#she-wolf eats not only watermelons like this
tokay-blog · 9 months
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Sun, summer, watermelons x)
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Okay, so I've been surfing tumblr and seeing all these headcanons and various other little things about the Sullies as children and it got my brain going so thanks a lot to every last person who has aided in giving me Avatar brainrot. Anyways, I've built this whole thing up in my head that goes from the time Neytiri & Ronal get pregnant to who the fuck knows, so starting with the eldest lets begin (just the Sullys as babies, if you enjoy putting your own thoughts in this one then I'll get to Ronal and Tonowari's kids and more lol).
He was a total and complete accident 100%
Jake and Neytiri were a very quick-burn romantically and got married a little over a year after they officially began dating, they were only married for like 12 seconds when surprise! Positive pregnancy test, babe.
Jake spends a good thirty minutes fully committed to the idea that Neytiri is just fucking with him. She is not.
He spends another thirty minutes wrapping his head around the fact that he's going to be a dad.
He wants so badly to talk to Tommy about it but god damnit he can't.
He's for sure the more cautious one during the pregnancy, of that I have no doubt. Neytiri will want to do some random shit like go horseback riding with Tsu'tey (this man will always live on in my heart okay let me be happy) and Jake will practically faint at the thought alone.
Eventually Neytiri will start pretending to want to do #risky shit solely for the amusement Jake's reactions bring her with zero intentions of actually following through. Nobody is sure if Jake ever ended up catching on or not.
I'm 100% convinced that Neytiri would be into all of the traditional pregnancy milestones/events and fucking live for each and every one of them regardless of Jake's thoughts because it's their baby, Jake, and don't you want to see if a necklace will actually predict the gender of him/her? (It very much did not, Neteyam wound up being a boy. Stupid necklace.)
Grandma Mo'at is your trademark superstitious/nature-inclined grandparent and I have zero doubts that Neytiri has inherited some of that. I feel like it would flare up during her first pregnancy but only, like, low-key. Do with this information what you will.
Jake has no idea what to do or buy or anything but boy does he try. (When he fails he fails hard but when he gets it right he gets it right *that cute little dinosaur mobile is just so adorable!*)
Neteyam is by far Neytiri's easiest pregnancy. She doesn't really get any morning sickness and feels pretty fine in general throughout the whole thing.
She does wind up craving a ton of different fruits though (blueberries and honeydew melon mainly, but also strawberries, watermelon, blackberries, and pretty much any other melon under the sun. Oh, there was also that one time she refused to eat anything but pomegranates for like one solid afternoon).
Neteyam is a summer baby and nobody can convince me otherwise. August, to be exact.
I imagine that, while her pregnancy was breezy, Neteyam's actual birth sucked ass.
Jake almost passes out but luckily war prepared him for the horrors he witnessed in that delivery room.
Neteyam was actually pretty quiet after his birth. Once they got him all wrapped up he was chill.
Jake was the first one to hold him since Neytiri was exhausted beyond understanding, but Jake sat really close to her and she pretty much demanded to hold their son after like 5 minutes and the nurses were all like: ma'am, you're about to pass out???
As long as one of six songs is playing everything is chill: Edith Whisker's Home, Stephan Sanchez's See the Light, Sea Wolf's The Violet Hour, The Family Crest's She Knows My Name, Mills' Born N' Raised, or Black Match's Nowhere. If one of these songs is playing, Neteyam is an angel. The moment the music stops, though? I'd hate to be anyone within a ten mile radius because that baby's got pipes.
I feel like Neteyam is actually a big daddy's boy during this time period. He's all giggly and happy around everyone, but it becomes clear around three months in that dad is indeed the favorite. And it makes sense. Jake is who he's around the majority of his day (I'm fully committed to stay-at-home dad Jake Sully). Neytiri likes to tease him, saying if she was at home more it would be no contest. Secretly, though, she's happy he's bonding so much with their baby. He needs some light in his life.
Jake is completely restless inside but at the same time has no idea what he can and cannot do with a baby (plus there's the whole "music needs to be playing" thing) so he resorts to long car rides regularly with Neteyam's coveted songs playing on repeat.
Neteyam isn't a picky eater per se, but he is very particular---oh who the fuck am I kidding this kid refuses to eat anything but banana baby food voluntarily good luck with that Jake. Eventually Jake manages to weasel in plum baby food too (sticking to the fruit theme I see) but that is it. (I just picture this man in tears trying to get Neteyam to try some peas or a chocolate bar or "something, Neteyam, anything".)
Spider enters the scene a little before Kiri is born, I like to think. He's already around a year and a half when he's plopped into Norm's lap as a temporary placement while they scramble to find him a more permanent home.
It starts out with Jake agreeing to watch the little guy while Norm does science-y stuff, but quickly Jake finds himself getting attached. Spider is just such a sweet, lively baby who's curious about everything around him, especially Neteyam.
Like seriously, baby Spider is full-on fascinated with his siblings, starting of course with Neteyam. Whenever he sees the boy, he'll squeal excitedly and make hand gestures as if to say "bring him closer!" and it's just the most adorable thing Jake has ever seen.
Wherever Neteyam is set down, Spider will make his way to him no matter what is in the way. He can't walk on his own completely yet, but he is very good at walking by holding on to furniture and other such things. As long has he can pull himself up, this dude is getting places.
Jake learns very quickly to either 1) watch Spider like a hawk at all times or 2) but Neteyam close by and let his charming baby work his magic in getting Spider's full attention.
Spider isn't picky (something that relieves Jake greatly) and will eat pretty much whatever Jake hands him, though Jake quickly learns that yogurt is his favorite.
Spider has a strange fascination with fairy lights, too. He gets a kick out of when they change color and it provides hours of entertainment as long as Neteyam is near as well, allowing Jake to get various things done with little concern. Spider especially likes it when the lights turn red and he always turns to babble nonsense at Jake when they do, most notably being "no no no!" but in, like, a happy way? Jake isn't sure if Spider understands the true meaning of the word yet, which actually concerns him for a little until Spider makes it very clear one day that he is not fond of baths with many no no no's.
Eventually Neytiri can't help but become fond of Spider as well. It starts when Norm needs someone to watch him on a Sunday but Jake can't because Sunday is the day he and Neytiri decided would be his break day, a time away from the kids and house to just relax, so he's at the beach. She reluctantly agrees to take Spider as a favor to Norm, seeing how desperate the man is and also not wanting to interrupt Jake's relaxing day out.
It doesn't get off to a great start. Spider seems perplexed when he realizes that Jake isn't at the house due to the fact that at this point he's been spending Monday through Friday with Jake and Neteyam (along with some Saturdays), and this is followed swiftly by agitation. He isn't a loud crier like Neteyam, but he might just be worse anyways because Jesus does that kid squirm. He spends the first hour whining and squirming and pushing at Neytiri as if to try and get her to put him down. Neteyam calms him considerably, but he's still fussy and babbling "no!" over and over again, along with the occasional break in pattern to sprinkle in some variety.
Neytiri cracks and texts Jake asking what to do, and when Jake asks if she's tried the fairy lights she realizes she hasn't and gives it a try. Spider's whining ceases instantly, replaced by giggles.
After that it's easier, and Neytiri puts on Cars and makes sure that they're both situated safely before going to the kitchen to grab a smoothie and then comes to sit on the couch. When a little hand comes to rest on her knee she looks down and sees Spider looking up at her curiously.
He then proceeds to reach out and ask "eat?" and how did Neytiri not notice how cute he is with his sunshine curls and cornflower eyes and chubby little cheeks and okay maybe she's beginning to understand why her husband is fond of this child.
(She lets Spider try the smoothie, btw.)
The day Norm has to take Spider to his more permanent foster placement, Jake and Neytiri come with and Jake has like a whole list of dos and don'ts and has brought all of the things Spider likes and is all like "and remember, he's super easy to give a bath to so long as you sing him the tiny turtle song while you put him in the tub. Oh, also he loves yogurt but especially the key-lime pie yogurt. And lemon, too! You know what, he likes citrus in general. Don't forget that his favorite color is red! I packed a pair of red pjs in there, they're his favorite, we got them for him when we went to the mall that one time. Also, so long as you feed him a good time before you put him to bed he should go down just fine, just make sure you don't---" and Neytiri's all like "ma Jake I think they get it," only then she begins her own lecture on how he likes it if you put ice in his apple juice and to never give him chocolate because it makes him hyper and don't bother with baby gates because that shit doesn't work and soon enough they realize that, hey, this might be our baby now.
She's born a little before Lo'ak. Definitely a spring baby.
The quietest baby you will ever fucking know. When she was born she was so quiet that the doctors were genuinely worried for a moment that she'd been stillborn.
Spider loves her immediately, to absolutely nobody's surprise. A good portion of Kiri's early days are spent being babbled to by Spider endlessly.
Unlike Neteyam, Kiri is a total mama's girl and gets all grumpy when Neytiri leaves the room unless she's sleeping when Neytiri leaves, then for some reason it's all good like? Jake will never understand. Eventually, however, this becomes a Mo'at thing. Very quickly Mo'at and her become one another's favorites and Mo'at will often find the most absurd reason to come see her.
Neytiri sings to her and takes her out to the backyard to lay on the grass and I swear this baby loves grass more than she loves the warmth of her own home.
Kiri loves carrot and pea baby food, much to Jake's surprise. Sure, Spider isn't a picky eater, but the kid was by no means a lover of vegetables. He'd eat them, but never pick them. And Neteyam? Hell, getting that baby to eat something more than plums and bananas was something he considered a win. So a child who actively eats veggies? Fucking finally.
Very interested in all of the plants around their house. Nothing else to be said. She just sort of looks at them in that weird way that only babies can look at something.
She has this purple blanket that Neytiri made for her herself and she will. not. sleep without it. Ever. She won't cry or anything like that if she doesn't have it, but you best bet that she will not be doing much of anything else either.
Whenever she has it she's asleep like 90% of the time. Jake's kind of confused actually because neither Neteyam nor Spider slept as much as she does.
Over all, Kiri is probably the chillest of the Sullys as a baby. Not very demanding, not very easy to upset, and doesn't make things difficult most days.
Neytiri's hardest pregnancy for sure. She was puking, sick, huge, and could hardly keep anything down at all. The only two things Neytiri managed to keep down throughout her whole pregnancy without puking it up at least once was orange juice (extra pulpy) and Domino's barbeque pizza, and you best bet that got old quick.
Thankfully, the birth went smoothly. He was for sure born in early, early summer---like the time when it's still cooler and sort of rainy but also sunny at the same time.
I don't want to go so far as to say that Lo'ak was a demon-baby, but this child definitely gave Jake a run for his money. One minute he likes something and wants it, the next minute how dare you even so much as think about trying to feed that poison to him. One minute he loves being held, the next minute he's screaming and tears are falling and he hates you. With Jake he was like this all of the time. With Neytiri he was better, but still fussy.
I'm convinced that him and Neteyam were, like, so close when they were little and the only person that Lo'ak was an absolute angel to was in fact little one-year-old Neteyam. Whenever Neteyam was around he would smile and giggle and try to get closer. I swear, even as a baby Neteyam's charm was unparalleled.
Lo'ak has this binky that he had with him almost 24/7. Without it he was even more. . . er, challenging, than usual. And teething hit him hard as well. The amount of teething toys and biscuits this poor family had to go through, I swear.
Lo'ak, unlike the others, did not take to solids very well at first. The struggle to get this child to eat something, anything, that wasn't breast milk was so real you don't even know. Jake just let Neytiri take care of this one, it was clear he wasn't going to get anywhere. How she managed to get him to eat, Jake will never know (it was cinnamon applesauce, she coerced him with cinnamon applesauce).
Lo'ak had this particularly fun phase where he liked pulling on pretty much anything within reach and this led to him almost getting himself killed multiple times.
Whenever Neteyam cried, Lo'ak cried. Whenever Neteyam laughed, Lo'ak laughed. Sometimes when he was particularly exhausted Jake would do his best to get Neteyam in a good mood because if Neteyam was in a good mood, so was Lo'ak.
Despite how difficult Lo'ak could be,  there were these times when he would just cry and cry until Jake picked him up, and then he would just fall asleep while Jake held him. As much as Jake hated to admit it, it felt nice to walk around the house with a sleeping Lo'ak tucked to his chest.
Neytiri would often cook with Lo'ak strapped to her. He was her "little taste-tester".
I'm sorry this got so long my brain knows no bounds I swear I go so overboard sometimes 😭 Tuk isn't in this one because in my head I'm going chronologically btw.
I don't even think there is anything to add, anon. Just know I am crying?? Thank you so much for this genuine gift you have given me.
I LOVEEEE stay at home wheelchair dad Jake Sully he means the entire world to me. Jake being convinced Neytiri was joking about being pregnant??? Obsessed. WANTING TO TALK TO TOMMY?? Dead. FOSTER DAD NORM?? You can't convince me Jake and Norm didn't become friends through the foster system they were both in okay okay. And Norm and Tommy connected over their science shit and Jake was always trying to keep them from getting bullied too hard lol. Norm is a foster parent because he believes in fixing the system through it, Jake is more disillusioned. He was all skeptical of the idea at first, but boy did he get attached to Spider quickly. Neytiri and Jake's Spider speech kills me I'll die real tears. They're like oh shit actually... you can't have him. And the days before they can petition the court about it? So sad. Neteyam is a mess without his buddy. Kiri's vibes are simply flawless, and I love Mo'at making shit up to be there lol. DEMON BABY LO'AK, iconic, please. He tries to die so often. They have to baby proof the baby proofing on the house.
Please anon, this made my week, definitely send more.
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direjoon · 2 months
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✩ pairing: wolf hybrid nj x cheetah hybrid reader (f) - eventual ot7 x reader
✩ genre: soul-searching , romance🔞 , found-family , healing , angst , happy ending
✩ word count: 5.7k
✩ chapter warnings: uncertainty in behavior and emotions , anxiety , mention of weight and insecurities (happens once at the end, only mc is negative towards her own weight) , arguments / angsty feels
✩ summary: She doesn't know. There is so much about her and her cheetah that she hasn't had the privilege to understand. Unknown backgrounds and unknown emotions clash with feelings of want- hopes of being herself unapologetically. Namjoon seems to be someone that can help her- but can the rest of his pack truly be what she has wanted and needed?
✩ cover: me
ch.1 , ch.2 , ch.3 , ch.4 , ch.5 , ch.6
“I already regret having you two meet.” 
Namjoon sits across from the two cheetahs at the picnic table. The watermelon Maria cut for them is split between their personal plates only. None sit on Namjoon’s. 
“You were too slow.” Taehyung shrugs as he eats a slice. 
“She brought them out while I was in the bathroom.” Namjoon deadpans, eyeing them both to get a reaction of pity as they eat without replying. 
Y/N eyes Taehyung to gauge his reaction. Honestly, she has no problem sharing, but while Namjoon was gone, Taehyung made sure to give her a full plate of pieces. The offer of his feels like something more than just generous sharing. Taehyung isn’t even looking his way as Namjoon waits for him to reply. Y/N tries her best to be discreet as she slides her plate towards Namjoon. The sound and movement immediately catches Taehyung’s attention. 
He stops the plate when it gets to the middle of the table. He looks to Y/N and gives a firm headshake. 
“That’s yours. Not his.” 
“If he wants a couple it’s okay.” She gives another nudge of the plate into Taehyung’s hand. 
“I gave those to you.” Taehyung states. Y/N isn’t sure if he knows that a small pout is showing, but she suppresses the smile that dares to show itself on her face. 
“You can just…give me a couple of yours and he can have a couple of mine.” Y/N suggests, giving him a nonchalant shrug. It doesn’t take him long to give her a pointed sigh and pass two of his own pieces of watermelon to Namjoon.
“You’re too kind.” Namjoon gives a pointed look at Taehyung, “Thank you Y/N.” He gives her a warm smile that she returns as she eats into a piece of her own. They seem playful and young despite how put together they are. Well, she knows nothing about Taehyung, but she definitely knows Namjoon is truly well put together. 
“Can I ask how old you are?” Y/N looks between the two. “You know I’m 25, but- I mean I’m just curious.”
“28.” Taehyung replies with no qualms. 
“Wow, you’re younger than I thought.” 
Both men give each other a look before staring at Y/N.
“Do we look old?” Namjoon asks incredulously. 
“Oh, no!” She shakes her head quickly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean- you guys seem to be doing very well, so I thought you were a little older.”
“I was really rethinking our friendship.” Namjoon says, making her laugh. “We’re doing good, but we’re all still just trying to figure it out- life.” He gives a shrug. 
Taehyung seems to be tired of the conversation as he changes it without questions or remorse. 
“You like art?” He asks without taking his eyes from Y/N. His attention only causes the slightest discomfort, a feeling of vulnerability that she seems to have only around these two guys. 
“I do, but I don’t know much. I told Namjoon I’d like to try it myself.” 
“I can show you.”
She gives a questioning look to Namjoon, hoping this is something she can do, hoping that this isn’t overstepping some boundary. He just gives her another nod and a smile. 
“I’d like that, but, would we do it here? I feel bad for having you guys come here.” 
“You can come over.” Taehyung says like it’s obvious. 
“Oh, no. No, I can’t do that.” She rushes to answer back, looking away from them both to now stare at her empty plate. 
“He has a studio. It’s not in our house but it is on the land. I’ll ask the guys about it tonight. But, it should be fine.” Namjoon assures. She wants to bring up bigger concerns than invading their privacy, but to be honest, all her concerns about the visit are pressuring. 
“I’ll-” Just as she was about to answer, ‘I’ll think about it,’ she’s looking over at Taehyung to tell him- a look of hope fills his face. He needs this as much as she hopes for a genuine relationship. They’ve been nothing but nice to her. She can talk to Namjoon about her worries later, for now, she can be honest with herself and them.
“I’d like to, if everyone is okay with it. I’ll keep to myself.” 
“Taehyung doesn’t allow any of those clumsy guys into his studio, don’t worry.” Namjoon assures. 
“You’re the only clumsy one- I just don’t want anyone in there.” Taehyung gives Namjoon a knowing smile. The confession passes over their heads while Y/N processes what he said. He doesn’t want anyone in there- but he invited her. 
“She also likes games, you can show her the ones you like.” Namjoon suggests. Y/N realizes why he’s doing this. Instead of just giving her some unwanted things of theirs, he wants a way for Taehyung to keep that connection. A jump start for them. 
“I have some.” The vague answer makes her anxious. She doesn’t want to intrude or use things he doesn’t want her messing with. Despite her worries, she doesn’t bring them up now. They both seem more than happy to suggest random things while she tries to deny. There’s no hope for her to decline while they’re both with her. 
The house holds a warmth that he just loves. Maybe it’s just the day he had, maybe he’s just sentimental after all the good things going on at the moment. It doesn’t matter as long as the good can stay. He’d love it if he felt like this for a long time. 
“Okay, spill. You made us wait until you guys came home to tell us what this little adventure was.” 
The sight and smell of the fox is always a welcome one. It doesn’t matter that his outside clothing is still on, he captures the oldest in a tight hug, taking in his scent as much as possible. 
“Someone’s in a good mood.” Seokjin pulls the younger in with a firmer hold. “My pretty kitty.” Taehyung can’t even be mad at the name of endearment. He’d usually push it off and wave off their babying- but today it feels nice. “Wow, someone’s in a really good mood. What did you do, Namjoon?”
“Me?! My god, just ask the clingy one. I’m sure he’d be happy to tell everyone.”
The others wait with expectation rather than bulldozing over the two after their long days. With three cats in the house, the cuddle sessions last far longer than anyone needs them to be. (Though, everyone does like them, they just don’t want to admit it sometimes.)
“I met another cheetah today.”
Taehyung isn’t one for explaining. At least not when he thinks it’s unnecessary. He’s straightforward enough. 
“Wait,” Seokjin grabs the cheetah by his shoulders, pulling him away to look at him. “What do you mean?” Thankfully, Namjoon knows when to help him out when he’s not in the mood for verbal conversation. 
“The cub I come home smelling like- the organization found her.”
“You met her today?” Jimin asks. The only other wolf in the pack is just as special to him as Namjoon is. They both seem to understand him more than the others. Instead of answering verbally, he turns to Jimin and wraps him up while the others stand in shock. 
“How was it?” The wolf in his ear asks. 
He knows the others are happy for Taehyung. He knows that they want the best for him. They wouldn’t have joined his pack and trusted Namjoon if it wasn’t for that fact. But, he also isn’t surprised by the skeptical faces from the more hesitant members. The skepticism shows their want to protect Taehyung from this hybrid they don’t know. The more concerning aspect is one he knows they don’t want to bring up. 
The pack gets settled after dinner, especially after Taehyung is ready for bed early upon returning home from an emotionally exhausting excursion and having more conversations than he’d like to. 
Namjoon ends his day in his office like usual, finishing up daily reports and doing some research he knows he’ll have to do as soon as possible. Just as he thought, he does his research at the perfect time- as he’s shutting off his PC there are footsteps that stop at his door and wait for him to finish his work. He wastes no time leaving his office.
Without any words, Namjoon gives a nod towards the kitchen where the sliding doors that lead to the backyard are. They put a lot of work into their home and the surrounding land. Despite being in a neighborhood not far from the city, they wanted a place that would suit both of their halves. Their backyard was one of the main factors that pushed them to buy- that and the neighborhood itself. 
The grassy space is filled with trees that surround the perimeter where the fence wraps around and randomly throughout the open space. A veranda covers the immediate part of the house and extends more than the usual ones do just to allow them to create a cemented dining area. Other than the small shed Taehyung turned into his studio, the space is open and welcoming, allowing the two to stand at the rail that lines on one side of the veranding and look out at the night sky. 
“I understand you kept this from us because she’s with the organization- but why didn’t you let any of us know there was another cheetah?” Despite his fox traits, Seokjin is one of the most level-headed, mature people Namjoon has ever met. He’ll always want to know information and will be the second-hand to Namjoon’s boat load of responsibilities. He’s always thankful for his fox. 
“I didn’t want him to feel pressured in meeting her. You know he doesn’t like meeting new people. I wanted to give him the time to decide for himself.” Namjoon explains, his voice tired from the day. 
“You knew what he’d want to do. Of course he’d want to meet her.” Seokjin replies, dancing around what he actually wants to say. 
“We both know why you’re bringing it up like this- just say it.” Namjoon finalizes. Seokjin waits a few breaths before finally answering. 
“What if he wants her to be part of the pack? What if his mating instincts kick in and he goes stir crazy around us?” 
“I didn’t think our worries were at the top of the list when I talked to him about it. Seokjin, this is about finally finding another cheetah- this isn’t about anything else except what he wants right now.” Seokjin waits for a scolding from the pack leader that never comes. “We are going to stand by him while he figures out what he wants. Because everyone in this pack has a right to meet others and form relationships. You’re the one that met Hoseok first- you’re the one that confessed to me that you were scared about your feelings. Why would you think about Taehyung’s feelings so negatively?” Seokjin doesn’t wait to reply. 
“Hoseok was close with all of us not long after. Hoseok wasn’t apart of the organization for-”
“I was part of the organization.” Namjoon keeps his voice level, but the assertiveness is there for him to get a hold of Seokjin. “Her past is the least of our problems at the moment. She’s opening up to me, she’s learning to function in a society she was never a part of. She’s a cheetah hybrid- she needs people that she can rely on, people like her.” 
