#she is big and strong kk
7-ratsinatrenchcoat · 2 months
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how about that nat 20 huh
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azzibuckets · 28 days
i want the world to know
[paige bueckers]
paige bueckers x fem!reader
summary: 5 times you and paige accidentally expose your relationship to the world (aka when your love is so strong you guys can’t help but slip up) and the 1 time you make sure the world knows
a/n: Ok so i wrote the summary rly wrong cuz idk how to word it but yk how the format goes 😅
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You lifted the Big East championship trophy in the air, grinning at the crowd of cameras. After getting into several different poses, you handed the trophy off to another teammate for their turn and rejoined the rest of the girls, who were packed into a tight circle, whooping and dancing as you all celebrated your tournament win.
You were all watching and hollering in support as KK did the griddy when Paige touched your upper arm.
“What’s up?” You yelled over the noise of the fans and the team celebrating, stepping aside so you could hear her.
She shook her head, eyes sparkling as she stepped closer to you. “Your hat,” she murmured, gently take your Big East champs hat off your head.
“Is there something wrong?” You reached up to mess with your hair, but Paige got to it first, softly pulling out strands from behind your ears and combing through your hair with her fingers. “Just a little messy,” she explained. Her nose scrunched and her tongue poked out in concentration as she carefully fixed your hair, then put the cap back on backwards.
“Paige,” you complained, but with a smile on your face.
“‘M sorry, you just look so cute and gangsta with it backwards,” Paige stifled a giggle, giving the brim of your cap a little flick.
You pouted. “P, put it back right.” You whined.
“Alright, alright.” Paige stopped teasing you and swung your hat around. You beamed at her as she straightened your cap, leaving her finishing touches. Stepping back, she observed you with a proud smile on her face.
The next morning, photos of Paige touching your hair were all over Twitter, and fans started suspecting you two were more than friends.
Some of the girls were over at KK’s apartment. Being the mother that you were, you took charge of making dinner, getting started in the kitchen by chopping vegetables for your famous chicken noodle soup.
After some time, Paige ambled into the kitchen, bored with the live and already missing you.
“How’s the food going, baby?” Paige came up from behind you, sneaking her hands around your waist and resting her cheek against your head.
“Good, you wanna help?” You turned around to give Paige a soft kiss on the lips before focusing back on preparing dinner.
“I dunno,” Paige gently rocked back and forth with you, burrowing her face into the curve of your neck. “Your hair smells so good. Can I jus stay right here?”
“If you want,” you giggled.
You guys started fooling around like love birds, Paige grabbing random slices of vegetables off the cutting board and popping it into both of your mouths.
That’s when KK came in, still on live. She carefully maneuvered around you guys, trying not to get you on camera, as she grabbed a snack. But as she left the kitchen, she ripped open a bag of goldfish, causing her phone to shift and catch you two in the background.
3712 viewers saw Paige feeding you a slice of carrot from behind, one of her hands in the pocket of your jeans and the other reaching around your shoulder to put the food in your mouth, thumb resting on the corner of your lips as you chewed.
During a game against Seton Hall, Paige got elbowed while on defense, the girl’s elbow flying up and smacking into her face.
Paige flew backwards, dropping to the ground, the pain taking away her breath. Still, she forced herself to get up and keep playing defense, sprinting to catch up and do her duty.
After that possession, as she got subbed out with blood dripping from her nose and down her mouth, she yelled angrily at the referee. One of the team’s physicians ran up to Paige with a napkin, trying to blot at her nose, but Paige’s mind was buzzing with an intense mixture of anger and pain, and she pushed away from the physician, brushing both her and Geno’s orders for her to calm down off as she tried to keep yelling at the ref.
Seeing the physician’s growing frustration at Paige refusing to let her clean up her nose, you got up from the bench and over to Paige. “Let me,” you told the physician, who gratefully handed you the napkin.
“Paige.” At your voice, Paige turned around.
“What the hell was that?” She demanded. “You saw that right? They didn’t even fucking call it-“
“Paige,” you reached out with the napkin. “I know. Let’s just get you cleaned up first, hm?”
Paige reluctantly nodded, leaning forward to let you wipe up her nose. You placed one hand under her chin to stabilize her. You didn’t even realize it, but your thumb instinctually stroked her cheek in an attempt to soothe her. She continued grumbling under her breath, but stayed still so you could make sure she was okay.
As soon as you wiped up the last of the blood, she started to walk off, but you called her back. “P, let them check to see if it’s broken.” You gestured at the physician waiting helplessly on the side.
Paige rolled her eyes but turned around to make her way back to the physician.
Later that night, the video of you cleaning up Paige’s bloody nose went viral on Tiktok, the comments going wild over how Paige seemingly refused to listen to anyone but you.
You and Paige were attending the ESPY Awards. Paige was nominated for Female College Athlete of the Year and had invited you along as her plus one. When she won, you both stood up in excitement, and you couldn’t help but kiss her on the cheek before she went up on stage to accept her award.
All night you two had been a little bit more touchy than expected for friends. On the red carpet, her hand constantly rested on the small of your back. Even when she was getting interviewed and you were standing off to the side, some part of her body was always touching you.
Your table was in the very corner of the venue, so you decided it was safe to interlock your ankles. You two often did that as a way to reassurance each other of your presence when you couldn’t touch in more obvious ways. Her ankle wrapped around yours, and your calves pressed against each other.
Both of you failed to see that the table cloth only covered half of your legs, and so anyone who walked by and looked closely would see them intertwined. Which still would’ve been fine, since you guys were in the back of the room - the only reason you two were caught was because you were in a background of a picture of the couple at the table in front of you. In the background, you were staring at each other with fond smiles on your faces, and if you zoomed in, it was clear as day that your legs were interlocked.
Later that night, as you guys left the ceremony, throngs of sports fans waited outside, yelling at the athletes streaming out of venue in hopes of getting noticed. Paige shielded you from them, moving from your left to your right side so that her body blocked out all the fans reaching out and waving their posters in your faces. Her hand glanced over your waist, leading you through.
You had Paige enfolded against the wall of the bedroom. She let out a guttural sound as you sucked her skin between your lips, rolling it between your teeth.
“Baby,” she breathed, fingers tracing down your spine. “Holy shit, this feels so good, but we really gotta go.”
You ignored her words, continuing to brush your lips over her skin, until she had to physically push you away. “I want you,” you complained, fisting the bottom of her shirt to attach your lips to hers.
Paige kissed you back, slow and steady, before gently grabbing your chin and pulling apart. “I know, baby, I promise we can continue this later. But Geno’s gonna kill us if we’re late.”
The whole team was supposed to go to a media event at Gampel to promote March Madness. You’d have to meet fans and also do interviews with the press, but right now you didn’t cary about any of that. All you wanted was Paige, now.
But your girlfriend was firm, leading you out the door. Right before you got to Gampel, you dropped her hand, and you both walked with your arms crossed, knowing that if either of you left your hands dangling, they’d end up intertwined.
As soon as you entered, Paige was pulled away for an interview. You had twenty minutes until yours, so in the mean time you hung out with Ice, talking to some fans.
“I like your lipstick,” one of the fans complimented you. You had put on bright maroon lipstick before leaving the house.
“Thank you!” you smiled, laughing and agreeing once the fan asked you to post your makeup routine and the brands of all your products later on Instagram.
Paige finished up her interview and came over to you and Ice. “Thank god,” she muttered, “that took forever. And it’s so hot in here.” She ran her hands through her hair, collecting it into a ponytail.
You froze when you saw smudges of maroon littering Paige’s neck. You had been careful not to leave hickeys, but in your rush to leave the apartment, you had forgotten to clean up your lipstick once Paige had let her hair down.
“What?” Paige cocked an eyebrow in confusion, but before you could say anything, a fan came and asked her for a picture.
“Hey, wait,” you interrupted, but the fan quickly snapped a photo and took off in her eagerness to find the rest of the team.
“Oh my god,” you muttered. “Paige, look.” You opened your camera on your phone, showing the crimson on her neck.
Paige gaped for a second before bursting out in laughter. “I’m not gonna lie, babe. This is kinda hot.” She examined her neck, trailing her fingers over the red marks.
You glared at her, completely unamused. “I’m literally wearing bright maroon lipstick, and that photo the girl took with you is gonna be all over the Internet within the next two hours.”
Paige adjusted her hair to cover her neck again. “Listen, baby, I’m not entirely opposed to people finding out. I want the world to know you’re my girl.”
You blushed, Paige’s possessiveness sending warm tingles throughout your body. You were her girl. “I know, but there were so many more ways we could’ve let people find out. So many more romantic ways.”
Paige grinned, hooking her fingers through the loops of your jeans and pulling you in. “I don’t know,” she teased. “This seems pretty romantic.”
“If we’re both being honest, almost the whole world already knows we’re dating. We’re not that sneaky,” you admitted.
A glint appeared in Paige’s eyes. “Well, then, we might as well show the ones who don’t.” She smirked at you before gathering her hair into a ponytail.
