#saturn in gemini
ezukll · 3 months
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With Saturn in Aries, you may experience some challenges or difficulties with your personal identity and with establishing boundaries for yourself. The self-imposed limits and restrictions of Saturn can clash with the fiery and dynamic nature of Aries. You may struggle with taking initiative, feeling restricted, and being overly critical of yourself. Saturn in Aries can also bring a cautious and reserved nature, or an internal feeling of needing to be careful, slow, or responsible. You may have some difficulties with discipline and following through with tasks or goals, and you may struggle with setting and achieving goals.
With Saturn in Taurus, you may have a deep wound related to letting go of or letting go of unhealthy attachments and habits. You may feel a sense of burden that is too heavy to bear. You may strive to establish an emotional and financial sense of security that can be hard to obtain. You may have a tendency to hold onto things or to feel weighed down by the past. This can lead to inner turmoil, depression, or a sense of being stuck or trapped. You may have to work hard to break free and to take responsibility for your situation.
With Saturn in Gemini, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of mental discipline and focus. You may feel a sense of restlessness and of a need for stimulation. You may be prone to overthinking and internal chatter. You may struggle to concentrate or to follow through on tasks or ideas. This can lead to mental and emotional frustration, and an internal conflict between feeling like you need to stay active and busy and feeling stuck and blocked. You may get a feeling that you're not reaching your potential or living up to your ideals and ambitions.
With Saturn in Cancer, you may have a deep wound related to emotional security and inner peace. You may have experienced a significant amount of emotional pain or trauma in your life. You may struggle with self-care and self-love, and you may have difficulty setting boundaries or maintaining healthy relationships. You may find it difficult to open up and to form deep connections with others. It may feel like you can't catch a break, that the universe is against you, or that a dark cloud has forever shadowed your life.
With Saturn in Leo, you may have a deep wound related to your sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. You may have experienced a lack of praise or recognition or felt like you didn't get the attention or admiration that you deserved. You may have had difficulty accepting and embracing yourself or your talents and achievements. You may struggle with self-appreciation and self-respect. You may have a deep-seated fear of being rejected or overlooked.
With Saturn in Virgo, you may have a deep wound related to perfectionism and having high standards for yourself and others. You may have a tendency to be too critical or to be overly judgmental. You may have a tendency to be nitpicky and hyper-focused on details. You may also have a deep desire to have things under control and a lack of patience for others imperfections. You may also be overly self-conscious of your flaws and shortcomings.
With Saturn in Libra, you may have a deep wound related to relationships, trust, stability and balance. You may have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships and letting people in. You may often be left feeling alone and isolated, or may believe that you are not capable of deep and meaningful relationships. You may feel a scarcity of love and intimacy. You may be too self-sufficient and unwilling to let people in. You may feel like you need to stay balanced and fair and that it's not safe to be vulnerable and share your feelings.
With Saturn in Scorpio, you may have a deep wound related to trust, control, power, and betrayal. You may have had some traumatic experience related to betrayal, control, or a deep sense of betrayal. This may have led to trust issues, a fear of getting hurt or opening up, and a feeling of being used or taken advantage of. You may have difficulty making friends or forming deep connections with others. you may also be overly loyal to toxic relationships and have issues with letting go of people.
With Saturn in Sagittarius, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of structure and stability. You may have a tendency to be a bit more carefree or spontaneous than may be healthy. You may have had some unexpected setbacks or disappointments in your life that made you feel like you needed to focus more on structure and responsibility. You may have a tendency to let your idealistic side take over and take you on a path of adventure and exploration. This can lead to a sense of unease or restlessness that comes with a lack of structure, commitment, or consistency.
With Saturn in Capricorn, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of confidence or inner authority. You may have a tendency to second-guess yourself or to put other people's needs above your own. You may feel like you are always working hard but never getting anywhere or getting ahead. You may have issues with a sense of inferiority and with letting go of old patterns and fears. It may feel like you'll never achieve your goals or that you'll never be enough.
With Saturn in Aquarius, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of belonging and acceptance. You may experience a sense of being different from or feeling out of place in the world, or a sense of alienation from society or from people in general. You may also have a deep wound related to being misunderstood, overlooked, or taken for granted. You may feel like a lone wolf or a misfit who doesn't fit in.
With Saturn in Pisces, you may have a deep wound related to a lack of boundaries and a sense of empathy and sympathy for others. You may have difficulty letting go or moving on from past hurt. You may also struggle with accepting responsibility for your own actions and feelings. You may have issues with taking people's faults or issues personally and feeling responsible for them. This can be challenging and exhausting and can lead to a lack of self-care and burnout.
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astroloverblog · 2 years
Saturn in the signs pt.1
Saturn in Aries:
You probably feel that you are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work others telling you what to do. Having this placement can make you self-sacrificing. The lesson you have to learn in your life is to take charge of your own destiny, stand up for what you believe in and start loving yourself. If you create enough self discipline you could get great success. Because personal goals are that important to you, teamwork might get blocked. The stress that comes from trying to achieve too much could make you prone to headaches. Their often thoughtless and unscrupulous/risky actions bring them numerous rivals and enemies. If Saturn is poorly aspected, fate is not kind to these people. Getting ahead is very difficult, which creates strong inner tensions. As a result of their assertiveness, these people also find it difficult to fit into the community. Many struggles and worries are the result. Might also struggle with loved ones, having unstable relationships. Marriage also harbors potential for conflict and is a problem in many cases. As a result, you could be a very capable leader who knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to go out and make things happen no matter what the cost or how long it takes. Consequently, you run the risk of interfering in the affairs of others and trying to influence them. You may just be ignoring them and trying to get them to follow your ideas instead of their ideas. Obstacles, disappointments and constraints may stand in the way of your unconventional, confident commitment. Impatience can undo all your efforts so be as careful as possible in implementing your plans. You’re determined, self-confident to arrogance and able to remain humble. Success brings diligence and efficiency, contemplation and discretion. Over the years, you get used to creative work. The people around you consider you a self-centered and unwilling person, headstrong and willful, prone to sadness and melancholy. But perhaps the development of aggression, cruelty and ruthlessness, sometimes leading to destructive behavior and tragic consequences. There is a great desire for meaningful, goal-oriented activity. Likely business creation and efficiency. Versatile interests, great opportunities, great functionality and consistency in approaching the solution of big and small problems. Such a person, despite your tyrannical nature, always has many connections in society. You are easily excited by new ideas, strict on yourself and on others, readily springs into action in the presence of an external impulse of sufficient strength. Many people love your creative restlessness. For such a person is very dangerous loneliness, the lack of a field of free action and immersion in revolution and rebellion - you will almost certainly be evil under these circumstances. Only alone depends on the development of numerous skills and strengthening of the character. You might have difficulty realizing that those around you are entitled to independent conduct and personal judgment. Using the energy properly, you can display wonders of endurance through the combination of initiative and discipline. In this case, you innate enthusiasm and resourcefulness is shown positively and constructively. Due to the many subconscious fears, such a person often feels an need for security. It is possible to communicate with a jealous partner or the development of a "paternal complex". With negative character development, it is possible to generate impatience, superficiality, a tendency to self-justification and blaming others in all difficulties and misfortunes that catch your eye due to your own miscalculations, mistakes and inaccuracies. Such a person should constantly learn tact and cooperation with people. Often a good emotional discharge is brought on by physical activity. A determined person, easy to climb, easily angered, and surprisingly surly in situations where others are forced to disagree with.
