#since he seems to be very without illusion both on what it means and who he is
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“The Uncanny Spider-Force: 15 Minutes,” Spider-Force (Vol. 1/2018), #1.
Writer: Christopher Priest; Penciler: Paulo Siqueira; Inkers: Oren Junior and Craig Yeung; Colorist: Guru-eFX; Letterer: Joe Sabino
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rogueddie · 2 years
Steve has always been confused when people describe family- the structure, what it means to them, any of it. His parents were always distant with him. The babysitters they hired weren't any better.
He's never really considered family important or significant. It's a meaningless word to him. He has his relatives and that's it. He doesn't have any family, not the way people describe it as anyway.
Well. He used to think like that. He thought like that for a while and, for most of that time, he was right. But it very quickly turned around.
It started with Dustin.
The kid was clearly in awe of Steve. Steve had seen it clear as day and found himself desperate to keep him safe. And he did- he worked hard to keep the brat alive, despite repeated efforts to undermine that. And Dustin is so fiercely loyal.
"You die, I die!" Dustin had yelled at him once.
Steve had stared at him, with a sudden cold realization; he loves Dustin. The kid is his family. A weird mix between a little brother and a son. And Dustin clearly felt just as strong for him.
He already knew how ready he was to die for Dustin. He knew now, without a doubt, that nothing would be able to stop him from keeping him safe.
But, he reasoned, one pseudo-kid is enough.
Then Lucas had turned to him one summer. He wanted to get into basketball and knew Steve used to play. It was supposed to be simple practices, some tips and things like that. Nothing special, just advice between friends. Because that's all they were, at the time.
Over the summer, with all the time spent together, they quickly because good friends. And, again, Steve kept telling himself that it's just that. Friends. He's already got a weird pseudo-kid with Dustin.
Watching the game, however, quickly shatters that illusion. As soon as Lucas had stepped onto the court, Steve thought; "thats my kid!"
And Steve thought having one kid was a blessing- a horrible, sarcastic, needy blessing but a blessing none-the-less. Having two is chaotic, but oddly comforting. They're both so different and fill spaces in his heart he hadn't known were empty. They're more family than Steve had ever thought he'd be allowed to have.
But Max had quickly stepping into the picture.
There was always something about her that made Steve feel even more protective. Their first real time spent together being that van, the demodogs, definitely didn't help. He doesn't think he'll ever forget hearing her scream. He doesn't think he's ever moved as fast as he had then.
Seeing Billy getting aggressive with Lucas had only heightened it all. He'd only known Max a few days when he realized that she would never be able to shake him now.
Even when Max tried to push him away, after Billys death, saying the cruelest things she could thing of to get him to back off, he hadn't. He'd simply started to call her parents instead, made sure they knew if they needed anything, if Max ever wanted to vent to him again, he's still there. He's still waiting.
Seeing her in a hospital dead, essentially dead just… it feels like someone has shoved their arm down his throat and pulled his lungs out. Like someone has taken something so vital...
The only comfort, the only person who seems to settle him, is Eddie Munson. But... Eddie isn't part of his little pseudo-family. He wants him to be. He doesn't. It's... confusing. Because he likes Eddie.
Eddie, who lets Steve hold his fingers to his wrist so he can feel his pulse. Eddie, who insists on being moved into a wheelchair so Steve isn't sat in Maxs room alone. Eddie, who doesn't let anyone make Steve go home even though he probably should. Eddie, who looks at Steve like he hasn't failed him or the kids.
One day, Steve asks. He has to, he has to know.
"You're a good dad to them," Eddie explains. He quickly holds up a hand when Steve tries to deny it. "You are. And you aren't the only one who forgets it. You need someone to look out for you too and, since Buckley is too busy hitting on your ex, you're stuck with me."
"I'm not stuck," is all Steve could think to say.
Steve ducks his head, tries to pull back but Eddie just holds onto his hand tighter. "I'm not... I don't feel stuck. With you."
Steve glanced up. Eddie rewarding him with a bright grin, lifting his hand up to kiss the back of it. Steve can feel his face heating up. He doesn't feel embarrassed though, hopes the little smirk means that Eddie is taking his blush as encouragement.
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heartofsnark · 8 months
A Simple Request For An Unsimple Man (Gale x Fem!Oc Tav)
Author's note: Hello, it's certainly been a minute since I've been able to post fic here without worrying about formatting bullshit (love so much that my longest running fic can't be posted here because it relies on italics/formatting techniques within the first 50ish chapters and tumblr makes that a headache)But, I've found myself sinking a bit into BG3/Gale hell and after some prompting my @shallow-gravy about a comment I left about Gale being able to summon a bed, I decided this might be a fun idea and oops have a thirty page one shot! So, have something featuring my tav- Petra and Gale. Still not sure of what I"m doing with these characters, but hey~
Summary: Petra and Gale are more than a little clumsy in the ways that they love, both having their own significant dry spell when it comes to romance and sexual desires. And while the two have shared themselves within the weave, Petra has made a simple request to share their physical bodies as well. Gale is not good at simple.
Warnings: Unprotected vaginal sex, praise kinks, creampies, cunnilingus (tav/petra in this is a cis female woman), fingering, mutual masturbation, tooth-rotting fluff (turns out I write fluff now), soft!dom Gale, and magical sex mishaps.
Petra's mind has been a maelstrom of worries for quite a while now, however, if someone had told her that amidst tadpoles, cults, and shadow cursed lands that her mind would be consumed with matters of the heart and loins- well, she'd think they were crazy. 
But, perhaps she's the crazy one. 
She never expected to love again, never expected to find someone who felt like home, or makes her heart stutter on every other beat. But she never expected to have a tadpole shoved into her eye or to pull a wizard from a stone- let alone for that very wizard be the one doing this to her. Life is full of surprises, as is her lover. 
Ugh, gods- she has a lover. 
The very thought makes her face burn, her heart pound, and her guts twist. If she didn't know any better she'd think herself ill, but alas- she's learned that's merely Gale's influence on her. The wizard needed no charms or illusions to win her affection, but he warned her early on- well before either of them had realized what was growing between them, that he had a taste for grand gestures. 
And grand they were. 
He conjured her stars and shifting auroras against an ink black night, he showed her his home, his sanctuary without her needing to step a foot into Waterdeep. And he plucked their very souls from their bodies, to kiss and touch and merge within a realm beyond their own. Glittering blue forms, never knowing quite where his touch ended and hers began, surrounded and consumed by him. An electric blur of his touch over her very being. 
She would have been content with a flower and a bowl of his deer stew, but who is she to turn down the adoration fueled gestures of a man she does not deserve. 
Which in part is why she can't help but suspect she might be being just a touch greedy…
Made all the worse by her greed and insecurity tugging her mind back and forth between them like rabid dogs would a slice of steak. 
In some ways she's already done the hardest part, confessing her desire to Gale felt like a herculean task in itself, a stumble of poorly put together words while her face burned hotter than Karlach's engine. But ultimately, she got the message across and Gale as always was far too eager to oblige.
Though, he seems intent to oblige her request in his Gale way of obliging.
Because, you see, her request is incredibly simple. Despite her anxiety and insecurity- she wants to fuck Gale the old fashioned way. She loved the way they bonded before and truly will jump to do it again, but she just can't help but also want the more mundane variety. To feel flesh and bone, to touch his skin, to press her lips against his throat and feel his pulse race beneath her tongue. This of course means he'll also be seeing her naked properly without blue blurry auras smoothing out her every- less excited for that, but her desire for him outweighs her shame for herself. 
And this simple request, frankly- could have been sated nearly the moment it was made in the privacy of his tent. He needed only to roll her onto her back or pull her to straddle his hips, a few garments tossed aside, the dark providing her with some some cloaking while still getting to feel and see him- gods bless darkvision. 
But that would be far too simple, her request instead met with a wide smile a; "Say no more, consider it done, my love," a kiss goodnight, and the looming knowledge that he was planning something. 
So, perhaps surprise is too strong a word when she returns to camp after a brief walk alone to find her companions snickering and Gale's mirror image standing outside his tent. Thin ripples of weave radiating through an otherwise perfect copy of her favorite wizard. She knows it could be perfect, saw him make one perfect before- the imperfections intentional, to let her know it's not him and instead a messenger. 
Petra skirts past her chattering friends, pretending she doesn't feel several sets of eyes following her as she stands before the replication of her dearest. Who merely beams with that bright smile that she's come to adore, even if it's merely a simulacrum of it. 
"Heh, I take it Gale has some plans for us tonight?" She whispers towards the mirror image, trying to keep prying ears from learning too much. Not that her and Gale are secretive about their relationship by any means, but not every one of their friends needs to know when they're having sex. 
"That he does and I have the most wonderous task of taking you to see him, words cannot begin to express how eager he is to see you tonight," the mirror image chirps, not even a hint of shame or volume control as his eyes burn with that same flame of adoration the real Gale always seems to carry- her face flushing beneath its heat.
"Ugh, hells you two are going to make me throw up a perfectly good meal, would you please take your simpering gazes elsewhere," Astarion calls out from around the campfire, a hint of a smile in his words, then his lips when Petra turns to glower at him. 
"I hardly think whatever shadow cursed vermin you've managed to snack on out here counts as a good meal- but rest assured, I am leaving." 
"But of course- after all your little magician is so very eager," he mocks again and if he weren't her friend, she'd kick his arse- still might. 
 "Oh lay off her, Fangs- it's cute, like two pups wagging their tails at each other." 
"I believe nauseating is the word you're looking for," Shadowheart chimes in, "I mean really, not a drop of shame between the two, every time he leaves behind one of those mirror images- he might as well just declare that they're about to go rut around in the woods all night." 
"Date nights are perfectly healthy for a newly bonded couple-"
"Dates- is that what you think they're doing out there? In the middle of nowhere, alone- you think they're, what, chatting about their favorite books over a glass of wine?" Astarion cuts Wyll off, incredulous that he would refer to Petra and Gale's outings as a date. 
"I mean, wouldn't really be all that shocked if they were- it is Gale, after all…" 
"Regardless, I think seeing our friends form such a union is something to be celebrated not mocked." 
"Their carnal desires are hardly any of our concern, so long as they remain vigilant in battle- however, I must say I do find it curious that the wizard always seeks to be hunted, he might as well submit outright if he cannot best her in combat." 
"Oh, I'm sure he does plenty of submitting." 
"I don't know 'bout that, Petra may be bossier but look at the poor thing- redder than a devil's arsehole, probably turns into a mess the moment clothes start comin' off." 
Petra grasps the mirror image's arm, her face burning hot and no doubt just as red as Karlach said. She hisses between gritted teeth;  "Get me the fuck out of here." 
"Your wish is my command, now- let us find more pleasant company," he assures her, quickly walking her away from the camp as their friends speculate about their sex life. 
"And by that, you mean yourself," she teases, leaning against the mirror image's arm. The conjured form isn't a perfect match, both from the rippling static like eminence of weave and it being a little less shameful than her Gale. But it carries his warmth, his smell- like the innards of an old library, cozy and welcoming. 
"Would you have it any other way?" 
"Gods no," she admits, burrowing her face into his arm, hiding her flushed cheeks from his view. 
"Careful now, I'd hate to be jealous of myself," Gale's voice rings out, more alive, more human and not right beside her- her head shoots up, the sky is bathed in shifting colors and twinkling lights. Her Gale just a short walk away; "Though I can hardly blame you, he is quite handsome." 
And that’s all she needs, letting go of the mirror image, the half-elf rushes towards him- the real him, a small laugh escaping Gale’s lips as she throws her arms around him. As nice as the fake one is, it will never feel as good as touching the real thing. His heat seeping in between their clothes, warming her skin- that must of old books and lavender offset slightly by the salt of his sweat. His large hands holding her in kind, one settling on the small of her back and the other stroking through her hair. She takes a deep breath, a heavy inhale and exhale of him, before finally lifting her head ever so slightly- enough to look up at him,
The way he looks at her could melt all of Frostfell. Those soft brown eyes looking at her like she’s hung the stars and moon, all the while he’s the one who’s conjured the sky above them. 
“A good evening to you too,” he greets, smiling so sweetly and she stands up on her tiptoes- Gale meeting her need as she presses a kiss to that very smile. The warm press of his mouth against hers sending heat and butterflies through her very veins, she breaks back before she can get carried away. Not wanting to ruin his plans, but struggling to stifle the desire to kiss him until her lungs ache. 
“Good evening,” she hums back instead, squeezing him tighter, her eyes looking around the wide field bathed in the glow of soft purples and blues. It’s largely familiar, the same space and view he created the night he brought their very souls together- when he confessed his fear, his love, and so much more. Where she pleaded for him to stay, for him to live. 
Though with one very new addition to the expanse of field- an extraordinarily out of place bed. Lavish and lush with deep indigo blankets, bathed in the glow of the sky and the burning of a torch mounted in the ground beside it- the addition betraying the reason they’re here tonight. 
“You know what I can’t help but notice?” Petra remarks after a beat of silence, a quiet moment of simply sinking into one another’s hold- blinking up at her wizard. 
“My dashing good looks?”He asks, a small smile and a raise of his brow. 
“Mm, yes, but no more than usual,” she plays along, smiling against him. Knotting her fingers in the plush purple of his tunic,debating on if she should slip her hands beneath the fabric- wanting to feel more of his skin. 
“My brilliant mind and ever expanding intellect?” 
“Well, that just goes without saying,” she assures him, heaping on the praise for him. 
“Hmm, than it must be my veritable wealth of charm and wit.” 
“Close and before you ask- no, it’s not your modesty either,” she teases, scratching her nails over his back through his shirt- trying to sate her ache to touch him, “What I can’t help but notice is that whenever you pull me away for a night via your mirror image- it seems to mean I’m the one left dealing with the whispers of our companions.” 
He grimaces slightly, somewhat between amusement and annoyance; “Ah, yes, a… much unfortunate consequence, but one we simply can’t avoid, I’m afraid.” 
“Oh, is that so?” She teases, laughing through her smile, “Funny how that unavoidable consequence seems to benefit you.” 
“Life is full of those funny little mysteries, I think it wise to embrace- not question, these curiosities.” 
“Thats quite a fancy way of saying you intend to keep throwing me to the wolves,” she chirps, pulling a hand back to slap him playfully in the ribs, he merely laughs because he knows exactly what he’s doing; “Do you know that right now, at this very moment- our friends gossiping like hens about which one us… takes the lead?” 
“Ah, yes, I’m… terribly sorry to have missed that conversation.” 
“And yet, I suspect you’re not sorry at all,” she comments, reaching upward she strokes through his hair-  tracing a streak of gray that curls around his ear, soft brown strands slipping between her fingers. He’s so lucky he’s so damned adorable. 
“Oh, but I am- absolutely contrite that I could not steal you away before their sordid chatter reached your ears- after all, I’m no more keen on our proclivities being the subject of discussion than you are,” he admits and she hums, a small smirk on her lips as he continues on, trying to insist he definitely feels bad about leaving the gossipy shit for her to handle. 
“Perhaps not, but you do seem keen on leaving me to handle it.” She points out again, cradling his jaw- his beard scratching her palm as she rubs her thumb along his cheekbone. Petra often wonders if he minds the callouses that cling to her skin. Her flesh so much rougher than his, he leans into her touch, presses his jaw to her hand. 
“And my apologies are most sincere, however if you still find yourself unconvinced- perhaps I can show you the depth of my remorse?” He asks, pressing his forehead to hers, lips a breath away, “You need only ask, demand any penance you deem fit-  and I will gladly pay it.” 
“Is that so?” 
“There is no sin against you, no matter size or severity,  that I would not repent for.” 
“Well, I mean, I wouldn’t mind a kiss,” she admits, the only thought on her mind when his face is so close to hers- when his lips are just a breath away. When one tilt of her head, one jolt would crash their lips together. 
“Hmm, I think you may not have a full understanding of what penance means, my dear, typically-” 
“Gale,” she says, looking up at him with the sternest eyes she can manage- no doubt stopping him from prattling off the definition of penance. Because she’s in love with a sentient thesaurus. 
“You have until the count of three to kiss me and if you don’t- I’m going to bite you,” she threatens, not sure how much she wants him to listen- she does like biting him, “One-” 
“Thinking over my options,” he chimes, sing songy as he seems equally unsure of which choice he likes more. 
“I do rather like your love bites, but your kisses are quite enchanting as well.” 
His lips press to hers, deeper than before. One of her hands twists in his tunic, the other in the his hair. He cradles her jaw and lower back, pulling each other closer, she can’t help the small sigh of happiness and bliss as his tongue pushes into her mouth. The faintest taste of his cooking still on his tongue, a hint of mint where he tried to clear it out-  maybe she should have been so kind. 
Their kisses are still clumsy, a slightly awkward press and swirl of tongues, both single and isolated for a year or more. But it feels like warmth and love and home in a way she can’t define, heat simmering between her thighs when the hand on her back moves lower. A broad palm playfully squeezing at her ass, tugging her closer, the grope of his fingers sinking into the plush of her flesh- a soft moan echoing from her throat, muffled by his tongue. 
