#savvy's fics
unorthodoxsavvy · 8 months
The Philver Scream
Word Count: 75k
Rated: R
Genre: Horror
Dan and Phil sat huddled together on Phil’s couch watching a cheesy horror movie, one of the ones the crimes committed over the past few months had been based on, in fact. 
Phil wasn’t sure he’d fully put the crimes behind him. It was nearing Christmas, meaning less than two months had passed, but he wondered if there was a sort of therapy in revisiting it the way it was intended.
“This movie sucks,” Dan rolled his eyes, pulling Phil closer to him.
“So do you,” Phil smiled, gazing up at Dan adoringly.
“Sssh,” Dan placed a gentle finger on Phil’s lips.
Just then the phone rang.
“You still have a landline?” Dan asked in amusement as Phil wriggled his way out from underneath him.
“Yeah, didn’t you know that?” Phil returned.
“No, your house is so cluttered I guess I missed it. Seriously, it’s worse than an ‘I Spy’ book in here.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, maybe we can start cleaning some of it out,” Phil called from the kitchen.
Phil picked up the phone.
“Hello Philip. Tell me, what’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Um, I’m not really sure I have one,” Phil replied, confused.
“Really? Well do you know about the one where a bunch of counselors are killed in the woods?”
“Yes,” Phil answered, unsure.
“How about the one where a man with knives for fingers kills kids in their sleep?”
“Yes,” Phil replied, slightly more on edge.
“And how about the one where a man tries to kill his sister while she babysits on Halloween night?”
“And how about the one where the killer always calls right before he strikes?”
Phil reeled around towards the door.
“Who is this?” he asked. By now, Dan was looking at him with concern.
“Don’t you know not to ask those questions?”
“What do you want?”
“To see what your insides look like.”
“I’m hanging up,” Phil stated, and did just that.
“Who was that?” Dan asked.
“I don’t know,” Phil stated, glancing at a shadow of movement out of the corner of his eye.
Suddenly there was an arm around his throat and the blade of a knife pressed to it.
Phil reached out for Dan but it was too late.
The knife pulled across his throat and he felt the warmth of blood spilling over his chest as he spilled to the floor, gurgling.
The last thing he saw was Dan rushing towards him and being cut down before everything faded to black.
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reineydraws · 28 days
Twist villain!Shanks
Think about it.
hellooo i have thought about it 'cuz ive seen the idea floating around and sorry, i dont like it. 😭🙏 or rather, the idea of a villain shanks is fun in theory but if it's actually canon then i dont think it will pay off very well lol especially 'cuz he's the very first pirate we meet and it's been over twenty years. i would certainly be tilted.
idk how oda could write it in such a way that i wouldn't be mad aha, tho i'm sure if anyone could pull it off it'd be him. (and i mean villain!shanks as in "was always a villain", not "has to do antagonistic things but his heart is in the right place".)
i will say, however, that there is something delicious about possessive shanks, especially if it leans a little dark. like, he's a smiley pacifist right up until you harm someone that's his, and then it's game over for you and your friends and your livelihood. he's already like that in canon, but i mean like, it's to the point where his revenge gets a little cruel and he enjoys paying you back for the harm you caused.
i like attributing this to him 'cuz if he's dating mihawk, known serial murderer (of marines, if not also underwhelming challengers and entire crews of people that annoy him), then his "let's not kill people if we don't have to" thing could be more of an intellectual ethical choice for him rather than an emotional one. and once you've crossed that line for him by grievously harming or maybe even somehow killing mihawk, then it's over for you and you bet he'll enjoy it. (tho nine out of ten times i write him as a bleeding heart and mihawk is fond and exasperated by it haha.)
but yeah. i digress. 😅 it's a fun concept and i'll probably read the fic if it's mishanks and mihawk isn't his victim in a way that ends unhappily, but ultimately, the most i prefer is shanks with a dark streak.
if anyone's gotten to the end of this ask and adores twist villain shanks, feel free to try and convince me in the replies. maybe i'm just thinking about it the wrong way, and i'm open to ideas. ;P
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pluto-rainstorm · 2 months
Ya'know that one tiktok trend "do you think you would've dated me when you were in high-school?" or "younger" or something like that, but think about it with BuckTommy
Buck would post it thinking it's hilarious, it would be a cute photo of them now with the caption and then you swipe to a picture of Tommy looking like this muscular army lad, with stubble, looking very mature...
And then you swipe again to a picture of a baby faced Buck, maybe he has a few pimples, he's a lot shorter and has lighter blonde, shaggy hair and he's holding a skateboard
He'd show Tommy and he would just stare at it like "oh my god..."
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midground · 3 months
Listen. every time I rewatch Starstruck (especially the scene between Margaret and Auma) I become convinced of 3 things
Auma tried flirting with Margaret back in college but Margaret never even noticed because she was so hung up on Lucienne
Margaret and Lucienne will NOT last. I don't think Lucienne's quarter-life crisis will end with her developing the same heroic values as Margaret. That and Margaret's role in ruining Lucienne's life will eventually drive a wedge between them once the honeymoon phase ends
Sid will hear that her Mommy and her Aunt Margaret could have been a thing once and will want to Parent Trap them
What I'm saying is, Margaret/Auma is the real sleeper ship of Starstruck and I need more people to understand this
#Dimension 20#A Starstruck Odyssey#ASO#Margaret Encino#Auma Liu#Sundry Sidney#Lucienne Rex#Margaret/Auma#Auma/Margaret#anyway I can see the fic in my head#Where Sid invites Auma on board the Wurst to run the company from the ship so they can spend time together#Margaret asks Auma to keep up the charade that they were close in college#Auma sells it a little too well and Sid becomes convinced she needs to parent-trap them#In the background Margaret's relationship with Lucien is imploding#Auma gets to witness Margaret's heroics and how she uses her business savvy for good and how she cares for her crew#And how much Margaret cares for Sid#And she develops feelings for her all over again#while Sid's and the crew's hijinks keep getting them stuck in stranger and stranger situations together#Eventually Auma tells Margaret that she flirted with her a LOT back in college but Marge was too busy chasing after Lucienne to notice#And this forces Margaret to reconsider some things#Including the fact that Auma is the kind of person she thought Lucienne would become once the shock wore off#In some versions of this fic Margaret and Lucienne have already broken up and Marge is having a problematic fling with Jan De La Vega lmao#Here's hoping for another season of Starstruck where all of this comes to pass#The fact that I can 1000% see Emily Axford instigating a Parent Trap subplot just adds fuel to this fire#anyway go rewatch that call between Margaret and Auma and tell me the end of that conversation didn't SCREAM 'i used to have a crush on you#I think Brennan was trying to bring back the 'Margaret won't admit her feelings for Lucinne' joke but the way Auma said it was SO loaded
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yesimwriting · 7 months
if tumblr gets shut down where are the fic girlies going
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duskholland · 6 days
i just spent three hours writing a 2k outline of a fic. am i back.
