#sam emerson x reader
lilpuppyvamp · 23 days
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Authors Note: This is my first time writing! I made it for fun so sorry if it isn't perfect 😖
Warning(s): Sam cusses like once lol
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It was friday, and even though it was only 2nd period, the day had been extremely stressful. First, you didn’t hear your alarm go off, so you had less than 10 minutes to get ready and leave. Then, you spilled water on your shirt on the way to 1st period, and by the time you cleaned up yourself and the floor, the bell had rang and you were late. Finally, by the time you got to class, you realized there was a test, a test you didn’t study for. So here you are in 2nd period: Stressed, tired, annoyed, and upset. Fortunately though, your friend Sam was in that class to cheer you up. As usual, he wasn’t doing any work, just leaned back in his chair and reading a new comic he bought at Frog’s Comic Shop.
“You know, I’d allow you to borrow any of my comics if you were ever interested in reading them.” Sam looks at you, smiling and closing his comic book to pay attention to you. “Mhm..” You reply, mustering up a smile and a slight nod. You weren’t really in the mood for conversation. You were nervous. In the privacy of your home, you usually regressed to combat stress, and it was always voluntary. So when you felt yourself slipping, you were confused and nervous. You had never regressed involuntarily before, and what made it worse was that it was in front of Sam. What would he think? Would he make fun of you? These thoughts were running around your mind when you finally hear a familiar voice snap you out of it. “Hey… is everything ok?” Sam speaks up, tilting his head that has a concerned expression on it. He rests his hand on your back and leans in a little closer. “Just… stressful day… n… noth…” You try to speak, but everytime you do your voice starts slipping into your little voice. You try to stop it but your brain does it anyway. You regressed. He giggles at you. “Are you regressing?” He asks, his contaigious smile flashing his teeth at you. Your eyes grow wide. He knows what age regression is? He tells by your facial expression that you are and laughs. “I do that shit all the time!” He admits. You just look at him im awe, some because of his response, some because toddler brain. He grabs your hand and holds it. “Hey… you can regress in front of me… its okay.” He tells you, his voice gentle.
The bell rings and it’s now free period. “Do you have anywhere to go?” Sam asks, picking up his stuff and throwing his backpack on. “Nuh uh.” You reply, also picking up your stuff. “Then you should hang out with me, I’ll take care of you.” He takes your hand and leads you out of the classroom. He takes you out to the courtyard and you both sit under a tree. It’s spring in Santa Carla, so it’s very bright and sunny outside. Sam reaches in his bag and pulls out a pink marker. He always had different stationary stuff in his bag to doodle with in class instead of pay attention. “Gimmie your arm cutie.” He uses a petname on you and you cant help but smile and giggle at him. You give him your arm and he starts to draw on it. He draws hearts, stars, and, of course, the superman symbol. You watch him, kicking your legs and mindlessly chewing on your thumb. You quietly babble and giggle to yourself, to nothing and everything at all. Sam stops and looks up at you, giggling with you. “How old are you silly?” He asks, taking the thumb out of your mouth. “Uhhh…” You reply, smiling and shrugging your shoulders. He giggles are your response. “Well you're definitely too little to be at such a grown up school!” He teases, making you just giggle more. “Someone got attacked by the giggle monster today didn’t they?” he coos at you. ”Nuh uh!!” You protest, but your uncontrollable giggling just proves his point. He goes back to drawing on your arm until you slowly unregress. It’s about 5 minutes until next period.
“Hey, sam… thank you…” You tell him. He stops drawing on you and looks up, realizing you aren’t regressed anymore. “Of course! I would want someone else to do the same if I regressed at school!” He replies, smiling and putting up the marker, your arm now covered in drawings. “So… you regress?” You ask. “Yeah, for fun, but I’ve never accidentally regressed like you just did.” You both stand up and gather your things. “Well, if you ever did I’d take care of you.” You smile at him, hearing the bell ring.
“Thank you, cutie.”
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hey! if hc requests are open, could i request sam emerson dating hcs? thanks!!
Dating Sam Emerson Would Include...
a/n: i, in the most annoying big sister fashion, just want to pinch his cheek. sorry if this is really short…
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-> you totally steal his clothes. he's got a whole closet full and, seeing as most of it is baggy as hell on him, they most likely fit you, too.
-> he totally complains about it. all the time.
"aw, come on."
"how would you feel if i started stealing your clothes, hm?"
"i'm being serious now, i need that back."
-> (secretly loves it.)
-> lots of comic book talk. if you're into comic books, have fun spending hours pouring over the forty-seven different story arcs for every DC character and being in awe of his batman number fourteen. if you aren't... well, good luck. it isn't that hard to follow (in theory) and I'm sure he'd be willing to explain it to you.