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asapeveryday · 1 month
nika smut pleasee
Make a Wish
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Pairing: Nika Mühl x Reader
Warnings: smut (thigh riding), alcohol
Summary: After a good game the team is ready to celebrate with a fun night out…you and Nika have a different kind of fun afterwards
A/n: I’m not gonna lie this lowk sucks 😣 forgive me. I’ll get better at writing for her I promise.
The drink burns your throat on its way down, but the warmth it brings to your body makes it worth it.
Fingers tingling, mind racing and body moving. The music was loud and the place was bustling. The girls usually kept it lowkey, but this win was so big it deserved something more, so when you suggested clubbing nobody objected.
Being Nika’s girlfriend meant you were automatically invited to these things. You felt awkward at first, seeing as you two were a fairly new couple and this was a team celebration, but she never failed to reassure you.
“You’re my girlfriend…there’s no way I’m going to a club without you.” She said with a smile. Who were you to argue?
Seeing her like this was something else. The lights were flashing, her hair was swaying against her moving body, her eyes closed and enjoying the music. You needed to be closer to her.
Dancing with Nika was something out of a dream. She was upbeat, singing along to songs, pouring shots into your mouth and spinning you around. It was all fun until you took it upon yourself to really dance. Slowly moving, pressing your backside against her front and tilting your head so her own could fit above your shoulder.
The look in her eye immediately changes. You’d never had a situation like this before. That point in the relationship hadn’t been met yet, so being pressed against her like this, your ass basically grinding into her? It was nerve-wracking, and turning you on to no end.
When her hands find your waist you can’t help but smile. You can feel her breathing on your neck and it sends goosebumps down your spine. Her eyes are burning holes into yours as you grind together to the music.
The moment is interrupted by a tap on her shoulder. A very amused KK whispers something in Nika’s ear, and she parts from you. “Paige just puked everywhere, so we have to head home.” She yells over the music. You’re disappointed, but there’s nothing you can do. The three of you join the others outside. You, Nika and KK call an Uber as you were all a little too tipsy to drive.
The quiet inside of the car is is shocking in comparison to the pounding noise of the club you’d just been in, you and Nika were squeezed in the back together while KK was in the front. Your knee was bumping into Nika’s, and although it was nothing to think twice about, your skin was tingling. Perhaps it was the tequila, or the memory of her calloused hands strong on your hips.
You almost choke on your breathing when she reaches out a hand to wipe your cheek. After shooting her an inquisitive look she says “There’s an eyelash on your face.”
On her finger there is in fact an eyelash, and she holds her hand in front of your mouth with a smirk. “Blow, make a wish.”
Nika’s eyes are stuck to you like honey, when you blow on her finger and hold her stare you don’t miss how her vision darts to your lips.
Lowering her hand casually to grip your thigh, she whispers “I played pretty good today, didn’t I?”
“So good.” You mumble, nervous at the change in atmosphere. She’d never touched you like this, possessively, and her usual cute and almost awkward voice had turned quiet and serious.
“I don’t think I can stay at my dorm tonight.” She murmurs into your ear. It’s less of a statement and more of a suggestion, one that you’re willing to take.
“Stay with me.” You look up at her. “That’ll make one wish fulfilled.”
You can tell that if it weren’t for KK and the Uber Diver in the front, Nika would’ve kissed you by now. Her hazel eyes keep darting to the mirror upfront, KK is on the verge of passing out and the driver is pretending not to notice anything. You and Nika share an understanding look between each other, one that says “just a little longer”
The lights are still off in your apartment when the two of you tumble inside, and you slam the wall multiple times before you actually hit the switch. Nika’s lips are too distracting, and she’s been dying to taste you all night.
Being flush against the wall, one hand is beside your head and the other on your face as her mouth clashes with yours. It’s urgent and fiery from your combined drunkness and Nika’s confidence from the earlier victory. You can feel yourself get wetter by the minute.
Her leg is positioned between yours, and her lips are trailing from your face to your neck. She sucks and licks at the sensitive skin, smiling at your breathy moans. You can’t help but lightly grind against her leg in hopes for any type of pressure.
At that, you’re moving around the apartment again, tangled in one another as you crash into things before finally landing on the couch. You scramble to sit on top of her, straddling one of her almost bare thighs as your lips connect again. One hand grips your ass and the other gropes your breasts, pinching at your nipples which causes you to gasp.
Your core is pulsing and she can feel it on her skin. Suddenly both her hands find your hips again, and she slowly manipulates you to grind onto her.
You pull away from the kiss to look at her, hair wild and makeup smudged. You don’t care how you look, you just want her to see how she’s ruining you, puppeteering your movements as you make a mess on her thigh. Her tongue occasionally wets her lips, muttering in Croatian and whispering praises.
When Nika starts to flex her leg muscles you feel the knot building gradually. You’ve fully soaked through your underwear now, and the skirt you wore to the club was riding up to no amend. Your breathy moans turned to louder ones with her help.
“C’mon baby, keep going.” She sweetly murmurs, your forehead pressed against hers, her eyes glued to your body grinding against her skin.
You’re tired but determined to chase your high. Nika had preformed for you all day so you were happy to put on a show for her, rocking your hips to achieve that heavenly friction as she slapped your ass and kissed you sloppily.
When you cum it sends shivers down your spine, the deep knot inside your stomach unraveling. You can’t help but slump over her, sticky, hungover and exhausted.
“So good.” You mumble against her neck.
Nika traces on your back and places a soft kiss on your cheek before saying “You looked so sexy.”
You lift your head to meet her eyes, her expression is tired but satisfied. You can’t help but laugh as as you swipe her cheek with your finger and show her the stray eyelash you’d captured.
Holding your hand to her lips, you smile.
“Blow, make a wish.”
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ninimuhllover · 16 days
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"You have pretty eyes"
Pairing: Nika mühlx!fem!reader
Warnings:cursing,fluff,no mentions of y/n,reader refered to as her,she,hers,kissing
"Kissing, I hope they caught us Whether they like or not" kk sung while we were driving to the amusement park"I wanna show you off,I wanna show you off" I sang with her I turn the radio down a bit because Paige and azzi were talking but Nika was quiet "hey you okay Nika?" I ask while slightly turned towards her "huh" she said looking up "I asked if you were okay?" She slightly blushed "oh yeah I'm just nervous" she smiled "oh why are you nervous" I asked while smiling "I have never really liked rollercoasters" she said shyly "oh that's okay I'll hold your hand then" she blushed really hard I turn back around and turn the radio back up "Somethin' different about you Love it when he hit and smack too Baby, lemme lick on your tattoos That's true that I like pda Take it to a seedy place Suck a little dick in the bathroom" I sang with kk some more"Who that man with the big strong hands On her ass in the club with the paps? Baby, that's you Front seat chillin' with the window down I be ten toes down on the dash getting' fast food" we sang(mainly yelled) while pulling into the parking lot for the park"Take you 'round the world, they don't have to understand Rub it in their face, put a rock on her hand"we sang turning off the car "alright y'all ready for this" kk said I stepped out the car and grabbed my bag and put it overy shoulder when I felt someone grab my hand seeing it was Nika I didn't mind "okay where are we going frist"asked azzi "well since we got the express passes we can really go anywhere" I said to azzi as we were walking to the entrance "why don't we get those cups we can refill for free" kk said while we got in line to check in "nah I was thinking about thirsting to death" Paige said jokingly "hey that's you" kk said
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Time skip ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"I kinda wish that we didn't have the express passes" Nika said as we were walking towards a ride"why?" I said "because then we can wait in line and then I wouldn't be so nervous" she said "yeah I guess that's reasonable" I said smiling at her "let's ride that one" I said pointing to one I saw from afar we all started walking to the ride and went through the express line getting faster I could see nika getting more and more nervous so I squeezed her hand she smile at the gesture with a tiny hint of red on her cheeks "don't be scared it's gonna be fun" I say to reassure her she nods once we got sat on the ride her grip on my hand got even tighter when the ride started moving her grip on my hand was so tight but I didn't really care as long as she was comfortable "it's okay" I say to her the some people behind us started yelling when we were moving upwards we soon reached the top "just breath" I say to her it soon dropped and pretty much everyone was screaming her grip never let lose the ride came to a stop and we got off "was that fun?" i asked "actually yeah" she smiled "how about we go get churros?" I asked she nodded as we walked to the churros stand the walk was further than I expected
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚time skip˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"two churros please" I asked the cashier he nodded and grabbed them "thank you" I said as he handed them to me i handed on to Nika as I took a bite "mm this is good" she said "yeah but the chocolate sauce taste like shit" (speaking from personal experience) I said disgusted "meh I'm in the middle about it" I smile at her "how about we go on the Ferris wheel next"she said "sure" I say surprised she would want to go on a ride that soon after the first one we started walking towards the Ferris wheel still hand in hand we walked through the express line and sat down in a cart sitting across each other to balance the cart the Ferris wheel started to move up wards" wanna take a picture" she nodded I quickly moved over beside her as the cart rocked back and forth I pulled out my phone and pressed the camera put up a peace sign while she put up two while smiling I took a couple of pictures and since we were so close when I turned towards her our noses almost touched "has anyone ever told you that 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨?" She breathed out and leaned in when our lips touched It felt like everything was coming together that I could die happy I never wanted it to end but we both pulled away "I have liked you for so long"she said smiling at me "I have liked you for so long too" we were both blushing when we got of the ride and stated to walk towards a new ride
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚time skip˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"where have you two been" azzi asked us when we walked up to the car "we got kinda lost" i said we kinda did but it was good because we wouldn't have kissed "mhm sureeee" Paige said slyly "and there's some news" said Nika while smiling kks face lit up like she already new "Paige you better give me my twenty dollars" she said beaming like a kid "huh there was a bet" I say shocked Nika and azzi were laughing while Paige stomped like a kid and kk jumped for joy "I can't with y'all" I said azzi hugged me "it's okay y'all are cute" she whispered to me while smiling after all of that we got into the car "and you better not forget to cash app me my twenty p" kk said while paige huffed we all laughed "yeah yeah don't rub it in"Paige said
Kinda short I'm really bad at putting periods and stuff but I hope this was okay it's my first actual writing I most likely spelt things wrong but oh well no one's perfect I don't actually know if Nika doesn't like rollercoasters it was just an idea I hope you enjoyed it and please please request please don't copy me my work with out asking 🩷🤍
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honeyplushie · 4 months
I wan to make some sollux agere headcanons :3
Here they r!
