#scp techno
nomsfaultau · 17 days
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Fancy scp Technoblade, for all your stylish needs!
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
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Techno-fairies show up a lot in fiction really
There’s The Many-Colored Land, Artemis Fowl, that one Pratchett and Baxter teamed up on if you squint, kinda, the Stross book where they blew up Yorkshire and one of them hooked up with the vampire, I think there’s an SCP story about them but it’s been a while
Warhammer has them
I suppose, to tie it into my blog’s actual purpose for a moment, there might be a connection with stuff like Shaver’s Dero, Vril, the whole aliens-and-saucers-as-modern-fairy-myth thing, etc. MCL and that one Laundry book were pretty explicit about that, maybe Fowl too I haven’t read those in years
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Hey! Sorry if this is too abrupt, but I have some questions about Into The Gimmick Verse. Just some stuff about what it will look like, and what you’re looking for in participants.
So far, it's looking to be an animated tv series with a movie special we'll be showing on youtube, twitch and tumblr on my main accounts (Techno-Danger). It'll be an anthology, slice of life series where you'll see different gimmick blogs hanging out together in different scenarios. I'm personally having fun giving random ideas to them at midnight after no sleep. However none of this is confirmed or official until we finish making our first ep and see how it turns out. We've got about 80 people so far working on this in some way or another. Its also got a bunch of SCP stuff that i know nothing about so make sure to ask @the-scp-list-of-ominous-threats about ITGV as well since we've split credit on this, i made the idea and invited everyone, they made the discord and helped get the ball rolling.
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nameshifter · 2 months
SCP-8000 contest entries abridged daily
(Except, like, not well)
Wikidot still hates Russia, and I while I can't vote/participate in SCP-8000 contest, I still want to interact with it. So here's a semi-daily series of abridges I'm gonna make for each 8k entry, whenever I finish reading one (Bear in mind, I work fulltime). Entries aren't gonna be covered in any specific order, and with 151 unique entries there's zero chance I'm gonna be able to cover everything.
Placeholder/Cimmerian/Blank/Billith - Eight-Ball Two off-sets, a few crosslinks, fewer collapsibles Relevant GOIs: MC&D, Serpent's Hand, as well as some mentions of MCF
Beginning is a separate off-set to the rest of the article, and outside of introducing us to the smug arsehole that is Director Ryoto Hishakaku, also informs the readers that 8000 is, in fact, stolen
Second off-set begins with a rather techno-babbly special/converse containment procedures and description, typical of Placeholder McD. In essence, the object is a magic eight-ball on thaumic "steroids", acting as a powerful predictive supercomputer with enough precognition to look into people's consciousness and predict any inquiries before they are voiced, among other things. An incredibly useful artifact, which is why when O5 catches the word of the ball being stolen by an unknown party and chew Director Hishakaku out for letting it get stolen. No one is happy
Except for one Dr. Danill Sokolsky. He informs the council that the item can be retrived, as he has a contingency scheme, and, provided the right people, can get it relatively easy.
The right people are as follows: Ethics Committee member Dr. Cimmerian, Researcher Harknesss (who I only know as Billith's character with very high CRV), Dr. Wettle of SCP-7000 (negative luck sink), Dr. Moncier (I've not done my homework, I don't know who she is), Dr. Placeholder MCD (Esoteric Polymath, proficient in pataphysics), as well as Agent S. of MC&D (an inventor/creator of anomalous spy and infiltration tech)
Oh, and Hishakaku is there. About 20% of the article is spent dunking on him, I'd be remiss if I didn't do it a few times
Bulk of the article is spent covering an infiltration into the Wanderer's Library in search of the eight-ball. In particular, there's some fun interactions between the characters and their surroundings in the Library's Casino (read: they wreak havoc), find a gigantic place under the Wanderer's Library (aptly named Underlibrary), which stores, among other things, every book from every lost non-anomalous library as well as a talking Lighthouse of Alexandria.
They also awaken the serpent. The Serpent. The One after which the Hand is named after. That Serpent. Chaos ensues.
Wettle's bad luck ruffles Casino's feathers by making every Casino Goer win absolute jackpots, Agent S turns out to be a reality bender, affiliated with a number of other benders calling themselves House of Stars (I've not done my homework) and quickly dashes away, Cimmerian gets transported back to Ancient Egypt, eight-ball in hand, while the remaining group is reprimanded by the Casino and Librarians for causing a mess.
