#she finally stopped after a while of realizing he had to choose to reach out to her and when she stopped trying to contact him he got worse
green-tea-lemonade · 4 months
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And there she stood. It seems the stars had been kind enough to at least give her the decency of a normal appearance. She stood there, her tail gently swaying as he walked in her direction. She smiled, the stars in her form glowing a little brighter at the sight of him. He never realized how much he had missed seeing it. Seeing her. If not for the current state of things, it was as though the incident had never happened at all. It had though, and her eyes were the proof.
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all4yoi · 2 months
only you
𝑒nhypen x fem!reader ⚹ cw. part 2 of just a game , hyung line , 2nd pov , ︎ fluff / comfort , lowercase intended , crying , cliche fluff omfg , karina mentioned on heeseung's & wonyoung on sunghoon's , not proofread ! part one here !
after catching them holding hands with another female, you walk away from them and they run after you, assuring you it was all a misunderstanding.
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★ LEE HEESEUNG (0.5k words)
the day was coming to an end and heeseung has yet to find you.
after he had politely rejected karina, he ran after you but to no avail. all of his attempts on trying to reach you was a bootless errand. everytime he had seen a glimpse of you - whether in the cafeteria, library, the hallways, and god even in your shared class - you somehow always found a way to avoid him.
he could've simply gave up and moved on, he could've ran back to karina and date her instead. but he didn't want to give up and move on, he didn't want to run back to karina and date her, because what he wanted- needed, was you.
heeseung didn't want to go home yet, he needed to see you and explain everything. he'd be a fool to let you out his reach especially now that he knows you feel the same for him. he wasn't going to lose you because of a stupid mistake he made.
spotting a familiar figure sitting underneath a tree in the university's garden, he silently walked towards them, his fingers crossed hoping that he's finally found you.
and as if the universe was on his side, he saw you gorgeously flipping through a book with your pink earphones on. heeseung silently sat beside you, hoping you won't run away from him again. he saw how you stiffened and how your fingers stopped playing with the book's pages, and he wanted nothing but to hold your hand. it was your hand he wanted to hold- no one else's. you may not be with him yet, but ever since he realized he liked you, he was already yours before you even knew.
"y/n," he started softly, gently removing one earbud from your ear so you could hear him. you let him and look at him with hesitance, scared that he's here to tell you that he's changed his mind and he likes karina now instead.
heeseung smiled softly at you, "please let me talk and explain everything, okay?" you nodded, feeling your throat clogging up. "karina, you know she's one of my good friends, right? when you saw me holding her hand a while ago, she was the one who took my hand. i was so taken aback by her confession that i completely froze-..
because she's like a sister to me and you're the one i want. you're the one i need.. the one i like." he paused, brows furrowed in worry, hoping you'd understand. "i'm sorry for letting her hold my hand, and i'm sorry for hurting you. i really really like you y/n, please let me redeem myself to you." he finished, a small hesitant smile in his face as he studied yours.
feeling overwhelmed, you burst into tears. heeseung panicked, thinking he said something wrong and brought you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
"i thought you'd choose her over me." you cried in his chest, your own arms wrapping around his waist. heeseung didn't know why, but even when you were crying in his chest with your arms wrapped around his waist, he was feeling over the moon.
shaking his head, he pulled you closer if it was even possible and mumbled in your hair, "i'll choose you in a room full of other girls baby. only you."
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other members utc!
★  PARK JONGSEONG (0.5k words)
3 hours was enough space right? jay liked to think it was, he was too impatient and just wanted to run to you and explain everything, but he knew you probably didn't want to see him after what you've witnessed.
jay had tried to put himself in your shoe, imagining seeing you holding hands with another boy after confessing to you- by the thought of it alone already made him feel ten times more worse, he hated himself with how much pain he had caused you.
so instead of waiting until tomorrow, jay took his bag and walked out of the cafeteria, ignoring his friends that were calling for him. he already knew where to find you, after all, he's always had his eyes on you ever since the first semester started.
jay muttered a quiet 'good afternoon' to the librarian before making a beeline towards the back of the library and there you were in your element. laptop open, headphones on with multiple books on the table you've occupied.
he liked to think that his type were girls that were a bit dumb so that he could lead the relationship, but when it comes to you? smart, pretty, and soft spoken? if his heart could speak, he's certain that the only word it can mutter is your name, and he's not ashamed to admit that.
the moment you looked up and made eye contact with him almost made his knees give up if it weren't for him holding on to a shelf to stabilize himself, and when you softly smiled at him despite what you saw that morning, it made him yearn for you more. he wouldn't ask for no one else.
call him cliché but you were the only one for him.
"what are you doing there? come sit." you motioned on the empty seat across from you to which he occupied immediately. "have you eaten?"
"have you?" he questioned back, eyeing the papers and books splattered on the table. "i had coffee." was your reply.
jay knew that you were still upset, it was showing in your body language. you were tense, stiff, and your fingers were shaking behind your laptop. he wanted to punch himself for making you feel this way.
"i'm sorry y/n, i really am." the hum you let out made him continue, his eyes studying your pretty face silently. "it's really not what it looked like-"
"everyone says that jay." the way you bit your lip told him that you didn't mean to cut his sentence off and be so harsh.
"yes, i know, it's stupid but i'm telling the truth. she bumped into me and fell, i couldn't just leave her on the floor because everyone saw our collision so i offered her a hand. that was it, i was about to walk away but she introduced herself and insisted on shaking hands.. then you saw me.
i know it looked so wrong from your perspective without context, and i'm sorry for upsetting you. i really had no other intentions, i was telling you the truth when i told you that night that i like you too, so much." he reached out for your hand, sighing in relief when you didn't pull away.
you nodded your head in understanding, squeezing his hand to tell him you now understand. "i'm sorry for jumping into conclusions and not hearing you out the first time."
he shook his head, squeezing your hand back. "it's okay, i understand. we're good now?" chuckling at him, you nodded and smiled at him. "we are, thank you."
★ SIM JAEYUN (0.4k words)
the tears in your eyes as you walked away from him made his heart crack. should he run after you? will you find him annoying? do you want him to run after you or do you want nothing to do with him now?
after arguing with himself on his head, he ran after you and engulfed you in a hug before you could turn around the corner and disappear from his sight. "please let me explain." his own voice cracked, and the weird looks you both received from the other students did not faze him at all.
"jake, not here please. they're looking at us.." he hastily took your hand and led you into an empty classroom, wanting nothing more than to assure you that what you thought is wrong and all he wanted was only you.
after he had made sure the door was locked and no one else was hiding somewhere, he immediately took your hands in his rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb.
you didn't know what to feel, was this how he held that girl's hand too? did he hold hers with gentleness too? with that in thought, your tears were back.
"no no, please don't cry. it was all a misunderstanding i promise." he held your face and wiped away the tears, his eyes held worry but so much love as well.
"she mistook me as her boyfriend, it didn't even last for 10 seconds because the moment she held my hand we both pulled away from each other.. it was just wrong timing that you saw it and we made eye contact, please believe me." he was practically crying with you right now, his own tears cascading down the apple of his cheeks.
you frantically nodded your head - now you were the one panicking at the sight of his tears. "i do, thank you for explaining. please don't cry." his tears were wiped with your thumbs as you hugged him tight.
"i don't want you to ever think i'm lying to you, you're really all i need." he explained further through his sobs, his arms tightening around you more.
there you two were, hugging each other in an empty room, tears falling down from both of your eyes as you comforted each other. and at that moment, no one else mattered - it was just the both of you in the world.
★ PARK SUNGHOON (0.6k words)
to say that sunghoon felt like shit the whole day yesterday and this morning was an understatement. he had desperately contacted you in all your social media accounts - fucking christ he even contacted you through your school's email, but to no avail, he was always left ignored.
he didn't blame you though, if he was to experience and see what you did yesterday, he would act the same - maybe even worse. sunghoon wanted nothing more but to make it up to you, to explain that he was only doing wonyoung a favor to make her crush jealous. i guess you could blame him for agreeing, but did he really have a choice when she just randomly grabbed him and told him to smile at every passing student? maybe.
he had texted wonyoung that same afternoon, telling her- demanding her politely? to explain everything to you, she told him she did but was only left on read by you. the girl apologized profusely to you and sunghoon, she didn't have any idea about the two of you and if she did - she wouldn't have done what she did.
but what's done is done, and now sunghoon is still trying to desperately reach you. throughout the day, he would hear your name coming out of other people's mouth, but not once did he catch a single glimpse of you. sunghoon was running out of options, he didn't want to be that type of guy to show up infront of your door step in fear of crossing boundaries, but he was seriously considering doing it today.
sunghoon mentally chanted your name in his head as if that would help and summon you, and you know what? maybe it did work because now he was seeing you standing across from him, your back facing towards him as you looked at the bulletin board.
not wasting any time, he raced towards you and gently grabbed your forearm, successfully turning your attention from the bulletin board to the taller boy behind you. sunghoon wanted the ground to swallow him whole when he saw how your face dropped at the sight of him.
"let's talk, please?" he whispered that only you could hear, glancing around the corridor before looking back at you. the small hesitant nod was everything he needed before he lead you in an empty hall as everyone was in the cafeteria.
sunghoon took his chance and took you in, loving the way you've dressed yourself today and he wanted to just keep you in his arms all day, but he reminded himself that he needed to clear things up and make you his girlfriend obviously before he could even do that.
"wony already explained everything, i'm sorry for assuming the wrong thing.." sunghoon was taken aback by your sudden apology, and the tightness in his chest grew.
he took your face in his hand, gently bringing your chin up so he could look you in the eye. "i should be the one apologizing.. i'm sorry for making you feel that way, i didn't have any other intentions towards her and i only like you.. so much to the point that it hurts. i'll do anything to prove it to you."
he couldn't understand that someone so precious as you could grow such feelings for him, he couldn't process and believe that he's important to someone he finds important too. should he be punished by the gods above because he finds your teary eyes enchanting? he could see his reflection in your eyes and the love it carries, and somehow he finally understands. sunghoon feels warm as he brought you to his chest, tucking your head in the crook of his neck.
"i'll show you, i'll give you my everything and my forever. you're it for me."
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percy jackson x reader — you take his place on the throne
cw: EPISODE 5 SPOILERS (ish), swearing
The boat bobs along the water slowly. You feel sick. For a while, the two of you just sit there, still reeling.
“You okay?” Percy asks after he catches his breath.
You’d reached out and grabbed his hand without realizing it in your panic. You’re suddenly very aware of his skin on yours, warm and kind of clammy. You disentangle your fingers without comment.
He’s about to say something to fill the awkward silence when your eyes widen.
“There’s the shield!” You exclaim, standing.
He follows your gaze to a golden statue, the shield wedged between its hands. The boat doesn’t stop, though. He looks at you, and then back at the statue.
“We’re gonna have to jump,” he says, and you grimace. The artificial waves are getting choppier.
You eye the water.
“On three?” You finally say.
Percy smiles in a way that he hopes is reassuring. “On three.”
“One…two-!” Before you can say three, the boat lurches and you both topple over the edge.
As soon as the water closes over your head, you’re struggling and kicking. You can’t tell up from down. Your lungs squeeze, your eyes sting. Somewhere in the haze, you see Percy, and you reach out, but he’s so far. He disappears in a whirl of water, and you think, wow, after all of this, I’m about to die in an amusement park.
Suddenly, something solid rushes to meet you and there’s air on your face and you can’t stop coughing.
Percy places an unsure hand on your back as you suck in rattling breaths. He says something, but it still sounds like everything’s underwater.
You shake your head sharply, hand pressing your ear flat until the water drips out and you can hear again. “I’m alright,” you say, before he asks. He helps you stagger into a standing position. For a few moments, the only sound is your wheezing.
Percy squints at the chair. “This is Hephestasus’ park, right?”
You nod.
“I think this is Hera’s throne,” he says slowly, glancing at you for confirmation.
You vaguely recall that story. “She sat in it and couldn’t get up,” you think aloud.
“It was a trade,” Percy continues. “Aphrodite’s hand in marriage for Hera. The shield for…”
One of us.
“I’ll do it.”
He catches your arm as you start forward. “Wait a minute!”
“Whoever goes in there isn’t coming back,” you explain, brows set in a hard line.
“I know, that’s why I said wait!”
You yank your arm back. Percy’s face flickers with something you can’t read.
“You need to stay alive,” you say, stressing every word.
“So do you!”
You shake your head. “You have your mom. You have Grover. You have people who need you.”
The I don’t hangs in the air, unsaid.
He opens his mouth, then shuts it again.
I need you, he wants to say.
But he doesn’t.
“The gods chose you, Percy. This is your quest.”
This is wrong. This is so wrong. It’s cruel, and so unfair that they have to choose. Fuck this. Fuck all of this.
“This isn’t about that,” he protests, though he knows he can’t beat you. You’d always had a sharper tongue than him.
You unhook your dagger. He remembers the arch, only yesterday. Is this how you felt? This burning in his chest?
“It is. It all goes back to that prophecy. To fate. To the Fates.”
Your eyes burn with tears as you hold out your dagger for him to take.
He blinks hard. “This is wrong,” he says, voice wavering, and you’ve never seen him like this before. Always tough, always witty. Unserious, sure, but never afraid.
You push it towards him, and he takes it.
“I know.”
Your fingers twitch. You’d hug him, one last time, but you remember how he froze back in St. Louis.
So you don't.
You walk over to the chair, heart pounding. This is a death sentence. This is it. This is it.
“Hey, Percy?”
His head snaps up, lip tugged between his teeth as he holds back tears too.
“Go save your mom,” You say. “Save her, save the bolt, and tell Grover I’m sorry.”
You picture Grover’s face when he finds out what happened to you. You turn away, stand right in front of the throne. It glints in the swimming light.
“And if you have a chance, I don’t know, maybe swing back around here and try to get me out?”
He laughs sadly. “You think you had to ask?”
“Just making sure.”
You sit.
For a moment, nothing happens, and you're worried that you’d said all that for nothing. You’d feel pretty stupid.
And then—
“This is weird,” you say. “It’s warm.”
There’s fear in his eyes and your dagger in his hand.
Something snakes its way up your leg, smooth and fast. It feels like wax, almost, hardening over your skin.
“This is a bad idea,” Percy says, eyes tracking something at your feet. “Stand up.”
You don’t look at what he’s looking at. You don’t want to.
“I can’t.” Panic rises in your chest, fast and unwelcome, and you’d be shaking if you could move.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, voice hoarse. The words don’t sound right in your mouth. Your legs are completely immobile. Your breath comes in short gasps. “I’m okay. I’m… okay.”
You look at him, trembling and still pretty damp, mouth open like he wants to say something.
Whatever’s seeping onto your face is warm and brittle. You stare hard at his eyes. They’re a shining blue. They’re afraid.
It’s the last thing you see.
a/n: sorry guys cliffhangers make me giggle ‼️ I’ll write another part If u guys would want me to !
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emmie-tt · 6 months
Can you write a harry potter x reader where the reader is harry gf and she got kidnapped into the malfoy Manor (in dh) and when Harry, Ron and hermione got captured there too, he finds her and he take her back to fleur and Bill cottage and he takes care of her because she got injured really bad while being there? <3 (also her having a lot of scars/marks and being insecure about them but harry will kiss them all and tell her they are perfect) and one night when she finally Trys to leave the bed (because her legs are really shaky) they go out and stay in front of the sea and they talk about their future? Sorry this is long hope you can make it <3
My Protector
Harry Potter x Reader
CW: Angst (Kinda) , Mental Problems, Mentions of blood and wounds, Mentions of Scars, Female Reader
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How did you get here...As you lay on the cold hard ground of the Malfoy Manor your whole life flashes in front of your eyes. You had always been the quiet kid. Never causing drama. Never getting involved in drama. Never acting out. Hardly ever going to parties unless Harry had went with you.
Speaking of. Harry had been frantically searching for you, the moment he realized you were missing it felt like hi whole world stopped.
You didn't know that though. Not yet at least.
The lightheaded feeling began a few minutes ago. Whether it was from blood loss or dehydration was also unknown. You did know that it had been three days since you've had water and you also knew that gash in your forehead had been left unattended for quite a few hours so whichever was causing the lightheaded feeling was anyone's guess.
You heard a gasp from Luna Lovegood who was also being held captive but instead of reacting you ignored it choosing to focus on not passing out and praying to Godricks that someone helped and got you out of here...
