, that he tries to reassure you he's fine as you hold him by the elbows and lead his tilted back head and pinched nose down to Zeff for some help.
It becomes a very major recurring issue every time he looks at you. He makes sure to carry a handkerchief in his breast pocket from then on.
God, if he didn't love you more than anything in all the seas. If you weren't the only one that he let see past his charming nature: if you weren't the only person left in his life that truly could recognise the young boy left in his eyes, in his gait, in his smile, in his dreams. That little kid on that great big ship, the one who had found you stowed away behind one of the barrels of rum, and instead of calling for the crew had taken your trembling hand and led you into the kitchens, introducing you as his newest sous chef. That same kid, who stood beside you and held your hand so gently, so heartbreakingly gently under his as he guided you through lessons of chopping onions and sautéing garlic, breaking out into long strings of rushed, praising French every time you got it right. The same one, who would frown as if he were the one who had been hurt any time you burnt your hands or sliced your fingers. Who would unravel the knot at the back of his apron, and tug it over his head to carefully place it over yours.
'This always brings me luck', he would say as his fingers daintily tucked the strings underneath your shirt collar. 'But I don't need it anymore, because you've brought me all the luck and happiness a man could ever dream of, my cherie.'
The same kid who would tip toe out of his bed to sneak down to your hammock, crawling in and burying himself underneath your blankets where you slept in the brig, telling you fantastical stories about his mother until you fell sound asleep. He would watch you from where he lay on his side, hands folded by your head, as if you had hung every star in the wide skies. He would brush his fingers over the edge of your cheek and curl up beside you, wishing that every minute of every day of the rest of his life could be spent with you.
Yeah, smitten wasn't enough to cover it. Only destiny could be raw enough to draw the two of you to each other, Sanji always thought.
As teenagers, you would end every shift outside, sitting on the wonky boards of one of the jutted docks. Just sitting side by side, as you always wanted to be, pretending you weren't playing a game of chicken as the two of you teased and pressed and glanced your fingers over each other's, leaning back and looking up at the stars. Sanji always appreciated the better chance it gave him: shrouded in naught by wisps of moonlight and the rare flashing neon of ship string lights, to take you in as much as he could. You didn't mind the fact that he spent the whole time staring over at you. In fact, if you hadn't been so lovestruck, you might have found the courage to tear your head away from the horizon to meet the look of gut-wrenching devotion that always seemed to pour out of his eyes and beam only on you. It always felt like warm sunlight, sitting next to him, and so you finally dared a chance at grabbing his fingers and intertwining them between your own, pretending it was because of the sea chill spraying a fine mist over your legs.
Again, the squeeze he gave your hand was almost, almost imperceptible, but you felt it this time. And you could feel the look of enduring devotion he pierced into your skin, a warm tingle washing like a spring tide through your tired body.
He always knew. He always knew that if he had stayed on that rock, he would have been content to. Happy, even. Because he would have been with you.
'I love you', he said without words. He gave your hand another squeeze. 'I'm going to love you forever. No matter how many lifetimes. No matter who I am. I'm always going to find you, and I'm always going to love you.'
His voice nearly made you jump, surprising you at how it started with his usual buttery smoothness, before cracking with a thick gulp as his words trailed of. 'Never leave without me.'
'I promise, as long as you don't leave without me.'
He shakes his head. 'You never leave me. Not even for a moment.'
Sometimes, when the two of you are older, he still comes stealing into your room at night, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as his lips wobble into a frightened frown. Turns out, as he draws the covers back and comes reaching in for you, he had another nightmare that pirates had come to steal you away from him again. With an aching sigh for how stricken he looked, how desolate, you let him claw at your shirt and bury his head into the side of your neck until the rest of the world melted away.
He kissed you again, that night. When the feel of his legs strewn familiarly between your own began to burn against his skin, and the weight of hand perched over his thrumming heart became too heavy to bear in secret. With nothing but the light streaming like shards of pearly stars through the porthole to betray a moment so special, so longed for, Sanji let his eyelashes flutter close as he slowly... slowly pressed his lips against your cheek again.
This time, his eyes widened in shock as the feeling of your hand gripping at his jaw and turning his face straight on to your own. Before he can even open his mouth in confusion, the sweet pressure of your lips pressed against his top one. For a moment, Sanji doesn't move an inch: doesn't even breath, not even processing that the thing he’s spent every moment of his waking and sleeping life wishing for ever since he found you on that boat was actually happening, right here right now. He tries really hard to stop his whole body from shaking, as his silky lashes finally falter shut against the top of your cheeks and he tries to focus his whole attention on the way your plush lip seems to press so perfectly against his own.
When he finally pulls away, he lets out a loud 'OW' as he pinches his arm.
'What did you do that for!?'
'I had to double check this wasn't a dream, my sweets!'
And then he's on you again, like a ravished man gasping for air. God, he wasn't sure if soulmates were real, but when your top lip pulled down against his, and he could feel the thud of your heart synch against his own beneath the tips of his fingers, if he didn't know that he was yours.
He stays in your room a lot more often after that, using it as an excuse for you to help him button up his shirt during sleepy mornings, smiling at the feel of your fingers as they knocked against the muscles of his chest. It was also his favourite part of the day - the good morning kiss the two of you shared before you raced down to be at your shifts before Zeff decided to knock your heads together.
