#security camera singapore
techcomengineering · 3 months
Smart Surveillance for a Smart Nation: The Advantages of Singapore CCTV
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As Singapore continues its journey as a smart nation, the deployment of advanced technologies has become crucial in various aspects of society. Among these technologies, Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems play a significant role in smart surveillance. This article explores the advantages of Singapore's CCTV systems in the context of building a smart nation, highlighting their contributions to public safety, efficient resource management, and enhanced situational awareness.
Proactive Security and Crime Prevention:
Deterrence: Singapore's CCTV systems act as a powerful deterrent against criminal activities. The visible presence of cameras creates a perception of constant surveillance, dissuading potential offenders and reducing the likelihood of crimes in public spaces.
Predictive Analytics: Integrated with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, CCTV systems can analyze video feeds in real-time. This enables the identification of suspicious behavior or unusual patterns, allowing for early intervention and prevention of potential security threats.
Real-Time Monitoring and Incident Response:
Swift Emergency Response: Singapore's CCTV systems enable real-time monitoring of public spaces, facilitating rapid response to emergencies. Operators can promptly identify incidents such as accidents, fires, or medical emergencies, allowing for timely assistance and reducing response times for emergency services.
Situation Awareness: By providing live feeds and situational awareness, CCTV systems assist security personnel in assessing and managing dynamic situations. This enhances their ability to make informed decisions and respond effectively to evolving security challenges.
Optimal Resource Allocation and Management:
Crowd Management: CCTV systems aid in crowd monitoring and management, particularly in high-traffic areas or during major events. By analyzing crowd density and movement patterns, authorities can allocate resources efficiently, ensuring public safety and minimizing congestion.
Traffic Control: Singapore's CCTV systems contribute to intelligent traffic management. They help monitor traffic flow, detect congestion, and identify traffic violations. This data is crucial for optimizing traffic management strategies, improving road safety, and reducing commute times.
Integration with IoT and Smart City Initiatives:
Sensor Integration: CCTV systems can be integrated with other Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors. This integration enables the detection of environmental factors such as smoke, temperature changes, or flooding. By combining data from multiple sources, authorities can respond promptly to emergencies and mitigate potential risks.
Collaborative Security Solutions: CCTV systems serve as a foundation for collaborative security solutions. They can be integrated with access control systems, intrusion detection systems, and central command centers, creating a connected ecosystem that enables seamless information sharing and coordinated responses.
Data-Driven Insights for Decision-Making:
Analytics and Pattern Recognition: Singapore's CCTV systems generate vast amounts of data. Through advanced video analytics, this data can be processed to derive valuable insights. Pattern recognition algorithms can identify trends, hotspots, and recurring incidents, helping authorities make informed decisions to prevent future security breaches.
Evidence and Investigation Support: CCTV footage serves as critical evidence in investigations. The high-resolution recordings captured by these systems can be analyzed to identify suspects, establish timelines, and reconstruct events accurately, enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts.
Singapore's CCTV systems are an integral part of building a smart nation, offering numerous advantages in terms of public safety, efficient resource management, and enhanced situational awareness. Through their role in proactive security, real-time monitoring, and integration with smart city initiatives, these systems contribute to Singapore's vision of a technologically advanced and safe society. By leveraging the power of smart surveillance, Singapore continues to strengthen its position as a leading smart nation and create a safer environment for its residents and visitors.
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hypercomsg · 5 months
Singapore, known for its effective governance and technical breakthroughs, places a high value on safety and security. Singapore's proactive attitude to security measures and technological integration has made it necessary for both residential and business settings to adopt high-quality Security Surveillance Solutions in Singapore.
Different Types of Security Cameras
Dome Cameras
Dome cameras are among the most common types of security cameras. Their housings, which are dome-shaped and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, give them a delicate appearance. The uncertainty created by the dome design makes it difficult for potential attackers to determine the orientation of the camera. These surveillance cameras are ideal for situations that require an unobtrusive yet consistent security presence.
Bullet Cameras
The term "bullet cameras" refers to their long and cylindrical shape. They are commonly utilized to travel long distances and are easily identifiable. These cameras are waterproof, so they can be utilized for outside surveillance. They boost security by acting as a visible deterrent to intruders because to their noticeable appearance.
IP Cameras (Internet Protocol Cameras)
Data is transferred via an internet network via digital video cameras known as IP cameras. They allow remote access, high-resolution images, and real-time monitoring via computers or cell phones. These cameras' adaptability allows for easy installation and integration into existing networks.
Wireless Cameras
Wireless cameras are simple to install and move since they do not require large amounts of wiring to function. They enable variety in terms of location by transmitting data via Wi-Fi connections. These cameras are suitable for use both indoors and outdoors, especially in areas where wiring installation is problematic.
Read More: Understanding the Need for Security Surveillance Solutions in Singapore
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buy-time-lapse-camera · 10 months
The Top 4 Time Lapse Cameras Reviewed
We review the best time lapse cameras for creative videography this year. Capture stunning footage of city scenes, nature and events with compact, durable cameras built to produce cinematic time lapse films.
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buy-peephole-camera · 10 months
Peephole Camera Options for Your Home Security
Discover the top peephole cameras for monitoring your front door. See, hear and speak to visitors for added security and peace of mind with a user-friendly peephole camera.
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syncedsg · 1 year
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The Best Baby Monitors of 2023
A baby monitor can make you feel at ease as your baby sleeps, providing you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your baby is safe and sound. With a range of models in the market, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you and your baby.
To you, a baby monitor can mean alerting you to a crying baby or checking in on them without sneaking around on your tiptoes, allowing you to get the rest you need. In either case, a baby monitor is essential for any nursery and it's something you should invest in.
We’ve got you covered with the best baby monitors, so you can grab that much-needed break, without worrying about your baby's safety. Whether you need a basic monitor or a more advanced model, our selection will have the perfect one for you.
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lewisyellowhelmet · 6 months
pursuit of happiness
lewis hamilton x actress!reader
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summary: 18+!!!! general m/f s*x acts. reader is a well known actress with a recent scandal, who escapes to lewis for some peace.
read everything else here!
In Singapore, the heat clings to her. Even in the airport, with her sunglasses on, head down, overly focused on the boots of the security guard in front of her who steps a path through the crowd, she can feel the humidity. The flashes of the cameras makes her ears ring, a threatening headache quickly becoming ominously real. 
She remembers when this onslaught made her giddy, when she would try and meet everyone's eye, smile, shake hands. Always new places, always new people. The shame of walking with her face lowered, crowded in by looming men, makes her want to be sick. Still, the questions screamed at her have long become too prying, the autograph hunters too needy, the photographers too scary. 
The car is waiting for her, sleek and black. She’s hustled from the opening doors of the terminal, into the warm bath of tropical air, and then into the air conditioning, leather seats. The door slams behind her, enclosing her in the cab, and the driver is already pulling away, leaving a throng of people half spilling out into the road after her. She knows what they want. She won’t give it to them. 
The hotel room is empty. But there are leftover parts of him. A used towel in the bathroom. A watch next to the beside table, silver and chunky. There’s a yoga mat on the balcony. Her phone is buzzing, maddeningly. She has a sudden urge to throw it off the building. She puts it in the mini fridge instead, on silent. The king bed is expansive, crisp and white. The air in the room is cool and artificial, whirring reliably in the ceiling. When she crawls into bed, the sheets still smell like him. He sleeps on the left, and she tucks his pillow into her body, imagines the feel of his skin on hers, the rustle of his hair, the press of his hand. She falls asleep, bathed in bright sunlight. 
When she wakes, the room is dark, and there’s someone walking around. She is not unused to strangers in her space, interfering with her things, minders and assistants and stylists. If she snoozes her alarm too many times, someone will always come in, open the blinds, waft a coffee under her nose. But this person is sitting beside her now, covering her hand with their own, warm and solid. She blinks open sticky eyes. Lewis is smiling, reaching to stroke the hair off her face. It’s a new colour, bleached and cut short, for the new part that will start filming next week. 
  “It’s quarter past seven,” Lewis says. He always wakes her with the time. A way to centre herself, to adjust. It’s fifteen minutes past seven here, in Singapore, where she is, with him. Her mouth feels dry, her tongue thick. Her limbs are lazy. 
  “How long have you been here?” She says, slurring her words. 
  “Only a few minutes. I’m about to go to dinner if you want to come.” 
  “I don’t want to go anywhere.” 
Lewis looks disappointed in her, for a moment, but the expression passes off his face like it was never there. Shame curdles in her belly. The headache is still striking against her temples. 
  “It’s a private place, there won’t be any photographers,” Lewis says. 
  “But people will know.” 
Lewis strokes over her head a final time, his hand solid and welcome, “Yes, probably.” 
  She groans, and rolls away from him, so he can’t see how her eyes are getting wet and sore. She wants to crawl deeper into the bed and never come out, never be seen by anyone else. The bed shifts as Lewis stands up. 
  “I don’t know how long I’ll be,” he says. 
  “Wait,” she says, muffled, but doesn’t remove her head from where it’s stuffed into the pillow. The fabric is getting damp around her mouth. She can’t get enough oxygen. She can feel him watching her. 
  When she lifts her head up, she’s breathing hard. Her headache throbs. 
  “Let me get dressed,” she says. 
The restaurant is at the bottom of the hotel, easily accessible to the public, but the host guides them to a private room that has windows into an enclosed garden, a water feature trickling. Lewis is handed a completely vegan menu. She doesn’t feel hungry at all, it’s the middle of the night in L.A., and orders a vodka soda. 
  “He said the marriage was over,” she says, when she can’t hold it in any longer. Lewis is chewing polenta. He looks at her for a long time. He’s ordered an expensive bottle of red wine, which she knows she will drink most of. 
  “Did you believe him?” He asks, eventually. She stares at the three scallops in front of her, picturesque on their clean pink shells. 
  “Yes,” she says. 
Her voice is sticking in her throat. She has to eat a scallop so she doesn't start to cry. 
  “I guess he’s a good actor.” 
Lewis laughs, and she has to smile. The ice in her vodka soda rattles as she sucks down the last of it. 
  “How did it start?” Lewis asks. 
She thinks about saying she doesn’t want to talk about it, that it’s too hard, but his expression is earnest and his eyes are dark and liquid and she wants to dive into them, curl up around his pupil and rest there. 
