yorgunherakles · 2 months
sevdiğini ilan etmek, eksik olduğunu, iğdiş edildiğini ilan etmektir. sevmek sahip olmadığınız bir şeyi vermektir.
bruce fink - lacan'da aşk
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faintingheroine · 1 year
“Here the real “forbidden love” is the one between the father Adnan Bey and his daughter Nihal.
If the work is read as a psycho-criminal novel, Bihter is a criminal personality, an alibi who is brought forward to hide the “real criminals”. She hides Adnan Bey and Nihal completely, even acquits them.”
-from “Tutunamayanlar”ın Politik Psikolojisi by Serol Teber
Do I agree? Not completely. But it is a common interpretation.
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dipnotski · 1 year
Serol Teber – Doğanın İnsanlaşması (2023)
Homo sapiens, doğaya karşı bir hasım, bir düşman gibi davrandı ve nihayetinde kendi geleceğini ve doğayı geri dönüşsüz bir biçimde tahrip etti. Serol Teber, insanın geçmişten bugüne hikâyesini doğayla kurduğu sakat ilişkiyi merkeze alarak ustaca inceliyor. Kitaptan uzunca bir alıntı: “Yirmi otuz yıl öncesine kadar doğanın insanlaşması çalışmanın, toplumsallaşmanın, aklın gelişmesinin bir mucizesi…
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atarev · 10 months
Magnolia Masques Set 12
Hello again!
I cant remember if its been a week or a lil less or more but! I figure writing around the time episodes release is a good strategy. Especially since the anime's on break this week!
Can you guys sense a trend with these? It's almost like the Masques this set are unassuming but good! (Except one)
But for now! Let's look at the next Blackout member made Uniformer made punching bag made Blackout member! Magnolia Masques!
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I vividly remember my reaction to this card on reveal! And that's that it was overcosted as hell by virtue of its mechanic and bad as a result, here's why!
[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your rear-guards on (RC) with a Dragontree marker can attack from the back row, and get [Power]+10000. [ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Remove a card with "Magnolia" in its different card name from this unit from hand, soul, or drop], and this unit gets "[AUTO](VC):When your rear-guard attacks a vanguard from the back row, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it." until end of turn.
Dragontree markers? Like the markers that cost cb and ocassional soul to make?? So you're handing your opponent control of your deck's ceiling??
Not quite! Thanks to the speed of the format, Magnolia Masques definitely has to be respected and played around! You can't just simply ignore it, and this list will show why!
Code: 2Q5T9 once again on JP Decklog!
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Here's the list in question! By combining knowledge from content creators, high-quality players + my own inclinations about what this deck needs, this is the final result! I'll go into more detail under the cut, but if you were just looking for a list then ta-dah! Go wild!
Alright! So the big thing that previous magnolia players might notice is we're only using 2 sylvan beast rearguards! Not Giunosla or Gabregg or Daimanaru and we're also not using the 'staple' Inlet Pulse! There are reasons for all of this!
Firstly, the deck cbs and sbs enough with making markers and using serrol to generate board-wide persona power, so we simply dont have resources for it the first two! Daimanaru would only be online for 1 turn, and inlet is frankly a waste when you could have a card like tideline which actually helps you win!
So lets take a deeper look at the two name-dropped cards! Sylvan Horned Beast, Serroll and Tide Line Dragon!
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Seroll! The card that turns your masques turn into a real proper threat through his simple buff of persona power to the back row!
One thing to keep in mind with Seroll is that his persona buff effect is Continuous! That means that if you persona ride, and then call him down right before you start attacking, every back row unit will have that buff!
Seroll is also a key card in finding Magnolia Masques! Both for the initial Masques ride and further persona turns!
Seroll really just pushes the deck up a rung because of the sheer poewr he enables, and we're not done talking about power cards yet either! Because Tide Line Dragon is next!
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Tide Line Dragon! If you've persona ridden you SB1 to give him and another unit +10k!
This isnt the first time Tide Line's been seen with the Masque units, making his proper debut outside of Maelstrom with Lianorn Masques as a way to raise the ceiling of your highroll to play 2 of these on a LiaMasques turn and light your opponent up!