In time, everything is fixed, including damage to the library, as well as Cimmerian teleported back into an appropriate era, still with the eight-ball, and all is well... Except it went missing again, because of course it did.
Thanks to Cimmerian, Hishakaku ultimately gets demoted (which is immensely satisfying, considering events of 6488 and 7579) and while the foundation doesn't have their magic ball, they do, however, get rather cinematic footage of events surrounding the sentient eight-ball, seemingly made by Agent S. herself, including final scenes of the two on a beach
Tl;dr: A sentient ball of immense magical and clairvoyant powers goes missing. Six foundation researchers, Type Green MC&D agent and That Arsehole from SCP-6488 go to the Wanderer's Library to retrieve it. They trash the place, get one of their own sent back in time, temporarily retrieve the eight-ball only to lose it again not seconds later.
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mavia-anon · 1 year
Technoblade's guide to Avoiding a Horror Movie
Maybe, in some, actually scary, backwards dystopian universe, Techno could be a -- he shudders -- nerd. So its good that in the one he lives in, he is absolutely built different.
Which, thank the gods, because any sort of nerd would be terrified right now. The pitch black forests surrounding L'Manburg stretch on much further than Technos car headlights can reach. Not to mention the maybe human screams he's been hearing on his journey that should not have been this long in the first place.
Technos been driving along this country road for hours. Its supposed to be a ten minute drive.
So while Techno is usually a hard sceptic, he will admit -- just this once -- that perhaps something spooky is going.
But that doesnt mean its Technos problem. Sure, he was born with pink hair, but he aint no main character.
Through the sheer power of apathy, Techno will avoid this horror movie.
With the windows rolled down, Techno lets the wind hit his face, singing along in the most deadpan voice he can muster to super freaky girl.
"I can lick it, I can ride it while you slippin' and slidin' I can do all them little tricks to keep the--"
Its just then a shadow darts across the road. And Techno, who had seen nothing for the past few hours, startles and slams his foot on the brakes.
Fighting to keep his face neutral, Techno turns to look out his window.
A slightly humanoid figure is hunched on the side of the road, eyes glowing yellow and too sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. Techno thinks hes sees something else -- something bigger move in the shadows behind him.
"You can smack it you can grip it," Techno continues unbothered, making direct eye contact with a godsdamn SCP Cryptid looking thing. "What a weird deer. And every time he leave me 'lone--"
With that, Techno hits the gas and speeds off, heart hammering in his chest but seemingly unbothered.
Behind him, Wilbur rages.
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ilexdiapason · 7 months
Repostober Day 14 - flashes as we pass
Five times Wilbur didn't know what to make of his ghost, and one time he did.
Ghostbur's back! This time it's an SCP AU, though, which places Wilbur as the researcher that happens to have an uncanny resemblance to the anomaly, and who isn't getting any of the answers he wants about it until it's already changed his (and the people he knows') life for good. Featuring D-class Tommy, junior researcher Tubbo who absolutely should not have been given as much power as he has, helpful overseas Techno who officially knows nothing about Wilbur's job (although he's got a pretty good guess), and the traditional dehumanising cruelty of the SCP Foundation. The first chapter of this is, I think, some of my best work at quickly and efficiently establishing tone and tension; it gets into the action very quickly, and I love that about it. This was written for the Summer of Sorcery, but it's not very Sorcery-y, to be honest; apricity, written for the same exchange, fit the bill a lot better than this does. (We'll talk about apricity in a few days, I'm sure!) Make sure to have "show creator's skin" toggled, because some of the chapters need the workskin to be displayed correctly!
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Fake fic title - Some things are meant to be contained (One of them is me)
A bit on the nose but I immediately thought of a fic about Techno working in some type of SCP facility, where a teen by the name of Ranboo is being contained. He looks for all intents and purposes human and acts completely docile - even anxious. Still, the researchers claim he's one of the deadliest creatures in the facility.
Slowly, the two bond, and Techno becomes convinced Ranboo is being wrongfully kept there so he breaks him out. The two are on the run now, trying to find Ranboo's home (wherever that is, Ranboo himself barely remembers so they need to chase the clues of his fractured memory).
The thing is, the researchers were right. Ranboo himself might not be dangerous as a person, he is a harbinger of the Apocalypse. And in freeing him, Techno has doomed the world without even realizing.
