#slaps this ask to the front of my brain and staples it and draws a heart over it
glazelilyy · 1 year
hi there 👀 i‘m just here to say that your theme is absolutely beautiful and amazing, and when i‘m finally at home i will read all your works because i just read the zhongli birthday drabble and i‘m- WKDBDKFB I LOVE IT SM!!! your writing is just chef kiss and i‘m- just admiring it <33
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AHH HELLO!!! :D i'm sorry i took forever to get back to u but i did reread this ask a million times when i first saw it and it made me so happy hehe thank u!!! i absolutely adore zhongli and i'm glad you liked his birthday fic!! he deserves nothing but the utmost best i have to offer, nothing less for the most special man, bestest boy <333
thank you!!! i'm so honored that you liked my fic and writing hehe <3 :)))
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12tardis · 4 years
My Funny Valentine  (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: none Requested: Yes! Lovely anon asked for ‘some funny moments with Newt and reader? Like those moments that make you laugh but at the same time you say ‘oh God I love him’ and vice versa...” I really hope you like it! Like I said I have a weird/dry sense of humour so I’m super unsure about this one! 
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader  Summary: A collection of short moments wherein Newt makes the reader laugh and vice versa. Includes colour blind Newt, exasperated Theseus, a misshap with some Billywigs and a lousy take on the Erumpent dance.  A/N: I read somewhere once that Eddie is colour blind and I really have the NERVE to post this wearing bright purple thermal stockings, tan uggs and a green and blue flannel?? Thank you anon for requesting this I seriously hope its okay! Guys I dunno what I’m doing my brain broke . Thank you to everyone that reads my stuff , you make my day x  Words: 3,324
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Newt was one of the few people that could make you laugh, a proper full-bellied laugh no matter what mood you were in. And little did you know that he’d made it a personal goal to make you smile at least once everyday ever since your days at Hogwarts. He would usually achieve this by doing or saying sweet things to you but occasionally he’d do something so outrageously ridiculous or dorky that you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Usually he would feel insecure and flustered when people would laugh at him but with you he didn’t mind. You would never mean anything out of animosity. In fact he only felt pride that he, Newton Scamander could draw such a beautiful musical sound from you. 
It was a little known fact that Newt was colour blind and you were one of the only people to know about this fact because it rarely came up. There’d been a few questionable wardrobe choices over the years as a result but for the most part no one ever suspected a thing because he tended to wear the same staple outfits day in and day out and you were always there to fix him up if he was ever dressed too outrageously.
You were only fairly recently an official couple when you found yourself waiting for Newt at the bottom of the stairs in your shared apartment. Standing with his older brother Theseus and chatting away as you were all about to head off to one of Newt’s book signings where many more of his friends and family would be. Of course, Newt was the last one to get ready though, having gotten carried away in his case while you had busied yourself getting all dolled up.
“By Merlin’s beard”, Theseus suddenly breathed out, looking up the stairs at his brother who was rushing down towards you, wearing at least 4 different colours and 5 different prints. You didn’t even recognise half of the ensemble he was wearing.
Theseus quickly looked away from his brother and down at his watch, trying to hold it together but you didn’t even attempt to hold back your laughter as you slapped a hand over your mouth, gaping at your boyfriend.
“Newt, did you let the creatures dress you?”, you gasped, gripping him by the shoulders as it was Theseus’ turn to gape at you. 
Newt blinked back at you and then glanced down at his own outfit before looking back at you “I-I thought you liked this shirt!”, he huffed as you openly started to laugh now.
“Goodness Newt I do! I love this shirt. But not with that green paisley waist coat. Not with the purple tie,” you breathed out, gripping his shoulders harder as you couldn’t control your giggles any longer. You cupped his cheeks as you looked him over, shaking your head “I love this shirt and I love you and you look utterly adorable but I’m just not sure this is the look you were going for.”
And Theseus looked on in bemusement when Newt just gazed back at you with bright eyes and a smile of his own, taking you in properly in your own gorgeous gown and perfectly done hair and make up.
Newt only held you closer as he smiled back at you, beginning to laugh too because your laughter was infectious. “I thought you were going to wear your blue three piece”, you eventually managed to say to which Newt shook his head with a frown “I can’t find it anywhere!”
You rolled your eyes fondly in response before you jogged up the stairs to fetch the outfit, leaving Newt gazing after you. He yelped when Theseus slapped him in the chest, staring at him incredulously “what the hell was that?!”
Newt looked back at his brother with his eyebrows drawn together, holding his hands up “what was what?”
“That!” Theseus huffed, gesturing in the direction you had gone “I laughed at you for the very same reason once and you didn’t talk to me for a full weekend but she does and you stare at her like she hung the moon and the stars!”
Newt pursed his lips together for a moment as he looked back at his brother “Right, well for one - you were being a jerk that day. Two, it’s not the same at all because you’re not her, I mean did you not see how she lights up? And three, as far as I’m aware-“ he paused as he fixed Theseus with a deadpan expression “she did hang the stars and the moon.”
Newt grinned back at his brother obnoxiously causing Theseus to groan in frustration. “Gross!” he said as he threw his arms up in exasperation before he stomped out of the apartment to wait outside, just as you came back down the stairs thrusting the suit bag into Newt’s hands.
Newt grasped the bag in one hand and pulled you close against him with the other now that the two of you were alone. He pressed a long kiss to your lips, humming as he pulled back “hmm, how do I know this isn’t just a ploy to get me undressed my darling girl?”, he murmured as he squeezed your hip, causing your cheeks to warm in response.
“Newt! Go and get dressed we’re already late!”, Theseus shouted, banging on the front door.
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“My god, I swear he does stupid things just to make her laugh”, Jacob murmured in disbelief as he shook his head to himself , watching you bent over, clutching your stomach as you cackled with laughter while Newt smiled back at you over his shoulder.
Theseus nodded furiously, looking over at Jacob “YES! Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years! This one time for an event I swear he purposely dressed like a muggle clown just to amuse her.”
“Yeah jeeze”, Jacob nodded, slightly distracted as Theseus continued to recount all the times he’d witnessed Newt doing something dumb to woo you. He barely registered a word, too preoccupied watching Newt continue to dance around in the snow looking like an absolute buffoon.
He was apparently performing a mating dance to try and lure the escaped Erumpent back into his case while Y/N was too busy laughing in the distance to help him lure the creature with the vial of musk in her hand.
Newt picked up on your giggles in the background, smiling slightly to himself as he continued to wiggle his ass in the direction of the Erumpent, eventually looking back at where you were almost wheezing with your laughter “Come on Y/N! A little help here!” he called, and you quickly pulled yourself together when you saw the Erumpent begin to huff in Newt’s direction.
Newt ran towards you and the case when you finally pried the lid from the vial, narrowly avoiding being gored by the Erumpent as he skidded to a halt in front of you. You quickly snapped case shut and shouted when Newt slammed into you, knocking you both back into the snow, the two of you collapsing into a fit of giggles a moment later.
Jacob rushed towards the pair of you to make sure you were okay, Theseus hot on his heels as he continued his story of something embarrassing Newt had done in school. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the you both clutching each other in the snow.
“Oh! And in school he used to eat these lollies that make you hiccup bubbles. They taste absolutely horrid but he kept doing it and she thought it was hilarious! They’re both insane”, Theseus said passionately as he gestured to you tangled in one another’s arms and giggling still.
“Insanely in love,” Jacob countered wondering if that’s what he and Queenie looked like to the outside world when they were absorbed in each other.
Newt was the first to climb to his feet, helping you up and brushing the snow off of you as you turned to Theseus with a frown “Drooble’s gum was the best!”
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Newt was just finishing tending to the Mooncalves when he spotted a stunning flower growing in one of the nearby enclosures. He hummed to himself as he wandered over to get a closer look at the flower, looking down at Pickett when the Bowtruckle climbed over to the flower, chirping up at Newt as he gestured at it. “Yes I was just thinking that myself. Y/N would love it”.
He hummed as he leant forward over one of the trees to pluck the flower out from its spot, completely oblivious to the Billywig nest that was hanging over his head. You were always warning him about this particular tree. 
He stood up quickly when he had the flower in his hand, yelping when he felt a sting in his neck, his other hand flying up to grasp his neck. He sighed when he caught a glimpse of a Billywig buzzing away and he quickly jogged back towards his shack where he knew he had some anti venom stashed away.
He made it, only a few steps away from the shelves of vials when his feet left the ground and a few giggles began to spill from his lips as the effects of the Billywig sting set in quickly. He rushed to grab his wand, crying out in frustration punctuated by more laughter when it slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor along with the flower as he was left levitating in the air.
As the time wore on the giddiness symptoms wore away but much to Newt’s dismay the levitation side effect didn’t so he resigned himself to flailing around along the ceiling of the shack while a small group of the creatures gathered below him and paced nervously. He had tried and failed several times to coax the creatures to rescue his wand for him.
You arrived home from work not much later, calling out to your boyfriend as you wandered into the apartment, frowning as you wondered where he was. He was usually waiting for you with a pot of tea and biscuits ready, waiting to tell you something exciting about his creatures. You checked in the bedroom and frowned when you couldn’t see any sign of him, calling out for him again “Newt?”
You paused when you thought you heard him shouting in the distance, nodding as you headed straight for his case and climbed down the stairs into his shack.
“Y/N thank Merlin you’re home!”
You gasped and jumped back clutching your chest when you heard Newt’s voice from above you, staring up at him in shock “Newt, goodness are you okay?! Are you hurt?”, you panicked, rushing towards him trying to reach up to him.
Newt waved his hands when he saw your panic, shaking his head “I’m fine I got stung by one of the Billywigs”, he sighed when he tried to reach for you and couldn’t quite stretch far enough.
You looked back at him in silence for a moment before you suddenly burst into full bellied laughter, tipping your head back. “Y/N! can you help me down first before you spend the afternoon laughing at me”, he called, pouting at you when you continued to laugh, grabbing your wand and pointing it at him. You paused your laughter long enough as you flicked your wand at him.
Newt shouted when he suddenly flipped upside down, “Y/N!”, he huffed in exasperation but he softened slightly and couldn’t help but smile at the way you giggled in response. His face was now roughly in line with yours and he was able to reach out and grasp your shoulders. “I thought Billywig stings were supposed to make you giddy?” you murmured as you gently stroked Newt’s face and he leant into your touch instinctively “that symptom wore off about 20 minutes ago.”
You giggled again and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his lips causing Newt to hum in surprise as he closed his eyes and took in the new sensation of kissing you while hanging upside down. You let go of him and stepped back to give him room as you cast your wand at him again “Liberacorpus” and Newt closed his eyes as he suddenly spun upright again, still levitating above you.
You wandered over to the storage cabinet, scanning the shelves and grabbing the anti venom vial, setting it on Newt’s desk before you walked back over to him, trying to tug him down by his ankles. You huffed and puffed as you eventually managed to get him a safe distance closer to the ground, holding the vial up to him.
Newt quickly skulled the liquid, scrunching his face up in disgust and not catching himself in time to land on his feet as he hurtled towards the ground. Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed him, letting out a yelp when you crashed to the ground under Newt, the two of you a mess of tangled limbs.
Newt quickly shifted his weight off of you, checking you over for any injuries as he lay over you, smiling as you began to laugh again, cupping his cheeks “darling, are you okay?”, you murmured, looking back up at him in amusement. Newt nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your lips “I’m fine. You saved me, my love.”he murmured, smiling in amusement when you let out another giggle “goodness, it’s almost as if you were the one that got stung with all that laughter”
“I can’t help it! You should have seen your face when you were flailing around up there! What were you even doing near the Billywig nest you goose?”, you grinned at him, your lips then pulling into a small frown when you noticed the angry looking welt on his neck, skimming your fingertips over it.
Newt hummed when he saw the concern wash over your face, quickly hopping to his feet and pulling you with him “I’m fine my darling, I promise.” he soothed knowing you were prone to worrying over him. He squeezed your hand before he quickly snatched up the flower from where it had fallen, holding it out to you.
“I spotted this and thought you would like it, it’s not my fault that Pickett was a terrible watch guard”, he murmured, poking his tongue out at the Bowtruckle who squeaked in offence.
You held the flower up and admired it with a wide smile, shaking your head to yourself because Newt’s thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze you “Thank you, Newt. It’s beautiful.”
You leant in to kiss him again before you pulled him upstairs into the apartment where you set the flower into a vase on the dining table and Newt let you fuss over the his sting welt.
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You were sitting at the small makeshift desk in Newt’s shack in the case, having decided to use the desk to repot a bunch of your plants while your husband was nearby. You claimed that the desk was just a convenient height for your planting needs and that you wanted to spend time with him but Newt had caught on to the fact that you were really just taking the chance to ogle him as he tried to train a father cranky Kelpie.
He had been suspicious immediately because you’d never had any issue with your work bench in your greenhouse he’d built for you before but he fell easily enough for your excuse of wanting to spend time with him.
So he worked in the room beside you, trying in vain to slip a bridle onto the agitated Kelpie, catching you leaning back in your chair dangerously several time’s to properly look at him. It wasn’t until he caught sight of your slightly heated gaze that he realised what was really happening. You’d always had a thing for him in a wet shirt, he remembered because you’d told him as much once before you had practically tackled him in a very heated kiss.