They break apart, breathing ragged- hot puffs of air across each other’s lips. She can feel the heat clinging to the apples of her cheeks, mirrored in the flush that creeps beneath Gale’s beard. Petra grins up at his beautiful red face, the brown of his eyes nearly swallowed by the black of his pupil. 
“Three,” she whispers, catching his lower lip between her teeth and nipping playfully at the kiss swollen flesh. Gale groans, deep and throaty, sending molten heat right to her cunt. His lips pulls out from between her teeth as he pulls her into a desperate hungered kiss. 
It’s deeper than the last, even more ravenous and rough, both of his hands now groping at her backside- kneading at her flesh, feeling his fingers sinking into the plush of her flesh through her clothing. Wishing his hands were beneath her clothes, on her skin, pressing into her properly. 
She tugs at his hair, scratches her nails along his scalp as he kisses her deeper and deeper, her lungs burning by the time she feels the back of her thighs bumping something soft. Breaking off the kiss to see she’s somehow been staggered back to the bed. It’s plush blankets and rows of pillows beckoning her. She can’t help but giggle. 
“Couldn’t settle for a dirty bedroll, could you?” She teases, stealing another soft kiss. 
“The least I could do for your comfort, time spent together in the flesh should be no less beautiful than that spent in the celestial- whatever way you’ll have me, I wish only to make it perfect for you.”
“Then… wish no more,” she murmurs, voice soft as she avoids the intensity of his gaze, the adoration that consumes his words and expression, “You’re here with me, I could not imagine anything more perfect than that.” 
“Careful now, keep talking that way-  you may never be rid of me,” he tries to joke, to tease- but when she forces herself to look back up at him, she can see the flush of his cheeks deepening as his smile widens. 
And with everything that still hangs in the air- Mystra’s unreasonable request, the knowledge that a part of him still doesn’t feel certain of whether he’ll see the end of this journey. The fact he may still make that choice, that he very well still might leave her in some desperate attempt to save the world. She throws her arms tight around his neck, latches her nails into his skin as she tugs him closer, closer. His nose bumping her own, his forehead back flush against hers. 
“I truly hope that I could be so lucky,” she rushes out, reiterating her wish- her plead again. That he’ll stay here with her, that she will never be rid of him- that on the other side of this whole ordeal is a future where his story stays enmeshed with her own. That she’ll not have to lose another love, not sure her heart could stand it. 
Then it’s another clash of lips, tongue, and teeth- not even sure who started this one, both desperate to get their mouths on each other. And for a moment, she feels herself lifted, feet off the air- she giggles into his kiss before the world shifts every so slightly, her back thumping down onto the soft blankets. Her weight sinking into the plush of the mattress, Gale smiling at her lowers a knee to the bed and climbs up, settling above her. 
Adoration, the word comes to mind over and over again whenever he looks at her. Brown eyes soft and clear with nothing but that emotion, letting it sink in through her skin and into her bones, consuming her wholly. She never thought she loved brown eyes so much, disliking her own for so long- but on him they’re so beautiful. Warm and filled with more love than she’s could ever hope to deserve. 
She cups his face and pulls him down for another kiss, never satisfied. He said before that moment with her could sate him for a lifetime and while the sentiment still rattles her to her very soul- she can’t say she relates, feeling as if she could have a million with him and still beg for one more, for another, another, another. Not enough time in the universe for how much she wishes to spend with him. 
Her hands tug at his tunic, reaching one beneath- no longer able to suppress the desperate need to just touch him. To feel his skin beneath her fingers, warm flesh and coarse body hair, the soft skin of his stomach. A layer of plush with a hint of firmer muscle beneath, when she presses a little harder. Their lips part again as Gale leans back onto his knees, which sink into the bed on either side of her hips. 
She skims her hands down his hips and thighs as Gale grips at his shirt, tugging it off- carefully putting it aside. Petra’s eyes roaming the open exposed flesh of his chest and stomach. The celestial version of him gorgeous, but not truly doing him justice. Smooth glowing blue aura not showing the dark body hair that scatters across his chest, trailing down his stomach and leading to below his waistband. The occasional freckle and even rarer scar that decorate his skin. 
Even the mark on his chest, the symbol where the orb took root in his chest. Bruised in the middle, tendrils sweeping out from it- the ones that curl up the left side of his throat growing fainter as they stretch out to vanish beneath his beard- connected faintly to the prominent veins that ghost below his eye. She hates what that thing has done to him, how it’s hurt him- how it’s not being used as a threat against his very life, but even that she finds beautiful on his flesh. The mark of his mistakes, of his devotion to one who never deserved it, proof of him as a man who sought love in worship. His folly is as much a part of the man she loves as every virtue he carries in kind.
“Fuck,” she curses, all the words she can utter as she gazes at him. Admiring every inch of his body that’s been revealed to her. Realizing she’s rarely seen him shirtless, not counting the celestial plane and a few brief, awkward mistakes while navigating river baths in the early days of their travel. How odd that they’ve been so deeply intimate, yet she can’t say she’s seen him fully naked. 
Which means he has yet to see her fully naked as well- which scares her even more than the tadpole gnawing at the inside of her skull. 
“If you ever sought to deflate my ego, I must say- you’re doing a terrible job at it,” he teases, a brilliant grin on his face as her own burns with heat. 
"As if I'd ever embark on a such a fool's errand," she taunts, skimming her hands upward and feeling the heat of his skin. Raking her nails along his lower stomach, feeling the muscles tense beneath her hand, biting her tongue to not make any comments about belly rubs. 
"Hmm, given your…tendencies, forgive me if I remain unconvinced." 
She lets out a breath of a laugh- "You know, you're astoundingly disagreeable, for a man attempting to bed me." 
"Not to add to the matter, but I do believe we've past the point of 'attempting.'"
"I swear to the gods, I'm gonna learn magic just so I can cast silence on you one of these days," she threatens, pinching playfully at his flesh. 
"And I'd be honored to teach you, but for now- I hope finding other uses for my mouth will suffice," he offers, dipping down to kiss her again, bracing one hand to the pillows by her head- the other cupping her jaw. His thumb brushing along her cheekbone, a soft sigh muffled by his tongue pushing into her mouth. Her hands roam his torso, unable to settle fully on which part of him she wants to touch- his stomach, chest, sides, back, and shoulders all feeling so perfect beneath her fingers. 
His warm wide palm brushes down her jaw to her neck, heat and sparks rising to her skin wherever his fingers touch. Unable to help the way she squirms beneath his mouth and hands, the soft noises she whimpers into his kiss, against his tongue as her own presses into his mouth in kind. Burning heat aches between her thighs, barely touched but even the faintest of his kisses or the briefest brush of his fingers pulls desperation from her very soul. Pathetic in her need for him, 
Gale's hand leaves her skin for a moment, already cold without his touch, she drags her nails along his shoulder blades- tries to pull him down closer. Then his hand finds her ribs, presses against her side molten warm on her chilled skin. Caught between relishing in the brush of his fingers and the way her insecurities make her body go rigid. Her hope that he may not notice dashed the moment their kiss breaks apart, ragged breath and flushed face not betraying the concern that knits his brows- the worry carved into every line of his face. 
"Is everything alright?" He asks, voice lower and rougher, lips swollen and wet- strands of hair beginning to fall and stick against the sweat that beads along his forehead. 
"Yeah, yes, of course," she insists, her own voice rougher than she expects as she tries to cram down the bubble of anxiety in her ches- desperate not to ruin her or Gale's night. 
"Petra, I would never claim you to be an open book, but you are one that I feel most adept at reading- though, I could still clearly still use some slight guidance and for that I'll need your words. Tell me what is wrong, so I may make it right, please," he tries again, with more words and more conviction- his hand lifting to brush her hair behind her ear, his thumb dragging along the sensitive point. A little chill curls along her spine in response. 
"It's nothing, really," she murmurs, smoothing her palm along his neck- tracing along the tendrils of blacked raised flesh that curls from the orb. Wondering again, if the callouses and scars of her hands bother him. 
His hands are softer than hers, more versed in flipping book pages and casting spells than hunting or stealing. He's mentioned spas and bathhouses in Waterdeep, and she wonders what balms or lotions he'd be using were their supplies not so limited. He's not without his scars, she knows- but even the raised flesh feels softer on his body than hers. Subtle faded burns from cooking and casting mishaps alike, a raised crease on his forehead from summoning a toy he wanted as a child- only to have the wooden train set appear and thunk down atop his head. 
Her scars and memories aren't so kind. No stories as sweet or kind. No fuzzy nostalgia for raised lashmarks on her back or thighs. No warm feelings about the scar across her lip, the only thing her mother deemed fit to let her keep, the same scar Gale must feel every time they kiss. 
Gale has suffered truly and she would never suggest otherwise, she'd sooner fist fight Mystra than deny the pain he's endured, the pain he is still enduring. However, when he hears him talk of his childhood, his mother, Tara, his education- she can't help but feel like a tragedy in comparison. A pitiful thing next to him. Nowhere near worthy of his adoration, his efforts, his love… 
"If it weighs on your mind, then it is not nothing." 
"Okay, so… it's nothing, but it is silly," she tells him, scratching her thumbnail through his beard, hoping to distract him. 
"Then if it is so silly and inconsequential, there will be no harm in telling me, will there?" He says, her nose wrinkling, he's so stubborn, "My aim is not to push you into telling me anything, but what kind of man would I be to notice your discomfort and continue on as if I hadn't?"
"Okay, okay- if you must make sense," she huffs and pouts, chews on her lip and avoids his gaze as she turns her head to the side, "I just am a little…insecure. Without the weave smoothing out my scars, blurring my freckles, and softening me- well, it helped make me someone worth touching." 
Her admission hangs in the air for a moment, her chest rigid with tension and swollen with a bubble of anxiety. He must think she's exhausting, asking this of him then getting so worked up over it. Her desire for him outweighing but not fully dealing away with her own insecurities. Truthfully, she'd have been content to strip Gale down,kiss and touch him to her heart's content- while never letting his hands graze her. But, he always has a way of taking the lead when it comes to these things. A fact that can never make its way back to camp. 
A soft kiss presses to the side of her lips, where that scar cuts jaggedly through them. Another against her jaw, her forehead, her cheeks as warm welcoming hands cup her face.
"Look at me, my love." He brings her gaze to his. Her heart lurches up into her throat, skin burning beneath the intensity of Gale's expression. "There is no plane or realm or state of being in which you are anything less than a person worth touching. You are my hope and my light- and no matter how or where you are presented to me, you will always be the most beautiful thing I have set my eyes on. The stars, the moon, the sun, the very heavens themselves- you put them all to shame…" 
She feels like she's been set ablaze. Her face nearly glowing with its heat, eyes wet, and the chill of the night a distant memory as his words burn through her very being. And he means them, gods help her- he means them. Able to hear and feel the conviction in every syllable, see his earnestness in the lines of his expression, in the spark alight in his eyes. And she will never know what she did to deserve him and she will always fear that she may lose him, but she is so happy to have him, 
"Ugh, gods, fuck- Gale," she curses, stuttering on her words because she has nowhere near his grasp on the English language, "I don't really know how the hells I'm supposed to argue with that." 
"So don't," he says, the request surprising in its brevity. His lips press to the corner of her eye, Petra realizing a moment too late that tears had started to streak down her face. 
He kisses down the path of her tears, her jaw, her neck craning to the side as he buries his face against her throat. Feverish and heavy kisses across her skin, her arms wrap tight around his back- digging her nails into his shoulder blades as he bites tenderly at her skin, laving his tongue across the sting he left behind. She groans as he sucks harshly, nips at her pulse point, and she can't help but squeeze her thighs together- trying to get a bit of relief, everything he does just making her needier. 
She curls her hand into his hair, twisting the silver streaked strands around her fingers as Gale kisses along her collarbone. Careful as his teeth graze where the skin stretches thinner over bone, the briefest edge of pain soothed over by the lap of his tongue. She moves the hand not tugging at his hair down his chest, skimming down his stomach, and finally presses her open palm to his groin- feeling his cock hardening in his pants, the heat of him through the fabric. A rough, nearly pained groan echoes against her collarbone. His forehead suddenly pressed to her shoulder, twitching beneath her touch.
“Too much?” She whispers against his ear, worried she may have pushed too far too soon. Far too aware despite her eagerness that neither of them have had physical sex in  a year or more- probably more, considering his time with Mystra. 
“No such thing with you,” he says through a raspy breath, his lips catching hers again as his hands brush up her sides- warm open palms stroking up the taunt freckled skin of her stomach. Stoking a fire that burns inside of her, heat rising to the very surface of her flesh as grinds her palm against him. Desperate to give him even a hint of the same heat burning in her. 
His movements halt as his fingers brush the edge of her cropped nightshirt, kiss breaking as his eyes meet hers, a surprisingly silent request from her wizard. Reluctantly, she pulls her hands from his hair and cock, Gale provides her the space as she sits up to hook her fingers beneath the edges of her shirt and tug it up off over her head. Petra tosses it aside, shaking out her hair and trying not to overthink being naked from the waist up. 
Every fiber of her being screams that she should cover her chest, having gained some weight since traveling with Gale- his cooking having put a few pounds on her, but sadly none of those managed to reach her tits. Small and fuller at the bottom than the top, freckled like damn near every other inch of her. 
But as always, there is nothing sheer adoration in Gale’s eyes and with a little press of his palm on her sternum her back is hitting the sheets again. The blankets and pillows all the softer on her bare skin, sinking down into the blush of it. Warmth of the sheets and his hand a contrast to the chill of the open air that’s snuck back in, her nipples stiffening as a breeze taunts her. 
Her legs spread for him as he moves closer, allowing him to slot himself between her thighs- a gasp on her tongue when his cock brushes against her core. Cloth grinding against her wet clit, feeling the outline of him against her. She groans and tries to wrap her legs around his hips, only for his hand to find her thigh- a steady palm pressing it back against the mattress. And his other hand finds hers, his large warm palm eclipsing hers, fingers intertwining with her own- as he presses another quick kiss to her lips, the next to her collarbones, another to the top of her breasts, then the heat of his mouth is around her nipple. 
“Fuck,” she curses, a hiss of breath as pleasure sparks across her skin- Gale sucks harshly at her chest, teasing her nipple with his tongue, just the hint of his teeth on the fullest part of her breast, and the scratch of his beard on her skin. 
She whines and whimpers, fingers knotting in his hair- his hands on her hand and thigh keeping her pinned beneath his weight, only able to arch and squirm against his mouth. Her hips try to writhe on instinct, trying to find friction against her core, trying to refind it. But he presses a little harder on her thigh, keeping his full weight off her, too much empty space between them for her to be sated. A frustrated whine in her throat as he pulls off her breast with a soft wet sound, not offering her any relief to her core or even acknowledgement of his torture, only a small hungry groan as he takes her other breast into his mouth. 
The air feels even colder on her spit slick chest, nipple swollen and redder, a scratch of flushed beard burn left behind. Sharp contract making her squirm all the more as he makes the other match. Her sounds pathetic and needy, as he teases her sensitive chest. Every swipe of his tongue, brush of his teeth, scratch of his beard, and hungry reverberating groan against her skin sends a pulse of pleasure between her thighs. 
“Gale,please,” she keens, not even sure what she’s begging for, more or less- if she’s squirming to press herself tighter to his face or trying to escape the laving of his tongue on her body. But she can only whine when her cry is met with a groan that echoes against her, reverberates in her bones, seeps through her veins, and settles in the wet heat between her thighs. 
His lips pull away from her chest, the hand that had been pressed into hers slips away- palm stroking down her forearm, along her collarbones as Gale’s mouth moves lower. Soft kisses beneath the curve of her breast, down the middle of her stomach, his thumb brushing over her nipple- his fingers nearly chasing after his mouth as he moves down her body. Lips kissing over her belly button as he squeezes at her breast, the sink of his hands into the squish of her chest, large warm hand groping and teasing while he works his mouth even lower. 
“Gale,” she whines again, as he presses her thigh tighter to the bed, his beard scratching just at the waistband of her pants. His hand skims down from her breast, fingers pressing soft divots into her hip. Then hook into her waist band, her thigh released finally as he mirrors the gesture of his other.His deep brown eyes looking up as her. 
“Please,” she cuts him off, hissing her consent, the ragged sound of his voice only making her desparate for more of him. He smiles, far too sweet for a man about to strip her naked- another soft kiss beneath her navel and then he’s tugging her clothes down. 
She does her best to make it easy for him, lifting her hips as he rolls the fabric down them, moving her legs as needed when he finally yanks the clothes from her body. Her dearest magician having made sure to grab her underwear with them as well. Petra laid completely bare before him, The air just as cold on the slick  heat of her cunt as it’s been to her split slick breasts. A chill curling along her spine, reminding her that despite the plush mattress and the soft downy blankets hugging her skin, they’re unmistakably outside. Conjured bed in the midst of the field, twinkling stars and kaleidoscopes of colors still dancing over head- bathing her blush touched skin in their glow. 
Petra presses a hand to her mouth, trying halfway to hide her crimson face as her other hand hovers to hide her cunt. She can’t imagine the sight she must make- red faced, tangled hair against the pillow, throat mottled by his teeth, chest marked with saliva, the red scratch of beard burn lingering along her flesh and slick clinging to the meat of her thighs. The mess his mouth has made of her on full display. 
