#sexy boy sexy suit sexy car
f1-birb · 9 months
and they say perfect combinations don't exist 😮‍💨
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r3ynah · 4 months
The girls the boys they all like Carmen.
(In this scenario Carmen is the fentons).
I just want to headcanon, that the Fenton's have a ethereal type of beauty, not sexy or hot. Ethereal, like if you didn't know that they're a family of Mad scientist, a obsessive therapist and a dead boy. they could've passed as deity's.
And the amity park's citizens can and will totally agree, they might've disagree and fight for a lot of things but the only thing they can agree on was the Fenton's was down to earth beautiful.
Like Jack Fenton for example, He has built that can seemingly bench you without any hesitation, but a himbo at heart, the greys of his hair compliments way it mixes with the black hair of his, if Jack isn't in his ghost hunting suit, he is pretty decent when it comes to his fashion sense, When Jazz first brought along her friends, the first thing they asked was if Jack was single, which caused Jazz to smack their heads individually with a newspaper.
And don't get me started with Madeline Fenton, because I cannot stop when it comes to her, My girl with her short straight Reddish-brown hair, looks like a masculine but also feminine beauty, Can and will bench you, if you have any ill intent towards her family, she came from a long line of riches if I say so myself. Tall as fuck, about 6'7 while Jack is 7'0. very elegant when it comes to fighting, that it looks like she's just dancing, Was titled as a Milf by Danny's classmate which made the boy groan in annoyance, Sam and Tucker calls out to Maddie and says "Mother is Mothering", just to get something out of Danny who looks at them with disgust knowing full well what they were trying to do. While Maddie is just happy for the kids to see her as a mother figure.
Now Jazz, My love, my girl. Her long Red hair that came down to her hips, and her blue eyes, made all the girls and boys in her college swoon, with her 6'4 figure she strutted down the halls with confidence, beauty and brains everyone would oh so called it, and her knowledge in martial arts didn't lessen her attractiveness, The humans and ghosts can agree with that delightfully.
And now her dearest sibling Danny, Danny is a nonbinary fuck that can gender envy anyone he meets, that's why he got bullied in the first place, he was too fucking beautiful and handsome at the same time, all the boys and girls of his school have atleast had a crush on him, He was the only cute boy there, what could they do? He stared at them with his icey colored eyes that made their legs tremble from the pressure, and that black hair that always seemed messy but in a good way. It didn't help when he got that lichtenberg scar, that ran up his neck and the side of his face. you should've seen him in P.E cause my guy got everyone staring at him.
And the Fenton family has fashion sense, if they really put their mind and soul into it, everytime they dressed up for a family reunion or just an outing it was a very sweet treat for everyone's eyes. like how it is right now.
The Amity parkers waved goodbye at the Fenton's as they went on and attended a gala they were invited to, it was supposedly because of the sudden rise and popularity of their works and how's it been helping the environment.
One citizen sighed as he looked at the car that family was driving as it slowly became smaller and smaller.
"You think they can handle Gotham, heard nasty thing bout that place." She questioned
"Girl, Gotham should be the one readying to handle them, that family may be beautiful, but their crazy." Her friend's answered
"well that does give them a more attractive look isn't it?"
"I hate how you're right."
The Gala the Fenton's went to certainly had an awkward atmosphere when they went inside, all the guest kept staring at them that it was starting to get creepy, did they overdress or underdressed, come on just walk towards start to talk or criticize them, because it's starting to get embarrassing for the family.
Gotham wasn't fucking prepared to meet the Fentons like as in, They had been awestrucked when the family walked in. A very tall man seemingly in his 40's with his hair gelled back, and a suit that fitted him too perfectly, gosh dang, even the homophobic guests couldn't help but stare, And then there was his Wife her straight her was curled and brushed out leaving a wavy effect that compliments her face shape, and that dress she was wearing was utterly gorgeous, fancy but also simple and mature, the heels certainly helped her height more and made her look more intimidating, The ladies blushed when she looks at them and smiles.
And don't get them started with the couples children, who looked adorable and elegant at the same time, The older sister had a aura that says: 'Im in your presence bow down' (And they would've if it was in a more private area due to the paparazzi's out the window). She wore a spaghetti strapped dress that had a slit on either side and was , making it more comfortable to move in for the girl, partnered by a white shawl made of silk, she had heels that also complimented he already tall stature, her hair was tied in a neat bun, with a few strands free to not make her face feel bare. And lastly the youngest everyone assumed, wearing a suit, double-breasted suit that was elegant and sophisticated it matched the way his hair is messed up for him to still look young, he was also wearing a black shawl that had specks of white making it look like stars. The family had a colour scheme of green, that made all gothamites present swoon, Including a certain family of bats.
(I might make a fanart of this later.)
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
From what I've seen, I think the Batkids would like your book.
Hunger Pangs? You flatter me.
But also, yes thank you for this particular strain on self-indulgent brain rot. I am going to be absolutely abnormal about this.
I’d like to imagine Dick picks it up at an airport somewhere on his way back from a trip and becomes hooked on the “clever, pretty, jumps-from balconies-for-the-thrill-of-the-fall vampire and goes, “oh, same.”
The fact that it’s got a rugged, soldiery werewolf with a heart of gold who enforces self-care as a form of kink-play is also doing stuff to his brain. (That’s a thing? He can… he can ask someone for that? Who does he ask for that? It’s been weeks since he slept more than a few hours and ate more than cereal for dinner. Seriously, who does he ask? How much is it? He’s got money. He’ll pay.) The uh, the need for validation and the budding praise kink is also hitting a little too close to home.
As is “all powerful witch with the power to pick you up with her mind and throw you around like a rag doll.” (LiStEN, he spent a large chunk of his formative years surrounded by tight spandex suits, villains with sexy mind control pollen and getting kidnapped and tied up every other week. It’s not his fault he’s Like This.)
He’s not mad about it, though.
Babs catches him re-reading it during downtime. She’s not even that interested, more asking what it is to be polite, but the way Dick jumps and turns red, like he didn’t even realize she was in the room is… intriguing.
“I can see why you like it,” she says, several days later, casually drinking her coffee while Dick stares straight ahead, willing the floor to open up and swallow him whole. “Magic, politics. Saving the world from certain doom with the power of knowledge and ecological preservation.” She glances sideways at him. “Vlad’s got some interesting quirks.”
“Shut up.”
“Are we sure you’ve not been compromised?”
“Babs, I mean it.”
“Mean what?” Tim appears in the kitchen as though from nowhere, pouring a red bull into the coffee pot.
No one tries to stop him.
“Dick’s reading a new book,” Babs says, ignoring the murderous look Dick sends her way.
“Oh? What book? Is it any good?”
“Uh, yeah, uh.” Dick rubs at the back of his neck, glaring daggers at Babs as she rolls out of the room, cackling. “It’s uh, romance. Kind of silly actually…”
Dick nods. “It’s got a vampire and a werewolf. Two guys. And a… well she’s just sort of magic. They break into a library to save the world from ecological disaster. They’re all bi. Together. Or they will be in the next book. This one’s more about the vampire and the werewolf getting together. Um...”
Tim’s gone very still in the way he does when his brain has caught hold of something and he’s absolutely about to let it consume him. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Dick shrugs. “It’s got some kink in it,” he warns, not wanting to expose his younger brother to something he’s not ready for. Which is ludicrous because he’s Robin. And from the way Tim’s not drinking his ‘coffee’ he can tell this is only going to go one way no matter what he says. He brightens, remembering something. “But there’s, like, a non smutty version too? Or a less smutty version, I guess? I don’t know, I haven’t read it yet. I could, we could go to the bookstore, maybe stop at the art store too…”
“I’ll meet you in the car.”
“So,” Jason says, and Dick can already tell where this is going by the shit-eating grin on his face. “Vampires, huh? Or is it more the werewolves you’re into?”
“Who told you?” Dick bemoans. “Was it Babs?” He bets it was Babs. Fucking Babs.
“Oh, no one told me anything Boy Wonder. Tim found out the author has a go-fund-me for some medical shit that exceeded his monthly allowance and he’s been harassing Bruce to “fix it” for several days now. He’s down in the cave making a nuisance of himself right now. Apparently he quote “needs more of the bisexual monster books Dick told him about” unquote, and the author can’t do shit if she up and fucking dies because this country’s a fucking for-profit shit hole.”
Dick places his head in his hands. “Oh, God. Is Bruce mad? He’s mad, isn’t he?”
Jason shrugs. “Couldn’t tell you. Last I heard, Tim was playing him the audiobook over the bat computer to make his case.”
Dick let’s his head thump against the table. This is it. This is his villain origin story. He’s going to run away and join the Rogues. Or maybe he’ll go back to the Circus. Either option is better than the idea of having to meet Bruce’s eye later over the dinner table.
“Personally, I thought the plot was a little weak but the characters are compelling,” Jason says, sipping his herbal tea. “I liked the chill necromancer doctor. I feel like he’d be able to fix me.”
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folkloresthings · 10 months
in which the world’s favourite pop princess becomes tangled in the life of a certain formula one driver, flipping her entire world upside down.
( charles leclerc x singer!au )
track one: lonesome. track two: fast times. track three: nonsense. track four: opposite. track five: how many things. track six: bad for business.
✩⡱ warnings: like one curse word
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liked by oliviarodrigo, charlieputh, and 738,928 others
yourusername baby’s too pretty to be put in the corner
view all 56,914 comments
landonorris BARK BARK
user mother is mothering
sza i’m so in love with you it’s silly
charles_leclerc pretty indeed
⤷ user unhinged charles spotted
⤷ user he’s making moves people!!!
lewishamilton are y’all seeing what i’m seeing
yourusername added to their story!
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the pre—race buzz was electric in the ferrari garage, your phone pinging with messages beckoning you to the mercedes garage on the other end of the paddock. you knew lewis wanted to see you, he’d been the one to invite you to the race in the first place, but there was something pulling you to the room filled with red. someone.
“hello again,” your smile widened across your face as charles dodged past mechanics to find you by the wall. his decorated race suit adored his lean figure, but his head was still free of his helmet, despite the clock ticking closer to when he needed to be in the car.
that godforsaken smile of his mirrored your own, knees wobbling as soon as it graced your gaze. without thinking, his arms pulled you into a hug. a friendly one, to be sure. a happy to see you, no matter how your heart yearned for another reason. the emerald in his eyes shone down at you, that same look he’d given you when you’d first met all those weeks ago backstage before your show.
and now here you were, after weeks of texts and late night calls, staring at each other through a fog of tension, waiting with bated breath. he speaks first, and you try so desperately to ignore how his gloved fingers brush your wrist when he does.
“what are you doing tonight?”
you blink, his eyes hopeful for an answer. your head shakes, shoulders shrugging, brain nagging to be an ounce cooler than you were being right now. “i don’t know. why?”
“let me take you to dinner. it’ll be my prize, if i win,” he speaks quickly, as though he needs to say it before hesitancy can change his mind. that familiar lump of nerves turns in your stomach, one you hadn’t felt in a long time. not since austin first asked you out — a feeling that had ended in catastrophe. could you face that kind of tumble again?
“charles, you have to go!” a voice nearby urges, every other driver already behind their wheels. urges him to move, and you to answer. his feet are moving backwards, slowly, but his eyes stay trained on you, awaiting your reply.
“well, you’d better win then.”
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername, and 762,629 others
charles_leclerc P1!!! so happy with today’s result, thanks to everyone who got me there ♥️ time to celebrate (even more)
view all 467,333 comments
scuderiaferrari YES! 🍾🍾🍾
⤷ user bro thinks he’s slick
yourusername congrats again!! super duper proud 💌
⤷ user the hair in the pic looks so much like hers oml
⤷ user she literally just got out of a relationship like five minutes ago
yourusername i think i trust you enough to teach me to drive now
⤷ charles_leclerc only now? ouch, my heart ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
⤷ lewishamilton STOP FLIRTING
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liked by nicolacoughlan, zendaya, and 889,201 others
yourusername what the fuck is patience?
view all 661,820 comments
charli_xcx damned if i know
pheobebridgers a man? 🤢🤢🤢
⤷ yourusername so true bbz
user SQUINTING to see who the guy is
⤷ user maybe it’s just a friend?? who cares
⤷ user puh lease he got her flowers
charles_leclerc nice flower arrangement
⤷ yourusername i know a sexy florist, want his # ?
user I MOVED
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writer’s note: they’re getting there 😭 i’m emotionally attached to this fictional couple i can’t. fyi this is just a filler to move them along there’ll be drama soon dw
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bleach-your-panties · 3 months
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ᰔℊℯ𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃' 𝒾𝓉 𝓅ℴ𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃' with ONYANKOPON on a balcony.
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for my 1500+ 𝒻ℴ𝓁𝓁ℴ𝓌ℯ𝓇 ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓃𝓉. requested by @prettybraat.
ᰔhere you go baby, happy black history month!❤️💚💛
ᰔcw: modern au! fem, black reader. balcony sex, exhibitionism, panty-ripping, backshots, hair-pulling, scratching.
ᰔdividers by @/benkeibear.
ᰔwc: 2.2k
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💗💗🍡°taglist: @enchantedforest-network @bakugosbratx @chifuyuskoneko @honeybleed @hoesluvshanti @chrollohearttags @darkstarlight82 @blkkizzat @bey0nseh @kokonoiscoconut (if anyone wants to be added to taglist, please fill out linked google form, thx!)
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When your boyfriend, Onyankopon, or ‘Ony’ for short, texted you with a simple ‘get ready’ you immediately hopped up to pack an overnight bag.
Ony works as a financial consultant for one of the biggest banks in Atlanta, as well as a personal finance advisor, so he’s never short on dough and absolutely does not mind spending his hard-earned money on his baby girl.
You haven’t seen him in a while due to it being tax season and him working overtime at the bank, so you knew that when you saw him, you were definitely getting your back blown out.
As you were deciding which pairs of sexy panties you wanted to bring, your phone began to ring. 
“Hey, baby.” Your man’s smooth, baritone voice filtered its way from the phone speaker and into your ear making you clench your thighs together.
“Hey, pooh. Are you off of work already? I’m still getting my stuff together.”
Onyankopon laughed once he heard you rummaging around in your room; who knows what all you were throwing in that gold and black sequin Victoria’s Secret duffle bag you loved so much.
“I’m about to FaceTime you, baby. I want to show you something.”
When he said that, you stopped packing and focused all of your attention on the phone - Ony chuckled because he knew how nosy you were.
The request to FaceTime immediately came through and you accepted it.
He just chuckled deeply, “Not the government.” 
On your screen currently sat the finest version of your man that you had ever seen.
Now, Ony had always been fine; let's make that abundantly clear…
Smooth, flawless dark-brown skin, toned muscular body, tattoos up and down his arms and back (that were usually hidden by his business suits), straight white teeth, and don’t forget the inches that he was packing - eight and a half, to be exact.
Long, thick, and hard.
…but Ony with a fade and dreads pulled back in a half-up half-down ponytail? 
Oh, he must've been trying to call in for the next week or so.
“You went quiet on me, bae. Do you like it?’’ You were snapped out of your nasty little reverie.
“Do I like it? Babe, you look so fucking mouthwatering right now. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make the drive all the way to yours.”
Flirting sensually, you leaned your upper body into the camera and let your breasts spill out of your tank top for your man’s viewing pleasure.
You didn’t miss how Ony raised an eyebrow and bit down on his lower lip, pausing before he continued,
“To mine? Oh, we’re not going to mine, baby girl. I made a reservation for us at the Waldorf Astoria in Buckhead.” 
Leaning back out of the camera frame, you made your perfectly arched eyebrows jump while bringing a hand to your mouth to chew on the tip of one of your baby blue stiletto nails.
“You did, babe? That’s so sweet of you, I can’t-”
Before you could finish your sentence, you heard a loud car horn honk from outside.
“Ony!! I didn’t know you were damn near almost here; why didn’t you say something, boy?!”
Tossing the phone onto the bed, you hurriedly gathered the rest of your things and shoved them into the bag before zipping it up. Your slides were on the side of your bed, so you slipped your matching pedicured toes into them and grabbed your keys off your nightstand.
“Hey, who you think you raising yo voice at, huh? Be good for me and come on outside, baby.”
After climbing into the passenger seat of Ony’s navy blue BMW X5, he shut the door behind you and returned to the driver’s side.
You watched him carefully with slightly lidded eyes as he put his hand on the back of your headrest and backed out of the driveway.
Ony could feel you burning a hole in the side of his head, which made him bite his bottom lip again and send you a furtive glance while he drove through Atlanta traffic.
“What’s up, mama? Why you keep on staring at me?”
He knew good and damn well why you were staring at him.
You knew that he knew, because of the little smirk that formed at the corner of his plump lips as he held onto your thigh with his right hand and drove with his left hand holding the middle of the steering wheel.
The ride was leisurely, as all you had to do was sit there and look pretty, one leg propped up over the other as you scrolled through your TikTok feed. 
Ony moved his hand from your thigh to your foot, slipping your slide off and rubbing the sole of your foot.
“Oh! Babe…”
He just let out a soft hum of acknowledgment before turning into the parking lot of Seasons 52. 
Since Ony had made a reservation, you didn't have to wait long before a waitress came out to direct you both to your table.
This isn’t your first time coming here, but you still marvel at how everything on the menu constantly shifts and changes, yet always manages to always taste so delicious.
The salmon that you ordered was roasted to perfection; the potatoes just melted in your mouth and the green beans had just the right amount of crunch. 
Dinner conversation was fruitful, full of talks about your plans for university and Ony of the new investments that he was planning to make.
He held your free hand in his and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles while he sipped his wine and listened to you talk. 
His cocoa-brown eyes shined with love and admiration for you as you excitedly spilled about all of the classes that you’d be taking during the upcoming semester.
After you finished your dinner, Ony called for the waitress so he could pay then the two of you left with him guiding you by the small of your back to his car.
Once you checked into your suite, Ony was on you like white on rice.
His large hands gripped you up, fondling your voluptuous ass cheeks while he repeatedly slotted his lips over yours in hot kisses filled with longing and need.
The cold links of his watch against your exposed lower back made a shiver race down your spine as you slowly lowered yourself to your knees in front of him. 
Ony looked down at you, meeting your big, brown doe eyes; immediately his dick began to harden in his slacks.
“Nuh uh, we don’t have time for that right now, baby. I have another plan for yo sexy ass.” 
He swatted away the hand that reached for his belt buckle and pulled you up by your bicep.
The suite Ony booked was almost as big as your entire damn apartment: two bedrooms, a spacious living area, a kitchenette (that was too big to be considered a kitchenette), and two bathrooms, both fitted with walk-in showers and whirlpool tubs.
Your nails clawed at the pressed cotton of his white dress shirt as he backed both of you up into the nearest bedroom. The motion-sensor lamps clicked on as soon as you stepped over the threshold, bathing both of you in a sensual, amber glow.
The curtain to the in-suite balcony was pulled back revealing the beautiful Buckhead cityscape below you, along with a navy sky full of bright, twinkling stars.
Ony began unbuttoning his shirt, tugging it free from where it was tucked into his pants as he finally allowed you to grab his belt and begin unbuckling it.
“Somebody’s impatient..” He chuckled as you yanked it from the loops and threw it across the room.
Once he was shirtless and you were down to your panties, he scooped you up and carried you over to the window.
“Wait, Onyankopon, what do you think you’re doing??”
He didn’t answer, but instead unlocked the glass door leading out to the balcony and stepped outside with you clinging to him.
The slightly cool breeze from the evening air whipped against your naked skin and made you press yourself further into Ony, who cradled your chin and brought your mouth back to his to give you another breathtaking kiss.
“I remember you saying that you wanted to try some different things, so here’s your opportunity, baby. Now turn around and grab that rail for me.”
His big hand went to the fly of his pants for him to unzip them and tug them down. He pulled a condom out of his pocket and began sliding it over his hard dick.
Just as you were about to do as you were told, you could hear faint chatter from below: a couple of floors below, there was a group of men and women seated at a round table out on their balcony, having drinks.
“Ony, there’s people out here - what if they see me?” Bashfully, your hands flew to cover your naked breasts. 
As you were leaning down to look at the other guests, Ony rubbed his dick between your ass cheeks, bumping it against your clit. A soft moan left your lips and your eyes almost closed before you remembered what you were supposed to be doing.
“They won’t see you, baby. They might hear you, though.” 
You heard that damn smirk in his voice, but soon you forgot all about anyone hearing once Ony grabbed your panties with one finger and ripped the flimsy material off of you, flinging it aside.
“Oh, babe!”
A loud moan was pulled from you as your boyfriend pushed the head of his dick into your opening. Your hands flew forward and you took a tight hold of the balcony’s railing as Ony started pounding you swiftly from the back.
The sounds of your ass colliding with his hips were loud throughout the silent night, so if those people were just really listening they’d easily be able to tell what the two of you were doing.
One tiny hand with those baby blue nails fell free from the rail and grabbed at Ony’s veiny forearm for leverage; his thrusts had your entire body quivering already. 
Soon enough, long scratches began to cover his arm as you tried your best to hold onto him.
You looked up at him and could feel him grow harder inside of you from the visual: fat ass bouncing back on him, braids shaking free from your bun, and your mascara beginning to run.
“Hm, what?” He licked his lips again but didn’t slow his pace as he just looked back into your misty eyes. “What is it, baby? Too much for ya?”
“Ony, I’m…” You trailed off as he suddenly picked you up underneath your thighs, his forearms resting in the creases of your knees.
“I didn’t tell you to let go of that damn rail.”
“And you were worried about somebody hearing you.” He laughed and bent you in half, still jackhammering away as you bumped and jostled against his body, 
Your upper half is now bent over the railing as the wind picks up and whips your hair across your face.
“Onyankopon, I’m going to fall!” 
“I won’t let you fucking fall, girl. Got too many muscles to let you fall.”
He grunted and locked his arms around your thighs, heavy balls slapping against your ass with loud, wet smacks.
“Hold the fucking rail, and hold that nut, too. I’m almost there. Gunna cum for you, baby; just hold still for me.”
Ony grabbed your hair up into a ponytail to pull it out of your face and also to yank your head back so he could whisper in your ear.
“You see that shit, baby? See those city lights beaming so fucking bright for you as I fuck your tight little pussy open?”
“Ohh, oh God! Yes, baby, I see them! Fuck, I see them!”
“You cumming?”
“YES! Yes, I’m cumming, oh my God! I’m cumming, baby!”
“Let it go then, baby. Go ahead and cum for ‘The Great One’*”
After that, you were done.
