#she reminds me so much of frances the og...
ponines · 6 months
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alright now that we've got this out of the way-
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fridka · 1 year
Every year I try and avoid any Eurovision spoilers until the event itself, but I have finally listened to all songs and I have OPINIONS
so keep in mind these are all rather fresh opinions, and some of these songs might grow on me or lose their appeal over time.
Anyway my thoughts on each song under the cut‼️
Albania - Duje - Albina & Familja Kelmendi
I want to like this a lot more than I do. It’s sweet that she’s singing with her family(I think??) and the instrumentals are nice, but it’s all just a bit much.
Armenia - Future Lover - Brunette
Wtf are these lyrics. Wtf is this whole song. This is a front runner? I don’t get it
Australia - Promise - Voyager
YEA THIS IS MY SHIT. First verse I thought was kinda meh but then that chorus hit. I cannot see this win just bc of how eurovision is, but I’ll be checking out more of their stuff. Plus the guitarist is 💖💖
Austria - Who the hell is Edgar? - TEYA & Salena
This song got spoiled for me, but i don’t care because I love it. The lyrics, the opera, the dig at Spotify. Queens.
Azerbaijan - Tell me More - TuralTuranX
I can’t lie i kinda love this one. It’s just kinda awkward and the rap is PRETTY BAD but in this really endearing and charming way. They’re just a couple of guys 🥺
Belgium - Because of You - Gustaph
THIS IS MY SHIT. People don’t like this one? Why it’s amazing. The backup singers, the Lady Miss Kier reference, the nostalgia. I’m not gonna dare hope that this can win, but I want it to qualify so bad
Croatia - Mama Šč!
Oh boy. This one I knew I had to look into because I knew it was gonna be either extremely dumb or extremely political, and thankfully it was the latter. I still think the song is a complete mess but I kinda fucking love this.
Cyprus - Break a Broken Heart - Andrew Lambrou
It’s just a nice song. In a weaker year I think I’d like this a lot more, but as it is it sort of fades next to some of the other entries
Czechia - My Sister’s Crown - Vesna
I LOVE THIS ONE I WANT THEM TO WIN. At first I wasn’t sure about the English parts because it reminded me of Toy (which I really didn’t like), but this has grown on me so much. And the performance. The part with the hand signal for help. Fucking CHILLS. Plus the fashion in the music video, so good
Denmark - Breaking my Heart - Reiley
Den er ikke ligefrem min kop te, og han ligner en der er blevet skabt i et laboratorie i et forsøg på at lave den perfekte tiktoker. Men danmark sender altid noget bras så det er vel on brand :B
Estonia - Bridges - Alika
I’m biased against ballads, and this one sure was a ballad.
Finland - Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä
I LOVE THIS ONE AND I WANT HIM TO WIN. As someone who has social anxiety and who uses to party a lot, the lyrics were oddly relatable lmao. Plus the performance. The shirt the d a n c e
France - Évidemment - La Zarra
Georgia - Echo - Iru
??? The lyrics? Was this song written by ai? It’s painfully awkward and uh.. I think I hate this one
Germany - Blood and Glitter - Lord of the Lost
I think Lordi are iconic so I thought I was gonna love this one, but I kinda don’t. It’s.. a bit boring to be honest?
Greece - What they Say - Victor Vernicos
Yeah these lyrics are way too whiny for me
Iceland - Power - Diljá
It’s just alright. I don’t like it as much as many others seem to do. It’s not bad it’s also just not making much of an impression
Ireland - We are One - Wild Youth
(I can say the following because I lived in Ireland for the better part of a decade) Ireland is an amazing country and has such a rich culture and history to draw from, and yet they always just send boring garbage. I’m sorry but this one is trash, and your man looked so uncomfortable in that outfit
Israel - Unicorn - Noa Kirel
I don’t get it. Am I too old for this? I feel like I am. This song is a complete mess to me but people love it??
Italy - Due Vite - Marco Mengoni
It’s another one of those entries that’s just Some Guy. Nice voice and beautiful language, kinda boring tho
Latvia - Aijā - Sudden Light
Could have been good but it needed more power imo. Another adorable guitarist tho 🥺
Lithuania - Stay - Monika Linkyté
I don’t really know what to say about this one. Very eh
Malta - Dance - The Busker
NOW THIS ONE MAKES ME MAD, THEY SHOULD HAVE QUALIFIED 100%. It’s not quite winner material for me but there is no way they didn’t deserve a spot in the finals over some of the other crap
Moldova - Soarele si Luna - Pasha Parfeni
I usually like (or at least am entertained by) what Moldova puts out and this year is is no exception. This is a capital E Eurovision song, super theatrical and I love it.
Netherlands - Burning Daylight - Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
I like it as a normal song, but not really as a eurovision song, if that makes sense? I also don’t think his vocals could match hers at all
Norway - Queen of Kings - Alessandra
This is such a Norway entry 💖 there are other songs I like more but definitely deserves to place high. That whistle note
Poland - Blanka - Solo
Oh boy okay so I looked into this one and apparently there was another song people wanted to win, but the Polish government didn’t approve of it so they had the competition rigged and gave her the win? And I’m assuming she’s some dumb influencer or something? Anyway this song blows, Jann was robbed
Portugal - Ai Coraçäo - Mimicat
I like this as a performance only. She is kinda a babe, but the song itself is whatever
Romania - D.G.T - Theodor Andrei
This one is AMAZINGLY BAD. “Take off your clothes step on me” he sings with a super out of place anti-war message sharpied on his chest, while disinterested half naked women walk about the stage looking totally checked out. I love it
San Marino - Like an Animal - Piqued Jacks
Oh these lyrics suck ass as well. I got butterflies in my ears. Pure poetry
Serbia - Sami Mi Se Spava - Luke Black
At first this one was a little too silly for me, since I assumed it was just an edgy song about video games, but it’s grown a lot on me after learning what it’s about.
Slovenia - Carpe Diem - Joker out
Yea this one is legit. This isn’t exactly what I want in a eurovision song, but just as a song this is great stuff. That guitar riff in particular.
Spain - Eaea - Blanca Paloma
I think this one is… interesting, and I think it deserves a spot in the finals, but I wouldn’t exactly call it good.
Sweden - Loreen - Tattoo
Oh my god, okay so probably my most controversial opinion here. I don’t care for Loreen. I didn’t care for her in 2012 and I do not care for her now. I’m obviously not gonna try and argue that she’s not an incredibly talented singer, but I just can’t deal with the terrible enunciation or the annoying interpretative dance. And yea it’s gonna be so disappointing if she wins. Sorry
Switzerland - Watergun - Remo Forrer
Borderline disrespectful and incredibly eyeroll worthy, but regretfully it gets a bit catchy in the second half.
Ukraine - Heart of Steel - Tvorchi
It’s not nice to be all “yeah I know you guys are getting invaded and all, but your entry for silly song contest sucks”, so fortunately I don’t have to do that because I genuinely like this. Kinda reminds me of something from an LCS cinematic. I wish the whole thing was in Ukrainian though
UK - I wrote a Song - Mae Muller - I am biased against UK entries, but this one is fun. Not winner material for me, but deserves to at least make the finals
Overall I think this is a pretty solid year, definitely better than the last couple ones. There’s some really fucking good entries, and a lot of the bad ones are bad in an entertaining way.
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measuringbliss · 10 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 025: L to the OG (Clone Saga) (ASM 141-150) P1
In this batch! Mysterio! The Jackal's identity revealed! THE DEAD SPEAK! And a ton of angst, naturally. But more importantly...
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To my absolute delight, the Spider-Mobile hasn't disappeared. I thought it was a one-off thing, but turns out it seems here to stay!
...At least, that's what I thought, until Spidey crashed his bungie in the New York Bay. Hmm! Wasn't there an alley there, instead of the ocean, Spidey and the readers wonder? Is this the tragic end of the Spider-Mobile?
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Later, Peter falls asleep in class (very relatable), and Prof. Warren is there to try and keep him from sinking. I love his vest and tie combo by the way. Also, yeah, Peter still goes to university! His classes are so rarely depicted that you'd be forgiven for forgetting about it.
MJ's back, baby! And she keeps objectifying Peter, to our greatest pleasure.
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We also get great scenery and gorgeous panels. Ross Andru was brimming with energy.
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I'm sure nothing harrowing will happen in these issues. Don't worry about it.
We get a quick scene with Jameson looking strangely elated. I can only imagine he hired someone (probably Mysterio) to mess with our hero. Oooh, Johnny boy, you can't reach the level of the Jackal.
Spidey is famished and steals a poor guy's food, vaguely intending to send him bills before getting interrupted by----SMOKE! Not Felicity Smoke, but actual smoke! Mysterio's smoke! The showdown quickly begins.
Mysterio issues are always a treat, and this one is no exception.
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However, this fighting style... reminds me of the Tarantula. The pointed boots, the agility...
Illusions keep piling up and...
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Gorgeous art! That's something we've never seen. Oh, Andru, Conway, you know it, you're in your prime.
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Ned needs a much better tie, but I appreciate the attempt. Peter going insane is a theme throughout this batch.
Onto #142! Stuff happens and May notably makes an evil face.
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She keeps that trend for the next issue. She should chill out a bit.
Ross Andru is great, but his face are a bit much a lot of times. Romita Sr. had a softness that Andru just can't emulate.
Meanwhile, Betty tells MJ the big news:
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(We later learn it's for August 27th, which means we might see it in about 30-50 issues or so.)
Because the cast really needs good, no, GREAT news in their life right now.
Coming back from the Bugle, Peter sees someone who looks like... *her.* Surely, it must be another one of Mysterio's illusions...
Peter's naturally very angry, because this one feels very mean. Oh, Peter...
He figured off-screen that Mysterio put a VR chip on his suit that basically shows him what Mysterio wants him to see. Thanks to that, he figures out where Mysterio's hiding and...
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
In the end, he's arrested. He was just a buddy of the original Mysterio (who seemingly really died) and, as he's arrested, he warns Jameson to give him a lawyer. Jonah skips town instead! Not the most interesting issue, but it compliments the previous one well and does a very clever set-up.
#143 starts between Christmas and New Years' Eve. Spidey keeps seeing *her* everywhere, but Robertson asks him to follow Jonah to Paris.
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Hahaha, I just saw the upper panels on my TL this morning. I still don't get exactly what she means, but who cares, they're kissing! They're official! And they look cute. Robertson obviously approves.
They're adorable, really. I'm on board!
Turns out Jonah's been captured, but Conway and Andru are more interested in drawing the monuments of France. That's understandable! The villain (Cyclone) also kidnaps Robertson and says Spidey has 24 hours to give him the money, or else...!
That's how this issue ends, and we're now trudging in the territory of issues I've already read (again). Feels nice to have context for... well, everything.
Ish #144!
We get an actual scene with May and Anna, who go out to see a movie (and secretly kiss each other, naturally), and May is sad that Gwen Stacy died, thinking it should have been her instead of Gwen... which is a reference to how May was supposed to die in her place (and I think it would have made for a better cast but oh well).
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At least, it's a great scene.
The Cyclone and his goons spend the issue complaining about Americans, and it's very funny how his thoughts were probably a caricature at the time but resonate a lot today.
Anyway, the day's saved and Peter goes back home to find...
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Oh my!
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Good for her!
I was initially planning to stop here to make a second post, but I'm not doing too bad at restraining myself from uploading too many pics, so let's continue.
Ish 145! Peter lashes out at Gwen (?) and is soon confronted by the Scorpion. Just before that, a textbox helpfully informs us that Marvel Team-Up 33 happens, and I shall proceed to read a summary. It's ok, nothing groundbreaking.
After the fight (where the Scorpion escapes), Peter goes back to the hospital, and Gwen's there with everybody else. Ned confirms that not only this Gwen has the same fingerprints as the one who know, the OG Gwen's grave is also still full. Ooh, drama!
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MJ's not sure she's liking this.
Ish 146 opens with the Jackal saying it's been two years since *that* death, and since the Jackal was born. By now, Conway has a good handle of who hides behind that mask. Interestingly, the Jackal shatters a head statue of Spidey, similarly to ASM #129 where the Punisher (in his first appearance with the Jackal!) shoots a full-body statue of Spidey.