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comfy-whumpee · 6 months
Every Time
One of the @amonthofwhump Whumpmas prompts hit me just right.
TW: murder, intimate whump, drugging mention, referenced emotional abuse and child neglect.
Savvie, Izzy and Jamie are characters from @ashintheairlikesnow and written collaboratively!
@bloodybrambles, @wildfaewhump, @lektric-whump, @that-one-thespian, @raigash, @burtlederp, @rosesareviolentlyread, @eatyourdamnpears
Jax wakes up without moving. Moving isn’t safe. He takes his first conscious breath of the day without even opening his eyes. Where is she? What’s the last thing he remembers from last night? What was the last thing he ate and drank? Can he feel any pain?
Savvie is lying next to him, half-draped over him as usual. Her hair is what woke him up, tickling the underside of his chin, with threatening strands around his mouth. He’s dreamt of choking to death on her hair, more than once. He doesn’t need blankets when she does this.
He twists his head, then waits. She doesn’t stir. Her breathing remains steady. He opens his eyes.
There’s light behind the heavy curtains, but only enough to suggest the sun is up. It’s not daytime yet. She won’t want to be woken up, and if he tries, she’ll grumble and roll over.
That makes it the perfect time. He reaches out for the edge of the mattress, fingers curling around it, and uses the leverage to slide himself sideways on the bed without sitting up. Gently, he slips free of her weight. One of her hands flexes, reaching for him, and she lets out a tiny groan, which stops him dead.
“I’ve got it,” he murmurs to her.
Half-asleep, she doesn’t wonder what it is that he’s supposedly got. It could be anything. But he’s taking care of it, so she doesn’t have to move, or care, or wake up and ask why he’s leaving her. He knows she usually doesn’t even remember these moments in the morning. When he draws the covers back over her, she smiles and sighs, eyes still closed.
He tiptoes over the plush carpet and out the door. He exhales his first full breath. Free for an hour or two, except for the cameras and the locks. And the collar, but that’s only a problem if she wakes up annoyed that he’s not there.
Feet angled along the edge of the floorboards, he pads his way down to the other end of the hall, where the kids’ rooms are secluded far enough that they won’t disturb their mother, but close enough that they can rouse their father, if they need him. He listens at Izzy’s door before knocking softly, knuckles barely brushing the painted wood underneath her Isabella sign.
There’s no answer, so he moves on to Jamie’s room. He doesn’t need to knock for Jamie, but he does anyway, another soft rapped pattern. He is not surprised when he hears a whispered voice inside, and moments later, the door opens to show his daughter.
“Hi, daddy,” she whispers.
She knows it’s him before she sees him, of course. That’s why he knocks, no matter what room she’s in. She doesn’t deserve the stress of being startled, even if it’s a happy surprise. He smiles at her anyway, and she carefully checks up the hall for Savvie’s bedroom door. Seeing it shut, her eyes light up, unguarded this early in the morning. The monster still sleeps in its cave.
“Hey, kiddo,” he says, stepping into the room. He looks for Jamie as his first instinct. He knows where Izzy is, closing the door quietly behind him, so he needs to account for his other top priority.
Jamie is half-sitting on an array of pillows, clearly arranged to help him stay mostly upright. One of his books is at his feet, and his pudgy fingers touch its open cardboard pages, exploring the textures of the creatures on the page. He does this with an obvious expression of total wonder. It’s one of Jax’s favourite things about raising this little boy: the world is endlessly fascinating to him.
Izzy knows the truth about the world, but still, she likes the occasional story. He scoops her into a quick hug. “You woke up early again?”
She gets put to bed so damn early it’s no surprise. Savvie wants mommy and daddy time, which is code for the shit Izzy absolutely does not get to see or hear about ever at all. Of course, mommy and daddy time cannot have their actual children present. Jax hasn’t yet pointed out the irony.
Izzy is already going back to Jamie, who has noticed Jax’s presence and is trying to drag himself off the bed. Jax isn’t sure why Savvie put a bed in here, next to the crib, but he’s glad she did. Even if he usually falls asleep in the armchair instead, Jamie in his arms.
Jax joins her, helping Jamie onto his lap, where he desperately wants to be. He lifts his baby boy up to his chest, so Jamie can throw his little arms around his daddy’s neck. Izzy tucks into his side.
“We was reading a story,” Izzy explains. “Jamie wanted to feel.”
Jax picks up the book, but Jamie isn’t about to let go for a minute. “A story for Jamie, huh? How about you go get one for yourself? I think he’s going to want to cuddle for a bit, no story.”
Izzy looks at her brother and nods. She gets down without another word, and a brief instinct clutches Jax, urging him to reach for her and make sure she doesn’t leave. He doesn’t let it show. She’ll be right back.
He watches, lips brushing Jamie’s hair, as she opens the door as little as possible and slips out. He has the sudden realisation that she learned it from him. The less you open the door, the less it creaks. He can’t hear her footsteps down the hall, or the door of her own bedroom open and close.
She’s back within moments, book in her hands. Jamie’s breathing has slowed, hot pools against his collarbone, and Jax tucks his arms back down where he can clutch shirt and not collar. He pats the space next to him, and Izzy comes back to his side.
If he shrinks the world just to this space on the bed, and makes everything else disappear, there’s a chance he could be at home. It would have to be Izzy’s bed, though. And he wouldn’t buy her a duvet cover like this. She’d want a unicorn or something. But if he ignores that too, just focuses on his two kids and the books on his lap, that’s enough.
He reads quietly, stopping here and there to point out the illustrations, or see if Izzy can work out the big letter at the start of each page. Jamie sleeps, stirs, gets his bottle, sleeps again. Izzy sits completely still, but pays perfect attention, giggling at the jokes he dredges out of his brain for her. If this morning could last forever, with Savvie always asleep, he could probably make a life out of it.
Stupid wish. She makes herself known before they’ve even finished the damn book, her door opening with a loud click and her footsteps thudding down the hall. “Jax?” she calls, even though she knows damn fucking well where he’ll be.
Izzy is already reaching out to take Jamie from him. He feels that tug again. The fear of leaving them both.
He screws it up in his stomach and lets Izzy take her brother. Her arms are safer than his right now. He kisses her on the forehead as his goodbye.
“Jax?” She demands his presence. He crosses the room in three steps and slides out of the door, closing it behind him promptly before she can look inside and remember her children exist, and can therefore be hurt.
“Morning, Miss Savvie.” He breathes out a smile. “I didn’t think you’d be awake so early.”
She gives him a pouty look, but her eyes are smarter than the rest of her face. “Why wouldn’t I?”