Saturn in Taurus:
You are a tireless worker and have patience, caution, determination, discipline, organizing ability and can go the distance when those around you fall. Hard work is your forte. Your feelings are serious, well-controlled and not easily changed, although at times it may be hard for you to forgive and forget. Loyalty and money is a important thing to you. You may be stubborn and materialistic but you can also be a methodical realist. You desire a stable social status, the feeling to be adored and accepted by society. If the saturn is bad aspected, then jealousy might be a thing. You take things slowly, but with thought and perseverance. Outwardly outgoing and reserved, they are polite and kind with other people, which greatly increases their chances of success in life. The will of these people is extremely tough and persistent. Failure only spurs them on to redouble their efforts. The desired goals in life are usually achieved through hard work and discipline. You tend to associate your sense of security very closely with having possessions and money, and overdoing it could make you stingy and unhappy for temporary. Because then you keep thinking about what might happen tomorrow and whether you will have enough money to pay for everything. You should consider your personal values ​​and learn what real security is. You take your feelings seriously and know how to control them. Saturn in Taurus dramatically increases a person's responsibility in the circumstances and situations in which this sign is active. In the negative version of Saturn in Taurus there is an extreme lack of trust in any constructive session, feeling the enmity of the material world, mystical depression, anger and crystallization in a complete alienation from the world. This person will never really be comfortable. With a negative development of nature, you’re inclined to do everything only on your own. Form tape type, prone to intrigues even for the sake of small profits and basically incapable of any cooperation. In the positive development of this placement, there can be artistic interests. This person becomes wise pragmatist, has enviable patience and rare exposure. Wisdom might be the key you need in life. You’re realistic and thrifty, reliable and solid, constantly striving for property, showing a rigid, unyielding will and working virtuously in the methodical plan. You’re very afraid of fate, because you suspect the movement of the deep energies of karma in your own soul, but you do not tend to study yourself. You show enviable patience in building projects and consistent implementation of real programs. You are able to give up personal pleasures in favor of an unrelenting movement toward future security. Because a person is always characterized by a "far-sightedness", you might shy away from extravagance and unfoundedness in thoughts, in speech and in deeds. The picture of thinking is extremely realistic, the art of living is extremely practical. Such a person thinks consistently, weighing all the pros and cons. In conversation you’re polite and friendly, in cooperation honest and conscientious. There is a certain reluctance that is associated with the fear of losing the chance of gaining personal benefit through over-informing others. Perhaps the development of self-will and resentment, over-materialistic thinking and feelings of cold, sadness and darkness, cruelty and recklessness, over-ambitiousness and ostentatious arrogance to implement in one's goals, plans and intentions. You’re inclined to take collective norms and do not represent your point of view. You have developed a high sense of duty and the gift of self-organization. Always feeling strict self-discipline from myself and others, firmly convinced that the path I have taken is the right one. Your seriousness is manifested outwardly in the form of patient work in the field of wealth creation, as well as a rare stability and solidity in difficult situations. You possess fantastic resilience and an enviable firmness of character and convictions.
Saturn in Gemini:
This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in the future. The will to learn new things can be very helpful for claiming success. The lesson you have to learn in your life is learning how to trust yourself and your intuition. Avoid self-doubting and don’t get too pessimistic. Your mindset is practical and logical. You might find things like science, physics as well as mathematics or mechanical engineering interesting. Don’t get too attached to details, or else you’ll loose the big picture. You’re very flexible especially when it comes to new situations. The quick grasping intellect of these people enables them to penetrate quickly and deeply into the most diverse problems and to solve them. Your particularly profound thinking motivates you to delve deeper and deeper into things. Many researchers and inventors can be found under this placement. Your lungs need a lot of oxygen, so it's best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. If you want to be successful at something, it is important that you discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically. The complete lack of confidence in the reliability of the coming Gemini and outgoing information from them and stability in communication Saturn does not make them their life is sweet, but compensatory measures bring such fruits that the envy of most particularly harmonious Gemini are through Saturn not easier, especially in youth. It is helpful in overcoming the obstacles, insufficiently adaptable, anxious and prone to depression. In the positive development of this person's placement they can become smart, quick and able to do several things at once. You have a cultivated mind, can work well with numbers and usually show enviable skill in work that requires intelligent hands and a good head, for example in business or as a magician. Such a person is zealous in his studies, likes to solve the contradictions and solve problems. You’re reserved, conscientious and have an amazing talent in the field of literature and the exact sciences. Contacts bring you real pleasure, because you feel a constant need for communication. This placement is great when it comes to learning a new language. He is big on advertising and extremely successful in propaganda campaigns. Such a person is in a good mood more often than in a bad mood, you’re smart and skill full both in work and in communication, but tend not to notice your fatigue and therefore often leads to exhaustion from overwork and overexertion. Such a person can adapt to any situation. You’re systematic and logically consistent, and therefore, being self-acquired, being able to think through real-life problems to the end. It generally refers to the type of successful "problem solvers" who combine literary, technical, and artistic skills. A particularly successful career is possible in the areas of teaching, science and technology. This person loves to learn - and learns throughout life. However, it often shows disrespect for others, which is why you can be considered as flighty, moody and a argumentative person. When you have taken on too many duties and responsibilities, you can quickly become overwhelmed and health risks. Sometimes shyness arises, combined with an exaggerated responsibility for expressing one's thoughts in words. This is a very resourceful and skillful in all people, ignoring the frequent fear and sadness. You show interest in modern and progressive thinking, you like deep reflections and studies complicated questions.
Saturn in Cancer:
Because you might feel unloved at times, you can get moody and fearful or even overdramatic. Your unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. Might lack empathy. Family life is always difficult, as is the relationship with parents. Its important that you accept yourself and let others know how you feel. In relationships you might not be able to give warmth, because you always seem to hide your emotions to your partner. Thats mostly the reason why you feel lonely or unloved. Abandonment and the future are definitely one of your biggest fears. If the Saturn is bad aspected, this could mean your hypersensitive. Since the free expression is getting blocked, you might isolate or alienate yourself from family members. When it comes to partnership, family or career, you have the ability to give emotional security. The will of these people is tough and strong, but often unbalanced on the mental level. Own goals and plans are vehemently pursued, but their emotional conflict makes them divided internally. This often results in worries and difficulties in fate. You can be so busy protecting yourself from hurt that you don't see the hurt of others. It is important to keep your appetite under control, otherwise you may develop health problems. This person enjoys working at home, managing and cleaning the premises. It is persistent, direct, frank, in the course of performance of tasks often there is a surprising difference and the periods of a recession of enthusiasm. Negative development of this placement creates a type of person who is untrustworthy, tends to evade and procrastinate, and blames others. Such a person comes into contact with great difficulties, tends to isolate and become isolated. He often turns out to be lazy and idle, often complains to everyone, is extremely unhappy with life and extremely sensitive even to minor troubles. With positive character development, this is a diligent and conscientious worker who works best alone. Such a person is distinguished by restraint in the expression of feelings, seriousness in the perception of life, a clear sense of duty, frugality and a tendency to cling to what has already been achieved and formed. Such a person needs guarantees that one receives when buying a house or a job, although you may not have a high, but permanent social status. You might seem a bit cold emotionally, as if alienated from real life. Sometimes you overemphasizes the role of tradition and show cruelty in dealing with subordinates. The material interests of such a person are more often associated with the desire to grow to a quiet, comfortable old age. In the course of fate, slowness and inhibition are clearly expressed, which often leads to the formation of constant deep dissatisfaction with life. Develops increased sensitivity, excessive receptivity, and acute crushability. There are very serious problems in understanding the ideals of this person and the life and the parents and ancestors. At the same time, a painful dependence on the past. Thirst at home, garden, garden and real estate in general is very strong. Perhaps a hobby in the field of applied and decorative arts. The ability to self-organize is difficult to recognize. Discipline to such a person is not easy. Strong emotional vulnerability of feelings are combined with external coolness, dryness and strength. Almost constantly this person is in a defensive position, mysterious, suspicious and cautious. Perhaps the development of a tendency to replace real life with dreams about them, which is why it cannot be a question of satisfaction with what has been achieved. But a person perfectly understands all your hidden desires and quickly feels like physically the weight and value of material acquisitions. You cling wholeheartedly to existing property, at the deepest level of psychic life, and therefore applies very deeply to the breaking of ties with property or the destruction of the latter.