You knew you’d been caught out from the look of realisation that passed over Newt’s face followed by the faintest blush on his cheeks and you nibbled your lip slightly before you smiled teasingly at him. Newt still wasn’t used to this openly flirty side of you that had seemed to emerge after the wedding but he couldn’t deny that he loved it.
“Perhaps you should take off your shirt”, you said as flirtatiously as you could muster, throwing in a wink at the end and letting out a chuckle when Newt grew flustered in response.
“Y/N, I am trying to do serious work here! I do not need you trying to distract me with your charms”, he huffed, rolling his eyes at you fondly when you only smiled innocently back at him.
You held up your dirt covered hands and shrugged “I’m just saying you will probably be more comfortable without that sopping wet material weighing you down. And Kelpie will probably like you more, because I know I certainly do.”
Newt snorted in response and turned away from you and back to the creature that was still splashing around in protest. He had to admit he was flattered by your blatant ogling but he had a creature to train! Plus it couldn’t hurt to tease you a little in return. Merlin, knows you deserved it after every stunt you’d pulled on your honeymoon.
He tried a few more times unsuccessfully to slip the bridle over the Kelpie before he climbed up onto his step ladder, reaching up and rummaging around through his storage for the other bridle he had that the creature would sometimes accept.
He glanced over at you, biting back a laugh when he glimpsed you leaning back in your chair again, your eyes fixated on where his shirt had ridden up, exposing the lower part of his abdomen.
His smile dropped however when the chair slipped out from beneath you and you let out a yelp as you fell backwards, potting mix flying all over you as you landed on the ground with a soft thud.
“Y/N!”, he shouted, leaping down from the step ladder and kneeling down beside you quickly, relaxing in relief when you grasped his hands, assuring him you were fine. Though you were clearly a little embarrassed as you lay there covered head to toe in dirt and the Flitterbloom you had been planting had landed in your hair and was squirming around your head, tousling your hair up.
Newt looked down at your vexed expression, laughing loudly as he carefully removed the plant from atop your head “My darling girl, I told you you would fall if you didn’t stop that.” he chuckled, setting the plant on the desk before he helped you sit up, looking at you with a mixture of amusement and pure adoration.
You huffed and brushed the dirt off your dress, “well it’s partially your fault for being so handsome,” you grumbled, only making Newt laugh more as he pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you tightly and effectively drenching you with his soaked shirt too. “It’s entirely your fault for being such a tease”, he countered, holding you tighter when you scrunched your nose up at the damp hug.
He grinned as he nuzzled his wet hair into your neck and you squealed at the ticklish sensation before you too broke down in a fit of giggles in his arms. “Merlin, I love you so much”, he breathed into your shoulder, groaning when you lifted your hand and smeared some potting mix over his face “Y/N!”.
You snorted in response and pecked him on the nose, closing your eyes when he rubbed the dirt over your face in return “I love you too, even when you make me fall out of my chair.” 
Title: My Funny Valentine- Ella Fitzgerald (her voice is so beautiful. But also Michael Buble does the BEST arrangements Lyrics r kinda mean :( but makes sense in the musical) -MASTERLIST HERE-
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bombshellbois · 4 years
Lessons in Babysitting
For @hoegrove and her amazing Double Trouble AU (if you haven’t seen it yet, please go pour over the entire thing because it’s hilarious)
Steve doesn’t know what he’s expecting when Billy’s Camaro pulls up outside the house that afternoon. He’s not expecting anything, really. Billy shows up all the time unannounced, and Steve has no problem with that. Billy does better at stuff where he doesn’t need permission because every form of authority offends him, including basic manners. Steve just pulls an extra Coke from the fridge and braces himself to deal with Billy pouting when he gets told there won’t be any sex or making out until the kids leave. In all fairness, he told him already that they would be over here this afternoon to play their nerd game while the Wheeler basement is drying out from a recent leak.
The lock pops and the door gets shoved open.
“Holy shit, we’re in key territory already??” Billy asks as he’s shoved inside. Steve thinks at first that he got a haircut. And a tan. And... younger? Steve is trying to piece together what he can pin that on (really good night’s sleep?) when another Billy lumbers in behind.... Billy. His Billy lumbers in. Long haired and a little weary, tan tamed by the Indiana seasons.
“Don’t touch my stuff,” Billy says, slapping Billy... not-Steve’s-Billy’s hand away when he reaches for the keys.
“You didn’t tell me we were at the key stage with our boyfriend, dude!”
“He’s my boyfriend.” Billy slams the door shut. “And quit calling me dude.”
“What... the hell is going on?” Steve asks faintly, approaching his boyfriend and the cheerful doppelgänger slowly.
“Hi!” Not-Steve’s-Billy says, taking Steve’s Coke and drinking from it. The open one.
“I put my mouth on that,” Steve protests belatedly while his brain is trying to come up with a way to process what he’s seeing. Chastising bad manners and poor health practices seems like... under-reacting.
“Yeah, but we’re dating, so it’s just indirect kissing.” Not-Steve’s-Billy waggles his eyebrows at Steve and it immediately makes Steve think of Dustin trying to act charming.
“...Yeah, don’t do that.”
“I’ve got a good idea where else you could put your mou—” Not-Steve’s-Billy gets cut off when Billy grabs the back of his jacket and hauls him out of the kitchen and to the basement door, shoving him inside. He slams the door shut and flips the lock. Mercifully, there are no sounds of a body falling down the stairs. Just rapid knocking from the other side.
“Hey! What’s your damage, dude??”
Billy ignores the yelling and comes back into the kitchen. He grabs Steve’s shoulders and pulls him close, knocking their foreheads together gently.
“Okay. So. We need to talk.”
“You think?” Steve says, raising his eyebrows. “What the hell, Billy?”
It takes 2 beers to get the full story out of Billy. Steve doesn’t necessarily like encouraging drinking at 3 in the afternoon, but his boyfriend just locked a younger version of himself in the basement. It seems like a definite moment to allow extremes.
Not that the full story is in any way clear. Something about sleep walking (which Billy should have told Steve about but didn’t, of course) and the Upside Down and another gate that probably almost definitely closed and isn’t a big deal. It’s a lot of really bad things to hear but in a really vague and unhelpful format. Nothing he could, for instance, take to Hopper as a thing to be investigated.
Steve kind of wants a beer himself.
“And so now he’s here. And he won’t get it through his thick skull that he doesn’t get to share all of my stuff. Including my boyfriend.” Billy tips back his head and takes a long drink of a third beer. Steve sets a hand on the bottle and makes him lower it back down when the air bubbles start glugging to the top with concerning speed.
“Should we... try to get him back to his mom or something?” he asks.
Billy slams the bottle down on the table. “Sure, Steve. Lemme just go see if there’s a fucking receipt stapled to the back of his shirt so I can return him. How hard can it be to get to another dimension? Oh wait, the only one we ever manage to get to is full of fucking nightmares.”
Steve leans his elbow on the table and rests his chin on the heel of his hand, waiting out the storm. Fine, it was a stupid question. The dramatics are a bit much, though. “Okay. Maybe we focus on something shorter term,” he says.
Billy scrubs a hand over his face, wiping away the withering glare and replacing it with something more tired. Something that looks like no sleep and too much beer too quickly too early in the day. “Christ. Sorry, I’m being a dick.”
“You are,” Steve agrees, standing and clearing the empty bottles. “But it sounds like it’s been a rough day.”
Billy catches Steve’s collar and pulls him closer, kissing his forehead. “Thanks, pretty boy. Look, just... give me a few babysitting tips and I’ll get out of your hair before your nerds get here. I dunno what the hell to actually do with him.”
Steve is about to tell Billy that he’s not leaving unless he’s letting his younger self drive (which- ha! Not even Steve gets to drive the Camaro. Or sit in the driver’s seat), but he pauses and frowns. “Before... they’re already here, Billy.”
Billy blinks and pulls his mouth off the lip of his bottle. The suction releases with a ‘pop.’ “What? Why’s it so quiet? Where the hell are they?”
“In... the basement?” Steve raises his eyebrows. “Where else would they play their game? It has to feel like a dungeon or something.” Dustin explained it once, using words like ‘atmosphere’ and ‘aesthetics’ and ‘acoustics.’ It all boils down, Steve thinks, to needing no windows so they can’t tell when they’ve been playing for four hours.
Billy looks at the clock. “How long has he been down there with them?”
“An hour, maybe? Did you seriously mean to lock that poor kid in the basement alone??”
“Oh don’t do that hands-on-the-hips thing at me, Harrington,” Billy huffs, scrambling to his feet and sprinting for the basement door. Steve follows after him, catching up just as Billy unlocks the door and hurries down the steps, grabbing the back of his collar to keep him from stumbling on the way down.
Not-Steve’s-Billy is sprawled nearly sideways on one folding chair, another pulled over for the express purpose of propping one leg on. Mike is standing across the rickety card table from him, where their map and shit are spread out, holding a book out with the pages facing Billy. He’s pointing at a drawing.
“Do you see the scaling? You don’t even come up to his knee!” Mike jabs a finger at the page. “You’re tiny!”
Not-Steve’s-Billy shrugs. “So?”
“So this thing can kill you by existing near you,” Lucas adds. “It’s pure evil.”
“Still wanna flirt with it.”
“You can’t flirt with a Nightwalker!” Mike insists. “It’s a giant, evil, undead demon!”
“Uh, I have...” Not-Steve’s-Billy picks up a piece of paper in front of him. “...charisma points that say I can. So lemme try and get into this thing’s pants.”
Mike blusters. “It doesn’t have pants!”
“I mean, technically it’s not against the rules,” Dustin admits, ever the diplomat. “Mr. Clarke always says you have to think outside the box if your problems don’t fit in the box.”
“The Nightwalker can’t speak,” Will protests. “It won’t understand you, and also Mike said it’s a guy!”
Not-Steve’s-Billy pats Will’s back. “Don’t you worry, kid. We’ve got body language and that’s all we need.” He holds his hand out. “Dice.”
“Don’t let him, Mike,” Lucas begs, sounding vaguely terrified. “What if he makes a good throw? I don’t wanna know what he does with the Nightwalker!”
“What the fuck?” Billy stalks over and grabs the die Dustin was handing over. “I leave you alone for an hour and you turn into a nerd?”
“Hey! My character has gotten laid twice already.” Not-Steve’s-Billy taps his paper. “He’s a...” He pauses and looks at Will. “Wiseman. What the hell am I again?”
Will sighs. “A bard. You wanted a guitar.”
Not-Steve’s-Billy bumps his shoulder to Will’s in thanks and smirks up at Billy. “My bard is getting every kind of action over here. This is so not a nerd game.”
“Shit.” Steve scrubs his hair back. “You guys already took sex ed, right?” Please let there be nothing Steve suddenly has to explain. He’s not ready for that. When he gets four slightly-numb nods in return, it feels like he can breathe again.
“You can’t just add sex and think it removes the nerd overtones.” Billy tosses the die aside. “Move your ass, we’re going.”
Lucas makes a shrill sound that Steve bets the other guys will mimic for Max for a long time. “A 20! He rolled a 20!” He clasps his hands over his ears. “Don’t tell me what a 20 means!”
“Wait, is that good?” Not-Steve’s-Billy looks around the table. “Do I get to fuck the Night-thing?”
“Okay, thanks for being so nice to Billy’s... friend, gotta go, you kids play nice,” Steve calls over his shoulder as he and Billy drag Not-Steve’s-Billy up the stairs and out of the basement.
“Wiseman!” Not-Steve’s-Billy calls back down the stairs. “Wiseman, save my stats for me!”
The basement door shuts. It’s quiet. Dustin dutifully reaches over and pushes the die, flipping the upturned number to a 3.
Mike sits down, still clutching his book. “Okay,” he says slowly. “The Nightwalker devoured his soul. And we never speak of him again.”
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bubmyg · 5 years
paperweight - knj
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pairing: namjoon x reader
genre: coworkers!au, f2l, fluff, lots of dialog in which i attempt to be funny
word count: 1,961
summary: hoseok rigs the secret santa so namjoon will stop staring at you every time you walk across the office to fill your water or where you get a dress that’s entirely too expensive to fit the office secret santa budget but find that the dinner that’s supposed to accompany it fits the thirty dollar limit, the dress is just extra
a/n: part 4 of my holiday series! as always, if u need the masterlist of the series, let me know bc tumblr is dumb and links don’t show up!!!
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“Why did you email to come over here? My desk is like two office blocks away. You could have just yelled if you wanted to talk about—”
Hoseok took a stapler to the stomach, the nearest thing to Namjoon’s clammy hand clasped over his mouse. He caught the hunk of metal with a wheezing laughter, collecting himself enough to place it down without stapling his polo to his stomach.
“Do you have a volume setting I’m unaware of?” The younger hissed.
The red haired man straightened proudly, fingers tucking into his front pockets.
Namjoon’s shoulders slumped, arm lazily waving his friend closer in some sort of knowing defeat. “So, we have a problem.”
“What?” Hoseok cocked his chin, “You don’t have the balls to do it anymore?”
“I didn’t have the balls to do it in the first place,” He grumbled. His office chair squeaked as he rolled around, ducking underneath his desk long enough to snatch a flimsy gift box before pushing the end against Hoseok’s chest, “I especially don’t have the balls to give her this.”
