#she returns once more on my blog for halloween!
aca-4 · 7 months
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+ two very bland looking unedited versions for comparison:
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I tried to do a background but realized very quickly how time consuming that actually is on paper. Kinda ended up fitting the aesthetic, though.
Previous Years: 2022 >> 2021
MLP:FiM and its characters belong to Hasbro
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highvern · 24 days
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Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x f!reader
Genre: smut, hint of fluff at the end
warnings: drinking, allusion to drug use, sub hoshi likes when reader is mean to him, oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, protected sex, reader calls hoshi a furry more than once, cumshot, hair pulling, reader wears bunny ears
Length: ~5.3k
Note: this started as a prologue to a different fic but i wanted it to become its own fic. danke @gyuswhore for being my torture subject as always as well as @onlyhuis @temptaetions @cheolism
Summary: The guy wearing a tiger onesie and ripping a bong in the corner might not be the most promising prospect of the night. But you've got a point to prove and a bet to win. series m.list: Green Light [s], Yuck [f], Talk [a, s, f]
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked.
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The cramped living room is hazy with the smell of pot, cut by cheap led strip lights painting everything in violets and blues. Butt numb from the stiff armrest of the couch, you adjust the bunny ears on your head for the fifth time in the twenty minutes you’ve sat there.
Everyone else skitters around, dressed as different animals. More bunnies, a few cats, a guy dressed like a dinosaur hogging a joint. It’s someone’s birthday; a friend of a friend you’ve never met, but the promise of free alcohol before heading downtown isn’t even close to the worst way to spend your time. It’s why you fished out the dumb satin bunny ears from your closet; a relic from Halloweens past when you needed a cheap excuse to wear something scandalous in public with little judgment. 
June disappeared thirty minutes ago to find the birthday boy, leaving your entire group to mingle until she returns. 
You intently listen as Lily vents about her work crush for the nth time. His name is of no relevance, but she’s convinced herself it's love despite the fact he possesses fewer brain cells than a rock. A proven fact since he didn’t know the difference between consonants and vowels despite being well into his twenties.
“Why all the talk about relationships?” you interrupt. “Can we please have one night where we don’t talk about guys.”
“Some of us want boyfriends.” Anna rolls her eyes. 
“And yet, you can find one hundred percent of the benefits of one with zero effort. At least without all the mind games you two go through every week.”
“Easy for you to say.” Anna argues. “You’re like the poster girl for no-commitment sex.”
“I like what I like,” you shrug. “Not guys that say they want a relationship and then claim you're moving too fast when you ask him to treat you like a person.”
Lily gives an exasperated groan to the ceiling. “We get it. You hate romance.”
“I don’t hate it. I just like to be realistic. Most guys are good for one thing and I happen to admire them for that.”
“Do you realistically think you can get any guy here to sleep with you?” Anna asks. 
Any guy is a stretch. You’re easy but not without standards. Taken men are strictly off the menu. Along with weirdos or guys that look like they’ve never seen the inside of a shower. Anyone looking for a relationship typically removes themself from the running after figuring out you aren’t looking to be saved or changed, just a warm body that’s easy on the eyes.
“Pick anyone and if I pull him you owe me breakfast tomorrow.” You challenge them with a smirk. It’s slim pickings so early in the night, but nothing you can’t work with.
“Okay, then.” Lily agrees. “What about him?”
It takes you a moment to decipher who her manicured finger is pointing at. There's a small crowd in the corner of the room, guys too scared to mingle or uninterested in anything beyond their circle jerk. But he’s easy to spot; a tiger onesie and a dark crop of hair are all the details you get from this far away.
He seems to be the main entertainer of the bubble. Hands fly in different directions, chaotic but graceful. Now that you’re locked onto him, the boom of his voice floats under the heavy music. Tiger guy isn't your usual type. He’s lithe and lean; maybe a dancer or something athletic. You like them tall and domineering. It makes it that much sweeter when they try to dominate you, only to be beaten at their own game. Mingyu wasn’t your A-list fuck buddy for no reason. A damn shame he moved away at the end of last year.
But the man Lily’s picked will do what you need him to; prove a point and grant you a free meal. If you get at least one orgasm out of it then that’ll be a bonus. Chugging the last of your drink (which smells like nail polish remover and paint thinner had a very toxic baby), you drop the empty cup into Anna’s hand.
“And we want proof!” Anna calls as you stalk toward the far wall.
One of the other guys he’s talking to sees you approach, and you watch the way his eyes convey your presence, nearly bugging out of his skull. A gentle tap on tiger guy’s shoulder has him turning to greet you.
Confusion clouds his face. He’s cuter than you expected, with furrowed eyebrows and a pout that draws your eyes to his mouth with curiosity. You’ll find out their talents soon enough. 
“Hi,” you smile.
“Hi?” he parrots.
“I’m Y/N.” Eyes round with faux innocence, you make a point to take a few seconds staring at his mouth before meeting his curious gaze.
Soonyoung. The name rolls along your tongue easily. You light up at the way his eyes follow the curve of your mouth around the sound. It’s too easy.
Pushing forward, chest to chest; raising on your toes. You relish in another shiver at the brush of your mouth against his ear. “Is this your party?”
“Yeah, it’s my roommate’s birthday,” he says.
So that’s who June knows. 
“Cool. Wanna show me your room?”
“What?” You can hear the record scratch in Soonyoung’s brain; see the disbelief in his eyes.
Stepping into his space, your gaze burns a path from his lips to his eyes before you repeat, “your room?”
“Yeah, yeah. I can…definitely do that. This way!”
His own friends, still circled in the corner, gape in their own disbelief. Soonyoung has you charging through the crowded living room and down the hallway. Good. Even more bodies fill the narrow space but he nearly pushes them aside, waving off any grunts of discontent at his roughness.
You pass several doors on each side, all closed from prying eyes but you don’t have an interest anyway. His room is at the end of the long passage. A whiteboard with a crude image of a tiger and a rainbow hangs at eye level, coupled with ‘TamTam + Hoshi 5ever’ but you don’t have time to admire the art before you’re inside.
“So, this is it,” Soonyoung announces, hands wringing in front of his chest nervously. 
The tiger thing isn’t so much a coincidence and more of a theme. A poster of a tiger hangs on the wall above the dresser. But it’s not the worst of it. His bed hosts several plushies, all different sizes and shapes but certainly tigers. 
Whipping around, you eye him with incredulity. “Are you a fucking furry?”
“No!” He shakes like a bobblehead. Like he’s had to explain it dozens of times before. “It’s a joke! From college, with my friends.”
“A joke where you collect tiger memorabilia as a grown man?” You shoot back.
“It’s not that bad.”
Eyebrows flying to your hair line, you make a sweep of the room. “You have a framed picture of a tiger, are wearing a tiger suit, and have a miniature army of stuffed animals.” 
“Okay, maybe it is that bad, but I’m not a furry.”
If he was hiding more of the garish pattern out of sight you wouldn’t be surprised. For good measure, you fold over the blanket of his bed and sigh relief to find navy sheets instead of orange. You’ve slept with weirder guys for less but it’s nice to know he isn’t that weird.
“Whatever you say. But if you ask me to wear a tail, I’ll walk back out there and tell everyone.”
You peel your shirt off without another word. Once your vision is free of the fabric, you’re met with a starstruck man — mouth open, eyes skimming your chest, and what seems to be a half-chub tenting his pants. You revel in the silent awe rolling off him, preening at the attention. So easy.
But Soonyoung seems to come to his senses when you start working on the zipper holding together the back of your skirt shut.
“Woah, okay. We don’t have to go so fast,” he says, taking a step in your direction.
“So I should put my shirt back on?” You make for it like the threat is real.
“Let’s not be too hasty! I’m just saying, maybe we should, like, talk a bit first?”
Your feet carry you until there’s barely a breath between his body and your own. Soonyoung’s shirt brushes against your naked stomach with each stuttered breath as you eye his lips. “Well, do you wanna talk or do you want your dick sucked? Because I can only do one at a time.”
“Definitely the second one,” Soonyoung starts, dipping his hands to your ass for a harsh squeeze while shepherding you to his bed.
His mouth tastes like smoke and need. A disgusting combination if not for your tipsy brain easily ignoring it in favor of focusing on the roughness of his touch.
Soonyoung is eager, to say the least. He can’t touch you fast enough; hands darting from your ass, to your sides, to your breasts, and back down again. If this was happening at your apartment you’d tie him down and refuse to let him feel anything at all just to watch him squirm. 
You manage to flip him under you, pinning him in place with your thighs to rest across his lap like a throne. Taking the change in stride, he uses the new angle to mouth over your bra; sucking harshly at your covered nipples till they stiffen for his fingers to pinch at.
Soonyoung shakes his head. 
Digging the heel of your hand into his forehead successfully unlatches the suction around your nipple.  He pouts at the interruption.
“You don’t have condoms?”
“I do, but I’m not about to fuck you after two seconds of making out,” Soonyoung argues. “I‘m not even hard yet.”
Shocked by the sudden attitude, you huff before rolling your hips down. You're met with a familiar lump pressing into the crotch of your pants, and Soonyoung has the nerve to simply return to his previous task as you rock against him again.
“Liar,” you pant after a delicious drag of his teeth on your collarbone and his cock against your ass.
You stay locked like that for a while, writhing against one another as clothes come off without abandon. Your bra first, then the damn tiger onesie. Soonyoung gets you on your back before flipping up your skirt and pulling your panties to the side, revealing your drenched center.
He sucks a bruise on your nipple, tongue messy as he explores what’s between your legs with a gentle stroke of his fingers.
“Can I go down on you? Please say yes.” Soonyoung traces the request across your chest with more nips of his teeth. 
“You have to ask?”
“Consent is sexy.”
“You sound like a PSA,” you comment. “But, yeah go ahead.”
Your hips lift to aid in removing the last scraps of clothing. There’s no shyness as you spread your legs wide, flashing the aftermath of a good make-out session for Soonyoung eyes only.
“Oh my god,” he moans.
The heat of his breath fans across your folds, sending a shiver down your spine. He doesn’t even blink as you clench from the aching need to be filled with whatever he’s ready to offer,
“This is gonna make me sound weird again, but you have a really pretty pussy.”
Not something any previous partners have chosen to comment on, but you preen under the compliment. “Thanks.”
“No. Thank you,” Soonyoung says before looking at the ceiling. “God, thank you so much for blessing me like this.” 
“Stop being lame or I'll leave.” 
“Sorry, you’re hot.” He says it like an accusation. “Just wanted to let the universe know I recognize that and appreciate it.” 
“How about you recognize the fact I’m drying up as we speak?” 
“No you aren’t,” Soonyoung argues. “You’re dripping on my sheets.” 
Your hand skates across your front, falling between your thighs. Like hypnosis, he watches with rapt attention as you frame your clit between two fingers, giving a clear target for his attention. 
“Then do something about it.”
With a hand fisted in his hair, he does. An aggressive suck against your clit without warm-up sends a tremor through your core. Your fingers knot in his hair, twisting until he’s forced away from your cunt with a petulant frown. 
“If you keep licking my clit like a scratch off I will make you cry.” A jostle of the bed tells how effective your words are. “Oh my god. Did you just?” 
“I’ve never been threatened in bed before, okay? I'm just as shocked as you.”
He hides the embarrassment by wedging back between your thighs, gentler than before, lapping away the new flood of arousal from his responsiveness. A thrill hums down your spine and settles where Soonyoung’s mouth returns to work. His shoulders burn hot against the underside of your thighs, every surge of muscle rocking you back into the slick of his tongue. 
“Better?” he asks around a mouth full of pussy.
There might very well be a crowd at the door listening to every lewd squelch and pathetic whine, but you don’t care. A little direction, a grind of your hips when he does well and the sting of your nails when he gets ahead of himself does wonders. Soonyoung is eager to please and impress. You could probably lay here for an hour without a complaint for him; if anything, he’d actively encourage such indulgence if it meant your approval. 
It makes the temptation to overwhelm him too sweet to ignore. 
One of the hands flat against your stomach falls away easily, knotting his fingers through yours because of course he’d be the type to hold hands during sex. It’s cute, but that fondness is stomped down for something safer. 
Like sucking two fingers between your lips like it's his cock.
Soonyoung grunts frustration straight into your core, refusing to watch you wet his hand even when you moan at the prod against the back of your throat. Another hump against the mattress as an edge of teeth drags over his knuckles. 
You can’t help but laugh as he scrambles to stretch you across them. He curls one slowly, like you’ll object. When you don't, Soonyoung adds the other and resettles your thigh so he can watch them disappear inside. His knuckles return even more soaked and even you can’t pretend it isn’t a turn-on. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
Before you can respond, he’s licking away the fresh wave of wetness from his praise. It isn’t new information, but Soonyoung is impossibly earnest and you’re pretty sure if he came from eating you out he’d be just as satisfied as if you fucked him.
“Gimme a third.”
Soonyoung moans like he’s the one getting off as he does what you ask. 
Your legs lock, sore at the hips from being dragged to the edge so quickly. It bubbles just under the surface. Too far away where you can’t reach it but know Soonyoung can. He knows it too by the way you whisper his name. 
“If you touch yourself right now will you cum?” 
“Good.” You're overeager, just like the man between your legs, but the idea he can get off from eating you out can’t be ignored. “Show me.” 
“If you make me cum twice tonight I will talk to my therapist about you, so no.”
You whine a protest. Something that would sound far more responsible falling from his lips in the established dynamic, but you don’t care. One of your feet wedges between the bed and his crotch, toeing along the bulge still hidden behind a pair of thin boxers.
“Is it not enough that I might cum from you insulting me, you have to see it happen?” He asks. 
The picture behind your eyelids is nothing short of demonic; pulling Soonyoung’s boxers down and the inside sticky with cum, but his cock still hard because once is definitely not enough. Or streaks of white coating his chest and thighs, the perfect trail to trace your tongue over. 
You don’t even have a chance to share the fantasy before he splits you on his tongue again. Firmer this time, with a hard press to your knees that has you vulnerable and exposed. He keeps his tongue flat and heavy on your clit. Perfect to grind up against until you shudder.
Since you can’t get Soonyoung to give in, you settle for ruining any future encounter he might have by making a show.
Your fingers tickle up your stomach, nails raising goosebumps at the soft touch. Back and forth and back and forth, a little higher each time until you catch the hill of your chests and circle the hard peaks. There's no reason to ease into it, not when you sneak a glance down and find a pair of brown eyes framed between your legs.
The way he watches makes you feel dirty. Nipples pebbled between your fingers, you arch into his next move. His tongue stays flat for you to use. You curl into it, humping Soonyoung’s face like he’s nothing more than a toy to get off on. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” 
He’s definitely slipped a fourth finger inside. The stretch borders just on the edge of pain but you take it in stride. Soonyoung looks like he might cum before you do. 
“I’m – oh. Just like that.” You groan deep from your core. 
Your clit is throbbing with sensitivity as he continues to coax pleased sounds from your tongue. Heating from the inside out, your hands abandoned the torture on your chest in favor of keeping Soonyoung in place so you can rut against him.
A switch flips with your next moan. Hands on your stomach, your breasts, shoving your thighs out of the way as he digs into your cunt like the best meal the world will know. 
“Cum for me. Please let me see you come,” Soonyoung begs. 
Fizzling out, you do what he asks. Your stomach tenses for a second and then you fly off the mattress from locked muscles. 
Soonyoung doesn’t stop as you twitch, nor when you kick an ankle into his side. Maybe you go a little wet at the eyes as he forces you straight into a second orgasm without an ounce of reprieve but it's probably coincidence.
Soonyoung finally moves away at an inhuman whine. His mouth is stained with the taste of you, but he wears it well. It almost makes you want to push him back down and see if you can survive a third orgasm.
