#seriously wasn't spiral bad enough!?
sinnabunxoxo · 1 year
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R.I.P. The Saw movie franchise it was fun while it lasted.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 days
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: It was an accident
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"Sorry," Jessie says again," I mean it. I really am."
"I know, Jess."
"I didn't mean for it to happen, honestly!"
"I know, Jess."
"I don't deserve forgiveness."
"It's not that bad, Jess. Barely even an injury."
Jessie looks at you incredulously, brows raised to her hairline.
You're sitting in a hospital bed. Your face is covered in scratches and bruises and your arm is firmly stuck in a cast. Your shirt is torn up from your tumble, ripped in random places and you're pretty sure your legs were only spared because you were wearing your heavy-duty jeans.
Jessie was new on the team but not new to you.
You'd transferred from your childhood team Manchester City just last year to the Portland Thorns for more game time. Jessie had been your long-term girlfriend for a while back then and when she'd moved to the Thorns a few months ago, you'd been ecstatic.
You just wish you'd had the hindsight to tell her to stay away from your skateboards.
"I feel awful," Jessie continues," Does it hurt bad? Do you need the doctor again?"
"Jessie," You say," They're just getting the discharge paperwork. Please don't make them keep me here longer than needed."
Jessie bites her lip, like she always does when she's feeling nervous.
It had been an accident on her part.
You had been out with Jessie on a date with your skateboard and was standing on it at the top of a set of steps, contemplating going down the railings.
Only Jessie had been bumped into by someone in the crowd and had then bumped into you, sending you careening down the stairs.
"I guess I'm stuck in the stands for a bit," You joke, laughing slightly before stopping when you see her face.
Jessie looks distraught over the whole thing, halfway to tears at your bedside.
"Jessie, babe," You say," Come here."
You pat the portion of bed beside you and Jessie shakes her head.
"No," She says," No, I hurt you."
"It was an accident. it wasn't even your fault. You got barged into first."
"But you get hurt. I broke your arm."
"Technically, the stairs broke my arm."
"And your face-"
"It'll heal."
"Stop making excuses! You're hurt and you can't play!"
You grin at her dopily. "Some things are more important than playing."
Jessie nods along seriously. "Healing, you're right."
A little bark of laughter bubbles out of your throat. "I was going to say watching you play but trust you to think about my health."
"Well, one of us has to care! You're being very blasé about this!"
"Jessie, come here."
"Jess, please?"
She shuffles onto the bed with you and you throw your arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer into you until there's barely a gap between you.
"I'll be fine," You tell her, staring into her eyes," It was a clean break. No surgery. Just a cast. I'll be fine in a few months. It wasn't your fault. I won't hear you saying otherwise."
"No, Jess. It was just a horrible accident. That's it."
You're not usually this firm with her but Jessie, your sweet girlfriend was spiralling like always and you were adamant about her not shouldering the blame herself.
"I didn't mean to," She says, eyes wet with unshed tears and you tuck her head into your neck.
"I know, Jess, I know. It's okay. Just a freak accident. I shouldn't have been on my board in the first place."
Jessie's short hiccupping laughter fills your ears. "No, you shouldn't have. We need to throw them away when we get home."
"Would that help you sleep better?"
She nods.
"Alright. Can we sell them though? Because, you know, some of them are worth enough to make serious money. We can redo the kitchen."
You can feel Jessie smile into your neck. "Only if we promise we can have a breakfast bar."
"Breakfast bar and a reading nook," You agree," But I've got to be allowed to keep one board."
"Not the one from today."
You kiss the top of her head. "No, not the one from today."
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😴😴😴 (to find later) AITA for putting sleeping pills in my boyfriend's drinks without him knowing?
I know this sounds absolutely awful, but please bear with me.
Basically, me (27 m) and my boyfriend (26 m) have been living together for around five years, meaning we usually also sleep together. Or at least we try, since my BF suffers from terrible insomnia and reoccurring nightmares so bad sometimes he wakes up into a full on anxiety attack. He does go to therapy and has prescribed sleeping pills, but he hates taking them because he's always afraid that when he does fall asleep he's just going to have nightmares, (which also just makes him avoid sleeping in general even not including his insomnia).
Usually I try to help him by staying up with him, watching his favorite show while cozied up on the couch under a bunch of blankets and with a hot coco, or we do something else that he likes and helps him relax. I really don't mind, I love him and I love spending time with him. However, it used to be that he would fall asleep at around 3-4 AM, but as time went on he started staying up longer and longer, until at a certain point I literally had to start leaving for work in the morning while he still hadn't gotten any sleep.
This was an issue for two reasons: 1. Obviously, without me there he felt even less comfortable and had an even harder time falling asleep, sometimes staying up for even 48 hours (or maybe more, I'm not sure) just to wait for me to come back home so I could help him unwind again. 2. He actually started lying to me about sleeping while I wasn't home, so that I would go to sleep normally and let him stay awake because "he wasn't tired" even though I could clearly tell he was.
That's when I started getting seriously concerned and questioning him about how much he actually sleeps, especially since I could see it was affecting him more and more both mentally and physically. He was avoidant about the topic but I pleaded with him to talk to his therapist about it, to try and find anything else to help him. Apparently his therapist just told him to keep using his sleeping pills to help with the insomnia, and if they're not working she'll look into prescribing him stronger ones. Yet despite that he still insists on not taking them and just going to bed normally even though it's clearly not working.
To clarify: as far as I'm aware, he has no negative side-effects from these sleeping pills, he's never complained about feeling any pain or feeling worse after taking them or anything like that. Literally he only doesn't want to take them because he's just that afraid of going to sleep.
That's why whenever we stay up nowadays, I always add a small dose to his cup of coco, which thankfully has a strong enough taste to cover the pills (I've tried a small bit myself and couldn't tell a difference). Since I started doing that, he's been regularly falling asleep before 2AM and even though the nightmares still sometimes wake him up or make him feel a bit tired in the morning, overall he's been doing much better.
Still, I do feel bad about putting stuff in his drinks without his knowledge even if it's for his own good. I really wonder if I should stop, but I'm really scared that if I do, he'll start spiralling again. I want to help him and be there for him but I've already tried talking about it and it never worked. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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the-badger-mole · 1 month
Kindness of Strangers
Please pick up
I'm busy
I know, but this is an emergency
With shaking hands, Zuko found Mai's number and pressed the call button. It rang twice before her voicemail picked up. Zuko groaned and almost started crying.
Mai, pick up Seriously, it's an emergency I don't got out that often zuko. You can't let me have ONE night? Mai I think i need to go to the hospital My stomach. I think it's food poisoning or something Your stomach ache? Seriously? You're a big boy. You can handle an upset tummy Drink some tea
Zuko groaned again. It felt like something solid and hot was burning through his intestine. He tried calling Mai again. This time it only rang once before he was sent to voicemail.
Leave me alone! If you call again, I'm blocking you
Zuko dialed Mai once more. Sure enough, it went right to voicemail this time. She'd done it. Zuko felt bile rising in his throat along with panic. His uncle was out of town. Haru, his only other friend didn't have a car. An ambulance was out of the question. His father had removed him from the family insurance policy, and though his uncle was working on the details to add Zuko to his own insurance, that wouldn't kick in until the following month at least. All Zuko had in the meantime was the student insurance the university provided, and it didn't cover ambulance rides. That left just one option.
The unsteadiness of his legs was a bad sign. As was the way his stomach roiled in protest at the movement. The hospital wasn't far, though, Zuko reasoned. He made it to his door, then he stumbled out into the hall, not even bothering with his shoes. He heard a gasp, and realized his neighbor across the hall was there.
"Are you alright?" she asked. Zuko shook his head. Then, he doubled over and puked onto the tile floor. The neighbor-Zuko recalled he'd heard someone call her Katara.