-> probably considers everything you guys do together a bit of a date. not in an annoying way but in a cute way. like, you guys had to walk nanook together? why don't you make a date of it. hanging out on the boardwalk? that's totally a date. doing your homework together? not quite so fun, but a date! you get the drift.
-> that being said, the chances that any date you're on gets interrupted by at least one frog brother are high. especially when they're, on off-chance, not working. they're pretty much sam's only friends on the boardwalk (beside you), and they can more or less say the same about him in return, so there isn’t much they don’t do together. I don’t make the rules.
"hey sam!”
“… and edgar… and… alan?”
-> nanook hair everywhere. it’s on your clothes. it’s on your book-bag. it’s on your bed. your boyfriend’s got a big dopey dog that sheds a lot.
-> chaste forehead kisses that make his nose scrunch up >>>
-> michael makes fun of you two all the time. lucy tells him to stop, but he’s not going to. he’s still your stand-in big brother, though. like, nobody’s messing with you on his watch.
-> lucy adores you. you’re always invited to family dinners at the (rebuilt) emerson household.
-> you’re not entirely sure grandpa knows you exist. he’s pretty cool, though.
-> after canon or during, you’re going to have to learn what vampires are. it’s not like the frog brothers are exactly good at hiding their opinions on the matter, and grandpa emerson’s got medieval spikes all around his house, so you were bound to find out eventually.
-> you, thus, have your own copy of vampire’s everywhere.
-> sam (or his friends) have probably hid a stake or two, and a spray gun full of holy water, in your room. good luck explaining that one to your folks.
“sam, you have to take these back.”
-> he probably has a picture (or several) of you on top of all the posters and shit he has.
-> going to concerts on the boardwalk together >>>
-> he’s a very good boyfriend overall, and you two are an adorable couple.
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harmonyverendez · 10 months
You are my brother ~ Edgar Frog x Sister Reader! ~ The Lost Boys: Tribe - Part 2
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Title: You Are My Brother.
Warnings: Mentions of killing, sibling rivalry and other things.
Characters: Alan Frog, Edgar Frog, Sam Emerson, Michael Emerson ( Mentions ) and other characters.
Fandom: The Lost Boys Collection.
Summary: After finding out that you were bitten by a vampire ( Your Brother ) Edgar makes it his mission to destroy you, but fate has other plans.
Part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/harmonyverendez/685060975448195072/imagine-being-edgar-and-alan-frog-sister-and?source=share
Both you and Edgar froze and looked in the direction of the voice, there was a tall shadow figure hiding in the shadow.
The person waited for a moment, it was almost as if the figure was hesitating and waiting for a demand.
You narrowed your eyes trying to make of the face, but nothing.
It was pitch black and no hope.
' Who ever it is, come on out!" Edgar growled.
' I don't think I can do that ' the voice said.
Your eyes widened, you recognize the voice instantly. It was your ex, Sam Emerson.
You and he use to be a couple, but after being bitten by your brother Alan.
He has changed.
So he broke up with you and left, and that was the last time you saw.
At least until now.
' Come on out, Sam. You and I have unfinished business to discuss!'.
You gulped and watched as your ex-lover step out of the shadow.
You gasped at his appearance, he did not look the same as before.
But you could recognize his baby blue eyes from anywhere.
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Sam Emerson.
' Brave enough to show your face around here, huh Sam?' Your brother gasped.
You turned slowly and blocked Sam's body with yours. But it was too late, your brother has eyes on Sam.
Someone would die today.
Rather it was you or him.
Sam did his dirty talking and ran full speed at Edgar, but it was too late, your brother pulled out crossbow and shot it through Sam's heart.
Sam was dust the next seconds later.
Tears filled your eyes,as you dropped to floor and held the ash in your hand.
You didn't care that your back was turned and that Edgar was ready to kill you.
Or that you were exposed his weapon.
You just wanted your Sammy back.
' Any last words?' Your brother asked.
You didn't say anything.
Edgar raised the weap ready to kill you, but a white light flashed through the room.
Both of you shielded your eyes from the light and a few seconds later, a voice spoke up.
' No one is dying tonight? '.
You gasped.
You recognized that voice instantly.
It was your other brother -
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Homes and hotels
He had nightmares about that night. He heard the screams of his brother still, and the angry growls of the vampires. He still had nightmares about the what ifs. He and his friends could have been killed, or maybe if they had been lucky, they could have managed to kill all the vampires. Maybe they could all have survived, on the condition that they had to be turned into a vampire as well. But none of that happened. No one died. Well, except for Max, that is. But still, as he thought about it, it could have been a lot worse.
He was okay. Mom was okay, even if she was still recovering from a nasty break up with the head vampire. His Grandpa was okay, still happily going out with the widow. And Michael was okay. His relationship with Star had watered a little after the whole affair, but things were looking up for them.