One page later, Gwen says she's been dead for two years. Oooh! She's hanging out with Peter and asks him the big question:
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She proceeds to slam her face in a revolving door, as is custom when you just got dumped.
The Scorpion attacks May after being advised by the Jackal, but Spidey catches him and we see the best panels of the issue just in time to close it.
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Ish 147! The Tarantula is back and I'm very happy. While he escapes from prison (good for him), May and MJ have a heart-to-heart. MJ's not pleased that Peter's completely stopped giving her attention, and May advises her to fight for her man. It's pretty sweet actually!
Ned gives a file from the doctor to Peter, who learns Gwen is... a clone! Of course she is. It's the original Clone Saga, after all!
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Spidey and the Tarantula have an actual fun fight in the middle of New York traffic (which reminded me of the Spot and Miles's first battle in Across the Spider-Verse) until the latter pushes Spidey into a bus... from which every civilian soon departs, afraid of the fight. In a fun twist, an apparently puppeted Gwen gets on the bus... and in a fun twist, the driver turns out to be the Jackal!
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See what I mean when I say it seems just out of the Spider-Verse movies?
Eventually, they stop just where the OG Gwen died and the Jackal reveals HE'S the one who created Gwen's clone.
The Tarantula pushes Spidey, whose feet and hands are shackled, off the bridge... and that's where the issue ends.
In the readers' letters, they keep bringing up the fact that Peter's still in college. From my point of view, their complaints are completely uninteresting. But it's because it's 2023 for me, not 1975.
Ish 148! The textbox helpfully informs us of the following: "At this point, we're not even going to try to explain it. You'll have to pick it up as we race along, Tiger!"
It's funny, but also... yeah.
Spidey successfully stops his fall, but he knocks his head on the bridge. The Jackal reveals he hid a JETPACK on Gwen, and they all fly away in a quite strange threesome.
Spidey tricks officers into freeing him from the shackles, and he gets away. MJ's waiting for him, but he doesn't give her the time of the day.
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I put this entire page because I'm thirsting, and I'm also here for the Ned/Peter Ho Yay. They actually make an incredible team on the next page, they reach together the conclusion that Prof. Warren and/or his assistant might be involved. Their conversation and comfort around each other is very strong in a way you really don't see. I don't know. I'm shipping it. It's an awesome page and it's just a conversation.
Turns out Gwen's DNA samples have disappeared from the college fridge, and Warren pinpoints his assistant, Anthony Serba (a name I never forgot all those years, I don't know why), as the likely culprit.
But at Anthony's place...
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I didn't remember the Tarantula being so involved, but I'm here for it!
Spider-Man's sexuality is a subject we must briefly broach. He regularly says "handsome" to all kinds of men when he's quipping, however, here, he says to the Taratula, "Sorry, pal--but I only dance with girls."
This is just food for thoughts.
Spidey beats the Tarantula, but as he's dragging his body...
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Check out the next part of this post!
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lenskij · 3 years
The StoryGraph's Translation Challenge 2021 - a reflection
Today I just finished this 10 prompt reading challenge! I had so much fun doing it, especially since I’ve for years wanted to expand my reading beyond the same old and familiar I’ve been reading until now, but I didn’t come around to actually do it until I came across The StoryGraph's Translation Challenge 2021.
The rules are: pick a book for each prompt that has been translated from a language that isn’t English. For myself, I added another rule - it can’t be translated from any language I speak, either. I also wanted to find an individual book for each prompt - if there was a book that would fit in two prompts, I counted it for only one of them and chose another for the other.
I wanted to share my little translation journey with everyone here, hence this post. The prompts, what book I chose for each, and my thoughts on them are below the cut!
Also: I’m always on the lookout for non-English books! Bonus points if they’re from outside of Europe ^w^ Hit me up with your recommendations!
1. A translated fantasy or sci-fi novel
Stanisław Lem: Солярис (Solaris) Translated from Polish to Russian by Д. Брускин
This book has been living on my sister’s bookshelf for years, and while I was visiting her I read it. It didn’t impress me in any way, it felt like any regular old sci-fi, although a bit creepy (and just a lil dash of sexism).
2. A book written by a Black woman in translation
Marie NDiaye: La Cheffe (La Cheffe) Translated from French to Swedish by Maria Björkman
This is a lovely novel, even if it focused on French food - and the detailed descriptions reminded me that French food is overrated. I loved the character la Cheffe, it was highly enjoyable to read about her relationship to people and her profession, and the narrator had sweet heart eyes that shined through the text.
3. A translated book originally published before 1950
Choderlos de Laclos: Farliga förbindelser (Les Liaisons dangereuses) Translated from French to Swedish by Arvid Enckell.
This prompt was the easiest to fulfill, and I had several choices for it. I've spoken about this book elsewhere on this here blog - it's morbidly fascinating to read about terrible, terrible people.
4. A translated non-fiction book
Romaric Godin: Klasskriget i Frankrike (La guerre sociale en France) Translated from French to Swedish by Johan Wollin
For this prompt, I went to a local bookstore and asked the seller for help. She had to dig around for a while before she found something that wasn't originally written in English - like she pointed out, most academics choose to write in English, even if they're not native speakers.
I picked this one because I've seen snapshots of the yellow wests in the news, but I know barely any of the context. Although the book is short, it's a pretty detailed overview of recent French economic history, with an emphasis on explaining why and how French neo-liberalism ended up looking like it is today (and why French neo-liberalism is different from the neo-liberalism in the rest od Europe). This tickled my inner economics nerd.
5. A translated novel 500 pages or longer
Isabel Allende: Andarnas hus (La Casa de los Espíritus) Translated from Spanish to Swedish by Lena Anér Melin
Another book that has been sitting on my sister's shelf! I absolutely loved it - a family saga, in a time of social change. Look, my favourite part about any book is when the characters feel like humans, even if they're not relatable, I can still understand them.
6. A book translated from Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish or Icelandic
Vigdis Hjorth: Arv och miljö (Arv og miljø) Translated from Norwegian to Swedish by Ninni Holmqvist
In my case, it meant a book translated from either Danish, Norwegian or Icelandic (I do have to pepper in the fact that I'm a polyglot, after all). It's my sister who recommended it to me, and she was right when she said this was good! I loved the three separate timelines, the prose, and the family drama.
7. A translated book by a South American author
María Sonia Cristoff: Håll mig utanför (Inclúyanme afuera) Mariana Enríquez: Det vi förlorade i elden (Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego)Translated from Spanish to Swedish by Hanna Axén
What? Two books?? Yes, when I searched the library catalogue it spit out these two - because they have the same translator - and since they both seemed interesting I checked both of them out.
Unfortunately, these are the two books of this challenge that I liked the least. The first one didn't have a premise that worked with me - the main character chose to listen more than she spoke for a year as an experiment, and as an introvert, to whom this is how I've always lived my life, it was hard for me to understand what the big deal was.
The second was just my personal taste - these short stories had bloody ghosts, and ended abruptly without quite resolving the story - that creepiness just doesn't vibe with me.
8. A translated book by a Chinese author
Eileen Chang: Ett halvt liv av kärlek (Banshengyuan) Translated from Chinese to Swedish by Anna Gustafsson Chen
After quite a slow start I suddenly was drawn into this book. It's such a lovely read on when life doesn't always work out the way you want, and you still do your best to be happy. It felt very real, without being a 'happily ever after', or it's opposite of endless tears - that sweet middle ground spot.
9. A book translated from Arabic
Rajaa Alsanea: Flickorna från Riyadh (Banāt al-Riyāḍ) Translated from Arabic to Swedish by Tetz Rooke
I found this when messing around with the "similar books"-algorithm on Storygraph (I've just finished Unmarriageable, and liked it a so much I wanted to find something similar). When this one popped out I noticed the Arabic author name, and checked it out from the library. I've actually never read any book set in the Middle East, and I loved seeing a glimpse of life there (naturally, this isn't a comprehensive illustration - the main characters were all from well-off families). The most interesting thing was how the characters adjusted their behaviour as they travelled between Europe and Saudi Arabia - the social rules are different depending on where you are (and if you meet a fellow Saudi in London, your day is ruined - because suddenly you have to behave in accordance to Saudi rules).
10. A book translated from a language spoken in India
Vivek Shanbhag: Ghachar ghochar (Ghāchar ghōchar) Translated from Kannada to English by Srinath Perur; translated to Swedish by Peter Samuelsson
At first I was cranky about that this is a translation of a translation - but in the acknowledgements I read that it was the author's request that the book is to be translated from English. I assume it's because the English translator already has made the inevitable tradeoffs between language and form, which the author approved, and so the Swedish translator wouldn't have to make the decisions all over again.
This was a short book, just over a hundred pages. It barely had any plot, but it didn't need any - the description of the family members' relationship to each other was juicy enough.
In conclusion
This challenge was a great opportunity for me to also try genres I never would have tried otherwise - I was limited to what my library had, and especially for the smaller languages, it's a limited choice. I've been talking about this translation challenge to everyone I know because I've had so much fun! And the best part is - it's only ten prompts. That means I wouldn't need to scram to finish it in time, even while also reading the regular same old books I do still want to read. While I'm waiting for the 2022 challenge, I'll be doing another round for these prompts - I've already checked out a short story collection originally written in Tamil, and a nonfiction about Syrian resistance originally written in Arabic :)
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nyaheum · 3 years
My yearly list of Eurovision songs after the first impression (I mean, for like, half of them. I heard snippets of some songs.). Judged on music videos, because...if I only listen to the songs on Spotify, my eyes get bored. :’)
(oh, and don’t talk to me about iceland’s placement, I know this might be unpopular)
X. Belarus
Fuck Belarus, all my homies hate Belarus. Not even going to grace them with a rating.
Norway (TIX – Fallen Angel)
...no. :( And it’s not even because Keiino didn’t win, I just wholeheartetly hate this song. And I’m kinda sorry to TIX, because he seems like a cool dude and his stage outfit is absolutely hilarious, but oh my god do I hate this song with an absolute burning passion.
Poland (RAFAL – The Ride)
eye emoji mouth emoji eye emoji – well, this is a non-qualifier if I’ve ever seen one. Can we just...skip this?
Belgium (Hooverphonic – The Wrong Place)
Nap time! This song annoys me. I cannot explain it, but it gives me a headache and my whole body is revolting against this song. I am not kidding. Objectively, I don’t even hate it, but there’s just something about it...that makes me go...hnghgng…
North Macedonia (Vasil – Here I Stand)
eye emoji mouth emoji eye emoji ver. 2 – I am not trying to sound mean, but does North Macedonia do any music that is not dramatic power ballads? I’m serious. (And I don’t like it, sorry. :((...except for the high notes, I like them. When he can hit them live.)
Estonia (Uku Suviste – The Lucky One)
This (the music video)...is soft porn. I am slightly scared of Uku. I don’t know why. But, uh...this is better than last year’s song? Still, it wouldn’t qualify under my watch, whoops.
Georgia (Tornike Kipiani – You)
He stopped yelling angrily at the microphone. :((( Nah, but this isn’t my thing. It’s great that they are doing their own thing, it’s just not really my thing...it also reminds me of a song I know, damn.
Austria (Vincent Bueno - Amen)
He looks like a german youtuber. I don’t know hich one, but he looks like one. I also canot tell if he’s 18 or 38, lol. (For some reason he also reminds me of Alex Albon, which is even weirder.)...oh, uh, the song? Idk, I don’t care for I. It’s fine.
Spain (Blas Cantó – Voy A Querdarme)
Confession: I’m probably the only person who actually doesn’t like the sound of Spanish all that much. Whoops. Apart from that though, I’m not the biggest fan of this song. Can’t really say more about that. Meh.
The Netherlands (Jeangu Macrooy – Birth Of A New Age)
Listen: I really like the tone of this voice. It’s great. I am not a fan of the song. There’s something just very off about the loud percussions (?) in the background that make me go absolutely crazy when listening to this. My sensory-overload-prone ears hate it, and I’m sorry...the part before the last chorus on the other hand I love. The whole song could have sounded like that and I would have loved it. (...and I can’t unhear “You are my broccoli – You know my broccoli!” ;-;)
Azerbaijan (Efendi – Mata Hari) Whenever I see Efendi, my brain still goes “Cleopatrrrrra!”, oof. This song sounds like a song I know. Which...is super unprecice, but I genuinely don’t know which one. I do like that they kept the weird pre-chorus thing from Cleopatra (and reference the song later on), but I must say that I liked Cleopatra more...but it’s a party song, so I think it will be fun on stage!