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He is v tiny! he regresses v little, and hes nonverbal when he regresses, but he still makes noises sometimes(usually cooing noises, giggles, or some kind of humming).
Karkat is his cg usually, but aradia and feferi and nepeta babysit him sometimes!(nepeta is also an agere so sometimes she and sollux have playdates! Equius is neppys cg ^^)
He likes to wear overalls and tshirts mostly, he doesnt usually wear onesies unless he has pants/a skirt/overalls on top ^^ also he likes to wear boyish stuff usually but sometimes skirts are cute and comfy!
He uses a paci(almost always has it in his mouth if hes regressing) and also sippy cups! He doesnt use bottles uwu also he likes stuffed animals, blocks, and video games when hes little(specifically child friendly video games, he also has special kid consoles just for regressing)
He can be very emotional when hes little, he gets frustrated easy and can cry a lot. He keeps his big emotions hidden, and they all tend to come out when he is small. But kk is very good at calming him down ^^ kk is warm and cozy and big and strong and has good hugs!
He doesn't use nicknames for his cg/babysitters, except the ones in canon(kk, aa, etc.) But that's also bc he is nonverbal ><
Kk is very good at not getting angry or impatient when sollux is little, this is more of a kk headcanon, but hes a v good cg, very attentive and balances babying sollux well with properly caring for him. Idk how to explain, but like, he babies solly but also can be stern(sweetly) with bedtimes and meals and self care and stuff!
Hes a sleepy baby! He doesn't like to go to sleep if hes big, so he regresses to help him sleep :3 often times he wakes up still little, which can scare him if he is alone.
He has 2 rooms! He has a big room and a little room! His big room is where his computers and big kid games are, as well as a place to sleep and some other things that dont fit into a little room(its also more mature looking), and his little room has his toys, his little kid games, his little clothes, and is generally bighter, more colorful, and childlike ^^
Sollux is, luckily, very short! And so he can sit on most peoples laps, which he loves bc he likes when his cg or babysitters arms are around him and they cradle him/rock him(is that the word? Like rock a bye baby?)
I think thats all i have! This was v fun to write aa i hope u like to read it :3
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fruitbasketball · 22 days
Looking at the stats, South Carolina is going to feel the loss of Cardoso. It will be interesting to see who steps up as the leader next year, with her gone. If all stay healthy, uconn have a good chance because they have all been forced to step up with the losses of azzi and Paige at times, so the loss of Aaliyah and Nika will have less of an effect. Also, I don’t think anyone wants the natty more than Paige does, and she really is born for those moments, so I’m expecting a superstar performance from her. Uconn as a whole has more strong shooters, especially if Azzi comes back better than she was before (which I think she will, especially her mentality and passiveness in games). Defence is going to be their loss, but hopefully the freshies and Jana can make a big difference there. U reckon uconn will manage to win a natty against South Carolina?
i am avoiding nazar at all costs like no evil eye i’m so scared 🪬 🧿 so i won’t be answering that last question
i think that south carolina right now is becoming the sort of powerhouse dynasty program that uconn was in the 2010’s. consider a team that lost all 5 starters last year sent five players to the nba coming back and winning a natty. the depth of the gamecocks’ program is just fucking insane, but the reason it worked so well this year is because they were able to fulfill the size factor in the loss of aliyah boston. far be it from me to doubt dawn staley EVER, but losing a center is a lot more difficult than losing a guard or a regular forward. it’s not an easy position to replace. i think they’re going to struggle a little on the frontcourt on that end.
on the other hand, and i’m not the only one who says this, uconn has a huge next man up mentality. the past few seasons, ESPECIALLY this season, south carolina has had the luxury of a deep bench. we don’t have that. we haven’t had that in a long time. i don’t want to diminish aaliyah and nika’s value by saying their loss isn’t a huge hit, because it is, and it will be. while paige and azzi have been inconsistent in the lineup, aaliyah and nika are the two most consistent players uconn has had over the last four years. it’s going to be hard to fill that hole.
what i WILL say is that i see nika’s defensive grit in ash and kk, and that paige’s defensive game has improved tremendously. i WILL say that jana has been fortunate enough to watch aaliyah for a season and a half, that sarah strong is going to be a huge addition, and that paige isn’t a big by any means now, but she’s added some post moves to her bag. i hope to god that azzi’s worked on her confidence on the floor because she is a fucking bucket. we have a lot more pieces (inshallah) to put on the floor this year. i’m excited.
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star-girl69 · 5 months
kk so not strong enough by boygenius. I’m sure I’m so late to the party on linking this to clarisse but like the “I’m not strong enough to be your man” OMFG like you’ve said in your fics before that a lot of her insecurities come from not being her fathers perfect son so she’s always trying to overcompensate for that but like really she’s just scared she literally can’t be strong enough for someone yk??? Then of course these “always an angel never a god” bc like really she’s never gonna be good enough for her father no matter what she does, there’s just no way she’s gonna really get to the next status of him caring abt her and respecting her for who she is. OH and also “I don’t know why I am the way I am” girlie is so outta touch w her emotions she doesn’t know why she does shit😭
(also guillotine dreams by KiNG MALA is very her but that’s a totally different vibe lol)
wait….. “i’m not strong enough to be your man.” INSANE. so insane bc she feels it both physically and mentally
like she walks around and sees other kids like luke who just ARENT like her it’s always a battle to keep her emotions inside and JUST????? EVERYONE ELSE HAS NO PROBLEM???? she loves you but she feels like she won’t be able to one) protect you or two) she feels like she’ll accidentally hurt you w her big feelings
“always an angel never a god” yes. do i even have to say anything else just YES. again just ugh clarisse being insecure is my roman empire like I SEE HER I SEE HER
hm i don’t think i’ve listened to that song but i will!!!!
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
alright nivi baby a couple of question i want your thoughts on
do you think anybody else transfers? i've seen speculation for both q and yanna but idk it seems unlikely and if it was anybody else that would really surprise me
twitter is saying that maybe ines and amari got asked to leave so we can have more scholarship spots open for the transfer portal do we think that's true
now that we have scholarship spots who do you want and do you think it'll be two forwards or a guard and forward (that timea gardiner option looks pretty great)
how much truth do you think there is to the chen rumors? im sure she's great but i really want pg paige next year and we already have kk to run backup point so idk
bestie did you finally start writing part 5? (no pressure but im so desperate for it)
love, 🐞
Hi lovely, haven't seen you in a minute <3
I don't think anyone else is going to transfer. Q seems pretty adamant on how much she loves this team and Ayanna transferring right after an injury also seems unlikely. Everybody else is pretty much locked in as you said.
It could probably be a bit of both? A little push from the coaching staff and their own desire for actual playing time. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a little bit of that but in the end, I think it's good for everyone involved.
Personally, I want two forwards, specifcally someone 6'5+. Timea Gardiner would be nice but I'm also curious to see who else ends up there (here's looking at you Kiki). But we really, really need frontcourt players. Jana hasn't played a season and achilles injuries are rough and putting that much pressure on her is just not a good idea. Same goes for Ayanna. We don't know when Aubrey will be back. And while I have immense faith in Sarah, again putting pressure on a freshmen is not the ideal scenario. So I really need us to get some experienced frontcourt players like we did with Dorka.
I think it's always a possibility but I don't think so. I think it's hard for Geno to guarantee her a starting position and I'm sure wherever she goes, that's one of her expectations. However, I'm actually not completely against us getting another guard. I do think we need to focus on forwards but honestly an experienced guard wouldn't hurt. Beyond Paige, our backcourt (whole team really) is missing a fair amount of experience. Azzi's likely to be on limited minutes to start and I'm not fully sure about Caroline either. Obviously KK and Ash have proven themselves but they're still just only sophomores. And obviously the freshmen are the freshmen. I don't think having a strong experienced guard would hurt but the focus should still be on getting a big, and I don't think Kaitlyn Chen is the right option.