His fingers are warm and reverant when they wrap around her wrist, plucking her hand from where it covers her cunt- exposing her even further as he presses a kiss to her palm. 
“None of that, my love,” he whispers against her skin. Her nose wrinkles, heat still burning through her face- no words find her, so she pulls her hand from her mouth and sticks her tongue out at him. Feeling his smile against her palm, a soft nip of teeth against her wrist. 
His hand falls away from her wrist, Petra scratches her nails through his beard before allowing her own to drop. A gasp catching in her throat when the broad warmth of his palms presses against both of her thighs. Her knees bending as she allows him to spread her further apart, even more exposed- even more on display than she felt before. His deep brown eyes reverent and nearly eclipsed by his pupils as he looks down at her slick cunt- Petra squirms against the sheets and the press of his hands. 
“Gods,” he breathes out, her heart stuttering in her chest, “I could study for ages, read every tome and scroll in all of Faerun and still never be able to conjure a more beautiful sight than you.” 
“Gale…” She whines, burying her face in her hands- burning beneath his gaze and words, how can he say these things without a singular fucking drop of shame? And how can he mean every single word of it?
“I’m right here, love,” he answers, pressing his face into her inner thigh- soft lips and the scratch of his beard, her breathing hitches as he kisses her flesh. Another moving further inward, along her skin. His tongue licking the slick that clings to her, his teeth nipping bruises into her thigh. 
She squirms and writhes, anticipation coiling tight inside of her, only one goal with the direction of his kisses. Every lick and bite jolting phantom pleasure to her cunt, insides clenching and aching for something more direct, to feel that scratch of his beard and the lave of his tongue where she needs it most. No matter how embarassing the idea is. Need outweighing shame. 
And as he moves further between her thighs, he lowers himself down, closer and closer- the skin feeling all the more sensitive as he nears her cunt. His hands and arms shifting, pushing beneath her thighs- a warm support of flesh and bone, his palms settling on her hips, before pressing down. His steady hold preventing her squirming, pinning her in place as he sucks a harsh mark into her skin. 
“Please, Gale,” she whimpers, twisting both her hands into his hair, trying to squirm her hips to no avail. 
“You have not an ounce of patience, do you?” He murmurs against her thigh, blunt edges of his teeth nipping at her flesh. 
“Absolutely fucking not, not with you,” she whines, words burbling out, “I need you, please.” 
A smile pressed into her skin and she can see it in her mind, even if she can’t through her thigh- she bites her tongue, waiting for his words to spill forth again. Waits for more waiting. Waits for another three part sentence and enough verbiage to put a dictionary to shame, all needed before he may finally put his fucking mouth on her. 
The brush of breath on her wet cunt, his head shifting between her thighs- beneath her fingers and the heavy lave of his tongue through her center. Pleasure shockwaves through her, a half stuttered curse on her lips as her hips jolt and her fingers dig into his scalp. His hands press down harsher on her hips, mattress and blankets denting beneath her, keeping her still as the heat of his mouth consumes her every thought and feeling. 
A practised tongue works her over, laving through her slit, dipping inside of her and lapping at the slick that rushes out of her. Each swipe of his tongue only drawing more from her, making her cunt clench around his tongue, feeling herself soak the scratch of his beard. A hungry groan against her, reverberating and twisting the coil inside of her tighter, sounding like a man starved- her insides burn, her hips try to writhe, to find even more friction as his tongue traces every inch of her. 
Groans and wet noises against her, echoing and hanging in the open air, mingling with the nonsense of whines and pleads that she can’t seem to stop. Body and voice hardly her own as she's taken apart by every hungry lick into her cunt, pleasure burning hotter and coil dragging tighter. 
A bump of his nose against her swollen clit and she's thrown over the edge, embarrassingly easy, a thunder of pleasure through her veins- coil snapping and body on fire as it consumes her very being. Only distantly aware that she's thrashing, gasping, and pressing down harsher on Gale's skull as her body jolts. Pleasure ravages her, his tongue and lips toying with her clit all the while, Gale burying his face into her as he pushes her end further and further, harsh sucks on her swollen flesh, pushing her back into ecstasy's grip anytime it threatens to let her go. 
Not so much as cumming again, but Gale refusing to let her stop. Drawing her pleasure out, the faintest sign of it waning met with a firm nearly painful swipe of his tongue or suck against her clit, tracing patterns against it that her blanking mind can’t make sense of- only able to call his name and thrash beneath him, as pleasure edges to near pain. 
And finally, he pulls away from her, orgasm crashing down and away to faint tremors versus an active quake. Her throat raw and aching from the noises he pulled from her, cunt throbbing and clenching at the sudden relief and gut wrenching absence- both somehow existing at once. Both missing his mouth and happy to be afforded the chance to come down from her high. 
Her breaths are ragged and raw, coming back to her body. Shame aching painfully in her chest, needling at her hammering heart. The first physical bodily orgasm wrung from her by another’s hand in two years. Brought to her end by the stray bump against her clit. Her celestial form not only prettier, but able to endure far more- it seems. 
And that shame only grows as the world fully returns to her, realizing just how tight her hands are wrenched in his hair- how harshly she’s pressing against his skull. His breath ragged and hot against her wet thigh, slick with sweat and more. And she can hear how out of breath he is, how she nearly stole the very air from his lungs- nearly drowned him in her. 
“So-sorry,” she whispers, letting him go and hiding behind her hands, hating how desperate and ragged her voice is, “I uh, shit- didn’t mean to- I could’ve suffocated you, I’m so sorry, fuck-” 
For all her begging him to live, to stay- she nearly killed him with her fucking vagina. Because of fucking course that’s something she’d do. A pathetic excuse for a person, a lover, and just an existing thing. 
A huff of breath from him, hot on her already burning skin- it’s light and bubbles into a small laugh, another kiss to her thigh. The bed shifts beneath her, his arms and hands pulling away- Petra dares to peek between her fingers. Gale moves over her- his cheeks ruddy with exertion, his hair sweaty and mussed, beard and lips wet with slick. His grin only wider, more boyish when he meets her eyes through the gaps of her fingers- his own wrapping around her wrists.
Delicately, he prises her hands from her face. 
“I can think of no better death, than one between your thighs.”
She snorts, a breathless laugh,; “Oh yeah, sure, and I’d be the one stuck explaining your naked corpse to K'ha'ssji'trach'ash.” 
“He may appreciate the chuckle, but do remember the ‘chhh’ sound, comes from the back-”
“I know,” she retorts bluntly, her wizard only laughing in response. She can still remember how her nerves rattled the first time she was tasked with saving Gale’s life. Not evening knowing at the time just how much more precious that life would become to her. Terrified of saying a single wrong syllable of the mephit’s name, moving the thread to the wrong side, or hiting a wrong note on that stupid fucking flute. 
Keeping him alive will be the death of her, but as he settles slightly next to her- arms curling beneath and around her- her cunt still throbbing with her drawn out orgasm, his body warm, and his open palm cupping her jaw… She can hardly say she’ll mind. 
“I must say, I do feel assured knowing you’d bring me back again.” 
“Of course, as many times as it takes,” she admits, her next breath swallowed by his lips. His tongue heavy with the taste of her, his kiss and beard wet with her slick, a muffled groan in her throat at the very thought. 
She chases to deepen the kiss as much as she can, pressing into his chest- resting her hand over his forearm. Her tongue pushes deeper into his mouth, her insides aching again, even with the throb of near pain between her thighs from her overstimulation. The soft wet sound of their kisses, her own sigh muffled between their mouths as his mouth starts to taste less like her and more like him. 
His forearm flexes beneath her fingers, his palm leaving her jaw, the other hand still holding her close and brushing her ribs. Before she can break the kiss or see where his other hand is traversing, she feels his fingers on her lower stomach and skimming down her body. 
“Gale,” she whispers against his lips, thighs squeezing together- his fingers already teasing along her mound, scratching through the sparse patch of dark hair above her cunt. He hums against her cheek, pressing a kiss to her jaw- “I can’t… again.” 
Her words are stuttered and breathy, not at all convincing- she’s still thrumming after her last orgasm, cunt still aching and sensitive, every cell of her being an exposed livewire he seems intent to keep playing with. 
“You can’t… do what exactly?”He asks, voice edged with teasing as he bites at her jawline. Her thighs draw tighter together as his finger start to push between them. Whining as he kisses at her neck and she can already feel that coil starting to twist again. 
“Can’t- cum again, too, mm… too soon, let me touch you instead,” she manages through the kisses and bites against her throat. Petra starts to move her hand that’s been placed in the narrow space between their bodies, groping downward- frustrated with the fabric still clinging to his lower half. 
“There’s never too soon enough time to touch you,” he whispers against her throat. 
“Gale, please,” she gasps, feeling him groan against her as her palm cups him through his pants- hard within his clothes, twitching beneath her touch. 
“Spread your legs for me, dear,” he requests and she knows she’ll fall apart so quick, that the pleasure may ache into pain, but she needs him, the promise of his fingers too much. Petra clumsily obeying, spreading her legs;  “There we are, so good for me.” 
The words go start to her cunt, followed shortly by his fingers- the faintest brush over her swollen clit. She gasps, his name on her lips as she tries not to lose focus on where her own hand is, squeezing at his hard-on, trying to offer him some fraction of the pleasure he’s so persistent on pouring into her. A strained groan against her neck as his fingers start to swirl around her clit, a wet slide and building friction, already painfully close. 
“Fuck, Gale,” she hisses, haphazardly trying to yank at the laces of his pants- cursing herself that she can pick the strongest locks in Faerun but can’t yank open her lover’s fucking pants between the odd angle, not being able to properly see what she’s doing, the mouth at her pulse point, and the finger slowly pressing into her. 
“You already feel so perfect around me,” he speaks against her neck as a single thick warm finger pushes into her, opening her up, curling into her- her cunt clenching around him, her head thumping back against the pillows as she gasps. Soul sex aside, it’s the thickest thing she’s had in her in years, her own thin nimble fingers not comparing to his broad palms and long thick fingers. 
“Please, please, Gale,” she breathes, not sure if she’s asking for more fingers or for help undoing his pants. Maybe both. 
She gets a kiss beneath her ear, another finger pushing into her- slow and methodical in his pace. Not seeking to push her into immediate orgasm again, but to stretch her further apart, to see how deep he can fill her with the twist of his fingers. That pleasure building, aching inside of her as his lips kiss up her ear. Small wet presses that sends little chills as he nears the pointed tips of her ears. Feeling herself coating his fingers in wet, slick and accepting as the press of his thick solid fingers. 
“You’re so beautiful, you’re taking my fingers so well,” he murmurs before kissing right at the point of her ear, nipping the sensitive skin and she jolts- face hot with pleasure and shame at how easy she is to take apart. 
Then he starts to pump his fingers, no longer idly stretching and curling, finding a rhythm as he rocks them in and out of her cunt. A desperate cry on her lips, fingers dragging in and out of her slick heat- toying and curling in to press at her nerves, only to pull back and push back in. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cries, not able to come up with any other word- even when the laces of his pants finally come undone with her frantic tugging. Biting her lip and groaning when she can finally- finally, shove her hand down his pants, beneath his underwear, hard solid cock finally in her grasp as she barely manages to pull it free from his clothes. 
“Fuck,”Gale grits out, a rare curse for the wizard- for once all other words but profanity failing him. His fingers in her cunt pause as she wraps her own around him. The hand on her ribs pulls her tighter, as she feels the heat of him against her palm. Can feel the weight of his cock, can trace the veins along his length as she runs her fingers over him- the stick of precum when she touches the head. Gale breathing rough and ragged against her temple. 
“Gods, I can’t even get my fingers around you,” she blurts out, taking the rare chance to be the talkative one- surprised by just how thick he is in her hand. She’s no halfling or gnome, but her favorite wizard stands a good foot or more taller than her- size difference palpable in how her fingers struggle to meet around him. 
He bites beneath her ear,rocking his fingers back into her- pace harsher and rough as she tries to stroke him. Smearing precum down his cock as best she can, trying to make an easier slide of her hand up and down his cock, feeling it twitch against her fingers. A rough ragged groan against her skin, her insides clenching as his fingers fuck into her- thoughts of how his cock will feel, how much more it’ll split her open, making the drag of his fingers that much slicker. 
“So pretty in my arms, love- right where you belong, so sweet and desperate for me,” he rasps against her ear and she squeezes her fingers around him, feeling the stutter and stall in his hand inside of her. The strained growl against her jaw, his expression furrowed and tense- his jaw visibly clenched, eyes clenched shut. Perhaps the first time he’s fully taken his eyes off of her. 
He doubles his efforts between her thighs, working his fingers more harshly into her, fucking his fingers roughly into her. Each thrust and drag along her insides making her sees stars and not just the ones he’s conjured for her. Pleasure spiking higher and higher, building her up- her cunt clenching around him. She tries to work her own hand faster too, cursing herself for not having more experience with this sort of anatomy. 
And then a thought, a singular thought manages to surge above the fog his fingers have put into her mind. She needs it to be wetter, slicker, his precum helping but not enough for her liking. Her gestures are sloppy and messy, haphazard with need- pulling her hand off of him, he curses faintly, the feeling of his eyes back on her. She leans forward just a little to drool against her hand, gathering as much spit and saliva as she can, strands straining from her lips. Spit dribbling down her chin and she can only hope he’s not disgusted by the sight, but it’s left her hand wet. Another ragged breath, inhale and exhale against her as she wraps her spit slick fingers around him. 
His lips surge forward, catching her own in a messy crash, teeth clanging together as he kisses her- his tongue swiping to catch the spit that clings to her her skin, hungrily groaning into her mouth. She tries to keep up, tightens her grip as much as she can without fearing hurting him, her hand sliding up and down much easier with the glide of her drool and his precum. The piss poor excuse for lube allowing her to at the very least move her hand faster, trying to match the pace he’s set with his fingers inside of her. His palm presses down more firmly, the heel of hand finding her clit. A rough tempest of pleasure jolting through her nerves. 
And it’s a rough mix of kisses, moving hands. Being fucked apart by his fingers, grinding against her clit, pushing her closer and closer. A echoing squelch as he takes her apart, the wet slide of flesh against flesh as she strokes his cock- the hungry groans and soft sounds of their kisses, everything consuming her every sense. Pushing her closer and closer, coil pulling tighter, tighter. The drag and tease of him inside of her, the grind against her sensitive clit- the promise of what’s come with his cock twitching in her hand, the bite of his teeth against her lower lip. 
The world seems to split apart, crack open, and fall away from her- everything crashed into pleasure, thrown over the edge again. Twitching and writhing beneath his hand, hips thrashing and fucking herself through the shocks. The faint curse and snarl against her lips, the twitch in her hands- the heat of seed spilling over her fingers and hip
Then she’s falling, world truly carrening out from beneath her, yelping as her ass thumps painfully into the muck. A sharp jolt of pain through her tailbone, Gale trying to tug her closer, squeezing her tightly as the world physically shifts around them, his face burying into her hair. 
“Gods damn it.” 
Petra tries to process the sudden mix of just plain fucking pain. The cold cling of mud to her ass, blinking through the blissed out fog in her mind- no longer coated in the green blue glow of a shifting sky. No longer is her ass burried in a soft silken mass of blankets and sheets, now aching in the cold cling of muddy shadow curse dirt. The only light a mounted torch with faint flickering orange flames. There’s no traces of Gale’s illusions, just him and Petra- naked and sweaty in a patch of mud. The wizard holding her tightly, his face hidden in the top of her head- possibly the most bashful she’s ever seen him, even in their awkward little flirting moments, she’s never known him to physically hide his expression from her. 
“Gale… honey?” She says, using a rare term of endearment for her- those usually his territory. 
“Mmhm,” he hums vaguely against her scalp. 
“I have mud on my ass.” 
“As do I.” 
“Is there a particular reason why?” She tries, trying not to laugh as she tries to understand why he’s suddenly thrown them into the muck- if he wanted to rut in the dirt, she wouldn’t have been opposed to it, but it seems a little sudden and out of character for a man who still tries desperately to smell like lavender and bath oils while traipsing through the wilderness for days on end. 
“Ah well,” he murmurs, finally pulling back and allows her to see his face- cheeks ruddy, sweat beading his skin, his eyes looking down at his slick wet fingers, “Some conjuring and illusionary spells require… concentration to be maintained. And while my multitasking abilities are certainly exemplary,that focus can be particularly hard to keep when…” 
“When you’re getting jerked off?” 
“Not the wording I would have chosen, but- yes,” he admits, still avoiding her eyes. 
And she tries- she truly tries, biting her lip and gritting her teeth, because she wants to be mindful of his embarrassment. But her stomach tenses as a rush of laughter burbles out, snorting as giggles turn to cackles, pressing her hands to her mouth- body aching as she cracks up. 
She made him cum so hard the fucking spell broke. It’s so ridiculous, it’s so asinine, she can’t help but laugh- the pain in her tailbone now eclipsed by way her belly aches in laughter. And it only dies when she looks back at Gale, his head bowed slightly still- his eyes avoiding her and guilt eats at her heart. A part of her having hoped he’d be laughing along, that he’d see the humor in this. 
“Gale..” She whispers his name, her voice a little ragged and rough. 