  “We went out in Rome one night. The other actors and crew as well, but everyone started to head back and we went to this bar in the old city. He touched my knee. He was so nice and interested in me and he promised that he didn’t even live with her anyone, they just pretended so the kids would’t have to deal with the media. He even said the kids were fine with it, everyone was happier now. We walked back to the hotel. He invited me to his room for a drink. I wanted to go, you know. I wanted him to ask me.”
  She has been telling most of the story to the garden and it’s fountain. It’s hard to look at Lewis. He listens carefully. 
  “We slept together every night of the shoot after that. We tried not to let it show on set but it was pretty obvious. One weekend we went to Venice, and the photos. I’m sure you saw them. It was fucking everywhere. I was so angry at him for letting it happen but of course he had no control. No one does. His wife called. We couldn’t leave the hotel because there were so many photographers. Somehow people even got in so I couldn’t leave the room. The security from Rome had to come all the way out and get us. Then his wife somehow got my number.”
  She hasn’t been able to delete the texts yet. She’d read them on the flight to Singapore even, scrolling through. The marriage, it seemed, was not over. 
  “Anyway, we finished the shoot. I went back to L.A., he went to London. He called a few times but. It wasn’t the same. I couldn’t stop thinking about his kids. How much they must hate me. Still,” she shrugs, and tries to smile, but imagines it as ugly and painful, “good press for the movie, I guess.” 
  The waiter has come in, discreet, and pours her a glass of wine, clears their entrees. Her throat feels sore and thick. Lewis is quiet, thanks the man. 
  “Why did you come here?” He asks, after the door has shut with a muffled sound, and it is just them, the wine, and the trickling water. 
  She laughs, but it sounds wet. 
  “I have no idea. You offered. I needed to get away from L.A.”
He sips his wine, and she forgets to look away when his tongue darts out to smooth over his bottom lip as he puts the glass down. 
  “I’m sorry that happened to you,” he says, calm and steady. The sympathy makes her stomach turn over. 
  “Don’t say that, it’s my own fault.” 
Lewis shakes his head, and looks so sad she has to pick up her own glass, take two big mouthfuls, let it stain her mouth. 
  “How’s the season going?” She asks, to change the subject. He sighs. The waiter comes back in with their mains. Somehow they begin talking about something else, careful guided away from both her affair and F1. She almost manages to forget whats happened. 
She stands in the elevator facing so she can watch the numbers climb up as they soar into the sky. The food has pushed the headache momentarily away, and the alcohol is making her loose limbed. Lewis touches her waist gently as they leave the elevator and begin the short walk down the corridor to his suite. Only when he unlocks the door and steps aside for her to go in first does she remember to say, “Did you want me to get my own room?”
 “Don’t be stupid,” he says, “Old friends, right?”
  She laughs as she follows him in, “Sure, old friends.” 
They finish the bottle of wine on the balcony, the heat still thick and clinging. The city moves around them, engines revving, lights changing. She throws her bare legs over his lap, and he strokes her shin, the callouses on his palm soothing. They talk aimlessly, small jokes, old gossip. She wonders if her phone has frozen in the minifridge yet. Which agent or manager has boarded a plane to come and collect her. Lewis starts to yawn when the moon is high, and they go back inside to the air-con. 
She showers first, the water and citrus body wash sluicing the days sweat off her, remaking her, clean and new. Lewis’s toiletries are spilled over the counter. She lifts his bottle of cologne to her nose while she brushes her teeth. 
  When he takes his turn in the bathroom, she flips through the channels on the big television, tucked into the crisp sheets, propped up against too many pillows. The TV is the only light in the room, flickering and constantly changing. She feels exhausted, and like sleep has never been further away. She has not retrieved her phone from the fridge. They’ll find her somehow. They always do. 
Lewis wears soft pyjama pants to bed, low on his hips. She's wearing one of his t-shirts. They’re wet hair tangles as she slouches into his shoulder, tucked into the crook of his armpit while they watch Singaporean news. During the entertainment portion, an image of her in her huge sunglasses at the arrival terminal pops up. She looks pale and sickly in the video. Lewis turns the television off. 
  “It’s okay,” she says, interrupting him saying, “I’m tired, anyway.” 
  “What are you doing tomorrow?” She asks, still leaning against him. His arm is around her, heavy and solid. She feel his chin against her skull. 
  “It’s the race. I’ll be out all day.” 
  “When do you have to leave?”
  “Whenever they come and fetch me.” 
  “Maybe if you stayed for the race. Came to the grid. We could make sure you get interviewed, it might distract everyone from. What’s just happened.” 
  She turns her face into his chest, wanting to become one of his tattoos, imprinted on his skin. 
  “Or not,” he says, quietly.
  “I can’t think about it right now,” she says. 
  “Okay,” he soothes. He’s touching her hair, the wrong colour, the wrong length. She feels outside of her own body, even as she tries to cram into his. She touches his stomach, just her fingertips, scratching lower to the line of his waist, his hips bones. He says her name against her forehead, his lips brushing over her skin. 
  “We don’t have to,” Lewis says. 
  “Do you want to?”
  “Of course,” he breathes. 
  “I want to,” she says. 
She lets her head fall lower over his chest, down his abdomen so she can drag her mouth over the muscle there, kiss over his navel, the brush of hair under her mouth as she finds the waistband of his pyjamas. Lewis is sighing and twitching, his hand in her hair. The pressure is familiar, no push, just a warmth. She can feel him against her chin as she laves her tongue over his hip, already hard and wanting. His skin is goose bumped, anticipating. She never wants it to end, wants to keep him dangling on the edge, waiting and waiting. 
He lifts his hips for her to wriggle his pants off him, down the muscle of his thighs, the curve of his knees. Lewis grabs at her (his) t-shirt, pulling it over her head and off so he can sweep his hands over her shoulders, cup her breasts in his hands, smiling dopely at her as his thumbs swipe over her nipples, make her gasp. His cock stands red against his belly, leaking wet. She lowers her head to lick up the length of it, suck him into her mouth, salty and hot. He groans, and his hands tangle in her hair, guiding her rhythm. It’s so easy to fall back into it, remembering him, one hand around the base of him, the other against his hip, bracing herself. He keeps her hair out of her face, mumbles nonsense to her, about how good she is, how amazing it feels. She pulls off to drool over him, let him see the mess he’s made, lick kitten like at the swollen tip. Lewis moans, instinctual from his chest. 
  “Baby,” he says, hips knocking up unconsciously, “Baby, please.” 
  “What do you want?” She asks, her hand slicking up and down the length of him, the sounds lewd. 
  “I want you. I just want you. So badly, please.” 
  “Where do you want me?”
  “Anywhere,” he’s grinning, mouth wet, cheeks flushed, “Anywhere.” 
She sits herself up on her knees, and he whines as she lets go of him, takes his face in her hands. He kisses her messy and desperate, his tongue between her teeth. He drags at her hair, and the tingling pain of it makes her groan into him. 
  His hand between her legs, stroking, spreading her wetness. She has to stop kissing him to breathe, their noses knocking together, dropping her head into the crook of his shoulder to pant as he slips a finger into her, another, crooks them just right and fucks her with his hand. 
  “I know,” he croons, as she shudders against his chest, “I know, feels good, huh?” 
  “Yes,” she gasps, meeting his hand with her hips as an orgasm curls in her belly, “It’s s’good.” 
  “Come for me, baby,” he whispers against her ear, his mouth hot. She keens and falls limp against him, sat half in his lap as she comes, his hand trapped between her legs. Her body keeps rocking unconsciously against him as she settles, breathing in the smell of him, feeling the pulse of his jugular against her mouth. 
  Lewis soothes her, kissing the side of her face, the line of her bare shoulder, his fingers still tucked inside her. She can feel the way their skin is sticking together with sweat already. She doesn’t mind it.
  She reaches between them, where he’s resting against the inside of her thigh, hot and stiff, flinching when she rubs her thumb over the tip. 
  “You want me?” She asks, can’t look him in the eye, her head under his chin. 
  “Yes,” Lewis breathes, fucking into her hand, “Always.” 
She shifts, gets her leg over his hip so she’s hovering above him, nudging the head of his cock against herself, teasing. Lewis is breathing hard, his chest shiny, his shoulders big. He’s watching her with big, dark eyes. When she lets him inside, he curses. Fists curling into the bedsheets. 
  It feels otherworldly, having him slip into her, thick and long and good. Fills her up in a way she can never explain. It knocks the breath out of her. Her knees press into his hips, her head drooping down to press her forehead against his. His mouth is open, pink and bitten. 
  “Oh my god,” she rasps, pulling herself up and down again. He slides deeper the second time. Lewis groans, and screws his eyes shut. His big hands find her waist, grabbing at her bum, helps her lift herself and drop down, finding a rhythm. 
  “Oh, fuck,” he pants, “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck.” 
She loses the strength to speak, lets him fuck up into her, her arms around his shoulders. She cries out when he moves, stays inside her as he lays her out on her back, pulls her legs out and wide so he has the space to drive into her, keep her there, half crying and writhing. It’s so good it blinds her. 
  “Is that what you wanted? Is this what you needed?” Lewis is asking her, he’s slowing down so she feels every thrust, right to the core of her. She struggles to prop herself up on her elbows, watching where their bodies meet, a perfect coupling, his hips knocking into hers. 
  “Yes,” she tells him, grabbing at the muscle of his bicep, yanking him down so she can kiss him, still telling him yes, yes, yes. 
  She comes again, flat on her back, her knees over his shoulders, adrift in the ocean of him, trusting him to fuck her through it, go easy on her when she starts to shake. 
  “It’s okay,” he murmurs, bent low over her, his mouth by her jawline, “You’re okay, you’re so good, you feel so good.” 
  She holds onto him, anchored by him in the swathe of bedsheets, in the mess of her life. 
  “Please,” she asks, wrapping her legs around his waist, urging him in closer, deeper. She does’t know what she’s asking for. To keep going? To save her? To take her far away?
  Lewis’ movements hasten, an urgency to him as he lets go, his thumb holding her mouth open so he can pant the same air. She twists her hand into his braids, holds him there, gazes up at him as he pushes into her, again and again. His face goes euphoric, and she holds him tight against her as he comes, not looking away from her, his eyes dark and endless. 
