#saw a real bad take on response to a post lmao
altschmerzes · 1 year
“blah blah the ‘friends don’t do that’ shipping comments are a JOKE don’t you idiots GET IT” cool cool cool real quick 1. sure ain’t presented as a joke half the time, bud! 2. jokes can still suck and perpetuate shitty beliefs and harmful concepts. this is not complex. yea, even jokes by queer people looking for rep. sorry, that doesn’t give you a pass from hurting Other Queer People. grow up and start understanding that you’re not the only person in the room.
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hhhhleb · 2 months
Hi, I just saw your recent post with little!Jake and Marc, and I just wanted to say it's so heartwarming, the relationship Marc is feeling about Jake ! Like you said, the relationship he have with Jake looks so close to the one Marc had with Randall ( Roro ? ) and I find it so cute.
It’s a bit heartbreaking too, but I find so cute.
And just asking, does Little!Jake feel the same, is he too shy to respond to the ( I guess a bit clumsy ) affection from Steven and Marc, or just Jake doesn’t want it ?
And does Jake miss Randall ( Roro ) too ? Since I guess he maybe have the memories of Randall by Marc’s mind and memories ?
I’m just really curious about their relationship with little!Jake, especially with Marc, and their past relationship with their brother and maybe their parents.
( Hope you don’t mind my questions. And hope you get the questions, since my English isn’t really perfect, since it isn’t my first language. Take your time to answer if you want to, I don’t want to overwhelm you. )
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS!! I’m guilty ur honor, I couldn’t answer them for how long? Two weeks?😶🧎im rlly sorry..
Well, Marc&Jake’s relationship aren’t so simple I guess, in some way it is similar to the Marc&Roro’s but in other way it’s not.
1. Jake isn’t ready to open up to M&S. To people in general. He’s cautious, It is safe when he’s playing adult’s role, it’s like a mask, a shield from the real(adult) world, but when M&S figured out he’s a kid he feels too exposed to them. Too open, too easy to hurt. I feel like he doesn’t want this affection from them because he doesn’t really know how to be a loved child? So he doesn’t know how to respond to it. As I said here Jake never have met Wendy, he doesn’t consider her as his own mother. Thus, all his behaviour&attitude is based on Marc&Roro’s playtime as children. That’s why he’s so into this roleplay of a badass guy))
2. Jake actually misses Roro. If Steven had no idea about him, Jake considered Roro his own brother. It’s the only thing in Marc’s memories he accepts as his own. Marc(Jake) loved Roro so much that he(Jake) adopted this love for art from him(similar to Steven and his accent, I suppose). He also inherited Marc’s feelings of responsibility as an older brother from that time, so Jake’s not used to be the youngest. Therefore, it’s quite an experience for him to adept to this whole new dynamic with S&M. He pushes them away feeling like he shouldn’t can’t rely on them.
Absolutely love this idea of a bunk bad for M&R!! It fits so well! saw it in this concept art for MK. It’s amazing. Like, I think Roro was a very sensitive kid(he looks rueful when Marc calls him a baby for being wary of playing in the cave while it's raining), so he’s afraid of dark and not sleeping with parents SOOOoooo Marc took the bottom bed and have told him, that he would defend him from any monster who would be stupid enough to try to attack them! He also hung all Roro’s drawings there, because he’s very proud of him)
Ahhhh my heart aches for them. I spent half of my childhood on a bunk bad like that, my siblings and I plastered it all over with stickers, there were glasses of juice everywhere lmao, loads of thrilling books on shelves, we used to do a blanket castle on the bottom bed and read some stories with a flashlight
I feel like it’s the thing Marc&Roro could do.. I wish they had more screen time in the show..
(am I projecting? Yes.
Also, I think that’s where Steven’s love for reading is coming from)
ps even though Jake doesn’t want this affection, he needs it just like any other person, just like any other child. He has a hard way ahead of him. Comics about the table thing was one of the first steps:)
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nicoleanell · 1 year
I would love to hear your meta on the scene from Renfield with the priest and the vampire hunter, if you’d be willing to share!
My thing with that scene is it was peak Give Renfield A Hug and also the most irredeemable thing he does in the movie short of destroying some kid's ant farm, and that instantly made me fall in love with him.
I like the fact they made Renfield an aggressively sympathetic character and at the same time not wholly innocent. Robert Montague Renfield is neither a good guy or a bad guy but he deserves to be okay. (Also he may come off way more "sane" as movie Renfields go but he's not a well person lol, and the fact he's in an all-gender support group for abuse survivors very rapidly becomes not so much A Joke as it is the Entire Point of the movie.)
In the flashbacks, it's totes played for comedy and riffing on the 1931 movie and there's a little bit of an "unreliable narrator" vibe to it when Renfield's like, it was good we had great times etc. :))) We don't really know how in control of himself he is or how much he's whitewashing. But then we get the church/vampire killer thing and there's like... the first seed of something more real going on. The movie tells us upfront that the last time Dracula was almost defeated he stopped it, willingly, and it wasn't normal vampire enthrallment stuff as much as a very human emotional choice.
There's some heavy-handed manipulation happening and it's *completely* non-supernatural. They'll lock you away. I'll protect you. I care about you. And Nic Hoult's big woobie eyes hold all the sadness and isolation and genuine hope/desire to be loved, and it's unhealthy attention but there's nothing better out there for him. 🥺 <- emoji rendition of Renfield and also me.
Oh and for good measure his "he really means it this time" internal monologue is 100% meant to sound like toxic/abusive boyfriend stuff he's echoing from the support group, which is A Joke in this movie until it's not anymore.
(Side note, I saw you mention this in another post - the mental institution headcanon is Valid. I would've liked for it to be explicitly in there somewhere but as far as I'm concerned nothing *contradicts* it and it's one of like 3 facts people associate with Spiders Georg over here. So I'll take that crumb that the threat of him getting locked up is just as likely to be in an asylum (again) as a jail. And yikes the legitimate fear of that being WORSE than the hell he's currently in.)
And the second he does the thing, some priest *completely proves Dracula right* by immediately throwing more guilt and blame on Renfield and being like YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYONE ELSE HE KILLS NOW. Which, fair! But also, dude, you're being the opposite of helpful here! Lmao fucking Catholics. He knows this! It's why he can't get out! Of course he chose Dracula and he did it on purpose and he did it because of trauma and it *cemented* him being trapped forever. This is the climax of an entire other movie in which Renfield is probably not the main character but would definitely end up my problematic fave anyway.