“My apologies, I- this is not how I wanted this night to go for us, for you,” he explains, face far too contrite and shamed for what is just a silly little mishap, “I think, perhaps, another night if I conserve more of my energy during the day than I did today, I should be able to maintain the illusions for longer.” 
“Or perhaps, I can do just a little more research, see if I can find variations that require less concentration or maybe none at all,” he prattles onward, “I swear, my love, I can give you the night you deserve, I just may need more preparation than I expected, but I will make this up to you, I’ll-” 
“Gale!” She yells his name more firmly, finally looking at her- his eyes soft and vulnerable and she feels like she’s scolded a puppy but she leans forward to cup his face, “There is nothing for you to make up for.” 
“We’re lying in mud, my dear.” 
“Yes, we are lying in the mud and my stomach is streaked in cum because I jerked you off so hard you forgot how to be wizard for a minute- I’m not mad, it’s really fucking funny,” she reiterates, nuzzling his nose with hers as she tries to swallow her giggles- desperately trying to get him to just laugh. His lips curl into a shadow of a smile, but it doesn’t quite reach those big brown eyes. 
“Perhaps- but I didn’t bring you here to make you laugh, I brought you here to give you a perfect night, to make the joining of our bodies as beautiful as the joining of our souls. And we are lying in mud, you deserve more… I want to give you more.” 
“Gale, the night we joined souls you started off by showing me a book of people sixty-nining.” 
“A very poignant and beautiful book about newlyweds becoming one in every sense of the word-”
“By putting their mouths on each other’s genitals.” 
“That was one aspect of the process, yes- however-” 
She silences him with a kiss, soft and chaste- just enough to muffle the words threatening to pour from his lips. Petra pulls just a half breath away, leaning her forehead against Gale’s. Feeling the warmth of him, the cling of the sweat on both of them, smelling the salt of it on him. 
“I love you,” she murmurs, whispers it and hopes he can feel the adoration she pours into every syllable, meeting his gaze head on as her voice cracks, “I love you so fucking much and you’re so so much more than I deserve- and if you cannot believe that, trust that I do, that I truly mean it.” 
“I do, I truly do, I just, everything you’ve done for me, everything that you are- you deserve the world.” 
“And yet the only thing I want from it is you.” 
“So, for a moment, worry less about what you think I deserve and listen to what I want,” she asks, murmuring against his lips, skimming her thumb over his cheekbone, “I don’t need perfection and I don’t need pageantry and I don’t care if it’s messy or funny or weird- I want you, I need you. So please, let me have you. Don’t pull away, don’t scuttle off and worry yourself to pieces because something went wrong. Laugh with me, kiss me, fuck me- gods damn it.” 
“Anything for you, dear,” he says and their lips come together again, another reverent press of their mouths- she places her palm against his shoulder, pushing softly.
Quick witted as ever, he gets the idea- laying back for her and shifting off of his side, onto his ass properly as she throws a leg over his hips. His still hard cock bumping against her cunt as she settles on top of him. Breaking their kiss to pepper them across his jaw, nipping at his flesh through his beard, kissing down the marks that curl across his neck. Following them to the middle of his chest, where the orb burned through his flesh- pressing a kiss where the skin is forever bruised blue. The deep rumble of a groan in his throat making heat rush between her thighs. 
She sits back a bit, looking down at him- sweat tangled hair, ruddy cheeks, chest laid bare beneath her, and the faint orange glow of the torch light. Her hands run up his chest, thick and broad beneath her- body hair the roughest part of him, scratching beneath her palms. 
“Absolutely perfect,” she whispers, raking her nails along the swell of his pecs. 
“My thoughts exactly,” he returns, his hands gripping her hips as he smears a thumb through the streaks of cum still on her skin, and she can’t resist rolling her eyes- as if she wasn’t the one to initiate this round of corniness. 
Through the flickers of amber light, she notices a flash of deep purple fabric- Gale’s sleep shirt he’d tossed aside earlier. She lifts up a little further on her knees, leaning over him to reach for it, twisting her fingers in the soft fabric. 
“Eep!” She yelps at the sudden heat of his tongue and mouth on her chest, a sharp nip to the underside of her breast- “That is not why I was leaning over!” 
He smiles and laughs against her chest as she playfully swats at his chest, settling back to her position- his tunic still dangling from her fingers. Gale smiling up at her, too handsome for her to feel any measure of malice. 
“You can hardly blame for falling to temptation, especially when it comes to you.” 
“You underestimate just how much I’m willing to blame you for anything,” she teases before shifting forward just slightly- “Lift your back up a bit for me?”
“Of course,” he obliges, quickly getting her intent as they softly arrange his sleep shirt on the ground- it’s no four poster bed, but it’ll get his back out of the mud. 
“Not much, but-” 
“I feel positively pampered.” 
“Well, I do live to spoil you,” she teases back, considering for a moment wrangling his pants and underwear down further- his cock still the only thing that’s freed. But, that also means his ass has a modicum of coverage against the mud. Spoiling him again- obviously. 
Petra keeps one hand steady on his chest and the other reaches beneath her, feeling again the heat and weight of his cock in her hand. She hums, whines as she steadies her grip around the base of him- a groan deep in his chest, rumbling beneath her as she drags the head of his cock along her cunt. Her body aches with need as she lines him up with her entrance, Gale's hands grip her tighter. His fingers dip into her skin as his breath hitches and his jaw clenches tight. 
And she sinks down, her voice straining into a wordless cry as the head of his cock slides into her. Barely even inside of her and already stretching her wide, even having had him in her hand, but she needs to take a moment- not expecting just how much she’d be split open.Not painful, far too slick and ready for it to do anything feel incredible, if just a little new for her. 
A strained creak in his tone: “That’s it, no rush- take your time, if it’s too much, you only need to say the word.” 
“Gods no, no, it feels good- really fuckin’ good,” she assure him, voice rough and breathy, biting her lip as she starts to slowly lower herself down further, “So, so fucking good, fuck.” 
“There you are, taking me so well- perfect around me, like you were made for me,” he praises, voice gritted and his fingers grasping her tighter as her cunt clenches around him, the adoration stirring her insides as his cock buries within them. 
Every inch a deeper press, a tighter stretch, never painful but always full- like he could truly split her apar at any moment. But it’s never too much, the drag and sink of him perfect, absolutely perfect. A babble of breathless noise and nonsense on her tongue as she he carves a path into her- her hips finally settling when she’s about to scream out and there’s no more of him to take. Feeling the faint scratch of his body hair where they join, barely tugged down pants rough against her thighs and ass. 
The back of his head hits the dirt, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat- his eyes closed as his moves just slightly beneath her. Bracing his feet in the dirt, knees bending slightly as his hips lift up. Bucking inside of her, a sharp lightning strike of pleasure ripping through her- lurching her forward body forward, bracing her hands against his chest as she cries out. 
“Ah, sorry, are you-” 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine, I’m good, gods, I’m good,” she rushes to assure him, digging her nails into his skin, leaning forward to kiss at his jaw, groaning against his skin when it grinds him against her insides. 
Tentatively, she starts to rock herself on top of him, cursing as she starts to lift off him just a bit, whining at the drag of him inside of her. His hands allowing her to move, guiding her gently despite the harsh dig of his nails, digging red ragged crescents into her skin- blue bruises forming beneath his harsh touch. 
Petra barely pulls up before she lowers herself back down, his name on her lips as she’s filled with him again. Her grip on him only growing more desperate- more bruising, as she starts to find a harsher, quicker pace- bouncing herself on his cock, body thrumming and pleasure twisting tight as she tries to slam down hard enough on him. Tries to hit the right spot inside of her, grind her clit just right against his skin as she tries to set her pace. Her motions frantic and desperate, smearing and streaking slick across his skin and clothes, every desperate slam of her hips making her that much wetter, that much more accommodating, body frantic to welcome him into her over and over again. 
“Gods, your cunt doesn’t even want to let go of me, look so pretty with my cock inside of you,” he groans, her inside clenching at his choice of words, Gale’s cheeks flushed beneath the dark hair of his beard- his face screwed tight with his pleasure as his cock twitches inside of her squeezing walls. Petra in a frenzy as she fucks herself stupid, rides him as hard as she can, getting pushed closer and closer to the brink- pathetically close to her end, just a little more, a little more. 
His hands move further back,  curling around her ass, sinking his fingers into the plush flesh- her whimpering at the grope, the feeling of his warm digging into her- squeezing her so tightly. Harsh and firm, when hips roll into her, thrusting in as she sinks down- striking the very nerves she couldn't quite hit hard enough, a torrent of heat and need, stars dancing before her eyes without any magic. The force of his hips jolts her, her shaky arms giving out, her body collapse flush to his chest, nails digging into him as her face presses into his sweat slick skin. Pliant and boneless as Gale takes over the pace, gripping his ass tight between his hands and steadying her as he fucks her apart. 
And it’s pitiful how much better it is with him in control, Gale knowing her body and what she needs or perhaps just that much better at giving it to her. Harsh brutal snaps of his hips, every rut of him into her making her body thrum, her mind blanked with every strike at her deepest parts. Carving her out, splitting her open, burying himself into her over and over again- the wet squelch of him into her. Holding her vise tight to his chest, her sensitive tits scratched by his body hair a his motions rock and shift her against him. One hand leaving her ass to wrap around her middle, holding her tighter, clinging closer- his face buried to her temple as he fucks into her, uses her, splits her insides, and makes her body fit hims so perfectly. Not even able to hear or comprehend the whispers and praise whispered against her sweat tangled hair- gripping him tighter, Gale inside her and yet somehow nowhere near close enough. Not able to cling tight enough, not able to burrow far enough into his skin as she burns beneath the sharp bruising pace he drives into her. 
Then it all snaps, world shattering and cracking apart, crying out against his chest- mind empty with nothing but pleasure, clenching tight as he pulses inside of her. Squeezing around him, thrashing within his grasp, toes and fingers clenching- curling against him, around him, into him.
A few more harsh thrusts, rushed and hurried into her, followed by a rush of heat. The spill of cum into her insides, burning hot in her cunt, filling her- flooding her, warm in her fucked raw body. She pants and sighs against his skin, breaths rough as she comes back to earth and with no falling this time. He holds her like a promise, tight and reverent, kissing across her scalp and forehead as he rolls through the last of his ebbs of pleasure. Messy as he fills her with his cum, whining against his flesh, she feels it split out between the space where they connect. Filled to the brink with him, overflowed and spilling over with it, feeling it stick and cling to their thighs, their hips, where they meet. The languid slowly roll of him into her fucking his seed back into her, before his hips finally still as the last drop fills hers her, only to drip out again. 
They lay in the flickering torch light, skin wet with sweat and settling into each other’s flesh. His heart thunders and pounds beneath his skin, where her ear is pressed tight to him. Able to hear the desperate race and her own hammers in kind, in pace with each other, some relief that may be as ruined and ragged by her as she is by him. Only the sound of thundering hearts and them catching their breath, the faintest chirp of insects from the shadows. 
Slowly, steadily, the moments tick forward but time hardly feels like it’s touching them. Only the calming of their breaths and hearts marking the passage. His hands stroke and rub along her back, tracing her sweaty spine, both reach down to idly rub and stroke her lower back, pressing gentle reverence into her aching muscles. His lips burning adoration where they kiss her scalp, skim the scar of her forehead- she shifts to tuck her chin against his chest, looking up at his soft loving gaze. 
His hands push the hair off her forehead, cup her cheeks, thumbs stroking over the freckles that mark her face. A breath of a kiss against her forehead, her eyes closing beneath the touch. 
“Absolutely beautiful,” he praises, her eyes opening, her nose wrinkling as she blows a raspberry at him and his stupidly precious compliments- he laughs, “And a complete brat.” 
“Hmm, you love it.” 
“That I do,” he reponds to her teasing, another kiss and she meets his his lips. Sighing softly, knowing they can’t stay like this forever. 
Gently, she sits herself back up,Gale’s hands roaming down her sides- not missing the crease of disappointment in his brow when she’s no longer pressed flushed to his chest. She blinks, swallowing a gasp as she looks down at him. Rough raised scratches now mark his chest, thin red lines where her nails streaked his flesh and just managed to break it. Gently, her nails brush the marks. 
“Sorry, I’ll rub some salve and balsam ointment over it for you when we get back,” she promises, guilt creeping in- her nails are polished and due to her left, often have more dirt on them than she’d like- she could cause him an infection, “Maybe I should learn a healing cantrip or two…” 
“Thought you believed relying too much on healing magic was a crutch,” he asks, smiling up at her as he chimes the words she’s spoken so many a times when him or Shadowheart try to heal her when she only needs a bandage or a few dozen stitches. 
“I mean, for me, yes,” she murmurs, knowing it’s hypocritical- but it’s different when it’s him- he smiles, placing his hands over hers. She pulls her palms from his marked skin, bringing them to the press of his lips. 
“Worry not, dear- I hardly mind being marked by you,” he promises her, smiling against her knuckles and her nose wrinkles, his sweet words stirring her heart and only one response falls to her lips. 
“Blegh,” she spats, mock gagging at his corny existence, even if her cheeks are flushed and her heart thumping- he drops her hands, reaching out quick and giving a small sharp swat of his hand to her ass- “Ah, hey!” 
“Do not make gagging noises whilst I am inside of you,” he hisses, voice raised and incredulous- with just the softest edge of a laugh, his lips pulling back to a smile as she giggles. 
“Fine,” she reponds, rolling laguidly off of him- letting his cock slip out of her and plopping into the mud beside of him, giving a pointed look- “Blech!” 
“What I’ll no longer gag while you’re inside of me,” she promises, teasing him and his choice of words. His brown eyes rolls, a tut on his lips as he looks at her, before a different glint places. 
“Well, there can certainly be exceptions to the rule, should you wish,” he teases and after a beat, his meaning catches her- a way he’d be tucked inside of her that he’d accept her gagging, the idea of tasting him, and feeling him in her throat… 
“Is that something you’d wish?” She asks back, smiling a little- grin only widing when he clears his throat. 
“Another time, right now…” His voice trails and she watches him shift slight, a a little strained groan of pain his throat. 
“Your back killing you?” 
“Terribly so,” he admits, shaking his head and starting to sit up with a small grunt- his old achey muscles and joints always giving him issues. But it doesn’t stop him from pulling her over, tucking her into his lap as he sits; “Here, lets get you out out of the mud, dear.” 
She giggles, nuzzling into his neck as he make her plop her cum and dirt streaked ass in his lap. And as the afterglow fades and reality settles in her bones, she starts to realize some increasingly pressing concerns. The two are streaked in sweat, mud, and fluids. Her fingers brushing flecks of dirt off Gale’s shoulders, where his skin still met the dirt. His hair messy and tangled with little clumps of dirt, his skin warm and smelling of sweat and musk, Petra unable to help inhaling against his chest. 
Beneath them, his shirt is caked in mud, grinding into the dirt under their bodies. His only kind of on pants streaked with cum, clearly stained, dirt on back of it. Her own clothes are tossed in the dirt as well, having hit the dirt through the illusion. Mud on her back and some clinging to her ass, streaked where his fingers groped her- a mess of cum between her thighs. 
And they do have to go back to camp. 
“Uhm, do you have a spell to clean us and our clothes?” She asks, traces her nails over his neck. 
“Yes and no,” he explains, expression slightly tense, one hand on her hip, the other gesticulating with a pointed finger, “Prestidigitation can quite easily clean our clothes, with a bit of folding for mine perhaps, and is cantrip as well- fairly simple, only lasts an hour I”m afraid, but that would certainly be long enough to get back and safely tuck ourselves away in our tent.” 
“However, it is specific to objects and those of a certain footage, which- you and I do not qualify as. And between our fights of the day and my illusionary work, it’ll take a good nights rest before I can cast much more than a cantrip, so…” 
“So, our clothes will be clean, but we’ll be traipsing back with dirt on our skin and reeking of sex,” she double checks because there’s no river near the clearing- the camp using warmed basins of conjured magic for a while now. Which are back at camp. Where their companions are. 
“Or we could stay here for a night…” 
“And keep tally of the number of shadow cursed insects that inevitably crawl up our assholes.” 
“There are the bugs…” 
“I think we may have to face the music on this one,” she says, knowing sculking and sneaking back to camp is not a choice- not with Gale’s knees. 
“Alas, reality returns far too soon,” he muses, looking down at her where she’s still balanced within his arms and her cheek to his chest, “Still the night you wanted?” 
She giggles- they’re caked in mud, sweat, and cum. Sitting in the muck of a cursed lands, the threat of returning to camp to prying eyes and questioning voices. The only reason they can even safely sit here with monsters prying flesh from their limbs and darkness creeping into their souls is the blessing of a captured pixie. Demands of goddesses and moonstruck kingdoms ran by cults all on the horizon. But his arms are wrapped flush around her, the smell of his skin in her nose, the ache of where he was inside her. Skin marked in his love. 
“It’s perfect.”