I did lmao everyone can put the pitchforks away now
Sorry babes, that got really long but clearly I have a lot of thoughts.
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ragecndybars · 2 years
some thoughts on shinjimina
we all know that minato will sleep in as long as he can possibly get away with. on any given day there is a 50/50 chance that shinjiro will either indulge him or mercilessly yank the blankets away two seconds after his alarm goes off
they are both so relieved to have a significant other who also has resting bitch face. thank god. neither of them need to constantly explain that they're not pissed off, their face is just Like That
they're walking silently side by side together after a date, both of their resting bitch faces out in full force, and passersby are like "those kids look pissed, they probably just got into a fight or something", meanwhile both of them are internally going "whh;a t if w e kk;ijsss ed nghh,; and h hheld hwands" (but neither of them are going to because neither likes PDA. it will wait until they are alone)
minato is not particularly demonstrative or affectionate, and like i said he doesn't like PDA, but whenever the urge does strike him, he will reach out and grab shinjiro's hand with zero hesitation, zero forethought. no thoughts between "want to hold hands" and "holding hands now <3". he does not fear god.
shinjiro usually talks himself out of reaching for minato's hand even when he does want to. on the rare occasion that he does just reach over and snatch it up, he usually has to cover it up with a whole lot of bluster and some ridiculous excuse. "you're such a damn space case, i gotta hold onto you or you'll drift into traffic or something" meanwhile he straight up cannot look at minato and he is blushing blatantly
they are both MUCH less flustered when they're in private. shinji will tease minato a ton when no one's watching.
shinjiro would never, ever, EVER say this out loud or even admit it to himself. not under threat of death. but somewhere deep inside, he is unbearably smug about the fact that he gets to see minato smile more than anyone else on planet earth
they CANNOT cook together as a Romantic Pastime because shinji is an intolerable backseat chef. minato is actually pretty decent in the kitchen, and shinji doesn't mind leaving him to his own devices or eating the food he makes, but if minato makes the tiniest mistake while shinji is watching, shinji physically cannot restrain himself from being annoying about it. for this reason they cook for each other in solitude only
minato likes to play with shinjiro's hair. headcanon stolen from this flawless and gorgeous comic that i never stop thinking about by leonleonhart
neither of them are that into fighting, but once shinjiro realizes that minato is actually kind of a beast despite looking like an anemic sleep-deprived goth, they do have Homosexual Spars together 100%. they fight with live weapons too like the dumbasses they are. "it's fine because we have personas," they say. "if we fuck up and hurt each other, minato will just cast salvation", they say. mitsuru blows a gasket when she finds out.
in general, they just get up to 1000x more Chaos together than anyone would expect given their usual I-don't-give-a-shit attitudes. being boyfriends brings the delinquent and gremlin come out in each of them, respectively.
shinjiro starts making fun of minato in front of god and everyone once they start dating. like, jokes and jabs that they both find hilarious, but literally anyone else would just view it as open hostility. shinji calls him a gay emo prettyboy twink with no provocation and minato is inwardly crying laughing and outwardly doesn't react at all. the rest of sees, vaguely aware that those two are close but having no idea that they're gay and in love, are horrified and confused.
neither of them have fully functional bodies and they bond over it. post-game everyone-lives versions of them in particular. no one else fully grasps how they can both be seemingly Big Strong Badasses who also sometimes physically cannot make it up the stairs without help.
they fight over who gets to snuggle koromaru.
thank you for your time
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theprologues · 1 year
I think there was a recent survey that said that somewhere around like 42-48% of people who consider themselves fans of Taylor also consistently vote Republican, so I don't think it'd be as big a deal as some people think if Taylor starts being publicly friendly with Karlie while she's still connected to JK if people who voted for Tr*mp of all people are able to tolerate all of Taylor's liberal beliefs and LGBT+ rights advocacy.
I'm sure a handful of people while be loud with their viture signaling about KK if this happens but more than enough people don't care about political shit at all if it involves Taylor that the girls should be able to get away with it without it causing too much a problem for Taylor if Taylor shows her fans how happy hanging out with KK makes her, and if for whatever reason it doesn't work out like that then Taylor could crush any dissenters by calling them out for harrassing a pregnant woman if it comes to that I guess.
I think the majority of Taylor's fanbase has too strong a parasocial attachment to Taylor to be upset with her for too long if she starts hanging out with KK again and the backing of the majority of Taylor's fans is all that matters in this case if we're being honest
That last part especially. Also I just love the narrative KK left him for her 🫢.
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theanticool · 2 years
Who are you taking for tonight, homie?
Had to pull out the laptop and write down my thoughts for this one
Jiri vs Glover - Jiri by (T)KO early.
Can't help but feel we are going to see one of those fights where the older vet (Glover) has finally reached the mountain top thanks to good timing only to have it come crashing down immediately (think Bisping, Shogun, Werdum a bit or what just happened with Donaire and Inoue) because a younger guy with way more tread on the tire just comes and tears him apart. We know Glover is probably going to get hurt cause he does in basically every fight. And unlike basically anyone Glover has fought on his recent stretch, Jiri is a finisher. Not in the Anthony Smith, he's losing til he wins way of being a finisher. He is a 27 finishes in 32 fights type finisher. He's probably going to hurt Glover early. But unlike a Ion Cutelaba, I don't think Jiri lets him off the leash when he does.
Jiri isn't perfect though. He can be hurt (Reyes did). He can be stopped (King Mo did). Who knows how he looks in a fight with a 3rd, 4th, and 5th round? There's a solid path to victory for Glover if he survives early but you have got to think those come from behind performances have got to end at one point.
Shevchenko vs Santos - Shevchenko by UD (or 4th or 5th round tko). You have no idea how much I want to pick Santos, because I believe in the chaos that this sport throws out there. Normally when there's an upset in the women's divisions for titles, I can see the path. Wrote about it for Holm-Rousey, Joanna-Rose, Andrade-Rose 1, Rose-Esparza 2, and comically enough Pena-Nunes (years and years before the fight was made). But there were clear weaknesses that the upstart in all those fights could leverage for big wins, normally centered around a perceived weakness in the champ.
I like Santos. I think she's a good example of a fighter who got UFC money and dedicated herself to becoming a complete MMA fighter. She has 0 of the strengths any of those other women possess. She's not particularly brilliant in any facet of the game. While she is generally big and strong for 125lbs, she doesn't hold that edge over Valentina. The only way I can see Santos taking this is if we get a worse version of Shevchenko-Nunes 2 with Santos pressuring but refusing to throw giving Shevchenko nothing to counter for 25 minutes. Smarter people than me have pointed out some of Santos' similarities to Nunes, but I don' t think they factor in that Shevchenko-Nunes 1 was a brutal fight for both women involved that played into how the rematch went.
Zhang vs Joanna - Taking Zhang, UD or early stoppage.
There's so many weird caveats to this fight. If this fight had happened immediately after their first fight, I think I would have picked JJ cause she had the greater technical depth to make the adjustments she needed to win a rematch. Shorten exchanges, less kicking (or kicking upstairs more instead of to the leg). Really take away the big power counters that won Zhang their first fight. But Joanna hasn't fought since the last time these two fought, two years ago. And while Zhang is 0-2 in the meantime, she arguably beat Rose the 2nd time they fought and has looked physically well put together. Joanna is 34 and has been in so many brutal fights (Gadelha 2, Letournau, KK, Rose 1+2, and the Zhang fight). Has the two years helped her recover from that string of wars? Is she going to come back flat? She can't afford that in 3 round fight.
My main worry for Zhang is that the KO loss to Rose has shook her striking confidence and she'll be reluctant to get into a firefight when that's the fight she needs to beat JJ. But I'm honestly more worried about what JJ looks like at this point and should this turn into a battle of wills, I think Zhang can tough that out better than JJ at this point.
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quietplace26 · 1 year
Naga!KK au (4)
Before washing up on this island, Akito never thought he'd find someone to love romantically. Or even find someone who'd love him back.
With him raising his little sister alone, going to school, and working so many jobs to bring money in, he just never had time for things like dating or romance.
Of course, he had crushes on people in the past and even had a few people flirt with him, but no one seemed to light that spark in him. And after the death of Mari, he just wanted to be alone with his misery...
Then the boat party happened, and somehow he ends up in the arms of a protective Naga called KK...
Akito hums happily as he played with the gems hanging from his choker as he let his mate carry him through the forest.
Today was a very special day. KK had apparently been talking with another Naga, the one that was taking care of the 'Little one' that KK said helped him one day, and the human girl wanted to meet Akito.
When he and KK arrived at the cave where the 'Little one' was living in, Akito ends up meeting the girl's Naga protector, a fierce looking female Naga called Rinko.
Akito stood nervously in front of the female Naga as she eyed him suspiciously, studying him to see if he was a threat to her 'hatchling'.
When her reptilian gaze locks on to the jewelry Akito was wearing, she turns to KK and makes an odd sound. When KK returned the sound, she nods at Akito, letting him enter the cave where the 'Little one' was waiting.
If there was one word Akito could use to describe the 'Little one', or Erika, it would be kind.