Saturn in Leo:
You’re proud but insecure, and this combination can limit your opportunities. You may feel that you had to grow up too fast and were prevented from having that carefree time we all deserve. You need love, but may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate yourself from others. Saturn don’t feels well in this sign because leo is known for his ego. People with this placement are either humble and loving or battling their ego. One strives upwards with great activity and wants to attain a powerful position in life. These people demand attention and respect. Your personal ambition drives you constantly. It gives enormous willpower, capable of removing all resistance and obstacles. The interests of others are usually ignored. People tend towards self-aggrandizement and arrogance. On the other hand, they are reliable, outgoing and warm in their affection for others. Qualities which in turn are favorable for relationships in love and friendships. Stop overthinking cause others are not worth your time, you have better things to do in life. You creatively approaches the decision of a power problem, in particular the clarification of questions of justification of rights, structuring and delimitation of restrictions. Such a person longs for a firm, stable and constant power. You care a lot about your looks. You take yourself very seriously and is able to efficiently perfect matter and finance. You try not to substitute primitive individualism for a meaningful approach to reality, as you subconsciously know that looping about yourself will unleash your creativity and deprive you of rich opportunities. Such a person feels a tremendous reserve of strength and talent for the depths of your own soul, and your psychological complexes are most often associated with the impossibility of full disclosure of inner gifts in the current situation. It is difficult for you in general to manifest your abilities creatively, it is not easy to recognize yourself, it is very difficult to realize your potential. Even in the presence of great talent, you can forever remain "high hopes". You prefer everything to your own ideas, a brilliant autodidact who does not ask for help but can do everything himself. You try to translate your unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled plans into your own children and quickly force them into their educational tyranny. So you subconsciously try to compensate for the failures in your life by demonstrating your children's outstanding multi-faceted talents. These people usually show a deep and abiding interest in the problems of creativity and the task of developing people's skills. You might be very hardy and independent but sometimes tend to overdo others, especially children. You’re often rejected by society, like dying to focus on small, but concrete, tangible achievements, instead of respecting a person for not yet revealed, but in potency great talent. The main thing for such a person is refusal to dictate, paying attention to promoting the development of the talents of others and the deepest humility - not only in dealing with colleagues, but also in dealing with children. Such a person openly rushes to power, recognition and fame. You tend to neglect the pleasures of life in order to achieve set goals. Your passions are strong, irritability is great, and jealousy knows no bounds. You are a bright person who doesn't often get the chance to be successful in every respect.
Saturn in Virgo:
Life can be stressful or unlucky sometimes. You can be really perfectionistic and there can be a fear of criticism and making mistakes. Getting things done is not your best strength. There may be a desire for solitude. Its common for these people to feel like they are not good enough, especially if saturn is bad aspected. You have a really good sense of organisation and analytical abilities. Don’t overwork yourself and stop worrying over the smallest things that aren’t even necessary. This connection is unfavorable for love and marriage. Due to their strongly developed intellectual orientation, these people mostly neglect the emotional level. The feelings are sometimes deep but never passionate. Thinking is concentrated and goes deep. These people are never superficial, but shaped by a very serious view of life. Your expectations can be low, if you want to change your low self esteem than start setting your standards higher. This placement is good for someone wanting to be a psychologist, therapist or anything in this way. You’re characterised by a deep sense of personal responsibility, a critical attitude towards mastering the new and the ability to delve deep into the essence of the topics covered. The person can be totally focused on work and like to outsmart their commitments. Subordinates see you as a serious and aloof leader. The intellect is concentrated and perceptive, the person is chaste and reserved in all manifestations. Discretion and prudence can be combined with a desire for high spirituality. In the worst case, unhealthy pragmatism, persistent distrust and blandness develop. The mind clearly rules over feelings. In work, such a person shows sober analysis, considerable greed and attention to details and trifles. You’re aware of the secret of self-discipline, self-restraint and self-restraint. The inclination to a strict way of life can reach extreme manifestations of asceticism and fanaticism. This person is hidden, cautious, vigilant and always doubts everything. The character is stubborn and power-hungry, but personal initiative and enterprise are small. You’re as great as a performer, because a worker inspires trust among others. Success in business and in literary theater criticism is possible. Careful detailed elaboration of specific internal difficulties is used to gain stable confidence in one's actions. Very strong sense of duty, patience and perseverance in attention to detail. Sometimes this person gives more importance to details than the main idea and follows the main line of development. Through patience and obedience one can successfully learn from the experiences of others. Works itself well and looks wondrous in the surrounding working ability. The most important wish in life is to become a master, a professional in your field. Excessive attention to a smaller one can cause psychological overload and expressed in nervous exhaustion and sustained internal dissatisfaction. Outside of work a person feels his own uselessness, retirement can die of boredom. In general, the attitude towards work is biased and extremely interested. Orderliness can go to the extreme. Such a person feels uncomfortable in an unstable, extreme situation. For the flowering of all their abilities there is a comfortable home and no complaints from neighbors and employees. Feelings are clearly suppressed by the mind, the mind is analytical, algorithmic., but such a person can serve as an excellent connoisseur of the practical usefulness of technical inventions and commercial proposals - you feel useless and unnecessary things in your heart. Everyone regards this person as a clear, moral and hardworking pragmatist.
@ 2022 Copyright astrolover
part. 2: >>click here<<
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catmarlowastrology · 8 months
📚 People with Saturn in Gemini worry about how well they communicate and if they're smart enough. They may be scared of saying something wrong or not knowing enough, which can make them nervous about talking in public or joining in complex conversations. They might overthink what they're going to say or just avoid talking about complicated topics. Even though they work hard to get better at communicating and learning, they can't shake the feeling that they're not good enough. This makes it important for them to learn how to communicate clearly and accept that it's okay not to know everything.
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
What do u think about saturn trine neptune in my natal chart (saturn in gemini, neptune in aquarius)?
Kisses from Brazil 🇧🇷💕
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saturn trine neptune in natal chart
good at utilizing your discernment. you can smell BS from a mile away
realistic approach to achieving your dreams
no, it's not all in your head
able to take your inspiration and alchemize it into something tangible
alchemy + manifestation comes easy to you when you focus on visualization
when you do feel mentally trapped by saturn, it's hard to get out of that energy because neptune ain't helping you devise a plan
go with the flow + take ideas as they come, but not everything is for you (this is where discernment comes in)
get out of the habit of second guessing yourself
take your faith very seriously, whatever your spiritual beliefs are
"i'll believe it when i see it" energy
if you're ever interested in a karmic disposition natal chart consultation where i address the karmic imprint that you are meant to transcend in this lifetime, email me at [email protected] or DM me on instagram @/miss.flygrl
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
Saturn ♄ in the Signs Keywords
♄: time, maturity, obstacles, challenges, distance, barriers & boundaries, discipline, effort  
♈︎: obstacles early in life, challenges with getting things started, takes a lot to motivate them, self-sufficient & self-reliant, impatient, expects things quickly
♉︎: ages like a fine wine, obstacles come from stubbornness, long-practiced creative pursuits, materialistic, need patience to find success  
♊︎: struggles with communication/speech, delayed understanding, difficulties with being adaptable, takes time to adjust and be more open minded
♋︎: abandonment issues, difficulties with their mother/maternal figures, defenseless, grow to care for themselves and others as they mature
♌︎: difficulties taking the lead, dependent on others, beholden to outside opinions, distances themselves from attention/the spotlight, keeps true feelings hidden
♍︎: perfectionism an obstacle rather than a strength, may be inexperienced/guarded, fears keep them from experiencing life fully, methodical & detail-oriented, health a persistent struggle
♎︎: struggles with decision making, success in mediation/counseling, prefer traditional forms of connecting & communicating, obstacles require a measured approach  
♏︎: difficulties with secrets/hidden actions, sexual repression & hang-ups, success in investigative careers, latent occult abilities, distrustful & suspicious, hard to get close to
♐︎: obstacles come from high ambitions, striving for greatness & recognition, need self-control & discipline, success in foreign affairs & athletic pursuits, challenges are embraced
♑︎: achieve success the old-fashioned way, struggles with accepting failure or defeat, old souls with old bones, take time to warm up, disciplined & independent
♒︎: struggles with carving their own identity, nerves & anxiety create obstacles, success found in unconventional lanes, through time comes self-acceptance
