#shame programming
Abusive parents fail to nurture a child then blame the child when they show signs of not being nurtured.
Abusive parents fail to build up a child then blame the child when they show signs of not being “capable”.
Abusive parents fail to give a child support or resources to help them with their emotions then shame the child when they need help with their emotions.
Abusive parents break down a child’s confidence, strength, spark then shame them when they struggle to face life’s challenges. They would rather have a scared, wounded child to control and use than see their own child happy and successful. To face life’s challenges a child must have a foundation of unconditional love and acceptance, they must know not only their value but their strength. A child needs support. Healing from abuse involves not only processing the horrific things that were said and done to me, but recognizing all the things I needed that I didn’t get. Realizing that it really wasn’t my fault. That I wasn’t somehow flawed as I was made to believe. That I don’t deserve abuse. That I deserved support then and I deserve support now. That I deserved understanding then and I deserve understanding now.
I was not unconditionally loved and accepted. I was not safe. My energy was more focused on safety than anything else. I do not blame myself for struggling now to face life’s challenges, let alone have dreams and aspirations for a bright future. I give myself the grace, patience, acceptance, compassion and nurturing I should’ve gotten as a child. I do not shame myself for where I’m at. I do not shame myself for struggling to connect with other people when I never had a healthy/safe/secure attachment as a child, instead getting close to people only led to terror. I honor my pace and don’t rush my heart or my body. I do not shame myself for needing more help than others who had a head start I didn’t have. I do not blame my body for struggling with basic things others are able to do who have not endured all I have endured. My body, my mind, my heart, my spirit have done all they were able to do to carry me to this point. I am grateful to them for all they have done to carry me to this point. I honor and respect them. I honor and respect all parts of me.
I refuse to perpetuate the generational cycle of shaming myself. I know that the horrific ways my parents treated me is how they treat their inner child, and why they still live shameful, miserable lives to this day. The cycle stops with me.
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newhologram · 1 year
One thing I should’ve foreseen with healing/self-love is that when it becomes apparent to others, it triggers the fuck out of them. They’ll call you vain, conceited, and inaccurately label you narcissistic (not what that means, babes, like at ALL). Ignore it. It’s just their own shame programming telling them “it’s wrong to love yourself, if you were like this person, people would judge you” and so they judge YOU the way they’re afraid of being judged. It’s not your job to tiptoe around their fragile sense of self. They can do the work or not be your friend if it’s that upsetting to them. I’ve worked too hard to survive lifelong shame and suicidality to tone my pussy down just because it trips up other people’s insecurities.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 months
I think all of those posts, comics and "quotes with 40k characters" stuff portraying Malcador as the voice of reason amongst the cast are funny, but I mean, is he really?
the guy was the enabler to end all enablers
He was absolutely an enabler and an apologist, but he had more of a grasp of common sense than the Emperor, and knew how to (at least a little) argue with him when something needed doing. Granted, “more common sense than Nasty Neoth” is a low bar, but Malcador cleared it. Sometimes. Now and then. As a treat.
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rad-roche · 2 months
crowdsourcing this because i'm completely bewildered and have tried everything. i'm drawing in realistic paint studio and every line leaves a 'trail', like it's drawing twice. here's an example
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neither of those lines reflect what i'm actually drawing. something about my tablet isn't playing nice with rps, and i'm not sure what to do because it's come on all of a sudden. any ideas?
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demi-pixellated · 1 year
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work cooldowns
Qwydion... love 💞
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xenocorner · 1 year
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"Please return my cap?"
I have committed the sin of self indulgence forgive me.
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tutuandscoot · 6 months
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A ‘how had this not been gifed already’ kinda moment
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harbingersecho · 3 months
some short felix stuff. also price is there for a second
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joelsgreys · 3 months
In response to your rant - I’m sorry that people are being so cruel. I am currently underground on this app, both for asks and for writing, because of the taboo nature of my writing. I have had mutuals reported, censored and banned from the app because people feel that what we write should be silenced.
Writers aren’t hurting anyone - it’s very easy to curate your experience on this app. But, some people don’t agree with that sentiment and then we writers are left frustrated and sometimes feeling isolated or shunned.
People need to adopt the “don’t like, don’t read” philosophy instead of telling other how or what they should be allowed to write.
/rant. (Sorry you’re having a frustrating day/evening)
hi non
first off i’m sorry to hear about your mutuals. i’m also sorry i don’t have a lot to say, i’m just exhausted. it’s like we can’t have one week of peace and harmony, one day where people keep mean thoughts to themselves.
not liking something is valid. there are options. unfollow, block, filter, scroll. barring very extreme circumstances like an author INTENTIONALLY not tagging their work for example, writers aren’t hurting anyone.
they’re not hurting anyone if they make a character too ooc
they’re not hurting anyone if they write something really soft or really dark
they’re not hurting anyone if they write nothing but au’s
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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newhologram · 9 months
When my health gets in the way, shame-programs spring up like weeds. Taking care of my body while fighting off mean thoughts is rough. It’s easier to challenge with different methods, like Inner Roomie. Mine’s Vanessa. She’s mean but ultimately just born from surviving abuse.
So even though I’m able to laugh at the mean things she says about me, it’s also very sad when you get that outside perspective. She’s just acting out the kind of shame and negative perception that was constantly put on her. 
Have boundaries with these programs, but also, give them the love and reassurance that you never got.
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heynhay · 10 months
heynhay klance animatic when?? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 with all that free time of yours
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loveletterworm · 5 months
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Things i made while trying to test an animation app which clearly each took an exactly equal amount of time and effort to make I promise
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solradguy · 1 year
I bet HRT in the Guilty Gear universe is fuckin wild like you can essentially beatbox a portal to the math of reality itself, there was a war against half-magic half-technological bioweapon dragons that the dragons lost, Sol has/had the contained essence of one of the driving forces behind every mass extinction event on Earth in him, there's a fox man that was spawned by the reality math that inherited the remnants of the concept of this woman who drowned/was crushed by the math that then became a core part of his very being, a young Japanese woman can summon and unsummon dolphins and whales at-will and no one really knows how she's doing it, Faust is there
Like, you could probably roll up to any doctor in GG and say "I'd like one gender change, please" and they'd do some hocus pocus and tadaa you've been transed
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