Romania (ROXEN - Amnesia)
I didn’t like her song last year, I don’t enjoy this all too much and I’m kinda sorry but also...I don’t want to apologize for my taste in music, lmao. I want her hair though. Give me her hair.
Denkmark (Fyr & Flamme – Ove Os Pa Hinanden)
Ring ding ding, native language bonus. This is also way more fun than I thought it would be, hah. VERY retro, but I don’t hate that? :D (this and sweden really aren’t any different in terms of how much I like them)
Portugal (The Black Mama – Love Is On My Side)
I can appreciate this. I just wish it was in Portuguese, honestly. I don’t really know if I like the English for this song. That being said, I don’t know if you can make these very specific tones (you know what I mean) in portuguese without it sounding super off, so…
Ireland (Lesley Roy – Maps)
Okay, you do you Ireland. :D
Israel (Eden Alene – Set Me Free)
This exists. :D
Cyprus (Elena Tsagrinou – El Diablo)
Cyprus came to party, and I can’t be mad at that. I just don’t know why everybody in the YouTube comments loves this SO MUCH that they are sure that it will win if it gets the jury votes. I don’t think it’s as good as Fuego or She Got Me were, but maybe I just have no taste in party music. I don’t party. (Only if you got a 2000s playlist and some iced tea.)
France (Barbara Pravi – Voilà)
FRANCE sending a BALLAD? In MY Eurovision? It’s more likely than you think. It’s good, objectively. Personally, I don’t really care for it all that much and feel like I already know it.
United Kingdom (Embers – James Newman)
A good, modern song? In my british eurovision song? What happened on the Isles over quarantine? Are you guys okay? Did you find yourself? Have you taken your last breath (breath!) and looked at your past results? I’m impressed enough to put this relatively high, wow.
Serbia (Hurricane – LOCO LOCO)
*adore delano voice* party! Oh, and native language bonus...for a party song! I’m...impressed, actually. I cannot decide wheter I prefer this or Hasta La Vista, but I think it’s this one? The flows smoother, if that means literally anything.
Bulgaria (VICTORIA – Growing Up Is Getting Old)
*shrugs* I think a lot of people will like this. And I get that. I think I even understand it...yeah. I didn’t like her song last year either. It’s just personal preference, I think. I just want to have fun during Eurovision, hah.
Finland (Blind Channel – Dark Side)
Finland: FUCK YOU!!! Germany: Fuck you. <3
That’s all I’ll say, we know how the Finnish are, this is not surprising, lmao. (And I’m one of those children that grew up on Rammstein, so I legally cannot dislike this.)
Croatia (Albina - Tick-Tock)
Tick-tock, can you hear me go tick-tock? My heart is like a clock, I'm steady like a rock-...oh wait, wrong tick-tock! Still, really enjoy this song’s chorus – I actually enjoy it so much that it makes up for the utter loss of interest I experience once it’s over, chrm.
Sweden (Tusse – Voices)
I mean...let’s be honest, it’s a generic swedish pop song. It sounds like every other Swedish entry, and I think that bothers me. I know, that sounds kind of...weird, looking at my choices higher up in the list, but...meh. I think this will easily qualify for the Final and place high, and I am totally okay with that. It’s just not...what I wanted, I guess? :D (and i’m sorry but as a german-speaker I cannot get over the name “tusse”) (oh, and tusse seems to be super cool)
Albania (Anxhela Peristeri - Karma)
Oh, we’re going to war in 130 A.D.? Fine, let me just pack my spear and- oh, Albania has already sent a singer? Ah, well, might as well give up and just vibe.
Czech Republic (Benny Cristo - omaga)
This sounds fun. Not a winner or anything, but fun. I’ll probably still be on Twitter when he’s performing, whoops.
Slovenia (Ana Sklic - Amen)
Wait, there’s TWO songs called Amen? And why do I actually kinda like this? Oh well, might as well just accept it. (Her voice though...mhmmhmhm…yes please)
Iceland (Dadi og Gagnamagnid – 10 Years)
We just vibin’. I liked Think About Things more, but I’m very much biased here...because I’ve known that song for a year now. But this is still very good, and very on brand. (And I understand like...half of the lyrics, but I am okay with that.)
Australia (Montaigne - Technicolour)
not australia flexing at all of europe that they can hold big gatherings! D: oh, but I like this way more than last years song. I feel like Montaigne can show her GREAT voice way better in this song. (Even though her outfit and the sound of the song reminds me of the UK song that had...a dude run on the stage. I can’t think of the word for it right now.)
Malta (Destiny – Je Me Casse)
Destiny’s voice is just….wow. This is very different than All My Love, but it’s fun. The topic of the lyrics kinda remind me of Toy, and I like that…..I don’t really like the music video (especially the dancers in the colorful dresses? idk), but I’ll just ignore that.
Germany (I Don’t Feel Hate - Germany)
Confession time: I actually actively enjoy this song. Everybod is shitting on it, but it’s FUN and it has a good message, and Jendrik seems like the nicest dude ever and...it doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting? It’s completely self-produced and just fun. Stop being mean. :(
(...also someone on youtube said “pewdiepie” and I can’t unsee that now so fuck you >:((...no, no I don’t feel hate, just rethink your life choices)
Moldova (Natalia Gordienko - SUGAR)
What in the “Eis.de ist in der Kiste” is this music video? And I thought I would absolutely hate this song, but I actually don’t mind it all that much. It’s actually fun. Oh no, I’m splipping, someone catch me, aaaaaahhhhh….(and that poor cake dude. Is this song about cannibalism? Does she want to eat him?)
San Marino (Senhit – Adrenalina)
Catch me hum the chorus of this song at least once a day...but honestly, without any malicious intent: what the actual FUCK san marino? This is so much better than Freaky, and even though I do not believe for one second that this will win, the simple outragiousness of bringing Flo Rida to Eurovision deserves attention. (Bringing someone like Flo Rida to ESC sounds more like Scandinavia/Bulgaria, doesn’t it?)
Russia (Manizha – Russian Woman)
Not gonna lie, I miss Little Big, but at least they are sending something that’s at least as weird. I love that. Russian Rap is cool as fuck anyway, so I’m fully here for this...but I’m glas this song doesn’t have a music video, this just has to be a live performance. (Oh, and another strong woman!)
Ukraine (Go_A – SHUM)
I’m SO glad Go_A are back. But, let me be completely honest: I know why they had to change the lyrics, but I still liked the first version better. BUT I feel like the new one will grow and me and it will climb one or two places, because the Instrumental just slaps SO HARD. (Makes me feel like putting on a Cybergoth outfit and start dancing at a German industrial park, lmao.)
Latvia (Samanta Tina – The Moon Is Rising)
Does this count as my guilty pleasure this year? I loved her song last year, and this sounds similar, so...I like this too. It sounds modern as fuck (well, for Europe, you know) and I can definitely...”vibe” with that. I genuinely really enjoy this, and I don’t know why. (Even though I prefer last years drop.) A lot of “strong, independent women���-songs this year, and I’m not complaining.
Switzerland (Gjon’s Tears – Tout l’Univers)
Just so we’re clear, this and Italy share the exact same spot. I just cannot compare them at all. Gjon’s voice just takes me hostage throughout this whole song and won’t let me go. And everything that isn’t english/is in the countries offical language immediately gets plus points from me. As if this song needed them anyway.
Lithuania (The Roop – Discoteque)
Aaaaaand...dance break! Good, I just love them so much, it’s not even funny anymore. And I’ve been singing this song randomly since it came out. I can’t stop. It has burned itself into my brain. Let’s dis-co-teque right at my home! *waves arms around with no sign of coordination*
(and does anyone else feel like he’s serhat, just with a different alignment? Like, they are both chaotic, but serhat is chaotic neutral and he’s either chaotic good or chaotic bad, it really depends on the way he looks at the camera)
Italy (Maneskin – Zitti E Buoni)
Italy delivers, as they do every year. Not only do I really like this song (it is very much my genre), THIS is an aesthetic I can get behind! Knowing Eurovision, I doubt it will win, but damn if it won’t be super fun! (I am so glad this won Sanremo, hah.)
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maticide666 · 3 years
my eurovision top 39 songs (finally)
anyway i finally got my top 39 completed. under a read more because it can get kinda long with the commentary i added klfdja;sflk (and by that i mean VERY long, maybe a wall of text if i have a lot to say about the song.)
none of this takes rehearsals into account.
basically, 39-37 i don't like, 36-35 are meh, 34-25 are decent, 24-18 are good, 17-12 i enjoy listening to a lot, 11-4 i love, and I would pay for votes for top 3 if i could.
39. Azerbaijan - Efendi - Mata Hari - Honestly, I kinda want to like this song. The instrumentation is nice, especially with the Azeri instruments. Efendi's vocals are ok during the verses. However, her vocals during the MA-MA-MA-MATA HARI part makes this song utterly unlistenable for me. It is just so distracting and ear-grating. Not great for my sensitive ears. And that is without taking anything else into account.
38. Estonia - Uku Suviste - The Lucky One - For some reason reminds me of a boring modern country song. Bland af. At least the melody of the chorus is nice.
37. Cyprus - Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo - Discount Lady Gaga at the best points of this song. Feels like three songs at once. Also, the lyrics seem like they just went all "What Spanish-sounding words sound spicy? Taco? Tamale? Mamacita?" As a Spanish speaker and as someone of Mexican descent who enjoys those foods, this annoys the living shit out of me. At least I can make El Diablo/Fallen Angel memes out of this. (Honestly, I don't mind the gratuitous Spanish with the words El Diablo.) Also, this song got real old real quick.
36. Slovenia - Ana Soklič - Amen - The gospel vibe is nice, but there is just too much Christianity in it for me to enjoy this song. Sorry, Ana.
35. Moldova - Natalia Gordienko - Sugar - Sounds like a sugary version of Siren Song by MARUV. Kinda boring, but enjoyable in the right circumstances.
34. Georgia - Tornike Kipiani - You - Good to listen to when mind feels blank. At first I kinda liked this song, but nowadays this song has lost its charm. This won't sound out of place alongside boring 70s slow classic rock songs.
33. Austria - Vincent Bueno - Amen - Not something I would listen to regularly, but still nice. For me, easily the biggest downgrade from 2020.
32. Greece - Stefania - Last Dance - Pleasant to listen to, not much else.
31. Portugal - The Black Mamba - Love Is On My Side - Good song, but not my cup of tea. Unfortunately, some great songs have to be near the bottom of my ranking.
30. Germany - Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate - A fun song to listen to. The novelty wears off after a while. The feel good vibes and ukulele are nice.
29. Israel - Eden Alene - Set Me Free - the song release version was bland and boring, but the revamp. Now THAT is good stuff. The song doesn't seem so empty anymore. I miss the key change from the original, though.
28. Spain - Blas Cantó - Voy A Quedarme - A very emotional and beautiful song from Spain. Again, not usually my cup of tea. However, the melody somehow gives me a nostalgic vibe.
27. North Macedonia - Vasil - Here I Stand - DAMN Vasil has a lovely voice. Nice that he's showing it off here. Too slow of a song for me to enjoy regularly, though.
26. Albania - Anxhela Peristeri - Karma - I don't have much to say other than this song is nice.
25. Bulgaria - VICTORIA - Growing Up Is Getting Old - Pleasant to listen to, but depending on my mood I think this is a beautiful song but not my cup of tea or a complete snoozefest.
24. Serbia - Hurricane - Loco Loco - Fun song, but it feels like something is lacking, and I can't quite put my finger on it.
23. San Marino - Senhit - Adrenalina - Once the initial hype from Flo Rida being on the song died down, this became another typical Eurovision bop.
22. Sweden - Tusse - Voices - At first I thought the song was completely unremarkable and couldn't understand how this won Melodifestivalen. Nowadays it's a nice song to chill to. I gotta respect a perfect televote score from the national final.
21. Ireland - Lesley Roy - MAPS - nice.
20. Croatia - Albina - Tick Tock - Grew on me slightly. Shoutout for including a verse in Croatian.
19. Switzerland - Gjon's Tears - Tout l'Univers - Another grower for me. Doesn't hit as hard as his song from last year, but I dig it.