♓︎: struggles to ground themselves & their beliefs, can be easily swayed/gullible, difficulties come through picking one lane, success in spiritual and creative pursuits
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limi-strology · 1 year
Astro observations II
Decided to make a part 2, didn't expect the first one to get more than, like, 50 notes 😅
Based on just my personal experience, might not be true for everyone! ᵔᴗᵔ
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Contrary to the stereotypes, I don't think I've ever met a two faced Gemini. They honestly seem pretty cool people, they have so many friends and they just know how to communicate, you know? Their relationship with their partner looks really wholesome to outsiders too (but could be just me viewing it this way, lol). If anything, I think they just stand out more, which makes it a bit more difficult to approach them. 🤷‍♀️
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Gemini sun girls also have something aesthetic about them, like my cousin has a nice academia aesthetic going on in her life and a classmate from uni has this high-end fashion sense, she looks really pretty everytime (For some reason, when I think of Geminis, I'm envisioning luxury parties with champagne and brands like YSL and Louis Vuitton, that's the vibe I get) ✨
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ People with Sagittarius in their big three (sun, moon, rising) are some of the most outgoing people I know. They have so many connections and, once their schedule allows it, they start planning coffee dates, hangouts with their friends, clubbing etc. A friend of mine can literally NOT stay at home the entire day, he just HAS to go out or meet up with people for at least 2-3 hours. 🏙️
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ To the fellas with Moon opposition Neptune; How do you guys deal with moments in life that don't live up to your expectations? You know, when your imagination goes wild and has a very idealistic scenario of a certain situation, only for it to happen in a much different way and lowkey dissapoints you? Also, do you have dreams that kind of warn you or prepare you for something that will take place in the future? Because I feel like we kind of build our own world and the universe has to remind us that life isn't always perfect, lol 💭
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ My dear Aquarians, why the pessimism? Rather than overthinking everything and imagining the worst scenarios possible, how about you try focusing more on positive things? Even if it's just something small each time, it helps you view your daily life in a better light :)
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ Speaking of Aquas, I've noticed that most of you guys also don't really like being alone for too long. Sure, you want to have your me time (it's fine, we all do) but you also can't stand not having company around. Like, you'll randomly decide to stay in and spend some time alone but then you'll get upset and start calling your friends and family. A friend of mine cannot stand being alone for too long, even if we spend the whole day together, he hates being home on his own, to the point where he sometimes straight up takes the bus back to his hometown. It's wonderful that you enjoy spending so much time with others (I could never, lolll) but try picking up a hobby when you don't have the chance to be around people as much. It'll kind of distract you from loneliness and give you the chance to have some quality time with yourself 🧩
Thank you for reading, hope you have a wonderful day 💙
Edit: Bonus Observations
So a lot of you guys commented that Aquarius actually prefers solitude and could easily pass time all by themselves, so I looked into the charts of the social Aquas I know irl and see what it is that makes them so outgoing and talkative;
(I didn't include houses because I haven't gotten to confirm their birth times)
• My friend has Saturn in Gemini, which can make people talkative in any situation (I also have this placement and, although I see myself as an introverted homebody, I am surprisingly pretty chatty and enjoy going out with people that make me happy). Truly, he always gives something to talk about with everyone he knows, sometimes he'll start a conversation with another friend of his while I'm standing there not knowing what to say or do in the meantime, like 🧍‍♀️?
• He also has Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo; energetic, lively and outgoing, thrives when surrounded by people. He almost never gets tired of hanging out with people, my low social battery could never 😅
• Other than her sun, my mom also has Aquarius in her Mercury, which makes her friendly and likeable, plus she enjoys conversing with people.
• Another thing about my mom, her placements are a bit contradictory; She has Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Virgo, and Uranus and Pluto in Libra - These indicate shyness, independence and introversion. Truly, she prefers doing things on her own most of the time and doesn't open up to just anyone. She also used to be very shy around my age (probably because of Virgo moon?). However, she also has Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius, which make her more adventurous, outgoing, charming and humorous. So that would probably explain this whole 'outgoing yet independent yet still can't be lonely' vibe she gives me.
Hope this explains a bit better why I had this image of Aquas at first, thanks for sharing your thoughts in the comments!
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astrojulia · 1 year
hi! can u make a post about saturn rx in leo in the first house? thank u^^
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Saturn Retrograde in the Natal Chart
~ Saturn Rx through the houses and signs analysis
Every planet when it is retrograde works differently than its direct placement. It's not TOTALLY different and so you can read and look up its normal placement, you just need to make a few changes, Saturn Rx (Retrograde) has the following things to look out for:
You may find it difficult to assert yourself, and people may not see you as an authority figure or someone mature enough to handle more elaborate tasks. This could impact your confidence and anger management.
You may not have been taught an accurate sense of what the rules are, or how much responsibility you have to take on in order to be considered responsible. Discipline may have been vague, and you may not have known when to stop yourself, or when is it enough.
You may not know your own limits, and have trouble setting boundaries, especially in the house and sign where Saturn is retrograde.
You may not have a clear understanding of what you can or cannot do.
“There is something missing in the relationship with the father that impacts the life — divorce, hard working and not with the family, on the road at lot, killed in a war or died early — with Neptune, he is preoccupied or ambivalent.”[lynnkoiner]
If you have retrograde Saturn in your chart, you may experience sadness, depression, loneliness, fatigue, or a lack of motivation. Disrespect from parents or other authority figures may also hold you back. Retrograde Saturn focuses on whatever is hindering your productivity and success, which could be an ongoing problem that requires attention.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Spiritual/Karmic meaning: Many see Retrograde Planets as info of your past life and something you need to do now. In terms of the spiritual and karmic meaning, retrograde planets can provide insight into your past life and the lessons you need to learn in this one. If you have Saturn retrograde in your natal chart, it signifies a problem with self-discipline or avoidance of responsibility in a past life. Due to illness, immaturity, or disrespect, you may have neglected to take care of your loved ones. Some lessons or extra effort will be required in this life to pay off and leave behind this karmic debt. It is important to learn these lessons to avoid having to go through the difficult cycle again.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Saturn Rx in the houses and signs:The position and aspect of retrograde Saturn can show the areas of life, personality traits, and behaviors that require extra development. Ideally, Saturn is disciplined, responsible, stable, respectful, and reliable. A healthy Saturn is hardworking and dedicated. The goal is to be strong enough, both physically and emotionally, to deal with life's difficulties and take responsibility for oneself and one's family. Depending on where Saturn is retrograde in your chart, you may need to focus on developing specific skills or traits to become more successful and fulfilled.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Sources and Inspirations:Whoever reads this post will see that it's very similar to posts about Saturn but very negative, and well, this is the focus of this post, talking about the positive parts you can see in other posts. So the focus is on what Rx can do and what to work with. The inspirations for this post were few since it is specific, they were this one and this one, the template for this post is from sparklypalace on deviantart and poohsources on tumblr.
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This placement can indicate a significant difficulty with self-esteem and saying 'no.' With Saturn Rx in a fire sign and house, issues related to fire can be stuck. There may be a fear of expressing oneself, speaking up a little louder, running, or indulging in carnal pleasures. You might be too afraid to step up and face life. You may not feel welcome in anything that showcases your creativity or deviates from tradition; you want to be like Picasso, but the world expects you to be like Da Vinci. First and foremost, any issues with Saturn are usually resolved with time, as our superego (that voice that dictates how we should behave in society) realizes that it doesn't need to be so restrictive because, deep down, nobody cares. With this aspect in mind, I think a lot about tattoos and body transformations as a means of freeing oneself and putting art on one's own body. Generally, it can be challenging to assert oneself as someone with their own unique tastes, and working with creativity without expecting the result to be worthy of a museum can be helpful.
Saturn Retrograde through the zodiac signs
✧. ┊ Aries and aspecting Mars: individuals may struggle with asserting themselves and expressing their needs and desires. They may lack confidence and have difficulty managing their anger, which can lead to conflicts and challenges in personal and professional relationships. They swallow their wills and feelings so much and end up locking themselves up. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-esteem and learning healthy ways to express their emotions.