To stop from blindly following temptation, you roll until you’re sat in his lap. You must look as disheveled as you feel; sweaty and strung out. Ready for more.
“Wait,” he sighs with the pain of a man delaying his own gratification. “Wear these.”
The wrinkled satin bunny ears knocked from your head earlier come back into view. Soonyoung doesn’t  even pretend to be ashamed as he plants them back on your head before finding the dip of your waist again.
You hate the idea of giving in so easily, but Soonyoung’s need rolls off him in thick waves feeding straight to your ego.  “Oh, but you’re not a furry?” 
His cock fits well against the curl of your fingers as you stroke him, standing tall and proud from his lap. Oddly enough, you get his earlier sentiment. You’ve never thought of a dick as pretty but Soonyoung’s is nice. Red and leaking at the tip, you’re tempted to duck your chin and get a taste, but Soonyoung drags you up to his mouth before you can even make a good faith try.
“Stop being mean to me or I’ll bust a nut,” he whines.
“Can’t have that,” you snicker. “Condoms?”
The door slams open in your haste. It’s a mess of lube, sex toys, and random chargers. Who keeps a phone charger where their lube is? Too eager for the promise of such a pliable partner doesn’t leave with an interest in asking, and the way he continues to suck at your throat isn’t helping. Until you find something that stokes your curiosity even more.
“Soonyoung. What are these?” 
A set of fuzzy tiger print cuffs dangle from your fingers. The jokes write themselves. But you ignore the re-occurrence of orange and black because you really want to know if he likes bondage. (Hopefully it’s a yes. Even more hopeful is he likes to be on the receiving end.)
“Birthday present.”
“Your friends are weird,” you say. “Have you used them?”
He looks shy, like he hasn’t just asked you to don animal ears and ride him into the mattress. Handcuffs are nothing in comparison but you wait out the nerves flashing on his face. “Maybe.”
“On who?”
“Have you been handcuffed?” 
Do you want to be? The idea is just another fantasy you’ll think about later in the dark of your room when you need a quick way to get off. 
“Lame,” you tease before tossing them to the floor and shoving a foil packet into his chest.
Soonyoung’s ability to multitask is nonexistent. Not when your nipping his ear lobe and whispering how bad you want him to fuck you; how you can’t wait to feel him inside you; how big his dick is. Perfect flattery that makes him whine and fumble the condom over and over again until you grant clemency and do it yourself.
His hands are rough against your ass as you slip him inside, slow because you want him to suffer just a little bit. Your thighs scream in protest at the angle but Soonyoung looks at you like he’s watching a miracle unfold and the discomfort is more than worth it.
If there was time, you’d let him fuck you from behind just to see how he’d fair with such a visual, but this is already dragging out too long. Soonyoung looks like he needs more time to adjust to the way he’s digging in your walls than you do. So you keep theme and start bouncing on his cock just to watch him go insane.
“God,” he grunts, neck strained and a vein rising on his forehead. “You’re fucking tight. Shit.”
Your eyelids flutter shut in focus. “Keep talking. Tell me how it feels.”
“Feels amazing, oh my god. You’re so wet.”
Your pelvis tilts so he can meet each stroke from below. The slap of skin on skin drowns out any other noise; the music, the screaming partygoers just outside. If someone walks by his door they’ll figure out what's happening in a second. Makes you want Soonyoung to be louder.
“You’re so hard for me.” 
You sink flat until your ass is cradled against the firmness of his thighs. You use the leverage to sit up and give an uninterrupted view of your front; how your breasts bounce with each movement, where his cock sinks deep into your guts without any resistance.
“All for you,” he nods, eyes wild and unfocused. There’s sweat on his neck and you can’t fight the sick urge to suck against the muscle laying underneath. “Fuck you make me so hard.”
“Should’ve let me suck your dick.”
“I know,” he whines. An arm loops around your waist, crowding you into the sheets from a smooth flip. An open mouth kiss, really just panted breath and tongue, distracts you further. A thumb at your chin keeps you pliant to whatever he wants.
He rocks deeper, as if it's possible. Surges right into that spot that curls your chest tight with rough fluidity. Your thighs fold wide to give him room.
One of your hands rubs at your clit to catch up.
“God, yeah, touch yourself for me.” Soonyoung whines. “Can you come again?”
He’s not just a sub, he’s a sadist.
“Please,” he begs with a hard rush. 
“Yeah, okay,” you mumble. “Fuck me harder. Make me cum on your cock.”
You dig your free hand in his hair, tugging until it stings at the roots just the way he likes. The reward is another harsh rut of his hips that leaves you gasping for air. 
“Fuck. Right there, baby,” you moan along with the sloppy noise echoing between your thighs. “Don’t stop.”
You scramble to grab his ass, pulling him flush against you for the perfect angle to batter your insides. Your skins on fire as you tumble closer and closer to that point of no return. 
“Soonyoung!” you gasp. It’s right there. That blissful ending is just a hairwidth away. 
“God, you’re so hot,” he folds in half as he says it, crushing you underneath his body until you're bent in half in his lap with the wet of his tongue at your jaw. “Cum for me, cum on my cock.”
You twist tighter under his insistence, shrinking and shrinking, and then — finally — it splinters. The waves rock through you, head forced back into the pillows from the force of moans wrecking your throat. “Oh— fuck, that—god. Oh.” 
Vision black against the inside of your eyelids, you melt into nothing. Only Soonyoung’s grip keeps you from shaking apart into a million pieces as you whine into his mouth. 
“Holy shit, that was so hot,” he’s rambling the way to his own end, hips shaky from the way you’ve wetted his cock. “You’re so hot. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
You want to watch him cum. Even if the temptation to lay there and take it is sweet you won’t give in. 
Bangs sticking to his forehead with sweat, Soonyoung is a mess in his own right. Pink at the ears, lips bruised. You can’t get enough. His eyes darken as you suck along his thumb, tongue lashing against the sensitive pad. Soonyoung isn’t the only one that wishes you got to suck his dick. 
“Cum on me,” you whine. 
He pulls out, quickly tossing the condom aside. Your hand is already waiting to jerk him off over your body, the grease of the latex making the strokes smooth as Soonyoung fucks your fist with the same desperation as your pussy. It takes only a few thrusts before you feel the heat of his spend drip across your chest and stomach. You’re careful to stay still, body spread flat as he coats you in pale streaks. 
“Fuck,” he gasps. He twitches when you don’t stop, biting his tongue through the sting of overstimulation until he has to pull away.
Soonyoung collapses to the side. Shoulder to shoulder, you catch your breaths in the dull thump of music.
“That was fun.” You pat his stomach before standing. The floor is a mess of clothes needing to be plucked through. His shirt becomes a cum rag as you wipe away the mess staining your body.
“You aren’t gonna stay?” He calls from the bed. 
Why would I? you think while pulling on your underwear.
Soonyoung watches, splayed across the bed with his dick still wet in his lap. “Then, can I, like, call you sometime?” 
“No thanks.” 
“If you keep being mean to me I’m going to fall in love with you.”
 “Quoting New Girl isn’t giving me much incentive to be nicer,” you snort, untangling your bra. 
“It’s a great fucking show.” 
“Here’s a tip: if you want to fuck me again, stop being such a loser.” 
“You still let me hit so I think you like losers.” 
He’s smiling. You really need to find your underwear so you can get away from it.
“I like hot guys with big dicks,” you shrug. “You happen to be that.” 
“I know you want me,” he sings
“Dead, maybe.” 
“You’d miss my stroke game.” 
“I’d love to stroke you.” You coo. “With a bat. To the head.” 
“I love when you talk dirty to me, baby.” He groans with dramatic flair. “By the way, you have cum on your skirt.” 
You do, on the hem somehow. A mystery to be solved when you’re safely back in the crowded expanse of a party and not alone with the guy with a tiger fetish you might want to fuck again. “Not the first time.” 
“God…. Please give me your number.” 
You can’t swallow the smile blooming at his request. Instead, you turn to leer over him. He’s watching your mouth, licking his lips like he wants to drag you down for another tumble. “Keep begging.” 
He’s got enough humor to get on his knees and clutch his hands to his chest pathetically. You’re still close, watching him down the slope of your nose while hiding a smirk. 
“Queen of my dick, please bestow a crumb of kindness and allow me the pleasure of hitting you up at 3 AM.” 
“That time I almost caved.” You back away just in time for him to stumble over himself. “Too bad I don’t fuck guys into furry shit at 3 AM.” 
“One, not a furry. Two, who do you fuck then?” 
“One, you're not fooling anybody.” You take extra time straightening out your hair in the mirror just so he can stare at your ass. You feel him do it. “Two, myself.” 
“I will pay real money to see that.”
“I know you would. So you’re never gonna.”
He’s watching you like some lovesick fool, glowing in the light with ignorance of what comes next. Part of you doesn’t want to crush someone as earnest as he is but staying the night is out of the question when you can still hear the party rattling through the walls.
“If I give you my number,” you start. “You have to give me this.”
It’s one of the smaller plushies. Soft to the touch and attached to his keys hanging by the door. It’s cute and perfect enough to satisfy your friends’ demands. Also, an excuse to see him again if you really want.
 Maybe you do. 
“TamTam?” Soonyoung asks from your side. You didn’t even hear him approach but he’s got boxers on so it took him a minute.
“You name your stuffed animals?”
“TamTam is special.” 
“Oh, he is?” you ask. “Well, how bad do you want my number?”
“I don’t know…” Soonyoung starts. 
Your face stings at the rejection but you bury it before giving it a chance to fester into something that needs thinking about. Looking back in the mirror to correct the smudges in your make is the only cover you’ve got.
“Okay,” he nods. “But if you do anything to him I will actually cry.”
TamTam is thrust into your hands and you can’t help but smile. It’s cute. Soonyoung is cute. And it actually might make you explode. 
You hate it.
“I pinky promise I will throw myself in front of a bullet for TamTam.”
He locks his pinky around your extended one, “Good.”
And then he’s kissing you again. Every thought melts away under his lips, soft against your own with a new sweetness. The edge of the dresser digs into your spine as he crowds you against it for more leverage but it’s merely an afterthought.
Soonyoung (not a furry): btw i lied [12:15 AM] Soonyoung (not a furry): im not hitting you up at 3am [12:15 AM] Soonyoung (not a furry): what are you doing tomorrow night (pls say me) [12:16 AM] You: tamtam and i are busy [12:33 AM]
Maybe you smile at the string of intelligible letters you receive after sending the picture of you kissing TamTam’s cheek. It’s no one's business if you do anyway.
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Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie
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@missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu @sliceofwoozi @writingbarnes
@dokyeomkyeom @christinewithluv @minwonfairy @idkjustlovingbts @wobblewobble822 @futuristicenemychaos
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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the-steambird · 6 months
[ 011223 EDITION ]
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TRENDING! || From Journalist @meidnightrain
1989 Event — 21 songs to 21 fics with the Genshin characters; A celebration to the release of Taylor Swift’s 1989 album, with fluff, angst, and hurt / comfort galore! Our journalist Meisha takes us through the re-recorded album with various Genshin characters X GN! Reader ranging from Aether, to Furina, and many more in between!
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NEWS FLASH! || From Editor @yuellii
Fontaine : Dark Blood — A supernatural-themed event to continue off the spirit of Halloween in November; Dark Blood follows three separate one shots of vampire Neuvillette, werewolf Wriothesley, and puppet Lyney X GN! Reader. Our editor Ely executes horror through her writing, so readers, please heed her warnings carefully in each fic!
COLUMN — Individual Spotlight !
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LET TWO EYES BE UNDECEIVED, Lyney / By Editor @rainswept
Summary from the editor: Growing up with you by his side, falsities were always something Lyney could see through. He preferred not to use them, not for a long time — but once you were gone and he and Lynette were left without someone to do the group’s dirty work, he forced himself to inherit the way of living you left behind.
“So excited for this one! Editor Crow’s been showing me their progress—honestly such a must-read for Lyney fans when it comes out, teehee.” — Editor Ely.
YOU’RE SO RED, ARE YOU OKAY?, Furina / By Journalist @definitelynotaneulasimp
A comedic review by Journalist Henry, in which the Archon of Hydro attempts at a date, but all goes wrong when she develops a terrible case of hiccups. Rumor has it: This fic is a part of Henry’s 1.5k Followers Event!
Want more Genshin women content? Definitely check out Henry’s own blog for characters like Ei, Navia, and more!
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GOODNIGHT, Various Genshin Men / By Journalist @strawberrylabs
Did you know: Lyney, Freminet, Kazuha, Venti, Cyno and Childe have voice lines about you, dear reader?! If you’re having trouble falling asleep, hear what these characters have to say all about you!
A SIMPLE MISSION, Neuvillette / By Journalist @alaboadoa
Rumor has it: The Duke and the Iudex were caught whispering privately about you?! Read as Journalist Soph gossips all the juicy details about their conversation—it seems Monsieur Neuvillette might have a crush on you!
Just recently released: Journalist Soph also just recently released a new entry for Ayato, “INK TO PAPER.” Both of these works are featured in her 1k milestone event!
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ONE CHANCE (PT.2), Various Genshin Men / By Journalist @ayaboba
“You give them one chance. How do they use it?” Journalist Anya returns with Kazuha, Lyney, Wanderer, and Zhongli—all who have just one last chance with you. Be sure to also check our her part one of this entry with Alhaitham, Diluc, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley, linked in her entry!
WHEN THEY LOSE YOU, Various Genshin Men / By Journalist @yrbladie
Ayato, Diluc, Kaeya, Neuvillette, Zhongli — ever in the mood for angst and no comfort? Then Journalist Naeris delivered us painful excepts on five different Genshin men and how they act after ( spoiler! ) losing you.
With Journalist Naeris also being on the rise and joining the writing train, be sure to check out all the other works she has published this month, as well!
FEATURE — The Editors’ Favorites !
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YOUR SHADOW UNDER THE ILLUSORY MOON., Lyney / By Journalist @dulcesiabits
“this piece genuinely moved me. journalist liya’s writing is beautiful, and out of hundreds — maybe even thousands — of works that i have read, this has remained my favorite. it had me hanging on every word and i could genuinely feel the emotion put into it — her word choices and the way she conveys the scenes are profound in a way i cannot hope to describe. the ties and parallels part one has with PART TWO are so smart, too. hands down the most immersive and touching writing i’ve ever had the pleasure to read.” — Editor Crow.
JEALOUS-!, Ayato / By Journalist @jinxlixir
“LOVED this one! Takes place in a modern school AU with Ayato as the student council prez, and reader as his vice prez! The concept is every hopeful cliché, and Journalist Jinx did an amazing job characterizing Ayato so well—this one definitely stayed in my head for a while!”
“Not to mention: This little snippet is a continued concept of Jinx’s OTHER AYATO PIECE, one that’s much longer and written excellently!! I was practically squealing the whole time I read it… Ignore my tags if you decide to scroll through the notes.” — Editor Ely.
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THE-STEAMBIRD is a Genshinblr Newspaper that posts news on the latest fanfiction and fanart! Editorials are published on the 1st day of every month, compiling your favorite works, featuring sections for journalists (writers) and photographers (artists).
Every month, from the 2nd-24th, we are in the nomination process. Writers and artists can nominate works they would like to see featured on The-Steambird for the month using our form!
284 notes · View notes
hvly · 7 months
most prized secret ft. getou suguru
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
sᴘᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ : posted this on the wrong blog, but look who’s finally here ! i told y’all i’d post it on tuesday 🤭 never said which tuesday though. it was a long time coming, but i finally delivered. thank you @gayblade & @cu7ie for the help. truly saved this from going in the trenches. happy halloween, everybody 👹
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — disclaimer ! the following contains: getou's a straight up freak, kidnapping, body horror/amputation, mention of blood, wound kissing(?) implied noncon, reader is referred to as “his girl”, but there’s nothing gender specific
𓆩𖥔𓆪 — word count : 3.2k
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“These are so pretty ! They don’t even look like they were ever damaged !” the woman exclaimed, gently placing her palm against the glass that separated her from the porcelain doll on the other side.