He fills a similar role here except he's a bit more versatile because he's able to pick anything to give his power to! So if you have a rock-solid backrow but your other front row is a Depth Iwelth lacking power, slap a Tide Line buff on it! Even better if you're able to use 2 at once and Really light em up!
Keeping with the theme of the last article, Tide Line may be an unprecedented pick when people are probably thinking about Forced Grow Dragon as a necessity, and I'm gonna explain why I really don't think that's the case!
Forced Grow Dragon for one thing is another cb, which you need 3 of the make your whole back-row have markers. Considering you want to conserve your hand until you can Full Power Masques, you might not even have the resources to Forced Grow, or even be able to keep him in hand against the potential clap-back turn against a deck like Gandeeva or WIllista as the top-dogs.
Going into some other choices, namely draws, no main-deck magnolia and the stoich OT. The reason for draws is you have the ability to make multiple decent size attacks, or 3 big ones thanks to how mag masques will often have g1s like Bist and Seroll in the back. Draws can help you find pieces in a deck that really really needs them compared to Orfist Masques where if you get going once you're generally fine for the game.
No main-deck Mag because there isnt really space, and its usefulness is also limited given decks like Willista, Gandeeva, Orfist Masques and Bastion Accord either mirage their boards, make their boards out of replaceable pieces or just cant be targeted by retire effects. Considering all of those decks are the top echelon at the moment, the skill will likely see one use against decks like Viamance, Youth, Drajeweled and other decks that can't recoup such a loss
Finally the Stoich OT. A case can certainly be made for Blue or even Red here, but I just find the general power it gives is very versatile, giving you every trigger effect in one no matter when you check it is going to be useful in some way. Given that you want early cb you'll likely be able to use its heal effect, and the extra crit and draw are very welcome indeed.
Those are all my thoughts this time around! There might be a break from Masques decks after this or next week since there are only 2 left, and one of them I dont think there's much point in salvaging for a Variety of reasons (those of you who follow the game closely will probably know what I'm talking about).
Though even in the case of that deck (Grav Masques), play what you like! I met someone on a big VG Discord that actually likes Gravidia which just goes to show, there's a deck for everyone no matter what! So go ahead and play it!
Once again, if this gets any even remotely notable outreach to other people in the cfvg tumblr crew, feel free to suggest decks! I'm going to be focusing on Set 12 for now, and then maybe move forward or backward depending on what I feel like!
Thanks for reading and have a good one! Ciao!
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milfcodeddean · 1 year
It’s a good thing they settled down in the Midwest bc Dean can make his husband cas-seroles
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bestpdreview · 4 months
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myreviewvideo · 5 months
SeroLean - EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW | SeroLean does it work? - SeroLe...
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daniel453224 · 6 months
SEROLEAN (⚠️BREAKING NEWS!⚠️) SeroLean Review SeroLean Reviews SeroL...
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ffreviewsblog · 6 months
SEROLEAN - ((🛑HIGH ALERT!!🛑)) SeroLean Review - SeroLean Reviews - SeroL...
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yorgunherakles · 1 year
çalmak, servet yığmak onlara yetmezdi. yoksulun alkışı, duası ve gözyaşı da lazımdı.
tanpınar - hep aynı boşluk
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paincorpsrarefinds · 2 years
⚡ Pikachu ⚡ One of a Kind hand carved Pokémon TCG card stand ⚡cards included
COLLECTIBLES: Seller: seroll-77 (100.0% positive feedback) Location: GB Condition: Used Price: 1397.77 USD Shipping cost: 16.97 USD Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/225216171445?hash=item346fee0db5%3Ag%3AaxwAAOSwfupjUzVS&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4IkMsGuOirrr2Z3WSrt%2BtzgCEykECzqgLQFnkS%2BeTYLlIvCg6hmx3EKRP9nCYzgqxvHlH%2FnISj6koL%2BVOGE3xdWD8Y1qpHWBRHT%2BDpvEhDLSWq55hZNmC1eFt9y0YCpdRx4e%2BE2rpYAWUmnP35ML3jUCgwyz3iGAMZFiN8K7q%2F587Xk5MqcY2ms8gQW8FfT6MhqWvsaHjPdPSqE1gTi35oWYxt4gQc3jFKyQEGGRXVF1m3xpci67C3rV%2FFzoNkKNwKveX3%2BszVSr4qXp4ceQoRaMhrCXobgp%2Ff5jJ%2F%2FG5Je3&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779482&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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laksmi2001 · 2 years
Betapa segala kesempurnaan itu hanya milikNya semata. Maka tak mungkin jika kita mengharapkan segala sesuatunya itu sempurna, pingin orangtua yg sempurna sesuai dengan keinginan kita, pingin orang orang di sekitar kita semua sesuai dengan keinginan kita, bahkan pingin semua berjalan sempurna sesuai yg kita mau. Padahal kita hanya manusia yang punya keterbatasan dan kekurangan juga. Maka, tak ada ujungnya jika kita berlelah- lelah meratapi ketidaksempurnaan itu.