Yeah, Sam sighed as he got out of the bathroom. Things could have been way worse. Max was dead, Michael was human again. Things were almost like before. Almost, because now they sometimes had random immortal visitors bugging them. Lucy didn't mind. She had come to like the boys and adored doting on them. Michael didn't mind, beginning to see them as friends. Sam, however, did mind. He didn't like vampires before, and he definitely didn't like them now.
This morning, he didn't think about vampires, however. He thought about how he finally had gotten access to a TV and that he was home alone this very morning. Mom had worked a lot, and since Sam had helped rebuild the house, she had decided that this was a proper - yet expensive - thank you for all the work he had done. So, Sam got dressed, styled his hair, sprayed on some hairspray, and practically jumped down the stairs, happy to finally enjoy the wonderful world of MTV once again.
He ran into the kitchen. He quickly grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal, and quickly splashed some milk on top of it. He searched for a spoon, but when he couldn't find any, he settled for a fork. He ran to the couch, jumping over the back and landed-
"What the hell man?!"
Sam jumped up, dropping his cereal. The couch wasn't empty. Instead, a very grouchy, very tired, very familiar vampire lay on the couch.
"You?! What are you doing here?" Sam demanded, grabbing his fork of the ground, pointing it at the vampire.
"Sleeping?" Paul said sheepishly, chuckling at the fork Sam was holding. "You know that won't work right?"
"Shut up, I still got the stakes in my room!"
"Good for you kid."
"Why are you here?" Sam demanded.
"Like I said, I was sleeping!"
"This ain't a hotel, bud! Get back to the cave!"
"I can't." Paul shrugged.
"Why not? Are they mad at you?"
Paul chuckled. "No?"
"Then why don't you go? This isn't even your house? Come on, man, a couple of weeks ago you were ready and happy to kill me!"
"People change?"
"Yeah, right," Sam sighed, cleaning up the spilt cereal. As he cleaned the final bit of milk of the ground he shook his head when he saw Paul rolling a joint. "Absolutely not."
He quickly grabbed it, throwing it out with the cereal - causing Paul to whine.
"Not fair! That shit is expensive!"
"Yeah, well, we don't smoke here."
"Fine," Paul sighed, getting ready to roll another one. He was about to light it when Sam turned around, ready to grab it once again.
"No smoking! If you want to smoke you go outside!"
"I can't!"
Sam stopped, realising that Paul was right. The sun was up.
"Well, the least you can do is move so I can watch some tee-"
Sam sighed, realising that the loud snores were not faked. The vampire had fallen asleep again
"He's bloody impossible," mumbled Sam as he made sure all of the curtains were closed. "Rude ass vampire. Yeah, join a gang, Mike! It will be fun!" He sat down on the couch, folding Paul up so his spot was free. Paul's head lay not at his feet, but he just continued sleeping.
"Not like all of those weird undead friends of yours will use our house as a hotel when they bloody live in one!" Sam continued as he reached for the remote controller, turning the TV on.
"Your couch is better!" Paul mumbled.
"Go back to sleep."
"I thought you wanted me to go?" Paul moved to sit more comfortably.
Sam sighed, rolling his eyes. "Why, why am I the one with a family that walks right into the arms of a bunch of vampires?"
"Cause your tasty?"
"What?!" Sam shrieked, jumping off the couch, causing Paul to burst out in laughter.
"I remind you, I still have those stakes!"
Sam sighed as he realised Paul had once again fallen asleep. As he finally turned the telly on, turning the channel to mtv, he noticed an empty bottle of liquor laying next to the couch.
"Great." He mumbled. "With my luck, I'll be dealing with a hungover vampire later."
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v-via-a · 11 months
Y/N Character
Alan / Edgar Frog - We aren’t afraid to kill you with these stakes to prove you’ve all turned into vampires!”
Y/N - But anyone can get killed with a stake being plunged into them?
Michael - …..
Sam - “Damn….”
Star - “Oh Shi-“
The Lost Boys - “hahaha Y/N got you there”
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mayonnaise2004 · 6 months
Hey! Could you do a Sam Emerson headcanon, where his s/o has Nimona's powers and personality?
If not that's ok!
Sam Emerson dating a !Shapeshifter! Reader Headcannons
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You and Sam met in school, But he didn’t know about your ‘secret’, nobody did.
Your cat paws hit the boardwalk as you ran around, trying to get a decent meal on the boardwalk.
A few people tried to grab you, but you were a little bit too fast. But you stopped running when you noticed a boy who looked like he walked out of a ‘care bears’ episode. Sam..
He knelt down, rubbing his fingers together and making a soft clicking sound with his tongue.
Something about him drew you closer, maybe how gentle he was, or maybe it was how he didn’t try to instantly grab you? You couldn’t tell anymore.