Your release washed over you like a wave; luckily Onyankopon was holding onto you or you might’ve actually flipped head-first over that balcony.
You both moaned each others’ names as your orgasm triggered his, bodies bathed in the pale moonlight of the night, surrounded by nothing but the stars and your love for one another.
After that first round on the balcony, Onyankopon took you back into the room and the two of you went at it in nearly every area of the large presidential suite.
He even took you again in the shower before he washed you both off, wrapped you in a towel, and brought you over to the bed, wrapping you up in the covers.
“I love you, Y/N…my shining star..” Was the last thing you heard before you drifted off into dreamland, nothing but sweet thoughts of your handsome man on your mind.
a/n: *Onyankopon means ’God’ in the Ghanian language and ‘The Great One’ in Ashanti mythology, referring to the Sky God.
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get it poppin! 💄event ©bleach-your-panties 2024. do NOT steal, copy, repost, alter, or upload my works onto other sites. comments appreciated. reblogs always welcome.
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mrcavill88 · 10 months
My night in Hollywood
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Chris Evans x Henry Cavill x Male reader
Summary: Your first film role definitely has its ups and downs. A large pay check? Good. A kickstart to your career? Even better. But a night with three of Hollywoods leading men? The absolute best
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, daddy kink, pet names “little boy, baby, doll”, ass slapping, stripping, nipple playing, breeding kink, dick sucking, handjob, unprotected sex
Who knew being famous was so tough?
I’m constantly being bombarded by fans desperate for an autograph. The Hollywood life seems glamorous, and that it is, but not without its downside. The upside? All the hot actors in Hollywood, oh how I loved seeing a sexy man on screen. I recently landed a role on a film with some of Hollywoods leading men and holy cow was it a joyride. I walked into the hotel I would be staying at for the shooting of this film and who do I see as soon as I walk into the elevator? Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans.
The scarlet color on my face is noticeable as I instantly start fanboying over the three buff men. “Hello there, you’re y/n right? I’m Henry, pleasure to meet you love”. He stuck his thick hand out and I shook it with much ebullience. I took my spot in the elevator, right in between Sebastian and Chris, feeling so small next to the 6 feet men.
What was in reality 30 seconds felt like 3 hours in the elevator. Sweat building up on my forehead as the men continued to spark conversation with me. My words fumbled and completely shaky. We reached my floor and I bolted out the doors and hastily walked to my room and instantly shut the door. I was a mess. My chest popping in and out of my body, a noticeable bulge in my tight pants. But as I went to change my clothes, a small envelope slid through my door.
“Reservation at Giovanni’s Italian cuisine for two, 7:30 pm at the luxury suite.
My baby y/n, please join me tonight for dinner, I would love to get to know you. See you soon, Sebastian”
I was fucked. Butterflies pacing through my stomach as the feeling of love and affection enveloped my soul. But was I gonna pass up this opportunity? Hell no. I checked the clock and it was currently 6:00, “how the hell did he reserve the place so quickly?” I thought. I rushed into my luggage and picked out a loose blue and white striped button up and white kakis which kinda showed off my ass.
I got into my car, put my sunglasses on and started driving to the restaurant. “What if he doesn’t like me?” “What if this is all a joke?” Thoughts filled my head as I headed to the restaurant, making me more nervous than I already was.
I walked in and it was the most classy restaurant I have ever been to. Red velvety floors covered the place with beautiful floral arrangements and classical music. “Reservation with Sebastian at 7:30, in the luxury suite,” I said to the hostess. “Right this way please,” she replied as we walked up the extravagant stairs into the luxury suite. She opened the door and
There he was
Waiting for me in a tight black polo shirt that complimented his rippling biceps, and jeans that were definitely, tight. “H-hi Sebastian,” I said with a trembling voice. He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Hey y/n, I’m so happy you came tonight, I hope you like this place cause I really wanted to have a great time tonight, please sit.”
I sat down in the expensive chair and couldn’t help but notice the beautiful view from the window. “Wow! This place is so nice, I can see the whole city from here!” Sebastian grabbed my hand. “Yeah it’s nice but I think I like what I see from here more,” biting his lip. I instantly started blushing, biting my lip to try and calm it down but the redness of my cheeks just got more obvious. I was completely fucked, in a desperate way to change the subject, “So, I wanna try this ravioli they got here, I heard it’s amazing”, I said trying to change the subject. “Yeah let me order, I already know what I’m getting”.
Sebastian ordered our food and I was set for the best date, and the first date, of my life. Who knew a celebrity could be so down to earth and so cordial? But of course, the physical and, sexual appeal was crazy as the Romanian man was extremely romantic.
“Oh, well I’m stuffed, we should get going. This food is pre-paid so don’t even worry about it. Should I take you home?” “Oh thanks but I drove here so I think I’ll be fine,” I answered. “Are you sure?”, he asked with a serious somewhat dour look on his face. “Uhm, actually, maybe you should,” I said nervously hoping he wouldn’t be offended.
We cleaned up and left the restaurant, he took me into his expensive car and started driving back to the hotel. Something felt off, he was being extremely seductive and touchy, grabbing my thigh and rubbing my chest. Did I like it? Of course.
I walked into the hotel and entered the elevator with him just to see two familiar faces once again, Chris and Henry.
“Oh y/n! Great to see you again! Looks like you’ve had some fun with my friend Seb huh?” Chris said with a funny expression. I couldn’t help but nod and gulp as I entered the elevator with the three men.
We were going up and all of a sudden, Sebastian presses the emergency stop button. I was completely confounded, not knowing what was going on. I tried to push the button again but the three men cornered me in this godforsaken box.
“What does this little boy think he’s doing?” Henry asked as he stroked my hair. I started to sweat, and slightly panic. “W-why’d you stop the elevator?” I said hoping this just was some kind of stupid joke. I reached for the button again until Sebastian covered my mouth with his large hand and pinned me up against the wall.
I didn’t even have time to say anything before my clothes started coming off. They started kissing and biting my body relentlessly and I couldn’t help but moan and whine. “Oh baby I wanna fuck you so bad,” Sebastian said as he and Chris started removing my shirt and pants, leaving me in my tiny little spandex.
“Lay in my lap doll,” Henry said gesturing toward me. I felt so exposed and fragile in the moment. “Count” he said as he smacked my ass cheek. I screamed and jolted a little at the surprising pain and arousal that came from it, “o-one” *SMACK* “t-two” *SMACK* “t-three”. One slap quickly became 15 as Henry continued slapping my ass cheeks until they were bright scarlet and my cheeks were soaked in tears.
“What a good boy you are, now let daddy make you feel good,” Sebastian sad as he grabbed my and gagged my mouth. I was in heaven. Henry started twisting and teasing my nipples as Chris shoved his fingers in and out of my hole. Sebastian rubbing up against my body and his dirty talk made me more aroused than I should’ve been. Cock twitching and my skin soaked in sweat. “Daddy!” I whined as my body was being violated by three sexy men. “Oh the things you do to me baby, now open up for daddy”.
Sebastian whipped out his 10 inch cock and teased my hole making more unholy noises leave my mouth. And all of a sudden, *THRUST* his dick was sliding in and out my hole at a rapid pace. Henry shoved his dick into my mouth and started fucking my face. I moaned on his dick sending vibrations up his cock. “Ugh f-fuck baby you’re so naughty. In the midst of all this sexual pleasure, Chris shoved his dick in my hand. “Come on baby, make me cum,” he said as I started jerking him off.
I was gonna lose it, my body completely drowned in pleasure. “D-addy, I c-can’t take it! I’m gonna c-cum daddy!”. “C-come on baby, w-wait for your daddies, don’t be a s-selfish little b-boy”. At those words, my cock shot a load of cum onto Sebastian’s broad chest. Sebastian felt my hole tighten around his cock and came in my hole, filling my walls with his warm and sticky baby batter. I was completely cum drunk. I collapsed onto Henry’s chest. The three men held me in their strong embrace as the night neared its end, nothing could have ruined this night, except the fact that we were in a damn elevator.
Thanks for reading everyone hope y’all enjoyed it! (I know it kinda sucks)
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pyramid-of-starrs · 7 months
10 from your kinktober list please! 🥰🥰
Plan B
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Kinktober request: 10 Fuckboy Mingi, Breeding
Pairing: Fuckboy Mingi x Fem reader
Summary: You and your best friend Hongjoong go to Wooyoungs annual Halloween party, when you're alone you spot your ex and run into a new person instead.
Word Count: 5K
Kink: Breeding kink
Warning: Breeding, toxic guy behavior, plan B mentioned.
A/N: Idk why I made this super long but enjoy lol, I wanna finish up my kinktober request!
Minors dni
"'Scuse me, what kinda candy is in that box? My mommy says I can pick whatever candy for da trick or treaters!" A cute little girl dressed as a princess asked you. You looked down at her slightly startled by her when she tugged your jacket. You stood awkwardly and looked at her and back at the small blue box in your hand, and it definitely wasn't candy, it was a plan B.
"O-oh no... um it's a special adult candy you take after an oopsie with a boy they should have never oopsied with." You said, why on earth didn't you just say no? Your brain was just scrambled after the party from last, while it was amazing there was absolutely some mistakes made in the process of living your best life.
You got a text from your best friend Hongjoong about making sure to be ready by 10pm so he could pick you up to go to Wooyoungs annual Halloween party, the best party of the year everyone at your college raved about it. This year you wanted to be sexy but cool and chose to be D.va from overwatch, the bodycon spandex suit showing off your perfect ass and plump breast, you were bound to catch someone’s eye. Your phone rang at 9:43pm and you answered knowing exactly who it was. "I'm coming out now." You said then hung up, you grabbed your jacket and put on your boots and met Hongjoong at his car and got in the front. Once inside you saw him dressed a simple vampire.
"What the fuck Joong, I thought we were being sexy and cool." You said taking off your bunny ears so you could comfortably fit in the car.
"Vampires are sexy and cool, what the hell even is your costume?" he asked as he pulled off.
"I'm D.va from overwatch, thank you." You rolled your eyes.
"What the hell is overwatch??" His eyes darting around in confusion.
"Whatever it doesn't matter if you recognize me, as long as the hoes get it."
"Oh god here we go again with this hoes thing, you've been saying you were going to do a one-night stand with someone and never do cause you're still all hung up over Jongh-"
"HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED." You interrupted him and said, you didn't want to spend another one of your nights sad about your ex Jongho.
"Fine, we're here anyways." Hongjoong parked a bit away from the packed party, you two exited the car and walked to the house party ready for an eventful night. Once inside you paid the entry fee and looked around to see everyone in their costumes and having fun drinking, dancing, smoking and socializing.
"Hongjoong, Y/N, you made it! " A familiar voice said, you both looked over to see the man of the hour Wooyoung dressed as a very sexy Harry potter, fuck if Hongjoong didn't make you follow his new dumb rule of not being allowed to date his friends after the break up with Jongho you would have fucked Wooyoung right then and there. He patted Hongjoongs back and hugged you leaving a pleasant smell of his cologne in the air, his eyes traveled up and down your body. "Lemme guess, D.va? Overwatch?”
Your face got hot, and you felt a bit shy under his gaze. “Yeah, do you play?”
“Kinda, my bro San plays more than me but if hot girls like yourself like you or online then I’ll absolutely be getting on more often” he said winking at you. Hongjoong looked at you two and noticed the tension and rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand.
“Yeah, anyways bro we’re going to grab a drink.” Hongjoong started pulling you away and Wooyoung giggled and waved.
“Bye Y/N.”
“Bye Wooyoung” you gave him a goofy little smile and continued to be pulled to the kitchen.
“Remember the fucking Rule Y/N! I want friends that have never seen you naked.” He pulled you two in front of the punch bowl of jungle juice and started making you both a cup of the mix of liquor and juice.
“I know Hongjoong I know.” You took the cup from him and started to drink with him you both pulled the cup from your lips and made a face.
“Jesus fucking Christ is that just sugar and liquor” Hongjoong said as his face was still twisted you both laughed.
Another person laughed and you both looked up to see Seonghwa dressed as Tom Nook from animal crossing.
“Hwa hey!” You walked over to hug him.
Hongjoong just smiled a bit and waved. Seonghwa was Wooyoungs friend from high school that you and Hongjoong met a few times and Hongjoong had the hugest crush on him. You smirked at him averting his eyes and his ears turning red.
“You too look adorable by the way.” Seonghwa said after hugging you back.
“Thank you Hwa, I think Hongjoong makes a very handsome Vampire, amiright?” You looked over at him shooting you daggers.
“Oh absolutely, you look really good in a cape Joong.” He smiled at the shorter male.
Hongjoong averted his eyes again and rubbed his neck. “Ah, thanks you look nice too…”
“I hope I don’t look nice enough to bite.” Seonghwa bit his lip then looked up at Hongjoong while taking a sip of his drink. You had a cocky grin because you’ve been trying to get Hongjoong to make a move. Hongjoong awkwardly laughed and you covered your face with your cup to hide your 2nd hand embarrassment.
“Well, I’m gonna go scout the scene.” You said trying to be anywhere but there and to give them some space.
“Oh, I’ll come with-“
“No! I gotta be alone to find the cute guys Joong, you’ll scare the hoes” you and Seonghwa laughed, and you walked away and deeper into the party. As you scoped the scene you noticed a pretty good variety of guys but no one that caught your eyes. But then your heart dropped at the worse possible scenario when you reached the back rooms. In the sea of people, you saw a purple head of hair that made your chest puff in and out with anxiety, why him and why here? There Jongho was dressed in his normal clothes with bear ears, he wasn't big on dressing up for Halloween or parties so to seem him standing in the corner with his arm around the waist of another girl. Your heart pounded and your breath was short, you wanted to escape him, wanted to escape this room, escape feeling sad and crying about him. Watching him flirt and touch girls hurt you a bit. You bit your lip to hold back the tears but started to fail. Jongho looked up from his conversation to see you fighting back your emotions and stealing glances of him. He told the girl to give him a second and started making his way over to you. You panicked seeing him coming and quickly wiped your eyes and ran out the room.
You pushed pass the party goers just looking for somewhere to go, you went upstairs into one of the bedrooms and quickly slammed the door. You back away looking at the door hoping that he didn't find you then you bump into something. When you turned around you jumped seeing you didn't bump into something you bumped into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, is this your room ?" you said apologetically.
The tall silent man dressed as Gojo from jujitsu kaisen just stood there and chuckled.
"You're good, yeah this is my room, did you need something? You know you're pretty far from the party, I even turned my light off so no one would find me." The man said.
Now that you checked your surroundings you realized the bedroom was dark and only lit by the moonlight outside, the party music could barely be heard since the room was in the back of the house. Once you finished scanning the surroundings you finally get a good look at the man whose room you invaded. You got a bit shy when your eyes panned up his tall frame to notice the fairly handsome man with grey hair and black glasses sitting on his forehead to complete his cosplay.
"I hope you're staring because I look good and not because you think I look lame." he said shaking you out of your thought.
"No! You look good, like really good, you're Gojo right?" you asked.
"Oh, I love a woman that knows her anime, and video games." His eyes traced over your figure as he studied your costume along with the way the cosplay hugged your body in all the right places. "Yeah, you'll absolutely do for the night." he whispered to himself lowly. "So, what brings you up to my room?"
"Well, it's kinda dumb but I was running... from my ex." you said embarrassed now that you heard how ridiculous that sounded.
"Damn I get that, I'm Mingi by the way." Mingi said reaching out his hand.
"I'm Y/N" You shook his large hand.
“I was just about to head down but since I have someone with me now you wanna stay in chill with me? I got some real liquor here." He smiled slyly then took a seat on his slightly messy bed he reached next to him and grabbed the bottle of tequila sitting next to his bed, your heart thumped a bit but then you remembered you were here with someone.
"I think I have to check on my friend though, let me text them to see where he is." you pulled out your phone to text Hongjoong then realized he actually texted you 10 minutes ago.
Hongjoong: Hey, Seonghwa wanted to see my studio I built so I took him. Tell Woo to give you a ride home and don't fuck him. Call me when you're home.
You chuckled at the text knowing that Hongjoong was going to have a nice long night. "Never mind, I guess I can hang for a bit" You sat down on the bed a bit further then him. He looked over to see you sitting far and laughed.
"I won't bite unless you tell me too doll, sit closer." He waved you to come closer with his two long fingers and you inched a bit closer, not moving by much. "Some more" you got a bit closer again. "More." he smiled as he grabbed two solo red cups to pour shots for the both of you. When you still barely moved Mingi decided to take matters into his own hands, he put the cups on the floor and hooked his arm around your waist to pull you in. You were sitting thigh to thigh at that point, your face was hot. "Much better." He grabbed the cups again and handed you yours.
"I-I didn't know you meant this close." You said shyly.
"Of course, pretty girl like you I would want right next to me, lucky I didn't pull you in my lap." he winked then held his cup next to your to do a quick cheers to take the shot. You tap his cup then you both chugged down the alcohol. The burning in your chest was strong as the bitter taste sat on your tongue and throat. Mingi took out his phone and played some hip-hop and RnB at a low volume. You both took more shots and sat and talked more as the night progressed. The party downstairs was still going but it started to die down as more chill music was playing downstairs as well. The more liquor you drank the more you remembered why you didn't drink tequila straight. Your pussy was throbbing and sitting alone with this beautiful man, his deep voice and his plump and soft looking lips didn't help. You've known Wooyoung a whole year and was wondering where he was hiding this fine ass man this whole time. The burning between your legs got worse the more you listened to him talk and you tried to rub your thighs together a bit to cool it, your eyes kept drifting to his lips and Mingi noticed you losing attention and fidgeting.
"You okay Y/N?" He smiled at you, and it fueled the fire burning below.
"You're like... really sexy Mingi." You both laughed at your sudden remark.
"Oh really? What's sexy about me?" Mingi said in his deep voice as he finished what was in his cup.
"Your voice, your face, anime, video game knowledge, I bet you get lots of girls."
"Nah not really. People look at Woo and the rest of our friends but not really me." Mingi replied, that was a lie of course, no girl in their right mind would pass up a 6'1 man that has Mingis face, but you didn't need to know that.
"Whaaat? No way you're so damn sexy Mingi I would be all over you if I was them." You said also finishing your cup, the liquid courage you had was getting you in some trouble tonight.
"All over me doing what exactly?" He grabbed your chin and brought your face closer, the smell of tequila fresh on both of you, Mingi had an agenda tonight for sure, He was going to go down to the party after pregaming with a few other girls that just left his room but once he turned off his desk light and was about to head down you came in. No need to go looking for pussy when it walked right up to him.
You both looked into each other’s lustful eyes as Mingi bit his pillowy soft lips. "Whatever you tell me too." was all you could say, a cocky grin spread across Mingis face, he had you right where he wanted you.
"Oh, really baby?" he asked, you eagerly nodded as you got closer to him wanting to taste his lips. Mingi saw how needy you were and decided not to make you wait anymore, he brought your lips closer until they connected, the kissed tasted bittersweet from the liquor and chasers you both had been consuming in your time spent together. The kiss was literally intoxicating, your head spun as he took the lead, his large hands moving to your thighs to grip your flesh in your spandex suit, you could feel the heat between your legs getting more needy for his touch. You decided to do the same and palm Mingi over his black cargo pants he was wearing to get a feel of his hard member. You couldn't really believe what you were feeling, you assumed it was either his pants or Mingi was hung, his steadily growing dick was already thick but as it got bigger in your pants your heart started to race in excitement. Mingi pulled back from the kiss and smiled at you.
"How about you get on your knees and feel what your grabbing baby." He said, you nodded again and moved to the floor, Mingi spread his long legs so you could slot yourself between them. He pulled his pants down a bit then his underwear until his dick happily sprung out in front of you. You were stunned, this easily was the biggest dick you've seen, it was girthy and had an overly generous amount of length to it.
"Holy shit you're big everywhere." You said to yourself by Mingi overheard you and laughed. He gripped your hair with one hand and gripped his dick with the other hand.
"Well let's see how much you can fit in that pretty little mouth baby." he pulled your head down on to his length and you immediately gagged, and he let your hair go to allow you to do what you want. You held the base of his dick and bobbed your head up and down it. To say that it was a mouthful was an understatement, it felt like your mouth was stretching from his girth, the saliva and gagging was a beautiful sight for Mingi.
"Taking my dick in your mouth so well baby." He hissed as you continued to drool down his shaft uncontrollably, you were only able to reach a little past half his length before his tip hit the back of your throat, Mingi dropped his head back as he whispered curse words while you struggled to stuff your little mouth full of his fat cock. You looked up at him and he was even more gorgeous while he fell apart from the feeling of your warm throat, he brought his head back up to meet you gaze and smiled.
“You’re so pretty with my dick in your throat baby, let’s see how pretty you are with it in your pussy.” He palmed the top of your head to remove your mouth from his dick, an audible popping noise following your lips. “Stand up and take your suit off for me baby, I don’t wanna ruin anymore of your costume.” You wondered what he was talking about until you glanced over at the full body mirror in his room to see the tear and spit stains that made your eye and cheek make up smear, not to mention your lipstick was almost completely gone. You reached your hand up to the zipper in front of your suit to slowly pull it down to reveal your soft body underneath. Stepping out of your suit you had on just panties since the suit was bodycon and made your tits sit nicely on their own, you were a bit shy standing in front of Mingi in just panties and covered your chest.
“Aww c’mon pretty don’t get shy on me now, come sit right here.” Mingi said patting his lap after he removed the remainder of his outfit. You decided to take off your panties and took a seat on Mingis bare lap facing the same way as him, the feeling of his throbbing hot dick just waiting to destroy your pussy made you scared but excited, he replaced your hands on your boobs and started to mush your mounds around, being sure to rub gentle circles on your hard nipples. He kissed up your neck while quietly breathy moans left your lips, the liquor still floating in your system was definitely on his side. His lips made it up to your ear as his lips kissed the shell of it, then he whispered softly. “Can I fuck your pretty pussy raw baby?” The thought of taking Mingis thick dick raw made your pussy pulsate, but it definitely was not a good idea to fuck a guy you just met a college party raw.
“Are you clean?” You ask bluntly, better safe than sorry.
“Of course, baby, I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.” His lips continued to explore your neck and shoulders, one of his hands slid down your body to rub between your legs, coming dangerously close to where you needed him most.
“Well if you say so…” you said still a bit skeptical, his long fingers ran through your folds and rubbed circles on your clit, your eyes rolled back for a second from feeling the relief of his touch.