SO YEAH. Between that and the reveal he left a whole wife & kid, there's such an interesting theme of guilt/shame on top of self-esteem and learned helplessness issues I was not anticipating in this movie. It's important for him to get to a place of: "I want to blame this legitimately awful monster but I also did SOME of this to myself, and when I can accept that without immediately going into a fetal position, it gives him less power over me."
Does not remove his power completely! 'Cause Renfield 2023 is also not, like, saying that you can just Easily Decide To Leave Your Violent Abuser. But the affirmations about being enough and deserving better and seeking better in spite of having failed or fucked up before are important.
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
I have this theory and I made a post about it but I love your Sammy stuff and consider you like a premiere expert so I'm genuinely curious.
Canonical after re-reading the books (and are they canon anymore LoL but). Did canon!Joey *know* Sammy was tripping the light fantastic on ink?
Like the passage where he tells buddy 'why please a man when you can please a god' seems to imply wet cat prophet man is pissed about Joey and feels let down -
And then *later* Joey's like 'Sammy lured them all down here...but I couldn't use them' and I'm like ho-shit did bro become the guy's Walter white
Also hi your art is amazing and if you have original work I would read instantly.
LMAO GOSH, thank you for the kind words!!! also golly gee THIS LINE FROM JOEY DRIVES ME NUTS because JOEY COME ON MAN TELL ME MORE!!!!
There’s several little things in the background that implies SOMETHING between these two but we don’t get to see it! Thomas surely reported Sammy’s weird behaviour to Joey like he said he would (Sammy did not make a compelling case for himself in their argument), but the ink doesn’t disappear from Sammy’s closet until weeks later, so did Joey like… know about it and his only response was “huh interesting, let’s see where he goes with this!” or did he just blow off Thomas’ warnings as unimportant b/c Sammy is his special perfect genius who can do whatever he wants, or what!!! Also the thing where Joey is the one who’s furiously interrogating everyone about Sammy’s whereabouts when he goes missing, before anyone else had even noticed he was gone, and Buddy thinks Joey’s emotion seems stronger than the situation warrants – so how intense was Joey being, for his upset at being unable to find the guy who writes ALL THE MUSIC to seem like an overreaction?
I don’t understand breaking bad references, but my interpretation tends to be that by the end of DCTL Sammy had snapped enough that Joey had no real power over him, and this is part of why Joey was so angry at Sammy’s disappearance – for once, Joey didn’t have control over him and didn’t know how to take control. I think Sammy’s accusation of “living your sad little lives to please Joey Drew” is projection – that’s what SAMMY had been doing in his 15+ years at the studio, and he now condemns it as pathetic. I don’t think he was willingly or knowingly aiding Joey at this point.
Joey, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to have a master plan so much as an ability to just… roll with whatever happens and make it work for him. He tells Buddy, simultaneously, that this was “meant to be” and “the plan all along,” but that he didn’t actually know what he wanted to do with Buddy until the moment he saw him in the demon’s jaws. So, like, this was just a lucky break for Joey, a moment where the right person just happened to be dead in front of him at just the right time for him to turn that person into a cartoon, and it worked out great!! He didn’t orchestrate this – it was a series of accidents that he retroactively decided was a plan. Joey Drew is an opportunist! And I think the fact that he didn’t find Norman and the others until after “the ink had infected them for days” points to the idea that Joey didn’t plan that either, since he didn’t find them until much later. My reading is that once Sammy started murdering people, instead of getting that under control, Joey just kind of followed him to see if he could take those lemons and make lemonade, so to speak.
That said, I like the idea that Joey knew; it was the first canon-adjacent thing I drew in this fandom! I don’t think they were in cahoots in canon, but it’s still an idea I’m really fond of. There are a lot of little things that could be used to suggest that Joey knew what was going on with Sammy and enabled it for whatever reason (my favourite evidence for this is still the “who does a god worship” convo in The Illusion of Living – the idea that Joey really wanted to see if he could make something Sammy would worship gives him a solid motive here, and becomes interesting when Sammy is the ONLY person whose infection ends up with these religious overtones, see the end of this post), but it’s equally possible from what little we know that Joey was simply negligent, caught up in his own nonsense, and never thought to look into it until Sammy became an obstacle to his own goals.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
I have sort of a policy not to publish too much fandom wank but I got an anon I want to address; I hope you know who you are! I just wanna say a couple things about it.
It is responsible to curate your social media experience, and you should block/mute blogs who make you uncomfortable for your own safety. If anyone wants to block me because they don’t like stuff that I write or ship or post about, please feel free! I don’t care, I’m trying to have a fun time and I want everyone else to have a fun time, and your fun time might mean staying away from me. I respect that 100%! I am an adult, I know that not everyone is going to like me. It is okay!!!!
Fandom antis are notoriously conservatives & radfems/TERFs who are not creative and have nothing to contribute to their fandoms aside from negativity and their own attention seeking. It’s one thing to spread information about a genuinely dangerous person who causes actual harm to real people, and another thing to posture & grandstand about your superior morals while you try to condemn people for thought crimes.
To answer your question: [TLDR] Antis are a cult.
I wrote a post about this last summer too, about the general vibe on Tumblr and how the echochamber of sensitive conservatives and teens trapped unknowingly in the TERF pipeline has contributed really negatively to the fandom experience here, especially after Tumblr banned adult content and effectively drove adults away. (Not to mention heavily queer & sex-positive adults, and sex workers, and NSFW artists, etc). I think some people who stayed saw it as sort of a win for their holy war and it unfortunately made them even more obnoxious. And like if Tumblr wants to be that space for fandom conservatives & respectability politics, cool! Have fun. It’s just also unfortunate that the corporatization of the internet is pushing transgressive independent content to weirder and weirder corners and destroying our communities over and over. Fingers crossed we find a better home soon.
I’ve seen the thing you mentioned and I’m not bothered by it. I think it’s worth questioning the sincerity of these people’s beliefs when you find them in the wild, though, like for example if someone posts that I’m a dangerous creep, I wonder if that person has a history of targeted & vicious harassment and borderline stalking to try to find receipts of my being a dangerous creep. At some point, I gotta ask: Which one of us is actually the fuckign creep here lmfao
 I would also ask how often the fandom police claim to be paragons of empathy and morality whilst simultaneously dogpiling people they don’t like and weaponizing ableism and queerphobia to do it. It might be worth it to ask how often one’s mask slips and how quickly they devolve into making serious real life accusations against people for something as ridiculous as a difference of opinion about a TV show. I’d ask if the most vitriolic, nasty, self-superior antagonists in a fandom realize that their AO3 bookmarks & Twitter likes are public and we know that they like noncon as much as everyone else.
