#quite the intriguing contrast hahaha
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“The Uncanny Spider-Force: 15 Minutes,” Spider-Force (Vol. 1/2018), #1.
Writer: Christopher Priest; Penciler: Paulo Siqueira; Inkers: Oren Junior and Craig Yeung; Colorist: Guru-eFX; Letterer: Joe Sabino
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darthkvznblogs · 2 years
What do you think of the new Owl House and/or Amphibia episodes? Censored for spoilers of course, though I’ve seen them myself.
@the-literary-lord Lots to say here, so let's get to it:
Dana Terrace personally came into my home, opened up my laptop, went into my Google Docs, and read the one with all my notes for the future of the Kryptonverse, and then specifically wrote a bit into the most recent episode that potentially directly contradicts a plan I have for Luz and I panicked a little bit hahaha. I won't tell you what it is, though I'll confirm if anyone guesses right.
In all seriousness, though, I'm gonna steal a comment from my friend ZR in one of our recent conversations; we've been watching Voltron lately and it's such a marked but welcome contrast to have back this incredibly well paced show with excellent twists and turns and reveals, heartfelt moments - and I can't stress this enough - humor that hits almost 100% of the time for me. Owl House and Amphibia are incredible cartoons and I'm so very glad to have them back, even if the end looms in the horizon.
Specifically for Owl House, I'm heartbroken about Raine's current predicament, Amity and Luz continue to be adorable, and I was actually pretty shocked by Belos doing a face reveal, but I suppose he's so close to the Day of Unity that it's irrelevant to keep the secret any longer. Not quite as shocked, of course, to finally get confirmation that, if not the exact same person (though I personally can't imagine they aren't), Philip and Belos are intrinsically connected. Terra was terrifying, but I know how scary plant magic wielders can be (cough Perfuma and Willow cough) so that checks out. And actually meeting Philip was wild. Like, never in a million years did I think Luz would actually get to interact with him (as Philip, of course). Super intrigued by this Collector business...
RE: Amphibia, Escape to Amphibia was a ton of fun, I cackled at the Rogue One Darth Vader scene homage, and I'm suuuper digging how, even with a fairly filler-y episode like Sprivy, there's just a whole different vibe over on the Amphibia (the world) side of things that's been around since True Colors, and I imagine will stick with the show till the end. I think we could've used one extra episode with Sasha going from remorseful betrayer to respected commander of the resistance, and as I've mentioned before I wish there had been more explicit angst from both Sasha and Anne along the way about Marcy's status, but other than that, the reunion with Anne was handled perfectly (don't think I missed the blush), and I'm hella looking forward to more!
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songzhong · 3 years
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💧🔶 @narvvhal​​.
"... You know." He started, voice breaking the serene silence of the evening where they'd incidentally fallen into a strange quiet. "—Before coming to Liyue, I made a read through the background of your character—Rex Lapis, that is. Morax, too. For the sake of my mission, of course."
His eyes remained in the changing colors of the skies, looking front. His posture stayed close to the other man, but never enough to invade his space in what felt like a moment of vulnerable quiet.
"I've always been curious, but never as attached. Now, my intrigue in the god of contracts is undeniable, specially after meeting you as a person and learning about your true identity through your ruse." He let a chuckle, his words weren't accusatory by any means. "You're simply fascinating, yet the contrast between your stories and your current persona have always thrown me on a loop."
He couldn't help it, his gaze shifted then over to the former archon, taking on his elegant profile and amber eyes, illuminated by the setting sun.
"What made you change, I wonder? From a ruthless warrior to a simple, normal citizen of Liyue. It's quite a big leap, I'd say." There was a little bit of projection on his question, but he wasn't ready to admit that.
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“Hm ? You never asked questions about my personal life before, what brought this up ?” Zhongli gently slid towards Childe, their shoulders touching as he pressed against the other with endearment : the notion amused him. “I’m flattered you are curious of my circumstances ; it is always good to seek information from various sources... but in my case, ah, given our relationship, I’d prefer if you sought my opinion first from now on, as... selfish as it may be.”
A warm, gloved hand reached for Ajax’s cheek, gently caressing it, full of praising affection.
“I’m very happy you asked... and, hahaha, am quite bashful you’d consider me remotely fascinating... Hm... it is a matter that is hard to put into words, I do not think the reason comes from a single event, but multiple ones who built me into who I am... I can tell you the ones on my mind which feel like the biggest contenders, but I think this is an answer we both will learn more and more about with time as time go by, if, of course, you are interested in more of my stories...”