One time you forgot to give him one, too distracted by one of the sous chefs busting into your room with a bloodied nose and a chipped front tooth, whistling through the gap as he begged you to come down to the main foyer and help him break out a fist fight that had started between two gangs of rival pirates. The pout on Sanji's face that day was enough to make even the most bounty-heavy pirate's knees tremble. Every other chef steered way clear of his station, watching the arch of his back and the jaw in his muscle jump as he busied himself by frying his steak of tuna, so gutted at the loss of just one kiss. Not angry, no: just grief stricken, because this man seriously just adores you that much.
When you finally get your lunch break, the first thing you do is throw your napkin down on the kitchen ground and grab Sanji by his suit collar, enjoying the surprise tilt of his head as he drops his spoon onto his serving tray and allows you to lead his feet backwards to the fire exit. As soon as he's outside, you slam him gently against the wooden beams of the Baratie restaurant, and kissed him silly to make up for it. His look of trusting confusion suddenly melt into jumping heart eyes when your knee slides up between his thighs to try and pin him in place. His breathing comes out in harsh, shallow gasps between ferocious kisses, and you have to press him back against the wall every time he comes arching forward to follow your head for even more kisses. No, this was about you making him feel good. And by goodness, as your tongue pressed against the seam of his lips and tentatively ran over his front teeth, if he wasn't two seconds away from falling to his knees right there and then.
When you let him go, he slides down the wall like putty until he's sitting with legs stretched out and both his suit and hair a ruffled mess. He's literally never been more deliriously happy in his whole life.
Your favourite time of the day is when the restaurant closes, and the two of you finally have the kitchens to yourselves. Once you've tossed your aprons back onto the rack with a tired sigh, the only thing that can cheer you up is the sound of Sanji kicking his chair back with the toe of his shoe, and the sight of him beckoning you over to him with that tilted head and pearly beam of his. Mmh, how safe you feel, how loved as you collapse down to sit on his knees, and he tucks you in between the brackets of his arms in a vice so tight it could match any Marine knot.
You take one of his hands off the pen he was holding, turning his palm round to face you so you could fiddle with the rings he was wearing. You draw one up, curling his finger before your eyes, before slotting one off and sliding it onto your own ring finger. It was the one his father had given him: one he so loathed to wear, and yet felt guilt bore down too heavily on his conscious to ever take it off. You turned the one on top of it, one you know Zeff had given him after his first day working at the Baratie, and you smiled at the memory.
'You know', you start, still fiddling with his hand, feeling him shift his thighs as you pressed a gentle kiss on the pointer finger you were currently grasping onto. 'I may just have to keep this one.'
'Oh yeah?', he says dreamily, and you could feel his grin growing as he hid his burning face in the nape of your neck. 'Don't worry sweetheart. One day, once I find the perfect one, I'll give you a ring of your own.'
The two of you sneak out and share cigarettes out the back door a lot, where Sanji steps forward and kisses you like a man possessed every time you pinch the stub from out of his mouth and draw it along your bottom lip teasingly. When you try to get him to go back in, he just wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, spinning you around to stop you from leaving him alone. Laughing, you try to shove him off, swatting at the hands that form a tight clasp over your belly button, until his large fingers finally slide down to hold your waist. You glance behind you, smirking at the way his eyes are tightly shut in euphoria as ducks down, chest nearly enveloping in his desperation to reach your face again. His kisses become sloppier: smoke stained as they leave wet trails up your jaw, before he finally gives in and tries to make you laugh one last time by nibbling at the lobe of your ear.
Whenever he has a fight with Zeff, you have to hold him afterwards. The feel of your fingers curling the hair at the nape of his neck, or rubbing soothing circles into the sore muscles of his shoulders stops the furious darts of air from flaring his nostrils almost immediately.
Man has blaring heart eyes 100% whenever he's in a fight with rowdy customers, and you get to kick the flashy knife out of the last one's hand before the pirate could launch straight for Sanji's neck. He tilts his head at you with those amazed eyes, a gentle smile growing almost shyly on his face like a secret wink, before he throws his now empty plate at the pirate trying to sneak up behind your back. The crash echoes out through the booth area, a cry so furious: so full of rage that anyone would try and dare hurt you, that it makes all the remaining pirate crews crawl out towards the door on their hands and knees.
Stitching each other up afterwards is a motherfcking mess though, that Zeff straight up just abandons all hope of being able to use his kitchen. With a defeated rub of his pounding temples, he lets the door slam shut on his heel because he just can't deal with the two of you. He'd much rather pick up a brush and start sweeping bits of crushed and splattered asparagus off the floors than have to watch you to battle it out in a stiff competition of who could be more sickeningly, maddingly in love with the other. Between you standing between Sanji's entrapping thighs, closing you in tighter so you could have full access to kiss his bobbing Adam's apple as you use a rag to swipe bits of dry sauce off his neck, and him throwing his head back and whimpering, Zeff was going to go insane. Even worse, as soon as you're finished, Sanji's reaching between your fingers to lick split consomme off your nose.
The two of you are literally insufferable, and if every one apart from Zeff doesn't find it the cutest thing I-
When Luffy comes and wrangles Sanji into joining his crew, the chef's first thought is to be distraught. He seeks you out straight away, nearly breaking some poor fisherman's pole as he tries to hurdle over it and grip onto your shoulders, making you drop the barrel of dried meats you were carrying from Luffy onto the planks and watching Luffy nearly dangle off the edge of his ship to stop it from rolling into the ocean.
'Y/n- I- I can't go!'
'You're hardly scared!'
'I'm not scared of going, I'm terrified of going without you!'
You let him pour his heart out for a moment, before stopping his rambling, near sobbing mess of a sentence by bopping the tip of his nose. You giggle, swiping some hair from his forehead. 'Sanji, Luffy asked me to come first. I promised I wouldn't go without you, and I meant it.'