“Everyone is worried that he’ll prefer her over his pack.”
“You know how loyal he is- I know how loyal he is- and that should be enough to convince yourselves that it will be fine. He’s not full animal, Seokjin. He’s not going to run-off and start his own pack. That’s not how this works, and you know that. You can’t turn your worries into harsh words and speculations.” Namjoon turns to him fully, leaning his hip on the railing. 
“Did he mention what he wanted out of it?” Seokjin has yet to look him in the eye as they talk. 
“No. But, I’m sure he’ll let us know if he wants something more- ya’ know, like a good member of the pack.” Namjoon doesn’t mean to let the attitude slip, but why is Seokjin pushing this hard? 
“You’d tell us too, right? If your feelings towards someone we don’t know change?”
Just as the pack leader is about to ask why the change in subject was made, Jungkook knocks on the glass doors to get their attention. They both put on a smile immediately for the youngest of the pack. The last thing they’d both want to do is cause worry in the newest member of their pack. 
Jungkook slides the door open just a crack, “Are you guys coming to bed, soon? Taehyung is asking for you both.”
“Just give us a few minutes, bun.” Namjoon answers with a nod. He waits for the youngest to close the door and walk towards their shared room before turning back to Seokjin. 
“Let him have this. Give him some time- just as everyone else got without a second thought- and then we can figure it out. He let everyone introduce another person without any qualms- he adapted. You guys can as well.” His voice is lower and less assertive than before, now he’s just lining his words with hope. “He wants her to open up to him- he invited her to his studio because she told me she wants to learn about art. She’s wanting hobbies and she wants to work and try new things-”
“I’m not a bad person because I’m worried. And I’m not gonna suggest he never see her again. He can do what he wants- obviously. But you are not as transparent as you think you’re being. There’s something you’re not telling me- and I won’t care because I trust you with everything I am. But, please don’t hurt our pack because you're holding something back from us.” Seokjin begs with authority. 
“I would never do that.” 
“Never do it then.” Seokjin leaves without another word, sliding the door closed behind him. Namjoon waits a reasonable amount of time before heading up and into the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed
Thursday mornings mean the chance to sleep in a little longer with Yoongi. The rare cuddle sessions are nice when Namjoon enjoys being in the middle of their bed while Yoongi likes the outer areas in his panther form. Human Yoongi is more cuddly than his panther counterpart. Namjoon loves it. And he definitely needs it at the moment.
Namjoon waits for the others to slip out of bed and get ready for work and their day one by one- leaving him and the black panther snuggled into the blankets. Yoongi lifts his head to look around when he feels Namjoon’s stare. The cat stretches out, a deep noise rolling in his chest. 
The panther makes his way under the covers, following his daily routine, shifting under the covers to keep warm and quickly move up into Namjoon’s arms. Namjoon immediately settles them into a position they both find the most comfortable. It’s muscle memory to them now, the push and pull of soothing each other during the middle of the week stresses. Yoongi rubs his cheek into the warmth of Namjoon’s chest and gives a couple chirps he needs to get out before pulling his face from the crevice. 
“None of us think you’d hurt us, Namjoon-ah.” Yoongi’s tired voice murmurs up at him. It’s not hard to piece together who he’s talking about. Namjoon stills for a second but releases a sigh and gives the older a quick squeeze. 
“You guys heard it all?” 
“Luckily, Taehyung was already asleep- he was in and out, wanting you guys in the nest- but of course we did.” Namjoon looks over at the still open window they keep open in the warm seasons. 
“I’m sorry, I totally spaced that.”
“It’s not your fault, you have no reason to apologize. If anything, all of them needed to hear it. They were all ‘iffy’ about what Taehyung would want contradicting someone else’s wants.” Yoongi gets comfy again in Namjoon’s neck after the reassuring words. 
“Thank you, Yoongi.” Namjoon presses his lips into the cat’s hair to stay there.
“For what?” 
“Everything, I guess. For letting me know, For enjoying my presence as much as I enjoy yours.” Namjoon lets out a huff of a laugh. 
“Your bite mark is forever near my ass and I suck your dick at least once a week. I’d hope you know by now that I more than enjoy having you around.” Yoongi murmurs into his neck, pulling a rumbling laugh from Namjoon. 
“You like being marked up though- maybe anyone could do that.” Namjoon pulls away from him slightly to pepper kisses into Yoongi’s bare shoulder, trailing to his neck. Yoongi immediately opens up to the other predator, exposing his neck willingly to pull him in more. “See, you’re all ready to be marked up so early in the day.” Namjoon smiles into his kisses, nipping at the sensitive skin near Yoongi’s ear. 
“Only by you. Only marks from you.” Yoongi’s deep mumbles confirm, stretching to give his pack leader the most access to his skin. 
“Let’s mark you up then.”
After her day yesterday, Y/N declined Maria’s request to go grocery shopping. She isn’t that tired but she wants to rest after the emotional toll it took on her from odd instincts and feelings blooming. 
She hasn’t had the house to herself yet, despite being here for about a month now. Maria hasn’t let her be alone, which is nice, but the quiet residing in the house right now is perfect. It’s what she was used to before the organization found her. It’s bittersweet. 
She still can’t find something interesting to watch- it’s really not her favorite pastime. She beat the game on her phone and doesn’t care to find something similar in her little time she has alone. To be honest, her interest is mainly focused on going outside. Not the backyard, not the surrounding neighborhood. She wants to do something. Namjoon won’t be there for hours, and Taehyung has no way to contact her.
Maybe she should try going on her own. She’s allowed to. The progression of hybrid inclusion in the ‘human’s’ society is in a spot where she can live as any other human. But, that doesn’t mean that all humans will be nice to her and accept her. She also can’t let their opinion of her dictate how she lives and what she does. Maybe she should just-
A knock sounds at the door as she thinks in circles. With the curtains open and the windows behind the tv directly at the front of the house- there’s really no way the person that came up to the door didn’t see her sitting there. She curses at herself for not paying attention while she’s home alone. 
Not tip-toeing, but her light footsteps lead her to the front door with no sound. Lifting the peephole cover with the utmost carefulness, she winks into the little glass hole hoping it’s someone familiar. 
She’s more than surprised to see light brown hair and a matching pair of cheetah ears. It’s like she wished it into existence- someone to do something with. She opens the door quickly, letting the taller cheetah see her in the crack of the door big enough only for her to squeeze through. 
“Hi.” Is all she can think of to say at first. 
“Hi.” He mimics. 
“Why- uh, what are you doing here?” 
“Sorry for coming unannounced, I would’ve asked if I had your number but- I was wondering if you wanted to do something. Outside.” Taehyung’s mannerisms are a little nervous looking, but he always sounds so confident when he speaks. 
“Actually, I would. Let me tell Maria first, just in case-” She pulls her phone from sweatpants pocket, “oh, you can come in, sorry.” She gives a nervous laugh but Taehyung just enters with a soft smile. 
With a quick call, Y/N finds out Maria doesn’t mind at all and that she just needs to make sure to take the spare key and lock all the doors before leaving. 
“Ok, I’m good to go then- what did you have in mind?” She asks, making sure to pocket the key and her phone. 
“I haven’t had breakfast yet, so we can do that if you’d like, then maybe shopping?”
“Shopping? Taehyung, I don’t have any money at the moment.” She replies with less confidence. She really wishes she had a job by now- especially with all the things she’d like to do. But, her doctor is hesitant with her lack of social interaction. 
“I mainly need to buy a few supplies, but I'm not really one that likes to go out alone, and I wanted to spend time with you.” 
“Oh- that sounds perfect then." She gives him a genuine smile. He's reaching out to her with no problem- she'd usually shy away from this, but Namjoon has really helped her open up faster. It also helps that he's so close to Namjoon. With the odd connection they seem to have and the trust building slowly but surely, Y/N doesn't mind agreeing despite her disinterest with going out earlier. 
She double checks the locks, making sure the key is in her pocket more times than necessary. Taehyung leads her towards the driveway- the empty driveway. 
"Um, how'd you get here?"
"Walk." He gestures with his arms like it's obvious. 
"Oh that's- that sounds nice actually." She closes the gap between them to walk directly beside him.
"I don't like public transport and I don't like to always drive. Cars make me anxious. I didn't want you to feel unsafe with me if I wasn't confident." 
Taehyung seems to know exactly where to go, confidently choosing which way to go at the start of their journey.
"Don't worry, I'm not the best with them either. The motion still makes me uncomfortable most times." 
The conversation dies down to a silence she can’t tell is comfortable or not. With Taehyung, she’s not sure yet. He seems so sure of himself, confident in his choices and how when he wants to talk to her, but he’s also quiet and doesn’t seem to have a whole lot to talk about. She wants to talk more, especially if they’re walking around for who-knows-how long. 
“So, what supplies do you need?” She asks as sure as she can. 
“Some stuff for my studio.” He doesn’t explain any further. 
“Oh. Well, what were you thinking for breakfast?” 
“Whatever you want is what I want.” He answers, stopping Y/N in her tracks. 
“You chose to walk blindly without knowing where we’re going?” He stops and turns to her as she stays a few steps behind. 
“It’s okay, we’ll find a way to get there, even if we start in the wrong place.” His statement causes her to physically flinch. He has to still just be talking about the damn walk route- but why does it sound like some revelatory quote. “What do you want to eat?” It takes her a few seconds before she can change the course of her thoughts. 
“I don’t care,” She stops to really think, knowing that she’s hungry and will want a way to distract herself while they hang out, “Meat. Meat sounds good.” 
“I’ll buy you meat.” He turns and walks the way they were initially going. “See, we’re going the right way.” He looks serious, but a twitch in his lips has her stifling a laugh at his demeanor that she still needs to get used to. 
It doesn’t take long for Taehyung to lead her to a small diner. Despite the city being so close, he doesn’t lead her to a bustling restaurant with too many scents and too many people. The diner is in the middle of the neighborhoods around the Caddel home, a part of a small ‘downtown’ looking area. 
He opens the door for her, then leads the way again, telling a lady waiting up front ‘two, and a booth if available.’ Y/N blindly follows as the smiling lady leads them to a table far in the back, where dark red, cushioned seats sit on each side of a dark brown table. The delicious smells draw her into the establishment, looking around to find their section was pretty bare, not many people were back here. With how hungry she is, she probably wouldn’t even care at the moment if there were lots of people around them. 
“Would you guys like anything to drink before ordering?” The lady asks after setting two menus down onto the tables in front of them. 
“Water and orange juice, Y/N?”
“Oh, uh…water is fine.” She gives a nervous smile. How is she supposed to tell him she’s never been out to eat like this. She doesn’t know what exactly to ask for.
“Two waters and two orange juices, please.” Taehyung answers before she can leave. 
“Of, course. I’ll be right back with those.” She gives another kind smile before leaving them alone. 
“They hand squeeze the orange juice here, it’s good.” He points out before gesturing to her to look at the menu. 
“Sorry, I’ve- I’ve never been out to eat.” She leans forward and whispers the last part despite not many people being in their section. She’s not ashamed of her lack of experience in otherwise normal scenarios, but there’s something embarrassing about being too anxious to even ask questions and risk messing up. 
Taehyung leans forward to meet her halfway, their distance closer than they’ve ever been. 
“Do you want me to order for you?” 
She nods her head quickly in reply. 
“Here you guys are.” The two separate quickly. The lady gives her a smile she can’t place when she sets the two separate drinks in front of Y/N- not giving Taehyung the same look. “Are you ready to order, or do you need more time?” 
“We’re good.” Taehyung starts, waiting for the lady to pull out her pad and pen. “Can we do one american breakfast with extra sausage and a side of bacon, sourdough for the toast, and then the loaded breakfast sandwich with hash browns for the side.”
“Sounds good, anything else?” 
“Do you have fresh syrup today?”
“A stack of buttermilk pancakes with the strawberry syrup. And that’s it.” 
She watches in awe as he simply answers, asks, and states, knowing exactly how to respond with respect and care. It’s such a simple thing, but she really has no idea how he does it with no effort. She isn’t one that likes to talk to strangers, but she’ll have to get used to it no matter what. If she has new experiences with Taehyung and Namjoon she could get there. 
It doesn’t matter where she started. She’ll get there. 
“Thank you again.” She tells Taehyung once the lady takes the menus and leaves them alone once again. 
“No worries.” He gives her a kind smile that she can’t seem to get enough of. He isn’t one to allow his facial expression to show much, so the times he does are so nice. “We come here a lot as a pack, so I know what’s good.” 
She grows uncomfortable under the mention of their pack. She doesn’t want him to get the wrong idea, so she gives him a matching smile and nod in understanding. 
She distracts herself with the orange juice she has yet to touch. The straw that was left behind grabs her attention, opening the paper haphazardly and taking a sip of the bright liquid. It’s perfect. The taste is fresh and sweet with the perfect ripeness of the oranges. She looks up to Taehyung with large eyes, he only gives her a knowing smile in response. She drinks the liquid down fast even if she doesn’t want to. It’s just too good. 
“Could I ask you something?” He suddenly asks. 
“Sure.” She swallows the last of the juice and answers. 
“Have you ever shifted?” Despite her comfort with him, her tail still wraps around her waist where she always keeps it. 
“No.” She shakes her head and looks down to play with the pulp at the bottom of her cup. 
“Would you…want to?” He asks again. 
“Of course I do.” She answers honestly, still keeping her gaze from his. “But, I don’t know the first thing about that part of me.”
“I want to be someone that can help you.” He says with no hesitation. “I want to be here for you when you don’t know what to do, or what to think about how you feel. It all can be confusing and intimate- but I know I can be there for you if you let me.” 
He’s upfront about what he wants, taking her aback with how earnest he sounds. This is probably the most he’s said at once and it all sounds too good to be true. 
“I don’t want to rely on you all the time, Taehyung. That’s exhausting for you.”
“You can. I want you to.” Y/N wants to decline as nicely as possible, her eyebrows scrunched together and worry in her expression. She can’t ask that of him even if she wants it- wants to become closer to him. In her silence he tries again, “You don’t have to let me know now, but- did you feel it? When we first met.”
She immediately looks up at him to gauge his reaction to the feeling that she now knows he felt as well. All he shows her is hopeful yearning when he waits for a reply. 
“Yes.” She answers.
“It’s from our cheetahs, it’s the special connection we can have as hybrids. It could be many things, but as long as we feel it we know that we will care for each other. We’ll want to be there and have some type of relationship. I want to help you, because of the connection, because we’re similar, and because I don’t want to lose the chance to have you close.” 
She watches him as he speaks. His ears bend down into his hair to barely be seen. His eyes are downcast below pinched eyebrows. If Y/N could guess, they probably look very similar at the moment. Especially when he’s taking the time to search her face as well. Her heart squeezes at her want to please him and to have another opportunity to do something for herself. 
“Okay.” As she answers, the lady comes up with a large tray of fresh smelling food. Setting the plates down wherever Taehyung points and makes room for. Y/N is stuck watching him. His confidence shows in every movement he makes- just as it shows in Namjoon. Some mannerisms are shared between them, some of them are new and fascinating to navigate. Both of them are too kind, though. They share that trait of being considerate and genuine. She’s still not used to that either.
“First, it’s an instinct to make sure you eat well. When I give you something, it’s yours. Not Namjoon’s.” He gives her a pointed look that makes her shrink a little at the memory, a sheepish smile showing itself to him. He gives her a cheeky smile back as he maneuvers items onto each of their own plates. Half of the sandwich and all the meat from the other plate he ordered are set onto her plate, while he’s left with the other half with eggs and hashbrowns that he also seems to be splitting to share with her. 
“I’m not going to be able to eat all of that.”
“As long as you don’t share it with anyone. I just want to make sure you eat enough, and that you’re healthy.” 
The comment is light and common, but she shrinks a little more at the implications of it. She’s skinnier than she should be. She has been gaining weight well, as the doctor’s orders. But she hasn’t been eating enough to make it very noticeable. 
“I’m trying to look better.” She quiets down, not wanting to share her insecurity but she knows he’s right. She looks up to find him staring at her as he finishes splitting the food. 
“Y/N, I don’t mean how you look. You’re beautiful- I’d think so no matter what. Making sure you’re fed is an animal instinct. The same way you wanted Namjoon to eat when he was with us. It shows we care about the other. It showed me that you care about Namjoon.” He pushes her plate towards her as she sits stunned at the explanation and the compliment. 
“Our instincts are entirely primal, they aren’t embarrassing or shameful. If you’re uncomfortable being fed and taken care of just tell me, but- usually, we all really like it.” Taehyung finishes by switching full orange juice with her empty one. 
The truth is, she doesn’t just like being taken care of. She’d do anything to make sure Taehyung and Namjoon stay in her life so they can all care for each other. She wants to repay them. To show how much she truly cares as well. 
“Try it.” Taehyung urges as she stares at him with an expression she can’t figure out anymore. 
She finally looks down at her finished plate, the smells just under her nose are now potent and too good to resist. She goes for the yummy-looking sausage first, pushing her fork into it and lifting it up to her lips. The first bite is juicy and soft, the flavor bursting out. 
“Mmm, Maria never cooked something like this. She follows a diet the doctor recommended. Sausage is definitely not on it.” She babbles after experiencing the first bite. She takes a few more greedy bites of the sausage, then moves to the sandwich, ditching the fork to use her hands.
“Ooh my god. I’ll only eat with you from now on if it’s all this good.” 
He doesn’t reply, only watches and eats his own food with a smile. 
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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some translations from the 5/24 Heroes cast live-stream, not too detailed.
- doing character introductions - mzy requesting bgm with an air of ~mystery~ lyn: !! I didn't know I was in charge of it! I'm sorry!! I was unprepared. /plays a rock song/ mzy: ????? that’s not what I wanted.
- baron just chilling and eating watermelon, about to make a toast with a jar of hot sauce (which he later changed to arizona iced tea XD)
- lyn is now in charge of all sound effects for the stream
- during self introduction lyn: if I said I was in charge of visuals, you wouldn't laugh at me, right? baron: /claps/ lyn: why are you laughing though??? zsx: you started laughing yourself, first!
- made a group name for themselves, zsx: reading the group name off the script (it includes each of their names, idk) mzy: you’re looking at the script WAY too obviously lyn: I know you’re looking at the script, and I understand, I do- but... mzy: yes! make it less obvious  lyn: be more natural. you’re an actor, don’t forget. zsx: no~ I don’t have anything around me~ you’ve misunderstood me!! - lyn tries to get someone else (baron, mzy) to come up with a different name mzy: I think this one is good, because that’s what’s written in my script, too lyn: y’all are too lazy. no fun. you can’t TRY to think of another?
- listening test: they’re given a line from the script, and need to see if they can remember the lines that come before/after lyn: we can’t remember. it’s been more than a year since we shot this drama, how could we remember??
- in the drama there’s a part where Wen Rou meets a storyteller and asks them to include her two friends into her story; this sort of actually happened in real life, as ycy went to an amusement park and found a sugar-writer. she asked them if they could also write out the names of her two colleagues (zsx & lyn), and they asked her, “who are they?” XD but she was able to get them written, in the end. lyn: I just wanted to ask, though. are we really just only “colleagues” to you? ycy: /fist bumps/ my bros~ lyn: thank you, chaoyue. next time you can remember to include baron and mzy. 
- continuing & concluding the game host: it felt like da-ge was coasting? lyn: no! de-ge was very serious. host: he was listening closely? baron: /nods/
-re-enacting some scenes
scene 1: where ycy & mzy’s characters compliment each other; re-enacted with the three bros - zsx: liu-gege~  lyn: be more normal!! zsx: liu-dage! your singing sounds so nice! amazing, like the birdsong from the mountains~~ -  lyn: su mengzhen-dage, you’re the most overbearing person I’ve met in the jianghu. I want to be you, but one day, I will replace you. baron: ~don’t say that~ - baron: and I have to compliment one of the guys? lyn: you can compliment the girls, too! if you do that, then people can’t blame me for what happens in the drama next.  baron: what do you mean? lyn: they’ll understand what kind of person you are. that you care more about the girls and treat me with a little less care. -  - lyn wants to make the two girls compliment the guys, baron flips it: what type of animal would you describe us as? ycy: zsx looks like... baron: a zebra. (bc of zsx’s shirt, lol) ycy: like a doggy... your eyes are very big, so maybe a chihuahua? mzy: don’t you think his eyes are big and droopy, and kind of makes you want to hurt him? ycy: I don’t want to hurt him at all! lyn: that’s what you get for having big eyes. zsx: I want to be a wolf! ycy: you have to draw an upwards curving eyeliner to make yourself look more like a wolf. zsx: ok! I’ll draw it for you next time! ycy: you want to look like a wolf, is that it? then, I think you look like a husky! zsx: /head in hands/ host: she just refuses to say you look like a wolf.  lyn: looks like a wolf, but on the inside is a dummy. just like a husky. that’s already being plenty generous. what about me- what do you think I am? ycy: I think ning-ge looks a little more like a wolf! lyn: :D! zsx: !! D: he looks like a giraffe, come on! ycy: da-ge, I think... he looks like a panther! baron: ^o^V - lyn asks mzy what she thinks mzy: does it have to be an animal? lyn: anything’s fine- you can liken us to cars if you want. mzy: I feel like da-ge’s a chameleon! because he seems really amazing! lyn: what’s so amazing about a chameleon? mzy: if people want to hurt them, they can’t. they just seem really cool. zsx: if people want to hurt me they can, but they can’t kill him?? lyn: you’re just an 2ha, face it. mzy: ning-ge is like.... like an eagle... because I’ve watched some of his streams and he likes to stay up at night. mzy: zeng-ge is like a doggy. zsx: I can’t stream any longer! lyn: how can you be an actor with such a weak heart?  mzy: zeng-ge just seems like a very gentle animal lyn: yes, because he will give people the impression that he is very gentle and kind; interacting with him, you’ll feel the same ycy: how about a deer, then? lyn: isn’t a deer you?  ycy: ! I’m an ostrich!
scene 2: su mengzhen’s scene, from the house of falling drizzle, or w/e it’s called - they take turns re-enacting with different dialects baron: gives mzy 99 points for her performance, where he gave lyn 10 points lyn: why does she get 99 points when I got 10?! there’s something going on between you two!!
plays a game: what can you find in the OOO? (they just have to name things commonly seen/found in the location, following the rhythm of the game) - ycy lagged out and had to re-enter the stream, but that put her last in the lineup lyn: you’re now last in line, do you have any thoughts about that? if you’re unhappy, tell us so we can all go out then come back in (to rearrange the order of the windows). ycy: no, I don’t care about the rankings lyn: /asks the host if he could leave and rejoin the stream, so ycy isn’t last/ - moves on bc it’s too hard to keep the beat with six different people streaming in
- picked some comments out of those who commented on the episodes yesterday, so they can share and comment (seems like two comments for each character? -ish) lyn: are they disses? or are they the kind comments? host: interesting ones, there are no critical ones here. lyn: but /I’ve/ prepared some. let’s have a taste of sweetness from the host first and then I’ll provide the slaps in the face for later.
lyn: if you had to compare ycy to a fruit, she’d be a watermelon? ycy: why am I a watermelon?? oh wait- hold on. I remember he told me he hates eating watermelon. but you said /I/ was a watermelon. zsx: I don’t eat it. mzy: yes, he never eats it. ycy: you don’t eat watermelon, but you think I’m a watermelon?? D:
zsx: a lot of people who watch traditional wuxia dramas are looking for the element where the male lead goes on a journey and matures/improves along the way. but this story isn’t really like that, wang xiaoshi is more of on a journey of emotional maturity (rather than physical/in terms of skills). I hope people can see that he isn’t that naive, and that he actually has his own opinions of the world. I hope the viewers can give him a little more time and be patient- use the first 8 episodes to understand the world and you’ll be able to see where the beauty of our drama lies. host: please continue to watch the drama, this is just the beginning. lyn: the later episodes, I swear- mzy: don’t just look at the first few episodes and think everyone gets along in a nice world, the later episodes are going to be REALLY... not good.