“It’s not lingerie, is it?” Hoseok plucked open one end with his thumb, eyeing Namjoon seriously, “Joon, c’mon—”
The red haired man paused upon dipping a hand within the cardboard, fingers grasping over something silky. The dress came in cascading pleats of fabric, pooling up and over the lip in the box to hang in a crumpled seam from Hoseok’s white fist. He dropped the box where he’d deposited the stapler, using both hands to suspend the dress across his torso.
It was elegant green with a sloping neckline and a cinched waist and all things that would look beautiful on you but was definitely out of the price range for the office secret Santa.
“This…” Hoseok continued to stare, open mouthed, at the glittering fabric as it swayed over the top of his polished dress shoes, “This is what you bought?”
Namjoon snatched it, not caring that he probably just crinkled the fabric in the most unflattering angles (not that it would matter because you would look beautiful if he’d cut some holes in the discount paper bags meant for holiday gifts and gifted that to you instead). The dress folded over his knee and was shoved back in the tiny hole Hoseok had created before the box clattered against his keyboard, opening, closing, and making the screen cut in a fourth over two monitors all at once. His fingers curled into soft grey locks, elbows hitting his knees as he moaned miserably, “What do I do, hyung?”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, shoving Namjoon, chair and all, out of the way. He brought the box back into his grasp, flicking off Namjoon’s monitor in the process of straightening out the corners they had altered for the worst.
“Do I have to do everything for you?”
Namjoon, ever oblivious to the coincidence in the office of fifty how he’d managed to draw your name, blinked.
“Give her this.”
The box plopped against his thighs when Hoseok was done. Next came a roll of ribbon one propped up next to a roll of jagged wrapping paper Namjoon had tugged messily from his cupboard that morning. He watched mute as Hoseok bustled about his cubicle, snatching official letterhead from a tray in the corner and a brand new ink pen from a bottom drawer. The pen cap clipped into the corner of Hoseok’s lips as he arched over a file cabinet, slapping the letterhead down on top of the metal.
“What are you doing?” Namjoon asked lowly.
“Helping you,” Hoseok grunted, pen tip scratching against blunt metal. He scrawled in silence, Namjoon’s fingernails carving crescent shapes into the plastic arms of his chair as he waiting, toe bouncing against the plastic strip below his cubicle. His friend’s wrist circled in a looping, dramatic end, coming to drop the end of the pen into the cap still ceased between his teeth.
“Here,” He stretched the note out with a raised eyebrow, “Give her this with the dress.”
Namjoon scanned the note quickly, eyebrows furling tighter the deeper he got into the literature. “A dinner will be more than thirty dollars, though,” He said finally, still drilling holes into Hoseok’s shitty attempt to forge his signature at the bottom (but mostly at the xoxo etched a handful of font sizes smaller).
“You spent an entire paycheck on a dress.”
“That I still have to give her, by the way,” When Hoseok leaned closer, Namjoon added in a mumble, “The shop doesn’t take returns.”
“Okay fine,” Hoseok placed the note on top of the spool of ribbon, tapping the paper, “You put the note on top of the dress, so she reads it first. The note makes it clear that her portion of dinner is the part for the gift exchange. The dress is just a gift from the who stares at your ass every day when you go to get water—”
“I’m serious about a volume knob. Maybe an off switch. I’ll pay for the surgery, even.”
Hoseok grinned, moving to turn back for his desk, “You owe me one.”
“Wait!” Namjoon slumped into the back of his chair, resembling a miserable middle school boy afraid to ask his crush to step on his toes for three minutes and twenty-some seconds. “What I do if she says no? Will this make her uncomfortable? Oh my god, I’ve royally fucked up haven’t I, I should have just got her that turtle paper weight you saw—”
“You really do only have a grasp on half of your remaining brain cell, don’t you?” Hoseok continued to walk away, voice rising an octave, “Why do you think I rigged the secret Santa for you?”
“You what—”
“Just give her the damn gift, Namjoon,” He shot a thumbs up above his shoulders, “You’ll see!”
His email intended to have his friend reassure him that he needed to exchange his stupid attempt at asking you out for the turtle paperweight he may or may not have already bought and had gift wrapped in a drawer in his desk only worsened the ball of dread twisted in the pit of his stomach.
It also made him ten minutes late for the time he intended to drop the box on your desk and scurry away before you returned from your lunch break.
He weighed the pros and cons of giving you the paperweight and storing the dress in his closet for his roommate to find on accident only to endure how many ever months he remained with the company wishing he’d just grown his balls back and asked you out. He considered how long he’d have to hear Hoseok bitch and risk you hearing him just a desk over. He considered how long he’d had to walk around the entire office to avoid your prying eyes before the embarrassment of your inevitable rejection wore off.
And then his conscious spoke for it all, muscles contracting as he swiped the note and box into his hand and rounded the corner of his cubicle in route for your desk.
Namjoon’s breath seized when you turned to look at him, the rough clattering of his desk chair smacking against his desk startling you just as his looming presence at the corner of your desk did. You cocked an eyebrow, offering a wide, nearly bashful smile at the sight of him.
“Hi!” You chirped, tilting your head, “...are you? Okay?”
“This is uh—” His voice had squeaked twice in his life. Once when he was thirteen giving a speech on the importance of honey bees to the circle of life and now when he was trying to ask out his cute cubicle neighbor who teased him about the bear stickers on the corner of his monitor, was his drinking partner at every company get together, and made straight, khaki slacks look like they belonged on the nearest runway. “—this—” He tried again, thrusting the box in your direction, “—for you.”
“Namjoon…” Your voice was a halfhearted scold, leaning forward to take the box from him. “You didn’t have to get me anything. Keeping me away from Jeongguk during the Christmas party was enough.”
He shook his head, offering shortly, “Secret Santa.”
Your lips rounded, thumb barely underneath the box lid. “Well, you aren’t so secret now, are you?”
“Was going to leave it on your desk during your lunch break but uh…” Namjoon gestured vaguely with his hand in front of his face, “Hoseok.”
You nodded in understanding, flipping the lid over on your thighs. “Ah, well…” You trailed off, squinting hard at the handwriting on the note, cheeks gradually heating the further you got.
“That’s part of the gift exchange,” Namjoon rushed, bracing his hip against the corner of your desk, “The other thing is, uh, from me. I guess. If you want it. Or if you even want the first part.”
The dress fluttered between the ridges in your knuckles as you pulled it out, letting it pool elegantly in your lap as you ran your free hand across the embroidery stitched across the neckline and into the cinched waist. You pulled at the top, stretching it between your palms as you dropped it into your lap, staring blankly at the garment that now covered the company letterhead crumbled between your thighs.
“You really don’t have to—”
“Namjoon,” His name rolled off your tongue robotically, your entire being still buzzing numbly as you kicked your feet backward, rolling for you desk. You disappeared, only to return with a similarly generic gift box, white and cardboard, the only difference being the shiny red bow that was taped on the top left corner. “Take this.”
“Honey, you didn’t have to—”
“Secret Santa,” You rasped, features softened a bit now from their previously stoic state. “Hoseok.”
Within was a rectangular, plastic card, displaying the very logo of the place Namjoon had planned on taking you to. Underneath was a note scrawled in thick black marker in handwriting eerily similar to the note in his own gift.
You can only keep this if I get to come with you. Signed, your secret Santa your neighbor :)
“I’m going to kill him.”
“He told me to trust him but I didn’t believe him.”
“How did he rig the drawing?”
“He’s been here every day since the drawing, trying to convince me—”
“I’m still going to kill him.”
Your giggle broke Namjoon out of his haze of striding a few paces over and breaking his friend’s sacred glass rooster that perched on top of his computer tower. You slumped in silence, smile still stretched bright and proud over your teeth as you regarded him with a shaking head, occasional laughter still breaking past your parted lips.
“So do you want to—”
“Is that a yes to the date—”
You continued to beam, crossing your legs at the knee, “You go first.”
Namjoon huffed, setting his shoulders and wiping his sweaty palms on the front of his collared shirt. “Do you want to go to dinner with me sometime?”
“You know, it just so happens my wonderful neighbor just bought me a stunning new dress…” Your head lulled against the leather back of the chair, smile lessening to just a fond seam of your lips, “How’s Friday after work sound?”
Your laughter was already Namjoon’s favorite sound but now he wanted your smile painted to the back of his eyelids so he never had to stop seeing it. “Good,” You nodded, “I’ll bring my gift card.”
He was so starry eyed and floating on a metaphorical cloud that had vaporized above your head that he barely acknowledged his tongue wisping in his mouth, throat vibrating out words.
“I’ll bring your paperweight.”
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edgeofmyniall · 5 years
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Monroe Falls is a simple town made up of fishing docks and home cooked meals. Boats lined up the wooden docks where fisherman would cast their nets into the Pacific Ocean in hopes of catching a school of cod. Monroe Falls sits on the edge of the Washington and Canada border line, so it was well known for its trading goods and fishing posts. The small town was always cold. The weather forecast almost never called for sun unless it was the first week in July where the sun rose and the air was warm enough to roam around town in shorts. Normally, the weather was gray and bleak: dark clouds blocked the sun and light rain was a permanent land mark in the town. Monroe Falls was a town that most people would leave as soon as they got the chance unless of course you wanted to be a man of the sea or you were apart of a family run business since the town was founded. 
It’s not that Niall was stuck in Monroe Falls per say. It’s just that he never really felt the need to leave. The only time he ventured out into the world was when he went off to college in California, but he still had a piece of home with him. When moving off to the state of constant sunshine- something Niall rarely seen, he brought- well more like pleaded Isabella to come. He wouldn’t have made it without her, and he wouldn’t have moved back if it wasn’t for her. See, for Niall, he knew what his future was. It was planned before his birth. He would take over the carpentry and hardware store that his family built from the ground up. Hell, his great great whatever grandfather was one of the founding members. His ancestor built most all of the buildings in Monroe Falls so it was destined for him to stay in that small town in Washington. What wasn’t planned was for him and Isabella to become pregnant at twenty-four… a year before both of them graduated with their masters.
It was a shock to both families. Not that anyone was disappointed; it’s just that they were so young and didn’t know the ways of the world. Twenty-four is too young to have a baby without a good job or home.So after spring semester, NIall and Isabella packed up their one bedroom apartment and headed back to Monroe Falls. They transferred out of University of California, Los Angeles, and finished their masters online. It wasn’t like they had much left, but they didn’t get to experience walking across the makeshift stage to shake hands with their dean. Niall had a few business classes left, and Isabella only needed to intern at a local newspaper company before she graduated with a journalism degree. They spent the latter part of their last semester getting ready for the twins. Niall spent most of his free time working at Horan Building, LLC, saving up for when the babies came. Niall’s father, Bobby, provided two new cribs, while Niall’s mother and step father gave them plenty of clothes for the twins, diapers, and the essentials. Isabella’s parents- who were nothing but hard working middle class parents, put down a down payment on a house. They used up every penny of their savings account to provide a home for their youngest daughter. Isabella’s older sister provided car seats and a baby monitor- she even chipped in on the first house payment. 
Once Iz graduated, Niall worked as the manager at the hardware store. Niall quit school to work and to help renovate the house in preparation of the twins. Life was hard, but Niall and Isabella loved every second of it. They made ends meet, but leftovers were a staple in the Horan household. 
And not that he felt the need to, Niall asked Isabella to marry him the day they moved in. She was two weeks shy of being five months pregnant, and while unpacking a box of Niall’s personal belongings, Isabella found a purple velvet box. The ring wasn’t fancy- it was completely modest. The ring had one tiny diamond that set in the very middle of a silver band. Isabella knew that Niall had spent what he could afford on it, but she never needed a ring. She loved Niall with or without the materialistic things. She gazed over the ring as it shone under the bedroom light. 
“Was gonna ask ya when we graduated, but things….they came up,” Niall said. He had been leaning on the bedroom door frame watching Isabella take in the sight of the symbol of forever. “Sorry it’s not fancy. It’s all I could afford with the twins coming and all.”
“It’s beautiful,” Isabella smiled. She placed the ring on her fourth digital on her left hand. Niall walked up behind her, wrapping his broad arms around her growing waist- his fingers barely touched each other now, and asked one of the most important questions of his life.
“Well, will ya?” He was sure he knew the answer already, but still, his heart was in his throat.
“Who else is gonna be my baby daddy?” 
“My guess is Collin. He’s had a thing for you since day care.” Isabella’s brown eyes twinkled as she laughed. That was their relationship- a constant of bantering, but she knew in her heart, Niall was the one for her.
“Yes…” she finally answered. “Forever and always.”
“Forever and always.” Niall smiled, his life was complete.
The wedding was anything but perfect. Isabella couldn’t find a decent dress that wasn’t from the ‘80’s that would fit over her belly. No priest would bless the marriage so they settled for the court house.
The judge smiled at the young couple before pronouncing them man and wife.
When the twins arrived, there were complications. They came too early.
Mackenzie, the youngest, couldn’t get enough oxygen. He struggled to breathe and his immune system  was failing. 
Maggie was underdeveloped. Her heart was too weak, and she never cried when the doctor pulled her out of Isabella’s incision. 
The twins spent weeks in incubators fighting for their lives. Isabella fell into a very dark depression, feeling like she failed as a mother, and seeing his newborns struggle to live nearly killed Niall. He drank every night to wash the pain away, but no amount of alcohol pushed the hurt aside. It was always there in the back of his heart.