Bila pun kita dapati orang yg banyak diberi kebaikan itu semata mata dari Allah. Ia tahu bahwa keberadaan dan kesempurnaan dirinya itu semata mata dari Allah, akan kembali kepada Allah, dan karena pertolongan Allah. Allah yg memberinya petunjuk. Kalau tidak, maka manusia tidak akan pernah ada dan tak dapat berbuat apa apa tanpa kemurahan Allah.
Maka bekal yang kita butuhkan sejatinya adalah "Menerima". Menerima apapun itu, entah orangtua, teman teman, interaksi dengan orang sekitar, bahkan dengan situasi yg terjadi jauh melesat di luar prediksi. Menerima bukanlah hal mudah, bukan juga hal yg sulit. Melainkan ia butuh dilatih dari hal kecil, butuh juga didoakan. Mustahil kita bisa berdiri kuat tanpa pertolongan dariNya. Mohon kerelaan padaNya tuk kita bisa menerima segala ketentuanNya. Dengan menerima, maka hati kita akan lebih lapang.
Keadaan kita tak selalu baik, kita tak selalu baik baik saja, entah karena faktor internal atau pun eksternal. Memaksa diri kita untuk selalu positif bukanlah hal baik, kita menuntut diri kita untuk senang terus, padahal kita pun manusia yang pasti punya rasa kesal, sedih, dan sebagainya. Dan itu wajar, nggak papa. Yang penting, tetep prasangka baik kepada Allah tak boleh kita lupakan walau serandom atau seroller coster apapun emosi yg kita rasakan.
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solplparty · 2 years
[세로라이브] 숀(SHAUN) - Roadㅣ딩고뮤직ㅣDingo Music https://youtu.be/Qs-4_woQKdY 올 여름 드라이브 노래는 이걸로 정했다🏝 ▶딩고뮤직 (Dingo Music) : http://bit.ly/Dingo__Music ▶딩고프리스타일 (Dingo Freestyle) : http://bit.ly/Dingo__Freestyle ▶일소라 (일반인들의 소름돋는 라이브) : http://bit.ly/ilsora contact : [email protected] #숀 #SHAUN #Road #세로라이브 #SEROLIVE #딩고뮤직 #DingoMusic 딩고 뮤직 / dingo music
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promisedangel · 4 years
Fresh Meat: Confinement- Chapter 25
Thank you so much for your patience. I figured out part of my problem was circular topics. I’m in the process of trimming and streamlining the future events of the story to prevent this from happening again.
Chapter 25- Status
Alphys turned back towards Chara with concern. It had been a long time since she saw Chara in such a state of grief and dismay. She almost felt at a loss. She wanted to say something. Anything. She thought about her words as she carefully grasped Chara’s hand with both of hers. Chara’s eyes drifted to their grasped hand, their sobs unhindered. Alphys spoke gently, “Chara. I promise it won’t get that bad.” Chara’s voice cracked through their sobs, “Please… don't lie to me.” “I’m not lying…” Chara shot a glare. They pushed their upper body up to Alphys’s eye level. They raised their voice, “You are lying!” Alphys shivered. She jumped back with a startle. Chara continued to shout at her, “You are lying to me and lying to yourself! You haven’t stopped him yet, so what makes you think you will stop him from hurting me further?!” Alphys curled inward. She raked her brain for a few terse moments for anything better to say. Chara’s expression slowly cooled back to their sorrow with the realization of what they’ve done. They laid back down on their bed and spoke quietly, “I… I’m sorry. I… should not take this out on you.” Alphys twiddled her claws and replied in a chastised tone, “No… you’re right. I shouldn’t be making promises I can’t keep.” She approached the bedside again. She got down on her knees and spoke gently, “So… instead I’ll promise I will do everything I can to mitigate your pain.” Chara sighed and closed their eyes. Their mood and tone evened out to relief, “Thank you.”