Zhongli comfortably shifted onto his seat, speaking in a soft voice as he started the telling of his growth as a person... he even had someting akin to a smile in his eyes.
“To put it simply, after millennia of constant war, with no one having a safe place to call home, no place to rest, with countless lives slaughtered for any reason on whims as hundreds of Gods claiming lands fought for power at all cost... you only do what you have to do to protect your home. I did not enjoy the Archon War. It is a difficult time to properly describe, as the core of this time is soaked in immense despair and bloodshed, to a level I do not believe even the depths of the Abyss could remotely relate to ; and fortunately so. We did all sacrifice every ounce of ourselves so such a concept would be alien to the world... Hmm...”
Although the subject was dark and dire, there was something so oddly... peaceful, even soft as the archon told his tale : coming from one who took hundreds of years to come to full term with what had transpired, without any hard feelings, despite their weight.
“That Morax was a cold executioner... ah, I can see why people would call it so... but I cannot say I chose to be. I only took the responsibilities I bore, and every waking moment was calculated to be the best action I believed was needed to execute at the time... I can say I have no regrets, despite my inescapable mistakes, and it is something I pride myself in... because I do not believe I could have achieved what I wished for the people if I doubted myself, or her, one second. I was only human, but whenever she spoke to me, or looked at me... I saw all the hope in the world, and all the love for the people, and I knew I could go on, as long as her convictions were by my side.”
He brought his hand to his lips, pondering for a moment.
“I do not think I ever changed. I only evolved, just like the world did. I fought for peace, and when said peace was achieved, I put my weapons away because I thought it was not needed anymore... the same thing goes for my Gnosis, when I believed men did not need guidance to survive anymore. We only wished for our home to be safe. Wouldn’t you agree with such a goal, Childe ?”
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zombiiesque · 3 years
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Nocturne Alchemy Halloween 2019 - Part Two
Originally published 10/10/2019
Hey y'all! Gonna dive right into these scents, today I'm reviewing the Resurgence scents that I have from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween LC release. If you'd like to read my reviews of the new releases I chose, you can click here. NAlloween has always, and likely always will, be my favorite Limited Collection they do! I have so many treasures in my Halloween box.
Scarlet Bat - Red Sugar, Crimson Musk, Black Tea Leaves, Neroli-sugar, and NA Black Patchouli Absolute. Okay, my friend Heather picked this one up before I did last year, and she fell head over heels for it. I was already eying it, because I had two previous Vampire Patchouli Bats that I loved, and it had Crimson in it. It had to be a gimme. Like this year's Vampire Bourbon Patchouli Bat, it was a stunner right out of the mail - and it's only gotten better as it ages. Seriously, it's utterly fabulous. Slinky and sexy, and I think even if you ordinarily don't like patchouli, you might find yourself surprised by this one. Put simply, this is sugared red musk and patchouli. Crimson is a softer red musk than Kashmir, but there's almost a spiciness to it. This just warms up on the skin and reaches out, pulls you in. I crave this one when I haven't worn it in a while. For me, my two favorites of the Vampire Patchouli Bats are the Bourbon, and Scarlet. Neither is to be missed. And I don't find it to be like anything I have in my collection, either.