You manage to unlatch his twitching hand from your left shoulder, and give it an almost imperceptible squeeze. The tears that threatened to fall from his eyes finally cascade down, although he's so relieved that he's smiling through the blurriness. You swipe them away with your free thumb, finally, after all these years, feeling the squeeze of your hand that Sanji gives you back, before he envelops you in a breath taking hug.
'Awww, you guys are so sweet!', Luffy calls out from where he's hanging by his sandal off the railing of his ship. 'But could someone give me a hand before my hat falls into the waves? That would not be very cool.'
The first thing the two of you do once you're on The Going Merry is to find your bunk. Sanji isn't very subtle when he kicks your door shut with his heel, and comes scampering towards you like an upended sand crab, pinching for you until he's hefted you up over his shoulder and has unceremoniously landed you in your shared hammock. He's quick to jump in, straddling you as the hammock sways back and forth with the commotion.
He nearly starts crying again when he sees a flash of silver poke out from underneath your neckline; he grazes his hand over the chain, recognising it as his father's ring you had taken months ago. The one he had hated so much. The one you had tried to save him from. A small piece of him. A weight you tried to bear for him. A reminder of how much he was loved.
A confused Zoro, not realising there are new crew members on board, follows the sound of Sanji's voice crooning out how much he adores you, and how he loves you more than every star in the sky, down past the window on your bedroom door. Let's just say, he's not very impressed when he catches sight of the hammock swinging wildly from side to side, and an array of clothes thrown out and discarded in a mess around it.
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asliceofzosan · 4 months
Sanji is a lightweight.
He can't hold his liquor for shit despite his failed attempts to hide it from everyone else. The signs are obvious — the flushed cheeks, the hooded eyes, and the constant smile on his face that remains even if he's not talking to a lady. He prances around the room, socializing and laughing at every little thing, from the cool summer breeze tickling his cheeks to Usopp's tamest of wild stories.
He's also very physically affectionate. When he'd usually reject a hug from Luffy's impossibly long outstretched arms, intoxicated Sanji would welcome the embrace with glee. Chopper is rained with little kisses on his head every time he does anything remarkably cute (which is all the time). And he's seen playing with Robin's fingers absentmindedly as he listens to her talk about the ancient history of a forgotten world.
But there's also one thing Sanji becomes when he's had one too many drinks in his system...
He gets... honest.
Sanji on a normal day is blunt and calculated. He calls things out as he sees it yet still knows how to use his words to twist something to his advantage. Like how he knows how to appease Luffy when he gets adamant over food. Or how he somehow convinces Usopp to do something he'd normally be too afraid to do.
Drunk Sanji is a different kind of honest. Drunk Sanji is honest about things he never even utters if he was even a lick sober.
And Zoro? Oh, he's always been the one to bare witness to Sanji's honesty.
Zoro likes to think of himself as an honest man. He can omit the truth every now and then for someone's safety or to preserve their blissful ignorance, but most of the time he doesn't see any reason to lie. If he finds you annoying, he'll say it. To hell with your damn feelings about it.
But though he values honesty and trust, he sure can hide the truth. Because his own feelings take the back burner. He can't be emotionally charged when lives are on the line. He can't let his heart win out when his brain tells him it's a bad idea. He can trust a gut feeling but never the tug of his own heartstrings.
So witnessing Sanji's honesty — so rooted in the tresses of his stupidly big emotional heart — always has Zoro freezing in place. He can't handle it. But he can't push him away either.
He can hide his true feelings but by all four seas, he can't ever push them far enough away for him to ignore them.
For the embarrassing truth of it all is that every time Sanji looks at him, smiles at him, laughs with him, or even fights with him — Zoro is irrevocably, unequivocally, and detrimentally smitten with the curly browed cook.
He doesn't remember when (somewhere between Little Garden and Thriller Bark... who knows, really...) but he definitely remembers waking up one day and wanting to see Sanji first thing in the morning. He remembers the rapid beating of his heart when the man prepared his comfort dishes when Zoro was having a rough day. He remembers the sparks of electric fire seeping to his bones from a single touch, a brush of fingertips against his scalp with a whispered 'you need a haircut marimo', the ice cold chill that runs down his spine of watching this stupid blonde man attempt to sacrifice his life over and over again to save his friends. All these feelings he remembers and dreads and looks forward to all at the same time.
All come crashing down upon him until he's stuck beneath a mountain of untapped, unrealized, unacknowledged feelings — all because Sanji decided that for today's party he will hold Zoro's hand, and guide him to the galley so they could be alone.
"Marimoooo," Sanji sings, a light giggle cutting off the prolonged syllable, and Zoro has to actively remember not to crumble. He grips the edge of the kitchen counter, his knuckle turning white, with the other hand desperately clinging to a cheap bottle of sake.
"Auditioning for a musical, cook?" Zoro teases and Sanji sticks his tongue out at him. Zoro, despite all he's holding back, allows himself to chuckle.
"Shut the fudge up, dumb green haired muscle head doofus." (New note: when drunk enough, Sanji physically cannot swear.) He jabs a finger at Zoro's chest, unaware of the invisible mark he's left on his heart. "I wanted to tell you something, stupid."
"Can't it wait until you're sober and can kick my ass properly?" Zoro's deflecting and he damn well knows it. But Drunk Sanji is so unfairly adorable that if he lets him talk more, he might do something Sober Sanji would hate him for forever.
"I donwanna kick your ass!" Sanji throws his hands up exasperatedly. "No no no no thas' not important..."