18. France - Barbara Pravi - Voilà - Lovely chanson right here. I wish it didn't take forever to pick up, though. I was about to completely give up on this song in the middle of my first listen. I'm glad I didn't.
17. Belgium - Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place - Classy. Not much else to say.
16. Ukraine - Go-A - Shum - I'd definitely go rave to this song. I kept finding this song hard to rank due to the white voice. I couldn't decide if I absolutely adored it or if I found it grating. Maybe I just wasn't feeling well when I first thought about it.
15. Lithuania - The Roop - Discoteque - Lots of fun, doesn't have the charm that On Fire had last year. I would dance to this song.
14. Poland - RAFAŁ - The Ride - I actually kinda like this song???? Even with Rafal's vocals??? I know he has political controversies, but I can't help but think this song is nice. A better, less controversial singer would benefit this song, though. I'm not counting the revamp just yet since it was released too recently.
13. Latvia - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising - This song gives me nostalgic mid to late 2000s hip hop vibes. The guitars in this song are lovely.
12. Romania - ROXEN - Amnesia - Definitely something that can put me in a trance if I'm in the right mood.
11. Czechia - Benny Cristo - omaga - Nice, catchy, I would dance to this.
10. Malta - Destiny - Je Me Casse - Damn, Destiny has a lovely voice! And the song itself is wonderful. I'm not a fan of the amount of Swedish talent being used instead of Maltese talent, but I really do enjoy listening to this.
9. Denmark - Fyr og Flamme - Øve Os På Hinanden - another really fun song! This really grew on me. Nowadays if I want to listen to a Eurovision song, this is one of the first songs I think of.
8. The Netherlands - Jeangu Macrooy - Birth of a New Age - I can vibe with this. You can hear the passion in this song. I wish I could let my body do the talking right now, but y'all can't see that with just a tumblr text post.
7. Russia - Manizha - Russian Woman - I was NOT expecting this to come out of Russia when it won the national final. I wasn't expecting to like this either. The message is great, the instrumental is great, everything about this is brilliant.
6. United Kingdom - James Newman - Embers - A funky song. I LOVE James's voice. Massive upgrade from last year in my opinion. I'm a sucker for brass in an upbeat song. Unfortunately, I have had the staging kinda spoiled and I am VERY skeptical about this coming out of bottom five. I'm done with the BBC.
5. Australia - Montaigne - Technicolour - There is a Lot happening in this song and I am all in for it. I'm kinda terrible at parsing lyrics, but it's a non-issue when I can follow Montaigne's voice and forget about the lyrics. Ironically enough, it's Montaigne's voice that also worries me this Eurovision season - mostly whether she was able to pull off her live on tape performance off.
4. Iceland - Daði og Gagnamagnið - 10 Years - I didn't think Daði could pull it off against this year, but he did it. I like this just a little more than Think About Things, which was my favorite song last year. I'm still a little gutted that this pandemic robbed him of a probable victory, but I've made peace with it. I still need to learn the dance moves, though.
3. Italy - Måneskin - Zitti E Buoni - FUCK YEAH A KICKASS ROCK SONG IN EUROVISION! This song gave me massive rock en español vibes on my fist listen, and honestly this is something I would bang my head to if I had the same body I did when I was 15.
2. Norway - TIX - Fallen Angel - I was not expecting to like this song much, let alone becoming THIS obsessed with TIX. In fact, he wasn't even on my radar for winning MGP. I listened to Ut Av Mørket for the first time and thought something like 'this is boring af, but at least it's in Norwegian'. And then he changed it to English, which I wasn't a fan of at first. And then one day the lyrics clicked - especially with my own struggles with mental illness. To this day this is one of only two Eurovision songs to actually make me cry. Even now he still isn't my MGP winner (that honor goes to JORN), but he has definitely won my heart.
1. Finland - Blind Channel - Dark Side - To say that this song kicks ass would be an understatement for me. This song has just the right mix of rock, pop, and even metal. Ever since I found out that this song would be in the national final, I knew that it would be my favorite this whole Eurovision season regardless of who won UMK. Yes, my jaw dropped when I saw the lead Blind Channel had in UMK. I literally cancelled my plans to watch the MGP final live because of these guys. I am not disappointed. Even Måneskin couldn't bring these guys down in my ranking. And while the lyrics might be a bit iffy, they did get me through rough times. I hope these guys are able to bring rock music back like they want to. But for now, I will give them my (useless tbh) douze points.
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na-klar · 4 years
Honestly the amount of druck i have seen on my dash atm is criminally low! Can we please talk about that last clip? The acting, but also the camera work, I think for me I've never been so invested in an original season before, and I would say that this season really is one of druck's best.
yeah same, also the druck tag has been reallyyyy dry lately except for today
i completely agree! i have already decided for me that this is my favorite season of druck and i love love LOVE season 2 and 3 so that's really saying something. i've loved mina's acting since the start of the season but in this episode she really is on a whole other level!
this clip especially is the best i've ever seen in the whole skamverse, that voice message to her mother is just... how nora talks, how frantic she is, how she can't help herself but laugh, what she said, and most importantly how that scene is filmed and edited... AMAZING. deserves every oscar imo.
this is definitely my favorite original season, too, but then again i've only watched wtfock season 4 and half of skam france s5 so the bar isn't really that high lol
i'm so excited what's going to happen next! i actually really love not having any idea what's going to happen, it reminds me so much of when i watched skam og when it first aired :')
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sotorubio · 3 years
Fuck I love you, you know that?
I also can't remember a singly sex scene in skam France that wasn't sexy? And that's not the point in a TEEN show (I mean only wtfock and their season 3 was worst)
But I think the portrayal was kinda harmful. Tbh. See. I am not trans. But max having issues with sex in the beginning (and tiff maybe should have had those too, she fucking gave birth. That's even traumatising if you want a kid!) is a plot point they integrated and should have handled.
I mean Druck also has a trans love interest and god their sex scene was beautiful. Respectful and they even communicated and it was obvious they were vulnerable, inexperienced and stuff.
And I just think this whole thing??? Like?? Skam France could have done something good. Show that consent is sexy (Druck did that too. Will also always remind me of skam season 2 where William was like even if you don't want to anymore, I can't stop. Like???)
Show them talk. like?? Maybe even explain to tiff that was fucking weird I still forgive you, because out of unreasonable reasons I am in love with you. Bit I am not lacking anything and I don't need a fucking sex Toy. This and that I am insecure, but I still have the hots for you. Let's take it slow.
I don't know. It's annoying me.
NO ILY ❤️❤️
and Yeah skamfr sex scenes r always literally just abt the sex n how hot n aesthetic it is zero regard for the fact that sex is actually an emotional thing too n involves so much more than a close up of someone's tits or ass msgbsljflsjd but that's just "french culture" am i right 😌.. it's like. if they only did it once or twice it'd be just like Okay! that's one approach to sex for sure, u can portray it like that sometimes! but when it becomes a pattern n they choose the silent passion & sexy aesthetic over realistic n respectful portrayal of teenagers so hard that it overrides canon insecurities & barriers for sex then it becomes a huge problem. i haven't watched wtfock but from what ive seen from other bloggers it seems to be terrible in that too so i definitely belive u :/
also yeah druck did a great job w it i believe! it just puts such a stark contrast on skamfr bc their approach w every couple is so wildly different in a bad way... druck has always put so much respect into it but france doesn't even bother to consider that maybe having sex for the first time after giving birth can be a big deal? or that discussing ur discomfort w intimacy means that u need to sort that out before having sex? it's so weird....if u don't wanna talk abt those things then don't introduce them as plot points, shouldn't be that difficult
it's a day later n i still haven't come to terms w the fact tiff actually did that i just can't comprehend it. like what was the reason. it DOES seem almost offensive but i don't know what we're supposed to think of it 😭bc like ofc there's nothing wrong w using toys as an addition to ur sex life n ur partner should be willing to talk abt those if it's smth u want but i can't help but put it into the context of max being trans like. would tiff have brought that to a cis dude's house for their FIRST time. it's just weird... i guess it's supposed to be like. a joke. tiff being haha silly uwu n we're supposed to find the awkwardness endearing but it just doesn't seem like any of that to me. once again it just comes back to the fact that if we had seen them talk abt it, seen a discussion... max could've talked abt what he's personally okay with n tiff could've been like oh also could we use some toys i would like that. then we didn't have to wonder.
but idk even then i feel like it's SO unnecessary to include The Gift for us to know exactly how these teenagers r gonna have sex like. it should be enough to know that they Did. we don't need to know the details bc even if the actors r older these characters r still like 17 at best? weird as fuck.
n don't even get me STARTED on the fucking willrat thing from the OG that was So disgusting...... like there r hundreds of reasons to hate him but that line alone should be enough yet he still has fans drooling for noorhelm 😐😐😐
bottom line: don't write abt 15-17 year olds if ur goal is to write abt sex. that shouldn't be a controversial opinion either they just have riverdale brain rot
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rainsoak-ed · 4 years
i’m dumbfounded
i’ve been looking at opinions regarding ranking the isak and even skam storylines and some actually rank lucas and eliott very low and some even shit on them. okay, let me get a few things out of the way
there have been a lot of people that didn’t like the fact that teenagers’ lucas and eliott were played by two 20+ actors. but to be very honest, it’s actually what made me more comfortable with the French version compared to other remakes (and even og) there are bed scenes and multiple sexual implications and it made me uncomfortable thinking these are being done by 17 year old first time actors (og even had 17 year old tarjei doing love scenes with 20 year old henrik) i’m sure this is all consensual but an additional comfort of older actors was just there for me. the thought of axel being 20/21 and maxence being 24/25 when season 3 was filmed made me less apprehensive about their more intimate scenes
it is apparent that SK FR is a darker adaptation compared to the other remakes and og. and you know what, i think that’s very cool. they’re remakes, and i think what’s weak with other storylines is that they’ve followed the formula of og too closely that they’ve become more like fanfiction re-imaginations instead of holding their own WHICH FRANCE SUCCESSFULLY PULLS OFF. they’re essentially the same storyline but skam france managed to be a story of its own to the point that you can watch og and france (especially season 3) back to back without feeling redundant even though the story is basically the same! i think this can mostly be credited to the fact that france took on a darker, angstier theme (which as i’ve read in many youtube comments is a very... french thing which localizes the story even more). lucas and eliott are the darkest, most intense versions of isak and even and it’s a refreshing point of view.
THEMES ARE FACED (trigger warning: mentions of homophobia, sexual assault, and mental illnesses)
as i’ve mentioned above, skam france shows the struggle. manon is shown to be visibly distraught about william shrugging off her own abuse and how she tried to power through it, it showed lucas internal battle of coming out (don’t get me started about that scene on the couch with manon and mika because i will never stop talking about how axel’s acting knocked that entire scene out of the park and how that scene reminded a lot of lgbtqia+ people of their own struggles about coming out. the way it was delivered??? the visibly overflowing but still restrained struggle while verbalizing the actual fact that he’s gay??? absolute perfection) skam france also showed the actual way that lucas is dealing with eliott’s episodes and how he treats him and how he developed from his initial negative perceptions about mental illnesses (also, that scene about the possibility of lucas fucking up and stressing eliott out therefore balancing the shit that they’d have to deal with for each other is also very lovely)
and oh. my. god. the remember scene. the way that was shot. the realization. the urgency. the fact that eliott didn’t have to tell him where he was for lucas to know. the addition of ANYMORE. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE, made is so much more powerful. the addition of one word made lucas sound a lot more informed about eliott’s struggles. the acceptance of how it is, the recognition and the validation of the fact that eliott has felt like he was alone but he doesn’t need to anymore-
here’s one possibly controversial opinion:
lucas and eliott is the only isak and even that i could foresee lasting. for a long time. maybe forever. even over isak and even.
maybe it’s because we got 3 more seasons of seeing them and their relationship together and how they’ve learned to stay together and fight to stay together, but they’re the most developed isak and even. other isak and evens... sure david and matteo have intense chemistry, and of course, isak and even and visibly very much in love with each other. 
i think it has something to do with the intensity of the writing in skam france, and throughout the series, they’ve repeatedly established that lucas is a highly flawed but easily teachable character. he may have uninformed opinions and have shitty brain to mouth filter but if you sit him down and explain his ability to listen, change and adjust basing on new information is phenomenal. we got “he’s my boyfriend and i love him” when asked about how he’s dealing with another difficult episode from eliott, THE WAY HE DEALT WITH IMANE’S STRUGGLE IN SEASON FOUR,  and how he’s obviously letting eliott be himself despite his worries which he knew what stressed eliott out when he was with lucille. the fact that he’s the most teachable version of isak while eliott is the most in love version of even is what makes me think these two are gonna last for a very. long. time.
for some reason, skam og is still my favorite, i don’t know why. maybe it’s the way it’s shot, how real it felt like, and the fact that i liked all four seasons of it is an added advantage, meanwhile in skam france, i only tolerated all other seasons other than 3. 
counter-arguments are accepted but please be nice i cry easily
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
"This season isn’t about toxic relationships please watch skam españa s3" i wanted to ask you what you thought of how skam españa handle that topic? I thought they did a rly good job but i'm interested in your opinion considering your experience (if you want to talk about it ofc!) thank you anyway, take care
Thank you so much for the ask actually, I always wanted to write a review for this season but wanted to wait until the end of the season and then just never did it so this is a great reason to do it now<33
Okay where do I start.. first of I loved this season like a lot. It's probably one of my favorite skam seasons ever it might even go hand in hand with skam france s3 as my two favourites. Nicole and the writers did an, in my opinion, amazing job at portraying a toxic relationship and the consequences of it in a really realistic and relatable way.
