#series rewatch: glee
findafight · 9 months
.... Mr Schu's mom is implied to have had an affair with Josh Groban????
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embrythecall · 2 years
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Part 1
(Not mine - courtesy of the fb twilight shitposting group)
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themusesof75 · 1 year
Until Cleuce is restored, let's enjoy this unholy love-triangle!
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thefifthroy · 1 year
glee characters & their succession counterparts:
finn = cousin greg
quinn & kurt = kendall
santana = roman
tina = tom
rachel = shiv
brittany = conor
terri (off her meds): logan
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bituiin · 2 years
does anybody remember when ryan murphy first opened a twt account and he told all the glee fans like "i'll only release certain clips if you get me to a million followers" like hellooo glee was so weird
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demonslayedher · 4 months
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It didn't seem right to skip over episodes I didn't draw recaps for! Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--When making this episode, Ufotable had the advantage of knowing what would come later in the manga. While rewatching it today, I had the advantage of knowing what would come later in the anime.
--By that, I mean the judicious use of Nezuko's lines in Tanjiro's dream in "Kamado Nezuko no Uta" *cough which I was just singing again at karaoke a few hours ago so it's even fresher in my brain cough*
--By that, I also mean the imagery of the field of Nichirin-to, wisteria petals, and dawn-like light as Tanjiro contemplates if he were to become a demon, and how he would trust that someone in the Corp would cut his head off for him --It never gets old how the Shabana siblings are a foil to the Kamado siblings, especially because Tanjiro recognizes how close they were and takes it to heart. I love how Gyutaro took a liking to Tanjiro on account of Tanjiro being laughably pathetic, and by merit of both of them being big brothers. That gives them something to relate to which is totally independent of whether they are demons or humans.
--I love that scene with Gyutaro mocking Tanjiro so much; it's one of those scenes that Ufotable really slowed down and dialed up the drama in, while still making every action make sense and count. One of the most tense conversations in the whole anime, and Gyutaro's glee is palpable. I love that all the names he calls Tanjiro are names that he was called when he was human, and while I don't think Gyutaro is conscious of it, it feels like at some level, he's yelling these things at himself because he's angry with himself for having failed to protect Ume.
--Speaking of, I love how Daki is like, "nuh uh, Oniichan, don't you dare make these two our friends, I hate them" and Gyutaro ignores her because she's an annoying little sister. Such siblings. Also, the way she's just casually sitting totally unphased at the top of the building is the biggest mockery, as it rubs him how useless their hard-earned triumph in the previous episode was. I love how much that theme gets stressed in this series--that is what it means to fight demons!
--Kimetsu logic: don't give us any idea what the characters are doing until after they've already done it. Tanjiro wasn't running away, but instead grabbing a kunai and covering its scent? Oh, ok, cool. Zenitsu had another variation on his one technique and he can only use it twice in one fight? Ok, cool. Inosuke can move his organs and resist poison? You know what, okay. Also, a note of voice acting--I love how heroically deep sleeping Zenitsu's voice is (I'm sure that's how the hero of Legend of Zenitsu always speaks), and how Inosuke is clearly Not Okay.
--Uzui can stop his heart? Sure. Alright. I wonder how much of that was voluntary in the middle of a fight with his little Tsuguko on the line, though--perhaps he also went into that state to prevent himself from bleeding out from his arm? But man, he is no-o-o-o-t looking good, that is truly fighting with desperation, however elated he is to have completed his sheet music technique.
--His wives were watching when he was down on the ground and supposedly dead. ;__;
--Ufotable always has such a challenge to make every Breath technique look amazing and they keep raising the bars. Even though a lot of the height of this battle was just being flashy and yelling at each other, they still had to thing about battle mechanics, like what hits they actually manage to get in on each other (Uzui didn't just lose the eye, he took a nasty hit in the abdomen, too!) and the moment Uzui drops one of his swords. Although a lot of the fighting in this episode is slowed down by character thoughts, if you put it all in sequence, it was very, very quick.