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bigfemboyenergy · 2 months
self indulging in the sonic x dp x dc thing
tails and/or knuckles could make an appearance. also i have no idea who or what to put for like. the dc part? im not super into dc except for batjokes lore (in technicality) and fics
Danny finds himself in a strange place. He has a lot of questions. After all, it was only a second ago that he was with his family. Where am I? he thinks to himself. What happened? Sadly, he doesn’t have time to dwell on these thoughts, because he sees something awfully “funny” and even potentially dangerous only a few feet away..
Sonic opens his eyes, and blinks several times in shock. He was with Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, but now he’s..wherever this is? He’s gone through some bullshit today, enough from Egghead, and he’s completely over it. Silently, he shrugs as he thinks, well shit, stuff always wants to keep happening.
With a sigh, Sonic uses this moment of what seems to be calm to look around. He blinks repeatedly, shocked. What he sees does not cease to surprise him. Growing up and living in open, bright greenery did not get him ready for the gloomy, dreary city he’s appeared in. He murmurs, vaguely, “what the absolute fuck.” It’s only then that he notices the guy next to him.
Both him and the stranger flinch, as if only just noticing each other. This person..is a human, certainly. Or, well, he looks like one. He looks terribly shocked to be seeing an..oversized blue hedgehog cryptid? Or a 3’ furry? His face shows that he has no idea what he’s seeing.
Danny narrows his eyes, observing the thing, concern and fear melting away. After all, he’s seen worse; who hasn’t, with internet access? He speaks, questioningly, “So, what are you, and have you also been mysteriously brought here without notice?” The creature says, coolly, “Isn’t it more polite to ask for a name first? But I digress; first of all, hedgehog, and secondly, yep.” Danny nods, interested by the way this creature knows English and is oddly human, for something that is, well- a hedgehog, they said? With a small chuckle, Danny speaks once more; “Well then, what’s your name?” The hedgehog grins and proclaims, “Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.” It is only then that Danny realizes this bad boy is, well..recognizable? He isn’t quite sure why he’s heard of him or where. He awaits his realization with much impatience. It feels awful to be only halfway to a conclusion.
Sonic looks up at the human, no recognition in his eyes. He doesn’t know him, it seems. With a playful shrug, he begins, “I’ve told you my name, so tell me yours,” he edges closer. “Come on, don’t be shy.” He almost sees the gears turn in the human’s head, before they say, “It’s Danny.”
Sonic looks Danny up and down, taking him in. He seems like an average guy, Sonic thinks. Nothing too unusual about him, probably. “I have a quick question, Dan- can I call you that?- is it..weird for hedgehogs to be walking around this place?” Danny shrugs in response. “I mean, before being brought here, I would’ve thought so, yeah? Pretty odd, if you know what I mean,” he states. “And sure, ‘Dan’ is fine.”
Carefully, Sonic drinks in the new information. He’ll have to consider the fact that bad crap will probably go down around him. He ain’t no normal guy, not in this place, it seems. Might even have to go into hiding, he thinks. That’d suck balls. He sighs to himself, wondering how he’ll even get home.
Danny notices Sonic’s dilemma, but can’t do anything about it. After all, he’s just a halfa, what can he do? He doesn’t have illusion-related powers; at least, he’s not aware of having any, that is. But since he himself has a very good reason to be sympathetic..he makes an offer. “We both got sent here randomly, right? So, why not find a place to crash together? Not sure you could even get a job here, so you’ll definitely need someone’s help.” Sonic snickers softly and holds out his hand for Danny to shake. “That sounds good to me, if you don’t mind,” he says, a bit calmer now. Danny doesn’t hesitate to shake Sonic’s hand as he says, “Hello, new partner in crime.”
Upon noticing that two people supposedly teleported here for no reason..the batfamily was in a state of worry. Now that they have tried to research these people, get a little info on them- they, uh..are quite shocked to learn that nobody fits their descriptions and/or the names they go by. Well, except for something they aren’t sure whether to deem it a coincidence or a completely mind-boggling disaster. More on that later.
Now that Danny and Sonic have gotten fairly acquainted, all that’s left is for them to find a place to spend their time, and hopefully some work.
WELL THATS IT FOR THIS TEST THING TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT 💀 and yes i am calling it “The Worst Crossover To Ever Cross Over” it’s a good pun imo ok
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musubiki · 7 months
I always wondered how the gang reacts when mochi comes back!!! I bet lime would be on her side at all times to make sure she doesn't disappear again, watching her sleep, following her around the house, then mochi has to go to the bathroom and he's anxiously waiting lmao
strangely the first person to know shes back is taffy!!! when she decides to hunt down the guild again, she goes to sulluvan to find out their approximate location. her plan was to find the others first, and lime last, so she could (hopefully) get from them a little temperature check on how lime would feel about all of it
(by that i mean she was very worried about whether or not he would want to see her. she realizes what she did was a very jerk move, and if he was moved on and happy without her (married with a kid or something) then she didnt want to interfere with that, even by just showing up. so she wanted to check with oscar and coco if theyd kept in contact with him, and how hes been/if looking for him is a good idea)
sulluvan gives her the locations of taffy/coco/oscar, but tells her to hold off on lime if shes not going straight to him first. "That boy moves around quite a bit. Unless you're going to see him right now, he'd be somewhere else entirely by the time you got around to him," he tells her.
taffy is the first to see her. she went to coco and taffy first, and while she was standing outside their apartment building thinking about what she wants to say, taffy comes home. he is the MOST calm out of all of them. (granted knew her the shortest and therefore wasnt as close to her as the others). when he brings her upstairs to their apartment and coco sees her, she tackles her to the floor and straight up starts weeping. (and then grabs pom and manhandles her as well)
oscar had a similar reaction. the kind you would have after a chance encounter with a friend after a long time. a lot of "Oh my god!!!!" and tight hugs!! obviously all of them are thrilled to get back into guild work, they were getting bored of their current lives (oscar timeskip story currently pending)
when she asks them about lime, oscar and coco just kinda give each other a knowing look, take a moment to reflect about his down bad ass and what hes been doing for the last 3 years, before finally going "Yeah I honestly think he'd be down to rejoin." "Yeah echoing that. Hes not doing anything useful." (they both know about his m34th work. coco whispers to oscar "Should we tell her?" and he replies "Isn't it more entertaining if she finds out organically?")
when they find lime, hes in the middle of a mission. doing something something i dont know, its combat though. fighting the giant tree monsters on the far edge of the giants thicket since they were terrorizing the farmers in the area. at first he didnt even realize it was her, it just seemed like some npc pedestrian caught up in the fight. doesnt even turn to look at her, just yells something generic like "Get back to the village, I can handle this!!"
and at first mochi didnt even register what the hell he was wearing, but she knew his voice and stature and the unmistakeable hair color. shocked at that response (i think she knew he didnt know it was her), she probably yells something at him to get his attention
and he recognizes her voice as soon at it comes out. it takes him a couple seconds to even process what he just heard enough to turn around, and honestly when he sees her, he thinks hes hallucinating. "...I'm losing my fucking mind, apparently." he thinks. "Illusion spell? No, what the fuck? That doesn't work on me. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night? I've never hallucinated like that before though. Maybe its some shape shifter something. Can those also mimic voices?--" just a sample of the 100 different thoughts he has in about 1 second.
but when he hears her again, a soft little "H...Hi Lime-!" that is barely even audible over the current atmosphere, he doesnt care. it could be some trick, who knows? I dont, he thinks, thats mochi.
let me tell you this boy SPRINTS to her. the amount of force in his embrace is honestly a little terrifying. mochi started sobbing instantly. No words even said, beyond a soft "Hi mochi." he mumbles into her neck. but her tears soak into his shoulder and they stay like that for god knows how long. It takes coco zipping back like "Uhhh hey sorry to interrupt soft moment but we've been holding off the tree monsters for a few minutes and oscar is getting whacked like a ragdoll soooo--"
(even then it takes lime a bit to let her go LMFAO!!! mochi is like "Oh no! Poor oscar!" and when she tries to let go lime is just LOCKED on her. "No. Not yet. He'll be fine." his voice muffles out as hes squeezing her against him. it takes a few whacks to his arm and a lot of "LIME BE SERIOUS!!" for him to very begrudgingly let her go)
but youre right hes definitely a bit clingy afterwards. maybe not in the most direct way, but he constantly has an eye on her/is standing close/wont let her go somewhere by herself kind of thing (which mochi is very happy with because she misses him like crazy. honestly shes a little nervous talking to him because shes worried they wont be like they used to, but the more they converse the more shes like "Oh hes the same as always....good.")
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gumclones · 9 months
I’m honestly quite fond of the communication breakdown in Bonnibel Bubblegum — it feels very realistic on both sides, especially when you consider that on the level of emotional maturity everyone in the gum family is functionally a child, even if Gumbald/Lolly/Chicle are in adult shapes and Bonnie has been around for 30ish years
none of these people have experience with socialization! Bonnie’s barely started to identify that psychological needs even exist, and because of that she isn’t aware that they can be more complex than “being around people who can talk to you, share common ground, and are not overtly hostile”
and so when Gumbald cuts down the taffy trees for a city without asking because tending to them was hot and tiring work and he had big dreams, he doesn’t realize how much Bonnie will be hurt and upset! when Bonnie makes the butterscotch lake, she seems to honestly think that This Is Just How Things Are Done and that Gumbald will come around. they’re both operating under a pretty heavy illusion of transparency — they think that because they’re fundamentally on the same team and fond of each other, they all have the same long-term goals and will broadly agree on what to do. it’s only when they experience the friction of this mode of thinking that they realize that they want to be respected and honestly listened to
(we can also see Gumbald’s paranoia take root here — he was already ill at ease with Neddy’s existence, possibly assuming that Neddy was a precursor to himself/Lolly/Chicle, and seeing Bonnie make the gummy fish to entertain him made him wonder if, on some level, she viewed him as the same kind of thing as the fish)
so Gumbald comes to the incomplete realization that he doesn’t like it when people do things that affect him without consulting him, without understanding that he’s already done the same thing to Bonnie. he decides to ensure that Bonnie will be satisfied with things that don’t affect his plans… and while he’s at it, he might as well take care of Lolly and Chicle, since just because they haven’t yet hurt him doesn’t mean they won’t
and this leads to the confrontation between Bonnie and Gumbald, where he asserts their equality and she denies it, calling him “bad.” neither of them fully realize how similar they are, just as before neither of them understood how different. how could they, when they have so few others to compare themselves to?
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
New Visions
One I had about the pap pics that might be coming out. So I saw myself viewing the pap pics through frosted green glass like this one I only saw Chris and not Alba. Oddly Chris looked exactly what he used to look like when he was seen playing golf in 2014.
Green glass represents potential, possibilities and the ability to create, it could mean a message for an extension of your understanding in a particular matter. There is something that you are not able to put into words or articulate. Frosted glass represents an illusion, an unclear view of a situation. I think overall people will mostly not be able to understand what is going to happen next. They might even not be able to understand what could be the purpose of these pics. Or it can also signal the fact that we might stay in an illusion about these pap pics.
The second one I had was about Alba. Because of this vision, I decided to publish both visions because I think some people need to read it.
I saw Alba standing in a room full of happy people. It seemed like all of them belonged to the same family. It is not Chris' family. She looks happy, clean and fresh. I saw a young man age appropriate for her entering the room. The house in which that room is bigger and very beautiful, and it seemed like it looked way bigger than Chris. He comes to her and she gives her a baby that she has delivered. The baby is not healthy, he is bony and naked he has blood also on his head, he looks sick. It seems like she has not even tried to clean him and dress him after giving birth and she has been keeping him without taking care of him. She gives that baby to that man and that man puts the baby in a green shopping bag. She looks in love with that man. The guy looks foreign (not European or American) and so does his family. It seems like she is living with that man.
Now delivering a baby means having a fresh start, new beginnings, and mostly they are about one's career. Since the baby doesn't look healthy it represents concerns about one's career. The things that someone has been working on in their career, might not be giving the desired good results. It seems like she didn't even want to take care of the baby. It means she knows there is no use to keep working on certain professional things. There are already rumors that she has been blacklisted in HW because of her appearance at the premiere. She knows her career has been jeopardized and she seems not worried about it and is about to give up on it completely because she has probably now eyes on someone new. A foreign man represents a man who helps someone. She sees this guy as a big opportunity for her and they both seem in love with each other. Also, the man put the baby in a green bag. A green bag represents status. She might not need her career because something better might be coming for her and she might already have eyes on someone. If she doesn't have him already in her life, she might be meeting him soon.
The most important point is, it seems like she is about to give up her obsession for Chris. Idk about her family, team or Justin but it seems something changed in her mindset after the premiere. She thinks it's useless to keep waiting for something to happen between her and Chris. She doesn't seem interested in him anymore. Idk if her parents would also want her to move on because they seem to have led her on that she might have something real with Chris. I don't think the trolling will stop from their side. What I am trying to say is she is ready to move on whether her team or her parents let her do it or not, that is another question. She has no attraction for Chris anymore.
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ailendolin · 10 months
Hey! Can you please do 11 (home) for Gabriel/Ian please? Thanks 🥰
P.S. I love your works with my whole heart, thanks sm for fuelling my six idiots obsession <3
Aw, thank you so much! I'm glad you have been enjoying my fics so far and I hope you'll enjoy your little prompt ficlet just as much.
List of prompts is here. Filled prompts are here, here, here and here on AO3.
Prompts are closed.
“Do you miss your home?”
It was an innocent question, one children asked without thinking, and even though it wasn’t directed at him, Ian still felt the sting of it. He watched as Gabriel smiled and lowered her fork, all calm and without a hint of distress, before she gave Hamnet her full attention. “Why would I miss my home when I have one right here?”
The answer seemed to please young Hamnet since he went happily back to his dinner but Ian couldn’t help but glance anxiously at Gabriel, looking for any signs that the question had troubled her more than she let on. For a brief moment, their eyes met across the table. Gabriel’s smile widened a fraction. “I meant to say: you’ve outdone yourself with dinner once again, Ian.”
Ian, as he was known to do when anyone, but Gabriel especially, complimented him, blushed and averted his eyes. It didn’t help that Anne and Bill immediately joined in on the praise.
“I’m glad you like it,” he mumbled down at his plate, missing the fond looks the others shared over his head.
Yet after dinner was finished and everything was cleared away and washed up, he still couldn’t shake the worry that Hamnet’s question might have reopened old wounds that had only barely begun to heal. So after he’d blown out all the candles in the kitchen and made sure the front door was locked, he went upstairs and quietly knocked on Gabriel’s door.
“I’m sorry,” he said after she’d called him inside. “I don’t mean to disturb you at such a late hour but I was wondering – are you all right?”
Gabriel gave him a bemused look. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, with what Hamnet said at dinner–“
“Oh Ian,” Gabriel breathed and tugged at his hands so he would sit down next to her on the bed. She didn’t let go, Ian noticed faintly, as he waited for her to go on. “You can’t really miss something you haven’t lost, now can you?”
“But–“ Ian began, not quite understanding what she meant. “You left your country behind, your whole life!”
Gabriel’s face softened. “My life was a lie, Ian. Carefully crafted, full of illusions and very lonely. Bill was the first person who made me feel like I didn’t have to hide.” She smiled. “Spain might be the country I grew up in but this house, Bill, Anne, the children, you – oh Ian, especially you – that’s my home.”
Ian looked down at their entwined hands, feeling a lump form in his throat. “Really?”
“Really,” Gabriel said. She raised their hands to her lips to press a kiss against his fingers that was so gentle, so loving it took his breath away. “I did not mean to tell you like this and it’s all right if you don’t feel the same–”
“I do,” Ian blurted out before his brain could catch up with his mouth. Seeing the astonished look on her face, he took a deep breath and tried again, more quietly, “I do, Gabriel. Have for a very long time.”
He wished he could paint whole scenes with words like Bill could or turn the slightest touch into something meaningful like Anne was so effortlessly capable of to let Gabriel know how lost he’d been in a world that only ever saw him as a workforce, not a person, before he’d known her warm smile and gentle touch. But he wasn’t like Bill or Anne. He was just plain, old Ian.
Somehow, that seemed to be enough for Gabriel. She let go of his hand to cradle the left side of his face. She hesitated for a moment, making that sure this was truly what they both wanted, before she closed the distance between them and their lips met for the first time in the warm glow of the candles in her room. That restlessness Ian had felt in his bones his whole life slowly settled and turned into something else, something that felt a lot like–
“Home,” Gabriel whispered against his lips. She smiled. “See?” “Home,” Ian echoed breathlessly before he kissed her again. 