Getou smiled warmly as the woman marveled at the massive display of antique dolls, her head turning slowly in awe as she explored his workshop.
The last thing anyone would expect Getou Suguru to do for a living was play with dolls. Or at least that’s how it came across when he would casually say he collects and fixes antiques. When he was met with disbelieving stares and surprised “oh wow’s”, he would offer to show them his shop and let his handiwork do all the talking for him. He knew most people found it strange that a grown man would spend time fixing up dolls intended for little girls and lonely old ladies, but there was much more to it than that.
“They are, aren’t they?” he smiled, hands buried into the pockets of his smock as the woman continued to admire the delicate figures. She nodded, mouth agape as she returned to the counter Getou was leaning against. “You really fixed all of these up by yourself?” she asked, eyes unable to stray from the dolls on display for too long. Getou hummed, pushing himself off of the counter’s edge to admire his art. He opened a case, carefully taking out a doll in a white and blue laced dress into his hands, smoothing her honey blonde hair down her back as he gazed at her.
“When these precious things get sent to me, most of them are in pretty good shape.” He muses, rubbing a thumb over the doll’s delicate face. “Some are just a little dirty and faded. Nothing a little soap, water, and paint can’t fix. Others, like this pretty girl here,” he says, gently holding up the figure for the woman to see, “Are stripped of their beauty entirely.” He places the doll back on its display, slowly closing the case once it’s secured safely in place. “Broken with missing pieces, clothing torn; stripped of all their luster and dignity.”
Getou’s expression darkened a bit, his hands lingering on the display handles for a moment longer. “That someone could show such little care to something so delicate; it bothers me,” he said, indignation clear in his tone.
“But, no matter !” he exclaimed, throwing out his arms with a flourish, “I give them all the care they need to be returned to their former glory.” The woman stared, taking in all of what he had said. There was no doubt that he was talented at his craft. Restoring them didn’t seem easy, considering how half, if not all, could’ve been older than either one of them. It was nothing short of impressive.
Her eyes landed on the figurine Getou was previously holding, the doll’s subdued features a stark contrast to the rest of her bright lolita-esque appearance. “Is that one your favorite then?” the woman asked, motioning to the case the doll was in. Getou peeked over his shoulder to where she was pointing before turning back around, a gentle smile on his face as he answered.
“I love all my girls. But,” he paused, turning on his heels slightly. He motioned for the woman to come closer and whispered the last part, as if to not offend any of the dolls. “To be honest with you, there’s one I’m still working on that might just take that spot.”
The woman’s eyes lit up with intrigue as she looked around once more. Getou silently walked behind the counter as her head whipped from side to side in search of his current work in progress. He undid his smock and pulled the paint splattered piece over his head, his long raven hair messily draping his shoulders. The woman approached again as he was pulling his hair up into a more manageable style.
He smiled kindly as she returned, grabbing his apron and wiping his hands on a spot that was relatively clean. “Were you able to find what you were looking for?” he asked playfully, fully aware that the woman was never going to. The woman sighed in defeat, shaking her head with a good natured laugh. “No, but I doubt you’d just have an unfinished project out in the open for all to see, right?” she said, taking one last glance around the many cases in the store.
Getou chuckled lightly as he hung up his apron. “Well, this one’s a bit of a passion project. So it’s for my eyes only I’m afraid,” he spoke over his shoulder before turning to move from behind the counter space. “I like to work on it when I have some free time,” he added, kicking one leg over the other and leaning slightly against the counter’s edge. He stood with his fingers interlocked, a patient smile on his lips.
The woman hummed, catching onto Getou’s silent signal that it was time to wrap up her little visit. “Well, that’s a shame. I’m sure it would’ve been beautiful,” she said, pushing herself from the counter to take her leave. Getou thanks the woman for the compliment, walking her to the store’s entrance. The overhead bell rings as he opens the door for her, the conversation coming to an end with ‘thank yous’ and ‘take cares’ being exchanged.
Getou stands at the store entrance, waving after her until he was certain she was out of sight. With a sigh, he locked the front door and flipped the “open” sign to “close”, signaling the end of his day.
“Now then,” he muttered, walking over to a display far in the back and reaching behind it. A loud click sounded from behind the shelves before it began to slowly swing open, rumbling softly as it did. An engraved wooden door revealed itself from behind the shelf, an intricate design carved into the mantel overhead. Getou dug a key out of his pocket, unlocking the hidden door and pushing it open.
The heavy door groaned as it slowly opened, a steady shhh as the bottom of it dragged across the floor. The inside of the room was barely lit, overcasted in a soft white light. It wasn’t enough to see anything in detail, but it was enough to make out there was indeed furniture. A bitter sweet smell permeated throughout the room. A combination of cleaning products and a faint trace of a sickeningly sweet perfume. Getou clicked his tongue upon the scent hitting his nostrils, his face scrunched up in discontent. He had to remember this room didn’t have the greatest ventilation system and to maybe tone back the cleaning.
Getou reached over to the light switch, slowly turning the dial to an appropriate brightness. The room was cutely decorated, cream colored walls with various accents of soft pinks and white. Pretty stuffed animals and plush throw pillows were scattered freely (but neatly) around the room. It looked like something straight off of a soft girl’s pinterest board.
Well…with the exception of the operation cart and the statuesque person who sat silently in bed in the farthest corner of the room.
“Hello, my love,” he said, his voice soft as he made his way across the room. “I see you’re sitting up today. That’s quite the improvement,” He gazed at you tenderly, his hand gently caressing your face. He placed a gentle kiss on your temple and his lips lingered for a few seconds longer before he moved back, a placid smile gracing his features. You made no motion that would suggest you acknowledged his presence or if you even recognized someone was there to begin with.
You stared far off into the distance, eyes void of any emotion or awareness. Getou tucked his leg under him as he sat on the bed, pulling the medical cart placed beside it closer to his side. An array of medical instruments were neatly lined up on the stainless steel tray, along with various bandages, gauzes and antiseptic cleaning sprays. “Maybe we'll work on using our voice today, hmm?” He asked as he pulled on his latex gloves, watching you intently as they snapped against his skin.
You blinked at the sound, something reminiscent of a flinch. Getou cooed at your – frankly, interpreted – reaction, his hands coming to gingerly cup your face. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, dearest,” he reassured, rubbing calming circles on your cheeks with his thumbs. He adjusted to face you, carefully pulling the blanket that covered you to the side to reveal what should have been your legs.
Instead, there was a white casting that ended right before the knee. Same for your arms, surgical tape wrapped securely around where the rest of your forearm would be. Getou exhaled, cautiously taking one of your legs into his hand. He slowly and carefully unwrapped the material, going over and under in one smooth motion until it was fully unraveled into a pile on the floor. He breathed a sigh of relief upon the sight of your wound. The dark purple bruises along the stitches were clearing up, fading nicely into your natural hue. The stitches themselves also seemed to be faring well, the material less prominent against your skin from when it was first put there.
The wound was in the early stages of healing, your skin starting to mend back together with a fresh scab to aid in the process. Getou rubbed a gloved thumb along the suture before looking back at you with a small grin. “It’s healing really well,” he said, reaching over to grab gauze and saline solution to care for your stitches. He hummed to himself as he wet the cloth, being careful not to over saturate it. “In a couple more days, I’d say these stitches will completely dissolve.”
With his free hand Getou steadied your leg and prepared to clean your wound. He glanced at you one more time. “Alright, you know the drill. If you feel any discomfort,” he paused, giving your thigh a firm but gentle squeeze. “Let me know.” The last bit sounded something like a plea rather than a general statement. You continued to stare flatly at the wall and Getou took your occasional blinks as confirmation that you understood him.
Getou took a deep breath before exhaling, dabbing the damp gauze along the stitches. Once it was thoroughly cleaned, he took a dry gauze and patted it dry. He quietly repeated this process again on your other leg, the clattering of objects on the surgical tray being the only sound in the room. As he worked, Getou let his mind wander to fill the silence.
How long has it been since he last heard your voice? A couple weeks now? Maybe longer? God, it felt like an eternity had passed since then.
You were someone who frequented Getou’s shop often. Bouncing around display cases, enamored by the beauty of the countless dolls, childlike wonder dancing in your eyes. At first he paid you no mind, treating your visits like he would an elderly woman coming to reminisce and tell him stories of “how she had a doll just like this” when she was younger. Polite and available if you had any questions or just wanted him to lend an ear. But the more you visited, the more he felt drawn to you. Your guilelessness intrigued him, your excitement to see dolls you had already seen at least 50 times by now never waning.
Then one day you bounded up to him, smile wide and eyes bright. 
Full of joy and genuine curiosity. It was like a bottle of pure sunshine was opened right in the center of his shop. He felt warm in his soul when you looked at him, your jovial energy palpable and infectious to any and everybody. Getou couldn’t remember when he genuinely felt so calm and happy in the presence of another person. He wanted to bottle up this feeling and get drunk off it for the rest of his life. 
“Do you have any new dolls you’re working on? I’d love to see it when you finish.” 
 At the time, he hadn’t received any damaged or donated dolls. But he knew at that moment, you were what his shop was missing. What he was missing. Among the shelves upon shelves of porcelain figurines he possessed, he had nothing that encapsulated what you embodied. Full of glee, full of youth, full of wonder. He needed you for his shop. For himself.
In the beginning, you kicked and screamed, swearing someone would find you and expose him for the sick bastard he was. Cursing his existence and spewing phrases and words that he was positive you didn’t mean. Getou let you vent your frustrations with no threat of punishment. He let you scream, hit, bite as much as you wanted. It worked more in his favor than it did yours. Besides, it’s not like you could run away. He had made sure of that from the start. But now…
Getou was pulled from his thoughts when he heard something. A choked cry. Your voice.
“____?” He snapped his head up with wide eyes, sure his ears were deceiving him. He looked at you in stunned silence.  Your face was wet with sadness, tears and snot steadily streaming  down your cheeks and collecting to drip off your chin. Your mouth was open as your chest rose and fell rapidly, occasional sniffles and whines leaving your lips. Getou’s eyebrows scrunched in concern, his hands instinctively coming up to wipe your face. “What’s wrong?”
He paused, gloved hand inches away from your tear stained cheek. Where his palm should have been blue, it was red. He looked down at your leg, quietly gasping at the sight. The sheets underneath you had also been stained, a consistent line of crimson seeping from the once closed wound. Your stitches had torn from the pressure, peeling back your scab and opening your wound again. That would’ve been an easy enough fix had Getou not been lost in his thoughts and applying anything but gentle care to it. 
He clicked his tongue, cursing under his breath at his negligence. He removed his gloves, tossing them somewhere on the ground and cupping your face with his hands. “I’m so sorry, my darling. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said softly, wiping underneath your eyes with his thumbs. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you. You know that, right?” He looked at you fondly, but expectantly. Silently praying that after so long, you’d acknowledge him again. That you wouldn’t look at him with empty, blank eyes. 
That you’d speak to him again.
He searched your misty eyes for that sign, but was met with nothing but silent tears and quiet sniffles. Getou sighed and stood from the bed, gathering the soiled bandages and gloves to be disposed of. He made his way across the room, opening a drawer to gather more bandages to dress your wound. Various sized bandages rolled to the front, snow white fabric unraveling then neatly wrapping itself back up. Getou stood for a moment, hands placed on either side of the counter space. 
He gripped the corners tightly, the cool marble squeaking underneath his hands as he stared into the drawer. He was so close to hearing your voice. So close to that pure, unadulterated joy you possessed. And you were denying him that. Was this your way of trying to get back at him? Keeping him from the one thing he wanted most? What he so desperately needed?
Getou was a relatively patient man. He could wait for the things that were worth it. But, this? You? There was no more waiting. 
He closed the drawer and turned on his heels in your direction, taking steady strides back to your bedside. Your eyes were closed now and your breaths were steady and even. Getou’s gaze was locked on your face. Dried tears streaked your cheeks, giving you the appearance of a crying angel. Even so, you were still as beautiful as ever. He sat in his previous spot, looking down at your reopened wound. 
The opening glistened in the soft lighting, the former trail of blood drying and beginning to start the process of scabbing again. He hovered a finger over the tear, following the outline down to the blood soaked sheet. He would never hurt you. He lowered himself to your residual limb and gently kissed it, following the stitch line. He continued leaving kisses up your leg, leaving a trail of  bloody lip prints up to your thigh
Getou peeked up at you, lips still pressed to your supple skin.  You stayed still, eyes still shut as if you didn’t feel a thing he was doing. He would never hurt you. Getou opened his mouth to let his teeth graze against your skin, saliva dripping out of his mouth. He bit into it  hard enough to leave a mark, but not hard enough to really hurt. His black eyes were trained on you, ready to catch any change. 
He bit harder, spit dripping down your leg. His other hand snaked up to cup your leg, fingers sliding underneath it. His knuckles rested on the bloodied sheets as his thumb traced over your wound. He would never hurt you. Getou pressed lightly into it, his digit being met with soft meat. 
Your eyes fluttered for a moment, but remained closed. Getou frowned, digging his teeth into the meat of your thigh. He would never hurt you. A small whimper rumbled in your throat, your eyebrows scrunched together in discomfort. Getou kept biting while continuing to push his thumb into you. You were almost there. He just wanted to hear your voice. The last thing he wanted to do was..
His mouth was no longer attached to your thigh and he felt a cool breeze on his thumb. You were looking at him again, eyes wide open. You looked like a frightened deer. Big eyes glittering with tears that threatened to spill with one blink. Your lip quivered as you opened your mouth. Getou sat up, watching you intently. 
Your voice barely came out above a whisper. It was shaky and breathy. “Pl…Please…stop. Hurts.” 
Getou stared silently before chuckling softly to himself. He pushed a few strands of hair out of his face, an unsettlingly soft smile spreading across his face. He inched closer to you, stopping mere inches from your face.  You looked away, eyes averted towards the ceiling to keep yourself from crying.. He gently pulled your chin back in his direction, stroking your bottom lip with his bloodied thumb before kissing you. 
“There’s my girl,” he breathed. He placed kisses along your jaw and into the crook of your neck, whispering sweet words into your skin with each one. You took a shaky breath, closing your eyes tight as he slowly ran his hands up your sides and under your gown. “Please…,” you whispered, warm tears beginning to stream down your face. Getou shushed you, placing a kiss to your wet cheek. He looked at you with the same kind and tender eyes he had when you came to visit him in his shop. The same eyes that lured you here. And you couldn’t help but sob
“You know I’ll never hurt you. I take care of all of my girls.”
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© 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 hvly 2023. 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧y.
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
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kraekat29 · 2 months
{ Blog Recs}
{ Fanart} * made by the amazing @yukswl0v3*
*fanart page 2
Requests are : Open / Closed
Claimed emojis: ���� 🌊
{My Other blogs}
©️KraeKat29 2024
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All Too Well ( Prequel to Beautiful Mistakes)
Beautiful Mistakes
Paper Rings
Suburban Legends
Call It What You Want
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First Time: JJ and Ruby have just gotten their house and finally have time alone, only this time they explore each other in ways they never have before.
Favorite Treat: JJ comes home from work only in the mood for his favorite treat.
Punishment: When Ruby breaks the number one rule JJ has a few tricks up his sleeve to teach his girl a lesson.
Date Night: what was supposed to be a perfect night out quickly turned into a steamy session on the H.M.S. Pogue.
Red: in which JJ and Ruby discover each other's hidden fantasies.
Road Trip: it's the summer before senior year and as tension builds between JJ and Ruby they realize they can't avoid each other any longer.
Lazy Sunshine: a lazy morning with JJ and Ruby.