V by Thoth - Incense, Sweetened spices of Cardamom, Cinnamon, Allspice and clove swirled with Vanilla pods, Ghost Musk and Copal Resin. V was a fan favorite last year - and for good reason. It's part of a set of 7 perfumes, each one designed by a House of NA perfumer. I remembered that I have another favorite Halloween perfume that Thoth did: Frank's Monster. I love that one, so I was pretty excited when I saw V was done by Thoth, too. Y'all, I have a lot of incense perfumes. They're something I just can't resist. Okay, confession time: I did love this one, I thought it was a beautiful perfume, but I didn't really get it until I pulled it back out after aging it over the year. I thought I perhaps had similar perfumes...well. I was wrong. I tried it again a few weeks ago, when the weather started to cool down here in Florida, and it absolutely floored me. It was like I was experiencing a whole new perfume - this is positively SPECTACULAR. Very, very different from my other incense perfumes, and it might just be my favorite yet. I don't know what Ghost Musk is, but if it's that beautiful musk I'm smelling here, I could go for a full 10ml bottle of it. It reminds me a bit of Egyptian Musk, but not quite as sweet - very clean, and very appealing - floaty. I think that's it, and if so....Y'ALL, PLEASE MAKE THIS I WANT IT! Hahaha. I think I might like Ghost Musk better than Cemetery Musk, and I love that one too. Anyway - I'm dwelling. This is balanced against a light incense, and the spices are very much in the background, just a nice warm hum of support. But the copallll. I'm sure everyone knows copal rules my world, when we discuss favorite notes. It adds a lovely smoky, slightly sweet depth to this. I'm fully mesmerized. Thoth has outdone himself. I think this is backup worthy. So, a lesson to be had here, and one I realize quite often - if you don't really love something, put it aside for a while, and see what happens when you return to it. And I want to reiterate, I really did like this - but I didn't see, last year, what I was supposed to see with it - aging it and trying it when the weather was a little cooler and dryer really changed my perspective of it, and now it's become an obsession and a Halloween favorite. If you were looking at this one and wondering if you need it - let me ask, do you like musk and incense? If so, you'd better run and get this before it goes away.
The Mummy Returns - Patchouli, Vetiver, Australian Sandalwood, Cardamom, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rock Rose, Labdanum, Siam Benzoin and Tonka Bean. I made a little mistake, and it's the first time I've ever done this. I usually have a solid idea of what I have in my boxes, particularly my Halloween box, but I ordered The Mummy Returns this year thinking I missed it last year, but after my order came in, I was digging into my Halloween box and pulled out....an aged bottle of The Mummy Returns. Yep. So I'll be putting up my new one for swap. At any rate, it just really proved to me about the differences aging makes in Nocturne Alchemy's perfumes, so I kind of enjoyed realizing the contrasts! The Mummy Returns is a resin lover's dream. It's a deep, dark, witchy scent. I love the balance between the sweeter notes, like the myrrh and cardamom, and the woods. I'm writing this based on my aged bottle, and it's just so....well, at the risk of sounding dramatic, it's deep and mystical, and I'll probably be using this for my rituals, I feel such a connection to it. I couldn't tell you how, but it's something I've smelled before - there's some memory I haven't tapped into yet. I find it to be comfortingly familiar, but at the same time, it feels solemn and sacred. If you are nervous of vetiver, as I am sometimes, it's not a note that stands out a lot here, I can barely discern it when I'm huffing at my wrists. So yes, The Mummy Returns is quite an intense experience for me, but I definitely would recommend this in a heartbeat if you, too, love resinous, woody scents with a little sweetness to them. It's a beautiful perfume. It lasts quite a long time on the skin, too - more than eight hours, and I would say it's on the stronger side, so try it sparingly at first, unless you love to slather like I do.
A Change of Heart – Copal Resin, Shiraz Wine accord, Kashmir Absolute, Indian Oudh, Leather accord and burning embers. This bottle actually was gifted to me by my friend Heather. When I first got it, the leather seemed a little loud on my skin - and that made me nervous, because I was thinking it would be more like Hokum, which is a snuggly, sueded leather. But I figured I'd put it away, and let it age - and it would probably balance itself out. Well, that's exactly what happened. This is one of those scents that you can identify the various notes, if you're familiar enough with them - but they compliment each other so well, they're seamless together. It's definitely a chilly day scent, I did try to wear it in the summer and I don't recommend that - it just doesn't do well in the humidity of Florida. But it's great throughout fall and winter - like the leather in Hokum, this is a snuggly, easy to wear leather, and the copal, wine, and red musk of Kashmir just meld together so well. The wine is sweet, and a nice foil - definitely not a sharp note. I do love the way NA does their wine notes. I'm actually kind of wanting to pick up She Could Raise The Dead, which also features a wine and leather combination - reviews are really intriguing for that, too. And I have totally fallen for both Hokum and A Change Of Heart, so I think I might need it! The copal is of course my favorite note ever - it's a little sweet, sticky, and resinous - and also a bit smoky. This really accentuates the smoky oudh when it starts to shine in long drydown. I'm not sure I am doing this one justice - it really is unusual, and striking. Leather was a death note for me previous to NA - I simply could not wear it. If I tried to put on a perfume that had leather as a note, it would take over on my skin - and I couldn't get away from it. But these soft leathers (vegan, by the way!) that Nocturne Alchemy uses are very wearable for me, and I really am enjoying being able to wear it!