“You’re so wet already baby let me stuff you full of my cum.” He spread his legs which made your legs spread. “Stick it in for me baby.” You obeyed and connected the tip of his dick to your entrance and slowly sunk down on it, you usually could take dick like a porn star, but you never fucked a porn star dick like Mingis. The abundance of pleasure came with a slight stinging pain, but it was worth it once you took him all in and adjusted to his length.
Mingi gripped the underneath’s of your knees and bounced you on his length slowly to make sure you were comfortable and sped up the pace more and more.
“Oh my fucking God Mingi please you’re already fucking me too good.” You said between moans, you couldn’t even think straight with his huge cock pounding into you in this position.
“You like the way I fuck you baby? I gotta fuck you nice and deep so I can fill this pussy up with my cum.”
Okay this was the second time he has mentioned coming in you, though it was hot, and it was unlocking a secret breeding kink you didn't know you had maybe you should mention you're not on birth control.
"M-mingi, I'm not ah~ on the pill..." you managed to squeal out. Mingi lifted you knees more and continued to pound inside of you.
"That's fine baby we'll get a pill later."
Oh fuck he was serious about this, and it was turning you on more seeing how badly he wanted to cum in your pussy. Your walls started to tighten around him, wanting to milk his dick dry.
"You're tight little pussy wants my cum so bad baby, you must want me to get you nice and pregnant." he said in your ear, his words were going directly to your cunt as it throbbed harder, you moaned louder, the people that were still at the party and in the area for sure knew what was going on in that room as you yelled strings of curse words and Mingis name not caring who could hear you.
"Please give me all your babies Mingi." You were fucked out and just talking, Mingis huge dick was mixing your guts and hitting your cervix and that's all you could think of, you want, no, needed his cum to fill up your womb.
Suddenly Mingi pulled out and you whined at the lost friction, he put you on your back and slotted himself between your legs, then placed both your legs on his strong shoulders. He lined himself back up and plunged deeply in your pussy with no hesitation, you yelled out feeling his monster dick deep in your pussy again.
"Gotta breed you nice and full baby, this is the perfect position to get my cum deep in your womb." He said before he started to drill into your needy cunt, you couldn't help yourself from yelling out the obscenest things to come to mind. "I want you're cum so deep in me please" "I love your dick so much." "Please keep fucking me like this." and you felt no shame in the things you said. A dick has never had this much control or power over you, but you loved it for some reason.
"Mingi 'm gonna cum please." Mingi slowed his pace a bit then leaned forward pushing your legs to your chest as he laid in the crook of your neck then he started to deep dick fuck you, the head of his cock beating your cervix in the best way possible, you started to see stars. You wrapped your arms around his neck but couldn't stop fidgeting so you found yourself digging your nails into his shoulders, he squeezed your body closer to his large frame assuring that you had to take his entire load.
"Cum on my dick so I can make your belly full of my babies. I want your pussy to take every last drop of my seed." He pounded into you so fast and deep the bed frame shook violently, you stood no chance and coated his thick dick in your slick, feeling your walls squeeze him tightly made Mingi groan, he lasted a few more strokes then filled your walls and womb with his hot cum. Such a big dick of course his load would be just as big, you swore you felt your tummy bulging as he laid on top of you while his dick continued to shoot inside of you. Once he finished Mingi dropped on the side of you, both of you were sweaty and out of breath, Mingi didn't offer to clean you up or even attempt to move so you asked him for some spare clothes to go to the bath room to do it for yourself, you assumed he was too tired. You put on one of his jogging suits with nothing under neath and headed to the bathroom down the hall.
Once you washed your face of all make up and the rest of your body you headed downstairs, it was now 3:46am and the party turned into a chill hang out with still quite a few people around. You wanted to get a non-alcoholic drink for your dry and sore throat, once in the kitchen you grabbed a bottle of water and turned around to be met with your ex.
"Oh...Jongho, hey." you said awkwardly.
"Y/N, I've been looking for you, I saw you earlier and wanted to talk to you." He said looking over your outfit. "You're not wearing you're costume anymore, what happened?" he questioned.
"Well, I-" as you started to come up with an excuse or lie a large arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you into his t-shirt covered chest.
"Y/N there you are, I was waiting on you to come back baby." Mingi said pulling you in to a kiss, then his eyes looked over to Jongho. "Yo, names Mingi." Jongho’ s eye twitched a bit.
"Well, I see you're occupied, I'll talk to you later Y/N." Jongho said before walking off.
You and mingi looked at each other then laughed, Mingi took you back to his room to cuddle and sleep (And go for a few more rounds). The next afternoon you finally woke up at 12pm with a pounding headache and Mingi not in his bed. You figured he had something to do and collected your costume, texted Hongjoong to come pick you up then headed downstairs to do the walk of shame alone. Luckily it was only Wooyoung and one other male there, they noticed you walking down the stairs and you walked over to them.
"Well good afternoon gorgeous, I see someone had a good night." Wooyoung said smiling at you. "Who's the lucky guy?" He said as both the males looked at you.
"Um, I actually never met him, but he was one of your room mates, Mingi, he was super nice and said he was going to text me so he could take me out later." You had such a sweet smile on your face while Wooyoung and the other man’s face was quite the opposite.
"Weeelll um, I wouldn't hold my breath on that Y/N, but I'm glad your optimistic." Wooyoung said.
"Woo be straight up with her, Mingi isn't exactly, how can I say this, the dating type." The other one said.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"This is San, I was hoping to hook you guys up but looks like Mingi snagged ya first." Both the males chuckled.
"Anyway, Mingi is what most girls call a fuck boy, he tells you everything you wanna hear but never delivers." San said.
You thought about what they were saying, no way was the guy that talked to you for hours and cuddled you so warmly just a fuck boy right?
"Whatever you guys are just mean! My rides here I gotta go." They both laughed at your temper tantrum and waved you goodbye.
You walked out to the car to see Hongjoong in the driver seat and Seonghwa in the back, you smiled and got in the car.
"Well, well, looks like I'm not the only one that had an eventful night." you said teasing Hongjoong.
Seonghwa giggled and Hongjoong blushed "Shut up! Why did you need me to stop at a pharmacy before I took you home?"
"Well my night was SUPER, eventful if you get my drift." you said raising your eyebrows so Hongjoong would pick up on what you were saying.
"Ew, you let one of those guys hit it raw AND finish in you, I taught you better than this Y/N." He rolled his eyes in fake disgust and drove off.
"So how was it Y/N?" Seonghwa asked.
"It was fucking amazing, I've never had a huge one like that and god I couldn't even think straight." you replied, excited to tell someone about your endeavors.
"Wow, who was it with? Was it Wooyoung? He always says you're pretty but off limits, or did he finally introduce you to San?" Seonghwa said intrigued to know the answer.
"Neither, it was his other roommate, Mingi." You said smiling, Seonghwa made a face.
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself at least." He said it in a specific voice that you and Hongjoong picked up on.
"Why did you say it like that Hwa?" Hongjoong asked.
"It's just that Mingi is well... a free spirit, kinda goes where he wants and does what he wants."
"Oh god did you fuck the house fuckboy Y/N?" Hongjoong asked bluntly.
"No! Why does everyone keep saying that I know how to clock a fuck boy." you did however start to get nervous since you did text Mingi when you woke up saying how much you enjoyed last night and asking him for the money for the pill and all he replied was "GM" and only sent $23.
"Dammit Y/N how do you get involved with a fuck boy right after getting your heart broken." Hongjoong said as he pulled into the pharmacy.
Now there you were, standing in the pharmacy, holding a plan B, telling a child not to talk to fuck boys and having to have your male best friend send you the remaining amount to cover the pill. About a week had passed and you accepted that you had been fucked over and that you weren't getting that date after the 5th unanswered text, you sat in your studio apartment late that night since you stayed up to binge a show, it was around 2am then your phone buzzed, you checked your phone assuming it was Hongjoong.
Mingi: Hey baby u up?
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ph4ngz · 2 years
lust quirk bkg plssssss 😭😭😭
Lust quirk w/ Bakugo
Contains: pro hero!Bakugo x fem!reader, aphrodisiac(?) themes, reader and Bakubro are complete strangers, squirting, exhibitionism, almost getting caught, slight size kink? Bakugo is so sexy when he’s not ripping everybody’s head off :P
Lust quirk w/ Izuku here
Lust quirk w/ Shoto here
Bakugo, Todoroki and Deku had been on patrol for the past couple of hours. Cars were loud as they zoomed past, pedestrians just going about their days. All three of them were bored out of their minds until you'd shown up, having already split up and examined the entire area independently before meeting each other again. You'd been on the way to go grocery shopping when you spotted them, your cutest dress flowing short around your thighs with the middle cinched and tight to your waist.
"Izuku!" You yelled loud enough to steal the pro hero's attention from afar as you crossed the road, a few people turning heads out of curiosity.
"Hm?" Izuku hums, stopping to search his surroundings for the source of your familiar voice. He called your name in return as you weaselled your way through a small crowd to approach the group of guys almost half tucked away in an empty alleyway. One of them in particular stood out to you as you latched onto Izuku's arm.
He studied your appearance for as long as you studied his.
"Oh! Yeah- Todoroki, this is my friend Y/n! We've actually known each other since we were kids! Our mom's were really close, and so..." The green haired hero introduced you to the other taller boy, though his words ultimately ended up fading out as you became enthralled by another's presence.
Your eyes trailed upward from his chunky, heavy boots to the baggy cargo pants, secured by a khaki belt, that seemed to accentuate his figure. Then, the tight black vest that clung to his abs, some parts orange that were made to form an X across his chest. And finally, the matching, spiky mask that concealed his face.
All you could see was his crimson glare, beating down on you like the summer sun rays.
And were those grenades attached to his arms?!
What felt like hours passed by before a large, calloused hand shot into the corner of your vision. Slightly flustered after jumping, you spun on your heel to face whoever's hand thankfully distracted you.
"Nice to meet you." A rather unenthusiastic greeting met your ears.
Oh great, another one. You were starting to feel not so attractive the longer you hung around Izuku and his hero friends. This one had heterochromatic eyes, one grey and one a striking turquoise.
"Uh- yeah! Nice to meet you too!" You gave Todoroki both of your hands with a giggle, glancing to your side involuntarily every few seconds. It seemed the mysterious grenade-arms kept a lock on your attention.
He was taller, bigger than you. You'd guessed he was about twice your bodyweight, if the muscles protruding from his upper half were anything to go by. He came off as insanely powerful. Even his stance was intimidating, and you couldn't imagine what his demeanour would be like.
"Ah, Kacchan, this is Y/n." Deku stated a lot less enthusiastically than the last time. You wondered if maybe these two got off on a bad foot.
Hardly tearing your eyes away from handsome Todoroki's, you'd slowly aimed your vision upward to get yet another glimpse of "Kacchan". But this time around, you were temporarily stiff with surprise.
He'd pushed the mask he wore just over his hairline, revealing the most grumpy expression you'd ever seen. Even your roommate didn't look this irked when you'd eaten her favourite chocolate snacks that you found stashed away. You definitely would've been put off him if it wasn't for the overall 'Sex God' vibe he gave off. Although, his immovable frown oddly suited his boyish features.
Another hand was extended to you. His hand.
But before either of you could exchange a touch, a single word to each other, you'd been literally hit with the weirdest pain. Only after the sensation bloomed from within your body did you witness the pink-purple glow outlining your skin. You'd almost failed to register the fact that your feet were not on the ground.
The forceful impact of whatever hit you had spun and knocked you backward further into the isolated alleyway and you skidded to a stop.
"Y/n! Kacchan!?"
"Bakugo! Be careful!"
Being pro heroes and all, the three guys you'd just been surrounded by had spread out in a matter of nanoseconds. No hesitation present at all. Though one had stuck by your side and hurriedly crouched to your level on the concrete floor to finally encase his hand with your own and prop you up against a wall. It was all a blur to you from then, the odd pain you were experiencing in your groin not letting you regard anything other. You didn't even catch who'd stayed with you.
"Oi! Snap out of it!" A deep, gruff yelling in your ear does in fact snap you out of it, the volume interrupting whatever injury you've attained. Damn, you can hear everything all at once now. People are screaming and there's rapid footsteps to accompany the terrified sounds. You're appreciative of the copious stacks of delivery boxes shielding you from the panic.
You lean your full weight on the building behind you, not caring if the old bricks dig into your spine. Your ass is probably bruised due to the hard flooring you've been sat on for what feels like years.
A pained grimace paints your face as your head shoots downward to locate the ticklish feeling on your propped up legs, unintentionally ignoring the firm grip continuously shaking your shoulder. Blood is soaking through the thick strips of gauze knotted around your wounds. What... who...?
“Your knees hit the ground before we even knew what was happening. Shit’s not as bad as it loo… hey I’m talkin’ to you.”
All of a sudden you're breathing a lot faster. Oh god, you're freaking out! What if your injuries are really bad? Why are your insides on fire? Are you overheating? What if you're bleeding internally? What if—
Eventually you're forced to come face to face with those same eyes, that now unmasked crimson glare. Even in your current state, your mind can't help but engrave the blurry image of his concerned yet pissed expression, his flawless skin illuminated by the pretty hue of your glowing aura.
A particularly strong surge of NOT GOOD emits from your core.
"Hey, stop panicking. I'm here to help, you're gonna be totally fine."
The hero's hand is still atop of your messy hair even though he's got you paying attention already. Still recovering from shock, you give your guy another once-over.
Steadily crouched between your numb knees, a slight sign of respect evident as he's an inch or two away from bursting your personal bubble. Stressfully massaging the bridge of his nose. He looks no different compared to when you first met him earlier, bar the fact that his shirt may as well not be there at all.
Yes, the sight of this guy practically shirtless is heavenly. The very real possibility that you're the reason for his injuries if he's sustained any? Not so heavenly.
Oh but why is he so gorgeous? And why is the area between your legs so hot?
Shit. Your insides contract along to the mere thought of him.
"Bakugo, your shirt. You okay? Are you hu- hurt?" You ask whilst trying your hardest not to let your eyes zero in on his physical existence. It's sort of... out there, but you think the trigger for your internal aching might be the hero himself.
"You ripped it off me. Memory loss?" Bakugo spits cheekily, his heart unwelcomely thumping at how you remembered his name after Todoroki yelled it. Removing his hand from your head, he seems a little confused. Why're you avoiding looking at him?
Heat rises from beneath the skin of your cheeks now that he's jogged your foggy memory. What in all hell did you do that for?!
"Right— sorry. I feel so weird I- Mmph! Agh-" Your apology carries into a lengthy string of anxious moans. You didn't look at him that time.
"What the fuck is goin' on? You sick or somethin'?" He asks deadly serious.
Bakugo attempts to shift closer to your shivering form to use the back of his palm to check your temperature but you stop him just in time, instinctively pressing your hand against his bared chest.
"D-Don't! Come any closer."
"Yeah, must have a cold or something, getting a little hot." You continue from your outburst and half-lie to his face.
He rapidly observes your odd behaviour as you force yourself to ignore the obvious discomfort. Scanning your convulsing body to discover your other hand is unconsciously jolting between tense thighs, fingers pressing down the fabric of your dress. Your glowing skin is visibly sticky with sweat, and so is the shivering it brings once it dries.
Oh. Oh, he's figured it out. A quirk. Something to do with aphrodisiacs, maybe? He remembers his hero buddy Kaminari telling him about a time he fell under a 'lust' quirk in the past. Perhaps?
For some reason unknown to you, Bakugo stills. You think you can see his cheeks redden in your peripheral vision. Paranoid, you spare a fleeting glance below his neck. The hand you'd placed on his chest has been slowly making it's way down, the position you finally catch it in being dragged directly over one of his nipples.
Absolutely horrified by your own actions, the rest of your body freezing in place, your eyes find his. Except they're not looking for yours in return. Following his awkward line of sight, you come to find your hand desperately rubbing where it shouldn't.
"Hey..." The hero's gravelly voice sends exaggerated tingles throughout the entirety of your weakened body.
No longer unable to move, you rip your hands away and hug yourself as you wobble into a stand in one fluid motion. There's a little more distance between you now, but this view... Bakugo knelt in front of you, head level with your—
No, you tell yourself. Well, try to.
All you can imagine is his spiky hair clasped between your fingers to pull him closer into you, his beautiful features covered in your juices.
You're currently unaware of how he's discarding the dangerous looking equipment that dons his neck and forearms, setting them aside. You know, just incase.
The dirtiest scenes flash by one by one within your cloudy head, rendering you hopelessly horny. They keep coming, each and every detailed fantasy clogging your brain faster by the second.
The sting you'd felt just now returns, still as unexpected as the last time, yet more unbearable than ever. You twitch uncontrollably as the concerned hero stands straight, his intimidating stance looming over you.
"Touch— me!" You don't mean to demand, but this calls for urgency. So much urgency in fact, that you dare to press down on his shoulders until he's kneeling once more. Real classy.
"B-Bakugo, touch me. Please, it hurts! Hurts so bad— so fucking bad and, I can't control myself-!"
He's letting you do this. He's witnessing you fall apart right there in front of him. Speechless as you proceed to beg him for his hefty touch. Helplessly touching yourself all the while. What the hell is he supposed to do? He can't just whisk you away to somewhere more private and fuck you! And you're injured, so his first destination should be the hospital, right?
"I'm in my right mind— hah! I pro—mise!" You yelp, hoping to rid him of any thoughts about taking advantage of you. You want this. Need this. Even if you weren't in pain.
A shimmery substance trickling along the soft skin of your thigh from beneath your dress steals Bakugo's faltering attention. Damn.
Were his pants always this tight?
It seems you've noticed it too, voice small as an embarrassed "fuck" falls from your plumped lips. He angles his head upward, then back to your thigh. You're expectedly peering down at him underneath you, his and your face both filtered by the pinkish haze outlining your increasingly sensitive body.
"Jesus fucking christ... I—"
He knows that you're the only civilian who'd been attacked, Bakugo had seen the villain flee without so much as touching anybody else, too busy avoiding his Deku and Todoroki's attacks. He has no other duty but to take you to the hospital. So... why isn't he moving?
"Touch. me." A twinge of seriousness shows through your words.
Don't fucking do it, his mind warns.
Don't do it.
As if your display isn't enough, you urgently slip your trembling fingers into his messy locks and tug him forward into your hips.
Damn it!
"Don't tell me what to do..." He mutters somewhat guiltily, giving into his present and not his future. You're irresistible.
After giving your surroundings a quick study, Bakugo's lustful face inches closer to the streak of arousal that'd escaped from your soaked panties, the speed at which he does so being way too slow for your liking. Fluttering his eyelids closed in an act of shame, he lets his eager tongue drag over the plush, wet skin, simultaneously taking a handful of your calfs to keep you steady. He misses the way your teeth bury themselves into your bottom lip.
Bakugo collects your sweet sick with the flat of his tongue, mouth wide open making every laboured exhale audible. If he said he wasn't thoroughly enjoying himself right now he'd be lying. You scrunch your dress up and secure it with a free hand on your waist, dying to continue watching his frowning expression before it's hidden.
"Mmmmmnnnn," You whine impatiently, the sting intensifying the closer the shameful hero gets to the drenched cotton concealing your yearning pussy. His breath fanning out upon your body is driving you up the wall.
His stabilising grip travels upward by the back of your legs, stopping just under your ass cheeks. Just as his mouth reaches the lower seams of your skimpy panties, blunt nails dig in and you're sure there will be red half-moons left in their place. This makes you suck the steamy air in through your gritted teeth.
Tears are rolling down your flushed cheeks, frustration growing within you.
Then, right as you're beginning to become more aggravated by the non-stop aching, Bakugo nuzzles into your covered cunt, damping his nose and lips with your scent.
The irritating pain seizes completely. The fuse in you is set alight.
"OH— yes yes, fuck! Keep doing... that!" Trying to lower the volume of your uncontainable moans proves to be very difficult, but the commotion taking place not even fifteen metres away is hopefully loud enough to disguise your sobs.
His huge hands are cupping the whole span of your ass now, fingers having slipped under your thong, pulling your jittery form even closer so he can take it all for himself, shaking his head and inhaling everything you.
A groan emerges from his throat once your pull increases on his hair, the guttural sound going straight to your muddled head. You're practically riding his face with your back arched away from the wall, and Bakugo wants to cry at how hard you're making him. He needs more.
You're about to pipe up when you see him move away, but your desperate whining and pleading immediately comes to a stop after he pushes your underwear to the side and licks a clean stripe through your folds, separating them to kiss your aimlessly clenching hole.
"No! No, please... I said keep do- MNMN!" The fingers clutching at your dress grow limp, letting the creased fabric drape over the antsy man knelt at your feet.
You swear you're temporarily blinded by white when you sense a skilled tongue swirl around your swollen bud only twice, the lone sensations hurling you head-on into what you believe is the most unbelievably mind-numbing orgasm you'll ever experience. The initial shock preventing you from noticing how he flinches.
The hero pauses for a hot second and his crimson eyes widen with disbelief beneath you, but he continues to flick, swipe, prod nonetheless.
His cock was begging to be released from the confines of his pants to begin with. Now this new incessant twitching is gonna drive him crazy.
"Grr! Urgh!"
All you can do is growl and put as much effort into keeping still and not crushing Bakugo with your thighs as possible whilst you come undone, every sudden wave of numbing pleasure whooshing through you with an unrivalled force causing your throat to open and close up for a short moment.
After a while spent to come down from your insane high, he eventually reveals himself from under the light cloth, removing the hands that once had a harsh squeeze of your asscheeks and comfortingly rubbing your vibrating upper legs instead.
You're confused.
He's staring up at you in an uncharacteristically adorable way, akin to a lost puppy, observing breathlessly as you clock the watery sheen layering his nose, the way his long lashes are clinging together with a teeny sparkle to them. Oh shit. You clamp a hand atop of your quivering mouth, droplets still flowing from your waterlines and subconsciously relishing in the unbroken eye contact between you both. Bakugo speaks first, though you're too surprised to register it, ending in a mutual interruption.
"Did you just...?"
"Did I—?"
Not only did you cum less than a minute into it, you squirted all over the guy's face in doing so. Great going!
Bakugo wipes his chin and nose with the back of his thumb, licks his lips then lets out a huff that turns into an undeniably sexy chuckle. His smile...
You'd be embarrassed if it weren't for that now familiar sensation returning to reside within you. Something is telling you that reaching orgasm isn't the key to stopping it.
"I need you. Now." The annoying quirk induced pain has you tearfully mumble the words before you can even think them.