Alphys stood. Her tone brightened slightly, “Um… I’ll get your breakfast ready. We can decide what to do after. Okay?” Chara silently nodded. They watched as Alphys left them alone, only to return sometime later with a tray of food and water. Alphys carefully placed the tray down at the foot of Chara’s bed. She approached Chara cautiously. “Do you want help sitting up?” Chara affirmed, “Since I am on my stomach, I will need help slowly adjusting my leg.” Alphys went to the foot of the bed. She quickly scooted the tray under the bed. She questioned, “Okay. Did you want me to hold your leg up?” Chara nodded as they tossed the bed sheet to the side. Alphys slowly lifted Chara’s left leg upwards. Chara hissed slightly but began to turn over on the bed. Alphys helped Chara settle back onto the bed in a sitting position, including the ice pack. Once done, She gave Chara the tray. She sat on the floor at Chara’s bedside as Chara slowly began to eat.
Alphys broke the silence with a question, “Um… can I ask a… difficult question?” Chara raised a brow with their cautious reply, “About?” Alphys grimaced before she spoke, “What… I mean, why do you think he’s broken you?” Chara paused their meal. They were silent for a moment. Alphys replied nervously, “Y- you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel comfortable.” Chara recounted, “Before he broke my leg… he asked me a question. If I answered correctly, he said he would let me go before he sent the Royal Guard after me.” Alphys’s eyes widened. “He… He wouldn’t do that. Not after you were almost taken by that intruder.” “Exactly. It was a cruel trick.” Chara expression seemed distant as they continued, “I don’t think there was a correct answer. It was too vague, only asking left or right.” Alphys’s eyes narrowed. She gave a confused tone, “What kind of question is that supposed to be? Is that even a question?” “You see my point. In hindsight, I can only see it as a trick to break me.” Alphys’s expression softened. She sighed, “After everything that’s happened, I shouldn’t be surprised you feel this way. I…. never thought something like this would happen. But I think part of me is surprised something like this didn’t happen sooner.” Chara muttered dryly, “He enjoys it, you know. His expressions, his tone, his posture as he looms down at me. He enjoys every second of it.” Chara shook their head, “I should have figured that out when he laughed at me when he punished me with the laser.”
Alphys cleared her throat. Her expression oozed her discomfort with the topic. She tried to change the subject. Her tone was nervous at first, but slowly relaxed as she spoke, “Um... did you want to give the wheelchair a try? Or did you want your hair washed? Like we discussed.” Chara gave a despondent gaze. They relaxed as they slumped their body against the wall. They spoke quietly, “After I've eaten.” Alphys nodded, “Okay.”
The morning passed into the late afternoon as Alphys tried to cheer Chara up. Learning the limits of the wheelchair did little to improve Chara's despondent mood. Washing their hair had just as little effect but fluffed Chara's hair to a semi-clean state. As much as Alphys wanted to stay and continue to help, Chara shooed her away quietly. She sighed, complying with Chara's wishes.
Once kicked out, she knew her next move was to confront Dr. Gaster about Chara's leg. Yet, no courage bubbled. No voice of confidence to disown this kind of behavior. As she thought of things to say, her throat seemed to close on her. Her expression lowered. She at least had to hear it from his side.