She doesn’t sleep. Lewis breathes slow and deep, his arm over her stomach. She watches the city, curtains left open, and tries not to think about her phone in the fridge. The effect of the wine is ebbing, and everything feels starkly real and horrible again. Her legs are sore from the weight of Lewis bending her, having her, but it’s a good pain, a reminder that she has used her body. She finds herself touching his hand, his fingers, the metal of his rings. She could stay in the hotel room forever, if she wanted. Pass the time rotting away until he returned for next years race, and the next, and the next. Never take her phone out. Swim in the infinity pool. Order room service. She turns her face from the skyline, away from the daydream. 
  Lewis is angled towards her, young and ethereal in sleep. His lips are parted, jaw relaxed. She wants to kiss the very tip of his nose. It used to be like this all the time. When the television show had summer breaks, and she could just go wherever he was. Follow him around like a dog, panting at his heels. But then the breaks were filled with other projects, and then she was so busy there wasn’t even time for the show. Standing for the applause at Cannes with an empty seat beside her. Not being able to reach him for hours after because the race was delayed. Holding that heavy award in her hand, looking out over a sea of cameras and her peers, trying to call him as soon as she was off stage and it ringing through ten times before she gave up. 
  The man she’d had an affair with had asked her about Lewis. If he had to be half mad to drive the car around and around in circles that fast. Only a quarter mad, she’d said, and changed the subject. It felt wrong to hear Lewis’ name in his mouth. They accessed two different parts of her. Even in the middle of it, she knew the man was only activating something primal and childish in her, a lavishing of attention that made her feel special. Lewis, rather, made her see the worst sides of herself, encouraged her to turn and face them. He would dig under her skin, lift scabs, push her forward even when she wanted to go back. 
It’s difficult to wake in the morning. The sky is grey and low, rain patterning the window. Lewis is naked, digging through his jeans to find his phone that’s ringing an endless alarm. She rolls over onto the side of the bed he’s vacated. When he returns, the phone silenced, he slides into what little space she’s left, arranging her limp body half on top of him. He’s soft and close and warm. She tucks her face into his shoulder, breathes him, thinks about baring her teeth and biting. 
  “I have to be out in fifteen minutes,” he tells her, his voice rumbling through his chest. She whines and clings like a child. 
  “You can’t distract me today,” Lewis says, but his voice is soft and concerned, “I have the race.” 
  “I might be gone by then.” 
She feels him sigh, her head rising and falling with his chest. 
   “Well, try not to be,” he says. 
 Maybe she can get one more day. If she hides, if she doesn’t answer her phone. 
  “Should I come?” She asks, half hidden by his neck. He goes still, but his voice is calm and measured. 
  “If you want to. I’d like that.” 
  “If people see you and me together. You know what they’ll say.” 
He laughs, and she lifts her head up to see the way his eyes shine and crinkle, “Let them say it.” 
  She kisses the corner of his mouth, and then the other side. He’s smiling. 
  “I have nothing to wear,” she says. Lewis rolls his eyes. 
  “You have all day to find something.”
  “I can’t go out.”
  “Why not?”
She frowns at him, “They’ll see me.”
  “Who? The paparazzi? The crowd? Who cares. It’s done now. The only thing you can do now is keep going.” 
  She sits up, and off him. The sheets fall from her chest and she watches Lewis try not to stare at her tits. 
  “That’s a bit harsh,” she says. 
  “It’s the truth.” 
The alarm starts going again, vibrating across the carpet, forgotten next to his jeans. Lewis throws the covers off, and makes for the shower, snatching the phone off the floor on his way. She sits back against the pillows, turns to watch the rain. The only thing you can do now is keep going. 
She tells only who needs to know that she’s going to the race. The heat is heavy and palpable. Her feet hurt in the heels, but the dress is cool where it swishes around her ankles. Someone knew someone who knew a stylist in the city, and a hair and make up artist was quick to be summoned to the room. 
  “Just make me look good,” she’d told them, and then sat quietly, let them prod and poke at her until when she looked in the mirror again, she saw no-one. A facade. An actress. The Rubik’s cube of herself she could present to the world. She smiles. She retrieves her phone from the mini fridge. 
She likes the beat in time when people realise it’s her, and before they lift their phones to take a photo. A swell in time, like the lip of a wave about to crash. Then there’s screaming, camera flashes, people calling her name. She lifts her chin and keeps moving, guided by a man in a Mercedes shirt. She refuses to think about how much the pictures will sell for to the magazines, or about twitter threads, or even what the pit crew lean to whisper to each other. Lewis is waiting for her in the garage. She has pride of place. There are more cameras on them then the track. His suit is pushed to his hips, and she can see the thrill gleam in his eyes. She smiles. She does not look at the cameras. She lets him take her into his chest. She is the one who looks up at him, and kisses him. 
Let them see. Let them all see. 
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charles-leclerizz · 3 months
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🏁 Content warnings : Swearing.
🏁 Spoiler alert : Please read the masterlist, Character sketch and Team sketch to understand.
🏁 Genre : Drama, Action, Sports
🏁 Reading time : 15 minutes, 6 seconds
🏁 Word count : 3.0.k (3021 words)
🏁 Chapter summary : It all begins now.
🏁 Author's note : So, this is it, welcome to the beginning of this wild ride. Just wanted to explain a few things [so skip this right now if you're not really interested, no hard feelings !] Now, this format is probably confusing, basically the first part of this is the trailer, how it would look on Netflix, the actual video/film. And the writing after the banner, Behind the Scenes, is literally behind the scenes, what isn't shown on camera. Second, this whole series is meant to be very dramatic, it's entertainment made by "Netflix" [not really, please don't sue me] for God sake. With all that said, Enjoy!
Masterlist · 🪷 Aisha · 🪷 Porsche F1 Team · 🪷
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[Please play this song whilst reading the trailer & feel free to stop once we get behind the scenes with the drivers !]
The screen fades from black to show a Porsche F1 car skidding down the track, the sound of screeching rubber against the tarmac harmonises with the energetic music that pumps behind the video.
Circular shots of a driver climbing out of the car from different angles flash across, and just before they tug off their helmet the scene changes to the paddock, pit crew, mechanics and drivers rush past in a blur, their differently coloured uniforms merge together like lights in a city scape. Suddenly, everything stops and the music fades away momentarily.
“In the fast-paced world of formula 1,”
Scenes of driving legends hoisting up their trophies with happy grins and champagne soaked racing gear flash past. Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Kimi Räikkönen.
“Where every second counts and emotions run high.”
The grating sounds of cars speeding past bursts into the frame, Max Verstappen shaking his fists ambitiously as he wins, yet another grand prix, Charles Leclerc as he wins in Spa and Monza, Carlos sainz and Lando Norris partnering up in the Singapore 2023- “Yeah, it’s on purpose.” The Spaniard grits out just as the narrator begins to speak again.
“Our team is about to redefine the game,”
The narrator is revealed, a woman, tall and proud as she sits in front of a grey backdrop. Her blonde hair is cut to a sharp bob and her glasses, astute and black sit high on her nose as she laughs jauntily and arches a well-managed, bleached brow at one of the three camera’s recording her, “Is that good?” she huffs out, thick Manchester accent shining through her cheerful words.
Black takes over once again, and the Indian flag, flapping in the wind from a tall pole that reaches high into the sky is shown, the bright, proud colours shining against the pale, blue sky. The camera pans down to the bottom of the ground, where the same driver,who was emerging from the car in the begging is looking up, at their flag.
But instead of their helmet securely fastened around their face, it’s held between the crook of their elbow and waist. The white base is glossy as multiple sponsor logos are littered around the entire frame, along with the black, bold letters “PATEL” being showed off at the back, currently visible to the camera along with the behind of the driver’s racing suit.
The shot pans up, revealing long flowing hair, black thick strands a contrast to her off white racing suit. The same flag peeks out from between the chunks of her fluttering locks, large and proud on the expanse of her back. The driver begins to turn and just as her red painted lips come into view the scene changes and a different narrator begins to speak again.
“From the makers of 'Drive to Survive' comes a new Netflix Original Series that takes you behind the scenes of the most exhilarating sport on the planet.”
Scenes of the woman running across the paddock and into her garage, her teammate not far behind overlay the announcement.
Another moment is revealed, this time of her ducking into her car, glove covered hands braced on the halo as her face turns upwards towards a racing engineer who speaks to her. She nods before turning to look directly into the camera and lowering herself into the cockpit.
The woman begins to speak again, "Aisha is our trailblazer in Formula 1.”
The iconic lights of Formula one begins to count down as the mechanical ticking echo throughout the grand-stands and the camera goes to shoot the anticipatory lull in the air as spectators hold their breath whilst the engines start up and the last light dims.
“She’s smashing stereotypes and racing towards victory.” The team principal shakes her head, a soft, proud smile playing on her light pink lips.
The team car revs menacingly as the gaggle of drivers manoeuvre their way through turn one of Bahrain.
The Porsche chassis glows between the unmanageable scuffle of the other 18 cars on the track, as both team racers attempt to come out on top in the dangerous pile of engines, the expectant victor of the throng doesn’t appear, the deep blue red bull is yet to emerge. The crowd gasps and cheers as the true victor begins to approach the next turn, speeding down the straight.
The camera catches the proud logo on the side of the car, “Porsche” and on the back, as the DRS begins to activate, the opened flap reveals, “Patel”.
“I just hope people are ready to see her in action. Because she isn’t stopping anytime soon" She stares into the camera as her name appears on screen, a small box enveloping the words, “Katherine Anderson, Porsche team principal.”
Finally, the rumoured driver comes into the scene, walking up to the stool as the camera drags up her slack clad legs, the cream material swishes by her ankles along with the golden payaal that jingles with each step of her stiletto heels against the floor. Her torso is revealed slowly, a tight top hugs her bust whilst the printed Porsche logo morphs against the curves of her chest. The varied tennis barcelets and charmed jewellery around her wrist titillate together as she takes a seat on the chair, and her face is revealed.
She squints her eyes and brings a manicured hand up to push away the straightened hair from her lips, her mouth purses as the unintelligible voice of the producer talks to her, whilst her eyelashes flutter and she hums in agreement.
“So, I just talk?” She asks, pointing a finger at the camera that faces her before blotting the lipstick on her lips. She nods once as the cameraman confirms.
“My name,” She tilts her head as she smiles, perfect, white teeth shining underneath the light, “Is Aisha Patel, and I drive for Porsche F1 Team.”
The camera cuts again, showcasing Aisha on the podium, pushing a large trophy up into the air as her teammate, Pierre cheers and sprays champagne on her stomach from his place on the “2nd” platform. She shakes her head and laughs as her entire head becomes soaked with the bubbly, sweet drink. Multiple identical shots are placed one after the other, of her standing proud and sweaty on the 1st place podium.