When I started watching this season I was pretty sure that they would go down a very different route than the other seasons and that Mikael would turn out to be trouble- maybe a mix of the og Nico and also the Willhelm character. But I told myself: watch this season and pretend that you don't know anything about the storyline and see how you'll feel about the characters and their relationships to have a "real" reaction to their actions
And what's shocking and very realistic at the same time is that I, too, would have probably fallen for Mikael the same way Nora did. I mean at the beginning everything was fine he was taking her out on romantic dates, they had a first rooftop kiss, he made efforts for her and so on. What I loved really just loved about this season was that they portrayed that everyone can fall into toxic relationships in such a realistic way. It can happen to everyone. It doesn't matter whether you're a feminist, it doesn't matter whether you could recognize such toxic behavior on tv shows or in other people's relationships,, it can still happen to yourself in real life.
You see I of all people who should have known better, who's been through shit like that for years would have still fallen for Mikael just the same in the beginning and that really hit me.
And why is that? Because you can't recognize such behavior from the beginning. Toxic people aren't just black and white. If the person would treat you badly from the beginning you wouldn't get yourself into a relationship/be friends with them. The problem is that toxic people are way more complex and the situation is more complicated than that. At first everything is fine, you're happy and you feel safe with that person, you trust them, you spend a lot of time with them and then slowly from time to time your abuser starts doing questionable things like in Nora's case Mikael blocking Alejandro's phone call when he was calling her, his facial expressions when he saw Nora talking to other guys... little moments like that but when it happens you you don't really think much about it.
So your abuser starts behaving toxic more and more, you get manipulated, you slowly start losing parts of yourself, do stuff just because your abuser wants you to and so on. I'm sure that looking back Nora wouldn't even be able to tell you at what point Mikael started to become toxic for her because that's always very tricky to tell and the lines are blurry. It's all those little things abusers do, turning you into someone you don't want to be at all, that add up to eachother at the end. And as soon as you realize what's happening to you it's too late and very hard to get out of there again.
And skam españa really did an amazing job at portraying that. Not just in the big scenes but in all those little moments too. I felt and understood Nora's feelings and pain like I've never understood any character ever before. When she started getting nervous whenever Mikael didn't respond to her texts and she started freaking out because she thought that he might be mad at her- I felt that. The way she panicked and felt like shit whenever they were actually fighting, that desperate need to make up with him so everything would be okay again, not just because she missed him but because you feel like absolute shit and are actually afraid of what your abuser is gonna do when you're not getting along well at the moment- I felt this. The way her hands were shaking, the way she cried and felt overpowered and helpless. The way Mikael always made sure to be above her, seem smarter and wiser, make her feel stupid so she would listen to him and agree with everything he says- I felt it all so so very much. There's no other show that ever made me feel as represented and understood than s3 of skam españa.
The scene that actually hurt watching the most was the scene when she and Mikael are lying next to eachother and she sits up and finally tells him that she wants to break up with him. I literally needed to pause the video several times while watching because this scene reminded me of everything I ever wanted to do. Seeing Nora being able to be brave enough and stand up for herself and saying all the things I desperately wanted to tell the toxic person in my life broke my heart because Nora did what I couldn't do and said exactly what I never managed to put into words myself.
This is my favorite quote from that scene and from this whole season in general because Nora put everything I've felt but never knew how to say perfectly into words here: "Look, do you want to know what's wrong? That you always turn things around, ok? And I always end up doing things I don't want to do. I've never forced you to do anything. Never. Well, no and yes. I don't know when it's me who decides or when I'm doing things because you want me to or because I think you want me to." This hit me and hurt the most while watching this season
Also I really really loved how they portrayed all of this in a hopeful way, how this show never did anything too over the top or from drama and shock value. It was representation of horrible and realistic things people experience every day and skam españa said: no matter what, you are not alone with this, you have a support system, Nora has her friends who will protect and help her as soon as Nora finds the courage to reach out for help. You should do the same, don't be afraid to ask for help there are always people who will support and help you in situations like this." They did that!! They made girls support girls while at the same time showing how it can be hard to reach out for help especially in the beginning when you're still manipulated by your abuser. They portrayed how hard it is to recognize what's going on when something like that happens to your friend/family and not knowing how to help the person at first (Eva and Emma who both noticed how Mikael changed her)
The ending gets me everytime because it's so simple yet so meaningful. It doesn't end eith a huge party or Nora getting back together with Alejandro and being happy and in love again like other shows would have done. The ending is really bittersweet, she is surrounded by her friends, yet she is still hurting, struggling and most of all healing because it's a progress and doesn't happen over night. She's getting better and is slowly getting back to the old Nora (13 M poster) but also knowing that she will never be able to fully get her old self, the Nora before Mikael back. But she is growing and healing and getting better every day a little more with the support of those around her and this was the perfect and most wonderful ending to her season
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norgestan · 4 years
sometimes i think about how eskam could have been even more popular than it is if wasnt for the casting choice, i dont know if you been here since the beggining beggining but when they release the first picture (the four girls walking slowmo s1) a tweet (in that moment of time where twitter wasn't what it is now wasn't full of 'locals') become viral 30k rts the tweet was spanish saying sumn like the 'magic' of skam og was how different the body types where, many people didnt watch for that
i don’t know, looking at what eskam is doing right maybe i’m okay with them not getting as much attention as other remakes SDKFJDSK
i wholeheartedly agree that the lack of body diversity is one of the worst aspects about the casting (right before race rep) but i don’t think other remakes are much better tbh. like... in druck everyone is either thin or slim-thick, in italia, france and wtfock the only plus sized characters are the chris character, and all the guys across the skam remakes (and og) are skinny too. i guess the body diversity gets points in relatability, but to me eva vázquez remains one of the most relatable evas for the way alba brought the character to life, as well as how the camera framed her, certain scenes where even when the girl squad is kind of thriving she’s alone, etc... i can connect with, let’s say, megan (austin’s eva) because she reminds me of myself in terms of looks, or with jana (wtfock’s eva) because she reminds me a lot of a classmate i had in hs, but the relatability levels relay way more in the way the characters are written and presented to the audience.
this isn’t to justify the lack of body diversity in any way. i’m just saying that despite the casting choices, eskam is still a remake that does really well and that people generally have positive critics about. and i think a lot of things come into play (spanish is a widely spoken language outside spain, the clips are available in good quality in youtube, the popularization of crisana, the cast’s involvement with fandom) but the way the characters have been interpreted by the show has made people connect in different, meaningful ways to the og counterparts in ways no other remakes have done before. and so you don’t have people complaining about the lack of body diversity anymore.
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marlahey · 4 years
@rochey1010​ going back and forth in long-winded replies seems like unnecessary effort for both of us so I hope you don’t mind another text post as I fully articulate my thoughts. as I’ve said before, you’re obviously entitled to your own opinions, but you’ve now seemed to make a lot of assumptions about me a fan/viewer/general consumer of media that I feel like I should clear up. you’ve also made some further claims about the show I’d like to pick up for discussion. If you want to speak further please feel free to respond but of course don’t feel obligated. This’ll be the last public post/reply I make and we can go back to ignoring each other in the tags!
Well i love Eliott/Lola's friendship and i have an upcoming post on that as i said in other posts. I love lola too but i'm sorry i didn't just start watching this show because lola was invented and there's a w/w love story. I've been here for seasons and carried over from OG. I have investment in eliott for personal reasons (mental health) and elu because duh. Their stories have been long running too as i said. And you don't have to be a main to set up a plot/arc. The things between them have been set up since S3 with minute par minute talk, S4 and Idriss, S5 and the cheating perspective, and now S6 and Lola friendship. That is intentional. Do you think it's a coincidence that Lucas talked about pansexuality and eliott having more choice in S5 and suddenly Eliott has a friendship with a girl. That lucas abandonment issues haven't been resolved and are now coming to the forefront because of this friendship? That max has stated that Eliott feels he can save someone from a darkness he himself went through, that eliott himself was sorta saved from the shadows by Lucas. That neils/david specifically stated that this character can help someone even though he has bipolar disorder. That with Eliott's arc there is a focus on his SKAM. That we now have new info about it serving the season. If you understand writing. These things aren't put there for fun. They are there to imply/hint/foreshadow events actions to come. That there is a character now on the show with Lola basically female eliott. Do you think these are all coincidences. This plot we are seeing has slowly been set up not just since S3 but actually heavily developed starting in S5. And that if you now go back and watch S5 you see our main players being set up for this plot e.g  dasille relationship, daphne's ED, Eliott and his individuality, Elu trust/insecurity issues, Eliott's art and it tying into seasonal themes, Lola herself and her outlier persona etc. I don't know whether you are but there are many fans have migrated over from espana just for this season. But you have to understand there is a long term fanbase here that love Eliott, are invested in him and have been waiting for more of his insight. We are now getting that and we will talk about him. He's a hugely popular character as is Lucas and their love. I love both and i will talk about both. Sometimes i won't talk much About lola and talk more about eliott, sometimes i'll connect them and discuss their relationship, sometimes i'll make a post about just about lola, daphne, tiff, benny, movie references as i have. But this is my blog and i'll post what i want to post. You don't have to read any of this stuff. The tag is a big place, just scroll by. As for the theories- just theories. And in my theories i believe these characters are going to make mistakes, fail and grow e.g. lola self Destructing again but being her own hero by the end, eliott and lola being dragged down like lucas said but showing the strength of their friendship by the end, lucas being proven right but also proven wrong by the end. Like i said specific dialogue now being used is not just there to fill the script e.g. "and i have lucas. I can't lose this" "i think one of you may bring the other down" and eliott is heading for a rock bottom as is lola. Again just my thoughts. 👍