He grinned when you let him pet you, Scratching under your furry chin as you purred.
The two of you continued to meet on the boardwalk, Sam would rant about the human you, And how he desperately wanted to impress you.
A few months into your meetings, You mustered up enough courage to reveal the truth.
So you managed to bring Sam into a alley where nobody would see, and after the sound of a few bones snapping, you changed from the black cat, into your normal self.
Sam was definitely freaked out, but he was even more freaked out about how much he had apparently told you.
It took a few minutes, But you eventually calmed him down and began to explain.
He was confused, but eventually sorta understood.
A few months later, the two of you got together.
The frog brothers don’t really know what do think about you. Your not dangerous.. but your not human..
Lucy on the other hand, (still thinks your ability’s are odd) loves your visits!
Sam has had to save you from his grandpa turning you into taxidermy many, many times.
Prepare to be bombarded with questions. “Can you get stuck in a form?” “How does it feel?” “Can you become nanook!?”
The two of you are like two peas in a pod, Since you share the same chaotic energy.
He loves every part of your shapeshifting ability, except if you decide to take form of something that sheds.
Nanook is very, very freaked out whenever you take form of a cat or dog.
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peachywritesstuff · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭🩸
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Dating Marko Would Include..
Dating Dwayne Would Include..
Going to Walmart
S/o who stutters
Giving Head
Would they try Pegging?
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the-comfort-den · 4 months
more characters
i added the lost boys to the list :]
we have: David, Marko, Paul, Dwyane, Sam, Michael, Alan, and Edgar
they, like this whole blog, is in my au, Sam, Alan, and Edgar are about 18-19 and just out of highschool(Laddie is like, 10 by this time and I just don't really want to write for him or Star lol(if I do write for Laddie its platonic only)
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It's Just a Movie - The Sequel: Part 15 (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
<- Previous Chapter Next Chapter ->
Warnings: angst, exposition, situations not being handled well, certain truths being shared, dickhead Michael, see this is what happens when people can't communicate effectively, vampires
Word Count: 2.4k
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They were slow and clear. He punctuated every syllable so there was no mistake in what he said as his smile slipped from his face. You watched his face harden, watched the way he gripped the table. You didn’t have to have a window into his mind to know that he was thinking about it. He didn’t even seem to notice the gasps from the main room, or the way the Frogs' faces changed. 
Paul came closer and placed a hand on Markos shoulder. It was gentle, but even that made him flinch. The tallers voice was quiet, the quietest you’ve heard in awhile, as he said,
“Marko, c’mon-” But, Marko moved. He was pushing his arm away too hard, too quick, for this to be over. 
“Oh, oh! And, Paul,” Marko looked to him, then back to the boys. Another smile was on his face, but it was all teeth. “You both killed him- With some help from Nanook." He added the last bit, maybe just so they wouldn't get too proud of themselves. "And, Dwayne,” Marko was moving, stepping back into the living room, and you shadowed him. You watched as he finally got to say what he’d been holding onto since he very first saw the original film. All this anger- It was pouring out at once. He shook a finger at Sam, and a humorless laugh left his lips. “Sam got Dwayne.” 
Sam, who had been standing besides his mother, seemed to go blank with surprise the second those words hit him. When you looked at him, you watched the way his mouth fell for a moment. The little shake of his head, the look he cast towards his mother, and then the look he cast Dwayne. He was quick to look away, but you knew the thoughts that must’ve been crossing his mind. Even in the cave, Sam hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone. He was just a scared kid. 
Marko was still going behind you, and you felt your eyes close with a sigh when he finished with,
“And, Michael, well,” Marko looked right at the brunette. “I’m sure you can guess.” The words were like a stake through the chest of the entire room. It was like the air had been sucked out, and no one said a word. 
When you looked at Marko next, he looked deflated. With his anger gone, a hollow husk was left in its wake. He looked even more tired than before, and, worse, he looked like he'd given up trying to act like he wasn't. He rubbed his forehead, before rubbing both of his hands down his face. You could feel how tired he was, how much he just wanted things to be over. That was all he wanted, at the end of everything. For the nights before this had officially started, the long winter nights that felt like years ago instead of months.
"You can't blame us for things we didn't do." Michael said, and all you did was blink before David was across the room.
He was holding him up, so even Michael's taller form was lifted off the ground. David's face had shifted to sharp edges and deep-set yellow eyes, his fangs bared as the humans around him panicked and gasped. Lucy even let out a small scream.
"Is that really all you have to say, Michael?" He hissed, even as Sam tried to hit at him to let his brother down, as Lucy shouted for someone to do something, as the Frogs rushed towards the noise and commotion, as Michael yelped and tried to fight back.