“I’ve worked my ass off,” Aisha’s voice over-runs the music, “And I’ll be damned if anything stands in my way.”
She squares her shoulders as she unzips her racing suits and bunches it up at her waist as she stomps over to Max Verstappen, the Dutch man looking equally malicious as his blue eyes roll with annoyance and already red face puffs out intimidatingly.
She pokes a finger into his fire-proof covered chest as she begins to shout, ignoring the worried stares of the crew around her in the Red-Bull garage. Max spits out the long, twirling straw from between his lips and begins to argue back.
Her mouth moves angrily as she goes to snatch the can of branded drink from his tense hands, throwing the sugary drink in his face, thoroughly dousing the shouting man and reducing him to a spluttering mess as she stomps away, flipping off one of the camera’s that eagerly follows her.
The narrator returns, his deep timbre rumbling through the video, “But the road to victory is never easy, as Aisha navigates through rivalries, scandals, and the pressure to perform.”
The scene switches to Aisha rushing out of a hotel in England, the night before Silverstone and the odd, overwhelming flashes of hounding reporters seem to be tuned out of her gaze as Lando runs behind her, grabbing helplessly at her hand whilst tears stream down her flushed face.
Her hair is mused and makeup runs haphazardly across her tan skin, she wretches her wrist out of the man’s grip, shaking her head as her lip wobbles. She covers her eyes before dodging and weaving through the paparazzi, barely able to mumble polite, “excuse me’s” from between erratic sobs, as she unlocks her expensive car and slips into the driver’s seat.
The second shot is of her and Carlos, hand in hand as her shoulders begin to shiver in his hold whilst she adjusts the heavy cardigan that hangs limp from her shoulders. The Spaniard’s face is tough and rocky as his hands comes to embrace her upper arm, cradling her against his side whilst the rest of the drivers begin to flee the racetrack, already tired from the latest qualifying session.
Yet, the papparizzi continue to hound the pair mercilessly, Aisha hides her face as the man beside her stops his firm footsteps and turns to a reporter from a less respectable news channel, the sleezy jounarlist gulps but stands his ground as he pushes his microphone forward. Carlos glances down at the tech with disgust, and just before he opens his mouth, the scene ends, and we’re taken back to Aisha who sits contently in the interview.
“In this world, you must fight for every inch. And I'm ready to fight, no matter the cost.”  She smirks at another camera, her side profile showing off noticeable details over the expanse of her face like the sharp cut of her nose and the splattering of freckles across her cheekbones along with the odd beauty marks spotted above her lip and a few inches from her nose.
The final shot is off Aisha climbing out of the Porsche car, removing her helmet, allowing her hair to flow over her shoulder and down her back as she tilts her head at the camera and leans back against the pale white halo of her car.
She then crooks her finger at the viewers, gesturing for the cameraman to follow her hand as she holds up a singular finger, and points upwards towards the sky.
The shot is then of the of the expansive indiago above, and through the magic of editing, the Porsche logo takes up the screen.
“Get ready to experience the thrill, the passion, and the drama of Formula 1 like never before.” The narrator ends his sentence powerfully as the crescendo of the song reaches its peak.
“This is 'Formula for Love'.” Aisha ends the trailer, waving at the camera before the video is overtaken with black once again.
The title card appears, “Formula for love – A netflix original series”.
As the words disappear, a shot of Aisha’s car speeding off into the distance after which a mechanical, “Streaming soon, only on Netflix.” ends the trailer.
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Aisha sighed, tapping her thighs as the filming concluded and many on-set employees rushed to her side, patting at her face along with offering her a can of thumbs up, the condensation runs down the metallic container and onto her fingers.
“Thank you, guys so much,” Aisha sipped at the straw protruding from the can in her hand before smiling at the people who merely stared at her, already putting away their various tools. A compact snapped shut, a damp towel thrown over a shoulder and a camera cover flipped closed.
Aisha sucked in a breath, flicking her eyes over the workers before looking over at Kate, who was signing a paper handed to her on a writing board.
She chuckled at Aisha’s worried expression and the silence that hung in the air, “It’s okay,” she assured the driver, who looked relieved as the people recovered and retreated away from the filming set, going back to their stations.
“They aren’t very used to people thanking them.” Kate shrugged, “They reacted like that to me as well,”
“Oh, thank God,” She patted her chest as she waved at the director, who smiled back and showed her a happy thumbs up, “This is all so new to me.” Aisha tugged at her hair as Kate pulled up her phone and scrolled through her calendar.
“Don’t worry too much about its Aisha, you’ll get there.” She rubbed the nervous driver’s arm and hissed when her phone vibrated, “I have to go, so much to get done before our first season,” Kate shook her head, wishing Aisha goodbye as she walked out of the trailer and out towards their still concealed garage.
Aisha hummed distractedly, before realising she had no idea what to do once Kate had walked away, “Wait!” But the team principal had already left, “Damn it,” She bit her nail once, handing off her empty can and plucking out her phone from her pocket.
“Oh, there you are.” A media manager bounded up to Aisha, surprising the woman as she jumped and whipped her head around to the approaching worker, “The driver’s briefing is about to begin,”
The man waved a hand at his face before pinching his Porsche x Adidas apparel between his fingers and forcing air between the material and his chest. He was likely middle aged, and sported dark brown hair with peppery roots and salted strands that peeked out from between the chocolatey curls.
He showed her his F1 team ID and stopped fanning himself to usher her with his hand.
“Shit- okay,” Aisha stuffed her phone away, following him out of Netflix filming trailer, out to the dark murky sky above the paddock, towards another building.
The office was tall and white, covered with floor to ceiling windows that were shielded with a layer of reflective film, “Oh God.” Aisha murmured beneath her breath as she took a few calming breaths, already forgetting to trail behind the man who was staring at her impatiently whilst holding the door open, watching as she stared at the building by straining her neck upwards.
She prepared herself, flapping her hands around slightly and jolting when the manager cleared his throat.
“Please hurry Miss. Patel. It won’t look good if you’re late.”
“I know, I know.” Aisha repeated, assuring the increasingly nervous man who walked up to her.
“It will be okay,” He laid a hesitant hand on her shoulder, taking an exemplary deep breath for her to copy. He continued when she did, “I’m Harry, sorry for not introducing myself, and I will be in charge of all media at Porsche.”
“Okay?” Aisha shook her head a few times to clear her mind, “Meaning?”
Harry chuckled and hung his head, “Meaning. That I’ll be with you in there. You won’t be alone.” He pointed a finger at himself, “See, you already have a familiar face to look for,” His slightly aged face wrinkled happily when Aisha smiled at him and relaxed visibly beneath his comforting hold.
“Thank you, Harry,” She huffed and stood straighter, “Let’s do this.”
Her heels clicked beneath her confident steps as she thanked the man who held the door open for her and Harry, who walked contently behind her.
Aisha craned her head around the bend, following the acrylic signs that read, “Driver briefing – Conference room 1.” She adjusted her shirt, feeling, for the first time in forever, conscience of her clothing and slipped a thumb beneath the waistband of her slacks to adjust them slightly.
“Let’s do this,” She pushed at the milky white door, steeling her face with a bored, neutral expression just as her name was called out, most likely for rollcall.
But, Aisha stopped in her tracks, the door barely nudged open when a flurry of deep chuckles and whispers erupted at the sound of her name.
“Seriously? Is this what fans are doing now?” The speaker rolled his “r’s” whilst shaking his head.
“How much do you think that cost them?” An oddly familiar British voice mumbled whilst crossing his arms and nudging the man next to him.
And one of them groaned and slapped his thigh once, complaining about “-needing better media stunts.”
Aisha scoffed quietly, so these were some of her heroes? Assuming that a woman could never possibly be selected to race, instead she was an obsessive fan who had shrines for each of the men stashed in her closet?
She pushed open the door, causing a few drivers to rustle and shift in their seats and turn minutely towards the sound of the door hinges, opening and closing.
Aisha walked forward and planted a hand on her hip, leaning onto one leg as each of the men looked towards her with annoyed expressions.
“I’m sorry, fans aren’t allowed here.” A French man, dressed in glaring red began to stand up, nodding discreetly at the security men flanked at either side of the doors- who glanced at each other hesitantly and barely moved at his guidance, obviously recognising her, “How did you even get in?”
“Ridiculous what they’ll do for an autograph,” Another one stood, and stared at her thunderously, his Dutch accent causing him to lisp his angry words, “All right, time to go.” He was the first to directly address the security, “Guys, get her out.”
Aisha held up her hand, between her fingers a prestigious card stood proud, the F1 logo bedazzled in gold foil, shimmered beneath the yellow lights, she glanced over her shoulder at the burly, guards who relaxed at her identification.
“Aisha Patel?” She looked to the FIA officer who stared at her, amused with her entrance before ticking off her name, “Porsche F1 driver.” She announced her title, smirking with slight arrogance at the gob-smacked expression on both the French and Dutch men, both of whom flushed an embarrassed red and muttered apologies whilst returning to their seats, next to both of their teammates.
“I’m here for the briefing?” Aisha prompted the officer, before smiling at the rest of her fellow drivers, most of them attempting to suppress their cackles at the other two’s mistake.
“Yes, of course Miss Patel,” The man greeted her, gesturing to an empty seat next to Pierre who smirked at Aisha.
She began to walk down the walkway between the sets of chairs filled by F1 team personnel and racers, waving at a few of the managers from other teams who knew of her position and staring darkly at some drivers who looked her up and down with curiosity.
“Sorry for being late, I was busy paying of my debt. Do you know how much it costs to get your name on the register?” She leaned forward on her crossed knees, looking down the row with a sarcastic expression. The ones who did dare to meet her eyes mumbled in agreement and slumped against their seats.
“Fuck-“The driver who made the comment doubled over, hiding his freckle covered face in his hands, causing his bright orange athleisure jacket to stretch prompting his teammate to chuckle whilst patting his back.