"I-I don't think I should— is this eve-" The unsure hero stutters pathetically, still proceeding to grab your panties by the pretty lace hem and quickly yank them to rest loosely upon your feet.
"H-hurts! Please!"
You're half expecting him to decline again after seeing the guilt ridden look on him once he stands up. Wow, you forgot how tall he is when you aren't mounting his face. A regretful sigh leaves him. Then a hesitant attempt to speak up again. Then finally,
Without a second thought, Bakugo latches his lips upon your own to greedily tongue you down, letting the taste of your sweet cunt mingle on the tip of your tastebuds. His buff arms are caging you in, both of them soon reaching for his belt and the zipper of his cargo pants. He expertly undoes both without breaking the heated kiss once, now taking deep breaths through his nose whilst he frees his unbearably stiff dick and smears precum all over the length.
Suddenly, your legs give out due to exhaustion. Luckily your hero catches you by the waist and pulls you into his chest, turning what would've been another fall into a clumsy stumble.
"Hey, jump." Bakugo orders moodily, and you don't need to be told twice.
Putting all your trust into him, you do as he says, ultimately jumping out of your underwear to accidentally hook them up with one foot as you land in his strong arms.
"Atta girl." He praises deeply.
You use your last remnants of energy to get your dress out of his way as he's positioning you, and he's wasting no time in coating himself in your cum once he's gotten his arms wrapped under your bandaged knees. The repeated drag of his thick cock, up and down on your throbbing clit, is enough to drive you mad. Muscles locking in place and toes curling in your shoes at the overstimulation.
"Please please please please please," A string of breathy whispers falls from your sore lips and hits the shell of Bakugo's ear, causing him to bare his bottom teeth out of sheer arousal, animosity. Your voice does things to him.
The way your small selection of words is slowly chipping away at his self control, he can deal with.
"Hah- 'm serious! It stings! Bakugo..."
It's the desperate, almost saddened moan of his name that gets him to crack.
He plunges into you within an instant, exhaling what, to his slight embarrassment, sounds like a positively defeated whine. As if he's experiencing the same overpowering pleasure that you are.
"H'oh my fuckin' god,"
You'd actually forgotten all about the magical-esque hue surrounding your form until it starts to flicker. It's fading.
You're clung to him like your life depends on him, and he's loving all of it. Your legs constricting his waist and biceps, arms looped around his flushed neck, squeezing his toned body harder and harder with every laboured thrust, the way your sticky sweet pussy is adjusting and sucking on every inch of his dick making it increasingly difficult to move.
"How are you this—" Bakugo seethes, pauses to snap his hips up into you with a new amount of strength whilst simultaneously resting his head on your shoulder for some kind of fucked-out comfort, the same way your head is on his. "Tight!" He muffles into the crook of your neck, drinking in each debauched cry you bless him with.
"Ah, ah, ah!" You struggle not to bite your lolling tongue with how hard he's fucking into you, bouncing you on his perfect cock with just the power of his thrusts alone. You think he could please you the same without the wall as support.
He's hardly given you any time at all to get accustomed with his size and shape buried deep inside. Are you truly that fucking wet? You open your mouth with a silent scream, the enraptured hero having changed his pace to go even faster.
Well, if you weren't that wet before, you definitely are now.
Your coloured aura is completely gone, darkness of shadows cast by city buildings drawing a veil to conceal both of your animalistic deeds.
"Sho g-ood! Gonna cum shoon gon- cum shoon," Your lips are smushed upon his salty skin, shamelessly indulging in his delicious scent.
As if on cue, Bakugo comes to an abrupt stop.
"What are youMMPH!?"
You're roughly sandwiched between him and the bricks at your back, squished impossibly closer to his heaving chest, the new position spreading your legs almost painfully to accommodate his frame. The large, scarred hand that had clamped over your mouth the second you raised your head kept a steel grip in it's place. Leaving one of your shaking legs to dangle beside him. His wide eyes signal to somewhere behind him, informing you of someone else presence. Nostrils flaring with anxiety, you rear your head to the side.
Deku and Todoroki.
Bakugo turns his upper half away from you to check on them a second time, appearing to be holding his breath. Ah, he's still inside you, dick twitching and jumping with the involuntary clenching of your cunt. This must be torture for him, too.
You feel him tense and see his ruby eyes dart, like he's forming an urgent plan.
As smoothly as he possibly can, he sighs and rapidly takes his hand from your mouth to replace it with his tooth-marked lips. This kiss is much more hurried and passionate than the others, so much so that your senses are practically void of anything else but him. But that also comes to a stop.
The sudden lack of his taste enhances your other senses dramatically, allowing you to catch on to the quiet concerns of a suspicious green hero to his half and half friend.
"Wait, Todoroki. I think I just saw something."
"Like what?"
"I'm not really sure. I just caught this flash of something in the corner of my eye..."
You don't understand why he's acting so reckless right now when you could easily be caught until his hand returns to your face once more. You're absolutely bewildered.
Oh, god.
This sight is something you'll never forget.
Your hero is face to face with you, the twisted lace hem of your panties secured between his gritted teeth, thick eyebrows bowed with a silently pleading sparkle in his irises to match. 'Please, stay quiet' they say. This entire situation is fucking unreal, it's making you dizzy. The other hero had seen your cum-stained, saturated underwear from behind the cardboard boxes keeping you hidden. Mostly.
Deku is slowly sauntering in your direction when Bakugo has the audacity to resume moving inside your fluttering pussy, picking up the coil in your abdomen from where he'd left it just to tighten it again. Not once breaking eye contact.
And you thought he was reckless before.
"Maybe it was a stray cat or something." You hear Todoroki approach Deku's side.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. You're both so turned on, so close to one another's release.
Ecstasy consumes you as your hero begins to hump into you, not daring to pull away even the slightest bit in fear of the smacking noises. You wish he would've warned you beforehand, and he wishes he would've too.
No. No no no! He's gonna make you cum again! Your heartbeat is through the roof, and you try to warn him by shaking your head as quick as you can but—
The swollen tip of his length is repeatedly nudging the one spot within you that brings enough pleasure to have you sobbing. And naturally, you sob. Initial volume hardly muffled by his palm until he presses down too late. You're cumming even harder than earlier, you and him clenching wide eyes shut in sync at the feeling of your sex squirting all over his clothes, his scalding skin, his pulsing cock.
"Uraraka! Hold on a sec!"
Bakugo's heart plummets. Shit! He can't stop himself. Not after that.
"Fuck! God— damn!" A muffled, strained groan escapes his narrowed throat into the panties in his mouth, along with your spellbinding cry, his greedy body too busy jackhammering your poor little cunt to notice Deku’s voice overriding everything. Including the obvious squelch emitting from your hole.
Two sets of running footsteps quickly fade away, relieving the two of you from a crushing weight on your shoulders as white hot ropes of your hero's cum coat your insides. One final burst of glowing purple-pink shows itself before you're deservedly rid of any symptoms caused by that bastard villains quirk.
At last…
You smile into space, warm and genuinely appreciative.
Bakugo removes himself from you, understanding of how his cum seemed to be the cure. You can sense his release sliding down your bare legs. To say he's been struck by love would be an understatement when you collect some on the tip of your finger whilst he stuffs your underwear in his pocket, to then teasingly suck on it once he looks up again.
The hero gawks at your exhausted but albeit playful display and proceeds to manoeuvre you so that he's resting against the wall with your back to his chest. Neither of you care about the intimacy, already comfortable together as if you'd known one another for years. You guess that villain was good for at least one thing…
An overwhelmed sigh from him blows past your hair.
"Don't think I've ever been so stressed out," He complains tiredly with his cheeks puffed out, dropping down to the concrete beneath him with you complying to curl up in his lap.
You close your eyes. It sounds like the commotion outside has finally come to an end, the city's usual ambiance having returned during your panicked moments. An amused giggle shakes your weak body.
"I hadn’t even asked you out yet and we’ve already fucked. Wanna get married next?"
"Pfft, shut up..." Bakugo replies with a snort, placing his spinning head atop of yours.
This took fucking forever
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krewekreep · 7 months
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2.7K Words. tags: Committed Relationship AU, Date Night/Car Sex AU, (Ownership kink??? I don’t know wtf I’m talking about), Your man asks if he can get you tatted on him.
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“Can I get your name tattooed?” You almost spit your drink out at the question. You turn to your boyfriend absolutely stunned. “A tattoo? O-Of what?” You couldn’t believe how casual he was as if he wasn’t essentially asking to be imprinted. He shrugged his shoulders saying, “I don’t know maybe your name? Maybe a symbol or honestly whatever you want to see on me.” You stared analytically at him. Was this his attempt at a prank or your sincere realization your man was crazy. “Are you serious? Where would you get it? What if people see it and ask about it? Oh my- boy youre wildin’ right now.” You had to laugh. This was the most outrageous he could’ve ever been but nothing really about his expression changed. If anything he seemed a bit disappointed at your reaction. You saw the slight fall of his eyes, oh no he’s deadass.
You sat back sincerely considering your man with your name on his body. What seemed the most appealing? His face? Absolutely not…his neck? Maybe but kinda ghetto. As if fixating on the perfect sketch you cleared several versions of it through your head: arms, back, legs, hands. You thought of the big words branded across men like Tupac or Cholos, and while absolutely hot…it didn’t suit him. You thought of how sexy tattoos were ones that peeked out—those conversations starters when you just can’t get the image of it without a full closer inspection. You thought of his ribs, his collar bone, his wrists…what seemed an awkward silence for him was a deep meditation that led you to consider it now with more excitement than consolation.
“Okay,” you returned to him with your considerations. “I thought about tattoos of all kinds all over you…it’s pretty hot.” He rolled his eyes at you. “No-no,” you went for his thigh grabbing it in reassurance. “I’m so serious right now.” It was hard in your very unserious, light hearted relationship to maintain a kind of sincerity that wouldn’t send the both of you laughing your heads off. You understood he really liked the idea of it and you didn’t mean to have shut him down. He heard you. Trying his best to not openly forgive you because his pout earned him a pleading and yearning partner. He liked when you made up to him. “Y/N,” his face fell. “It really hurt me.” A cold wind caught him and his face sunk so deep you thought he would wither away. “Baby, I’m serious. You would look so good but I had to think on what suited you.” His ears perked up a bit, raising a quizzical brow towards you but still sulking. You sat up in the car seat leaning over to grab his face and kiss him all over. Before whispering which spots had riled you up the most you kissed him deeply running a finger across his ear which sent a shiver through him.
“So I thought about the obvious: your face, your arms, your hands. I thought I liked something being on your ribs or your wrists. I still do BUT I decided top two goes to the collar bone or your fingers.” He had to scoff to himself. Of course you chose the most sensitive, possibly painful areas. You didn’t have tattoos yourself, not against them, but not up for the possible pain at all. He, on the other hand, was very tatted including a full sleeve. It was his thing so to speak so the idea of getting your name tatted seemed less and less crazy. “Hmmm, you like those places?” He watched your eyes linger on his neck and clavicle wishing to decorate him in hickies to show your earnestness. “Mmhmm.” You touched along his neck and collarbones earning a muffled groan. He twitched under your tickling fingers watching you dazed.
You unlocked your seat belt and leaned over grabbing him by the hair and pulling him into a sloppy, eager kiss. “You sure?” He always is the one to double, triple, quadruple check. “Yes baby,” you pull away to look him in the eyes. “I just immediately thought of those huge ass ones you see people get on social media.” You scoffed a bit thinking of images of blazing red skin with huge cursive names. You had no issue if it were family members or even friends, but lovers? Seemed a bit too close to branding and ownership, and you never knew of a lasting relationship with that going on.
Unbeknownst to you your bae’s absolute acceptance of being yours. He heard once of someone in the media proving his love to his new girl by tatting his dick…. He thought long and hard about it…honestly into it. And had you thrown that out there, even if a pure joke—He’d win by trolling you with your name inked large across his length. He’d fuck you into the mattress, dick hitting your cervix unknown to you until pillow talk time. How’d he’d thank both Y/Ns for the fabulous time tonight. How he knew you’d snap up and throw the blankets away quizzically investigating his cock. How he loved the idea of not telling you at all…seeing how long it took before you’d scream in astonishment lamenting his idiotic love struck ways. But he’ll settle for now.
He liked the idea of his fingers…closest thing he had comparable to his dick given their own girth and length. How two fingers were genuinely too much for you until you grew fully accustomed to his cock. How when he tried to enter a third once you winced looking back at him like the devil. “Don’t piss me off,” you spat closing your eyes with a lifted warning brow. “You know you be trying to do too much.” He was sympathetic but horny. And had the worst kind of fantasies pinning you in all sorts of positions, crumbling you up into a sex ball. You were so beautiful all the time. Now sitting in his car at the top of a parking garage, after an amazing night out where you both seemed to fall in love all over again. He really felt compelled to ask, damn near blurting the question out. “Would you get a tattoo of my name?” You didn’t have to think long this time. “Nope. Not your name.” His face fell, he couldn’t even hide it. You knew what you were doing leaning over to reach your hand in between his legs, cupping his balls and dick easily. “I’d get a symbol for you. Or like an animal. You know I like subtle things.” You rub his tip through his pants almost luring a whimper from him. He swallowed hard. “Tell me more.” “What? I don’t know there’s really so many things I associate with you or us…I weirdly want it to be perfect. I want it to mean I love you, I trust you, and thank you all at once. Not my fault I’m sentimental.” You tease yourself and him laughing softly. “I’m just…actually happy as fuck to know you’d consider it. You don’t have to, baby girl.” “Aht aht,” you tisk. “Already in motion, you know I was thinking about finally getting one too? So I’ll really think about it and I want your help okay??”
How could you look at him so innocently when your hands were making it hard to keep his eyes open. How could you so lovingly declare all this as he adjusts his waist to more firmly plant himself in your palm. How you squeeze him ever so slightly eliciting a full blown moan. You wanted him bad. The night out, the drinks, the conversation over ice cream, now sitting with your love as the night sky passed on. It was perfect. You leaned up in the seat on your knees, reaching over him to crank his seat back. It went down smoothly and he set both arms behind his head. Ready for you to handle him however you pleased.
You leapt over onto him sitting flush on his extremely hard, bulging length. You cooed at the sensation of pressure against your clit slowly grinding against him. He didn’t wanna control you this time but it was hard to not go to grab at you, to which you swatted his reaching hungry arms away. “Uh uh,” was all you had to say. You needed him inside you now. You lifted your hips, giving you space to undo and unzip his pants. You learned with him he doesn’t put on underwear all the time. And considering how his outfit squeezed him all over perfectly—You didn’t want your favorite guy all smothered and claustrophobic. He needed to breathe didn’t he?? His dick agreed hungrily leaping out his pants thwacking against his belly. You spit in your hand taking him in it with a sloppy dribble of saliva falling to his tip. He shivered throwing his head back. You pumped him swirling your thumb over his blazing leaking tip. He was nothing more than a mumbling, groaning, praising mess. “Fuck, you know what you doing, Y/N.” He can’t help himself. He knows you like to treat him like this, like your little bitch.
His chest was lifting and lowering so erratically. His abs tensing and sweat brimming all over his skin. He wanted to get inside you, fuck your hands. “Mmm, baby please.” He cooes. “Sit on me baby, I need to feel that.” You obeyed swiftly giving him a few more hard pumps making his head lift as his mouth was agape breathlessly. “I got you. You know I do.” You lifted up, your ass facing the windshield. You pulled your panties to the side with one hand, still keeping the other on his waiting cock. He watched you in awe, how fierce you were when you wanted him. How he loved how loud you were and couldn’t wait to hear his name ring his ears as your shameless calls for him filled the car.
You lifted his dick vertical to your pussy, squatting down meeting his hot wet tip to your soaking loving core. When he entered it felt like heaven. What little stress you had already gone, so it was nothing for you to bounce down on him roughly. Both of you yelping at the sensation of his cock hitting your cervix. “Hey, be gentle. Don’t hurt yourself.” He said cautiously. He didn’t care about himself but you? No, don’t hurt yourself or even discomfort yourself just to feel him.
He took extreme pride in treating you like a princess even declining trying degradation. You, a bit too persistant at a point causing him to snap: “You can like what you like but I’m not degrading you. That’s my last word about it. Find someone else if it’s that big of a deal.” He was frustrated and regretted the last sentence the minute he finished. How he couldn’t face you cause he knew tears had fallen. How you gasped at his rejection and meanness, storming out of his apartment. How the minute the door slammed he rushed to his phone calling you profusely. How he showed up to your place with tears of his own. How he kinda maybe went a little too crazy banging on your door like a madman demanding to talk to you. When then as you opened the door warning of a police call for disturbance he blew past you into your living room. How he kinda scream talked his way through admitting he was so in love with you, so literally stuck on you he couldn’t imagine himself talking down on you. It just wasn’t him.
How you just wanted him to calm down and that you understood. You really did. Reaching towards your bellowing boyfriend cooing him to cry it out in your bosom. How he ended up more upset than you just because he felt awful even snapping at you like that. How you rolled your eyes at yourself thinking while he might be domineering he was a big ole baby. How you told him you accepted his apology, leaning him away from you and hitting your knees to suck him off. How he broke through the tears saying he didn’t even deserve this but you shut him up with a swirl of your tongue.
How now he had no choice but to give you the entire fucking world. How you unlocked a kink of being dominated for him. Sitting back with his head resting up, watching you use him to your delight. How his cock twitched inside you and his hips lifted in mindless splendor. The car nothing but an enclosed cacophony of praise, I love you’s, and the sloppy slick of your fluids as they kept you two sticky and connected. The weight of your ass on his pelvis as his hands guided you up and down. How your head was thrown back like an animal, calling out to him how only his cock could make you feel this way. How he demanded you say more, more about him and his dick and how useful he was to you.
“Ah, Ah, Ah,” you couldn’t even think straight. Your mind overwhelmed with the orgasm you actually didn’t want to reach yet. Truly how sweet his cock met the ridges of your pillowy heat. You really didn’t want to stop but when you gazed at him he was as gone as you. His eyes closed tight, so tight you almost told him relax. His arms extended, flexing every active vein as he held your ass while you began growing even wetter around him. “Ain’t no way,” his hips stall slightly. “You’re so fucking wet, it doesn’t even feel like I’m in you. Ah, you so fucking good to me baby girl.” You knew by his fighting vocals he was about to cum. His previous warning to take it easy was nothing but noise as you began throwing your pussy down against him. You wanted to cum how you wanted to cum. “Baby, no, I—“ a pathetic accepting mess he was. They better not complain in the morning, he thought. And let you bounce on him mercilessly slapping against him loudly with a bit of a sting. You wanted to feel it in your throat and you did. That rare (less rare with him now your partner) special confusing but absolutely mind numbing pleasure. You seized around him, chocking his cock as you came hard. Your entire body shook now exhausted as you could only just sit on him letting him finish. You bounced as his dick drove in you sloppier and sloppier. “Oh fuck,” his own body now quaking, ropes of semen making your belly warm as your pussy hugged him wanting all he had.
His body went limp and so did yours. You fell on his chest with little concern, nuzzling into his neck peppering him with kisses. “I told you…I told you to not to go so hard…” he scolded wiping his dripping face with his arm. “Mmhmm,” was your only response soon falling asleep with him still inside you. You bundled up so innocently considering the mad woman you had just been. Pleased, full, and ready to cuddle him proper back home.
He kisses you on the forehead, still catching his breath although it is increasingly becoming balanced. You were already about to knock out. “Baby?” He cooed. “Let me put you in the back seat okay? Just rest until we get home, okay?” How now you were his baby princess again. Whatever you wanted, whatever you needed you got. How you mumbled nothing coherent barely able to lift yourself off of him. A bit awkward since you literally couldn’t move but once he laid you down, making sure your legs were comfortable, he kissed you passionately. You couldn’t really kiss back but you did pucker your lips with what little strength you had. He smirked to himself fixing his thankful dick back in his pants and getting in the drivers seat. Keys in the ignition, your couples playlist auxed on low, and a big dumb smile on your lover’s face. “How could I ever disrespect you goofy?” The most he’d ever insult you laughing as he pulls out the parking garage heading on home.
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Who: GOJO, CHOSO, Zoro, Nanami, EREN, BAKUGO, Human INUYASHA, Ichigo + whoever else is this love dumb.
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smusherina · 16 days
bridges burnt - chapter 1 [epilogue series] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: When an invitation to Gretchen Wieners' wedding ended up in your mailbox, you'd been sure it was a mistake. Only, it read your name in neat, swoopy calligraphy. It was addressed to you. And Regina George, whom you hadn't spoken to in years.
additional clarification: This is set in the universe of yard work, a series of mine that can be found on my page! Reading this one might be a bit challenging without the context of the series :)
very necessary note: Okay, fuck, it was supposed to be a one shot. Then I got excited. So have another freakin' Regina George series. Set in the same universe as yard work! Reading that provides some essential context, but you do you! I don't think it's unreadable without it.
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You adjusted your tie for perhaps the millionth time. It was a silky blue, befitting your navy suit. You fiddled with your cufflinks, silver like all your accessories, then pulled out the baby blue handkerchief to wipe down your glasses, then folded it pack into your pocket, then bent to redo your laces, then-
"For fuck's sake, the ceremony hasn't even started yet!" Amanda nudged you violently.
"Ow!" You hissed, elbowing her back. She slapped your knee, hard.
"Get yourself together." She glowered, pointing a manicured finger at your nose. "It's worse enough I have to be here at all. You're not gonna ruin this for me."
"You're here for the open bar and free food. I paid for the flights, the room, the car." You bit back. "I'm allowed to be nervous."
"There's nervous, then there's this." Amanda looked you up and down pointedly, noting your bouncing knee.
You squeezed at said knee, trying to calm down. Like you'd been trying to do since hours ago. No results so far.
"Look, buddy, it's just a wedding. You don't even really know her. I get you... Have a history with the bride, or whatever, but it's gonna be so fine."
"It's not Gretchen I'm worried about." You mumbled.
"Whoever. It's gonna be fine." Amanda said, flippant as ever. How she was so carefree all the time was mind-boggling to you.
"This place is filled with people from high school. God." You looked around. "That guy over there, don't look, with the receding hairline- I said don't look!"
"Be more specific, every man here has a receding hairline. The demographic is excruciatingly pallid."
"Shut up, girl," You shook your head but couldn't help but laugh. It was mostly white people here. "The one with the wife that looks exactly like him, unbelievably blonde, kinda mousy," You waited for her eyes to latch onto the man you were talking about. "He used to buy weed from me, like, every week, and then went around spreading rumours about me."