Game On: in which an innocent game becomes a steamy session.
My Treasure: some Halloween fun with JJ and Ruby.
Hurt So Good: a mafia smut request.
Gangster: part 2 of Hurt So Good.
Talkin’ Tennessee: an innocent late night drive quickly becomes steamy.
Squirm: An innocent joke turns out spicy.
Midnight Drive: A quiet romantic drive turns heated.
College Nights: A sleepless night leads to desire
865 : After a breakup JJ makes a drunk call to Ruby.
Homecoming: Ruby hasn’t been home in a few months. When she returns JJ shows her just what she’s been missing.
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I got you - in which desperate times call for desperate measures.
Law School Blues- Law school is never easy, when Ruby's teacher gets a little too harsh JJ is right there to help her through it.
Until I Found You- Ruby finally realizes what love is, all thanks to JJ
Cruel Summer- Ruby notices how JJ has changed this summer and not in a good way.
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Pink? Seriously?: Preparing for the MGK concert Ruby sets out and dyes JJ's hair pink.. Only his reaction is not what she thought it'd be.
Perfect Birthday : Ruby's birthday has rolled around once more but only one thing can make it absolutely perfect this year.
Pink Hair, Good Times: Knowing her birthday is right around the corner John B surprises his twin with tickets to Machine Gun Kelly, only getting the tickets and knowing his sister meant he had to go all out.
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The Twilight Saga
( extra Scream stuff)
Christmas Masterlist 2022
Christmas Masterlist 2023
Juby Week 2023
Juby Week 2024
21 notes · View notes
macabrecravings · 7 months
Seraphina the Camgirl
18 years old, Cisgender Female (she/her), Bisexual, 157 cm
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Pinterest | Spotify | RP/Ask Blog: @xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx
Here it is. The long-awaited Seraphina lore MASTERPOST. Under the cut you will find 1,000 words describing her & her backstory, ALONG WITH a compilation of my favorite pretty pics :3!!
TW // Kidnapping, Self Harm & Disordered Eating (briefly mentioned), (Ask to Tag)
If there’s one word that describes Seraphina, it's famous. Her classmates look up to for her top grades and her delinquency. (The only thing that keeps her from being among the most popular is her relationship with Kylar. She has a soft heart and never uses her status to put others down, because she knows what it's like to be the underdog.) Most of the town is aware of her as well, particularly due to her... keen interest in exhibitionism.
At first, she began exploring this in the comfort of her own room. When she began working & saving up money to pay Bailey, she spent some of her savings to buy a laptop. Quickly, she became enthralled with the internet. She spent most of her free time playing video games or watching My Little Pony with Robin. Technology was a great escape from reality, for a while. Unfortunately, most of the content she consumed was less than stellar. She spent an unhealthy amount of time on sketchy chat rooms, threads and forums, gore sites, and porn sites. In these forums, users began to tell her that she should use her webcam and stream herself. Seeking money, attention & validation, she joined a cam site. Making money without leaving her room and interacting with the lecherous townspeople sounded like a dream and she would be able to become comfortable in her body without their gaze.
Though, this decision would prove to be more detrimental. The audience she garnered wasn't any less lecherous, and because they were online & anonymous, they were more sadistic. She'd get higher tips for increasingly awful requests, such as harming herself on camera. Due to poor emotional regulation and spite, she'd do it.
After that inkling of kindness, Kylar became fixated on her. He easily found her online and began to monitor her online presence. Sitting and watching her streams for hours on end fed his parasocial relationship. When she began to befriend him, Seraphina was completely unaware of his obsession. But once he started using throwaway accounts to threaten and harass viewers in her streams, she'd become uneasy.
Once she started to connect the dots, she started to distance herself from Kylar. He was openly dangerous; threatening people at school over her, and all in all making her uneasy. Her streams became infrequent. She returned to playing video games and spending every second with her actual boyfriend-- Robin. Her childhood best friend and the light of her life. He was her safety net and she was his- especially considering she pays Bailey for him.
The final turning point was on Halloween. She lovingly spent the day with Robin, then Whitney, and had an awful feeling about meeting Kylar in the park. Even more so when he brought her into the woods. She played along with his love potion bullshit, gave him a taste of his own obsessive medicine, but then Whitney showed up.
One thing about Seraphina and Whitney is that they are complicated. He bullied her and made her life hell for so long, yet she genuinely cares for him. They've had their sparks of love/romance, but mainly she just seeks him out to have fun. Drinking, vandalism, exhibitionism, hard sex,,, she thinks spending time with him is a blast! So, when Seraphina excitedly went along with everything he on Halloween, it destroyed Kylar. His actions that night terrified her. She moved seats in English, never left Robin's side, and secluded herself for weeks.
Kylar kidnapped her one evening after school. She wanted to buy some new clothes, but ended up bound in his basement. Eventually, she cracked. He was obviously devoted to her, and truly wanted to keep her safe, right? One look at the state of his house broke her heart. Everyone deserves a friend. He's misunderstood, he just needs someone to take care of him. Clearly, no one else would.
Her innate want/need for people to be kind to each other often makes her naïve. Like Robin, it makes living in the DOL town a huge struggle for her and her mental health. Harper requests to see her every Friday, but she doesn't listen to any of his advice. She is a masochist who copes with pain and lack of control through self harm and disordered eating (though her sensory issues play a big part of that as well.)
Speaking of sensory issues, Seraphina is autistic. Because of her line of work, she's had to learn how to be hyper aware of others and their body language. Oftentimes, this leads to her assuming everyone has the worst intentions and causes her to panic, aided by her past traumatic experiences. She has issues with clothes textures (wet fabric in particular) which honestly could aid her in how little she wears. Because she's autistic, she has a tendency to fall very deep and obsessively into interests very fast. This is how she fell so far into the internet all at once. As I've mentioned before, her special interests include MLP, Classic Creepypastas, scene/scenemo subculture, music, and dancing.
For work, Seraphina models with Niki, is the main star in shows at the brothel with Briar, helps Darryl with the club, dances for Charlie's friends, strips, bartends, and prostitutes herself. Skulduggery is something that she practices, specifically when she works at the spa or is fucking a client. (She used to rob houses, but it's dangerous for her to walk around at night now that she's so well-recognized.)
Before Seraphina was sent to the orphanage, she lived with her single mother (Rosalia the Castoff) on Domus Street. She was an accident; the result of a contraceptive failure between Rosalia and a client. Coming from poverty, Rosalia had just barely gotten on her feet financially. Still, she kept the pregnancy and had Seraphina. Try as she might, Rosalia couldn't support the both of them. This resulted in her surrendering Seraphina over to the orphanage at 6 years old and disappearing. She's presumed dead, based on the state she was in as she gave Seraphina up, but there's never been any concrete evidence. All that remains of her are musings of her name on the street, spurred on by Seraphina's presence. Townspeople note that Seraphina is following her mother's footsteps and laugh at the idea that her fate may be the same. (Especially considering her fame may as well have surpassed her mother's now.)
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1st image drawn by: @mothmanharvey-nsfw
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simmancy · 8 months
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Happy Spooky Season, pumpkaboos! 
Here’s what’s happening this month / going forward on simmancy-dot-tumblr-dot-com.
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜! 👋
Hi there if you’re new! My name is Kit, I am 32 now, this is my simblr, I am active on and off. If any of that bothers you, unfollow, it's okay! If you're here because I posted a mod list or a random piece of CC you like, then I have good news - I do those things occasionally! When I am actively posting, I usually dabble in gameplay. I don't do much storytelling anymore because... well, I don't have the time!
𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍𝚞𝚕�� 🍬
I have SOME stuff I've been poking at in my ~spare time~. I love Simblreen, it's the best time of the year imo and it's just... a tradition. It's a tradition. So I'm going to try 🤞
I have been writing out a mod list centered around occults/spooky gameplay at least. So that's seasonally appropriate????? If you have a mod list request hit my inbox because I still fucking LOVE WCIFs and that's a sort of WCIF.
𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 🎃
This year (and likely going forward), I'm going to try to use my blog to showcase the community. There's SO many cool things in the ts4 tag!! So I've been scouring it at the dead of night to refill my queue 👻 That's what you can mainly expect this month. No CAS challenges, no CC challenges, just some creepies and kookies from others around simblr.
𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 ���
Hi regular followers!! I’m so sorry if you've been here a long time, because I don't have much updates on my ~classic~ gameplays and saves and they just...... won't be. For a while.
Not So Perry... I have a bit of Gen 4 but I haven't played in a whiiiiile so. I might revisit that/redo/we'll see.
Star x Crossed is indefinitely on hold - I will probably revise how that was posting because the full episodes just aren't possible right now. I might do it more as like... an edit type thing, where the edits tell the stories or whatever. It SUCKS because I had really big hopes and dreams for that save and instead I... had a child.
The Nobel ABCs will return because I have 10 generations done in game. I just need to queue.
Maggie's Wonderful Life WILL eventually be done LMAO. I'm hoping to get back into that save soonish. I LOVE farming gameplay! So I want to play/finish it. I had about half of the introductions shot before I got distracted with other things and then... well. yeah.
New saves? When I manage to play, I play a lot of newer saves LMAO. Mostly because when I have time right now I need... something easy.
𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 🔮
I decided I like doing this once a year Simmancy Newsletter during my favorite time of the year. Halloween remains the BEST season, and there's also no guarantee I won't drop off the face of the planet again.
Obv the main thing is that, as previously stated, I had a baby. A whole ass baby. She's now 3 months old, and she is so much in the best way. We're currently teething and if you're like "Kit that seems a bit early," you're absolutely right but this is the lot I've drawn in life. She likes to be sat up, and stood up, and to talk to the Baby in the Mirror. She also is obsessed with trees and the cat. I know new moms are annoying and I'm absolutely that annoying new mom, I literally cannot shut up about her and therefore make my sims blog also about her.
I go back to work next month and I'm absolutely dreading it. Can I just be a sim and have someone press motherlode for me? Please?
Otherwise, there's very little in Kit World. The past 6 simblr years remain wonderful, and I've met some of my best friends on here. I go between BG3 and Sims when I have game time (which isn't a lot because Baby Simmancy is increasingly awake and mobile). I WISH I had more time to hang around here but maybe in a year or so.
Anyway, that’s my update of the year. Happy spooky season everybody! I hope it’s a good one!
Stay safe & spooky out there!
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Doctor Who: The Ultimate Speedrun Marathon - 1996 TV Movie
Ok, I was warned this one was basically locked behind endless streaming paywalls or was otherwise just lost media. I was a little discouraged, so I was ready to just crack on with Series 1, but then I found the whole damn thing on YouTube. Lucky!
General Thoughts
Paul McGann was a ton of fun as the 8th Doctor! He was obviously having a ton of fun in the role, which I’m sure he must have been a fan of. He’s since retuned to the role in cameo appearances and such years later, so his infectious love of the material is apparent. I’m not sure if he was aware that his tenure as the Doctor would be relatively short, but he really makes the most of it. I also love his look! It’s a fun missing link from the campier looks of the OG Doctors into the more modern/tactical looks of the modern Doctors. I also liked the detail that his clothes were basically just a Halloween costume he stole after he woke up from his regeneration. Really clever.
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Speaking of his regeneration, it was fun to see Sylvester McCoy return for an extended cameo as the 7th Doctor. I haven’t seen his Seasons yet, but I was familiar with him from The Hobbit and Sense8, so I really just like him as an actor. He’s also evidently having a lot to fun here, despite only about 20 minutes of screen time. As a newer fan, I’d say this is a great introduction to the fun of the Doctor’s personality and purpose in the modern era, as well as carrying the torch from the OGs.
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I was really surprised by the setting being 1999 San Francisco, considering this is a pretty famously Anglo-centric show. It must have been a fun breath of fresh air at the time for fans, but I also enjoyed it as a new fan. It had a fun ‘90s neo-noir vibe to it that ‘90s England or some fictional future realm maybe couldn’t have gotten cross just right. (Also, idk if this is canonically the Doctor’s first visit to America, but I just found it funny that as soon as he steps out of the TARDIS onto American soil for the first time, he gets shot.)
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Moving onto the Doctor’s companion this time around, we’ve got Daphne Ashbrook as Dr. Grace Holloway. She’s smart and resourceful and overall just really cool. An underrated companion, in my opinion. Her introduction in this movie is probably one of my favorite things about the franchise so far! She’s first referred to in the story as “Amazing Grace” by a fellow surgeon, followed by her having to rush into the 7th Doctor’s surgery straight from an opera house, all while still wearing her gown. Iconic.
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Her relationship with the Doctor and her chemistry with Paul McGann is a ton of fun. They’re (for the most part) intellectually matched, so it’s fun to see the Doctor have a literal Dr to bounce off of. I do wish she had accepted the supernatural sci-fi truth of it all a bit sooner, cuz her having to come to terms with that takes up a good chunk of the runtime, but once she’s in the thick of it, she’s able to carry her weight. Also, idk if this is correct so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but Grace and the 8th Doctor appear to be the only Doctor/companion pair that are romantic with one another. idk how this aspect is liked among the fans, but I personally didn’t mind it. They’re quite cute together, so you really root for them.
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Now for the villain. I know nothing of the Master so far, aside from the obvious that he’s an evil Time Lord who can also regenerate, albeit not as successfully, since the conflict of the movie is the Master trying to steal the Doctor’s lives after he uses up his own. I thought he was cool enough, and as a horror fan, his wormy-possession form reminded me a lot of Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. I assume he’ll return as a big bad later on, but he’s a little one note here. He gets the job done, and Eric Roberts is obviously having a lot of fun chewing the evil scenery.
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Favorite Moments
The Doctor’s little “these shoes fit perfectly!” was cute lol
Just one look at my blog will show anyone that I’m a massive Frankenstein fan, so the parallels drawn between the monster’s reanimation to the Doctor’s regeneration was super cool. Paul McGann also plays it really big! His “Who am I?!” dramatic moment after he comes back to life is classic monster-movie cool. Very Boris Karloff of him.
The one hospital orderly reacting to the 7th Doctor’s body disappearing by saying “You think he got up and went to a better HOSPITAL???” was so fucking funny oh my god
The look of the TARDIS’ interior appears to be carried over from how it looked for the 7th Doctor, but it fits the 8th Doctor so well. It’s like a gothic mansion, which just clicks so well with 8’s overall vibe.
The setting being at the direct turn of the millennium into Y2K was genius! It was sooo sooo cool I loved it
Paul McGann and Daphne Ashbrook are sexy as hell I need them so bad
Overall, Doctor Who 1996 is a fun and stylish entry! Highly recommend for those who haven’t seen it yet.
Now, that’s it for the 8th Doctor for the time being. Onto the modern era show, starting with Christopher Eccleston taking the reigns as #9.
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souls-festival · 8 months
Souls Festival!
A stage, surrounded by trees.. A lonley spotlight shins bright from fhe center. You see a familiar face, Venus, stand under the spotlight. She seems to be wearing a bright costume of the sorts. A microphone appears before her. She takes it off its pedestal and speaks into it.
"Welcome ladies, gentlemen, pokemon of all kinds, to the annual Festival of Souls! My fellow companions and I are filled with immense joy to see so many familiar and new faces this year~"
Venus begins to walk around the stage, her hand on her chest.
"It is truly such a treat, first of all, to see so many of you returning to participate in the Festival once again. Before I release you all though, I shall go over some simple rules, standards, and such for the new commers."
Who can attend?
"First of all, anyone is of course allowed to attend the event. Human and Pokémon alike are free to come! Though I highly suggest that you come in a costume, so that you may be allegible to enter the costume contest! Which I shall get into more detail later."
Starting & End Dates?
"The Souls Festival shall official open on October 5th, 2023, and will last until October 31st! Though, you are free to come into the Festival early, and come and go as you please."
Beverages & Food?