The young girl was undoubtly a kind human. She just seemed to emulate kindness as she spoke to Akito, asking how he was doing so far on the island and even offered to show him how to make certain medical herbs if KK or himself ever got hurt.
Seeing how Akito wanted to spend more time with the first human he's seen in months, he accepts Erika's offer to teach him about making medical herbs.
When the Naga's saw how well their human's got along, they left the cave to hunt for dinner, leaving the humans alone to bond more.
The lesson was actually very interesting and fun. Erika was a good teacher and Akito even told her this.
The girl just blushes, waving away his compliments with an embarrassed smile. "I-I'm not a good teacher! I'm just..." Her smile dims and she tugs at her shirt nervously, giving Akito a quick flash of what looked like a massive scar on her shoulder.
It was at that moment that Akito's once buried big brother instincts activated. "Erika." The scared girl looks at him timidly. "...Yes?" Akito gives her a warm smile and grabs one of her trembling hands, holding it gently. "Would you like a hug?"
The hug Erika gives him was almost spine crushing! How was a girl her size so strong?! But either way, Akito hugged her back, giving her the comfort she needed.
"Better?" Akito asks as the girl finally pulls away, her eyes suspiciously shiny as she nodded. "Y-yeah..." She looks at him warily before sighing. "Y-you're not going to ask about my s-scar?"
Akito had an idea how she got that scar. The story KK told him months ago reappearing in his mind as he looks at Erika sadly.
A kind, human girl helps two hurt Nagas, saving their lives! However when the human girl's father found out what she did, it wasn't pretty...
Akito frowns as he shakes his head. "No. I won't ask." Erika give him a look of relief and returns back to her lesson on medical herbs.
Sometime later on, the Nagas returned to the cave with dinner.
Akito settles down next to KK and Erika next to Rinko, and the two humans go on to tell the Naga's what they've been up to most of the day.
Sadly after dinner, it was time for KK and Akito to head back to their cave.
At first Akito didn't understand get why he and KK couldn't stay here for the night, but after one quick glance at an increasingly annoyed looking Rinko, he quickly got the clue that she just wanted them out her cave. Now.
But before they left, Akito turns to a sad Erika. "I'll come back to visit you soon, okay Erika?" The saddness on her face disappears and is replaced by a happy smile. "R-really?" She turns to Rinko, hoping the female Naga was okay with Akito coming back to visit, and thankfully, she was.
The trip back to the cave was a quiet one. KK was silent as he slithered through the dark forest with Akito being held safely in his arms. The human himself was practically asleep by the time they got back home.
Akito blinks sleepily up at KK as his Naga mate loward him gently into their nest before coiling around the sleepy human.
"You have fun mate? Have fun with Litte one?" Akito nods sleepily, scooting closer to KK for warmth. It was cold tonight...
His Naga mate shifts for a moment, making Akito whine as his heat source moved away. KK returns seconds later and wraps Akito up in his blanket. "Thanks KK..." Akito mutters as he curls up beside KK, making a soft sound when his Naga mate began petting his head gently, and slowly drifts off to sleep.
Today had been nice day, and hopefully tomorrow will be just as nice...
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batchelorhahn2 · 2 years
Real Valentino Bare Rockstud Slingback Black Replica Buy Luxurious Objects,get Further Coupons Now!
Just like women’s clothes, we update lots of new kinds each season. How can we get a trend versatile and practical big bag this year? For instance, this model, with a simple shape and a large capability purse, with rivet decoration, fashion sense immediately went. And this one may be very appropriate for OL, take you as a strong girl within the fuel subject. Our Valentino pretend purses are classier copies of the original version with the same luxurious feel, texture and look of pure and wealthy leather. They fit like a glove in all your outing ventures completely, be it for normal use or for particular evenings and, night time outs. If you are acquainted with brandy, you may know it's a candy, fragrant brown liquor that smells like a candy fragrance all on its own. There are many variations of brandy, like blackberry, peach, vanilla, and apple. This addition of the fruit makes it even sweeter, straightforward to sip on, and nice to incorporate in a cocktail. And apparently, it's the proper base for a scent. It smells like the heat of the solar in your pores and skin at dusk. KK, the long-legged supermodel, can’t wait to carry it out of the street. Also sharper is the basic black, very refined and superior gasoline subject, it appears to be much more thrilling than the common black bag. No, Viktor&Rolf isn’t restricted to its bestselling Flowerbomb perfume . As a particular treat for men, the Spicebomb carries with it a cool spicy scent to break away from the tried-and-true heat woodsy scent. As certainly one of Sephora’s most-shopped-for men’s colognes, Jo Malone London knows what it’s doing with the Wood Sage & Sea Salt. It’s the sort of fragrance I need more of, the type of scent I need everybody to make. Vanilla Diorama is a spicy tackle vanilla that makes you feel comforted, cozy, and attractive. The model will tell you Spell On You "conjures the ecstasy of love, blending sensuality and lightness," and I love any fragrance impressed by love as a result of perfume is so tied to emotion. Add to moodboard Venue Owlpen Manor Gloucestershire Country House Nestled in a valley in the spectacular Cotswold. Add to moodboard Venue Smallfield Place Surrey Country House Beautifully located within the leafy Surrey countryside, the. Add to moodboard Venue Shooters Hill Hall Shropshire Country House With its charming countryside location in the coronary heart of. I even have a pair of the Kaitlyn Pan excessive heel RS within the black patent / nude and loved them so much I ordered a second pair within the lower "kitten" heel fashion in patent nude/nude . Another plus for the KPs is that they're easily returnable. I'm glad that so many members have discovered this post helpful, and a few of you contacted me for assist buying Rockstuds from Annie after studying my evaluation. All the Vostok cosmonauts toured extensively, however Tereshkova most of all; she made 42 journeys abroad between 1963 and 1970. On 1 October 1963, Tereshkova arrived in Havana, Cuba, and met Fidel Castro. She toured the country which at the time was dealing with results of Hurricane Flora. Before we delve into the aesthetics of beautiful Valentino replicas, enable us to provide slightly heads up on the person who brought this model to life in plenty of apparels – Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani bio. valentino garavani replica It is her constant companion and her, fashion quotient. And, talk about Valentino’s purses and totes, she is overwhelmed by the deluge of choices she has. However, these wishes to own one die slowly when price tags loom giant. By 1976, Tereshkova was a colonel in the Soviet Air Forces. In April 1977, she earned a doctorate in aeronautical engineering and underwent the medical examinations to qualify for spaceflight when choice of a brand new class of girls cosmonauts was announced in 1978. Although she did not go to space once more, she remained an teacher at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Of course, the female star of Datian Dynasty doesn't present weak spot. Domineering like Fan Ye, the queen of the goods, “Yang Mi”, and the fashion flower Song Jia have was their true love powder. Speaking of the Rockstud Spike purse, this is additionally the model new work of artistic director Pierpaolo Piccioli, in order to lead the brand’s new creative direction. At the base, you may discover amber, vanilla, sandalwood, musk, patchouli, benzoin , and cypriol . If you are not conscious of Kayali, you should get acquainted. Since launching in 2018, they've rolled out some really stunning fragrances. Invite Only Amber 23 is among the newest of their current slew of hits. It opens with the recent, earthy notes of bergamot, juniper, and pink pepper, with rosemary, sage, and cumin (?!) within the middle, and a woody base of sandalwood, cedar, and vetiver. One of the most important launches of 2020, Valentino Voce Viva, was followed up fairly rapidly by its first flanker, Voce Viva Intense. The fragrance locks itself down with pores and skin musks, cashmere woods, and vetiver. The Nude Collection is not stuffed with "pores and skin scents" however gentle, mild scents that put on close to your body and, to me, are made to make you feel sensual. wikipedia handbags This perfume is a stunning, contemporary, aquatic scent. Sole is darker and has a little purple colour bleeding from the edge. Includes some beveling as in the unique, however not very a lot. The Valentino stamp is way shallower, and the scale stamp indicates Chinese sizing somewhat than EU sizing . You’ll probably wish to put non-slip soles on these guys. Annie’s higher is extra flexible and KP’s have a little extra padding, however both are pretty comfy. So, it's not least surprising to find a majority of women go gaga over Valentino handbags and different apparels. From then, there was no looking back for Valentino. He later launched an entire line of not just clothes however apparels like purses and sneakers too. Vintage Valentino Garavani black leather bolide bag with shoulder strap, V logo, a fringe. After her spaceflight, Tereshkova turned a nationwide and worldwide function mannequin.