Pirate Rum - Bay Rum and a Chypre of Lavender, Chamomile, Pirate Ship Cedarwood and Siberian Fir Needle with a touch of French Vanilla and Oak. I got this one for my fiance, as the notes reminded me a bit of his beloved Ghost Ship. I can only give you a brief impression of this as to how it smells on him, but I thought someone might be interested in hearing that, so I'm including it! So on him, the bay rum is a nice, round spicy scent. If you're thinking Old Spice, push that right out of your head - this is dark and sexy, and nothing like that old standby. Much more complex and well done. The woods in this are the perfect balance against the bay rum, and the chypre is clean, but not at all feminine, so don't let that lavender scare you. I love this on him. Long drydown is a deep, warm spice against weathered, well aged wood. Very appealing! I tried a drop on me, and it's very different with my skinistry. I get a lot more of the chypre and chamomile, the spice of the bay rum is sedated a bit. I think it might come out more with age, if you wanted to wear it as a unisex scent, though. It is there, it's just not as evident as it was on him. The wood notes are gorgeous - I loooove that fir and cedarwood against the slightly herbal chypre on me. I will say, I much prefer this on him right now.
And a bonus - Halloween 2020, which was given out as a sample with orders for this release. It's also available in the All Hallows' Eve section as part of the Permanent Collection, so if you love this, you can even get a big 10ml bottle! Notes: A special All Hallows’ Eve blend of 7 Sandalwoods (Hawaiian, Indian, Australian, New Caledonia, Indian Santalum Album, Karnataka Sandalwood, African Sandalwood (Baphia Nitida), Cardamom essential oil, Clove essential oil, Bourbon Vanille Absolute, Bastet Amber Absolute, smoked sandalwood infused with oak and pine smoke in the NA Studio. There was also a beautiful frosted black bottle, a special edition, along with Halloween 2018 and Halloween 2019, in frosted red and orange bottles, in the Halloween LCs this year. I had a feeling I was going to love this one right away - and I do. SEVEN. SANDALWOODS. 7, y'all! Now this will likely change and get even better with age, but my first impression of this? It is like a sister scent to Bastet Halloween 2016, which is one of my favorite PC scents. The spices in that definitely have a similar feel to the cardamom and clove in Halloween 2020, and of course the presence of Bastet Amber, one of my soul scents, is a star here, too. But those sandalwoods. So smooth. I'm making my way through that 2ml sample alarmingly quickly. Right now I'm not getting much of the smoke on my skin, but the clove starts out a little strongly when it's first applied. Once it warms up and sinks into my skin though, the other notes come out to play, and the clove sinks into the background to add a little spicy kick with the warmth of the cardamom. Beautiful for fall, truly. Brings to mind blue, blue skies, bright leaves, wispy white clouds. A fluffy scarf wrapped around your neck as you explore a farmer's market. That's the picture I have in my head when I huff at my wrist. I'll be reaching for this frequently. I can't really differentiate all the sandalwoods, but the blending of them reminds me just a bit of my beloved Pyramid Santalum. I think if you wanted more smoke, you could layer this with Titanosaurus - or if you wanted to really play up the sandalwoods, you could add even more Santalum or Pyramid Santalum, or Pteranodon. Hey, never enough sandalwood, am I right?
And that wraps up the second half of my NAlloween choices. Did you read the first half? What perfumes did you choose from this release? What are your favorites? I'm thinking about going back for one or two more, there are so many that caught my eye!
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thesurielships · 4 years
the perp
@acotarauweek, day 7: free au.
This is a police au that I hope will grow into a multichapter fic. But as I seem to suck at writing those, there will be no promises.
Ps: there is so much dialogue I legit had to look up “synonyms for say” hahaha
Word count: 1.7k
Part 2 | Masterlist
“So, ladies. How tall was this man?”
“I’d say… 6 feet?” Dora answered.
“He had to be at least 6’3”,” the woman at her right –Stella, Feyre read on her badge– corrected.
“He was just the right height for the perfect hug: his chin on the top of your head, your nose nuzzling the crook of his neck.”
Feyre gave Clover a weird look. It wasn’t every day that the victim swooned over the criminal. “How about his physique? Was he of average build? Lean? Overweight?”
“He looked like the kind of guy who could fuck you standing up with nothing but those muscled arms holding you,” Stella smirked.