"My stomach," Zuko groaned, clutching his side. Katara rushed over and tried to help him stand, but the pain wouldn't let him stand upright. He felt a cool hand against his forehead. Then is jerked away with a gasp.
"You need to go to the hospital!" Katara said. She pulled out her phone, but Zuko groaned and tried to stop her.
"No ambulance," he insisted miserably. "Can't afford it." Katara hesitated, and Zuko knew she was debating calling anyway. Finally she sighed and slipped his arm around her shoulders, and helped him into the elevator and into the parking lot.
"Don't you dare throw up in my car," she muttered, strapping him into the passenger seat of a small, blue sedan. She slid into the driver's seat and reached into the back. Zuko was vaguely aware of some rustling, but he didn't know what it meant until Katara passed him an empty plastic bag. She peeled out of the parking lot and raced the two miles to the hospital. The large, white building was in sight when Zuko made good use of the plastic bag. He was still clutching it minutes later when Katara helped him out of the car and into the emergency room.
The next bit was a blur. He was brought back to triage almost immediately where it was discovered he had a ruptured appendix. The words emergency surgery were the last words he heard clearly before he was being stripped, shaved and prepped for the OR. This, he would later decide, was a blessing. He hated hospitals, and this visit would've sent him into an anxiety spiral. As it was, he still had a moment of panic when he woke up attached to an IV and several upsetting sounding monitors, but the panic fizzled into confusion when he realized he wasn't alone in the room. Across from him, in the chair, his neighbor sat curled up under a thin blanket.
She must have felt him staring because she stirred, and then looked up at him. She blinked in confusion, trying to understand where she was and why, Zuko guessed. Then she smiled at him sleepily.
"The doctor said you'd be out a while," she told him. "Are you feeling alright?"
"I...yeah," Zuko said. He was fine, at the moment, though, he could feel the dull ache emanating from his side from where they'd taken his appendix out. "What are you doing here?"
"I didn't know who to call," Katara explained. "I thought you would probably prefer not to wake up in a hospital room alone. They said it was fine if I stayed."
"Oh..." Zuko eyes fell to his hand, to the needle and tube stuck into his skin. Whatever the IV was delivering seemed to be working. He was already feeling the haze of sleepiness creeping back in. "Thank you."
"No problem." Katara smiled warmly. "Is there someone you want me to call? I have your phone."
"Did..." Zuko swallowed hard. "Did anyone call me?" Katara glanced down at his phone and shook her head.
"No," she said. "You've only been here about three or so hours, though." Zuko sighed and let his head fall back. Mai hadn't called. He was irritated, but also a bit...relieved? That surprised him.
"Can you call my uncle?" he asked. He told Katara his passcode. As he drifted to sleep, he heard her telling his uncle that he was fine, and had already come out of surgery.
The next time he woke, the sun was up, and he was once again not alone. Iroh sat in the chair across from him, worry lines etched deep in his face. His entire body unclenched with relief when he saw Zuko open his eyes. He was, Zuko surmised, thinking of the last time he'd sat in a hospital room with his nephew.
"How are you feeling, Zuko?" he asked. He came up to Zuko's side and placed a hand on his wrist, careful not to disturb the medicine drip.
"Like lukewarm garbage," Zuko sighed. The events of the night before caught up to him and he jolted up, looking around. "Where's...?"
"That lovely young woman who brought you in?" Iroh chuckled. "She offered to stay, but she looked like she could use some rest. Very kind of her to sit with you."
"Yeah," Zuko agreed. Iroh cast him a sly look, one that Zuko was too heavily medicated to take heed of.
"She's very pretty, too," he commented offhandedly. "Even after spending the night sleeping in a hospital chair."
"She's too young for you," Zuko snorted.
"Indeed!" Iroh agreed emphatically. "But...she is just the right age for a handsome young man who happens to be studying at the same school and lives in the same building as her. One who now owes her a nice thank you dinner. One into whose phone I took the liberty of programing her number, and who should definitely call and let her know how he's doing."
"Uncle," Zuko groaned.
"I did tell her you would let her know you're okay," Iroh said. "I'm just saying."
"I'm dating Mai." That brought back the earlier portion of the night. Zuko looked around and grabbed his phone. Surely Mai had called him at some point. There was nothing from her. He tried calling her, but it still went straight to voicemail.
"Something wrong?" Iroh asked. Zuko sighed and shook his head.
"No, uncle. Nothing at all."
Zuko didn't hear from Mai until the following day. He hadn't tried to reach out to her again, so he didn't know when she had unblocked him. Suddenly, his phone started ringing and her name and picture showed up.
"Hello?" Zuko said groggily. He had been taken off the pain medication, but the effects hadn't worn off yet.
"Why is your door unlocked?" Mai asked. "Where are you?" Anger boiled up in Zuko's body, unhindered by the lingering drugs.
"The hospital," he told her dryly. "My appendix ruptured." He had at least the satisfaction of hearing her gasp.
"What hospital are you at?" she asked. "How long have you been there?"
"I've been here since I called you to tell you I needed to go to the hospital," Zuko snapped. Mai let out an irritated huff.
"Well, I would've come if you'd told me it was that serious," she said. "It just sounded like you were overreacting about a stomach flu! Where are you? When are you getting checked out?"
"They're discharging me tomorrow," Zuko told her.
"Do you need a ride home?" Mai asked.
"It's taken care of," he said, shortly. "Uncle's coming to get me, so you don't have to bother about it."
"Why are you being so bratty about this?" Mai demanded. "I said I was sorry!" She hadn't, but Zuko chose not to point that out.
"Where were you?" he asked instead.
"Out with friends." That answered absolutely nothing, but the tone of her voice told Zuko that was all the answer he would get.
"Whatever," he huffed. Mai was silent on the other end for a long moment.
"You want me to bring some food?" she asked. She sounded unusually subdued. "I can bring you something at the hospital, or I can make something for when you get back, tomorrow."
"It's fine," Zuko sighed. "I'm staying with Uncle for a few days."
"Are you going to be all mopey about this?" Mai demanded.
"What are you talking about?" Zuko turned his head to scowl at his phone.
"You're doing that woe-is-me, kicked puppy voice you do," Mai said. "I'm sorry I didn't rush over when you called, but I had been drinking, so it's not like I would've been able to take you anyway."
"So instead of saying that, you blocked me?" Zuko's grip on the phone tightened, and he resisted the urge to hurl it across the room. Surely it shouldn't be this hard being in a relationship. Surely it shouldn't be a battle to get his girlfriend to be sympathetic to him after he almost died and needed emergency surgery. The machine monitoring his heartrate started making an alarmed beeping noise, and Zuko forced himself to take a deep breath.
"You know what?" Mai said quietly. "I'm going to let you go. Clearly you need some rest."
"See you later, Zuko."
The call dropped. Mai had hung up on him again. Zuko's heartrate dropped to it's normal pace.
Mai didn't call again after that, and Zuko didn't call either. She sent him a few texts during the time that he was at his uncle's house recovering. He sent her very short responses. He was fine. He would be home after his stiches were removed.
A day or two into his stay, another message came through.
Hey Just wanted to see how you were doing This is Katara, by the way. Your neighbor Your uncle gave me your number Hope that's ok
Zuko was fine with it, it turned out. More fine than a man with a girlfriend should be, maybe.
When he finally returned to his apartment, his first call was to let Mai know hie was home. She didn't live far, and she wasn't busy. Fifteen minutes later, she was at his door, looking sullen and bored.
"Glad to see you're okay," she said.
"Yeah." Zuko led her into the apartment and sat at the table. Uncle had left him with cookies, among other assorted reheatable dishes. He offered one to Mai. She declined. Then there was nothing else to stall with.