Then one day, like clockwork, the twins grew stronger. They grew and won the fight of life.The first year of the twins’ lives was hard. Niall and Isabella fought, at least, twice a day. She’d snap at Niall over the littlest things. She was hiding that she was frustrated- she wasn’t producing any milk, and her head constantly hurt. She was always tired, and she forgot the simplest things- like turning off the stove top. She forgot it was even on and she had decided to draw herself a bath while the twins were asleep nearly burning down the house. She couldn’t see the TV even though she was right in front of it. The ever growing black spot covered the screen. She became distant and unwilling. Her loud laugh grew silent and she never wanted to leave the couch. Her words went from vibrant to slurred as she forced herself to put a simple sentence together. It wasn’t until Niall came home after working that he found Isabella laying on the floor unconscious. The twins were screaming, and a pool of vomit and foaming saliva was pouring out of Isabella’s mouth.
Niall shook, slapped, and rocked Isabella awake, but nothing worked. She was still laying limp in Niall’s arms.Their neighbor, Mrs. Rogers heard the twins screaming when she walked outside. She noticed the front door was wide open and assumed the worst. She walked over cautiously calling out Niall’s name. It was when she climbed the stairs that she saw the tear soaked face of Niall cradling Isabella’s lifeless body.
“Oh my God, Niall.” She covered her mouth as she pulled out her phone to call 91-1. “I got the babies. You-you go when the medics get here.”
The ride to the emergency room was the longest five minutes of Niall’s life. The paramedic in the back never stopped her work on Iz. 
Niall couldn’t stop pacing the empty and silent waiting room as the doctors performed tests on Isabella.When the doctor walked into the room with a somber look on his face, Niall broke down. The doctor, Matt, who Niall and Iz went to school with gave Niall the news. Matt’s words faded out as Niall pushed his way to Isabella’s room in the ICU.
She was conscious, and her words were barely audible.
“Think something’s wrong with me, Ni.” Her head was shaved where they had cut into her scalp. The stitched up scar was red and swollen. He couldn’t take his eyes off it as he grabbed his wife’s hand, squeezing it gently- too afraid of causing more pain.
“Forever and always,” he cried as he kissed his wife’s forehead. 
In the months that followed, there were more surgeries than Niall could remember. Stage four was embedded in his brain. The mass of cells nearly always doubled in size when they came back. Niall never had been violent until he punched Matt in the face after telling him there was nothing more that the doctors or surgeries could do. The tumor had spread beyond where he was comfortable going, and it had consumed who Iz was. After a night of milking busted knuckles and whiskey, Niall brough Isabella home for the last time. 
The twins were now two, and when they saw their mom walk into their home, they waddled their way to her screaming, “Mama!”
Niall didn’t work a single day until Iz became better. They drained their bank account and the house payments were being taken over by Horan Building, LCC. Niall had refused to leave Iz’s side. She had grown weak- her eyes were sunken in, and one could tell just how fragile she was. 
But, it was on a Monday, two months after Isabella came home that she would not wake. The night before was filled with laughter as the four of them played around in the living room.
Niall shook and shook Isabella, but no sound or movement came from her. Niall called Matt, but when he arrived, she was already gone. Niall fell to his knees beside the bed where Isabella was as he begged God to take him instead.
Everyone in Monroe Falls came to the funeral. It really was a beautiful service, but what shattered Niall’s heart was when the twins stood over Iz’s grave and waved “bye-bye” to their mother. 
The house became silent without Iz’s laughter or singing. It grew colder without her warm smile or her need to cuddle under a blanket. It wasn’t the same. However, the twins, they gave him hope. They kept him too busy to grieve. The empty house filled with laughter, singing and running around again. Bare walls began to hold art projects and photos. It was becoming a home again.
Isabella’s parents, to Niall’s surprise, had a life insurance policy on her. When his father-in-law came by the shop one day, he handed Niall a check for one hundred thousand dollars.“To pay off the house. And to give the twins a decent college fund.” The older man stopped at the glass door before leaving.“She loved you, ya know. And you will always be a son to us.” Both men shed tears that day.
Every year on November twenty-fifth, Horan Building, LLC closes, and the kids skip school so they can grieve as a family.
Maggie has grown into a witty, book loving cheerleader whose heart is too big for her own good. Mack grew to be tall and lanky and loved soccer; Niall insistent that they join sports, secretly he was afraid they would become sick again if they weren’t active. He was happy taking care of is kids, and running the shop. He was content. He wasn’t lonely.
Or that’s what he made himself believe. 
At night, the loneliness screamed at him as he tossed and turned in his bed- their bed. No, he’s moved on. It’s been fifteen years. He just doesn’t have time for a relationship. Until he met her. The green-eyed girl whose smile caused butterflies in his stomach. The woman whose concern over his daughter alarmed him. He clung to her kind voice and soft words.
But what he’s most afraid of getting too close her because everything he touches washes away in the tide.
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Dancing’s Not A Crime (Unless You Do It Without Me) pt. 14
Bakugou x fem!reader, Todoroki x fem!reader
You flirt and tease with a certain hotheaded classmate of yours without realizing how far it has escalated and someone gets a little jealous.
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of abuse, mentions of death, swearing, boys being jealous, uhhhh more angst
A/N: a brush of inspiration? Kinda. There won’t be more frequent updates so please don’t ask!! I am only a cherry tomatoe who has been plucked before she has ripened.
Part 13 or read from the beginning OR read a properly edited version on my AO3
You blinked and hot tears fell to your living room floor. Staring at your mother’s unmoving body, you clutched onto your stuffed dog, Speckle. A large hand touched your shoulder and you were pulled away and into your father’s cloak.
“Don’t look, sweetheart.”
“Why isn’t mommy waking up?” You whimpered out, wiping your wet face on your father’s robes.
He pet your head. “She,” he sighed. “Y/N, I’m going to ask you a very important question and I need you to answer honestly. Do you think you can do that for daddy?”
That was the rule. You always had to answer ‘important’ questions with the full truth. Often times you were rewarded for being so cooperative. You didn’t feel like you deserved any special treatment then.
“How long has mommy been hurting you like that? Is it always while I am away?”
You swallowed back at sob while more tears poured from your eyes. “She says that sometimes I’m not a good daughter. Sometimes I don’t obey her even when she’s singing. Sometimes mommy gets upset that I don’t want to help her. I don’t mean to make her so mad sometimes but-!” You cried louder. You didn’t understand the question. “Why won’t she get up?!”
Your father bent down and brought you into a tight hug. You trembled while you sobbed into his embrace.
“Oh Kira,” your father’s voice was sorrowful as he spoke to your mother. You’d never heard his voice get so low before. It was terrible. “Mommy’s should never treat their children like that, Y/N, and now Mommy has to sleep for a very long time. I’m… I’m sorry that I didn’t know about this sooner. Maybe something else could’ve been done. I haven’t been a very good father to you, have I?”
“A very long time…?” You tried to turn back to your mother’s display but your father wouldn’t let you. “Will she ever wake up?”
A single tear fell away from your father’s long lashes. “No, baby. She won’t ever wake up.”
A dark purple cloud of energy started pouring out of your father’s sleeves. The air grew cooler and your skin prickled as his magicks slid past you, enveloping your mother’s body. You heard a small crackle of thunder, familiar to you only when your father used his quirk, and it was over. Finally, you turned to see that the space before you was empty, your mother was missing, gone from your house, your life, your everything.
… so your brain… was an even bigger asshole than Katsuki Bakugou. You were already stressed the fuck out from the very long weekend you had, what with the date with Bakugou that had turned into a fight with that staple faced weirdo from the café, finding out that Todoroki, Midoriya, And Iida all fought the hero killer in their own, and Todoroki fucking kissing you in the hospital while you were worried about him! Not to mention that your internship was a complete bust with Uwabani stringing you, Yaoyarozu, and that 1-B girl, Kendo, around to her modeling gigs and throwing you all into her dumb commercial. Even when you went on patrols, you mostly stood back while Uwabani’s fans swarmed her. You craved action and you didn’t get any… except the kiss. And that was a huge problem.
Now you couldn’t even get a proper night’s sleep before you went back to school to face that problem. You rubbed away the excess sleep from your eyes and rolled out of bed. You weren’t going to cry. You’ve done your crying. You’ve known for a long time now that your biological father killed your mother. Even if he did it to ‘protect’ you, it didn’t change the fact that you loathed him but that didn’t mean you couldn’t be hurt by the not so distant memory.
You made your way to the closet and climbed up, using your shoe cubbies as stairs, to grab a cardboard box that has been untouched for years. In it, were some pictures you and drawings you furiously ignored but underneath it all laid your old stuffed dog. Your old pet you would animate when you were feeling lonely. You and Aizawa had cats so you didn’t need the pet but… the comfort was… something else. You didn’t want to bother Aizawa again, especially since you hadn’t told him about what had gone down during your date with Bakugou.
You threw yourself back into bed and squeezed your old toy under your chin. You wouldn’t cry, you told yourself again. Still, when your eyes finally fluttered closed again, your cheeks had already been stained. How stupid.
You really needed to laugh and you should thank Bakugou for providing you with such a glorious reason to. His once spiky hair was combed back nearly and flat against his head and he was trembling with rage while Sero and Kirishima poked fun at his new look.
“...I’ll kill you both!” He said through his teeth.
“I’d like to see you try, pretty boy!” Sero said, barely able to contain himself.
“What did you say!” And boom! His hair popped right back to its natural state and you tried, you tried not to laugh but you couldn’t help but double over with both Kirishima and Sero.
“Oh there it goes!”
You clutched your stomach while your other classmates talked about their internships. Apparently a lot of them, besides Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya, had pretty eventful ones. You were kinda jealous.
Bakugou made his way over to you and a rush of guilt filled the pit of your stomach. You hadn’t told him about Todoroki kissing you. “At least I didn’t spend my internship, what, advertising hairspray?”
Ugh. That was unfair. You reached up and tousled his surprising soft spikes. “It’s too bad,” you smirked, “maybe you could’ve used some!”
He grabbed your hand and pushed it back to you, keeping his hands over yours. He leaned down, leveling his head with yours and whispered. “So, when were you planning on telling me about your little secret?”
Your eyes widened. He already knew about the kiss?! Your eyes darted to Todoroki who was sitting at his desk explaining that Endeavor had ‘saved’ them in Hosu City. He was talking to your other classmates but his eyes were on you. Did he fucking tell him? Would Todoroki do something like that? Honestly, he was full of surprises lately.
You turned back to Bakugou, face red with shame. “It’s not what you think,” you shied away from his piercing gaze, “I was worried for them so I visited them in Hosu and then he just… but I didn’t stop him. It didn’t mean anything though!”
Bakugou’s brows narrowed, trying to read your face. After a moment, he pulled you out of the class and set you against the wall, pressing his hand next to you. “Are you telling me that that half n’ half punk bastard kissed you?”
“Y-yeah? Isn’t that what you were asking about?”
“And you fucking let him?!” Oh Jesus Christ, he had no idea!
“It came out of nowhere, Bakugou! I was scared that he might’ve sustained critical damage or something and then… I don’t know! I didn’t ask him to!”
Bakugou’s lips twitched into a snarl. “Did you like it?”
“Tsss!” He kicked the wall and you shuddered. You’ve never been afraid of Bakugou’s temper before but this time… you knew you had done something that actually hurt him… but it wasn’t like you guys were… official. “So you’re saying he took advantage of you?”
You shook your head. “No! I think… I think him, Iida, and Midoriya all went through something traumatic and-!”
“I’m done talking about this!” He hissed. You tried to reach out to him but he moved away from you. “I need a fucking moment, Y/N.”
You pressed your lips together and watched Bakugou shove his hands in his pockets. You stayed there frozen for a moment before turning on your heel and going back into class. That wasn’t… the worse case scenario.
You classmates’ eyes were on you as you walked over to your desk. Todoroki was on you immediately. You gave him a once over. He didn’t talk to you while you were at school.
“Are you okay?”
You kicked your feet together and wrapped your knuckles on your desk. Were you okay? Besides your lack of sleep, extreme guilt, and the heavy tension in your shoulders… “I’m fine.”
“Did you tell him…” Todoroki’s voice dropped to a whisper, “about us?”
If you had more energy, you would’ve groaned. “Todo,” You said, looking into his heterochromatic eyes, “there isn’t an ‘us.’”
“You say that now but Y/N,” his warm hand enveloped your own, “I know that I can change your mind…”
whispers could be heard from around the class. What the hell was Todoroki doing touching you like that in front of everyone?!
“HEY!” Smack! Bakugou slapped Todoroki’s hands away from yours, grabbed your arm, and pulled you away from Todoroki aaaaand-
Your lips met Bakugou’s and for a brief moment you forgot that you had an audience while Bakugou’s fingers met your chin and you were lost in the passion of the kiss. You moved your lips with him and felt him grin into the kiss before pulling away from you. You heard Mina let out an excited squeak.
Bakugou threw his arm around your waist and glared at Todoroki. “Keep your mitts off my girlfriend.”
Todoroki’s right arm started freezing over. “She’s not your girlfriend.”
“That’s enough,” Aizawa’s voice called from the front of the class. Todoroki’s ice disappeared and you could see Aizawa’s eyes glowing red, black hair swooping around him. “Class has begun. It’s time to stop acting idiotic and take your seats.”
Bakugou and Todoroki continued to glare at each other.
“I’m not going to ask again.” Aizawa was looking at you.