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horizon-verizon · 11 months
I am still extremely disconcerted that Baela and Rhaena are constantly placed with Rhaenys and Corlys, or even referred to as Corlys' granddaughters. It's as if they weren't Daemon's daughters in the writers' minds. Where is Rhaenys being asked to get Rhaena and Baela to marry Luke and Jace?! OK, Baela was Rhaenys' ward on the show, but that's no reason for her to decide when she has a father! Daemon! Also, why did you make this change or Baela shared her childhood between Rhaenys and Daemyra? Whereas in the book, she never went with Rhaenys?! Like I don't understand. Also, I also don't understand why suddenly Rhaena is ignored by Daemon due to a lack of dragon (which is frankly ridiculous when you have all the original information about the characters and the universe in hand) and so he only seems to like/have interest in Baela? (teaches her high Valyrian, little kisses, watches her when she cries, keeps a correspondence with her, includes her in the coming war, etc) OK, in the book she is described as a female Daemon and Daemon him grants a lot of freedom, but at no time does that mean that he loved Rhaena less than her?! Especially for once again a lack of dragon, while Daemon claimed Caraxes as a teenager and knows very well how the links between dragon riders and dragons are formed! He has no reason to dislike Rhaena for that! Or at least ignore it, or have a hard time with it. Because well, Laena says he's doing his best and he says to Viserys that Pentos and his house and those of his kids, so Rhaena exists, and a priori you also count her when he looks in their direction at the funeral of baby Visenya, but it's really just crumbs. I don't understand what they did with Baela and Rhaena. I don't understand why it seems that only Baela exists out of the 2 for Daemon. I don't understand why Rhaenys suddenly has a say and why they are referred to as Corlys' little girls instead of Daemon's daughters. Especially since they seem to remember that Daemon is their father, given the cut scene of Baela. But I think it was mainly to give the illusion of extra importance to Rhaenys who has the personality and the usefulness of a board this season.
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You: "But I think it was mainly to give the illusion of extra importance to Rhaenys who has the personality and the usefulness of a board this season."
Damn anon, you're not here to joke, huh?
However, I also couldn't help but feel they really did this woman dirty because, like with Alicent and Rhaenyra, they didn't know what to do with a woman who claims as much power and dignity and suggestive complexities as Rhaenys did (book!her, not the show) without leaving it at her being against Rhaenyra's attempts at asserting her rights and gaining confidence in herself. Do they not know how crazily misogynist it is for Rhaenys to try to dissolve Rhaenyra's spirit by saying the lords would never accept a female ruler?! Especially when she insists, to Corlys, that she's "over" that?! Why should she then taker it out on Rhaenyra so unapologetically?
It's possible to make a Rhaenys that is both envious of Rhaenyra, wishes she could have been queen, but also sees where Rhaenyra could have won where she herself couldn't. Rhaenyra had Viserys' word, the oaths, and Daemon (another dragon rider with a fearful reputation, if not riches and the exact prestige that Corlys had). Especially with Aegon the Elder being a far less attractive candidate!
And I've said it before, it made no sense for her to not fire on the greens when she had the chance in episode 9, which actually makes a mark against her intelligence despite what Eve Best and Claire Kilner expressed. It also made less sense for Rhaenys to try to isolate Baela from the pre-Dance conflicts when both Rhaena and Baela are Daemon's kids and would always be the greens' targets/fears.
My problems with Rhaenys (the writing):
*EDIT* 8/29/23 -- We're told that Rhaenys is this intelligent "feminist" woman but she, like Alicent, often engages in actions and events merely because her husband wants it: marrying off 12-yr Laena off to a 30+ old man; Baela being made a ward of Driftmark instead of the heir (this is about Hotd's worldbuilding, not the actual logic of medievalist politics or the canon/original world; etc. Yes, the writing is telling us she is criticizing Alicent for buying in or complying with the patriarchal desires of the men around her, but HotDRhaneys does the same so the show really vacuums out any nuance Rhaenys can have by giving us clashing messages about her. Why does Rhaenys not even vocally protest and we are expected to see her as "strong"? -- *END OF EDIT*
And this part of the reblog of one my posts:
just how they portrayed rhaenys and rhaenyra's relationship was so out of the blue. because while rhaenys was complex, rhaenys was not THAT vindictive to rhaenyra. not especially when you factor the fact that rhaenyra and laenor possibly had the velaryon boys legitimately and that canonically rhaenyra had a close relationship with laena. when rhaenys was there all the damn way with rhaenyra. she was the one who comforted rhaenyra at the loss of luke, she was the one rhaenyra trusted the council to in her grief. hell just the way they potrayed her relationship with the velaryon boys was so misrepresenting rhaenys when it was her that comforted them, especially joff after luke passed. like they're so intent on making rhaenys seem like someone who would not support her fellow woman, especially a family member she would have been so close to - is ridiculous. like if the aim was to make a feminist show, then you really not remove the elements of female choices or women supporting women, especially in tough times. you dont have to completely erase the narrative of medieval settings. you can improve it and develop it. by removing the entire aspect of it all together, you basically remove the real life historical significance its based on. that just makes the purpose of developing a feminist narrative in hotd flattened out.
Said chain of posts:
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anti-dazai-blog · 10 months
32-33- Thousands of lives risked on a gamble (and other complaints)
Welcome back to the Anti-Dazai Series!!
School starts late August this year, meaning this will be the final entry I’ll post before my classes start. But rest assured that no matter how long the gap between entries becomes, the Anti-Dazai Series is NOT dead or abandoned! So long as I never explicitly say that I’ve gotten bored of this, I will continue posting here–
Now onto what you’re here for—
Chapter 32 has no Dazai content, since its focus is Poe and Ranpo. Meaning we’re moving right on to chapter 33–
Dazai and Ranpo have a strategist meeting to decide the agency’s next move. Dazai went into this meeting with ulterior motives: to present the idea of Atsushi infiltrating the Guild’s Moby Dick alone, as to have him team up with Akutagawa once they’ve both already boarded. With that in mind, the way Dazai and Ranpo’s conversation plays out is rather interesting. Rather than going back and forth putting multiple ideas on the table, Dazai throws in a few specific combinations of agency members to send in, knowing they’re a bad match for this mission. Ranpo knows this too, and points out why each of these combos wouldn’t work. Once those purposely wrong solutions are shot down, Dazai suggests sending Atsushi in. Since this would technically work, Ranpo approves of this suggestion and allows the agency to go forward with it.
Dazai’s tactics here are classic but effective. He suggests subtly bad ideas, knowing that Ranpo will see through the flaws in each one, and then hands him a plan that wouldn’t automatically fail, knowing it would have to be approved. It also casts the illusion that all other options were analyzed, even though only a few specific combinations of agency members were considered. In a way, it’s also a standard “make them think it was their own idea so they’ll agree”. Dazai prompts Ranpo into giving the solution he’s aiming for, so he could move his “create a rivalry-partnership” plan forward.
After Dazai’s done ensuring Atsushi will have a Very Bad Time aboard the Moby Dick, he goes to visit Ango to negotiate Kyoka’s release. Ango, as you may recall, is currently recovering from a car crash. That Dazai caused. He’s stuck in a hospital bed in a full body cast. So Dazai’s greeting of “You look lovely! ;)” just seems like rubbing salt in the wound. But let’s be real, this kind of cruel mockery is exactly what can be expected of him. 
Note that Dazai not only caused the accident to begin with, but also removed the airbags on Ango’s side of the car, to ensure he gets as injured as possible. 
I’ll give him credit for negotiating for Kyoka’s release– Kyoka doesn’t seem to have any part in his grand Atsushi-related plans, so for once he’s doing something good for someone else without it being a part of his grand schemes. However, negotiating for anything in exchange for medical attention for the grievous bodily harm you intentionally caused someone is Very Messed Up, to say the least.
And now it’s time for the long-awaited mission. 
Dazai, as per his previously stated plan, sends Atsushi into the Mody Dick alone. Atsushi is reasonably stressed about this, and being the world’s most encouraging mentor, Dazai explains that it makes sense for him to be the one chosen for this, since “[Atsushi’s] the guy who runs away the fastest.” I’m sure Atsushi found courage in that reminder.
Once he boards the Mody Dick, he discovers that the mission was misrepresented to him (in more ways than one, but we’ll get to that). Or to put it more simply– he was intentionally lied to to get him to agree to do this in the first place. He discovers that the Moby Dick is set on a course to crash in Yokohama, and the only way to stop it is to retrieve the control terminal guarded by Francis. Dazai and Ranpo were both aware that this was the Guild’s plan based on their previous conversation during the strategy meeting (“mountain?” “no, sea”). This could have easily been relayed to Atsushi to allow him an opportunity to mentally prepare himself or plan ahead. Yet they allowed this to be suddenly sprung upon him by Melville, causing more unnecessary panic in an already tense situation.
But let’s draw our attention back to the problem itself: the Moby Dick, a giant airship, is about a come crashing down upon a densely populated city. If only we knew of an ability user who could prevent this from happening– Perhaps someone who could… simply decide whether or not any object should fall in the first place? If only we knew someone like that! Unfortunately our easy solution to this problem is in the Port Mafia, and as per Dazai’s conversation with Mori in this chapter, we know that per Dazai’s request, the Mafia is not to interfere with the agency’s current mission to stop the Moby Dick from killing everyone. 
Let me reiterate: Dazai made sure to make a prior agreement with the mafia that they won’t interfere in stopping the Moby Dick from crashing–something  that could potentially kill thousands of innocent people, that a single specific mafia member could easily solve in a matter of seconds– all for the sake of putting Atsushi and Akutagawa in a situation where they would have to work together, thus forming his rivalry-partnership that he’s so invested in. THOUSANDS of people’s lives were risked for a gamble that had no guarantee of paying off. 
Atsushi is, of course, unaware of all of that. And Akutagawa thinks he’s acting on his own free will when he disobeys his boss’s orders and boards the Moby Dick. And now that Akutagawa’s here– yet another factor that Dazai orchestrated in advance, Atsushi has yet another one of Dazai’s pawns here with him to add to his ever-growing stress. 
And that’s that for this week’s entry of the Anti-Dazai Series!! Join me next week when I talk about how Akutagawa is just a traumatized child who desperately needs a great therapist and a hug. And so does Atsushi. So does everyone who has to deal with Dazai. Actually while we’re at it can we get Dazai a therapist too? He probably needs one just as much as everyone else.
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zaenaris · 1 year
Do you think that Koko has stopped to win money while Inupi was in reform school? He seems to have been at school seriously, since he even waited for Inupi in his uniform and all. He seems kinda bored when Taiju tell him "you'll work for me too" but doesn't complain (he could have, I don't think that Inupi would have blamed him to not want to return in delinquance, but Koko has still not let his friend alone under Taiju)
But sadely i don't think that people would have let him alone, even if Inupi had given up his dream of BD gang. One day or another, Izana would have come back in their life.
(I headcanon that it's the Haitani brothers who told Izana about Koko. Because even if Inupi spoke about Koko to Izana, he would have said "my childhood friend/best friend" (giving probably blackmail material to Izana without knowing it, hum) and not "my friend who is so god to win money", meanwhile Ran and Rindou would have told Izana about the money maker genius and the fact that his friend Inupi was very very important for him)
Sadly, I think his obsession with money didn't stop when Inupi went to reform school, I believe it got even worse
I think Koko, at least at the beginning, managed to keep the "honor student" facade while having his illegal business simply because he was really smart about it (and parents do not exists in TR and when they do they're useless lol) . At some point I headcanon he just didn't care anymore and just dropped out since school didn't give him any economical return, differently from his other illegal activities
We know that Inupi checked on Koko and while Koko is stubborn, I believe that maybe sometimes he slowed a little if Inupi involved him in something else (legal or not)
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Koko's money obsession is a trauma response to Akane's death and his guilt in not being able to save her. This translated to making money because when she was still alive he had the (naive, but I mean, he was a child) illusion to save her and later when he couldn't he blamed himself. After her death he was still obsessed with money because he convinced himself that, if he had money, she would be alive. (and was terrified something happened to Inupi, like we see when Sanzu and Mucho kidnapped them)
Koko linked his own values as a person to what he could gain with money. He was desperate, agreeing on every dirty deal to earn money fast. During his breakdown in Tenjuku we see his deepest fear, he knew that everyone that approached him, did it for money and he was fine being used for that because it fueled his obsession. He even accuses Inupi! of all people! to have being using him for money!!! (which of course is not true, Inupi really cares for Koko and feels indebted with him, and just wants Koko to go on + he's afraid to be seen as Akane's substitute)
Of course he's mad because Inupi understood the problem and slammed it in Koko's face in a very delicate moment, so they both ending up both exposing their greatest fears (Koko thinking Inupi used him like everyone else, and Inupi fearing Koko saw him only as Akane's cheap substitute) and they were both so afraid that they ended up taking separate ways thinking they arrived at a point of no return and that was for the better.
Their fears were legitimate, but we know they both genuinely cared for the other, but they didn't never talk about their problems, so once they had to face them all together, it was too much.
I agree that people would have found him anyway. His money obsession never stopped, we knew he had business with the Haitanis from that birthday sketch from Wakui and the Haitanis were very influential.
I agree with you, the Haitanis were Izana's friends (even if Izana believed no one genuinely loved him :') poor Izana), so since they already knew Koko and how good he was, of course they'd talk about him to Izana.
Ans Izana is smart, he would have put 2 and 2 together, realizing that Inupi's friend=money genius. (Idk if Inupi talked about Koko to Izana, I have the idea Inupi perfectly understood how dangerous izana was, but maybe again, he talked about him vaguely as you said, and it was izana and his network connecting the dots)
Koko himself said that rumors spread and people knew about him already. We see Koko as a criminal in all the timelines (besides the reset/happy last one and probably Mabu TL) because he never got rid of that obsession. He and Inupi were already lost in their traumas and the criminal life is a very plausible, given everything they went through.
It was only with Inupi's help, when Inupi had time to heal first himself, that Koko understood that he was still chained to his guilt, he wasn't living the way he wanted and that, in the end, he wanted to be with Inupi without thinking about the money and the guilt
The power of love💖
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for the automatic disappearance of the world
Some notes on Jean Baudrillard's "The Virtual Illusion: Or the Automatic Writing of the World" (1995):
(1) Baudrillard seems to be responding to the advent of reality TV in the 1990s, which he sees as an "innocent" depiction of an already established truth, that we are already living our lives as though we are being filmed. "Each existence is telepresent to itself," he declares. "We have interiorized our own prosthetic image and become the professional showmen of our own lives." This obviously anticipates a common critique of social media, that people let the need to create content for platforms begin to direct their lives.
(2) Echoing a point he frequently makes, Baudrillard suggests that critiquing things like reality TV or virtual reality tends to irresponsibly posit some "reality" that is somehow still preserved or protected from the effects of media and technology. "The reality shows are only side-effects and, moreover, mystifying, because in indicting them as manipulation, the critics assume that there is somewhere an original form of life, and reality shows would be only the parody and the simulation of it (Disneyland)." In other words, Disneyland is the alibi for the way reality is already a simulation of itself. In general, "all negative criticism, surviving itself, actually helps its object to survive." (The idea of "criti-hype" makes a similar point.)
(3) Baudrillard points out that "real time" is meaningless outside the context of mediatization. Real time means to be mediated immediately, so the term is oxymoronic in a way: Real time is media time; it is the forced equivalence of the real and the mediated. ("Real time is in fact a purely virtual time.") He presciently describes "immersive art exhibitions" (i.e. Immersive Van Gogh etc.) as a way of allowing viewers to feel like their consumption of the art is happening in "real time." This also compels their participation (since Baudrillard views the "silence of the masses" as a kind of threat the powers that be find intolerable).
(4) Baudrillard likens reality show contestants to Duchampian ready-mades: They short-circuit signification and representation; they are presented as being what they are, a proposition that becomes tautological and self-canceling. The distinction between art and life is nullified to the detriment of both. "Cloned to our own image by high definition, and dedicated by involution into our own image to mediatic stupefaction, just as the ready-made is dedicated to aesthetic stupefaction."
(5) Baudrillard defines "the virtual" as datafication:
What is the idea of the Virtual? It seems that it would be the radical effectuation, the unconditional realization of the world, the transformation of all our acts, of all historical events, of all material substance and energy into pure information. The ideal would be the resolution of the world by the actualization of all facts and data.
This would be one way of looking at LLMs, or the project of "AI": to map the "virtual" space of language or culture or any kind of experience that can be represented as data as a complete set of given probabilities. The "automatic writing of the world," Baudrillard calls it. Everything that can happen is calculated and anticipated and in that sense "actualized." This process, in his view, resolves and extinguishes those possibilities; enacting them becomes superfluous, they are automatically performed in simulation and no longer require human activity. Hence the project of AI is "accelerating the process of declining (in the double sense of the word), towards a pure and simple disappearance. The human species would be invested, without knowing it, with the task of programming, by exhausting all its possibilities, the code for the automatic disappearance of the world. This is the very idea of Virtuality."
(6) Baudrillard strangely proposes that "we all dream of perfect autonomous beings who, far from acing against our will ..., would meet our desire to escape our own will, and realize the world as a self-fulfilling prophecy." He states this as though it were self-evident, but it seems to me that the masochism intrinsic to AI fantasy is covert, disavowed. People warn of rogue AI because they yearn for it, yearn to be controlled by some entity like that, etc. Baudrillard argues that "All forms of High Technology illustrate the fact that behind his doubles and his prostheses, his biological clones and his virtual images, the human being is secretly fomenting his disappearance." This is reminiscent of Žižek's riff on videotapes watching the shows for us, and so on — that we want technology to perform the work of enjoyment and of desire — but Baudrillard also suggests that "most of these machines are used for delusion, for eluding communication, for absolving us of the face-to-face relation and the social responsibility." Technology promises sociality without the social, without reciprocity. This would mean "real time" is evoked to permit a universal asynchrony, in which no can be present with anyone else.
