#sleeping on the side that doesn't hurt
sevens-evan · 2 months
also i went and got my ears pierced yesterday!! absolutely Despised the feeling of getting them pierced i think this will be my only foray into piercing. one of them is still a little sore today but otherwise they feel like nothing. i will say the soreness is like. it feels like it's deep in my ear instead of in my lobe? idk if that's normal but i imagine it's just like wires getting crossed or something, my body being confused and freaked out about whatever is going on over there
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respectthepetty · 16 days
Y'all can thank @negrowhat and @27vampyresinhermind for this post because I wasn't going to watch Wandee Goodday until Wednesday, but here I am clowning while traveling with color-coded boys in love.
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First, starting the episode with 69 and the yellow bananas on the purple boxers is the way I want all my shows to begin.
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Especially because I feel the yellow bananas are going to be a thing for BD Yellow Yal Yak.
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Next, I am fully on Team No-Kiss-on-the-Lips-until-the-Finale, so Yak being so comfortable with Dee to kiss him goodbye is the small crumbs I need to survive.
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Since Yak is subtly making his way behind Dee's walls and the colors tell us this since Dee now has a little yellow light in his room by the TV.
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It wasn't there before he decided to be Friends-with-Benefits with Yak.
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And it's nice because as others have pointed out, Yak and Dee do seem to be actual "Friends" with benefits.
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They fix things for each other, like Yak fixing the broken heart light that Dee was too busy to properly care for.
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They call each other and know when the other is not doing well, but they also don't push each other to share.
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And they also match colors.
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Which reminds me - Is this plum, like dark purple, or brown?
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Because what Ter is wearing is clearly brown, but the poster of them is purple, so I just think that Dee is already destined to win this scholarship.
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But he won't go abroad
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Because he will realize he is right where he needs to be.
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And I think it was reinforced by Yak not taking the necklace back.
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So even though Yellow Yak initially said no to fake dating and broke off their friends-with -benefits arrangement, he still allowed Dee to carry a part of him around.
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And his brother and Cher understand how important that is because Yak easily handed over his name even though he fears having a public relationship. Also, I still think the brother is a Blue Boy because he is loyal and stable, but I need a moment to figure this out (when I've had more than three hours of sleep).
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The boundaries and the colors are quickly shifting because Yak was black last episode and Dee was white, but this episode, as they go back-and-forth over this fake dating possibility, they switch colors.
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But Dee is still a Purple Prince with his purple boxing gloves, purple hand wraps, and Yak pointing out that homeboy *should* be rich.
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So even though Dee leaves in a huffy state and in blue, he is highlighted by purple lighting.
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Which Yak absorbs when he decides to take Dee's hand and helps Dee cross the obstacle, together.
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Which leads to Yak giving into Dee's request as he is highlighted by the yellow lights in the background.
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He commits to the bit and shows up to the hospital with the purple-wrapped flowers.
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And seems to fit right into Dee's life as both match the background of Dee's apartment.
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Sidenote: It will never not please me that Dee's apartment building was colored purple.
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So that little yellow light in the beginning of the episode to show how Yak has slowly started to integrate himself into Dee's life turns into a full-on yellow lighting attack.
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They may be fake dating, but the feelings are about to be real.
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And it's not because Dee is wearing Yak's yellow next week (with Yak wearing Dee's fake blue).
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But because Yak has this blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment of realizing he can't distinguish between the fake and real.
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"Stay True" to yourself and your feelings, Yak!
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Does anyone else get the feeling that at their core, all of mxtx's works are about cycles of abuses.