The feeling of someones hands on your face brought you out of your haze and suddenly a fuzzy yet familiar voice was cutting through the silence
"Y/n...Y/n can you hear me?"
As your vision comes into focus your eyes widen as you realize who was knelt next to you.
"Harry..." you mumble as you weakly reach up and cup his face
He smiles weakly back, seeing you in so much pain and honestly so close to death...
"Hi sweetheart...I'm gonna get you out of here okay? Get you some help, alright?"
you nod slight and he slides one arm under your knees and the other under your upper torso. Picking you up bridal style he quickly makes his way out the things he noticed about the woman he loved more than anything was how much weight you had loss, the blood dripping down his arm from your forehead and that dazed almost lifeless look in your eyes.
He picks up the pace in his steps and as soon as the coast was clear he held you closer and floo you both off to the cottage.
------ At The Cottage ------
Harry quickly sat you down on the couch, the dizziness had took over and you had loss consciousness a few minutes prior. Molly gasps as she rushes over and helps Harry lay you on the couch.
She asses the wound on your head before quickly jumping into action and cleaning then stitching the rather deep wound
Harry stood at the end of the couch the whole time. His eyes never once leaving you as he watched Molly clean the wound and stitch you up.
He felt completely guilty for this whole thing, he had promised from the day he met you to protect you. You were nothing more than a ray of sunshine in his extremely dark life, the reason he lived was you and seeing you lay on the couch unconscious and injured absolutely broke him. He could not loose anyone else.
After Molly was finished she stepped back and walked over to Harry wrapping her arms around him in a tight motherly hug.
"She will be alright..." she mumbles softly into his hair as he begins to sob.
------ A Little While Later ------
Harry had fallen asleep sat on the floor next to the couch where you had been laid. His head rested uncomfortably on the edge as his hand gripped onto yours tightly. His whole body reacts when he feels you hand twitch slightly. His hands snap open and he quickly looks up at you right when your eyes slowly flutter open.
"Y-Y/n? Sweetheart, are you awake?" You groan softly as you reach up and feel at the now bandaged wound. Harry gently grabs your hand and pulls it back down, planting a soft kiss on your palm as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Hey...You're alright love...I'm right here..." He whisper softly as tears flood your eyes
He stares at you sympathetically for a moment before, gently as possible, lifting you into his arms and holding you close to his chest. His hands rubbing up and down your back slowly as you sob into his shoulder where your head is resting.
He feels his own tears rise but he chokes them down to comfort you, something he knew you needed.
After a long few minutes you calm down and slowly sit up, ignoring the pounding that happens in your head at the movement. You hands wrap tightly around him and you stare down at him silently as he stares back before gently kissing your forehead leading you to let out a sigh and lay your head back down on his shoulder.
Harry noticed the shift in your personality. The silence that used to be replaced with constant chatter about things only Hermione could truly understand. The fear in your eyes that used to be full of light and shine. He noticed it all and it killed him...
"My love...Lets get you some food alright? And maybe some orange juice?"
He waits for your reply and when you nod he immediately stands with you in his arms and makes his way into the kitchen where he goes to place you in a chair only to be stopped when you tighten your grip and mutter out a soft "No..."
He stops in his tracks and stands back up with you in his arms, glancing down at your face
"No what love? You don't want me to put you down?" When you nod, confirming his question he sighs softly but obeys your wish and walks over to the fridge and pulls out a pitcher of orange juice that he pours into a cup and hands to you. As you sip at the juice he quickly makes a sandwich before taking a seat at the dining table and slowly feeds you the sandwich.
When you finish it a few minutes later he lets you finish the orange juice before standing and placing the dishes in the sink, letting the magic do its thing and clean the dishes, Harry makes his way down a hall and into the room Bill had given him to stay in.
He gently lays you down in the bed causing you to let out a soft whimper, he gently kisses your forehead
"Shh sweetheart, i'm right here...Let me get you some clean clothes okay?"
You hesitantly nod and he rushes off into the closet where he grabs an old shirt of his and a random pair of boxers before quickly making his way back to you where he finds you crying.
The guilt in his gut only grows and he walks over gently rubbing your back, you climb into his lap and he instantly lets you, wrapping his arms around your waist and rocking you gently as you sob.
Once you calm down he coaxes you off of him for just long enough to get you bathed and changed into the outfit before helping you into bed where he climbs in after you, letting you lay on top of him- rather uncomfortably, before holding you close as you fall asleep a few moments later.
And that is how most days go...
A few weeks passed and your physical condition had improved, the gash had almost completely healed, leaving a scar. All the bruises had faded and the small cuts had healed leaving their own small scars across your body.
Your mental health was another thing...While it hadn't worsened it really hadn't improved either...Harry could finally leave you alone but not for to long, you refused to leave the bed and talking still came very rarely for you.
Harry had left the room a few moment ago, to do something...He had said but truly you hadn't been listening.
Looking around the room your eyes land on the mirror hung on the wall, more specifically the reflection in the mirror. As you stared down your own reflection, seeing the large scar across your forehead caused disgust to rush over you in waves.
You slowly sit up in the bed letting the blanket fall to your waist, being in only your bra, all of the small scars that now littered your body were on full display. Your hands slowly ran over each of them, picking and pulling at them almost as if you were trying to get them off of you.
You were so lost in your own world that you didn't notice harry stepping into the room until you saw him in the mirror causing you to jump.
"What are you doing sweetheart?" He asks softly as he climbs onto the bed and wraps his arms around your waist after gently grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your skin
He clearly didn't believe you but instead of saying anything he gently pushed you back onto the bed and yanked the blanket off of you completely causing you to gasp and wrap your arms around his shoulders. "H-Harry! What are you doing?!"
He shrugs slightly as he leans down and kisses your forehead, right on the scar. "So pretty..."
Your whole body heats up as he leans down to your stomach area and presses soft kisses to each scar he could see as he mumbles praises.
Any praise he could think of was flying out of his lips as he worshiped you, your face was the so ho from being so flustered that you couldn't stand it. This was exactly what you needed...That disgusted feeling melted away with every kiss and praise he gave you.
After a moment he looks back up at you, his glasses sat on the tip of his nose almost falling off. You giggle softly pushing his glasses back up his face, a smile appearing on your face for the first time in weeks.
Harry grins and moves up peppering kisses all over your face causing the small giggles to grow even more as you gently push him away
"My sweet girl" He says softly "Wanna take a walk with me? You seem in a good mood..."
You think for a long moment about the offer before ultimately nodding and slowly pulling yourself from the bed and into a standing position.
Harry smiles quickly following you out of the bed and helping you put your shoes on before putting his own on and leading you out of the cottage, the sun hitting your skin for the first time in weeks was an amazing feeling. You soaked it in for a moment before walking down the beach towards the water where you stop at the shore line letting the water wash over your sandal covered feet.
Harry slowly approaches you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder as he gazes down on your face as you gaze out at the water
"What are you thinking about honey?"
You stay silent for a moment before leaning back against him "Our future..."
"Oh yeah? What about it?"
"I don't know...Just how- how everything is gonna end...With the war, the death eaters...he who should not be names..."
He sighs softly and kisses your cheek, before being taken you had no problem calling him Voldemort but now you were terrified..
"Nothing will happen to you again...Me, Ron and Hermione have a plane okay? Please don't worry about it..."
With a small nod you turn around in his arms and snuggle your face against his chest "How many kids do you want..?"
He looks down slightly shocked at your question before thinking for a moment "Honestly, it wouldn't matter to me...As long as I have you that's all that matters...What about you baby? How many?"
"Three...Two boys and a girl..."
He chuckles, your answer was instant with absolutely not hesitation behind it. "I'll do my best to help fulfill that dream my love..."
You giggle and slowly close your eyes as you rest against him. It finally felt like you could see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. He had been everything you needed to get through such a rough time. Your love. Your support but most importantly your protector.
Oh. My. Goodness. I think this is my best work yet, I hope this is up to your expectations love!! And I am so so sorry it took so long to get this out there!!
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deadbydangit · 11 months
Reader who was the killers wife/fiance before the realm? They were looking for killer for months after they were taken, and now they have to be a survior with their killer partner forced to hunt them, even after all the mental anguish of trying to find them after they went missing :((
This with Ghostface, Trickster, Wesker, Knight, and Artist possibly?
You can choose if Reader knew of some of the killers real selves. I'd imagine at least for a few of them (like Danny or Knight), they did.
Thank you! 💗
Aww. That's so sweet. I think I can do that. Sorry if it's a bit sad. Please enjoy.
With a Reader who was married to the Killer in a previous life.
Ghostface, Trickster, Mastermind, Knight, Artist
He's stalking you.
You're totally unaware.
Until he catches your eye.
No... It can't be...
His heart stops
You're alive.
With shaking hands, he approaches you.
Dropping his knife.
He's so afraid this isn't real.
He's missed you so much.
With the mask, you won't know it was him.
You've just seen the masked person running around and killing others.
Obviously you're frightened.
Danny realizes this, and throws off his mask.
He's been crying.
You started crying.
He pulled you into his arms in the tightest embrace.
Until the thought hits him.
He's going to have to kill you.
So while you're blubbering affection.
He's thinking about how he's going to have to hurt the love of his life.
You'd understand...right?
Ah, another survivor hiding in a locker.
His favorite.
Watching their look of horror as the claw to hold onto the back.
He throws up the door to see a pair of horrified eyes.
Eyes he knew.
Your eyes.
Sinking to his knees and trembling, he reaches to touch you.
Was this a trick the Entity was playing on him?
Were you real?
You were!
Ji-Woon will yank you out of the locker and pull you into him.
He's missed you so much.
"My darling!"
You know that voice!
He was estatic.
He could finally see his one true love again.
The only person he had ever loved.
But then it hit him.
But he'd also have to kill you.
He'll explain the situation tearfully.
Understand that he doesn't want to do this.
He's forced to.
So, please, run.
He must be seeing things.
It couldn't be you.
You were back home.
Safe and unharmed.
Rushing in, he grabbed you by the throat.
Listening to those sounds.
Those little cries.
It was you!
He immediately dropped you onto your feet before enveloping you in a hug.
"Dearthart. I'm so sorry. I wasn't aware it was you."
Wesker won't cry.
But it looks like he will.
"My love, I'm so sorry. Why are you here? You don't deserve this."
He won't let anything happen to you.
He's a smart man.
He knows the Entity will have him try to kill you.
But that won't happen.
That damned beast could torture him however it wants.
It won't lay a tentacle on you.
He'd die for you.
"I'll protect you. Forever."
Tarhos is always very focused in trials.
So much so that he doesn't realize who he's going after.
It was Durkos who first noticed that it looked like you.
No, it couldn't be you.
Tarhos had missed you dearly.
He would never say love, but he did.
He adored you.
His men knew that all too well.
As Tarhos spotted a survivor working on a generator, he grinned.
Raising her sword above his head to stroke down, he saw a pair of eyes.
Eyes he knew.
Looking at you shaking like a mouse.
He promised himself that he'd never hurt you, never make you afraid of him.
And that promise was crashing down.
Throwing off his helmet, he bent down to your height, cradling you in his arms.
"Forgive me dearest."
Wiping the tears from your eyes with his blood stained gloves.
He was a monster.
But he was a monster that would protect you.
The Entity could kill him for all he cared about.
He wouldn't lay a finger on you.
She doesn't see as well as she used to.
The ink and anger clouds her vision.
But she knows it's you.
She was slow to approach.
Unlike some other killers, she didn't retain many of her human features.
She knew she was a monster.
But it was worth a shot.
You knew it was her.
That ever present curious look that was in Carmina's eyes.
She leaned in closer to you.
She could no longer speak, she could no longer hold you.
And, eventually, she'd have to kill you.
The thought made her ill.
As you approached, she slashed at the air next to you.
She wanted you to hate her.
To run and scream.
To be afraid.
She wouldn't be able to show you mercy.
It would be easier if you hated her.
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peachdues · 11 months
(Sanemi x F!Reader)
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A/N: written back at the start of the month.
CW: angst • all hurt, no comfort • reader death • violence/death/blood
It had lasted through the night, that bloody war.
The sky above them was gray and wet; rain had long since dampened the earth, mixing with the carnage strewn about the remnants of the crimson-soaked battlefield. Though daybreak had finally arrived just a few minutes prior, the muted sunlight still working to chase away the smoldering remains of the demons slain, Sanemi felt as though he’d been wading through the slaughter for hours. His legs ached and his lungs screamed at him to stop, to sit and wait for the Kakushi to arrive and render first aid, but he could not; he had to find her.
A horde of demons had sought to feast upon an entire village, one with known ties to the Corps. In a desperate attempt to avoid mass casualties, the Master had sent three Pillars rushing to the scene, though many lower-ranked skaters had already been lost.
It seemed the Hashira almost had the upper hand, until he’d arrived.
Muzan Kibutsuji’s right-hand monster had deigned to grace the battlefield with his presence, ominous and lethal. Even other demons had cowered the moment he’d unsheathed his hell-sword, some choosing to flee rather than be caught in the crossfire.
Sanemi had been cutting through demons one after another, when he’d caught sight of the Lunar Hashira launching a defensive attack on the Upper Moon, in a desperate attempt to shield a group of younger slayers from the beast’s attack. He’d desperately moved to help her, but before he could reach her, Sanemi had been forced to defend against an aerial strike, and in so doing, he’d lost sight of the Pillar.
Later on, Sanemi managed to briefly engage Upper Moon One, though at the cost of a deep wound to his thigh. The battle only ended once the sun began to bleed through the sky, forcing even Kibutsuji’s highest-ranking demon to retreat into the shadows to avoid daylight’s punishing reach.
And so, the demons had left the surviving slayers to wade through their wreckage.
Sanemi was half-dragging himself through the limbs and entrails of his comrades, his right leg rapidly growing numb from the oozing gash he’d sustained from Upper One, but he paid it little mind. He persisted in his trek, even as he sunk to his knees amidst the mud and blood, because he had to find her — even if it meant hauling himself across the field with his bare hands.
By some miracle, even his color-blinded eyes could recognize the back of her familiar-patterned haori, only a few feet to his left, half-lying a top another fallen swordsman.
Sanemi felt relief, coarse, and sweet, pulse through him as he dragged his bleeding and broken body faster towards her, her name on his lips. He realized, as he drew nearer, that she wasn’t moving, and he called for someone — anyone — nearby to come help the fallen Pillar, to get her quickly to Kocho or the Butterfly Mansion for treatment.
He could see the thick, dark stain that spread across her tattered haori, but that did not dampen the flutter of burgeoning optimism he felt. Because, while he was covered in blood as well, they’d made it — and he could chew her ass out for getting so injured once he helped her get all patched up.
A scarred hand stretched out to grip her shoulder and he turned the motionless Pillar towards him. Sanemi loosed a breath of relief at the sight of her open eyes, because that meant she was conscious.
“C’mere, baby,” he grunted, sitting up and hauling her partially into his lap, helping her to sit against him. “Where’d he get you? Your shoulder?”
Sanemi looked to where he cradled Y/N against him, hands on either side of the woman’s waist, and could see the blood beginning to stain his skin. “Damn, sweetheart, he got you good.” He pressed a kiss against her rain-cooled forehead, to comfort her. “We’ll get you help soon, baby. I’ve got you.”
Y/N said nothing, her head merely thudding against his chest, and he worried that her injuries had sent her into shock; after all, the Wind Pillar could not remember the last time a demon had even been able to draw her blood, let alone wound her. A tightness bloomed in his chest, and Sanemi cast his eyes around, frantically scanning the battleground for any sign of the familiar butterfly-patterned haori of the other Hashira who’d been dispatched with them.
Sanemi’s gaze finally landed on the young doctor, only a few yards from where they lay as she limped away from helping another slayer.
“Kocho! Here!” Sanemi yelled, voice hoarse after hours of yelling and fighting.
The Insect Pillar looked around, trying to see over the piles of corpses and parts as she scanned the carnage for her fellow Hashira. Violet eyes met his, and Sanemi felt the suffocating tightness in his chest ease as she advanced towards them.
“I can’t tell where she’s bleeding from,” the Wind Pillar explained as Kocho drew closer to the pair. “And I think she’s in shock.”