"What could possibly–" When Zoro chanced a glance at Sanji, he stopped mid sentence. Hooded blue eyes were gazing at him intensely, an ocean of possibilities, a high tide of emotions washing onto the shore. Zoro can't look away. He wants to. He needs to. But he can't. Like a capsized ship at the edge of a whirlpool, Sanji's gaze sucks Zoro in with no pause for mercy.
Mercy that Zoro refuses to call out for.
"Zoro," He says it with a low tone, a soft voice, and with a breathiness he's never heard his name be uttered through before.
He feels Sanji's hand on top of his own before he could let go of the counter. He looks down and the man is tracing his scars. The ones faded overtime and the ones that are freshly closed over. There's a band-aid on his thumb that he's forgotten to remove from a week ago. Sanji's own delicate but kitchen worn fingers run over his knuckles. Each feather light touch sends electric shocks through his veins, a rushing heat that no shot of alcohol could recreate.
Zoro, despite everything his mind is telling him to do, turns his hand over and lets Sanji slip his fingers through and press their palms together.
They're closer now. He doesn't remember when that happened. But Sanji's face is so close, he could count the eyelashes fluttering gently between wakefulness and dreaming if he wanted to. He desperately did. Instead, his other hand raised up to cup Sanji's ever alcohol flushed cheeks, and feels his heart burst with the gentle smile Sanji gives him in return.
"Did you know?" Sanji whispers, thumb rubbing over a particularly nasty scar on the back of Zoro's hand.
"What?" Zoro indulges him. Just this once. "What don't I know?"
Sanji's smile brightens. He rests a hand on Zoro's chest. He feels Zoro's beating heart beneath his palm. Then he looks up, eyes twinkling with a simple but powerful emotion. Zoro's only seen him look like that once before. Back when it was just the five of them from the East Blue, their borrowed ship from Syrup Village, and their feet on a barrel promising to achieve their dreams.
Pure and utter joy.
"Did you know... that I'm so happy that you're my friend?"
Zoro's breath hitches and Sanji hiccups, sudden tears flowing down his cheeks. He doesn't attempt to hide them or wipe them away. Zoro feels them fall onto his chest as he watches Sanji cry with the biggest smile on his face.
"You're the first friend I had that was my age," He continued, bringing Zoro's hand up and nuzzling against his palm. "I never had friends growing up. Was surrounded by old geezers telling me what to do half the time. Joining the crew... This is the best decision I ever made."
Then a faint kiss was placed on every scar Sanji could see on Zoro's hand. Piece by piece, Zoro's resolve crumbled, and he felt tears prickle at the corner of his eye.
"You're my best friend, Zoro. Did I tell you that?"
"No," Zoro whispered. He takes Sanji's other hand and kisses the rough pads of his fingertips too. Sanji watches him, mouth slightly open in a dazed smile. Zoro wonders if he'll remember this in the morning.
"Why haven't I?" Sanji asks him, or perhaps wonders aloud. Zoro just shrugs and keeps kissing up Sanji's hand. With each kiss, Sanji lets out a sigh, gentle and inviting. Zoro chooses not to answer.
"I love having friends," Sanji says stumbling forward slightly at Zoro's ministrations. Zoro catches him before he falls and Sanji throws his arms around him, clutching tightly and giggling so much that he's almost losing breath. "I love having you in my life."
A tear falls down Zoro's cheek. He tightens his hold around the cook and thinks the exact same thing.
Sanji burrows his face into Zoro's shoulder, hiccuping again. "Can we stay like this for a little while?"
"We can stay like this forever, if you want." Like this as in always by your side. Like this as in holding you every time you ask for it. Like this as in who we can be if alcohol didn't make you forget everything you say to me.
"I have to cook tomorrow though." was Sanji's brilliant response and Zoro couldn't help but laugh. He's waited this long for something like this. He can wait until morning for a conversation a little more serious.
"Yeah, cook." Zoro obliges, leading Sanji to the cushioned bench by the dinner table. "We can stay like this for a little while."
"Yay," Sanji cheers softly, his voice already starting to slur. Zoro lets him rest his head on his chest as he curls up and around Zoro like a koala. "Warm."
Time moves by slowly. Zoro's fingers run through silky blond hair as they talk about silly insignificant things. Sanji's giggles get softer and softer. His breathing evens out. Soon enough, Sanji's eyelids have closed and he's sleeping soundly, clinging as tightly as his unconscious body permits onto the swordsman.
Zoro knows that when morning comes, they'll have to talk. But for now, Zoro allows himself to bask in the warmth of Sanji's honesty. Allows himself to let Sanji's genuine gratitude of meeting and joining the straw hat crew wash over him like the gentlest of cool sea breezes after a long and hot day.
And he can be assured, as he drifts off into his own slumber, that Sanji loves him.
And that Zoro loves him too.
inspired by this tweet
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ilovepinkhairedpeople · 2 months
yknow whats in my head rn? perona n kuina would make such a cute couple 😭 token masc x fem lesbians 🫶🫶
like just imagine perona visiting kuina in the dojo and making fun of zoro together. and she makes cute little lunches for kuina which are animal themed (making onigiris in the shape of kumacy fr)
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lehguru · 6 months
one piece men having a muscular fem!s/o feat. monkey d. luffy, roronoa zoro, trafalgar d. water law, sanji, donquixote rosinante, buggy the clown
info: again FEM!READER , this is so self indulgent its embarrassing; not proofread
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luffy wouldn't mind you having muscles. he thinks that's something normal – just like some women can be skinny or chubby, others can be muscular. he would love to compare his biceps to yours if you love to flex, he takes it as a fun playful thing. he would adore to train with you, it gives him a big motivation; not only because it's someone as strong as him training, but also because he would adore to share earbuds with you and do silly dances to make you laugh between your sets.