"Why did you block me?" he asked Mai. There was no heat in his voice, no anger. He genuinely wanted to know. Mai scowled at him.
"Seriously? You're not over that yet?"
"I just want to know why," Zuko pressed.
"You were bugging me," Mai shrugged carelessly. "I was out with friends, and I thought you were just trying to get me to leave early."
"When have I ever done that to you?" Indignation flashed through Zuko, hot and bright. Mai just shrugged again. She sat back in her seat and folded her arms.
"I'm sorry, alright?" she huffed. "Can you just drop it now?" Zuko leaned back and studied Mai. He had been with her for five years. She was his first ever high school girlfriend. Had she always been so dismissive?
"I needed you," he said. That made Mai roll her eyes skyward.
"I promise it won't happen again," she said. Zuko shut his eyes and shook his head.
He had other questions. Lots of them. For one thing it occurred to him that she might be cheating, and the reason she refused to answer or come to him when he called was because she was busy with some other guy. It wouldn't have been the first time. He could ask and give her a chance to lie about it. He could even pretend to believe her. Or she might be telling the truth and he was wrong about her cheating. It didn't matter, he realized suddenly. Her answer didn't matter, so he wouldn't ask.
"It won't happen again," he agreed at last. "Mai... I think we should break up."
Zuko's next call was to Katara. The day after his messy break up with Mai, having cleaned up the remains of his cookies and the plate they were on, Zuko dialed Katara's number.
"Hello?" she said, sounding uncertain.
"Hey...um...Zuko here." Zuko's face flushed hotly when he heard her giggle on the other end.
"I know," she said. "I have your number, remember? How are you doing? Are you back?"
"Yeah," he said. "I'm back. I'm feeling a lot better. A little sore, but I can get around."
"I'm glad to hear it." And she sounded genuinely glad. "You didn't have to do all that to meet me, though. You could've just knocked on my door and said hi."
"And waste an opener like puking my guts and almost dying in your car?" Zuko was rewarded with another giggle. She had a nice laugh, he thought. It was so easy to talk to her.
"It was a memorable opener, I'll give you that," she said, laughing again.
"Yeah." Zuko swallowed hard against his suddenly dry mouth. "I was actually calling to thank you. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been here."
"Don't worry about it," Katara said. "I'm just glad I was able to help."
"Yes, well..." Zuko chided himself for being such a coward, and he forced his next words out. "I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me. To thank you! To say thanks for saving my life."
"Zuko, you don't owe me anything," Katara said gently. Zuko's heart fell into his stomach.
"Oh...I just thought I'd offer." He tried to keep his tone even and friendly as he hit his forehead with his other hand. Stupid. This was a stupid, stupid idea. "If you're not interested, I understand."
"I didn't say I wasn't interested," Katara said quietly. "Just that you don't owe me. I-I wouldn't mind having dinner with you. Just...you know, not as an obligation you think you owe me."
"What if it's not an obligation?" Zuko asked. "What if-I'm asking because I think you're kind and pretty and I'd like to get to know you better?"
Katara went silent for what felt like a nerve-wrackingly long time, but was likely just a few short seconds. Then she said the three sweetest words Zuko thought he'd ever heard.
"It's a date."
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your-mums-nuts · 17 days
okok idk if you've heard the spoiler happening where colin is upset with pen and ends up at a brothel?? i've seen it twice now and uh. im really hoping it isn't true. it made sense in the first part when he was still figuring things out, but after? i really don't think they will cause that's not in colin's favor at all, but why would someone say it if it wasn't true??
do you have any other information on it and do you think it's true?? (really hoping you can quell my irrational anxiety about this lol)
thank you!!
Girl dm me about this please cause I wanna hear what you’ve heard.
But in all seriousness- I am incredibly anxious about this too! I got my information about it from a Nicola and Luke interview where they imply something happens in part two that Nicola hated, and then Nicola goes “it’s not like he’s cheating on her..”
And then Luke said something like, “but he’s had to watch her all season..”
My hope is that it’s maybe at a ball and he dances with someone else in front of her after the Whistledown reveal. I would still dislike it because we’ve seen pen look longingly at Colin dancing with others for two seasons already, but it’d be far better if it meant nothing and was pointed, then it being an actual consideration.
If they did decide to do something with the brothel, even him just considering visiting a brothel, I am going to be so incredibly pissed off. I don’t care how upset or betrayed he is- cheating or even just considering cheating is so so disgusting and so unlike Colin.
Also I’m sorry but Whistledown is not that bad. I understand where the anger and feelings of betrayal would come from, but she has reasons. She was young and silly and went about it the wrong way but she at least has reasons for what she’s done.
If Colin were to do anything, however small, even if it was just implied possible cheating, there’s no reasoning there. There’s no ‘I did it for the grand scheme of things’ or ‘I was young and naive’ or even, ‘I felt powerless and overlooked.’
But in happier news (because a lot of this is just me spiralling) I think they’re clever enough not to do that. Bridgerton is kind of the ‘man on his hands and knees for woman he loves’ show, and it’s been extremely praised for embracing the female gaze in romance and sex alike.
.. and If they do go through with any of this, trust that the polin fanfic legends WILL be writing some great canon divergence, so there’s always that.
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Can you do a vash x reader where the reader is getting overestimed and vash helps them calm down and comforts them?
Me running to write this after my therapy session, In all seriousness lol I did make this being about overstimulated, kinda then it got a little more. I've taken from my own thoughts and feelings for this one, since when I get overstimulated it can spiral out of control for me. No, I didn't just write this about Vash comforting ME shut up. Also, I wrote this a little differently, I wrote this how I feel a panic attack feels. So it may feel a little wild and disjointed, so stick with me <3
‘They see right through, Can you see right through me? I see right through me’
Vash x Reader
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You should be celebrating, everyone else was. Why was this so hard, why were you so difficult, why are you so broken? Your mind can’t help but supply that thought to you, and it makes your chest burn it burns hard enough that you can’t even breathe, have you ever been able to breathe? 
It was all too much, sitting here in some dark forgotten corner while everyone celebrated around you. Having fun, existing without a problem. Your rag-tag group of friends managed to save this no-name town from bandits, and well instead of being chased from a town like usual, they were drinking and celebrating in your honor. It was a good change of pace for everyone, they deserved this. Did you? Did you deserve any of this, your friends?
Glancing up briefly, you spot Meryl trying and failing to rein in Wolfwood, Roberto at the bar drinking happily, and Vash…. actually, you don't see Vash at all. For a brief moment, all your own worries and fears are forgotten, you hoped he wasn't getting into trouble…. he had an incredible knack for it. You don't think you’ve met anyone with such bad luck. 
But then you spot him, shyly accepting praise from those around him, a smile that you can tell isn't fake. And for another moment you find peace in that, if anyone deserves to celebrate its him. You let your senses focus on Vash, just being in his presence was enough for you. Maybe you should get up and join them, you decide to, even going as far as to stand from your seat.
And then that familiar feeling, the doubt, the worry, the fear, it's all too much. It's always too fucking much. The lights, the sounds, the people. It's like you can never be. Never exist in the moment, and every fleeting moment of happiness is ruined by the fact. It's too much and you're too little. You can't be here anymore; without a second thought you turn and leave. 
The fresh air is like a Godsend, keep moving, just go, leave it behind. And you do because isn't that the easiest thing you can do for yourself? Gracefully exit the scene, no big productions, a forgotten side character in somebody else's story, because how could the story ever be yours? Your mind is working a mile a minute, it's doesn’t even make sense. You keep walking until you reach the center of town, a lovely fountain sits in the center, it's painfully quiet, and just what you need. 