#idea dump#ramblings of a sleep deprived girl#heaven official's blessing#tian guan ci fu#scum villian self saving system#mao dao zu shi#grandmaster of demonic cultivation#mxtx#mo xiang tong xiu#cycle of abuse#I don't only mean the passing down of trauma#I also mean the abuses of an established corrupt system#that systematically hurts people that are less fortunate than those who actively benefit from it#to me this one is more prevalent in mdzs and why jin guangyao downfall is so upsetting to me#because he was coming close to breaking the cycle of abuse of both the system and of his family#but unfortunately it was his past actions in service of perpetuating it that doomed him#if he had realized a lot sooner that his father was not worth it#and started pursuing his own interests from the beginning instead of his father's approval he could have changed everything for the better#not to mention that unlike his father he actually treats his spouse with respect and doesn't intentionally hurt her#emphasis on the 'intentional' part (if you know you know)#just like Jin Guangyao became the new wei wuxian Nie Huaisang became the new Jin Guangyao#so i'm of the firm belief that since the system is still in place the cycle will repeat again#and Nie Huaisang will replace Wei Wuxian as someone else becomes his Jin Guangyao#sorry for this long ass essay in the tags lol#it's 3am so I'll probably do the other two another time#also let it be known that I'm only running on spoilers/fanfictions/wiki when it comes to svsss and mdzs#so if anyone bothers to read my essay tags be free to correct anything if I get something wrong#side note why wasn't mdzs about breaking cycles???#why didn't yanli become sect leader. Jiang cheng remain coreless. or Jin Zixuan marry into the Jiangs to show worth outside the norms#you can be a strong woman without being cruel. cultivation doesn't equal worth. and powerful women are beautiful and should be respected
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Health and safety
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mawu-yama · 4 months
gm i barely slept because of my first earrings 💥💥
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illmoraineakoi · 9 months
Everyone out here giving Hollow cute moth partners, or pretty mantises or bees or whatnot.
Fuck that, where's the AU where Hollow falls in love with a massive feral Wyrm?
#*Long Sigh* I guess I'll have to Do It Myself then#Hollow Knight#Yall are sleeping on this and it's criminal#It's such a funny idea#Tiny quiet and kind Hollow seeing a massive Wyrm just fucking up another Higher Being and going like-#''Oh no she's hot.''#and then like ''whAT DID I JUST THINK?!''#And she's just like...''wtf is this tiny little toothpick doing staring at me? you ain't food gtfo''#Hollow's got the Wyrm Genes that make him think Wyrms are Sexy and he's CONFUSED#But he tries to court her anyway because he's caught the Stupid For Her sickness#And she's annoyed for soooo looong because he won't leave her alone and his attempts at courting her are pathetically laughable.#Until one day she realizes -- ''Oh fUCK I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS IDIOT''#Obligatory 'antagonist tries to hurt/kill Hollow and Wyrm Lady goes absolutely BERSERK on their ass.' idea#But destroying them kills her and Hollow has to watch her die bc Rule of Angst#(He can't heal her. He lost the ability to Focus from containing the Radiance.)#(But he remembers what the King did and tries to desperately get her to do that too. It doesn't seem like it works...)#(But he refuses to leave her body bc he can't bear to loose her so he's there when she violently claws her way out the side of it)#(She collapses-bloody and exhausted-into his arms and greets him with the derisive nickname for him that's turned into an affectionate one)#(And he laughs while weeping tears of void. he laughs in relief and gratitude and love)
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no thoughts, head empty, only NFenton going to Blue for chicken behavior questions about Mads.
NFenton: So tail wagging means he's happy?
Blue, tired of this but patient: Most of the time, yes.
NFenton: And the random clucks while he's talking means...?
Blue: He's excited about the thing he's talking about.
NFenton: Speaking of clucking, he's started doing something like it a lot when we're alone? What does that mean?
Blue: That's called trilling or purring, it means he loves and trusts you.
NFenton, realizing the implications of that and definitely not about to tear up: 🥺🥺🥺 oh.
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krikeymate · 1 year
guess who just smacked their head on the sink. the cut is between my eye and eyebrow and it's pretty deep so i looked at it and nearly threw up. a reaction i did not expect. so that's fun.