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Everyone is welcome to block & mute as needed and everyone SHOULD. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself online, this is extremely basic internet safety and entry level maturity. If an artist or a writer makes something that you don’t like, you can block them. No need to create a campaign against them, especially when it’s founded on absolute horseshit LMAO. It costs nothing to stay in your lane and behave like a fucking human.
But yeah I’ve been in and out of this fandom like FOR MY WHOLE LIFE HAHA and I’ve never seen it as bad as it is now. And that’s such a bummer. I’ve never had to block people in this fandom until very recently and it was all cases of dogpiling & using ableism to pick on people. It’s really nasty and I think it’s just a really unfortunate perfect storm of Tumblr’s downfall and the absolute trashfire that this TV show was LMAO. But we predicted this years ago, when the show was first announced, that Tumblr & Gen Z wouldn’t be able to cope with the dark topics and would try to create a crusade about who’s consuming the content in the most God Honoring way. The show asks a lot of difficult questions (the way the books do!) and I think it’s incompatible with black & white Tumblr Thinking. It makes people uncomfortable and they tend to lash out at others instead of getting their own houses in order.
Having said that, I keep my follow list pretty small and I have the conservatives muted. I have a perfectly pleasant quiet time and I encourage people to do the same. Curate your dash!
My role in this fandom has ALWAYS been as a porn writer. It’s what I showed up here doing. And like, if someone really wants to believe that I’m a predator for writing stories about a 500 year old who does not exist and cannot be victimized, idk man. That’s certainly a position to take and they’re welcome to it. I’m not interested in arguing about it.  It’s just, yknow. Accusing random strangers online of serious real world crime because they don’t like your TV show, or enjoy a gross book, or wrote porn that you don't like, is such unhinged cult victim behavior I just cannot take it seriously.
So idk, it’s fine if they block me or anyone else. I prefer that. I'll block them first if they seem like fascist conservative bullies. You probably don’t want to hang out with people who think that way, anyway. Find your people ! Find rational adults! Find generous creatives! These clowns are definitely NOT that.
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queerautisticsys · 1 year
To replicate some bullshit I saw today...
(This post is hyperbolic for the point of satire, but this is still based in real experiences I have had, and numerous things said here are things that HAVE been said to me.)
Pro-Endo: You can be plural without trauma!
(Traumagenic) System: Cool! I'm plural.
Pro-Endo: Welcome to the plural community!!!! Omg we love you what kind of system are you?
System: Oh. Um. I'm not sure yet?
Pro-Endo: Omg here's a link to pluralpedia do you have autism maybe you're autigenic
System: Oh, well, I have autism, but I'm pretty sure that didn't- Pro-Endo: No it totally did if you have autism then you almost definitely are autigenic because your autism affects your brain people!! Good luck with your introjects you'll have like 5 million of them because of hyperfixations!!! System: I... don't... think I have any? But. Okay, I guess? I, uh, actually don't really like people based language? Can you call them my alters or parts? Pro-Endo: ^^;;; Um haha actually that's really pretty ableist!!! Calling them YOUR alters is like saying you're more important than them and using parts language means you're taking away their individuality! But headmates are absolutely amazing right??? System: I... guess. I don't want to be ableist. Pro-Endo: Then just avoid that filthy dirty fucking ableist bigoted hate group language that those traumatized people over there use /gen /info /nbh
System: I guess I can call them my- wait, our headmates? Right? Pro-Endo: Yeah!!! Here's a link to our favorite picrews, oh and a link for Akinator lmao! System: I guess that's normal? Um. I'd really like to discuss some of the problems I'm facing? Pro-Endo: Oh just use our venting channels! Just make sure you censor any mentions of trauma, trauma responses, arguments, dormancy, fusion, integration, dogs, cats, the :) emoji- System: Oh, but. I. I need a place to process those things. I think I experienced- Pro-Endo: But you have to understand, that could be TRIGGERING, and if anyone ever gets triggered, you're clearly an asshole for triggering them, and we don't want to be assholes!! System: I mean. I guess. Pro-Endo: Besides, you don't have trauma. System: I don't know if I do - I don't remember any. But I've researched DID- Pro-Endo: You probably got fed a lot of anti-endo propaganda. You can be a system without trauma! If you feel plural you are!!! System: But what if I do have trauma? Pro-Endo: Well, you've said you're rich, so you don't. You said you didn't remember any, so you probably don't have any to remember! You said you're functional right now, so you definitely don't have DID! You like your system, so you're just an endogenic plural!!! System: Okay. That's a relief I guess! I guess I'm an endo system. So what about my trauma responses? Pro-Endo: Sounds like you're just having some in-system drama! Have you tried killing your persecutor about it?
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"Look, it's definitely true that all plurality is valid and that Endogenic systems exist. These aren't bad points.
But it's also true that every single pro-endo who spreads the lie that everything anti-endos say is propaganda or lying has the potential to gaslight traumagenic systems to believe they're endogenic."
See how fucked up it is to say that?
So why do you get an out, just because it's about the side you disagree with?
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aclosetfan · 10 months
Heyyyyy, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well and life gets better and better with each day for you. just saw your post with your H/Cs about the girls. I was wondering if you have some of the boys too?? Maybe something you haven't mentioned before, and/or would be unexpected to some fans.
Btw, you are probably my favourite writer in the fandom. I usually don't re-read fics but Until Do Us Apart has my heart, ksjdhhdgghj. You can't imagine how much I cried when I first read it 😭 When I find it, I will definitely read it again (when I have free time).