--This entire battle, actually, probably did not take very long. The initial blows exchanged between Tanjiro and Daki took a while, but once it got going with Uzui involved, it was very, very fast-paced. Considering people only started to evacuate during the Daki and Tanjiro battle, and most of them were still there during Nezuko's fight, it was probably very lucky if it was vacated by the time this episode started. We don't know how long Tanjiro was out cold, but hopefully that was enough time for the stragglers to get away before Gyutaro's final attack (but Nezuko saves them, yaaay, I also get to enjoy knowing that Nezuko's fire at the end of this episode because Ufotable made that cool choice too!). Anyway, part of the reason I bring up the speed of this battle is because I am still cross at Ufotable for messing up the timeline by placing this arc in very late autumn, which is should had been in summer, thereby making the night short in the first place--and uncomfortably hot even before you add all the flames! (Added bonus: hot and muggy for the boys when they're in kimono and makeup, because that's funny.)
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qpjianghu · 6 months
Do u have any thoughts on the writing of Shan Gudao? I think earlier on in the series I was pretty excited that maybe Li Xiangyi really did , through his own hubris and difference in the way of seeing the world drove a wedge between him and his brother. Even after he was revealed to be alive I kinda wished he became ‘evil’ through a complex set of emotions and circumstances. I’m not saying SGD is completely 2D I just wonder if we could have had a more of a ‘Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian drifting apart (ie; not pure inferiority complex)’ style tragic slant. Li Xiangyi truly #did nothing wrong, but I kinda wish he was a little #more wrong.
Anyway, I’m sure SGD is still thematically very coherent, but is there anything you’d change/ponder changing about his storyline with LXY, or just your thoughts about this topic.
This is a great callout @lei-llustrations!! The short answer is that I agree, and if I had one criticism of the writing in Mysterious Lotus Casebook it would be this. Jiang Cheng is an excellent example of a protagonist foil with more internal complexity, and Shan Gudao is definitely very one-note. I wonder if part of it is the performance -- Jiang Cheng always projects this sort of buttoned-up rage, whereas Shan Gudao's jealousy presents itself as sadistic glee, which is just not as relatable (and believable) an emotion.
But at the end of the day I still enjoy the character of Shan Gudao as exactly what you said, OP -- a thematically coherent foil even if he's not a realistically coherent person. Because of MLC's overarching exploration of meta-narratives, I think his character works as a performance of villainy -- and maybe it even works better because it's so over-the-top and slightly divorced from reality. In fact, it's interesting to see the shift in the character of Li Lianhua after Shan Gudao's treachery is revealed, and specfically after Shan Gudao outs him as Li Xiangyi in front of all of Tianji Hall in episode 33: Li Lianhua suddenly transforms into the badass hero everyone imagines Li Xiangyi to be. You can actually literally see the change in his eyes from world-weary to steely when it happens:
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(Cheng Yi, you are a marvel)
Or, I should say: When he decides to make that shift. Shan Gudao's grandiose display against Tianji Hall, and his specific call to arms against Li Lianhua, necessitates a turning point for LLH: Now that he's been exposed, will he once again take up the mantle of the heroic Sect Leader Li Xiangyi?
In this moment, he does, but by this point in the show we know that it's just a performance. However, at the end of the day, Li Lianhua still has a kind heart, so he reluctantly puts on the mask of the hero Li Xiangyi in order to save the people of Tianji Hall. As Shan Gudao pontificates about the show's MacGuffin, Li Lianhua agrees to stage the hero/villain performance with him. It even looks like he's literally stepping out onto a stage when he separates himself from the crowd to confront Shan Gudao and his army:
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The scene is badass and triumphant... but it's also, on rewatch, devastating and tragic -- because it marks the moment where Li Lianhua seemingly becomes fatalistically trapped by the narrative he's been so desperately trying to escape. (And that's why I love love LOVE @redemption-revenge's post about Li Lianhua finally escaping the narrative at the end! Importantly in a "bonus" episode, which is... not a "literal" part of the show itself. ;)) Since Shan Gudao is performing as a paragon of villainy, Li Lianhua / Li Xiangyi must rise to meet him. (Yin and yang, in a sense.) And that's why Li Lianhua becomes so fixated on vanquishing Shan Gudao for the remainder of the show, though it feels quite out of character for him -- it's so like a prototypical hero. Shan Gudao's performance of villainy necessitates Li Lianhua's equal and opposite performance of heroism.