He takes another easy breath and course-corrects. “Well, it’s more like I’m disappointed. I was hoping to bring you breakfast in bed.”
He listens for Izzy and Jamie, behind him in the bedroom, behind the door he’s guarding. He can’t hear them. Jamie must not have woken at being passed off. Jax’s arms ache for the warm, soft weight in them.
Savvie smiles like she doesn’t quite believe him, but she chooses to. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Let’s go out for breakfast instead. I don’t want anything we have in the cupboards.”
It’s a punishment for going to see them, instead of staying with her. He’ll find a moment later, when it’s less obvious, to mention that Jamie was starting to cry. He’ll give her the excuse and mollify her, but he can’t do it now. She’ll deny it’s a punishment - how could it be? Isn’t it a treat? - and possibly notice the manipulation. He doesn’t want her to notice that he lies.
Even though she demands that he does, to her face, several times a day.
“That sounds great. How soon can Hannah be here?”
The assumption tries to place her under obligation, but she breezes past it. “Oh, they’ll be fine for a couple of hours, won’t they? Isabella knows how to take care of her brother. Come on, we need to pick your outfit.”
She loops her arm around his, and he doesn’t resist as she effortlessly drags him away.
He doesn’t see his kids for the rest of the day.
Jax wakes up without moving. Moving isn’t safe. He breathes in slowly, slow enough that if she’s already awake, he’ll still sound like he’s asleep. He listens for her. She’s draped over his chest, arm around him, hair carpeting him from shoulder to chin. Strands tickle at his throat.
She’s asleep. He can feel her chest rising and falling. He opens his eyes.
Early morning again, that’s good. No, actually… He probably shouldn’t get up again today. She’ll hold it against him if she notices a pattern. He stays where he is, at least for a few seconds. Then he just has to get her hair out of his face. He strokes it instead of shoving it, though, and she breathes out deeply as he does, comforted.
He swallows painfully, thinking of Izzy with that same hair. Fuck it. He has to see them, whether Monster Mommy likes it or not. He reaches for the edge of the bed, grabs it, and pulls himself free. He imagines her making a sucker-popping noise as he comes loose, like an octopus.
He gets his feet to the floor, and then he’s running free, long tiptoed steps out of the door and down the hall. He knocks at Izzy’s door, gets no answer, knocks at Jamie’s.
The first blink of deja vu happens when she opens it. Something about the sound. Something about the exact arrangement of her oversized curls. He looks past her, and there’s Jamie–
“Hi, daddy,” she whispers.
–propped up on a throne of pillows, with the same book in his lap, his fingers touching the sheep’s wool.
No, Jax tells himself. Jamie likes the same book for days.
“Hey, kiddo,” he says. He steps into the room, and the relief is the same, to be out of the hall, out of sight of the door that could open at any time.
Jamie looks up, and this time, Jax sees his face drop into an expression of total shock before he starts crawling determinedly for the edge of the bed. Izzy hurries to stop him, and he lets out a short grunt of annoyance as she scoops him back onto the pillows. Jax sits down, and of course, his lap is colonised by the little terror Izzy cannot restrain.
“Been reading?” he asks. He can’t bring himself to say, again? Maybe he dreamt yesterday. Maybe it’s just a scene he’s seen before. This morning routine of his is hardly new.
“Mhmm,” Izzy confirms, picking up Jamie’s book and offering it to him without success. Jamie is gripping Jax’s shirt, trying to pull himself up, his little feet digging into Jax’s legs.
“You really like this one, huh, Jamie?” It’s the closest he dares to admitting his suspicion. Then he thinks of a better way. “But it looks like he’s only interested in cuddling right now. How about you go get a book for yourself, kiddo?”
“Okay, Daddy.”
Down she gets. Off she tiptoes. Slips out of the door and disappears.
Jax puts his hands around Jamie’s waist to help him stand properly. “Now then, you. What’s going on?”
Jamie stares back at him with befuddled brown eyes. Jax picks him up and hugs him close.
Izzy comes back in, and Jax smiles at her without needing to try. When he sees the book in her hands, he doesn’t flinch. The butterfly on the cover. The same one.
He pats the space next to him. At least he knows how to do this. She snuggles up and they read. He tries out the same jokes, the same letters for her to identify, and is rewarded with the same little giggles, the same tentative answers, and inevitably…
He hears the click of the door like a gunshot. He sets Jamie into Izzy’s ready arms.
She calls, “Jax?”
He’s already at the door. It hurts. He gets himself out of the room just as she’s calling his name again, and he meets her in front of Izzy’s door. “Morning, Miss Savvie.”
If this is the same as yesterday…
“I didn’t think you’d be awake so early.”
The pout. The calculating stare. “Why wouldn’t I?”
He takes a breath. Switches the script. “Well, the weather looks rubbish today. I thought you’d sleep in.”
“Oh, is it? I didn’t notice.” She tilts her head at him, her smile sparkling. “Rubbish, is it?”
He twists out a smile at her pantomime accent. He plays the game. “Aye, Miss Savvie.”
She laughs, looping her arm through his, turning to go back down the hall. “You’re so funny, Jax. Come on, let’s get breakfast. I want to try out that cafe–”
“We’re going out?”
“Yes,” she shakes his arm slightly, “and don’t interrupt, it’s rude.”
Fuck, fuck. “Do you want me to call for Hannah?”
“Don’t be silly. They’ll be fine for a couple of hours, won’t they?”
But it wasn’t. It won’t be. It was breakfast, coffee and pastries at the cafe, then the boutique next door, then a whole fucking shopping spree, lunch at a restaurant so fancy he thought he’d be asked to serve tables, then over to Isaac’s for dinner, and only then would she tell him to send someone to check on the kids, and she wouldn’t let Jax see them for the rest of the fucking day until he persuaded her to let him at least tuck them in so they’d sleep properly and not disturb their fucking mommy and daddy time.
The helpless lump in his throat gets swallowed down, where it burns and burns. “A couple of hours, yeah. I guess so.”
“You worry too much. Isabella’s old enough to take care of her brother.”
Maybe if he’s good enough at breakfast, she’ll give up on her revenge. He takes another breath.
“You’re right. Let’s go uh, pick my outfit?”
She giggles delightedly. She drags him away.
Jax wakes up without moving. He opens his eyes. Savvie’s arm presses down on his chest, her hair nearly in his mouth, and her breathing deep and slow.
He closes his eyes again. He’s sick of this dream. He’s sick of this everything.
He wakes up to her fingers tracing his eye socket. He blinks awake, flinching from the nail that’s right in front of his eyeball. She’s probably just being affectionate, he realises a second later, but a second is too long.
“Oh,” he says quickly. “Oh, Miss Savvie.” He breathes sharply, too fast. “I was having a bad dream, thank you for waking m-me.”