Kocho made it to Y/N’s feet but drew short with a sharp exhale, her eyes widening as she looked over the Pillar gathered in Sanemi’s arms.
“Kocho ,” Sanemi urged, the edge in his voice appearing finally to inspire movement in her as she came around and crouched down by Y/N’s side.
“Shinazugawa,” Kocho whispered, and Sanemi looked at his fellow comrade in confusion.
“Please, Kocho, she needs help,” he repeated, trying to lift her towards the doctor. “So help her.”
Wordlessly, the Insect Pillar’s pale, bloodied hand trembled as she reached out towards Y/N. She hesitated slightly in mid-air, before she brushed her fingers gently over the Pillar’s eyes, closing them.
Sanemi gaped at the pale, shaking woman. “What’re you-?”
But the wounded Insect Pillar only continued to stare at him, her eyes filled with an inscrutable sorrow that vexed him, as she shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
Sanemi’s own head began to shake on its own accord, parroting that of Kocho’s. “No, no, just — see,” he muttered, shifting Y/N in his lap again so that she lay across his thighs, her face turned towards him.
“Y/N,” the Wind Pillar said gruffly, “Y/N, you’ve gotta — you’ve gotta tell Kocho where it hurts.” Sanemi jostled the unmoving woman in his arms slightly, insistent. “Wake up, Y/N.”
The Lunar Pillar remained utterly still in his arms, and Sanemi felt his heart quicken.
He brought the hand he’d had supporting her lower back up against her face, lightly slapping her cheek in a desperate attempt to make the woman he loved open her eyes again.
“Y/N,” Sanemi growled, his vision becoming blurred not by the cold rain, but by tears as his heart began to accept what his brain could not. “Open your eyes, dammit.”
“Sanemi,” Kocho’s voice was soft, dangerously soft, as she brought a gentle hand to rest against his shoulder. “She’s gone, Sanemi.”
Sanemi did not look up — could not, as he pressed his forehead against the Lunar Pillar’s temple. His fingers trembled as they brushed back the blood and rain-soaked strands of Y/N’s hair from her face and caressed the cooled expanse of her cheek.
“Please,” he whispered, brushing his lips against hers, over and over. “Please, Y/N. Let Kocho fix you.”
Still, the Lunar Hashira did not move. He felt as though he were suddenly submerged under water, a dull ringing echoing in his ears, as Sanemi stared down at Y/N in horror. His breath came fast and hard through his mouth, and his vision was nearly obscured by the tears that fell hot and fast from his eyes, splattering onto Lunar Pillar’s frozen, ashen face.
Shinobu hung her head as Sanemi Shinazugawa slumped over the corpse of his deceased lover, cradling her head in his hands, forehead still pressed against hers, as he began to wail, broken and lost amidst that bloodied battlefield.
Also I made my own icon for the first time so that’s cool!
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loveywon · 1 year
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pairing: childhoood best friend!riki x gn!reader
wc: 4.4k+
synopsis: you and riki are inseperable, laughing at stupid and immature jokes, but once you start to take school seriously, you realize that riki's jokes aren't funny anymore. ib little league by conan gray!
warnings: ANGST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like two penis jokes i think, danielle and hanni from newjeans mentions, danielle is a little instigator, reader is not mean but they're growing as a person, sad riki, angst again, not proofread
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“y/nnnnnnn,” riki whines, tugging on your sleeve to hurry up and walk faster. “we’re gonna miss the bus!” he urges as you trudge behind him, slouching lazily due to the lack of sleep you had from studying last night. 
“i’m sooo tired,” you complain, rubbing your eyes. your feet are being practically dragged across the cement sidewalk with riki lightly skipping ahead of you. he frowns when he looks over his shoulder at you, “i told you to get good sleep or else you’re gonna have trouble waking up,” he nags as if he was your mother, to which you merely roll your eyes. “take it up with the bio teacher then! not my fault she assigned so much work,” you sigh, finally coming to a stop at the bus stop and riki releases your sweater sleeve. you immediately plop down on the edge of the sidewalk, burying your head in your hands with a groan. 
he hates seeing you like this, truly. you take your studies so seriously, compared to him. he’s about to reach the limit of excused absences he can have, yet you’re showing up everyday with perfect attendance. you barely have any time to hang out with him anymore. he asks you every single day after school, praying for a yes, let’s go to the café, but ever since the two of you started junior year of high school, it’s been no, i can’t. i need to study! everyday when he asks. he used to understand, he really did! he knows how important doing good in school is to you. but when school is getting in the way between him and your time to spend time together, he can’t help but be a little bitter whenever you reject his offer. plus, you seem tired everyday before you get on the bus, but once you get through the school doors you’re bright and alive. he doesn’t know how you do it, really, but he wishes you would give yourself a break every once in a while. 
he remembers when the two of you would hang every living moment together, ever since second grade when you would chase him around in the school field but fell flat on your face when you tripped on your shoelaces. he laughed straight at you, but you were so young, humiliation wasn’t a feeling registered in you, so you laughed along with him. he thought he’s never seen someone so beautiful with pieces of dirt on their face. 
the first time you said no to hanging out with him was the second week of starting your junior year of high school. he didn’t think about it twice, until you said no for the third time in one week. that was absolutely mind shocking, he claimed. then you started to make other friends in your more advanced classes that he wasn’t in. he’s not a gatekeeper, he didn’t care you hung out with other people. but soon it seemed like you were having more study sessions with them instead of playing video games with him, and he thinks he might be losing his mind from not spending time with you. 
the bus soon arrives, and he taps your shoulder to let you know. peeking your head up, you begrudgingly get up and make your way onto the bus behind riki. you slide into the seat he chooses, and your eyes are immediately closed to catch up on some missing sleep, even if it’s only a fifteen minute ride to school. he gently lays your head on his shoulder to allow you a more comfortable position, and you’re easily soothed to sleep as soon as the bus drives off. riki thinks this is really the longest time he gets to spend time with you throughout the day (other than lunch but your nose is buried in your textbooks), even if you’re not even speaking to him. he just enjoys your company. 
your friends don’t like riki. simple as that. 
“y/n, are you seriously friends with nishimura?” they asked you one night during the study sessions. the question piqued curiosity in you — no one has ever asked such a question like that, and the way they worded it made it sound like you were committing a crime. you scrunched your brows together, shaking your head, “yeah, i am. why?” to which they only replied with a shrug as if the answer was simple and easy. 
“he’s so immature. and you’re not. you guys are like opposites! like he thinks everything is a joke and likes to make stupid innuendos that aren’t even funny. you’re nothing like him.” 
you thought they were stupid. their words were stupid. riki was funny, to you! you always laughed at his jokes even if they were stupid, but because it was from riki, it was funny. if anyone else were to say the same joke, you don’t think you’d be laughing. you never told riki what your friends had said to you that day. not because it’d hurt riki, no— he’s a strong individual and can take a few mean words from a complete stranger. you never told him because you found yourself thinking about your friend’s words. you’re nothing like him, like bullshit! you had the same humor as him, it’s one of the things you two have the most in common. until the next day, he made some joke about a cloud shaped like a penis, you didn’t laugh. 
then it became more frequent. with you deadpanning at his immature dirty jokes, riki feels slightly affected and tries to change up his humor so that he’ll get to hear your laugh again. he thinks it's getting rarer to hear you laugh with him. but you still spend time with him, so surely you’re not sick of him, right? but now you’re always unavailable, always hanging out with your new friends. you start drinking bitter matcha now (well it’s bitter to him) instead of your sickly sweet caramel frappuccino. not to say he misses the old you, because he thinks he’ll love you no matter what version of you the universe decides to give him, but he’s having trouble with adapting to your new acquired “taste”. 
but now whenever riki sees you laugh with your new friends, he can’t help but feel defeated. you switch between sitting with your friends and with him every other day at lunch, and even though he’s expressed multiple times to you that he wants to meet your new friends, you always brush it off. you explain to him that your new friends are just people who you think won’t get along with him, and he knows you’re not telling the exact truth, but he’s fine with whatever if you’re fine. 
it’s his day for you to eat lunch with him, and as per usual, you’re writing something down into your notebook, not paying attention to what riki has to say. “when was the last time we played mario kart? you know you can come over whenever you’re free right? you don’t even have to let me know, literally just knock on the door and i’ll open it!” he rambles, already more than halfway done with his food but your tray is still full. he frowns, pushing your tray closer to your textbook. “eat, y/n,” he nudges you, causing your pen to make a mistake on your paper. you sigh, setting it down. “sorry, riki. what were you saying? something about…um… coming over? sorry, you know i have, like, three tests this week! maybe next week, yeah?” you apologize, and your words are empty and riki knows it. he slouches in his seat, nodding but not really accepting. “yeah…next week,” he mumbles. 
he doesn’t ever get mad at you, because truthfully everything that you do that would normally tick him off, he let’s it slide. because it’s you. he should be used to the constant rejection from you, and even though its just saying no to hanging out, it’s starting to feel like rejection of his love for you. he almost has to fight the urge to stand up on the lunch tables and announce his feelings for you with a megaphone and have the school band play wedding music for you. he wonders if you even see him in that light. but you two don’t just do friend stuff behind closed doors. then again, he doesn’t have any other friends to compare what you two do together, so what does he know? 
you finally look up at him, only to be met with sad eyes staring down at his hands. you frown, placing your hand on top of his own. “riki, i really am sorry. i do want to play mario party or whatever it is you wanted to play, but you know…” you start to apologize again, and you don’t even have to complete your sentence because riki already knows. he nods once more, “no, really. it’s fine, y/n. go get that A, yeah?” he offers a smile and you return it but both of you know the conversation was full of meaningless promises. 
you feel insanely bad. which is why you find yourself standing outside of riki’s door, waiting patiently for him or his parents to open up. it’s been almost an entire month since you last hung out with him after school, and seeing the saddest face riki had last week during lunch made you feel guilty. riki opens up the door, grinning ear to ear at your appearance. “y/n! i didn’t think you’d actually come this week,” he says truthfully as he steps to the side to let you in. shutting the door behind him, he gestures for you to head into his room. you walk up the stairs with a small laugh, “i can’t let you beat me at mario kart! i know you’ve been secretly practicing by yourself.” you joke with him, but little do you know that riki doesn’t even touch the game unless you’re over. 
“nah, whenever i beat you it is pure talent and skill. you just suck,” he sticks out his tongue at you, rushing into his bedroom after you and shutting his door. the two of you plop down on his carpeted floor, back against the foot of his bed like you two used to do in elementary. he immediately reaches to turn on the console, handing you a controller. “yeah, right! whoever wins the first round has to pay for dinner later!” you bet and he agrees, of course, because it’s in his nature to be competitive and he’d never turn down a possible free dinner. 
you cheer, laughing as you flop onto his bed like it's your own. “i thought i was gonna be rusty, i can’t believe i still won!” you grin and he rolls his eyes, joining you on the bed as well. “whatever…” he mutters, too ashamed to admit he was actually trying to beat you but still lost. you pout at him, poking his side which causes him to stifle in laughs from being ticklish. “aww, don’t be sad. i’ll still pay half of dinner,” your grin turns into a smile and he pokes your side back. “hey! stop!” you yell, attacking back at him and he fails to stifle his laugh in. he bursts into loud laughter and you join alongside him. it’s been so long since he’s heard you laugh, he feels like his ears have been graced from heaven once again. 
after both of your laughters died out, riki turns to face you, a smile gracing his boyish features. “i missed you, y/n,” he says suddenly, and it takes you off guard. you frown. you know what he means, and you wish he didn’t say anything at all. “what do you mean? i’m with you every morning at the bus and every other lunch,” you say, a weak attempt to divert this conversation. riki shakes his head, “no, not like that! i just mean like…it’s been so long since we’ve played games like this and…i don’t know. actually talked…” he mumbles, feeling vulnerable and shy from expressing his feelings that he normally does not do. you bite your lower lip, sitting up. “sorry, riki…really. it’s just…i wanna be able to go to a good university  and get scholarships since my parents can’t really afford a full tuition so my grades are super important and my other friends help me keep up. i would spend more time with you if you had…um—“ you feel bad for your next words, but riki knows where you’re getting at. “if i had good grades.” he finishes for you, and you slowly nod. “it’s okay, y/n. i understand, seriously, i do! so don’t apologize, you’re just doing what you have to do..” he sighs, giving you a weak smile. 
you’re grateful that he understands the situation you’re put into. so, you wish to help him too. “actually! why don’t you come to one of our study sessions? we can help you with history? i know you hate that class so it’d be good for you,” you offer, a large smile on your face that makes riki hard to refuse. “oh…um,” he starts, unsure because he hates studying and is too awkward to hang out with a bunch of new people at one time. but for you, he’ll handle it somehow. “sure. when?” you clap your hands together excitedly, engulfing him in a hug. you’ve asked him before a few times, and he always refused and made some excuse like soccer practice. “ahh, yay! tomorrow, library, after school! i’ll meet you at your locker, okay? i’m so glad you’re agreeing. you never took your studies seriously,” you ramble, and riki visibly gulps, obviously nervous as he nods. “okay…” 
your friends have no idea that you’re bringing riki along for your usual study session. you tried to tell them, really. except you already know that they have their prejudice against him and they would try to get you to not bring him, and you refuse to break your promise to riki. you fear for the awkwardness that will happen when your friends see you walk in with your best friend. 
“hey, are you ready?” you ask as you approach him at his locker. he shuffles through his locker, reaching for a textbook before he closes it. nodding, he gives a slight smile but it doesn’t meet his eyes. he’s obviously not excited. “just leave if you don’t want to go…but at least stay for like, five minutes?” you say when you notice his nervous fiddling with the edge of his book. he nods once again, “okay… um, where is the library again?” he’s been to the school library once, and he didn’t even go inside. he was there just to walk home with you after your study session. 
you laugh, “just come.” you take his hand, and riki swears his heart skips more than a beat as his feet get dragged from you. a smile graces his feature, happy to just see you get excited over him joining you and your other friends. you’re a few minutes late when you walk into the library, heading over to the usual table that your friends usually sit at. their heads all look up from their books upon your arrival, and they all smile at you but it slowly fades away when they see a shy riki behind you, slightly peeking over your head. he already had a feeling that your friends weren’t very fond of him, but this just confirmed it. he bites his inner cheek when you take a seat and gesture for him to take the seat beside you. “hi guys. hope you don’t mind i brought riki with me. he needed some help with history,” you explain with a hushed whisper, and even though you can tell the distaste on their faces, they all nod and give a small wave at riki’s direction. he returns their waves, forcing a smile. 
what did you mean he needs help? he didn’t need help, really! if he wanted to study he could just do it himself. it was his choice that he didn’t want to study. it was just so unfun, he never understood why you spend so much free time studying despite knowing that you care about your grades. sometimes, he thinks you care too much. he furrows his brows when one of your friends, danielle, slides a sheet a paper at him. “hi, i’m danielle. i’m pretty good at history, so i can help you, if you want,” she offers. the thing is, he doesn’t want her help. he wants your help, but you’re too busy already discussing what stupid formula you need to solve a math problem. he looks at danielle, giving her a slight nod and she gives him a smile. “okay, great! so what history class are you taking?” 
it’s been ten minutes, and riki has been already zoning out, not paying a single attention to any word that danielle has been talking about. he feels bad, she’s really trying to explain what B.C. meant, but he really couldn’t pay attention when one of your friends have been blatantly flirting with you the entire time. he frowns deeply, the pencil against the paper danielle gave him gripped so tightly in his hand that the led snaps from the pressure. the sound breaks him out of his jealous trance. “oh. oops, sorry…” he mumbles, dropping the pencil down on the paper. danielle looks at him, her head tilted curiously before a smile that’s laced with a hint of mischief appears on her face. she leans closer to him, “you like y/nnie?” she whispers to him, and he almost falls back on his chair. he opens his mouth to spew out objections, but she shushes him again. “i think it’s cute,” she says but then she takes a look around the rest of the table before looking back at him again, “but, you know…y/n has a lot going for them right now, i’m sure you’re aware. they have a lot of potential. y/n studies hard every day.” riki knows where she’s going with this. “and you…well,” danielle clicks her tongue as she shakes her head, “respectively, you’re holding y/n back.” 
he already knows this. he’s been aware. so why, when hearing it from someone else, does it feels worse? it shouldn’t be a shock to him, so he doesn’t know why he feels anger bubbling in his chest. danielle places a gentle hand on his shoulder before speaking again, “if you really like them—or love, i don’t know, then you should let y/n go…” she trails off once she starts riki stare off into space, eyes trained on you giggling at something your friend said. it probably wasn’t even that funny, riki thinks. he’s made you laugh more, he’s sure. he shakes his head, abruptly standing up so the chair squeaks loudly, catching your attention. “where are you going, riki?” you ask, looking up at him but you’re not met with kind eyes that you’re used to. only harsh, sad eyes but you only get to see them for a moment before he grabs his backpack and head towards the exit. 
you begin to worry about riki. he’s not cracking his immature jokes, despite that they’re not funny to you anymore, you still miss his giggles after he tells the joke. he sits in silence on bus rides now, and give you dry “i’m fine” replies whenever you ask him if he’s okay. he’s clearly not— but you don’t know the cause of it. ever since after the library, he’s been like this. so zoned out, staring off into space. you wonder what danielle told him, and if it had anything to do with this odd behavior. it’s clearly taking a toll on you, and your friends have been noticing. 