You gave Bakugou a push and scowled at Todoroki. “Go,” You said, sitting in your own desk.
Todoroki pushed into Bakugou’s shoulder as he past him to go to his chair. Bakugou’s hand flexed and you could see it start to light up. You grabbed it and gave it a squeeze. His eyes met yours and you kissed his knuckles. In a way, you were telling him that… maybe… you were his girlfriend.
He rolled his eyes and found his seat.
Tag list (CLOSED!!!): @izzy206-2001 @chanelxberlinstark @fangirl-on-bitches @meggy126 @tortuga-sanchez @thatpandajournal @lilacbunni @quenixy @sami-raye @geektastic84 @rubycubix @animefreak774 @thewinterserpent @ferntea @bemyhero-academia @allfortodoroki @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @mels-heart
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A Song for You
AN: I am beyond sorry its been so long. The second the holidays started I was in a whirlwind but I'm back and ready to keep going. Here is the new Chapter hope you love it.
Chapter Eighteen
She hadn't seen her husband since they both got to work this morning, he was currently underneath a car while she was double checking some appointments for later today and filing that still hadn't been done by Gemma. It was a fucking wonder this place lasted with her behind the filing. She was putting some files up when the door to the office opened, without turning she speaks “Take a seat I'll be with you in a moment.” She drops the files on her hands when she hears a Scottish brogue reply “Take your time Lass.” she turns and sees Chibs grinning at her, practically leaping over the desk chair she hugs him tight. “Jesus fuck Chibs I was so scared!”  the older man hugs her close kissing the side of her head in greeting as her husband rushes in at the sound of her shouting. “Babe you…..” she pulls herself from Chibs, seeing the wide grin on her husband face she gets out of the way just in time for him to hug Chibs himself “Jesus Chibs.” She rubs her husband's back, she knew Chibs meant a lot to Juan, she was glad he was back home. Once they released the man hug of the century she grabs Chibs face in her hands, looking him over “What happened.” the older man huff out a laugh, grabbing one of her hands he kisses the back of it before stepping out of her reach, nodding towards the clubhouse. “Want to wait until the others are here, put up the break sign or get one of the prospects in here.” she watches him go, she and her husband locking eyes. This wasn't good if the whole club needed to know. “Go clean up. I'll grab our lunches from the clubhouse.” Juan nods, pressing a kiss to her cheek he heads for the bathroom in the office to clean up.
It's not twenty minutes that she and Juan are having lunch at the picnic tables with Tig, Chibs, Bobby, Phil, and her father. She kept having to swat at her father and Tig as they stood bites of her chicken and rice, when her father steals another bite she hands her food to her husband for protection while she smacks at her father's arms as he hides his head from her blows. “It's your mom's recipe what do you expect little girl!!!” she glares at him as she grabs her food back from her husband. “ I expect you to ask you heathen. You too Tig don't think you're off the hook.” she feels a tap on her shoulder, seeing Chibs glancing between her and her food she arches a brow “May I have a try lass?” she sighs, hold out a spoonful for him she glares between her father and Tig “See. Asking helps.” She goes back to eating as Chibs nods. “Pretty good girlie. Make that for dinner one night and I'll swing by.” She takes her last bite and nods, hearing a bike pull up she sees Jax, she hears her father get up as his phone rings she moves over so he can head for the ring behind them to talk to whoever was calling. She grins as Jax pulls Chibs in for a hug “The prodigal Scot. Oh, man. Thank God you're alright, man. What happened?” she leans into her husband's side, resting her head on his shoulder as she listens to Chibs “Frankie, he dumped me out on the 99. I really thought he was gonna put a bullet in the back of my head. Some trucker found me. Check this out.” she watches him pull his paperboy hat from his head, hissing between her teeth when she sees the glimmer of two staples in the long scar on his head. Frankie was worm food. “Did you see anything Chibs? Anything we could use to find him?” turning to her he lights a cigarette, blowing the smoke upward he shakes his head in the negative “Too dark lass. But it looked like a White SUV. I couldn't see plates, faces. But it's obvious somebody's helping him.” She sighs, resting her elbows on the table she racks her brain, but with so little info that was given to her through the paperwork she was given by Frankie, it wouldn't be easy to sniff him out. She turns to Bobby, “Seems to be heading north, maybe breaking for Canada.” sounded plausible, she almost jumps out of her skin when her father plops down next to her, seeing his face and the evil grin on it she narrows her eyes “Try Tahoe. Just talked to Quinn. He found Frankie.” She smirks, leaning over she plans a kiss on her father's cheek, snickering when he tried to scrub her lip gloss from his cheek. Even Jax chuckled as he said  “Well, let's go. Come on, let's move to church.”
Standing she follows behind the others, her husband's hand on her hips as he walks behind her. She and the others quickly grab their seats, seems she wasn't the only one itching to get her hands on Frankie. She gets comfortable between Phil and her husband, rubbing her hand up and down her husband's back as he leans his elbows on the table, his whole upper body almost hunched over the table. He was just as ready as she was to see Frankie bleed. Her eyes land on her father as he speaks first “Quinn says Frankie's in South Tahoe. Hooked up with Leo Pirelli's crew.” She scuffs, couldn't even hide on his own. Jax nods, a hand coming to scrub roughly at the side of his beard jaw “He's bought himself some mob protection.” all eyes move to the older man at the end of the table as he says “Is that solid intel? 'Cause I'm a little cautious when it comes to Nomad integrity.” she wanted to throw one of her knives into his eye socket, the Nomads were his errand boys and a good few of them knew it. Her father's eyes narrow at Clay “Quinn knows every pimp and hooker in a 300-mile radius. Frankie still likes them young and slanted.” She narrows her eyes at Tig and he snorts “Yeah, pussy tells all.” she kicks him under the table, a smirk of satisfaction on her face when he winches and reaches down for his shin. “Ok unloyal pussy tells all better?” she nods and turns her attention to Jax, who shakes his head at the both of them “All right, give him a call when we break. Tell him we're on our way. Make sure it's real.” she watches her father nod, he had his role to play. She glances past her husband's still hunched form to Bobby “Leo runs book and poker clubs. It's a quiet crew, man. Maybe Cacuzza could reach out, explain our situation. Do this the easy way.” She doesn't look at Clay as he replies “Yeah. I can call Jimmy.” Her husband sighs, leaning back in his seat he grabs her hand, his fingers playing for with the rings on her hand as he asks the question they all want to be answered. “ What happens when we find Frankie? Because frankly Jax I want his fucking head for what he tried to do to my wife.”
She lifts his hand, not caring if the guys see her kiss his knuckle. Juan wasn't the most blood thirty out of this group, but she knew he needed this. Chibs nods “I agree, we cut his head off.” Jax's leans forward on his elbows, his gaze bouncing between Juan and Chibs. “First we press him on the attacks, find out who's calling the shots.” She nods, lacing her fingers with Juan's “I agree, I want him to die buried to his neck in shit but I want the person holding his fucking leash.” Tiggy slaps his hand on the table “Then let's vote this shit.” She watches Jax as he looks at everyone at the table for a moment “Okay, we all know what Frankie did to compromise the club. Vote's got to be unanimous. All in favor of stripping his patch.” the sounds of agreement were deafening, not one person at this table would stand for that man having redwood on his cut for another day. Jax's face takes on a darker note as he locks eyes with her “As far as Mr. Mayhem goes, let's hear pros and cons.” Tig scuffs, drawings Jax's eyes from her to him “He tried to kill you. That would be a pro.” She will give Jax his dues, she knew he wanted the man dead but he was also being a president and level headed when he said. “We only got the word of a non-member.” 
Clays voice down the table makes her tense, ever since Frankie had confirmed she had been right all she wanted was to crawl down the table and his throat out with her teeth. “ Gogo and Greg tried to kill Unser. Nomads were on a spree.”  all eyes turn to Chibs “ Yeah, and he shot Lyla, tried to whack me, and admitted to being the one who shot Joy. Frankie's made his bed, Jackie.” she rubs her husband's forearm as he grips her hand, she knew Juan still hadn't gotten over that night, she knew it would take a while for him to forget that feeling of not know if she was alright. Jax's eyes lock with hers for a moment, sometimes she wondered why he gave Bobby the VP patch when it seemed he still looked to her for some things, she nods slightly, it needed to be done. “ Okay. All in favor of Frankie Diamonds meeting Mr. Mayhem.” everyone voted in favor, Frankie's lifespan just shrunk down to hours as Jax slams down the gavel with a resounding crack.
She lets her husband practically drag her from the room by her hand as they all head outside, her mind is so focused on Frankie and how this would end she doesn't hear Juan's voice until he waves a hand in front of her face. “Hey. Come back to me. You ok?” She leans into his hands as they cup her cheeks, she rests her hands on his sides as his eyes sweep over her face “I'm fine just over analyzing. I'm ready for him to be gone.” she can't help but smile up at her husband when he plans a kiss to her forehead. “I know. Now the real question is are you riding along with me or solo. You seemed ok this morning without your pain Meds but this is an hour or so out.” she takes a hand from his side and rubs over the slowly fading bruise under her black shirt. “I'm alright. Tender to pressure as always but as long as I'm not doing a workouts like you do I'm good.” she smirks up at him as he rolls his eyes, she gasps as he yanks her closer by the back of her neck, the kiss he gives her makes her toes curl in her shoes. As he pulls back her lips chase his, much to his amusement. “Crack jokes about my work out habits all you want baby girl but you like what it does.” She snickers and smacks his stomach, making him grunt, she pulls two hair ties from her wrists, holding them up to Juan she turns around and lets him start to tightly braid her hair back. She sees Tig watching them, an amused grin on his face, he opens his mouth to say something but he catches the glint of silver on her hand, realizing she was holding a throwing knife. She waits until he locks eyes with her to wink, yeah fucker try it. Fucking cut your tires, the blue-eyed man pouts at her before yelling. “Your no fun doll.” she snickers and shoves the knife back into her thigh holster. Once Juan is done with her hair she runs to the office to grab her emergency ride bag she keeps there. Seeing Gemma she lets her know what had already he handled today and runs out to the bikes. Phil and Rat would be trailing behind them in the van, with Clay riding as well she would be taking up the rear between her father and Husband. Getting her customary kiss from her husband they take off not long after.
It had been so fucking long since they had just ridden together. This was what she used to dream about when her father would tell her about the club, wide open road. The rumble of their engines like a storm it's halfway in that they stop for a leg stretch and bathroom breaks. She is inside grabbing some waters for the guys and a few lollipops for her sweet tooth while Juan tops off their tanks, she heads outside a grape lollipop already between her lips as she walks up to Chibs who was laid out on his bike, she lays a water on his stomach before taking two waters out off the bag for herself and Juan. Chibs peers up at her, chuckling she arches a brow. “What's got you giggling?” he smirks “With the Lolli stick hanging out of your mouth it looks like a toothpick. Ya look like you Da.” the guys circled around grin, she remembers something, looking around she catches sight of her dad, she whistles to catch his attention. Reaching into her back pocket she holds up a small pack of toothpicks she got inside for him, tossing them towards him she grins when he catches them with ease. Sending her a nod in thanks before turning back to his conversation with Rat in the van driver seat. She shrugs as the rest of the guys laugh “Dad is easy to shop for. Toothpicks, beer, and condoms.” She giggles as Juan's forehead rests on her shoulder, her hand patting the side of his tattooed scalp as he tries to get his wheezing laughter under control.
She sees Phil glance over her shoulder, turning her head she sees him watching Clay who had just come from the bathrooms. The what he was rubbing his hand let her know he was regretting his choice to leave his shot at home. Juan having composed himself rests his chin on her shoulder as Clay passes them “How they doing?” Clay shakes his head, moving to lean against his bike behind them “I should have brought the cortisone.” Yes, he fucking should have, she even packed her pills, even if she felt fine she might not later. Jax comes over, his eyes narrowed on Clay “You good?” she lets Juan moves her so they are facing Clay, her back against his chest. Resting her head back on his shoulder she twirls the Lolli in her mouth as Clay replies “Lungs holding up, it's my goddamn hands.” Jax glances between the van and Clay before replying  “Hop in the van with Rat. Let Phil ride it out.” she knew it sucked to tap out. But Clay needed to be more realistic, bring your fucking meds if you needed them. Everyone started to get on their bikes, pulling the Lolli from her mouth she kisses Juan snickering when he grins “Mmmm grape.” She shakes her head and heads for her bike, turning to Tig when he swats at her leg. “Got any more?” she heaves a suffering sigh and holds out her treasure trove of lollipops. Letting him pick before she puts them away. These men would be the death of her, from a bullet wound or mental break she just didn't know which.
An hour or so later
Pulling up to the poker club she sees a very tall son waiting for them and for a second her mind flashes to Opie, she shakes it off walking up behind Jax as he greets the taller man “Quinn it's good to see you man.” she tilts her head back to look at him as he smiles down at her. Seems he was another gentle giant. “Well seems the rumors of the smallest son to wear a patch are true. I'm Quinn it's great to meet you Sonshine.” She grins, holding her hand out for him to shake, she finds herself a few feet of the ground in a tight hug before she can blink. “Careful hun. I'm not one hundred percent.” he drops her onto her feet. “Sorry. I'll remember next time.” she chuckles, letting her husband grab her hand, pulling her behind him and the rest as they head inside. Looking around she gets a feel of the place, very backwoods casino. She liked it, hanging onto Juan's arm she follows behind Jax, narrowing her eyes as a man steps up to their side “Hey, what do you guys need?” Jax pats the man on the shoulder “ We're just looking around, big fella.” Jax's swiftly moves past the man, who turns his attention to herself and the guys, his fingers pointing towards her cut.“Yeah, we're a quiet place. Gotta do it without the patches.”