But none of it mattered. Paul had the Frogs by the back of their shirts before they could get past the living room. Dwayne was pulling Lucy away, almost using his form to shield her. Marko was grabbing Star. It was a single hand on her arm, but you saw, in a flicker of a look between them, that it was all that she needed. And you went for Sam. 
You didn't even think as you did it. You didn't know when, but you'd become a cog in their machine. It came to you naturally, like you knew what to do. The second you realized what you were doing, you faltered, but you still said,
"Sam, don't." But, he never listened, did he? It's why you had to hold his shoulder, pull him away from the two.
Just in time to watch a silver blade be pointed at Davids throat.
Everyone froze then, and you watched David's eyes look towards the face of the oldest Emerson. He was standing at about an arms length, a silver dagger ready to pierce David's throat. You could hear the low hiss coming from him just from it being near. A single touch, and it’d light David's skin aflame.
"Put my grandson down." Grandpa said. David stared at the Emerson every second it took to set Michael down on his feet. The look from before, the understanding between them? It was odd the way it was painted on their faces now. Like they knew what would happen if either of them made the next move. The carnage that would ensue. In fact, David had a pretty good mental picture of how it’d go exactly.
Neither of them said anything for a long moment. The humans barely breathed.
"I think you boys better leave." The words weren't a suggestion. David took a step back. It seemed, while both of them knew of the fight ahead of them, neither of them wanted it. Not now, at least. The boys swarmed their leader, and you took a step. Again, it was like it wasn't even a choice. Second nature. The next words pointed at you like the dagger. "Not you. I said my family'd look after you and I meant that." Grandpa's words stopped you in your tracks, and you glanced from him to David. It was starting to get hard now to tell where your thoughts ended and David's began. Hell, was he affecting your actions? Less blue, less red- More purple. You thought. Quickly, you blocked everyone from your head. "But, you boys, you need to sort out what side you're on." Grandpa said finally.
"She's on our side." Dwayne said defensively, and you heard a quick rumble of protests. Mainly from the boy you had held onto a moment ago and his friends. But, Stars voice cut clear through theirs.
"Not yet. She's a half." Star said, and the words were so familiar. No, you're not. You're like Laddie and me. You're not one of them until- But, it wasn't Sam cutting her off then. It was David. He scoffed and turned. You watched as he did, as he started to walk away.
"If you think any of them are above what we are, you're wrong, Star.” His steps echoed through the house, as clear as the sound of his voice. “You heard Marko. This is a room full of killers." You watched him, feeling the pull to follow his steps. To follow all of them towards the door.
You watched him look above you, and you didn't have to look up to see what he was glancing at. You could hear Laddie's heartbeat pattering up above, and you were sure his little face was peeking out over the balcony. You knew what David was going to say a second before he did, but nothing could’ve prepared you for the punch his words had.
"At least, we didn't go after Laddie.”
You couldn’t believe that he’d gone there. The words weren’t just targeted at the boys besides you, but the girl who’d defended you. You felt a cold sort of numbness creep over you as you realized what David was doing. He was always so petty. He had to have the last word, had to be the one that burned the bridge. It wasn’t over until he said it was. Flashes of the movie flickered through your head, and his words rang in your mind. How far are you willing to go, Michael? 
You barely heard the gasp from Lucy, barely noticed how the humans shifted uncomfortably around you. All you could hear was Laddies heartbeat picking up speed. You could smell the sweat on his brow. The fear rushing through his veins as he gasped and froze up above.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Edgar said. It seemed while the threat of vampires had silenced Michael, nothing could get the Frog brothers to keep their mouths shut. David smiled for a second, as if something was funny to him. The others were stony and silent behind him, and the way they stared at the humans unnerved you. Davids eyes were trained on Stars. You knew why he was saying this, that this was the thing that truly would get under poor Stars skin. All because, what? She’d pointed out that you were a half? You didn’t realize the loosely-laced threat her words held. 
“I believe their words were 'Death to all vampires. Maximum body count'." David said, like she’d need the clarification. This? This was crossing a line. Telling them about the movie was one thing, and even that was bad. But, about Laddie? You thought, to some degree, they knew that this little tidbit from the original script should’ve never been spoken about. When you glanced at Star, she was staring at David. She was silent, unmoving. Almost like stone. But her heartbeat? It was beating so hard in your ears that you couldn’t imagine what it sounded like in hers. Everything, all that she’d built in the past weeks, must’ve been crashing down around her at that moment. Everything she thought she knew about the people she lived with, the people in her life. You didn’t know whether it would be a kindness or make it worse if you told her it was the Frogs. How could you tell her? How could you put something like that on their shoulders? 