“y/n? hello?” hanni waves a hand in front of you and your face relaxes from being so tense, thinking about riki. danielle hums at your state. she thinks it’s quite funny how affected you are from riki, when it should be the least of your worries! hanni frowns, placing a hand on yours. “what’s going on? you’ve been out of it this whole week,” she asks. you don’t know how to answer. they wouldn’t approve of you being this upset over riki, so you don’t want to see their reactions. but danielle already knows, you can see it plain on her face as she sickly smiles at you. 
“y/n… if this is about riki, you shouldn’t worry too much about it,” danielle starts, and it’s like she read your mind, “you’re off to better things! you’re gonna get accepted into your dream college, this has been your goal ever since you were five years old, right? riki shouldn’t be the reason why you stop. i know how much you care about him, but it’s just not worth it.” danielle sighs upon seeing your defeated face. she knows she could have worded it a little better, but knowing you, you would only listen if she said it with blunt and honest words. sugarcoating it wouldn’t do anything. so, you slowly nod. danielle’s right, you think. as much as you don’t want her to be right, you refuse to let your dream go just because of riki. and as of late, you feel like you’re starting to outgrow him. 
he’s still the same little boy you met years ago, and he hasn’t grown much compared to you. you started to take your studies seriously, you started to enjoy coffee, whereas riki still finds doorbell dash pranks funny and he can’t handle any bitter food, it has to be sickly sweet. but even so, you don’t know how to spend time away from him. you spent your childhood with him. he’s been with you longer than you can recall. you remember the first time you realized you had a crush on him; it was freshman year of high school, and seeing him easily getting along with other people in your class made you a little jealous, admittedly. the feelings you have for him has been long pushed down, and now that you feel like you need to platonically break up with him, the feelings are starting to bubble up again and you feel your heart about to burst into a million pieces. 
you can’t do it to riki, you think. you’re really his only friend, as selfish as this sounds, when you admitted to him you were jealous that he was becoming so popular, he started to only hang out with you. but now you seem like a hypocrite. 
you begin to realize what danielle had said to riki that day, probably around the lines of what she said to you. you can’t drag this out any longer, you think. in a way, you’re holding riki back as well, and you know he has such great potential to do something so amazing. you wish you could stay with him to witness it. 
you quickly pack up your things into your backpack, your friends taken aback with your rush. “where are you going?” hanni asks when you stand up, swinging your bag over your shoulder. “gonna talk to riki, see you guys later, okay?” you say without looking at them once, making your way to the exit of the library. you know he has soccer practice, so you decide to wait for him at the bleachers until his practice ends. you’re fidgeting, nervous as you plan out what you’re going to say to him. you think you should get your feelings sorted out first, but you know that you can’t wait any longer. this was honestly long overdue, but you were being selfish by keeping riki close to you. he spots you up on the bleachers during his practice, and he’s shocked because, one, you’re always studying but you’re staring straight at him, and two, you’ve never expressed your interest in soccer before. he starts to get excited– maybe you want to hang out with him again? 
no, he couldn’t be more wrong. after his practice, he goes over to you on the bleachers, and by the look on your face, it doesn’t look like you’re in the mood to hang out. he furrows his brows when you tap the spot next to you, but he sits down anyway. he can feel it coming, the platonic break up. but what he feels for you is more than platonic, and he’s sure you know it too. before you can even get a word out, he blurts out “i love you, y/n.”
you hate this so bad, you want to say it back so much, but you know it will only hurt even more. then again, you’re selfish. so you say it back. “i…love you too, riki,” you say, and riki could almost jump up and down with excitement, but you can’t even look at him. “but i can’t–” you hiccup, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. you don’t want this to be a bitterly sad moment, even though it is inevitable. “i don’t think we should be friends anymore. i think we should just, um, go our own ways… i don’t really want this, i know you don’t want this either, but i think…i think it’s the best for both of us…” you trail off once you notice yourself rambling. shutting up would be the best choice for you at this moment. you quietly stand up, and riki’s eyes follow your movements but you still can’t look at him.
he feels himself get angry. at you, at himself, he doesn’t even know anymore. how could something as strong as yours and his bond fade away like this? he doesn’t understand. you two promised that you would stay friends, stay little forever. he guessed you were both being ignorant, but you decided to face reality faster than him. he was hoping for the impossible – to stay ignorant forever. why couldn’t you both stay young, he wonders. he would have his happy ending with you. now he’s forced to grow up and act his age. 
he scoffs at you, shaking his head as he frustratingly runs a hand through his hair. he looks away from you when you finally look at him. “whatever, y/n. i hope you get what you want and have a good life in your dream college,” he mumbles, standing up as well as he gets ready to leave. from the corner of your eye, he sees you open your mouth again but he stops you before you let a word out. “i can’t watch you live happily without me. please don’t make me stay.” 
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delicatenightfury · 2 years
Glad You're Okay
2022 Month of Writing: Day 17
Pairing: Toothless x reader
Prompt: Toothless - he's the prompt
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Word Count: 2,814
Author's Note: please don't steal my work! you can choose to respond to the prompt as well, but don't steal my work
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y/n paused when she heard a soft cry. She glanced around briefly, waiting for the sound again. When she heard it, she quickly started in that direction. The cries kept coming, sounding more and more distressed. She started moving faster, weaving through the trees.
She rounded a larger tree and stopped short, her breath catching in her throat. 
Several yards away, trapped under a net trap, was a small dragon. y/n hurried toward the dragon, slowing her steps as she came closer. She imitated a soft purr, lifting her voice just a little to catch the dragon’s attention. She smiled when it stopped and turned to look at her. Its eyes were wide, and it backed away slightly in fear.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” she said quietly, as not to startle it. “It’s all right. I’m gonna get you out of there.”
She knelt down so she was practically crawling. She needed its trust before she could help. By getting on its level, she was showing that she wasn’t a threat. She reached her hand forward, then stayed still. She turned her head away slightly, but kept the dragon in her peripheral.
Let him come to you, she thought. Let him create the first reach of trust.
The dragon was nervous, that much was clear. She could almost see the poor thing shaking under the net as it debated what to do. She took that moment to observe him.
Its scales were almost pure black. Most of its body was soft looking with no hard angles. It was hard to tell its wing shape because they were pressed closely against the dragon’s back. The more that y/n observed him, the more she realized she didn’t entirely recognize the species. She had seen many dragons, but almost none that looked like this one.
She smiled when the dragon pushed its nose through the netting and touched her hand, sniffing her. A moment later, it licked her.
“There we go,” she encouraged softly. “Now why don’t we get you out of there, yeah?”
She pushed herself up, but kept her hand extended toward the dragon. She lightly ran her hand over its head and back, offering comfort while she examined the trap. It was made of simple ropes, but the edges were weighed down with large rocks. y/n spoke quietly to the dragon, offering comforting words as she pulled out a small knife. She cut away at the ropes, making a hole big enough for the dragon to escape out of.
“There we go,” she said, backing away enough for the dragon to move. 
She watched as the dragon stepped out and shook himself, stretching its wings finally. Her eyes widened when she finally recognized the dragon.
“Oh my gosh,” she breathed.
It was a baby Night Fury, maybe only a couple years old. The dragon looked up at her, its eyes wide and its head tilted to the side. Her heart melted a little when he walked toward her and rubbed his side against her leg. She knelt down and rubbed his head.
“What are you doing out here, buddy?”
She glanced around, taking in their surroundings quickly. The woods were thick, so it was hard to see. But if there was a dragon trap all the way out here, then that meant that humans were nearby.
Her heart ached again when she felt the baby nudge her hand. Mother dragons rarely left their young alone. If this dragon was by itself…
y/n shook her head and looked at the dragon baby again, who was still staring at her.
“We need to get you out of here,” she said. 
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y/n laughed at the baby Night Fury, who was eating a small basket of fish she had caught earlier. The dragon had been living with her for several months now and seemed to trust her a lot. He had been pretty shaken after being trapped in the net. The other dragons had also accepted him, which she was thankful for.
She lived on a secluded island where dragons came and went as they pleased. Many had been there for years and were familiar with y/n’s presence. They were always welcoming to newer dragons and several had taken to the young Night Fury. However, y/n found that most nights, the youngling would curl up near her when it was time to sleep.
She had done her best to give the youngling space, but he seemed to like to stick close to her side. So, she did her best to get him around other dragons to learn from them. And it worked for the most part. She was sure he knew most things beforehand from his mother, but y/n wanted to make sure he didn’t somehow lose those skills.
y/n looked over at a nearby Deadly Nadder. It had raised its head suddenly, tilting it and glancing around. She noticed a few other dragons do the same. She slowly stood to her feet and walked out of the cover of her shelter. Many of the dragons seemed on edge. She had sometimes seen this behavior among one or two dragons when a different species arrived, but not as a collective. She looked over at the Stormcutter that was approaching. The large dragon nudged its head into her shoulder.
“What is it?” she said.
She heard several dragons roar loudly. A warning. Her head quickly turned and saw many of the dragons start to fly away. Suddenly, a Gronckle seemed to fall from the sky. y/n’s heart dropped when she spotted the net.
“No.” She looked at the Stormcutter. “Get them out of here!”
She didn’t wait for the dragon to fly away before she ran back into her shelter. The Night Fury’s head popped up from the basket.
“Come on, little guy,” she said. “We have to get out of here.”
She grabbed her sword and threw on the little bit of armor she had fashioned for herself out of dragon scales. The Night Fury hurried after her as she ran back out. The dragons were already flying away, but several were being caught in flying traps. y/n swung her sword into a thick vine, which released a collection of rocks and tree trunks onto the area where the hunters were coming from, blocking their path for a time.
She ran to the nearest dragon and cut her free. The dragon roared slightly at her in thanks and flew away. As y/n went to help another dragon, she nearly tripped over the Night Fury. She glanced toward where the hunters were. She couldn’t see them yet but she could hear them clear enough.
y/n knelt down in front of the Night Fury. He had grown a lot since she first met him. She looked right into his eyes.
“You need to get out of here,” she said. She hoped he understood what she was saying. She always thought that she had a deep enough connection with the dragons that they understood her. “There are hunters coming.”
The Night Fury purred a little at her. He either didn’t seem to understand or didn’t want to leave. He tried taking a step toward her, but she stopped him.
“You have to go! They will kill you if they see you.”
She could hear them getting closer. Her eyes were filling with tears. She stepped forward and gently touched the dragon’s head. He buried himself into her, making the tears finally fall. She placed a soft kiss on his head before looking into his eyes again.
“You have to leave. Don’t come back here, okay? It won’t be safe.”
She stepped away from the dragon. His eyes had never looked so sad. She tried to smile at him.
“Now go,” she said. “Hurry!”
The Night Fury startled a little at her raised voice, but did as he was told. He spread his wings and took off. She could tell he was still hesitant though. He didn’t want to leave. y/n had to turn away to keep from crying more.
She hurried to activate the other mechanisms she had constructed, trying to delay the hunters a while longer. She didn’t know how far away they were or how many. All she knew was that they were after the dragons and they wouldn’t stop.
A few hunters stumbled over the small hill, finally coming into view. y/n glared at them. They were carrying weapons and were at least twice as large as her. They were going to be a challenge. 
“Look!” one suddenly shouted, pointing toward the sky. “Night Fury!”
“No!” y/n shouted. She lunged at the men, and wrestled one of them for their weapon. It released and fired into the air, missing the Night Fury by a few feet. y/n knocked the men down and stunned them, disarming them as quickly as she could. She glanced back into the air to see that the Night Fury had paused. “Go!”
She grunted when one of the men slammed into her, knocking her down to the ground. She heard the Night Fury call out for her. She turned herself over enough to look at him.
“Get out of here!”
The dragon called for her one more time before flying away, disappearing into the clouds above. y/n sighed in relief. She glanced back at the men who had regained their footing. She noticed several other hunters appearing out of the woods.
“You’re gonna pay for that, girl.”
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~~years later~~
Hiccup sighed happily, loving the feeling of wind blowing through his hair. It had been several weeks since he had gotten to get away from Berk and have some time away. Since the death of his father, a lot more responsibilities had fallen onto him. He was thankful he had friends that he trusted to help him with things.
Hiccup looked up as a shadow passed overhead. He smiled at the sight of his mother riding her own dragon, Cloudjumper. This was the first real outing the two of them had had. She had expressed a need to get away for a little, having not been around humans for so long, and Hiccup had offered to go with her and possibly explore.
“What’s on your mind?” she asked him, smiling gently.
“It’s nothing,” Hiccup said. “Just glad to be back in the air. Right, bud?”
Toothless grunted under him, smiling. Hiccup hummed happily. He glanced back at his mother and noticed a dark figure in the distance. It looked like another island. One he didn’t recognize.
“Look,” he said, pointing it out. “A new island. Let’s check it out!”
He steered Toothless in that direction, allowing Valka to follow behind him. The ride wasn’t long and soon, their feet touched land.
“It looks rather small,” Valka commented. “I can’t imagine that much lives here.”
Hiccup nodded.
“You’re probably right. But it looks like a good stopping point for flying though,” he said. “I wonder if there are any other dragons here.”
The small group decided to look around, entering the woods. It was relatively quiet, which wasn’t entirely unusual. Valka pulled Hiccup to a stop.
“Do you see that?” She pointed out several markings on both the nearby trees and ground that looked like claw marks. “Dragons have been in these woods.”
Hiccup smiled. He walked forward to further observe the marks, but stopped when he saw Toothless continue walking. He appeared to be observing the trees too, as well as sniffing the air.
“Toothless?” he said. “You okay, bud?” He watched as his dragon perked up. His eyes were wide and his tongue hung out of his mouth in excitement. Hiccup laughed. “What’s going on?”
Suddenly, Toothless’s head turned further into the woods. He stared intently for several seconds before hurrying forward. Hiccup stared at the dragon in shock before it registered that Toothless was leaving him behind.
“Hey, wait!” he called.
He and Valka hurried after Toothless while Cloudjumper took to the sky. Hiccup called several times for Toothless to slow down, but the dragon seemed set on something ahead of him.
They eventually caught up to Toothless, who had stopped at the edge of a hill. Below was a large clearing with rock formations, trees, and water. It almost reminded Hiccup of the small cove he had befriended Toothless in.
Toothless started moving again, stepping down the hill. Hiccup and Valka exchanged looks before following him. They watched as Toothless slowly moved around, observing the area. Hiccup wished, not for the first time, that he could know what Toothless was thinking.
Toothless lifted his head suddenly and looked around. His eyes stopped on an opening in the stone wall and he walked forward, moving faster than before. The dragon riders slowly followed, still confused as Toothless disappeared inside.
Suddenly, a roar came from above them. Hiccup and Valka looked up to find a Stormcutter coming toward them. They dashed to the side to avoid getting squashed. It roared again, spreading its wings and looking between them. Not a moment later, Cloudjumper also descended from the sky, putting himself between Valka and the other dragon. Toothless also reappeared, putting himself in front of Hiccup. 
“No sudden moves, Hiccup!” Valka said. “She’s become territorial. We’ve come into her home.”
A whistle then filled the air and the Stormcutter seemed to relax. It looked between the two human-dragons pairs before turning around and walking away. Hiccup and Valka watched it leave, only to notice a human figure standing on the other side of the clearing.