Her head tips to the side. She pretends she isn’t doing it to shake out her hair. She thinks it makes her look good. “Of course, sweetie,” she purrs. “You were frowning in your sleep. I just had to smooth away those wrinkles.”
He gives her a soft, dreamy smile. “You knew.”
It’s bullshit. She likes it when he’s scared, she wouldn’t wake him. But she just smiles more widely back. “Of course,” she repeats. She snuggles down, and he puts his arms around her how he’s meant to. “You must be stressed.”
For once, she’s not fucking wrong. Then again, that’s pretty much always true. “Yeah, a little.”
“Hmm.” She sits up, gasping as if she’s just had an idea. “Ooh, I know! Let’s go out today. We can get away from everything for a bit, have some time together, just us.”
His heart cracks. She’s not just talking about breakfast. Even though he didn’t get up, even though he’s right here where she wants him, and he’s being perfect, she still wants to take him away from the kids.
“That sounds lovely, Miss Savvie,” he says, each word tasting like chalk. The word lovely never used to be in his goddamn vocabulary. “You were telling me about that new cafe…”
She looks taken aback for a moment, and then she beams. “Oh, honey, you do know me so well. Let’s do it.”
He straightens, looking to the wardrobe. “Should I wear the new jumper, the cashmere one?”
It’s what he’s been wearing the last two days. But it seems, because he’s suggested it, it goes off the table. “Mm, not yet. Wait…”
As he watches, she gets that scheming look in her eyet.
“Yes, wear that. With the ivory slacks. You’ll look smart.”
Smart enough for dinner at her uncle’s, he guesses. She’s already got the whole day mapped out before she’s said a word to him. He’ll be sitting opposite Brayden getting his toes stamped on by the end of the day.
It’s pointless, but he asks. “Will you send someone to be with the kids, when they wake up?”
“Oh, they’ll be fine. Isabella’s old enough to take care of her brother.”
“If we’re going out for the day, though, Miss Savvie… We can’t risk a hospital trip.”
She sighs. “See, look how stressed you are! Maybe we should go away for longer.”
He hates her. God, he wants to smack her stupid smile off. “Maybe. We can see how I feel after today?”
“Mm.” She stretches. She casts a look his way, under her eyelashes. “Alright. If you’re still grumpy tomorrow.”
He has a feeling it won’t fucking matter, either way.
Jax wakes up without moving.
He sits up, gently placing her arm down by his side. He takes the pillow out from underneath his shoulder. He shifts a knee over her.
Doesn’t fucking matter either way, does it?
He puts the pillow over her face.
He’s going to have a nice, peaceful day with his kids.
He’s lost count.
“Can you go get a book for yourself, kiddo? I’m going to take Jamie down and make Mommy breakfast, and then I’ll be right back.”
She slips down off the bed. He holds Jamie close, and swallows the same old fear. She’ll come back. He knows that, now. She’ll come back with the butterfly book, and they’ll read it together. She’ll laugh when he points out the cross eyes on the little girl in that one picture. She’ll get O and D mixed up when he asks her to tell him which letter is on page six. Jamie will cling to his shirt.
They’ll have a nice morning together, if he can keep Savvie placated.
It’s the same as yesterday, as every day, as his whole fucking life before and after this…whatever this is.
Purgatory, probably.
They sit on either side of the little round table in the window of her new favourite cafe, sharing two pastries. He managed to get the coffee plain and black this time around, but he still imagines he can taste the fucking gingerbread syrup from every other cup he’s had.
“What’s wrong with you today?” she asks. It’s blunter than usual. She must be upset he’s not making this the romantic getaway of her dreams.
His hand curls around the mug. It’s so hard to keep looking forwards, when it’s the same as looking backwards.
She sets her hand down on the table, demanding he put his into hers. “Sweetie?”
The mug burns his skin. He imagines throwing it in her face. But no, it’s too early in the day. She’d have time to make the kids hurt. He’ll wait.
“We should go on a trip,” he tells her. “Just us two. It’s been a while.”
“Oh, that’s a brilliant idea!” She is instantly distracted. Too delighted to even be suspicious. “Where should we go? No, I know where…”
Later, he tells his aching hand. Closer to midnight. When nothing fucking matters.
He puts a finger over his lips. Izzy stares, wide-eyed, but nods slowly. She trusts him. No matter what. He kisses her forehead, and scoops Jamie out of his pillow kingdom.
They tiptoe downstairs, her little feet placed in his footsteps. He makes her a full English breakfast. By the time he sets the plate in front of her, he can hear Savvie’s footsteps down the hall.
He puts Jamie in his chair. He’ll have to cut up the hash browns and fried eggs for him afterwards.
The coffee cup is waiting on the side. He takes it upstairs. She’s calling.
He kisses her on the mouth before he hands her the drink. He watches her as she coos over his generosity. He watches her drop the mug after her first mouthful. Then she drops, too.
He’s done this too many times to care, anymore. He can keep the kids busy enough they won’t notice. He drags her back into the bedroom and shuts the door. He goes back downstairs to his children.
“Mommy’s not very well today,” he tells Izzy. He sits down next to Jamie to feed him quarters of button mushrooms. “She’s going to stay in bed all day. So we can do anything you want today.”
“Do we have to be very quiet?” she asks.
“Not at all. Mommy took some medication that makes her sleepy. We don’t need to worry.”
The light comes into her eyes. He’s never going to see a fucking sunrise again, but he can make do like this. “Okay, Daddy.”
Jamie bites down on his finger, and he laughs, until he cries.
It could be any day. It will be every day. He’ll never see Hannah again, not even if he lets Savvie drag him to the fucking Marcoset family dinner - which he does, sometimes, just for the variety, and to remember what Stewart looks like. He’ll never see his dad again, his mum or his sisters, and any of his friends. He’ll never go home and buy Izzy the unicorn duvet cover she deserves.
He’ll read every book in the house to them. He’ll watch every show on TV. He’ll teach Izzy the difference between O and D every single day. He’ll fry the eggs, grate the potatoes, chop the tomatoes, and put bleach in Savvie’s coffee, covered up by enough syrup to make her swallow it.
Every time. Parents would kill for this, he thinks. To spend every day with their kids, and never have to watch them grow up. Never having to watch them leave.
He figures out the passcode to her phone eventually. They’re sitting at the café at the table in the window, Izzy’s feet pressed gently against his legs just to feel him there on the other side of the table. She sips very carefully at her hot chocolate while Jamie gnaws on a flapjack, and Jax stares at his own face on the home screen of her newly opened phone.
He dials without thinking about it. Then he dials again, remembering the international code.
“Hey, Dad.”
Izzy’s eyes go wide. She freezes in place, and he regrets his impulsivity. He tries to smile reassuringly at her.
“Jax?” his dad whispers. “Where are you?”