Sitting on the edge of the fountain, leaning forward to grip your head. Begging for it to stop, for just a moment. Why can’t you enjoy anything? This is ridiculous and pathetic, five….no ten minutes tops and then you’ll force yourself to go back. You just need to breathe. This was fine, you’ll be fine. 
However, the gentle hand on top of your head startles you, sitting up quickly your gaze quickly connects to Vash’s concerned one. Oh, that’s all you can come up with, because why is he here? Shouldn't Vash be with the others, having fun with people who can understand how to? “Are you okay?” Why does he have to speak to you in that gentle way? Why does he always just know? For a second and because you're a fucking idiot, you're angry. Standing quickly Vash removes his hand to stare at you with a question in his eyes, as his arm falls to his side. 
“I’m fine.” Your tone is cold, and straight to the point, his expression shifts, and it's just not fair how can someone possibly look at you like that? Like you hung the stars and the moon? Like your someone to be seen and looked at. “You’re a bad liar did you know that?” his tone is as always kind, but you can sense a hint of something more a plea to be honest with him. 
You are like a wild animal cornered; this is not why you ran out here. You don't want to talk, what was the point? Talking didn't fix what was broken inside of you, nothing could fix that. The sound of your name makes you look up, and you tense. Vash stood closer in front of you, not touching you, but if he reached out his hand he could. It was more the look in his eyes that made you freeze, he looked… tired? No, sad? That wasn't the word for it either… was it longing? 
“You don't have to pretend with me.”
Is that what you do? Pretend to be a person, pretend that you can make it through the day, pretend that your mind isn't a jumbled mess of too much and too little, and pretend that you're happy. Yeah, you guess he's right. The anger leaves you at once, shoulders dropping. “I don't know what to say.” and isn't that the truth, wouldn’t it be easier if you just could figure it out if you just knew? 
Vash’s face lights up, not because you are upset, but because it's the first honest answer he has gotten out of you in weeks. Nervously as if reaching for a wild animal, he reaches a hand out to you palm up. You stare at it, your eyes flickering from his hand to his bright blue eyes. “That’s okay! You don't have to say anything, not right now. Or ever even! I just want you to know…I care… and I get it.” he is rambling in that nervous way he does, his voice cracking a bit at the end you can see the embarrassed blush that sits on his cheeks. 
It makes your eyes soften and smile, his hand touches your face then, holding your cheek, and your breath hitches. His thumb rubs the top of your cheek, right under your eye. He’s smiling now too, and oh no, you think you have a new problem now… but one you don't mind facing. Well, you do mind, it's a little scary, but it makes your heart race in a nice fluttery way not the burn you're used to. “It's…hard to explain, I just… everything feels like too much?” You can’t meet his gaze. “Sorry, that makes no sense.” You say this with a small laugh. 
Your gaze drifts back to his when his other hand comes up to cup your other cheek, the feeling between his mechanical hand and his flesh hand is… nice. “No, it makes sense, you’re doing great.” The praise makes you blush, yeah this is going to be a big problem, future you are going to have to deal with that one. “Vash, thank you.” it's such a simple thing to say, but you hope he understands.
He does, how could he not? When it comes to you, he’ll do whatever it takes to understand, to just listen. You don’t need to talk or explain anything to him, he’s here and he’ll be here as long as you need it, which he hopes is a long time, because God does he need you.Reaching up with shy hands, you grip his wrists, for the first time all night your mind is settled and at peace. He can’t fix you, because rationally you are not broken. But he helps mend the wounds in your soul, in a way you’ve never felt before, you wish you could tell him just how much you appreciate it, his comfort, the endearing way he acts. You squeeze his wrists, giving him a smile. It feels like the start of something, but right now this moment is enough.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
How's about follower kallamar with a squid reader that is the head doctor and a former follower of his
On the day of your indoctrination...an ugly plague was currently infesting he entire cult. It definitely wasn't the best first impression.
You saw so many sick followers shuffling around, trying not to throw up (although some failed miserably) as they went about their daily tasks.
Lamb excuses themselves to go yell at the healthy followers who didn't bother cleaning all the puke lying around, before sending the sick to their beds and shoving thermometers in their mouths.
And of course, an elder decides to die right next to the goddamn shrine...resulting in those still hanging around to vomit at the sight.
Once everything's slightly under control, Lamb rushes back to officially welcome you into the cult, but you're not impressed at all.
"You promised me sanctuary, Lamb. But all I see is illness and death here...was I right to trust you?"
"....you can blame your "bishop" for all of this......I promise this is a safe haven."
You give them the benefit of the doubt, considering they did save you from being sacrificed to Kallamar.
But when asked why his followers chose you, you explained that you're actually a doctor who treated a lot of sicknesses back in Anchordeep. Sore throats, stomach bugs, flu, pox, etc. You were seen as sort of a miracle worker.
Unfortunately Kallamar saw your skills as a threat to his power, insisting only he can perform "miracles" and decide who's worthy of healing...and his fanatics were inclined to agree.
Luckily, your new leader allowed you to take on that role once again without fear of persecution, and you got the plague under control practically overnight.
You've implemented a system where every follower got a regular checkup. Even if they looked or felt fine, it's better to be safe than sorry.
When Lamb started bartering with ???, they gifted you a gold immortality necklace to ensure you didn't die of old age (seriously, they needed your medical expertise).
You already had a skull necklace, but were grateful nevertheless.
Ironically, Kallamar became the most troubling patient when he arrived into the cult, getting sick right off the bat just from his spiraling anxiety.
He hid behind a tree upon seeing you.....and Lamb found him, literally having to drag him over to your medbay (now a small building instead of a single shrub hut) and order you to treat him.
Great Ones forbid he caused a plague as both bishop and follower. They weren't going to tolerate that.
Ofc, he was hesitant to say anything to you, but after quietly treating his stomach ache and changing his bandages...he breaks down sobbing on the cot, begging for forgiveness.
"I-I was wrong. You do..s-so much good work. You were thriving, performing all these miracles, and....a-and I tried to take that all away....why heal me?"
"Kallamar, I'm not holding that against you anymore." You reassure him. "You're free of the Blue Crown's influence. I know you didn't really want me dead, did you?"
"..n-no, my...followers suggested it. Cult morale was low a-after what happened to Leshy and Heket so...I had to do something!"
Whether that revelation made you feel better or worse, you find it in your heart to forgive him, never denying him treatment even if others in the cult disagree.
You wanted to help him. One squid healing another.
To this day, he still feels bad visiting your medbay, but with time he becomes more comfortable approaching you whenever he gets sick.
Soon enough you find out one of the primary causes of his stomach pains.
It's cauliflower stew (while there's a 5% chance of sickness for everyone else who consumes it, his is always at 100% for some reason).
As it turns out he, ironically, has a severe cauliflower intolerance.
Poor guy never knew that was a thing.
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riotseas · 2 months
@taleswritten sent: Would it make you feel better if I call you Daddy while you fuck me? (YOU KNOW WHO FOR)
Cid is a lot of things, but one thing he is not—is weak.
He's been around, learned a lot and experienced even more. Some he'd rather forget, some he doesn't have to think too hard about to put into practice; a seasoned traveler, if you will. His years haven't been wasted, anyone could see that clear as day.
Despite all he's been through, all he's done, Clive fucking Rosfield is still able to get the one-up on him. Effectively wiping out all his hard earned strength from beneath his feet.
It doesn't make sense. Well, logically—yeah, it makes sense: He's completely and utterly enamored with the man. But he's not thinking 'logically' in this moment, he's barely conscious enough to wonder if he's even thinking at all. Cid figures he must be, at least a little, for the way Clive's words raise the hairs on his neck and drive a hunger deep through his stomach.