She arches a brow, her arms crossed over her chest as she replies “Take it easy. We're just here to see Pirelli, okay?” the man steps closer into her space, she places a hand on her husband's chest, stopping him as he moves to step in front of her, she hated cheap forms of intimidation. Staring up at the bald man before her she curls her lip as he replies “Call his office and make an appointment Peaches.” She can't help but snort, fucking peaches? Wow how cute. She is about to rip his throat out with her teeth when Jax's voice bounces off the walls of the room, making them all turn to watch “Leo! You made a bad mistake helping Frankie Diamonds, man.”
She watches as Mr.Clean moves towards Jax, placing his hand on her president's chest. Shoving him back towards the guys “All right, out. Move!” she sidesteps Jax's backward falling body. Snatching up a bottle from the table she uses it to crack the extremely tall man upside the head, sending him crashing to the floor. All hell breaks loose as he gets back up Snatching her up by her cut he holds her again the wall “You crazy bitch!” she snarls and kicks him between his legs when he lets her drop she clasps her hands together making one large fist she swings at the side of his jaw. She doesn't stick around as he goes down, seeing Juan was ok she looks for her father, finding him and another man flying through the air and onto a table she winches as the table breaks. Running over she throws herself onto the man's back as he punches her father, wrapping her arms around his neck she leans back. Using all her body weight she starts to choke him out. The noise around her as come to a grinding halt but she refuses to release her hold on the guy who was now squirming in her arms for freedom. She only let's go when Jax snatches her up by the back of her cut “Enough Sonshine!” panting she leans into her husband and he moves to stand behind her, her father moving to her side as he glares at the man trying to catch his breath on the floor. A man stands before them, she guessed he was Leo. “What the hell is wrong with you guys? Somebody sneezes, your little cocker spaniel here throw a fist? How do you get any business done?” she smirks, her eyes on the man currently nursing a bloody nose “Mr.Clean next to you dropped his pants first.”
Her husband's chest rumbles as he chuckles, the bloody and bold man takes a threatening step towards her “Aw, screw this” She moves to meet him but her husband's hands on her arms and Leo's voice stop her “Hey, hey! Enough. Enough! Okay, so you got my attention.” Jax moves in front of her with sigh “Frankie Diamonds. Leo, we know you're helping him get out of the States.” she couldn't see past Jax large frame, but the condescending tone of Leo's voice made her roll her eyes “ You don't know shit.” Jax finally moves so she can lock eyes on Leo as Jax speaks lowly, but just loud enough for the few close enough to hear. “You know, Frankie Diamonds stole half a million dollars from me and my associates. He's using our cash to bankroll his exit. If you think we're noisy, wait till the cartel and the IRA come knocking.” she bites down on her lip as she tries not to laugh, that sneaky son of a bitch. She leans into her husband and she giggles out “Machetes, grenade launchers and AK’s oh my. And you think I'm a pain. They can spill a few stacks of chips.” She winks at Leo as her husband rests his forehead on her shoulder, she could feel his chest shaking as he tries to suppress his wheezing laughter. The larger man Quinn pats her on the shoulder as he passes by to speak to Leo “We just want Frankie.” Jax's chuckle makes her glance his way, the look on his face was a touch on the teasing side “You can even keep the cash.” She smirks as Leo finally grins, turning away he stops before turning back to Jax “Make a call. Follow us. But if you're telling me a story, kid, this ain't gonna be such a beautiful, sunshiny day here in the splendor of the lakes. You understand?” she can't help but reach over to swat at Jax's arm closest to her as he replies “Not exactly, but I think I get the point.”
She watches him go with a grin, smart ass. She and Juan let the others pass by, leaving them to follow in the back as he walks behind her, his hand coming around to rest his palm flat against her stomach and he whispers “You ok?” She turns her head, presses a kiss to his jaw “I'm fine Juan. Sore but nothing I'm not used to handling.” He narrows his eyes for a second but nods, kissing her temple as they get to their bikes. Following behind Leo and his guys as they pull out the drive isn't long it's just a lot of back roads, she almost swerves into another lane when the sound of a huge explosion booms through the mountains like thunder. She sees Jax's head pop up as he stands on his bike to look at something before he is peeling around the SUV and taking off at high speed, takes the rest of them half a second to do the same when they see the smoke from the mountain. She had broke formation and got closer to Jax, she would catch hell for it later but she wasn't gonna miss Frankie, fuck that for a joke. She pulls up next to Jax as they both catch sight of the van she quickly races past Jax for the door, yanking out her glocks she aims them at Clay who had a shotgun aimed at Frankie “Drop it Clay or I drop you!” Jax's rushes in behind her, gun aimed at Clay as well “Not yet Clay.” She side steps from the door, never taking her eyes off Clay, or her guns as the guys file in one by one. She can't help but smirk as Chibs lays his hands on her shoulders as he passes, talking to Frankie over her head “Frankie. Miss me?” she sees Leo and his boys file in from her peripheral as Jax's speaks to Clay “Lower the shotgun now.” for a second Clay looks like he might just say fuck it, she hoped he would but sadly he had some sense, lowering the shotgun he looks at Jax, the next few seconds are so fast she still can barely remember them. All she hears is Leo's low curse and the sound of gunshots, she watches Frankie drop as one hits him between the eyes, she turns to Leo as he stops, it takes her husband and her father to drag her out as she screeches, trying to bum rush the man. “You stupid son of a bitch!!! HE WASN'T YOUR KILL HE WAS MINE!”
She struggles as her father wraps his arms around her middles, pinning her swings arms to her side she yells as Juan grabs her face. “Joy enough! Look at me. Stop before to pass the fuck out BREATH!” She stares at him, her chest heaving as she feels tears of rage stream down her cheeks and over Juan's fingers. She feels her body shaking as she tries to calm her racing heart and mind. It's a good ten minutes before she can speak without yelling. “I'm good. Let me down dad.” her father kisses the back of her head before he drops her on her feet, moving past her he plants another kiss on the side of her head as he goes back to the cabin. Leaving her alone with her husband, looking up at him she swipes at her tear stained cheeks, looking up at him with a watery smile “I bet I look like shit.” Juan chuckles softly, his hands coming up your cup her face as his thumbed swipe under her eyes. Wiping away the Mascara that had smudged in her rage, she rests her hands on his sides as he presses a kiss to her forehead. “There. Just as beautiful as the day I married you.” she snorts, her hand rubbing up and down his sides “If your trying to sweet talk your way into my pants…..keep talking it might work.” he husband chuckles, his beefy arm wrapping around her shoulder as he drags her forward into his chest. The smell of weed smoke and body wash makes her tension melt away, she slides her hand around his back, her hand digging his back pocket as he tries to move away “The fuck you doing!?” she smiles into his chest as she finds what she was looking for, pulling back she holds up the case of prerolled blunts he always had and wiggles it “light up time?” He shakes his head but grabs it anyway, she goes back to her place against his chest, hugging him tightly as he lights up over her head. With her ear against his chest, she can hear when he takes his first hit, the blunt appearing in front of her face as he passes it to her. Finally pulling back from the warmth of his chest she sees the fuss heading their way, she inhales deeply as Jax gets to her, his hand on the back of her head as he locks eyes with her “You good sis?” she shrugs, a sad smile on her face as she blows her smoke off to the side. Handing the blunt to Juan, as Jax talks to Quinn behind her “do you have a truck or something we can borrow? To haul Frankie back?” she watches Clay standing off to the side with Rat, she takes the last of the blunt from her husband, inhaling all of it she holds it as Quinn replies “Yeah I got you.” she tosses the blunt to the dirt stomping it out she blows her smoke out as she speaks, the guys going quiet at the tone of her voice as she speaks to Clay directly. “Wanna share with the class how you got here before us?”
She doesn't flinch as Clay stares her down through his shades for a moment before replying “Cacuzza. He called me as you guys were pulling out. Me and Rat boy here wanted to check it out before we hit you up.” She doesn't take her eyes off Clay as Rat speaks “We wanted to make sure it was real.” she nods slowly, the feel of a hand on her shoulder makes her tense until she hears the voice attached “Well guess what. It was. Come on. Let's go home.” Her eyes following Clay as he turns to walk to the van, Jax's hand clenching her shoulder in silent support letting her know, I see him too. She reaches up and pats his hand as he moves away and towards the cabin to collect Frankie's corpse. Sliding her sunglasses on she moves away from the others, and away from the still smoking cabin she finds a nice rock formation near the lake and climbs on top of it. Curling her legs up to her chest she stares out onto the oddly still lake, as she stares she tries to figure out what is next. She had been so angry looking for proof of the Nomads and finding the shit stains who killed Opie that it was all she felt for a while, sure she had overcome her issues and fears regarding her and her families mortality. But she was slowly coming to the realization that she was always angry, or maybe the best way to describe it was her anger never died down it simmered under her skin and she was so tired of it. Now that Frankie was dead, that chapter closed. She wasn't sure where to focus that anger she held before and that worried her, the last thing she wanted was to lash out at the guys or worse, Juan or her dad. They still had Opie's killers to look for but she had long ago told herself that she couldn't hold anger for that even though it still hurt to know he was gone, all she could do was just serve justice for her still living boys.  She jerks when she feels arms slide around her shoulders, but once she got sight of the reaper set against the deep sepia skin of the left forearm she knew it was her husband. Leaning back against him she closes her eyes as he presses slow, lazy kisses from her ear to the collar of her shirt. When she turns her head to returns the favor. “Want to tell me what has you sneaking off? Needed a minute?” she rests her forehead against his cheek, her nails dragging back and forth over the reaper on his arm as she tries to figure out how to say this right. “I was so ready for today. My anger was at the surface and I was ready to take that human skit mark back to Charming, grill him and dump him in a ditch after. But now I'm left feeling. I don't know if empty is the best word.” She struggles for a moment, her husband grabbing her hand rubbing his arm, pulling the hand to his mouth he kisses her fingers before speaking.
“I get it. You had so much anger. And have had it since Op died and then this added too it. Now when you thought you were doing to get an ending you wanted it was stolen from you and your anger is confused now. Frantic and searching for a place to put it all.” she nods, staying quiet as Juan continues. “But baby that's not healthy to stay that angry all the time. You have to take away the fact that it wasn't you who killed him and think on the main point, he is dead now. He can't hurt any one of us anymore. And Joy If you need to do something with it. The anger I mean. tell me. You and I can go in the backyard with Sonny and play it off or hey, come out on Saturday with me and your dad to work out, yoga is all well and good for you but this might help more.” she thinks for a second, he made a good point. Shifting she grins up at her husband “Look at you. My incredibly smart and thoughtful husband. I like that idea working out, and we can bring sonny with us, he loves the clubhouse.” She smirks, her hand snaking up his hard chest to the back of his neck. Yanking his head down she brushes her lips over his softly as she speaks, her eyes heavy-lidded from the weed and her voice taking on a smokey quality “And seeing you sweaty and shirtless is never something I will pass up seeing.” His grin is wicked as he leans down, closing that last centimeter between their lips to kiss her deeply. She would never get tired of his kiss, the brush of his warm tongue along her bottom lip as she lays back onto the hard stone below them, his body hovering over her as she grips the back of his neck with both hands. The sound of laughing doesn't hit her until she opens her eyes, she can hear the voices finally “I don't think Juicy boy stands a chance. She will detach her jaw swallow him whole, you watch.” She finally pulls away from her husband, tilting her head back she sees an upside-down Chibs and Tiggy grinning at them. “Do either of you old pervs have nothing better to do?” she pets her hand down the back of her husband head as he laughs into the side of her neck. Tiggy walks over to them, Chibs following behind, Chibs help Juan off of her and Tiggy helps her down from the tall formation. Grinning as he wraps an arm around her shoulder, leading her towards the bikes “You know I'm always down for a live show.” She shakes her head and sighs, only the men in her life. She would be grey by thirty-five.
A few hours later
Once they had gotten back to the house it had been peaceful, they had stripped down to their night clothes well before the sun was down but they had the rest of the day to do absolutely nothing. Then right before dark Juan decided to take Sonny on a run with him, something about needing time to think about what's up next. She didn't stress him, he would tell her his thoughts eventually when he finally caught up to them. That had been an hour ago, Juan had texted her saying he was on his way back so she was currently getting dinner ready when the doorbell rang. Grabbing her Glock from the kitchen island she slowly walks to the door, peeking out the hole her shoulder drop and she sighs at the sight of Roosevelt. Opening the door wide she grins. “What can I do for you?” he holds up a file. She waves him inside, locking the door behind her knowing Juan had his key to get in. She lets him follow her into the kitchen as she checks on the broccoli she is steaming as she talks over her shoulder to him. “Thanks for the file. But I doubt it will be necessary.” She knows he is staring holes into her back, once she is done tossing the spices into the chicken in the pan she has before she turns it down a little and turns to face him. “Got a call an hour ago. Frankie Diamonds was found in a ditch, multiple gunshot wounds to the face and torso. Something you want to tell me, Ortiz?” She can't help but smirk, always the cop. “First off, cut the cop act your sitting at my kitchen island and I'm in my pj’s it's not even remotely intimidating. And secondly no it wasn't us sadly.” She turns, grabbing the tongs on the counter she flips the chicken, giving it a dash of her pre-mixed seasoning before turning back to face Eli. “We were there though. And another person who isn't a son shot first I'm just as pissed as you are, trust me.”  she crosses her arms over her chest as Eli rests his head on his folded arms on the counter, it's quiet for are moment, the sounds of the  food cooking the only thing you could hear before she breaks the silence again.