Which is so interesting and juicy!!!! because of Li Lianhua's series-long internal struggle trying to escape the hero narrative so many characters try to fit him into. (As @redemption-revenge also talked about here -- clearly we're brainrotting on the same wavelength lol.) In a weird way, I feel like the overall lack of nuance in Shan Gudao's performance of villainy actually allows for even more shades of grey in Li Lianhua's character. Not only does he have to reckon with in-world conflicts and consequences, but he's sort of engaging with the meta-narrative as well: can he escape the narrative that the other characters around him and also the show itself is trying to thrust upon him?
As a potentially controversial aside, this is why I actually loved the Nanyin royal blood reveal. It's so dumb and cheesy and predictable and part of the traditional hero narrative (maybe I'm looking at this through a very American "rags-to-riches" narrative lens, but bear with me here) -- but that's the point, according to the meta-narrative. Our reaction as viewers is also Li Lianhua's reaction. For Li Lianhua, this is the exact opposite of a gratifying, triumphant, and redemptive moment. I haven't gotten up to this in my rewatch yet, so I don't have have specific visuals in mind, but I do remember even from my first viewing the look of utter devastation and resignation of Li Lianhua's face in this scene. It marks the final nail in the coffin of Li Lianhua trying to escape the narrative. Like in epsiode 33 when his identity is finally revealed, Li Lianhua once again resigns himself to following the script of the traditional narrative, which is how/why he ends up heroically sacrificing himself for Fang Duobing and his family.
But anyway, back to Shan Gudao as an effective foil: In addition to serving a purpose for the meta-narrative, I also think Shan Gudao's one-dimensionality also works well with Li Lianhua's internal conflict regarding his feelings of guilt and self-blame. You're right, OP: I wish there was a bit more actual blame to lay on LXY -- though I think we can still blame him for being arrogant (to borrow the loaded iqiyi subtitle term) since he was clearly blind to his shixiong's real feelings, and blind to the feelings of those around him as well (including Qiao Wanmian). Though even if you take the track of Li Xiangyi truly never did anything wrong in his life ever (*heart emoji*), this makes his arc even more tragic. This is why I love him so freakin' much -- he feels less like a character and more like a real flesh-and-blood person. And the reason he feels so real is because he acts in ways that are often contradictory and self-sabotaging and illogical, because he's decidedly not following the traditional (heteronormative hero narrative) script. Even when there is a Grade-A villain right there in front of him to take all of the blame, Li Lianhua doesn't take the bait. He has a prime opportunity to look at Shan Gudao and come to the logical conclusion that he (LXY/LLH) actually did nothing wrong, that he's not to blame for any of the terrible things that have happened to him and to others in his name... but he doesn't take the out. He still refuses to forgive himself, he still internalizes all of the guilt, he is not suddenly "cured" from his trauma. He is so real for that, and it's gut-wrenching.
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castleoflions · 2 months
My gf has been rewatching Glee while she works on a jigsaw puzzle all weekend. (She just hit the fucking Rocky Horror episode 🥴)
Two things I’ve learned:
1. The post-Glee fandom PTSD still lingers lmao
2. I have retained an embarrassing amount of plot knowledge, BTS trivia, and fandom history despite absconding from the fandom over a decade ago
Also hi if you’ve just started following me in the past handful of years, I used to be a Z-list Tumblr celebrity dedicated to the Glee fandom, specifically Brittana. We all fought in the trenches for years against Ryan Murphy’s crazy ass so that those Cheerios could get married by the end of the series, y’all are welcome.
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rudikawhy · 1 month
What are your top five tv shows of all time?
Thanks for the tag @backgroundagent3
The Persuaders! (1971-72)
The Avengers (1961-69, but I like the 1965-67 episodes the most)
Sherlock (2010-17)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013-20)
Großstadtrevier (1986-present; a german tv-series)
I hope I'm not going to regret this list later (Doctor Who!! Friends! Gilmore Girls! Glee!), but I've chosen those I'm most likely to rewatch...