✧. ┊ Taurus and aspecting Venus: it can bring up issues related to finances, material possessions, and self-worth. It seems that everything they do in life forces them to step out of their comfort zone so that they never really feel comfortable (especially in the house where the Saturn is). Additionally, they may struggle with valuing themselves and their abilities, which can impact their personal and professional lives. They often question whether who they are has the makings of an honorable and valuable person. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-worth and learning healthy financial habits.
✧. ┊ Gemini and aspecting Mercury: individuals may struggle with expressing themselves effectively. They may have difficulty making decisions and may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they need to process. It's important for these individuals to work on developing their communication skills and learning to trust their instincts.
✧. ┊ Cancer and aspecting Moon: individuals may struggle with expressing their emotions and nurturing themselves and others. They may have difficulty with family relationships and may feel like they don't have a solid foundation in their personal lives. It's important for these individuals to work on developing healthy emotional habits and creating a supportive network of loved ones.
✧. ┊ Leo and aspecting Sun: individuals may struggle with self-expression, creativity, and leadership. They may feel like they don't have the confidence or skills to take on leadership roles or express themselves creatively. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-confidence and developing their creative abilities.
✧. ┊ Virgo and aspecting Mercury: individuals may struggle with organization, analysis, and perfectionism. They may have difficulty staying focused and may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to do. It's important for these individuals to work on developing healthy organizational habits and learning to prioritize their tasks. They may also benefit from working on letting go of their need for perfection and embracing their imperfections.
✧. ┊ Libra and aspecting Venus: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Libra may experience difficulties in maintaining relationships, particularly with romantic partners. They may struggle to find balance and harmony, which can result in issues with compromise and conflict resolution. These individuals may have a fear of abandonment and may struggle to express their needs and desires. It is important for them to learn how to communicate effectively and define their own boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Scorpio and aspecting Pluto: Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio can lead to difficulties in trust, intimacy, and power dynamics. These individuals may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty forming deep emotional connections with others. They may also have a fear of vulnerability and struggle with expressing their own emotions. These individuals may have a tendency to manipulate others or feel manipulated by others, leading to power struggles in relationships. It is important for them to work on developing trust and emotional intimacy with others to cultivate healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Sagittarius and aspecting Jupiter: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius may struggle with belief systems, philosophy, and adventure. They may have difficulty finding their own identity and may feel trapped by societal or cultural expectations. These individuals may also have a fear of failure or a lack of direction in life. It is important for them to explore their own beliefs and values to find their true path in life.
✧. ┊ Capricorn and aspecting Saturn (sorry,not possible 😅): Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn can lead to difficulties with authority, responsibility, and ambition. These individuals may have a fear of failure and struggle with taking risks in life. They may also have difficulty with authority figures, either feeling intimidated by them or feeling the need to constantly challenge them. These individuals may also struggle with finding balance between their personal and professional lives. It is important for them to work on developing self-confidence and a sense of direction to achieve their goals.
✧. ┊ Aquarius and aspecting Uranus: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius may have difficulty with individuality, innovation, and detachment. They may feel pressure to conform to societal norms or struggle to find their own unique identity. These individuals may also have difficulty with emotional expression and forming deep connections with others. They may feel disconnected from others or struggle to fit in with their peers. It is important for them to embrace their individuality and work on developing emotional intimacy with others to cultivate healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Pisces and aspecting Neptune: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces can lead to difficulties with boundaries, empathy, and spirituality. These individuals may struggle with setting boundaries and may feel overwhelmed by the emotions of others. They may also struggle with developing their own spirituality or may feel disconnected from their own intuition. These individuals may have a tendency to isolate themselves or feel like they are constantly giving to others without receiving in return. It is important for them to work on developing healthy boundaries and learning how to prioritize their own needs and emotions.
Saturn Retrograde through the houses
✧. ┊ 1st House: With Saturn Retrograde in the 1st house, you might find yourself struggling with self-image, self-worth, and self-esteem. Maybe you've always felt like you don't quite fit in, or that you're not good enough. You might try to make up for this by taking on too much responsibility for others. When Saturn goes direct, you might build up walls to protect yourself, but during retrograde, you might have trouble saying no.
✧. ┊ 2nd House: If you have Saturn Retrograde in the 2nd house, you might find yourself having a tough time with money, material possessions, and self-worth. Maybe you've been taught that you have to work really hard to get what you want, or you've seen your parents struggle financially. During retrograde, you might feel like you're responsible for other people's finances, and have a hard time setting boundaries.
✧. ┊ 3rd House: Saturn Retrograde in the 3rd house can make communication, learning, and decision-making difficult for you. Maybe you get really anxious in school, and it affects your ability to learn and express yourself. You might have trouble hearing correctly when you're nervous. But opening up about your struggles can help you form closer relationships with others.
✧. ┊ 4th House: With Saturn Retrograde in the 4th house, you might struggle with emotional expression, nurturing, and family relationships. Maybe you have a hard time connecting with your parents, but you still feel like you need to take care of them. You might take on too much responsibility to try to bond with your family, even if it's not good for you. Sometimes, it's necessary to set boundaries and distance yourself from your family to become your own person.
✧. ┊ 5th House: If you have Saturn Retrograde in the 5th house, you might have trouble with self-expression, creativity, and leadership. You might find it difficult to say no to your children, especially if they're your firstborn. Expressing your emotions might also be tough for you, which can lead to misunderstandings. When it comes to gambling or speculation, you're not likely to have much success unless you're well-aspected.
✧. ┊ 6th House: Saturn Retrograde in the 6th house can cause issues with organization, analysis, and perfectionism. You might be a perfectionist at work because you have a hard time setting boundaries. This can lead to bosses and coworkers taking advantage of you. This placement isn't great for being a boss yourself, since you might struggle with similar boundary-setting and perfectionism issues.
✧. ┊ 7th house: You might run into some trouble with your relationships. It can be tough to find a good balance and harmony with your partner, and you might feel like you're having some issues with being a parent. If this sounds like you, it's important to set some boundaries and learn how to say "no" to avoid getting into any sticky situations.
✧. ┊ 8th house: Trust and intimacy might be tough for you. You might find it hard to get on the same page as your partner when it comes to money, and you should be careful about tying yourself down legally until you really understand your financial situation. It could be helpful to look at your partner dad's attitude towards money to get some insight into their own finances.
✧. ┊ 9th house: You might find yourself struggling with your beliefs and sense of adventure. If you grew up in a really religious environment, you might feel like you're having trouble breaking away and finding your own identity. Try to challenge those old beliefs and create your own value system. You might also find yourself changing your mind about what you want to study in school or where you want to go, but it's important to keep questioning and finding your own path.
✧. ┊ 10th house: You might have a hard time with responsibility and boundaries at work. It can be tough to say "no" and take control of your own career, but it's important to define your own boundaries and responsibilities to achieve success. You might find that you have a bit of a struggle with authority figures, particularly your dad, but once you figure out your own attitude towards responsibility, you'll be in a better spot.
✧. ┊ 11th house: You feel like they're struggling to express their own personality and might feel a little disconnected from their friends. You might feel like you don't quite fit in with your own age group, and it can be tough to find a sense of belonging. When Saturn is transiting, you might be looking for a way to feel more connected to a group, but when it's retrograde, you might find yourself feeling a little intimidated by people your own age.
✧. ┊ 12th house: You might struggle with setting boundaries and connecting with other people. It can be tough to develop your own spirituality and empathize with others. You might feel a little bit isolated, but finding a job where you can work independently might be helpful for creating a sense of security.
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veggie9961 · 9 months
Gen Z Saturn Placements
Saturn is time---past, present, and future. It represents both past golden age and future utopia. It tends to denote opposites---it is the planet of the poor and downtrodden and the planet of the extremely wealthy; it is an isolated and depressed planet, and yet it is a planet of success, fame, and social connections. Saturn represents the climb, the process, and the gamble---the effort and the risk of going out of your comfort zone to achieve something new and innovative.