“I wanted to pull the fucking trigger. So I get how you feel man I do, but Juan said something today that made me see reason. He is dead Eli. The man who tried to kill me and your wife and unborn child are dead. I know you as a cop want to see them rot in cells but for me…..this is enough. And both of us have people we love to watch out for, so we can't waste time dwelling on what could have happened.” she hears the front door lock tumble, turning her head she can't help but smile as her husband and dog rush in. Watching him kneel down before sonny, she can't help but sigh. Even after a year seeing him so happy and open makes her heart go soft, she hoped in years to come it wouldn't stop happening. Once Juan had finished taking the harness off sonny he made his way into the kitchen, panting he leans against the doorway as he eyes the man sitting at his counter. Opening the fridge she gets him a tall bottle of water and tosses it at him, smirking as she says “He isn't gonna explode if you stare at him hard enough Juan.” her husband narrows his eyes and walks over to her to kiss her cheek, she wrinkles her nose as his sweaty chest brushes her arm. “You stink. Go shower dinner is almost ready.” he chuckles, pressing another kiss on her cheek he nods to Eli on his way out. She grins as Eli shakes his head “I need to head home. Rita is probably worried.” she nods, walking over to cabinet she pulls out a container of cookies, handing them to Eli she smiles. “Rita seems to like these. My mom's recipe. Tell her hi for me.” Eli nods, heading for the door he stops and turns to her. “I need your statement still. write it up and drop it off, please. Maybe tomorrow?” 
She nods and watches the man leave, feeling somewhat better about the day. Juan had been right, she and Eli both needed to let go of their anger in this. The deed was done and for now, both their small families were safe, heaving a tired sigh she turns back to dinner. Pulling the chicken out of the pan she sets it to the side, Juan would be out soon then they could finally eat.
Next Morning
She had risen early, normally Juan was the one to rise before her but she guessed everything from yesterday and his hour run after had wiped him out. She had quickly let Sonny out into the back yard before he could start making enough noise to wake Juan before she set about making a nice breakfast. But before she can start her phone starts ringing, seeing Jax's name on the screen she arches a brow, putting in on speaker she grabs the eggs and other stuff from the fridge. “What's up buttercup?” the man in questions tone made her know this wasn't just a social call. “A little much to talk about over the phone, you good to have visitors?” she silently curses and then sighs “Yeah. Who's coming so I know to make enough food for you strays I have apparently adopted.” that gets a chuckle from the man on the phone before he replies “Just me and Rat boy. And you and Juice.” She nods, sorry Juan duty calls you from slumber it seems. “I need to wake him so let me do that first and get some go go juice in my man.” they both say goodbye and hang up. Putting the foodstuff to the side she heads for the bedroom, leaning against the door she watches her sleeping husband for a moment. He looked so peaceful she honestly wanted to let him sleep but she had no choice.
Walking over she carefully slides in on her side of the bed, sitting against the headboard she combed her fingers over his Mohawk as she calls his name softly. “Juan, wake up baby.” She watches with a soft smile as he turns in his sleep, his arms reaching out for her. She lets him wraps his arms around her waist as his head comes to rest on her lower stomach. She gently traces his tribal tattoos as she speaks again. “I know you're tired handsome but Jax called. He and Rat are coming over to discuss something.” She giggles as he groans, his face turning to rub back and forth over her stomach as he shakes his head. His voice deep and underused as he speaks into her shirt. “Why are they coming here at ass o'clock in the morning anyway?” she snorts, sliding down in his arms so they are holding each other under the warm covers she kisses his stubble covered jaw “It's hardly that early Juan. It's eight in the morning.” he groans against, his face hiding in her neck, the scratch of his stubble making her laugh. “Exactly. Ass o'clock.” She swats his arm, trying to wiggle from his iron grasp, trying not to smile as she realizes she is stuck. “Juan Carlos get up. I need to make breakfast and let Sonny back in and you need to get dressed and have your wake up mix or your gonna be a boar when the guys get here.” she thinks he is asleep again until she hears him curse lowly before rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling, slowly Blinking sleep from his pretty brown eyes. She sits up in bed, looking down at him to make sure he is going to stay awake when he looks over at her and grinning she knows he is ok. Leaning over she presses a kiss to his nose before sliding out of bed she walks over to her side of the dresser, pulling on some old sweats she turns to leave, only to see her husband's smirking face watching her from the bed, she couldn't help but laugh “Your such an ass man.” she watches him stand, biting down on her lip as she catches sight of his toned body in nothing but black boxers. He walks over to her, kissing the top of her head he smirks  “And your no better about me.” he swats her on the ass, making her yelp. Before she can retaliate he is out of arm's reach and closing the bathroom door “Coward!” his wheezing laugh is the only reply she gets before she heads back to the kitchen, a small grin on her face.
It's not twenty minutes later that the Jax and Rat stroll in, she rolls her eyes as they park it at the kitchen island, grinning boyishly at her as she pours both of them cups of coffee. “Only two men can grin at me like that and get away with it. One is in the living room the others is not here. So drop the shit and start talking.” She pulls the eggs and turkey bacon off the fire, setting three plates out she goes about making them as she raises her voice so Juan hears her over his movie. “Juan come on breakfast.” She hears him groan, narrowing her eyes at the backsplash in the kitchen she yells again. “Juan Carlos you have seen Spaceballs twenty fucking times in your young life. And you will see it twenty fucking more.  it's not changing any time soon now get in here!” the men behind her snicker but when she turns with their plates in hand and a glare on her face they quite quickly. She only loses her glare when Juan comes into the kitchen, an easy grin on his face. Standing by her side he goes to make his plate seeing she already had that and his morning mix done he grabs her jaw. The turn her face he pecks her lips quickly before moving to sit next to the guys, she sips her cold brew slowly as she watches them. “Start talking guys. I didn't plan to get into work headspace this early so I'm a bit of a grouch.”
Jax and Rat share a look before Jax nods, swallowing his mouthful of food he speaks “Rat came to me this morning. Apparently, Rat-boy here got a few words from Frankie before he died.” She sets her cup down, picking up her bowl of sliced fruit she nods for him to continue. “Apparently Frankie told Rat that Clay was behind the Nomads attacks. And that Clay told them to steal the safe but here is the thing, Clay made them give him back all his legal papers.” She smirks around her mouthful, swallowing she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “If we find the papers it proves Clay knew or at least had some part in this shit. Because the police never found the safe or the papers so how would he have them otherwise. Which would also call into question his involvement in the attack on me and Rita, the home invasions, the dead nomads. Christ Jax, we got him.” Jax shakes his head, making her frown “Not yet. We need those papers. Rat said he would look, and I'll talk to Miles myself since him and Rat boy are Clays, main watchers. Once we have those papers though yes. We just might have Clay.” Once business was off the table breakfast went quickly, the guys leaving them to get dressed. She is pulling her jeans over her hips when her husband's arms slide around her bare stomach from behind, leaning her head back she smiles as he kisses her jaw. “Can I help you sir?” she can feel him smile against her shoulder, his arms holding her a little tighter. “Just wanted to hold my wife for a second.”
She feels her heart melt a little, turning in his arms she stares up at her husband, all hard lines and head tattoos. But his eyes are soft, she wraps her arms around his back, under his so he can wrap himself around her. Laying her cheek on his chest she lets him rock them for a moment, their life was so fast-paced and hectic that silent moments like this one were so precious to her. When he tries to move away she doesn't release her grip on him, looking up at him she pouts. “What no sugar from daddy?” the eye roll she gets makes her snicker, but his smile lets her know he finds her just a little funny as he pecks her lips. “I'll be ready in ten then we can ride out. Got some paperwork that needs doing at the shop and I have our lunches set aside for later.” he nods and heads into their closet. She sent up a silent prayer as she pulls on the rest of her clothes, let no son die today.
A few Hours later
She was watching her father and Juan talk across the room as she finished the last of her lunch. He had stayed in the office with her for an hour, talking to her about working out on Saturday when Juan had come to remind her it was lunch time, after that her boys had branched off to let her eat in peace. She is shaken from that peace as the last spoonful hits her lips, Tigs hands coming down gently on her shoulders, she tilts her head to look up at him. “Prospects called. They got Hightower.” She drops her spoon, one of Opie's killers. Getting to her feet she whistles to her father and Husband, both of them at her side in an instant when they see she is checking her backpack of goodies behind the bar. “What's has you checking your bag of tricks little girl.” she loads a clip onto her Glock, stashing a few others into her tiny backpack as she replies without glancing at each of them, still elbow deep in the duffle before her. “Prospects got one of the guys who killed Opie. I'm getting ready for just about anything.” her dad is gone before she finishes the sentence, probably heading up to the dorms to do the same. Juan stays by her side, his hand held out as she hands over a few of his own clips and guns he had stashed in her bag. “So much for a slow day huh.” Once she had the bag packed full she put her weapon duffle back in its place by the bar, turning to her husband she lets him see how shaken she is.
He doesn't hesitate to wrap her up in his arms, she leans heavy into his chest “It's ok baby. We will get them all for this. Opie's death won't go unpunished. And remember, even if you don't pull the trigger yourself. It's still enough.” she leans her head back, her husband's lips meet hers in a feather-light kiss. She soaks him in, his warmth, his scent, the taste of him on her tongue. She pulls back, giving him a sad smile “I love you Juan.” he nods, resting his forehead against her he closes his eyes “I love you too Joy.” they both head for the door as her father joins them not a minute later. Heading for the bikes she is slowly, brick by brick locking away her worry, her pain, the image of Opie as well goes behind that wall. She knew this would be a touchy one. She had to remain level headed because from the faraway look in half the guy's eyes she knew level heads would be hard to come by today.
Time Jump  
As they pull up she feels an off sense of deja vu like she had been here before at some point, standing she makes sure her guns are strapped tight and her small bag on her back isn't flying off at some point. Walking over she catches the tail end of Jax's and the prospects conversation. “....there are bikes in the back. Tricked out shit.” She arches a brow, another biker gang. She starts heading towards the club, ignoring the rest of the club as they call for her in low whispers. Fuck this pussyfooting she wanted answers, making her way around the club she curses violently at the sight of the bikes before her, Jax and the others aren't too far behind when they catch sight of the bright orange bike, Grim Bastards. It would fucking have to be them wouldn't it, nothing could be fucking simple. She moves past the bikes and into the club, she is halfway to the bar when she is spotted by T.O. She quickly slaps a grin on her face as he and his men make their way towards her and the other son's. “Well if it isn't the Princess of Samcro. What brings you to our side of town?” she lets him pull her into a hug, letting him say hello to Jax and the others. Feeling Juan's arm slip under her cut she leans into his hand, trying to draw some sense of comfort as Jax's speaks to T.O. “I'm looking for someone. Guy called Randall Hightower.” T.O’s face goes from Civil to hard in seconds, she narrows her eyes as he replies flatly “Why you looking for him?” she moves to stand next to Jax, her arms crossed over her chest “He killed Opie when they were in County. I don't like the look on your face T. Spill.” the man before her starts to fidget, almost two years with Bikers you learn they don't like to see an angry woman or be the blockade in front of one “He hired us to protect him. I didn't know it was from you.” she smirks as Tig rests his arm on her shoulder he leans forward to speak “Well, we'll be buying out your contract as of now.” something else is up, she arches a brow as T refuses to meet her or Jax's eyes “ Ain't that simple. He's my cousin. We came up together.”
She is about to open her mouth to raise hell when it decides to break loss without her, she hears someone shout Randall and gunshots, she is yanked down to the ground by Tig, his body shielding hers as three shots rang out she shoots up, catching sight of the large man going out the side door. Cursing she shakes off Tig as he tries to grab her and she books it for the front door, Jax and Bobby not far behind. She is standing in the road when she hears the sound of tires, seeing a Blue SUV she starts shooting, Jax standing at her side as they rain gunfire. They are both yanked from the street by Chibs as Randell almost hits them, she tries to aim for his tires but she gets the back passage door as he knocks into one of the guy's bikes, causing them to domino into one another. She screams her rage to the sky as she stands at Jax side, she combs her hands through her hair as her Husband runs to her side. She waves him off, she needed a second, moves back a few steps, his eyes watching her closely as she pulls the now empty clips from her guns to replace them. She finally looks up at Juan, walking over she grabs his jaw, yanking him down she presses a hard kiss to his lips before quickly pulling away. “I need to keep this anger a little longer. I love you.” he nods, grabbing the wrist of the hand holding his face he yanks her hand off of his face to kiss the back of it before running off to check up with the others.