The little shit—he's been toying with him all damn day. It's bad enough he has to walk around in that get-up, no matter how well it suits him. It's a blasted corset for Greagor's sake, he has to know what he's doing at least a little? Cid thought he was going crazy when the ties in the front would loosen after battle and he couldn't do anything other than pretend he wasn't staring.
In addition to Clive's superb choice of dress, he's also a natural-born brat. All five-feet of him, and a stubborn one at that. If he doesn't get his way, oh he's letting Cid know and he's letting him know good.
An errand had taken them far past where they'd thought originally. It turns out Cid's info was no hit and all miss; and he definitely wasn't prepared for such but like everything, he took it in kind.
Or—tried to, anyways.
The heat was unbearable this far south; musty, heavy, wet heat that threatened to pull you under if you so much as stopped moving for even a second. Cid shed about as many layers as he could without being deemed indecent, and tried to get Clive to follow in suit for both his sake and Cid's.
Convincing eventually turned into sly, sensual remarks because he just couldn't help himself—especially not with the way sweat was sliding down Clive's soft, peachy pink skin. He was practically begging to be marked, and Cid was dying to get his hands on him.
It seemed like enough was enough. Push was met with shove; Clive had spoken words he hadn't realized he'd wanted to hear and it sent Cid spiraling. The name spun and coiled around something in his gut, so hot, so suffocating, he thought he was going to pass out. Such a visceral reaction, there's no way Clive couldn't see how it was affecting him.
Not that it mattered, it was going to make itself known one way or another.
Cid marched up to Clive and gripped his jaw between his fingers, firm, but not harsh; forcing eye-contact and watching for any hint of a jest.
❝ I'm sorry, sweetheart. I must've misheard you, repeat that for me again ? ❞
Framed as a question, but posed as a demand. Cid's voice had dropped an octave, another sign he was quickly becoming more enthralled with the idea Clive, seriously or not-so seriously, suggested. They were in the middle of a field, nothing but grass and trees cushioning their surroundings. Anybody could still come by, he knew that, and still found he didn't care.
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icedragonlizard · 20 days
Updated headcanons for dynamic between Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Kirby
Back then, I headcanoned these two to be enemies.... but as I now feel differently, I've decided to change these headcanons. This is one of the things I touched on in my post of things that I've changed for my headcanon verse, this post will go over the updates on my thoughts for DMK's and Skirby's dynamic in greater detail.
I now headcanon that they eventually become friends.
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DMK and Skirby didn't get off to a good start. During the events of Amazing Mirror, DMK was of course helping Dark Mind on conquering the mirror world, which Skirby was against. Skirby however wasn't a good enough of a fighter yet to be capable of stopping the conquest, as he had to count on Kirby to do just that.
Even several years after the ending of Amazing Mirror, these two still didn't get along. Dark Mind was still alive as a weak fragment that then desperately needed DMK to do his dirty work, which he did. For a while, DMK was still doing bad things in Dark Mind's name. One of these bad things was helping Dark Mind feed dark magic to Joronia through the mirror that Taranza gave her, which eventually lead to her spiral into being a mad tyrant. Dark Taranza and then Shadow Dedede also came into existence to be additional hitmen for Dark Mind, increasing the threat even more. This needed to be stopped.
While DMK continued following Dark Mind's orders even with the latter being a fragment, Skirby often left the mirror world to go find Kirby and ask for training on how to use copy abilities. Just like his pink counterpart, he wanted to be a protector for his homeland, as he was determined to stop the threat of Dark Mind for good.
Eventually, after Skirby learned how to use copy abilities and became well-equipped to fight thanks to Kirby's help, he then set off to stop Dark Mind's persistent threat. He was able to succeed in this as he found Dark Mind's fragment and destroyed it with the Sword ability. This angered DMK, who then attacked Skirby in attempt to avenge his master, but failed.
Skirby had trained well enough by that point, and was able to beat DMK in a fight. He then told DMK that Dark Mind was a horrible influence on him, and that he was better off without that vile master around to keep convincing him to commit crimes.
DMK scoffed, as he was stubborn and wasn't willing to believe Skirby. He went on to "try to find a way to bring Dark Mind back". But at one point, he gets jumped by both Dark Taranza and Shadow Dedede, who considered him a 'traitor', but luckily Skirby was nearby to help DMK as they teamed up to beat those two and make them go away.
That right there marked the start of when DMK and Skirby started becoming on better terms. DMK initially didn't want to admit it, but he was actually grateful that Skirby helped him out there. It could've gone badly for him otherwise. It took a while for DMK to truly warm up to Skirby, but they eventually became friends. He didn't want to do this at first, but DMK managed to get to the point where he came to terms with not having Dark Mind be a part of his life anymore.
Dark Taranza and Shadow Dedede didn't care to follow suit. They just decided to go on with their lives elsewhere in the mirror world, not caring enough to get along with either DMK or Skirby.
Although despite becoming friends with Skirby, DMK wasn't really interested in redeeming himself. He wasn't interested in becoming a good person, and he didn't care enough to seriously participate in mirror world society. He just wanted to do his own thing and live unplugged from other mirror worlders. He claimed Moonlight Mansion as his home, with the previous residents leaving the place to go elsewhere. Most mirror worlders live far away from Moonlight Mansion now, as it's DMK's residence.
Skirby was fine with this, just as long as DMK isn't complicit in being a threat to the mirror world at large again. Skirby regularly stops by to visit. DMK didn't mind it; he's largely antisocial and doesn't really care to change out of that, but doesn't mind Skirby's company at times.
A lot of the time they have together, they just chill out in peace.
This routine largely continues on even after Star Allies.
DMK initially did not plan to join Kirby and all the other dream friends during the events of Star Allies. And for a little bit, he really didn't even want to. But because the Jamba heart pieces reached the mirror world and threatened the place, DMK felt like his hand was forced. As a matter of fact, it was originally Skirby that was going to leave the mirror world to then presumably join Kirby and co, but DMK decided that he wanted to "put this shit to a stop himself" and made his move.
DMK became the one to leave the mirror world instead of Skirby. He told Skirby to stay in the mirror world to protect it from the Jamba heart pieces that entered it, as DMK then went out to stop the source of the threat, joining Kirby and all the other dream friends in the process.
By the way, during Star Allies is when DMK first became friends with Kirby. It was also when the vast majority of the other dream friends first met him.
After Star Allies, some of the few friends that DMK made decided to occasionally visit him in the mirror world. It was the others of Wave 2 that visited him... Daroach, Adeleine and Ribbon. Skirby met them in the mirror world and became friends with them. Skirby effectively joined the Wave 2 friend group, as he grew a big liking for them all. He then decided to hop out of the mirror world out of interest to meet all the other dream friends later in time.
DMK and Skirby sometimes visit Popstar post-Star Allies. There are times where it's together, and other times when it's just one or the other.
Funny enough, most of the other dream friends get along better with Skirby than they do with DMK. DMK does not give a crap about most of the other dream friends. He's only friends with Kirby, the rest of wave 2, and Flamberge. The only reason he cares enough to visit Popstar sometimes is to visit Daroach and Adeleine, as he considers the former to be his best friend.
Skirby is DMK's second best friend, but they're still buds in a way. Even now, DMK is still antisocial, stand-offish, rude and still not a good person. He's still prone to unnecessarily violence and is not exactly welcome in many parts mirror world society, but he's grown to care about Skirby. Even if he has trouble coming around to admitting it at times, but he in fact does.
Skirby sometimes gives DMK company, and he also works to keep him in line from going too far in doing shitty things. And while Skirby understands why DMK is unpopular amongst most of the other dream friends, he comes around to help stop many fights that DMK has gotten into with some of them, mostly Marx + Wave 3 who DMK has pretty serious beef with.
