#significant digits
fipindustries · 1 year
So yeah, finished significant digits.
I don't think I can hold enough praises for this story. It is undeniably a far superior product than hpmor ever was in many regards, and a lot of those regards are in the realms of the things hpmor tried to do. But not all.
Hpmor feels like a book written by hjevp, this one feels like it was drafted by Hermione and Draco.
It feels incredibly mature, at a level that I rarely see in online fiction. It feels like a book written by adults, about adults, for adults. It feels like the type of book every English college graduate dreams of writing. I can't even begin to fathom the level of research into obscure literature that this probably involved. And not just western lit, this is one of the most international cosmopolitan books that I've read, to the point that If I were to guess I would say the author in not American but I cannot know.
Regardless this book demonstrated that ratfic doesn't all have to be epic for the win HFY tier teenage power fantasies. There can be a level of elegance and true worldly culture and sofistication brought into this genre. Without for a single second sacrificing a deeply humanistic and powerfully rationalist outlook in life.
And if you need any proof of this I'll spoil the fact that Harry wins the day merely by persuading the omnipotent antagonist to apply bayesian reasoning in order to realize he can't win.
There is so much more to say, personally I derive deep profound satisfaction out of the fact that Rowling keeps getting clowned on by a continuous succession of writers that come and completely blow her out of the park executing her world far better than she ever could. This version of the Wizarding world has thoroughly replaced in my head the space that used to be occupied by the far inferior children's toy I grew up with. I see the original story and characters and they are just weird, it takes me a few seconds to remember that that is the mainstream version.
But I digress.
Absolute masterpiece of writing, I will chase greedily for whatever this author wrote next
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itsbenedict · 9 months
oh man, i would love to hear your thoughts on significant digits, i understand if you are not very far in yet but all the same
i'm pretty far in- i just started arc 3 of 3. i'll probably post more substantial thoughts once i'm done but:
i really enjoy the perspective switch interlude bits, especially that one with the Shichinin where they do this whole ridiculous Mission Impossible car chase for a while. it's really fun getting different perspectives on all the plot stuff, largely staying away from Harry's POV.
i kinda predicted the twist with [REDACTED], and was kinda disappointed that was what was up. like, there was some real meat on the bones of that conflict that i'd have liked to see play out! we're still kinda getting that with Tír inna n-Óc, but they seem more like generic shadowy badguys than an interesting ideological conflict currently. still time for it to develop, though!
unicorn goddess hermione and her cadre of traumatized almost-cultists occupy this very weird and interesting social position and honestly a story just about them would be pretty compelling if it had room to breathe.
lmao pip you try so hard at trying hard but fail so badly all the time. i'm rooting for you but boy do you not deserve it.
like, overall my only real complaint- which is a complaint i almost never have- is that the plot moves too fast. there's so many interesting side characters and unique perspectives that i kinda want to stick around and see them develop, but most of the time it moves on to bigger things before we really get that. the shichinin, pip, reg hig, lawrence and annabeth, the various Returned- lot of fun characters! but we're back with Harry now and idk if there's room left to have as much fun as we could with the rest, with all the plot threads left to wrap up. "this stuff is good and i wish there was more of it" is a pretty good complaint to have about a thing, though.
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dreamsbeyondsleep · 2 years
Harrow is like early HJPEV but Palamedes is HJPEV but from Significant Digits
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keziasorro · 1 month
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diamondsableye · 3 months
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Mods in the Rain World Discord deleted this one
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snailtrain · 5 months
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Happy new year!!
Hehe, continuation of last week's card!
@nocturnalsleuth's tags inspired me u_u
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gallusgalluss · 1 month
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a bit hard to solve
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doctorsiren · 14 days
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I drew Mob Psycho 100 characters as Ace Attorney ones in my last post , so here’s the reverse of that! (The explanation can be found on that linked post ^^)
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asleep-kat · 2 months
A bird with clipped wings.
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A bird with clipped wings, When the scent of blood sinks, Nibbled at the strings, Until its akin to mangled things. Stretch your wings, Oh, your gleeful cries sings! When the snow falls on your feathers, Just know you're out of your tether. When your blade sinks into silver, With all and unending vigor, Just know, just know, On the blood-stained snow,
You are a bird with clipped wings, Yet so F R E E.
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rottenrascalart · 3 days
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paradoxbeta · 4 months
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so there was a little significant harassment
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fipindustries · 1 year
I read someone say here that hpmor charters the transformation of Harry's thought process and problem solving from that of a scientist to that of a wizard and I feel significant digits follows on that idea.
Harry now feels much more like a Dumbledore figure, still with his own style and priorities but very much Dumbledore tactics of manipulation and hiding information
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RW Art Month - Day 28 (and 29-30) "7th Anniversary Celebration!"
To mimic my old year four Rain World anniversary celebration, I had the seven main sillies from vanilla celebrating the seventh year anniversary of the best game ever! (Also I completely did day 29 and 30 by accident, but it was a happy accident for sure)
I 100% got a little... too invested in this piece, it took a lot longer than I would have liked and I pushed myself to the limit to get it done and... I... Don't think it's my best piece of this year by a long shot... I definitely realized why people... do not draw Moon's can from this angle very often it was... extremely complicated... But I tried and I wanted to draw all my favorite little sillies, and I did that! So I can at least say that I'm proud to have fit 7 of these guys into one piece.
But as a statement to this game for its aging...
It really does NOT feel like I've been playing this game for 7 years now... But I'm honesty so grateful it's been a staple of my life, to say Rain World has changed my perception of video games would be an understatement, it is honestly one of if not THE best games I've ever played. It definitely more than deserves the resurgence of attention brought with the Downpour DLC... So thank you Rain World for all the joy you've brought, and hooray to many more years of playing this game to lift my spirits.
As a gift for reading through all that, here's a close up of the slugcat peep decorations! :]
Also, I was so right in my theories about Nightcat LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!
My excitement is immeasurable and my day is made.
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tapewires · 4 months
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For the sake of open eyes
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cubesnap · 4 months
erm emr emrhmb hey guys *explodes* um art stuff
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I'm reworking the bug FP and NSH too cause I didn't like the previous ones I did. NSH gets a full on centi tail cause yea
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rosarobot · 5 months
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guys i don't think this nun is going to heaven
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