- ycy lagged out and was last in line again, lyn exited and re-entered the stream without saying anything, so he put himself last :’)
- the next comment was abt wen rou setting off the fireworks lyn: that scene really moved me, you know? the part where she said, “you guys can hold on in there, I’ll watch the fireworks outside for you.” She lifted her head and cried with a smile on her face. I was really touched. I thought, “wow, wen rou is the best.” Also, I was singing the bgm. everyone: LOL lyn: it was me AND zsx. XD
- next comment abt the scene where lei chun’s scarf was blown away in the wind and bai choufei caught it lyn: she was standing, waiting for her boat and the wind blew her scarf away. I happened to catch it but then the wind blew it away again. how strong do you think that wind must have been?? mzy: it wasn’t blown away by the wind, wasn’t it a fishing line?  lyn: ...yes, of course. during the filming process there was a fishing line to pull the scarf away. host: it was described really beautifully but meng-jie just pulled us back into reality XD zsx: liu  yuning- there are some things you can’t hold on to no matter how much you try. you need to learn how to let things go.
- next comment abt bcf and his blades lyn: I feel like I’m opening packages. - mzy lagged out and was last, ning-ge exits and re-enters the stream again so he’s last
- comment abt su mengzhen drinking his medicine, it looked like it was hot baron: it was quite hot, yes. in the later episodes- yuning knows- my sickness got a lot more “realistic”, the thing was I really had shang huo. lyn: later on he had to take medicine before we started to shoot. he wasn’t faking his sickness, he really was sick. host: only you would have the guts to say that. lyn: of course, or else why would I be here? I didn’t come to me a celebrity, I came to reveal their secrets.
- comment: if su mengzhen had insurance the company would go bankrupt (bc he gets hurt a lot) baron: next time I won’t buy insurance, then. save you the trouble. lyn: no, you still have to. mzy: he’s sick so he had to spit a lot of blood. baron: I think I had to spit the most. It was sweet (the taste). zsx/lyn: yeah, our crew really pulled out all the stops with the fake blood. lyn: we didn’t have to eat lunch because we would be swallowing about three cups worth of fake blood each take
- comment abt lei chun falling for wen rou’s charms mzy: the actress is ycy! who can resist?? - comment abt lei chun killing a man mzy: it was after I had tricked the three of them to sleep- lyn: you didn’t trick us, you drugged us mzy: of course I tricked you- tricked you BY drugging you. Do you think I was smiling at you because I wanted to??? lyn: omg, she’s scary. - lyn’s trying to hype up mzy’s character, but mzy is like: but this was in the script, though? shouldn’t you have known about it already?; lyn: >.<;;
- plays a game with their surname; overlapping the surname (in this case: zeng, chen, yang, meng, liu // wang, su, wen, lei, bai) to the last character of a proverb/saying
lyn: /to baron/ if you really want to eat cake, I’ll buy you a piece!! you’ve been chewing on that fork all night!! baron: I was eating watermelon. 
- it’s difficult for zsx’s “zeng” - host comes up with “与日俱增“ - ycy laughed herself out of frame and lyn was trying hard to keep it together - bc this is this is a homophone to “宇日俱曾” < xiao yuliang and zeng shunxi’s cp name
- moves on to a drawing game: draw out the hero in your heart.
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- about zsx’s - (lyn) there were five people, whose identities are not important >.> ; they get hit by lightning and then only one is left
- about ycy’s - (mzy) this must be the Sixth Half Hall and the Hall of Drizzling Rain, right?
- about lyn’s - drew the three bros? ?? baron: the one with the longest hair is you, and then according to your own logic, the other two people don’t matter so you just randomly drew them. zsx: why do I only have two hairs?? lyn: actually, I didn’t draw the two of you at all. mzy: they’re all himself!
- about mzy’s: ycy: is that a ufo? mzy: I drew “阳光洒满大地” (sun shining upon the earth) ycy: is it me? mzy: of course, babe~ ycy: /shy/ mzy: I hope that for the people that were living in that era, or the people of the past or the people who are living in the present- that all results are for the best. In my heart every person is a hero and I hope that wherever they are there will be sun shining on them.
- about baron’s: a drawing of pikachu... with the word “HERO” written out next to it... the pikachu is holding a knife. - host asks lyn what he thinks lyn: I think that in da-ge’s heart we are all his 数码宝贝 (that’s Digimon, bro..). we are all his baby. lyn: da-ge, what does it mean? you have to tell us otherwise the viewers won’t be able to sleep at night. baron: I don’t know either, it’s just the first thing that came to mind. maybe it reminds me of wang xiao shi? zsx: da-ge, I’m a wolf! host: lol, he’s still thinking about being a wolf. baron: isn’t pikachu better than a wolf? zsx: maybe he’s a little too cute? lyn: the eyes are the same (pikachu’s and zsx’s)
- ending comments - ycy: I hope you all can watch our drama. I know there are some parts we still need to mature but I hope you will give us your support. thank you. - lyn: thank you to everyone who is watching Heroes and thanks to Tencent. and the thing I want to say next is to my co-stars: after this drama finishes airing and with all these friends’ support, we’re sure to be popular. I just want to remind you to be a good person and not to overindulge yourself and get slack. - baron: thank you for all your support for Heroes. I think that- other than the five of us that you can see- the director and crew and the other actors that you aren’t seeing right now have really put their all into this drama, and I hope you can see that. I think this drama was made with sincerity. I think you’ll all be able to see a different side of all of us through this drama. The Director really used his own methods to take care of everyone. I hope you can stay tuned. - mzy: I hope you can all give Heroes lots of support. Throughout the filming process I could see all the effort everyone put into this drama and I working with them made me happy. I really learned a lot. Also, I hope people can patiently watch the drama- each character is really detailed and you can really see the growth of each character from beginning until the end.  - zsx: I just wanted to say- some people may be wondering why we’ve been working so hard to promote this drama; we really started pushing for this drama a long time ago. We spent every penny of the budget on its production, on its creation. The director, production, and actors all feel strongly for this drama and we’re all trying our best to get more and more people to see it. I hope that all the viewers can spend a little more time to just really look at all the details that went into this- it won’t disappoint you. I hope everyone can continue to give us your support. Thank you.
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moa-broke-me · 1 year
Here are my headcanons for some PJO character's favorite dessert flavors, some of them I've thought out, some of them are just based on vibes.
Annabeth: Strawberry, because nostalgia for CHB's strawberry fields, and peppermint, because peppermint is a natural bug repellent and is especially effective against spiders, so her subconscious associates the scent and taste of peppermint with safety.
Frank: Orange and mango. He just radiates those vibes, and you can't tell me otherwise (also, can we talk about that time everyone went out for ice cream and he just had a freakin apple because I think that was a little mean-spirited, like damn at least offer to get him a slushie or something)
Hazel: Caramel. I think she'd like sweet potato pie and gingerbread a lot, too. And not the hard stale gingerbread you make houses out of, but good, soft, chewy gingerbread. She also strikes me as a root beer or cream soda kind of girl, definitely worships at the altar of the PSL, and we love her for it.
Jason: Green apple and lemon lime. Refreshing and simple if not a tad basic, just like him. Also peach, because he eats those brownies with peach preserves. On the subject of chocolate, I think he's the kind of guy to not go for it normally unless there's something to tamp the taste down a little (like the peach preserves) because he was raised by wolves, and even though he knows nothing bad is gonna happen if he eats chocolate because he's not a wolf, he still isn't too keen on it by itself.
Leo: Chocolate (I think this is actually canon, it's at least canon that he prefers hot chocolate over coffee), also cinnamon flavored anything, not just because cinnamon = fire in my head, but also as like, a nostalgia sort of thing because a lot of Mexican desserts have cinnamon in them.
Nico: This is gonna be controversial, but I'm gonna say black licorice. Also adores caramel just like his sister, as well as chocolate (but only the very dark stuff), cream cheese, coffee flavored anything, and hazelnut flavored stuff too, because it reminds him of his sister. Like, he's always got a little hazelnut brittle in his bag, puts hazelnut creamer in his coffee (when he stops drinking it black out of a desire to look tough and manly, that is), he's a little obsessed but that's ok. One last thing, y'know how everyone thinks of McDonalds as one of his comfort foods? Well, so are oatmeal cream pies. In fact, I like to think that's what ambrosia tastes like to him now.
Percy: I mean it's pretty much established that he's going after whatever's colored blue, and I also think cookie dough ice cream is an automatic yes for him. This isn't very hard.
Piper: Marshmallows, and oddly enough, lemon lavender flavored anything. Also watermelon juice, but not watermelon candy because it dries out her mouth.
Reyna: I don't think she's the type to indulge her sweet tooth very often, but when she does, you bet your sweet ass it's those queen anne chocolate coated cherries that look really fancy but you can get them at pretty much any CVS.
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legendarywolf2022 · 2 years
🐺Chapter 11: Looking for Something New, Old and Charming (Part 1)🦝
(The next day is going to be the next adventure from a calm shopping to a wildest chase with a certain raccoon.
Just wanted to say that I’ve been dying to write this chapter because I have a secret that I’m willing to show y’all.)
⏰ 10th of July 2022, 09:09am ⏰
🌎 Starbucks Café, Los Angeles 🌎
This morning, the Bad Guys and the Panda Squad went to Starbucks for something to eat so they would have the energy to do some shopping as the girls wished. The café they went, it’s got everything they want;
1. Wolf got caffè mocha, spinach/feta/egg white wrap and blueberry scone
2. Snake got caffè americano and kale/mushroom egg bites
3. Tarantula got cappuccino and egg white/roasted red pepper egg bites
4. Shark got royal English breakfast tea, melted cheese/chive egg omelette and glazed doughnut
5. Piranha got royal English breakfast tea latte, crack black pepper/sea salted egg omelette and glazed doughnut
6. Meilin got vanilla crème, bacon/sausage/egg wrap and watermelon
7. Catalina got hot chocolate with a hint of coffee, spinach/feta/egg white wrap, banana and butter croissant
8. Miriam got espresso Frappuccino blended beverage and and bacon/sausage/egg wrap
9. Priya got coffee Frappuccino blended beverage and impossible breakfast sandwich
10. Abby got strawberry crème Frappuccino, turkey bacon/cheddar/egg white sandwich and triple chocolate chip cookie
“Hot chocolate with a hint of coffee?” Meilin asked, as she sipped her vanilla crème.
“It’s a perfect blend for my taste,” Catalina explained.
“And I thought plain coffee with chocolate powder was the only thing,” Snake said as he took a bite into one of kale/mushroom egg bites.
“Well,” Catalina spoke. “Hot chocolate with coffee shots blended perfect as well as what you said.”
“Okay,” Snake shrugged.
“So,” Miriam spoke after 5 seconds later. “What time does Diane want you and Catalina to have a meeting with her?”
“Around about 3 o’clock,” Wolf said while checking on his phone and take a sip on his caffè mocha.
“And what job did you ask for?” Miriam asked before drinking her espresso Frappuccino.
“Me and Snake being secret agents,” Wolf replied as Snake groaned.
“As in super spies?” Abby asked, eating turkey bacon/cheddar/egg white sandwich.
“Yes, but look.” Snake said, “I’m not keen on being a super spies because, well… I don’t do lessons of those lame history or any training to be the best fighter because I’m a snake, and I’m not a weapon guy.”
“Because you’ve got the ability to bite the prey, like small animals for the example,” Priya pointed out as she took a bite on impossible breakfast sandwich. “To hold onto their victim while they quickly wraps their bodies and tightly coils around the prey. Each time the victim exhales a breath, the snake tightens and preventing the animal from inhaling more air. Without an air supply, the prey rapidly becomes unconscious and usually dies.“
“Exactly!” Snake said. “But mostly, I eat guinea pig alive.”
“Hmm,” Priya smirked. “Nice.”
The Panda Squad laughed followed by the Bad Guys, then Wolf raised his drink. “Well,” Wolf spoke. “Let’s hope that will make a great adventure until Mei’s mother come and spoil everything.” The Bad Guys and the Panda Squad cheers and clanked their drinks together and promised that it would be the best adventure ever.
Meilin got the camera and began to film it so everyone would see the good time after this, the girls were stealing the spotlight a little until the Bad Guys joined in.
The two groups were now at the shopping mall just to look around and maybe to find something for them. They went to charity shops, bookstores, clothe stores, sweet shops and many more. They had a great time together…
Catalina and Wolf were reading books about all around the world, wolves meaning, stargazing, and stories about myths and legends.
Meilin and Snake were looking at the windows of women in colourful dresses as well as men in fancy suits. Meilin was looking for something to apologise to her mother which would be something old and new at the same time with the help of Snake who knew exactly what the perfect gift would be.
Priya and Tarantula were at the jewellery store just to look at the gold chains with pendant of bat-shaped diamond and sliver charm bracelet of different kinds of Halloween style that goths would wear whatever they want.
Miriam and Shark were at the food store to get more push pops, nachos and many more for the whole team in case they might run out of them.
Abby and Piranha were at the art and craft store just to buy bits and bobs for everyone to enjoy some fun activities and learn the history of arts.
While Wolf was filming the girls dancing to one of the song from the 4*Town, Shark and Piranha seemed to enjoy that song before deciding to join in with their rapping moves as their fins were wagging to the rhythm.
“It’s nearly 1 o’clock, guys.” Wolf said as the others were having lunch. “Where’s Abby and Piranha?”
“They’re properly at the mall still,” Priya said while looking at her phone. “Trying to find the perfect meal for them.”
“But you do know that we’ve got food here,” Meilin said.
Tarantula rolled her eyes, “The mall is so big that you can easily get lost with someone so small.” She spoke while be on Priya’s shoulder.
“And I did told Abby to not talk to strangers if they’re coming up to her,” Miriam replied.
“But she can fight, right?” Shark asked.
“Just kids in her size,” Priya said.
“Uh,” Snake spoke. “Have we forgot all about her got my butt kicked?”
As the others started talking, Wolf caught something blue that was turned out to be person outside of the bank after a fail robbery from other thieves… and as curious as he was, he wanted to check it out.
Snake noticed this and goes to Tarantula. “Webs, go to Wolf while me and the others go to find Abby and Piranha.”
“On it,” Tarantula said before jumping off of Priya’s shoulder and goes to Wolf.
Catalina was about to go until Snake stopped her. “You’re coming with us, Cat.”
“But I want to check if Wolf’s okay.” Catalina said.
“He’ll be fine,” Shark said before picking her up. “Webs got this.”
Wolf, with Tarantula on shoulder, followed that mysterious person until they reached corner in back alley hearing talking to himself. “These goons seemed to be tougher than I thought they would be…” Wolf and Tarantula peek behind the wall, then realised that the person was talking through his communicator with someone else in his ears. “Bentley, don’t you think you and Murray can come to lend me a hand once you get the van repaired?”
Wolf was curious to know who was that person until he turned around, “Okay. I’ll wait for our rendezvous,” revealing himself as male raccoon with a brown stick and a golden C-shaped hook on top.
Wolf was a little mesmerised by the good-looking raccoon. He was wearing grey pants, red bag around his leg, dark blue boots, gloves, cap and a shirt along with a red backpack and black eye-mask. His fur was grey-ish with very grey-ish blue like any raccoons would with but with milk chocolate brown eyes to add up such charming looks. Wolf eyes suddenly sparkles in light blue, pink and purple the more he stared at the raccoon and he barely noticed his cheeks were blushing as well and his heart beating…
Just then Tarantula snapped him out, “Wolfie?” She asked before pointing out his tail was wagging, “Your tail.” He sees this and quickly grabbed it as he and Webs hide behind wall again to not get caught. Wolf fur was fuzzy up and he smiled a little. “You okay, bro?” Tarantula asked, not knowing that she was smirking at Wolf’s reaction to see the raccoon.
“I’m good, yeah…” Wolf said before shaking his head, thinking that coast was clear he check again. Only much to his shock to find that the raccoon is gone. But how? This was the dead end and they haven't seen any way out. Wolf then noticed something glistening on ground. He was going to pick it up then he suddenly saw something that made him stop his track.
It was some sort of medal of the wolf-shaped as well as the paw-print that got wolf clawed across the middle while there were a star, a moon and a sun with three teardrops. They were all gold and bronze in red and orange colours with shows so sparkling and shimmering when the sun shines on it.
“What is it?” Tarantula asked as she noticed something was shining through Wolf’s hands.
“It looks like some old brooch…” Wolf said while staring at it while looking around of it. “Or medalion?”
“It does look pretty old, but felt new when the sun hits it...” Tarantula paused when she noticed the look on Wolf’s face. Something wrong, Wolfie?”
“I don't know,” Wolf said. “I got this strange feeling that I've seen this before.”
They turn around to leave only to get startled as they're stopped by the same raccoon. “I knew someone has been following me.” The raccoon said while spinning his cane. “Though I didn't expect a wolf and spider. Well, at least not the ones I know.”
Before they could explain themselves, the raccoon snatched the brooch with his cane to drop in his hand.
“What the…” Wolf was speechless, then snapped. “Hey!”
“I'll take this, thank you.” The raccoon said while smirking.
“That doesn't belong to you.” Wolf protested.
“Neither does to you.” The raccoon pointed out.
“Oh, come on!” Tarantula hand-smack her face. “It's not like we're stealing it!”
The raccoon shrugged. “Sorry, guys.” He spoke while putting the brooch into his pocket, “But I kinda need it. Trust me.” He was ready to leave, not noticing Wolf’s mischievous look and unlike Tarantula who was looking rather nervous. In a second, Wolf outran raccoon only to snatch his blue cap as he waved it around in front of him as some juicy steak. The raccoon wasn't amused as he crossed his arms. “Real mature. Now, give me back my hat.”
Wolf only smirked. Bingo, he thought. Now we’ve got in common.
“Wolf,” Tarantula whispered nervously. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, you want this?” Wolf asked before putting the hat on his head, “Then you have to catch me first.” And then he made a run for it.
The raccoon closed eyes before mumbling to himself in frustration. “I don't have time for this,” but then he smirked looking at direction where Wolf and Tarantula went. “Then again, few minutes won't hurt.”
While Wolf was running through the streets with the raccoon chasing him and Tarantula clinging onto his shoulder, the others were still looking at Abby and Piranha in the mall like some sort of big hide-and-seek and tag-you’re-it games for everyone here in this opening world they’re living together.
Wolf went up to the roof which got Tarantula annoying, “Wolf!” She yelled, “Are you crazy?
“Don’t worry,” Wolf said before he managed to catch his breath and to a leap of running once the raccoon tried to catch him up. “I’ve got this, everything is under control.”
Tarantula really needed to contact the others on what’s going on only when she still hold onto Wolf's arm, she didn’t wanting to fall off.
The others had been searching for Abby and Piranha in the mall for a while until they found them singing karaoke while eating burritos. Meilin, Miriam, Priya, Shark and Snake just collapsed in relief and annoyance but Catalina just stood there smiling that those two were okay.
“Should we find Wolf and Tarantula now?” Catalina asked Snake who nodded with his tail turned into a thumbs up. “We’ll wait ‘till you guys takes some breath first.” She chuckled.
The chase continued until Wolf was be able to catch a when a cane been pulled him into another shady alley. Wolf realised that cane belonged to the raccoon who stood in front of him as he pulled him closer. Wolf blushed slightly, but be able to control himself while looked a bit scared.
The raccoon only grabbed his hat, "I'll take this, thank you." He spoke. Wolf pulled himself away, keeping distance to composure himself. “Next time, don't mess with the Master of Thieves.” The raccoon added while smirking before putting his hat on his head.
“Sure, you're the Master of Thieves," Wolf said but then he smirked. "But I have the trinket." He raised his hand to reveal that he have the brooch in his hand.
The raccoon's eyes widened, quickly checking his pockets only to found it really wasn't there.
Tarantula only smirked knowingly, “Heh. An old bait and switch. Classic. People really should underestimate us.”
The raccoon looked at Wolf amazed. He couldn't believe that he got tricked by him with simple bait and switch. But then he chuckled. “My, my. I'm impressed, no one was able pick-pocket me ever. You got some skills.”
“Thanks,” Wolf said. “You're not bad yourself either, stripes. By the way, I'm Mr Wolf and this little angel voice of reason on my shoulder is Miss Tarantula.”
Tarantula wasn’t amused. “Haha, very funny.”
The raccoon look at them in surprise, “Wait. Your actual names are Wolf and Tarantula?
Wolf and Webs exchanged looks as they realized what he meant. “Well…” Wolf spoke first, “Not exactly, but… uh…”
“Hey,” the raccoon said as he realised his mistake. “It’s alright, I just kinda find it unusual. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”
“It’s find,” Wolf said. “So, what’s your name?”
“Oh, right.” The raccoon said, “The name’s Sly. Sly Cooper.”
“Sly?” Wolf asked as his eyes suddenly sparkles, “Heh. Really? And you're saying our names are unusual?”
Sly Cooper couldn’t help but laughed at that irony, “Okay. Fair enough, you got me there.” Then his expression changed, “But seriously. Give it back, it’s not safe having it.”
Wolf and Tarantula were confused as they look at the brooch, then back at Sly. “Why?” Both of them asked.
Suddenly Sly pinned Wolf along with Tanrantula still on his shoulder on wall, while making himself a shield as the gunshot was heard with bullet flying around them. “That's why.” He explained.
Wolf was blushing after noticing their positions, but then stopped after the three heard a shout from other thieves. This was suppose to be a bait to lure other thieves who escaped from the bank and Wolf with Tarantula accidentally got involved, that's why Sly needed the brooch.
The black rabbit leader thief, Gary, shouted. “Got you now, you filthy rodent!”
Sly Cooper prepared his cane as he stood in battle position, while protecting Wolf and Tarantula behind.
“You better give us that brooch and I promise you that we won’t kill you!” Gary threatening to the raccoon.
Sly Cooper chuckled, “Like I would believe some crooked people. The only thing I give you is nice vacation to jail.”
The dark brown rabbit second-commander thief, Larry, laughed sarcastically. “Ha! Don't play with us or you'll see what are capable of.”
Tarantula then spoke up, “Seriously? All because of that trinket?”
The golden brown rabbit last thief, Barry, snapped. “No one was asking you bug!” Tarantula gave him scary look which frightened him enough to nearly peed his pants.
“You're clearly not smart enough, if you can't tell diference between bug and poisonous spider.” Wolf said to Barry, “And didn't mom teach how to behave in front of lady? Maybe that's why you're low-thief with no girlfriend.”