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jimenezjimenez4 · 2 years
Very Best Quality Replica Valentino 1
In reality, inform the truth flip chain replica bag tote and deal with this element just isn't in tune, however many ladies have a bell replica bag tote can have a handle, you must use the time to take. The back of this bag can be plenty of advantages. The chain may be long or quick, and it might be slanted on one shoulder and handcuffs. In short, you can take it with you when you exit to eat, and you aren't afraid of it. Not to mention, Sephora can additionally be providing free same-day shipping with code FREESHIP. Each code is limited to one use solely, although both can be utilized directly. You know a good perfume when you odor one, and all it takes is one spritz to find your signature scent. Search by brand inspiration, product name, scent household, notes, and so forth. wikipedia handbags Our perfume bottles are created from 100 percent recyclable and sustainable materials, aside from the pump. We’ve also discontinued plastic samples, so you can feel good about smelling good. It's a floral that by some means reads heat, ambery, and a little spicy. It's lovely, comforting, and all-around exquisite. This Intense version is amplified by jasmine and moss, giving it a floral-forward, glassy, almost crystalized really feel. KK, the long-legged supermodel, can’t wait to carry it out of the street. Also sharper is the traditional black, very refined and advanced gas area, it seems to be much more thrilling than the common black bag. No, Viktor&Rolf isn’t limited to its bestselling Flowerbomb fragrance . As a particular deal with for males, the Spicebomb carries with it a cool spicy scent to break away from the tried-and-true heat woodsy scent. As considered one of Sephora’s most-shopped-for men’s colognes, Jo Malone London knows what it’s doing with the Wood Sage & Sea Salt. She is known for being the primary and youngest girl in area, having flown a solo mission on the Vostok 6 on sixteen June 1963. She orbited the Earth forty eight instances, spent almost three days in area, and remains the only woman to have been on a solo house mission. The Spike sequence has three sizes, giant, medium and small, all designed with Nappa lambskin and durable! The large size is 30cm x 20cm x 18.5cm, and the capability continues to be very large! The colours are more diverse, the eye-catching pink is the most eye-catching, the basic black, the elegant nude colour is excellent, and we can select one for each issue. phoenet.tw valentino replica Just in time for the vacations, Sephora is providing 20% off all of its full-sized fragrances until Dec. 24 so you probably can gift your family members a luxe bottle of perfume or cologne for a refreshing begin to the brand new year. If you like big scents, you are going to wish to try this out. It takes floral, green, fruity, and herbaceous notes and places all of them collectively in a method that by some means makes all of them work in perfect harmony. It's expertly balanced, scrumptious, and wears extremely the entire day via. It's hedonistic in that it's simply plenty of every little thing, however Lake & Skye proves that too much of a great thing can sometimes be just enough. It works its way all the method down to rum, cacao, and cardamom at its heart. Just like women’s clothes, we update lots of new types each season. How can we get a style versatile and sensible big bag this year? For example, this mannequin, with a easy form and a big capacity purse, with rivet decoration, fashion sense instantly went. And this one could be very appropriate for OL, take you as a strong woman in the fuel subject. Our Valentino pretend purses are classier copies of the original version with the identical luxurious really feel, texture and look of pure and wealthy leather-based. They match like a glove in all of your outing ventures perfectly, be it for regular use or for special evenings and, night outs. Your privateness is valentino footwear kw tremendous very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to perceive how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of non-public data. This license shall automatically terminate should you violate any of those restrictions and could also be copia delle rockstud terminated by MerchantWords at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these supplies or upon the termination of this license, you have to destroy any downloaded supplies in your possession whether or not in digital or printed format. If you want extra of a pinker colour, Fang has blush pink Rockstuds in her WeChat moments. In terms of total quality/beauty, I think Annie’s is best, adopted by Kaitlyn Pan, however they’re very shut. This, paired with a espresso note, creates a warm, dark, candy coronary heart with a lot of depth. The base anchors the scent with labdanum, a resin that often calls to thoughts leather and amber, sandalwood, and agarwood. Byredo made this scent with me in mind—I am certain of it. It's everything I love about perfume, turned up to eleven. Annie's 6.5cm Rockstuds nonetheless look good, however if you do not feel confident shopping for from Annie, I would recommend asking a Taobao agent like Alice or Superbuy to buy the 6.5cm Rockstuds from Taobao I beneficial here. BzzAgent is one other a kind of corporations that will send you free products from brands within the mail primarily based in your profile. Get chosen for pattern campaigns primarily based off your age, gender, and so on. Once you be part of, BzzAgent will invite you to a Welcome Aboard campaign. Get e mail invitations to hitch campaigns that BzzAgent considers a great match based mostly on your profile! The more involved you are, the extra free stuff you’ll get! She serves as deputy chairperson of the Committee on the Federal Structure and Local Government. On 4 December 2011, Tereshkova was elected to the State Duma, the lower home of the Russian legislature, as a consultant of the Yaroslavl Oblast and a member of the United Russia party. In the 6th State Duma, together with Yelena Mizulina, Irina Yarovaya and Andrey Skoch, she was a member of the inter-factional committee for the safety of Christian values.
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dc418writes · 2 years
|•Still Over It (Not)•|
Tumblr media
✨Pairing✨: Ransom DrysdalexBlack Reader, Special GuestxBlack Reader
Summary🪄: Dropping your daughter off with her father always seems to come with drama
⚠️: angst, mention of divorce, mention of cheating, Ransom being usual Ransom, probably considered a toxic relationship (definitely don’t recommend, know you worth kings and queens), little bit of fluff, mention of death, likkle bit of adult fun times
A/N🎙: So when I first got the idea for this, I had just listened to Summer Walker’s new album and of course was put in an angsty mood, and I just hope you guys like it! (Now, will it end in fluff👀…? We’ll see. You guys know I’m soft lol) Also for those of you who saw a couple of my posts get re-uploaded by me a couple of times, for whatever reason those stories weren’t showing up in the tags and I was trying to fix it on my own. What I did didn’t work, but I did reach out to tumblr and they fixed it so hopefully it continues to work! Apologies though for the multiple posts😓
“Kaia, be careful! Watch out for that step.”
Giggles briefly stopping, she heeds your warning taking the three steps one at a time and making sure both her feet meet before moving on. “C’mon momma, daddy’s waiting!,” she smiles excitedly pointing at the seemingly see-through home from the lack of curtains or blinds on any of the windows.
At least one of you were excited to be here.
“Well I could move faster if someone would’ve grabbed her own bag,” you jokingly narrow your eyes making the six-year-old giggle some more as you placed her monogrammed, Gucci backpack on her shoulders. Reaching up to hold your hand, you two continue your journey along the concrete walkway until meeting the doorbell next to the front door, which Kaia couldn’t wait to push bouncing on the balls of her rainboot covered feet.
It doesn’t take long for her father to appear behind the glass brightly smiling at his baby girl who jumps up and down smiling just as big.
“How’s my KK, huh?,” Ransom grins easily picking up the little girl to rest on his hip after kissing her cheek. Taking in your high waisted, black mini skirt and milky white shirt under your black and grey blazer, his cyan eyes never leave your brown ones as his lips twitch into a smirk. “And where does momma think she’s going hm?”
“She has a-,”
“Kaia go put your bag in your room, and take off your boots and coat.”
She mumbles a quick okay, wiggling out her father’s strong arms.
“Hey, bring down that picture we did the other day so you can show mom,” he whispers returning her excited smile before hurrying upstairs.
“Here are her clothes and everything else she’ll need for the week. Yes I triple checked everything’s there,” you quickly state holding out her matching Gucci duffel bag—courtesy of her father of course. “Call me if there’s an emergency.”
There’s a brief moment of silence as he simply looks up and down your frame again. A quick, deep sigh slips past his lips as he takes her bag draping it over his broad shoulder. You can’t ignore the familiar tingle from his fingertips touching yours, but you dare not show him how it affects you.
“You can come in you know,” he states stepping to the side and opening the door even wider for you to enter. Your stubbornness orders your feet to stay planted where they are, but the familiar call of the once comfortable home, along with the remnants of his cologne wafting through your nostrils, is a bit stronger.
He never did spray a lot, but somehow the scent lingered long after he’d leave the room. Plus it didn’t help Ransom could hardly sit still.
One of the few traits he passed onto Kaia, even though he claimed not to know where she got her energy from.
“So, who’s the lucky guy? That barista from the cafe you swore didn’t have a crush on you?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you counter stood in the middle of the spacious living room with arms crossed over your chest.
“It is seeing it potentially concerns my daughter, and her being around some random guy.”
“Oh now that’s a concern for you? That’s funny seeing how you had our daughter in a car and being looked after by a total stranger.”
In your complete seven year relationship, Ransom had pissed you off more than enough times. But that day, knocking on your ex’s door to find a random brunette smiling in your face holding Kaia instead of him, you never felt more furious. He came back to find you lividly waiting on the couch with her bags packed and his “friend” long gone.
Similar to his reaction that day—well until you told him that Kaia’s month long stay would be cut short—he smugly grinned to himself crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Like I told you many times sweetheart, she was my assistant.”
“Since when do assistants stay the night and cook breakfast for their boss Ransom?”
You always knew Kaia’s love of talking would come in handy.
Before either of you could continue what was sure to be another argument, little pats flowing down the stairs have both of you donning small smiles for the sake of the excited little girl holding a wide sheet of construction paper.
“Okay, this is you momma andd this is me and daddy!,” she explains pointing respectively at the slightly disfigured drawings. “And we’re at the beach with a giant sandcastle house.”
“I did the windows,” Ransom adds as if trying to charm his way back to your good side. Your brief glare shows it would take decades, if not longer, for that to happen.
“It looks great buggie, I love it!,” you state squatting to her level. “Now, be good and call if you need anything. Doesn’t matter the time okay?”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too,” you state giving her one final hug before kissing her warm cheek then moving to her forehead.