"Ungrateful." Amanda scoffed. "And look at him, a wife, child, and probably a 401k. That's how it goes for boys like them."
"Yeah." You sighed. "How's the salon doing, by the way?"
"Thriving. Thanks to you. But I worked my ass off." You lifted your arms in surrender. She had worked hard to keep the place afloat for as long as she had, so even if you hadn't invested she would've found a way.
Amanda cast you a meaningful look. "You're doing better than ever, aren't you? Financially speaking. How's everything else?"
"Well, y'know..." You shrugged. "It's complicated." You looked down. Amanda patted your knee, a sympathetic smile on her face.
"You got a nice suit, though." She pointed out.
"Oh, for sure. Look at these, custom cufflinks." You showed off the silver bits. "Do you think these rings are too much?"
"Don't you usually have an ungodly amount of them on?"
"I usually just have these three." On your right pinky was your Engineer's Ring. On your left thumb was an embroidered steel band and on the pointer of that same hand a ring with a big emerald embedded in a bed of crystals.
"It's not too much." Amanda took your hand and inspected the rings. "More like sexy." She grinned at you, all sorts of innuendo right on display.
You scoffed and turned towards the altar. The pews were getting fuller by the minute. You were sitting far enough from the front to show you weren't important but not too far as to hint you didn't want to be there. You were on the bride's side, though it didn't matter much. You didn't know Gretchen any better than her husband-to-be.
Amanda had come with you for moral support. You'd been roommates in college and you hadn't been able to shake her off since. She'd grown on you, though you often acted more begrudged than you felt. She'd helped you out a lot over the years.
She'd been there when you couldn't leave the dorms, trapped in the vicious clutches of paranoia. She'd been there helping you get back on your feet when dad's businesses started going, one by one, each more explosive than the last. She was there when you moved back to that little town in Illinois, where Northshore still stood.
You liked to think you'd been equally as integral to her, but that was perhaps a reach. She was fiercely independent, resourceful, and charming enough to make friends with anyone. When the first chance to help her came, you didn't hesitate to take it. She'd opened up her salon right after graduation, staying in New York while you moved back home, and had been doing well until now. Unexpected costs and a wicked plumbing bill had landed her in some hot water.
For the small price of one favour and eternal bragging rights, you'd shoved your newly acquired wealth at her. Dragging her to Vermont in October to attend Gretchen's wedding was you cashing in on that favour.
Eventually, the proceedings began. The groom and his men walked in with little fanfare, mild music playing as they went. Most faces you did not recognize, but there was one back of the head that seemed eerily familiar.
The groom, a classically handsome man, a boring prince type, went to stand at the altar. He had an expectant glimmer in his eye. At least Gretchen's taste in men had improved. Then again, anything beat the scrubs she'd used to keep around.
Behind the groom, his line of groomsmen settled, the best man fronting the crowd. The man of the hour was in a classic black tux while the others flanking him were dressed in different shades of brown. The whole shebang was sort of beige with a little bit of burnt orange thrown in. Amidst the shades of umber, russet, and sepia, stood a familiar face.
Aaron Samuels. You didn't have much time to agonize about him being here before the bridesmaids were stepping through the aisle. Similar dresses but in lighter shades, clearly made to match a certain groomsman. You didn't recognize any of them.
The maid of honour was a little odd. Her makeup seemed to be a lot thicker on one side, like there were several layers of foundation caked on. Her eye makeup on that side was a little heavy also, but she was past you by the time you could wonder why.
"The maid of honour totally has a black eye," Amanda whispered to you.
"No way," You hissed back, trying to get an angle where you could see her face. As she settled in place, facing the pews, even moderately far away you could see that, yeah, she totally was covering up a black eye. Wild bachelorette party, then.
Coos and aws resounded through the church as the flower girl and the ring bearer came toddling down. A little girl, cheeks all red, and looking like she wanted to be anywhere else, and a slightly older boy with an almost manic look in his eye. The girl was in no mood to be tossing petals, so the boy reached into her basket and threw a big fistful of them in the air. The rings rolled off of their pillow but found their way back.
"Oops," The boy said, smiling sheepishly right as the photographer came in to capture the moment. Chuckles echoed through the space.
By the time they reached the end of the aisle, the little girl was dutifully carrying the pillow on which the rings were and the boy was joyously tossing flower petals everywhere. As god intended.
Then came the bride. Escorted by her father, who was beaming with a mouth full of veneers, Gretchen Wieners made her appearance.
It wasn't disappointment that you felt. Not relief, either. It was hard to describe. You'd been expecting anger or some catharsis. This was the person who'd outed you to your whole school, who'd been the catalyst to the worst year of your life, why didn't you feel more?
High school had been over for almost ten years. You carried scars, deep ones that still ached on bad days but at the end of the day, they were just scars. You were doing better than ever. Gretchen had been a bully, had brought you to ruin once upon a time, but who was to say it couldn't all be built again?
You smiled. She looked beautiful. A white dress, a long veil, hair done big, bigger and more grandiose than you'd ever seen, and looking like, well, a bride.
You'd moved on. Considering how she'd invited you too, and knowing Gretchen she was acutely aware of every person in attendance, she had moved on too. You could recognize an olive branch when one was given to you.
That didn't explain the invitation, though. Maybe it was a mistake. Gretchen wasn't known for making those, but she was human too. Right?
"Look, they're totally enthralled by each other. You're gonna be fine." Amanda whispered, ignoring the elderly lady seated next to her shooting daggers through her eyes at you two.
"Yeah. It's gonna be fine."
Notes: Got really ill at the beginning of this week, which delayed this chapter quite a bit. You don't realize quite how awesome breathing is until you can't do it properly. Getting better slowly, it's nothing serious, but the cough is lingering. It is what it is.
This chapter was mostly setting up the narrative, no Reggie and Jorts interactions as of yet. I'm not making any promises because I'm so shit at keeping them, but hoping that this series will be shorter than the original one.
Taglist posted seperately!
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canthelpit0 · 2 months
Enemies (with benefits) PT2
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count : 6.2k +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: swearing, smut, a lot of plot, use of Y/N, FOMO, partying, drinking, smoking (cigarettes, weed), pet names (sweetheart, pretty boy, pretty girl, ma, cherry), name calling (slut), making out, getting caught, p in v, jealous!Reader, jealous!Chris, dom!Chris, unprotected (wrap it before u tap it), spanking, riding, doggy, degradation(?), creampie, slut shaming
(A/N: I wrote this in like a day. so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. this was fun to write and ended up way longer than intended. Enjoy 🤭)
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Now sitting at my vanity I’m touching up the rest of my makeup. I’ve been invited to some party, even though I said I would distance myself from that kind of stuff. But I was invited and my FOMO was bad enough to make me go.
“You done? The Uber is here.” Evelyn asks. Evelyn is my best friend, and she has been since middle school, she was there for my awkward phases and stuck with me. Now we’re in senior year soon to graduate.
“Yeah I’m coming.”
I say standing up a bit too aggressively than intended. I just really would like to stay home for once and just sleep, but I really can’t.
I don’t even want to go to that goddamn party, but the more time passed the more I thought about how much I’d miss out on.
‘What if something happened and I wasn’t there to see it’
I grab my purse and walk out the door, Evelyn following behind me.
I was wearing a tight, black, mini-dress, that wasn’t as short as the average mini-dress. It is about mid-thigh, but it has a ‘sexy slit’ up my left thigh. And my hair simply down
Evelyn was wearing a simple navy blue mini-dress, that, in her words “has the right amount of glitter on it”. Both of us decked up in jewelry.
Evelyn has her hair bleached, almost platinum blonde. She wears a lot of heavy makeup, but she looks gorgeous with it. Her eyes are dark adding a good contrast.
The first time Evelyn dyed her hair was in like 8th grade. To go from her dirty blonde a little lighter. Until eventually doing it so many times, going lighter and lighter until she ended up here, platinum blonde. But it suits her.
We walk out of my house, the Uber already there like she’d said.
And while I’m still thinking about why I even agreed to this, and ‘oh, it won’t be that bad’ , and ‘I do this all the time anyway’ , we arrive.
“Girl” Evelyn nudges me nodding to the window, and when I turn my head we’re here. I open the car door, and as soon as I do I can already hear the faint hum of the music coming from inside. I slide out of the backseat, Evelyn following behind me, after paying and tipping the driver.
We step up to the porch, and people in the front yard were already throwing up and smoking and whatnot. After all, we came fashionably late.
As soon as we Walk in the intense smell of alcohol and weed washes over me.
I started to question if this was actually a good idea. But when I look over at Evelyn the blonde is already looking over the crowd of people. She looks excited, and I can’t help the sigh that I let out.
Nobody seems to hear it anyway, the music is too loud.
“Go have fun,” Evelyn says over the music elbowing my side.
I roll my eyes looking over at her, a small smile crossing my lips as I chuckle. “You too. I’ll see you later.” I answer loudly smiling back at her before she nods eagerly.
Evelyn isn’t a bad friend at all. She’s great. Just at parties, I would much rather not stand next to her while she is flirting with some dude.
I tell her everything. Always. Except for the fact that me and Chris hook up. It’s kind of a more secret thing, especially since Evelyn knows how much we hate each other. It’s hard to explain. The feeling, the things that he makes me feel. So I don’t even try.
I watch her fade into the crowd starting to make my own way into the party.
It was a simple house party some random popular rich kid was throwing. Nothing special.
I make my way to the kitchen, brushing past drunk and sweaty teenagers.
Parties are way more enjoyable when you’re drunk.
So I pore myself some shots to get myself started.
I down another shot, feeling like the two I already took weren’t enough. I put down the shot glass more aggressively than needed, my face contorting in disgust at the liquid burning down my throat.
I look over at the bottle of tequila on the counter next to me. I sigh steadying myself on the counter my arms holding me up. I look down for a moment already feeling the alcohol kick in. The music started to sound louder, ringing in my ears.
I sigh standing up straight again. I can feel the effects starting. My eyes scan the room, looking for any familiar faces, or anyone cute..
With how much I party I handle my shots pretty well.
I furrow my eyebrows walking around the kitchen island to the living room where most people are, crowded in the middle, dancing and whatnot.
I see Evelyn there, and she’s just dancing so I join her.
After a while I excuse myself. I need some fresh air. I’d been offered one too many beers and I was feeling way more drunk than I wanted to be.
I really don’t wanna go home completely drunk.
I push my way through the crowd of teenagers, making my way to the back door. Getting out, the fresh air hits me like a truck. It feels like I can breathe again.
I step down the porch, sitting down at the steps of the back porch leaning against the railing slightly.
The fresh air feels sobering, but the sips from my red solo cup keep me drunk. I think it’s some sort of beer, but honestly, with the amount of different alcohol I’ve had tonight, I can’t even tell the difference.
Suddenly I feel a presence next to me. I look over to see a brunette boy.
Ethan Marlo.
He’s the school's resident stoner. The leader of the other skater boys. He’s been caught smoking on school grounds so many times.
And while I was certainly not innocent either, at least I didn’t go and get caught.
His hair is long and messy brown… -reminds me of Chris’.. no it’s too curly for that...
His eyes are brown but somehow sharp like he was staring into my soul, and judging everything he saw.
I’d talked to him a few times before, nothing worth noting though. But from what interaction I’ve had with him he was nicer than he looks.
He may just have a resting bitch face.
“Hey?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything.
I watch him pull the cigarette from his lips blowing the toxic smoke away.
I watch as he puts the cigarette back between his lips. I raise an eyebrow watching him. Waiting for him to speak. To tell me why he is sitting next to me.
But he doesn’t.
“Do you talk?” I ask slightly annoyed at having my alone time interrupted cause some random kid sat down.
“Yeah.” He mumbles against his cigarette taking another puff.
He pulls the cigarette from his lips and blows away the smoke before looking at me again.
“I’m Ethan.” He smiles slightly.
“I know.”
Almost everybody knows Ethan. The kid’s a troublemaker. Teachers hate him. He’s a problem child and people know him for that. And he’s not exactly ugly or anything either.
“Now sweetheart, this would be the moment when you introduce yourself.” He sounds sarcastic almost like he was fucking with me.
“Y/n” I say simply staring back at him as he gives me a goofy grin.
I’m not popular in school, but people still know me. They know who I am because mainly Chris and I would always argue. And people know Chris.
Girls are all over him. Asides from the obvious fact that he’s a triplet and most people think that’s interesting. Most people also think he’s hot.
But most people at our school are stupid anyway.
“You want one?” He asks nodding down to the cigarette in his hands.
It wasn’t like I’d never smoked before, but I’m not a smoker.
I shrug letting out a small “Why not”
I look back at Ethan, and I feel him cup my face with his hand. My lips parted in shock. he chuckles, He places his cigarette between my lips.
When he takes his hand off of my face I raise an eyebrow at him, taking the cigarette between my pointer and middle finger as I inhale it.
Taking the cigarette from my lips I go to speak again. I breathe out the smoke.
“Dude” I sigh, my tone sounds flatter than intended. but whatever.
I pause for a moment taking another drag. He was always known to carry some weed.
“You got any weed?” I ask handing him the cigarette.
He chuckles pulling out an already rolled blunt and tossing it over to me. “You’re pretty you know that?”
He says looking back at me. I raise my eyebrow picking up the rolled blunt and putting it in my purse. “Oh yeah?”
It sounds more cocky than it did in my head but oh well.
I probably look really cocky right now. With the way, I’m leaning back against the higher step behind me.
But whatever. Honestly, I’m too drunk to care.
I put the cigarette back between my lips breathing in the toxic smoke.
Okay, maybe crossfaded.
Pulling the cigarette from my lips, I hold it between two fingers as I take a sip of my drink in my solo cup.
He looks at me like he genuinely thinks I’m pretty. And honestly, I like the attention, but I don’t know if I actually like it. It feels weird. But I don’t know if that’s just me being drunk and oblivious or something.
I hand him over the cigarette and he takes it from my fingers, taking a drag of it.
“You’re interesting.”
The words leave my lips before I know. He was. I don’t think he was middle class at all. And he was a stoner and a skater, of course, he is interesting.
“Is that a compliment?” He chuckles watching me as he smokes his cigarette.
I chuckle. I feel like I’m sobering up too much.
“Imma go inside pretty boy.”
And with that I’d gotten up, half stumbling to the door. As soon as I'm inside I brush through crowds of people.
Oh wow, that dude looks like Chris
I stop in my tracks as I narrow my eyes at the couple making out in the corner of the living room.
Hold on that is Chris.
Who the fuck is he kissing.
Poor girl
They shift slightly and even from across the room I can tell that he’s deepening the kiss.
I wait to see if they shift enough for me to see her face.
Chris turns her around, pinning her to the wall by her neck. Her entire face is in view.
Charlotte Baker.
I’ve known Charlotte since kindergarten. Chris had too. But I’ve known Chris longer than she has.
I thought he wasn’t into blondes?
I wouldn’t care who he kisses, we’re not exclusive or anything. But him kissing the very embodiment of what he is not into? The person I hate the most?
Well okay, I don’t really hate Charlotte. I severely dislike her. She’s a bitch. No literally. She’s always so rude. But I don’t know if that’s just me. She seems to have a particular hatred towards me.
They continue making out and honestly, I don’t want to see him stick his tongue down her throat- like he had done to me so many times.
I blink aggressively. I realize that people have been brushing past me and that I’d been staring so I move out of the way.
Leaning against the wall of the living room, right opposite where Chris has her pinned. I’m watching them. I know I am. But I can’t pull my eyes away from them.
It feels like I only have tunnel vision on them. And honestly I don’t know who I feel bad for more.
Chris, for kissing Charlotte, knowing she’s a bitch.
Or Charlotte, knowing she’s making out with a guy whose motto is literally ‘hit and quit’.
I can feel my throat burning as I sip on my red solo cup, which is probably filled with beer.
I sigh, I really need to sober up
I push myself off the wall shaking my head slightly. I go to the kitchen, pushing through the teens in my way. Honestly, I don’t know what time it is, but do I care tho.
I pour the liquid in the red solo cup down the drain, watching it. I lean against the counter over the sink closing my eyes for a second to stay focused.
But all I can really think of is Chris and Charlotte making out just a room away. And the thought disgusts me to the point I wanna throw up, but that could also be the alcohol.
God, I wish I could string together a coherent thought.
I glance over my shoulder. The kitchen is open to the living room and entry but from where I’m standing I can’t see them.
I go to the fridge pulling out a water bottle. The bottle is cold against my skin, and suddenly I’m aware of how I feel like I’m burning up.
With shaky hands, I open the bottle of water taking a sip. Letting the cold water flow down my throat and ease the burn of the alcohol I’d been drinking.
I blind furiously stare at the wall trying to sober up drinking half the bottle.
I sigh my eyes drifting back to the living room. I feel more sober than I did five minutes ago.
I can’t see them, so I walk to the other side of the kitchen trying to get a view of where they were without having to go back to the living room.
They’re not there.
My thoughts immediately go to dirtier places. Shaking my head I furrow my eyebrows, my body tensing up before I realize.
Fuck, ew, I don’t wanna think of that. The fuck.
I take another sip of the water trying really hard to sober up more.
But before I know it, I’m already stumbling up the steps.
So maybe I’m not as sober as I thought, what about it.
I think I’d decided to go upstairs to relax instead of outside because Ethan was still outside. And honestly, I’d left him, so if I came outside again he’d surely ask why I came back right?
I open a random door, leaning against the doorway. Staring into the room my eyes squinted.
Until my eyes fall on Chris… with Charlotte.
Them, making out, Charlotte on top of him while she is fumbling to undo his belt.
Chris’ eyes snap open staring at me. While kissing her. My jaw clenches as I stand frozen not moving to leave like I should’ve.
He breaks the kiss slightly, pushing Charlotte away but not letting go.
“Y/n. Leave”
His gruff voice says and my mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out.
When Charlotte hears my name, and sees he’s looking past her she looks over her shoulder her eyes locking her with mine.
A disgusted look crossed my face. Not that it was intentional, but Jesus was this sight ircking.
Did I look like that when I’m on top of Chris? Ew.
I shake my head slightly turning on my heel, slamming the door behind me.
Okay, maybe dealing with Ethan would’ve been easier than ever having to witness that.
I walk downstairs. That sight sobered me up more than all the water I just drank.
I card through the people again now annoyed with how many people are here. Christ i just want to be alone somewhere.
Going back outside I sit back down next to Ethan. He had moved to the side where I had been sitting. And now he was smoking some weed.
“Back already?”
His tone sounds amused, and now that I’m more sober I can clearly see him checking me out.
“You mind?” I raise an eyebrow turning more towards him. my eyes scanning his face.
He had those dark brown eyes. They were droopy and he had heavy bags under them. His hair did remind me of Chris’, it was almost the same shade. His hair was curlier than Chris’ tho and probably also a little longer. His jawline is sharp and-
Why the hell am I comparing this random cute skater boy to Chris?
“No” he chuckles and looks at me.
He looks kind, honestly.
I lean over taking the blunt from between his lips and putting them between my own.
“What, did you already smoke the blunt I just gave you?”
“So what if I did?”
I didn’t. It was still in my purse, but he didn’t need to know that. Maybe he’ll give me more.
I pull the blunt from my lips blowing the smoke right in his face. But he doesn’t even flinch at it.
He’s a stoner, of course, he wouldn’t.
He chuckles watching me, taking the blunt from my lips before I can take a drag. Grinning, he puts it between his own lips.
“ ‘ts fine. I have more” he mumbles around the blunt before inhaling properly.
“I see that” I chuckle watching him as he takes a drag.
He looks pretty like that. He looks painfully similar to Chris tho. He could almost be their lost brother. If he put in blue contacts that is.
That’s a stupid thought-
“So, you know the party is inside right? What’re you doing here?” I ask my curiosity taking over.
He chuckles blowing the smoke into my face like I had previously done to him. He puts the blunt between my lips.
“Don’t question me, pretty girl.” He chuckles. I raise an eyebrow but inhale from the blunt. Watching him pull the blunt to his own lips as I exhale.
“Yeah,” I chuckle watching him. I feel more sober than before, but the weed is making me feel things again. “Mhm, so don’t question me either.”
He raises an eyebrow, pulling the blunt from his lips. But before he can ask anything I'm climbing into his lap.
He’d been sitting there all sprawled out. And the weed was starting to hit me. I don’t know why I’d get on the lap of this random, hot, interesting guy. But, why not?
And if Chris can fuck someone else, I might as well have fun too.
He doesn’t tense up, probably as high as me, if not even more. He looks up at me on his lap looking so kissable.
Those lips that look like Chris’ are driving me crazy
“Making moves on me now sweetheart?” He chuckles putting the blunt between his lips again as he takes another drag. His eyes are already red, and mine are probably starting to get red too.
“Don’t act like you haven’t been flirting with me”
I answer without thinking. Being high, and slightly tipsy from earlier was making me bolder. And the way he looks at me gives me an ego boost.
I pull the blunt from his lips after he takes a drag of it. I chuckle, putting the blunt between my own lips and taking a drag.
“Oh but have I?”
After inhaling I pull the blunt from my lips. Putting it out on the porch steps next to us.
I lean over him my hand cupping his jaw as I kiss him blowing the weed smoke into his mouth.
Except we never pull apart. his hand goes to the back of my neck and my waist, as we start to make out heavily.
My arm wraps around his neck the other one holding him by his jaw as the kiss turns even more hearted.
His hand starts to tail down my waist, to my thigh. My left thigh. His hand grazes my bare skin, getting dangerously close to my ass, and my lacy thong than I would like.
We probably look like we’re trying to devour each other. Well, that’s at least how I feel. Until-
“What the fuck?”
I pull away from Ethan abruptly. He looks at my face, then to where I am looking.
Chris is standing there in all his glory. His arms crossed, as he stands in front of the back door. All the way at the top of the steps, on the porch, looking down at us.
I clench my jaw. I wanna ignore him and go back to what I was doing but he was giving me that look. That look that promised trouble. He was telling me to come to him, without telling me.
I lean against Ethan pecking his jawline.
“I gotta go pretty boy”
I mumble under my breath before getting up from where I’d been on his lap and walking the few steps up the porch.
My tiny handbag is on my arm as I walk towards Chris. I pull down the back of my dress as I feel Chris' harsh grip on my upper arm.
“Upstairs you’re gonna regret that.” He says under his breath leaning in slightly so I can hear him.
I purse my lips opening the backdoor and walking in. Chris’ hand stays on my arm pulling me upstairs.