Tarantula laughed. “Hah, burn!”
“I agree,” Sly Cooper nodded. “That was good one.”
Larry rolled his eyes and scoffed, “We’re not afraid of… you…? He then gasped when he realised that he was now looking at Wolf, his face had gone pale.
Gary noticed his middle brother was staring like he just saw the ghost, “What is it?” He asked.
“That wolf…” Larry said, then he, Gary and Barry stared at Wolf.
Wolf, Tarantula and Sly Cooper looked confused as well as Gary and Barry, they have no idea what Larry was talking about until…
“He has the similar image of Akela Wolfervile!” Larry explained.
The three rabbits gasped before laying their eyes on Wolf who was confused.
“Wolfervile?!” Gary asked, “That's impossible!”
Wolf looked confused and slightly anxiety about this, “Uhhh… who?”
Gary then smirked, “Alright.” He spoke, “Change the plan. Boys, take the brooch and that wolf!”
“Wait, what?!” Wolf gasped in panic.
Her inner wolf send her nearly off the edge. She could feel something wasn’t right, she can even smell the thought of something way worse; Blood.
“Mr Snake,” Catalina said.
“What?” Snake asked after finally cool down from all that search for Abby and Piranha.
“Something is not right,” Catalina replied. “I think Wolf and Miss Tarantula are in danger.”
Snake, Shark and Piranha looked at her in shock and confused about how she would be sure about this. Miriam, Priya and Abby looked at each other who were a bit confused and kinda scared of what was going to happen to Wolf and Tarantula.
Meilin noticed that Catalina would smell a wolf being in danger from the distance. And Catalina would be in the rampage if someone was going to hurt Wolf…
(Disneyfriend, please forgive me but your ideas are getting bigger from the ideas you give. I’m still waiting for the third one, but please take your time.
Song: You Know What’s Up from 4*Town in Turning Red
Oh, and don’t mess with three rabbits; they may be cute and cuddly, but they are based on the two weasel from kung fu panda the dragon knights; funny but feisty!)
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werspinna · 10 months
Tumblr media
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐊𝐒 & 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒 : Wolfgund Waidmanns    BOLD what applies. ITALICIZE what sometimes applies. STRIKE what doesn’t. REPOST & DON’T REBLOG.  Tagged By: Stolen from @spinxeret​ ! Tagging:  @alchemaxed @iobartach @goblinfire @neonwebs @wovendeath  @sickthem @voltedblood   @inhcritance  @books-and-right-hooks @kylo-wrecked @canoncompliance @attercopus  @sleeperkeeper @betterbutbitter  @svperboi @itsybitsypeterparker @neonwebs @the-rogue-dragon @carnivorousfatality !      
likes  artificial  watermelon, sleeps  in  what  they  are  already  wearing, eats  their cereal  with  milk, listens  to  music  with  earbuds, hates  the  summer, can  recite passed  the  first  four  digits  of  pi, eats  frosting  out  of  the  jar, doodles  on  their notebooks, can  bake  cookies, has  a  garden farm, has  had  a  snowball  fight, eats pancakes  without  syrup, prefers  shorts  over  pants**, can  name  more  than  ten superheroes, has  a  plan  for  the  zombie  apocalypse, uses  the  same  password  for everything, can’t  hold  their  breath  for  more  than  fifteen  seconds, watches anime, hasn’t  read  harry  potter, can  say  ‘  i  love  you  ‘  in  more  than  one  language, prefers  mechanical  pencils, thinks  space  is  cool, takes  personality  tests  more than  once  to  make  sure, can’t  tie  their  shoelaces, has  a  purse, likes salads, likes cool  colors  better  than  warm  colors, knows  how  to  braid  hair, reads biographies, can  ice  skate,  knows  their  mbti, reads  astrology  charts, prefers  the  star  wars prequels  to  the  original  trilogy, plays  video  games, reads  the  newspaper*, likes chocolate  ice  cream  best,  doesn’t  cuss, memorizes  song  lyrics, collects  coupons, has  a  preferred  order  at  Starbucks, likes  movie  theater  popcorn, has  seen  a play, listens  to  music  with  headphones, owns  a  hoodie, would  rather  own  cds than  online  copies, has  written  a  poem, can  shuffle  cards, subscribes  to  a magazine,  double  dips  when  eating***, drinks  directly  out  of  the  milk  container, keeps  a  journal
Reads  the  newspaper: Gutenberg only invents bookprinting in 1450 (on of the three happenings ending the medieval age in europe) and only in 1600 came the first printed newspapers,so Wolf has no newspapers beside the guy payed for yelling new on the marketplace. However, if she would be in a time where nespaper are a thing already, then she would read it over a cup of tea everymorning sitting by a window very clichéd. prefers  shorts  over  pants: On a complete sidenote-Wolfs normal underwear consists of braies and a cloth-belt to which she binds her leglings, so yes, Wolf kind of always wears shorts. Its a fahion-of-her-time matter.
NEVER Double  dips  when  eating: Wolf might not be a noblewoman, but she is living in the early medieval time and she has enough manners to not only bring her own eating-tool with her (spoon, knife and a mug), but she would difinitve not be so utterly rude to double dip in the saucepot that everyone else at the table is using.
Eats  frosting  out  of  the  jar : Wolf has a habit of holding onto food when she gets her hands on it, so the invention of having sweets in a jar is right up her alley and she would probably growl at someone if they try to take it away from her. Just once, than she would share. Who needs cake when one can have frosting.
0 notes
kennedyknightxox · 2 years
task #31,
* If your character was an animal, which animal would they be? This is a hard one. Kennedy would either be a horse, a wolf, an orca, or a Phoenix.
* Does your character pick wildflowers when they see them? She definitely does. She loves flowers.
* How do they see themselves in their head? Is the image accurate, or not? Kennedy sees herself in a way that most girls at her age do. Part of it is accurate, the other part isnt.
* If they talk in their sleep, what do they say most often? Kennedy doesn’t talk in her sleep.
* Do they like muffins or cupcakes more? Why? Definitely cupcakes. She loves the icing and the sprinkles.
* Do they prefer arm day or leg day more? She does a nice mix of both to keep everything lean
* What is the longest your character has ever slept in? Noon.. making a baby is hard work.
* What is their most embarrassing middle school moment? Middle school science. They were dissecting frogs.. and to play a joke on Kennedy, some of the kids put a real frog in her kit. When he jumped out and scared her, the whole class saw her freak out.
* What is/are their favorite pizza toppings? Extra cheese, mushrooms, and pineapple
* What was the last dream they had? Her last dream was about having a family, and a dog.
* What is one possession they should get rid of, but can’t/won’t? Kennedy doesn’t keep anything she doesn’t need.
* If your character spray-painted a wall, what would they write/draw? She would probably draw roses- they are her favorite.
* What would your character want their final words to be? She Has no idea.
* What is one aspect of their physical appearance that they like? Kennedy loves her hair. And currently the fact that she’s pregnant.
* Do they prefer jeans or sweatpants, or something else? A healthy mix of both. And shorts and skirts are always good too.
* How far can your character spit a watermelon seed? She’s never really tried. She usually gets seedless watermelons.
* Are they more likely to notice the shapes of the clouds or the color of the sky? The color of the sky first, then the clouds. She loves trying to see shapes in clouds.
* Do they laugh during serious moments? Sometimes, but only if she’s super nervous.
* On a road trip, are they usually the driver, in the passenger seat, the DJ, the backseat driver, or the one napping in the back? She can be all of the above.
* Does your character sleep in normal clothes, pajamas, or something else? Kennedy doesn’t sleep in clothes.
* When they sneeze, do they use their hand or elbow to cover their mouths? She sneezes into her elbow if she can.
* Someone asks your character to dance and pulls them out to the dancefloor. How would they react? She would say yes- she loves to dance.
* Are they more of a cat or a dog person? Both, though she doesn’t have either currently.
* What alternate time period would they enjoy living in? Any. Though medieval or renaissance could be nice.
* Does your character keep a diary? If so, what do they write about? She does- and she writes about everything. She also keeps it under lock and key.
* When they’re stressed, do they stress shop, bake, eat, clean, etc.? When she’s stressed, she goes to the beach.
* Do they prefer raw cookie dough or fully baked cookies? Definitely cookie dough.
* What game is your character bad at playing? Cards against humanity.
* Are they ticklish? Yes. But she’ll never tell where
* What’s inside their car’s glove box? Registration, manual, some car bling.
* What’s their birthstone? Do they like it? Why or why not? Her birthstone is an emerald. She does love it because she loves green and it reminds her that she is a Star Wars baby #may4th
* Which Avenger is your character most like, personality-wise? Um… she’s never really thought about it. But probably Wanda
* Does your character pay attention to the weather forecast? not at all.
* When was the last time your character got sick? Did anyone take care of them? Kennedy gets sick every morning.
* What’s a weird/wacky/embarrassing story about them as a young child? Kennedy liked to run around in only her diaper
* If they eat steak, how do they like it cooked? Rare.
* Do they prefer to write with a pencil or a pen? If a pen, what color? It depends on what she was writing. She likes using colored pens, like gel pens.
* Imagine your character on the beach, waist deep in the water. A big wave rolls up and towers over their head. Do they dive under the wave, body surf, freeze and get swept off their feet, or something else? She’s a water girl, so naturally she’s diving under the wave.
* What are the last five items in your character’s Google search history? Do they often clear their search history? Morning sickness, automation, Star Wars fleece blankets, cribs, and maternity shirts. It clears every time she logs out.
* Does your character sing in the car? In the shower? Yes to both
* Do they have a harder time going to sleep at night or getting out of bed in the morning? Both. She loves sleep, but hates going to bed or waking up.
* Would they rather fly or be immortal? Be immortal
* What’s the dumbest way your character has been injured? She cute herself once while she was cutting strawberries.
* Are they able to fall asleep in the car? On an airplane? On a boat? Kennedy can fall asleep anywhere.
* How do they like their coffee or tea? She prefers ice tea.
0 notes
iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Millie’s Massive Fic Rec Post
To celebrate 700 followers I’m showing all the love, people. What you’ll find here are fics that were sent to me who I agree deserve a bit more love as well as fics I’ve read and adored. They’re split into characters so all you need to do is scroll to find your fave and bask in its glory. There is some swearing but it’s only because it’s the only way I know how to express my feelings. This is also my thank you to each of the authors involved for taking the time out of their day to write these fics for free. There are also some authors I know I’ve forgotten and I am so so sorry if I have, I promise you it wasn't intentional, I love you all very much.
As always, I love and appreciate you all. Let’s get started on this ridiculously long post!!
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Harry Potter:
Don’t Walk Away - @kalimagik - THE ANGST. I was on the edge of my seat through it all; I knew what was coming but did I look away? No. I was completely sucked it and that ending... oh my god, I was broken. If you’re looking for an incredibly written piece of angst that has you in tears, then this is the fic.
Dandelions - @lupins-sweater - The first post of A Very Harry Potter Summer and it was kicked off so brilliantly!! This fic had me wishing for my very own Harry to take morning walks with. It’s so wonderful; it has you wanting a summery morning and dandelions to make wishes on.
Always You - @bl597 - inspired by Louis Tomlinson’s song Always You, so I was already sold on that front. It’s an angst piece - Harry pining from afar, regretting his decisions but with a happy ending. I love that it's written from his perspective, that he realises what he’s done. I really do love this fic, and I aim to work my way through her masterlist!
The Truth Behind The Kiss - @justauthoring​ - the anticipation from the first sentence, I was on the edge of my seat. I loved every single word of this fic, it’s written so well. I just, I need you all to read this fic bc it is SO GOOD. Harry, Triwizard tournament, feelings, fluff - it has it all. 
For how long? - @siriusly-addicted-to-writing​ - It seems for Harry fics I am drawn to angst even though I write nothing but fluff for him. This fic is no different. Dani, this fic is wonderful, I love it. You capture the angst brilliantly! Go read this everyone!
Ron Weasley:
“can we pretend I never said that?” - @hello-everyfandom - I love this so much! Ron calling himself ‘the snog master’ had me snorting out loud - it’s great. And then the dialogue continues to be brilliant. I really enjoyed this fic! Ron needs more attention people!!  
Crossing Lines - @kalimagik - ADORABLE. CUTE. WONDERFUL. Oh, Ron. Everything about this fic is marvellous. The relationship between Ron and the reader, the realisation, the meddling. It was perfect, so so perfect.
birthday - @lupinsdarling - FLUFFY AND CHAOTIC AND I LOVE IT. Why oh why doesn't Ron get more love? Why doesn't this fic have more attention? It’s so fluffy and Ron is so bloody cute that my heart physically hurt while reading this. It hurt because it was so PURE.
Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley:
Girls in one room - @eleven-times-lively - Hermione x Reader - oh my god I snorted at Ron, I love it. And the fluff? There’s so much fluff, I can't deal with the fluff. If you’re going to read a Hermione fic, read this one!
just as lovely - @vanillann - this is so pure! it’s so wonderful, and the relationship between Hermione and the reader is so cute! 
Hug ur friends drabble - @firewhisky-kisses - Ginny x Reader - it’s the cutest thing I’ve read, oh my god, is it cute! I love everything about this, Steph is so talented! But I go into that further down.
Neville Longbottom:
Never the Bride - @obsessedwithrandomthings - Dee’s fic reads as a rom com, it’s so brilliantly done. By the time you're at the end, you feel as if you’ve just watched a two hour rom com and need to squeal into your pillow because of the feels. I love this fic.
Moonlight Swim - @kalimagik - Neville. Oh, Neville. This fic stole my heart and it won't give me it back. The idea of a moonlight swim with Neville? Here for it. And the confession? *chefs kiss* incredible. 
Healing - @firewhisky-kisses - I cannot put into words how much I loved this fic,. Steph is just so incredibly talented and writes Neville so wonderfully. Healing is the first fic of two and that second part had me in happy tears because Neville deserves the world. I go back and reread this a lot when I need to boost my emotions, so thank you for this Steph.
Good News - @peachesandpinks - Let me explain something here, Ron repeatedly and without fail hypes up fic writers to the point where she makes me cry happy tears at her comments. Her writing (and I'm going to swear now) is fucking brilliant. I love it, I adore it. Ren has a way with words that I only hope to master. This fic? Marvellous, magnificent, wonderful - pick a synonym and go wild. It’s so sweet and wholesome - what more could you possibly want other than to be on her taglist?
Tally Marks - @obsessedwithrandomthings NEVILLE WITH TATTOOS PEOPLE! NEVILLE! WITH! TATTOOS! Do I need to say anymore? Yes? Okay. Dee is a fantastic writer but she writes Neville perfectly. We have had many conversations about her love for Neville and her love for him shines through in this fic. She writes with such care and I love reading everything.
Draco Malfoy: 
The Purist - @mxl-foy - This series is so good. Like, so good, that if it was a physical book, it would be sat on my shelves. I would religiously check her account every time I came onto Tumblr to see if a new chapter was posted, and if there was, you best believe there was a happy dance. It’s so incredibly thought out and plotted. And there’s going to be a part two! It’s so great!
Notes - @malfoys-demigod - This is so sweet! I live for fluffy Draco as you all know if you read my Draco fics, but I adore reading fluffy Draco as well. This fic is so adorable, I love it! 
Always so Cold - @teheharrypotter - Five times Draco gave you his sweater and the one time you accepted. I love these sort of fics, they’re my indulgence fics. Jealous!Draco is one of my favourite things to read as well. and he’s so dramatic. I couldn't ask for more in a fic, definitely one of my favourites. 
the distance between us - @sdicapriox - This is a genius idea. I love this idea, and I love how it was executed. Almost 10k words of brilliance. I love the reader and her first letter to Draco and her entire personality - fish funeral? genius. I really like how you portray Draco and the effort you put into his internal monologue, it really is something excellent. The ending as well, I won't spoil, I just urge people to read this. 
Heartbreak - @slytherinprincess03 - you have to have a little bit of angst in a Draco fic rec right? This fic has it but the ending is perfect and fluffy, gah! I love it!. Not to mention, Draco is such a gentlemen in it. I can't wait to see what else you write, lovely!!
Hardly A Date - @fanficflaneuse - I love this fic. I love it so much. I tend not to read sibling!reader but I adored this. The relationship between Harry and the reader, and then Draco and the reader. It’s amazing. I could rant for hours and hours about how much I love her work - her series are out of this world and she captures Draco’s character perfectly. 
George Weasley:
Red with Rage - @kalimagik - AGH ANOTHER OF MAGGIE’S FICS. The prank? Genius, and that end line - incredible. Her characterisation of the twins is so good, I love reading her fics. She deserves more than 300 followers! So if you don’t already follow her, go now!
When Everything Changes - @strawberriesonsummer - Based on the song Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. This is so pure, it’s so fluffy. George is adorable in this! I can't wait to read what else you write for George!
Come back to you - @dreamer821 - JJ, JJ, JJ. Ugh, this fic is a work of art and George is so bloody caring. I mention this a lot but the relationship between George and the reader is so important to get right and JJ does it flawlessly. My heart hurts for this fic and that last line, LOVE IT. I live for how JJ writes George, I could read her work all day. GO READ HER STUFF, YOU WON’T REGRET IT.
Fred Weasley:
The Right Bird - @dreamer821 - I’m not only just involving this because it was used in my writing challenge but oh my days, it is so wonderful. The relationship between Fred and the reader is just *chefs kiss* perfect. JJ has such a way with words and I just love how she depicts Fred.
Lost, are we? - @prongsies - I think I’m going to make my way through your masterlist because I loved this so much. The teasing was so cute, and Fred helping her at the beginning? Ahhhhh brilliant. 
Watermelon Sugar - @prongsies - COMPLETING THE FINEST SERVICE TO THE HP FANDOM AND WRITING FICS INSPIRED BY FINE LINE - I SALUTE YOU. This is so good, so so good. The references to the song are used so well and that little bit of fluff at the end? Amazing. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put the song on repeat now...
Percy Weasley: 
Nothing We Can’t Forgive -  @firewhisky-kisses - This series really does showcase Steph’s talent. She’s an incredible writer and this fic deserves all the attention it can possibly get. It’s the first Percy fic I’ve ever read and I’m already planning a reread. Steph captures Percy’s character flawlessly whilst also depicting his healing in a manner that is so relatable. I’ve linked the masterlist because once you start reading, you won't want to stop. 
Sight is Relative - @hufflefluff-writer - This fic has a blind reader which I think makes it all the more beautiful. Amelia’s characterisation of Percy really is wonder, she captures him brilliantly. The fic after they eat is quite literally breathtaking. The description of colours, the dialogue - it’s fantastic.
Hufflepuff!Reader Headcanons - @soft-nerdy-wolf - I loved this from the beginning where the reader was already helping Percy out of his comfort zone by disregarding curfew. Then the further, I read, I loved more and more because of how fluffy it is! And the confession? So so sweet! This needs more attention!
Bill Weasley: 
Estrellita - @fanficflaneuse and @hufflefluff-writer - It is a fic inspired by the Sound of Music, what more could you possibly want? It’s so delicate and incredibly written by two extremely talented writers. The relationship between Bill and the reader = adorable. The whole series is so fantastic, I’ve linked part one and you’ll find the rest on Amelia’s masterlist, which you’ll need because you’ll be reading the entire thing in one sitting, I swear.
Charlie Weasley:
As Family the First Time - @kalimagik - you’ll have noticed that Maggie features a lot here but that’s because she is so damned talented that I adore most of her fics. The first Charlie Weasley fic I read and I fell in love. It’s just so fluffy and humorous with features from the whole Weasley family. Basically, by the end of it I was ready to raise dragons in Romania with a certain Weasley.
Meeting the Weasleys - @soft-nerdy-wolf - This made smile all sorts of stupid. From the beginning, I wanted to own Hepaestus (the perfect name for a dragon in my opinion - Zeus’ own forger, amazing.) And the fluff with Charlie straight after? I love, love, love it as well as the fun relationship they have. And the pranks with Fred and George? Ah! I just love.
Dragons blurb - @hufflefluff-writer - I know it’s only a blurb but oh my god, I loved it, I love it. Jealous!Charlie and a buttload of fluff - the best to boost your mood.
Cedric Diggory:
A Ghost Story - @wondernimbus - So beautifully haunting. Ysa has a way with words that make you feel as if you're physically there, living the fic alongside the characters. There aren't really any words to describe how talented Ysa is - all I can do is urge to read her masterlist and discover for yourself. 
My Boys - @potterverseimagine - Cedric and dogs - I am in love. This fic is so sweet and pure and playful. Playful Cedric is so great omg and this fic is full to the brim with it. I just... ah I love this so much. AND HE’S ALIVE. I LOVE FICS WHERE HE’S ALIVE. Thank you for this!!
It’s a Date - @angelinathebook​ - Lena, this is so good. You need to write more Cedric! Ah, I hate those boys so much but I love Cedric!! This is so good! Cedric needs more love 100% - if you haven't read this already, you need to read it now!!
Sirius Black: 
Lost Time - @obsessedwithrandomthings - Reader standing up for who she loves against Bellatrix? Yes, we love that. Slow burn romance with Sirius? I love that even more. Dee never fails to astound me when she writes Sirius, and I know she won’t fail to astound you too. Seriously (lol), go through Dee’s masterlist, read her works, you won't regret it. She’s the loveliest.
Our Godson - @nebulablakemurphy - Christina is so talented. The letters!!! Are so good!!! AND WHEN THEY FINALLY MEET? My heart! Christina, it's as if you broke it and then rebuilt it again all in the span of 2.8k words especially with that ending. I love this fic, and you will love this fic. 
Curiosity - @siriusly-the-best-gryffindor​ - I don’t know what else to say that I haven't already said in my reblog but I love this fic. I am heavily pierced and heavily tattooed and I love seeing a reader as the same. I love all of this fic, it 100% needs more love!
The Jimmy Jab Games - @im-a-writer-right​ - A Sirius fic inspired by Brooklyn-99. I loved every single chapter, it made me so happy. And that final chapter, I was smiling like a fool throughout. Sirius is a dream through this, and that bet? I love! I’ve linked the masterlist because you won’t want to move as you read.  
Secrets and fears - @firewhisky-kisses​ - Steph does it again with the masterpieces. Honestly, I squeal a little whenever I see her in my notifications with a new fic because everything she writes is stellar, and this is no exception. If you’re going to read anything tonight, let it be her masterlist. If you haven't read her latest Sirius piece as well, you are sorely missing out. 
Remus Lupin:
Protect - @obsessedwithrandomthings - Oh man, this one hurt. There are so many feels to this fic, so many layers. The enemies to lovers? Amazing. That ending as well - so fucking good. Like everything Dee writes, so fucking good.
Sleeping Beauty - @poppin-potter - This is adorable. There’s no other words for it. The relationship between the reader and Remus is so cute, I was smiling all the way through it. Not to mention the relationship between the reader and the Marauders, so bloody good. And that ending? It was so peaceful, like I was reading and I was like yeah, I would’t mind a piece of that.
Pain of reality - @heloisedaphnebrightmore - I had to involve some Remus angst, and oh my word. You smashed my heart into pieces in the beginning and had put it back together by the end. Heloise is an incredible writer, so so talented. This is a Remus fic you cannot miss out on!