zoro thinks the way you managed to build up your muscles is amazing. he often talks to you about your training techniques and diet; you're also one of the few – three – people he invites to workout with him. if you spot him during bench presses, he always puts a higher weight than he would while alone – that's his way to show that he trusts you and your strength. he will often stare at your body at the gym, but it's never in a creepy way, he just wants to make sure you're okay while doing your exercises (and he secretly enjoys to see your muscles working).
law is constantly wanting to rip his hair off with worry for you. he thinks your psyche is nice and he have no problem with it, his fears lie on your diet and your bones/joints. he fears that you might get an injury and you're not keeping a healthy fat percentage; even if you reassure him and say everything is fine, he always show up with food at your place. if he's not in that worried state, he loves to feel your muscles while you hug him (he has a skinnier build, so he enjoys the contrast). his favorite thing ever is to feel your arms around his head while he lays on your stomach.
sanji would love your body no matter what, but there's something about you being able to lift him up – and even throw him around if you want to – that drives him insane. if you post a picture with any of your muscles flexed, you will get a dozen of comments from him. if you take him to the gym to train with you, he will praise you and won't even train so he can "appreciate and help a goddess like you". he begged you for a long time to give him a headlock so he could take a picture and make it his profile picture in every single social media he have (and the background on his phone).
corazón always get shy whenever he looks at any of your muscles – you often notice it, because his cheeks become a nice shade of pink. at first you thought he didn't like you being muscular, but quite the opposite. unlike his brother, he doesn't build up muscles that easily (they have the same genetics, but he always says he was born to be the skinny brother), so you, the love of his life, being muscular? he is over the moon. if he gets your consent to do it, his hands will be all over you. if you need a massage, he's there. if it's just resting on your thigh or your back during a cuddle session, he's happy. he loves your muscles a lot, not more than he loves you.
buggy thinks you're one of the coolest people because of your muscles. he always wanted to be bigger and scarier, but his muscles always seemed to grow on his legs and stomach only, so if you are well-balanced on all your body, he is smitten. he loves to lay on any part of your body, giggling to himself if he thinks about doing that when you two are apart. he is constantly praising you, but, unlike sanji, they come in a more "if you were the queen, i wouldn't mind being the jester" way. he wouldn't mind tagging along with you to the gym, but he would spend more time glaring at any other men that looks your way than actually training.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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lawsbbygirl · 6 months
Compiled in this post you'll find all of my favorite LuLawLu fics! Enjoy your reading and make sure to leave kudos/comments on the fics you enjoyed <3 The fics are listed in no particular order other than Completed vs Ongoing. I will update this list as I find more fics that I enjoy, also to add some that I've probably forgotten.
Completed works:
when we go, we go together. by happychi 3,694 words, M "When Law dies, he spends an eternity searching for forgiveness. It was the first time anyone had smiled at him in over a century." Beautifully written fic where Law is cursed with being a reaper. This fic made me cry, it's absolutely gorgeous and bittersweet. The "D" stands for Daddy by bokkuroo 9,033 words, E Bonney uses her powers to age Luffy up, and Law starts gay-panicking! I am insanely weak for dilf!Luffy and this fic hit all the right spots with the delicious smutty goodness. A new favorite of mine!
Fanservice. by Mil0o2 23,169 words, E Law gets a new neighbor who happens to be his favorite dom pornstar "PirateKing56". Incredibly hot BDSM smut and I love the way this author writes both Law and Luffy. Delicious fic, definitely a favorite of mine.'
Keep You Safe by Rei_the_Rat 7,904 words, E "A favor and a threat that could destroy everything they hold dear, bring Law and Luffy a new opportunity to face unspoken feelings from a previous encounter." LuLaw Demon AU! This fic is gorgeous and the ambience is fantastic. Definitely a classic and a must-read!
carve your name (eat you like crème brûlée) by Trashgalore 11,556 words, E Luffy is insatiable and Law has to deal with it. PWP! Check the tags for potential CW!
Slipping Through My Fingers by Camafeu 8,525 words, E Luffy takes care of Law and eats him out. Porn with feelings! Pride is Before the Fall by Heart_Core 2,232 words, E "Law’s pent up from all the stress of traveling with the straw hats. When Luffy offers to help, how can he refuse?" Super yummy PWP by one of my favorite LuLaw authors! Seashell Lovers by cosmicatta 2,020 words, E "Law is learning to be free. Luffy helps him." This fic is so beautiful and soft and I'm smitten with how gentle and understanding Luffy is in it. Definitely a must-read!
Inhuman Potential by sydneyxface 82,094 words, E Exciting thriller featuring vampire!Luffy and pathologist!Law! Bloodplay ensues. Check tags for CW! My Heart Is Still Beating (But I Lost It Long Ago) by betsib 27,097 words, E Post Apocalyptic AU! "Law is travelling alone between quarantine zones when he comes across a young man with three bullets in his torso and an unflinching look in is eyes." Extremely well written and thrilling fic. Read tags for CWs! feel the rythm in my chest by shishiswordsman 9,140 words, Gen Bodyswap AU! "Law and Luffy decide to swap hearts for a moment. They end up swapping much more than that." I love this fic so much, it's funny, has angst AND fluff!
Ashes of Life by chenziee 10,248 words, T Canon Compliant series filled with Hurt/Comfort and lots of fluff where we follow the two captains relationship from Zou until Wano. Beautiful!
melting into you by adore_yuu 9,873 words, E Luffy discovers fanfiction and Law has to deal with it. Gorgeous and delicious one-shot!