No pressure tags:
@maraudershead @thankdeadgodman @thisweirdkidsnightmare @thewraith-22 @lovelyfanatical @willyouhaveme @avianii @thecrazyone42
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samreiddaily · 1 year
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Indiewire - The 28 Best Film and TV Performances of 2022
Sam Reid, “Anne Rice’s Interview With the Vampire”
"Playing a character like Anne Rice’s Lestat is a complex task. Not only are there legions of fans who expect a certain caliber of terror and romanticism, but Tom Cruise’s performance in the 1994 film is still a hot-button topic. But Reid took on the role with all the force, charm, and horror that Rice dished out in her 1976 book. Audiences first meet him alongside series lead Louis (Jacob Anderson); He’s magnetic, charming, and oozing enough sexual allure to draw in nearly all of New Orleans. But the relationship between Lestat and Louis is described as a “fucked-up Gothic romance” by journalist Daniel Malloy (Eric Bogosian) for a reason, and it’s soon apparent that Lestat’s vampirism isn’t his only problem. Every minute of Reid’s performance here is a master class in manipulation. And when things go bad, and Louis wants to leave, Reid lashes out with fire and anger, but there’s an undercurrent of glee. He wants the audience to know Lestat thrives on emotional violence as much as anyone. It’s a performance I love rewatching, even though I know I shouldn’t."
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Caroline Forbes style guide
For the lovely lovely @lu-luvslestat. I rewatched the pilot while making this and it was so fun. Tvd style is the absolute best and I hope you like this 💜
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First off, we have one of my favourite outfits of hers. perfect for autumn and colder weather
cable knit sweater
cable knit sweater
Pretty in pink
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for this one, i'd recommend pairing with books and earrings or necklaces
pink mini dress
Pleated skirts
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plaid skirts. i think that these fit well with her autumn- like wardrobe. she wears these in dark, neutral colours. pair with plain t shirts and cardigans.
Cropped jacket
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she usually wears cropped jackets over dresses and in formal outfits.
Lemon yellow
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this really reminds me of this one outfit Quinm from glee would wear lol. the yellow goes great with her blonde hair. pair with a grey cardigan and tennis shoes
another dress
darker look
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I really like the darker colour pallete for this one.
Bar look
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this dress is perfect for going out to restaurants or bars or just anything in general. I love how light and pretty it looks ans the colour and lace
My all time favourite
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this is my favourite one of her outfits, and just in the entire series in general. I love plaid and her hair is pretty too. Pair with the first pair of jeans or a mini skirt and boots
plaid shirt
Overrall style notes
mini skirts
mini dresses
high boots
lots of cardigans
wrap dresses and tops
cropped jackets
I really hope that you like this @lu-luvslestat 💕 I had a lot of fun making it and it reminded me of how much I love the style in this show
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euryalex · 5 months
people you'd like to know better tag ♥
i was tagged by @dekarios and @mercymaker tysm!!
three ships Hm I'll have to go with Evie Frye/Henry Green (Jayadeep Mir) first and foremost, because I'm still in an Assassin's Creed Syndicate mood 🤪 Then, Tara Lunarsong/Wyll Ravengard who I'm currently shoving into an Assassin's Creed AU - oopsie !! Hmm for the third ship... I actually have no clue xD I guess I'll go with Hanna Marin/Caleb Rivers from Pretty Little Liars xD
last film I think it was Cult of Chucky? I may be wrong because I have an awful memory oopsie
currently watching Lost track of which Pretty Little Liars episode I was on :/ Besides that I'm rewatching Season 5 of BBC Ghosts, Glee whenever I feel like it. Soon, hopefully, I'll watch The Last Voyage of the Demeter again!
currently reading Perfect by Sara Shepard, from the Pretty Little Liars series xDD The books are def better than the show.
currently consuming Reading @mercymaker's fics and leaving silly little notes :3 Also writing my own fic as the AC Syndicate obsession continues. Besides that... Not much else, sadly :/
currently craving I recently ate so... Not really craving anything?
tagging @xbaebsae @isobel-thorm @courierseis @cetra @paarthursass @firstaidspray @chainsawsangel @the-angel-of-punk @alexios and anyone else who wants to do this ^-^
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daughter-of-melpomene · 2 months
🌟 + Audrey Beiste for the 10 facts!!
Ahhhhh, an ask for one of my newest babies, thank you so much, Grace!! (And I shall also tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs since she also asked for this with Audrey, as well as the other Glee lovers @ginger-grimm, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, and @manyfandomocs!! <3)
Tina very quickly becomes Audrey’s best friend after she moves to Lima with her aunt; despite being the exact opposite of a Goth, Audrey loves Tina’s whole aesthetic, and Tina finds Audrey’s determined optimism very refreshing and endearing.