Alphys knocked on Gaster's door. She heard permission to enter, indifferent as usual. She entered and closed the door behind her, but did not approach his desk. He gave glances towards her in between his stacks of papers. He spoke evenly, “I assume the human has been tended to?” Alphys leaned against the door as she nodded. She quietly asked, “Why did you do that to them?” Gaster replied bluntly, “It was necessary.” Anger flashed on Alphys's face. Her confidence temporarily restored itself. Her mind caught up with her quickly. She bit her lip before she spat words. She shook slightly. No, even if she wanted to, this wasn't the way. She had to endure it to stay by Chara's side. Her expression deflated to a resigned sadness. She confessed, “You broke them.” Gaster rolled his eye sockets but did not make eye contact with Alphys. He retorted, “I know it seems harsh, but the human keeps finding ways to escape. All I did was ensure that it stays where it can be protected. We cannot afford any more mistakes.” Alphys swallowed the rest of her desire to retort. It showed as hesitation in her voice, “N... no, sir... I don't mean just their leg. I, um, think you shattered their mental state.” Gaster paused from his paperwork. He looked up at Alphys with hints of shock and trepidation. He questioned, “Are you saying its will is broken?” Alphys looked away and affirmed, “Yes...” Many emotions battled within Gaster. Disbelief budded first: was the human truly broken? Or was Alphys exaggerating? He had noticed the human slowly become more and more submissive as the month went on. Perhaps this was the last shock the human needed before they broke. A small smile appeared and disappeared just as quickly. He was grateful for this news. Truly. He felt more at ease with the knowledge his work became easier to manage. Just in time to take blood on a regular basis. He spoke with a calm smile, “Good. It will make drawing blood next week easier.” Alphys seemed despondent. Her tail curled around her feet. Her boss's reaction flashed by so fast for her. In the end, he only had a few calm words to say about it. She sighed, “I see.” Gaster went back to his paperwork, “Is that all?” Alphys shook her head. She replied quietly, mournfully, “Yes, sir.” Alphys turned towards the door. She opened the door and hung on the doorknob for a moment. Her desire to retort bubbled once more. If not about the cruelty, then at least about Chara's mental state. But, it was brief with the knowledge nothing would come of it at this point. Not if she wanted Chara to be somewhat safe. She exited quietly.
Alphys walked back to her room in silence. There was still time before she had to start making Chara's dinner. The day and night before had been heavy on her, she had begun to drag her feet and tail as she walked. Halfway back to her room, her cellphone began to ring. She raised her eyebrow, confused. Was Gaster calling her back to his office for something? A chill ran down her spine at the thought. She fished her cellphone from her pocket. She answered the phone carefully, “Um... hello?” “Ah Alphyss, good. I'm relieved I remembered your number.” Serol's voice calmly projected from the phone. Alphys sighed in relief. Her relief quickly switched to confusion. She questioned, “What's wrong, Serol? Did something happen?” Serol sprinted through speaking, “No! No no! I sswear nothing hass happened!” He cleared his throat before he continued, “I... I thought about what you showed me this morning.” Alphys paused. She looked around the hallway. She saw a camera a ways ahead of her on a corner. She spoke tensely into the phone, “Um... give me a minute to get back to my room.” Serol made a quick affirming noise. Alphys hung up the phone quietly. She wanted to sprint to her room, but she held back that instinct. Her eyes drifted back to the camera in suspicion. Even though he wasn't actively looking, she knew he could rewind any camera feed with any footage. She couldn't risk it.
It took a few minutes for Alphys to retreat to her room at a casual pace. She closed the door behind her before she slumped and slid down the door with a groan. Once sat on the ground, she called Serol back. He answered quickly, “Yess?” Alphys apologized, “I'm sorry... if there was any chance he knew I let you in Chara's room, I... I don't know anymore.” Serol spoke calmly, “I undersstand.” Alphys stood up and made her way to her bed, “Anyway, what did you want to talk about? You said you thought about Chara's leg or something?” Serol's tone turned serious, “More broad, but yess. I want to help you.” Alphys blinked. She sat on the bed as she spoke in a confused tone, “Help me?” “From the little I've sseen of Chara'sssituation, I can only imagine the pain they've been through. Dr. Gasster may be keeping them ssafe from monssterkind, but the way he'ss doing it feelss wrong.” Alphys's tone turns to a slight somber, “Serol, I don't think you can help me.” He gave a nervous chuckle, “Yess, well, I am not sure how to help. That'ss why I called you.” “Again... I'm not sure you can. Not since he's increased security into the lower lab.” “I sstill have accessss while my team and I are working on the sssoul sscanning devicce. And, if I prove usseful beyond that, I could have accessss indefinitely.” “What if you can't 'prove useful' to him? What then?” “I can ssneak ssomething in the ssupplies. The hum- erm, Chara needss food, right?” “Well... yes...” “And part of your dutiess iss to check those ssupply shipmentss, yess?” “I'm losing his trust. He could check the shipments himself.” Serol paused, “Then... I can help you regain his trust.” Alphys groaned before she replied, “Serol... I really appreciate you trying, but things are too high strung now. I don't want you getting in trouble either.” She sighed, “If... I agree to accept your help, do you think you could only help when I ask?” Serol affirmed, “Of coursse, I won't be recklessss.” Alphys relaxed. She smiled as she replied, “Thank you, Serol.” “Pleasse call for my help ssoon.” Serol hung up the phone. Alphys gently set her phone on her nightstand. She rubbed her face and groaned, “Serol... you don't know what you got into...”