He probably should have planned this better. But he’ll get a do-over tomorrow. “I’m good, Dad. Uh, yeah, I’m out. I’m safe, I’m at this shelter. Cops are working on getting me home.” He pauses. What else would his dad want to hear? “And I’m not f… messed up, like before. I’m okay.”
“You’re coming home?”
“Yeah.” He reaches for Izzy’s hand, gently loosening it from the cup. “And, listen, Dad… I’ve got kids. Don’t – don’t ask the question you’re thinking. I’ve got a little girl called Izzy and a baby boy called Jamie, and they’re perfect. I’m happy, right now, alright? And I can’t wait for you to meet them.”
His throat nearly closes. Alfie will never get to meet them at this rate. But they can’t exactly get across the fucking ocean in a single day.
“Two kids,” Alfie repeats, stunned. “Your own kids?”
“Yeah. Gallagher kids. You know all about beans on toast, don’t you, kiddo?” He smiles at her. She’s starting to relax, slowly, at realising her mother isn’t going to appear and rain hell on them all for Jax daring to speak to his old family. “They’re mine and they’re coming with me wherever I go.”
“Well, of course…” Alfie’s voice is starting to ease from shock to wonder. “I, I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me how mam’s doing. And Georgia and Poppy and the kids, and Casey, and everything.”
Jamie drops oats down his front, and Jax puts the phone down on speaker on the table so he can clear them up. He doesn’t let go of Izzy’s hand as Alfie starts to talk.
Jax wakes up already rolling out of bed. He feels like he can handle the pillow today. Sometimes, seeing her thrash for her life is too much, but recently it’s started to feel routine. She’s long since been dead, to him. This is just catching her up with reality.
He knows where the remote is. He knows how to disable the collar. He’s forgotten what the days were like when they were different, but this one, he knows perfectly.
The kids are awake. He gets them dressed, kissing each of them as he helps with buttons and babygros. He takes the car keys. He throws all the food he fancies into a bag and entrusts it to Izzy. They’re going for a picnic. Yes, Mommy said it was okay.
Maybe he’ll make it to the coast, this time.
Maybe he’ll take another stab at getting to Hannah.
Maybe he’ll just go to the field with the wildflowers. They both loved that one.
Or maybe he’ll think of something new.
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ctrl-alt-cel · 1 year
top ten puppyshipping fics?
so thrilled about this ask...unfortunately i cant give you a list of puppyshipping top 10 without taking like 3 months to reread every joukai fic ive ever loved, but i can give you a handful that ive enjoyed recently!!
Second Chance Christmas by Elexcia (30k)
ex-husbands joey and kaiba are forced to spend the holidays together after 3 years of co-parenting and scrupulously avoiding each other. (atticus and alexis are their kids and its the cutest thing ever!!!!) theres a ton of adorable family shenanigans & how much joey and kaiba work together to ensure atticus and alexis have happy childhoods free from their own personal baggage, mixed with the most heartwrenching late-night conversations between joey and kaiba bc despite everything, they still love each other, but they remember the pain it brought them and don't know if they can endure that again. the emotions and uncertainties are so raw oftentimes i will remember a quote from this fic and my heart will ache all over again its so fcking good!!! its been on my mind ever since i read it!!!
Meeting upon the threshold by Alecto (2.6k)
"kaiba has always been his own worst enemy" -- dsod!kaiba's dimension hopping lands him in an alternate timeline and face-to-face with a version of himself he doesn't recognize. this will always be the quintessential puppyshipping fic to me omg.. the amount of characterization covered in the brief interactions the two kaibas have is spectacular, and its so cool seeing just how different dsod!kaiba's dimension is compared to a dimension where kaiba chooses jounouchi instead. hell yeah
Double Date by thegraeyone (7.2k)
GOD this fic is so funny. kaiba tries so hard to have one normal, business-related work dinner with pegasus, but pegasus is more interested in having a double date between kaiba and his boyfriend joey + pegasus with his boyfriend bandit keith, and like, what else can kaiba do? for the sake of his company, he needs to play along with the most disasterous dinner date of his life if he wants pegasus to sign a damn contract already..!!!! the comedic potential for this specific set of characters makes me lose my mind & theres so many sweet moments within the fic too. i love it so much
Most Thrilling by Alecto (1.8k)
another funny fic! a cute moment with joey visiting his boyfriend kaiba during a lunch break, and silly conversations on how kaiba really does play to win. i love the brand of slight unhinged-ness kaiba has here in regards to jou omg... kaiba is intense when it comes to everything, of course that would include his dating life😭 & i adore how he manages to come across as infuriatingly romantic in his own type of way
The Weight of Water by phant0m (2.2k)
a gentle character piece, jounouchi has just moved out from the apartment he shares with his father, and for all the newfound freedom it should entail, he feels guilty about it more than anything. thankfully his boyfriend kaiba is there to stand by him. it's a kind look into the more somber parts of jou's character and i love the scene it sets :( oh my god jou and kaiba love each other so much..!!! *dies*
Shards by jirluven (2.9k)
more hurt/comfort >:) jounouchi flinches. kaiba isn't supposed to know what it means, its one of the unbroachable topics of their close yet purposely ambiguous relationship, but they both know each other far too well for that. i really enjoy how kaiba's perspective is written, with how he's most comfortable when he's logic-ing things out and surrounded by things he can easily categorize, but hes long given up on trying to categorize jounouchi, and its most evident when pushing himself into the unfamiliar territory of tactfully trying to comfort someone he cares about
Debt to Society by Elexcia (16k)
tech acquisitions lawyer seto kaiba is sentenced to 200 hours of community service after a barfight with rival lawyer & long-time nuisance ziegfried von schroder. to meet those hours, he's assigned to represent children in court as their legal advocate with social worker joey wheeler acting as his supervisor >:) (also featuring judge yugi & the doma arc kids!!) i think this setup is genius omg. with kaiba acting as a protector for underrepresented and vulnerable kids, of course his own personal (and messy) feelings are going to get involved whether he likes it or not!!! plus i love fics where jou and kaiba are colleagues working towards the same goal and moments where kaiba has to trust in and respect joey's skills. and i cant lie. seeing a worldly joey who's good with kids is an absolute treat
Lapse by AndroideQL (4.2k)
blossoming workplace romance!! jou is kaiba's assistant (yes, everyone is surprised about this outcome too) jou & kaiba are undoubtedly attracted to each other, but theres a couple of (important!!) things about it that theyre not entirely on the same page about. the banter and familiarity jou and kaiba have with each other in this fic is sooo charmingly affectionate, and there are several exchanges that make me laugh every single time. its a refreshing and cute fic that has me hopeful knowing that no matter what communication issues they get up to, they'll eventually get their shit straight
Small and Insignificant Things by Lafae (1.6k)
one more for the office romance train >:) joey, kaiba, and the conundrum of getting a good picture for your photo ID. short and sweet boyfriend shennanigans, i love how joey & kaiba play off of each other during these mundane moments between their hectic schedules and i feel like it perfectly captures the excitement of a fresh relationship and fondly discovering the more trivial details about your partner
Working My Way Back to You by SerenaJones (10k)
during an argument between jou and kaiba, jou angrily states that he wishes they never met. kaiba soon finds himself in a universe where they never did, and meets a rougher, more abrasive jounouchi who never quit his gang who just may be the key to his way back. the worldbuilding in this fic is super cool and extensively fleshed out! its so fascinating to experience how different the cast of yugioh and domino city itself would have become if canon had played out differently, and the interactions between kaiba and a jounouchi who isn't his jounouchi but is just charming is so much fun
Orpheus and Eurydice by saiikavon (3.4k)
post-dsod joey dies while chasing kaiba into the afterlife, and by the title, you can probably imagine what kaiba has to do to get him back. very fun kaiba characterization/study here, with how quick and confident he is to challenge death itself and rebuff anything that gets in his way. and! a bit of spoilers but i love when jou gets to be a little mean (lovingly!!!!) to kaiba hehehe
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I would love to hear about your slow burn kink fic! :3
It's called Dog of War and it's in the Human Domestication Guide setting, which you can read about on its website here. The short is super advanced benevolent plants with a natural inclination and cultural desire to be Dom's dismantle space capitalism for mankinds benefit but also to keep them as pets, because they're cute, which is why they expand in the first place.