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honourary tags [for special pookies] : @disneyprincemuke, @weekendlusting, @woozarts, @mellowarcadefun, @paintedbypoetry, @33-81, @kazuha-pista-badam
A/N : And that's that, the first ever episode [trailer really] of this series is done and dusted. As always please show some love to this tinker-bell minded writer and remember to comment and reblog <33
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universitypenguin · 9 months
Hey Alice! I’m curious as to what transpired in the hospital after princess’s attack. Was Lloyd being a doting bf or was he giving her the silent treatment even then 🙊 as always thank you for writing this series whenever I see an update my heart soars!! You’re so talented in bringing these characters to life ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the lovely message! Unfortunately, Lloyd was anything but a doting boyfriend at the hospital… actually, his temper was running a bit hot during that scene… 😬😢🙈
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Word Count: 762
Warnings: Lloyd being pissed off, discussion to stalking, references to a knife fight and main character being hospitalized
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After Jake’s revelation that Aiden couldn’t be your stalker, Lloyd didn’t stick around.
He didn’t trust himself to be there when you woke up. Instead, he told Jake to go sit with you so that someone would be there when you woke up, and went home to study the crime scene. He met Detective Diskant and walked him through the scene, giving the investigator his statement about what happened. When that was taken care of, he went to the spot where the suspect had been captured by the surveillance camera and verified Jake’s measurements to confirm the height of the attacker. He stopped by and spoke with Mrs. Lange about the video footage, then asked her to keep an eye on his place for a while.
Lloyd went home and packed his things, collected your stuff, and loaded everything into his Mercedes. Then, he drove to your apartment, packed you some fresh clothes and threw the entire contents of your medicine cabinet into a bag. Before he left he went by to check on Mrs. Thompson, and she was the one who told him about the video camera that had been monitoring your front door.
Thanks to that disturbing revelation, his temper was boiling when he returned to the hospital. Zach met him in the parking garage and told him you’d woken up and that Aiden was out on bail. Lloyd informed him that he was taking you to the cabin, where you’d be more secure. When questioned about whether that was what you wanted, he told Zach to fuck off.
When he came to collect you from the ER holding area, the reception you got from him was anything but warm. He barely said a word to you and remained focused on getting you discharged, collecting the paperwork for your follow up visit, and signing the rest of the discharge forms. It wasn’t until you were in the car that you managed to get a chance to speak.
The atmosphere in the vehicle was buzzing with tension as the late afternoon sun cast shadows across his face. He didn’t take his eyes off the road or so much as incline his head to acknowledge he’d heard you. The dark scowl was etched into his features and his posture was rigid.
“Lloyd, please. We need to talk.”
His jaw clenched. “Why? Why now? There was plenty of time to talk before, but you didn’t say a word. Not to me, at least.”
“I know. I didn’t tell you what was happening, and I shouldn’t have done that. But there were so many other things going on, from Singapore to Qatar and then… your father. I didn’t want to add to your problems, and I thought I had everything under control.”
His lips twisted as if he’d tasted something bitter.
“You kept this from me, Princess. I thought we were honest with each other, but clearly, that was just my own view of how our relationship worked.”
“Lloyd, I didn’t-”
He cut you off. “You lied. It was a lie of omission, so maybe you think that makes it better, but guess what? It’s worse. Lies of omission are the most effective kind of deception. Trust me, I’ve lied and bent the truth enough times in my life to know exactly what makes a good lie.”
“I’m sorry. I was scared of what you might do and I wanted to protect you.”
His breath hissed, the sound a low whistle of suppressed rage. “When I told you Tao was tailing us in Singapore, do you think that was easy for me?”
Your stomach flipped. “No.”
“It wasn’t, but I was honest with you anyways. When I cut off his ear in the bathroom? Do you think that was something I wanted to tell you about? Do you?!”
Dully, you shook your head, mumbling a quiet, “No.”
“It wasn’t! I wanted to lie to you and tell you everything was fine and that you had nothing to worry about! But you know what, Princess? I told you the truth anyways. Even when it was something that wasn’t pleasant, I still respected you enough to be honest.”
After that explosion of temper, you curled into the passenger seat and stared out the window at the landscape. You wanted to ask where he was taking you, but held back, unwilling to risk another argument over what you’d done. The rest of the trip passed in silence. Lloyd didn’t turn on the radio to break the tension and he didn’t offer any opening for you to apologize further.
So you did the only thing you could and waited for him to cool down, while planning your apology for some future moment, when he’d be ready to hear you out.
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elisysd · 8 months
14. It could be so sweet, if only I were naive
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Envy the Leaves - Madison Beer
Ethan was brooding and in a foul mood as he was about to board his plane for Singapore. He didn’t know why or more like he knew but didn’t want to admit it. Julia was giving him the silent treatment ever since that fateful karting day and he didn’t understand what he could have done wrong to deserve it. She had not replied when he had sent her that picture, she had opened it and seen it but left him without a reply. Not that he wanted one, but still, a thank you was not too much too ask. And it came at the worst moment, right when they were supposed to soft-launch their relationship. He had to resist the urge to go to her place to see her, more than once, but refrained himself when he thought about what he would tell her.
So he was in a bad mood, something that Ludwig quickly noticed when Ethan arrived in the airport, dragging his suitcase behind him, with more violence than necessary.
“Did you eat a mean cookie to be this violent with this poor suitcase that didn’t ask for it?”
“I’m fine.”
“Clearly. Should we buy another suitcase just in case this one doesn’t survive the flight?”
“No use. I’m fine.”
“Sure, you are.”
“I said, I’m fine. Don’t insist!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Never said you were not.”
“Julia is ignoring me.”
“Oh, so here we are. You miss your little girlfriend, isn’t it cute? Never though I would see this day, but there is a first time to everything.”
“She is not my girlfriend!” said Ethan making the whole queue waiting at the security looking at them.
“Sure, fake girlfriend if you want to get into technicalities. So what happened?” he asked, a half-smile on his face.
“That’s the thing, I don’t know. We were fine, I thought we were on the right path to become good friends and then she decided to distance herself without any explanations. I hate her sometimes.”
“What did you do?”
“Why would it be my fault?”
“Because you are you. You are a problem in itself Ethan.”
“Jeez, thank you for the vote of confidence, mate, I appreciate it.”
They were briefly separated as they were getting through the security controls and met a few minutes after at the gate. Kyle was already there, clearly waiting for them, a book in his hands. He was wearing glasses, something new that took aback both Ludwig and Ethan.
“Since when are you wearing glasses?” asked his teammate.
“I had an appointment with the doctor, my sight is not so good since a few weeks so now I have to wear them to see if it makes everything a little better.”
“Okay, grandpa.”
“Mind you, Romy find me really sexy when I wear them. She loves them.”
“Yeah, no, too much information that I don’t want to know.”
Ethan abandoned them for a while, he didn’t want to hear all about how Kyle and Romy were more or less an item. Or about how Kyle was happy. Or questions about Julia. He opened his social media and as if fate had decided to play with him, the first thing he saw was a story from Martin where Julia was appearing in the background, smiling to the cameras. A wave of anger washed over him. He knew she was always travelling with her dad, so it shouldn’t have surprised him to see her there. But for a reason that he couldn’t pinpoint, Martin being in the picture, quite literally, bothered him. He put his phone back in his pocket with rage and went back to his friends, plopping down beside Kyle with a sigh.
“No news of the girlfriend?” Ludwig teased him.
“What do you guys know about Martin?” asked Ethan, ignoring his friend.
“Well… not much. I mean, not more than what you know.”
“He is a pretty laid back dude, really nice. But he is pretty discreet. Doesn’t talk much. “ replied Kyle.
“Does he have a girlfriend?”
“Oh… I see now. You are jealous. You are scared of him going to your Julia.” said Ludwig.
“She is not my Julia, first of all. And second of all, I’m not scared. Why would I be? He is not that good looking and not that good of a driver.”
“Well the girls comments under his Instagram posts say a whole other story….”
“Shut up, for fuck’s sake, Lud.”
Ludwig looked at Kyle in hope to find an ally but was welcomed by a shrug. They were used to Ethan’s mood swings by now. The plane ride was uncomfortable as hell, between Ethan’s groans whenever Ludwig was mentioning Julia and Kyle trying his best to keep his best friends in check. To make it even better they even went through turbulence one hour before landing in Singapore and it’s therefore completely drained that they finally arrived. Ethan couldn’t wait for a shower and to sleep. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He loved his friends to death but sometimes they were too much. Especially Ludwig.
So as soon as he retrieved his suitcase, he took the first taxi that was waiting for someone, barely acknowledging Kyle and Ludwig and left. The ride to the hotel was made in complete silence and for the first time he found it appeasing and enjoyable. Singapore was his least favorite track of the season. Another city one, with barely enough opportunities to try something. It would again be all about track positions and it was boring to him. Finally, he arrived at the hotel and as he was to step inside an all too familiar silhouette was waiting at the front desk . Someone that was trying to avoid him for the past few days.
“Julia? Hey… I didn’t know you already arrived.”
“Yeah… about that… I’m not really staying. Skoda messed up the booking and I don’t have a room, so I’m just waiting for Romy. I’ll stay with her.”
“You sure? You could stay with me, you know. That would be more logical than you staying with her. We are supposed to be a couple, it wouldn’t shock anyone.”
“I don’t want to stay with you.” she said hastily and Ethan couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt.
“But you prefer to stay with Romy?”
“Of course, she is my best friend!”
“Joolsie, we are supposed to soft launch our relationship, starting this race weekend. How do you plan for us to do it if you avoid me?” he asked, clearly annoyed and angry.
“I’m not avoiding you.” she replied, crossing her arms against her chest, in a defensive posture.
“You didn’t answer my text. You know the picture I sent you.”
“Oh Gosh… I have a life Ethan! And I didn’t know you were expecting an answer!”
People were starting to look at them and seeing the unsolicited attention, Ethan grabbed her arm as he dragged her with him in a corner, away from prying eyes and ears.
“What is wrong with you?” she angrily whispered.
“I could say the same about you! Martin? Really? After everything we talked about? What are you playing at?”
“I’m allowed to have friends!”
“We’ve already had this conversation! He doesn’t want to be your friend!”
“That’s not what he said!”
“Oh please, you are not naive.” he sighed.
“And so what? What if indeed he wants to be more than my friend?”
“Yeah well, he will have to back off,  you have a boyfriend.”
“A fake one.”
“He doesn’t know that.” she replied, clearly trying to rile him up.
“What are you trying to say?”
“What if I wanted to be more than his friend? Did you think about that?”
He opened his mouth to reply but no sound came out of it. He didn’t understand why but the perspective of Julia kissing Martin and being all lovey dovey with him was making him want to punch a wall. Or to throw Martin in a wall, there could be opportunities during the weekend, still he didn’t like this feeling that was viciously snaking around him.