Bruise and Scars - @peachesandpinks - Soulmate AU and Marauders Era Remus. What more could you possibly want? It’s poetic. If you look to my Neville section, you’ll see why I love Ren’s writing so much but let me tell you, I am a SUCKER for Remus. Always have been, always will be. You will not regret reading this fic or any of Ren’s fics.
Nights like These - @teheharrypotter - another fic in A Very Harry Potter Summer and the description in this fic is so good! The way the summer night described has you feeling every moment of it. And the conversation between Remus and the reader is so beautiful, where they touch upon their grief. It’s a wonderfully written piece of work.
James Potter:
Numb Love - @heloisedaphnebrightmore - Unrequited love is like my guilty pleasure because I love the angst of it, and this fic. Oh this fic, it destroyed me and I loved every single minute of it. How this fic doesn't have more notes, I have no clue. It’s a masterpiece of emotions. 
Reading between the lines - @approved-by-dentists - ohhh this fic is great, I love the flirtation between the reader and James in the beginning all the way to end. It was one of the first James fics I read (I’m late to the party, I’m well aware) and omg I love it. Just go read the fic!
Book-thief - @wondernimbus - I’m going to repeat my words from earlier, there are no words to describe Ysa’s talent. James Potter and a bookshop and I was sold. She captures his character so brilliantly. Just... go binge her work.
Summer revelations - @pregnant-piggy - I keep saying this about all the fics I put on here but I love this fic! I love it! First, I love James. Second, I need those muffins - seriously, where can I get these muffins? And their realisations and confessions! It’s such a pure fic, I’m absolutely in love with your portrayal of James.
Newt Scamander:
Cheeky Niffler - @eleven-times-lively - reader is an archaeologist - from that moment, I was sold. I loved reading this, I loved the idea and I love Niffler as it is! I always need more Newt in my life and this is perfect.
Online Love - @strawberriesonsummer​ - Modern AU! I really loved this idea, I love the idea of Newt with a phone and ringing the wrong number. It’s such a wonderful fic, I haven't read Newt in so long so this was such a lovely one to read! I can’t wait to read what other Newt fics are posted!
desire - @blisfvll​ - I am a huge fan of their works; their Draco fics are incredible and their Newt fics are just the same. This had me feeling all sorts of emotions, and I loved every second of it.  
You stared Newt right in the eyes. - @fantasticnewtimagines​ - I didn't know what the title to this was so I just type out the first sentence, I hope you don't mind! This is a delicious piece of angst with a lovely, happy ending. I adore this piece so much because it conveys so much. I love it!!
I want to take a moment to appeal to the followers of mine who also enjoy reading marvel. @shaynawrites23​ has started to write some marvel fics and even entered my writing challenge and her fics definitely deserve some attention! She’s a wonderful writer and her fics are so cute! If you’re a fan of Bucky, you’ll love these fics!
Rosy Proposal
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 5
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Throughout your week at home, Taehyung slowly settles back and Namjoon is recovering well as he gets more comfortable around the house. One day, he even defended you when someone threatened you. However, the happiness is broken when Taehyung accidentally brings up the past.
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“Namjoon! Breakfast!” You called out the back door. The wolf hybrid looked up from his spot in the garden and nodded, removing his gloves and heading over. He wanted to help out in some way while staying with you so he did light chores like gardening. He was still uncomfortable around you but at least he wasn’t threatened by you anymore.
You plated everyone’s breakfast. All 4 hybrids that lived with you are ‘wild species’ so they mostly ate meat but you still had to make sure that they had some vegetables and fruits. 
“Watermelon!” Jin grinned and took a slice from the plate, chewing as he helped you take the utensils out from the drawer. 
“I’ll go wake Yoongi and Taehyung.” You said and Jin nodded as you washed your hands, heading upstairs. You went to Taehyung’s room first. He was, for some reason, sleeping upside down. 
“Taetae, wake up. Breakfast is ready.” You called softly. His head perked up first, slowly peeking open one eyes to look at you before dropping his head back onto the mattress. He let out a loud yawn, stretching his limbs as he groaned. 
“I’m awake, (y/n)...” He said, sitting up but spaced out. You ran your hand through his hair, pinching his cheeks lightly. 
“Go wash up and head down.” You chuckled. After leaving him, you went to Yoongi’s room. He in his recliner by the bay window under his heat lamp instead of laying on his bed. 
“Yoongi!” You laughed and jumped on him. 
“Oof!” He caught you in his arms before you could fall and hurt yourself. Dropping his head back, he let out a groan of annoyance as you snuggled with him. He kept his arms around you, let out a short huff, ready to fall back asleep with you. You lifted your head. 
“Yah. Don’t go back to sleep. I’m here to wake you up, not fall back asleep with you. I made breakfast today so you better show your appreciation by eating it.” You giggled. 
“Alright, kitten.” He pressed light kisses down your jaw. 
“That’s enough for now.” You pulled away before things could escalate. Grabbing Yoongi’s hand, you tried to pull him to stand up. He knew you couldn’t actually lift him but still gave you the benefit of the doubt by slowly standing up with his own strength. You pushed him to his washroom to wash up and left the room. 
“Kim Taehyung! You’re still in the position I left you.” You called out, seeing him sleeping in a sitting position. Hearing you call his full name, he quickly scrambled out of bed and went to the washroom. 
“Did you sleep well, Namjoon?” You asked as you slid into his seat. 
“Yes.” He looked up from his food. 
“Jinnie, I’ll go to the grocery store. Do you have a list of things you want me to pick up for you?” You smiled. 
“Here.” He handed it to you. Yoongi and Taehyung came down, taking their respective seats. You placed their plates in front of them and they gratefully dug in. Like every morning, you made them their drinks, adding on Namjoon’s regular hot black coffee. 
“Yoongi, could you help me add on more coffee to online order?” You asked and he nodded, taking his phone out. 
After breakfast, Taehyung and Namjoon did the dishes while you walked the two oldest to the door as they had to head to work. With hugs and kisses, they finally left. 
“I’m going to the store.” You announced to the two hybrids. 
“I wanna go! I’ll go get changed!” Taehyung grinned, dashing up to his room. You smiled and turned back to see the wolf hybrid standing there, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. It was as if he had something to say but just couldn’t find the words to tell it to you. You chuckled, knowing what he wanted to say. 
“We’re leaving in 10 minutes, Namjoon.” You sang and went to your own room to get ready. 
Luckily, you, Yoongi and Jin decided to rent a second van with more people in the house. If it proved to really be necessary, you agreed that you would buy a van for your family to use permanently. 
“Let’s go.” You grabbed the keys. Taehyung respectfully let Namjoon sit in the passenger seat while he sat at the back. As you drove, you cast Namjoon short glances every now and then. He looked peaceful, staring at the scenery outside the window. When you pulled up, the two boys followed you into the giant mega mart. 
“Can I get snacks, (y/n)?” Taehyung asked excitedly. 
“Knock yourself out.” You chuckled, beginning to scan through Jin’s list. Namjoon offered the push the cart for you. 
“Namjoon, you can get what you want to, you know?” You teased. 
“Yeah. Whatever you want.” You shrugged, placing the pasta sauce into the trolley. Only after Taehyung placed a few bags of his snacks into the cart, then did Namjoon put one bag of beef jerky in as well. You smiled to yourself, that was one small step in the right direction. 
“Move.” You turned around to see Namjoon being shoved forward by this lady. She frowned, almost giving Namjoon a look of disgust before reaching to get herself a pack of noodles. 
“Hey!” You called out and she turned to you. 
“You could have asked him to move nicely. There was no need for such hostility. I think you owe him an apology.” You crossed your arms. The lady looked at you as if you had gone insane. 
“Yah. Who do you think you’re talking to, little girl? No way am I apologising to an animal. He shouldn’t even be blocking the way. Next time, put him on a leash.” The lady scoffed and you balled your fists, feeling your nails dig into your palms. She smirked triumphantly, seeing you not retaliating. 
“It’s because of ignorant people like you that the world is a bad place to live in. Who are you to call them animals when you act worst than them? You should be the one on a leash, not them.” You growled. 
“Why you little!” She raised her hand and slapped you. In an instance, Namjoon and Taehyung were standing in front of you, growling. They bared their teeth, tails rigid. 
“How dare you lay a hand on her?” Taehyung’s voice was low.
“Leave now while you have the chance.” Namjoon warned as they stepped closer to the lady.
“T-This is insanity!” She backed away in fear and ran off. You sighed and shook your head. Namjoon growled at the onlookers, making them scurry away to mind their own business. Taehyung’s expression softened as he came next to you and caressed your red cheek lightly. He whimpered slightly, almost as if he was in pain as well. 
“She hurt you.” 
“It’s alright.” You smiled softly, placing your hand over his. But the two could smell how much guilt and sadness you were giving off. You felt bad that they still had to live in such an unfair society. 
“Let’s continue and go home, hmm?” You told them. Namjoon stared at your back. How could you come out of such an ordeal and act like nothing happened? He has never met a human like you before. You actually stood up to another human to protect him. You even asked that lady to apologise to him!
“Here.” You felt something cold press against your cheek as you sat on your couch. It made you jump slightly. 
“Thanks, Namjoon.” You blushed as you pressed the ice pack to your face. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” He mumbled. 
“Why do you say that? That lady was disrespecting you and that wasn’t right at all. I’m sorry you had to go through that.” You sighed. 
“I don’t deserve that and you don’t have to apologise. You should have just left it. Hybrids like us, we’ll always be viewed as stains, creatures that weren’t meant to exist. It’ll be better for your sake if you just let them be.” Namjoon closed his eyes and shook his head. 
“Don’t say that. Namjoon, you’re no different than me or the next guy. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that. You and every other hybrid has every right to be here and live your life.” You smiled. 
“You’re very stubborn.” 
“So I’ve been told.” You grinned, remembering how Yoongi would always remind you of your stubbornness. 
“Look, Namjoon. I became a doctor to save hybrids because I think they should have every privilege any human has. They deserve just as much love and attention. I spend every waking moment trying to make the world a better place for hybrids to live in. You, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jin and all the hybrids out there are worth fighting for. If I get hurt doing it, so be it.” You shrugged. 
“Thank you.” Namjoon said. 
“You’re welcome!” You grinned. You patted his head and got up to go get dinner ready. Looking at the stocked fridge, you made some stir fried pork belly and mixed noodles. 
“I’m going to shower!” You said once the food was done. You went upstairs to take quick rinse. When you came out, Taehyung was waiting for you with a smile. You stroked his head. One of the sleeves of your shirt slipped down and he saw 3 long jagged marks on the front of your shoulder. 
“That.” He said and you looked down to where he was staring at, quickly pulling the sleeve up.
“It’s nothing.” You shook your head.
“You were attacked by a hybrid.” Taehyung wasn’t going to let the topic go. He felt immense affection for you and even if there were only light scars left, he felt a slow anger boiling within him.
“Just forget it, Taehyung. Let’s go have dinner.” You said. Taehyung frowned, not wanting to let it go. He followed you downstairs, where the other three were seated, waiting for the two of you. Yoongi and Jin were still in their work clothes. They all grabbed their plates and began to scoop their portions onto it.
“(y/n), why can’t you tell me about those scars?” Taehyung asked and you froze. A cold silence took over the room as your eyes raised slightly to look at Yoongi.
He stood back with so much force that the chair fell onto the ground, making you flinch. He stormed upstairs and you heard the door slamming shut. You closed your eyes with a sigh. You couldn’t blame Taehyung as well, knowing he was just curious and worried for you.
“Already on it.” The boy slid out of his seat and walked to find Yoongi. You sat down beside Taehyung.
“Tae, I know you’re curious and worried but there’s a reason I didn’t want to bring it up. It’s... a sensitive topic for both Yoongi and me. When Yoongi first woke up from his coma, he was very guarded. He had been hurt by humans and was afraid. I pushed his boundaries and he had every right to defend himself. I never blamed him but he blames himself.” You explained.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t know.”
“I know, baby. It’s just hard for Yoongi. He lives with the guilt despite my reassurance. That’s why we never bring it up.” You patted his head. He nodded sadly and you squeezed his shoulder.
“I’ll go see how Yoongi is.” You stood up and left. You knocked on the door and Jin opened the door. Smiling a little, Jin stepped aside for you to go into the room. He stayed by the doorway to watch you. You entered Yoongi’s room to find him sitting in a corner, balled up and sniffling.
“Yoongs.” You called softly.
“Go away.” Yoongi mumbled softly. You refused to leave him and began to walk closer to him. 
“I SAID GO AWAY! OR DO YOU WANT ME TO HURT YOU AGAIN?” Yoongi lunged forward to swipe at you but thanks to Jin’s quick reflexes, the fox was able to pull you back before you could get hurt. You stood there, frozen, stunned by Yoongi’s actions. Jin growls warningly as Yoongi backed away, sitting back down in the dark corner of his room. 
“Let’s go.” Jin held your hand and led you out of there. You were still in shock, your legs giving way as you fell to the ground, Jin setting you down softly. 
“Jagi? Are you hurt?” Jin asked. You shook your head. The only hurt you felt was in your heart. You quickly scrambled to your feet and ran into your room, slamming your door shut.
You were almost scared. There was so much animosity in Yoongi’s eyes, like he was really telling you to back away. And yet, you could also see the fear and vulnerability in them. You just wanted to hug him. 
“(y/n)...” Taehyung whimpered by your door, sitting on the ground. His ears were folded down and his tail lay limply by his side. He too, started to cry softly, thinking it’s his fault for causing all of this. He pawed at your door gently but you didn’t come to open it for him. 
“Come on, Tae.” Namjoon said. 
“No...” Taehyung shook his head. Namjoon sighed and retreated to his room to turn in for the night. He was only a guest here, he couldn’t do anything. 
“Tae tae, let’s let (y/n) have some space, alright?” Jin crouched down next to the crying tiger. 
“Hyung... (y/n)... It’s all my fault.” Taehyung cried. 
“It’s not, sweetie. No one blames you. But now, (y/n) just needs some time alone to think, alright? Let’s not force her and stress her out even more.” Jin persuaded. Taehyung looked at your door again before standing up and following Jin. Jin tucked Taehyung into bed and gave him a kiss on the forehead before retreating to his own room. 
No one really had the right to say anything. This was purely between you and Yoongi. This incident happened even before Jin came so he couldn’t do much either. 
Through the night, Taehyung had somehow found his way back to your door step curling up right by the wood with only a pillow tucked under his head. Yoongi woke up earlier, not wanting to bump into you, when he saw Taehyung.
“This kid...” Yoongi clicked his tongue, taking a blanket and draping it over Taehyung’s sleeping form before adjusting his cap and leaving. 
“Tae?” You almost tripped over the tiger as you were coming out of your room. Why was he sleeping outside your door? You shook him lightly and he slowly opened his eyes, still half asleep. Holding his hand, you led him back to his room and tucked him back into bed. 
“Good morning.” Namjoon greeted you first when you closed Taehyung’s door behind you. 
“Morning.” You forced a smile. Your eyes trailed to Yoongi’s door. 
“He left early. His scent is faint.” Namjoon informed and you nodded your head stiffly. You went to clear the pillow and blanket by your door. The pillow was definitely Taehyung’s but you knew the blanket was Yoongi’s. He had specifically requested for this fluffy, black blanket at the store you were at. 
“Jagi?” Jin’s voice broke your train of thought. 
“Huh? Oh, morning Jinnie.” You turned your cheek to let him give you a peck. Quickly, you folded Yoongi’s blanket neatly. 
“Could you help me put this in Yoongi’s room? I’ll go get started on breakfast. Taehyung is still asleep.” You requested. He nodded, taking the folded material from you. You went downstairs to see Namjoon making the respective drinks. 
“Here.” He handed your mug to you. 
You took your hospital beeper from your pocket and frowned when you read Code Orange. Although your shift wasn’t supposed to start for the next 2 hours, it seemed that there was an emergency that needed you to head down early. Code Orange meant that there was an external emergency and it was all hands on deck. 
“Jin? It’s Code Orange, I have to go. Can you fix breakfast please?” You asked the fox as he was coming down the stairs.
“Yeah, don’t worry about us. You better go. Good luck, stay safe.” Jin said as you ran upstairs to get changed and grabbed your bag. Jin and Yoongi made it a point to also remember all the colour codes for your hospital. 
You drove to the hospital, seeing all the ambulances pull up. Scanning your ID, you wore your coat and headed down to the emergency ward. Even the hospital director was there. 
“There was a big fire caused by arson in a shelter. We’re taking a bigger portion of patients since we’re the bigger hospital in the area. Team A, take priority patients. Team B, second tier and Team C, take care of superficial injuries. Team D will help categorise the patients that are already here. Team S, we’re going to the heli pad. Lower teams, prepare to assist if necessary.” The director said. 
“Yes, director!” Everyone got ready. You were a part of Team A. Team S were five of the most senior doctors of the hospital. The moment gurneys were wheeled in, everyone split. 
“Doctor, we are going to get as many blood bags as we can for the blood bank. Shall we also call donors if there isn’t enough?” The head nurse asked. 
“Yes, allocate a corner for transfusions. Call our list of donors to come down if they can.” You nodded. 
“We’re going to ER 3.” You helped the nurses wheel the first patient in. 
“Today, a shelter was set on fire. Police investigations-”
You drowned out the sound that was playing on the television, sliding down the wall to sit on the ground. Closing your eyes, you sighed and ripped the mask off your face. You sat in the quiet hallway outside the operating theatres, finally feeling some peace from the hectic day. 
“Good job today.” A can of coffee appeared in front of you. 
“Sunbae... Thanks. You did good too.” You smiled softly, receiving the can of cold coffee. She smiled and sat down next to you, drinking from her own can. 
“How was your side?” You asked.
“We lost 2. They didn’t even make it to the table.” She informed with a sigh. Dr Yu was also part of Team A, with you but you had to operate at different ends of the hospital. Your side lost 2 hybrids as well. Usually, you would just want to go home and hug your own hybrids, let Jin and Yoongi comfort you. But Yoongi didn’t even want to look at you now. 
“You should go home and rest. I’m going to head home too.” She stood up, stretching her arms. You nodded and gave her a hug before parting ways. Getting in your car, you headed home. But you didn’t enter the house. 
“Is (y/n) back? I smell her.” Taehyung asked. He was worried sick. It was 2 am and there had been no call from you. 
“She’s in the backyard. But I think it’s best to leave her alone for now.” Namjoon said. He smelled you and they could all smell the blood on you.
“Yeah, I saw the news.” Jin nodded, staring out the glass door. He saw you sitting on the ground, your back to them. In front of you, there were lighted candles. You didn’t exactly know how many casualties there were but you just lit 10 big candles for all of them. 
“May your souls find peace in the afterlife.” You whispered as you clasped your hands together. 
“(y/n)?” You turned to see Jin standing there. 
“Hey, Jinnie.” You smiled softly. 
“May I?” He asked. You nodded, patting the space beside you. He plopped down in the spot, being careful not to hit any of the candles. Jin closed his eyes and put his hands together to say a small prayer as well. He was there to mainly act as a form of support if you needed it like always, just that this time, Yoongi wasn’t on your other side. 
“You did good.” He comforted. 
“But was it good enough?” You sighed, looking up. 
“Hey, you did your best. It’s a hard pill to swallow but you can’t save everyone. Some times, it’s better to let them go rather than them being in pain here.” Jin spoke and you agreed. 
“I just hope they catch whoever did it. That would be the best form of justice.” You said. 
“Did you manage to get anything to eat?” Jin asked. 
“No, I’m too tired. I might just head to bed. Did... Yoongi come home yet?” You asked back and Jin nodded. He could smell your emotions, you were giving off such negative emotions and it made him sad too. Helping you stand up, Jin blew off the candles and walked you back in. 
“I’m going to bed.” You smiled tiredly and went to your room, shutting the door. Jumping into the shower, you scrubbed yourself clean of all the sweat and blood. When you came out, there was a knock on your door. 
“Namjoon? Is something wrong?” You asked when the wolf poked his head in. 
“Nothing’s wrong. Just... are you okay?” You were taken aback by Namjoon’s question. Was he concerned about you? 
“I’m fine. Thanks for asking. It’s just been such a hectic day that my mind is a little frazzled. But I’ll be okay. Sorry, for what happened last night. You’re our guest and that wasn’t very nice of us. I should have handled it.” You shook your head. Namjoon softened, you were taking all the blame on yourself. 
“Don’t apologise. None of it was your fault.” He daringly reached forward to cup your cheek. 
“Thank you. But I shouldn’t have provoked Yoongi, causing him to lash out. I didn’t respect his space.” You chuckled. 
“You should sleep. Goodnight.” Namjoon said. 
“Goodnight, Namjoon.” You smiled and walked him to the door. He left, retreating to his own room while you got under the covers. The lack of sleep from the night before and the exhaustion from the long day was catching up to you. Your eyes fluttered shut the moment your head had touched the pillow. 
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hansolmates · 3 years
would you ever consider writing a lil drabble about the proposal! couple being pregnant? I read that ask a hundred times and I can't stop thinking about it👉🏻👈🏻
pairing; proposal!jk x reader (f) genre/warnings; fluff, humor, mc calls herself ugly :(  w/c; 934 a/n; my mind is burned by the thought of that anon saying proposal!jk would snuggle their baby against their chest shirtless n share warmth🥺🥺 mc is still in her early pregnancy at this point but enjoy this lil sneakie peakie
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“What is this? This is garbage. The main character has the personality of a sheet of paper,” Jungkook throws down the manuscript on his desk, startling his assistant, “why did you bring me this? Did you want me to feel nauseous before lunch?” 
Unfortunately, Jungkook couldn’t keep Taehyung as his assistant forever. Begrudgingly, Taehyung is far too good an employee to continue following him around. Nam Dosan is a big adjustment to Jungkook: meek, chirpy, and a little too starry-eyed for his liking. 
You keep urging Jungkook to give him a chance, but chance by chance is wearing far too thin for his liking, especially during their busy season. 
“Please don’t kill the messenger, Mr. Jeon,” Dosan holds up his iPad, covering his mouth with it, “um, and speaking of messages. Mrs. Jeon wants you in her office for lunch.” 
“Lunch isn’t for another half hour, Dosan. We still have shit to do.” 
“Oh no, lunch is now,” Dosan’s eyes widen considerably when Jungkook parries him with a glare, ready to face the heat, “Mrs. Jeon’s  order just got delivered and now she’s ready to eat.” 
“But she knows our lunch times—” 
“She said, and these are her words not mine—that if you don’t come in ten minutes she will take every manuscript in this office and burn it in your fireplace.”  
Jungkook relaxes against the seat, regarding his assistant with a knit expression. The only reason why he hasn’t fired Dosan is because of this, Dosan’s ability to remind Jungkook that he’s not only their editor-in-chief, but now a husband. He reminds Jungkook that he has far more pressing obligations in life. 
“Okay, she said ten minutes right?” Jungkook reluctantly tugs the previously thrown manuscript to his chest, already buzzing with potential ideas he can muster up, “I’ll go in ten minutes.” 
“I really don’t think you should let her wait—”
“Ten, Dosan.” 
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“You’re twenty minutes late,” you’re ripping the yellow bread roll from your teeth. It’s a force so rough it reminds Jungkook acutely of a wolf ripping apart raw flesh. 