As for kinks in the setting, as a rule it's a lotta hypnosis, medfet, systemic ownership, dub and noncon, petplay, with lots transhumanism and genderism and very supportive of basically any kink you wanna throw at it from musk to dollplay. Currently in the fic, I have some diet force fem and a bit of dubcon and hypnosis but I plan to properly include some hypnosis soon and then eventually a few other things that are secret suprises :3
As for the story itself it's about a very emotional repressed mercenary getting gently and lovingly pried open (and also feminized) so if you like a bit of angst and/or drama with guaranteed catharsis and a happy ending with a bit of mystery element, it should be right up your alley~
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glorious-kt · 5 months
O Soldier Mine
Young Wolf snarled as he swung his sword against the training dummy. Anger and frustration bubbled beneath his plating as the dummy fell to the snow, burning at the edges from the Solar embedded in the sword. The Hunter swung the blade once more to cut the rest of the dummy’s base down, shoulders rising and falling with his artificial breathing.
“Your rage makes you oblivious to your surroundings.”
Young Wolf snorted, saying nothing as he turned his helmeted gaze to look at Lord Felwinter who stood in the doorway of the training grounds. The Iron Lord was still, staring him down through the ram-like helmet he wore, the soft sound of the taller Exo’s vents opening and closing being the only indication that the man was alive and not a statue. So much different than his student, Osiris. The warlock had told him nothing of what Felwinter was like besides a short few descriptions. The man was… different than Young Wolf had expected.
“You haven’t seen my rage. You’ve seen my frustration and some mild anger,” Young Wolf signed with one hand, slipping his sword back into place on his back.
“Mmm. It still distracts you,” Felwinter hummed as he stepped forward, arms crossed behind him, helmet tilted in observation.
“…….What do you want,” Young Wolf sighed and he signed his next question, turning to face the Iron Lord, very aware of the type of threat the man represented.
“A proposition for you. I’ll spar you, and if you win, we will leave you to your exile in this castle. If I win… you’ll come with us to learn,” Felwinter offered easily, stretching out his hands in a small gesture.
“And a draw,” Young Wolf asked, shifting on his feet, because he had an idea of how the fight would go just based on what he had been told by Osiris and Lord Saladin.
“I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Felwinter answered with a very light touch of amusement on his time, a sound that was barely there but just detectable.
Young Wolf was silent. He knew it was selfish to want to ask for a single year of peace before he got to saving the system again, but a part of him desired to be selfish for just once. He didn’t want to be a soldier for someone else’s cause any longer. If beating Felwinter would grant him solace for just a bit longer then fine. He’d beat the man and move on.
“Challenge accepted, Iron Lord Felwinter,” Young Wolf said softly, voice modulator crackling static as he used his voice for the first time since making a Wish with Riven.
If Felwinter was surprised, he didn’t show it, and Young Wolf was grateful for it. The Dark Age was weird about Exo Lightbearers for some reason. For Felwinter, Young Wolf may have been his first encounter with another Risen Exo.
“Then I’ll see you at dawn in the field, Warlord,” Felwinter dipped his head in acceptance, seeming just a bit pleased.
“Guardian. Not Warlord. Never Warlord,” Young Wolf replied viper quick, causing the warlock to pause before nodding and taking his leave.
Young Wolf watched him go and sighed softly. Just a single win and he could take a break from everything. Just for a little while. It would be enough.
Anyways I’m writing this series in snippets here and there so I don’t overwork myself since it’s a big one! Who loves time travel and YW x O14? I know I do!
You have questions? Ask them!
You have suggestions? Give them!
Wanna know about our YW here? Ask me!
Oh by the way @hidden-scarlet-whispers a snippet for ya
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unorthodoxsavvy · 8 months
The Silver Scream
Stabbing In The Dark
Chapter 11: Halloween Night
Word Count: 75k
Rated: R
Genre: Horror
Phil was crouched in the bushes that lined the property between a familiar house and an unfamiliar house. His eyes were set on the front entrance of the house he’d walked into this very night in his dream. Somewhere in the bushes that separated this house’s yard from the one behind it was Dan, and across the yard from Phil was Jake, also hiding in the bushes, though it was too far and dark and Jake was too well-concealed for Phil to see him. That was the point, after all.
Phil could hear the sound of kids laughing as they ran from house to house collecting candy. Phil felt a pang of nostalgia for the days when him and Martyn would go trick-or-treating together. Martyn never seemed to resent taking Phil along, and it was something Phil was grateful for still to this day. Among the frivolity of families and children were members of law enforcement, dressed up in costumes and waiting on stand-by.
Phil tilted his head, stretching his neck, and reached a finger as best as he could underneath the heavy bulletproof vest he was wearing to scratch an itch, but unfortunately it was just out of his reach. An itch in the ear of his earpiece started, and he shook his head reflexively like a horse shaking flies out. 
The air was a good temperature for trick-or-treating, he thought to himself. Not too cold that you needed layers of clothing to cover your costume and not too hot you were forgoing pieces to carry them around in your bag or under your arm. Phil wondered what he would dress up as on a night like this at his age, but nothing came to mind. 
Phil watched as the door of the house opened and the kid who lived there looked around. Phil remembered this moment from his dream. Someone had rang the doorbell, but the child- Spencer- had said no one was there. Well, he was right. If there had been anyone there they would have saw them. How had the doorbell rang on its own then, he wondered. Maybe it didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but still he wondered.