“Well he will have to wait in line, for now, you are with me.”
“Wait in line? Do you hear yourself?” she said.
“We have a deal Julia!”
“I’m not a freaking business transaction! Or your property! You have no rights on me.”
“Yeah, that much we established. You are annoying, you know that?”
“You are insufferable!”
“I wouldn’t be if you weren’t so… so…”  words were failing him.
“So what? Come on, say it!”
“So you!”
Julia was about to reply when her phone buzzed announcing the arrival of a new text. She quickly checked it and felt relief when she saw that it was from Romy, saying she was there. Without another word and giving him one final look where Ethan believed he saw a hint of disappointment in it, she left. Romy noticed straight away the change in her best friend’s behaviour. It was the way she carried herself, he posture stiff and her eyes locked to the ground.
“Trouble in paradise?” Romy asked as Julia was taking place on the passenger seat of the Audi.
“Yeah, we can say that.”
“Do you wanna talk about it? Because I thought you were staying with Ethan, to be honest. I wasn’t expecting your call. Or more like I wasn’t expecting you to ask to stay with me.”
“It’s just… complicated, you know. Team policies and he needs his good night of sleep, I don’t want to bother.”
“Yeah because for sure if you’re here, sleep will be the last of his priorities!” said Romy with a wink making Julia blush.
“What? Come on you can tell me. How is he?”
“Do I ask how is Kyle with you?” argued Julia.
“No, but you could ask me. I would tell you.”
“But I don’t want to know!”
“You are boring, Ju.”
Julia tried her best to hide her embarrassment. She never really thought about Ethan that way. She didn’t want to, it would turn into a rabbit hole she didn’t want to dig herself in. This one time seeing Ethan shirtless in the gym was enough to give her thoughts she didn’t want to have. Intrusive ones, peeking through the night when she was sleeping soundly. The warmth of his arms brushing against hers, and the shiver she got from it were not something she liked to think about, it was always giving her a warm feeling in her lower belly. She must had made a stupid face as Romy asked her what she was thinking about.
“You are all red.”
“I’m not! it’s just that it’s hot outside and I need a cold shower.”
Romy showed her room to Julia before telling her that she had commitments to honour, leaving the brunette on her own. Julia tried to occupy her mind to avoid thinking about Ethan , but she understood that staying inside would do no good, she stopped sulking and left the room, her drawing notebook with her. In the lobby she found probably the last person she was expecting to see. Martin was laughing with Elijah as a blond woman with a Ferrari shirt was talking to them. probably someone from the staff, thought Julia who kept walking towards the exit. As she was about to step outside, she heard footsteps coming in her direction as if the person was running and she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Julia? What are you doing here? Are you here to see your dad, he has a meeting right now but you can wait with us. We just finished to shoot a challenge for Ferrari’s social media.”
“Uh… no, not really. Truth be told, I’m staying with Romy. Skoda forgot to book me a room so…” she shrugged.
“Oh shit. Ethan didn’t tell you that you could stay with him?”
“Yes, he did. It’s just… me whose the problem, I guess. It’s complicated.”
“Yeah I bet it is. You must have signed tons of NDA when they learned about your relationship. You know to avoid manufacturing resources to leak.”
“That's the thing, they don’t know yet. So, we are laying low.”
“Oh? So you guys are not official, then.”
“We are. It’s not because we are not public with it, yet, that it’s not serious.” she replied, defensively.
“Yeah sure, sorry, if I overstepped.”
“It’s fine.”
“You were about to head downtown?”
“Yeah, I juts need to forget some stuff. I have a lot in mind.”
“I wanted to visit, do you mind if I join you?”
She wanted to say yes, that she minded. It was not a good idea, especially when Singapore was filled with journalists. It would just need one picture for things to blew up out of proportion. She knew that but he was good company, he made her laugh and forget everything. She felt good with him, calm, peaceful. It was welcomed when with Ethan she felt like drowning in an ocean where very time she was trying to stay a float another wave was throwing her under. But still, she ended up accepting and Martin made a move to tell her that he was letting her take the lead.
They walked around Singapore, stopping to some places to take pictures. It felt easy, conversation was flowing, she didn’t have to pretend and the Ethan topic was avoided by tacit agreement and Julia didn’t really see the time flying. They ended up sitting somewhere not so crowded after getting take away.
“I hope Ethan won’t get too mad knowing that we spent the afternoon together.”
And there it was, the elephant in the room. The way too big elephant in the way to small room.
“Ethan is complicated. And i’m complicated too. And we are stubborn and hot-headed, it doesn’t help sometimes.”
“But do you love him?”
That was the question she hoped no one would ask her because she didn’t want to answer. She wasn’t in love with Ethan but was she attracted? She wasn’t blind and she was just a human being, after all. She appreciated him. His presence, his sense of humour, how he was there for her when Louis ran away and how he tried to protect her. He had been a true friend. And she couldn’t help but wonder if there were no lingering feelings. Being there for her, sending her this picture of her and her brother, trying to keep her with him and she almost thought he was about to kiss her. Did she want to be kissed?
“Julia?” repeated Martin.
“Yeah? Sorry, I zoned out for a moment.”
“I saw that. You don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. It’s not any of my business, after all.”
“No, no it’s just… we have history. Not the best if I may add. We’ve known each other since we were kids and we were not the best of friends back then…” she explained in a laugh. “But years went by and we kind of lost touch, he was often away and i was caught up in my studies. We met again this year and… here we are.”
“You don’t seem happy, though.”
���In every relationships you have ups and downs. Today is a down. Tomorrow will be a up. It’s difficult to adapt and to go from enemies to lovers. Sometimes, most of the time, we bicker like when we were kids. But he has seen parts of me that not a lot of people know about. He had seen me at my worst and I did too.”
“It doesn’t answer my question, though. About love.”
“Is it bad if I say that I don’t know? Does it make me a bad person?”
“Not necessarily. You can grow to love someone. As long as you are happy. Which leads me to my second question: are you happy?”
“I guess I am.”
“But you’re not sure.”
“And what about you, are you happy?”
“No. Not entirely. But I will be, someday.”
She smiles softly and looked at her phone. Texts from Romy were there asking her if she wanted room service or if she would rather eat outside, her dad was checking up on her as well but she had nothing from Ethan. She wasn’t expecting anything, not after their fight but she would have loved a reminder of him, being there alone with Martin, she couldn't help but feel like she was cheating on him, which was crazy. She didn’t. There was nothing else than a deal between her and Ethan. Nothing else. She must have looked to her screen for a little too long as Martin started to stand up and extending his hands to her. She pretended not seeing it and they both walked back to the hotel. In the lobby, they said their goodbyes before heading their separate ways.
When she opened the hotel room door she was welcomed by a blonde tornado throwing her arms around her.
“I’m so happy to have you here, despite the circumstances! It’s been so long since we had a sleepover. So tell me, what did you do today?”
“I went out, I visit the town with Martin and…”
“Martin? Why?” Romy cut her, giving her a suspicious look.
“Because he asked if he could come…”
“And you said yes?”
“Is it bad?”
“Of course it’s bad! You have a boyfriend!”
“And Martin is my friend…”
“Martin doesn’t want to be your friend he wants to take Ethan’s place. Julia! You are not dumb!”
“Martin knows about Ethan. And he respects it.”
“Yeah, no. If he respected it he would back off. But he doesn’t.”
“He didn’t make a move on me, Romy. It’s fine!”
“And I should give him a medal? That’s basic respect, I sure hope he didn’t try anything. But it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to. Julia, you are entertaining his feelings. That’s not fair. Not to him or to Ethan that then again is your boyfriend, your lover, the guy you are sleeping with! Fuck! Stop being blind and oblivious.”
“Martin is nice….” Julia tried to defend herself. She knew it was wrong, whatever was going on between martin and her. But hearing her friend saying it out loud was making it worse than what she had imagined.
“Being naive doesn’t have a good look on yourself. What is wrong with you?”
Julia sat on the bed and look at her feet as she was playing with her fingers.
“It’s… can I be honest with you? And most importantly can you promise to not judge me or say anything? It has to stay between us.”
“Julia… you are scaring me.”
“Ethan and I, we are not really dating. I’m saving his ass because of what happened, the scandal, you know. And… he helps me out to prove to my dad that I’m good at my job. Basically.”
Romy didn’t say anything, only dropping next to her friend and taking her in her arms.
“A lot of things make sense, now… It doesn’t excuse your behaviour with Martin, though. It’s still a dumb idea, I stand by it. But Ethan… Julia, are you sure you guys are only faking things? Because I’ve seen how he looked at you during his birthday party and I heard how you talked about him… It didn’t seem fake to me. You got me and you are my best friends. Surely it doesn’t mean nothing.”
“I don’t know… Maybe Ethan is just good at pretending.”
“And now I’m stuck. Because I truly like Martin’s company. I feel good with him, safe. Ethan is always up to something, I never know what to expect and it’s terrifying.”
“Martin is your comfort zone and Ethan is not.” simply said Romy. “You know what they say with the comfort zone, kitten.”
Julia shrugged.
“I’m leaving you alone with your thoughts. For what is worth, I think you should talk to Ethan, it would help you sort your thoughts out. I won’t be mad if when i come back you are not there. And if it helps you in any way, I’m team Ethan.”
After her conversation with Romy, Julia couldn’t help but feel guilty. Even if nothing happened with Martin, and she intended to keep it that way, she was feeling bad and remorseful towards Ethan. He didn’t deserve any of what she had put him through. She opened her contacts and scrolled down until she found his name, with a red heart next to it, something silly she had added after establishing their fake relationship. She wasn’t expecting him to answer but he did after a short while.
“What do you want?”
“I want to say sorry.”
“About what? Our fight, you leaving with Romy or your little date with Ferrari’s boy?”
“All of that. It wasn’t fair to you and our relationship. I should have agreed to stay with you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
She bit her lips and pulled her knees up against her chest.
“I don’t want to make things weird between us,  if we sleep in the same bed.”
“Joolsie, you know me. I wouldn’t have given you the bed. The sofa is quite nice and comfy.”
“Thanks for your consideration!” she said, slightly offended.
“I’m joking. I would have taken the sofa and given you the bed.”
She felt embarrassed. She could hear his breathing from the other side of the line. The only thing she wanted was to take a taxi and go back to the hotel to run into his arms. But she was so scared of what it would mean and how it would change everything that she wasn’t sure it was a risk she was willing to take.