What a journey these two have had together. The mirror world counterparts of Kirby and Meta Knight have made a decent bond, even if their dynamic isn't quite the same as their regular counterparts.
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aita-blorbos · 29 days
aita for kinda maybe accidentally ending the world? even if i brought it back?
i will try to keep this as brief as possible. it will be difficult.
so i (39 M) am a biologist/cryogenicist who was, a long, long time ago, placed in charge of a project with the aim of evacuating the entire population of earth to get them clear of a massive climate crisis. none of this was public knowledge at the time, because we didn't want to cause a mass panic before we could present a solution.
to make a very long story short, word got out. there was a mass panic. the economy crashed. we didn't have an immediate solution. it was bad, things were bad, and the government ended up shutting the project down largely in an attempt to mitigate the hysteria. it, apparently, just wasn't getting results quickly enough to justify the public outcry.
so that's the bad news. and after that, there was the good news and the weird news.
the good news is that there was a group of uber-rich philanthropists who immediately took to running a similar project, and they wanted our input.
the weird news, is that the bodies we were supposed to be disposing of weren't rotting properly. i got a little obsessed with them, for a bit. and then i realized i could control them. so i did the logical thing and became a twitch streamer before the cia could find out and have me diappeared.
and two things happened.
first, my little twitch empire spiralled a bit until i had large groups of pilgrims camped out on a compound. i did a stint as a faith healer.
and then, my buddies A (35 M) and M (35 F) started looking at the trillionaires' plans a bit more closely, and they realized that the math didn't math. they weren't evacuating the population like we'd originally wanted, they were cutting and running.
things kept happening. the police got mad at us. i made a flesh barricade out of local livestock, which was unpopular but effective. but no one was listening to us. no one was taking us seriously.
but then, the government approached us. not our government, but a government. a big one. i'm not naming names, but their leader had died, and what with all the global unrest they didn't think the country could take a shift in power right then. so they asked me if i could help them deepfake a functional head of office. and i told them i could, for a price. you have to understand, i wanted protection. i wanted to know that i had power, in case i needed to use it. to save the world.
so i asked them for a suitcase nuke. and they gave it to me.
you can probably see where this is going.
to make another, very long story short.
i used it.
i used it because the ships were taking off, they were leaving everyone behind, and no one would listen to me and i was being yelled at and all my friends were dying and i didn't know what to do. and i knew, by that point, that it didn't have to be permanent. and it wasn't.
i didn't get the ships. i haven't gotten them yet. but i brought all the people back. or some of them, anyway. i'm god now, sort of. or that's what they call me. most of them don't know what happened, they just know that i fixed it.
i fixed it.
and as soon as i get those ships, the ones that took off before the bombs, i can fix it for real.
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
What goes on inside Pat's head in eps 6/7?
Or what happens when the brain rot takes over.
Alright so without further ado let me get into the fact that i can't believe this is the first time im seriously thinking about it but what the hell must have all been going through Pat's mind during that gap between their first kiss, their bet on the beach and even beyond that up to that post curry-feeding kiss after his dramatic re-entry as Riam?
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What was all going through his head? We know he's confused and hurt and frustrated, but he also doesn't want to push too much, but he also wants to know what goes on in Pran's head real bad and then the resolution he gets is that Pran clearly seems to like him too, like a heck of a lot, and his extreme backtracking so far back they cant even have a conversation ironically goes to prove just how much Pran was going though and now they have a bet and on the other end there is a relationship....
....there is a relationship right?
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We know pat is sure of his own feelings. He likes pran. He wants to be with Pran. He wholeheartedly wants to go all in. And while he knows Pran likes him back, he knows that pran isn't sure (at that point) if he wants to even go in, let alone ALL in. So then what must have been his mindset while being the goofy boy who was constantly on teasing mode?
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What was behind that smiling exterior, because one thing that the usually confident Pat is insecure about is when it comes to Pran and especially given what happened after the kiss, he must have become at least a tiny bit more wary? (Not really though cos we know Pat is a simple straightforward guy, and he knows that nobody not even his Pran can kiss like THAT without feelings, a guy who goes for what he wants and often acts before he thinks but for the sake of my spiral lets pretend) So then behind that exterior what was his best case scenario? They start dating. But what was his worst case scenario cos for pran, we know he chose the worst (in terms of their relationship) way out cos that seemed like the only one until pat refused to leave without talking about it.
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But Pat won't make that choice to cut off ties (why the heck would he) and now that Pran is ready for the bet, Pran wouldn't either right? But what if pran decides to call off the bet in between? He wouldn't but what if pat randomly has that thought...in some lonely/ insecure moment what if that is one of the horrifyingly depressing thought he has...what if pran likes him more than everything and even that isnt enough because he just can't bring himself to take that step somehow?
Where does that leave him? Did he even have a backup plan for what would happen if their bet didn't work out? If pran didn't come around? What was he gonna do? Were they going to ignore each other? Not talk anymore? Not play around any more? What if each time he comes to play, underneath all the mischief and fun what if there's that underlying fear of what if it's the last time?
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What if it's the last time i'm in his room? What if it's the last time he offers to feed me curry? What if it's the last time I get to help him out with something? What if it's the last time he makes me dinner? What if it's the last time he comes close when i ask him to? What if it's the last time he traces hearts on my face? What if it's the last time i get to touch him? What if it's the last time he looks at me like that?
Are we even comprehending the level of angsty mess Pat could have been that whole time? But he wouldn't be the Pat we (think we) know and love. He loves and he loves loud and he isn't thinking too much beyond their competition and getting Pran comfortable enough to get into a relationship (i could write whole essays about the level of emotional intelligence Pat shows when it comes to Pran especially in episodes 6 & 7, thats not what this is about tho) BUT we all have bad days and negative doom spirals.. who is to say Pat didn't!
Of course it probably wasn't as bad or dramatic as i am making it sound like cos Pran does reciprocate and Pran is not at all attempting to hide (in the same way we see pre episode 6) his feelings for Pat or his investment in the bet but still as long as the bet was on, nothing was set in stone. And also let's not forget just how much it must have hurt when wai came to hand off Pran's guitar. Pran's guitar that Pat had saved and polished and kept safe for him. The one he ran after him, holding. The one he kept safe in his home. His one piece of Pran that he held onto those 3 long depressingly lonely years. And Pran just gave it away to Wai like that? Wai? WAI!??
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Look at my poor baby sitting there all alone with his thoughts, his heart breaking little by little and even then staying silent just so that he won't create trouble for Pran. Who is gonna answer for all of that!??? huh?
* Ooh boy and here come those heart squeezes again I CANT DO THIS ARGHHHH *
And despite all that he kept a mostly cheery exterior, trying to keep it fun and light for pran as much as possible?!?
Not all undermining the fact that patpran did have a heck of a lot of fun during their bet era, several essays worth of fun and meanings to unpack but that's not the point of this post
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Like i'm sorry but there is simply no better man (boyfriend). But also no cos 1. he's fictional duh, there is NO one like pat irl, he's just an impossible version of a man cos despite all his flaws he really did what he did and 2. its actually not healthy what he's doing is it? Repressing his anxieties and radiating joy, equally bad as repressing joy and radiating anxiety like pran was doing, but (argh to sweep it all under the rug the way i usually do unlike patpran who talk shit though and therefore ofc they ended up happy)...
Because of course despite their anxieties both of them knew they could trust in each other and in their feelings for each other, and yes they built that trust over the years but it also was especially given impetus during the bet era so the bet was eventually going to have only a happy outcome but human brains can be weird and can play tricks on you and i was just thinking of the possibility of a time when pat's brain may have tricked him into a whole spiral and what if the bet wasn't as fun for pat as i initially thought it was and now here we are.