You stand to your feet nearly bumping into Ransom’s chest from him inching closer to the both of you. His innocent smile has you rolling your eyes as you turn to go back to your car. The heels of your leather booties tapping the entire way.
“What? No goodnight kiss for me?,” he asks leaning against the wooden doorframe.
“Bedtime is nine. No later,” you call over your shoulder just before entering your car. Taillights eventually disappearing down the road.
It’s the second set of steps you’ve had to climb tonight, but these bring more excitement than the first. You don’t even have a chance to ring the doorbell, or knock, before the light grey door opens revealing soft, blue eyes and that warm smile that always caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach.
“Sorry I’m late. There was an accident so traffic was backed up a bit.”
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m glad you made it.” The gentle caress of his hand against your neck sends a slight shiver down your spine from the chilled temperature of his palm.
“Sorry, I just pulled the wine bottle out the fridge when you pulled in.”
“It’s okay,” you softly giggle playfully bumping your nose against his. You eagerly follow his pull bringing you towards his waiting lips as he manages to lock the front door behind you with his other hand before it finds your hip. Pressed against the door, neither of you can get enough of each other from your mouths seemingly being in competition of who could outdo the other. Your arms wrap around his neck while he brings your body closer; kneading the burning flesh of your lower cheek making a moan fall between you.
His slightly furrowed brows as you pull back causes you to grin, pecking his swollen lips once more. “Trust me Andy I don’t want to stop either, but I think something’s done in there.”
So entranced, he didn’t hear the alarm chiming on his phone in the kitchen signaling he needed to take the bread out of the oven. Or smell the light char progressively forming. Luckily it wasn’t too bad as he hurried to carefully pull the baking sheet covered in buttered baguette slices from the oven.
“Everything looks so good!,” you smile uncovering the pan containing the bubbling marinara mixed with vegetables and penne noodles.
“Thanks. It’s honestly one of the few things I know how to make so hopefully it tastes as good,” he chuckles handing you a filled bowl before following behind to pull out your barstool.
“Andy I know my way around your place. You don’t have to do everything for me.”
“I know you do, but I don’t want you lifting a finger,” he winks pouring you a glass of wine.
“You may not want it, but I’m helping clean up.”
“Do you really want our first fight to be about dishes sweetheart?,” he smirks over his shoulder, pausing from making his own bowl.
“No, and there won’t be a fight. Trust me,” you wink back taking a sip of your Merlot.
“So stubborn. What am I gonna do with you huh?”
“Let me have my way and be happy,” you grin sweetly pecking the corner of his chuckling mouth.
As always, conversation flowed easily between you two over the savory meal. You discussed how your respective classes were going so far this semester, before venturing to more personal topics. Andy asked about Kaia and her new ballet class remembering how nervous you were if she’d actually like it.
“And how was everything tonight? With Ransom,” he carefully asked just before drinking from his half filled glass. You hadn’t even started dating yet, still just colleagues, when Andy happened to pass by your office hearing your cries that afternoon. He didn’t want to anger you by prying, but he couldn’t just walk away. His soft knocks startled you into action, hurriedly grabbing a couple tissues from the box beside you trying to clean your face the best you could before letting him in. Although you insisted it was just your allergies to the dust and whatever else was lying around the old office when he questioned you, the words spoken by his gentle voice left a lasting impression that ultimately led to this very moment.
“Keeping things hidden can only last so long until what’s hidden forces it’s way out. Trust me when I say that Y/N.”
As you talked more and became closer, you confided in Andy about your divorce. How Ransom disrespected you and your relationship over and over all those years ago, yet still insisted he wanted you. How although you wanted nothing to do with him, you felt guilty separating Kaia from one of her best friends.
He understood some of your feelings having gone through a divorce himself, and soon became your listening ear and shoulder to cry on those nights you felt like you failed not only yourself, but your daughter as well.
“It was…relatively smooth. He didn’t try getting me to stay like he typically does.”
“But let me guess, he wasn’t thrilled about you going on a date.”
“Mm, he doesn’t exactly know I’m on a date. He had an idea seeing how I’m dressed, but when he tried to pry I told him it was none of his business. You can imagine the reaction from that answer though.”
“At least the drop offs are getting easier,” Andy smiles gently squeezing your thigh. He understood how you weren’t ready to tell Ransom about your new relationship, slightly nervous of how he’d react. But he still wished everything would come out already so neither of you had to hide anymore. He loved the private dates within your respective homes that led to cuddles or your bodies tangled together until the next morning, but he also wanted to take you to a nice restaurant. Maybe even the park without being afraid of word getting back to your ex.
“How are you feeling? I-I know the accident happened around this time.”
“Yea,” he sighs picking at the lone noodle left in his bowl. “I’m uh..I’m alright.”
Your soft hand caressing his cheek, thumb grazing back and forth against his warm skin, brings his attention back to you and your small smile.
“How are you really Andy?” For a former DA and highly esteemed lawyer, even he couldn’t fool intuition.
“It’s…tough. The pain isn’t nearly as strong as it used to be, but it’s still there. Then when I leave messages telling Laurie how I’m going to his grave if she wants to come, sorta reaching that cordial hand out, she acts like she doesn’t care. Saying maybe I shouldn’t go so often.”
Since his passing, Andy made it a point to visit Jake three times a year; his birthday, the day of the accident, and during the holidays. Sometimes he’d visit more in those times he just needed to get away from everything.
Was it a lot? Maybe to some, but that was his son who he had the right to visit however often he saw fit.
“Well, if she doesn’t want to go she doesn’t have to, and if you want to see him all those times during the year then keep going. Especially if it helps and makes you happy,” you softly smile as he leans into your touch.
“And if you don’t want to go alone, I’m here.”
God, if you only knew how badly he wanted to say he loved you. Only being together six months though, he was sure you’d run away. Even Andy himself felt foolish falling so hard so fast, but he couldn’t deny how you fully had his heart, his soul, his entire being.
At first, he thought only Laurie would hold that position, but life had it’s way of showing him different.
The hairs of his beard tickle your palm as he carefully kisses the center before bringing you closer to show the same attention to your lips. For now, it was the closest he could get to saying those three words without actually speaking them.
Trying to clean up after dinner was more of a challenge than it should’ve been with Andy’s mouth stuck to that special spot where your neck met your shoulder making you giggle and purr the way he liked. “You’re being distracting,” you stated biting your lip to hide your smile.
“You insisted on cleaning sweetheart,” he grinned against your skin.
“And instead of resting, like any other person would, you decide to do this.”
“Mhm, it’s more fun.”
That’s how you found yourselves in Andy’s room. Your bare bodies pressed together under his warm sheets moaning the other’s name, and falling asleep shortly after your respective euphorias wrapped in his strong arms.
This restful sleep didn’t last long though, with the loud vibrations of your phone on top of the wooden nightstand cutting through the quiet of the dark house.
Seeing Ransom’s name illuminated on the screen has you moving too quick for your still foggy mind giving you a slight headache as you sat against the headboard.
“Hey what’s wrong?” At your concerned tone Andy’s now more alert, rubbing gentle circles on your back as he tilts his head to look up at you.
“Kaia won’t go to sleep,” he sighs in frustration.
“Ransom it’s after midnight, why is she just now going to bed?”
“She went to bed at her bedtime, but she woke up an hour ago screaming about a nightmare. I tried everything I could, but she keeps asking for you.”
“Alright, let me talk to her.” There’s a few moments of rustling before you hear the little sniffles and hiccups as her little hands hold onto her father’s while he holds the phone to her ear.
“Hi buggie,” you smile, hoping through your voice she can hear everything’s okay. “Daddy said you had a bad dream.”
“Mhmm. Y-You l-left me in the store,” she explains. Tiny voice wobbling as fresh tears hit her cheek.
You hadn’t told Andy about this, but Kaia was another reason you were a bit fearful in this new relationship. She’d had you there all her life, and as her mother you always would be, but you were worried she’d view Andy as the guy taking her mom away versus a possible addition to their family.
And if she were any bit of jealous like her father, that was a strong possibility.
“Aww I’m sorry. You know mama would never do that right? I love you so much, and I’ll always be there.”
“Good, now go back to sleep okay? I know daddy has fun stuff planned for you tomorrow, so you need all your rest.”
“Are you coming back?”
“What, to go with you guys? No honey, it’s daddy daughter week-,”
“Noo, back here! I can’t sleep without you.”
“Um…well it’s pretty late Kaia. What if I meet you both for lunch tomorrow while you’re out?”
“But…but I want you here now momma,” she cries only further breaking your heart.
“A-Alright, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Go ahead and lie down though, try to relax.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“Love you too buggie,” you smile as your ex husband’s hushed voice returns to the phone.
“Thanks Y/N. It is late though, and you shouldn’t be out on the road by yourself. I’ll get you an Uber-,”
“No! No, that’s okay I’ll be fine. See you in a few.”
“Alright, see you then.”
“Everything okay?,” Andy asks mid yawn, as you hang up your phone tossing it on the comforter in front of you.