“Romy left me alone. That’s not what I imagined when she said that we would have a sleepover.”
“I’m alone too.” he whispered.
“Maybe we can be alone together? If you want?”
“I don’t want to be alone together with anyone else, Julia.”
“Good. Me too.”
The line went silent, both of them not knowing what to say. Julia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Does your offer about me staying with you still stands?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“I’m waiting, then.”
It didn’t even take half an hour for her to arrive to the hotel. She walked fast to the elevator and it’s almost out of breath that she arrived in front of his door. She barely had the time to know that the door opened revealing Ethan in a very laid back outfit.
“Hey…” she said.
“I’m sorry. I overreacted and I’m stupid. And you have every reasons to be mad.”
“I’m mad. Because we are friends and you don’t trust me and you act like I’m disgusting to you.”
“Are we? Friends, I mean.”
“You are annoying and you’ve been acted like a bitch with me. But you are my friend. Now come inside.”
She felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, she didn’t know where to put her suitcase or where to stand.
“So where should I sleep?” she asked.
“The bed is big enough for us to fit without touching each other but if you don’t want to, I can give you the bed. Bear in mind that I would love to sleep in it on Friday and Saturday. I need to feel rested for the race.”
“I guess we can share the bed.”
“Perfect. I was scared you were going to fight me on something.”
Julia didn’t answer taking her pyjamas out of the suitcase as well as her toiletry bag and locked herself in the bathroom. She came back a moment later to see Ethan adding a few pillow in the middle of the bed.
“I called the reception to know if we could have some more. I’m making our border so we don’t end up on the other person’s side.”
“That’s thoughtful of you.”
Ethan shrugged as if it was not a big deal and got inside the bed. Julia joined him soon after as he switch of the light and it didn’t take long before she fell asleep.
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Author's note: I know I said I wouldn't upload before Saturday but... I couldn't wait to post lmao.
What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
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hungrywriter · 2 years
Unexpected (Pt. 1)
Charles Leclerc x F1!female!driver
Uses she/her pronouns
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“Last lap, Y/n. You’re in P1 now. Give everything you’ve got.” Y/n’s boss spoke through her radio. Hearing that she was the leader of the race made her more alert. After a quick glance at her side mirrors, she noticed Charles Leclerc catching up. Slowly, she increased her speed, summoning the last of her energy. The finish line was finally in sight for y/n after what felt like an eternity. Her attention was immediately drawn to a red Ferrari just a few metres away, so she drove aggressively. 
She did it! A miracle for the Williams Racing Team this year! Look at how fast she goes! Y/n L/n wins the Singapore Grand Prix!
Her race was over and she had won. After climbing out, the team and audience greeted her with hugs and screams. After a while, she finally got them off and began searching for her lover. That's what you thought, at least. He was sitting there, laughing, surrounded by girls. In a matter of seconds, her happiness turned into anger. She pulled the cameraman who was following her and pointed to the man who was still unaware of her presence. As soon as the cameraman realised what the assignment was, he went over to them to film them. Their shocked faces were broadcast to the world on television. Y/n was finally noticed by her so-called lover, who rushed over to her quickly. He made an attempt to kiss her tenderly, but she turned and walked away. As she left, she threw the necklace he gave her two years ago to him. Fortunately, her boss had sent security to get them out.
Wearing the cap and drinking water, Y/n sat in the cool down room. Due to the fact that she knew there were cameras everywhere, she tried not to express her emotions. Angry, hurt, and tired, all she wanted to do was grab the trophy and get back to the hotel. And possibly cry yourself to sleep. Soon, she heard footsteps and Charles walked in. He had a pitiful expression, which she detested. She doesn't desire sympathy. She was sickened by his stubbornness and stuck-up attitude. And as far as she knew, he hated her too.
“I heard what happened-” He started, a tone so soft she never expected him to have. 
“If you’re here to make fun of me, do your worst. I’m too tired to care”
There was silence in the room which she was surprised with. Charles would usually gloat and mock every time he saw her fail. The silence was so deafening that she was relieved when the announcer had called out the winner to receive the trophy.
After that, the ceremony ended in a blur. The audience's faces were filled with pity as Y/n tried to smile. In humiliation and embarrassment, her cheeks flushed. It was her first victory, but at what cost? As a newcomer, she wasn't exactly familiar with everyone here. The only person celebrating with her is her boyfriend, since her family is a long way away in her country. But now he's gone. In spite of so many people hugging and celebrating her success, she felt so alone. In fact, she did not even bother to spray the other contestants with the bottle. Once it was over, she returned to her hotel. 
Having just finished showering, Y/n wrapped herself in the hotel robe. When she turned on the TV, she saw the Formula 1 channel. There was a picture of her cheating boyfriend with his side chick on the screen. Everyone had seen them by now, and her phone was full of messages from friends, family, and the news asking what had happened. She tossed the phone and fell on the bed. She heard a knock on her door a few minutes later. Standing up and dragging her feet to open the door, she lets out a sigh. 
She expected to see a person standing, but instead a stalk of blue flowers welcomed her. As well as the smell of food. Deep down, she had hoped it would be her ex. But instead it was Charles, standing with a sheepish smile on his face. She was beyond confused but Charles noticed it.
“Um, these are Geltian Flowers. They represent victory.” He stuttered out while giving her the flowers. Y/n could help but snicker at his actions. “I never thought you’d be an expert on flowers.”
Charles seems to recover himself as he hears what she said. He put down the food on the table and turned around, smirking. “Oh you have no idea how talented I am” Y/n laughed and followed him when she shut the door. The duo sat down at the table and Charles took out the food. She noticed it was her favourite food. The Monegasque man was picking up his food with great joy when she looked over at him. She started to see him in a new light, a new perspective. And she liked it. 
A few hours into dinner, and both of them were a laughing mess. She started to learn more about him and she realised that maybe he wasn't that bad after all. Sure, he can be full of himself and confident. But she was happy. He made her happy. Something that her ex struggled to do. She broke out of her trance when his watch beeped.  “It’s late, I should go, and you need sleep.”
“I’m not sure if I can sleep after what happened…” Y/n trailed off as she locked eyes with him. Both of them were staring at each other and she swore she saw his eyes glanced at her lips. Slowly, she felt herself lean in and he did the same. His lips met hers. Her body felt as though it was a teenager again. Her stomach was churning with butterflies and her heart was racing. But something in Y/n’s heart made you pull away. She could see disappointment flash in his eyes as they separated. “Why?” He whispered. 
“I feel bad. I don't want to use you for my pleasure.” She responded, looking away. His palm was on her cheek, pulling her face to look at him. “Mon amour, you had your first victory! You served to be treated like a princess, wait no, a queen! Use me however you want,” That was all she needed to crash her lips into his. Before she knew it, both of them were in bed, naked. 
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luckyluan · 29 days
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They dashed around the debris and the two of them reconvened at the back door. Maxim was dressed in all black. He wore a turtleneck, jeans, boots, and gloves. Antwan hiked the lengthy black zipper of a khaki jumpsuit up to his chin. 
“That’s what you’re wearing? In the field?” Maxim admonished. 
“It was my anniversary before it became a mission, Max, and I think you should think about what is under this jumpsuit...” Antwan teased. 
“Twenty pounds of Kevlar and an armory of razors and knives, I’d wager.” Maxim chortled. 
“Damn right.” Antwan confirmed. “Let’s go.” 
They did not bother to secure the gaping hole in their dining room. Antwan, instead, trailed a vial of copper blood onto the burgundy rug under the table and knocked over a few vases in the den. Maxim turned up the volume of the downstairs television up to an obnoxious level. Antwan lifted the window over the kitchen sink and launched himself to the ground. He landed with ag runt while Maxim, noiselessly, lifted his body over the sink. He lowered himself on to the ground and signaled his husband to follow him. 
Antwan nodded and the two of them set off at a jog. Maxim pointed to a sizable light fixture fastened to the corner of their transitional style home and Antwan understood. They kept low to the ground and cut wide arcs in their manicured lawn. He unlatched a concealed lock—obscured by a colorful birdhouse—and Antwan pushed a small section of the wooden fence aside. Maxim allowed the barrel of his gun to lead the way into the passage as he and Antwan slunk into the woods beyond their suburban alcove. 
“Head for the Honeymooners.” Antwan said. “They’re on vacay until next month.” 
“Cliff and Eden are on vacation again?! What are we doing wrong?” Maxim whispered. 
Antwan gave him a nudge and the pair trudged through the murky woods in silence. Maxim did not question his husband when he stared off into the towering trees. He simply let him gaze until he whispered an order. 
“Left.” Antwan whispered. “No... other way...” 
“How do you know where we’re going?” Maxim called. 
“I marked the trees with Radiant Squid Ink.” Antwan explained. “Eagle did a biology project on bioluminescence last month. I took advantage. Keep up, old man.” 
Antwan pinched his cheek and Maxim squinted after him as he sauntered off into the winding shadows. A high stone wall came into view and Antwand handed Maxim his picnic basket as they approached. Maxim dropped to bended knee and Antwan climbed up on his leg. He launched himself onto the wall and straddled the stones. He held out his hand and Maxim offered him the picnic basket before he bounded up the rough stone wall. He dropped into the neighboring yard with Antwan beside him and his husband aimed a middle finger at him. 
“You never accept my help.” he pouted. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” Maxim conceded. “You’re right. I could lean on you a little more. May we continue?” 
“Get the cameras.” Antwan growled. 
Maxim busied himself with the fuse box after Antwan disappeared through a narrow window and the electricity of the luxurious house faltered when Maxim used his copper blade to slice through a blue wire. 
“Get in here, negro!”  
Antwan’s gloved hand dangled out the window. Maxim threw a leg over the low windowsill and crawled into a well-organized laundry room which smelled of clean linen. Maxim steeled his nerves as he drank in the refreshing scent. 
“This won’t be like Singapore.” he said. 
“Agreed.” Antwan said. “Secure the perimeter.” 
“Set up for a long night.” Maxim finished. 
They crept into the shadowy hall and Maxim signaled Antwan to sweep the first level before he set off up the stairs. A few moments later, he called down to his husband. 
“Upstairs is clear.” 
“Down here too.” answered Antwan. 
Maxim loped down the right of the imperial staircase and swiped a stubborn patch of dust off the black banister. 