 A week had gone by without incident. Chara shook and held their right shoulder tightly. Their right arm was opened, elbow down along their bed. New bandages were tightly wrapped around their elbow, a tiny splotch of blood bled through the bandage. Chara watched silently, glowering at Gaster as he walked towards the door. In one hand, he held a large vial. Blood freshly stolen. He looked back one last time, a dark, satisfied smile across his skull. Chara's glower faltered as he looked back. He spoke, “If you are like this from now on, you can expect to be rewarded in a few weeks.”
Chara's eyes instinctively drifted to Gaster's pocket, knowing exactly what he meant. Their expression brightened for only a moment before Gaster opened the door. He looked to his right and spoke, “Ah, perfect timing, Alphys.” Alphys's voice rung from just beyond the door, “I didn't realize you'd be doing the blood draw this late...” Gaster sighed, “Sadly, I'm running behind today. A few meetings ran longer than expected.” Alphys spoke gently, “Well, hopefully, you catch up.” “I will.” With that, Gaster disappeared. Alphys sighed in relief. She entered the room with a tray of food for Chara as always. She spoke with worry, “Did he hurt you while drawing blood?” Chara accepted the tray as they spoke, “Not physically. He was testing me; seeing if I would react.” Alphys spoke with understanding, “And you didn't.” Chara paused from drinking their water. They squeezed their glass. They gritted their teeth and spoke, “But I wanted to. I wanted to say something. Anything. I could barely look at him. I scowled at him as he left, but I couldn't when he looked back.” Alphys nodded silently by Chara's side. She kept a sympathetic gaze. Chara continued, “I hate him. But, I don't want to hurt anymore...” Alphys spoke gently, “I know. And I'm here for you.”
Tears budded from Chara's eyes. Anger bloomed in their expression. They raised the glass above their head. They raised their voice, “I hate feeling useless!” Chara threw the glass. The moment it left their hand, they gasped and widened their eyes. Alphys and Chara could only watch helplessly as the glass hit the floor and broke into several large pieces and some small pieces. Both Alphys and Chara gaped at the broken glass, their minds at first failed to process the event. Alphys began to step towards it. Chara noticed this and began to apologize, “I'm sorry. Truly.” Alphys shook her head before she responded calmly, “It's okay. You didn't hurt either of us.” Chara removed the covers from their bed. They sniffled and wiped their tears away. They spoke, still recovering from their sorrow, “Let me help.” Chara carefully crawled out of bed. Their leg still had some pain from moving, but it was not debilitating due to the gauze healing the break. Alphys started to bend down to pick up some of the glass before she noticed Chara. She began to panic slightly, “Oh! No, no! I can take care of this! Don't... don't strain yourself!” Chara carefully crawled on the floor. They were careful and aware of the pain in their injured leg. Alphys resigned, “Okay... Just be careful. I can pick up the small pieces without worry.”