In short, your Saturn sign is an energy which is foreign to you. Most of Gen Z has Saturn in the signs Taurus, Gemini, Cancer or Leo. These signs all have to do with presence and connections with the immediate environment. Gen Z might have collective challenges with enjoying the present moment due to the worldly pulls of technology and globalized education. This signs also have to do with the simple and personal enjoyment of life. This generation might be able to enjoy life more with age.
Saturn in Taurus
In Saturn in Taurus we find an inability to remain stable or at peace. People with this placement might remember a simpler time, a time when things were steady, a time when they had everything. The punishment of Saturn in this sign could indicate a rupture or vulnerable period in the stability of their household or in their ability to support and feed themselves. Insecurity can make room for a competitive attitude. This might be a determined, bold individual whose patient, deliberative instincts are suppressed deep within. A goal for these natives is to relax, and to make sure good values aren't lost in the game for power. As they mature, they build a wealth of luxury, security and influence to protect themselves. They might be famous. If not, they are generous and guide others with what they know at the very least.
Saturn in Gemini
In Saturn in Gemini we find an inability to think or speak freely. People with this placement might lean more toward maintaining identity for themselves by following certain morals and ideals in what they allow themselves to think or say. They remember a time when they could converse instinctively and critically, but their newfound anxiety can usually only allow them to converse with maturity. The good news is they can connect with anyone of any background. This placement can feel dissociative, and to combat that, an individual should get comfortable with having a unique way of speaking, thinking and doing things, and surround themselves to learn from a diverse variety of individuals who can bring out dynamic shades of their inner conversationalist.
Saturn in Cancer
In Saturn in Cancer we find an inability to express our emotional vulnerability or the need for help without feeling like the scapegoat. Those with this placement have a soft, imaginative spirit trapped deep inside like a ghost in a machine. They might remember a time when they expressed their softer, angelic side, but they have since resolved to a life of working hard to achieve traditional ideals of success. There could also be a disconnect from a parent, the family or from culture. This is a painful, nostalgic placement. It is Saturn in detriment. With time, these individuals earn comfort after putting in the effort to work through their emotions. Perhaps at that point, their journey rationalizing the concept itself of comfort will have allowed them to discover a more mature ideal of comfort and care-giving.
Saturn in Leo
In Saturn in Leo we find an inability to have fun and display confidence without overthinking about others. There is anxiety around performance for people with this placement. They come off as serious and shy. They are unable to act on their ego. They mask their personality in favor of ideals such as remaining objective. They might put things they want off to the future. Saturn in detriment in Leo can be painful as the existence of objective awareness prevents the native from truly and simply being the person they want to be. Whether they know it or not, though, these people are main characters, and they redefine what it means to be a main character. If they put in the effort, or just took the risk, they are truly able to do whatever they want. They are talented folks, and their skills age like fine wine as they open up and surprise everyone.
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pallastrology · 6 months
jupiter vs. saturn: gemini jupiter
they are more interested. there is a bubbly quality to jupiter in gemini, with a wicked sense of humour and a quick mind that flits from topic to topic. they are highly intelligent individuals, with a keen eye and a true desire to learn. gemini gets a reputation for being childish sometimes, but i think that really, gemini is just one of the signs who is best able to express a natural part of being human; curiosity.
they are more eclectic. the native tends to have a wide range of interests and hobbies and can seem a bit "cluttered" sometimes, like there is so much to them they can't fit in their own skin. they can sometimes be unfocused and indecisive about their direction in life because there is just so much that captures their heart. on the plus side, they experience a lot in life and are usually well-rounded and knowledgeable people because of this.
they are more expressive. gemini is a sign of communication and connection, and with jupiter here, that propensity just grows. they're usually the type who can talk to anyone about anything, and they are really enriched by conversation. they may be bookworms, or perhaps they devour music or film, but they tend to be highly invested in media for the way it expresses and captures human experience.
they are more intellectual. gemini is a very intelligent sign, and with saturn here, the native tends to be clever, though they often don't see it and in fact may struggle in school or with language. they can find it hard to express themselves and to connect with others, and feel a little alien around people at times. this gets easier as they experience more of the world and grow into themselves.
they are more cautious. saturn tends to bring restrictions, and in gemini, the individual is nervous and prone to indecision and even analysis paralysis. they have big dreams and are truly intrigued by life, but especially in their younger years, they may lack the confidence to go out and do what they want to. taking little steps forwards can help to alleviate the tension here, as saturn starts to loosen its grip around gemini's natural curiosity and wonder.
they are more complex. that's not to say that jupiter in gemini is simple, but saturn in gemini is just a deeper and more uncomfortable placement, and tends to bring more challenges. the native is blessed with intelligence, curiosity and an expressive mind, but their voice is often muffled, and they falter before taking steps towards their interests. there is a lot of conflict between head, heart, mouth and pen, and the individual can suffer with anxiety and difficulties communicating. it takes time and a lot of introspection and work to overcome these difficulties, though it's well worth it in the end.
both are cerebral. gemini is a sign of intelligence, and both jupiter and saturn embody that trait. they are very clever individuals, though it's more easily visible with jupiter; saturn is more reserved and may have insecurities about their intelligence. with jupiter, the native is kind of busting at the seams with this infectious curiosity and passion for learning.
both are organised. they naturally gravitate towards order and clearheadedness, and this is a simple way to bring themselves into balance. as a chaotic sign, gemini isn't always the most organised, but jupiter and saturn both have a grounding and clarifying effect, leading to a goal-oriented, creative thinking individual, though saturn's insecurities can sometimes make them seem directionless, and jupiter's enthusiasm can make them seem flip-floppy.
both are curious. they are both keen learners with their eyes wide open to all the possibilities the world can offer. jupiter's greedy side shows up here, with the native having an unquenchable thirst for knowledge; while in saturn, we see a studious and diligent individual who dedicates themselves to their intellectual pursuits tirelessly.
both seek connections. gemini being an air sign, it seeks to find meaning through connections in all their forms. jupiter is something of an adventurer; finding a sense of accomplishment through learning and displaying their knowledge, as well as passing it down to others. saturn is almost the reverse of this; they need to have practical applications for their knowledge, and those applications are what helps them feel accomplished and honoured.
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royaleofury · 2 years
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◽Saturn( if 7th house lord) and North-Node aspects especially conjunction can expect something odd happening during their marriage. Something unusual that makes your wedding day memorable in a good or bad way.
◽Saturn dominants should not go for opening their business. Because , Saturn is definitely not a leader, unlike Sun. They are more good at taking orders and executing them.
◽Smart work doesn't go well for Gemini Saturn.
◽Saturn ruling 6th house and going to 9th house can indicate taking loans for higher studies
◽An Aries Saturn retrograde will always prioritise their work and career over anything.
◽Now this one is very personal observation. I have seen one of my friends have Saturn square moon and also Saturn trine Neptune. The thing I noticed that no matter how many difficult situations she is in, she won't show it. There's this glow or smile on her face that makes other things that everything is going well in her life. This is how her Saturn trine Neptune helps her to cover up her problems whenever she wants to.
◽9th house Saturns were not allowed to go for higher studies in places away from their place of living.
◽Also, I have noticed that harmonious Saturn - Venus aspect people tend to favour female figures a lot.
◽Saturn square Sun are secretly hating on their fathers but can't talk about it loud
◽10th house Saturns always have to work 200% more than others to get something. It's like something that seems easy, so you don't prepare much, and it turns out that the results aren't good.
◽Saturn - mercury ( difficult aspects) often have problems with putting up their own opinions out there. They have this fear that maybe their thoughts or opinions don't contribute much. There's always this need to push them and let them know that they need to speak up if they feel like.
◽Saturn - Venus ( difficult aspects) are always giving explanations to prove themselves right to their partners.
◽Saturn, Sun and Chiron in the 7th house can indicate having a very protective father who didn't like you interacting with others much. Due to which, you try to hide certain things from them.
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◽Bro, just run if your boss has virgo Saturn. He will nitpick everything till the work has been done to his satisfaction.