She is starting off in the distance as the sons and bastards crowd around each other she can hear the guilt in T’s voice. “we had no idea Randy was involved in Ope's death, man.” she grinds her teeth as Jax shouts, looking to her a child in every sense “Well, now you know! Where do we find him?” she watches T scrubs a hand over his mouth, a look of remote washes over his face like a flash before he locks it down. “He's blood, man. I can't just turn him over. There's gotta be something we can work out.” she finally has enough when Jax practically screeches, his arms flailing “ Like what, bro?! How are we gonna make this right?!” pushing off the wall she plants her hand on the center of the tall blonde man's chest, walking him back as she walks forward. “Give us a sec T.” She gets a few feet away and shoves harshly, Jax's glares down at her as Tig hisses through his teeth “Well, isn't this just a bunch of bullshit. Let's just find Fat Albert and cave his skull in.” She turns her glare to her father when he speaks his agreement “Second that.” both of her hands reach out to smack both men's heads with a satisfying thud. “Both of you chicken heads shut your holes. All your doing is feeding into the frenzy this albino gorilla in front of me is currently in.” turning her gaze back up to Jax “Don't act like your the only fucking person here to take a much-owed pound of flesh. The only difference between us at the current moment is I'm thinking through my anger and none of you assholes are. So please get on my fucking level or leave.” Bobby stands at her side, his hand on her arm as he talks “Kids right. For 20 years we have had relationships with these people. The Grim Bastards have always backed us, always. Maybe we need to look for a compromise.”
She curls her lip as Jax's shoulders by her, she had no issues calling anyone out on their bullshit, he should know that by now. Turning she stands towards the back with Juan and her father as they return to the Bastards “There was a couple of other guys with your cousin when they took out Opie. Why don't you let us talk to them? We'll get those names, throw him a beating, but we'll let him live.” T’s eyes move between her and Bobby, he knew at one point she had been VP, she knew what he was asking. Keep Jax honest. She nods and T locks eyes with Jax once more “All right. I'll track him down. I'll let you know.” she lets the tension drain from her shoulders, leaning back against the brick wall she slides down to sit, pulling out her pack of cigs she lights one, sliding her sunglasses on she watches Jax take off with a shake of her head. He saw Opie die, him, Chibs and Tiggy saw the whole damn thing so she could understand to a degree the rage. But Opie wouldn't want this club to go down in flames because of his death. She would keep her promise if it fucking killed her.
She doesn't look over as two bodies move to sit down on either side of her, she keeps her gaze straight even as Tigs head comes to rest on her shoulder, his curls brushing her cheek. “Going to Ignore us forever kid?” she leans her head on top of Tigs, a sad smile on her face as Chibs does the same to her other shoulder. “Not forever.” She hears Chibs light another Cig as she tosses the butt of hers into the street. “We understand where you're coming from lass. We know you made a promise to Op. But you need to understand where we are coming from.” She lifts her head, sliding her glasses a little down her nose she turns to look at Chibs as he gazes off to the side. She feels Tig grab her hand, playing with her rings and nails, her heart clinches as it reminds her of Able. “We saw that giant bastard open Opies skull with a lead pipe lass. While we banged on the glass until our knuckles went numb and bloody each one of us left a part of us in the dark, dank room with Op.” She swipes at her cheeks below her glasses, not looking away when he lowers his glasses to lock eyes with her. “Don't Judge us too harshly for what we do as the half men we currently are. We need you girl, more than you know to guide us.” she nods, licking her suddenly dry lips “Your my boys. I'll always guide you. But you make it so hard sometimes.” She closes her eyes when Chibs kisses the side of her head before he stands. Looking up at him she sees he is grinning down at her “We wouldn't be yours if it was meant to be easy.” watching Chibs walk off she raises her none captured hand to come through Tigs wild curls, her eyes finding her husband across the street. His eyes watching her from the shade, he tilts his head, she knew he was asking if she was ok, she nods, a small smile on her face. Now all they had to do was wait.
And the wait wasn't long, apparently, Jax had gone to meet with Pope about Charming Heights and got a nice tidbit of information out of the meeting as well. The boatyard, that's where Randell was hiding. Part of her was suspicious of how Pope knew that but she had come to realize this was Pope's town, they knew charming like the back of their hand, makes sense he would know his turf. Pulling up to the boatyard she sees the bastards bikes lined up near the car Randell almost ran her and Jax down with. Pulling her helmet off she sees T.O heading their way, a look of guilt and shock on his face. Standing next to Jax she arches a brow as T.O speaks “How did you know we were here?” she watches Jax as he replies “A friend. You remember what those are? Don't you?” oh please. Enough with the melodramatics, she sighs “Where is he T?” the man looks down at her, his shoulders slumped a bit “I'm trying Joy. I can't convince him that you won't kill him. I talked to him about Opie. The order was from Pope to take out the guys in county. The guards grabbed Randell for his size it was the guards who set up that kill. You know what it's like to be hired muscle joy.”  
She did, you don't ask questions, do what needs to be done to survive. But she wasn't Prez or VP anymore, she had no say in what happened today. She feels a hand on her shoulder as Tig speaks over her head “so who were the other guys.” T doesn't look away from her as he replies, she knew he was trying to appeal to her better nature, but honestly, after her talk with Chibs and Tig, she didn't know how she felt. “He didn't even know them.” Jax, sensing her unease stand a little in front of her breaking T’s line of sight with her “Let us hear that from him.” T sighs, his chin meeting his chest as he scrubs a hand over his bald head in frustration. Looking back up at Jax he replies “I need your word.” She places her hand on Jax back, he back was like stone under her hand, hard and unmoved as he replies “Yeah. Sure.”
She follows behind Jax as T leads them down to the boats, a flash of red makes her look up. She curses a Randell makes a run for the building, she is shoving past the guys as T yells for his cousin to stop. She shoves the two Grim members who had been with Randell to the side as they try to slow her down. He wasn't getting away again if she could help it, she pulls out her Glock as they make it inside. Seeing Randall aiming at her and the guys she shouts “Put that shit down!”
The taller man yells back “Back off your trying to kill me!” she curls her lip as Jax moves to her side, his gun aimed “No man we just want to talk to you.” she nods, lowering her gun slightly she lets T pass her “They gave me their word Randell. They want info, not your life. Put the gun down man.” she watches him put the gun on the floor, keeping hers in her hand she walks over slowly, her eyes on his hands as he bends down to grab it from the floor. Handing it off to T. She watches Chibs and Jax as they stand next to the giant of a man. “Who else killed our friend?” she feels Tig move to her side, he needed to be closer to this. She got that, Randell sighs “One guy, his name was Aldo. Smith, I think. Other guys, I just knew their first name. Vox and Mace. That's all I know. I swear.” they had names, that was enough for her to do a search, she sees Chibs say something to Jax but she can't make out what. She feels Tigs hand on her arm as she watches Chibs move behind Randell his silences gun blowing out the back of Randells head. She can't process as guns are drawn, she aims both of hers at T, moving away from Tig she stands between T.O’s gun and Chibs and Jax, he wanted them dead he would have to mow her down first. “Jesus Christ! What is this shit? Jax, you gave me your word, man!” she can feel the heat coming off Jax in waves as he places his hand on her shoulder, moving around her to face T on his own “And so did you. You said you were gonna deliver him. You didn't.” everything is still for a moment, she can hear everyone breathing for a solid minute before T lowers his gun, she goes as well. She feels a flood of cold in the pit of her stomach as T speaks to Jax “Who the hell are you?”  
She doesn't know how they got back to their bikes, she is digging around in her backpack once she finds what she needs she forces Chibs to sit on his bike so they are level with each other as she wipes the blood from his face with napkins she keeps for situations like this. She didn't know how she felt yet about what they had done, the bond that was now broken between the Grim Bastards and SamCro. But she knew, right now at this moment that she needed to make sure her family was ok. Once the blood was all gone she grabs a lighter and sets it on fire, no evidence. She doesn't say anything as they all get on their bikes, what can anyone say in a moment like this? The ride back was smooth and quick, her mind never stopped moving, even when they made it back. She feels Juan at her side as he wraps an arm around her, his lips kissing her temple as she watches Bobby chase down Jax “Jax. Jax wait!” she sees Jax turn to Bobby as the group catches up to them she hears what Bobby is saying “You just shit on two decades of brotherhood. What you did back there was wrong. And it hurts all of us.” Jax looks off in the distance for a moment, his eyes lost in something before he turns to Bobby with a new focus “You know, you might be right, but you didn't see the pleasure in that animal's face when he caved in Opie's skull! We did!” she gets between the two men, her hands on Jax's chest, making him look down at her and not focus on Bobby, she tilts her head towards the picnic table and Jax goes without a word. She feels Bobby move around her to head into the clubhouse.  
Staying where she was, she breathes deeply to shake the Image Jax painted when he yelled. Her heart still broke for her living men, no one should see a friend die, let alone the way Opie went out.  she sees a mass of black leather come into her eyesight, she glances up at Tig as he pats her shoulder before looking past her to Jax “I'll go talk to him.” everyone files inside, her husband and father included. She might not be VP anymore but she refused to leave Jax's side like this, he was still her brother. Turning she sees Chibs and Jax watching her, she slowly walks over to the little bit of space left on Chibs side and straddles the bench so she can see them both clearly. As Chibs pulls a pack of Ciggs from his pocket she holds out her lighter to him as he speaks “We did what we had to do, Jackie.” He turns to her as he hands her lighter back once he lights his cigg “I know your off balance lass but you know it had to be done.” she nods, she knew it did but the way it happened could have been better. Jax leans forward, he elbows coming to rest on his knees as he looks between the both of them “I know. Things are gonna get bloody, guys. I'm not sure if Bobby's gonna be able to roll with that. I need to know that I have you both in my corner. I need you both or I'll get lost.”
Her eyes well as she stares at her club brother, Chibs stands seeming to tumble through his own thoughts before tossing his half finish cigg way and turns back to Jax “I've always been there, and I always will. Come here.” she watches Chibs as he stares Jax in the face hard for a moment as he stands before the older man. “I love you, kid. Understand?” Jax nods as Chibs grabs his face, kissing his cheek and bumping his head against the younger man he turns to her, holding his hand out she grabs hold, letting him pull her to her feet she crashes into his side as he wraps an arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. “I love you to girl. I'm gonna get cleaned up.” She pats his back and watches him head inside. Turning to Jax she sees him watching her, turning to face him she gives him a tired grin, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. Watching a very small smile appear to match hers she pats his cheek roughly. “I want to be angry but I can't because I have no idea what you all saw that day in county. It changed something in the three of you I might never understand. But I'm not going to duck and run. I love you all too fucking much to do that. You all will break my heart more times then I'm going to be able to count I get that now, but I will always be right here for you. To yell, to comfort and nurse you idiots. Don't doubt that brother.” he nods, yanking her forward by her cut he holds her tight for a moment, his cheek rested on the top of her head. They would make it through this shit she refused to let it happen any other way.
Later that night
After her talk with Jax, she had buckled down at the shop for a few hours to lighten the load for the next day. Gemma had been around more which helped tremendously, she hoped this was the first steps of Gemma getting her shit together. She had told Juan to head home when he was done and she would meet him there, she needed to drop of her statement to Roosevelt at the police station before heading home and honestly that had been just as draining as she had thought it was going to be. It had gone from running in to drop of her statement to sitting down and going through it and honestly she was tired of having to remember it and picking at it. She was ready to move on. Pulling up to the house she felt her body already losing some of the tension as she sees the porch light on and the living room light shining through the break in her dark curtains. Getting off her bike she makes her way to the door, opening it she expects to find her husband on the couch, asleep or playing one of his many games but when he isn't there she is surprised. She hears the sound of sunny claws on the wood floor, kneeling she wraps her arms around the excited pit with a grin. She scratches his head with both hands as she speaks softly to him. “Hey, my handsome boy. Sorry I haven't been hanging with you much. I'll bring you to work one day this week. Get you out and about. Deal?” she holds her open palm out to him, giggling when he hands her his paw, pressing a kiss to his head she narrows her eyes as she looks around. “Wanna help me find daddy? Sniff him out for me boy.”
She grins when the pup licks her cheek and takes off for the backdoor. Putting her stuff on the side table by the door and sliding off her boots she follows. Seeing the fairy lights on she pushes open the door, letting sunny charge into the yard to play for a minute, when she turns she sees her husband at the outside table, food covered and a smile on his face. She had to bite her lip to stop the wave of emotion as he stands, making his way over to her, she curls herself into his chest as he wraps his arms around her. She inhales deeply as the scent of his body wash swarms her, her hands move to grip his shirt on both sides. “I got your text about being held up with Eli. Thought I would go ahead to do the cooking and did the laundry for you.” she tilts her head back she smiles up at him. “I can tell I'm married because the words ‘I cooked and did laundry’ got me weak in the knees.” he chuckles and shakes his head, looking down he sees Sunny at their feet, letting her go he kneels down and pets over sunny’s  head as the panting dog licks his cheek. “Dinner time pup.” he looks up at her as he continues “Food is still hot. Finished about ten minutes before you pulled up. So all we need is drinks, grab those while I feed him?” she grins, grabbing his face as he moves to stand she pulls him closer, pressing her lips against his she melts into him as he yanks her closer. Pulling back he grins, his brow kicked up “What was that for? Not that I'm complaining.” She smiles, her hands rubbing his shirt covered sides “For being up handsome. Just for being you.” His smile losses the teasing edge as he stares at her, leaning his head down he kisses her forehead before turning to go into the house. She saw the raw emotion before he did though, her husband still wasn't used to being praised, but until the day she died, she would get him used to it.
AN: Hope you liked it. Let me know your thoughts and I'll see you next time. 
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