Curiouser by xairylle 10,125 words, E Luffy asks Law to read him to him while he fucks him. Law complies reluctantly. Smutty goodness with great dialogue!
Stow Away Captains by xairylle 1,884 words, M Zoro POV. Law sneaks into the men's quarters on the Sunny and Zoro doesn't know how to deal with it. Awkward and funny as hell!
lowkey by gentoopengwyn 6,350 words, T Fluffy and hilarious Modern AU where doctor!Law has a secret husband who turns out to be Luffy.
more than a physical attraction (it's a passion) by gentoopengwyn 11,517 words, M Luffy simps for Law! Fluffy goodness.
I Could If I Wanted To by dunkinicedcoffeebeverage 5,615 words, E Law can't lie due to unforeseen circumstances and Luffy shows up! Smut and fluff. promises under the rising sun by Yakarmi 3,736 words, T "Luffy promises Law freedom." Canon compliant one-shot set on Zou. So sweet and soft!
quote, liquid courage, unquote by naturecalls111 7,475 words, E Law consumes aphrodisiac and Luffy kindly helps him with his problem. Smutty goodness.
Trials and Titillations by Callunar 42,796 words, E Luffy eats a mystery fruit and grows tits. Jealousy and misunderstandings ensue.
cough it out, loverboy by frogsterz 4,029 words, Gen Law comes back from Punk Hazard with a mating bite. Who could the mysterious alpha be that gave him the mark? Fun and cute omegaverse AU!
Saline by pbjnotes 19,321 words, M Modern AU with organized crime! Law is a doctor and has been terrorized by Doflamingo for many years, enter Luffy!
Aurum by bimarian 13,177 words, Gen Soulmate AU where Luffy learns about colors and the feelings they represent for him. Beautiful and soft.
Find Our Place in the Sky by lampalot7 4,615 words, T "Luffy is the Sun, Law is the Moon, and an eclipse brings them together." Beautiful and soft Moon/Sun God AU.
Modern Medicine Didn’t Prepare Me For Transmigration by betsib 17,018 words, T Isekai AU! Law gets transported into the world of the fantasy romance novel he's reading and adventures ensue!
Hook, line and sinker. by Mil0o2 1,323 words, E "Law is drunk and horny and makes sure Luffy knows exactly that." Service top Luffy PWP!
As Warm as the Sunlight by Camafeu 6,160 words, E Modern AU Porn with Feelings! Luffy finally gets to put marks on Law.
How To Top A Cop by initforthelolz 5,895 words, E Luffy is caught speeding and tries to convince the cop pulling him over to forget his crime with questionable means. PWP!
House Call by ZuviosGemini 4,854 words, Gen Sick Fic Modern AU! Law nurses Luffy back to health. Very sweet and fluffy comfort fic.
Meet Me in the Drift by riverofnara 28,460 words, T Pacific Rim/One Piece fusion! Luffy tries to convince Law to become his Jaeger co-pilot.
Shoot Me with a Smile by OliveGardenSafeSpace 42,161 words, M Mafia AU! Law is a mafia family boss and rescues Luffy during a heist gone wrong.
A Shiver of Pleasure by Camafeu 6,805 words, E Modern AU! Porn with Feelings and fluffy blankets.
i think she might be robbing (she can take what she wants) by Trashgalore 13,821 words, E Fem!LuLaw! Everyone is genderswapped in this roomate to lovers story. Fluffy and smutty!
The Straw Hat and Heart Pirates 'Alliance' by KivaEmber 6,706 words, Gen Smoker cockblocks Luffy and Law and hilarious situations happen in this series. Fluff and humor!
What Feelings? by Brewit 2,680 words, E Law is the last one to learn that him and Luffy are in a relationship. A story about how their relationships evolved! Fluff and a bit of smut.
You Don’t Love Me by xairylle 2,312 words, T Hurt/Comfort. Law has forgotten how to be honest.
A Summoner's Worst Nightmare by cringewerewolf 34,199 words, T "Law summons a demon to help him take down a crime lord. It all goes downhill from there." Hilarious AU where Law summons demon!Luffy!
Two Sinners' Conversation by bimarian 7,599 words, M "In which Luffy and Law redefine what a conversation is on their wedding night." This is technically part of a series, but this can be read as a stand-alone one shot. Fluff and smut!
Sick Heart by Cel0x 7,427 words, E Law and Luffy had been apart, missing each other deeply, and they have a delicious reunion. Porn with Feelings!
The Morning Comes Early by Alte 7,813 words, E "Law finds a new way to get a good night’s rest after forming an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates." Very sweet and one of my comfort fics! Not a Ball or a Chain by HollowIsTheWorld 79,341 words, T Modern Soulmate AU! Asexual Luffy, Demisexual Law. Law grows up hoping he'd never develop a soulmark and tries to avoid meeting his soulmate.
the sea throws rocks together by manhattanvalleys 2,072 words, E Future Fic. Porn with feelings. I would recommend reading the three fics from this author in order. This one first, then the two below.
(but time leaves us polished stones) by manhattanvalleys 3,133 words, E Future Fic. Porn with feelings.
something that you might perhaps forgot to say by manhattanvalleys 4,391 words, E Future Fic PWP. Gorgeously written and a fic I can re-read over and over again.