Bro ngl, forgot i wrote that (AGAIN), re-read it, and after i got past all the typos i missed and fell into the story, i was like WHAT!? I couldn't have written that! Like who?? Me?? That was too sad. too heartbreaking. I hate it. I want five more stories just like it. thnxs!!
here's the link so everyone can be sad too :) just ignore all the fucking typos
lmao anywayyy! Three h/cs for our fave boys. I've forgotten what i have and have not mentioned, so if these are just repeats, sorry in advance. Like with the girls, my headcanons don't vary often! Once I've characterized them, they're pretty much characterized lolol
On paper, he's not a good leader. He's condescending, bossy, lazy, and the biggest asshole, but where Blossom needs a plan for everything, Brick is quick on his feet and doesn't mind Boomer and Butch straying from the plan. He doesn't direct every action, and because he's better at taking shit in stride, his brothers are also better at acting independently. By contrast, Bubbles and Buttercup are well-trained and don't act until directed, which drives Brick up a wall. He's definitely an "I told you what needs to be done, so figure it out already" macro-manager.
Boy band/girly pop junkie, but he'll go to the grave before anyone finds out, except everyone knows. He's bad at hiding it. He claims all the k-pop shirts he owns were bought as a joke, but his spotify is linked to Butch and Boomer's, and they know how big of a swiftie he is. (or like in-universe equivalent lol)
He's depression barbie all the way, which isn't a new h/c I just want to reiterate that mentally he's not doing well and is a gremlin about it. His brothers routinely remind him that he does, in fact, have to drink water.
If not for him, his brothers would have killed each other by now. He's not any more responsible than the other two, but he is a grounding figure. He has, overall, earth-sign-middle-sibling energy. He's the one who remembers to take out the trash, not because he wants to take out the trash, but because the trash just needs to be taken out, and he's standing there anyway. This headcanon is actually hard for me to convey with words. Basically, he's the one keeping the trio together. Good second-in-command guy.
Sure, Brick broods and Boomer whines, but Butch is the brother staying up at night yearning for something a little bit more than the life they've got. I think he'd be the brother most easily persuaded to "go good," not Boomer like I've seen. He likes his reputation as the big tough monster of the trio, but a small part of him knows it's all just a front and that he'd like to be respected as a person. With that in mind, it's easy to see how he could be angry angry angry. He's stuck, he wants more, he's doing what he's made to do, he loves his brothers, he wants to leave them, he feels directionless, lost - - - might as well workout to distract himself, maybe start a fight.
planes, trains, and automobiles bbbyyyyyyyyy. Autism be damned, my boy can work an engine (both real and of the model variety)
i feel like i've already said everything I've got on this kid haha, but I don't think I've mentioned that, like Bubbles, he's good with small creatures, but where she focuses on the cute ones, he's obsessed with rabid raccoons and fucked up looking opossums. He has an opossum hidden in his bedroom named Trashcan. Also very interested in Bugs(tm).
Went through an "emo" phase, except he was a total poser about it, which caused considerable tension between him and Brick (goth boy extraordinaire), and wore bad eyeliner. Then, immediately after, went through a surfer boy phase, then a cowboy phase, and then a, well . . . basically, Boomer's always trying to find himself because he doesn't think Himself is good enough (he hasn't had his Kenough moment yet), and is desperately seeking other peoples approval.
Boomer may not know who he is quite yet, but to his brothers, he is crinkly-eyed smiles, breezy laughs, warm hugs, and cold hands with an innate ability to make them feel like they're people worth loving. He may not like it, but he's the baby brother through and through.
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softpine · 1 year
can you go into more detail about what matt meant by stevie not being who we thought she was? i'm still in shock lmao u can't just drop this bomb (we all saw coming but were in denial about) and not give a bunch of background info
this is not the last time we’ll ever hear from matt, so i’m not going to say anything here that will be said later. but somehow this still turned out to be a very long deep dive into the MANY miscommunications that lead to this outcome fjksjds so let’s dive in
(white text = stevie, yellow text = matt)
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right off the bat, we know matt has, at the very least, paid attention to stevie for many years.
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so this is where matt starts formulating an opinion of stevie, simply based on what he sees at school, in public settings, etc. he doesn’t know her, but he thinks he does. he didn’t mean to, but he manic pixie dream girl’ed her :/
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they begin their relationship in an undefined way:
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their first few dates are all really exciting and fun. they go ice skating, then to the winter dance together, then frog catching. this is exactly what matt expected dating stevie would be like.
bear in mind, this is after stevie just witnessed another traumatic death with her own eyes, but she’s still acting like her normal, bubbly self, so matt assumes that this is just how she is all the time. he doesn’t realize this is literally a response to her trauma. stevie even says it herself:
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but this is what matt means when he later says “I never saw you get sad about anything. You were always laughing. I thought that was for real.” because, before they got really close, he hadn’t seen stevie at her lowest point. he never saw stevie cry or yell at her parents or get annoyed about small things. all of those things are very human behaviors, but they didn’t fit into the mold matt had created for her in his mind.
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then there’s the infamous “couples shit” argument, which stevie herself mentions in the latest post. stevie invited matt over to meet her dad, because to her, that’s what it means to be a real couple. matt was confused by that, because he didn’t think stevie even wanted to be a real couple:
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stevie cuts the discussion short because she’s terrified of becoming her parents and arguing constantly, so she’d rather just drop it and live in uncertainty.
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after matt witnesses stevie’s parents fighting for the first time, he tries to sneak out the door without interfering, but stevie catches him. instead of admitting that he was overwhelmed and felt weird about being in the house while they fought, matt lies to her and says he was actually trying to sneak stevie out:
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matt doesn’t think stevie sees a future with him:
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but we know that this is what stevie was really imagining... she just never told him:
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(unimportant side note: this daydream happened before matt let his curls grow out, so you can assume stevie told him to do it lol)
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matt thought stevie has been dating other people this whole time:
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the expression on his face when he says “you wouldn’t be [a bad girlfriend]” was meant to convey guilt, because he was starting to feel like things might get messy...
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but there’s a valid reason why he thought they were non-exclusive! a longgg time ago, stevie had this conversation with matt’s friend, bela:
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bela was just joking around, but stevie was serious. her feelings only changed later, when she realized she does want to be exclusive, she’s just worried that she’ll be unable to commit to a relationship, like her parents.
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and finally... we can’t ignore what alisa, a literal psychic, said about matt when she met him:
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matt never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings, especially not stevie’s, because he does love her. he was content to keep telling little white lies or lying by omission to protect her feelings, just waiting for the day when she would get bored and break up with him first. but he knew he went too far when he said “i love you” back to her.
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in conclusion: stevie thought matt has been patiently waiting for her to take the next step. matt thought their relationship was just temporary, not serious, and that they would amicably split someday, but continue to be friends. they both completely blindsided each other 😭
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
Glass Onion
Yes, I had been waiting for this movie for a while and dropped everything to watch it the day of release. What about it?