The front door closed and the child disappeared from view.
Phil heard a group of teens approaching, their voices loud and jovial. As they passed, Phil recognized Cornelia, Adrian, and Sophie. With them was a girl with bleach-blond hair he didn’t recognize. He figured this must have been Olive.
When they reached the door, reported on, of course, by the voices in his ear, the door opened and Spencer let them into the house.
“Alright people, it’s go-time” a voice in his ear said. 
Phil said nothing. He only watched.
The way he was crouched was starting to put a strain on his legs, and Phil had no choice but to kneel for a bit if he wanted to be back up on the balls of his feet in time to run as fast as he could towards the house. Phil hadn’t been granted a gun, which was fine with him, and he was on strict orders to help secure the scene by keeping the kids safe, and not running directly after the suspect. 
Phil lifted a finger to his mouth and grabbed at a piece of skin flaking around his nail and mindlessly pulled it off with his teeth, then spitting it out. It wasn’t a habit he mindlessly indulged in often, but tensions were running high, and he had to keep everything tampered down inside him. And besides that, he was almost bored, waiting with baited breath for a moment to arrive. He couldn’t see details inside the house; he was too far away, but he could see shadows, outlines, if you will, silhouettes moving across the windows.
Phil was just coming back up on his feet when he heard Dan’s voice in his ear saying the garage light had turned on.
“We haven’t seen anyone enter the scene,” Jake said.
“It doesn’t matter, we need to go in there NOW,” Phil insisted.
“Negative, we can’t enter the scene if there’s no sign of movement,” Jake relayed.
“We need to go in now,” Phil repeated, desperately.
“SUSPECT SPOTTED” Came a loud voice in Phil’s ear. It was Dan.
Phil shuffled out of the bushes and ran to the front door as fast as he could. Jake was snaking his way across the yard to where Dan had been located, towards the garage.
Phil swung open the front door and startled the kids.
“FBI!” Phil yelled, his voice shaky and unsteady with adrenaline and the unsuredness of his own authority. “Everyone drop what you’re doing and follow me out of the house, NOW!”
Terrified, the kids dropped the knives they’d been using to carve pumpkins with. Sam and Olive shuffled the child out of the house, and they all followed Phil down the street.
“What’s going on?” Sophie demanded.
“I can’t tell you right now, because we’re running,” Phil huffed, almost out of breath. “When we’re safe I’ll let you know.” The pack jogged towards the street and across it, cutting through a pre-planned route in between Sam’s house and his next-door neighbors towards a pair of police cars waiting on the street behind.
Phil, with the help of local officers, shuffled the pack of kids into the car.
“What about Adrian?” Cornelia cried.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be with you guys shortly,” Phil assured. “I’ll meet you at the station,” Phil added, and closed the door in her face.
“You’ll get them there safely? Phil asked the officer whose car he was standing to the side of.
“Will do,” the officer agreed. “You’ll see them there shortly.”
Phil nodded and the officer turned to get into the driver’s seat of his car. 
They didn’t bother to put the sirens on as they pulled out into the street, but since it was dark and the streets were crowded with trick-or-treaters, they put the lights on. Phil watched until they turned out of sight, the lights no longer dancing across bodies, houses, and trees.
Phil turned back in the direction of the house where it had all gone down and started running.
They were safe, he told himself. We finally saved them.
Dan was crouched in the bushes that lined a familiar house and an unfamiliar house. He was staring at the back of the house he’d watched Phil nearly die outside of, a view he hadn’t seen until now, but there was no mistaking it: this was the same house from their dreams. 
Dan was listening patiently as the team chatted away, relaying information. He split his attention between what he was hearing in his ear and what he was seeing, which, so far, was a whole lot of nothing.
Dan heard them mention how the kid had opened the door as if someone had rang the doorbell, but there was no one there. Not even a few minutes later he heard confirmation that the friends had arrive and were all inside. 
“Alright people, it’s go-time” said a voice in his ear. 
Dan adjusted his crouch into a more ready position and waited. 
Time seemed to pass cripplingly slow. He could feel the tension in his legs as he crouched in a ready position. 
Dan had almost turned away for a second as something drew his attention when he saw the garage lights go on.
“Garage lights are on,” he said.
“We haven’t seen anyone enter the scene,” Jake said.
“It doesn’t matter, we need to go in there NOW,” Phil insisted.
Dan knew Phil was right. This guy didn’t play games, and they had no idea when Adrain had been killed in the dream. They had only found his body after realizing he’d been missing for a few minutes.
Dan exited the bushes and made his way across the back lawn towards the garage, drawing his gun.
The door to the garage was unlocked, and he pulled it open with his left hand as his right hand held his firearm in front of him, safety off and finger pressed against the side of the trigger.
Inside his eyes were immediately drawn to Adrian on the floor with a man standing over him. Dan recognized him immediately.
“SUSPECT SPOTTED” Dan yelled, pointing the gun at the suspect.
The man stared him down, though Dan couldn’t see his eyes. He had a knife in his hand, but with Dan’s gun pointed at him, he didn’t make a move.
Dan stood with the suspect staring back at him and Adrian frozen in fear on the floor like that for what felt like an eternity. Finally, the door to the house opened and Jake appeared.
“Adrian, come with me,” Jake said, but the masked man was standing between them.
“Actually, go past Dan there, and wait behind him. I’ll come around the side of the house and meet you at the door Dan came in, okay?”
Adrian did as he was told and Jake disappeared. Meanwhile, Dan still stood with his gun trained on the masked man.
“Drop the weapon,” he said, now that he was sure Adrain was behind him and not in the vicinity of where the suspect would drop the knife. The man did as he was told.
“Now on your knees with your hands on your head. Slowly.”
The suspect once again followed Dan’s orders.
Jake came around to the back door. He moved in front of Dan to cuff the man before leading Adrian out to the front yard, where a pair of local cops collected him. From there, Jake returned and started leading the suspect out of the garage, still with Dan’s gun trained on him.
It was only when they exited the garage and made their way into the open yard that Dan dropped the gun, putting the safety back on. He didn’t put it away, though. He kept it in his hand down by his side as he walked. Just in case.
There was a police cruiser parked outside the house on the street at this point, lights twirling in the night.
Jake loaded him into the back of the cruiser and watched as it pulled away. In the fading lights of the cop car Dan watched as Phil approached him.
“We did it,” Phil smiled, and Dan embraced him, a thick embrace on account of both of their bullet proof vests.
Dan holstered his gun and pulled Phil in by the back of his head, kissing him hard on the lips. He pulled away and smiled.
“Yeah, we sure did.”
Dan and Jake sat in the interrogation room while Phil looked on through the two-way glass.