[Send me a fake fic title and I'll tell you the fic I would write for it]
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
Writing Projects
Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers as Quaker Oats Products (wip)
Band of Brothers x 1 Can Para member (under construction, doing some research) 
The Seminar
Call of Duty
COD x SCP Foundation (wip)
Task Force: The Anomaly
0.00 Cover and Teaser (can be considered a stand alone piece sperate from COD) 
0.01  Sneak Peak
Deep Voiced MC (headcanons or one shot, idk) Coming soon
In the incubator (Ideas that I have not developed, am developing or am on the fence about. Please do not steal these. If u get inspired these please credit or ask what I’m doing with them, so we can coordinate.)
Assassin’s Creed x COD
Top Gun x reader callsign seraph
COD x Self Aware AU MC: The MC always had a feeling that they were being watched. MC always thought they were paranoid, but they slowly figured out that they were living like a video game character. TW: Character Death
COD x Baby Driver! MC: where in the mc is a getaway driver making a quick buck. Temporarily hired by the team as they find a driver within their ranks back at home. Ends up impressing the team and staying.
COD or SCP x Mothman! MC maybe: Actual moth man in COD or is this a crack fic? Who knows
COD x MC with chat:  Ever since they were young, they were never alone. They often spoke to the voices. The adults in their life always thought they had a vivid imagination when they were young, but they’ll never understand. When MC joins the military, is when the knowledge of the chat is tested
COD Fallout AU
Demotion Hopper MC
Sky Fall
John Wick MC
Uncanny Valley MC
Callsign: Tech/Techno/Radar
Researching/Learning for fics
1st Canadian Parachute Battalion
I have no beta readers, so forgive me if any mistakes slips through.
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halfbreeddege · 1 year
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Cover | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 (coming next week)
(Posting this one a little late today but here it is!)
Oh boy. Cyrus’s day just a whoooole lot worse. Dr. P has been holding this secret in for quite a while and couldn’t wait to let him know. 
Overlord, living rent free in Borg is rude.
So we know it’s canon where the Overlord was camping within Zane (and the poor nindroid gets his fair share of whump in the show). Maybe the same could have been done with Pixal but she got bonked with a techno blade, eliminating any OL cooties. But Borg? Poor guy got gutted and stuffed like a fish to be the Overlord’s puppet so he’s got his own cybernetics too. Who’s to say the same couldn’t have happened to Borg? Seriously, what the heck was going through the writer’s head in that scene. That was pretty dark for a Lego show.
Also, SCP-1658 is Meowthra in this AU.
A suspenseful page requires suspenseful music! (same song as last page, but if you listen, hopefully you can tell which part of the song should apply to this page)
AU belongs to @breathlessmorro Art by me
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eli-elien · 2 years
SCP Foundation SBI AU
Philza Craft is a top ranked scientist who is assigned to three specimens.
A young adolescent looking immortal boy who can never die, he's vampiric in nature and very volatile. Everyone is surprised that The Blood God actually talked, gave his name, which is Techno.
The next is a soft looking boy who can tell anyone to do anything by just hearing him and can bust out eardrums with his screams. Siren does the same, telling him he's Wilbur.
And lastly the youngest, a little boy who has wings and other bird-like features and his name is Tommy.
He learns of each boys' pasts and sympathies with them, for he has wings just like the youngest.
So Philza Craft escapes with the three from the SCP Foundation to start a new life.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Techno wrap for the year
(what do you mean it’s February—)
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All my Techno designs for my AUs. Or the more interesting ones, limited space and all that.
From left to right:
Human in hoodie is from Mandatory Family Reunion
Fancy dark cloak is from Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Retirement outfit is from Golden Apples (Gilded Atrophy)
Large one with tusks is from Fault
Glowing is from Lighting Lanterns to Bring You Home
Child with sword is from The Lambs Wolves Wear
I was going to do a goofy interaction page but life got fast again so.
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cyberneticfamiliar · 1 year
Collaborative writing ideas
Lately, I have been fascinated by the idea of larger collaborative worldbuilding projects like scp and Orion's arm. Something about the idea of a community coming together to create expansive lore is intriguing even if they do tend to become crap eventually(or instantly in the case of the backrooms). I could never actually run one myself as the idea of being a moderator makes me want to vomit but I do have some ideas.