While I find it odd that you seem to be gatekeeping the skam france fan community, to be clear I have seen the entirety of three iterations: og, france, and austin. I believe I started OG during s2 or 3, and have seen Fr and Aus from the beginning. I’m not as interested in other versions as I’m very familiar with the plots/characters by now. I’m partial to france as a bilingual canadian as it’s nice to exercise that part of my brain; I’ve also studied/lived there briefly and have some very close friends from france so that amplifies my enjoyment. I’m also bisexual, so I also find this ‘only here for lola + w/w’ when you yourself admit to being emotionally invested in the show’s most dominant queer ship dichotomy very awkward.  to be honest, I think many skam’s fandoms tend to fixate on the esak ship and their season. friends have seen other iterations and confirmed this for me. it happened with elu as expected so I was really unsurprised when maya was introduced and fandom immediately put a lot of their investment into shipping two characters of the same gender. nearly every fandom in general does this: teen wolf, glee, supernatural to name a few – even harry potter. I’m not really a fan of the romantic subplot in lola’s season. she is not elliot 2.0 for so many reasons; she’s her own person and she doesn’t need a romantic partner to be a compelling character with a compelling story. that being said, I liked elu’s season. I particularly love maxence’s elliot; he’s my favourite even. I was thrilled to see him onscreen however briefly after S3 every time he appeared. now he’s finally his own person outside of his relationship with lucas and I couldn’t be more pleased to see that.  I’m not sure how idriss and elliot reconnecting after the attempted kiss falling out plays into lucas’ insecurity or their relationship. it’s perhaps a reminder of his bipolar disorder or the fact that he clearly had friends/relationships before lucas, but I’m not sure how it’s relevant to the season at hand. the biphobia discussion with arthur preceeding lola’s introduction as the new main is not proof that lucas’ supposed abandonment issues are founded in any way, or that he even still has them when we meet her. by insisting on it, you’re perpetuating the harmful idea that any bi or pan person will be tempted to cheat or leave (physically or emotionally) when presented with literally any person whose gender opposes their current partner. this is something that skam fr had literally left unaddressed for so long even with representation in alexia and elliot, and I was so thrilled when it finally came up. it’s very uncomfortable that you’re now using that important conversation as apparent proof that lucas will be abandoned or betrayed, inadvertently or not, by his pansexual boyfriend. I know that daphné was meant to be s6′s main and skam fr wasn’t given the rights by og’s creator. so it makes sense that she/her relationship/struggles feature heavily in her sister’s season. I’m personally thrilled cause I love her and lula is a wonderful actress. that being said, not everything is foreshadowing. not every single interaction or conversation will return to further plot or character. sometimes storylines are just resolved or dropped and awareness raised is just awareness raised. sometimes it’s wonderful and sometimes less so. I understand writing. I’m saying this as a literal former english teacher (ignoring capitalization for aesthetic lol) and assistant in film/tv post-production with an MA in media studies. “Lucas, you have nothing to worry about, it’s not like that between us.” “I know, he explained it to me.”  I’m not sure how much clearer the literal show can be about this issue. spoiler or not, it’s been made abundantly clear that lola and elliot are not romantically involved. even more importantly and I’ve said this on my blog before, you’re allowed to have intimacy with someone without forcing it into a defined familial or romantic relationship. it doesn’t mean that someone’s partner should necessarily feel threatened or abandoned and says a lot more about that person’s insecurity than either individual in the friendship. we’ve also already discussed how much I dislike this turn for lucas’ character as elliot’s apparent MH saviour so it’s not worth repeating again. as for elliot saving lola, well he literally did that already. I’m not sure what you mean by lucas ‘being proven right and proven wrong’ by the end, but you’re obviously adamant that something will happen. I have also seen maxence’s interview a few times. I’ll not argue with the ‘lucas saved elliot from that shadow’ because it literally came from the actor’s mouth, but maxence doesn’t say he can save anyone else from their struggles, but help them and I think that’s a really important distinction. this whole saving idea doesn’t seem healthy at all, especially as lola and elliot grapple with their mental health. it seems like people want to see a ‘rock bottom’ (whatever that means) for them both and it makes me a little uncomfortable. addiction and MH struggles should not have to reach a breaking point in order to be considered resolved or cathartic; they don’t even have to be resolved, because they’re not a plot device. they’re a reality for so many people. the show does a good job of not romanticizing them but some of the things I see in the tag are just... yikes.  as for his ‘dark’ side and the less than happy elu moments, I’d argue that maxence may have meant literally punching out what’s his face to save lola and the subsequent argument(s) with lucas, since that interview came out just before ep 4. but there’s still several eps to go so I could be totally wrong. who knows. it’s your right to theorize on your own blog of course and it’s not my intention to be mean. I’m just trying to further the discourse in a respectful way. I do feel that you may put a little too much stock in what’s literally said/seen and assuming a lot in the unseen gaps, rather than considering a broader context. to wrap up though, lucas is free to have this (however hurtful) fear, just as you’re free to believe it’ll for sure come to pass.  I dread seeing either lola or elliot spiral out, but as 2020 has taught me, I very rarely get what I want lol. thank you @cakepleasee for helping me sort out my thoughts!
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supercalime · 4 years
Skam France S6 Theory time
Preface: I’m angry and I need to vent so I’m writing this to clear my thoughts a little bit.
Since the writers said “fuck you” to logic and to the audience, I’m now thinking of possible ways for the plots to be resolved in roughly 35 min (if the episodes are of regular length)
When it comes to Elu, what if Lucas is extremely comprehensive and understanding? That way, Lola can see that Lucas is in fact good for Eliott and not all the things she said about him at the bar. We can maybe get a sample of the conversation about insecurities Elu so desperately needs to have. this can be a way for Lola to see that there are people who really want to help her, such as Maya, Daphne and Basile. So we get that out of the way as well. No romance drama, car crashes or triangles anymore. We can get a quick reveal of who Benny taxi is (bets on Daphne still).
What I’m getting from Basile’s ig posts is that Daphne’s ED is pretty much “resolved” as a plot. So I don’t think we’re getting back there.
Moving on to the Tiff plot. We’ll probably get some bullying scenes and then Lola can stand up to herself or something, have the principal of the school witness something and get that resolved until the end of episode 9.
I think David said something about the last episode being longer. If it’s true, there’s a big chance we might get multiple POVs to wrap up the storylines of the characters leaving the show after season 6. They did it on the last season on OG and Italia (I don’t remember OG but I think Italia’s last episode was like 40 min, so there’s hope)
I’m sure there are a lot more subplots I can’t even remember anymore but those are the ones on the top of my head.
So, what I’m saying is, the plots will be resolved. Probably very poorly, but I think they can close everything off despite the dumpster fire of a season they created.
I know we are all mad and mostly disappointed but let’s not forget that this is just a show. I know I had to remind myself of that because the latest clips triggered my anxiety. We are mostly still stuck at home, having a pandemic and protesting against racism. It’s already a lot to handle. It’s okay to walk away from it for a while from a web show to not mess your mental health.
Feel free to respond me here! I’d love to know some predictions and thoughts for what’s gonna happen for the rest of episode 9 and 10. But please, be respectful
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space-malex · 4 years
Making them related won't necessarily give us that. See Kyle & Rosa. This show has an unfortunate habit of building up fantastic dynamics and then dropping them from season to season. Not to mention limit most characters to romance and drop their platonic relationships completely. The balance is really off there. 85% of Maria's screen time this season was either with Michael or talking about Michael. Hopefully next season brings more Isobel/Liz/Mimi/Rosa. She really shines with other women.
You are so right. This season, they dropped Kylex (lbr they dropped Kyle completely), marliz, marosa, Kyle/Rosa, Max/Isobel....
A lot of these characters I feel more emotionally attached to than I did in the OG. Especially Alex, Isobel, and Liz. (Michael and Kyle I was attached in both, and Max and Maria I was more attached in the original). However, OG roswell knew how to write friendships so well. They were able to balance between romance and platonic relationships in such a good way. Honestly I don’t know what happened but WB/CW shows for young adults used to be written really well and the relationships in them were too. Somewhere along the line, everything fell apart. I think it was probably gossip girl that started it. That show had so much more of a focus on sexy drama scenes and romance instead of realistic relationships and it was popular enough that shows that have come afterward have stuck to that same formula. Or have even doubled or tripled down on it, to their own detriment. But when you think of shows like Dawson’s Creek, OG Roswell, Buffy, Gilmore Girls, and One Tree Hill, they were genuinely GOOD SHOWS. Even stuff that wasn’t on the WB but focused on teens and young adults was good, like 90210 and especially Party of Five. They just don’t make shows like that anymore which is really frustrating. These days? For me the only thing that really feels realistic and grounded are Skam and it’s many remakes (other than France maybe lol I like it but it’s the riverdale of the remakes). Oh! And the Society! The setting is sort of dystopian or whatever, but it reminded me of the teen shows that I watched growing up. They did so well with really establishing relationships and making the teenagers feel like actual teenagers. And yes I realize that the characters in RNM are not teenagers, but a lot of the tropes that they hit on the show are still based off of old teen dramas.
Sorry I for the rant.
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swearronchanel · 4 years
I’m a day late but I have thoughts
- Fred is truly a gem lol but another garden seems redundant
- Trixie actually working!
- Why did they bring back Val’s really bitchy cousin lol, I’m sure she has others on the block😂
- Also Mcnulty seems eager to come back, nice boy
- Sister Hilda tryna stay positive when she knows the truth, bless her
- Also the heat 2000 feels just as far away when you say it now at days too😂
- Save Nonnatus House 1k65/2k20
- I was always wondering when the Turners would tell Angela she’s adopted. I think it should be soon, she deserves to know & I hope we see it
- Little girls always wanna be the same😭 that’s true, but I hope that they acknowledge the fact that it’s a different situation and Angela won’t ever have the struggle May is about to have
- “Maybe they’ll move and carry on like before” Trixie in tears makes me wanna cry😭 she’s literally already been through this. I wish we saw more moments where she reflects as the only OG midwife left (yea Shelagh is technically too but you already know all the issues)
- Also Trixie looks damn great
- What will midwives the do!? We shall see
- Oh so Val has a dad? Did he pass? Give us more info lol
- I also feel like it’s been spring/summer this whole series lol
- Ok but the suddenly alive lost parent trope is pretty soap-y/melodramatic but go on,
- Shelagh stress smoking is a big ass mood but also stop you have weak lungs sis
- Reggie always have great ideas
- Chugging castor oil uh I rather die 🤢
- She’s going to shit her brains out now
- Sister Hilda and Trixie could be an interesting dynamic, let’s see it
- Fred do not worry you’ll figure it out
- What’s wrong with Sister Frances?
- Where is Ms Higgins from that she just said laboratory like that LMAO?? Or do all brits say it like that? i dont remember
- Can’t wait to see Phyllis back with her cubs
- Fred and Reggie hugging for so long🥺
- Sister MJ is going to make a garden, I love her
- Trixie’s new pyjama’s are so cute
- It’s a boy 🥺
- “I am not alone sister” LMAO omg reminds me of the time my grandma went shopping by herself right after she came out of the hospital and we called her and asked who she was with and she straight up said “con díos” aka god and I died
- Never underestimate Sister Mj tho
- Tim is so grown and yet he’s still just the babysitter is so wack give him a little story
- “I like that we’re complicated” awww
- The photos of May🥺awww
- Give Esther a chance man, I feel so bad. She only asked to meet her before she goes back
- Gtfo how can the agency not provide a translator so that she can understand official documents in her first language? That’s bullshit
- “Only in the line of duty ma’am” 😂
- Oh no poor Sister Frances, cramps are the WORST 😭
- I legit would not be able to move for hours and have thrown up before from period pain. Thank god for birth control
- What’s wrong with baby warren?! Omg noo a heart problem
- Trixie’s fit is great
- The fucking chicken pox caused this omg nooo
- THE BEATLES AT SHEA!! iconic! Remember when Don took Sally on Mad Men
- Omg baby is blind? and only going to live a few weeks? Noo😭 this is heart breaking
- Poor Val and poor Maureen ugh this is so awful
- My niece turned 1 today and baby warren is making me extra emo😢
- Sister MJ with the teddy bear 🥺 she doesn’t even care she got caught for taking the blankets LMAO
- Damn May doesn’t remember her or her language. This is so heartbreaking
- ALSO why were there not subtitles so we could know what she said? 🤔 very questionable... just like how they emphasized earlier her going by a “christian” name now... 
- Esther shouldn’t have gotten loud but they didn’t even give her a chance? That’s not really fair
- I know Patrick is being protective but he’s so defensive that he probably did scare May
- Damn that didn’t go well LMAO
- I’m really feeling conflicted here. I know the Turners have the best intentions and want to keep May safe but I feel like they haven’t given Esther enough of a chance before passing judgment. Like how do we not know she’s a completely changed/clean from drugs women?
- like she is working for a family with enough money for international travel so they probably pay well? IDK what to think rn. Maybe I’m giving Esther the benefit of the doubt but no one else really is
- “They made my child afraid of me” that’s so sad to hear
- “Forgetting her language, forgetting that she’s Chinese” !!! THIS, no one is talking about May’s loss of culture & what’s worse is that no one else seems to care. It really upsets me, the show always wants to pride itself on respecting other cultures and being inclusive but I don’t always feel that
- Also what she said about what they’ve done to her people. She ain’t wrong. F**k colonialism and all its evils !!