“I apologize for her,” the figure, a woman, said. “We don’t get many visitors. At least not human ones.” She walked toward them slowly, obviously still wary. “You’re… dragon riders?”
“Yeah,” Hiccup said. “We live with them back home.”
The woman smiled a little. She glanced over their dragons before stopping in her tracks.
“Is that a Night Fury?”
Hiccup glanced at Toothless, who was staring at the woman. 
“Uh, yeah. This is Toothless.”
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She stared as Toothless then started to walk forward slowly. The man tried to call him back, but the dragon ignored him. When he tried to follow, the older woman held out her hand as a signal to wait.
y/n stood still, watching as the dragon came closer. His eyes were observant and held a curious glint to them. He slowed as he got closer, sniffing in her direction. His eyes suddenly widened and a smile broke out onto his face. y/n couldn’t contain her smile anymore. She laughed as the Night Fury pounced on her, knocking her off her feet. He licked her face and nuzzled his snout into her.
“All right! All right!” she cried happily. “You’ve gotten big! Let me up!” Toothless pulled away enough for her to allow her to sit up. He then laid on the ground and put his head in her lap. y/n grinned down at him, scratching his neck. “I’m happy to see you too.”
“Uh, I’m sorry, what exactly just happened?”
y/n looked up at the humans and smiled at them. Their confusion was amusing.
“I knew Toothless many years ago,” she said. “I saved him when he was a few years old and he stayed here for a couple months.”
“He’s nearly an adult now,” the woman said. “You’ve been here this whole time?”
y/n nodded.
“I left home when I was a teenager. I didn’t believe in killing dragons like the rest of my village. So, I spent years living among them instead.”
The two smiled at her. She assumed that they had similar stories.
“So how did you meet Toothless?”
“Found him in a trap while we were scouting for food. I got him out and he came home with us. I guess we formed an attachment because he wouldn’t leave my side most of the time.” She chuckled when Toothless nuzzled into her again. “I’m sorry, my name’s y/n.”
“Valka,” the woman said. “This is my son, Hiccup.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” She looked at Hiccup. “He’s yours, then?”
Hiccup nodded.
“We’ve been through a lot together. He’s my best friend.”
“I completely understand that. If you have the time, I’d love to hear about how you guys met.”
“As long as you’re willing to share about your life here?” Valka said with a smile. “I’ve been in a similar situation myself.”
y/n smiled back and nodded. As the two humans and the Stormcutters settled around her, she looked down at Toothless. His tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth and he looked like he was grinning.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she whispered to him.
He purred lightly against her. Even though she couldn’t understand him, she knew that he felt the same way.
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beaniebeensbaby201 · 1 year
Lmk for pt2
Jake Sully x reader
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Summary: y/n and Jake have had feelings for each other for a while. The only problem is that y/n's parents have forced her to be mated with Zo'at who was a great warrior. (Her parents are very close friends with Mo'at and Eytukan,(to make it clearer Mo'at is y/n's Aunt.)This is before the battle in the first film.
Fluff, angst,? Lmk for smut in pt 2
It was night, many people in the village had gone to sleep except two Na'Vi's. Jake sully and y/n who were yet to be tired.
"Where are we going?" Y/n continues to giggle as she hops over the branches as she stares up at the forest.
The forest glowed, Jake grabs onto her tail as she giggled once again.
"You'll see! Come!" She takes his hand in hers as she calls for her Ikran.
"Won't we get in trouble?" Jake asked not wanting to get on the bad side of her uncle.
"Please, I'm the master at sneaking out. I used to teach Neytiri when we were younger so we could swim at night, or have sleepovers together." Jake smiled, her heart stopped as she felt her cheeks burn.
She knew she was wrong for falling for another man, essentially a Dreamwalker. She didn't love Zo'at as he was too hard headed, as Jake was kind, he cared for her feelings and they held a close bond with one another.
Jake hopped onto The great leonopteryx(Neytiri mated with Tsu'tey as she knew she was not meant for Jake).
I looked to my left at Jake as he was already looking at me, his eyes held a different meaning, but I could not tell what it was.
I was nervous, as Jake was going to be one of us tomorrow, he was meant to find a woman, and he would be able to make a bow from the home tree. I know I was meant to be with Zo'at, but I do not love him.
Jake and I raced up the mountain I found while I was riding my Ikran earlier today.
"Where are we going?" He asked, I pointed up as he followed my finger.
"You'll love the view!" I shouted over the wind as I looked back at him.
We finally reached the mountain as our Ikrans were resting near each other.
"How did you find this place?" I hummed as I squatted, looking down as I saw the Sacred tree.
"I got into an argument with my parents today. They want me to mate with Zo'at soon." I sighed, closing my eyes as I sat down on my butt, my legs dangling as I stared down.
"What did you say?" Jake said, nobody in the clan knows that we were secretly together, besides Neytiri as she would help me lie when I am not there.
I smiled sadly, as I played with the end of my braid where my tsaheylu is.
I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt the tears fall down my cheeks.
"My parents found out about us, they do not want me to teach you our ways. Neytiri will be taking over, starting tomorrow. We can not be seen anymore." I let out a heave as I was trying to hold back a sob.
"I do not love him Jake, I love you!" I cried, getting up from my spot by the edge of the cliff I let out a shout.
"You shouldn't let your parents control who you should love." I shake my head.
"Mo'at is my aunt, she wants me to be the next leader after Neytiri. I am meant to be the nest Tsahik. My mother wants me to mate and bond with Zo'at. He is so arrogant, he thinks he's mighty he is not for me. I told them that I have found a mate, but when they realized who it was they told me to leave you." Jake takes my hand in his as I was now facing him, but I could not look into his green eyes.
"Zo'at and I have grown up together. My parents have decided since the day we have first met. We were seven, but I am twenty years old now. I am not a child anymore, I could choose the man I love without my parents consent. You are who I want. Even if you are a skydemon, but I do not see you that way." I rambled, my heart continued to shatter.
I felt his hands leave mine as he places them on my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"I love you, y/n. The niece of Mo'at, the next heir of the Tsahik. It's your choice to decide, it's not there's." Jake jabs his arms to the direction of the hometree.
His voice rasps, I lean my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sorry Jake, but I can not love you. We have to go our separate ways now Ma Jake." I could hear his heart beat pounding against my ear a his arms around me tighten.
I felt something tickle my skin as I noticed it was one of the seeds from the sacred tree. I let out a soft gasp as many more circle us. There has to be about thirty of them circling us.
"Atokerina." I whispered, Jake hums as the vibrations from his chest tickle my cheek.
"What does that mean?" I stayed silent, as I did not know the answer myself.
"Eywa." I whisper under my breath.
"What does Eywa have to do with us?" I slowly let go of my grasp on Jake, as he continues to keep his hand on my cheek, only for it to fall to my neck.
I held my hand out as three of them softly drop on my hand.
"She wants us to be together. But my parents would not allow it, there isn't a way for us to be together." But many more came after I said this.
"I don't think Eywa liked your response." Jake said in a teasing voice, but also serious at the same time.
"We're meant to be y/n." I let out a frustrated sound, not knowing what to do.
Soon the Atokerina's disappeared as Jake and I continued to stare at the trail of floating seeds of the tree of souls.
"Tomorrow, meet me here. I want to be with you Jake Sully. I do not care what my family thinks of me, we've been together for months without them realizing, I am happy with you. Zo'at is not the one I want, it is you." I leaned up on my toes, as he was a bit taller then me.
I connect our lips together, I let out a sigh as our lips meet. I could not live without him, he is mine, and I was his.
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seldomawriter · 6 months
Zutara Week Day 5: Respite
The rain kept falling as they returned to Appa.
“We should find shelter,” Zuko called, “get some rest before we fly back.”
Katara had stormed on ahead of him, but as he spoke, she stopped and turned around.
“Appa will-”
“You’re in no shape to pilot. He likes me-”
Katara started to say something, but Zuko spoke over her.
“-but he trusts you. I won’t be able to get us back to where we left the others. We should stay the night here, and set off first thing in the morning.”
She looked like she wanted to argue, but her tiredness won out, and she just nodded curtly.
They worked quickly and quietly to set up the campsite, making sure to cover Appa’s saddle to keep the rain out, before retreating to the one tent they’d packed for the night.
Katara was silent for a while, just staring into the small fire Zuko had made.
“Are you okay?” Zuko asked softly.
She gave him a cold look.
“Right. Stupid question.”
“I thought-” she gritted her teeth and looked back at the fire. “I thought this would be it. That I’d face the man who killed my mother, and I’d finally feel better. But I’m still so angry!”
The sound of rain on the tent increased for a moment. Zuko glanced up at the noise, and when he looked back at Katara, she was looking right at him, her blue eyes glowing in the firelight.
“I understand.”
No that’s- well, yeah. I was fueled by anger for three years, after my banishment. I thought bringing Aang to my father was the key, that that would restore my honor, and my place in my father’s heart. But then I went home, and I was still so bitter and alone. I realized it wouldn’t be that easy, and that only made me angrier; angrier at my father, and at myself. I opened my eyes, and I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore. I had to find my own destiny. Like my uncle told me.”
“So… what do I do?” Katara asked in a small voice.
“I can’t answer that for you. The next steps in your journey are yours alone. You have to decide what you’ll do with how you feel.”
She nodded slowly, looking off into space. Her eyes filled with tears.
He shuffled over to her, and reached out his hand. She took it, and pulled herself in closer, tucking herself against him and laying her head on his shoulder.
Zuko didn’t say anything, just wrapped his arm around her as she shook with heavy sobs.
They sat like that for a while, until Katara sagged against his arm and raised her tearstained face towards his.
“Thank you.”
Zuko could only nod.
They pulled apart and went to their respective bedrolls. As they both laid down, Katara piped up.
“Aang and Sokka were right. Trips with you are intense.”
Zuko chuckled.
She flashed him a tired smile, and Zuko knew deep down she’d be okay, no matter hat she’d choose.
i had the idea for this story years ago, maybe for another Zutara week, but never wrote it. does it fit the theme of "respite" ? maybe, and maybe not. whatevs.
**4 feb: edited to correct spelling errors that took me 3 mos to notice 🤦‍♀️
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Vatic - Chapter V " Bastard "
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Series Description : The youngest daughter of King Viserys and Queen Alicent grows up split between the two sides of her family. With dreams plaguing her sleep of people she does not know, and a war looming ahead of her. She will be forced to choose between the two sides of her family, between the love for her brother, and the loyalty for her sister. 
Chapter Description : Y/n Targaryen learns discovers the truth of her nephews.
Warnings : none in this chapter
Pairing : eventual Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader ( cannon typical targcest idk what to tell you )
Word Count : 2.4k
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Y/n had laid her eyes on baby Joffrey that morning. A sweet babe, with dark hair like his brothers, and dark eyes as well.  She had spent well over an hour with Rhaenyra sitting in the lush seats by the hearth in Rhaenyra’s family chambers. Y/n was fascinated by the infant. He was so small, and she was absolutely in awe at how something so small could be so strong to make it to adulthood, or even grow into someone her own size. Yet, she was aware that she was once Joffrey’s size, though,  she was certain her mother had described her as smaller than most newborn babes. 
Y/n knew very little about babies, and knew nothing about how a woman came to be with child. All she knew about childbirth, was that it must have been painful from the vague descriptions both her mother, and her sister had given her, and that having a child so soon after another could be dangerous, and unhealthy to both mother and babe. Y/n had been evidence of it. Having been born smaller than the rest of her siblings. 
But when Y/n had left, her sister had stopped her, and asked her to remind her lady mother of the proposition she’d given. When Y/n had asked what it was, Rhaenyra had explained it. 
“Jace shall rule over the kingdoms one day after our father and I am gone. I proposed that we betrothe the two of you. To allow the two of you to rule together. I also proposed that if Syrax were to lay another clutch of eggs, your brother, Aemond, may have his pick of the clutch.”
So Y/n had rushed to her mother’s chambers, hair falling from the style that the maids had put it in that morning. The prospect was exciting. It was only at the top five steps of the staircase leading up to corridor that led to her mother’s chambers did she trip and began to fall forward. She however, caught herself with her hands, and much like a dog would, used her hands to help her climb the stairs before she finally reached the top and continued running to the large wooden door, pushing it open and past the guard as soon as she arrived, with no notice to her mother. 
As she entered the room, she noticed that her mother was hardly dressed. She was still only in her stays and her petticoats. Before her mother’s ladies had realized that it was only Y/n, that had rushed to conceal the Queen from eye sight, all the while Alicent let out a yelp. That of a woman who had nearly been exposed to a stranger. 
The door was quickly closed behind Y/n, and she began to speak
“My lady mother! Please agree to Rhaenyra’s proposition!” 
Alicent looked at Y/n over the shoulders of the ladies who were shielding her from view. “Leave us.” She told them, and within seconds, the ladies were gone from the room, and Alicent stood before her daughter in her stays an petticoat. 
“What proposition would that be, my darling?” Alicent questioned, stepping down from the small step she’d been standing on and approached Y/n, her auburn curls bouncing with ever step she took towards her. As Alicent finally reached her, she brough Y/n close to her, an arm around the back of Y/n’s shoulder’s, her other hand holding the side of Y/n’s face to look up at her. 
“Me and Jace being betrothed.” Y/n told her, a fist ful of the cream colored petticoat in her hand as she looked up at her mother. “If I am betrothed to Jace, Aemond could have his pick of Syrax’s next clutch of eggs!” 
Y/n watched as her mother’s face dropped right before she pulled away from Y/n. “No.” Was the only response Alicent gave to Y/n as she walked towards one of the windows, staring out at the rest of the keep below them. 
“But, mother, It’s all he wants for! If my betrothal to Jace will allow Aemond to have a dragon I’ll do it!” She was pleading at this point, quickly approaching her mother. “You and father wouldn’t have to worry about finding me a husband, I’d be marrying the next king. Aemond would have a dragon!” 
Alicent quickly turned to look at Y/n, the contorted look on her face scared Y/n so much she was frozen in her tracks. Alicent then began to take large strides towards Y/n, and as she reached Y/n, she grabbed her face with one hand, her grip so hard it began to hurt Y/n’s jaw. “I said no, Y/n! I will not allow my daughter to marry a bastard! It is an insult for Rhaenyra to present them as true born heirs to the Velaryon and Targaryen household, to even dream of putting Jacaerys on the throne! No daughter of mine shall ever be wed to a bastard! I do not care if it will allow your brother to maybe someday have a dragon! Do you understand me?!” 
Y/n’s eyes were wide, staring into her mother’s with fear etched into her face. She was frozen in place. She’d never once been yelled at by her mother. She wasn’t sure she’d ever truly been yelled at. 
Y/n gave a struggled nod, finding it difficult to move her head when her mother had such a strong grip on her jaw. Alicent released Y/n, and gave a hand gesture that the young princess took to mean as a dismissal. 
Her eyes had begun to sting as she left the room. Tears trying to force their way from her eyes, and her throat began to burn as she avoided crying. She was doing her best to mask the emotions as she walked what felt like an eternity to her own bed chambers. And as she did finally reached her chambers, and the door closed behind her, she allowed the tears to fall as she lay in bed. 
Later in the evening, as the people of court became lively, celebrating the birth of yet another prince born to Princess Rhaenyra, Y/n left her chambers and went to the celebrations as well, finding herself mostly by Maris’ side. Both of them wearing green dresses, but Maris seemed to be enjoying herself far more than Y/n was. In the brief time that Y/n had known Maris, the Tarly girl was certainly the type for people. She’d make a fine lady one day. Y/n thought to herself. It wasn’t the life Y/n dreamed for herself. She did not wish to be kept away in a castle and have enough babies to fill every room. Sometimes at court, Y/n realized that's what had seemed to happen to some of the ladies. Lady Reyne seemed so dreadfully bored of her children and husband whenever the young princess spotted her at court. Much like the Lannisters, the Reynes always stood out like a sore thumb. Y/n knew pride when she laid eyes on it. She’d spent her whole nine years of life looking upon her mother’s pride. Alicent took pride in the house she was born into, her children always wearing green to represent it instead of their own house colors of black and red. the Reynes and Lannisters had a certain pride that put a sour taste in Y/n’s mouth, much like the taste of the northern ale that her father had once let her try at dinner. Y/n still recalled the bitter taste that had lingered on her tongue for the rest of the night. 