David finally seemed satisfied. You couldn’t look at any one of the humans besides you when David asked, 
"Tell them, y/n. Am I wrong?" You stared at him. You stared at the man you loved for a very long moment. You couldn’t believe what he’d done, you couldn’t believe him. And, the worst thing of all was that he was telling the truth. 
"That wasn't necessary, David." Those were the only words you could muster. You knew you’d had eyes on you every second that you’d waited to answer him, eyes that were begging you to say that he was. That he was lying, that he was just being a monster. That’s what he was, wasn’t he? That’s what you felt like he was when you glanced over and caught a glimpse of Star closing her eyes as she turned away. You could hear the shakiness in the breath she let go, and you knew, whatever she’d been holding together, was finally shattering.
"Wasn't it?" David was at the door now. He glanced at you, before his eyes went back to Grandpa behind you. “Don’t worry, we’re going.” It seemed he hadn’t forgotten Grandpa’s threat, even if he hesitated by the door. You knew what he was waiting for. For you to take a step, to come with them. To choose them. But, your eyes were shifting to the boy on the landing above. When you met David’s icy blue eyes again, silently you told him,
Too far, David. You took it too far. And you went to try to start picking up the pieces of what David broke.
David sat in Max’s house. The chair he sat in was brand new, so new that David could smell it. It was a squeaky leather, one that was far too soft compared to his chair in the cave. He scratched at the leather of the arm, hoping one day to peel a hole into it.
He told himself again and again that he’d done what was necessary, what was right. But, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like having to break Star or scare Laddie, but, as Paul was ranting about, the Emersons were getting too close to old opinions.
“How could she have not heard it? Star said, ‘Not yet. She’s a half.’ What else could that mean?” He said as he paced around the room, going between a bottle and a joint as he did. David was mostly tuning him out, but he was right. They’d all heard the same thing when Star said those words. When she said that threat.
David was the head, wasn’t he? And what was the only sure-fire known way to cure a half? Killing the head. 
If Star was going to start throwing around words like that, they needed to do something. They needed to squash that before it could gain any traction. By herself, Star wasn’t much. But, with the Emersons? They were dead. So, they had to sever the ties between them. And, the boys had been quick to know exactly how to do that. David knew exactly what button to press to make sure Star didn’t end up riling them up. 
He was protecting you, his coven, but you hadn't noticed. He’d tried to tell you, but somewhere along that night you’d blocked him out. David hadn’t had time to run this by you. Hell, he shouldn’t have had to. He was only doing what he needed to in order to keep everyone safe. But, you were always so stubborn. You cared about the stupid Emersons. And, he hadn’t hurt anyone- He hadn’t even hurt Michael, even if he’d gotten a pretty good chance. He'd been mad in that moment, maybe let himself slip, but how else was he supposed to react? They'd laid down the big secret, the big reason they were upset, and all they'd gotten was a stupid, You can't blame us for things we didn't do. Like hell they could. And too far? Didn't you think the humans killing them was too far? He was starting to get himself riled up when someone stopped next to him.
“David, you did the right thing.” Marko said, and David finally looked away from the wall. The swirl of thoughts stopped, and he let them wash away. He looked at him, before he let out a breath through his nose. It was far from the worst thing he’d ever done, so why was it sitting with him? David knew why. He knew why this wasn’t sitting right, why this wasn’t something he could just gloss over. He just didn’t need Dwayne to say it.
“Then, why isn’t she here?”
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beachy-writer · 2 years
You’re A Challenge {Alan Frog X Reader}
A/n: I really hope y’all like this, I am way too obsessed with The Lost Boys rn and just need to write:)
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“Why do you guys open so early?” I ask yawning as the two frog brothers begin to restock the books. “It’s 8:30. Most shops are already open” Edgar said towards me. “Yeah but still” I whined. I was sitting at the counter watching them.
“You could help us?” Alan suggested. “Fine” I sighed, shaking my head. I walked over to Alan with a cart full of The Fantastic Four comics. I grabbed a stack and started putting them on the shelf beside Alan. “I’ll be right back” Edgar said and walked into one of the back rooms.
Me and Alan continued to silently put the books onto the displays. That is until Alan broke the silence by saying “are you busy later today?”. “No why?” I asked while thinking ‘great, he’s gonna ask me to work an extra shift’. “I was wondering if you wanted to…um, hangout later?” He asked hiding his nervousness terribly. “Of course!” I said and smiled.
He looked kind of shocked. “Did you think I was going to say no?” I asked slightly amused. “I didn’t know what you were going to say if I’m being honest” he said and gave a rare smile. “What about the store?” I asked. “I talked to Edgar already” Alan said and got back to putting the books on the shelf.
Edgar came out of the back room and got back to his stack of books, looking over at me and Alan with a small smile every once and a while. We soon opened shop and and me and Alan sat at the counter. “What are our plans for tonight?” I asked Alan while sitting on a stool in front of him while he was leaned up on the counter. “You’ll like it” is all he said before he wandered off to find his brother.