◽Also, virgo Saturns are healers in some way. They love helping out people, giving them advices to maintain their diets. Literally, waking up people at 5 am, to do exercise together.
◽You know why Saturn is debilitated in Aries because Aries indicates making your own decisions, more like being your own boss. But Saturn is not like that. Saturn's personality is of someone who takes work and get them done within the time limit.
◽Something similar is found in Leo because both Aries and Leo are fire signs. Leo also indicates leadership and being confident about your decisions.
◽Saturn- moon conjunction is one of the toughest conjunction, I have ever seen, especially in the 1st house. These people either didn't get much attention or love from their mothers or their mother wasn't present in their life.
Now, heree comes a twist, if in this conjunction, moon is in cancer or Taurus, you can see that the person's mother was always with them but she was very strict and wanted her child to remain in discipline always.
◽Something similar can be seen if Saturn aspects 4th house of your chart(as per vedic astrology)
◽9th house Saturns can actually start believing in religious works or even go to pilgrimages after the age of 30.
◽If Saturn holds the highest degree in your chart( excluding SN,NN, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus), you will see that the person gets instant karma if they do something that's violates the principles of Saturn as per their chart.
For eg. 10th house Saturns slacking off....and getting hit by karma instantly.
◽Capricorn Saturns being secretive about their wealth is a must.
◽7th house lord as Saturn can feel like marriage will tie them down or lessen their control over life.
◽Saturn in 11th house will see that they don't really have a person in their life whom they can call "best friend".
◽Also, I have seen how 11th lord conjunct with Saturn in different houses will show that somehow their friends will always rely on them for the things relating to the house where the conjunction is happening.
For eg, 11th lord conjunct with Saturn in 10th, can indicate that their friends are always clinging to them for climbing up in the social ladder or maybe things related to academics
If it's in 12th house, can indicate that their friends are always seeking that emotional support from them
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
do any other 12th house/piscean people with saturn in gemini (or any other similar mercury/saturn placements) find that elderly people, authority figures, and significantly older people in general just don’t listen to anything that you say the first time?
they could ask you a question but not settle for your answer just because it’s not what they wanted to or expected to hear.
i’ll give you an example. the bold sentences are our answers.
“hey, would you like some cake?”
“no, i’m fine, thank you.”
“you don’t like cake?”
“i never said that. i’m just not hungry.”
“it’s nice. you might as well try some before it’s gone.”
i feel like every 12th house/pisces person can relate to people misconstruing what we say which is the most annoying thing about interacting with people in our day to day lives - which is why we prefer to live in isolation 🙃 - but it’s almost like when saturn/capricorn energy is also affecting our communicative energy in our birth charts (mercury, gemini), it ventures into people also trying to make us “conform” to something. to conform to what they think would be best for us whenever we explicitly tell them what we do and don’t want. it’s like they treat us like we’re a child who doesn’t understand what they want, so they have to be the saturnian authoritative in their communication to us. and i believe that this sends the message that no matter what we say, it won’t matter anyway. it’s very condescending to me.
i also believe that this influenced my selective mutism when i was a child. i felt like i was “rebelling” or being problematic by fighting for my right to have an opinion and not want to do something when others wanted otherwise. that’s why i eventually just tuned everyone out apart from my friends at school, and never spoke to adults unless i was speaking to someone who i knew would respect my wishes.
idk if this is a common experience for others with these placements, but i’ve faced this from my grandma for as long as i can remember. i’ve faced this from aunts and uncles, from parents, from basically everyone older than me. and it seems like the only way to shut that shit down is to assert yourself (my aries moon kicks in), but there’s always some type of consequence that we face from that. because that’s just saturn 🤷🏾‍♀️. i believe that saturn in this case is trying to teach us to assert ourselves regardless of the limitations that are put onto us. saturn also represents fears. it’s like we’re forced to face our fear of communicating with people because the irritation from feeling controlled and restricted is just too fucking much. or maybe that’s the aquarius energy in my chart. idk 😂
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amtalchemy · 7 months
so i saw your post about the 11h/2h lords being connected to wealth in the moon chart, any insights as to how 2h lord (mars) being exalted in the 11h may manifest in moon chart? in my d1 chart my 11h lord goes into my 8th with that same exalted mars. my d1 8h lord is also in the 1st which is why i’m curious if it holds any significance. much appreciated x
2L/11H exalted Mars in Capricorn from Moon is an excellent placement for wealth and makes one ambitious in obtaining it
11L/8H exalted Mars in Capricorn from the ascendant May show gains through investments using OPM (other people’s money) and is an excellent placement for creating generational wealth
8L/1H Saturn in Gemini can show charisma
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amoonalls · 2 years
Hey! I actually have a similar aspect to the question you previously answered and that got me curious lol. How would you think Saturn retrograde and north node in the 5th house in gemini would manifest?
Saturn and North Node in 5th House
If previous post is about the profession and placements, I assume your question is more on general because Saturn and North Node may not mean much in regards to profession unless Saturn is the ruler of 2nd house, 6th house, or 10th house or Saturn/North Node aspecting to MC
Saturn in 5th house is famous for making the natives have to grow faster even when they are supposedly still enjoy childhood. Saturn in 5th house too is said to make the natives not enjoy their hobbies or anything for pleasure without trying to monetize it. Combined that with Gemini it means that the position of Saturn and retrograde too make you struggle to enjoy easy things in life and feel as if you need to make serious of things that are supposedly to be fun
North Node in 5th house however emphasize the need to enjoy your creativity and any creative pursuit that bring fulfillment to your soul. Combined that with Gemini, creative pursuits can be vary according to mercurian trait: writing, poems, wordplay, podcast even, anything else
How to mediate such seemingly contradictive energy in your case? People often say that your difficulties are your strongest power. In this case, you can handle that by taking seriously creative pursuits that indeed are worth to be serious at. For example, if you see writing as lucrative, then take it seriously while still not being overly serious about that. For example, make that as your side hustle. Creative writing has many forms: copywriting, content writing, making scripts for videos, and else. Use that as one of your source of income without being burdened by it
In terms of romance, you know that you need to choose people that are filtered through standards (Saturn) while still maintain playful energy (Gemini) that may help you to become best version of yourself (North Node)
In terms of children, you know that you can be role model for them on when to be serious and responsible and also when to be fun and lighthearted
Retrograde oftentimes just mean that you need to do things 3x harder than people who have it in direct but again, your difficulties can become your strongest points
I hope that helps!
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catmarlowastrology · 2 years
The Ryan/Vallow Murders: Lori Vallow Natal Chart Reading
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Lori Vallow Daybell and her husband Chad face first-degree murder charges in the deaths of Lori's two children, Tylee Ryan and J.J Vallow. The whole story of this family is bizarre, and the children's horrific fates is heartbreaking. If you want to read more about this case, you can go here.
Lori's Sun is in Cancer. Her identity is influenced by her needs and emotions. She feels vulnerable and self-conscious when her needs aren’t met and becomes moody and irritable. These needs are predominantly physical and material because her Moon in Taurus rules over her Sun. This is the profile of someone who completely changes when they are hungry, for exemple. It's someone who, while facing financial turbulences, will experience an identity crisis. It's an obsession for her, and it makes her highly reactive and controlling due to the Pluto and Mars squares to her Sun.
Her Moon is exalted in Taurus. Her comfort is vital to her emotional well-being. Because of their sensual and physical demands, those who have their Moons in Taurus are “easy” to please; they want to lead a comfortable existence where their needs are met. She would feel overly confident and extravagant about her demands due to the Moon-Jupiter square, which would emphasize her earthly cravings. 
Mercury in Cancer directs her attention to what she needs. Her current level of satisfaction and comfort has an impact on how she perceives the world. She is continuously thinking about ways to improve her quality of life since her Taurus Moon rules her Mercury. She is also skilled at creating a pleasant atmosphere around her and knows how to nurture others. This part of her chart is well aspected due to the sextiles and trines from Mars, Pluto, and Neptune. She has a quick discernment for what needs to be said and done to make others feel cared for.