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pastafossa · 2 years
Hi pasta, I'm sorry about the whole fiberglass dust situation and all the things you had to throw away, i know that feeling unfortunately: i had a similar situation but with mold...i bad to throw away the majority of my clothes and some plushies which I was very fond of. Now back to u, how do u feel today? Is the coughing getting better or worse? Hope you'll feel better soon :)
Thank you so much. 😭 And it's exactly that. Like some of the things you have to throw away, ok, but some of them mean something, or you just really really liked them (I'm likely going to lose a few plushies either, so I feel you). I'm sorry you've had to go through this, too! I don't wish it on anyone, it's terrible having to deal with being forced to toss things like this.
I'm just tired and achy and out of energy, mostly (standard for my health issues), but the coughing is indeed better, and my chest doesn't hurt as much! So the masks clearly worked the past few days I was up there trying to clean, and sleeping downstairs is helping, too. I'm still coughing a fair amount but I'll take the improvement. I've also had a ton of people reaching out, either to offer encouragement or a fun distraction or even to help if they wound up being in my area, which has helped keep my mood from tanking as badly as it otherwise might have. I'm very VERY grateful for that love and support because it makes me feel less alone, especially when it can feel so isolating trying to take care of this in a new city. 💖
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iesuroo · 1 year
Today my autism is kicking my ass. Sensory hell I tell you. Already had a few meltdowns. I want to tear my skin off and then throw myself into traffic kind of day. How do I cope when my husband is making it worse and refuses to help me in anyway.
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galactia · 2 years
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He’s a brat with a trauma-fueled drinking problem and a tendency for chaos, but he’s easy on the eyes for sure and exceptionally loyal.
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flatteryworks · 2 years
i always think about how much the show emphasize that eddie didn't get mad not once, even at the end of s4 when dustin says it to eddie's uncle. but there are actually two scenes i can recall where he does: "this is music!!!" and when he damn near killed steve. even when he’s in the trailer with dustin, he kinda snaps out of fear of the demobats hearing and getting in. i think that eddie was one of those " the saddest people smile the brightest" because he smiled through everything, despite what he really felt. his smile and happiness probably covered up a lot of pain and sadness he had to deal with, especially once he started being hunted down and not to mention the trauma of what he witnessed. yes, eddie CAN get mad and yes he probably DID break down numerous times behind closed doors and away from his friends and uncle. he is an outcast, bullied, hunted down, didn't have a perfect childhood like so many did. all the remarks made about who he was and how he looked, being labeled a freak and in the presence of others, eddie never showed that it bothered him. he smiled and talked so much shit like it didn't hurt. and lastly, i know eddie wanted to be dustin's role model in that perspective because dustin also got bullied and teased a lot as well. that's why he tells him to never change because no matter what the world says, dustin is perfect the way he is. and that's the facade eddie wore in the form of a bright smile and happiness. he may have been banished, but he never stopped being the group's morale.
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dandorkity · 2 years
I think the greatest tragedy in my life is that I hate sleeping on my back but it's the only position that doesn't hurt me
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nagdabbit · 3 months
hello, i am in need of personal advice, preferably from a transfemme person and/or parent, who isn't siobhan because she is Too Close to the situation and i don't want to do anything brash like she does
#cis friend amy fakename and her wife betty fakename got divorced after betty came out and began to transition#they have remained EXTREMELY good friends and everything and coparent really well#amy came over tonight to talk to me about betty's behavior at present#theyve been seperated for just about three years now and betty began transitioning almost five years ago#and everything has been good between them#except amy found out from their seven y/o daughter cassie that bettys (married poly) gf stays over during her week with cassie#the kind of thing that wouldve been fine except that its out of the blue and amy had to hear it from a seven yo child#same with cassie going to a sleepover with a friend and finding out —again from cassie—that betty also stayed the night#and slept with one of cassie's friends moms#and apparently numerous other things that amy didnt want to get into so i get the feeling i would be even more pissed#but every time amy tries to discuss any kind of groundrules about strangers around cassie#especially ones that 1) any doesnt know anything about amd 2) are likely not permanent#betty says that she is being transphobic for asking that she doesn't just sleep with people while cassie is there and aware#i do not know how to like#help them#siobhan is firmly on amy's side and i am too#but i dont know what i can actually do thats helpful or actionable that wont hurt either of them#cuz i do believe that betty needs to have some boundaries when there is a CHILD involved#and a child tasked with keeping secrets at that#i just dont know how to support or how to talk to betty or if i even SHOULD cuz this is a new one for all of us#we created a lil family at the shop but somehow amy and betty are the only ones with kids#none of us know how to handle this cuz they dont know when to even ask us to do#if there is anything
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
i want to believe that the other batboys get so caught up in how damian NEVER acts like a normal child, that whenever they see him engaging in regular kid activities™ everyone is on high alert whilst trying to preserve the moment.