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whoregaylorenzo · 9 months
do we have any idea what happened between mavio? oh fellow mavio lover please tell me you have an idea 🥺
oh bestie....*pats seat next to me* we're really in it now aren't we..😭😭
okay there's definitely better ppl to ask this since I've only been here for a few months but I'll tell you what I think I know
disclaimer: a lot of the gaps of my knowledge (so a lot) are filled in with dramatic exaggerations and my own headcanons so don't take it too seriously
1. maverick comes into motogp with one championship under his belt (moto3) and a third place in moto2, from what I've gathered he'd been seen as one of the real next talents, I'm not 100% sure of the timeline but I know I've heard vale mention him as well as marc as someone who could be quick/has a lot of talent
2. he starts off at suzuki (with aleix), gets some good results even a win and a couple podiums and after two years moves to yamaha in 2017 after coming 4th in the championship im 2016
3. he fucking wins his first two races with yamaha, talk about an entry to a team. oh and his teammate was valentino rossi. enough said.
4. mav having a grand time at yamaha, finishing 3rd and 4th and 3rd again (2017,18,19) in the championship. then shit starts going downwards.
5. in 2019, fabio arrives on the motogp stage with the petronas yamaha. he has an amazing first season, getting like 7 podiums and finishing 5th overall.
6. 2020 (ooh getting spicy) so there's a lot of very friendly interactions between mav and fabio from this time, it really seems like they were good buddies, n then preparing to be teammates in 2021, being excited about it!! looking at results tho - even though fabio only finished 8th that year, he won three races, meanwhile mav got one win plus two second places - both behind fabio...
7. so going into 2021 the situation is basically - fabio, boy wonder replacing motogp legend and maverick - not quite being able to fulfill the potential ppl said he had, getting this new teammate, a fast young guy - [threatening music starts playing]
7. and then the season starts off not too bad for mav with a win but after that - forget it. mav getting worse, fab winning and winning and winning. mav starts thinking yamaha have clearly moved on from him and are backing fabio, casting him aside a bit (in his perception, I can't really speak on what really happened I simply wasn't present in the fandom and I've not dove that deep yet), and then ofc it culminates in the whole debacle with mav just having enough of the frustration and doing sth rash, leading to the yamaha fallout and him leaving the team - well being fired really - and going to aprilia
8. as far as I know, it wasn't this alone that broke mavio? I think fabio said sth to the effect of he doesn't really care about mav leaving the team, and then there's a mav quote I think of him saying he's surprised to hear that from fabio
9. and then ofc there's fabio on that podcast this year answering the question "who's the rider you have the worst relationship with" with maverick.
IN CONCLUSION I think a culmination of fabio riding high on success, mav spiraling and lashing out, all that lead to the sorta icy relationship they have now....*sob*
anyway at the bottom of this I gotta add these tags from vic @distinguishedfifty to lighten the mood bc I simply love them uwkfjfkd
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if any motogp mutuals have more to add here or maybe wanna correct me on things pls feel free!!
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laurfilijames · 8 months
Okay, I’m here, I’m making myself comfortable 😌
I’m avoiding SOA talk until I finish season seven, so I don’t stumble onto anything (honestly shocked I’ve managed to stay spoiler free for so long)
So, our man Will Miller… do you have any of your own head cannons for the most reserved of the Triple Frontier boys?
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Ooooo yay!!!!!!! I was so happy to see this in my inbox you have no idea 🤗💗 Sorry it took me so long to answer, I'm hosting family at my cottage this weekend and there are dogs and children everywhere and not a moments peace 😅
Totally fair to avoid SOA talk! I'm glad you've managed to remain spoiler-free until this point!
You bet your ass I have headcanons about the Captain! This man is on my mind day and night and each time I watch TF, more thoughts (and thots) and ideas come up and I simply can't get enough.
So, here's a few I'll share that maybe some will agree with and maybe some won't!
The Miller's had a rough upbringing. Their dad was a drunk and their mom left when they were fairly young, resulting in Will stepping up to care for Benny and making sure he was looked after, earning Will his seriousness and maturity far sooner than he should've.
Because of that, Will was out of that house as soon as possible, having enlisted the day he turned 17.
Growing up, Will taught Benny how to fight and defend himself, making him feel less guilty about leaving his younger brother at home without him when he went away.
Because he saw what happened to his parents, Will doesn't drink much. He doesn't like the loss of control and hates the emotions it stirs up in him when he does have a couple more than he normally would. He will have a beer or two with the guys or enjoy a glass of wine with dinner occasionally, but never enough to even get a buzz. 
He keeps track of everything because it helps him process things. He never wants to forget the things he's done; good or bad. It helps him stay accountable for his actions and he's not the type of guy to kid himself into thinking his position can justify it, and he's learned over the years to acknowledge rather than bury what's happened. The numbers are sort of a certainty for him and help ground him.
Will doesn't sleep well. He suffers from nightmares often, and on nights when they don't happen, he's usually awake on account of his own thoughts. When a nightmare does happen, he wakes up in a full sweat and more often than not it's accompanied by screaming and thrashing around. To help pass the hours when he isn't able to fall back asleep, he'll go for a run to get rid of that anxious energy or hit the 24 hour gym.
I'm one to believe that his relationship with his ex-fiancée wasn't the best, that maybe they had been together since they were young and over the years grew apart and fell out of love as they changed and got older. Will's choice in career caused a lot of stress between them and wedged them apart even more, and unfortunately she took advantage of his deployments to indulge in affairs with men who suited her better. The Publix incident was the last straw for her; she wasn't willing to stick around to try to help him through things and abandoned him completely, leaving him to spiral before picking himself back up again with the help of his brother and friends.
I honestly could keep going but I'll stop there! Please, please, please if you or anyone else has opinions on any of this and wants to discuss it further send me an ask or reblog this. I just love talking about my man 😩💗
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Comparison: I feel like I should change it up with this sort of ask~ so lets compare Kokichi and Shuichi. Both adorable little femboys, both with huge bubble boy butts and cocks that put the rest of the class to shame~
How about their respective girlfriends, Maki and Kaede compare and see which boyfriend is better?~
Warning: lewd content below
“He's better!”
“No he is!”
Both girls got into a heated debate over the sexiness of their spouses. It all started as an ordinary hang out until (as usual) Kokichi made an offhand comment. Not one meant to be taken seriously. It wasn't even meant for either of the two ladies. Yet, it managed to be overheard by the pair, and spiral into the debate currently occurring. And what was that comment? Well, it of course was:
“Hey Shumai, how big’s that dick?”
After that, it transformed into the debate of “which femboy packed more?” and “which femboy was sexier?” Funnily enough neither bit actually wanted the debate to occur, as it was mostly spearheaded by their girlfriends.
“Kokichi’s cock is the biggest in the school. It's obvious who wins.”
“Size doesn't matter…okay well maybe it does but Shuichi also has a better butt! What kind of femboy do you know that doesn't have a sexy ass?”
“The kind that can breed me for hours and still have stamina for more.”
“Shuichi breeds me plenty!”
“You're on!”
“Nishishishi! My bad Shumai, I didn't expect this to happen.” Kokichi teased with a smile as both of their girlfriends began to mount their designated femboy, preparing to settle this competition with a test of stamina.
“...*sigh*...sure you didn't Kokichi…sure you didn't.”
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hrodvitnon · 3 months
Ichi: Drop it.
Rodan: Aww- did I hit a sore spot? Big strong dragon can't stomach being under a little human?
Ichi whips around at him with a snarl on his maw.
Ichi: The fact that you can and willingly do should embarrass you! King Ghidorah does not bow for anyone- much less puny humans!
Rodan throws up a surrender, having clearly pushed Ichi a little too far on the pegging stuff. The 1/3rd Ghidorah grabs his beer from the table, glares at Godzilla, and storms out.