Bloodied Knuckles by bimarian 9,099 words, E Flower Shop and Tattoo Parlor AU! Porn with Plot. "In which Law saw Luffy punching the life out of his rude customer—and decided right then and there that his ass was getting laid tonight." Dark Luffy, and Law's into it. Read tags for CW!
what the ocean gives by betsib 5,570 words, T Merman!Luffy gets saved by doctor!Law! This fic has a special place in my heart, it's very cute and funny.
To Call Myself Beloved by purplehairedwonder 13,202 words, T Luffy tries to get Law to marry him, and Law tells Luffy he'll have to catch him first. Betrothal Chase AU!
Give Me A Reason by betsib 6,400 words, M Band AU! Law does a cover of the Straw Hats' new single and it gets recorded in secret by Shachi and it goes viral, the attention eventually reaching Luffy who is intrigued by Law. Then they meet!
A Different Type of Hunger by karategal 25,111 words, E Luffy is King of the Pirates and he's "hungry for Torao". A game of cat and mouse begins. Funny and smutty!
Burning by vantrums 8,245 words, E Omegaverse PWP. Law is in heat and Luffy conveniently makes an appearance to help him out. One of my favorite PWPs!
Nothing compares by JustPassingBy19 4,261 words, E "Law and Luffy reunite after a long time away from each other's arms." Dilf!Luffy!!! Porn with Feelings!
combustion by Anonymous 3,799 words, E "Law pines and gets railed, both in and not in that order." Smut with a touch of angst!
Make Me Feel Good by sydneyxface 21,529 words, E Law seeks the help of Luffy, a professional cuddler, to help him get through university. Angst with a happy ending! This is one of my comfort fics and a favorite of mine.
Let's do It! by KhonekoChan 4,659 words, E Law and Luffy enjoy some sexcapades after the liberation of Wano. Smutty goodness.
find me in the shell's whisper by Deleted Account 5,441 words, M Law and Luffy run into each other on an island and Law pines.
Safe and Sound by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead 15,726 words, M Law gets taken hostage and Luffy is on a mission to rescue him. A lot of hurt/comfort with a lot of hurt before the comfort. Practicality is Useless Around Here by Ghosty_Bee 28,248 words, T Modern AU with magic! "Law's luck runs out when a series of events forces him to open his eyes to a world completely different from his own, full of magic, monsters, and danger. Luckily, or maybe not, he's found a crew of seers to help him out." This fic has fantastic world building and is a thrilling ride! Tell Me That You Love Me (I’ll Never Ask You Why) by Itycos 3,557 words, T "After Wano in a nameless port-town two captains reunite. Not all alliances are the same." Very sweet and beautiful fic about the two captain's finding something in each other they didn't quite expect. Like Sails on the Breeze by HollowIsTheWorld 5,115 words, Gen Corazon Lives AU. Luffy kisses Law and then he leaves. What's next for them? Bittersweet and fluffy in the end!
between you and i (the throths, the tide) by shishiswordsman 20,630 words, E ARRANGED MARRIAGE AU! Law is set to marry the future king of Dawn. Luffy is certainly not what Law expected.
What Is This Thing You Call An Alliance? by cywscross 13,701 words, T Eustass Kidd observes Law and Luffy after the fall of Kaido. Introspection, light angst and fluff!
and all the things that keep us here by qunlat 9,323 words, Gen Law gets a second chance. "(Or: the one where they get married, in secret, at someone else's wedding, and make Usopp late to his.)" Law and Luffy elope!
My Love For You Is Choking Me by ObsidionWingsofMidnight 56,880 words, T Hanahaki disease AU! Very angsty with eventual happy ending.
the white city by tciddaemina 32,328 words, Gen, M "Nika/Sun God!Luffy AU, set during the genocide in Flevance." Very interesting and beautifully written series. Total Eclipse of the Heart by Aspiring_Trashpanda 33,401 words, M "Luffy almost dies, makes a deal with a god, and falls in love. Law's along for the ride." Slow burn-y goodness!
Keep This Close To Our Hearts, Love by riverofnara 3,884 words, T Modern AU! Luffy's prank on Law says everything he hasn't been able to put into words. Fluffy!
sol ex machina by Almageist 3,757 words, Gen Angel AU! I don't want to say too much about this one as I believe it's best experienced going in blindly. One of my faves!
Meat Cute by marimoes 66,823 words, T Modern AU! Law has a literal run in with Luffy's dog "Meat" and they have a meet cute! Long fic with all of your favorite tropes!
king of my heart by frogsterz 7,411 words, E "The AU where rookie Trafalgar Law and the Pirate King walk into a tavern. Things only get better from there." The summary says all you need to know. One of my favorite LuLaw fics EVER.
Sabishigari-ya by Alexgrand 15,943 words, M Modern AU. "Law finds a website where he becomes infatuated with a user named Mugiwara22."
Who, Me? My Hand? by dunkinicedcoffeebeverage 8,903 words, M "5 times Luffy holds Law's hand, 1 time Law holds Luffy's." A getting together fic filled with fluff and beautiful moments between the two captains. The art accompanying this fic is also gorgeous!
Luffy's Law by JadedCoral 32,630 words, Gen Modern AU where Law starts a rumor about himself and hilarities ensue. This fic made me cackle out loud, it's so funny and sweet!
as I hold your hollow heart by betsib 24,962 words, M Soulswap AU! "...Law wakes up in Dressrosa, with Doflamingo's symbol tattooed on his chest and servants calling him "Corazon". Very interesting AU that I loved reading, many twists and turns and suspense!
Grand Line Carnival by Bubblegumbeech 24,140 words, T Modern AU with horror themes. "Law doesn't want to go to a carnival ever again, but his crew doesn't know that and they insist that he has been spending far too much time in the hospital.." Spooky things happen and Luffy and the Straw Hats are unintentionally creepy!