tim's with kon and they walk past jon's room to see him and damian playing toy cars? they start walking faster until they're a safe distance away, to stop in their tracks and share a mutual "what the fuck???"
jason and damian are arguing, something jason says strikes a nerve, and damian just stops and breaks the stoic act. jason has NO clue what to do with himself, because nothing he's ever said has gotten a non-violent reaction out of the kid.
dick's taking damian to the cinemas, and lets him pick what they watch. damian picks a kids movie, and doesn't make comments about it seeming 'childish' or 'boring', instead he looks genuinely interested. dick goes along with it but is really taken aback.
damian's patrolling with the other boys, and sustains a mild injury. everyone's used to him fixing himself up and never making a big deal out of it. they've seen him break bones and refuse medical attention, mainly because of how the league trained him. so when they get back to the batcave, and are all getting fixed up in the infirmary, everyone's shocked when damian, sitting to the side about to patch himself up, starts crying, because he's exhausted and hurt.
whenever the boys see damian asleep anywhere but his room, they make sure to tip-toe past and tell the others not to wake him. usually when this happens it's because he's been so exhausted, that he's sat down to watch a show, been playing with titus, or doing schoolwork, and he's just fallen asleep in the middle of it. afterwards, dick especially, makes sure that damian's sleeping enough, which is hard, because no one can tell that he's tired until he physically passes out.
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churipu · 4 months
featuring. gojo satoru, geto suguru, toji fushiguro x reader
note. i hv so many ideas right now apart from what i'm actually supposed to be focusing on, so...pls excuse me.
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GOJO SATORU. arguments with gojo are a pain in the ass, he's petty and everything will be a mess. he's so stubborn that it actually baffles you sometimes — and he calls you rock head?
being a sorcerer is never an easy job. gojo wakes up every day, not knowing whether he'd die in a mission or get to live another day. so when you brought up your concerns about it to him, the male didn't take it lightly. things have been tight for him, and you're walking on eggshells for the past few days.
the slightest thing angered him, like how his sleeve got stuck on the door handle, or the way he curses out loudly when he stubs his toe on the coffee table. it puts him in a shitty mood, so when that happens, and you try to talk to him about his job.
gojo gets very pissy about it.
frankly, you understood where his anger comes from. and it was part of your fault to bother him the moment he came back from work exhausted, it was bound to happen so you weren't really blaming him at all from the projecting of his anger to you the night before — he didn't say hurtful things, gojo knew better than that. all he did was tell you to leave him alone and get out of his sight for the night.
and you did. sleeping alone on the couch, all sprawled out, an arm dangling on the edge; while a string of drool dribbled down the corner of your lips.
you seemed to not mind having to sleep on the couch (under your own want). but your boyfriend did, the moment he knew your bed time strikes — he came out of the room and eyed your sleeping form. guilt washing over him when all you did was care about his being and how dangerous the jujutsu world is.
gojo approaches you and gently carried you in his arms, an arm right under your bottom and his other arm around your waist. hoisting you up like a baby as your cheek leaned onto his shoulder, letting the drool blotch his shirt. he doesn't care at all.
the male tucks you in the bed, pulling the covers over you before slipping next to you, chest pressed to your back and an arm resting on your hip. gojo will never let you sleep a whole night on the couch, he will bring you to sleep with him and apologize the very next day for being such an ass.
he also, tried to make it up to you by cooking a classic english breakfast. which ended up in chaos — and you both decided to order take out instead.