Is it bad that I’m already like “I want all of these people to die”? Well, maybe not Lionel I guess.
Lol a bit of sci-fi to justify the actors not wearing masks for the entire movie
Is the bad CGI robot some kind of Star Wars legacy? :D
Aww, poor Benoit Soo, one of the guests plans to murder the host for real, and invites a detective to frame another guest?
It’s been 30 minutes, can people start dying please (Not Andi though, that’d be uncool)
Love the scenery, and Craig’s outfit is nice
Cool shot where Andi has the same expression as the Mona Lisa
“This is reckless. And you’re gonna get somebody killed.”
Okay, so far we’ve established the motive for: Peg, Duke, Lionel, maybe Claire. What about Birdie? And the random guy hanging around? And Andi? Is Andi automatically disqualified because we saw her destroy the box? That could be a real alibi or a red herring.
Nooo, so awkward, I can’t watch this Oh, he did it on purpose, that makes it a bit less painful
Huh, he didn’t mention Andi in the monologue...
Oh good, exactly an hour into a murder mystery, someone finally died! Yes, yes, of course it was an attempt on Miles’ life, I thought we’ve already established he’s who everyone wants dead. Cool trick to keep Norton among the active cast, I thought it was weird for the most famous actor to play the victim. (It’s nice to see Norton again btw, I wondered a while ago why I hadn’t seen him in new movies recently.)
Lmao the lights! Now this is fun
Oh no, Andi! :(
Plot twist!! Well now he's responsible for an innocent woman’s death, that’s going to give him a motive to find the killer
This shit is wild
Hell yeah she’s alive!!!
Is she going to attack the Mona Lisa?..
I feel bad about the painting. The way this was framed as a triumphant moment has the same energy as that Tumblr post about destroying famous paintings because rich people like them.
[Additional spoilers for Knives Out, The Last Jedi, Midsommar, and The Handmaiden]
The film takes too much time to get started. The characters are too flat to carry it until the plot actually launches. Only gets good after the plot twist. The secondhand embarrassment scenes are excruciating.
The plot: “rich people bad, the detective teams up with a pure-hearted woman of color and helps her win”, take two. Are they going to make a whole franchise out of this? Not a great foundation for murder mystery: just look for the most entitled white man and that’s your killer.
Benoit Blanc himself, though, is a good character to build a movie series around. A classic independent detective with a kind heart and a taste for adventure — I want to see more of him. Many people have said it already, but I want Blanc to replace Bond as Daniel Craig’s #1 role.
The biggest strength of the film were, of course, all of the clever and fun twists and reveals. As you can see from the liveblog, I was misdirected very successfully and loved it every time.
And now for the biggest flaw of Glass Onion in my eyes. Just like Knives Out, this film has an extremely fun outer layer wrapped around the heart that I find a genuine downer. Most of the shallow, annoying characters got off scot-free, and what was harmed the most in act 3 was an innocent painting. I’ve already seen The Last Jedi, I don’t really need the same ending scene as the Canto Bight storyline — except worse because the writer doesn’t see the difference between “rich asshole’s property” and “priceless piece of art”. Which is a bad enough take to see on Tumblr, but straight up baffling to encounter in a high budget movie, written by a professional filmmaker. (Amazing timing, though. How did they manage to release this not only in the middle of the Musk major meltdown/Twitter takeover but also soon after the Van Gogh soup discourse?)
In retrospect it also reminds me of a couple of other famous scenes with a female protagonist involved in destruction, and the comparison is not in Glass Onion’s favor. Midsommar also ends with the heroine and a huge symbolic fire, but it’s a horror/drama, and the event takes not only the lives of those caught in the fire but the soul of the heroine. The Handmaiden, on the other hand, features a scene of art destruction that is genuinely positive and cathartic, but the nature of art and the role it plays in human lives is radically different.
[Edited to add] I’ve seen people who liked the ending defend it by saying that people are more important than art. The thing is, if this were framed as the trolley problem — if destroying a priceless work of art were presented as the only way to save an unknown number of lives — I would feel differently. Instead, the film seems to want the viewer not to value the Mona Lisa just because the rich amoral characters do value it.
In a more Watsonian and practical sense, I don’t see how this is a win for Helen. She was the one who burned the painting. The fuel played only a minor part, the painting would have been destroyed just the same without it (in fact, that’s what expected Miles’ lighter to be for). But even if it were otherwise — okay, so this new fuel can easily cause a fire; well, so can electricity and gas if you’re not careful! Not great for PR of this specific product, but not a death sentence either. Most importantly, it’s the person who committed arson that will be charged for it, not the person who unwittingly provided the fuel for the fire.
I did have a good time, to be clear! Very worth watching unspoiled. The release was timed well: the overall lighthearted tone, clever twists, vibrant visuals (bright colors, stylish outfits, idyllic location) make this a good holiday movie.
I’m having trouble with a numerical grade (the worst part of IMDB and Letterboxd is that they make me care about grading, even though it doesn’t work with how I think about media at all). Glass Onion feels like a 7, but I gave Knives Out a 9 and they don’t feel two whole grades apart.
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I know all of this has been said before, but I'll just say my piece about the JK situation. There are two bad takes I keep seeing - one is petty, the other too absurd to comprehend.
1. Jungkook is getting preferential treatment and Jimin was screwed over.
Two points: 1. Regardless of the fact that we don't know how many radio spins Seven will get, people are seriously forgetting that Scooter Braun isn't just "involved". He literally claimed the song as his project. He tagged "sbproject" on his IG post of himself, Jungkook, Bang PD and another producer in a recording studio in LA, plus his team produced the song, not BH. He also hyped up the song recently saying we had no idea what was coming. Now, does he seem like the type of man to hype up songs only for them to flop? Especially since he must know Jungkook can't rely on album sales this time? Ariana, Bieber and Taylor are incredibly successful artists. This wasn't just a case of him celebrating the achievements of an artist under a sibling label (like his post about Jimin's BB achievements). He's all but claiming responsibility for the song's success and giving us the SB guarantee that it will be a hit. I don't know if he hypes anything up, if he lies, etc., but all of this shows Seven is being released under different circumstances. When it comes to promo, maybe BH's in charge, but in the West, it seems SB is handling, or exerting his influence in, some aspects. My point is, this is not BH Labels's doing imo. They're not choosing to do payola or whatever for Jungkook and not Jimin. And, 2. This may be beside the point, but fans claiming LC had huge radio potential... I'm not sure it did? If more people listened to it, it would've performed even better, of course, but I'm not sure it had the potential to perform like the English trilogy. LC is The Weekend-esque, but his tts are lighter, more digestible, sexier and have simpler and catchier choruses or hooks. LC is actually a rather heavy song and more of a grower than addictive from the beginning imo. I'm assuming that Seven is straight up pop, and much more accessible.