Ongoing works:
from us, to the rain by toricola 10,835 words, E Modern AU LawLu. One of the most beautifully written fics I've come across so far. The characterization of Law is one of the best I've ever read, and I am dying to read more from this author. If you want to feel, definitely don't skip this one!
white elephant gift exchange by happychi 15,184 words, M "Law’s troublesome coworkers are on thin ice after gifting him a male escort for his Christmas vacation. Now he’s snowed in with a complete stranger for an entire weekend." Things aren't as they seem in this Modern AU. The author's portrayal of Law in this is on of my absolute favorites. Excited to read more of this!
Critical Fire Weather Pattern by lettersinpetals 7,787 words, M Journalist AU! Law is an editor at One Piece News, and Luffy is the newly appointed weatherman. A super fresh and unique AU that I immediately fell in love with!
The Beast of Buckden by Callunar 11,537 words, E "Law has moved to a sleepy little countryside village. The people of the village warned him not to go out on the night of the blood moon, but he finds himself lost in the woods anyway." Werewolf!Luffy AU that has quickly become one of my favorite LuLaw fics. Read tags for CW!
The Pirate King's Treasure by Callunar 64,842 words, E Another fantastic work by Callunar, this time it's PWP! Luffy becomes interested in Law after a heated argument. Extremely smutty and kinky.
Broken Heart Syndrome by Callunar 115,597 words, E Surgeon!Law and boxer!Luffy. AND THEY WERE NEIGHBORS. Slow burn!!!! Another one of my favorite chaptered fics.
Chasing the Sun by illusiverose 174,160 words, E Another one of my favorites! Modern AU Surgeon!Law and Firefighter!Luffy. Law has dark secrets but becomes enamored with Luffy, the embodiment of sunshine. Exciting plot with a slice of Mafia!
Red and Yellow by BewitchingDemon 20,214 words, M Pokemon Fusion AU! A true joy to read this fic. Strangers to lovers with a lot of awkwardness and slow burn. One of my favorites!
(We Would Never) Break the Chain by cosmicatta 15,507 words, M A Modern AU set in the 70s-80s where you get to see Law and Luffy grow from childhood friends into something more, with a lot of pining and angst in between. A beautifully written fic.
Haze by initforthelolz 56,381 words, M Fantasy AU with dystopian themes with fantastic world building and intrigue.
Godslayer by initforthelolz 19,611 words, M Fantasy AU where Law is a Godslayer and his purpose is to defeat one of the god's that terrorized the world. Things don't go as planned. Incredibly well-written fic with solid world building and a plot that draws you in instantly.
for a wilted rose not yet withered by ame_kko 45,682 words, T Ancient Greek Gods AU! A strangers to lovers fic with Luffy as Persephone, God of Spring and Law as Hades, God of the Underworld. An all time favorite for me!
Hearts Spring Eternal by riverofnara 34,386 words, E Law performs the Perennial Youth Surgery on Luffy out of desperation, but Law somehow survives. Angst and complications happen.
In the Sultry Summer Calm by Alte 15,563 words, M Omegaverse Flower Shop AU! Two of my favorite things combined. "After the loss of his adoptive father, omega Trafalgar Law is forced to give up on his dream to become a surgeon in favor of taking over his father’s flower shop." Very sweet and I can't wait for this to be updated!
In the Night by TheeGirlWonder 8,273 words, M Fantasy AU! Vampires, werewolves and witches! Law is a vampire and helps werewolf!Luffy escape Doflamingo's clutches after being captured.
Saint Peter's Keys by Aspiring_TrashPanda 52,560 words, E Modern AND Canon Div AU! A story involving parallel universes with a fantastically written story. Slow burn!
It Was Always Blood With You by initforthelolz 14,970 words, E Vampire!Law AU! "Luffy finds a vampire on the side of the road and decides to bring him home... against better judgement that he does not possess." I immediately fell in love with this fic, the summary says it all!
The Night Is Darkening Round Me by purplehairedwonder 17,415 words, M Haunted House AU! Law buys a haunted house and who are you gonna call? The Straw Hat Paranormal Group of course! "Nothing is ever what it seems, and Law is haunted by more than just spirits in his new house."
The Compounding Impact of Time by salient17 14,889 words, M Time Travel AU! "It didn't matter where, or when, because Luffy would find him--time and time again." Luffy is lost in time, will he find his way back?
The Years We’ve Lost by Heart_Core 24,618 words, M Time Travel AU! "In the middle of the War on Onigashima, Law wakes up to find himself 19 years into the future. Luffy had long defeated Kaido, believing Law to have died in the war." Love this fic and can't wait for an update. Can never go wrong with dilf!Luffy either.
At the Heart of Worship by Heart_Core 8,014 words, E Sun God Luffy AU! Luffy has had his attention captured by Law.
always too much (never enough) by Jien_o 21,303 words, E Modern AU cockwarming fic of my dreams. This fic has me in a chokehold. CRAZY good!
within & without by Jien_o 68,686 words, E Arranged Marriage AU! LawLu. Enemies to lovers-esque type story, where both Law and Luffy are very flawed and many misunderstandings ensue.
The Omegaverse Clothing Exchange Service by bananabunch 8,162 words, E Super cute A/B/O fic with a really unique plot! I love this fic so far and can't wait to read more.
As Sunflowers Do by martilla 95,283 words, E Modern AU! Luffy is in an accident and gets amnesia and forgets all about his relationship with Law. A lot of angst and heartbreak with an eventual happy ending.
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