lilaccbush · 1 year
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that kind of clowny stuff we deserved. off blorbos (as brighella arlecchino and colombine) and... SUPERBROS PULCI AND ARLEY
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some older things
from 🌸🌻🍑✨🧼 to 👁️👹💀🧷🎭
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harpiadelbosque · 9 months
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Test 58 ~Scapino~ (Pen + PS)
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herbiemikeadamski · 2 years
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. (^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 9月18日(日) #赤口(甲戌) 旧暦 8/23 月齢 21.8 下弦 年始から261日目(閏年では262日目)にあたり、年末まであと104日です。 . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 台風14号ですが、行く所行く所で 脅されます😅💦私が東京から来た って知ってるからでしょうけど💦 「熊本、九州の台風は半端ないよ」 先ず、これを、どの人も云います。 「停電になりよるけん!」「電気 は使えんとよ!」「お風呂に水溜」 「鍋、やかんににも水よ!」って それから食料を備蓄せな「アカン!」 どれも眉唾で経験もないからか💦 . どれも何もしてませんが🤣😆🤣 今、辺りを見ても雨もないし風も ないし、ただ生暖かい空気が淀ん で居るような無い様な感じです✋ 「嵐の前の静けさ」でしょうか❓ ただ、本当に低電になったら嫌っ ですよね😅💦ネット観れないし困る⤵️ それが、一番の難儀やね🤣😆🤣 ってかネットですけど。昨日、また 突然にインターネット不能になりました⤵️ . モバレコのSoftbank Airなんですが 幾ら再起動かけようが設定を変更 しようが、どうにもならなくなり レオネットを再開させてLONET Wi-Fiを 起動させたら観れました✋当然w ってもってAmazonプライムvideoが👀 観れるか行ってみたら全然オッケー❕ 何なのこれ💢💢💢でっ相変わらず Speed Wi-Fi 5G X11は全く繋が らない状況ですが困ったもん⤵️⤵️⤵️ . この前、LEONETについて散々文句 と暴言を吐いてしまって謝らねば🙏 物理的に考えてもLEONETは有線で 配線されてるから当然の如く安定 していて、そこからWi-Fiの信号を 送るんだから最強に決まってます。 しかし、モバレコとワイマックスが繋がらな い現象って何なんでしょうね💢💢💢 でも、頭にきてLEONET解約しなく て良かったですよ✋モバレコドウスッカナw . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #順陽丸事件(ジュンヨウマルジケン). 1944(昭和19)9月16日(土)大安.にペカンバル⇔ムアロ間のスマトラ横断鉄道の建設に投入される1,377名のオランダ人捕虜と  64名のイギリス人(オーストラリア人含む)捕虜、8名のアメリカ人捕虜と4,200名あまりのジャワ人労務者を乗せてジャワ島の  バタヴィアノタンジョンプリオクを出港した。  同年の9月18日(月)先負.に南緯02度53分 東経101度11分の地点にさしかかったところでイギリス潜水艦トレードウィンド  の雷撃で沈没した。  これは5,620名が死亡する当時世界最大規模の海難事故というより人災である事件であると云えます。  680人ほどの生き残った捕虜はスマトラ横断鉄道の現場に送られたが、終戦まで生き延び、救出されたのは僅か  100人足らずだった。  「順陽丸」は1913(大正2)年にグラスゴーノロバート・ダンカン造船所で建造された船で、当初はイギリス船であったが  1927(昭和2)年に日本の三陽社合資会社の「順陽丸」となり、1929(昭和4)年に樺太汽船に売却、1938(昭和139年 からは馬場商事の所有となった貨物船であったが、日本陸軍に徴用され、輸送船として主に捕虜の輸送船と  なって居て連合軍からは「ヘルシップ(地獄船)」と呼ばれた。 . #赤口(シャッコウ・シャック).#心・血管病予防デー. #SCAPIN-34.#シュライヒフィギュアの日. #しまくとぅばの日(沖縄県).#かいわれ大根の日.#満洲事変記念日.#牡蠣むきの日. #ペタンクの日.#蘆花忌.#防犯の日(毎月18日).#頭髪の日(毎月18日). #ファーストエイドの日(毎月18日).#北海道清酒の日(毎月18日). #二輪・自転車安全日(毎月18日).#米食の日(毎月18日).#観音の縁日(毎月18日). #鬼子母神の縁日(毎月8の付く日に制定されている).#米の日(毎月8の付く日に制定されている). . ●9月18日を含む期間を設定している運動など. 歯ヂカラ探究月間(9月1日~9月30日). . #チリ独立記念日. #韓国鉄道の日. . ■本日の語句■. #握れば拳、開けば掌(ニギレバコブシ、ヒラケバテノヒラ) 【解説】 心のもちようで、同じものでもさまざまに変化する事を云う。 他人を打つ拳も、他人を撫(な)でる掌も、いずれも人間の手であることに変わりはない。 . . 1961(昭和36)年9月18日(月)仏滅. #中井貴一 (#なかいきいち) 【俳優】 〔東京都世田谷区〕 . (Saburou, Kumamoto-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cin-22gPLk05vga8TvnKnv09ahijWJiwuWpl9E0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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burningblogreborn · 2 years
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Vinicius Scapin by Jeff Segenreich
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michaelmandoarchive · 9 months
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Michael Mando in Les Fourberies de Scapin by Moliere 4. (2007)
Photo from Les fourberies de Scapin (2007), produced by Repercussion Theatre and directed by Amanda Kellock. This picture is from the iconic scene in which Scapin (Michael Mando) pulls out his most daring scheme and convinces Madame Géronte (Edith Arvisais) to hide in a large bag because of an invented attack by scavengers. He then plays a cocktail of characters as he pretends to be defending her against an army of men - all the while he is actually taking his revenge on her.