"We have a wide variety of stands, and food carts, all with different and wonderful fall food items to choose from! Though since we don't want any incidents to occur, Miriam will be passing passing out different wines and champagne to those of you who are above a certain age."
"For this year's special entertainment, I have hired a local band known as the Vortexs', to comd and jam out all of your favorite "family friendly" Halloween tunes!"
"There will be many wonderous activities for you to participate in if you come and join the festivities. Such as bobbing for apples, pie baking, hay rides, fortune telling, visitinh different booths, writng Souls Letters, and so much more! As well as the costume contest, which will be open to enter from the start of the festival on October 5th and end on October 27th. Where two winners will be announced. The winner with the best costume will receive the luxurious prize, of their very own bottle lf Souls Ink! With the Souls Ink, you will be able to wrote to your ancestors even when it is not October. That person or pokemon will also receive a spooky suprise message. The second best costume winner will also receive a special spooky message."
Rules, or Guidline?
"Lastly though, all I that I ask of you all, is to just have a good time! But please don't cause too much of a ruckus, or cause to much chaos If indeed myself or one of my companions were to find out you've cause some mischief I am afraid you will be banned from the Festival for five hundred years."
"Though despite the simplest rules, I truly just with for everyone to have fun! So let the Festival commence!"
"If you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to reach out and ask~"
Side note: Pls also tag your intro posts with #souls festival or tag the souls festival blog, o that I may you are joining the event.
And if you would also like to enter the costume contest. Whoever you are having enter must have a costume first off, and you must tag #mascarade I your intro post as well. ^^
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jerzwriter · 2 years
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Book:                   Open Heart (Pre-Series/Hopkins Days)
Featuring:           Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff
Summary:           Tobias plans a Halloween double date with Ethan. He insists it's foolproof, but who ends up the fool in the end?
Words:                 Approx 2000
A/N:                     So the ask about haunted houses this morning inspired this! It’s a quick and fun fic, didn’t have time to proofread much, I hope you enjoy it.  😊
Participating in @choices-september-challenge-blog - Day - "What are you smiling at?" and @choicesficwriterscreations "Let's Hear it for the Boys".
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The rattling of keys in the door distracted Ethan from his studies. Even more distracting was the mischievous grin on Tobias’s face as he entered. It was at least twice the size it normally was, and Ethan knew that could only mean trouble.
“Whatever it is, I’m not interested,” Ethan muttered before returning his focus to his books.
“Ramsey!” He simpered. “Ramsey, Ramsey, Ramsey! Not only are you going to be interested, you are going to be thanking me.”
He pulled four tickets out from his coat pocket, fanning them dramatically before tossing them at Ethan.
“Clear your calendar Saturday, and decide what fine specimen you’re gonna bring along because it will be your lucky night.”
Ethan eyed Tobias suspiciously before lifting a ticket, an annoyed scowl on his face. 
“The Nevermore Haunt?” Ethan asked incredulously before dropping the ticket. “Yeah, hard pass.”
Tobias leaned against the kitchen counter and popped open a can of soda. “Oh,” he chuckled. “It will be hard, alright!”
“Come again?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah,” he grinned, taking a gulp from the can, “You could probably do that too.”
 Ethan removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “I’m trying to study….”
“Chill out,” he said, handing his friend a can of soda. “I’ll be studying in a minute too. But all work and no play makes Ethan a very dull boy. Just look at me as your guardian angel.”
Ethan finally relented, unable to contain the smile on his face. “You and the word angel should never be in the same sentence, Tobias. Can we just establish that as law?”
“Maybe if we were in law school,” Tobias shrugged, “but I see no need for it here.”
“So, since you’ve already sidetracked me, why am I supposed to be excited about this?”
“Because it is the scariest freaking place on the East Coast outside of Dr. Coleman’s bedroom.”
Ethan raised a brow. “You’ve been to Dr. Coleman’s bedroom?”
“We don’t speak of it,” his friend answered firmly. “But trust me, it’s scary. We went to Nevermore last year, and my buddy Carlos almost shit himself.”
“Well, if your goal is to get your buddy Ethan to shit himself this year, you’re out of luck. I won’t be going.”
“Why?” Tobias asked with a shocked expression. “Don’t worry, Carlos is a liberal arts major. They can’t handle the shit we can. You’ll be fine.”
“Maybe so,” Ethan agreed, “but haunted houses just aren’t my thing.”
“They don’t have to be. Jesus, do I have to teach you everything?”  Tobias shook his head. “Ethan, I’m bringing Tracey….”
“The redhead in our chemistry class? The one with the….” Ethan held his hands in front of his chest. 
“That very one. And when she is all screaming and scared, well… I’ll be too happy to console.”
Ethan let out a sigh. “So essentially, you’re going to cop a cheap feel?”
“Hell no!” Tobias exclaimed. “I mean, maybe high school era Tobias would have done this, but this is med school level Tobias. He’s in it for the gratitude afterward.”
“You’re a horrible human being,” Ethan snickered.
“Oh, am I? Are you telling me you never once took a date to a scary movie?”
Ethan’s cheeks reddened as a look of shame spread on his face. “Well, there was Becky Forrester during freshman year of college.”
“SEE! Don’t act all holier than thou. This place is ten times more frightening than any movie you can dig up. So only one question remains, who ya bringing?”
Ethan looked out the window, a melancholy look on his face. There was only one person he was interested in, but their friend Vincenza was now firmly coupled with a third-year student. He and Tobias were lucky to even see her these days. Tobias knew that look, even understood it, but it was his mission to get his buddy over this.
“Ethan, Chenza is coupled up. I know she’s quite the catch, but she’s also off the market... unless...  you want to try to get her back on it.”
“I’m not about to do that!” he answered with disgust.
“Good answer!” Tobias gleamed, “but then you have no business sitting home on Saturday night. So, who ya gonna bring?”
Saturday night arrived, and Ethan and Tobias were meeting their dates at the quad. Tobias’s smile widened as a beautiful redhead sashayed in his direction.
“Tracey,” he sang, biting his lower lip. “How do you manage to look more beautiful every time I see you.”
Ethan rolled his eyes as Tracey slipped under Tobias’s arm. “Please, tell me those pathetic lines don’t work on you,” he implored.
“This isn’t our first rodeo,” Tracey bubbled as she snuggled closer to Tobias. “I don’t mind the flattery, even if I know it’s bullshit.”
The smile shed from T’s face, “Hey!”
“I’m just teasing!” She laughed. “But where’s your date, Ethan.”
“Yeah,” Tobias jumped on, “don’t tell me the scariest part of her night was the thought of going out with you?”
“Not quite,” a beautiful brunette with warm, brown eyes stepped up, slipped her arm into Ethan’s, and then extended her hand to Tobias and Tracy. “Hi, I’m Ava.”
“Ava,” Tobias smiled, shooting Ethan a look of approval. “So lovely to meet you, and I haven’t seen you around campus. Do you go here?”
“Yes,” she replied, “but I spend most of my time in the library. Probably why we haven’t met.”
“Hey, I’m second in my class so far, hon!” Tobias chuckled.
“And if you were in the library more, perhaps you’d be number one,” Ethan smirked.
“All right, all right. I like her. Now let’s get the hell out of here. Once we’re at Nevermore, all of you will be taken down a peg or two,” Tobias grinned.
Ethan shook his head with a smile. “We’ll see about that… buddy.”
The group arrived at Nevermore, and the eerie music outside already had Tracey on edge. 
“You’ve been here before,” she said to T. “Are you sure it isn’t too scary.”
“Everyone’s always made it out alive, sugar. I won’t worry.”
“Besides,” Ethan offered. “You have big, bad Tobias to protect you. If he doesn’t end up slipping as he runs away in his designer shoes, that is.”
“You talk a big game, Ramsey. But I’m the only one who has ever made it through this place multiple times.”
“Are they always like this?” Ava asked Tracy.
“No,” she smiled. “Usually, they’re worse.”
Once inside, the fun really began. Between the darkness, smoke, and blinding strobe lights flashing all around, it was almost impossible to see where they were going.
“I don’t like this,” Tracey whimpered. “They’re going to jump out at us at any moment now, aren’t they.”
“Probably,” Ethan sighed. “Just know it’s coming, then you won’t be so scared when it….”
A giant ghoul with pointed talons jumped out in front of them. You could barely hear the screams, coming from everyone except Tobias, over the creatures deafening, guttural cries. A chuckling Tobias took Tracey’s hand and motioned for the group to follow him as they rushed down another black-lit hallway.
“We should be fine if we go this….”
The harsh sounds of two chainsaws cut him off, and the mutants carrying them began rushing in their direction.
“I know this is all fake,” Tracey cried, “but I want to leave. It’s too scary!”
Ethan caught Tobias winking in his direction as he pulled Tracy closer under his arm. 
“Don’t worry, Darlin. It will be over before you know it!”
“Tracey,” Ethan interrupted through gasping breath as they all ran away. “Remember, state law prohibits them from coming within more than two feet of us. So no matter how scary, you’ll be fine.”
“Really?” Tracey cried. “You’re not just making that up, are you?”
“No, I looked up the law today.”
“Wow,” Ava eyed him, clearly impressed. “You are smart.”
“I like to be prepared,” Ethan smiled brightly. Ava chuckled at his teeth glowing brightly in the purple light.
“Why didn’t you know that, T?” Tracey spat. 
“What’s the fun in knowing?” he answered.
Suddenly, the solid ground they were running on turned wobbly. They tried to keep their footing as they ran over a suspension bridge. 
“What the fuck is this, T!” Tracey yelled.
“It’s just a bridge, dear, it’s….”
“It’s scary! I want to leave!”
Tobias chuckled as he pulled her near, but she pushed him away. “It’s not funny!”
“No, it’s not,” Ethan reassured her. “I see an exit sign a head, all in favor….”
“AYE!” was screamed by all except Tobias.
“You guys have to be kidding me! We’re not even halfway through!”
“Oh, we’re more than halfway,” Ethan assured, “because we’re going right out that….”
“AGGGHHH!” The group screamed again when a host of actors dressed as zombies appeared before them and blocked the door.
Ava had her face buried in Ethan’s sweater, and Tracey lurched back, directly under Ethan’s other arm.
“All right, guys, I don’t know what you’re paid for this gig, but we all know you’re actors, not real zombies, and we’re headed right for that door,” Ethan scowled.
“Yeah, and if you come within two feet of me, I’ll sue!” Tracey yelled.
"I can't believe this," Tobias groaned as they barrelled out the door, letting out sighs of relief as they stepped onto the well-lit Baltimore street as onlookers at the bar across the street laughed and cheered. 
“Look at that,” Tobias gestured, “they're laughing at us because we’re quitters.”
He went to put his arm around Tracey, but she wasn’t there. Turning around, he found her still under Ethan’s arm and Ava nestled under the other.
“Uhh, what’s wrong with this picture?” Tobias asked.
“Nothing!” Tracey replied. “You were too busy thinking it was funny, but Ethan understood me!”
“He was just scared himself!” Tobias insisted.
“Yes, so I was relatable,” Ethan winked.
“Very funny,” Tobias laughed, “Why don’t we go get something to eat now, since fun time is over.”
“No, I don’t want to go out. I’m still terrified, and I just want to go home,” Tracey insisted.
“Trace,” Tobias spoke, rubbing his thumb against her cheek, “if I thought you’d be this frightened, I would never have taken you. I’m sorry, why don’t I drop Ethan and Ava off at the restaurant, and then we can go to your place.”
“You can drop them off,” she said, “but I’m taking a Xanax and going to sleep with my bedroom door locked. So you’re not coming over.”
Ethan tried to contain his laughter, but s snort escaped him nevertheless. Tobias shook his head in surrender as they walked to his car. 
“Fine. We’ll bring you home then, and I guess I’ll third wheel it with you two over dinner.”
“Uhh, no, you won’t,” Ava interjected as Tobias shot her a questioning look.
“Sorry,” she shrugged, beaming up at Ethan. “But you were really impressive tonight. What do you say we skip dinner out and order in back at my place instead. Just the two of us.”
Ethan smirked toward Tobias, who stood slackjawed by his car.
“You have to be kidding me,” he exclaimed.
“Nope,” Ava smiled. “Not at all.”
“Fine,” Tobias surrendered. “Just get in the car. I’ll give you a lift home.”
“No need,” Ava grinned. “I live three blocks away. We can walk it.”
“Oh, you do?” Tracey enthused. “Can I walk with you then? I’m just two blocks down.”
“Sure, happy to get you home,” Ethan beamed.
“Wha... Tracey? You don’t want me to drive you?”
“Nope, in this traffic? I’ll get home faster walking. And like I said, I just REALLY want to get home. But thanks for the offer, T.  I’ll see you on campus Monday."
Tobias cursed under his breath as he slipped into the driver's seat. Looking back over his shoulder, Ethan asked the women if they’d just give him a minute, then he approached Tobias’s still parked car with a shit-eating grin. Tobias looked up with annoyance, which quickly melted into bemusement as his friend approached.
“OK, wise-ass… what are you smiling about?”
“I just wanted to say you were right, Tobias. I do want to thank you. It was a wonderful night.”
“You know,” Tobias grinned, “if you cared about me, you would have stopped right after the part when you said I was right.”
“Yeah,” Ethan laughed, “well, who said I cared? You ok? Tracey dumping you hasn’t permanently wounded your ego, has it?”
“MY Ego,” Tobias simpered, “Please. It’ll take more than that. Besides, I have a backup. Always have a backup, buddy. You sure you don’t want a ride.”
“I’m good.”
“Then I’ll see you back at the apartment.”
“Yeah, about that…,” Ethan winked. “Don’t wait up.”
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adumpofdumbstuff · 3 months
Here’s my story about growing up on MLP
The show started when I was 6 years old, but i didn’t get pulled in until I was 7. I remember it was a McDonald’s Happy Meal Fluttershy toy that did it (I still have it today and it sits on my dresser like a trophy). She had a brushable tail but no comb and a whole bunch of stickers. I looked at the box and my mom, who’d known about the show and remembered the original 80s version from her childhood, but she said she never really watched it or owned any of the toys, but I guess really wanted me to get into it. I still remember the first episode I watched was Read It and Weep (the one where Rainbow Dash gets into Daring Do) which today I find hilariously ironic.
This started a full-blown OBSESSION with the show. Soon I was collecting the blind bags, Beanie Babies, Happy Meal toys, I had FatHeads of all of the ponies on my bedroom wall, I had a My Little Pony lunchbox, a My Little Pony backpack, I wore My Little Pony underwear, I had My Little pony pajamas, I made a Twilight Sparkle Halloween costume one year, I had a My Little Pony birthday party one year. My mom compared me to Pinkie Pie but Twilight Sparkle was my favorite. I was an extroverted kid (the pandemic is what turned me into an introverted adult) and I started hoping I’d meet five friends I’d spend my whole life with just like her. I was a silly kid. I actually got bullied for being obsessed with the show unfortunately… this led to the loss of my first My Little Pony lunchbox.
And I wrote fanfiction! And I drew cringeworthy fanart because I was like that (my fanart improved over the years). When Equestria Girls came out, I started wondering if high school would be like that.
No, I never got to dance on cafeteria tables in school spirit wear. Sad.
As an adult, I think the show has definitely shaped me as a person who believes friendship, while not magic, is one of the most important things in the world. As for G5, it’s okay in my opinion. I haven’t watched any of the episodes after the Netflix movie, but I like the characters and I’m happy to see the next generation of kids gets to grow up on it too.