During the New Directions’ “Born This Way” number, where they all wear t-shirts with things they don’t like about themselves written on them, Audrey’s shirt reads White Whale, after a mean nickname she was given by bullies at her old school.
Audrey really loves card magic, even if she isn’t very good at it herself; sometimes she’ll spend hours watching videos of it on YouTube, or rewatching the performances of card magicians who were on America’s Got Talent.
She and her father often exchange letters - despite the fact that he’s in jail, he really is ultimately a good guy who loves his daughter and is glad she has a good life with Shannon, and Audrey loves her dad as well.
Audrey is actually bi! She’s known since she was pretty young and came out to her aunt when she was only eleven, and of course Shannon was incredibly supportive and loving (and, of course, Audrey is also incredibly supportive when her aunt becomes her uncle years later).
She isn’t much of a person who swears, and always tries to find alternatives for curse words, some of which wind up being kind of funny to hear (such as when she uses flicking in place of fucking).
Audrey loves strawberries and strawberry-flavored anything - strawberry ice cream, hard candies, popsicles, you name it, she’ll definitely eat it, along with the actual fruits themselves.
She’s a big fan of Minnie and Mickey Mouse, often wearing outfits that are inspired by Minnie, and the first Halloween after she and Finn get together, she definitely convinces him to do Mickey and Minnie for a couples costume with her.
Her love language is definitely physical touch, both for giving and receiving - my girl loves hugs, giving them and getting them, and she gives amazing ones, too.
She really loves learning about different heists throughout history, and definitely watched every episode of the History series History’s Greatest Heists with Pierce Brosnan when it came out.
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send me an oc and i’ll give you ten facts about them!!
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onceuponalegendbg · 5 months
It is actually impressive, I’ve never seen a character full of so much anger and self loathing in a live action series as Quinn Fabrey.
She’s got so much internalized everything. Genuinely, this girl is the one I would recommend for therapy out of all the Glee cast.
I’m not even to this point in my rewatch of the the show yet but I’ve never forgotten “I just want someone to love me.” Like baby girl…
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spaceorphan18 · 4 months
hi Pam, I just wanted to say that I love reading your thoughts! although I have largely moved on to other things and only keep one eye on the Glee fandom, I still check your blog regularly. so please keep having opinions :) and i hope the music retrospective is gonna make a come back some day :) and one more thing, reading what you say about fandom history is making me so glad i came into glee years after it finished. i couldn't handle the stress of watching it in real time lol. oh and I'm still laughing about this quote: "This was about the time the Brazilians showed up." So dramatic 😂
Hi!! This message is so sweet, thank you!!
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Yes - I do plan on continuing the musical retrospective! Sorry, between the holidays and work and being sick I just haven't been able to work on all the projects I like. But thankfully my vacation is here after tomorrow! And I do plan on getting all my projects going again. :)
Also - maybe next time I rewatch in fully, I'll do a glee history series for y'all! (or... maybe I'll find time to do another podcast lol)
Glad I could make you laugh - and glad my opinions aren't making all of you mass exodus out of here.
Stay well and warm, Nonny (or cool if you live in hotter climates.) <3
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phoebe-delia · 7 months
Get to Know You Game
Thank you lovely @bozuri for the tag! I'm gonna tag anyone who wants to play! Tag me I wanna see your answers!
Last Song: the Glee cover of "Tightrope" by Janelle Monáe. (listen, the only people allowed to hate Glee are the ones who watched through at least season 3. Because no one hates Glee more than Glee fans. And there is some truly FIRE music, but that's another post).
Fave Color: Purple!
Currently Watching: I'm rewatching a documentary series about U.S. presidential races lol
Last Movie: Elemental
Currently Reading: Drarry, as usual, plus lately I've been getting into Roy x Jamie from Ted Lasso, though I've just done short fics so far.
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory for me! I usually gotta be in the right mood for sweet things.
Last thing I googled: "Survivor by Destiny's Child" because my friend hadn't heard it before and I was playing it for them and they asked what year it was released (2001, if you're curious).
Current Obsession: ...The Glee version of "Tightrope" and Roy x Jamie fanfic LOL
Currently working on: Secret Fic Things :)
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