This show was nominated for a record breaking 5 MECCA awards. It was also Michael's first professional contract, right out of theatre school. He quickly made a name for himself as he delivered a tour de force performance in this highly acclaimed bilingual production.
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straightplayshowdown · 8 months
The Play That Goes Wrong: The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society prepare to stage their new production – the 1920s murder mystery 'Murder at Haversham Manor'. However the set is not yet complete and there is no time to finish it off…..the show must go on! With a murder (and a moving corpse) established from the beginning, the murder mystery gets into full flow. However, the props start to disappear, actors go missing and the set begins to collapse around, and often on, the cast. Mayhem ensues, the acting gets worse, and the set becomes increasingly dangerous, but the company struggle on regardless.
Les Fourberies de Scapin: Scapin constantly lies and tricks people to get ahead. He is an arrogant, pompous man who acts as if nothing were impossible for him. However, he is also a diplomatic genius. In their fathers' absence, Octave has secretly married Hyacinthe and Léandre has secretly fallen in love with Zerbinette. But the fathers return from a trip with marriage plans for their respective sons. Scapin, after hearing many pleas for help, comes to their rescue. Thanks to many tricks and lies, Scapin manages to come up with enough money from the parents to make sure that the young couples get to stay married. 
Propaganda under the cut!
The Play That Goes Wrong:
Goofy, silly, I love these characters your honor. A second floor of a set falls down.
Silly! Energetic! Disastrous!
It was fun and I had a good time :)
It's the most incredible straight play of modern time. It's the stereotypical murder mystery, but with Murphy's law applied to the actual production- everything that can go wrong, does. We don't simply have the characters on the stage, we also have the actors playing them, who are all so well developed with their own foibles. From "I'm Chris Bean, the Die-rector" until the set literally falls apart, it's the funniest thing in the world, and you won't stop laughing even after you've left the theatre. More than the humor, though, it makes the theatre, and all its quirks, accessible. It demonstrates how much work goes into making a show happen, both onstage and behind the scenes. That appreciation is something very rarely shown let alone celebrated- and celebrated is the right word here. For even when everything goes wrong, and everything DOES in fact go wrong, they keep going. The show must go on, and it does, and it's wonderful. Also the three guys who star in it wrote it, and they're actually the sweetest guys ever, which is a rarity in the world of the arts.
Les Fourberies de Scapin: 
Even tho it's really old, it's also funny, which is not surprising given it's a comedy. It's like the only play I know other than Shakespearen ones and have actually seen myself. I saw it in french and understood not very much of it, but it's pretty alright if I do say so myself
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softcarebears · 2 months
the guys on the team are even worse
and i’m not constantly cheating on you, my friends married me and husband w/o our consent and new pookie just started calling me pookie
oh yea...i definitely forgot the unconsented marriage its giving "octave and hyacinte" in the impostures of scapin☠
always having hoes...😖
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jihef03 · 8 months
En train de lire "Les Fourberies de Scapin" pour la représentation de fin d'année et je sens que je vais devoir me faire un tableau de relations entre les personnages.