(7) Baudrillard sees high-definiton as "high dilution": the more something is datafied, the less it conveys: "The highest definition of the information corresponds to the lowest definition of the event," he writes, which raises the question of what an "event" consists of. It is that which can't be simulated or predicted in advance, can't be calculated and thereby made to disappear. For Baudrillard, virtuality entails a "world where referential substance is scarcely to be found anymore" — the "end of illusion" which is also the end of thought.
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zoroara · 5 months
OC Questions answered from this post, For Nascosta cause I'm a little bored and decided hey why not, i got time. This is going to get really long, i mean the post itself with just the questions is long. So i'm going to drop this under a read more.
1. What’s the lie your character says most often? That they're actually stronger and better than the people that they mimic. They don't actually believe this, and only some is it actually a factual statement. But they ESPECIALLY say that they're stronger than other mist users which a majority of the time? is not true at all.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’? Other than when they're using it to taunt people, very... rarely. It's fucking arduous for you to get Nas to actually like you in the first place much less even admit it. She doesn't really like to use titles like that lightly.
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing? It's a mix really because it entirely depends. Most times it's pretty obvious as to what she's feeling. There's a few emotions like fear that he'll cover up without even realizing, with his big ecstatic grin and laughter that almost seems exactly the same as when he's genuinely enjoying and taunting someone. But it mostly depends on context.
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss? Funnily enough, they've actually kept most of their hobbies despite being in a busy assassination squad. How have they done this? what's their secret? Ditching work by pretending to be someone else. Fun fact, Nascosta is actually really good at cooking and baking, so sometimes to make up for ditching she cooks something for Xanxus so Squalo can deliver it without dying to the boss being pissed off it's not high enough quality. She also just likes to do this in her spare time so it's a win win.
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen? Yes she can but she mostly uses it in her mimics than in any other scenario. She especially doesn't want to cry in front of the varia unless a mimic requires this because she's pretty sure they'd all look down upon that! Which yeah they would. But admittedly though she could just think of literally anything negative about her life long enough and break down, she mostly just uses illusions instead, since doing that would affect her focus if she's not careful.
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before? Given she doesn't actually talk to people that much and keeps the things she actually likes mostly tight under lock, Just about anything can sit here. He doesn't like people knowing what he actually likes in case they make fun of him for it.
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell? Well, provided they WANT to be found. Because Nas is a bit of a bastard when it comes to giving people a hard time. It's honestly really easy to get a hold of them just by name. Of course good 50% chance they use the opportunity to fucking spook you though.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’? Yeah uh... Good luck ever hearing this in their life time. It's really hard for them to make friends, even harder for them to ever say this set of words. Takes a while, even while in a relationship for her to even say this.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? For them it depends who they are talking to. Like they observe people and see what works best on that person before attempting themselves. Though it's unlikely he would ever try for someone at all in the first place. She actually hates both equally. This is because she sees both as looking down on her in some way, and usually grows aggressive and defensive immediately. Only people she actually likes will either method be somewhat effective.
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity? Anything that they think makes them seem cool, strong, smart or otherwise special. how she's as physically as strong as her strongest mimic, how she's good enough to be trained by an Arcobaleno. So on and so forth, sometimes they are greatly exaggerated and most times also said at the same time as insulting another in order to seem better.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
See with Nas being so secretive and in control of most tics she has very few easy ways to get. if you want a question that you can get the answer to for sure you better have been their partner for at least several years and know that you can ask things from their past because literally no one else would know the answer but you and her. otherwise you will need to do something that would trigger her. as she has some uncommon ones an imposter wouldn't likely connect. blowing up a balloon to its fullest extent and popping it by doing so or doing the same with chewing gum will make him immediately panic. This is because Nas' first time not only seeing their mentor who they thought was impossibly strong fight, and was also the very first mist battle thet had ever seen, was the mist ring battle. and we all know how that ended.
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific! Seeing their superiors get mildly injured especially if in the consequences of their own actions. Particularly if it is Squalo because both she really dislikes him and he has really really funny reactions to things. She once saw him kick something out of anger and stub his toe only to grow more pissed off and she had to do everything in her power to avoid laughing so hard she couldn't breathe.
13. When do they fake a smile? How often? Extremely often, for intimidation, to tease people, to hide fear, to hide sadness. It's hard to tell his faked from real though, at least just looking at the smile. He has a biiiig wide unnatural looking smile even when they're being genuine. so looking for forcing is hard. look more at his eyes.
14. How do they put out a candle? Depends if they have an audience or not, with one she does it with her fingers. Without it, he does it normally by blowing it out.
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone? He doesn't go to school so we'll skip. Home and work are the same place since everyone in the varia lives at the Varia HQ. There they act aggressively and flashy, trying to get attention of any kind so it mostly ends up negative attention cause it's easier to garner. With friends she's still a bit of a prat, but is more teasing and playful. She'll also go out of her way to do things for them without being asked. Just to make sure they still like her. when alone... that's when he actually allows himself to feel negatively, it's so exclusive to this that he will actively attempt to leave if he feels a mood drop coming on because he doesn't want to be seen like that.
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head? Anyone and everyone honestly, she is constantly thinking about scenarios and how to succeed in them. though this is only cut by the other type of thoughts she has which is constantly figuring out how other people would react in scenarios to a highly accurate degree for her mimics.
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? If there's no illusions whatsoever, both parties notice the scars she has first. normally she hides them completely, but there's so many of them that it's hard to find a part of undamaged skin. Jumping into the deep end that was the varia from only half a year or of combat training from a much less dangerous man left them utterly brutalized under their illusions. Now most people assume they just heal well from injuries. If with just those covered, the first thing they notice is how tall they are and how muscular. But since that's common in the varia most people just notice how strange their eyes look.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)? Currently? No one. If they genuinely get into a relationship though... they're very all or nothing incredibly obsessive, they'll believe that they've done something wrong far before they believe their partner can ever have done so. It's not good for him really, but unfortunately he's just like this.
19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding? Depends why she was avoiding them. If it's because they believe something bad will happen if they interact, well now she's gone invisible. If it's because they just don't care to interact with them, they'll sit in the corner mind their own business until let out, maybe if it starts taking a while they'll start to work together if it's clear they're not getting out. If it's because they fucking hate that person well, they're going to lock on to trying to fucking murder them
20. Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person? That's pretty easy, they actually like Mammon but fucking hate being trained by them, which makes sense because part of their training requires mammon to piss them off since unfortunately she rarely has the motivation to improve otherwise. As for the other way around, really any of their superiors. But especially so for Bel, they love the way he fights, but would rather be dead than be in the same room as him. She does like to use his mimic only choosing xanxus' over it for power.... He however doesn't fucking like that because the first time he saw it he thought Rasiel somehow came back again.
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it? Thankfully, she has decent table manners, but any other form of etiquette has completely fallen to the wayside as she purposely is disrespectful most of the time. He really doesn't see the point of playing around these things even if it's gotten him into a lot of shit.
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character? Well as a new one that wasn't already mentioned above(Chewing gum, blowing up balloons, both make her uneasy now), taking medicine. Every other thing like going to the medical bay, getting shots everything is fine. But taking any oral medicine like cough syrups or pills, she absolutely can't and won't. Thankfully Lussuria is around to put her in a headlock and make her... Though that's if anyone finds out he's sick in the first place given he'll just hole up in his room as long as he can.
23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember? Well, that's pretty easy. Since Nas will begin to feel incredibly guilty about purposely doing things that were so much as mildly inconvenient to a person as she grows to like them. She once hid a part on Vittorio that he needed for a weapon he was making for over an hour. This to her, by the way, is just as bad as the times she's verbally threatened him while holding a dagger.
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? First, they probably made the cookies in the cookie jar, they're allowed to take from it. In fact they usually have to be careful because much to their dismay anything they bake gets fucking stolen if they're not watching. But as for what? God something rich as hell, maybe chocolate caramel fudge cookies.
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? Thanks to their obsessive perfectionism with their mimics they end up learning a lot of utterly useless things that the other person knows. As an example: They now know way too many shark facts. They have so much random trivia in their head if you want to know something provided they're willing to cooperate they may just be faster than searching something up.
26. How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? Unless their relationship with the boss was as good as their leading, Nas would try to fucking kill them. Flat out. They do not handle rejection well and violence is his first answer. If they DID also like the boss on a personal level, well the answer is then crumple into depression upon rejection.
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond? Nas sure doesn't get gifts so it's actually very hard to disappoint them. They will pretend though that they're not actually that impressed by it though. But it's hard to say the worst gift when you haven't been given any yet.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want? They always say different things when asked, it's not accurate it's not honest it's just always something different. A lot of the time they'll just say nothing, that they're not working toward anything that they just want what's in front of them. This is deeply untrue. They want more than anything for someone to actually like them even if they self sabotage constantly because they don't believe they deserve that. They want to be the things they claim to be already, because then someone would actually want to be around them if they were worth something, right?
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them? Annoyance, he's used to not being believed. If she was telling them something important he'll just say "Well guess I won't be hearing from you after you fuckin die". Like they're mad about it, but they'll just watch the person suffer for not believing them.
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional? hm... Honestly no, it just hurts in a different way. it's the same level and she'll react similarly but it still is fucking up in front of her peers and she hates it regardless. Though professional honestly it's rare to actually feel guilt over anything, it's more just a pissed off feeling.
31. When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it? You must understand something about Nas' emotions, everything is almost always max level and violently swinging until they actually get some friends because they fucking have no god damn stability. Even then... Basically there's no specific scenario where he'd feel the MOST guilt because everything is just set to "Time to repent" Upon fucking up for a majority of their life when feeling any guilt. Speaking of the answer is usually self isolation... and in some cases causing harm to herself.
32. If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why? Look, Nas has committed many petty crimes/misdemeanors. She's an assassin, and an illusionist at that, she doesn't see why she needs to worry about tiny little crimes. Who gives a shit, thanks to illusions no one would even know. That said Nas likes to fucking steal shit for fun sometimes, like just to see what she can do.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate? If they dislike you, you'll most likely have a hand picked insulting nickname sneered at you after a hello. If they hate you? Pray that they don't greet with immediately trying to stab you.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love? If they like you they'll just greet you with a hey and a name, they still want to act cool. If they love you, uh well they're most likely draping themselves over you and being realllly affectionate as they say hello.
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made? Hm, you know, most of the time the smallest one is usually just seeing someone who could use a little bit of help and just choosing not to because they can't be bothered.
36. Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent? God this either counts for most of their relationships before they actually start liking people, unless you don't see it as that. Since technically they're kind of just being used for additional fodder, really. Since they can't really play nice with people for this, i don't think they really are doing such a thing.
37. What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell? Since Nas is simultaneously very open and very not... It just depends what has ended up feeling like something that need to be said. Like anything of their past, their real name being Narciso, the fact their appearance doesn't match anymore. But one that has not been said is that they do want a family. But with being aware of how unstable he is, he knows that this want is just being selfish. He'll be happy without kids anyway. Just sometimes they do think of about it despite that.
38. What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why? Bold of you to assume they ever show their hobbies to people. But hm, I can't think of one she'd preform worse at, unless the other person was purposely causing problems. Nas tends to be surgical precision in like most things so it leaves very little room for error.
39. Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there? They'd rather be invited so they can still turn it down. At least it's their choice to go still and they can act above the invitation if she senses that they're not actually wanted. They hate both a lot but at least they get to spit in the face of someone in the first.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head? They don't actually care much if the handshake is loose. But if it's particularly loose they'll swing the person's arm a bit and ask if they're worried about breaking their hands. More just to get a reaction.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else? Despite how much they hate it they actually picked up some of Squalo's non-professional speak after learning it for his mimic. Fortunately for him it's not very obvious. People think they picked up the way Bel smiles but they had actually been doing that for a while. No, instead after learning his mimic he started standing like he does without realizing. A lot of little tics that his mimics do you can actually see that he does, though good luck guessing where, or who she got it from.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be? Hilarious fact about Nas, is despite constantly wanting to be a center of attention, if it's something professional like a meeting or something she gets stage fright. So During this she'd probably be halfway to crying but they'd probably give a presentation on how to analyze and predict people.... good luck understanding it though.
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding? Sometimes they just don't think about things. Though he can always figure out things and use logic, to the point he can predict people's movements and things they'll say to him, he emotionally reacts first if something SOUNDS like something else and he's not in the right headspace. They need to be trying to do these things for them to avoid making these misinterpretations.
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why? Given they had to learn 7 so they could get paid at the varia and continued to grow their repertoire making sure to practice them regularly so that she doesn't get rusty... I'd say there's a good amount of languages that'd be easier to learn from the experience. Though... at the same time with the amount of shared language words that actually have different meaning.... Well easy to pick up hard to differentiate with most I'd say.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately? First, mark everything they care or hate about is incredibly important to them, even if it's not actually in the grand scheme- but one of the things they hate with a passion is anything they bake for themselves being fucking stolen on them. They have poisoned batches just because of this out of frustration. so... careful.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen? It switches a lot, They don't talk at all sometimes and other times they're talking the majority and won't shut up. It really depends on the topic and who they're with. if it's interesting they'll completely listen unless they don't like the person then they're interrupting whenever. It's really all over the place.
47. Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well? Nascosta remembers people too well, especially people who have rejected her. Which is almost all of their previous relationships. Worse at a certain point they ended up killing those that do leaving a huge gap between people that could have remembered them and current. None of those people would really recognize him at this point though, personality wise or physically. She used to be very, very different when she was a civilian.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do? Yeah you're going to have to be dating him for a yes and even then she's going to to whiiiiiine unless it's something incredibly important to them. If they don't end up enjoying it though they're going to be moody the rest of the night so always choose carefully when doing this.
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite? Absolutely not for just anyone. But then again they wouldn't keep quiet either if it was bad for anyone. It's just whether or not they'll spit it out right in front of you, and whether or not they give proper criticism or "This shit sucks". Admittedly though, there's not many overall dishes that she'd actually find bad, it's just if you can prepare them right.
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with? Well given they're a fucking bloodthirsty assassin who loves to watch people struggle in pain. Uh. I would HAVE TO SAY A LOT OF THINGS THERE I WOULD DISAGREE WITH. Like Don't murder people???? that's a good start. we'd be here all day if i kept going.
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot? "It is what it is" Mostly whenever they've pissed someone else off and want to make it worse when they're being accused of doing something.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting? Depends whether or not they're in the right headspace. Nas likes to have all the information they can have before doing things but it's uncommon they are emotionally capable of doing so.
53. Who would / do they believe without question? Hm, as they grow closer they begin to believe people more and more. There's people who they'll believe with very little questioning, like Mammon and Vittorio. But absolutely without question would once again end up being a romantic partner.
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation? Depends on the trigger. Most triggers will cause a fight reaction, but ones without clear thing to focus on will cause flight(invisible enemy sort of deal), or ones that are genuinely too overwhelming to her forces her to freeze. Fawn is reserved almost always to people they like getting mad at them.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate? Good question, most things they like line up with the expectations, more because they would avoid anything they didn't like vehemently, to the point they wouldn't even want to be associated with it.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear? If they're scared they lash out or isolate or do ANYTHING to hide that they are. They refuse to let anyone comfort them when they're afraid. this doesn't change on type. Even when they trust more they utterly struggle to sit and let someone close during this time.
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often? Actually eating regularly. Sometimes depending on their mood they may entirely end up missing multiple meals in a day. They try but sometimes their brain won't work with the body.
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme? God, they have many, many attempted ones. Things that they thought would make them useful, things that they needed to learn for mimics "just in case". He's a patchwork of other people when it comes to his hobbies.
[God this took all fucking day to do. Worse I had to redo like 3 times cause tumblr is a BITCH and didn't SAVE but we're here.]
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aethlingg · 2 years
I wish to hear your 'felipe is evil and working with niklaus' theory, if you don't mind?
WOW I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED! ok get comfy this is gonna be long
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Well, (as i posted a bit ago) i saw this in the grizzcord and it immediately set off an alarm in my brain. I mean, grizz is definitely the type of person to use something like a color palette to foreshadow something in the future and so far a lot of things Niklaus-related have been in that color palette. ALSO, not only is he black and gold, he also wears purple clothing. Guess who's color pallate is black and gold and purple? Desire daddy himself.
Now, I know that's not enough to prove anything and me saying he was evil just from that was mostly a joke. But it did get me thinking, and I immediately remembered the temple of the sun goddess. Felipe wasn't able to pass through the door without getting set on fire. Which is weird, considering he is supposedly three days old and is a tour guide. And something tells me that if he were working for Niklaus and was spying on the riptide pirates/trying to gain their trust, that wouldn't sit very well with the sun godess. Especially considering the fact that the chosen one is one of those that are being tricked.