Liminal colonization-  taking place in a never-ending  liminal maze of rooms much like the original backrooms but installed of being populated by random  dolts who have managed to stumble in there it  is high kardashev humans invading and making use of this bizarre dimension
Dyson preserve- a Dyson swarm consisting of innumerable space stations created by an unknown intelligence as a combination of wildlife preserve and art piece. In contrast to normal Dyson swarms which serve as living space for their creators the stations of this swarm work as habitats with each containing life forms wholly unique to it.  the artificial nature of the habitats and life allows for environments and creatures that would never be able to occur naturally, some examples Alternate life solvents such as liquid nitrogen, methane sulphuric acid molten salt Gravitys that fall on the extreme ends of the spectrum or perhaps even alternate over a time period Machine life Alternate bioenegetics
Cloacina’s domain- a gargantuan sprawling sewer system in the bottom of an ecumenopolis which may or may not be earth,  playing host to countless inhabitants including but not limited to vermin and their offshoots, abandoned gmo pets gon feral, self-replicating sewer repair robots that have mutated into a sort of ecosystem, and of course cannibalistic mutants. What is the surface world like is only hinted at as just about every sentient creature has been down there multiple generations.
Fantasy sci-fi- while fantasy settings are often shown stuck in the medieval period this setting would show what was at one point a generic fantasy setting but nearly a million years in the future, a bizarre combination of hard sci-fi and fantasy where the various races and factions have reached out and colonized the stars. Advanced tech and magic are something intertwined rather than existing in opposition to one another.
Cryptid sci-fi- a hard sci-fi space colonization setting in a timeline where a large number of cryptids are real. What impacts does this have?  As many of the intelligent cryptids are discovered they may be integrated into societies and or given modern tech Mermaids and sea monks building large underwater mega cities, dogmen and goatmen forming independent space colonies, bio ships made from the DNA of sea monsters. Things only get more bizarre when uplifting comes into play.
Non-existent anime- somewhat inspired by Tumblr’s Goncharov this would be a fandom wiki for a long-running anime/show that does not exist.
Institute for the study of paranormal ailments (ISPA)- a sort an SCP adjacent universe focusing on the eponymous ISPA- an organization created to research and treat supernatural illnesses and disorders.
The tower Arcana - a colossal sealed self-sustaining skyscraper arcology that seems to be the only feature on a dead uninhabited planet. The tower reaches all the way up to the upper atmosphere and goes down all the way through the entire core of the planet and out the other side where proceeds to again reach up to the upper atmosphere. where the tower or its inhabitance came from is a mystery that has descended into mythology for its techno barbarian inhabitance. What has been known from signs on some of the floors is its creators did give the tower a name: The 16th Arcana.
Park service division 411- in the early 2000’s the paranormal bullshit that goes on in US national parks kicked itself into overdrive and became undeniable leading to the creation of the 411 and a governmental organization dedicated to researching these entities as well as minimalizing the damage they might cause to campers and native ecologies.  While the presence of paranormal horrors might seem like it would harm camping and general tourism it is in many ways the opposite as it would attract countless people hoping to see and research these creatures, besides we don't wall off national parks because they have dangerous wildlife.
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jukeboxcraft · 2 years
hello! we’re the jukebox system, and welcome to our little corner of tumblr where we post minecraft stuff from our collective brain.
we decided to set up this account so anyone in the system who was interested could participate in the mc side of tumblr! hopefully you’ll enjoy what we post :]
↪ dni: non-traumagenics, proshippers, maps, 18+/kink, system deniers, anti well-researched self-diagnosis, discourse-focused blogs, or supporters of the first four.
↪ host is holly, who goes by she/her! ↪ agender + he/him and they/them collectively ↪ minor-bodied, 16 specifically ↪ osdd-1b system of 100+ alters ↪ hollyxxvii on java! if you see us anywhere, feel free to say hi :]
feel free to read what’s below the header for some headmate info! we mainly listed the people who are most likely to post on here, not in any particular order.