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le-journal-catalan · 2 years
Cabestany : Les fourberies de Scapin et l’histoire d’un petit garçon... manqué, sur scène
Cabestany : Les fourberies de Scapin et l’histoire d’un petit garçon… manqué, sur scène
« LES FOUBERIES DE SCAPIN » Cie L’ETERNEL ETE et le LUCENAIRE – VENDREDI 18 NOVEMBRE 2022 A 20H30 – SALLE A. ABET – CENTRE CULTUREL J. FERRAT Les deux amis Octave et Léandre ont chacun épousé une jeune femme de naissance inconnue dont ils étaient tombés follement amoureux. Et cela sans le consentement de leurs pères ! Scapin, valet rusé et généreux, reprend du service pour faire triompher la…
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dimalenastore · 2 years
Lindíssimo e confortável…! Sapato Scapin em croco zebra (zebrinha) com fivela e correntes de ajustes na cor grafite salto stiletto 9,5cm direto de fábrica.
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🥰 Venha conhecer esse e outros produtos incríveis em noss loja, acesse aqui 👇👉 Link da loja . https://calcados.dimalenastore.com .
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dolerme · 10 months
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vinicius scapin by felipe cordeiro for made in brazil
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coquelicoq · 9 months
First I'd like to say, it's a pretty impressive list of french books to have read in only 12 months! (even for a french speaker ngl).
I'm not super well versed in classic literature, novel wise (tho I liked "le dernier jour d'un condamné" by Hugo, "la promesse de l'aube" by Romain Gary, and as cliché as it may be I adore "le petit prince") but if you like theater ! In classics I’d recommend "Phèdre" and "Iphigénie" by Racine, Molière ("le malade imaginaire" and "les fourberies de scapin" are personal favorites),"Hernani" by Hugo again (♡♡), and for more modern stuff "Rhinocéros" and "la cantatrice chauve" by Ionesco. Oh, and "Huis Clos" by Sartre!
In poetry, first of all I think Villon is a great, and brave choice especially if you have it in old french (one of my all time favorite poem is his, "la ballade des pendus"). Otherwise, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine and Apollinaire !
In a bit more modern things, if you liked Queneau I’d say give "Zazie dans le métro" a try – tho the way he plays with vocabulary and spelling in this one can be challenging (but it is very fun). Then "Au bonheur des ogres" and "La fée carabine" by Daniel Pennac (I assume the rest of "La saga malaussène" is good too but I have only read those two so far), "escalier C" by Elvire Murail (this one is a big big big fave of mine ♡♡♡), "mercure"by Amélie Nothomb (she’s super prolific but this is the one I remember really enjoying).
For sci-fi, I realize I am not very up to date with what french literature proposes. It’s been quite some time but I remember enjoying “le cycle des fourmis” and “les thanatonautes” + “l’empire des anges” by Bernard Werber. Also “les lutteurs immobiles” by Serge Brussolo. My mother is a harcore fan of Pierre Bordage, so I will slip his name here too. Then I don’t know if you enjoy reading short stories, but in between some scifi/fantasy/fantastique I can rec “la vieille anglaise et le continent – et autres récits” by Jeanne-A Débats, “notre dame aux écailles” and “le jardin des silences” by Mélanie Fazi, Oh and in … I guess technically fantasy? But bordering historical fiction bc of the realism, “chien du heaume” and the next one “mordre le bouclier” by Justine Niogret are two very good short novels.
I am probably missing a ton of great titles, but my brain is failing me and I have very few books in french here (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) (most of them stayed, well. In France). But this makes me think I really need to get back into actually reading in french – so I am adding Valérie Perrin to my lists for sure!
omg thank you for these recs!! this is so detailed and specific, i love it. you're reminding me i've read several of these before, like i had forgotten about rhinocéros but we read it in high school and i really loved it! i should reread that and/or read some other ionesco for sure. speaking of absurdist plays, have you read en attendant godot? i've read it in english but i know it was in french originally so i've been thinking about trying that. big fan of french absurdism.