“Yea, Kaia just had a bad dream and can’t go back to sleep without me there so I have to go. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay I understand. I’d do the same thing if it was Jake,” he smiles sitting up to sweetly peck your cheek. “It’s late, need me to drive you?”
“No it’s okay, plus I don’t need any questions from Ransom.” Sliding out of bed, your quick to grab his shirt from the floor before pulling it over your head until you can get to your duffle bag in the closet.
“Text me when you make it.” Taking in his soft eyes and messy hair sticking up every which way, you’re quick to crawl up the bed between his legs until your mouths connect one more time in a mix of passion and playful from your short moans and giggles.
“I will, and I promise I’ll be back.”
“Take your time. I’ll be here.”
“Is she still coming?”
“Yes KK, she’s on her way,” Ransom sighs sitting on the edge of her bed. “Nice touch with the tears by the way. Who taught you how to cry on command?”
“I dunno,” Kaia shrugs. “I just thought of something sad and they happened.”
“Huh, looks like I have a future Oscar winner on my hands,” he smirks tickling her sides.
“What’s that?”
“I’ll show you later, now lie down. That sounds like your mom outside.” Sure enough, there was the chirp of a car locking followed by the chime of the doorbell.
“Some date that must’ve been,” he silently grinned to himself fixing his hair in the mirror of his daughter’s vanity. You were in those same old sweats with the dotted bleach stains you typically wore during your period. “Poor guy was definitely in for a surprise if he expected something tonight.”
“Are we still goin’ to Lolli’s Party Palace tomorrow?! I want the new Lolli doll and one that looks just like me.”
“Yes, and I promise to buy you anything else you want but what was our agreement?”
“Be good, don’t tell mama about your plan, anddd…tell you everything I know about her new friend.”
“That’s my KK,” Ransom smiles kissing his giddy daughter’s forehead as she settles under the covers.
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crystalitecloudie · 2 years
I am here today to present to you all,,
the genshin dystopian au <3
feel free to use this idea, just credit me lol. use the hashtag "#genshindystopianau" when using this idea
I'm 100% sure this is original but I'm sorry if someone else made a separate au with the same name,,,
this au can also be very derealizing to some people, so be aware of that k thanks <3
I was stuck whether or not to make Blanc or Mitsuki the protagonist, but in this post, it's from Mitsuki's POV
lastly I will definitely make more posts on this when I get motivation :)
anyways lets get going 🤩
so life is exactly how it is in the real world, genshin is currently a pretty popular game, and life is average and boring for our protagonist (who I'm gonna call X for now)
X has been a fan of Genshin Impact since its release, but wasn't able to play until early January of 2021, since she didn't have a device to play on. her first 5-star was Ganyu, and she's even AR 56.
however, she has maladaptive daydream disorder (AKA she daydreams too much) :,)
so it's hard for her to get motivation to go and play, since she'd rather just daydream about it than play it. if she somehow did have the motivation, she would be a much higher AR by now
she's basically a shame to the high AR name lol
then, one random day while she's at school, everybody's electronic devices glitch out and play some video explaining that Teyvat is actually real and that seven schools across the globe will be chosen at random, one based off of each region (the school has to be either a high school or college/university, and has to have a high enough student count, so really not all over the world but yk)
also on the off chance there is no electronic devices nearby, the video plays in reflections (such as water or mirrors). if all else fails, the person will literally get a vision (no pun intended). and it's in every language. and explains what genshin impact is. so everybody knows and understands. kk?? got that?? good
then once each region has a school associated with it, everyone inside the building is "locked in". nobody can leave or enter, including teachers and staff ;-; (also technically they can go outside, but there's a very strong elemental barrier around the school, so they can only go a certain distance)
FEAR NOT THOUGH, for "Celestia", aka the top organization people running this grand scheme, will bring supplies and basically whatever the archon wants to the school. cost is ignored/not an issue 👍
and that brings me to my next point -- a small selection of students are picked to have visions. these students have views aligning with the archon/region's views, so
Anemo = Freedom
Geo = Contracts, Loyalty
Electro = Eternity
Dendro = Knowledge
Hydro = Justice
Pyro = War
Cryo = Love
above is kind of like the guide to which element has which strong ideologies. so a little different from the game, but this makes things a lot easier for me lol
for example, if someone strongly believes in love and care, they would probably get a cryo vision (if they are in one of the seven schools. you have to be living in one of the seven schools to be able to get a vision). also their desires can be more twisted (for example, someone with a geo vision firmly believing contracts are unnecessary and should be broken), although this is uncommon.
depending on the school's corresponding region, the vision users in that school will have the special vision casing (ex: vision holders from the liyue school will have a liyue casing around their vision)
there's also an archon in each school, which was previously mentioned
one of the people in the school (usually the one with the strongest ideologies to that region's element) gets chosen as the school's archon. they're in charge of everyone in the school and can basically do whatever they want
and yes, they're even in charge of adults if they're a kid. They're also the only ones with contact to big boss Celestia
ALSOOOOOO whether the person has played genshin or not has an impact on the social hierarchy of the school (yes there is a social hierarchy, deal with it)
a special room in the school HAS to be dedicated to playing genshin (it's one of the few mandates given by Celestia, other than things like "don't try to overthrow Celestia, keep the social hierarchy, etc).
however, in order to enter the room, you have to be a "genshin member", which means meeting at least one of the following requirements:
1) be AR 16 or above in genshin impact
2) have been a fan of genshin impact since March 1st, 2021 (a test is taken to see your knowledge on genshin story and lore)
if you don't meet one of these requirements, you can't access the genshin room OR play genshin. playing genshin without being a member is a huge crime in the schools (depending on your class the punishment is different).
Social media is still permitted, and you can become a fan after the school lockdown and setup, you can just never play the game or enter the genshin room. and yes, vision holders may have no prior knowledge on genshin (so they have a vision but aren't members)
Below is the basic frame for school hierarchy:
Vision holder, plays genshin
Vision holder, doesn't play genshin
Plays genshin, no vision
No vision, doesn't play genshin
lastly, anyone in the schools that are chosen has their appearance changed to be what they WISH they were (example: some dude wishes he didn't have a beard, and so his beard permanently disappears once the school locks down). this feature goes as far as to change someone's gender, so overall pretty positive
with all of this in mind, the schools are then chosen, and WHAT DO YOU KNOW, X's school is chosen to be the Mondstadt region, and she's also the anemo archon
I mean,,, she's a big fan of persona 5, and also wants to escape her extremely religious and Christian parents, so she does heavily align with freedom ideologies???
but she's like 16, unmotivated, and doesn't know what to do with her life
so she just pretends that she just has an anemo vision and is apart of normal Mondstadt society. she does send an email though with an alternate account to all the school staff, basically saying that since she's in charge, students are allowed to do whatever they want -- they don't have to go to classes, take tests that are normally required, or even eat school food if they don't want to.
she ends up putting this announcement out on the loudspeaker with a text to speech voice, since the adults don't listen, but also says that everyone must pursue some sort of passion or hobby, as long as it doesn't hurt others. The upper floor of the library is what is turned into the genshin room (a room specialized for genshin members to play the game and socialize about it)
her appearance is also completely changed, so she changes her name to "Mitsuki", since she has now taken on the appearance of her self-insert OC. fun 😋
before her school became the "irl mondstadt", she wasn't really noticed or liked?? everybody thought she was babyish and ditzy, mostly because of her disorder causing her to space out often. but she's actually really smart, and as she is now undercover as a normal person, she decides to keep up her child-like persona, despite being one of the highest-ranking people in Mondstadt.
even in her undercover state, she is literally the person with the longest association to genshin, and a vision (bc apparently long-time genshin players are nonexistent in her school ig?). if there wasn't an archon, she would have been the default leader anyway lol
so she's kind of just undercover bc she wants to be treated as a normal human being and not worshipped wherever she walks (which is understandable)
but since she's a ditz and seen as an idiot, leadership ends up in the hands of Blanc, a tall hot man with fluffy black hair and a Hydro vision. <3
he's been playing genshin since June of 2021 apparently, and he has good leadership skills (according to the mass Mondstadt population ig)
he's the one that gets a church built dedicated to the anemo archon to replace the west side of the building's third floor, and he's the one that Mitsuki is just like "Yeah I'm gonna leave this up to him"
plus he lawfully abides by the rules the anemo archon set, so that's a plus
also if you're wondering how he transformed the building so easily, I have an explanation for that 😈. basically now that the school is inside a barrier, those with proper authority can change the interior shape of the school with mAgIc (the outside still appears the same). so kind of like how in Encanto, there's all that space in those bedrooms, but logically that wouldn't all fit in that tiny house
anyways there's a lot more but I'm gonna save that for later lol. I have a plethora of things I could talk about, but this was more of an introduction post :)
Future Topics for Discussion on the Genshin Dystopian AU:
progression of the mondstadt school society (how it kind of builds into a full on culture, what that culture is like, etc)
OC's -- what are the characters? what are they like? what do they do?
Infrastructure -- what is on each floor of the school? how many floors does the school have? etc
what about the other schools (ex. the Sumeru or Snezhnayan schools? what are they like?).
the last one is one I haven't really thought much on, and is perfect for readers out there to make OC's from it. have fun lol
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