Feyre choked on air. “So he was well built?”
“He looked like he worked out,” answered Dora, her primly folded hands in her lap a stark contrast to the glazed look in her employee’s eyes.
“Oh yes, he definitely does,” Stella sighed dreamily. “He probably has the stamina of a stallion.”
This time, Feyre chose to ignore the comment. “What color was his skin?”
“Brown,” “Olive,” “Caramel,” the three ladies answered at once, then started laughing at their different replies.
“I wouldn’t call his skin tone brown,” Clover said in a soft voice. “It makes it sound dull. His skin was shiny and seemed well moisturized. It was olive.”
“Caramel, I say,” Stella contradicted. “Exactly like The Morrigan’s skin. You know, the famous singer?”
Clover leaned forward to look at Stella. “The one who sang Girls like Girls like Boys?”
“The one who interrupted her conservative father mid-speech in his presidential campaign to come out of the closet?” asked Dora.
“Yes,” Stella nodded. “It was dope.”
“The song or the coming out?” Clover inquired.
“Both, of – ”
“Ladies,” Feyre interrupted, ignoring Stella’s glare. “Let’s focus on our perp, shall we?”
“Of course, officer,” Dora replied, her hands still firmly folded in her lap.
“So, our perp was tall, well built, with brown skin,” Feyre summarised, her pointed look warning the women against any frivolous interruption.
They nodded.
“What color was his hair?”
“Black,” Dora replied immedialtely.
“It gleamed blue in the sunlight,” Clover put in.
“I thought the perp broke into your shop at night?”
“Well, yes,” she conceded, her face flushing. “But it looked like it would glow blue in the sun.”
“I agree,” nodded Dora. “It had a blue tint that I would kill for,” she added in her monotone voice.
“Yas, girl,” interjected Stella. “I was so jealous. I would’ve given him all my money in exchange for his hair. And did you see his brows?”
“They were on fleek,” replied Clover.
“No way he doesn’t wax them,” affirmed Stella.
“I’d say he threads them,” said Dora.
Feyre jotted down groomed brows under tall man, muscles, brown (caramel) skin and black (gleams blue??? lol) hair.
“What about his eyes?”
The three women all seemed to zone out at the question.
“His eyes were like the night sky on the winter solstice, seen from my grandmother’s cottage in the countryside,” Clover said with a sigh.
“They were blue,” Dora clarified.
“Blue? More like deep violet, the color of my favorite vibrator,” Stella said in a sleazy voice, winking at Feyre.
Feyre frowned. She was honestly starting to feel a little sorry for this guy.
“Any other characteristic features? A special scar? A tattoo, maybe?”
“Yes! He did have a tattoo,” Dora replied.
“It peeked out the top of his shirt,” Stella said.
Clover nodded. “Black whorls that spanned the top of his chest. They looked like marks of an ancient language.”
“Okay. That will be all for the physical description. Now tell me about the break in.”
“We already told detective Tamlin all about it.”
Feyre shot Stella a sweet smile. “So you did. But I am the primary officer on this case, and detective Rosetool is on another case of his own, so I’m going to need you to answer some of my questions.”
“No problem, detective,” Dora said quickly, subtly pinching Stella’s side. It was not at all subtle as Stella almost jumped off her seat with a loud yelp.
Feyre and Dora paid her no heed.
“It happened yesterday. On Saturday, December 11th, to be precise. Correct?”
“Yes. We closed the shop at 9pm, like we always do, and stayed inside to clean up. At about 9:30, I heard a loud noise.”
“Something crashed in Dora’s office,” confirmed Clover.
“We immediately thought it was a thief who wanted to steal money from the safe. I keep weapons here – ”
Feyre lifted a brow.
“Nothing too lethal,” Dora reassured her, though Feyre didn’t miss the faint smirk pulling at the edge of her lips. “A few baseball bats, Tasers, pepper spray…”
“And a gun in Dora’s office,” added Clover, avoiding her employer’s glare.
“Anyway,” Dora went on. “We each grabbed a baseball bat, Stella took the Taser and Clover got the pepper spray –”
“You only had a baseball bat?”
“Of course not. I always have a knife strapped on my thigh at all times.”
Feyre suppressed a smile. “Naturally.”
She could just see her co-worker Amren nodding with approval. “What kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?” she had once asked her, and if that wasn’t Amren in a sentence, she didn’t know what was.