“Baby, I’m sorry,” Jungkook placates you gently, subtly locking the door behind you and minding the blinds so that the two of you are covered. He watches your eyes flicker over the rolling shades, dipping the room in an opaque shade of emerald green. You don’t bother getting up to greet him, and wait for him to take the seat across from your desk. 
Your food has been mostly consumed, and Jungkook notices that you’ve started to pick at his own meal. Jungkook’s favorite skirt steak smothered with a golden hollandaise sauce, sitting on a bed of russet mashed potatoes. He sees that a couple strips have been stolen, and rightfully so. 
“I really don’t want to hear the excuses,” you exhale, finally emerging from your desk. 
Food forgotten, Jungkook watches as you get up, mesmerized by your open blazer and tight pencil skirt. The black silky fabric wraps around your abdomen, highlighting the bump that’s been growing steadily over the past three months. Shamelessly, he admits that the pencil skirts look even better when you’re pregnant. He’s immediately reminded why he seldom visits your office anymore. He gets terribly distracted, it’s why he tries so hard to work himself to the last second until Dosan drags him over kicking and screaming. 
You grab your cup of tea out of your mini microwave, chamomile because it has a low caffeine content. The soothing scent relaxes you slightly, and you brush past Jungkook’s shoulder as you sit on your guest couch. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, rubbing your brow, “I know our schedules run differently. I’m just feeling so frustrated nowadays. My temper’s short and I can’t read for more than ten minutes at a time, and I feel so ugly and bloated—” 
“Hey, none of that,” Jungkook dips down to meet you at the couch, his hands immediately searching for the warm bump that holds the result of  your precious coupling. “You are so beautiful. You’re carrying our child, you’re so strong and I’m so proud of you,” he presses a kiss to your cheek, dragging his lips along your jawline, “I’m going to take a paternity leave.” 
The pregnancy was a surprise to both of you. Admittedly, it shouldn’t have been that surprising when you got the news from your gynecologist. You had been fucking like bunnies after you closed a particular deal with an up and coming author, simultaneously celebrating and getting out frustration over the course of multiple weekends. Jungkook was thrilled by the news, but equally nervous knowing that both of you are still riding off the peak of your careers.  
You immediately stiffen in his hold, and Jungkook dips his finger under your blouse to rub soothing circles on your bare belly. “Are you crazy?” you whisper, “how can both of us be out of commission at the same time?” 
“We have Taehyung and Karen,” and you soften, thinking how so many years ago Jungkook would cling to his work like a lifeline. How you felt obligated to string along with him as his bustling assistant. Knowing that Jungkook feels more comfortable putting his work in other’s hands and asking for help, it warms you. Now, it seems like his new lifeline is right in front of him. “All that matters right now is you, me, and our little honeydew.” 
“Honeydew,” you repeat, placing a hand over where Jungkook is caressing your stomach, “this little honeydew is going to turn in a watermelon pretty soon.” 
“Mm,” Jungkook agrees, resting his head on your shoulder, “can’t wait.
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Put On Your Raincoats #40 | Hard Soap, Hard Soap (Chinn, 1977)
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This review contains mild spoilers.
Laurien Dominique has marital troubles. You see, her husband Dr. John Holmes the psychiatrist can't get it up. And her friend Candida Royalle (one of whose first lines is "Look, no crotch!", to which Dominique responds "Lou, I'm eating") doesn't seem to take it very seriously ("My husband can't get it up and you wanna joke"). Or when she does, the advice she offers is of limited help ("You gotta show him crotch"). To tackle the problem, the two of them embark on a series of sexual misadventures. There's the trip Royalle makes to Holmes' office incognito (she wears a ski mask) and fucks a patient she mistakes for Holmes' character (and promptly punches him in the dick once she realizes her mistake). There's a milkman to whom Dominique offers to judge the size of his organ while unloading about her marital troubles, briefly interrupting the proceedings to put away the milk, and then having to help recover from a heart attack when Royalle walks in.
At this point, Dominique gets the bright idea that she wants to help people with their problems, like the Peeping Tom whom they indulge, although Royalle briefly expresses her annoyance ("Take it easy, this isn't a goddamned watermelon!"). She also decides to pitch in at the office, mostly bungling the act of answering the phones and then pissing off a janitor (or as he calls himself, a "maintenance engineer") played by Paul Thomas, who then has his way with her. (This is probably the weakest part of the movie, mean spirited in ways the movie otherwise mostly avoids. It also heavily features the dreaded under the balls angle, although there's the intermittent lens flare to block half the screen, so it is perhaps a bit more bearable than average in this respect.) The main set piece of the film is a group therapy session that Dominique and Royalle try to run in Holmes' absence, mostly by fucking the patients or letting them get it on with each other. (Highlights include a mime dressed as the Big Bad Wolf trying to get it on with another patient dressed as Red Riding Hood, and Royalle doing double duty with a pair of brothers who argue and spasm as she does the deed.) Finally Dominique is paid a visit by her sister, who claims to have gone blind after being flashed, and posits that the only cure is a 14-inch dick. ("Fourteen inches long? That was no flasher, that was a fucking horse!") Cue the dramatic music. Enter John Holmes. Will this be the solution to everyone's problems?
Hard Soap, Hard Soap was apparently the first comedy Bob Chinn directed, and judging by the results, he took the genre like a fish to water. It's a pornographic parody of soap operas, and while I'm not quite familiar enough with the genre to say how astute a parody it is, I laughed pretty often. As you can guess from the title, the primary reference point is Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, and Chinn cites his sources, placing a magazine with Louise Lasser in-character on the cover in one scene.) I think the usual jab at porn is over the contrived scenarios, but that's entirely the point here, with one ridiculous situation after another resulting from the heroines' misguided attempts to find a solution to their problems. Chinn has in his arsenal a great sense of timing, punctuating jokes with over-the-top organ music that only makes the jokes that much funnier, and sneaking in deft audiovisual gags (car crash noises and sirens on the soundtrack during a sex scene, a steadily accumulating collection of cigarette butts to mark an extended bout of lovemaking). Working with a larger budget than he was accustomed to, he gives the movie a pretty distinct look thanks to the campy set design and careful visual direction. (Note the theatrical staging of the group therapy scene, or the heart-shaped cutout of the Fonz in the bedroom.)
As far as the sex scenes go, Chinn does take care to craft them into gags while delivering the goods (more than one scene ends with Royalle punching somebody in the dick), and avoids going to certain obvious places. (At the risk of sounding like a degenerate, I must report that the group therapy does not devolve into a gangbang, nor do the heroines partake in a lesbian scene. I guess narrative integrity is important.) There are a few less than politically correct jabs (as you can guess, the group therapy scene is not a sensitive portrayal of mental illness, and there are other gags involving gay and trans characters that might be seen as punching down), but the overall vibe is genial enough that I had a hard time getting offended. But the real reason the movie succeeds is the chemistry between the lead actresses, with Dominique as the more sincere one and Royalle as the feistier one, proving to be great comic foils for each other. (Chinn would reunite with them and Holmes in the very entertaining Hot & Saucy Pizza Girls, where they're joined by Christine De Shaffer as a bitchy adversary for Royalle and Desiree Cousteau as the adorably naive Ann Chovy and Chinn himself as their coworker, as all of them work together to foil the mysterious Night Chicken, a dirty tricks operator hired by a competing fried chicken syndicate trying to shut down their pizzeria. Chinn's direction is good enough to be almost invisible, juggling the likable cast members and their tremendous chemistry seamlessly to keep the good vibes coming. The skateboard scenes help too.) And in the interest of transparency, I must note that in one scene, Royalle wears a getup that I'm tempted to describe as "sexy pirate", and folks, I'm not made of stone.
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Survey #340
“wash the poison from off my skin  /  show me how to be whole again”
What is one thing that you took to show and tell as a kid? I have this oddly specific memory of bringing my little Snorlax plushie for one in pre-k. I remember thinking everyone thought I was weird for liking Pokemon as a girl. Do you remember losing your first tooth? I don't. Have you ever been addicted to a game? What game? I think I was addicted to World of Warcraft at a point, but it's honestly hard to tell. My depression was just so abysmal that it was the one thing I got even a smidge of not even joy, but active distraction out of because the options of what you can do in the game are essentially limitless. Are you afraid to pop a balloon? Not really, but it does make me jump because I don't like loud noises. Name one person you’d like to see this month. Bitch we fighting Covid, stay away from me. When was the last time you laughed when you shouldn’t have? I don’t know. Which was better: the first The Lion King or the second? They're nearly tied, honestly, but I prefer the original. Do any of your grandparents have a tattoo? I KNOW my maternal grandmother didn't, and I don't believe any other grandparent did, either. When was the last time you had a bubble bath? Not since I was a kid. What do you usually buy when you go to the corner store? You mean like, a gas station or dollar store? Something small like that? In that case, I'll usually look for a Mountain Dew Voltage sometimes along with something Reese's-related. Do you believe that your pets feel love towards you? My cat, absofuckinglutely. He so obviously loves me. I know my snake doesn't though, considering reptilian brains just physically aren't capable of creating that emotion. She does, however, obviously trust me and definitely seems to enjoy coming out of her terrarium and thus hanging out by me. Bubbles or sidewalk chalk? I loved drawing with chalk, but I like bubbles more. I just love how they catch light and have such beautiful colors to share. What do you use to tell time when your gone out somewhere? My phone. Are you proud of your body? FUCK no. I wish I still was, goddammit. I used to be so fit, and it's funny, because even back then at like, 118 lbs at 5'4'', I thought I was kinda chubby. Like bitch shut the fuck up. Watermelon or cherries? I honestly don't like either, but I'll definitely pick watermelon over cherries. They're disgusting. What is your all-time favourite song? "False Flags" by Massive Attack. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Biiiiiitch guess lmao. I think everyone has, though. What is the band you’ve listened to most lately? Definitely 3TEETH. Love 'em. Favourite brand of cookies? Hm, good question. They've gotta be good at making SOFT chocolate chip cookies, though. I don't enjoy crunchy cookies nearly as much. If you could meet anyone who lived before your time, who would it be? I don't really know. Oh, y'know, chatting with Edgar Allan Poe would probably be cool. Do you pay for your own things? I literally can't. It's embarrassing. Have you ever been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance? No. What is one thing you’d never want your parents to find out? Certain sexual things I've done, probably. When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? Of course. Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship? I felt that way in my friendship with Colleen, but no romantic relationships. What would you consider unforgivable? Rape. Like no, go to hell. Do you like eating out at restaurants? Pre-Covid, yeah. What do you dislike the most about being the gender that you are? Probably how heavily judged women are for having ANYTHING "wrong" with their appearance. You could be five pounds over what is "normal" for your height and you're seen as fat. One strand of body hair, and you're disgusting. Bushy eyebrows, you're now manly. I could go on and on. Do you think that weed/marijuana should be legalized? Yes. Rate your typing speed on a scale from 1 - 10? 10. Do you enjoy tanning? Ugh, no. Just sitting there doing nothing but sweating. Have you ever written anybody an anonymous note? I have not. What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Ketchup. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeah; we used to have one. It was the best when we lived in the woods. Do you blow dry your hair or do you let it air out? I just let it air dry. Candles or incense? I prefer incense. Can you juggle? No. Your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Do you catch lizards? No; I don't like terrifying wildlife. I'd much rather just take pictures of the little guys and let them go about their business. If we returned to a world without internet, what aspect of online life would you miss the most? YouTube, haha. It's more unique and personal entertainment than television, imo. Are you craving anything aside from food, and if so, what? I want a new piercinggggg. What was the last change you made to your lifestyle? I'm *trying* to get back into regularly making art, along with reading. I'm also really trying to implement drinking more water into my day. What was the last thing you gave up doing? *shrug* What was the last thing to boost your self-esteem? What sort of things typically make you feel good about yourself? It really, really helped to hear my PHP group enjoy my poem about gay rights so much. I was so terrified and did NOT want my therapist to share it, but it turned out being very beneficial. To answer the second question, it's pretty much stuff like I just mentioned: positive reactions to things I create. When it comes to food, do you prefer crunchy or softer textures? Definitely softer. Do you prefer savory or sweet things for breakfast? Hm. Depends on the day, ig. What is something small that you take extremely personally? I'm blanking. What was going on the last time you couldn’t sleep? I just... couldn't sleep. That's not rare for me. Have you drawn anything recently? I recently drew a picture of a still from Rammstein's "Mutter" music video, and I'm now working on Sara's 'kat Alucard. If you're going somewhere close by, do you walk? No. One simply does not walk in this town and not fear being shot. Do you prefer colorful notebooks over plain ones? I like colorful ones, particularly those with a nice pattern or something on it. What's your most ambitious goal? I'd consider wanting to be a successful freelance photographer to be rather ambitious. Do you know anyone named Alex? Well, knew, by this point. One of my closest online friends that just got a boyfriend and fell off the face of the planet when we used to talk every day. I'm still hurt about it, honestly. What's your favorite kind of pie? I don't like pie because of the crust being so, well... crusty and crumbly. Have you ever chatted someone up and scored a date? No. How far would you go with someone you just met? Not very far at all. All you're getting is a hug, if even that. What's your favorite meal to have for dinner? I mean, it depends on what I feel like having. I don't have a set favorite meal. What do you daydream about? The future, mostly. People I miss. Have you ever known someone online and then met them in person? If so, which website did you meet on? Yes, Sara. <3 We met via YouTube back when it had much more social connection. Have you ever been to the beach? Yeah, a good number of times. When was the last time you were sick and what illness did you have? I don't believe I've been ill in any sort of way since I had that ungodly ear infection a few years ago. Have you ever been kicked out of somewhere? Yeah, Colleen's house. Mom once tried kicking me out of the car one night otw home, but I didn't listen. Have you ever intentionally trolled? No. How many siblings do your parents have? Mom has two brothers and I think one sister, and Dad has one sister. Who last held your hand? My niece or nephew, dragging me somewhere, haha. Have you seen all the Lord of the Rings movies? No, not interested. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? I'm watching John Wolfe's playthrough of Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. It's so funny how like... every let's player I watch doesn't enjoy the game, like they miss the incredible symbolism and shy away from the advanced language, and sometimes it's just frustrating to watch them; I only do because I enjoy the game and want to see more people experience it and relive it vicariously. It's very high on my list of favorite games. What sport do you find yourself best at? I wouldn't know; I haven't played any sports in years. I was pretty good at softball as a kid, though. Do you think makeup on guys is freaky or sexy? My opinion shouldn't matter; a man can wear makeup whenever he damn well pleases without worrying what others think. But anyway, I tend to find it attractive, especially if it's goth makeup. Have you ever been accused of a crime you did not commit? No. Do you like pickles? I love dill pickles. What was the craziest moment of your life? Probably just lying in that hospital bed following my OD, my mom and two best friends just sitting there with me. It was such a weird, weird feeling. Like I was just so done, frustrated beyond what I can say. I remember thinking it was almost funny, just how it all built up and went wrong. Where do you spend most of your time? In my room on my bed. What is your favorite muffin? Chocolate chip. Would you ever get a boob job? I already know when/if I lose the weight I want to, it will be kind of a big deal to me and my atrocious body image to get a breast lift. Being overweight ~does things~ you know, and god knows I want every trace of it that can be erased gone. Would you ever go on a reality TV dating show? That's a massive "no" from me, buddy. Would you rather be inside or outside? It depends on where I am and the temperature outside, but generally, inside. Do you like the current president? Well, I voted for him, so I can't shit-talk much. I don't know the true depths of him as a person and all he stands for, though; when I decided I needed to vote, I just did some research on his core values. I don't have any complaints yet, from what I've seen at least, which isn't a lot. Do you whiten your teeth? I've used whitening strips before, but I don't now because they're not that effective. If it's financially plausible at some point in my life, teeth whitening is another thing I want to have medically done because of my previous horrible self-care. My teeth have a clear yellow tint and I hate it. Do you get cold easily? No; it's actually the opposite: I get hot easily. What was the worst sickness you ever had? Probably this one stomach bug I had where I just threw up relentlessly. Like eventually barely even bile would come up; it was just dry heaving. My stomach muscles were in agony. Was your childhood wasted by something? No, thankfully. Would you rather die during an adventure or die like a normal person? A normal person. The idea of having such a sudden death stresses me out for multiple reasons; I mostly don't want my family to just be suddenly devastated, and I honestly want to come to peace with the fact I was dying. Like, find my life's own closure instead of just having it ripped away. Have your parents ever tried to commit suicide? Jesus, I sure hope not. Do you have a gag reflex? A very strong one. Do you ever fantasize about trying drugs? I've wondered before what the effects of weed would be like for me, but "fantasize" is definitely the wrong word. Would you rather have sex before you’re married or wait till marriage? It'd be up to my partner, honestly, because I'm fine with either. What is the nastiest dare you have ever committed? I never did dares because I thought they were stupid. Like I'm not gonna do dumb shit just to show you I can. Do you know anyone who has been raped? I think I might? Have you ever asked someone for a tampon? Yeah. Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? No. Are you more of a phone or a computer person? Computer. Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Earbuds. Headphones are just big and clunky and in the way when you use a laptop in bed, plus they irritate my skin. I like how earbuds actually go in your ears for more direct hearing. Would you ever consider adopting a child with a severe mental illness? If I wanted children, no, because I don't think I'm capable to give a child like that adequate care, being so mentally ill myself. I wouldn't want to risk worsening their condition. Favorite thing to do with a significant other? Play games together, particularly cute multiplayer ones that are more about the experience of playing together versus getting past difficult obstacles and such. Like for example, one of my favorite memories with Jason is simply playing Little Big Planet together. Favorite ice cream topping? I don't like many toppings on my ice cream, but I do love melted hot fudge. First boyfriend/girlfriend’s name? Aaron. Do you support PETA? Considering they are incredibly self-righteous extremists, no. Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Well, I believe in some sort of "god" figure that created the universe, so I don't think so. A condensed ball of nothing exploding to create something so extravagant? It sounds pretty far-fetched to me. But then again, maybe that semblance of a "god" I believe in created the universe through that, idk. It doesn't really matter now, though, does it. What happened happened, I'm not very concerned with it. What insect can you not stand the site of? It's more so larvae that I can't stand the sight of, like maggots and stuff. They make me squirm. Do you like Doctor Who? I've only seen one or two episodes, so I can't say. Do you approve of gay marriage? Of course I do. I'm bisexual and would like to get married, so I might marry a woman. Are you into politics? I'm really not. Do you think the world is ending soon? Nah, even though it sure does feel like it sometimes. Ever been to a mosh pit? No, they don't seem very fun at all. Do you like to debate? NO. NO NO NO. Do you like the band System of a Down? Yeah, I do. Are you German? It's a big part of my heritage. Do your parents like your best friend? Yes. Who’s someone you can act your complete self around? Sara, 100%. She's the only person I feel entirely comfortable around when it comes to being myself. Do you believe in Friday the 13th? I don't believe in there being any supernatural power to it, no. Who is your favorite rapper? Eminem. What age is your youngest aunt? Uhhhh I have no idea. Do you like bowling? Sure, it's fun. Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire? I do. What shows or characters scared you as a child? Ghostface from the Scream series was my worst fucking nightmare. I couldn't even see pictures of him without crying. The King Ramses guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog also gave me a number of nightmares. Something about the way he was animated was very unnatural and unnerving to me.
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captainbfresh · 4 years
Prompt: I just have this crazy head canon of the team getting an emergency call to the zoo and some emus get loose and zero in on Eddie. Eddie goes running and those giant scary looking birds chase after him, and Buck and the rest of the team try to follow after to try and help him, all the while laughing their butts off.
Here you go! I’m so sorry it ended up being not at all what you asked for but thank you so much for sending it in it was really fun to write and it really cheered me up :) Read below the cut or here on ao3
A huge thank you to @justlooking-forlove  for Eddie’s Spanish!
As a first responder, Buck had come to learn that there were certain calls that you never wanted to get. Calls that left dread bubbling in your gut and sweat sticking to your palms even before you set foot on the scene. 
The first, the call that every first responder dreaded the most, a call from your own address, or an address you know someone you love is at.
The second, a call from a school. 
The third, a city-wide call. A call that meant you would either be met with a natural disaster or a man-made horror. 
“I’m just saying Zoo calls should be on the list.” Hen said the sirens blared above them, almost drowning out Bucks bark of laughter.
“Zoo calls don’t belong on the list.” Buck said. “You really feel the same amount of dread for this call as you would if we got a call from your house?”
“Of course not the same amount.” Hen argued. “But you can’t say you want to go on a Zoo call.
“Of course I can. Zoos are awesome.” Buck said. 
“To visit, not to save someone at.” She continued. “I mean, it’s always just some dumbass who’s jumped into an enclosure and then acts shocked when they get attacked.”
“I don’t care what you say, I’m looking forward to it.” Buck shrugged. 
“I agree with Hen. Zoo calls suck.” chimney said.
“You’re just scared it’s going to be snakes.”
“I’m not scared. I just don’t like the idea of jumping into an enclosure with a wild animal.”
“The animals have probably been shot by now.” Hen grumbled.
“You’re looking at this the wrong way.-”
“Oh, and what’s the right way to look at the pointless slaughter of an animal?”
“…Free trip to the zoo?” Buck tried, Hen scoffed.
“We’re not there to sightsee, Buck.” Bobby said.
“Obviously we save the person first-” Buck said. “But afterward we can at least see a leopard or something right?”
“No.” Bobby said. Buck could hear his smile.
“Oh come on Cap. One enclosure? It can be a bonding experience for the team.”
“You keep it up you’re staying in the truck.” Bobby hummed. Buck threw his head back against the seat with a groan. “You want the Zoo you go in your own time.”
“This sucks.” Buck said. Eddie’s thigh nudged his, drawing his attention to the man next to him.
“We can take Christopher to the Zoo.” Eddie offered.
“Yeah.” Eddie smiled. “The second Christopher finds out I went to the Zoo on a call he’s going to insist I bring him here. Might as well wait till you have a day off and make you suffer through it as well.”
“We totally have to go when they’re doing feedings,” Buck said.
“You realize you just signed yourself up to watching two kids instead of one, right?” Chimney said.
“I hope a lion eats you.” Buck said cheerfully.
“It’s like Jurassic Park.” Buck murmured, looking at the grand gates of the entrance to the Zoo’s safari as they inched through, nose pressed against the window to get a better look. 
“Let’s hope the animals are smaller.” Chimney murmured. Buck let Eddie tug him back into his seat, excitement rolling through him. A Zoo call was one thing, a call out in a Zoo’s safari a whole other ball game. 
“Did someone get eaten?” Buck blurted, turning to the ZooKeeper they’d picked up before entering the safari.
“I think what Buck means is what are we working with?” Bobby said diplomatically. 
“No one’s been eaten.” The zookeeper assured. “A teenager had their phone stolen by one of the animals out of the safari and decided to get out of the car and try to get it back.” Hens head snapped to Buck, eyebrows wiggling in a clear told you so’ gesture. Buck poked his tongue out at her.  “She managed to follow her phone up a tree before she got stuck.”
“She’s stuck in a tree?” Eddie asked.
“So…Wait, that means we’re really like properly getting out of the truck right? Walking the Safari?” Buck grinned. Eddie elbowed him softly.