Chara affirmed. They stopped around the foot of their bed. They grabbed a few smaller pieces silently. They cradled the pieces in one hand while they picked up glass shards with the other. They grabbed a larger piece. They flinched and made a small noise. Alphys noticed immediately. “Are you okay?” Chara held the piece to their chest. They spoke nervously, “I thought I cut myself, but I’m fine.” Alphys blinked. She let out a, “Oh... okay. Just be careful.” Chara nodded. Alphys's focus returned to picking up the pieces. Chara relaxed and looked down on the newest piece of glass in their hand. The glass had cut into their palm just under their pinkie and their ring finger. Their mind drifted as the intensely looked at the piece of glass and the blood it freed. Chara looked over at Alphys. She looking in a different direction as she picked up the rest of the pieces. Chara slowly slipped the blood dipped glass shard under the sheet of their bed. Chara went back to picking up the rest of the pieces with Alphys. The two used the tray to hold the glass. Alphys sighed in relief, “Okay. That should be all of it. Thank you for helping.” Chara mused dryly, yet apologetically, “It's the least I can do for breaking it.” Alphys dismissed it, “Don't worry. It was an accident.” Alphys collected the rest of the utensils and silverware from Chara's bed, “Okay. You rest up. I'll see you tomorrow.” Chara nodded, “See you.” Alphys left without another word.
An expert from the journal of Dr. W.D Gaster
The human is far too clever for its own good. It tried one last time to escape last week. I had no choice to deal an extremely harsh punishment. But it was worth it; Alphys informed me the human's will has broken. Today, I was able to test this during the first scheduled blood draw. The human couldn't look me in the eye, let alone retort to anything said. Despite this change, I cannot take the chance it won't escape again. The new room is nearing completion. With it, I won’t have to worry about escape ever again.
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khabaruttarakhandki · 4 years
दिल्ली में कोरोना की स्थिति का पता लगाने के लिए आज से सीरोलॉजिकल सर्वे, 20 हजार नमूनों की होगी जांच 
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नई दिल्ली:
राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में कोरोनावायरस (Coronavirus) संक्रमण के मामलों में तेजी के बीच COVID-19 किस हद तक फैला है, इसका पता लगाने के लिए सीरोलॉजिकल सर्वे (Serological Survey) का काम आज से शुरू होगा. दिल्ली कोरोना से सर्वाधिक प्रभावित राज्यों में से एक है. इस सर्वे के जरिए दिल्ली में कोविड-19 का व्यापक विश्लेषण किया जाएगा तथा वैश्विक महामारी से निपटने के लिए एक व्यापक रणनीति बनाने में भी यह सहायक होगा.
यह भी पढ़ें
यह सर्वे कोविड-19 रिस्पॉन्स प्लान का हिस्सा है और अधिकारियों को उम्मीद है कि इससे कोरोना महामारी से लड़ने के लिए व्यापक रणनीति तैयार करने में मदद मिलेगी. सर्वेक्षण का काम दिल्ली सरकार और नेशनल सेंटर फॉर डिजिज कंट्रोल (NCDC) के सहयोग से किया जाएगा. यह 27 जून से 10 जुलाई तक चलेगा. 
गृह मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने ट्वीट में कहा, “दिल्ली में सर्वेक्षण का काम 27 जून से शुरू होगा. सभी संबंधित टीमों की ट्रेनिंग का काम कल पूरा हो गया है.” 
आधिकारिक आदेश के मुताबिक, दिल्ली के सभी जिलों में कुल 20,000 टेस्ट किए जाएंगे. इसमें सभी उम्र और वर्ग के लोग शामिल होंगे. आदेश में कहा गया है कि जिलों के डिप्टी कमिश्नर सर्वेक्षण करने वाली टीमों के साथ प्रभावी तालमेल रखेंगे. 
गृह मंत्रालय ने बयान में कहा कि इस सर्वेक्षण से अधिकारियों को COVID-19 का व्यापक विश्लेषण करने में मदद मिलेगी और फिर राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में महामारी से निपटने के लिए एक व्यापक रणनीति तैयार की जा सकती है.
सीरोलॉजी (एंटीबॉडी) जांच समुदायों के बीच निगरानी रखने के लिए होती है. इस उपयोग उन लोगों पर किया जा सकता है जो पहले से संक्रमित पाए गए हों या फिर जिनमें कोरोना के लक्षण नहीं हों. इससे कोरोना वायरस के खिलाफ प्रतिरोधी क्षमता के बारे में जानकारी मिल सकती है. 
दिल्ली में कोरोना संक्रमण के अब तक 73,780 मामले सामने आए हैं और 2429 लोगों की इसकी चलते मौत हुई है. 
(पीटीआई इनपुट के साथ)
वीडियो: दिल्ली सरकार का अस्पतालों का CCTV लगाने का निर्देश
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cavesbardou · 4 years
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