Dora’s chin rose slightly in defiance. Her hands were still folded in her lap. The woman’s stillness was unnerving.
“We ran into the office, screaming, hoping to scare the thief into a heart attack.”
This time, Feyre couldn’t stop her smile. “I suppose that tactic didn’t work for you?”
“Not one bit,” nodded Dora. “But he did drop my purse.”
“He was holding your purse?”
“Yes. Would you believe it? The safe was right there, wide open –”
Feyre was incredulous. “Why was the safe open?”
“Why would I close it? It’s in my office, and I always lock the door.”
“Of course,” the detective murmured, flabbergasted.
“He completely ignored the safe, and was instead looking through my purse.”
“Was there something valuable in it?”
“Aside from my mostly empty wallet, my chap stick, my car keys, my home keys, my safe keys, my dog house’s keys, my ex’s spare car keys –”
“Aside from the keys,” Feyre interrupted Dora’s monologue.
“my daughter’s bedroom keys,” Dora went on, “and my Swiss knife, nothing worth stealing.”
Feyre nodded, quickly scribbling all of the information down in her notebook. “What did he do when you caught him?”
“He said hello –”
“He didn’t say it, he purred it,” rectified Stella.
“He purred hello,” Dora amended, “and apologised for inconveniencing us. Then he jumped out the window.”
“And disappeared into the night, swallowed by the shadows,” Clover finished in a dramatic undertone.
“What did he take from your purse?”
“Nothing. I searched all of my office and nothing was missing.”
Feyre’s gut was starting to hum with anticipation, excitement buzzing through her at the prospect of an intriguing case. “Interesting. You gave your purse to forensics, right?”
“Yes, but you won’t find any fingerprints on it because he was wearing gloves.”
“Leather gloves,” Clover put in.
“Do you have any surveillance cameras in the shop?”
“Yes, but they were off.”
Feyre wanted to scream. “Why?”
“I’m camera shy,” mumbled Clover.
“They always get my bad side, for some reason,” Stella added.
“And I trust my customers and my employees,” finished Dora.
“Great,” Feyre said, standing up. “Thank you for your assistance, ladies.”
They nodded in response.
She looked at Dora. “Madam, I’ll keep you updated about the details of the case.”
“Thank you, detective,” she replied as she shook her hand.
Half an hour later found Feyre back in the precinct. She was practically giddy with excitement. Rare were the cases that required her to sketch a perp, but when it happened, it was always her favorite part of the investigation. Imagining the details of someone’s face based on multiple opinions was fun, because it wasn’t so much guessing as calculating the correct features to make a harmonious face. It was also very based on instinct and trial and error, as it could take her hours and multiple attempts to come up with a drawing that felt right. This perp, with his allegedly blue hair and violet eyes, would be a great challenge to tackle.
She got off the elevator, humming a crooked tune. She found Tamlin standing at her desk, hands planted on his hips, his expression stern. “Feyre, you’re late.”
Her mood soured. “It’s Detective Archeron to you, Rosetool.”
“Feyre, that’s enough. How much longer is this phase going to last? I already bought a house and it’s ready to welcome you as its mistress.”
“Tamlin,” her voice was quiet but full of venom as she had to repeat what she’d already told him multiple times since their break up three months earlier, “being in charge of a household does not interest me, especially not yours. And stop ambushing me in the precinct. I do not answer to you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Quit the charade, sweetheart. What else are you gonna do with your life? Be a cop?” he snorted dismissively.
Feyre’s anger flared. “I am a cop,” she said as she twisted his arm behind his back and slammed him against the wall near her desk. She pressed her gun at the base of his spine and whispered in his ear, “You would do well to remember that.”
She kept him there for a few delicious seconds; savoring how his pulse quickened against the fingertips she dug into his forearm.
When she let him go, he collapsed on the floor, hand on his heart as he struggled to catch his breath. His glare was a hot brand on her back as she sat at her desk and grabbed her sketchbook.
She didn’t spare him a glance as she said in a level voice, “Piss off, Rosetool. There is some police work I need to do. And next time, stay off my cases.”
How long it took him to leave, she would never know. She had already started drawing the mysterious man and she watched, enraptured, as stroke after stroke tendrils of darkness swirled around his feet and wings grew out of the shadows behind his back.