2. I can't believe there are people claiming Seven is about fucking 7 days a week and that's why Sohee is going to be in the MV. Some people are saying JK will make out with her in the MV??? Are you all high?? He can't even take his shirt off all the way yet. Even Jimin censured himself somewhat with LC. You think JK will make out with an actress on camera? You think he'd be comfortable with that, or that the label would even accept it? You think he's even interested in doing it? It's so awkward to kiss people on camera, even if you want to kiss them in real life. There are so many artists who literally get naked for an MV but still don't kiss anyone lmao. Knowing JK, he saw Sohee in My Name, thought she was so cool because she apparently boxes there and Jungkook loves boxing, and decided she could be in his MV. What her role is, I don't know. She could play a friend, she could be a love interest to a male interest that isn't Jungkook, she could be Army, she could represent Jungkook, she could be part of a bigger cast. Sure, she could also play Jungkook's love interest, but that's not the only, or most mostly likely, option. Jungkook doesn't hate women. Can't he cast women in a platonic way? It's very cliche, sexist and heteronormative to reduce women to love interests and Jungkook is none of those things. Anyway, I don't know what Seven is about. It's essentially a Western pop song, and I doubt Jungkook wrote the lyrics since I bet they're in English, so it's not farfetched to assume that the lyrics are romantic and even indirectly sexual in nature. However, if the lyrics truly are sexual (there's an Explicit version but it could just be so he can say fuck, as a curse, once or twice), odds are the MV will downplay that because Jungkook is still an idol (and probably doesn't want to do an Unholy type of MV just yet). Also, people seem to think the Seven promo is hinting at something sexual, but Jungkook just wanted to do a sexy concept and the song is probably more Watermelon Sugar High (yes, the lyrics are sexual lmao, but coy, and the song is bright, not sexy) and less Unholy (didn't Jungkook work with one of the Unholy producers? What if this whole thing started with his cover lmao?).
Anyway, stop being weird about Jungkook - even in a professional context he gets shipped with any woman he meets. And, also, stop hating on Jungkook for the extra radio push he's getting. It's out of his hands, and, quite frankly, it's probably out of BH's hand too. They don't have the power to make any song a radio hit on their own without it truly doing well, but I don't know if they couldn't have pushed their US distributors or whatever, to help LC. Regardless, Jungkook won't have the advantage of sales so he needs all the help he can get, and a win for Jungkook is a win for BTS - don't forget that.
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allylikethecat · 11 months
just wanted to let you know ive re-read make way for ducklings no joke like 10 times now lol. i checked for chapter 13 as soon as ao3 was stable again, since i saw you said it was done 😅. fictional matty fumbling the interview was very cute, and idk if this will be included or not but im interested to see when the fans start to figure it out 👀
(also thought using the durex shirt in the previous chapter was a nice touch lmao)
also been loving the kiss prompts! interested in the extended version of face down too, or anything more about migraines, or...well, anything angsty in general really haha...😅
anyway, looking forward to whatever you post next! ive very much enjoyed everything of yours so far <3
Oh my gosh. Thank you SO MUCH. I can't believe someone other than ME has read Make Way for Ducklings more than once, let alone TEN TIMES. You are absolutely amazing and I hope you didn't find too many plot holes that i have attempted to bandaid 😂 I feel like I was one of the last people to be able to access AO3 again, so I hope you weren't waiting too long after it came back up (huge shout out to the volunteer that fought off the attack, those are some real life rockstars.)
Meanwhile, Fictional!Matty is out there saying words that he is realizing after they leave his mouth that he probably should have kept to himself (reminds me of real life Matty there a little bit 🤔) except luckily, the only person he's hurting in my fic is himself! The fans are 100% going to think that Matty got some random girl pregnant and is now freaking out about it 😂 Though... they weren't the only ones listening to the broadcast and they don't have the same front row seat to Matty's erratic behavior as other people 👀
Thank you for commenting on the Durex shirt. I thought I was fucking hilarious with that one and was snickering as I wrote it haha
The kiss prompts have been so much fun! I posted another one today, and I have a few more in my inbox! I really needed them to kind of reset my brain I think!
Don't worry- there is lots more angst in the future! I will eventually finish the Ear Infection Fic™️ situation, and once that's finished I want to shift my "one shot" focus onto expanding Face Down- that whole thing has such a grip on me! I also have You Know Where the City Is - my Matty x Taylor 2014 Fake Dating AU... Matty is pretty miserable in that one as well 😂 I feel bad maybe I should write him into a happier situation?
I can't commit to migraines at the moment - but they're miserable so they will probably also make a reappearance at some point. I've also been really intrigued by Matty's experience getting LASIK...
Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to reach out and for reading (multiple times!!!) I was so excited when I saw this ask and probably just sent way too long responding to it- but I got really excited and here we are, I have written you a small novel in response. If you have made it this far, thank you so, so, much and I am always overly excited to chat about my fic if you are so inclined. Thank you again!!
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pontevoix · 2 years
7, 12, 25 for the mun rp meme!
7. what is one overrated roleplay trend?
Okay but hear me out the ultimate overrated part of tumblr roleplay is not so much a trend as it is . . . threads themselves!! which is partially to say I want to push back on every time we say to ourselves “I need to do this thread; I need to do this draft” because it’s not a job, as we all know but I’m using this to lead into my whole ass belief that
threads can be a wild sometimes in that the trend says “I must reply to this thread because it is in my drafts” but sometimes !! Threads !! Are allowed to end! Or jump to three days later, & I’m really bad about this so it’s something i’m trying to do better about.