GETO SUGURU. geto is usually calm and collected; he doesn't really get angry at anything. even if he does, he mostly keeps it to himself unless it really bothers him. but since humans have certain capacities to their own emotion — geto is not spared from being angry, no matter how calm he is.
after the death of amanai, you could feel him change. your geto. it was traumatizing for him, and you understood. always being there for him, never leaving him alone. the dark circles under his eyes were apparent, and it looked like he hasn't had a good night sleep for what seemed like . . . weeks, or months, if that's even possible.
geto appreciated your company, really. but sometimes, he also wanted to be left alone to dwell on his feelings. he didn't want to end up saying hurtful things to you because he was so angry at himself. but he did, and god was it horrible.
he was already feeling like shit before the argument— which if you see, wasn't really an argument at all. it was one-sided, geto was telling you off and you didn't say anything back. because you knew he didn't mean it. he almost desperately begged for you to leave him alone because your presence was "annoying" him and he couldn't stand it.
although geto said it in a heap of moment. he didn't mean it, and before he could say anything else, you tell him that you were going to be sleeping on the couch, so if he needed anything he was free to come to you.
geto didn't stop you. he was busy hating on himself for telling you that — and believe me when i say that he, right there, almost cried out of frustration.
he tossed and turned on his bed. where you were usually on too, beside him, holding his hand whilst he sleep. your hushed voice lulling him into a peaceful slumber; but you weren't there today, all because he told you to leave him alone. geto sat up, his eyelids heavy, but no matter how long he shut is, they always open back up.
with slow and heavy steps, he approaches you on the couch. and geto had always knew that you were a light sleeper, so his footsteps awoken you. seeing your eyes flutter open, geto slid on the couch, laying himself on top of you — head on your chest, arms clutching onto your shirt like he's desperate for your presence, and his legs intertwining with yours.
getos' hushed apologies were heard as he leaned into your warmth, and you told him that you were never angry. brushing his hair, massaging his scalp using your fingertips before lulling him to sleep, and geto did. almost immediately. and so did you.
he could never sleep without you. whether it being on the bed, the couch, or anywhere else — as long has you were with him, he will find the ability to drift off.
TOJI FUSHIGURO. is an ass. let's face it — he wouldn't give a fuck if you decided to sleep on the couch after an argument, at least for the first couple of hours. toji is a blunt man, and he's a sole believer that nobody could bear sleeping on the couch when there's a bed in the house.
but you were there to prove him wrong.
after an argument going south, he finds you grabbing your pillow and then seeking shelter on the couch. and he clicked his tongue in annoyance, knowing you'd come crawling back on the mattress after a few hours — because who'd choose the couch over the bed?
you. apparently.
he slept without a single care, thinking of words to say when you finally decided to come back on the bed. but when he woke up at three am, his arm searching to find your body, but realizing all he was catching was air — he finally realized that you weren't coming back onto the bed.
and it annoyed him. he was angry that you weren't there. and at three am? he was already wide awake, walking out of the room angrily. but his gaze softened when he saw you asleep, the constant flashing light from the television panning on your body; toji walks over, snatches the remote and turns the device off.
letting out a soft sigh, toji squats down, flicking your forehead. and the action was enough to make you grimace lightly in your sleep — although not enough to wake you up completely. the male chuckled and prepped an arm under the hollow under your knees, and an arm across your shoulder.
with ease he brought you into your shared room and he laid you down on the bed, covering your body with the blanket before he slips into his own portion of the bed. scooting closer to you as you instinctively nuzzled into his chest, seeking for comfort.
toji wouldn't admit that he was the one who brought you into the bed and would end up saying how you came crawling back at three am. you always find out the truth though, and toji tells you to forget about whatever he did because he won't be doing it again (he will).
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