- Poor Esther 😭 this is so sad. It’s a lose lose situation for her and she just wants her daughter to know her and know that she loves her
- Also I know sister J is sister J but her talking to Esther is a bit biased don’t you think
- NO NO NO Warren passed 😭😭😢
- Damn Patrick has to carry a stack of death certificates 😢
- ANOTHER look from Ms Franklin
- all the girls look great though
- My heart really breaks for Esther man. This is so sad. She’s the victim of circumstances and it sucks to feel like the world is against you
- It’s so awkward bc the Turners are always set up in moments to kiss and then they don’t and just stand or sit there
- Such beautiful flowers
- They developed the film of Baby Warren😭
- Cyril’s FIT ! A fashion KING who loves Lucille. I love it. I love them.
- The nosy nurses of course
- Alright this is an awesome little festival good job Fred and Reggie !!
- Love the dress Trixie. The hat no so much but it’s the 60s so
- “Flowers take many forms. Each one has its story. Each one unfolds...” 🌼🌸💐🌷🌺🌻🌷
- “Not every garden blooms as we except it... tears take the place of rain when the sunshine fails us...” 😭💖
- This was a beautiful ending to a sad episode wow
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
BtT Light Novel Club Chapter 20 (Part 2): Tearmoon Empire, Vol. 1
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And here is the second part of our discussion on the light novel Tearmoon Empire, Vol. 1! If you haven’t yet, please check out Part 1 of our discussion first.
We’ve got a lot to talk about, so let’s jump right in! Just like with Part 1, Jeskai Angel and Gaheret are joining me in the discussion.
4. Is there a “god” in this story?
Jeskai Angel:  It would easier to write off references to deity as a way to evoke Roman Catholic France…if there weren’t so many examples. One of the last things OG Anne says to Mia in the original timeline is, “I pray that the gods will smile upon you. May you go with their blessing.” Immediately afterward, Mia dies and travels back in time. Coincidence? Ludwig thinks “Surely, she is a great leader bestowed upon us by the heavens…” The narrator makes light of this, but is attributing the situation to a god really so farfetched? Mia died then traveled back in time eight years, accompanied by a diary stained by her own blood. How? Why? While gods don’t come up in a major way, the visit to the church in the slum is another reminder of religion. After Mia arrives at the academy, the escort captain says “May God be with you in your new life at the academy.” Well, Mia is living a “new life” in more ways than one, and again I must ask: how? I couldn’t help but ponder whether the chill Mia feels when she almost ignores Tiona, that sense that she was at a crossroads, “almost as if… As if the decision had already been made,” might be providential guidance. The narrative here doesn’t mention any god, so maybe I’m reading too much into the scene though. On various occasions people compare Mia to the moon goddess, which doesn’t prove much, but is another way the story keeps reminds us about the idea of gods.
There’s also the Duchy of Belluga / its ruler. They form a clear analogue to the pope / the territory historically ruled by the pope, sometimes called the Papal States. It’s played for humor when Mia writes in her diary, “Basically, being the wise person that I am, God in all His Greatness saw fit to make me the chosen one…To put it simply, it is my duty to save the Empire.” Leaving aside the “wise person” bit, remember we’re dealing with postmortem time travel. Is it really that unreasonable for Mia to see divine providence in this?
Again, maybe all these examples are just meant to give the setting the flavor of eighteenth century Roman Catholicism and don’t imply anything about an active role for deity in the story. But I wonder.
Gaheret: I think that there are three ways religion is present in the story: first, as all time travel stories (I would argue), this is a story concerning a fate or vocation. In this case, it is a vocation. Mia is called to be a force for good, and directed towards that end by Providence. And there is a physical reminder of that mission: the diary. I find it sort of odd that the diary would keep changing, taking into account what she does to the timeline, yet she does not expend all day reading it and searching for a way to change what will happen the next day, given her approach to the rest of what is happening.
The other two are: as a force for justice and charity, which clearly presides both the approach of Rafina and that of the international church which aids in preventing the plague and adopts an orphan boy. Placed at the slums, it works for the poor.
And as a political force, given its role in Rafina´s kingdom. We still don´t know the specifics, it is true. There is a moment when Mia is on the verge of praying, but she does not, and as Jeskai notes, at first she comically reflects that she is chosen by God. Which, being this kind of story, must be literally true. I wonder what will happen if Rafina, Keithwood and the rest will think if they learn of Mia´s experience, and how will they square it with the rest of their beliefs, of which we do not know much.
stardf29: Well, when it comes down to it, there are two clearly supernatural elements in play in the story here: Mia’s return to the past, and also the diary that tells her how events will lead to her execution, which even changes as she performs different actions to account for those and show how they might still lead to doom. With no other obvious magical elements in the story, I have to assume that there’s at least some “god” that is at work here.
The question then is, based on that assumption, how much that god is like the Christian God. The thing here is, we have a situation where this “god” seems to have turned back time in order to change the course of history. Now, the whole concept of time travel is one that is very hard to grasp due to how it seems nearly impossible in real life, to say nothing of its philosophical/theological implications. Is this an actual rewind of time? Is this an alternate universe that had followed the same events of history until the point where Mia basically gains the knowledge of events in a parallel universe? Or was Mia’s past life beyond her reincarnation point basically just one long and extremely visceral prophecy that never actually happened, which was shown to her alongside the diary in order to avert a terrible fate? Each one would have different implications on what the “god” of this world is like. And really, at this point, I have no idea what the case is here. I’m definitely curious on this point, but for now, I can at least appreciate that there are higher powers in play here.
Jeskai Angel: I found it curious that throughout the book, there seemed to references to a variety of deities. One is just called “God.” Another is identified as the “moon goddess.” And there’s also broader mention of “the gods.” It’s unclear to me for now which if any of these is actually “real” in-story.
5. This novel seems to take inspiration from European history, particularly the French Revolution. What do you think about the similarities and differences between the story and the history of our world?
Jeskai Angel: Tearmoon Empire uses its background material quite well. This is not historical fiction, thankfully, just fiction loosely inspired by history. The author paints in broad strokes, piggybacking on popular knowledge of the French Revolution to help tell the story, without being slavishly beholden to historical minutia. A great example of this is the “Let them eat meat” quote attributed to Mia. Marie Antoinette never said “Let them eat cake,” but the quote is so strongly identified with her at a pop culture level that putting a paraphrase of it in Mia’s mouth becomes an effective way to tell readers Mia should bring to mind this historical figure. The rest of the book is similar, using historical allusions or resemblances to give readers a feel for the setting and characters.
I also love the overall premise, using fiction to give a happy ending (or so we hope!) to a tragic historical figure. About a decade ago, I took a course on the French Revolution at FSU, under Professor Rafe Blaufarb. It was my first time studying the French Revolution in any depth, and I came away feeling a lot of sympathy for Louis XVI and Marie. So a story where Marie Mia goes back in time to avert the revolution strongly appeals to me.
stardf29: All I’ll say here is that, whereas it seems like for you two, your interest in the French Revolution got you more interested in Tearmoon Empire, for me, it was the opposite: Tearmoon Empire got me more interested in the French Revolution. So that’s +1 for light novels encouraging academic learning. Yay!
Jeskai Angel: I like that Mia and the Tearmoon government more generally are not simplistically presented as evil. Some are rotten apples, as we see at the highest levels of the nobility, but they weren’t all horrible people. Some, like Ludwig, meant well but lacked power to effect change. Some, like Mia, simply aren’t equipped to deal with the disaster. She was selfish and arrogant in her first life, but hardly a monster. It’s impossible to celebrate her death as the story opens, only pity her. Especially in the first timeline, Mia was flawed yet also faced unfair condemnation. This again fits nicely with history. Despite a few philosophers braying about absolute monarchy, in actual practice Louis XVI’s power was far from absolute. (If France really had been an absolute monarchy, maybe the revolution could have been prevented!) Like Mia, Louis and Marie were not educated and equipped to deal with the challenges they faced. Many of the problems related to the revolution preceded them or were beyond their control. They were flawed and made mistakes, yes, but they weren’t evil monsters who deserved to die.
Gaheret: Yes. And even if that was not the case, the tyranny of the revolutionaries was far worse than that the government of the Monarchy. It actually lead to a period of madness and totalitarian terror, followed by an actual Emperor, Napoleon, that created an actual secret police, tried to conquer the world and assasinated the Duke of Enghien. Among other things, because the old France, with all its flaws, actually had some checks and balances between aristocracy, monarchy, the cities, the customs, the Church…
Jeskai Angel: True. So much unnecessary bloodshed and death.
Gaheret: Discrimination among the three states was one thing. A national Church, the Terror and the massive murder of priests, nobles and people of La Vendee was another, and far worse.
In the case of the Tearmoon Empire, things may be more different, but I´m all for Mia.
6. To what extent do you consider Mia “selfish”? Does her acting primarily out of self-interest diminish the value of her actions?
Jeskai Angel: This comes back around to the issue we keep harping on, that Mia is an impressively realistic example of how complicated we humans are. Undoubtedly, some of what she says and does is ultimately motivated by selfishness. Where the narrator goes wrong, in my view, is in talking as if that selfishness negates everything else. She was selfish, period, end of story. I don’t think that works.
When Mia drags her retainers to the slum and gives away an expensive piece of jewelry to help fund medical care for the indigent, there was certainly some selfishness involved (e.g., I don’t want to die on the guillotine again). But as you read her words on this occasion, is it really plausible that she was acting for purely selfish reasons and completely inadvertently spoke in a way sounded more benevolent? Again I remind the jury that the narrator never suggests Mia was a liar who schemed to trick people into thinking she was kind and good. The narrator just claims Mia is a doofus who expresses herself poorly.
When Mia first encounters Tiona and stands up against the bullies, there was certainly some selfishness involved (e.g., I don’t want to die on the guillotine again). But as you read her words on this occasion, is it really plausible that she was acting for purely selfish reasons and completely inadvertently spoke in a way sounded more benevolent? Again I remind the jury that the narrator never suggests Mia was a liar who schemed to trick people into thinking she was kind and good. The narrator just claims Mia is a doofus who expresses herself poorly.
What is more plausible? That Mia is such a derp that she tries to be selfish and keeps failing at it by accidentally sounding wise and compassionate without meaning to? Or that she isn’t purely selfish and her fine-sounding words and deeds are more genuine than the narrator, and perhaps Mia herself, realize?
I think again of the how before Abel’s fight, Mia tries to think of something clever and diplomatic to say…and then wishes him victory, and, according to the narrator, “let slip her true thoughts.” There’s something similar in the scene where Mia tries to convince herself that Abel is just a little kid and there’s nothing special about being with him, and is puzzled with herself as to why she would be so flustered. Is it not reasonable to suppose to that on other occasions, too, Mia’s motivations may have been less purely selfish and more complex than she and/or the narrator realize?
I think of Jesus’ teaching that a tree is known by its fruit. Mia promotes Anne and protects her from workplace harassment. Mia prevents a good civil servant from losing his job and being banished to the hinterlands for trivial reasons. Mia personally leads an effort to provide medical care for the poor by visiting the slum with her retainers and donating that valuable jewelry. Mia saves Elise’s life by becoming her patron and ensuring she’ll have the income she needs to survive. Mia protects both Tiona and Abel by standing up to bullies (notwithstanding how cowardly the narrator says she is). Mia befriends friendless Chloe. Would a person who isn’t good, and who isn’t trying to look good in front of others, really say and do all this stuff? Going by the “fruit test” Jesus taught, I feel compelled to suspect there’s more good in Mia than she or the narrator are willing to admit.
Yes, there’s some selfishness or other ill motives mixed in, but the same is true for every one of us. Why do we obey God? Because we fear God’s judgment? Because we love God himself? Because we want to avoid a guilty conscience? Because we want to go to heaven? Because we want to look like good people to others? Because…etc.? Who but God can hope to answer these questions? But if partially tainted motives are enough to devalue one’s actions, then nothing anyone does ever has any worth. This is part why reading this book was so powerful for me. As I read this work of fiction, I can see how wrong it is for the narrator to harp so much on Mia’s flaws & use them to ignore or minimize her virtues. And I could see that the same is true of myself. Do I ever act out of purely virtuous motives? Probably not. But that doesn’t justify treating everything I do as having diminished value. I want Mia’s good deeds to matter, despite her selfishness and other flaws, because I want my efforts to do good to matter, despite my selfishness and other flaws.