“Anything?” Maxim asked. 
Antwan sat cross-legged on a plush cream blanket while he carefully laid out his guns. He straightened his weapons as he counted. Maxim observed the assortment of right facing hilts. Guns, cartridges, machines, and knives littered the wicker picnic basket and Antwan jammed his hand into its depths for more bullets. 
“Nope. Don’t see anything, but I had a thought. You don’t just attack people like us. You surveil them. Whomever attacked us was watching us.” 
“You think it's someone from The Order?” Maxim gulped. 
“Yes, dear.” Antwan rolled his eyes. “I believe it was another one of The Order who took the same oath to never fire on family. No, ding dong. I think it was something Abnormal though. They attacked us at night. That’s not a coincidence.” 
“Most of us use nightfall. That’s training. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, but I also don’t think it’s significant.” Maxim challenged. 
“If you said what I just said it would’ve been gospel.” Antwan unleashed. 
“True, but I’ve been doing this longer.” Maxim winked. 
‘Anyway, I think I’m right.” Antwan continued. 
“Of course you do.” said Maxim. “But I am inclined to agree. This attack is not random and coming in the night was not just strategy. It was necessity.” 
“Vampires.” They groaned in tandem. 
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techcomengineering · 7 months
Advancing Public Security And Exploring the Benefits of Singapore CCTV
Advancing Public Security And Exploring the Benefits of Singapore CCTV
In Singapore, public security is a top priority, and the city-state has implemented advanced Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems as a cornerstone of its security infrastructure. This article delves into the benefits of Singapore’s CCTV systems, highlighting how they contribute to advancing public security and creating a safer environment for residents and visitors. Proactive Surveillance…
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hypercomsg · 7 months
Understanding the Need for Security Surveillance Solutions in Singapore
Singapore, a country known for its competent governance and technical breakthroughs, places a high value on safety and security. Because of the city-state's proactive attitude to security measures and technological integration, it is now vital for both residential and commercial areas in Singapore to adopt high-quality Security Surveillance Solutions.
Different Types of Security Cameras
There is a large selection of cameras from which to choose.
Dome Cameras
One of the most common forms of security cameras is dome cameras. Their dome-shaped housings, which are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, give them a delicate appearance. Because of the degree of ambiguity afforded by the dome design, potential burglars have a difficult time determining the orientation of the camera.
Bullet Cameras
Bullet cameras acquire its name from their long and cylindrical bullet-like shape. They are widely utilized for long-distance travel and are immediately visible. Because they are waterproof, these cameras can be utilized for outside surveillance. They boost security by acting as a visible deterrent to intruders due to their prominent appearance.
PTZ Cameras (Pan-Tilt-Zoom)
PTZ cameras include zoom, pan, and tilt capabilities that can be controlled remotely. They are ideal for monitoring larger regions because they can be modified to cover a wide range of areas. PTZ cameras provide comprehensive surveillance by allowing the user to zoom in on certain areas or objects. The cameras discussed above are versatile and ideal for applications that necessitate constant monitoring.
Read More: Different Types of Security Cameras
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buy-time-lapse-camera · 11 months
A Concise Guide to Construction Time Lapse Set Up
Learn everything you need to know to set up a time lapse camera on your construction site. This 18-step walkthrough details equipment, settings, positioning and editing to create a professional time lapse film.
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Peephole Cameras: A Look Into Safety and Technology
When you're in search of a new level of security and safety, peephole cameras are an excellent option. The idea of a camera on your door can sound intimidating at first, but in reality, peephole cameras are designed to make your life easier and more secure.
There's no question that technology has changed and improved the way we live. Peephole cameras are no exception to this rule—they have become an essential tool for home security. But with all of the options available today, it can be difficult to know which camera is the best for you.
In this article, I'll provide an overview of the different types of peephole cameras, their advantages and disadvantages, and tips for choosing the right one for your needs. Whether you're looking for extra peace-of-mind or curious about what these devices can offer, I'm sure you'll find something here to help you understand how this technology works and why it's so important in today's world.
What Is a Peephole Camera?
Peephole cameras have been a popular security device for many years. It is a device that you can use to monitor your front door with a camera lens, allowing you to view who is outside without having to open the door. This gives you the added security of not having to open your door when unexpected visitors come knocking.
While these cameras are commonly placed on the outside of doors, they can also be used indoors in other rooms of your house or even the office. This allows you to keep an eye on the people and activities going on inside your home or workplace during times when you are away.
The technology behind these cameras has evolved significantly over the years, and they now come in a variety of shapes and sizes with different features. Some models have night vision built-in and can record video footage from any angle, while others are equipped with sensors and alarms that will notify you when someone is at the door. No matter which option suits your needs best, peephole cameras allow you to feel safer inside your home or office.
Benefits of a Peephole Camera
Peephole cameras—also known as doorbell cameras—are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, making them an attractive option for homeowners. Not only are these devices discreet and cost-effective, but they can also provide numerous benefits for your safety and peace of mind.
Here are some of the advantages of installing a peephole camera:
Enhanced Security: Peephole cameras come with a range of features, such as motion detectors, two-way audio communication, night vision and more. This allows you to easily identify visitors at your door and keep an eye on your property even when you’re away.
Convenience: Instead of having to physically open the door when someone knocks, you can have a live video conversation with anyone outside your home directly from an app on your mobile device. You can also allow remote access to friends and family members while you’re away or automatically enable access to delivery people with the touch of a button.
Safety: Even when you’re home, you never know who might be outside your door at any given time. A peephole camera can help deter potential intruders by alerting you that someone is there before they knock or try to gain entry in any way.
Different Types of Peephole Cameras
Thanks to advancements in technology, there are now a variety of peephole cameras out there. Each one offers different options, depending on what you're looking for in terms of security.
Digital Peephole Cameras
The most popular choice for modern households is the digital peephole camera. These are easy to instal, and offer the benefit of being able to view images on a display screen mounted on the inside of the door. Some models also come with audio and recording capabilities, making it easier to keep your family safe from potential hazards outside your home.
Wired Peephole Cameras
Wired peephole cameras offer you the ability to see who is outside your door without having to open it. They can also be used as a motion detector that will alert you if someone is approaching your doorstep.
Wireless Peephole Cameras
Wireless peephole cameras are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and portability – they can go anywhere with you; even when you're on vacation! Some models also come with night vision, motion sensors, and other features that can help you keep an eye on suspicious activity outside your home.
Considerations for Installing a Peephole Camera
Do you want to invest in a peephole camera? Hopefully, now you understand why they're so important for safety, and how they work.
But before running out and getting one, there are some considerations to take into account.
Connection type
The type of connection your peephole camera needs is one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing one: does it need to be wired or wireless? Wired cameras require little maintenance and have a more direct connection to the doorbell or chime; however, installing one can be time consuming. Wireless cameras are easier to instal since there's no cables or wires, but you may need an upgraded Wi-Fi network.
Viewing angle
Depending on the door's size and thickness, you'll want to check the field of view that a certain camera can offer. A good rule of thumb is that wider angle lenses provide an increased field of vision, allowing you to see more while maintaining detail. Be sure to check whether the camera offers either horizontal or vertical viewing angles (or both).
Power source
Do you want a battery-powered option so as not to leave any cords exposed? Or would you rather get a wired model that runs on power? Keep in mind that wireless cameras might require battery changes more frequently than those powered by AC cables.
Make sure that whichever peephole camera you buy is compatible with your smart home system, if applicable—you don't want it not working with everything else!
Tips for Using a Peephole Camera
If you're thinking about installing a peephole camera, there are some factors to consider before you make the purchase. Here are some tips to help you out.
Security Features
When shopping for a peephole camera, pay attention to the security features of the product. It's important to find one that comes with a secure login feature and encryption to help prevent potential hackers from accessing your camera feed.
Another thing to think about is the installation process for your peephole camera. Some models are more complicated than others, so if you're not comfortable with DIY installation, it's a good idea to hire a professional installer.
Motion Sensors
Motion sensors are a great way to ensure that your peephole camera is always on alert and ready to start recording any activity at your door. Many cameras have customizable settings that allow you to tailor the sensitivity of the sensors for different scenarios, depending on how active your area is.
App Integration
Finally, if you want an added layer of convenience and control over your peephole camera, look for one that can be integrated with an app on your smartphone or tablet. This will let you check in on your home anytime, anywhere and provide peace of mind knowing that you can keep an eye on things even when you're away.
Popular Brands of Peephole Cameras
It's no surprise that peephole cameras come in all shapes and sizes, and there are numerous popular brands. But which ones should you consider? Here's a breakdown of the most popular ones.
Ring is one of the biggest names in home security, and they make both traditional peephole cameras, as well as digital models. Their digital models have the ability to detect motion and send notifications to your phone, so you can have peace of mind when you're away from home.
SkyBell is known for their high-tech doorbells, but they also offer traditional peephole camera options too. They offer a wide range of models and features, so you can choose what best fits your needs. Plus, their customer service is top-notch so you can always get help if you need it.
Vivint makes a range of smart devices for the home, including their own line of traditional peephole cameras. Their cameras are easy to instal and feature two-way audio capabilities so that you can communicate with whoever is at the door — even if it's just your cat!
No matter which brand you choose, your family will be safer with a trusted peephole camera installed on your front door. With all the great features available today like motion detection, two-way audio capabilities, night vision and more, finding the right solution has never been easier or more cost effective!
In short, peephole cameras are an innovative tool for home security and safety. They can provide an extra layer of protection, allowing you to see who's at the door before you open it. Peephole cameras offer a sense of control and safety, as well as peace of mind.
Peephole cameras come in all shapes and sizes, and they come with a wide range of features. From motion detection to Wi-Fi connectivity, these high-tech features offer an added layer of security. With the right peephole camera, you can rest assured that your home and family are safe. Technology is constantly evolving, and with the right peephole camera, you can stay ahead of the game and up-to-date with the latest safety and security trends.
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syncedsg · 1 year
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The Best Smart Doorbell Cameras of 2023
Ranging from smart home locks to smart home security cameras, modern surveillance systems are more versatile, automated and controllable than ever with access right from the palm of your hand. One of the most effective ways to increase your home's security is the addition of a smart doorbell camera.
Serving two purposes, a video doorbell camera lets you see and speak to people who approach your front door and record footage of visitors whether you're away or at home.
If you're wondering what is the best smart doorbell camera out there, we've done the research and put together a list for you to consider.
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