I did not hate Season 9. The later seasons I agree were not as good, but I never hated the School of Friendship or Cozy Glow (I actually love the idea of adorable child villains). The introduction of Scootaloo’s lesbian aunts warmed my heart, along with LyraBon getting married and implied AppleDash (though I think RariJack would have been better, just saying). I don’t hate The Last Problem either. Once again, a bit upset Rarity didn’t end up with anyone though because she deserved to have a happily ever after (and Gallus and Silverstream ending up in different places. I think those two should have gotten together)
Pony Life is bad. The introduction of Pinkie Pie’s brother makes no sense and opens up a lot of plot holes, even more than Maud never having been in The Cutie Mark Chronicles flashback. I never got behind Sparity. Rarity is too old for Spike and to be honest I think Spike and Sweetie Belle should’ve.
One thing I never understood was the hate on Flash Sentry and Timber Spruce. I think they’re both charming and both good for their respective Twilights. No no no. I ship Sunset Shimmer with EG’s Rainbow Dash, not Sci-Twi. No hate on Twiset, though!
My favorite episode of MLP, or episodes I suppose, are still A Canterlot Wedding, Parts 1 and 2. Queen Chrysalis will always be my fav villain. I love two-parters. Twilight’s Kingdom and To Where and Back Again are my others. I HATED The Mean Six btw. I found it a pathetic return for Queen Chrysalis and extremely anticlimactic. It’s the only episode I genuinely hate. There are some I dislike a bit but that’s the only one I hate.
A large inspiration to how Poisoned Lipgloss sounds is PrinceWhateverer. I love his music and I admire him greatly.
Sorry for the long post!! You guys can ask me anything on my opinions on the show!! Just a reminder, my blog is NOT suitable for minors, so please keep out!
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popculturebuffet · 8 months
Evil Dead Rise: Mommy's with the Maggots Now (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hail to the king baby! It's halloween, it's this blog and that mean's it's time for me to pull out my volume of the Necronimcon Demento and review another chapter of the evil dead.
So for those new here
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I'm Jake, I review stuff and things, and two years ago I did an evil dead retrospective, covering all 4 films. From that stupid bitch scotty to ash laughing madly, to the film of a thousand catchphrases to that one that had Jane Levy, some good gore and little else, it was a fun ride.
So naturally with a new evil dead film out, it's only natural that I returned to review the latest film in the franchise: Evil Dead Rise. It's also a special review as it's my belated reviewversry with friend of the blog and over time of the me, WeirdKev27.
Kevin was my first client and the one who made me able to make a living doing this, and while he has zero interest in ever seeing Evil Dead Rise, he's more an horror-action and horror-comedy kind of guy, this gives him a chance to see what it has. Plus really after covering the last 4 even if he didn't agree to sponsor it, I'd be doing this anyway as I both love this film and hate not having the complete set. It's thanks to kev I have all I do now, so thanks man.
Evil Dead Rise is the franchises second attempt at a soft reboot after Evil Dead 2013. The plan after that one was to do two sequels: Evil Dead 2, which would follow Mia, Jane Levy's final girl from the requel and the only character who wasn't huffing paint thinner the whole film, and Army of Darkness 2. This ended up falling through, with Alvarez moving on to other projects and AOD2 being retooled into Ash Vs the Evil Dead, a three season tv series on stars that sadly got cancelled but from all accounts fucking rocked and I definitely want to cover at some point.
From there Ash's story was seemingly done on screen. While Dynamite will likely publish army of darkness comics till the end of time, Bruce Campbell had decided he was aging out of the part and wanted to pass the chainsaw on. That said while Campbell was seemingly done playing Ashy Slashy, he wasn't done with the franchise, staying on as a producer alongside Sam Rami and Robert Tapert. Rami and Campbell were done MAKING the films, but still wanted the franchise to live on.
So in 2019 a new film got the greenlight, with Rami handpicking rookie director Lee Cronin for the part, having impressed rami while working on the short lived quibi series 50 States of Fright. Cronin easily took to the cast and once filming COULD kick off in 2021, he hit the ground running. The result is a fresh take on the franchise that was so well done that WBD decided it was too good to just pop on streaming and much like Blue Beetle, bumped it up to theaters. The result was a 19 million dollar film.. scoring nearly 150 million in the box office, a huge success that , unlike most films only GREW it's audience as the weeks went on, always a great sign.
As a result the franchise's future seems secure, with Cronin not only already having 4 ideas for a sequel, which i'll get to later, but the results were so Groovy Bruce decided he wasn't finished yet, meaning an ash film is also in the cards.
So the question is how groovy is this film and how does the franchise fair without it's iconic cabin setting or iconic catchphrase spewing chainsaw man? The answers to all of this is under the cut. So turn the page, wash your hands, and prepare for 1717 Gallons of Bloodshed as I look at Evil Dead Rise.
Evil Dead Rise starts off a day after the main plot, with three 20 somethings having gone to a cabin in the woods woooooooooooooo not realizing what franchise their in. They are Jessica, Teresa, Jessica's cousin and Caleb, Jessica's douchey boyfriend. Caleb annoys Teresa with a drone, nearly clipping her with it and mansplaning after she says it nearly clipped her head off that it would've ground her face up instead.
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Teresa proves to be just as obnoxious as Caleb, berating Jessica for leaving her alone with him, fair.. but then also being mad at her for being sick, laid up in bed and thus unable to give her the keys.
Thankfully this is an evil dead movie so Jessica quickly ends our suffering as she wants to swallow souls, taking off Teressa's scalp in a gory, horrifying and awesome practical effect before putting the drone to her own face and jumping into the lake. Caleb proves he's both not a COMPLETE asshole but still a complete idiot by diving in after her and we get the films awesome opening shot: Jessica rising from the lake, drenched in water and blood as the title rises behind her.
While I do like that TITLE CARRRD and scalping, overall i'm not a big fan of this opening. While it's well shot like the rest of the film, it's too short to really make me care and feels like it was thrown in there because the main plot ran a tad short and was too tightly paced to add to. It's a how we got here sort of thing that dosen't really work and feels like i'ts just there so we can have a sequel.. depsite the film having MULTIPLE other valuable sequel hooks dangling around. It's unnecessary in a film that otherwise really dosen't DO unnecessary. It also feels tonally off, feeling like a 2000's era "Kill the douchebags" sort of film than the tightly paced well characterized film we get after.
Thankfully we soon meet our actual protagnist, Beth. Beth, played by Australian Actor Alyssa Sulivan, gets a great introduction that does a lot of nice exposition without actually saying any: we quickly find out from her being sick in a stall and having some douche she works with who can't do his job himself and just let her go to the bathroom for five minutes knock on it that sh'es a roadie, her hiding it tells us she's pregnant and doesn't want anyone else to know, and Suilivan's awesome facial acting tells us she has no idea how to process this.
We soon cut to LA in a high rise, a setting change I utterly love. Before this most evil dead works were in a rural setting: a cabin in the woods for the first, second and fourth films, artuhrian times for the third, and some small towns for ash vs the evil dead. We haven't seen the deadites in an urban setting before this and LA was a great set.
The choice of setting within is also great: an old crumbling high rise in the middle of a busy city no one would give two shits about or really investigate in the middle of the night. It keeps the isolation of the cabin but puts a new spin on it that allows for new set pieces.
The main one of these is Ellie's Apartment. Ellie is played by the stunning and talented Alyssa Sutherland, previously known for Vikings, which I haven't seen. Sutherland is the easy breakout of the film, the center of most of it's marketing and the most terrifying part about it... eventually.
Part of that terror is we see her first as a fun, responsible mom and tattoo artist dealing with three children, all creatives themselves in some way: Bridget (Gabrille Echoles) is an activist, her brother Danny (Morgan Davies) is a dj and their young sister Cassie cuts up her dolls to create staves to body check her sister with.
This family, which doesn't have a last name, is the core of the film and the first 20 minutes are really just setting them up as people: Beth is a tad snarky but clearly loves her kids and is tough but fair with them, Bridget is sarcastic to just about everyone but her aunt, Danny is a bit of a reckless fuckwit but has a good heart, more on the former later, and Cassie is a sweetie pie. Their not super deep characterizations, but the talented actors give them a lot of character simply by action, and one of the films best asset is how great these people are at facial acting.
Beth flies in and after scaring the shit out of Ellie. The two actresses have great chemistry and you can feel the tension as the two clearly haven't talked.. and Beth missed a lot as Ellie's ex husband abandoned the family and this high rise is condemned, with the family only having a month. So naturally Ellie isn't that excited to see Beth, both for Beth dodging her calls, despite getting her messages, and showing up at the worst possible time.
That said the film also does a really good job with the sibling dynamic: like me with my own brother Ellie may be annoyed with Beth.. but she's there for her, getting this visit wasn't just out of the blue and her sister really needs her and waits till the kids have left to pick up pizza to ask, but does so gently yet firmly. These characters feel like family and building up this empathy and character is key to everything being as horrifying as it is. It's something many horror films, including this very film in it's opening and the previous film fail to grasp: just because
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Dosen't mean we should WANT them too. It's fine to throw in a few assholes to kill so not EVERY death is a downer, depending on the film, but when you can't empathize with most of your cast it makes the wait for the bloodshed tedious. It's why the previous film REALLY didn't work for me: outside of mia NONE of these idiots were likeable and as such having to spend a film with them being stupid and waiting for them to die while the only likeable one was turned into a deadite wasn't fun. Here by making everyone we encounter likeable, grounded, and interesting.. it makes the horrifying slaughter we're about to witness that much more tragic. It makes us WANT these characters not to be dead by dawn.
Anyways we're soon reminded this is LA as we get an EARTHQUAKKKEEEE, with the bathroom set our sisters are in having been rigged to shake really well. The kids thankfulyl weren't driving at the time and instead are trying to take the pizza back up when it hits. They drop it, but do live.
Sadly for them and everyone else on their floor Danny suffers from a terminal case of dumbass and upon seeing a giant crack in the ground leading to a mysterious old bank vault just HAS to investigate in the dark. He finds some old records, which.. fair enough, it's some neat historical stuff, could be fun to paly with soundwise and could help them fincally. Him taking stuff romt he hole is mildly stupid.. but I get it and I probably would. What I wouldn't do is upon finding a room guarded by a bunch of hanging crucafixes and seeing a book with teeth and bound in human flesh, take it with me. And I mean teeth as this Necronomicon has a nasty but awesome set of chompers. I praise the set design here on this, it's iconic as the original, still recognizable as being it's sibling, but the teeth give it it's own flair.
Anyways the kids get back to the apartment and Danny decides the best thing he can do during a dark night with quakes a poppin.. is to pry open his new book. Which granted is what i'd do, but my recent book is about a trans woman's first year post transition and is damn good...
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Highly recommend it and it's sequel, which I got first. Also guarnateed not to summon the evil dead.. which I understand is a dealbreaker for some of you. Good news i'm pretty sure that manga about Joker raising a baby batman does, so have at it if that's what your after.
Sadly Danny is not taking my book recommendations and opens the things finding a bunch of spooky pictures and... being genuinely horrified. He's a LITTLE fascinated but it's clear his reaction is "shit this thing isn't good is it. Not hleped is that when he pricks his finger on the books mighty jaws, it drinks some blood Audrey II styles. Bridget sees this and has the right reaction.
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Or rather chuck it back down the hole they got it from. Danny can't because their mom won't let them out of the apartment after the quake which is fair.. what's less fair is that he dosen't wrap the book in something or hide it. Keep it from trying to nible on some face. You have 4 other people in the house Dan be considerate!
That said Dan still takes the darwin award winning step of playing the wax records he got. NOw on paper Danny being this dumb shoudln't work.. but in practice Rise does an excellent job showing why Danny would be like this: we've seen he's an audophile, that he's reckless as he went down a crevice in an earthquake, and that he's curious to a fault, willing to take the book in a first place. So he's being stupid.. but it's in a way where it's a character flaw and not just bad writing.
It also helps that while playing the records is risky.. you can kinda see why. He found a creepy vampiric book in the basement. He probably gets he might not be able to just chuck it in a hole and have it not come back or have already infected them or something. it didn't, but he can't know that. So knowing what the FUCK this thing is might be a good idea.
As it turns out we get some exposition from a preist long ago: he found the book and proposed to his fellow preists to explore it. His Fellow preists didn't want to die today and loudly decired it as blasphemous.
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So he decided to take it and study it because that's never gone horribly wrong and lead to about a dozen deaths in this franchise, along with cameo Bruce Campbell and some other guy. He also decides to read it and to Danny's credit, he tries to stop the record there... only for it to keep playing. The Evil Dead have come baby.
Before we move on I need to talk about the danny thing a bit more, mostly because not only was this whole inciting incident well done, being rooted in character stupidity instead of just bad writing.. but it also feels like a direct response to the last film. For those who either haven't seen it, you blessed people you, or need a refresher, in Evil Dead 2013 the Necronomicon was found in a basement full of rotting corpses and next to a shot gun. it was packed in a garbage back, covered with barb wire, and had bright red writing implicitly from ash telling you NOT TO FUCKING READ IT OUTLOUD.
So enter Eric, full time teacher part time fuckwit who hears about the corpses, sees all of this and not only cuts the barbed wire but READS THE BOOK.
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So it's nice the followup decided to use the same plot device.. but actually use it instead of making a character brain dead.
So with that the evil dead has risen and the nightmare time has arrived. And the first victim of the Evil Dead is Ellie, whose experincing some ELEVATED horror while taking the elevated when some cables grab her.
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The sequence is quick horrifying and also has her trying in vain to fight off the possesion before the evil dead kills her, and she returns as a deadite.. and as the real breakout of the piece. While Beth is the lead and Lily Sullivan does greath, it's Sutherland whose the main attraction.. and not just because a good half of the audience's reactoin to Deadite Ellie was
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Which isn't me, but I entirely get. It's also intresting to have a horror film where the deadite is the real hammy star instead of our hero. Sutherland is iconic in this roll, from the creepy smiles to how unsettling she plays possesed elly: the pitched down voice HELPS.. but it's the unceasing smile, creepy grins and offputting behavior that make Deadite Elly so awesome and so electric to watch. There's good reason her possesion was spoiled int he marketing: She's the center of this film's horror. She's not the only deadite, we'll get a few more, but she's the main threat, the main focus and the main thing fucking with our heroes heads, starting with the brilliant egg sequence where Cronin and Sutherland make simply making eggs fucking unerving.
She's also the main source of black comedy in the film, from calling her children titty sucking parasites, to her game of eeny meeny miney you, to later making her daughter repeat the eyeball gag from 2, her haminess is well played: enough to keep the film from getting TOO bleak but not so overplayed it takes you out of how horrifying thigns are.
Deadite ellie is the biggest symbol of the films tone: Cronin keeps it pitch black like the requel, but unlike that film Cronin realizes that too MUCH bleakness overrides everything else. But giving us characters to root for and want to live through the night and some dark humor, it helps contrast the utterly bleak situation. It gives us something to go what the fuck at with the humor and something to cling on to. I hate that I keep making this review "Whyt his one works and why the remake didn't" as Fede Alvarez seems like a genuinely nice person. This film is good on it's own, not just because I like it more than the other... but it's also impossible to not bring up the two as they tried to do the same thing: bring back the franchise without ash, without contiuing the original story. I don't WANT to keep using the 2013 film as a punching bag... but it's hard not to when this feels like the better version of it, making an evil dead that's closer to straight horror.. but still gets what the franchise is. It keeps the frantic pacing of 2, it just makes it less of an over the top comedy and more an over the top nightmare our heroes can't escape. it's frantic out of urgency rather than out of throwing weird, hilaroius or horrifying shit at y ou constantly. Well except the last part.
Anyways at first everyone just assumes Deadite elly is sick, and they turn to their neighbors, Gabriel (Jayden Daniels) and his father Mr. Fonda (Mick Michelson). Gabe is a kind man implied to have a thing for elly while his father is very mildly crotchety but a kind cat owner , both helping: Gabe tries to treat Elly while his pop pop tries to figure out HOW to get her to help. As it did with the bridge, the Evil has taken out the stairs and already trashed the elvator, leaving a fire escape through a conedemed apartment as thier only escape.