Our friend Sam soon came into the shop and started talking to me once he saw me. “Hey Y/n” he said as he walked up in front of the counter. “Yo what’s up Sam” I said before the frog brothers walked over. “Hey” Edgar said, holding a few Superman comics. We talked for a bit until Edgar and Sam wondered off to go see the new copies of the Vampire comics we got.
“We’re gonna leave around 6 ok?” Alan asked, still standing at the counter. “Sounds good Froggy” I said and walked away to find Sam and Edgar, leaving Alan at the counter. I walked I to the back room and saw Edgar and Sam hovering over a box of comics. “Hey guys” I said as I entered.
“It it true you’re going on a date with Alan?” Sam turned his head and asked with a teasing smile on his face. “No, we’re just hanging out man, jeez.” I sighed. “Did you tell him it was a date Ed?” I asked the younger frog brother. “Mmm, no, i don’t think so” he replied still reading a comic. “Oh wait yeah I might’ve” he said plainly looking up briefly.
“Thanks” I said with a sarcastic/teasing smile. “No problem” he replied. Sam just laughed and Alan walked in silently. “What?” He asked when we all stared at him. “Nothing nothing” Sam said with a smile grin. Alan looked slightly confused until he saw Edgar trying not to laugh looking at his comic book. “Seriously Edgar” he rolled his eyes and left and Edgar started laughing along with Sam. “You two better go to the counter before a customer arrives.” I said and left the room.
I went out to find Alan while shaking my head. I found him in a storage room pacing. “God I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have told Edgarrr. Now she thinks I’m weird ughh” He groaned in frustration with his hands behind his head, looking at the ground.
I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around quickly. “Don’t do that.” He said instantly. “Sorry” I said and slightly laughed. “What’s wrong?” I asked him after a moment of silence. “Nothing, what do you mean” he said and looked away from me. “You’re funny if you don’t know why I’m asking that.” I said.
He sighed and stayed quiet, “Come on let’s just leave early” Alan said and took my hand. He lead us out of the shop and towards the beach. “Did you hear that stuff I said in the storage room?” He asked still holding my hand. “Yeah, I don’t know why you were so upset” I said looking at our hands.
“I just didn’t want you to find out…that way at least” he said as he lead us to a rocky area under the boardwalk. “Is it true?” I asked him while we sat on a few rocks by the shore. “Is what true?” He asked even though he knew what I was asking. “That you wanted this to be a date?…that you like me?” I asked with a small bit of hope that it would actually be true. He stayed silent for a second before saying “what if I did like you…”. “I don’t think you understand” I told him rolling my eyes.
“Understand what?” Alan asked. “I’ve had the bigger crush on you for so long. How have you not noticed?” I asked Ik astonishment. “You…wait you like me?” He asked slowly with a look for confusion and slight hope. “YES. Oh my god! Jeez you’re a challenge!” I said hurrying my face in my hands. I looked at him through my hands and he just smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
I smiled into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smelt like old magazines and a faint smell of wood. “So does that mean we’re…?” He asked but didn’t finish after we pulled apart. “Dating? Yes” I said and laughed. “Sounds good to me” he said and got up. He gave me his hand and pulled me to my feet and started walking us back.
He continued to hold my hand on the way back to the store. By the time we had got back Ed and Sam had filled all of the shelves with comics. “Woah ho ho look at these two” Sam loudly whispered to Edgar. Edgar looked over and smiled at his brother. Alan sarcastically rolled his eyes with a small smile. “So you’re?” Sam asked. “Dating, isn’t it obvious?” Edgar said in an obvious tone to Sam.
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edwardnortonwhore · 2 years
Lost boys x stranger things x m!reader
A/n: I wrote this pretty late and I'm a bit ill so sorry about any errors
Pairings: David x reader, marko x reader, Paul x reader, dwayne x reader, Billy hargrove x reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, smoking, drug use, sexual themes
Summary: when billy Hargrove runs away, back to santa Carla, california, the Hawkins gang are tasked with following him, only to be shocked at what they find when they arrive.
The night was warm and comfortable, the calming sound of the waves rolling into the beach and the distant sounds of fairground music and scream of rollercoaster riders settling over the town of santa Carla. The moon was full and shining, bouncing of the ocean like giant disco ball.
Billy hargrove was speeding down a coastal road, 70mph, music blasting at full volume with nith of the front windows open. The wind tangled into his luscious, sandy blonde hair as the car drove. His eyes were fixed on the sight infront of him.
Santa Carla.