Tag list:   @joyceortiz13 @bailey-4244 @quakeriders @standbislytherin @mariamuses @ignite14 @1800-fight-me @velarian-trash @rhysands-highlady @queenblueoffire @rowaelinforeverworld @feeoly @buckybvrnes @dayanna-hatter @shadowstar2313 @goldfishh20 @sleeping-and-books @crackedship @your-high-lady @thesirenwashere
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zoetekohana · 6 years
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Voltron S05E06 “White Lion” thoughts:
Coran: “I’m afraid someone’s been ruggling your wimble, Lotor. Oriande is just an Altean folktale.” Remember Pidge once saying: “I’m Coran. Crazy words. Moustache.”
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This is so eerie af.
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My triangle, ladies and gentlemen. ;)
(Although I’m also really interested in a Lotor/Allura/Keith dynamic. Maybe next season?)
Pidge: “That’s a white hole!” Hunk: “Whoa, take that, theoretical physics.” Hahaha. 
Lotor: “The wise stand back from the fire, fools are burned on the pyre. The mystic becomes one with the flame, the embers and he are the same.”  Lance: “Is that like a song you’re working on? ‘Cause it sucks.” ...Lance really doesn’t like Lotor. Geez, I wonder why. /sarcasm
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Lotor: “The Mark of the Chosen. [...] That thing is a guardian. It will only worthy Alteans through.” I am so very intrigued. Also, this episode is going to contain loads of Lotura, isn’t it? I love it already.
Her marks are glowing too (of course). :D
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Poor Coran, though. :(
Both Coran and Lance being so protective of Allura. It’s so sweet.
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Let’s not forget that Haggar is eavesdropping on all of this through Shiro/Kuron. :///
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They’re such a power couple, lbr.
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Now that’s a lot of pink.
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Awwww, omg, Lance is so worried about Allura’s well-being. That boy is so in love.
Shiro: “It’s like... Like I’m not myself.” hashtag not your shiro The clone theory is so real, guys.
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Poor Axca. Having to “babysit” Zethrid and Ezor.
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Whoa, that shot is gorgeous. (I think I’m going to use this as my liveblog header.)
Lotor: “You know, I envy you for growing up with King Alfor. I always wanted to be an explorer and learn about the universe. My father was only interested in conquering it. He once put me in charge of a planet for a year, running the Quintessence mining and getting to know the local population. Rather than employ the usual Galran methods of subjugation, I worked alongside the leadership of the planet, learning their customs. We would only extract as much Quintessence as could be replenished. And I enjoyed my time there quite a bit. When my father found out what was happening, he ordered me to destroy the planet. I refused, and he sent me away.” Allura: “At least you stood up for those people.” Lotor: “He destroyed them all. I was powerless to stop him. I spent the following centuries searching for clues about my Altean heritage, another culture destroyed by Zarkon.” Allura: “I’m glad you’re here to help me now. I never would have gotten here without you.” ... See; I’m so conflicted. I love this ship so much. I’m certain he is genuine about wanting to explore and learn about the universe. Unlike the corrupted Zarkon, I do think Lotor is capable of caring for others, and in this case he could actually care for Allura (a Zaggar 2.0 if you will). But ultimately Lotor does for Lotor and I’m sure if it’s for his own gain, he will  not hesitate to betray Team Voltron and Allura. 
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But have all the Lotura caps anyways, because let’s still enjoy this ship. ;)
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I do love how soft they smile at each other.
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I really love the pink/purple aesthetic of these two.
Allura: “Look at these ancient markings. They’re beautiful.” I love how she (and Lotor) are such culture geeks.
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Honestly, Oriande and The Temple of the Alchemists are so beautiful. :o
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How could I not cap that?
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Even without training (Allura did tell Lance: “I haven’t been trained.” in the s4 finale), she’s still a trained Altean.
Lotor immediately calling for Allura when waking up in the Astral Plane. <3
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Kimi no na Wa, anyone?
Lotor: “I will never yield. I will gain your secrets.” See... that line right there is so important. He’s ultimately in it for himself; so power-hungry.
Lotor: “Victory or death.” I think he should have used the BoM’s mantra knowledge or death in this case. ;)
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A complete contrast to Allura, who gives up her own life.
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“The secret is already within you.” My space princess, everyone.
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Of course Lance notices Allura coming back. ;)
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Someone is looking evil in the background...
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Lance is still not okay with all this.
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