We enter some random room.
The same room that he fucked her in.
He presses a kiss to my head, leaning over me to undo the lace at the back of my dress. The back of the dress wasn’t open, but it had a lace to make it tight.
“You were gonna let him fuck you huh?” He mumbles kissing my jaw.
He locks the door and pulls his shirt over his head.
“Did you fuck her?” The words leave my lips before I think about it. I’m still high from all the weed I’d smoked.
“No.” He says pointedly. My eyes started to trail down his chest. A sight I’ve seen so many times before. “You cockblocked me”
He leans in kissing me as I just kiss back letting him take the lead.
“Did I?” I mock back. My tone is mildly condescending. My eyes glued on his. Those blue eyes piercing through my soul, he looks like he wants to eat me alive
“Yeah. How about you make it up to me, hm?” He says. His tone was ever so condescending and cocky.
I hadn’t even known he’d be at this party. And that makes me think, he was never the type to drink, so he was probably wanting to get laid.
But why wouldn’t he just call me?
I also hadn’t seen Nick or Matt anywhere, so I would assume that he’s here alone.
He hadn’t told me he’d be here. And honestly, I wouldn’t expect him to. After all, I still hate him, and he obviously hates me.
Before I can reply to his question his lips crash on mine again. My arms wrap around his neck, his hands firmly on my waist.
He pulls away from the kiss. He leans down to the hem of my dress to pull it over my head. I slip out of the dress as he just throws it somewhere carelessly. It landed next to his discarded shirt.
“Want you to ride me Ma”
“Yeah?” I raise an eyebrow. Looking him over. He starts to undo his jeans sliding out of them.
He looks over my lacy panties and matching bra. They’re plain black and simple. But Chris likes them.
Chris likes my body, but he hates me.
Before I know it we’re on the bed, Chris under me. I hover over his dick, as I slowly slide down in it.
I watch as Chris sighs throwing his head back further into the pillow under his head watching me.
“You like that?” I scoff. My words come out more rough and disgusted than I intended. He just.. god his existence pisses me off.
“Yeah ma,” his tone is sharp from the heavy breaths he’d been taking.
I lean down to him to kiss him. His hand stays on my waist while my hand is on his chest the other one next to his head to steady myself.
He suddenly grabs my face, holding me by my chin. I look down at him waiting for him to talk.
“Where you gonna fuck him like this too?”
He asks his tone sharp still. But now because he is disgusted and angry, not because he’s breathing hard.
“No. Fuck me like you mean it”
He snaps staring back up at me. He lets go of my face pushing me back. I scoff leaning away to sit up again. His hand goes back to my waist waiting for me to move.
I start to move on it again. Slowly grinding into him. My hand which had been next to his head, trails from his collarbone down his chest to his abdomen. Until I pull my hand off of him.
I start to bounce on it more. Now, not just rocking my hips, but fully riding him.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my dick like the fucking slut you are.”
I hear his breaths get sharper again. His hand trails lower to my hips as he starts to pull me down, intensifying my movements.
I can feel him hit my cervix with every thrust. This angle is heavenly.
The harder I start to ride him, the harsher his grip on my hips gets.
I feel a knot building In my stomach. My movements get sloppier as a result. My eyes shut for a moment as my mouth falls open.
Suddenly I feel a harsh slap on my ass. My eyes snap open as I glare down at Chris.
“Keep those pretty eyes on me.” He says lowly, his voice gruff and laced with lust
I feel him start to move me more than I move myself. “Fuck- Chris” I breathe out as I fall forward. My hands landed on each side of his head to steady myself. My moans echoed through the room.
He starts to fuck up into me. thrusting into my core, while moving me on him to watch his pace. His eyes are locked to where we connect, to where he is fucking me.
“I’m so close-“ I breathe out staring down at him. His pretty blue eyes meet mine again.
“Go on. cum for me, slut”
He starts to pick up pace even more, if that was even possible. The eye contact makes this just that much more intense.
He glances down at my lips and then licks his own. My mouth falls open in a silent Moran watching him, not daring to close my eyes.
At this point, I had fully drowned out the sound of the music from the party downstairs. It was already only a mild hum as we got upstairs. But now this intense feeling of being filled like this was making me forget anything and everything, other than the boy currently under me.
“Come” he demands. I feel another harsh slap on my ass, making y body jolt.
The knot in my stomach snaps. My entire body tenses and I struggle to keep myself up
But Chris holds me in place as he fucks me through it, the continuous brush to my cervix only intensifying the pleasure further.
He slows down, not moving anymore as I come down from my high. This type of high felt better than any drug ever could.
I sit up wincing at the fact that he was still buried deep inside of me.
“Should’ve known I was gonna end up fucking you anyway” he chuckles watching my expression.
He pulls me up slightly, his length slipping out of me. before abruptly switching our positions. He is now on top of me staring down at him.
He taps my arm grinning. “Turn around for me Cherry.”
Cherry, a nickname he had given me when we were just six or so. I’d been eating a bunch of cherries that summer. Chris had loved the fruit, but he hated me. So to mock my love for them he started calling me Cherry.
And it stuck. His brothers also called me that. And then later my other friends. And then basically everyone I knew, and was close to.
It was a cute nickname. But the nickname was born out of hatred and annoyance. Even tho Chris had loved cherries as much as I had, he’d pointedly stopped eating them after that year of my obsession with them.
I’ll see him sometimes have one, but he would never admit that he still liked cherries.
I hum still catching my breath as I turn around.
I prop myself up on my hands and knees, looking over my shoulder. His hand rubbed over my ass. Him deliberately running his length up my slit to coat it in my juices again.
He looks up his eyes meeting mine. And before I knew it he was ramming into me. My eyes widen as I turn to look back in front of me. He immediately picks up a steady and fast pace.
Fucking into me from behind. My core was throbbing around his length, either from too much stimulation, or too little..
He starts to rock his hips into me harder. My moans echo through the room loudly.
My arms start to shake as I struggle to keep myself up.
He grabs my hair roughly, putting it into a makeshift ponytail. He starts to pull on it, using it both as leverage, but also to hold me up.
“Such a tight cunt, all for me” he chuckles using his free hand to spank my ass again.
I clench at the dirty words. And the way his low voice is laced with so much obvious arousal and lust. And the way he is thrusting into me from behind.
If I had to guess I’d probably say, anything from behind is his favorite. Doggy, face down ass up, whatever.
I don’t know if that I’d because he doesn’t want to see me, or if he is just an ass guy, or both, but it doesn’t matter, since it feels good.
He slams into me harshly again, before stopping his movements. I groan in annoyance. I feel the knot in my stomach fades.
Was he fucking edging me now too?
“C’mon” he says harshly slapping My ass again. “Work that ass”
Before I know it I’m already moving. Thrusting my ass back into him. Twerking back on his dick. He tugs at my hair again. I feel his stare at my ass. He was probably looking over the way his big dick disappeared into me.
“Yeah, good girl,” he says in that low sexy tone. His hand moves out of my hair, tailing down to my waist. His other hand trailed from my hip to my waist too.
Suddenly he holds me still and starts to thrust into me again. His thrusts were seemingly harsher than they were before.
I squeal out a moan, my head turning to look over my shoulder.
His pretty eyes focused on my ass. His grip was harsh on my waist. He lets out harsh breaths.
I feel him move slightly, readjusting, his hand going to the small of my back to arch my back slightly. His thrust picks up again and I instinctively Lean lower. My hands quickly guided out making my face fall onto the pillow.
But instead of trying to get up again, I simply lay my upper body down, my arms wrapping around the pillow.
I moan and whine his name over and over again. He has the best mix of sweet and dirty talk. Always degrading but also praising me at the same time.
My back arches back into him “Chris- I’m close” I whine loudly getting cut off by another string of moans leaving my lips.
“Hold it.” He grits out. His hips snap into me harder. His dick grazed every spot making me feel like I’m in heaven. “I’m close too”
The sound of skin clapping and the dirty wet sounds coming from my cunt is loud. He slaps into me repeatedly, my eyes starting to water from the effort it takes not to come at the spot.
“You’re not gonna come before me” he demands his thrusts getting more sloppy and messy. I can feel his dick twitching inside of me as I know he is close too. normally he'd just let me whenever, but it was really dependent on his mood
“Understood, be a good slut and listen ‘aight?” He scoffs his grip on my waist bruising.
I throw myself back in him, meeting his thrust.
“Yes, god- please” I whine. And suddenly I feel Chris’ hips stutter. With one last thrust, I feel his load spill into me.
I continue to move myself back against him tho, feeling my own orgasm wash over me.
He pulls out slowly, but not really gently. He watches for a moment as our combined juices leak out of me.
I sigh heavily trying to catch my breath as I lay down on this stranger's bed fully.
I turn to my side for a moment. Chris rubs over my side and back. He leans down leaving a short peck on my ribs. Caressing my skin.
My eyes meet his again, and he looks… cold.
He doesn’t look like he’d just fucked me. He just looked at me blankly. The caressing didn’t feel like it was out of care and a will to comfort, but rather a force of habit.
He gets up from the bed, and I just watch him as he gets some tissues cleaning himself off quickly before getting dressed again.
I sigh turning full onto my back to stare up at the ceiling. This would be when he leaves.
Fuck, what if Evelyn noticed me going upstairs with Chris?
She knows we hate each other. It’s hard to explain. But I can’t just explain everything to her, it’s a secret. Id have to come up with some excuse and-
“Get up” his harsh voice breaks me out of my trance, my head snapping towards him.
“What?” I ask back flatly, my mind not registering why he is still standing there with his arms crossed.
I feel a chill run up my spine from how cold and uncaring he looks with that glare. The one he always gives me when we’re arguing.
“Get the fuck up? Did you lose that many brain cells?” He scoffs looking back at me.
I glance down at my nude body and then back at Chris. I try to get up as carefully as possible. Trying to get as little as possible of our juices onto this stranger's bed.
I mildly struggle to stand, leaning back at the bed frame to keep myself up straight.
He looks almost proud of the state he put me in. But the disgust in his eyes is stronger.
“Why the fuck are you still here?”
My tone is low but still harsh. I close my eyes for a second, sighing in annoyance.
He looks around the room, before fining and picking up my previously discarded panties.
He licks his teeth for a second before huffing.
He opens them for me. I raise an eyebrow, but ultimately just step through the thong, my hands on his shoulders for support. I let him Pull it up.
Cringing at the feeling of the lingering creampie and the fabric on me.
He wasn’t gonna a bother cleaning me?
“Go on.” He huffs looking back into my eyes as I look into his.
“Walk downstairs, go back to that party, back to that dude. Let him fuck you.” He shrugs his words harsh. He back up slightly looking down at my thighs where he can still see the juices run down my thighs.
“I’m sure you’d like having more than one guy cum in you, right?” He mocks leaning into me again. His glare burns into my face, making me feel like I’m naked, which I am.
“Since you’re such a slut, you probably wouldn’t mind fucking more than one guy right?”
He scoffs leaning away abruptly.
I look at him. My shock subsides as a glare settles on my face. I get that he likes degrading me or whatever, But does he actually think I’m that much of a slut.
“Go on, cherry.” He scoffs tilting his head as he looks over his shoulder his gaze locked on mine.
Why does he always have to ruin good moments?
“Fuck you, Chris.” I say back harshly my tone purely rude.
“Oh, you already have.”
I pause dumbfounded.
I didn’t mean it literally. But I mean I had done that, literally.
The harsh smack of the door catches my attention. I lock back over at the door.
He had left.
God, in hindsight that was a stupid insult. I could’ve said something more creative.
I purse my lips staring a f the door. Before my eyes trail over the now-empty room. The room was pretty neat, except for my clothing scattered around.
Right when I think I tolerate him,
Right after he makes me feel so good,
He’ll do the simplest thing,
And ruin it.
God I hate him.
A/N: looks like this is going to be a series lol
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin
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sapphire-writes · 10 months
Our Last Summer (modern!HOTD)
part 8 of 10 || series masterlist || previous part || next part
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
summary: The Kingsroad Country Club hosts its annual gala and auction. An unwelcome guest causes trouble for you and the gang.
word count: 6.2k
rating: Mature/Explicit/18+
warnings below the cut!
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warnings: language, fighting, and mentions of violence, slight exhibitionism, oral (male-receiving, ball play), reader domming a lil bit, dirty talk, praise, cum eating, kissing
note: went a lil crazy with this one pls forgive my feral nature
dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
as always, comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated but not expected ❤️
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“Torture,” Helaena says, her lips in a deep pout, “This is actual torture.”
You glance over at her as you all exit the car that dropped you off at the Kingsroad Country Club. It had just been you, Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena; Alicent had been driven separately several hours earlier to help prepare. 
Helaena smoothes the silver blue dress, looking rather uncomfortable yet stunning. You can’t imagine any of the Targaryens looking bad ever; they’re all blessed with angelic good looks. But Helaena is clearly out of her element in the silk dress and heels. You’d helped her with her makeup, though it was hard to get her to sit still.
You’d gotten ready with Helaena, as Baela was summoned to Dragonstone earlier in the day. The whole family was arriving together, to make an entrance. 
Aegon and Aemond are dressed similarly in suits and ties; the boys truly had it easiest. Though Aemond wore a black tie whereas Aegon wore a deep green one.  
You smooth your own dress, feeling a little self-conscious around the Targaryens. You’d chosen a silky black dress when you’d gone shopping a few weeks ago; it hugs every curve, falling to the middle of your thighs. You’d paired it with some hoops and a layered necklace (borrowed from Helaena). 
“You look incredible, Hel,” you assured her, and she rolled her eyes.
“I mean, I know,” she tells you, “I’m a hot person. You too! Very sexy chic,” she teases, grabbing your hand and twirling you.
Aemond smirks, watching the display. Your cheeks warm as you focus on not tripping in your heels. Helaena stops spinning you, pulling your back against her front.
“Careful, Aemond,” she teases, “I just might steal your girl.”
“Alright, enough,” Aemond says, reaching forward and taking your hand, pulling you from Helaena’s embrace.
She laughs as Aemond pulls you close before closing the car door. Aegon has propped himself against the hood of the car, attempting to light a cigarette. Helaena moves past him, smacking him on the back of the head. The cigarette falls to the ground and Aegon groans.
“Bitch,” he mutters.
“Watch it,” Helaena warns, heading up the steps, “Let’s go find Mom.”
Aegon trails behind her, flicking his lighter shut and shoving it into his pocket. 
Aemond’s fingers are still intertwined with yours as he moves to follow his siblings; you can feel the coolness of the rings that adorn his slender fingers. He stops just at the front of the car, leaning against it until he’s face to face with you. He holds your hand the whole time, pulling you forward gently.
“Shouldn’t we head in?” you ask, now standing between his legs. He drags your hand up, letting it go when it rests on his shoulder.
“In a minute,” he murmurs, bringing his hands to your waist, “First I want to tell you how beautiful you look.”
Your face warms and you blink rapidly, eyes downcast. For someone you originally thought was just a fuckboy, Aemond Targaryen was turning out to be quite the romantic. He somehow knew all the things to say that would send your heart fluttering in your chest, and turn your legs to jelly.
Aemond watches your reaction, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles. You wet your lips, looking up at him.
“Tell me then,” you tease, and he gently tugs you forward capturing your lips in a kiss.
It’s slow and passionate; heat curls in your belly along with a desperate ache between your legs. It trickles through your veins, flooding your entire body with euphoria. You’ve never felt this feeling before; this almost painful need for another person. Aemond deepens the kiss, letting his tongue slip into your waiting mouth. He tastes of spearmint, and something spicy; the rum Aegon had insisted you all try before heading over. 
Aemond pulls away, the slight smile still on his face as he rubs circles on your hips with his thumbs.
“You look beautiful,” he tells you, so close you can feel his lips moving with the words he speaks. 
You smile at his words, tilting your head to bump the tip of your nose against his. Aemond releases a breath as you do so, cupping your cheek with one large hand and pressing a softer kiss to your lips. 
“Let’s go,” he tells you, and you head inside.
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The Kingsroad Country Club is nothing short of extravagant when you make your way into the main ballroom. You’d deposited your coat in a room down the hall for safekeeping. Your eyes are wide as saucers as you take in the gorgeous arrangement of colorful flowers throughout the room, and cream-colored silk streamers that hang from the ceiling.
Ice sculptures of various mythical creatures are scattered throughout the room, several of them dragons you can’t help but notice. Everyone is dressed to the nines; you’ve never been to such a fancy event. You spot Sara, clad in a deep purple dress and she waves at you, nudging Cregan who stands beside her. He gives you a friendly wave as well.
Floris is here; you spot her helping explain something to an older woman. She smiles at you brightly and mouths talk later, before returning to her task. Your chest warms as you scout the crowd for Baela and Rhaena. You know they’d arrived before you as you received a frantic text from Baela as you were getting ready. Help me, followed by a skull emoji. 
“I’ll get you a drink,” Aemond murmurs, leaning down to speak in your ear. You nod, continuing to look for the twins, and he walks over to the bar.
Helaena’s silver head comes into view; she’s standing next to Alicent who is speaking rapidly. Helaena’s expression is pained and she tugs her shoulder away from her mother’s reaching hand. The dynamics of this family are throwing you through loops. 
You hear a familiar voice call your name, and turn to see Will Tyrell accompanied by someone you don’t recognize. You give him a friendly smile as he approaches. Will had been more than understanding when you’d reached out to him earlier in the week; you’d told him while you had a lovely time, you thought it would be best to remain friends. 
Will, being the total sweetheart he is, agreed without hesitation. He makes his way over to you, wearing a white button-down shirt with an open dark navy jacket with matching slacks. His brown curls are slicked back against his skull. His friend is dressed similarly; clad in a deep maroon jacket and slacks. 
His features are sharp, almost fox-like. You notice he has rather large ears, hidden behind strawberry-blonde curls and a dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose. 
“Good to see you,” you tell Will, pulling him into a friendly hug. You glance awkwardly at his friend, waiting to be introduced when Aegon joins you. 
“Hughie!” Aegon says, pulling in the stranger with his hand and clasping him on the shoulder, “Been a while man.”
“Yeah, good to see you,” he answers with a grin, “Been in Highgarden for most of the summer.”
His eyes drift over to you, “Hugh Florent.”
He holds his hand out which you shake, and smiles politely. Hugh’s eyebrow raises as you tell him your name, gaze flickering to Will who is lost in conversation with Aegon. Something about sharks from what you can hear. 
“You’ve been hanging with Will this summer, yeah?” Hugh asks, lips curving into a slight smirk. 
“We’ve been out a couple of times, yeah,” you tell him, as Aemond returns to your side. You feel him slide an arm around your waist, gently tugging you closer to his warm body.
Hugh’s eyes flicker between you both as Aemond hands you a glass of champagne. You thank him, taking a small sip; the bubbles leave a tingling sensation on your tongue.
“Aemond,” Hugh says with a grin, “You’ve decided to make an appearance.”
“My mother organized the gala and auction,” Aemond answers, his voice rather cold, “Important to support her.”
“Are you bidding on anything?” Hugh asks, placing his hands in his pockets.
“If something catches my eye,” Aemond answers, shrugging his shoulders slightly.
Hugh’s eyes slide over to you once more.
“Seems like something already did,” Hugh comments, as Will hands him a beer, “Thanks, man.”
You feel Aemond’s arm tighten around you, and he gives Hugh a tight smile, eye narrowing slightly. You glance up at him, feeling the tension rolling off his lean, muscular form. Aemond tilts down to your height, his lips beside your ear.
“Have you seen Baela yet?” he asks softly, and you shake your head, “I saw her while I was getting your drink; I’ll take you to her.” 
And with that, Aemond leads you away from Hugh, giving him a polite nod as you exit. Aemond keeps his arm around you as you move through the crowd and onto the large patio where some guests have begun mingling.
“Who is he?” you ask, keeping your voice low.
“One of Aegon’s fraternity brothers,” Aemond answers, jaw clenched, “Best to stay away from him.”
You couldn’t agree more. The uneasy feeling in your stomach from the interaction with Hugh doesn’t last long, as you spot Baela and Rhaena, along with Daemon and Rhaenyra. Luke is seated next to his mother fiddling with his tie. Rhaenyra scolds him before running her hand over the back of his head. 
Baela tilts her wine glass upwards, finishing the dregs before abandoning the glass on the table. Her eyes widen as she sees you and she uses the moment to pull away from her father and stepmother. Daemon makes a face but you watch Rhaenyra slide her hand into his, shaking her head gently. 
Baela’s arms sling around your shoulders pulling you into a tight hug. She smells like the perfume you got her for her last birthday; light and floral. 
“Holy shit you smoke show!” she comments, admiring your look, “Damn Aemond, you’re a lucky guy.” 
“Insanely,” Aemond agrees.
“You look stunning Baela, holy fuck,” you tell her. Baela is a goddess in her aquamarine-colored dress that clings to every curve. 
Some of her curls are pulled back from her face by silver pins adorned with seahorses with pale blue gemstones for eyes. The rest of her curls hang freely down her back. Glitter shimmers on her chest and arms, matching the highlighter atop her cheekbones. Baela looks the part of a sea enchantress, ready to drag those who cross her to a watery grave. 
Rhaena’s dress is similar, though a shade of pale pink. She waves at you, but stays close to her father’s side, standing between him and Rhaenyra. Her locs hang freely and you can see gemstones sparkling around her eyes.
Baela preens at your praise, giving you a little twirl.
“I mean, it was nothing really,” she says, “Thank god you’re here though, it’s been so boring.”
“How’s your dad?” you ask.
“Fine, I guess,” she says with a sigh, “He got what he wanted. The happy little family all together.” She crosses her arms in front of her. 
“No Jace?”
“He said he didn’t think he’d be back in time,” she reminds you, “Regatta is still 2 weeks away, he’ll be back for Luke.”
“That’s good,” you tell her. Luke looks lost without his brother. Smaller. 
Baela sighs, looking back at her family. Rhaena jerks her chin, motioning for Baela to rejoin. 
“Gods,” Baela grumbles, “Probably another picture. I had to take one with Rhaenyra earlier.”
“Sorry,” you tell her, wincing.
“It’s whatever at this point,” Baela says, rolling her eyes, “Catch you in a bit? The fireworks are supposed to be really cool this year.”
You nod, giving her hand a squeeze.
“You got this,” you tell her and she smiles, her eyes sad.
“Thank you,” she says, turning to Aemond, “Take care of my girl.”
“Will do,” Aemond promises. 
Baela turns back suddenly. 
