#season 4 castiel
dead-twink-detectives · 4 months
Can we talk about how team free will was so twinky in there early seasons
Like season 1 Sam and dean
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Then there's season 4 cas
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ananke-xiii · 3 months
people working in the production of supernatural back in 2008 really decided to cast a hot, blue-eyed, dark-haired tanned man to play a badass angel of the lord in a fucking suit and trenchcoat combo, gave him an epic entrance filled with awe and sparks, had him save one of the protagonists from literal hell and say shit like "good things do happen" or "you don't think you deserve to be saved' and really thought "naaaah, this is not gonna be gay".
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bloodydeanwinchester · 5 months
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DESTIEL IN EVERY EPISODE → 4x22 lucifer rising
whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
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mjulmjul · 1 year
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Castiel’s creation
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ezzasaurus · 1 year
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jareaulover · 6 months
I can't believe that there are people out there who don't see Supernatural as a love story between a man and an angel. Like, how embarrassing.
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spnstillstudies · 1 month
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61/327 (KO-FI♡)
S4E01, “Lazarus Rising”
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scoobydoodean · 5 months
So—Dean is refusing to torture Alistair in the beginning of "On The Head Of A Pin", right? And Uriel is telling him he has to. And you’d think that when Dean asks to speak to Cas alone, it’d be in an effort to bargain or plead (something Uriel isn’t amenable to at all and never has been) or to let Cas give him a more candid and convincing argument on how this is the right thing.
But when Dean gets Cas alone, he just wants to know why Uriel is in charge of Cas now, and then he wants to tell Cas torturing Alistair is going to bring something horrifying out of Dean. Cas doesn’t do any convincing at all. He doesn’t make any further argument for why Dean has to do this—he doesn’t tell Dean it’s for the greater good. Hell—it seems like Cas got demoted because he balked at asking Dean to do this to begin with. Cas doesn’t want Dean to do this and doesn’t try to convince him to! But the scene cuts and Dean is pushing his torture-set-on-wheels into the room where Alistair is being kept! So why? How does that interaction result in Dean suddenly deciding to do something he was refusing to do moments before???
I think it’s because Cas showed Dean sympathy.
The episode opens with Dean trying to tell Sam he’s hurting. He’s grieving Pam (they’re driving from her funeral), he feels like her death is his fault, he feels like they aren’t making any progress on saving the world—they’re just fuck ups who are going to fail.
DEAN I'm tired of burying friends, Sam. SAM Look, we catch a fresh trail— DEAN And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just—I'm just getting tired. SAM Well, get angry!
No sympathy from Sam. Sam wants Dean to nut up—and that's what Sam said last episode too, and it's what he said the episode before that too while under the Siren's spell.
They get into the motel and Uriel and Cas are standing there waiting for them when Dean just wanted to sleep after an awful day, and Uriel says they're needed. Dean says he just got back from needed, and Uriel tells him to mind his tone. Then of course,
CASTIEL Dean, we know this is difficult to understand. URIEL And we— URIEL gives CASTIEL a significant look. URIEL —don't care.
So no one is showing Dean any sympathy, right? Everyone is telling him to shut up and do what needs to be done—except Cas. Cas is sympathizing with him. And when Dean gets Cas alone?
DEAN You ask me to open that door and walk through it, you will not like what walks back out. CASTIEL For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this.
And that's all it takes. That's literally all it takes—is just a single shred of sympathy—someone saying that they care that Dean is in pain—that they care what this will do to him and don't wish this on him. Just someone saying that they understand and that they care is enough and Dean agrees.
Don't ever let anyone tell you Dean "needs tough love".
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papercute · 8 months
several thoughts(tm) on dean’s bar-owning hallucination/dream from when michael was possessing him:
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first of all, obviously all the details of this incarnation of pamela are basically a parallel to cas, making her as close as she could be to cas without being cas. the “to hell and back” t-shirt and the wings necklace are incredibly on the nose. but i also wanna add that the fact that this manifestation is pamela in the first place is a parallel to cas.
first, it doesn’t really make sense for it to be pamela at the time of this series. we hadn’t seen pamela for maybe eight seasons, and she died in season 5(?), so she wasn’t exactly relevant to the series at this time. but i think it was her of all people because she was dean’s first impression of cas. it was pamela who reached to cas in the séance and was the first in the whole series to speak his name, and it was the image of pamela finding castiel that is dean’s first time ever experience of him.
also, on the cas stand in being a woman: aside from the fact that the cw is very obviously homophobic, i prefer to think that it’s dean’s internalised homophobia. this version of pamela is as close to cas as she could be, but she’s just not a man.
thirdly and finally, there’s the repeated mantra of sam and cas being on a hunt and that they are supposed to be back tomorrow. or something. and it just kinda hurts that in dean’s ideal world, cas is coming back to him. cas is always coming home.
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spn-lesbian · 1 year
angel: I thought we told you not to bring any backup
Cas: I didn't
angel: then who's that behind you?
Cas: oh him? He's not backup. He's like a trophy boyfriend. I bring him along on dangerous negotiations so he can see how awesome I am
Dean: *waves*
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supernatural-24 · 2 months
"Hello Dean, what were you... dreaming about?"
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dead-twink-detectives · 2 months
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the thing about destiel is that cas drops in on season four pussy out big meow meow eyes and a voice deeper than the marianna trench just to tell dean he has no faith and then you get to season fifteen and they are sharing a bottle of wine over a romcom with their faces wrinkled in mellow laughter
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valeron99 · 1 year
Lazarus Rising.
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hotel-casifornia · 6 months
season 4 destiel forever has a special place in my heart. no one was doing it like that back then. 4x10 heaven and hell broke ground on destiel that can never be gone back from. why was it that when dean and anna were having sex there was that much focus on the handprint on deans shoulder. why was it that when anna and dean kissed they cut to cas for his reaction. what was going on back there
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