So while gabe and his dad plan to run through, everyone else is left with Elly. We also get a really nice use of modren tech: in most films they usually have to do the "cellphones out" dance, which I understand but got old. Here... what we know about the evil dead from other films provides a nice way... they get no signal.. because it can control that because it can control anything in it's radius. If it can posses a moose head working the wifi shoudln't be that hard.And it thus has Ellie, trapped inside her deadite counterprat clal her sister for help before convulsing.... and whne put inj a tub crawwling out of it
Mayhem ensues as the family has to ward off Deadite Ellie, and we get a lot of nice iconic bits of violence: Ellie's now iconic line of "mommy's with the maggots now", going "eeneie meanie miney you" and using a CHEESE GRATER on her daughter while attacking her in the kitchen. Which while Cronin overhyped it before release, it's a nasty wound but in a film caked in blood, it's still a very creative gore moment in a film packed with them. The gallons of blood I listed before the cut were how many it actually took to make this film. It's another way the film works: it keeps the over the top nature of the series, it just emphasises the horror more, a way to keep the series fredsh but not ignore what made it good.
Our heroes are barely able to lock Ellie out and we get one of the best sequence sin the film: our heroes look in the peep hole.. and we see bits and pieces as Ellie masacres Mr. Fonda, gabriel and two local teens I didn't mention because they literally just hit on Bridget once and then die horribly here. Even Mr. F having a boomstick dosne't save him. And it's stuff like this that works: the high rise on paper is safter, less isolated... but in practice our heroes are nwo trapped in a cramped space, no way out with a bloodthirsty monster wearing their loved one's face. It's a brilliant take.
Naturally as is Evil Dead tradition, the group falls apart a bit: Danny is in tears taking the blame for this and it's again why I like him: he may be stupid.. but while eric just kinda hid we see the toll casuing this put on Danny. Bridget rips him apart for it and normally you'd think one would go outside and die.. but in a nice twist on the old formula Beth stops them: Danny MAY of caused this but they CANNOT turn on each other. It's what's out there that they need to fight.
Speaking of which Deadite Ellie prays on her youngest, gaslighting cassie by pretending to be "all better now"
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Though i'll give them points for style. This force Beth and Danny to save her.. and thus leaving them open for Bridget as in a horrifying sequence we see the dead slowly flow thorugh her before she startsb leading black blood out her nose... and becomes the dead.
Another horrifying scuffle insues with her targeting danny and barfing blood on him and nearly killing him before cassie FUCKING IMPALES HER. God damn kid.
They tie bridget up in a sack and Beth finally gets Danny to spill about the book and comes up with a plan: since playing the record got them into this, playing the record will get them out of this.
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It's a desperation move.. but like Danny's earlier shenanigans that lead to this blood party.. it makes some sense: they can't read the book, and frankly trying to may just make MORE deadites, and if the guy actually survived long enough to make a third album, it means they MIGHT have a way out. We also get a nice ash style montage of her getting the DJ equipment to work as at this point the power is out. It also nicely makes her music career into a hell of a chekovs gun.
Tragically.. they don't. HIs album simply outlines the horrors idiot priest man faced, what he's lost and how only complete and total dismemberment works. Granted we knew from the intro they probably wouldn't' make it but by this point, the film's got us too invested to care. I still dont' LIKE the intro making it clear this doesn't work from the get go, but at least the films well paced enough to compensate.
Things then get somehow worse as Bridget rises and stabs danny to death, coughing up blood and everything. It's brutal as it is amazingly designed. He does manage to fire her out of the impartment... with fire, while Ellie sneaks in through the vents, something set up by the old man's lost cast earlier.
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Ellie attacks Beth and in a VERY unerving moment detects she has a baby inside her, mocks her as deadites do then tries to rip it out.
But before she can get that fetus, kill that feetus and before I can go to hell for that joke, Bridget saves her. And props to Gabrille Echoles for her excellent child acting, an alex vincent level performance.
With our party down to 2 1/3, our heroes ventur eotuside and now EVERYONE'S a deadite. Highlights include Mr Fonda grabbing Ellie's leg as she grabs his boomstick
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And my favorite bit.. the two deadite children hovering over a seemingly prone deadite ellie, seemingly crying for thie rmom.. before it turns into dark.. piercing laughter. It's one of the most effective scares in the film and all the deaddites joining in is just chilling. It's a scaled back but effective version of the entire cabin laughing from evil Dead 2
The final girls hide in the elevator as what's left of their family fuses into The Marauder, our final deadite for the evening and a grotesque combination of their family, a grim reminder of what's happened and just a gross thing to look at. As is standard for this film, it's awesome and I love it.
SPeaking of awesome and I love it we then get another destined to be iconic bit: the elevator fills with BLOOD. What's more impressive is they got the scene in one: had they failed they would've had to clean up and start again, which given this scene involves a GIANT pool of pracitcal blood and leaves both characters drenched in it for the rest of the film, is a LOT to as and is a LOT of moving parts to nail on your first try. But they did and the result is a horrifying sequence as the elevator fills, our heroines barely survive..a nd then get tosse dinto the parking garage drenched.
The good news: now they can escape. The bad news is Deadites love final boss fights, so The Marauder is there to oand stalking them. The final fight is a tense sequence as Elly ducks it but thankfully noticces some landscaping equipment. You know what that means... CHAINSAW BLOOD MOTHERFUCKERS
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So Elly takeas a fucking chainsaw to it, which gives her an edge, and later uses her fucking boom stick and tells it to "come get some". I like these little nods, obvious enough to notice btu not distracting enough if you haven't seen the other films.
What finally does it in is fucking aawesome though: a goddamn woodchipper. look is a woodchipper being here convient? yes. is the fact the deadites only sent one convient? yes. is Ellie putting a deadite through a goodamn woodchipper with her niece and now adopted daughter turning it on fucking glorious and goryious?
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It's a great finale and with that Ellie, her unborn child and her niece head off into the sunset.. while our opening deadite comes into being.
Evil Dead Rise is a glorious new chapter in the franchise: still very much evil dead, but with a darker and somehow even bloodier spin on things. It's a worhty sucessor and very worthy of being the highest grossing film in the franchise, and with that acolade a sequel is hopefully inevitble.
LIke I said Cronin had four ideas, all of them brillian 1. Returning to the Cabin: While admitely I dont' care about those characters, a new cabin in the woods would be neat. This is my least faviorite as the NEXT one.. but I woudln't mind it eventually. 2. Focusing on Ellie: Seeing where she goes next, which I badly want. 3. A prequeL: focusing on the preist. another solid idea. And my faviorite 4. The cleanup crew: returning to the high rise to ask "how the hell would people react to the leftovers of the carnage we just saw".
their all great and with Bruce wanting to return now after this entry, the future is bright and this will likely not be the last time we read from the book of the dead. But it was a great return of it and I can't wait to read the next chapter. Until then hail to the king baby.. and thanks for reading
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shipcestuous-two · 2 years
Berenice, by Edgar Allan Poe (submission)
I wasn't planning on making thematic horror posts for Halloween month, it was just a coincidence that I picked Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque to write a review of The Fall of the House of Usher, and then decided to read the rest of the book. And I kept finding incest in it. However, Berenice is very explictily about cousin incest, which is out of the scope of my blog, so I'm going back to my roots and simply be submitting posts to Astrid (hope you don't mind lol).
As mentioned above, Berenice is part of Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, a collection of short stories published in 1840. However, before that, Berenice had been published at Southern Literary Messenger magazine in 1835 (this version was deemed too 'violent' and Poe revised it for later publications). The original version can be found online for free here, and will be the one I'm using (there's little changes, but I thought it was best to go with the original).
The story is narrated by Egaeus, who comes from a rich and respected family. He and his cousin, Berenice, grew up together in their family house, but while he had a very fragile health, Berinice was always energetic. However, as they get older, Berenice develops epilepsy, which leaves her in long catatonic states (just like Madeline, from Usher). This illness also brings physical changes to Berenice, and she's no longer the beautiful woman she once was (quite like Morella, in Morella; these themes just keep repeating themselves). Despite this, Egaeus still asks her to marry him.
"Now I shuddered in her presence, and grew pale at her approach; yet, bitterly lamenting her fallen and desolate condition, I knew that she had loved me long, and, in an evil moment, I spoke to her of marriage."
One afternoon, as Berenice is visiting Egaeus in the library, he can't stop staring at her perfect teeth. Despite his best efforts, the teeth become all that he can think of. All of sudden, Berenice dies of an epilectip fit (yet another beautiful dead woman… Poe had a fixation on them!). He goes to see her body, and finds that she isn't quite dead yet (just like the narrator in Ligeia, who goes to visit his beloved and finds that she has transformed into his first dead wife, now not so dead anymore). She gives him one last smile, showing those pearly white teeth, before truly dying.
Egaeus, probably shocked by the experience, suffers a blackout and, when he comes to, he's in the library again, with an ebony box near him. A servant comes in and informs him that Berenice's grave has been broken into, and that her disfigured body had been found clinging to life near it. The servant points out that Egaeus' clothes are dirty and muddy, indicating that during his blackout he had been the one to vandalise Berenice's grave (which I guess was a good thing, because she was buried alive, much like Madeline). Egaeus drops the box and it opens, 32 perfect teeth spilling all over the floor (this is a bad thing, because it means he removed Berenice's teeth while she was alive… this is the true horror).
While cousin marriage was quite common at the time (Poe himself married his cousin), in this case, Berenice and Egaeus weren't simply cousins, they had been raised together, in the same house. We don't hear much about their childhood, but we are told that Berenice had this bubbly personality, and I can picture her constantly visiting Egaeus in the library and dragging him away from the books and out to the garden to play together. Her fate of death (and possibly rising from her tomb) is even more interesting when taken into consideration that, only in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, we already have other characters who did the same. Madeline comes back from her grave to bring her brother with her; Morella disappears from her tomb; Ligeia returns in the body of the dead Rowena.
Coincidently, all those tales have some incestuous undertones. What do I take from this? Their incestuous love is forbidden, deemed wrong by society (what is represented by death), but they love each other too much to simply let it go and, just like returning from the grave after death, our incestuous lovers in Poe's stories always fidn a way back together. Okay, fine, maybe this is not the point. But let's pretend it is.
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Among the docs that I posted on my blog today I catalogued a vague timeline of events for my SB AU, but aside from the details I deliberately obscured, there were actually a few things I left out.
Gregory first went to the Pizzaplex after Halloween night when he was forced to run away from his foster home due to an attempt on his life by Vanny because he knew something was up with Freddy, and his intuition was telling him that he could trust him, weirdly enough, to help with this. He went there about two weeks into the month of November to turn to Freddy for help.
He returned in December hoping he could get to the bottom of the case, and ended up locked in- not only overnight, but for a whole week.
Jesse met Gregory on night 1, and locked him up only for him to immediately escape when targeted by Vanny. The fact that his life was in danger was the only reason she couldn’t stay mad at him about that. Jesse hates kids, and is by no means a maternal person, but she is a protector by nature and is highly protective of those who need defending.
She and Gregory start off about three times and just canNOT get off on the right foot. Gregory is emotionally shut down and refuses to answer her questions no matter how hard she demands the info out of him. He’s petty and often stays quiet and evades her out of spite. Jesse is hotheaded and hates being left in the dark, and Gregory’s behavior just strikes every sour chord with her. The first like three times they meet up, Jesse white woman jumpscares him, locks him up in an office, demands answers out of him, gets progressively pissed off with him and leaves, and by the third time their alliance is less of a “fine, I’ll cooperate with you” thing and more an “I AM KEEPING YOUR ASS IN LINE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER” thing. However, over time Jesse comes to Gregory’s defense time and time again, and despite her scolding and “overly strict babysitter” behavior, Gregory begins to see her as reliable and safe, making her one of the two most trustworthy adult figures in his life, the other being Freddy, with Vanny not there because she tried to stab him to death.
As the week progresses, Gregory begins to trust Jesse more, and around night 3, he asks her about something that seems random.
“Do your friends give you any nicknames?”
“Eh. Typical shit. Jen, Jenny, Jenna… someone called me something dumb like Jeffie once, and let me tell you, I did not care for that one.”
“…What about Jess?”
Jesse doesn’t know at this point that Gregory used to call Vanny Ness, or that it’s indicative of him trying to fill Vanny’s place with her or wanting her to be safe like Vanny was before the incident on Halloween night, but she sees the way he seems more comfortable calling her Jess over Jennifer, and decides that it’s a fine nickname also this is her kid now fuck you
There were actually five children who were murdered by Vanny and the animatronics before Gregory. Their names were Leslie, Will, Ethan, Saff, and Maya, and Vanny believes their souls aimlessly haunt the building, looking for something to cling to, which she describes as “disappointing” as it means they weren’t strong enough to give themselves life. The head security guard before Jesse was also murdered, and whether they haunt the place is unknown. Regardless, no remains were ever found. Hey I wonder what the “not meat” stuff in the kitchen is (/J)
The “Glitchtrap cult” theory may be true in this AU, but I’m not sure yet.
(There is no cannibalism canon in this au I wanna make it clear that not meat part was a joke but it’s actually what I thought it was gonna be in the game gjdhfjbyhgh)
Jesse my beloved <33333333
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kraekat29 · 2 years
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©️KraeKat29 2023
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All Too Well ( Prequel to Beautiful Mistakes)
Beautiful Mistakes
Paper Rings
Suburban Legends
Call It What You Want
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JJ and Ruby blurbs - Pink? Seriously? Preparing for the MGK concert Ruby sets out and dyes JJ's hair pink.. Only his reaction is not what she thought it'd be. Perfect Birthday Ruby's birthday has rolled around once more but only one thing can make it absolutely perfect this year. Until I Found You Ruby finally realizes what love is, all thanks to JJ. Cruel Summer Ruby notices how JJ has changed this summer and not in a good way.
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John B and Ruby - Pink Hair, Good Times Knowing her birthday is right around the corner John B surprises his twin with tickets to Machine Gun Kelly, only getting the tickets and knowing his sister meant he had to go all out.
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Smut- First Time JJ and Ruby have just gotten their house and finally have time alone, only this time they explore each other in ways they never have before. Favorite Treat JJ comes home from work only in the mood for his favorite treat. Punishment When Ruby breaks the number one rule JJ has a few tricks up his sleeve to teach his girl a lesson. Date Night what was supposed to be a perfect night out quickly turned into a steamy session on the H.M.S. Pogue. Red in which JJ and Ruby discover each other's hidden fantasies Road Trip it's the summer before senior year and as tension builds between JJ and Ruby they realize they can't avoid each other any longer. Lazy Sunshine a lazy morning with JJ and Ruby. Game On in which an innocent game becomes a steamy session. My Treasure some Halloween fun with JJ and Ruby. Hurt So Good a mafia smut request Gangster part 2 of Hurt So Good Talkin’ Tennessee an innocent late night drive quickly becomes steamy. Squirm An innocent joke turns out spicy. Midnight Drive A quiet romantic drive turns heated. College Nights A sleepless night leads to desire. 865 After a breakup JJ makes a drunk call to Ruby. Homecoming Ruby hasn’t been home in a few months. When she returns JJ shows her just what she’s been missing.
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I got you - in which desperate times call for desperate measures.
Law School Blues- Law school is never easy, when Ruby's teacher gets a little too harsh JJ is right there to help her through it. Until I Found You Ruby finally realizes what love is, all thanks to JJ
Cruel Summer- Ruby notices how JJ has changed this summer and not in a good way.
865- after a breakup JJ makes a drunk call to Ruby.