“Yes, we will need to exit the vehicle and walk a fair way to get to her. 
“There’s not like, any lions out there, right?” Chimney asked, peering through the windows. Buck snorted a laugh, Eddie’s thigh bumped his, Buck turned to see him roll his eyes dramatically at Buck even as a grin split across his face.
“All our big cats are in the next portion of the safari.” The keeper said. “There’s three gates between here and there.”
“So what is in here?” Buck asked. 
“Mostly Barbary Macaques.” 
“Macaques. They’re monkeys. I would suggest keeping your gear secure, they do enjoy stealing whatever they can get a hold of.”
“What do you mean mostly monkeys?” Chimney asked.
“This area was originally for only for our Emu’s but the macaques snuck through the fence a few years back. We decided to relocate the macaque here permanently when fixing the fences. Now we use their old enclosure for our wolf pack.”
“The Emus don’t mind sharing their home?”
“They’re both curious creatures by nature. They seem to enjoy the mixed company. There’s a good chance they’ll come to say hello so try to stay calm. They’re unlikely to become aggressive.”
“Unlikely?”  Chimney gaped.
“Can we pet them?”
“No, Buck” Hen sighed.
“I’m not helping you if you get bitten by a monkey.” Eddie murmured.
“Do they bite?” Chimney asked.
“Everyone out of the truck.” Bobby ordered. 
The zookeeper hadn’t been lying when he’d said they’d have to walk. Five minutes after they’d hopped out of the truck and they were still going. Picking through the sparse trees littered near the Safari’s path, footsteps cracking twigs as they followed the singular pair of human footprints wandering off the track. 
Buck’s next footstep froze as a weight suddenly settled on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly, eyes bulging as he saw the monkey perched like a little angel. Its hand reached out, cupping around his head to keep steady as he let his foot hit the ground gently.
“Guys! Guys look!” Buck breathed. “There’s a monkey!”
“You don’t say.” Chimney said, distinctly unimpressed voice drawing Buck’s attention. He snorted out a laugh as he spotted the baby Macaque sitting on top of Chimney’s head. Hen let out a soft squeak as another dropped from the trees onto her shoulders, a smile lighting her face the moment she caught sight of it.
“Told you it shouldn’t be on the list.” Buck said smugly.
“Shut up, Buck.” Hen laughed. 
Buck turned back to the monkey on his shoulder, lifting a hand slowly towards it, it reached out with one hand, warm little fingers curling over his as it tugged his hand over, searching for anything in, on, or under his hand. When it was sure he had no treats it launched off, scurrying back towards the trees. 
“Come back, little guy.” Buck cooed. “Come on buddy, please.”
“Buck.” Eddie called. Buck turned, lighting up when he saw a monkey roughly the length of a watermelon perched on Eddie’s forearm like a falcon. 
“Ohh, dude. It’s so cute” He gushed, creeping closer. “-Hey beautiful.” He held out a hand, glee filled him as the monkey leaped from Eddie’s wrist to land on his own. It’s coarse brown fur brushing his cheek as it scurried up his arm to rest at his shoulder.
“I think it likes you.” Eddie said.
“You reckon I could steal it?” Buck joked as the monkey’s hand scratched at his forehead as it clamored over his head to the other shoulder. 
“Alright everyone, let’s remember we’re at work, not a petting zoo.” Bobby called. A large macaque dangling from the bag in his hand.
“Reckon we have time for a few photos?”
A shrill screech echoes from the treetops. The monkeys scattered. Scurrying back into the trees with a dexterity that made petty jealousy eek into Buck as he watched them swing around the branches and launch themselves high into the treetops.
“Thank God.” Chimney breathed, dusting off his head:
“I think they’re camera shy.” Eddie said, clapping buck on the shoulder. 
“Oh look, our flocks come to see what all the fuss is about.”
“Your what?” Chimney asked, spinning on his heel. Buck turned as well, spotting the line of birds on the horizon. “What are they doing? They’re not going to come over here are they?”
“Maybe. Wouldn’t you come over and see what a guest was doing in your home?”
“Let’s keep moving.” Bobby ordered. The group moved on, footsteps crunching on fallen leaves.
“Okay, they are getting closer right? it’s not just me.” Chimney asked five minutes later Buck looked behind them to find the Emus still there, hovering over the horizon, definitely closer than before. Buck squinted as he followed the gaze of the closest one, seemingly right to Eddie.
“Not just you.” Hen said.
“..Does it look like they’re looking at Eddie to anyone else?” Buck asked.
“Very funny.” Eddie scoffed, shouldering past him. The birds moved forwards in tandem, inching further over the horizon like a strange little army.
“I don’t think he’s kidding.” Chimney said. “They’re looking right at you.”
“No, they’re not.” Eddie huffed.
“They might be.” The keeper said. “They are known to fixate on people.” Chimney took three dramatic steps away from Eddie. “If you follow me the guest is this way.” Bobby and Chimney moved to follow him. 
Buck waved to the Emu’s, they ignored him. Eddie took a step. Their eyes followed like those from painting in haunted houses.
“Seriously why are they looking at me?” Eddie breathed.
“Like he said, they’re curious creatures. When they find someone interesting they’re known to follow them, even in the wild.” Hen said.
“Follow them?” Eddie asked voice edged with uncertainty. He took a step back, the flock took another step forward.
“Aww, you made some friends.” Buck snorted.
“They’re just curious.” Hen reiterated. “Ignore them.” She took off after Bobby and Chimney. Buck cast one last glance at Eddie, still in a staring contest with the Emus before he scurried after Hen, falling into step with her.  
“How do you know so much about animals? I mean, every time we get a call to do with animals you bust out all these facts.”
“I watch a lot of animal planet.”
“Do you think you were like a vet in a past life?” Buck inquired. Hen shot him an unimpressed look.
“I think-” Her reprimand was cut off as their radios crackled. 
“Cap we have a problem.” The two turned around at Eddie’s radio call. Eddie was still in the same position as they’d left him. The Emu’s however, had moved forward to form a semi-circle around him. Heads snapping from side to side as they seemed to size him up with their beady gaze.
“They’re not like… dangerous, right?” Buck said, taking a half step towards Eddie as he noticed a few of the birds were actually a few inches taller than his friend.
“Eddie, you’re fine.” Hen said into her radio. “-just don’t make any-” Eddie took a clumsy step back, then another, and another before he was spinning on his heels and sprinting in the opposite direction. “Sudden movements.” She finished tiredly as the hoard of Emu’s took off after him. Long legs bounding across the floor with impressive speed.  
Eddie’s scream as he noticed them following tore through the otherwise quiet field.
“Holy crap, they can run.” Buck said.
“So can Eddie.” Chimney snorted.
“Eddie? Diaz, are you okay?” Bobby’s voice crackled through the radio.
“They’re going to kill me!” 
“You uh, ever seen this in one of your nature documentaries?”  Buck asked, watching as the Emus gained on Eddie and his screams switched to frantic Spanish yells.
“No. Pretty sure Dennys watched this episode of road runner though.” hen said, voice cracking with laughter. Buck quickly found his own honking laughter joining in. 
“Five bucks says he runs off a cliff.” Buck said.
“Ten says an anvil drops on him.” Chimney called, his laughter merging with there’s. Eddie disappeared over the horizon. The pounding of Emu feet following him.
“I need back up!” their radios roared. Buck clutched Chimneys arm for support as he keeled over, great guffaws of laughter leaving his sides stinging. 
“Hello?! Is someone there?!” The laughter stopped as suddenly as it started, all eyes snapping to the trees, a slither of red could be seen at the top of one of them. “Help me! I’m stuck!”
“Alright Hen, Chim you’re with me. Buck, go help Diaz.”
“Always get the fun jobs.” Chimney muttered as Buck took off in the direction Eddie had disappeared.
Eddie was easy to find, or, at least, the Emus were easy to find. The flock wandering around the fire truck, beaks snapping at the shining metal curiously. Buck shuffled towards it slowly, eyeing the birds with trepidation. He understood why Edde had run. They were huge, their long bodies bobbing as they prowled around the truck.
“Nice birdie.” Buck breathed, as he shuffled towards the doors. One eyed him, head twisting left, then right, brown eyes glinting in the sun before it bounded past him to peck at the ground. He continued, slow steps, even breathing. 
Relief rushed through him when he heard Eddie’s furious muttering floating through the cracked open window
“Oh Eddie, Eddie mira un lindo mono, bueno, ¿sabes qué, Buck? A la mierda los monos, ¿a quién carajo le importa? Y a la mierda llevar a Christopher al zoológico. No voy a ser perseguido por pájaros demoníacos de nuevo, malditos pájaros que parecen velociraptors. Ve a los bolos como las familias normales. Estúpido-” Eddie yelped as Buck opened the door and tumbled inside. He shut the door behind him before any of the emus could get their heads in the way.
“Relax, it’s just me.” He snorted. “They can’t open doors you know.” Eddie shot him a glare that had the smile falling from Buck’s face. “Holy shit dude.” He winced, looking at a trail of blood dripping from a split in Eddie’s lip. “Did they do this to you?”
“Yes.” Eddie huffed, dabbing at the blood. Half his uniform covered in dirt. “No.” he corrected Buck’s eyebrows crept up his forehead. “Sort of. I….they were trying to peck me and I kneed myself in the face trying to cover up.” Buck wheezed out a hiss of laughter. 
“Si, ríete. Ya veremos que tan gracioso lo encuentras cuando estén picoteando tu linda cara.” Eddie grumbled bitterly, even as pink rose in his cheeks.
“Okay man, I have no idea what you said but I’m fairly sure it was an insult.”
“Now I know that was an insult:” Buck grinned. 
“It’s not funny Buck. I was almost killed.” Buck didn’t even try to stop the laughter booming out of him. Eddie shoved himself off the seat. Moving towards the door that really, they both know that he couldn’t use unless he wanted to be accosted by a flock of Emus again. Even so, Buck darted out a hand, catching his wrist before Eddie could find himself trapped with nowhere to storm off to.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Buck choked out, trying to blink the tears of mirth from his eyes. “I’ll stop.” he lied. 
“You’re an ass.” Eddie said stiffly.
“Oh come on, If this happened to me you’d be laughing.”
“No, I wouldn’t.” Eddie said petulantly. Buck shoved him back onto the seat. “I’m a better person than you.”
“Well, The Emus certainly seemed to like you.” 
“This is you stopping?” Eddie sneered a move that he seemed to regret instantly when it tugged at his lip, his fingers prodded softly at the broken skin. “Fuck.”
“Aww. Did you give yourself a booboo.” Buck pouted, Eddie shut him a filthy glare. “Want me to kiss it better?” 
“Yes.” Eddie said. Buck reeled back as if slapped.
“What?” he choked. Eddie’s lips twitched, shoulders squaring as he sat up straighter, chin tipping up defiantly. 
“Kiss it better.”  He drawled.
“I-uh…I mean- what?” Buck floundered, watching as smug satisfaction seemed to ooze off of Eddie as he preened like one of the damn Emu’s outside. 
“That’s what you get for-” Eddie started, Buck dove forwards. Smashing their lips together. Eddie’s head hit the back of the seat with a thump, their teeth clinked together uncomfortably. Buck pulled back just as quickly as he dove in, raising an eyebrow at Eddie and ignoring the stutter of his heart begging him not to pull away.
“Better?” Buck asked, faux casually. Eddie gaped. “Need me to do it again?” He challenged. Eddie’s head dipped once in a nod before it was aborted.
“No, it’s better.” Eddie said. “I- uh…I didn’t think you’d do it. I was trying to embarrass you.” Buck flopped down next to him. Shoulders knocking.
“Yeah, I got that.” Buck said. “You should know better than to challenge a Buckley.” Eddie’s finger went back to probing at the split in his lip. Buck could taste copper against his tongue. Silence crept around them, an Emu’s beak snapped against the window. Somewhere a monkey howled.
“I still stand by a Zoo call being on the list!” Hen argued. The engine rocked beneath them. The highway zipped past outside the windows.
“We had monkeys sitting on us! How is that a bad call?” Buck exclaimed.
“I agree with Hen.” Eddie grumbled. “Zoo calls suck.”
“You’re just upset you’re a chick magnet.” Buck said, giggling at his own joke, he raised his hand chimneys palm hit his in an echoing high five. 
“I can’t believe you got attacked by Emu’s.” Chimney cackled.
“Best call ever.”
“Hey, Buck?” Hen said.
“You got a little blood on your lip.”
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skittlesfics · 4 years
Blind Date - Jack Barakat x Reader
Title: Blind Date
Pairing: Jack Barakat x Reader
Word Count:1653
Author’s Note: Okay, okay, so I’m not supposed to write RPF on this blog BUT I’m going to see All Time Low THIS WEEKEND and I found this in my drive. based on the prompt: “It’s nice to meet you and I love your songs but wow, now that I know who you are and you’re paying for dinner and all I feel really bad for pirating all your music.”
P.S. Requests always open (especially for Harry Potter and Dragon Age)
“I swear you’ll love him. Have I ever steered you wrong?” Clara called through your bathroom door as you changed into outfit number three. You frowned, stepping into another pair of heels that was somehow taller than the last. If your friend hadn’t arranged this date as a huge favor to you, you would think that she was trying to kill you.
“Yes.” You said as you walked out of the bathroom. “Two weeks ago at that club downtown.” Clara wolf-whistled and stood to get the full impression. Outfit number three was braver than what you would have picked for yourself, but Clara had insisted that outfits one and two were too conservative for the guy you were meeting.
“He’s not like that guy at the club. You’ll really love him.” She assured you, already approaching you to do something with your hair, now that you had found something that she approved of. You stood still, letting her style your hair and decide what to do with your makeup. 
"I don't have to love him, Clara. I just have to get him to fuck me." 
She choked for a second before bursting into laughter, thumping you hard on the shoulder. 
"With this outfit? If he doesn't fuck you, I will." She insisted with just enough of an eyebrow raise that you believed her, too. You rolled your eyes and let her guide you over to you vanity so that the two of you could finish the look. 
By the time you were all dressed up and Clara was driving you downtown, you would have fucked you. 
"I'll be in the area for the first hour or so, but if you need to bail after that it might take me a bit to get to you." Clara said. "Remember the code word?" 
"Weightless." You replied, scrunching your nose at the laugh she tried to stifle. There was something about this date that she wasn't telling you and you hadn't been able to figure out what it was. You knew her well enough that she wouldn't pull a harmful prank on you, but that didn't mean that she didn't have something up her sleeve. 
"What did you say his name was again? And how do you know him?" You asked, switching gears. She gave you a suspicious look out of the corner of her eye, but returned her attention to the road as traffic inched forward again. 
"Jack. I met him through work." She answered. You tried not to wince as she sped up, sliding into a spot between two cars that her car barely fit into. You should have known better than to accept her offer to drop you off, but you weren't too keen on letting a blind date have your address. 
"He worked with you on a music video?" You asked when you were sure that death was no longer imminent. She hummed as if considering and gave you a shrug. 
"Something like that. He's a cool guy, really easy to work with." She finally replied. It wasn't an answer, but you knew by now that you weren't going to get any more out of her. You huffed dramatically and sunk low in your seat, closing your eyes. She laughed at you and turned the radio up, the sound of a new Simple Creatures song playing on the radio. 
You opened your eyes just to glare at her again. You were glad that Alex was having fun making music, but you really wished he would release another album with All Time Low, and Clara knew that. She shrugged at you and you closed your eyes again, trying not to be nervous about the date. 
The Black Sheep was a gastropub on 6th that you had been meaning to check out for a while, but you never seemed to be downtown after 7pm, at least not with the intention to eat. Now that you were going on a date there, you wish that you had managed to get there at least once so that you could have at least scoped out the place. As Clara pulled up slightly down the block, you swallowed your nerves. You were hot, you were confident, and you would take someone home tonight. 
"Love you, get laid!" Clara called from the rolled-down window. 
"Love you, I'll try!" You called back, blowing her a kiss. You watched her drive off and then took a moment to confirm that you had your phone and your clutch. You wished that you had done more than drink the single glass of rose while Clara was destroying your closet, but the plans for the night were gastropub, nightclub. There was plenty of time to take the edge off. 
You took a final steadying breath and walked towards The Black Sheep. 
It was still relatively early, but you weren't the only person dressed up for a night out. You felt less insecure about the leather clinging to your legs and the deep v of your bodysuit that went down to the high waist of your pants. The looks that you got were mostly appreciative, and that did a lot towards calming your nerves. As you neared the door, you heard someone shout your name from behind you. 
You twisted around, eyes scanning for whoever called you, but freezing when they landed on Jack Fucking Barakat. Living in LA, running into celebrities was a common occurrence. You went to the same gym as Ariana Grande and Brie Larson, and had showered in the same room with them. All Time Low, however, had been the soundtrack of your emo years. You still had a poster of Jack folded up with some of your other memorabilia from going to Warped and other festivals. 
You realized with horror that you were staring, and that he had noticed. He was half-jogging, but he slowed when he got to you. When he opened his mouth, you thought he was going to call you out for being a total fangirl and you started to apologize. Instead, he said your name and your brain short circuited. 
"Sor- I'm sorry, what?" You asked, stumbling back a half-step, wobbling on one precariously high heel as you caught yourself. He reached out and steadied you with an arm on your elbow and you thought that you might explode. Your biggest teen fantasy was touching you. And then he said your name again. 
"Clara's friend, right? Sorry, I thought I saw you back there but I wasn't sure until she sent me a picture of the back of you. I'm Jack." He held up his phone, showing you a picture that Clara had snapped as you were walking towards her car. You were still mad at her for the heels, but damn you looked good from behind. 
"You're Jack? " You asked incredulously before realizing how stupid that was. Of course you knew his name was Jack. "Actually, I knew that. What I meant was, you're the Jack I'm meeting for a blind date?" You asked, eyes still wide. He grinned, running a hand through his dyed silver hair and you thought you might melt into the sidewalk right there. 
"Yeah, lucky me, right? Come on, this place has great burgers and booze, and I didn't get to pre-game like I wanted." You let him pull you along into the gastropub. That made two of you, at least. 
You settled in at the bar and ordered your burgers. Jack got the Macho Patty Melt and a Hell or High Watermelon, while you got the titular Black Sheep burger and a pear cider that didn't have a cute name. As you reached for your clutch, Jack waved your hand away and handed his card over, telling them to keep the tab open. 
You wanted to text Clara to scream at her for not telling you that your date was Jack Motherfucking Barakat of All Time Low, but you didn't want to look rude in front of JACK MOTHERFUCKING BARAKAT OF ALL TIME LOW.
"Hey, you okay? You look nervous." He said softly, or as softly as he could while still being heard over the general noise of a gastropub. "Clara mentioned that you were an ATL fan, so you don't have to worry about that." You smiled at his concern and shook your head. 
"It's not that." You admitted, biting your bottom lip, "It's just... Well, I know who you are and obviously I really love your music but... With you paying for dinner and all I feel really bad for all the albums I torrented." 
Jack's eyes widened slightly and you worried that you had upset him. Had you really just told a music artist that you pirated their music instead of paying for it? Oh, fuck. Clara would be so pissed if you struck out on this date. 
You started to apologize but he burst into laughter, his body shaking as he laid his head on the table for support. You managed a weak smile, taking a sip of your cider to calm your nerves some. The laughing fit passed and he looked up at you, still grinning. 
"How about I consider your company as a repayment of your debt and call it even?" He said, reaching out to shake your hand. 
"I don't know... It's a lot of debt." 
"Guess you've got a lot of repayment to do, then." 
You regarded him for a moment, looking from his hand to his face. You had never shaken hands with a first date before, but you did it anyway. 
His hand was big and warm and you could feel his callouses as it engulfed yours. The contact lasted only the briefest moment, but you were already starting to feel warm. You swallowed, reaching for your drink immediately. 
Oh fuck. You were on a date with Jack Barakat, oh fuck. You downed the second half of your cider.
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Mister, I’ll Make a Wolf Out of You || Ariana & Simon Chatzy
Ariana sniffs Simon out at the farmer’s market and the two become quick pals. @inconvenientsimonstrocity 
Why Ariana was going back to Nightshade Farmer’s Market, she couldn’t quite say. After the whole watermelon debacle last time, she was curious about what sort of other supernatural things they had going on in there. Maybe this time she’d just avoid buying anything unless she actually came across the black garlic she’d been looking for the last time. As she walked around, her nose was confronted with a variety of different smells from seafood to herbs and spices. There was one scent in particular that caught her attention and instinctively her feet followed it. It definitely wasn’t Ulfric or Lucas, she’d recognize them long before she ever neared them. This was someone new and she could feel herself perking up. There was a small grin on her face as the scent of the other wolf became stronger. As she rounded the corner, she saw him standing there at the cursed produced stand with the stupid watermelons. Ariana gave the woman running the stand a dirty look before she approached the man. He appeared to be around Ulfric’s age and had very sharp features. She knew he had to be able to smell her, too. “Hey,” she said, greeting him with a warm smile, “I’m Ariana. I think we may have some important things in common if you’d like to chat for a bit.”
Speaking of the variety of scents, Simon was curious about why he hadn’t thought of this before actually arriving at the market the… girl on the internet suggested to him for finding venison. It was strange how quickly the smells in the air could go from the alluring aroma of garlic to the oppressive odour of fish and the combination as they were were almost enough to make him consider just giving up and going home BUT… he endured. Because he really wanted some deer meat. Hopefully jerky. What he was currently in front of… was not jerky. Rather, he WAS contemplating to see if these watermelons were the aforementioned cursed objects spoken of by others or not, rubbing his nose absently. Suffice it to say, he was caught off guard when he was suddenly approached by a short, younger girl and he jumped back slightly, turning to regard her. “Oh, er… hi,” He replied, noting her smile before her scent, quickly becoming unmistakable to him, backhanded him in the face and he coughed in further surprise, torn between his body’s instinct to take a few generous steps away from her and his minds curiosity to lean in further and try to memorize it. “Ariana,” He replied quietly. He cleared his throat and straightened up. “I’m-- yeah, we might so…” He glanced over at the woman at the stand briefly before looking back at the girl-- the wolf Ariana. “Llllead the way,” He offered awkwardly as if this were the first time he was talking to another person.
Ariana could tell that the man before her seemed to be a little bit thrown off by her approach. She wondered if he was new to this. Could this have been the werewolf that Luke had been referring to. She supposed she would find out soon enough once they found somewhere a little more private. She nodded and led the way to the spot her and Winston had sat down to eat the last time they were here. “Yeah, there’s some tables and stuff that are pretty quiet over this way.” As they passed through the stands, she kept a careful eye and ear out for anyone around them. Could she be putting this wolf in danger by being around him? She wasn’t sure how much truth there was to there being a bounty on her head. Still, this was important. Their kind was meant to stick together. When she found the little area in back with the tables, she was relieved to see no one else was there. “We can grab a seat over here.” She sat down and studied him. “Do you know why I wanted to speak with you and what we have in common?”