Y/n also knew how to spot something that would wound someone's pride. Her mother’s pride.And the one thing that would certainly wound it would be no other than Aegon. He stood leaning against a stone pillar by a stained glass window, it was only when the young princess had spotted her oldest brother did she leave Maris’s side and approached him. 
His hair was frizzy, and his skin looked dry. “Brother,” She greeted meekly as she reached up, looking up at her father’s oldest son. 
It was a good thing that Rhaenyra would one day be queen, and Aegon not the king.
Aegon’s violet yes peered down at Danara with disinterest before he looked away. “What do you want?” it was only then, as Aegon lifted a wineskin that was clearly full by how little he needed to tilt it back to get the light red liquid to his lips, did she realize he was already going to make their mother upset. She’d already angered her mother once, she didn’t wish to again. 
Y/n furrowed her brows and looked her brother up and down before sighing. “What exactly are bastards? Why are they a bad thing?” 
Aegon’s violet eyes then looked down at her once more, and she could see a fainted look of amusement on his facial features as the corners of lips were slightly pulled up in a grin. He grabbed Y/n’s shoulder and pulled her to stand next to him. “Do you see Lord Upcliff over there?” Aegon gestured to the blond-haired lord. “He’s been married to his wife for seventeen years, and he had yet to sire an heir on her. But he has children.” 
Y/n’s brows remained furrowed and she turned her head to look at her brother, who held a smug look upon his face. “That’s not possible, brother.” 
“Oh, yes it is.” 
“Mother said that children can only be sired by a man and wife.” 
“Legitimate children can only be sired by a man and wife.” Aegon corrected. “Bastard children are born when their mother and father are unmarried. And Lord Upcliff is said to have dozens of bastards wandering around the towns on Witch Isle. He sires them on the whores and servants in the town.”
The young princess was still confused. “But why are they bad?”She reiterated the question from earlier. 
“Why are you asking?” 
“Mother said that Jace and Luke were bastards.”
Aegon snorted a laugh and then scanned the crowd for the two dark-haired Velaryons that were bound to be either here, or by their mother’s side in her chambers with the newborn babe. “They are.” He responded. “Bastards can be sired upon married women as well. It’s clear to everyone at court, especially our lady mother, that Rhaenyra’s sons are bastards. They look nothing like herself or Ser Laenor. . . Yet, they bare a striking resemblance to the commander of the city watch.” 
“Ser Harwin?”
Her brother hummed in response. And in the crowd, Y/n saw the commander, standing with his father, the hand of the king off in the corner. And she couldn’t help but realize, that Harwin and her nephews did bare a striking resemblance. Jace and Harwin particularly. A similar facial structure. “Is it just the hair?” 
“It’s what mother noticed.” Aegon shrugged. 
“But Ser Laenor’s mother, Lady Rhaenys, her mother was a Baratheon. . . with black hair. . . could our nephews not have gotten it from her?” 
Aegon scoffed and shook his head. “If anyone was going to get Jocelyn Baratheon’s black hair that wasn’t Rhaenys, it would have been Laenor or Laena. Not our nephews. They’re bastards.” He was firm in his statement. Set on the idea that Jace, Luke, And Joff were all bastard from Ser Harwin Strong. 
“Why are they bad?” Y/n asked for a third time, growing frustrated by his lack of an answer. 
“Because women should save themselves only for their husbands. It’s against the faith to commit adultery, and bastardy is considered a sin. They are not the same as you and I. They were sired through sins of the flesh. Their very existence is based on lust, lies, and weakness, sweet sister. They themselves are inherently wanton and treacherous just based upon their birth. And Rhaenyra had placed one in line for the throne, and one in line for Driftmark.”
Y/n looked up at her brother. Was he himself a bastard then? But just the thought of it and Y/n knew it wasn’t true. Their mother was the most pious woman she’d ever met among the ladies of court. If it was against the seven gods, her mother wouldn’t have ever given birth to a bastard. 
“But Ser Laenor still calls them his sons. . .” 
“That is because Ser Laenor has. . . a queer appetite. They are the only sons he will ever have. Even if they are Ser Harwin’s bastards.”
It didn’t make much sense to the silver-haired princess as she walked away from her brother and back over to Maris who was conversing with one of the ladies of ladies of the Riverlands, Lady Morya Tully. She was a kind older woman, married to the heir of Riverrun, Ser Elmo Tully. The only daughter of the late Lord Lymond Mallistor. 
Y/n could easily look around the hall and name each house that everyone came from. If it was a noble or great house, or just a vassal house to another one. She knew which province they all came from. The word bastard didn’t feel like a new word to her. Yes, she’d heard it from her mother, but the concept didn’t feel entirely new to her. 
She still didn’t understand the significance. True-born and Bastard-born, the difference only being if the mother and father exchanged vows in front of the seven or in front of the old gods, or drowned god. She knew her nephews were not treacherous, so if they were bastards, then certainly the stigma wasn’t true? Or, their lack of treachery meant they were true-born. That’s the version she preferred. 
Yes, she knew that Luke and Jace teased Aemond, but they teased Aegon as well, and even herself. Aemond teased her. But she also knew that a majority of the cruel jokes played on her sweet brother were a result of Aegon’s true distaste of Aemond. The two were different, yes. Aegon had no true care for most Targaryen things, and Aemond, did. Aemond loved dragons, and the history of their house. Aegon spent his nights sneaking out of the castle to go out to Flea Bottom, and Aemond was always in bed when you expected him to be, and if he wasn't? He was either reading her to sleep in her own bed, and then promptly falling asleep beside her, or he was hidden away in his favorite corner of the library, a candle being the only light granted to him in order to follow the words along the pages he flipped.
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@disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @winxschester @blissfulbluenights @ghostlypineappl @dreaming-of-the-reality
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
hey! Are you okay? I hope so, can I make a request for daryl dixon? something angst but cute at the end as if daryl had moved away from reader(they were a couple) because of leah, and then she leaves with maggie, but at the end of season 10 they meet again. something like that if you want, sorry for the english and the inconvenience, thanks for the wonderful writing
I’m doing well honey, thank you. Please don’t ever feel like an inconvenience, I love this request! Thank you for your lovely words :)
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Maggie looks at me, eyes full of worry as I stare at the familiar man standing in the middle of the clearing, guiding new people around a beaten and broken Alexandria. He looks older, hair longer as if Carol decided to let him grow it a bit, but still the same Daryl as I knew before.
"You didn't tell me he was back." I mutter, hands shaking at my sides and I shove them into my pockets, sending her a frantic look. She reaches out to me, looping her arm around mine with a sad smile.
"I didn't know." I allow her to lead me further into Alexandria, occasionally stopping to say hi to friends that we've gone too long without seeing and I let a relieved smile slip across my lips.
That is, until Daryl approaches me while Maggie is talking to Carol.
"You still mad?" He asks, swaying awkwardly back and forth as a dog whines at his feet, obediently glancing up at Daryl before giving me a curious look, head tilting cutely.
"You still stupid?" He scoffs at my rebuttal, hand reaching up to rub sheepishly at the back of his neck. "I'm taking that as a yes." I go to move past him but his fingers wrap around my upper arm with a sigh.
"Listen to me, alright-"
"No, you don't get to call the shots right now, D." I snap, holding a hand out to him before snatching my arm from him, a frown pulling on my lips as I fight the tears that want to so desperately rise to my eyes. "You left me, willingly, without hesitation." The reminder hits him like a punch to the gut, his head drooping a bit so he doesn't have to look at me, so he doesn't have to remember the pain that he put me through. "Did she leave you and you remembered that I existed and thought to pay me a visit?"
His eyes lift to mine briefly in a heated gaze and I realize that he never knew that Carol told me about his little fling out in the woods. He thought that the betrayal that I feel is simply from him running away after Rick died but I can tell by the worried look in his eyes that he knows that this is so much deeper than him running away from me.
"I never forgot about you." He promises, stepping up to me in a desperate attempt to be close to me but with every step forward he takes, I inch away from him. "I didn't know what to do after Rick-"
"So you're blaming this on your dead best friend?" His eyes close in frustration, head shaking as a scoff escapes me. "You went out and fucked another woman, abandoned me, and somehow it's Rick's fault." I can't fight the tears now, reaching up to bat them away quickly as Maggie looks over to us and an apologetic look flashes through her eyes.
"I'm sorry." He mutters.
"You're not."
A minute or two passes and I take the chance to look anywhere but him, watching them attempt at building the walls back up, patch together walls on buildings that tumbled down in the fight and share meals together. I've missed this.
"But you're right. She left." Daryl sighs, heartbreak riddling his voice as he shuffles his feet against the dirt beneath us, a bitter smile slipping across his lips. "I couldn't choose her. She asked me to."
"So who'd you choose?" I ask, not even trying to hide the eagerness to my voice, hoping that he'd finally give me the answer that I've been waiting to hear for years from him.
"My family. You." He says almost instantly, shoulders rolling back in relief as if just saying the words lessened the load on his back. I let him step towards me, hair falling in his eyes as he smiles softly. "When Carol would come out and find me, I'd ask her if you were back yet. Every time she said no and it just gave me no reason to come back." He explains and his words make my heart ache so badly that I reach up to rub my sternum, sucking in a gasp of air as my tears dry on my cheeks.
"You didn't come back because I wasn't there?" I ask with a small pout, not missing the fond smile he wears when he looks up at me, eyes flickering back and forth between mine.
"You were my family. Without you there, I didn't wanna go back."
"You're making me a little less mad." I allow myself to laugh, breaking the awkward tension that was swarming around us just moments ago and, though it takes everything in me, I do truly feel less bitter after hearing his explanation. "If you keep saying nice things, I might give you a hug." I offer and his face falls in relief, head nodding as he reaches out to me, pulling me into his arms desperately.
"I love you and I missed you."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres @bungunz
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imdoingaokay · 2 years
Romanced DAI Companions + Solas and Varric with an GN!Inquisitor being poisoned!
A/N: Hi guys, I am in fact, alive. I love angst so much so... I decided to make this! Don't worry, I made this angst with a happy ending!
Oh, and this takes place AFTER TRESPASSER.
I tried to keep it ambiguous whether or not the Inquisition disbanded or not, but I do feel like I leaned towards the disbanding idea.
TW: Poison, potential death (yikes), just a tiny bit of smut (but it's lowkey classy?)
After the Exalted Council, there had been plenty of… new developments. A few months had passed and the Inquisition was finally settling down. Whether by joining in with Divine Victoria or by disbanding completely, the Inquisition was losing numbers. And while they didn’t want to admit it, most of the Inquisition were slightly relieved that it was over. Starry-eyed rookies were able to go home with some more experience, and veterans were able to have one last ride before retirement. And the Inquisitor, along with their lover, was able to settle down with the person they loved. At least, in a way.
The final day of Skyhold’s moving out had come, and as the sun set, an elf had requested some time with the Inquisitor, wanting to thank them in private for their aid for some long-forgotten side quest they had completed earlier.
The Inquisitor was kind enough to say yes, and the pair walked out on the battlements for a few moments.
But an hour passed, and the elf and the Inquisitor had not appeared. So a few remaining soldiers and the Inquisitor’s lover had set out to search for them, only to find them laying against the cold stone of the wall.
The healers confirmed the worst of their fears, it was poison, no doubt from the elf on behalf of Fen'harel. The poison was fast acting, and would surely kill the Inquisitor by morning. In the great hall, the healers encouraged the Inquisitor’s lover to go to their side and say their goodbyes. Unless some sort of miracle happened, this was the end of the Inquisitor.
And after a climb up an endless flight of stairs, they made it to the door of their lover’s room.
Blackwall/Thom Rainer: Thom has never had much control over his life, at least… that’s what he thinks. During his time as Blackwall, he was controlled by the name, the title that came with his identity. And once he was freed of that, he could choose, he could control his life. And now his life, his love… they were slipping away.
He entered the Inquisitor’s room and realized that he was losing them.
“Hey…” He heard his lover coo, holding out a hand to Thom. He nearly stumbles over his feet to reach his lover’s hand, and eventually falls to his knees by the side of the bed.
“I’m sorry.” He says quietly, relishing the feeling of The Inquisitor’s hand on his cheek, even if it is freezing.
“Don’t be, it was never your fault. It couldn’t have been.” They smile, “It’s going to be okay, you know.” They say, and Thom almost believes it.
He doesn’t dare crawl into bed with them, so instead, he merely sits beside them. He pulls up a chair and quietly holds their hand, carefully inspecting their chest, waiting for the moment when it stops rising and falling.
But it doesn’t.
Their breath is shallow but steadily gets stronger as the night goes on. Warmth and color return to their skin, and eventually, they sit up in bed. Thom refuses to leave their side and refuses to sleep. At least, not until the Inquisitor can get out of bed on their own and walk around. And even then, he waits until the pair have left Skyhold and find themselves in an inn nearby the mountains. Thom locks the door tightly and bars the windows and door to ensure safety. Then he climbs into bed, clinging onto his lover, and passes out. 
Cassandra: She doesn’t cry. She’s felt this anguish before, it isn’t new.
She quietly sits on her lover’s bed and shares a pained expression with her beloved.
“I’m sorry, Cassandra.” They say quietly, “You deserved better.”
Cassandra doesn’t bother to answer. She merely sighs and takes their hand, 
“No. Please don’t. Perhaps this is a sign from the Maker, maybe I am not to love again-” Cassandra begins, only to be cut off.
“Cassandra, please.” They say, “Please don’t give up, you deserve love. If you find someone, please don’t deny yourself that feeling. I didn’t, and look at me, I just so happened to fall in love with the same woman who could’ve beaten my ass when we first met.” They smile, and Cassandra can’t help but smile back.
They don’t stop talking, reciting love poems and stories to one another. Cassandra finds herself curled up and comfortable next to her partner.
The night drags on and tiredness lulls the pair to sleep, but when Cassandra wakes, she finds her lover still breathing. Sleepily, they ask for “another few moments” as she sits up.
A sign from the Maker, for sure. A sign that her partner isn’t leaving her anytime soon.
Cullen Rutherford: He knew something was wrong. The second the elf walked out with his spouse he got a terrible feeling in his stomach. Not even ten minutes had passed before Cullen began to start wandering around Skyhold, under the guise of ensuring everything went accordingly. But once an hour had passed, Cullen got desperate. It was his mabari that found his love first, sniffing the trail that led him to the dying Inquisitor before leading Cullen right to them.
When Cullen found them, he nearly blew up in rage. He was luckily calm enough to pick up his love and carry them to the healers, calling out for help.
He stayed by their side for every moment, and when he was told by the healers that it was too late, he angrily sent them out. He leaned over the railing as he watched the healers file out of the door.
“Cullen…” He heard a weak call to him from the bed. Cullen immediately turned and rushed toward his love.
“I’m here, my love.” He smiles, taking their hand in his. He freezes for a split second and he feels how cold his spouse’s hands are before he meets their gaze.
“I’m sorry…” They sigh, but Cullen shushes them, bringing his other hand to their cheek. He feels his eyes fill with tears as he watches his Inquisitor drift in and out of consciousness. Their mabari stood guard on the bed, laying their chin on the Inquisitor’s stomach.
When he was certain his love had fallen asleep, Cullen got on his knees. And with his spouse’s hand intertwined with his, he prayed. He prayed for a chance, a chance for his love to live. He prayed for forgiveness for his selfishness, the selfishness that caused him to want his love to stay for a bit longer. And he prayed for strength, for if the Maker decided to take his love away, he would make the world feel his wrath.
Luckily, the Maker answered only the first two of those prayers, as the next day the Inquisitor woke. They looked over to their husband, who had fallen asleep hours prior from sheer panic and exhaustion, and the Inquisitor slowly began to rouse him.
Cullen woke when he felt something push his hair back, which had fallen all over his face in his anguish the night prior. When he opened his eyes, he saw his beloved smile at him, and he thought he had died for a moment.
“Maker’s breath.” He spoke, cupping his lover’s face into a passionate kiss that was rudely interrupted by a healer barging their way in to give funeral rites.
Cullen should’ve been mad, and he would’ve been, if not for the relief he felt as his spouse kindly answered the healer’s questions and politely shooed them away. Cullen had been unable to take his eyes off his love and nearly tackled them afterward.
The two spent the next few hours in each other’s arms, and Cullen quietly whispered into their neck another prayer… this one was for more time the two could spend together.