i also read a lot of molière in high school french classes (i remember giving an extremely boring and long-winded presentation (for everyone else; i was super into it) on his plays to my english class for some reason??), which is how i first learned what a cuckold is lol. and of course we read some baudelaire but i really want to revisit him! also omg apollinaire is the calligramme guy, right? those rewired my brain. i will check out more of his stuff for sure. and it's good to have the names of some other heavy hitters so i can expand out to cover more than was included in my formal education obvi. (like i have read zero racine? which seems like an oversight in curriculum, but what do i know.)
i do have villon in old french 😩 or i guess technically middle french is what he was writing in. the reason i've been putting it off is that right after the preface there's a four-page section on "graphie et prononciation" and i was just like hmmmm is this really something i need to be introducing into my life at this formative time. like i'm still sort of coming to terms with modern french spelling and pronunciation and this seems like it might just confuse me. so i might not be quite ready, but it's here for me when i've leveled up lol.
i loved the one book by queneau i've read so far, so i super appreciate getting recs for other works by him. and i read one amélie nothomb a few years ago, but when i went to look at what else i could read by her i got so overwhelmed by the sheer number that i couldn't pick! so it's good to have your suggestion for a particular title 😊 i've not heard of the other people you mentioned but will look into them!
thank you so much for pointing me in some scifi/fantasy directions 👀📝 i will take a look at these authors and titles...
yeah i super recommend changer l'eau des fleurs, and i know valérie perrin has written at least two other novels, so i'm gonna try to get my hands on those! the challenge now is that whenever i try to buy books from overseas my credit card company marks it as fraud and cancels the transaction lol. my grandmother found this us-based company that imports books from france and really wants to get me some more french-language books for christmas, but their selection isn't huge. this gives me lots of ideas though and i'm sure they will have at least some of the books you mentioned! thank you again, you really came through 🥰🥰
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dinoshaverights · 4 months
For all the older Gen Z and young millennials out there feeling nostalgic this week, here's a modern version of Jimmy Buffett's Pencil Thin Mustache. I'm sorry.
To the Tune of Jimmy Buffet's Pencil Thin Mustache:
Now they make new movies in old C.G.
With the type of endings, no one wants to see
So if you find yourself in that nostalgic rage
Honey, jump right up and show your age
I wish I had a handlebar mustache
The early 2000s kind
A two-toned MCR jacket
And an autographed picture of Harry Styles
I remember bein' buck-toothed and chubby
Wearing T-shirts with that ol' Justice monkey
Oh, I wish I had a handlebar mustache
Then I could be a hipster too!
Then it's handstands, Disneylands, growin' up fast
Limited afternoon T.V.!
Oh! Hot Topic scaring everyone's mama,
And it was super illegal to be smokin' marijuana!
Yeah, I wish I had a handlebar mustache
Then I could be a hipster too!
Curly, Twirly, handlebar mustache
Then it's black top, gravel rock, scapin' my knee
Wrestin' on the livin' room floor, so sore
Yeah, send yourself to college,
try to gain a little knowledge.
When all you wanna do is not be poor!
Yeah, but now I'm gettin' on, don't watch Voltron
I'm deep in dept and I'm on the run,
But I can jump on Minecraft and still have fun!
Just the way that it used to be
That's why I wish I had a handlebar mustache
The early 2000s kind
A two-toned MCR jacket
And an autographed picture of Harry Styles
Oh, I could be anyone I wanted to be
Maybe suave Flynn Rider or ol' Barry B.
If I only had a handlebar mustache
Then I could do some web surfin' too
Yeah, it's not the same, but we don't really mind
Oh, I could do some web surfin' too
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charleslebatman · 6 months
I’ll be honest, I don’t think she’ll open her insta. What’s the point of the art account then? She might just keep the private and start using her art account to post things related to promo/charles.// i think the same, she’ll have her ig close for a while and still hint what’s happening in her life on her art account also i don’t think charles will post a photo with her on his ig i think his or team know what people think about her and don’t want a mess in his comment section
Fourberie de Scapin 2.0 (🇫🇷 anon c’est pour toi), I would love to see her with this book in her hand at the next Gp while she seems so cultivated, than this fucking ad lipstick. 🙃
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Osrs update for today:
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Yet another sword shard dupe, and nothing else today but we'll hit 600 KC tomorrow. More importantly we DID get two gigantic milestones today: 300 days in game time and 400 ml XP kind of wish I got a cleaner cap for either of those but it is what it is. Also got a fury ornament kit out an elite so pretty damn good day of scapin'.
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