“Shoot, will you do me a favor?” she asks, and you quickly nod, “Grab my phone? It's in the coat room. It’s my black one with the seahorse buttons.”
“Of course,” you tell her as Rhaena calls her name, “Go, go I’ll grab it and be right back.”
Baela thanks you again, heading back over to Rhaena and the others. You glance up at Aemond, handing him your glass. 
“I’ll be right back,” you tell him.
“Want me to come with you?” he asks.
“It’s alright, I’ll only be a moment,” you assure him, “Besides, maybe check on Hel? She looks like she’s in pain.”
Aemond chuckles slightly but agrees as you head out of the ballroom and down the hall. The music dies as you make your way further to the uninhabited side of the country club, pushing open the glass doors that lead to the smaller room where all the coats have been kept. 
There are other things present as well, some auction items to be revealed later in the night. You make your way to the women’s coats, fingering through them for Baela’s. It’s easy to spot with the buttons and you grab her phone, sliding it between your breasts. You remove your phone, as that’s where you’d been stashing it, and check your notifications.
“Hiding from someone?” a voice calls and you turn around, startled. 
Your phone drops from your hand, landing on the ground with a loud thump. Hugh Florent winces apologetically, leaning forward to grab it. He holds it out to you.
“Thanks,” you tell him, taking your phone with a tight smile.
“No problem,” he says, moving deeper into the room before throwing himself down onto a nearby chaise lounge, “I always try to escape these things too, they’re terribly boring.”
He pulls out a cigarette from his suit pocket, placing it between his lips before lighting it. The sweet smell of smoke fills the air, making your nose wrinkle. 
“You’re not hiding from Will, I hope?” he asks, before exhaling a cloud of smoke.
“I’m not hiding from anyone,” you tell him, “I don’t think you’re allowed to smoke in here.”
A smile forms on his face around the cigarette that dangles from his lips.
“Our little secret then,” he says, causing the hair on your arms to stand on edge, “Want one?”
“No,” you tell him, “I should be getting back.”
“Stay a minute,” he insists.
“I really-”
“Stay,” he says, his tone more commanding this time, “Keep me company. Don’t be rude.”
Your face warms, the hair on the back of your neck stands up, and a lump begins to form in your throat. You hate feeling like this. Like you want to tell him to go fuck himself and leave the room. But your feet are glued to the floor and you stand, frozen in place. 
Hugh smiles at his victory and your obvious discomfort. You just need a minute, then you’ll go. C’mon, leave the room. Aemond is waiting. 
“You getting on with Will then?” he asks, and your stomach lurches. 
“We’ve gone out,” you tell him. 
“But you’re with Targaryen now?” Hugh clarifies and you nod.
If it's one thing men respect, it's another man having some sort of claim to you. The thought sours your stomach and causes tears to prickle in the back of your eyes. Your heart is beating against your ribs like a rabbit’s foot. 
You don’t suppose men ever feel this way. Like prey. 
“Well, if one-eye gets boring,” he drones, and you flinch at the cruel nickname, “You’re welcome to my bed anytime.”
Your lips curl in disgust.
“Excuse me?” 
“I’m just down the way a bit,” he says with a shrug, “Since you’re keen to give it up for King’s Landing residents.”
Your jaw drops at his insult, and suddenly adrenaline floods through you, your feet unstuck. The fear that was trickling through your veins moments ago is replaced with white-hot anger.
“Go fuck yourself,” you tell him, through gritted teeth.
Hugh leaps from the chaise as you go to leave, reaching out and grabbing your forearm, holding you in place.
“Just teasing, that’s all,” he insists, tightening his grip as you attempt to pull away.
“Get off me!” you yell, turning and slapping Hugh across the face. 
“Hey!” a deep voice echoes through the room and the pressure disappears from your forearm. A few tears slip past your lower lids as you meet the eyes of Cregan Stark. 
He walks forward into the room, his eyes locked on Hugh, who has backed up several paces.
“Everything's al-”
“Shut the fuck up man,” Cregan snaps at him, before turning to face you.
You release a shaky breath, wiping your hands over your cheeks, drying the tears that escaped. 
“Are you alright?” Cregan asks, ducking to meet your height. He places one hand on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing circles on your flesh.
You nod, struggling to find the words to thank him.
“Yeah….I’m okay…just a little shaken up,” you tell him, trying to keep your voice steady. Hugh straightens up, dusting his dress pants and running a hand over his gelled hair. 
“Let’s get you back to the party,” Cregan says softly, using his body to shield you from Hugh’s view. 
You let Cregan lead you toward the door, stopping briefly to whisper, “Please don’t say anything; I don’t want to make this a thing.”
Cregan’s expression is pained but he gives you a curt nod as the door opens. 
“You guys find any coolers in here?” Aegon asks, trying to squeeze by, “Waiters aren’t filling me up fast enough and the bar cut me off-”
Aegon’s sentence dies as he looks at you, his eyebrows concaving together in confusion. You watch as the gears whirl in his head as his eyes flicker between you and Hugh; your tear-stained cheeks, his tense posture, Cregan’s protective stance.
“Aegon don’t-”
Cregan’s words fall on deaf ears as Aegon pushes by you both and slams his hands into Hugh Florent’s chest. 
“AEGON!” you call.
“The fuck you think you’re doing, huh?” Aegon growls, grabbing Hugh by his shirt, “That’s my brother’s girl you’re messing with.”
“Relax bro,” Hugh says, that sly smirk still plastered on his face, “We were just talking, she didn’t have to get all upset-”
“I’m sure Aemond will love to hear that,” Aegon says roughly, “Go be a sleazeball somewhere else- not at my family’s fucking club.” Aegon releases him with a shove, straightening up and looking at you.
“You alright?” he asks, and you nod, lips parted in shock. You’d hardly expected Aegon of all people to come to your defense. 
He moves forward ushering you and Cregan back down the hallways towards the main ballroom.
“Let’s not mention this to Aemond right now,” Aegon says, on the opposite side of you, “I don’t think that-”
A whistle comes from behind you, as you’re heading out of the ballroom and onto the lit porch where most of the patrons have retired to watch the fireworks. You catch Aemond’s eye from across the sea of people, watching the corner of his mouth twitch into his familiar smirk. Your heart leaps into your throat, eyes wide. Aemond reads your upset expression instantly and begins moving forward toward you. 
You turn as Hugh enters, his tongue held between his teeth. It seems he’s not eager to end this. 
“You’re one to fucking talk, Egg,” Hugh says through a laugh.
“Hugh, I swear to-”
“I didn’t know she was spoken for,” Hugh continues, “Must be a real ego boost for your bro, to be hitting Tyrell’s sloppy seconds.”
Aegon surges forward, but Cregan blocks him with his chest. You raise your eyebrows, cheeks hot with humiliation. Will has overheard and makes his way over to you as well. 
“Is this guy for real?” you ask, not believing what you’re hearing, “Aegon just leave it!”
Aegon gives an exasperated chuckle, holding both hands out in front of him. Will frowns, shaking his head at his friend. Several guests have started to watch the scene unfold.
“Not cool dude,” he says, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Just standing up for you, bro,” Hugh insists.
“Well don’t,” Will says, before turning and giving you an apologetic look. 
Aemond is weaving his way closer, still moving through the crowd as Aegon insists to Cregan he’s fine. Cregan reluctantly steps in front of you and Aegon, pushing open the glass doors leading outside. He holds them open for you both, standing on the deck letting in the warm night air and music that plays from the live band. 
You think you’re in the clear as Aemond squeezes by Cregan into the room. His hands find yours and you press yourself closer to him. He releases one of your hands to cup your cheek, violet eye flickering over your face taking in every inch. He holds your cheek carefully, as though you may shatter in his palm. 
“What happened?” he murmurs, gaze moving to rest on Hugh. You cover his hand with your own.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” you assure him, feeling your anxiety calm in his presence. 
“If she’s not putting out, maybe Helaena is,” Hugh calls to Aegon, “She’s been looking pretty hot lately-”
Everything happens very fast after that. Will tells Hugh off, pushing his shoulder lightly as Aegon lurches forward once more. This time, he’s quicker than Cregan and he sends Hugh Florent tumbling to the ground. 
“Asshole!” you yell at Hugh, just as Aegon collides with him, “Oh shit, shit shit!”
“Aegon!” Aemond calls, pulling his brother from Hugh. 
“Keep my family’s name out of your fucking mouth!” Aegon snarls as Aemond drags him backward through the door and onto the outdoor space. 
The scuffle has been noticed at this point, with several people leaning over one another to see what all the ruckus is. Hugh laughs from behind you, wiping some blood that trickles from the corner of his mouth. 
“Still fiery as ever, Egg,” Hugh teases, eyes alight with mischief, “Wondered where that went.” 
It’s Aemond who turns to him now, his gaze cold as ice. He doesn’t say anything, just stares him down until Hugh swallows, and breaks away from his gaze. Hugh coughs, before heading back inside, finally retreating. 
“I’m good, I’m good!” Aegon says to Cregan who is still attempting to corral him.
Helaena pushes through the crowd, a concerned expression on her face. 
“What the fuck happened?” Helaena asks, but Aegon shakes his head.
“He’s a prick, he deserved to be called out that’s all.”
“Now? You think now was the best time to do that?” Helaena growls, raising a brow.
Aegon clicks his tongue, sharply inhaling through his nose. He could tell her what Hugh said, but he stays quiet instead. 
“Great,” Hel says, exasperated, “Mom is going to skin us alive.”
She’s probably right. If you’ve learned anything about Alicent Hightower-Tarageyn, it’s that events like these are important to her. Image is everything. Aegon shrugs, but you can tell the thought of his mother being angry with him makes him anxious; his hands have begun to tremble. 
“Mr. Targaryen,” a security guard says approaching, “My apologies sir but we’ve received several complaints and are going to have to escort you from the party-”
“What?” you ask incredulously, “He didn’t do anything.”
“He was helping me, you can’t kick him out,” you tell them, “If anything Hugh should leave!”
“It’s all good, no no, I’ll go,” Aegon assures them, reaching into the ice bucket on top of the outdoor bar and grabbing a bottle of champagne, “Party’s getting lame anyway.”
He begins walking down the steps and onto the grass that extends off into the golf courses in the distance. 
“Hel? You got a j with you? Wanna blow this place?” he calls, looking back with a lopsided grin.
Helaena smiles at her brother, rolling her eyes.
“Night’s going to hell anyway,” she says with a sigh, “Fuck it I guess.”
She hurries after Aegon, down the steps. 
“C’mon Aem! Live a little!” Aegon calls, walking backward toward the golf course. 
Aemond glances at you and you slip your hand into his, tugging him forward.
“Let’s go,” you tell him, grinning.
You turn suddenly, spotting Baela with Rhaena. Daemon stands behind her, observing the scene along with Rhaenyra who sits beside him. His hand rests on her shoulder as she strokes her protruding pregnant belly.
“Bae!” you call, motioning to her.
Her eyes are sad and she wets her lips looking back at her father.
“C’mon Baela!” Aegon calls, echoed by Helaena.
You can see Daemon’s brows knit together, see him mouthing to Baela trying to get her to stay. But Baela rushes forward with a smile on her face, holding her skirts as she runs down the steps and across the field. You hold your arms open as she barrels into you, embracing you in a spinning hug as you continue further away from the party. 
“Jackpot!” Aegon says, finding a row of golf carts. He jumps in the driver's seat and Helaena sits beside him. Aegon reaches back to pat the backseat, “My lady,” he says motioning for Baela to sit. 
She does with a laugh, just as Rhaena tumbles down the hill, with Sara in tow; their fingers laced together. 
They grab the next one just as Aegon revs the engine, taking off down the green hills. You can hear Helaena cheering as you watch them bob and weave through the grassy hills. Rhaena and Sara take off moments later.
You and Aemond start the next one, driving it slower than the rest at a more leisurely pace. You lean your head back, looking up at the stairs, and letting the warm summer night air pass over you. 
You can hear the laughter of your friends growing louder as the sounds of the gala begin to die in the distance.
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You trail behind them for a while, before taking a detour down a more secluded part of the golf course. Aemond throws the golf cart in park, looking over at you. You reach in between your boobs, pulling out Baela’s phone and placing it on the dashboard with your own on top of it.
“What happened?” Aemond asks, his fingers stroking your arm.
“Nothing important,” you assure him, “Just Hugh being a douchebag. Aegon really helped me out, I’ll have to thank him.”
Aemond hums to acknowledge your comment.
“Aegon’s nothing if not loyal,” Aemond agrees, “Like a golden retriever.”
You snort at the comparison. 
“It was really nice,” you tell him, “How do you get asked to leave your own club?”
“Our family is just one of many donors,” Aemond tells you, “It’s not like we truly own the place.”
You nod, turning in the seat to face him.
“Where have they gone?” you ask, listening closely for the sound of your friends.
They must have gone pretty far ahead, all you can hear is the crickets chirping and the gentle sounds of waves crashing against the rocks in the distance. 
“Don’t know,” Aemond comments, “Here, let's sit here,” He motions to the rather spacious backward-facing rear seats, “Bet we can see the bay.”
You exit, sitting down on the rear seats. Sure enough, you can just make out Blackwater Bay in the distance. You lean into Aemond as he sits beside you.
You reach forward, placing your hand on his upper thigh beginning to stroke smooth circles. You mean it innocently enough to begin with; just wanting to be touching him in some capacity. But his breathing turns shallow, and you can soon feel his cock hardening, straining through his slacks. 
You move your hand over his bulge, squeezing gently, before letting your hands fiddle with the zipper. Aemond remains very still beside you.
“Can I?” you ask, heart, pounding with anticipation as you glance up at him. 
“Fuck, of course, you can,” he tells you as you continue to palm his bulge, “Anything you want.”
You ease the zipper down and dip your hands in to remove his half-hard cock from his slacks; running your hand up and down at a leisurely pace. Aemond hisses as you squeeze him; you can feel him pulsating in your palm. It sends warmth pooling in between your thighs and you wet your lips in anticipation.
“What do you want me to do?” you ask, innocently tilting your head to the side.
“Don’t tease me,” he says through gritted teeth.
You slide off the seat, positioning yourself in the space between his legs. He widens his stance, letting his knees fall open. Kneeling in front of him you give his cock a tug. 
“I don’t really think you’re not in a position to make demands,” you tease, ignoring his command. 
Aemond releases a throaty moan as you lean forward, wrapping your lips around the swollen head. You hum in appreciation, looking up at him through your lashes as you suckle at the tip.
“Fuck,” he whispers, as you widen your mouth letting your tongue taste the underside of his shaft, paying special attention to the vein that travels up his length. 
You drag your tongue up slowly, removing your lips and letting your tongue slide over his slit gathering the precum that leaks from it.
You swallow what your tongue collected, pumping him a few more times with just your hand. He’s so big. The perfect girth where your fingers struggle to touch each other when your hand is wrapped around him. 
Long, hard, and heavy; always demandingly pressed against you, eager to be buried inside you in whichever way you preferred. Such a pretty cock Aemond has it drives you fucking insane. You haven’t had the time yet to appreciate it the way you’d like to. But now is your opportunity. 
“You’re so pretty,” you comment, eyes wide as you watch your hand engulf him.
Aemond lets out a breathy laugh.
“Stop it,” he begs, his voice breaking into a slight whine; it makes you smile.
You lean forward, engulfing him fully in your mouth- at least as much as you can before you’re forced to pump the rest with your hand. Aemond’s hand flies to the back of your head keeping your mouth securely on him. You begin to move, dragging your mouth up and down along his length, and swirling your tongue around him. 
You hum at the feeling of his hand tightening on the back of your head as you continue. 
“Gods,” he groans, “So fucking perfect.” 
Your lips tug upwards in what you can manage of a smile with his cock stuffed to the hilt down your throat. You gag slightly as he rocks his hips, pressing further down your throat. Aemond’s head tilts back, his chest rising and falling with his uneven, shaky breath. 
You hollow your cheeks creating more suction as you try to take him deeper in your throat. Your heart is pounding and you try to even your breathing through your nose as you focus on not gagging on his thick length. 
“Fucking hell,” he whines, “Oh gods--- fuck that mouth.” His hips lurch forward and you moan around him, drool dribbling out the corner of your mouth and onto your chin. 
Aemond’s hand grips the back of your head, holding on for dear life as your hand joins your mouth in its efforts. Lewd, wet noises fill the summer air and you pull off him with a gasp.
“Seven hells,” he whimpers, as you lean forward, mouthing at his balls. 
You eagerly press your tongue against them, rolling them against your mouth as you continue to jerk him off with your hand. Aemond’s a mess, head falling back, eye squeezing shut in pleasure. You suckle at the soft skin between his balls, alternating your attention between the pair of them. 
“You like that baby?” you murmur, kissing up his shaft, “Like when I play with your balls?”
“Fuck yes,” he whimpers, “Oh fuck, feels so good-” his sentence ends in a desperate whimper as you take him fully in your mouth once more.
You bring your hand to cup his balls, gently massaging them as you suck him off. You love the feeling of having Aemond at your mercy; pride sears through your veins like fire at the messy state of him. The hand that isn’t on your head clutches the back of the seat, digging into the soft tan leather. 
You release him with a pop, tapping the head of his cock on your outstretched tongue. Aemond watches you, eye wide, as you kiss the swollen head of his cock, before smiling up at him. 
“Are you gonna cum?” you ask, as innocently as you can, eyes wide, “Want you to cum in my mouth.”
“Holy fucking--,” Aemond whines, as you suckle at the tip before dragging your lips down the side of his shaft, “Fuck yes, yes I’m gonna cum-” You lick a path up his shaft, engulfing him in your mouth once more.
You know he’s close, you can feel him pulsating in your mouth, but you want to drag this out as long as you can. You know from experience that Aemond isn’t usually the submissive type, and having him like this is a real treat.
“Fuck, gods you’re such a good girl,” Aemond praises as you move your head faster, “Shit..I fucking love this…like you so much..” Your cheeks warm at his praise, and pleasant butterflies flutter in your belly. 
You release him one final time, pumping him with your hand. You’re a drooling mess, hand and face covered in saliva as you grin up at him. 
“Let me taste your cum,” you tell him, “Please, give it to me, I want it so bad.”
“Fucking, yeah fuck I’ll give it to you,” Aemond whines, “So good, so fucking good, oh fuuuck.” His words die with a whimper as his dick twitches in your mouth and his warm, salty release hits the back of your throat.
You moan, taking it all, making sure to keep some in your mouth as you pull off of him. Aemond’s hand finds your chin, angling it upwards.
“Show me,” he asks, and you present your tongue to him before swallowing, “Such a fucking good girl.”
He drags you upwards onto his lap, kissing you harshly tasting his release on your tongue. He moans into your mouth and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“My good girl,” he murmurs between kisses, “Gods you’re perfect. My girl is so perfect.”
You’re preening at his praise, moaning happily against him as he continues to kiss you, moving to press his lips against your neck. 
His fingers move beneath your dress, just as the sound of tires can be heard in the distance, along with yelling. Aemond growls, biting down against your shoulder causing you to cry out at the mixture of pleasure and pain. You lift your hips as Aemond moves his semi-hard cock back into his pants, zipping them.
“This isn’t finished,” he promises, cupping his hand around the back of your neck and kissing you once more, “Don’t think I’m letting you get away with that.”
Anticipation tingles down your spine and you giggle against his mouth.
“What’re you going to do?”
“Oh just you fucking wait,” he murmurs, hands grabbing the meat of your ass. You can feel his smile against your mouth as he kisses you.
“Yo! Lovebirds! Yoo-hoo!” Aegon calls, bringing the golf cart to a screeching stop beside you. 
Helaena lurches forward as it stops, giggling maniacally. You can smell the weed from here, and laugh, pulling yourself from Aemond’s lap.
Aegon dramatically frowns, leaning against the steering wheel, as Sara and Rhaena pull up beside them. His eyes narrow.
“Are we interrupting something?” Aegon asks, tapping his finger against his chin.
“No,” you answer.
“Yes,” Aemond says, not missing a beat.
You slap him playfully on the chest.
“Too bad, we missed you losers,” Helaena sneers, but she gives you a happy smile. 
“Dude, look at the moon!” Rhaena says, stepping out of the cart and laying on the grass. Sara joins her, laying beside her. 
Baela gets out as well, and soon you’re all lying down facing the clear night sky. Sara points out different constellations, which Aegon struggles to identify until Sara is practically holding his hand, pointing to each star. 
Suddenly some sprinklers begin to go off in the distance and Baela chuckles, mentioning you’ll have to leave soon to avoid getting soaked. Aemond’s arm is draped underneath your head, and you curl into him, listening to the sound of his heart beating.
“Come back to mine?” Aemond asks, his voice a low murmur.
You hum, nuzzling against him.
“What about no sleepovers?” you tease and he pulls you closer.
“The rules are null and void,” he says firmly, pressing his lips against your forehead. Warmth floods through you and your chest swells with emotion. 
As you listen to the sound of crickets echoing around you a sharp pain pierces your chest. The month of August has always felt melancholic to you.
A month of endings.
The music of the sprinklers and the crickets suddenly changes into the sound of summer coming to an inevitable end. 
Of you and Aemond coming to an end.
You pull him closer, throwing your leg over his and tucking your head deeper into the crook of his neck. Breathing in his cologne, relishing the feeling of the kiss he places on the top of your head. 
You don’t want to think about that now. August is here, but it’s not over yet. 
This moment here in this field, wrapped up in his arms, is endless.
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note: thank you so much for reading!! we've got 2 parts left besties!!
OLS Taglist 1: @talesofoldandnew, @aemondslefteyeball, @urmomsgirlfriend1, @castellomargot, @high-on-darren-criss, @diosademuerte, @padfooteyes, @tempo-rary-fix, @amirawritespoorly, @chainsawsangel, @toodlesxcuddles, @tssf-imagines, @malfoytargaryen, @nina2697, @glame, @joliettes, @yentroucnagol
@grungegrrrl, @melsunshine, @helaenaluvr
bold means tumblr would not let me tag!
615 notes · View notes
websterss · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Buck tries to call you but ends up receiving no answer. Left with worry, he runs to the sight of you walking into the fire station startled.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Angst, some fluff
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Evan Buckley x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you guys enjoy it! ♡
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You threw your head back gasping as you and Buck finished riding out your highs. “Still got it!” Buck said smugly as you laughed.
“Being cocky never suited you well, Evan.” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“And screaming my name never sounded more sexy.” He leaned forward taking your lower lip playfully.