Gaheret: I would add that, apart from these signs that she cares for others, Abel and Anne especially, saving yourself of three years of imprisonment and of being unjustly condemned to the guillotine is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. The narrator may say that she is a chicken, but it’s not him (presumably) who may go to execution at twenty. But the important thing, in my view, is that she is growing. If she sometimes does good deeds without realizing or intending them, that’s a sign of hope that one day she will, and a gift, too. I am interested in seeing her triumph against her defects, but I find her to be a very enjoyable character just as she is.
stardf29: Okay, so the reason I asked this question was because this book made me think of something. Mainly: is it really that bad to be self-interested? After all, one can argue that all of our actions, even our most “selfless” ones, are ultimately done in our self-interest: we help others at the expense of our short-term interests because we believe doing so will be better for us in the long term. Even something like following Christ and living a Christian life is something Christians do because we believe it is both the best way to live our present life, and also because we believe in great things in the next life.
Maybe, what we think of as “selfishness” is really just “short-sighted self-interest”: doing things only for what we can gain in the short term, without thinking about how it might ultimately hurt us in some way or another. And that leads us to Mia…
Mia’s actions might be supposedly “selfish”, but what is the big difference between her actions in the current timeline versus the past? It’s that now, she’s acting with a far more long-term view of things, in particular how certain actions made with short-term gain in mind may lead to her head rolling in the future. And with that view in mind, the vast majority of her self-interested actions become very helpful to the people around her as well as herself. And that view, likewise, kickstarts her mind into starting to be considerate of others.
The fact that she’s still mainly thinking of her own interests makes for some good comedy, but I think it also reveals an interesting truth in that being self-interested isn’t bad in and of itself. The key is what we decide our self-interests are, whether they be short-term benefits that can bite us later in life, or long-term goals that help us grow and prevent (sometimes literally) painful regrets. And while Mia has room to grow in this way, having a self-interest of “avoid a revolt that will get my head chopped off” is quite a huge… head start.
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…I don’t think Mia liked that pun. My apologies.
On that note, one specific example that sticks out to me right now: Mia selling her prized hairpiece in order to help fund a hospital. Her motivation might have been as simple as “that way it won’t end up in the hands of those horrible revolutionaries”, but in that moment, Mia has grasped one of Christianity’s big teachings: the impermanence of physical possessions. Heck, that’s something even I admittedly struggle with sometimes, and Mia has grasped that concept pretty much perfectly. I can’t see that as anything but admirable.
Jeskai Angel: I think maybe the difference between enlightened self-interest and selfishness is not time (i.e., long-term vs. short-term benefits), but that the former does not exclude looking out for the interests of others, and the latter does. A person can act partially out of self-interest without elevating their interest above the good of everyone else, but a truly selfish person is always willing to prioritize themselves over anyone else.
stardf29: I agree with you, but that does bring up an interesting thought: perhaps always prioritizing ourselves over others is the most damaging thing we can do to ourselves.
Also, when I say “short-term” versus “long-term”, I’m not strictly speaking about time, but “scope” in general. Which includes more than just time, but also things like our emotional well-being and other psychological factors that one could probably do an entire graduate thesis on. There’s probably a better phrase than “long-term/short-term” here…
Jeskai Angel: Maybe “long-term” = effort to consider all the consequences, “short-term” = paying attention only to desired consequences?
Gaheret: Well, Aristotle would say that we always move when attracted by goods, which are goods for ourselves and also open to others, as common goods. Freedom consists in the ability to choose one of these goods over others, and a good use of freedom would be the “right reason”, which brings us to the best we can achieve, integrally considered. Good things usually give us some pleasure and are also beneficial in the long term, because they are in accord with our nature. Beyond Aristotle, one could say that such a decision can also be a vehicle of love: you choose to bring good things to your friends that you share, in a way, to remove obstacles, to enjoy reality… Ideally, growing in virtue means also learning to be attracted by higher goods and enjoy them more fully. So, there is always some good for us, direct or indirect, in helping others. We are not totally disinterested: only God is, because God does not need anything, and gives of His abundance.
So, in this view, the problem with being an egoist is that either one does not follow the right reason because of a blind spot concerning others, as in the one who eats all the cake when it would be best to enjoy it together, or that one loses part of the good he could enjoy. For example, if Mia defends Tiona without thinking about Tiona herself, she gets less of that interaction that if she appreciated the good there is in defending others when they need it.
This sometimes happens to her, but less and less. She is not so clueless now, and growing.
7. What are your favorite quotes or moments from the novel?
Jeskai Angel: How am I supposed to answer this?! There are SO MANY wonderful lines and scenes in this book. For sheer awesomeness, I think it’s hard to top the scene where Mia rescues Tiona from the bullies:
“Excuse me, but what exactly are you girls doing? …It seemed to me that you were behaving rather rudely toward one of my subjects. …You see, I love all my subjects, and I love them equally. Even the child of the poorest beggar shall not be denied my affection. No matter who they are, so long as they belong to the Empire, I will not condone any discourtesy toward them.”
If any scenes rivals the above, it might be the duel between Abel and The Artist Formerly Known As Remno’s First Prince, especially after Abel hears his brother trashtalk Mia and threaten to abuse her:
“‘You can call me whatever you want. Mock me. Insult me. I don’t care. But,’ Abel stared at his brother with a piercing gaze, ‘if you say one more bad word about Princess Mia…’ He thought of the girl known as ‘the Great Sage of the Empire.’ He thought of the light she’d brought to his world. For her to be robbed of that radiant aura… Was absolutely unacceptable. …’I won’t allow you to insult her any further!'”
Cue the OHKO.
On a humorous note, I’ll offer the scene before that fight: “Mia didn’t actually think badly of Abel’s brother. She… didn’t think anything of him at all, in fact. She’d completely forgotten he existed until this very moment.” What makes this so great is that throughout the book, Mia keeps forming connections she didn’t have in her first life, seeking allies, making a point of remembering names and faces; she is far more humble and caring and interested in other people than she was in her first life. She even remembers the names of other people’s servants! The ONLY person in the whole story she so completely disregards in her second life…is Abel’s brother.
Gaheret: When the worldbuilding started becoming evocative and unique for me: “The Azure Moon Ministry was the administrative agency for the capital city. The Golden Moon Ministry handled taxes. The Scarlet Moon Ministry was the administrative agency for the surrounding rural regions. The Jade Moon Ministry handled foreign affairs. Finally, the Ebony Moon Ministry commanded the seven armies of the empire”.
Despite not liking Sion on the whole, I agree with Jeskai that this fragment about him is quite compelling:
“To Sion, the ability to feel righteous fury — to be justly angry in the face of evil deeds — was an essential quality for those who reigned over the people. However, how many people could truly empathize with the suffering of others? How many could go as far as to feel anger as if they themselves had been wronged? Even Sion, who had been ready to step in himself, would have done so out of a sense of duty. It came from the mind, not the heart. Faced with Mia’s genuine anger toward injustice, he felt that he saw in her the makings of a ruler who truly lived up to his ideals”.
“Sion Sol Sunkland was born the eldest son of the King of Sunkland. “He who reigns over the people must believe firmly in fairness and hold justice close to his heart.”
This was funny, too:
“Unbeknownst to her, the “knowledge” that she was counting on was entirely based on the romance novel Anne’s sister had written. In other words… Not once did she suspect that Anne — five years her senior — was a complete novice at relationships who had never herself been in love before. “How promising,” she said, completely unaware of her terrible misconception. “With you at my side, Anne, I feel as though I’ve gained an army ten thousand strong!”
This was a great way to introduce a character:
“Abel Remno knew he was a loser. Likewise, he knew Remno was a second-rate kingdom. It possessed neither the rich history and tradition of Sunkland nor the sheer might of Tearmoon. Outmatched by even Belluga in influence and authority, it failed to garner any real respect from its neighbors”.
And this one, again about Abel:
“He focused every ounce of his efforts on one single thing. He raised his sword, and he swung it down. He repeated it. Then he did it again, faster. And faster. He devoted all his time to honing the motion. Ever since the night of the dance party, he’d done nothing else. Day after day, he poured his heart and soul into practicing that one swing. And now, after all the sweat and fatigue and pain, it was time. He swung. Today, he would conquer genius. Today, he would slay a god!”
stardf29: So as I mentioned earlier, one of my favorite moments is when Mia sold her beloved hairpin in order to help fund a hospital to prevent a plague. Two great quotes to go with this moment:
“No matter how precious the item, no matter how closely you try to hold onto it, there will be a day… It may go missing, or it may break… but its time will come. Knowing this, the most we can do is to use it well, and thereby give it meaning.”
And then, for something on the funnier side:
And not only was it stolen, it was stolen by a hooligan of a man, rude and violent and with entirely too much beard to be proper. Not that it’d be okay if she was robbed by a handsome fellow with a dashing crop of finely kempt hair, but anyway…
And then a bit later, during a tea party:
“Whatever I did, I did following my heart. There’s no deeper meaning to it than that.” Which was really just a more diplomatic version of, “What? I did it ’cause I wanted to. Got a problem with that, punk?”
Later on, Mia forgives a horse for sneezing on her:
“Oh please. Why would I possibly want to have a horse killed over a dress?”
For Mia, it was extremely obvious which one was more valuable. A dress couldn’t help her run from the revolutionary army. A horse could.
And, finally, the one point where I am in complete solidarity with the narrator:
Anne and Tiona seemed equally mesmerized by the two princes as they watched with wide, spellbound eyes. As for Liora… She poked at the meat in the sandwich, confirmed that it was well-roasted, and nodded to herself in satisfaction.
Liora, you see, was a girl who knew what was important.
8. Final Comments
Jeskai Angel: I want to express how greatly I appreciated many-short-chapters format of the book. So many LNs have like three 80-page chapters, and it’s stupid. Like, if the chapters are obnoxiously long, why bother with any chapter divisions at all? As Tearmoon Empire demonstrates, chapter divisions are not some kind of natural resource that needs to be rationed. The capacity to include another chapter break in a book is never depleted. Please, authors the world over, if you’re reading this, I beg of you, write using more but shorter chapters. Please and thank you.
stardf29: I think the whole “having lots of chapters” thing is left over from the novel’s origins as a web novel, where it’s more natural to just post a small chapter regularly. Though many such web novels, upon transitioning to light novel form, get several small chapters combined into larger chapters. So this might be more of an editorial decision. Maybe it’s because in Japan, light novels are still a largely physical medium, and combining chapters saves paper by reducing page breaks? It’s definitely better for e-books to have more chapters because it’s easier to jump to a specific part of the book with hyperlinked table of contents.
Whatever the case, looks like Tearmoon Empire kept all of its chapters in the transition to light novel form. Maybe it’s because each chapter has a witty little title? So maybe the real advice is not just to write lots of small chapters, but to give each chapter a title so that your editor has a reason not to combine them all into larger chapters.
Gaheret: I can´t wait for the next volume! I want it to go full French Revolution.
Jeskai Angel: According to the Amazon page for vol. 2 (which becomes available 19 July), the next book does feature a revolution.
Earlier when we were speculating about the narrator, someone (Gaheret, I think?) suggested the narrator might be an older Mia in the future. But I remembered a certain comment by the narrator, about how Mia disliked her bad ending so much, she restarted the whole game to play over again. It’s an obvious video game joke. But assuming Mia’s world is reminiscent of late 18th/early 19th century France, an older Mia wouldn’t have the frame of reference to make such a comment.
stardf29: Ah yes, there is that to take into account. So… maybe the narrator is one of Mia’s descendants, after Mia has told of her story to her family and they started to realize how things got misunderstood, and then as her story continued to be passed down the generations, that sentiment that she was “misunderstood” also got embellished. In this way, the somewhat unreliableness of the narrator can be explained.
As a final comment for me, I should say that I really like the illustrations in this volume. They are clean, cute, and show quite a lot of emotion. I definitely wish there were more of them, but we still got a good batch here.
Whew, that was a lot to talk about! Of course, we would love to hear what you think about the novel, so post your own answers and thoughts in the comments!
As a reminder, we will be discussing Infinite Dendrogram, Vol. 4 next! The discussion for that will be posted on June 23rd. See you then!
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