A thread that has literally 2 replies each ways is just as valid as something that has 5000 replies
doing oneline threads is just as valuable to the creative process as is actually writing out some polished reply. the rp process can be mixed media!
normalize the mess & the interactions that last 5 seconds that you remember 3 years down the road!
also like on a more real level too lmao i’ve definitely written starters that are basically “character a falls on their face & character b sees them & ohoh here’s a brief conversation about ____!” & if i fell on my face & someone saw me & then we proceeded to try and converse for 3 days about everything in life i’d explode sdfg 
12. do you prefer writing main or minor canon characters?
so I wrote a response to this here, but i want to sorta expand a little on this & talk about something i literally just noticed. i think i don’t care so much about whether a character is a main or minor character so much as i care about what kind of conflicts that character has. i think get more excited by conflicts that show up in the sideplots of characters? & maybe those little sideplots feel exciting to me in that they feel more approachable to me as scenarios that i can write & work with.
very very interesting to consider because obvs it’s not as though main characters are excluded from having those same lil sideplots. either way, we love to see them &
i’ll write whoever i need to explore a whole world with the writers i trust & adore.
25. one thing you’d like new roleplayers to know?
ssdfgfds rp is about blending friends & art. i want new roleplayers & old to hear that tumblr rp is not the healthiest rp environment for some people — & i don’t mean the drama that can arise or toxicity (though that can be a part of it), but sometimes the posts & formatting & blogging format of tumblr takes away from the friends & art. for that reason!!! totally okay to make blogs & test things out & meet people so that you can rp in a place that’s safe for you!!
aka it’s okay to try new things out when rping (new spaces, new dynamics, potential friendships) & then
if it works! cool! if not, people still got you! 
                       it's hale time! prompts | @sacrfces​
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fff777 · 5 months
Finally watched exo's ladder 4 and here are my thoughts. I'm going to do a post for each episode and I'm going to post them all at once (y) So here's me watching episode 1
Jongdae interviewing Junmyeon about his outfit. Junmyeon: Oh this is just a casual look... I call bullshit, this man plans his outfits for each day of his trip in advance.
Junmyeon: Where are we going? Sehun: It's a secret Chanyeol: *Reveals their entire route*
Ahh I'm hype, this has nearly all of the members <3 (all except Jongin)
Exo war games ver.
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My dads Xiuho <3
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This is what their logo will look like for this season
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I was JUST going to say, Sehun the bullshitter is back on his bullshit
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I've been saying during all of Cream Soda promotions that the Baeksoo is potent and I know they cuddled at least once in this show so I am excite >3
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全家福 (minus 1)
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Minseok: I'd be down with climbing a real ladder Jock man strikes again.
Sehun: I've studied psychology so listen to what I have to say Kyungsoo: We just have to do the opposite of what Sehun says YESSSS with bullshitter Sehun we're also getting takes no shit Kyungsoo >3 Who knew that they were the true Tom & Jerry of the group. Anyway, Baekhyun and Chanyeol agreed with the "Sehun is a bullshitter" narrative and Junmyeon of course defended Sehun with "Sehun is good at picking for ladders."
I'm Seho trash and I'll always be Seho trash.
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Sehun explained his bit and then Baekhyun explained his bit, after which Junmyeon was like "oh no I'm not sure :x" Meanwhile I'm like Seho AND Baekmyeon >3 Yesss
The rope was a lot longer than any of them expected and Chanyeol was like "help me!!!!!" but only Jongdae helped lol. But they all helped with untangling the rope from the cars.
Junmyeon hunting down Baekhyun because he was the one who picked the rope that led to the Starex car :P
Cuties chuckling at each other
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LOL the production team will get to take the luxury Mercedes Benz van :3 At least it's not going to waste and the crew will get the cushy ride :3
Bop the puppy :3
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According to Jongdae, Minseok ponders on mundane things often. Jongdae is Minseok's wife so we would expect him to know these things, eh.
Junmyeon really does have soft ears, eh :3 Easily swayed because he listens to everyone's opinion.
The van is small enough that anyone can bop anyone's head :3 How cozy <3
OMFG Minseok lost sooo much weight from debut to Growl?? He was 68-70kg at debut (150-154lbs) and 53kg (117lbs) at Growl. That's crazy though I feel like 117lbs is way too skinny for a guy at that height T_T
Responsible Baekhyun think Sehun getting a loan to help others would be too much lol. He's like don't let yourself be dragged into their debt!!!
Kyungsoo: I'll borrow money to lend to anyone but you! (Junmyeon) ToT bullying Junmyeon hours are BACK! Though I feel like Junmyeon's the kind of guy who'd want to take care of things without bothering the members.
Deep dive into Kyungsoo's personality. I love this, they all know each other so well and talking about him like he's not there is kind of fun.
Kyungsoo: Actually I talk a lot Jongdae: ...liar
The Exos unanimously agree that Chanyeol would do anything for more screentime/attention
Exos to Kyungsoo: Just let Chanyeol hit you once to cheer him up ??? Wild that they would just sacrifice Kyungsoo like that
And then Kyungsoo was all ??? and sulky so they let him hit Chanyeol back to boost his mood
Kyaa Jongdae thinks Kyungsoo is the prettiest :3 (It's handsome but I think Jongdae thinks Kyungsoo is cute :P)
Junmyeon wants Jongdae to think he's the most good looking so bad
LMAO so Junmyeon was Jongdae's first love and Junmyeon's just trying to get that high back
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Ok I've seen this "Sehun is ugly" bit before XD Where they just descend into calling each other hideous XD
LMAO Junmyeon just put his paper out and Jongdae and Chanyeol saw it.
Oh my god they are bullying Junmyeon HARD for this question. They think it'd be too cheesy if Junmyeon said yes (that he loves the members so much that just watching them eat is nice). The members were discussing bopping him on the head if he answered yes to the question. Once Minseok said ok the deal was sealed. Minseok is mathyung after all~
Junmyeon practising dancing before the meal, cringe leader strikes again lol
And we end on a cliffhanger to see who gets to eat what meal ^^;;
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I followed a person who like 99% of his content(or at least the content that gets pushed the most) is him putting Bigots on blast on who tried to be antisemetic towards him when he's not even Jewish or just said nasty shit on his pages in general about anyone or if they have obvious dogwhistles on their profile.
He was recntley sexually harassed online and when he said "that's weird to say to a stranger" she started insulting him so he put her on blast. Which. Sure. Could be alarming but this is his whole platform.
Like he does with EVERYONE who is an sack of shit in his general vacinity. But suddenly people were crying in the comments that it was wrong and she's "clearly mentally ill" like no she's a grown adult she shouldn't send unwarranted sexual messages to the "puts assholes on blast" person?? She'll live. People were even like "You're just mad you got your ego bruised!!" And I'm like no he's mad because she went full incel on him???