Spencer Charnas, frontman of American rock band Ice Nine Kills sat in front of them, handcuffed to the table, wearing the blue overalls and heavy work boots of his costume. The mask lay on the table to his left and their right, out of reach for him. On the forehead the letters “IX” were printed formally in sharpie.
“Why were you at the house tonight?” Jake asked.
Spencer just smiled back at him cooly and didn’t say anything. His eyes were dark, and his black hair was slightly rumpled from sweating under the mask. His hands were folded politely on the table. Phil tried his best to ignore how attractive he was- besides, he had just gotten a kiss from the boy he’d been dreaming about for months now.
Despite everything, he let a little smile slip as his cheeks warmed up. He could still feel Dan’s lips lingering on his. He savored the buzz he felt there as he watched the interrogation.
“What does the IX on the mask mean?” Jake asked, changing topics.
Spencer sat unnaturally still, still smiling at Jake.
“Do you get off on killing children?” Dan interjected, drawing Spencer’s attention to himself, but still he smirked and said nothing.
So, is this all you have on me? Phil heard a voice in his head.
He took a step back in shock. When he returned to the two-way mirror, Spencer’s eyes were boring into his, even though Phil was sure he couldn’t see him.
We found you holding a knife above a boy on the ground. You don’t think that will be enough to convict you? Phil asked genuinely.
I guess we’ll see, won’t we, Spencer replied. He turned his attention back to Dan and Jake as they got up from the table and exited the interrogation room.
“We’ll let him stew a bit before we try again,” Jake said when he rounded the corner with Dan.
Phil looked to Dan. “I want to go home,” he stated plainly.
“Okay,” Dan agreed immediately.
Dan and Phil bid their goodbyes to Molly, Sarah, and of course Jake.
Their things were packed and they were heading to the airport to get a commercial flight to wherever they could to get to JFK. Both Dan and Phil agreed it was alright if they didn’t get there right away. Anywhere was better than being back in that interrogation room.
They arrived back to Phil’s apartment where Dan helped Phil unpack. He was fully healed by now, but there was a nasty scar on his side. It was a grisly reminder that their relationship didn’t come without costs.
Dan stood on Phil’s doorstep while Phil stood inside.
“I’ll be back down to visit soon,” Dan promised, overnight bag slung over his shoulder. 
“I know you will,” Phil smiled, trying to push the thoughts of the case out of his mind and enjoy the moment with Dan.
“Well, I’ll see you soon,” Dan waved, and turned to head to his car.
Phil watched him back out of the driveway and pull out onto the road leaning in the door way of his apartment. His eyes followed the car as it drove up the road into the distance.
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stressfulsloth · 11 months
A question for DE folks: does anyone know any of the nicknames that the skills have for each other? I know that Rhetoric gets called the Golden Mouth Man, and I remember there being others, but I can't find them.
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inknopewetrust · 2 years
POV: it’s 1996 and Eddie Munson graces the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine
Tumblr media
Note: I cannot, for the life of me, find the original creator of the Eddie edit. I made the mag cover but if anyone can find the artist who put Eddie on Joe (if that makes any sense) please let me know!
Accompanying fictional article
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rocksinmuffin · 1 year
Y-You know Valtiel? From Silent Hill 3? Freaky little vault man? I am so starved of smut for him that I'll take anything, even a shitpost. I assume he's the creepy stalker type, what do you think he'd do if some poor sap caught his eye?
Anyway, have a good day. 🤍
You’ve started to consider the creature following you as your friend.
You know the thought is deranged but you can’t quite help it. You haven’t been in your right mind since you’ve got here. Since you’ve been trapped here. Wherever here is. You’re still not sure if this is real or a nightmare or an afterlife you’ve damned yourself to.
The creature, though? This twisted, faceless thing you find scurrying around in vents and turning valves and following you around? It’s the only thing here that hasn’t actively tried to kill you. Maybe that’s the bare minimum of human decency but, one, whatever that thing is it isn’t human and, two, the bar for that here is low.
Besides, there’s no one else around and you need someone to talk to. You’d lose your sanity if you didn’t have that and, these days, you have very little of it to spare.
“Hey there,” you call to where it hides in a nearby vent, just loud enough to hear your voice over the crackle of static of your radio. “Just got back from a snack run. You hungry?”
Its head vibrates violently in all directions. You decide to interpret this as a yes.
“Found some health drinks while I was out hunting for supplies,” you say, placing the drink down by the vent opening. “And guess what else I found.”
You kneel down to hold your find out where the creature can see. It continues shaking, head twitching unnaturally and neck bending at odd angles.
“It’s bread,” you answer proudly, breaking off a piece and holding it out towards the creature. It makes no move to grab for it but it does not make any attempts to stop you when you press a piece in through the narrow slots of the vent cover. You don’t know if this thing can eat—it doesn’t have a mouth as far as you are aware—but you like to think it appreciates the sentiment. It hasn’t killed you yet, at least, so you must be doing something right.
You edge the health drink a little closer to the vent before standing up. You should get going. It’s never wise to stay in one place too long, especially when the world shifts and rots and rusts all around you.
“Well, I should go. See ya around?” you ask but it’s not really a question. You know you will. It always finds its way to you eventually.
It doesn’t follow you. Not right away, at least. You know because the static of your radio dies down with every step you take. When you look back, the health drink you left behind is gone. Satisfied that your gift has been accepted, you continue onward.
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essektheylyss · 5 months
Honestly it's refreshing to hear someone who is just as concerned with data and privacy and such go over it, I might actually nab an account now lol. Makes sense that you'd make things private to prevent thievery, also sorry you and others are getting spammed, that really blows! Can't wait to read your works 👍 also I've seen some of your snippets of that one fic ur working on that's about fjord and essek getting up to trade shenanigans and I am SO HYPED I absolutely LOVE those two and I also love weird political mayhem so 👍👍👍 have a good day
For sure! I am increasingly becoming a curmudgeon when it comes to data privacy so I am always happy to explain; being any type of creative online these days is real tough, which only makes it harder for folks who actually want to check out the creative work, so I appreciate you checking!
Also omg I'm so thrilled to know that you're looking forward to that one, I NEED to get back to writing that project because it's so fun. Fjord and Essek political mayhem is truly among my favorite things to write (technically both my completed longfics have that as an undercurrent, just with very different vibes lol, though Fjord is... mostly absent for the first third of one of them) and this project truly is just an excuse for that because it is so funny. (And thank you for the reminder, I really gotta build in time for writing 🙃) Have a good day as well!
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sassytail · 4 months
I think the funniest kind of self insert story you can write is one where the inserted characters knowledge of events allows them no real benefit save to blend in, rather than changing the events of canon.
Like yeah you have omniscient knowledge of dragon age plot but you got there after the events of inquisition but before the comics, and thousands of miles away from the events of the comics so like. What then?
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