Dorian Pavus: After blowing up at the healers for their “lackluster effort in healing their Inquisitor,” he’s a mix of anger and pain. He had planned to leave the next day for Tevinter, planning on leaving his Amatus for Maker knows how long, and he was still worried to bits. But, of course, they have to die right before he leaves them. Talk about dramatic.
He angrily marches up the stairs, intending to scold his lover for their carelessness, for their soft-hearted nature, anything to distract himself from the inevitable demise of the one person he loves more than anything else. But, as he climbs the stairs and gets to his partner’s door, he stops. He’s quiet for a moment before opening the door and slowly stepping up the final flight of stairs.
“Dorian…” He hears, and he can’t help but break. There is a moment when he wonders why his vision is so blurry, but the warm, wet tears streaming down his face give him his answer.
“Are you alright?” He manages to get out.
“I’m fine.” His lover coos, reaching out to Dorian’s hand.
“Bloody liar. I know that isn’t true.” Dorian scoffs, still greedily taking the hand of his Amatus as he huffs.
“Dorian, I love you.” They say, and Dorian wants to scream.
“Shut up, you’re going to be fine.” Dorian denies it, squeezing his lover’s hand ever so tightly.
“Hm… alright. I’ll take your word for it.” They smile their thumb stroking Dorian’s hand. Dorian sighs before letting his hand go slack.
“I love you too, you… soft, foolish, dramatic bastard.” He grumbles to his lover, lowering his gaze to their hand.
The night goes on without incident. Dorian claims he didn’t fall asleep, but it was the Inquisitor who noticed his lover’s eyelids begin to droop before Dorian rested his head against the mattress, fingers still intertwined.
The next morning, Dorian wakes up to a thumb stroking his hand, and he looks up from tear-stained sheets to see a smiling Inquisitor.
“Good morning.” The Inquisitor greets, and Dorian can’t help but sigh. Dorian jumps into bed with his Inquisitor, wrapping his arms around them tightly. The worst of this poison is over.
Over the next day or so, Dorian “convinces” a very eager Inquisitor to journey with him to Tevinter, under the condition that it is only for a few weeks while Dorian makes sure the Inquisitor makes a full and speedy recovery.
Tragic how the Inquisitor stays for far longer, hm?
Iron Bull: He was one of the first to find them. He’s familiar with the specific type of poison, and he knows that he got there too late. He stays by their side the entire time, refusing to part by their bedside. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that his Kadan is dying. When they awake, Bull is quietly sitting beside them, holding their hand in his much larger one.
Bull doesn’t know what exactly he should do, he’s never had someone this close to him… someone he cared for so deeply… die.
He makes them an offer, a final dinner… in a way. One last night between the two of them, no Inquisition, no pain, just… them. It doesn’t come from a place of horniness or anything, just a desire to be close to his Kadan one last time.
If the Inquisitor refuses, he respects it and decides to stay by their side, quietly watching them as they drift to sleep.
If they accept, Bull goes slow, watching for the effects of the poison to get worse. He brings his lover to their peak, then back to center multiple times before he even bothers taking care of himself, but once he does, the sun has already risen above the mountains. And the Inquisitor seems like they’re in far better shape.
Regardless, Bull lovingly watches them, and can’t help but get a burst of pride when the healers congratulate them for fighting the poison in their system. 
His Kadan is one formidable badass. And he’s more than happy to admit that.
Josephine Montilyet: “My love” She nearly sobs, rushing over to her lover’s bedside.
“This is all my fault, I should’ve… could’ve…” She sniffles and grips the hand of the Inquisitor tighter than ever.
“Josie…” A soothing voice lulls her back to reality, and she can’t help but meet the gaze of her lover, “You did… all you could.” They say sweetly, squeezing her hand gently.
Josephine wants to argue, but the look her lover gives her makes her sigh.
“I suppose… I suppose you are right…” She says, “I… I don’t want you to leave me.” She says gently, sitting on the side of the bed.
“I’m not gone yet, am I?” They say, and Josephine lets out a laugh.
“I suppose not.”
The night passes rather quickly, the Inquisitor distracting Josephine with questions and stories about her life. She’s halfway into her 17th story about Yvette when a healer comes in, astonished by the Inquisitor’s survival. That is the moment when Josephine turns and finally realizes the sun is up.
“I told you I wasn’t gone yet… I don’t intend on leaving you anytime soon, Josie.” They say, and that’s when Josephine has to fight the tears in her eyes while the healer confirms the poison is no longer a threat.
The second the healer leaves, however, is when Josephine bursts into tears once more.
Sera: She refuses to see them at first. Crossing her arms and turning away from the door. “No, I’m not gonna see them like that.” She states, “They… they aren’t gonna see me like this either.” She huffs, marching away to pack a few of the things she had left in Skyhold.
The night drags on and she can’t get her mind off her Inky, and soon enough, she’s sprinting up the stairs.
“Inky? Honey tongue? Tadwinks?” She calls out, progressively louder as she climbs the seemingly endless flight of stairs. “Sera.” She hears, finally getting to the very top. She’s breathing heavier than she ever thought possible. Sera rushes over to her Inky’s bed and quickly wraps them in the tightest hug they will ever feel. “I’m sorry, I am, I jus- I couldn’t see you like that. Like this… but if this is the last time-” Sera blubbers
“It’s not, dear.” They say, kissing the cheek of their wife, “If I survived Haven, the Anchor, and a shit ton of the undead, I’ll survive this.” They smile, and Sera relaxes.
“I… I guess that makes sense… it’s just… they stupid wizards… they say…”
“They’ve said a lot of things, haven’t they?” The Inquisitor shrugs.
Sera giggles before getting up once more, this time to properly lay down next to her Inky.
“I don’t want to fall asleep.” She says, “I don’t want you to fall asleep either… so… can we just talk… about what we’re gonna do?” She asks and promptly passes out an hour later.
The next morning, she’s woken up by a clamor, and for a moment she panics. But once she sees her lover’s hand around hers, warm and periodically squeezing, she relaxes. She relaxes more so when she hears her Inky’s voice quietly respond to the healer’s frantic questions.
The healers leave after basically clearing the Inquisitor, and Sera, in response, passes out once more, having far better dreams than earlier.
Solas: He was enraged. The elf was supposed to merely watch the Inquisition, not carry out an assassination!
Solas knew he couldn’t see his vhenan, not in person. But that night, after his anger had somewhat subsided, he watched his vhenan in The Fade.
They lay in a faux meadow, surrounded by wildflowers that stretched out seemingly endlessly. No trees for him to hide behind, no shadows to watch them from, so he took a risk and got close. He curled around them as a wolf, his vhenan using him as a pillow. He watched them teeter between life and death. And Solas couldn’t help but feel a type of anguish he never knew, so many regrets, so much pain. He quietly prayed and wished for his vhenan to live, to survive, and to open their eyes for him. And luckily, or unluckily, they did. It was only for a moment, and Solas had relished it selfishly.
The Inquisitor spoke but they were silent, their mouth opened and closed, and their hand had gone to his fur, gripping it tightly. Solas wanted to stay for longer, to lay with his vhenan, but instead, he watched the flowers of the meadows slowly dissipate. 
His vhenan was waking up, they would survive. That is what he desired, yet he found himself only in more pain, he wanted them to stay. He wanted to lounge in the dreams his vhenan had created for eternity. He closed his eyes and prayed the Inquisitor forgave him, prayed they didn’t blame him, even though he knew he deserved none of that. But he feels the hand on his fur disappear, and he knows that they’re gone.
He knew he nearly faltered, his vhenan has that impact on him. 
They always have, and they always will.
Varric Tethras: Death truly follows Varric everywhere he goes.
He solemnly walks up the stairs and stops himself before he enters the door. 
What does he say? What does he do?
Varric doesn’t know, so he returns to his default.
“Hey!” He smiles, meeting the gaze of his love.
“Varric…” They coo sweetly, causing him to falter and crack.
“I…” He sighs and returns to his lover’s side. “I love you so much.” He says quietly, clinging onto their hand for dear life.
“Lay by my side, please.” He hears, and he can’t help but let out a pained laugh, crawling beside them.
“As you wish.” He says, watching his lover wrap their arms around him,
“Take off your shirt.” They order, and Varric obliges.
“You trying to have one last hurrah with me?” He jokes.
“No, I just want to fall asleep next to you.” They huff.
“Fall asleep... huh.” He sighs.
“Shush. We’re sleeping… and tomorrow, we’re going to Kirkwall so I can meet Aveline.” The Inquisitor says.
“I forgot… the I have to take you to The Hanged Man, right?” He smiles, petting his lover’s head.
“Mhm, and then we go to the gallows so I can see what the fuss was all about.” He hears his lover yawn. So Varric continues.
“Yup, then we tour Hightown.” He begins, lulling his lover to sleep.
And sometime in the night, Varric falls asleep too.
And the next morning, when the healers enter the room, Varric silently watches with a smile as his lover was told they are cleared and allowed to travel with him back to Kirkwall. 
But he knows he’ll be watching his lover like a hawk while the pair is there, he isn’t letting that little stunt happen again.
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lixiesbrowniess · 1 year
Ⅴ. Go to the river - Omaticaya storyline
Words count: 3,0k
Warnings: little swearing, making out, him being a cutie, shy at first but then totally wild, grown up characters +18, nsfw, oral s3x (m receiving), slight choking, hair pulling, p in v, fluffy moment later, mention of fingering
Aged up to 19
Na'vi vocabulary: Skxawng: moron, Yawne: beloved
A/n: proofread ✓
Follow the don't like don't read rule please - minors DNI
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“I want you to choose Y/n” Ronal said as everyone turned to look at you.
You crossed your arms mumbling and looking at your feet
You really didn't have the patience to finish that piece...
“I'd like to go to collect the herbs” you murmured playing with your fingers.
“Then Rotxo will accompany you. He knows well where to find them” she then started to push the two of you out of the marui pot.
You were about to ask something but she already closed the flap and started to explain something to Neteyam.
You sighed turning back to your companion just to meet an empty space where he was standing a second ago.
“Eh? Rotxo??” you called looking around and spotting a tiny figure walking into the woods.
You immediately started to run after him. “What the hell?? Why'd you leave?”
“We have to move or we won't find those herbs” he said starting to drag you around.
“I don't think some grass will run away...” you commented trying to keep up.
“they won't. But they usually shine into the water right when the eclipse ends”
Time skip - to the river
You finally arrived to the river after all that leaf slapping and random puddles. “A'ight, here you can find the aquatic herbs” Rotxo said squatting down shoving his hands into the water.
“On those shrubs there is the leaf the Tsahìk uses for pregnant women” he murmured starting to collect his herbs. “We gonna need a lot of them” he joked chuckling softly
You followed the example collecting the leaves with an eye roll. Internally you were actually laughing.
Like since when did his stupid ass started acting like that? You asked yourself while collecting those herbs. It was most certainly Ao'nung's fault. You turned to him wanting to ask him something that you forgot as long as you saw him. As long as you saw his hair actually.
They looked so fluffy. You wanted to touch them.
You slowly approached him from behind, you started to get your hand closer to his fluffy hair.
As long as you grazed his hair he turned around about to tell you something, but noticing you got that close he literally jumped, almost getting an heart attack, and slipped onto a rock which caused him to snatch your hand in reflex but still you two fell artistically into the river.
“Y/n!? What's wrong with you??? Why so suddenly-” he stopped realizing why you where looking at him with such a surprised look.
You were currently leaning between his thighs supporting yourself with your hands onto his stomach. “I-....I'm sorry” you murmured trying to lift yourself up pressing his abdomen in the process.
He jumped and snatched your hands and lifting them from his abdomen making you lose your balance and fall back down.
“Don't- touch there.” Rotxo said with slight blush holding you down. “What- what were you trying to do??” he blurted out in a whisper. “Just-” you lifted yourself up pressing yourself onto his chest and freeing a hand from his grip reaching for his hair.
As you ran your fingers through his fluffy hair, you could feel his body tense up. You looked up to meet his eyes, and you could see a mix of confusion and attraction in them. He took a deep breath and leaned in closer to you, his lips almost touching yours.
You could feel your heart racing as you looked into his eyes. You had always been attracted to him, but never had the courage to make a move. You knew that this was your chance, and you weren't going to let it slip away.
“Rotxo, I think I fell for you” you said your lips almost touching his. He chuckled “literally” he said referring to how you ended up in that situation.
You rolled your eyes as he chuckled again at your expression. “very funny” you said starting to get up. He was faster capturing your lips in a quick peck and pulling you back down on his stomach.
You looked at him not daring to look away from his blue eyes as you leaned closer to him. “I see you sxkawng. I always did” he murmured.
That's all you needed.
You closed your eyes and leaned in, your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss. The world around you disappeared as you lost yourself in the moment.
His hands found your nape pulling you closer deepening the kiss. You locked your arms around his neck as you let him have the charge.
He gently asked for access tapping his tongue on your lower lip and melting with you as you parted your lips letting his tongue slide into your mouth.
His hands found your waist pulling your pelvis down making your core graze with his clothed hardness.
After what seemed like an eternity, you both pulled away, gasping for air. You looked into each other's eyes, and you knew that something had changed between you.
You both stood there, catching your breath and trying to process what just happened. Your heart was racing, and you could feel the warmth spreading across your cheeks. You looked up at him, and he was still staring at you with a look of intense desire.
For a moment, neither of you said anything, and the silence was only broken by the sound of your heavy breathing. Finally, he spoke.
“I've wanted for so long” he said, his voice husky and filled with emotion, his lips brushing over your neck and shoulders.
You felt a rush of excitement and fear all at once. You had never been kissed like that before, and you weren't sure what it meant. You knew that you had feelings for him, but you weren't sure if he felt the same way.
“I've wanted it too” you said softly, hoping that he could hear the honesty in your voice.
He smiled, and you could see the relief in his eyes.
“I wasn't sure” he said in a whisper as he hid his face into your neck. “I didn't want to push you.”
He wrapped his arms around you kissing your neck and collarbone, occasionally biting on them.
“You didn't need to” you gasped as you felt his clothed hardness seeking for attention against your inner thighs.
He leaned down and kissed you again, but this time it was rougher, more needy. You felt a warmth spread throughout your body, and you knew that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
⇊incoming smut [if not comfy skip till the next warning]⇊
As you pulled away, he took his loincloth away in a hurry exposing his painfully hard erection. You slid down between his strong thighs where you were at the start of this situation.
His dick in full display for your eyes. You slowly wrapped your hand around it and started to leave wet kisses on the side as your hand started to stroke it slowly.
He sighed in relief at your actions and started to buck his hips up in your hand. Your strokes were painfully slow leaving him desperate to feel your touch more.
His dick started to throb between your fingers asking for more attention.
“Please y/n-” he growled as he grabbed a fistful of your hair. “Use your mouth” he looked straight into your eyes as he pushed your head down till your lips touched his aching tip.
You slowly parted your lips taking his tip into your mouth and sucking on it gently gaining a silent moan from Rotxo.
You pulled back with a pop as his dick left your mouth. You quickly got back to work giving little licks to his slit making his fist clench around your hair.
After a little more of playing around he got tired and forcefully shoved his aching erection inside your mouth sighing at the relief.
“I'm sorry-” he breathed heavily looking down at you “I couldn't wait any longer”. You got the message and immediately started bobbing your head up and down onto his shaft.
You felt it hit the back of your throat every time he shove your head down on it. His hand, still full of your hair, was keeping you from retire your head away.
His breath hitched as you sucked harshly onto his whole shaft bobbing your head faster. He started thrusting his hips up meeting your movements.
He was fucking your face, shoving his dick into your mouth as you sucked on it harshly, swirling you tongue around it.
Suddenly he shoved your head down onto his whole cock while he thrusted his hips up, your nose meeting his abdomen in the process.
He held you down like that for a while growling in pleasure making you struggle as his shaft slid deep in your throat.
Then you felt something hot and sticky sliding down your throat. He held you still as he filled your mouth with his seed.
You felt some of it dripping down your chin as you struggled to swallow what you could.
“Look at you.. with your mouth all stuffed” he said huskily with a smirk not letting you move.
You held onto his thighs supporting yourself on them as he slowly pulled you away “Come here” he pointed to his stomach.