Simon couldn’t help but feel a little awkward as he followed Ariana astutely through the market; a tall, scruffy-looking hobo man tailing after a girl who he guessed was likely still in high school probably would’ve turned heads in a more formal environment. Even if he lost her visually, he almost took comfort in the fact that he had picked up her scent well enough that he could probably track her on a better day. And with antihistamines. He’d probably need to tell someone about that one of these days. He tilted his head slightly when they approached the empty area, also internally thankful that there weren’t any bodies to listen in on them and he sat across from the girl. He set his hands on the table in front of him and chose to be invested in her outfit rather than look her in the eye. “You’re… Lucas mentioned you.” He replied softly. “You’re a werewolf. I’m assuming that’s the topic of this discussion.” He said before adding “Unless it’s not that at all and you want to mention my jacket, which I understand. It’s kind of-- it’s no looker,” He chuckled.
Ariana was relieved to have found the man that Lucas told her about. No one should have to figure this out alone. She had been lucky to have not known life any other way. As he spoke, she was sure to keep a close ear out for anyone that may have been approaching. She wasn’t sure how if he had a full grasp on his wolf senses yet. She made herself comfortable at the table and placed her elbows on the table. With a raised brow, she said, “Yes, Lucas mentioned you as well, but didn’t give me a name. He said you were pretty new to this whole thing. I’m sure that’s a pretty big change. How are you adjusting?” Prior she hadn’t actually noticed his jacket, so she laughed and added, “Damn, you found me out. I really just wanted to know where you got your jacket. Looks hella comfy.”
At least she seemed friendly, which appealed to both sides of Simon and the latter felt himself relaxing slightly from his formal position, especially as he noticed her do the same thing. “Yeah, it’s also ‘hella’ ugly and old.” He replied lightly, wishing they could keep talking about fashion instead of things everyone else seemed to think was important. Well, no, that wasn’t correct - he loved to hear about what other people thought were important topics. The more he thought about it, the more he just felt awkward to talk about himself like he had anything interesting to say. “I, uh… can’t complain,” He said mildly, itching his nose as if his body was subtly trying to call him out on the lie. “The deuteranopia is frustrating but that’s really a nitpick in the grand scheme.” He said, not untruthfully. “Oh, um. I’m Simon.” He introduced, thinking maybe he should’ve started with that. “Sorry.”
It was good to see the other wolf relax a bit. Ariana knew if he was new to all of this, the sensory overload may have been a lot to deal with. She wasn’t sure what having human senses felt like, but she knew the hearing and scent was extremely dull in comparison. She couldn’t help but laugh as she said, “You said it, not me.” She rested her head on her knuckles as he spoke. She listened closely, genuinely curious about what his experience with this whole situation was. Her face scrunched up in confusion when he mentioned deuteranopia. “Wait, what’s deuteranopia? I don’t know that word. I know there’s got to be a lot about this that takes getting used to, but it’s good to meet you, Simon.” She needed to get insight to determine if he was safe. He definitely shouldn’t be going through the full moon alone. “So, how long have you been a werewolf? What are your plans for the next full moon?”
“Oh, sorry. It’s uh, red-green colourblindness,” Simon explained. That was the terminology most people were familiar with, after all. BUT at least he couldn’t say he didn’t teach someone a new word. “I didn’t have that until about seven months ago. I can’t tell for sure because I don’t… remember the last handful of full moons,” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Lucas made a couple of helpful suggestions about the next time, though. He said I should hang out with you guys and we could go for a run,” He couldn’t help but let a small, timid smile cross his sharp features, if only because no one had offered for him to ‘hang out’ with them before. “He told me what it was like, being a wolf. He also said that that was a big part of their family and that he’d been turning since he was a child. What about you?” He asked, curiosity evident in his tone. “I figure you’ve been a wolf a lot longer, too. What does that make you feel? And you can be as honest as you want, I’m obviously not going to judge,” He chuckled again.
“Oh,” Ariana exclaimed, she nodded and said, “Yeah, I guess I’m used to it since I’ve always been colorblind. Throw in some dyslexia and it makes school a blast.” Her tone towards the end hinted at her sarcasm. It had to be strange to go from seeing the world in full color to seeing only part of the spectrum. The rest of her senses were already so sharp, she didn’t quite mind having dulled vision. She noted that it’s been seven months and the not remembering the full moon was concerning. With the hunters out and about, he definitely needed to be with her and Ulfric to ensure his safety. “That means you’ve been a wolf for seven months now then. Spend it with Ulfric and I. There are people in this town who don’t think we should exist. It’s not safe to be out there on a full moon on your own.” It was a relief that danger hadn’t found him yet. Though maybe she wasn’t the best person to be around to avoid danger. She had to remember they were safer in numbers. “Yes, we’d love to have you run with us. It’ll be fun. I’ve been turning since I was a child as well. My parents were both wolves.” She skipped out on mentioning how they were killed. This whole thing had to be overwhelming enough without taking hunters into account. When he asked how she liked being a wolf, she offered a soft smile. “I’ve always been a wolf so I don’t really know anything else. I enjoy it though. I remember the full moons at this point and have fairly good control when it comes down to it. I find the full moon to be liberating. There’s something about running through the wood that just feels… right. I also like the advantage when it comes to strength, smell, and hearing. Comes in handy being well… short. How has the experience been for you? What you can remember of it at least.”
There was a brief glance of sympathy on Simon’s face when she mentioned dyslexia - that combination couldn’t have been that easy. She seemed bright and optimistic though; not the type to let anything keep her down. That was just the impression he got as he listened to her talk about her experiences, about what being a born wolf felt to her - that made at least three wolves now that were born with it. He took a mental note of the name ‘Ulfric’ and the usage of her past-tense mentioning parents - estranged? Passed on? She hadn’t mentioned it so he chalked it up to a negative memory at best. He also noted the similarities of experience between Ariana and Lucas - it felt right. A literal second nature, something Simon and other normal humans only thought they understood. The smile he hadn’t realised was on his face by listening to Ariana faltered when she asked about him, however and his gaze dropped back to his hands. “N-not as… exciting, I don’t think,” His brow furrowed as he struggled to remember even the following mornings of the first moons; he only vaguely recalled the most recent one and he really wished he didn’t. “I don’t remember the nights but… the next day, there’s usually blood and I feel like I got hit by a truck. Or pushed off a rocky cliff.” He explained, trying to sound plain about it but his fingers intertwined with each other nervously.
It dawned on Ariana that the soreness was probably from the transition itself. The body took a long time to get used to it. She wasn’t actually sure on the timeline of that herself. Ulfric grew up with other wolves, he probably had a better idea than she did. She hoped that wasn’t something that lasted too long. When Simon spoke about it, there seemed to be a certain amount of tension. She wished she had more answers, but she knew eventually it would get easier for him. That didn’t make it suck any less that he clearly wasn’t having an easy time with things right now. “I think the soreness is supposed to get better the more you transform. The same thing with your memory. Your hunting drive will be really strong in wolf form. I usually catch deer or some sort of other game.” She shifted away from leaning on her hands to convey what she had to say next was serious. She kept a close ear out for anyone who could be approaching as she spoke. “We have to be careful though. There are people out there who kill our kind. Especially on the full moon, we’ve gotta stick together.”
Though the aspect of it hurting less physically brought Simon a small level of comfort, he still felt himself withdrawing from her. Lucas had said similar things about feeling a drive to hunt, to be on top, about how freeing it felt and about how being together was imperative because of the Hunters, he believed Lucas referred to them as. It all sounded fantastic, for lack of better terminology. Ariana, Lucas and his family, they had an important aspect of this: Control. They had exposure to this side of themselves their entire lives. Simon, frankly, was a nobody and he was perfectly fine by that but he wanted to be a nobody who just happened to be friends with a bunch of werewolves. He didn’t feel free, he felt like his body had been pulled on a torture device. He didn’t feel control, he felt the exact opposite from the lack of memory, waking up covered in blood. He was turning 43 in November; his life was half over and he was just now being pulled into a circle of brotherhood he didn’t even know was a thing until a few days ago. Maybe Hunters existed because of people like him; he was fully ready to acknowledge and defend that Ariana and Lucas were sentient. He wasn’t - when people pictured werewolves, he was that picture. Mindless, aimless killing machines. And he didn’t think it was appropriate to discuss these things with Ariana… She was young and spirited, a promising individual for a good future. He didn’t feel like it was his place to be such a downer, not to her or really anyone else. “Yeah, you’re right,” He said quietly, feeling like he wanted to say more but he couldn’t bring himself to.
Ariana tried to think back over what she said that could have come across the wrong way. The fact people were out to kill them could definitely be enough to make someone uncomfortable. Then again, this whole thing was new to him. She wished she could relate to it a little bit better, but she knew between herself and Ulfric they could help him learn to be more in tune with his wolf side. More than anything, she wanted to make sure Simon was going to be safe. “Yes, I’m sorry if that was a lot to take in. We’ll help with both safety and learning to be more in tune with this new side of yourself.” She hoped it was comforting. It was hard for her to understand just what he was going through, but she wanted to try. She offered him a warm smile and tilted her head slightly, “It’ll be nice to have another wolf around. I’ve actually only recently started to meet other wolves.” She hoped maybe it could help her level with him to some degree though she did hate the look of pity people always gave her when she told them about her parents. She let out a soft sigh and explained, “I was really young when my parents died, so until recently, I hadn’t known anyone else like us.”
Simon’s eyebrows twitched faintly when she mentioned having lost her parents, piecing together more information. She was really young so they didn’t teach her; she had to learn by herself? That separated her from Lucas. She wasn’t aware of other wolves - she wasn’t raised here? The thoughts of Ariana having to grow and learn how to control and embrace the wolf on her own pulled Simon out of his temporary fugue and he lifted his head to look Ariana in the eye for the first time, his gaze conveying empathy with a gentle smile. “And yet here we are,” He said softly. He leaned back and sniffed thickly. “So tell me more about you, Ariana. What do you like, what do you wanna be when you grow up, that sorta thing.” He said as he knuckled his septum, turning his head slightly to keep an eye out on the exposed entryway they arrived from; he wasn’t sure why but he supposed he also wanted to be aware just in case someone who shouldn’t be overhearing their conversation wanted to listen in.
Ariana was pleased with how well this meeting seemed to be going. It even just felt good to be moving on to more normal conversation in the midst of everything that was going on. She leaned forward and rested on her elbows again, feeling eager to find out more about Simon, too. Wolf stuff aside, they were still people with hobbies and lives that weren’t centered entirely around being a werewolf. She started, “Well, I love soccer, cooking, and running a lot. I just started an apprenticeship at Trusty Wood so I’ll be going into carpentry. My sister still has some hope I may actually take some college classes, but I don’t know if I really want to do that.” She never thought she’d actually enjoy talking about school. She’d be happy to go back to a failing Algebra grade being her biggest problem, but that wasn’t how life worked. She solved the Algebra problem at least. Maybe they could solve this, too. She shook that thought. “What about you,” she said, “What do you like to do? And well, I guess you are grown up, so what do you do?”
Soccer, now that seemed like a good way to burn energy. Simon’s constitution never gifted him with an ability to play sports(until now, at least) but he found soccer the most entertaining to watch - it had the least amount of standing around and discussing superfluous things - he would’ve rather read a book during those times. He made a mental note to attend her games in the future. He also made a note that she mentioned having a sister. Didn’t bring her up when talking about wolves so he guessed she wasn’t one. That raised the question: Could one child be given wolf shifting as a trait but not another? Unless they weren’t related but either way, it meant Ariana didn’t spend her time entirely alone as either the wolf or the human. Oh, duh, she probably had an adoptive family-- but wait, did that work with orphaned wolf pups? He would probably learn some more of these answers in the future, so for now, just focus on THE now. “Me?” He asked. “Oh, uh... “ At least it wasn’t talking about being a wolf. “Well, I used to be a forensic technician but I’m a janitor at the Morgue, at the moment,” He decided to be honest with her. “I enjoy reading, learning new things… I need to get back into playing the piano. I’m out of practise,” He admitted, subconsciously clenching then unclenching his left hand as he said that.
Ariana had to wonder if the switch in jobs had anything to do with his transition, but for once decided against spewing out too many questions in one go. She had no doubt that they’d have time to get to know each other. Shifting focus to the piano thing would definitely be wiser. That had more of a physical aspect to it and she didn’t enjoy reading. Audiobooks were okay, but even so she usually preferred the sound of nature or a good song. She wondered if he hadn’t practiced because of the transition, too. She wasn’t sure how wolf hearing compared to human hearing other than it was intrinsically better. Once he got used to it, music at reasonable volumes was enjoyable. She really hated the piccolo though. Whenever she’d hear the marching band practice, the high pitches always sounded cringe worthy. “Piano, huh? Do you still have one you can practice on? I always enjoyed listening to music with piano in it. I’ve never played an instrument unless you count those god awful recorders they make you learn to play in elementary school.” She laughed a bit before she added, “Not sure if it’s our hearing that makes them sound so grating or if they really are just that bad. Is there a particular genre you enjoy playing most?”
Simon also laughed when she mentioned the recorders from elementary school. “You were right the second time; I couldn’t stand them as a child, either.” And he didn’t want to imagine how they’d sound nowadays given how much more sensitive his hearing tended to be. “And call me old-fashioned but I prefer classical - name any pseudo-famous pianist and I probably know a song or two by them.” As he talked, his right hand mimicked the motions of playing a simple tune on the table in front of him for a few moments before stopping as he sighed. “Unfortunately, I still don't… I didn’t bring a whole lot of things with me when I moved here,” He admitted, a dash of melancholy in his tone. “I’d like to acquire one soon though, just to give myself something to do in my spare time.” The feeling washed over him and he looked at Ariana once more. “I’ve never played a sport, myself - aside from what they made us do in P.E.,” He added. “What made you decide to choose… soccer--” He barely got the question out when he turned his head away from her suddenly and dipped it into the crook of his arm, sneezing twice. “Gah! Sorry--” He apologised hastily, keeping a hand over his face while the other fished around in his pockets and he felt something sink in his stomach when he found his packet of tissues but not the familiar bottle of pills. Of… COURSE he forgot them because why wouldn’t he have? It was just too convenient and a brief look of frustration crossed his features. “I’m sorry, that was terribly rude of me,” He apologised again as he applied a tissue to his face. “Um… sports. Yeah, that’s what we were talking about. Soccer.” He plowed right on through. Sports!
Ariana shook her head, shocked that they sounded that bad with human hearing and they were still forced to learn them. “Wow, they made us put on concerts with those things knowing how bad they sounded? Big yikes.” She nodded along and realized half the crap she listened to would probably not be up his alley. Post Malone was a far cry from classical piano music, but he was America’s Sweetheart. She did remember a few piano songs from her music history class though and responded, “The only piano song I remember by name is Moonlight Sonata… which may be for obvious reasons.” She laughed a bit at her own lame joke. Really anything that reminded her of the moon always stood out in her mind. “You should totally get one,” she said eagerly even though she had no idea how much pianos cost, “I’d love to hear you play sometime.” Her face lit up at the mention of soccer again, but quickly scrunched up in confusion at the loud sneeze. He seemed very thrown off by sneezing and apologized. She shook her head and said, “Don’t worry, we all sneeze. Unfortunately, being a wolf doesn’t give us a break from that… Well, clearly as you can see.” He seemed set on bringing it back to soccer and she was happy to talk about her favorite hobby. There was something about being on a team and getting to run around for long periods of time that really just suited her well. “I tend to prefer team sports and soccer is my favorite of them. Always running around and getting to be outside? Definitely a good way to burn off some energy. I’ve played basketball in the past, too, but I don’t enjoy it quite as much. Sports aren’t everyone’s thing though. Music is pretty badass, too. What inspired you to learn piano?”
‘Yeah, being a wolf is part of the problem, I think.’ The thought flitted through Simon’s mind briefly but he expressed genuine interest in Ariana’s enthusiasm for soccer though he made another mental note about her remembrance of Beethoven, giving her a small smile as she made the joke. Be that as it may, it was still a good song. “Tell you what,” He said first. “I’ll play Moonlight Sonata for you sometime if you teach me some of the ins and outs of soccer.” He absently took to scratching at his arms now as if the sneeze reminded his body that though his mind was having a good time, it wasn’t. It was fine, it was supposed to be a new moon. Maybe he was excited, bouncing back from that little pity party he threw. Was it a pity party? He couldn’t never tell. “I was… ffffive, I think, when I started playing and really, I only chose it because my mom told me I couldn’t be a velociraptor when I grew up,” He laughed, recalling the memory. “My parents both work in the medical field but I’ve always loved music.” That was when he wondered how different his playing would sound now given the changes in his… lifestyle. He also wondered how much a piano would cost. He would certainly look into it, now.
Ariana had decided that she thoroughly liked Simon. There was something about him that was sweet and endearing despite the fact he was a good deal older than her. He didn’t talk to her like she was still a kid who didn’t know anything about the world. They could level with each other and she looked forward to helping him learn the ins and outs of being a wolf. She extended her hand out to shake on it and said, “Deal. You play Moonlight Sonata and I teach you soccer. Sounds like a blast.” She grinned widely and was very glad that she found Simon. She noticed he seemed to be a bit uncomfortable as he was scratching his arms. She didn’t want to press too much so she focused back on his story about playing the piano. Five years old was super young. There was no way someone could have gotten her to sit down long enough to learn piano at five years old. “Wow,” she said, “That’s pretty cool you’ve been playing so long. Not quite as cool as growing up to be a velociraptor, but still pretty cool. I’ve always enjoyed listening to music, particularly on runs. What’s your favorite song to play?”
“Yeah, well… I guess there isn’t a lot of demand for professional velociraptors so piano it was,” Simon chuckled as his hand went up to rub at his jaw either out of irritation or contemplation - this question always made him think because he seemed to have a different answer every time. “I think to choose just one would be tantamount to only picking one book or one best friend.” Indeed, books and music WERE his only friends when he was a child. She did not need to hear this depressing-but-factual claim. “I’ll just be broad and say I’ve always preferred Chopin. Again, stereotypical but everyone has something. What kind of music do you like, whether on runs or just in general?” He asked, finding that it was rapidly becoming easier to talk to her; she seemed ambitious, forward, and eager. She had a ‘bull by the horns’ mentality about her, a trait he couldn’t help but appreciate regardless of the source. He recalled just earlier when he felt awkward following her and realised looking back, people might’ve thought that he would’ve been trouble when in actuality, he would’ve been the one IN trouble.
“What a shame,” Ariana said with a laugh, “It would’ve been really cool to meet a professional velociraptor.” Maybe she spoke too soon. Next thing she knew White Crest would reveal some dinosaur like monster that would make her eat her words. Oh, well, she couldn’t let it ruin her A+ jokes. She listened as he mentioned Chopin. “Huh, I’ve definitely heard of Chopin but don’t know if I can actually remember a song from them. Oh well, probably nothing you’d like. Unless you’re secretly a huge Post Malone and Khalid fan in which case, you’d really be full of surprises.” She giggled a bit at the thought of him jamming to Posty. Simon definitely seemed to be opening up a little easier now. He seemed a bit hesitant at first, but now conversation came easily. She had no doubt they’d be an awesome pack.
Simon opened his mouth as if to say something, paused, then closed it again. “Iiiii have never heard of either of those, so we’re even.” He admitted, making a note to look them up later. Was the man’s first name Post? That was interesting, certainly more interesting than his rising frustration with his immune system as he muttered a low ‘excuse me’ and turned his head again to sneeze twice more. At least he had a tissue this time. “Sorry,” He cleared his throat, finally relinquishing what he had been suppressing in the name of good conversation. “But is there any way we could walk and talk to the nearest corner store or pharmacy?” He swallowed what little pride he had. “My allergies aren’t happy with me.” He gave her a sheepish half smile, eyebrow twinging with embarrassment and no shortage of guilt, feeling like he was prioritizing things wrong and cutting their talk short. It was his fault, after all, that he forgot any form of medication.
Ariana laughed along at Simon not knowing who Posty and Khalid were. “I didn’t think you would, they’re pretty popular with my generation. Not sure they’re really up your alley.” They were a far cry from classical piano music. Both artists were fun though and she particularly loved Post. As Simon sneezed again, Ariana gave him a sympathetic look and said, “Bless you.” At the mention of walking to the corner store with him, she nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yeah, for sure! Want you to be comfortable. Seems like the allergies are treating you pretty rough today.” As an afterthought, she asked, “What are you allergic to?”
The weight that always sank to the pit of his stomach whenever Simon felt inconvenient lightened when she seemed willing to accompany him. Then again, part of him figured that she wouldn’t turn her nose up to a bit of walking - she did play soccer. He sniffled and got to his feet, pushing in his chair and he paused for a lengthy moment when she asked her most recent question. He could’ve said anything; indeed, they were at a public market full of conflicting scents and overwhelming aromas. It COULD’VE been anything but… it wasn’t and no matter how embarrassing or detrimental to his character information was, Simon didn’t like lying. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Dogs,” He said first, then exhaled and pointed to her slowly, then turned his finger to point to himself as he gave her a look that said ‘yyyyep’.
Accompanying him to the corner store was really no big deal in Ariana’s book. She was just excited to know another wolf and that her and Ulf would be able to help him adjust to this new life. When he answered the question on what he was allergic to, she looked at him incredulously. Dogs which translated to wolves. Which meant he was allergic to her and himself. Big fucking yikes. “Wow, I’m surprised the bite didn’t like… counteract that. I’m sorry, that’s gotta be not fun. Let’s go get you some allergy meds so you feel better.” Once again, she was directing the way so Simon could have everything he needed to feel comfortable and not sneezy. She didn’t want to be contributing to the wolfy sneezes.
“Yeah, you’d think being mauled then subsequently, er…” Well, Simon didn’t want to call it ‘cursed’ in front of someone who had been born with it though he felt like it would be a long time before he accepted being a werewolf as anything other than a ‘parasitic relationship’ or ‘curse’. “Biologically altered--” Nice save. “Would’ve negated that. I guess we can’t all be so lucky,” He chuckled with another sniff, tending to his face with the tissue again. He still felt guilty and immediately thought about how he could’ve translated that answer better or less awkwardly but he settled for a quiet “Sorry.” He was always sorry. What he was more than sorry right now though, embarrassing admittance of his body’s rejection against his own kind now aside, was thankful that Ariana both stayed and still offered to lead him given how unfamiliar he was with everything in town. Wolves really did stick together but he wondered just how big of a liability he still was - wasn’t the ‘pack’ only as strong as its weakest member? That’s how human groups worked, or… what managers would tell their beleaguered employees to scare them into being more productive. He had to stop being negative. “Er… Sorry if this isn’t the right time but I’m glad you sniffed me out, Ariana,” He glanced down at her with a gentle smile.
Ariana did her best to hold back a grimace at his mention of being mauled. That has to be traumatizing and it made her more determined to help him feel comfortable as a wolf. “We’ll just have to keep a hefty supply of allergy pills and tissues then,” she said with a sheepish grin. More than anything, she wanted to be good support for the transition he was going through. There was pep in her step as she directed them to the corner store. She was happy she found another werewolf and someone that she was actually able to help. Her’s and Lucas’ situations both felt hopeless. It was nice to have things with an easy solution like simply watching out for him and teaching him about being a wolf. “I’m glad, too. I think you and Ulf will be fast friends. Good to have you as part of the pack.” She gave his arm a playful punch as they made their way up the block. Their pack was really coming along and it left Ariana with a warm feeling. Maybe things could work out after all.
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