Rodan: Did- did I actually go a little too far there?
Godzilla: Nah, don't worry. He gets cagey like that whenever his ass gets brought into a discussion.
Vivienne: Jeez, is he seriously that insecure about it? Is getting dommed genuinely a hurtful experience for him?
Godzilla: 'Genuinely hurtful'? No, it's not like that- he lets me do it.
Rodan: Jeez of course he does. Just hates humans.
Godzilla: I've heard- whispers- of him exploring himself with others in the past, once I may have even stumbled upon a house party in Rome at the height of the Empire in which he took 6 different gladiators to bed.
Vivienne: Ok putting aside the Roman Empire bit as my brain is not equipped to unpack that information drop right now; you make it sound like he's- scared of intimacy?
Goji leans over his shoulder to check if Ichi was still gone before looking back at the two.
Godzilla: He once let slip during a- shockingly intimate moment we shared long ago that sex with me felt 'too good for him'. Honestly it kinda floored me a bit, I would've never expected a sentiment like that to come from him. In my- shocked state- I made a bad mistake, laughed it off and joked about it. It was an awful thing to do on my part and I couldn't think of anything else but the dumb male mindset of 'get back at my rival at any cost'. I didn't see him for at least a decade afterwards and he gets all shouty if I ever try to bring it up again. So- yeah, I suspect he may be a little frightened of opening up in that way; and when he tried it with me he didn't get good results.
Rodan: Wow.
Mothra: I knew guys could be assholes but jeez, dude.
Goji: Yes, yes- whatever you have to say is probably not worse than what I've said to myself afterwards.
Vivienne: Y'know, I saw the pegging thing as a way to one-up his assholeiness; but now I kinda just feel bad for him.
Mothra: Tell me you at least apologized.
Godzilla: I've tried. He just laughs it off and makes a joke at my expense. Which, honestly; yeah I deserve that.
Godzilla: ...
Godzilla: Oh, also he has two prostates so, like, anal feels like- double good on him. It's bad, pretty sure it's also mind-numbing as he used to just sorta shut off when I got deep enough and he wasn't used to my size yet. Drooling, whining, moaning mess his first few times under me.
Rodan & Mothra & Vivienne: ...
(holy jesus fucking shit this was supposed to be a shitpost about the Ghidorah pegging thing that somehow spiraled out of control into Ghidzilla anal angst??? hello??? i like this too much to delete it and start again so here do what you will with this)
(Y'know... Ichi may have left... but San and Ni are still there.)
Ni: Why not just set up a flashing neon sign of our collective gaping asshole while you're at it?
Rodan: I do notice you two are still here.
San: 'Cause it's illegal to leave your girlfriend's lap while cuddling!
Ni: And it's been long enough that I've more or less gotten over it. No hard feelings... except when your dick is going up my hole, ya fat-knotted bastard.
Vivienne: Well, I don't expect Ichi to come up goading me into proving you right, Rodan. And I certainly don't see myself getting into bed with Ni or San. Especially San.
Maia: Smart woman.
Ni: And why is that again?
Vivienne: Oh, I don't know, remember the time Ichi NEARLY ATE ME?
Ni: ...yeah, that'll do it. Not me though. Did San tell you that he and I wanted to keep you as a pet?
Vivienne, glaring: He mentioned that, yes.
Ni, waggling eyebrows: I expect one of us to wear a collar if you take me for a ride, little lady.
Mothra: In any case, now we know Ichi has his own hangups about intimacy and we shouldn't hold it against him. We're all mates here, some more than others, give or take, and this should be a time of togetherness. Goji, darling, I expect you to be a gentleman should Ichi approach you for a talk, and do try not to give him any lip.
Goji: I know, I know. Sometimes old habits die hard, but I'll do my best to be sweet.
Shimo: *quietly sits in her spot sipping tea*
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namig42 · 3 months
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Part 3/7 of this ask from @inaconstantstateofchange!
Let's discuss my bardic bhaalspawn:
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Her greatest struggle is the dark urges within her, and she spends the entirety of her life after amnesia resisting her evil in order to be good and kind. She's not always successful, but she found a support system to help her through, all while trying to maintain this sense of elegance and strength. She's messy, but does her absolute best to hide that fact behind her poised facade. She may not be a noble, but she will do her absolute best to present herself as one and seem like she is in control.
Let's examine the path if she had been lucky enough to not be born a bhaalspawn.
Vero would've been born into a noble house of high elves and raised to be a proper lady. She would've excelled at her role and taken great pride in it, indulging in the praise and admiration of those around her as she exceeded all expectations. She would be intelligent, articulated in speech, talented in every artform she studied, and revel in her skills and flawless execution of the role she embodied.
Perfection only lasts for so long though, and eventually something would make her stumble, and when she finally did, she'd fall hard. Within her house, she would be seen as too perfect by other family members that would feel threatened by Vero's perfection. The house of the family has a great deal of political power, and if Vero wasn't taken down a notch, she was certain to one day become matriarch and take everything for herself. Vero is normally aware enough to evade any attacks on her character from these jealous family members, but one day she'd eventually miss something. Someone would embarrass her somehow. Perhaps they drug her during a social gathering, sabotage Vero by hurting her or vandalizing her appearance, maybe even go as far as to try shoving her down a flight of stairs and making it look like an accident. Any one of these things would be a notable blight on Vero's flawless reputation, and it would only spiral in Vero's head from there. Even if other's would forget her momentary shame, she wouldn't be able to. She's tried so hard for perfection, but that first stain would always be there, always be remembered by her, and never quite leave.
Vero would fall harder into her expectations, performing them with a bit less grace and ease than before since she was more panicked now, but would still maintain her elegant image to the best of her ability. She'd always be paranoid of trusting anyone, thinking everyone was jealous of her station and out to get her. Being immersed in her household's politics and standards would only ruin her, but it's all she knows. It's all she wants. Vero only knows herself in these expectations. Outside of her role, no one knows her, not even herself. Finding companionship of any kind would be off the table unless Vero could find a way to distance herself from her station. Until then, she's trapped herself in her own mind.
If she still found herself taken by the nautiloid, she'd be just as terrified of being infected and disgusted by the idea. The fact that she'd been tainted by something so disgusting as a parasite would drive her insane, at least until she found others who shared her affliction. The comradery she would find because of the parasite would help her grow and learn more about herself as well as find companionship with people who have no clue who she is and want nothing of her. It's refreshing. She would try to maintain her sense of dignity and elegance for the first few nights, but would find her facade slipping every so often when Astarion confided in her or when Lae'zel made some silly remark that she took completely seriously. Vero found herself laughing with others, caring for others, getting angry at others, and the whole experience would give Vero the idea that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she gave up that status she tried to maintain for so long. Being hung up on the persona she was so dedicated to crafting only hurt her, so perhaps it was time to let go of it and allow herself to be a little more careless, a little more crass, and find a new version of herself that felt more organic. She'd definitely branch out and try things she's never done on her way to Baldur's Gate, and by the time she would reach the city, she would visit her home one last time to say farewell and revoke her position. From there, she'd go off into the world, maybe with a companion or two, ready to learn who she really is outside of all the chaos.
This whole thing was actually what I intended Vero's backstory to be before I started my first durge run with her. I had this whole idea of how the dark urge thoughts surfaced one day when she was young and in her first act of Bhaal, she murdered her family without realizing until it was too late. From there, she fell into the hands of Bhaal and became the Dark Urge, Bhaal's chosen.
That definitely changed when the game gave her lore for me, but I had a plan just in case it didn't.
Before any of that though, Vero was meant to be an actual noble that found herself trapped in her own expectations and ideas of perfection, and would spend the journey to Baldur's Gate learning who she is outside of all of that.
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