You tugged yourself onto him and looked into his eyes. “Let's take this off mhm?” he said as his hands gripped your ass squeezing it signaling you to move a little up.
You shifted your weight on your knees, on each side of his waist. He tore your loincloth off exposing your wetness.
He pushed you, making you lean your back to his legs. You started to feel horny as he just stared at you and at your dripping core.
You slightly grind onto his stomach trying to find some kind of relief. He chuckled at your eager “Slow down little one, everything in its time.” he whispered to your ear.
He slowly started to draw circles on your inner thigh making you squirm trying to make his hand shift to your clit.
He smiled at your actions and shifted closer to your bud teasing you. He wanted you to beg.
You were an impatient mess, squirming around as he still didn't thought about giving you some kind of relief.
“Rotxo-” you murmured breathing heavily he lifted his eyes to you. “Yes sweetie?” he started to feel himself getting hard again.
“Please-” he smiled at your trembling voice. “Please what y/n? Tell me” he mockingly asked grazing your clit making you shiver.
“Please just fuck me” you closed your eyes blushing at your own words. His smirk widened “As you wish”
He switched the roles, now you were the one laying on the ground as he slowly spread your legs letting you wrap them around his waist.
Your breath hitched as he lined his now harden dick to your entrance gently pressing his tip to your wet hole.
“You don't need no preparation right?” he said shifting his gaze to your orbs. “No, please- just stretch me out” you impatiently stated grinding against him.
“Of course yawne” he shoved his whole shaft with one fluid move exhaling as your walls immediately started to clench around him.
“Fuck-” he muttered holding your waist tightly as your pussy sucked him deeper.
You let out a gasp at the sudden intrusion, your body arching up to meet his. He filled you completely, stretching you out in a way that left you breathless. Your fingers dug into his back, urging him to move, to give you more of that sweet friction.
He started to thrust, slow at first, letting you adjust to the sensation of being filled by him. You moaned as he picked up the pace, each thrust sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body.
“Shit, you're so tight” he growled leaning closer to your body as your pelvis kissed with every thrust he gave.
His hands roamed over your skin, exploring every inch of you as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel the coil of pleasure building inside you, tightening with each thrust.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, his rhythm becoming more frantic. He pounded into you relentlessly, his movements becoming more urgent as you chased your releases.
He pulled your legs up to his chest and leaned close to you peppering your face with kisses. Gosh he was being so soft, yet so rough, it was making you crazy. You wrapped your arms around his neck holding him close.
“I love you y/n!” he blurted out picking up his pace. “So so much!!” his hands gripped your thighs as his dick started to throb between your walls.
“L-love you too-” you whimpered feeling yourself getting closer to edge second by second.
As soon as he felt you tightening around his cock his hand flew to your clit drawing circles on it at the same pace as his thrusts.
The immense pleasure caused you to convulse softly clenching your legs around his waist.
He kept slamming himself deep inside you until your knot snapped and you came crying out in pleasure.
He followed soon after spilling his seed between your quivering walls. He held you close to him as you both breathed heavily while he rode you both out of your orgasm.
Sweat was trailing down his forehead as he leaned to kiss your nose. “You did well y/n” he whispered stroking your hair.
He pulled out slowly keeping you close to his chest and you wrapped your arms to his neck as he started to get up.
                        ⇈smut ends here⇈
You both stood on your feet and the river never sounded so noisy. “I think we lost our loincloths” he said smiling. Of course you did. He threw them into the damn river. what a sxkawng “you're probably right” you murmured slightly feeling embarrassed to be naked for the first time that day.
He rubbed the back of his neck as he started searching for something to cover you both. “We could use these leaves” he then exclaimed all blushie “they're very resistant” you nodded at his words smiling at his clumsiness.
“Yeah they will do” you chuckled. He handed you two of them and turned around starting to fix his leaves to cover himself.
You did the same and once you both were done you got back to what you were doing. And finally finished collecting the herbs.
You started to walk back to the village and right when you two were out the forest he stopped you placing a hand on you shoulder.
You turned to face him and saw him holding his hand out and a small shiny she'll in his hand.
You looked at him then at his hand smiling “it's for me?” you asked, your eyes betrayed you showing your excitement.
“I found it back in the river... I thought it was beautiful” he murmured “like you” he looked down at his feet.
You then took his hand in your smaller ones “thank you, i-it's beautiful” you cursed to yourself at your stutter as you took the shell from his hand.
You got on your tippy toe and pulled him down kissing him on the cheek. He immediately smiled at you and left a quick peck on your lips.
You guys then walked to the Tsahìk marui with your hands touching each others occasionally.
“Oh just wait till I tell Tsireya” the figure slipped out from behind the palm “She'll be jumping from happines” Ao'nung chuckled ready to gossip with his sister.
Time Skip - days later
You were admiring the tiny shell Rotxo gave you previously. It was very pretty. You found yourself blushing everytime you looked at it as it remembered what you happened between the two of you.
You decided to add it to your songcord to remember that day so you started to tie it using that special seaweed Tsireya gifted you.
You started Interweaving the light blue seaweed forming little braids, then you framed the shell between three braids before connecting it to the rest of the songcord.
“Y/NNNN” a voice made you jump on your seat as a really familiar figure stormed into your marui. “YOU AND ROTXO FINALLY CONFESSED TO EACH OTHER!?!” Tsireya jumped all around you causing you to blink in confusion.
“How- how do you kno-” you blushed lightly “Who cares!! I'm so happy for youuu!” she chuckled kneeling in front of you. “You have to tell me the details. Now.” she stated placing the songcord down and staring at your perplexed yet embarassed expression.
Time Skip - Tsireya left without leaving out ANY detail
“I see you're busy” a voice startled you making you jump in place. You turned as the voice owner approached you. “I'm almost finished” you frowned playfully showing him the result with a slight blush.
His mouth formed a 'O' as he took your hand into his to look better a the blue weave. “Woah. This so gorgeous” you smiles and blushed at his compliment.
He looked at you smiling “we have to meet the Tsahìk and the Olo'eyktan” he murmured.
“Today is the day right?” you said returning to your work “Honestly I'm kinda scared” you said with a sad smile.
You two decided to tell the chief about your "relationship" to see what were Eywa's words. You were scared. You didn't want it to end just because Eywa said so. You loved him so much.
He kissed your forehead “Don't worry it'll be fine. I'm sure Eywa agrees with us” he said leaning his forehead to your making you noses touch.
You smiled as you both closed your eyes enjoying each other warmth. “Let's go. I promise I won't ever leave your side“ he said before you two got up and started walking.
Lil time skip
“I see you Ronal, I see you Tonowari” you repeated after Rotxo bowing lightly after touching your forehead in greet.
“we were waiting for you, i think we already know what you want to tell us” Ronal said chuckling softly.
You two just blushed and looked at each other hands fidgeting with your fingers.
“Eywa is favorable”
Taglist! @selkie-at-sea
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lansangprincess · 8 months
Belly, I'll always come and get you
Jelly drabble of a post-TSITP universe where bellyjere drifted apart after belly married conrad but even in times of struggling jeremiah is still the person belly looks for to come get her.
It was Jeremiah Fisher's 30th birthday. Every other year he'd be spending it raging with friends but there was something about reaching 30 that made him feel like he couldn't go out and party anymore. He loved his friends, of course he did, but after a while he realized that his partying days eventually stopped being about having fun with his friends and more about trying to forget his most important one.
Her name used to be a comfort to say out loud. He never thought it was possible for it to hurt to even think about. They tried their best to be friends again after splitting up. They kept in touch when she ended up studying abroad and when he went to pursue his Master's in International Relations. It was okay for a while. Most of the time he felt like they were walking on eggshells trying to figure out how to not be together but it was okay. They'll find a way to go back to being the platonic soulmates that they were. Of course they would.
But then she married Conrad.
They never talked about it—none of them. Once again, everybody thought sunshine boy Jeremiah moved on and just because the three of them were finally cool in a long time, that that meant he would be okay with them getting married. Not one bit of him felt like it was right. But he was tired of all the drama. If both Belly and Conrad said that being with each other would make them happy then fine, this time he'll choose to believe them. Or at least try his fucking hardest to.
But despite his attempts, an invisible cord between him and Belly broke. It was too painful to even pretend so the two of them drifted apart. They were cordial of course. Joked around on holidays and also somehow the pair of them ended up taking on the mantle of preparing every Christmas dinner together, but deep down both of them knew it wasn't the same.
He thinks of her the most on nights like these. Alone in his studio apartment, he lit the candle on the birthday cupcake he bought for himself. He chuckled. He realized he really doesn't know how to be an introvert. But whatever, it's fine, Jeremiah was going to take off his shoes, put on a face mask, watch some black-and-white movie and eat this fucking good cupcake.
Clock struck midnight.
He was 30. He was finally going to do it, he thought. He was going to fall asleep on his couch, wake up in the morning and finally forget that he was in love with Isabel Conklin. It was his one birthday wish.
Too bad the universe had other plans.
His phone rang before he could blow out the candle. It was her. He cursed whatever muse or god or deity was listening. Whatever she said, he decided, he wasn't going to change his wish. No matter how sweet her birthday greeting is going to be for him—which he knows it will be since it always is—he refused to have it reignite all the feelings he still had for her. He couldn't do it anymore. He just couldn't.
He picked up the phone.
"Hey Be—"
She didn't even let him finish.
No matter how sweet she is, he repeated to himself, no matter how many time she says the word "love".
But she wasn't sweet. And she didn't say the word "love". He's not even sure in that moment if she remembered it was his birthday.
Instead, what she said made him feel much more worse than if she'd told him she hated him.
"I'm divorcing Conrad."
His heart pounded. His first thought was something selfish. Very selfish. Her words were spoken through a humorless laugh and he absolutely hated to hear her like that. There were no words of comfort running through his mind, no declarations of love, no jokes—nothing. For the first time in a really long time, Jeremiah Fisher was speechless.
"Can you um—" her voice started to crack as he heard her trying to fight through tears, "Can you come get me?"
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Lost In The Maze
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Pairing: Robin Buckley/Female Reader
Requested By: Anon
Word Count: 1,356
Summary: It was Robin's idea to go to the haunted corn maze in the first place. But she absolutely cannot cope when she realizes that she's lost you within the walls of the maze.
AN: Thank you so much for the request, anon! I hope you like what I came up with and I'm sorry it's so short.
Robin Buckley Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
"I'm just gonna go this way to see if there's an opening. Don't move." 
That was the last thing you told Robin before turning heel and walking away. She'd managed to stay in her spot for about a minute before she got nervous. She swears she walked the same direction you did. But then the first wall was in front of her. 
It was Robin's turn to pick date night. The arrangement was that every week on either Friday or Saturday you'd both take turns choosing how you spent the day together. Last week you'd chosen Chinese take out and Mad Libs in bed. You'd laughed so hard you cried, and Robin spilled sweet and sour sauce on your couch. It was a truly perfect day. 
But this week was Robin's pick. She'd chosen a small harvest fair in the next town. Someone with a lot of land had opened their farm up to the public, charging a small admission fee to enter. There was a hay ride that went around the property, a small stand near the front selling food, a stall selling pumpkins beside it. But what took up the most space on the land was the corn maze. During the day it was an average maze. Dry stalks of corn taller than you with trails cut into it. But Robin assured you that the real fun was after sundown. As soon as the sun began to set in the distance, they stopped allowing anyone under 16 inside of the maze and it became a haunted corn maze. 
And that was how you ended up here. Under a dark, starry sky surrounded by corn and people who love nothing more than scaring the pants off of you. You'd left Robin in hopes of finding an exit. That was your mistake, you'd admit. But you really did think that she'd be able to stand in one spot for, like, two minutes while you investigated. 
She was not. 
It felt like forever that Robin stood there alone. Her fingers tugged at the hem of her sweater, fidgeting with a loose thread. She stretched her feet, standing on tip toes as she peered intently in the direction you'd left. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth in an ill fated attempt to self soothe as she wondered where you were and how long you'd be gone. 
Before she could stop herself, her feet were moving. She craned her neck as she searched for you amongst the dried corn stalks that surrounded her. She swore they were growing taller with each passing moment. Sticks and fallen leaves crunched and cracked beneath her red converse sneakers. She was beginning to panic, but doing a good enough job of calming herself. She can't be far. I'm going to find her. It's not that big of a maze. I'm going to find her. 
And then she hit a dead end. 
She nearly walked face first into a solid wall of corn, too busy looking around herself to watch where she was going. She looked up to the tops of the stalks. They were at most a foot taller than her, but they suddenly seemed to reach heights of 50 feet at least. She looked to the left, then to the right. Left again. Robin could actually feel her pulse quicken before finally deciding to turn left. 
She walked quickly, heart pounding in her chest so hard she could hear it. She brushed past a sloppy looking scarecrow as she searched for you. Her blue eyes concentrated hard on the ground in front of her. It was her idea to do the haunted portion of the maze and she was expecting the scarecrow to come to life at any moment and scare her. He didn't. His straw filled arms and burlap face never moved. He was unnerving nonetheless. 
Robin could just barely see in front of her. The owners had set up lights inside the maze but they were sparse and the dark points between them had her sweating beneath her jacket as she approached them. But she had to keep going. She had to find you.
A girl in a torn dress and blood on her face suddenly jumped at her from her left hand side. The rustling of the corn stalks was all but silenced by the sound of her terrified shriek. The girl slinked back into the corn with a satisfied grin on her bloody face as Robin tried to regain her composure. She was already regretting her decision to do something scary for Halloween. 
By now she was all but running through the maze in search of you. She came upon a group of about half a dozen people all clinging to one another as they moved through the dark maze. She stopped them, panting as she asked them if they'd seen you. Her description of you was good, if she said so herself. She had memorized everything about you, down to what color socks you were wearing. 
"Nah, man," a boy younger than her said with a shrug. "But I know if you ask one of the employees they'll walk you out." 
"I can't just walk out. I have to find her." 
One of the girls in the group stepped forward. "They'll probably send someone in to find her or something." 
Robin sighed heavily as she shouldered past the group. They were absolutely no help and she was still determined. Logically, she knew they were right. If she found her way out and told an employee that you were lost in the maze, they'd find you. They obviously wouldn't leave you to freeze overnight in a cornfield. But she couldn't just leave you alone in here to be found by a stranger. No, she decided. It had to be her. 
So, with a deep breath and a small internal pep talk, she set off. The new determination she felt acted as something of a barrier between her and all the things around her that were meant to scare her. The dark, the cold, the sounds, the people. None of it seemed to phase her as she set her sights on her one goal. Finding you. 
A few more people jumped at her from behind corn stalks. She didn't even react, really. Just shooting angry glances their way as they retreated back into their hiding spots. She found herself growing more and more anxious the further she ventured into the maze. An unfamiliar dread settled into her mind as she let herself wonder if she'd ever find you.  
Hands from seemingly nowhere suddenly fell to her hips. She whipped around, ready to take out whatever ghoul had been brave enough to break the rules and grab her. Her anger and fear both died in her chest the moment she turned. Instead of seeing a scary townie with bad Halloween makeup, she saw you. Cheeks pink with chill under your shy smile. Robin reached forward, throwing her arms around your shoulders. She pulled you tightly to her chest, her hands holding you like her life depended on it. 
"Hi, baby," you whispered into her shoulder as your own arms wrapped around her waist. 
Robin tightened her hold on you almost painfully. "Thought I'd never see you again," she whimpered. 
"I told you not to move," you giggled, pulling away from the embrace just enough to see her face. 
Her arms unwrapped from your shoulders as her gaze softened. She brought her cold hands to rest on your cheeks. Her fingers found home just beneath your ears, her thumbs resting gently on the apples of your cheeks. She pulled you forward to meet her lips in a kiss that felt desperate and excited. She smiled as she broke the kiss, her forehead resting against yours. 
"Let's get out of here?" She asked in a voice that was just barely a whisper. 
"Yeah," you agreed, pulling your hands from around her waist. She dropped her own hands from your cheeks, opting to link your fingers with hers as you walked in the direction you'd come from. Hopefully, towards the exit. 
Feedback is always appreciated! Requests are open! Have a great weekend! 🥰 If you'd like to be tagged in my Stranger Things fics, please let me know. I also have individual tag lists for Steve, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and Steddie. 
Tag List: @manyfandomsfanvergent   @paradoxicalconundrum @strvngerrose @redwineanddnicotine  
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