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The Twilight Saga
( extra Scream stuff)
Getaway Car
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Christmas Masterlist 2022
Christmas Masterlist 2023
Juby Week 2023
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j-graysonlibrary · 9 months
Silverfalls Court Chapter 3
Title: Silverfalls Court
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 50K
Genres: drama, suspense, who-done-it, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: A young girl, lost in the bliss of her first relationship, will do anything in the pursuit of what she believes is true love—even sneaking out of her house in the dead of night. Unfortunately, she is met by someone she didn’t quite expect. Her fight or flight instincts kick in but she in no match for the killer in the woods.
And her death won’t be the only one.
The once peaceful and quaint neighborhood of Silverfalls Court is thrown into chaos and upheaval when bodies keep showing up in the woods. When it becomes apparent that the murderer must be one of them, suspicions grow thick and trust is shattered.
Some, like Lisa-Marie Castel, want to play detective and solve the case on their own while others, like Dominique Pulmer, want to keep their heads down and wait for things to return to normal. Some might even wish to capitalize on the bizarre nature of the story while those who have been personally affected are left to pick up the broken pieces of their lives amidst the chaos.
Full chapter 3 under the cut:
3. Block Party
“That’s a little tight,” Dominique complained as the man in front of him attempted to tie his tie for him. “I’ll do it, actually.” He pulled his hands off and adjusted the tie so it looked neat and kempt but was no longer choking him.
“Sorry I tie things too tightly,” his partner, Collin, huffed. He was already dressed up in his costume—something Dominique wasn’t familiar with but it was apparently from a video game. He’d even had a design shaved into the side of his head to complete the look. A shooting star.
He looked good—though Collin always looked good. He was far more particular about his appearance than Dominique was and his fashion sense was one of the first things about him that caught his eye.
“So…what exactly am I again?” Dom asked as he straightened out the lapels on the white coat. He could guess that he was some sort of scientist but other than that, he was lost.
“Dr. Gozen,” Collin said as he passed his hands against the sides of his hair—checking to make sure everything was exactly as he wanted it. He peeked at the wall mirror to triple check and smiled at himself. “You’re the boyfriend of Miraki…my character.”
“There’s a video game with actual boyfriends?” He was doubtful and Collin’s face gave it away before he even answered. “It’s just your assumption, isn’t it?”
“Well…most of the fanbase thinks it.” Collin chuckled. “If you were out, I’d snap a picture of us and post it on my blog.”
“Please don’t.”
“That’s not the only reason,” he defended, “Even if I posted a photo of just myself I know a bunch of white piss-babies would be flooding my comment section with shit like ‘Miraki isn’t black, you can’t cosplay, blah blah blah’.” Collin rolled his eyes dramatically at the imagined comment. “But, if I posted us both the racist shit would be joined by homophobic shit too. And, like I said, you aren’t out so it’s not fair to you.”
Despite the fact he said Dom wasn’t ‘out’ it wasn’t necessarily true. He was out to his family and some of his close friends but not his co-workers or most of his neighbors. Though, after this, he felt it would be pretty obvious to everyone at the Halloween party.
Which reminded him… “I didn’t even want to go to this party.”
Collin laughed before walking closer and adjusting his coat. He led his hands down his arms and took his hands before squeezing them. “You need to go out and do stuff sometimes. Everyone here seems nice too—especially Lisa-Marie. She invited me.”
“I know.” Dom held back his groan. She’d been trying to get him to participate in her block parties since he moved in three years ago.
If he hadn’t started dating Collin and if Collin hadn’t introduced himself to every neighbor he met then Dom would never be in his current situation.
He didn’t hate his neighbors or anything but he just preferred to keep to himself. And his private life was private for a reason. The generational gap between himself and Collin was very obvious in such situations.
“You talk to some of your neighbors, don’t be so grumpy.” Collin leaned forward and kissed him. “It’ll be fun.”
Dom wanted to argue. The only neighbors he talked to were the young couple who just moved in beside him, and two twenty-something year olds who lived alone in the cul-de-sac. In total, there were four people he’d had more than a couple of passing conversations with and the rest he was simple acquaintances with.
He scratched the back of his bald head and sighed. “I’ll…try to have fun.”
“Yay,” Collin rejoiced and gave him another kiss.
“You can’t do that outside though.”
“I know, I know.” He rolled his eyes. “I don’t want the old Vietnam vet to have a heart attack or anything.”
Dom laughed a little. “Mr. Karowitz isn’t going to be there. And before you bring her up, Mrs. Winter is staying in for the night too.”
“So what’s the problem?” Collin pouted. “If there aren’t any old folks whose heart conditions I have to consider, are there blatant homophobes about or something?”
“I don’t know,” Dom answered honestly. He assumed everyone had some type of prejudice whether they were forward with it or not. Erring on the side of safety was always his course of action. “I haven’t asked each of my neighbors how they feel about the homosexuals.”
His boyfriend cackled. “Well don’t say it like that. Isn’t Carson openly gay though? Does anyone have issues with him?”
It was true that his neighbor on the other side was a single, openly gay man about Collin’s age. He was more flamboyant than Dom would ever dream to be and, as far as he was aware, no one in the neighborhood except for Mr. Karowitz had made any comments about it.
Though that didn’t mean no one was thinking it.
“He’ll be at the party. You can ask him,” Dom said and stepped away. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and shook his head. No one would know what he was dressed up as. He certainly wasn’t going to say he was dressed as a video game character—he’d just blame Collin if anyone brought it up.
“I bet he’s dressed up too,” Collin mused aloud as they headed toward the door.
Dom followed behind him and admired his figure for the last time while he could still get away with it. Even if no one in the neighborhood cared that he was gay, he still felt it was too personal a thing to readily disclose. He knew, to people like Collin and Carson, that keeping in the closet—in any capacity—was often seen as being ashamed but Dom really wasn’t.
When he was little he was ashamed, absolutely, but he accepted himself now. If he didn’t, he’d still be married to Shauna and they’d be raising Bianca together—probably somewhere else. Hell, they’d probably have one or two more kids for him to hide behind in denial.
Granted, he loved Bianca and cherished every weekend he got to spend with her but she was an inescapable reminder of just how long it took him to admit to himself that he was not straight. Luckily, Shauna never hated him for it and they were still good friends but Dom wasn’t blind to how bad the situation could have been.
His mother still loved him. His ex-wife was his best friend. He still got to see his daughter and spend time with her. It could be a hell of a lot worse.
But he did think there was a big difference between what things were like when he was young and what things were like with Collin. Sure, he still got bullied for being effeminate and not liking girls but there was a more visible gay existence that he could see ahead of him in life. That kind of reassurance hadn’t been there for Dom which was why he forced himself into a marriage to begin with.
It was when he couldn’t take it anymore that he had to tell Shauna. Collin never forced himself to date a woman and he would bet money that Carson hadn’t either.
Speaking of Carson, the young man met them on the front lawn as he left his house about the same time. He was dressed in a robe of some sort with a large, pointy hat. At least Dom could tell what he was supposed to be.
“Is that Alphegor the Disillusioned?” Collin asked as they stepped onto the street.
“Good eye,” Carson responded with a wink.
So much for knowing what he was, Dom thought to himself. He glanced back at the other houses in the cul-de-sac but no one else was coming out. They were already at the block party or they hadn’t left yet.
Collin and Carson chatted about their costumes as they walked which Dom barely paid any attention to. It wasn’t until they reached the first cul-de-sac that the conversation tapered off.
The entire area was decked out in Halloween decorations and large games and fair-like stations were propped up along everyone’s yards.
Dom reminded himself how grateful he was not to be in Lisa-Marie’s immediate vicinity.
The party was already in full swing and music blasted from club-grade speakers. Dom noted that Brandon Castel, Lisa-Marie’s husband, was manning the DJ booth and looked like he was a little too into it. Some of the kids ran about though most were old enough not to cause any concern. The one young kid was closely followed by his mother. They lived in the house adjacent to Dom’s though he didn’t know them well.
The Dicksons. Gary, his very young wife Kimberly, and their little boy Hunter. He was probably too young to properly enjoy the party that Lisa-Marie was throwing but there was sure to be a bowl of candy for him to indulge in somewhere.
When Dom looked back over to his boyfriend and Carson, he noticed that Diana Hajeed had also joined them. Like many of the adults, she wasn’t dressed up as anything; she was just wearing a nice pair of jeans and a flowing, black blouse.
Diana lived alone and was closest with Carson though Dom truly had no idea what they talked about. Other than being the same age, they had no common ground. Diana was dedicated to her law school pursuits and Carson…didn’t seem to do anything.
“Is that at your school?” Diana asked, letting Dom know he’d missed a portion of their conversation.
“No,” Collin answered, “Dom and I are at Jackson. That girl and all the teens here go to Sherman I think.”
“What’s this about?” Dom decided to ask and stepped closer.
“The murdered girl,” Carson said with a hand on his hip. “We thought maybe you two would know about it.”
“Nope,” Dom responded, “Though some kids have been talking about it.”
“He just yells and tells them to get back to work,” Collin added with a snicker.
“Are you still doing the student teaching thing in his classroom?” Diana tilted her head to the side.
It was how they met—Dom worked as a civics teacher at Jackson Valley High school and, last year, Collin had been assigned to his classroom to help as a student teacher. He was a lot younger than Dom’s usual type but he’d been so charming and sweet that he swept Dom off of his feet before he’d even realized what happened.
“Not anymore,” Collin said, “I switched classes since we’re…” he trailed off and looked to Dom as if to ask for permission.
“They know,” he told him.
“Oh. Well…yeah.”
“Still…” Diana switched topics back, “You’d think the kids that knew the girl would be a little more…I dunno? Broken up about it? Seems everyone here is having a great time.”
“That’s cold,” Carson agreed. “I heard the Burns’ daughter was like…really good friends with her too. But look at her now.”
Against his better judgment, Dom looked along with them at the teenagers who were grouped together. Victoria Burns was a girl who already had a lot of rumors surrounding her. Her short hair and blunt attitude helped keep people talking—the worst Dom had heard was that she had gotten into physical altercations at school.
“Should we really be gossiping about teenagers?” Collin, thankfully, stopped the conversation. “I mean…maybe they’re just trying to relax after something so scary.”
“I hope that’s the case,” Diana stated with a frown, “I just worry because of how I’ve heard some of their parents talk, you know? Kids soak that kind of blasé attitude up—even at their age.”
“Well let’s go snoop on the parents then,” Carson suggested with a chuckle.
“Oooh, I’m going too,” Collin quickly jumped on board. Though, before leaving, he turned back to Dom and said in a whisper, “I’ll make sure they don’t get into too much trouble. Don’t worry.”
It was funny—when Collin said not to worry it just served to make Dom worry more somehow. He shook his head, trying to mentally wash his hands of the situation. They were all adults and were responsible for themselves. They weren’t his students. He could leave them alone.
He passed by Mr. and Mrs. Jung who had neither of their kids with them but were watching the group of teens like hawks. Miss Rosello had her two youngest by her side while the Burns were all over the place. Dom had no interest in any of them—he had his sights set on his other neighbors.
Lamar and Susan Vick were both in their early twenties, recently married, and, up until the murder, were the talk of the neighborhood. Even in the year 2004 it was still strange for some people to see an interracial couple, Dom guessed. Though their differences didn’t end at their skin color—everything about them was the polar opposite of the other.
Susan was petite, pale, and wore dark gothic clothing twenty-four seven while Lamar had dark skin, was incredibly fit, and mostly wore athletic attire. He worked as a personal trainer while she worked at some alternative clothing store in the mall. Singularly, they each gave off a very different feeling but, when standing next to each other, they often left people confused.
They were both nice people though. Dom liked Lamar especially since he was the only other black man in the entire neighborhood. There were no words spoken between them about it but he knew a mutual understanding existed between them that they had to look out for one another. It wasn’t too different with how felt with Carson being the only other gay man in the neighborhood.
Lamar was standing by himself, dressed in a hoodie and jeans while looking over one of Lisa-Marie’s elaborate decorations. It was his first time experiencing the woman’s zest for Halloween so it was understandable.
“Yeah, she goes all out for it,” Dom said as he approached him.
“Oh, hey, Mr. Pulmer. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Lamar stood up straighter and regarded him with a warm smile. He truly was a big guy—one of his arms was probably as big around as Dom’s entire torso. “Did you bring your daughter?”
“No, her mother has her,” he explained, “I got conned into coming.”
Lamar laughed. “I was gonna say…doesn’t seem like your kind of scene.”
He could say that again. Dom shook his head. “It honestly doesn’t seem like yours either.”
With a shrug he responded, “Susie was curious. Plus, Lisa-Marie is one of the few people who ever just walked up to her and started talkin’. Most people get scared off by her clothes and piercings.”
Dom could see how. He could also perfectly imagine Lisa-Marie strutting right up to Susan and talking to her about her bug collection or something. Thinking about it that way, he could even see them being friends.
“Where is she? Susan?” Dom checked around the immediate area. The young woman was nowhere to be found.
“Not sure but I’m guessing she’s having fun.” Lamar’s eyes went back to the witch made of wicker before them. He tapped the overly exaggerated nose and asked, “You think she makes all this stuff?”
“No idea.”
Dom heard some commotion so he looked up, hoping it wasn’t Collin and them. Instead, he saw the patriarch of the Burns family talking to Miss Rosello and her kids. He seemed a little distressed so it kept Dom’s attention.
“Wonder what that’s about,” he mumbled.
A woman in all black walked over to the group and he quickly recognized her. “There’s Susie,” Lamar said, confirming it.
Susan shared a few words with Jason Burns before returning to Lamar’s side. Dom wondered what she was dressed up as—if she was dressed up at all since her outfit simply looked like her regular attire. He didn’t focus on that for long, however, when he saw the slight frown on her face.
“What was that about?” Lamar asked.
“Mr. Burns was asking if I’d seen his oldest daughter,” Susan answered, “I saw some of the teens heading out for the woods. He looked…bothered by that.”
“Probably because of the murder,” Dom suggested, “Out that way was where the body was found.”
“Oh, right.” Lamar sighed. “Think the kids know about that though?”
“It was their classmate…and friend.”
“That makes sense,” Susan spoke with a sigh. “I hope they don’t get up to anything.”
Dom almost laughed. He’d left one conversation full of gossip about teenagers and ended up in another somehow. He supposed it was hard to avoid given the murder scandal but he still craved something—anything—else to talk about.
The sudden pause in the music captured his attention instead—in fact it captured everyone’s attention and they all turned to look at the stage in front of the Castel’s yard. Lisa-Marie stepped onto it in her full-blown princess gown. She curtsied, laughed a little to herself, and then held a microphone up to her lips.
“Good evening everyone, I hope you’re having a spoooooky time,” she chuckled again before continuing, “I just want to suggest that we not take the party into the woods if we can help it, okay? I’ve got plenty of games and snacks for everyone in the area and this party is going to last well into the night. If you need anything, come find me. I’ll be around. Have fun!”
The music immediately started up again and everyone went right back to what they were doing before. Dom knew the parents of the missing kids must have pushed Lisa-Marie into making the announcement since she seemed a little over-the-top with it.
Personally, he thought the kids had the right idea. He, too, wanted to ditch the party.
Dom excused himself from Lamar and Susan as he walked about in hopes of finding his boyfriend and the others again. There wasn’t a lot of space to cover but, because of how Lisa-Marie had set everything up, some sections of the road and people’s lawns turned into a maze.
When he finally found the trio, they were by Hailey Burns who appeared to be talking their ears off. It was definitely karma for how much they were snooping.
He met Collin’s eyes and gestured with his head back toward the direction of his house. His boyfriend immediately lit up, excused himself, and rushed over to join him.
“You saved me,” Collin breathed in relief.
Dom shook his head and smiled. “Learn your lesson about trying to ask housewives for gossip?”
Collin rolled his eyes but a smile was pulling at his lips as well. Dom tapped the back of his arm before they started their trek back to his house.
That had, hopefully, been enough socialization for Collin to last the rest of the year. It certainly had been for Dom.
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