Venus is in Cancer. She is very concerned about her safety and wellbeing. With the Moon in Taurus, that security is provided by things that are tangible and physical. In her relationships, she also favors individuals who will satisfy her needs and who will protect her. Except for a conjunction with Mercury, Venus remains untouched. Her capacity to enchant others with her words may not be as potent as it should be with this sort of aspect.
Mars is in its own sign, Aries. This Mars pursues their objectives in a direct, passionate, and hasty manner. Mars in Aries makes decisions quickly and without hesitation. Because of this position, she act impulsively and carelessly only to soothe a craving. Since Water and Fire signs are subjective, her Venus/Mars combination reveals that she mostly acts on impulse and pays little attention to how her actions may affect other people. This aspect of her personality would be severe due to the Mars-Pluto opposition. She would take things to the extreme, pass the point of no return. Conflicts would be especially detrimental to her relationships. Her passions would also be all consuming. The Mars-Neptune trine doesn't help the situation because she would feel like she is doing the right thing. The message from Neptune that we are on the correct path and that our actions serve a purpose comes to us like a gentle whisper in the ear. We feel confident and purpose-driven, we have faith. 
With Jupiter in Aquarius, we think it's important to share our original, eccentric ideas with others. We want to connect and communicate with large groups of people to convey our viewpoint because we believe it could change things. She could have novel views about love, partnerships, and relationships since Uranus is in Libra.
Saturn is in Gemini, demonstrating once more how seriously she takes her ideas. Her views are impacted by her needs and feelings because Mercury in Cancer influences her Saturn.
The central planet of her chart is her Moon in Taurus. Everything she did in her life was motivated by an urge for pleasure and comfort. Her concern about being vulnerable is relieved by having adequate resources and living a good lifestyle. That's the foundation of her chart. 
We don’t have her birth time so the analysis stops here. I hope you found these readings insightful and instructive. You wouldn't expect a Cancer Sun with an exalted Taurus Moon to act in such a horrible manner, and yet, here we are.
More: Chad Daybell chart reading Curious about the hidden powers of your natal chart? You can purchase unique and insightful readings on my website, www.catmarlow.com!
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Why is Saturn in the zodiac sign so Impactful?
Saturn is the second-biggest planet in our nearby planetary group, which is joined by 50+ satellites of its own. According to the standards of Vedic Soothsaying and Zero Numerology, Saturn is likewise a critical planet in everybody's life which runs the tenth house and eleventh place of Kal Purush Kundali. In Unremarkable Soothsaying, Saturn is answerable for a majority rules system, general society, and the government assistance of general society at large. On June 5, Saturn is turning retrograde in its own sign, i.e., Aquarius, where it would be until July 12.
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Saturn in Aries Impact and Traits
Saturn retrograde will give mixed results to the people of this zodiac sign. You will get the job of your choice accompanied by fame and name. The people who are associated with politics will win the elections. This retrograde will cause some financial problems for you. It is advisable not to invest in anything as you will land in trouble. The effect of Saturn can be seen even in your married life. Fights would be there with your partner, which would lead to tensions and misunderstandings. But there would be auspicious work at home.
Saturn in TaurusImpact and Traits
Saturn, its movement would bring in some positive results. Some of your jobs that kept pending for a long will get completed. You would start a new work, but it would not be successful easily as their movements will go on slowly. At this time, it is advisable to remain alert to your family atmosphere. At home, the health of either your mother or another elderly woman would create a problem. You may have to face delays in the completion of some work. You need to keep calm and not worry a lot; Saturn will give you positive results.
Saturn in Gemini Impact and Traits
The movement of Saturn in the retrograde might affect your workplace. It would bring hindrance in your work or some problem in your job. A sort of negative vibes may be generated; at home that might lead to disagreements with your elder brother. To create a good atmosphere in the office, you will have to do your work with dedication and honesty. Due to the movement of Saturn, you might intend to change the job again and again. It will even stop you from doing any religious work. You may not feel comfortable sitting and praying at the place where you used to do it. You may even not get time to do puja. It is better to be calm to deal with a situation.
Saturn in CancerImpact and Traits
Many problems may arise in many facets of your life due to the movement of Saturn. There are chances that some of you might face an accident. You might get hurt and bruised. Along with your health, it is advisable to take care of the health of your father. There might be an effect on the economic conditions, or there may be a decrease in your income. Many of your work that was on the verge of completion would delay. It is not the proper time to make big decisions. It is advisable to put a stay on such decisions. It is also necessary to keep control of the expenses. Time to be alert; otherwise, this may bring bad results for you. 
Saturn in Leo Impact and Traits
The movement of Saturn will bring many good results for the profession that you are following. Along with the good results in professional life, you will be successful in work associated with foreign or might even get a chance to settle outside. With success, you will become proud, and it will bring a downfall in your social image. A piece of advice is to keep control of your achievements and behave nicely. The people waiting to get a job in a foreign country would get it. Others who are waiting for change will get an opportunity to do that.
Saturn in Virgo Impact and Traits
Saturn's movement is bringing a good time for you. It would be a time when you would progress and would achieve great heights. This movement would give the students who sat in the competitive exams a chance to get a job, and people already working would get good opportunities. You would win in the conversation that had been going on for a long. There are chances that the court verdict will come in your favour, and you will achieve victory over your enemies. Financial conditions and social progress would be there.  
Saturn in Libra Impact and Traits
On June 4, Saturn is moving into your fifth house. It will create profitable opportunities for you. This movement will certainly provide good results in child prosperity, education, and job. For many of you, it would not only be a chance to profit accompanied by the removal of all the obstacles from the path. Students appearing in the competitive exams this time will be very blissful. It is advised to the students to work hard for the competitive exams and should achieve their goals.
Saturn in ScorpioI mpact and Traits
The movement of Saturn in your sign will not bring not very good results. You will not have to face any inaccurate consequences. There would be a delay in the work, but it will be completed. To complete your job, you would have to work many times. There may be chances that you may feel lazy about doing work or the delay in finishing work might create anger and gloominess in you. Apart from it, the father's illness will be a matter of concern. Your enemies will stand against you and will try to hurt you. But this condition is not to worry about a lot as you will certainly get good results, though those results will come after some delay.
Saturn in Sagittarius Impact and Traits
As the planet of expansion, growth and luck, Jupiter is what gives Sagittarius a carefree and optimistic outlook on life. Also, as a planet of wisdom, that further enhances this zodiac sign’s curious nature about exploring every piece of themselves, others and the world. Jupiter is all about “going big” and not being limited, which is why many Sagittarians end up being eternal sojourners eager to attain never-ending wisdom.
Saturn in Capricorn Impact and Traits
A piece of advice during this movement of Saturn is to be careful. It will bring a negative effect on your career. There might be chances that you will have to face difficulties in your career. Your anger and habit of talking bitterly with others might cause problems for you. There are chances that you may lose money. Your wife might suffer from some health issues. Some disagreements with your partner and losses might occur in your business done in partnership. It is advisable to be patient and control your emotions. 
Saturn in Aquarius Impact and Traits
This movement of Saturn might not bring good results for you. The movement of Saturn will bring problems to your personal life. There are chances that your marriage will be over. There will be many misunderstandings in your personal life. Stop yourself from investing in any of the places. Don't plan for the marriage during this period. Be righteous in your behavior towards your relatives. For some people, the movement of Saturn according to their horoscope might bring good results for you. A piece of advice is to check on your wife's health. 
Saturn in Pisces Impact and Traits
A bag of mixed results waits for the people of this zodiac sign. Some people may face health issues, economic loss, social shame, and fights in the family. No pessimistic results can be there if the planet Saturn is on the progressive side of your horoscope. To bring harmony, you need to respect elders and be polite to all the family members. You will have to be polite and helpful to your neighbors to create a harmonious atmosphere.  
Talk to expert astrologers to know all about Your Personal Zodiac Sign on Saturn Planet.
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neptunedivine · 1 year
✧ a reminder that Saturn delays but never denies. ✧
I needed this reminder
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