🌻 holly; she/her, 16, host & trauma-holder, human(?), agender
⚡ billy; he/him, ageless but goes with 17, co-host & primary protector, scp introject, statue, agender
🍨 paisley; she/her, 11, little, demigirl, typing quirk
🍰 hailey; she/her, 17, soother, demigirl
🎹 dante; he/him, 19, grunge & piano enthusiast
💿 lawrence; he/him, 28-30, original co-host, protector
🤍 orion; they/he/it, ageless, ghost
🍭🦇 phantom/binx; he/they/it, ageless, ghost, oc introject (not our own)
⏳ imp; he/they, cat/reaper, twelve introject
⚔️ techno; he/him, unknown age, cc introject
🦇 ranboo; he/they, 18, cc introject
🎥 wilbur; he/him, 22, cc introject
🐑💙 ghostbur; he/him, 22(?), dsmp introject
🎮 BEN; he/they, 14, ghost, creepypasta introject
🎃 toby; he/they, 18, social protector, creepypasta introject, typing quirk
🌲 hero; he/him, unknown age, creepypasta introject
☀️ sunrise; he/they, ageless, internal caretaker, fnaf introject
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boyakishantrinity · 6 months
Item 2.
Item two is a techno biomass production comprised of former personnel coined "Rose".
Rose is standard issue weaponry handed to level 3 personnel or higher.
Agent Rose persists as Item 2, further attempts to communicate otherwise are welcome however a week's notice is appreciated.
SCP foundation staff member "Jack Bright" is not permitted near primary core after incident VK-3.
SCP foundation personnel are permitted to attempt to "contain" Agent Rose or Item 2.
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Rachel Mathison
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Name: Rachel Mathison. Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her. Age: 41. Birthday: January 2nd. Nationality: American. Birthplace: New York, New York. Current Residence: Lakeland, Florida. Occupation: Lawyer. Height: 5 ft. 2 in. Sexuality: Heterosexual. Fandom: Triple Frontier. FC: Rachael Leigh Cook.
Brief Background: Rachel is the only child of Meghan Mathison; her father is unknown. She had a very close relationship with her mother, and while it had its challenges being raised by a single parent, Rachel had a good childhood. Unfortunately, her mother died from complications with pneumonia when she was twelve, and after that, she moved down to Lakeland, Florida to be raised by her Uncle Paul. It was a major adjustment for Rachel, she was angry for many years, but her Uncle Paul thankfully got her seeing a good therapist and was patient with her. Paul became the father she never had.
After graduating from high school, Rachel pursued her dreams of attending college and law school in New York, preferring the hustle and bustle of the large city over the quietness of the suburbs. Still, she would visit her beloved uncle every year for the holidays, and he would visit at least once during the summer.
However, during her early 30's, her uncle developed some health hardships due to his diabetes, so Rachel moved back down to Florida to be closer to him. Once she was settled in Florida, she gained employment at a law firm in Tampa. She typically works with civil cases, particularly going into family law cases, and due to her uncle being a Vietnam War vet, she does handle a lot of local veteran advocacy cases.
Personality: Sarcastic, dedicated, strong moral compass, stubborn, intelligent, career-driven, assertive, organized.
Likes: Horror books and movies (Not slashers, though); Classical jazz and 80's/90's pop music; Running; Freshly baked blueberry bagel with cinnamon sugar cream cheese spread; Old fashions and espresso martinis; Planning ahead so she does not need to stress at the last minute; Happy endings, even if she acts very cynical at times.
Dislikes: Overly sappy Hallmark movies; People who cannot take a hint or handle rejection well; Plagiarizers, rely on others to do the work for them then taking credit; Loud techno/dance music; Soy cheese (It is a texture thing for her); Being late or others being late; Surprises.
Random Headcanons: -She is a vegetarian. She has been since she was thirteen. She tried veganism for about three weeks, but she missed cheese too much. -Her favorite movie growing up was Aliens. Ripley was hero. -Her favorite Halloween costume was when she was 16 and went to a party as bloodied Carrie. -Although she is not a gamer or a fan of creepypastas, she watches a lot YouTube content involving the SCP, Bloodborne, and season one of Marble Hornets. -She has dinner with her Uncle Paul every week, at least once during the week, usually on Saturday's.
[Other established verses below cut]
Instead of moving down to Florida, Rachel stays in New York after graduating from Columbia Law School. She goes to work for the Attorney General's office to handle DFCS cases. She is known best for working with single parents so long as they are not physically abusing the child(ren). She also does veteran advocacy cases and IP law. She still visits her uncle twice a year at least, and she video chats with him at least once a week.
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