Like we can argue the ethics of this, fine. But you can't decide that just this one time he's evil for outing someone being a piece of shit???
It's one thing to be like "maybe he shouldn't be putting people on blast" it's another thing to be fine with it until he does it to a pwoor dwefwenseless woman harassing him.
You don't get to pick and choose which grown adults are responsible for their own actions and which grown adults you protect for being put on blast for harassment sorty.
It's not like she rejected him and he got pissy. He literally said maybe don't harass people and she went full incel lmao.
Like and ppl wonder why men don't talk about their abuse lmao.
It's because we can't. Not even far away from women talking about their abuse. It's always turned back on us about how we're the real evil ones here or how we're "talking over women" even in our own space.
I've had (mostly white) women come onto my personal untagged posts on various social media about being abused and tell me not to talk over women or that I must have been abusive first to make her treat me like that.
EDIT: I forgot he mentioned possibly being nonbinary once so many apologies for calling him a guy and I I edited that out but his pronouns are any of the big 3 so I left he/him but ill switch it up in the future if I ever talk about her again. Though them being masc presenting is relevant. They absolutely just saw a "man" being sexually harassed and decided him not just taking it was evil and bad and clearly being butthurt in a unique entitled way they totalllyyyy nevvvveeer everrrr never have before.
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Given that sometimes these things (egg deaths) will be unscripted, a situation like this has a chance of happening again, but I don’t think you can “accuse” (I know that’s not what you’re doing but I can think of a better word) them of creating pointless angst because of it? Like, this is not planned or anything, it’s just how things happened, it’s not like anyone is behind the scenes planning for this just to make the viewers/CCs sad
And the egg arc was always going to include some accidental deaths given how fragile they made these things, but like, while you can be sad about that, i think it’s unfair to somehow project bad intentions on the admin or assume they’re being irresponsible with it (and again I know you’re not actively saying they’re being malicious, but y’know, it just feels like you’re conflating you being upset about what happened – totally valid – and jumping to the SMP necessarily being harmful to everyone involved)
Also I think the CCs & the admins are very capable of talking to each other behind the scenes if they become too emotionally distressed by this, and they’d def not be talking about these situations in public in a humorous manner (see Jaiden’s tweet, which, while dramatic on the surface, is probably something she wouldn’t post if she was actually badly upset because surely she knows public response would make it worse lol)
i don’t know how you’re getting bad intentions out of what I say? my worry isn’t about that I’m just worried things might get too far in a way that’s actually distressing, which wouldn’t be the fault of anyone but it’s not something I’d be comfortable with. the thing i'm worried about isn’t accidental deaths like bobbies, it’s stuff like the code entity. this was more brought upon by people taking this to say x egg should actively be killed off, hence why it had a “qsmp critical i guess” tag. it was mostly brought about bc of some weird takes i saw, though also a level of concern with possible issues in the future. i wasn’t super clear and i apologise about that, but i don’t think anyone has done anything wrong. i'm just worried about the potential for things to get a bit too real in a way that might be distressing, and about people who are taking the situation to suggest that eggs should be dropping like flies and be actively killed lmao
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rrxnjun · 1 year
AHH I HOPE U FOUND SOME ARTISTS SINCE THEN!!! AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR TAKING TIME OUT OF UR DAY AND TRANSLATING FOR ME!! IM SURE U ARE VERY BUSY AS WELL SO THANK U SO MUCH I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!🥹🥹💝💓 and my god the lyrics are so☹️☹️☹️ it's just such a great song and now it even got so much better with understanding it!!!🥲
WELL IF IT DOES HAPPEN I WILL BE HERE XD parents smh /j (but like actually i understand them cuz traveling alone can be risky☹️) thank u i hope we will figure something out if it does happen🥹🥹
I LOVE UR POSTS THERE LMAO SO DONT BE SORRY and ofc i agree!!! zach was my fav from the why dont we boys🤭 OH MY I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT THE VAMPS IN AGES damn now i'm gonna go and listen to them😵‍💫(also saw that u turned into a treasure stan🫣 and ur take on jikjin!! it's such a great song glad u listened to it!!!)
(liebestraum anon💕 and sorry if i disappear again and for writing a lot i swear i will try and keep it short for once☹️)
AHH ITS TOTALLY OKAY!!!! cant say i didnt miss you but i ofc understand that u have your own life and responsibilities and such,, so dont worry about it🤍🤍 AND THANK U SM AGAIN!!!
DJDJSJ MY CHENLE FIC IS FUN BUT THEN IT GETS DEPRESSING REAL QUICK SO UHHH HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME ANGST ;-; (also i started rewriting liebestraum. just thought i'd let you know<3)
im super glad u enjoyed my translation!! the lyrics are really screamable in my opinion,,, and i also hope i did them justice however i bet i did a better job than all of the ones i saw online :p its not the best artistic lyricism but i like it nonetheless DJSK sometimes u need simple songs to jam to.
travelling alone COULD be risky </3 me and my uni friends randomly travelled to vienna last week because it was warm out and we thought our seasonal depression was finally over and i love me some spontaneous decisions but also it was so anxiety inducing bc it was my first time going abroad with no supervision 😭😭 we had SO much fun but also the stress we were put through to find the bus platform back home ??? never again. was so bad that i broke my 5 month streak of not smoking bc i had to calm myself down somehow and then i was put through the stress of buying cigarettes in german when i caNT SPEAK GOOD GERMAN but 10/10 i would do it again and it made me more confident abt travelling with friends so i WILL drag my equally spontaneous uni friends to budapest as soon as i can. (please tell me they speak at least a little english there)
wait do u rlly bc i think im so annoying on there sometimes like girl chill😭😭 but ZACH WAS ALWAYS MY FAV TOO altho i did have a daniel phase. I havent listened to the vamps in ages either i should catch up or sum ;-;
omg dont mention the teumefication of bar i wont admit it to myself yet DHSKSK however jikjin is now my fav song and i fear seeing my 2023 spotify wrapped bc of it now. ive also been watching a concerning amount of treasure map and finding myself in love with jihoon but thats...not important rn.
ill be waiting for u liebestraum anon!!! dw abt sending long asks i always look forward to them🤍 hope your days are filled with joy mwah
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