Also, something I just realized as I was looking through the possible fey marks that you can get when you enter the feywild (jay's whiskers and chip's eyes). Jay's and Chip's are the only ones that are actually on that list of fey marks. I thought it might just be a human thing, but I didn't see anything about pixie wings anywhere. Now, that may have just been Grizzly altering the possible fey marks cuz he came up with more that he liked, but idk it seems like a weird thing to change while he kept most of everything else the same. (also gillion's sparkles that follow him are in a fey characteristics list (used when making a character from the feywild) instead of fey marks which i thought was weird but hey thats not what this post is about)
He also seems to be trying to gain the trust of the party, especially Chip. I mean, come on, grizzly would never have an npc agree with chip about the "Millenium Chipper" being a better name than The Albatross if there wasn't something else going on. Grizz is also the type of dm to put foreshadowing in things that the npc says. Like how when Gillion Villian tells Felipe that he should come up with a villain name for himself and he decides to just make it his own name and change nothing. Obviously, that's just taken as a joke (as it should be) when it happens, but it's the kind of thing that you would look back on and be like "oh"
Also there was just something off about when Felipe talked about who he was planning on talking to when they got through the memoraze or whatever it was called. I might have just been overthinking since I was already convinced at that point, but I just really want to know who he actually talked to. There's just so many things about him that can be dismissed as a joke, but if you think about it harder it really seems like he's trying to hide something. Even the fact that he barely aged in the hall of illusions was weird but I can't think of something that would connect him to Niklaus other than the fact that, since one of Niklaus' magic items could age someone so quickly, maybe he can just Do Stuff like that. That might also explain the whole three days old thing though both of those things could just be explained by them being Strange Frog Things.
And all in all, he just seems too lovable, yet we know next to nothing about him and its just weird. And yes, I know that a lot of this was a stretch, but the brain sees what it wants to see and my brain wants to see that Felipe is evil because we can't have anything good ever.
Thank you for listening to my ted talk have a lovely day
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hypexion · 1 year
Best Miraculous for Crime
Since Miraculous Ladybug is a superhero show, it’s mystical magical Miraculous are generally used for good. Even when the villainous Hawk Moth Shadow Moth Monarch acquires them, he only scratches the surface of how they can be exploited. So, which of the show’s Miraculous do I think are best for crime? There’s only solution to this question - a tier list!?
S Tier
Here we have the crime of the crop, the best Miraculous for any and perhaps all crimes you may wish to perform. Each of these either offers an insurmountable advantage, or so many options that you can probably do anything.
Horse - The power of Voyage, provided by the Miraculous of Teleportation, renders all but a few physical security measures obsolete. Unless there is literally no space for you to move into, you can create a portal into, and out of, any location on the planet. Theft becomes trivial, the options for violence are almost countless, and even cybersecurity can be overcome, as direct access to a machine is a hacker’s dream. The only weakness is when it comes to espionage, as Voyage portals are two-way, meaning a bad placement means whoever you gaze at will gaze back. So you’ll need a little planning to exploit the Horse to the greatest extent of it’s abilities. But the Horse Miraculous can take a little planning a long way. Quite literally, in fact, with it’s maximum range being at least one astronomical unit.
Peacock - The Miraculous of Emotion allows you to create animated beings from your emotions or the emotions of others. And it seems there are very few restrictions as to how you can express those emotions. For every crime, a Sentibeing can be created to perform it for you, and as long you hold the Amok, it will always obey you. Sentibeings can possess magical abilities and can be created to interface with technology and to interact with cyberspace. The Peacock can even be used to create “Sentimposters“, who take the form of existing people. The only limit, it seems, is yourself. However, season five of Miraculous Ladybug gives evidence that the greatest crime you can perform with the Peacock is simply using it to create and destroy Sentibeings. It’s endless potential makes it the greatest of the Miraculous, yet also makes it the worst of them.
Rabbit - What can you do with time travel, the power provided by the Miraculous of Evolution? Steal every single piece of lost artwork, paradoxically becoming the reason it was lost in the first place. Okay, maybe that’s not a crime, since technically, you can save a lot of stuff from destruction. But the Burrow also provides the ultimate panopticon, covering past, present and future. And every window is actually a doorway only a Rabbit holder can use. This would put it on the same level as the Horse, except for one small issue - other Rabbit holders. Time crime attracts time punishment, and the protectors of the timeline might not be too happy with someone misusing the Rabbit for personal gain, and they’ll have all the advantages you do. It’s still very good, but it comes with a pretty big hazard.
A Tier
These Miraculous are going to be good for a fairly broad range of unethical activity, although the drawbacks are getting a little more meaningful. Just not enough to overcome the advantages you’ll be getting. Plus from this tier on, you actually have to go to the place you want to do crimes without shortcuts.
Fox - One of the more obvious choices for wrongdoing, the Miraculous of Illusion is the tool of choice for deception, even beating out the Peacock in that specific area. The Mirage power has been used to create complex scenarios, involving both audio and visual aspects, and they can even be recorded. The main downside is that the illusions dissolve on contact, but with careful usage that can be worked around. The Fox is something that gives back what you put in, but the ceiling on returns seems pretty good, especially since it’s actually the holder who defines the limits. You can even make it seem like you have a different Miraculous with the right illusions.
Dragon - The Miraculous of Perfection grants three powers at once, which allow you to transform into Wind, Water and Lightning. Three things that are surprisingly difficult to keep out of places. While it doesn’t provide the total access the Horse does, the Dragon seems like it should be able to get you into anywhere that’s not tightly sealed, which is going to cover quite a lot of places. You might say it’s perfectly suited to setting up locked room mysteries. And as long as you’re transformed, you can essentially never be captured, as you can just activate a power an immediately escape. Just be sure to do it before they stick you in an air-tight container.
Ladybug - Lucky Charm! The Miraculous of Creation lets you create things which will be useful. However, it’s not always obvious how they should be used, so this is another Miraculous that’s going to need some quick thinking to weild at maximum effectiveness. Creation is also a pretty open-ended concept, so if you’re looking for material gain, you might just be able to... create valuables. Just make sure you keep Tikki under control. If she uses her power by herself, things could get weird and/or apocalyptic very fast.
B Tier
This where the restrictions are going to start to get in the way, or the base power leaves something to be desired. However, these Miraculous also end up excelling at specific crimes, in a way that some of the A Tiers might not be up for. (The S Tier ones still smash them)
Butterfly - The magic brooch that’s seen the most canon evil use, the Miraculous of Transmission. In service to the narrative, it is supremely effective for what Gabriel Agreste uses it for - an asymmetric, opportunistic weapon of terror against Paris, with the end goal of seizing other people’s Miraculous. However, if you aren’t using it for wide-spread emotion terrorism, you’ll probably need an accomplice to empower. It does seem that with the right state of mind, specific powers can be gained, but it still requires collaboration, which is a unique drawback for the Butterfly. Oh, you can akumatize yourself, but that seems like a questionable idea if you aren’t trying to trick heroes. But if you do have someone you can trust, the Butterfly is going to give you a similar advantage to the Peacock.
Black Cat - The niche of the Miraculous of Destruction is, unsuprisingly, destroying things. If you’re just looking to break things or kill people, the Black Cat is going to give you exactly what you need, and it can be applied in a surprisingly specific manner. Outside of this incredibly malevolent area, it’s not quite ineffective, but instead rather noticable. A cataclysm can get you into places too tight for the Horse or Dragon, but it’s also going to leave behind some pretty clear evidence that you’ve been there. Now, one thing that’s unexplored into canon is whether the Black Cat can destroy non-physical things. If it can, it might be quite useful for disposing of any forensic evidence you’ve left behind. Or witnesses’ memories, depending on how careful you are. Finally, there is a certain level of destruction that will perfectly cover up anything else you’ve done, if you’re willing to go that far.
Dog - Yoink! The Miraculous of Adoration is almost perfectly suited for theft. The main limiter is that you need access to the thing you want steal, while transformed, so that you can touch it with the magic Fetch ball. But if you can pull that off, you can then relocate your target back to a safe location, without having to worry about the logistics. Outside of theft, it’s a lot less useful, although you can probably do some nasty damage if you apply it correctly and time things well.
Mouse - Be more you with the Miraculous of Multiplication. But more usefully, be less you, in terms of volume. There are a lot of security measures that assume people are at least so big, so being tiny could get you into places you’d otherwise be locked out of. You’re also harder to detect, and the many yous can cover more ground. The disadvantages of smallness are even somewhat cancelled out by the general Miraculous superpowers, and if you really need to be larger, you can always merge. Obviously the Mouse won’t beat more serious security, so there’s a cap on how criminal you can get, but it does open up quite a few opportunties. Plus if you want to kill someone, there are less effective methods than DEATH MOUSE SWARM.
Goat - The Miraculous of Passion gives the people of Genisis, which is like Creation but worse somehow. Assuming you can get batteries, the Goat is in some sense the perfect multi-tool, able to create a solution to any problem. Provided the solution doesn’t require luck? If I had to guess on what the limit of Genisis is, it would be that the object is created entirely from the wielder’s knowledge. So the Lucky Charm can get you the key to a door, but Genisis can’t unless you know how the lock is set. This one is really quite weird, especially given information from Destruction.
Snake - The Miraculous of Intuition is where the use cases start to get narrow. The power of Second Chance lets you do something, then undo it, but keep the memory. This makes it great for learning things you aren’t meant to learn... but it’s not very useful for much else. Also, using it to brute force combinations or passwords would probably suck. I suppose, if you’re a certain type of person, the Snake’s ability to remove the consequences from an action would be highly desirable, but I don’t want to dwell on that. I do think that as a secondary Miraculous, the Snake shoots up the ranks, since it lets you undo a lot of mistakes, and acts a safety net if you overextend yourself with your primary.
Rooster - Down at the bottom of the B Tier is the Miraculous of Pretension, which might be higher if it’s powers were clearer. With its power, you can never miss a goal in football, and turn invisible. Other powers are possible if they don’t overlap with another Kwami’s domain. It’s possible that in the same way the Butterfly can grant off-brand Miraculous powers, so can the Rooster, but there’s currently no evidence for that. But since you can turn invisble, other stealth options are presumably on the table, which gives the Rooster it’s own niche. Plus cheating at some sports could be used for match rigging, which is sort of a crime.
C Tier
At this point the powers are getting too specific, or end just being a worse version of a higher tier Miraculous.
Bee - With the Miraculous of Subjection, you can paralyze people. One at a time. Sure, you can use it to get people out of the way, or render them defenceless, but beyond that there’s not much it can do. You also need to directly poke your target with the glowing stinger, which isn’t a great delivery mechanism. The whole “holder determines the limits“ thing might mean you can convert it into a ranged weapon, but it’s still unclear how redefining the limits actually works.
Tiger - If you want to hit things, the Miraculous of Elation is very for that. Which ultimately puts it in a similar destructive niche as the Black Cat, which is just better at that. Sure, the Clout ability can probably deal out destruction fairly well, but you’d lack the fine control that Cataclysm is able to provide.
Turtle - The Miraculous of Protection lets you protect yourself with a shield. Really, you want to be using the Shelter power offensively, in order to trap people. Since many of the higher tier Miraculous allow you to Do Crime in a way that massively reduces the need for protection, the Turtle isn’t looking like a strong pick.
Pig - I guess you can use the Miraculous of Jubilation for weird blackmail purposes? That or sending people to the Psychological Torment Zone (Delayed). This is not going to help with criminal activity outside of incredibly narrow situations.
D Tier
These Miraculous are for countering magic. Even though having a Miraculous would mean magic is real, they aren’t providing many crime benefits.
Ox - Passively resist magic with the Miraculous of Determination. At least it’s fire-and-forget? Determination specifically shows that it doesn’t provide complete immunity to physical harm, which even with the general Miraculous superpowers leaves a major gap in your defenses. At the end of the day, crime is an active activity, and the Ox’s power seems to be entirely passive.
Monkey - But what if you had to attack the other magic users? The Miraculous of Derision grants the power of Uproar, which disrupts other magical powers. But to do so, you need to actively engage with them. If the Miraculous that allow you to avoid conflicts are the best, the Monkey is the worst. It’s ability is too narrow to be useful, and unlike the Ox, requires a non-zero effort to apply. Sure, you get the super-agility and boosted endurance, but any Miraculous will give you that.
Closing Words
And so, we reach the end of this highly serious analysis. Truly, the Miraculous can be used for many shady purposes! Although some of them end up being really rather specific, while others basically mean you win crime forever. Join me “next time“, when I determine which Miraculous are the best for improving your everyday life!
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evilbeanieman · 8 months
ASU-NARO Administrator Sou Hiyori challenges you to a battle!
Hello again. Welcome back to the world of my Pokemon x YTTD AU. Last time I showed you my picks for Shin's Pokemon team, and today I bring you my picks for Midori's (aka the original Sou Hiyori, he will be referred to by that name in this AU). I struggled with his for some, but eventually I figured that I wanted to take a few liberties with this AU. You'll find out what I mean in a bit.
Now, starting with Hiyori's first pokemon...
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(TCG Artwork by kawayoo)
It is unclear the relationship Malamar has with his trainer Hiyori. Malamar seems to have his own agenda and motives, though he obeys Hiyori's commands without question. He delights in battles, and Hiyori often let's Malamar battle on his own, which results in disastrous casualties for the opponent. After one particular event, Shin is never able to look Malamar in the eyes again.
There are a couple of pokedex entries detailing the fact that these pokemon were used to influence major world events. I think I've read somewhere that it's believed Malamar is the only pokemon that is capable of being straight up evil, though take this information with a grain of salt. It's known that Malamar, out of all psychic, ghost, and dark type pokemon, has the highest and most efficient ability to hypnotize others using its bioluminescence. And if you remember, the lantern in YTTD essentially showed the truth behind the manipulated memories of the participants, implying that they might've been hypnotized or messed with in some way. I think Hiyori would absolutely take advantage of this pokemon's hypnosis ability to do whatever needs to be done for Asunaro.
Hisuian Zoroark
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(TCG Artwork by Kouki Saito)
Shin isn't really sure how Hiyori got this pokemon. By all means, it should be extinct. Whenever Hiyori calls out this pokemon, she remains standing in place, hunched over, and completely unresponsive unless given a command. The blank dead eyed stare it always wears sends a chill down Shin's spine. Illuso, Shin's Zoroark, completely freezes up when battling H. Zoroark. Shin has a feeling he knows why.
Hisuian Zoroark is the result of ancient Zorua being shunned and forced to move to Hisui, only to die due to the harsh environment. Their spiteful souls were reborn into a new pokemon, capable of manifesting illusions and hallucinations so powerful and full of malice they physically damage both the victim and the pokemon itself. Hallucinations are such a huge part of YTTD, especially since Hiyori is the cause of quite a few characters' trauma. Additionally, the thing with this pokemon dying and then coming back to life, yeah who does that sound like? Additionally, this pokemon is said to very vividly evoke the image of death, and we all know that's Hiyori's greatest fear. And to top it all off, Shin "copies" Hiyori by having his own Zoroark, just like how in the game Shin mimics Hiyori in order to survive (although in this case, it would be to become a stronger trainer).
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(TCG Art by Shin Nagasawa)
Malamar and Spiritomb seem to be the only pokemon on Hiyori's team that actually interact with one another. Shin finds this one particularly creepy and scary, as it changes personality and demeanor very fast. Hiyori assures Shin that all pokedex entries about this pokemon are just ghost stories, but Shin swears he sometimes hears the faint cries of pokemon and people coming from the Keystone...
Spiritomb is said to be the result of 108 spirits cursed to be locked inside an Odd Keystone. This pokemon is said to have caused various misdeeds and mischief which resulted in it getting cursed. This pokemon is somewhat of a homunculus, which I feel is very close to the whole process Asunaro has done to the dolls. Specifically it calls to mind what Hiyori did to Maple and mixing her with other AIs. Additionally, it's one of the few pokemon directly associated with death and spirits and having another body, which I feel fits Hiyori with his humanity being tied to being half a doll.
Iron Moth
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(TCG Art by Kouki Saitou)
Shin has only seen this pokemon once out of pure chance. He had walked into a random room while searching for Hiyori, only to find what appeared to be a Volcarona hooked up to various parts of machinery. Shin stood still as the creature's head slowly turned toward him while the 6 wing-panels behind it started to glow. The sounds of mechanical humming and a furnace burning echoed throughout the room, the creature's lower half gyrating as it turned towards Shin. The temperature of the room shot up immensely, sweat rolling down Shin's neck as various screens started popping up with various error messages and warnings. Shin ran out of there before anything could happen and found Hiyori shortly after. Hiyori has never acknowledged Shin about what happened, and always shuts down conversation about it whenever Shin tried to bring it up.
Iron Moth is a completely artificial pokemon that appears to look like the very real Volcarona. Volcarona is tied very closely to the sun, as during a period of darkness, it served as another source of light and warmth in ancient times. There is not much information available for Iron Moth however, as the only real info we get is that it appears to look similar to a UFO sent to observe people. Although I have my own headcanons for this pokemon, I'm trying to go off of what we know in the general pokemon canon. Since it's modeled after Volcarona, you can still get the sense of the sun themes here, especially with the solar panel/heat panel like wings it has. We all know about Hiyori's association with the sun. Additionally, it being essentially a "robot" Volcarona reminds me of the dolls and Hiyori, as Iron Moth is like a "doll" of Volcarona. As a bonus, this pokemon's second typing is poison. I feel like Iron Moth could be a good representation of like an "evil" sun, as we typically associate the sun with happy times, too much sun brings drought and eventually destruction and eradication of all life.
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(Static appears on the screen, and you swear you can see something in it...but maybe it's just the static)
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(That's strange...Why isn't this working?)
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