“Well I’d thank your well endowed friend, but your ego is already stroked too much.” You smirked.
“It wasn’t just me putting in the work, Y/L/N.” Buck caressed the side of your thighs. 
“Well you know what they say, it takes two to tango.” You moved your hair out of the way.
Buck smiled as he let his eyes roam over your face. He knew he was risking his job big time, but getting in a few minutes with you was worth it.
“I missed you.” You stopped trying to adjust your shirt and looked down at him. A smile making itself on your face.“
“Missed you too.” You stroked his hair back. “I hardly see you nowadays.” You softly giggled. “Have you still thought about my offer…” He tugged you closer. “About moving in together. It’d be easier for us because of our jobs. I’d get to come home to you each night.” He offered a laugh.
“Look I know you’re still working things out with your last job, but I’d want nothing more than to wake up and see you each day.”
You bit your lip contemplating on telling him about your new job, but you knew that the wait would be worth it.
 “Can we get dinner later, after your shift?” You leaned down and pecked his cheek softly. 
“You still didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m still thinking about it…” You looked away. Evan noticed your hesitance and let it go.
“Why don’t you come by the station. Bobby’s making dinner for us tonight, says he has something important to tell us. I want them to meet you.” Evan’s eyes held hope that you’d say yes. As soon as he saw you smile, he knew he got his answers. “I’ll see you then, okay?” 
“What? I didn’t even give you my answer.” You scoffed hitting him playfully.
“Didn’t need to.” He leaned forward. “Your smile.” He pecked your cheek. “Says it all.” He nipped at your sweet spot causing you to squeal in delight.
“Buck.” You gasped.
“I know.” He mumbled against your neck. “I’m stopping.” You leaned back and started adjusting your outfit.
“As much as I’d love a round two. You are still on shift, and my lunch break is over.” You smirked as his shoulders fell. “Oh don’t look so sad babe. Good things come to those who wait.” You pecked his lips once more and made your way out of the firetruck. “Call me when you’re off your shift, okay. I love you.” You smiled up at him from outside the truck. 
“I will…and I love you too.” He leaned against the side of the door watching you turn and head towards your car.
Later that night, Buck had been waiting by the front entrance waiting for your arrival. His lingering around the firetrucks caught the attention of his team.
“Twenty bucks, he’s ready to get his firehose on.” Hen watched from up on the second floor. Chimney eating a piece of bread as he stood next to Hen.
“Maybe he’s got a girlfriend we don’t know about.” Chimney suggested.
“My money’s on family problems.” Eddie suggested. “Is Maddie coming over Chimney?” 
“Of course, she wouldn’t miss Bobby’s cooking.”
“Buckaroo keeps checking his phone.” Hen motioned to him glancing down at his screen. “Think lover boy got stood up?”
“Hey it’s me. This is like my tenth time trying to get a hold of you. Please call me back. I’m worried about you.” Buck frowned. You hadn’t been picking up his calls since his shift was over. “I just need to hear your voice okay.”
“B-Buck.” His head rose as he saw you walk in. He sighed in relief as he saw you enter the station, but it wasn’t until he saw your face in the light that he noticed your busted up lip. Any smile he had went away in an instant. Blood covering the side of your face.
“Y/n…” Worry rose in his chest as you seemed to stare off toward nothing in particular. “Baby, hey.” He walked closer to you.
Your sudden appearance alerted Hen and Chimney as they watched you stumbled towards Buck.
“Y-Y/n!” Buck rushed to prevent you from falling.
“I was mugged. T-They took my bag. I woke up...on the ground.” You could feel the room spinning.
“Woah hey, no no. You have to stay awake now okay.” Buck shook his head as he helped you climb the stairs to take a seat on the couch. The team grew worried as they watched Buck sit you down. Bobby immediately came over, while Hen and Chimney grabbed their med kits. “Buck what happened?”
“S-She said someone took her bag on the way here.” Bobby knelt down to take a look at your head.
“How many fingers am I holding?” You spared Buck a glance asking him silently if he was serious.
“T-Two.” You sighed.
“I think you just have a minor concussion. Chimney, hand me the flashlight…follow my finger sweetie.” Your eyes moved right then left.
“Pupils are responsive. I wouldn’t worry too much about the bump on your head, but my wife Athena can help you make a report tomorrow morning, sound good?” Bobby patted your knee gently.
“Sounds good.” You slightly chuckled.
“So much for surprises huh?” Bobby shook his head. 
“Surprises?” Buck grew confused.
“By his confusion, I’m guessing you didn’t tell him.” 
“I was working on it.” You cringed.
Bobby eyed you playfully.
“Y/n, what’s he talking about?” Buck took a seat next to you. “You two know each other?” 
“R-Remember when I said I got a new job.”
“Yeah…but what does that have to do with you and Bobby knowing each other.” 
“She’s are new recruit.”
“Recruit?” He looked up at Bobby.
“I start my first day here tomorrow. I’m gonna be a firefighter just like you Buck.” You caressed the side of his face.
“Are you serious?” Buck’s smile made you smile.
“Yeah. Not only will we get to go home together, but we’d get to work together too. I’m all in if you are.”
“Home?” Buck’s eyes gleamed.
“I think I should start moving my things over to your place.” You laughed at his shocked reaction. “We can start tomorrow. Right now, I’m gonna kiss you.” Buck shook his head and cupped your face bringing you in closer to connect your lips.
“You owe me twenty bucks…” Chimney smiled smugly holding his hand out to Hen who rolled her eyes.
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
Stolen Hoodie | Bada Lee Social Media Au
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pairings: bada lee x shin nari
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a/n: i just wanted to say thankkkk u sm for giving stolen hoodie a chance the support ive been getting is so crazyyyyy i love all of u
"C'mon, girl." Aeri told her best friend as they drove in her car to Xiaoting's party. "Don't overthink, just have a good time," she urged, flashing a cheerful smile.
"Yeah i'll try" Nari said smiling "I just hope i dont see her"
Aeri hesitated to say something, she didnt want to lie after all the whole dance class will be there probably
"if you do.." Aeri paused "just ignore her"
"Thank you, Aeri," Nari said, staring at her best friend with determination. "For everything - for always being by my side and having my back, no matter what. I really hope I can return it all to you someday."
"Oh quit it," Aeri replied, pretending to be annoyed but unable to hide her warm smile at Nari's words. "You've always been by my side just as much as I've been by yours - and you're the first one to show up when I need someone too. Don't doubt yourself - we've got each other's backs, that's what being best friends is all about." As Aeri spoke, she gave Nari a light punch on the shoulder in response to her earlier action, causing both of them to giggle in amusement.
As Aeri pulled her car into the driveway, she turned off the engine and removed the keys from the ignition.
"Wow," Nari breathed, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of her Xiaoting's house. It was enormous - far more spacious than she had imagined. "This place is huge!"
The cold air hit the girls as they exited the vehicle, taking a moment to adjust to the sudden change in temperature. Nari glanced down at her outfit, adjusting the straps of her bralette as she did so. She had paired it with a white crop top and a skirt-shorts hybrid that she had made a few days ago, creating a unique ensemble that suited her well.
"Okay sexy, let's get inside," Aeri said with a smirk, smacking Nari's ass hard enough to make her wince.
"Ow, that hurt, you bitch!" Nari groaned, turning to face her friend
"Lets go," Aeri grabbed her hand and guided them into the house. As soon as they entered, Nari's eyes widened in surprise. The place was already packed with people - far more than she had expected at such an early stage in the party.
Some were dancing some were drinking, and some girls were already on the floor passed out drunk
"Nari!" Aeri exclaimed as the song "Shake That Ass" by Eminem and Nate Dogg began playing.
"Hell yeah," Nari replied, pulling the shorter girl onto the dance floor.
Sure! Here's a more descriptive version of their dance:
The pair begun moving their hips back and forth seductively, grinding against each other as they danced. Every movement was fluid and in sync with the beat of the song, as they both let their bodies move with the music in a way that left little to the imagination.
Nari and Aeri were lost in the moment, the rhythm of the music coursing through their bodies as they swayed seductively. Nari wrapped her arm around Aeri, moving down until she was grinding her hips sensually against her best friend. The music was intoxicating, the vibrations of the beat adding to the thrilling sensation of their bodies moving together. Their eyes were locked on each other, both of them smiling and having fun
"Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me, come on girl!" the best friends shouted the lyrics in unison, their voices rising above the music as they continued dancing with one another.
Bada wasn't having fun at all. She regretted having listened to Tatters' suggestion to come. However, she looked around in hopes of finding her best friend - and her eyes fell on a familiar boy talking to her.
As he felt somebody's eyes on him, Yeonjun turned towards Bada and glared at her
Bada simply rolled her eyes, her gaze wandering over to the two girls who had just entered the house. However, as soon as she recognized who they were, she was taken aback - almost choking on her drink as she realized who it was.
"Fuck" Bada cursed under her breath, her eyes trailing the brunette girl. She had never seen Nari in person before, but seeing her here in the flesh, she was truly stunned - the pictures didn't even come close to doing her justice.
Nari didn't see her, and Bada was thankful for it. She watched her and Aeri go over to the dance floor and begin moving, bodies swaying sensually in perfect harmony. The music filled the air with an infectious beat, and the heat of the moment brought out passionate and seductive vibes that made the party even more electric.
Bada's heart beat rapidly in her chest as she watched Nari dance, her movements flowing with grace and elegance that made her even more magnificent. Bada felt herself become distracted and had to swallow back her desire to keep watching, feeling a little guilty that she found her so alluring.
"You sneaky little thing." Bada nearly jumped out of her skin when Tatter spoke out of nowhere, startling her.
"You really need to stop doing that," Bada scoffed as she snatched Tatter's drink back from her.
"Hey, I was drinking that." Tatter pouts
"Too late." Bada shrugs nonchalantly. Tatter playfully glares at her for a moment before taking her drink back and taking a sip.
"Ehh" Tatter sighed, placing her hand on her hip "If you didn't act like an idiot, you would be the one dancing with her."
'Shut up," Bada said, chuckling as she pushed Tatter away lightly, amused by her friend's remark.
Hours passed, and Nari had no clue where Aeri was. After a while of searching, she found herself perched on top of a table, swaying and dancinh to the song "Tell Me" by Wonder Girls. She was completely inebriated, as she didn't remember how she got there. In her drunken state, she lost all her shame, along with her worries, as she began to dance on the table, lost in the music. She forgot about anything holding back, no sense of embarrassment left in her drunken state. The music filled every part of her soul, sending her into another world where she was the star of her own little personal show, where the only thing that mattered was her and the music, everything else forgotten.
"Come on, everyone!" Nari yelled, her voice ringing out over the loud crowd. As everyone erupted in cheers of encouragement, she felt her heart racing with excitement. With a wide smile on her face, Nari began to sing more like yell "Tell me, tell me, tell me too, want me want me want me too"
"Tell me, tell me, tell me you love me too, love me too," the crowd shouted back making Nari giggle
Bada's attention was drawn when she heard a familiar voice ring out, causing her to look up and spot nari high up on the table, singing and dancing. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, realising that Nari was likely the voice she had heard a few weeks ago.
Bada's laughter vanished when she saw nari begin to lift up her top, a look of concern quickly appearing on her face. "Nari, get down," Bada yelled, a sense of urgency to her voice.
Nari giggled as she looked around, unable to concentrate on anything else. "What? Where are you?"
Bada felt the urge to roll her eyes, the alcohol clearly taking its toll on Nari's senses. "Come on, get down." She grabbed Nari by the hand, a sense of concern and worry mixed with irritation growing inside her.
Nari finally focused her gaze on Bada, their eyes meeting, and Bada suddenly felt like time had slowed down. Her short hair sticking out in all directions in an endearing manner, framed her sharp but delicate face. Her features were still accentuated by the shadows, highlighting her high cheekbones on her smooth complexion. Her expression was soft and playful, a slight grin playing on her lips while she laughed silently
"When Nari recognized who had grabbed her hand, she immediately stopped laughing, her expression turning into a glare. 'What are you doing here?' she snapped her tone colder than before
"Get down"
"Stop lifting your top and get down, Nari - you're embarassing yourself," Bada said firmly, trying to make her friend comply with her request.
"I'll lift this up," Nari said, giving her a sarcastic smile and lifting her middle finger up.
Bada let out a low groan and closed her eyes. She grabbed her hand again and with a sudden jerk, she pulled Nari up onto her shoulder, leaving her feet dangling in the air. Nari screamed as she found herself facing away from Bada,
"Put me down!" Nari screamed out, her grip on Bada's arm getting even tighter, her hands holding on stubbornly. She refused to budge, hanging on for dear life, while Bada sighed and finally reached a room, and as she entered, Nari's screams changed to a mumble, her voice going soft and her grip loosening. She was so drunk she couldn't even scream anymore, her body limp in Bada's arms.
Bada sighed and bent down, and managed to lower Nari safely onto the ground. Nari was ready to yell at Bada again, but she stopped herself when she saw how close they were. Even in her drunken state, Nari was slightly anxious as she stood in front of Bada, her proximity making her feel nervous. She was dressed casually with a jersey and beige cargo pants.
She didn't know if she was panicking because of Bada standing in front of her or because of the intense urge to vomit that was building up inside her. Her stomach churned and bubbled, as her body was about to rid itself from all that alcohol she drank "I'll be back"
Bada's eyes widened as Nari bolted past her into the bathroom, almost tripping over her feet, Bada followed Nari into the bathroom, seeing her kneeling on the toilet, her head resting on the bowl while she vomited.
Bada immediately dashed towards her side, holding her hair up so that it wouldn't get caught by the vomit that was spewing out of her mouth.
Nari managed to raise her head for a moment. "Sorry, Bada..." she mumbled, her voice quiet and her words slurred.
Bada shook her head gently, reassuring Nari that it was alright "Continue if it makes you feel better" she added
With a small nod, Nari continues to vomit into the toilet, and Bada just held her hair
After Nari was done vomiting, Bada helped her up and dragged her over to the sink so she could clean the excess out of her mouth. Nari's eyes were still glazed over with booze and her face was flushed, but she still managed to feel embarrassed at being this drunk and having to be taken care of by Bada.
Somehow, Nari managed to walk alone towards the bed. She threw herself down onto the soft mattress, groaning out loud about how comfortable it felt. The alcohol was starting to make its effects known in her body again, and Nari felt the need to lie down and close her eyes. She yawned and let out a deep sigh, her eyes closing slowly, Bada, watching her all this time, smiles softly.
"I won't remember this so..." Nari slurred her words, her voice heavily affected "I didn't want to be late, I was truly excited... and that creepy guy just happened to be there,"
"We don't..." Bada sighed deeply, "we don't need to talk about that"
"Maybe you dont want to but i do" Nari said "I hate being called a liar while im telling the truth. What you said to me was really harsh it made me so upset"
"Maybe you were right..." Nari says, her tone slightly defeated as she rolls over to her other side. "Yeah maybe Im a burden to my friends but I can't. But they don't even know half the things I- nevermind" Nari continues, sounding more resigned than upset or angry.
Bada watches her roll over, and catches a glimpse of bruises on Nari's waist. She furrows her brows, her gaze growing sharp as she pulls up the fabric of Nari's shirt to reveal more bruises, a little more alarmed now than before.
"Oh, that..." Nari laughs nervously, trying to make light of the situation. "I fell while I was playing tag with my sister," she chuckles. "I couldn't sit right for two whole days." Nari smoothly lies, her eyes darting around the room to ensure that Bada doesn't see through this lie.
This causes Bada to raise her eyebrow in suspicion "Nari-"
Bada started to say, but she was cut off when Aeri opened the door and let out a relieved sigh after seeing Nari in bed. She had been worried about her best friend's well-being and it felt good to see her in a more relaxed state.
"Oh, she was with you." Aeri said, turning to look at Bada "Thank you for taking care of her"
"It's nothing," Bada replied, waving off her thanks
"Come on bae, we'll go home now." Aeri walks over to the bed and grabs Nari by the shoulder.
"No, I don't want to go there-" Nari begins to argue, but Aeri quickly interrupts her.
"My house okay, you're staying at mine tonight." Aeri clarifies, trying to reassure her friend.
"With that, Nari stands up, her arm around Aeri's shoulder, and the two walk away, leaving Bada alone.
Bada's hope of some sort of reaction from Nari was quickly shut down, however, as Nari simply turns and looks at Bada, staying silent and not saying anything. She didn't utter a word, not even a little "fuck you." as Bada wanted.
"What am I getting myself into?" Bada sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
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fredwkong · 10 months
Oh I’m so tired of being poor, I wish I was one of those successful man that always wear suits and drive his luxury car to bring one young and hot boy per day to his mansion to have sex. That’s the kind of life I wanna live!
The genie who finds you is a huge hulk of a man, dressed in an immaculate purple suit and wearing expensive mirrored sunglasses. Before you can react, he grabs your arm and slips a watch onto your wrist, then turns and steps back into his Bentley.
By the time you look down and see the distinctive Patek Philippe face, the transformation is already rushing up your arm. It thickens with muscle, covered in dark hair. You feel a euphoric rush as first one pec, then the other, swells up and gains a pelt of sweaty hair. The hair grows so thick on your belly that just your defined Adonis belt stays visible. As your feet burst through your shoes and a beard tickles out of your sharpening jawline, a perfectly tailored suit materialises around your body. It all took less time than it takes for you to read the watch.
You blink and look back up. Right on schedule, the sexy valet parks your Maybach at the curb. He steps out and hands you your keys. You pass him a crisp 100 Euro and say, in your thick German accent, “When are you done your shift?”
He looks you up and down, takes in your suit, your car, the hair poking out of your collar. You see his nostrils flare, no doubt thinking about the hot smell of your sweat and cum embedded in the leather he was just sitting on. “Right now, Sir,” he says, and gets in the passenger seat.
Sure, all you think about now is your expensive designer lifestyle and finding the next boy to fuck or suck, but it’s a small price to pay, right?
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Another wish fulfilled.
Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
13 and 30 smut for Luke:)
Smut: 13. “They won't hear anything” & 30. “Who said you could look this good?” w/ Luke Hughes
My Little Devil
Tonight was Luke's debut as a New Jersey Devil. I flew down with Ellen, Jim and the rest of the family that could make it to see Luke's NHL debut. I told Luke earlier that I couldn't make it but actually planned to surprise him.
I got dressed in leather pants and a Devil's jersey with 43 and Hughes on the back before making my way to the arena with Ellen and Jim. Ellen and I went to Jack's car to put my stuff in Jack's trunk since Jack knew I was coming and gave Ellen the extra key so we could put my stuff in his car.
We entered the arena and watched the game. We had box seats so luckily I was able to avoid the scoreboard cameras every time they were pointed up at his family. They ended up winning the game and one of the arena staff told us to stay here and that the two boys would be making their way up shortly.
I decided to head across the hall to the bathrooms and wait for Ellen's text to tell me when he arrive to the suite. I fixed my hair and makeup before my phone dinged and I made my way back to the suite. I knock on the door instead of just going right in and I can hear Jack say: "Luke, I think it's for you".
Suddenly the door opens and Luke begins to smile from ear to ear. He bends down and wraps me in his arms lifting me up. "Congratulations Lukey!" I say in his ear as he continued to lift me up.
"Were you here the whole time?" he asks excitedly after putting me back down so I was on my own two feet
"Yes, and I am a little offended you thought I would actually miss this" I say teasingly.
We didn't stay much longer before we headed to Jack and now Luke's apartment. The family decided to come over to Jack's as well. We got there and Luke took my bags for me as we entered into the apartment. He showed me to his room and shut the door behind him.
"Who said you could look this good?" Luke says and I turn to look at him and blush as I begin to smile.
"Oh this thing?" I say motioning to the jersey as Luke makes his way over to me wrapping his arms around my waist
"Yeah, this old thing" he says before pressing his lips onto mine, "as sexy as you look wearing my name, I think the jersey looks better on the floor" Luke says pulling the shirt up over my head before throwing it across the room.
I reach behind me and unclasp my bra and throw it over to join the jersey, "Is this better?" I ask him as he unbuttons his shirt.
"Almost" he says throwing the shirt he was wearing across the room before leaning in and kissing my tits. I moan out quietly as he begins sucking then flicking his tongue over my nipples. He reaches down, pushing on my pants and I pull away from him to pull them down along with my panties and kick them to the side, "Much better" Luke says as I fall down onto my knees in front on him.
I unzip his pants and pull them down, then massage his bulge through his boxers, "Fuck I missed you" Luke says to me as I continue massaging him.
I pull his boxers down slowly as I watch him bite his lip and his cock flies out. I grab his cock and begin stroking him. His head falls back so I lean in and kiss his tip and I continue stroking him.
My mouth then slides down his cock at first only going back and forth on the tip until I gradually go further and further down his shaft. I try bringing him all in until I hear the front door to their apartment open followed by the voices of some of his family and friends. I pull away and Luke looks at me confused before moving in to press his lips against mine.
"No Luke" I say pushing away
"They won't hear anything" he says pressing his lips against mine again, "I need you" me mumbles into my lips before pulling away, "at least finish me off"
"Fine, on the floor though" I say and Luke grabs a blanket off his bed laying it down on the floor
"I'm going to fuck you so hard" Luke says as I get down on my hands and knees
"Luke, we have to be quiet" I say sternly back at him and he chuckles
"No you gotta be quiet" he says as his cock finds my entrance. He pushes inside of me hard making me tuck my head into my chest and tighten my eyes hard as I try to be as quiet as possible. "Fuck, you're tight" Luke says as he thrusts in and out of me.
"Luke, I-I can't be-" I say trying not to moan
"It's okay baby, make a little noise for me" he says breathlessly as he continues to fuck me.
He pulls out and flips me around so I am on my back. He slides his dick up and down my slit teasing me, "Luke, fuck me!" I say a little louder and he covers my mouth with his hand as he chuckles
"Shh baby" he says then thrusts hard into me, I moan out but it is muffled in his hand and he continues thrusting hard into me. "This what you wanted?" he asks and I nod my head as his hand is still covering my mouth.
My eyes roll back soon later as I cum on his dick. I moaning became quicker onto his hand as I reached my peak. Luke knew I was close and immediately after I came, I hear Luke moan: "shit" followed by a a quiet moan before he pulls himself out of me.
"I love you" he says and I look over at where he plopped down beside me and smiled
"I lov-"
"Yo, Luke!" we hear Jack bang on the door, "Are you two just going to hide in your room all night?"
"Coming!" Luke and I both say at the same time quickly getting up and getting dressed into something more comfortable before heading back out to hang out with his family.
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