His home town. The town he had been forced to leave 3 years ago and the town he would now stay in for the rest of his life. He had ran away from Hawkins 2 days ago. Away from Neil, the mind flayer, the Russians and overall Hawkins. He didn't have a plan at first but the last 48 hours were spent thinking up a solution of what he was going to do when he arrived.
He had decided on getting a motel room for the night, then, the next day, he would take a look around the boardwalk for the first time ein years, then head to see his old friends. The lost boys. He had lost contact when he left and was looking forward to seeing them again. He had been close with them since he was 15, he knew they were vampires, they only hadn't turned him because they didn't want him to be stuck as a teenager forever. That would suck.
His blue camaro pulled up into the parking lot and he shit the windows before getting out, locking the car and walking onto the crappy building. He walked up to a grumpy looking woman who was slumped in a chair watching TV.
"I'm looking for a room for a night?" He asked her, waiting patiently. She ignored him. He asked again. "Excuse me ma'am, I'm looking for a room."
She finally looked up at Jim and turned around to grab a key.
"Room 21. Up the stairs on your left." She them turned back to whatever she was watching, leaving billy to find his was to the room.
When he got there, he opened the door and threw his bag onto the bed, running to the bathroom and turning the shower on. He quickly striped himself of his clothes and enveloped himself in the warmish water. He ran a hand through his hair and felt his muscles untangle and for the first time in 3 months he felt okay. He felt safe. It's pretty ironic considering he was in the murder capital of the world and it was filled with all sorts of creatures of the night hut he didn't care. He was home at last.
After his shower, he dried himself with an old, motel towel and he was quick to jump into the bed. The mattress was stiff and stained but it was good enough for him. For now atleast. He turned to the side, pulling the string of the yellow lamp and plunging the room into pure darkness, only being escaped by the small dots of light coming from the fair on the pier. Billy pulled the covers over himself and let his mind drift away into a long, well deserved sleep.
The next day, as Billy went on with his own activities, so did y/n emerson. Y/n was one of the lost boys, he was a cool guy, laid back and pretty smart. But he could be scary too. And by scary I mean above David level terrifying. But normally he was pretty approachable.
He pottered around the emerson House. His cousins had come to live with them about 2 months ago and he was finding it pretty stressful. They were very inquisitive kids. Always asking where he had been all night and who the guys that had dropped his off or picked him up were. They liked to annoy him alot but Sam was okay. Michael had a mouth on him and had a very unneeded, offensive attitude toward his older cousin. No one quite knew why but it was always present.
Y/n tidied away the remnants of last night's takeaway dinner and walked into his garden to clear it all away. Yes, I know what you're thinking, vampires can't go out at day. And you'd be right, they can't, not without a ring. A special ring made with something I do not recall that stops them from busting into flames.
He emptied the trash into the bin and walked back inside. He then pulled a post-it-note from a drawer and scribbled on the words
Be gone for a day or two, staying at a friend's. From y/n/n.
He stuck it on the front of the fridge and walked out the front door, grabbing his motor bike from the garage and seating himself on it, riding of towards the home of the other lost boys. He spent majority of his time there, only coming back when his mom got too worried or needed to see him. He sped through the streets and down towards the entrance, dumping his bike and jumping down it. Marko was sat in a chair he had stolen from and alleyway last week, reading some weird magazine that he had probably shoplifted. Y/n walked over too him and kissed his cheek.
"Morning." He spoke softly.
"Morning." Marko replied with a smile, nuzzling his face into y/ns neck. He was always one for physical affection. He was a big softie at times too.
Suddenly, David appeared next to them, standing over y/n and leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his lips.
"Morning doll." He said, y/n smiled up at the taller man and sat down on the arm of the chair marko was is. "You wi never guess who's back in town." He added. The pair gave him a puzzled look and they were soon joined by dwayne and Paul who stood behind them.
"Billy fucking Hargrove. and I have a feeling he will be paying us a little visit later."
"No fucking way!"
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hrts-4-haim · 1 year
brb protesting against the lack of corey haim fics on here🥲
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mysadcorner · 2 years
Corey Haim Dating Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Requests open -
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• Corey is very sweet and down to earth, so it’s not surprising when the two of you get along really well with each other quite quickly. Straight away he makes you feel welcome in his personal circle which last for however long you may know him for.
• Deep down, no matter how old he gets, he will always be a child at heart. So even on the days that are most relaxing between the two of you, they will always have an upbeat and positive feel which you’d never get tired of. This also makes it extremely easy for each of you to notice when the other isn’t feeling quite okay or just needs someone to open up to.
• Little touches and displays of affection mean more to Corey than a person would usually expect and because of this he’s always giving you small amounts of PDA, nothing too extreme though. It brings him comfort and grounds him when his lifestyle or an event that he’s at is too chaotic and brings him peace by the reassurance of you being beside him.
• Corey would be extremely protective of you, and rightly so depending on what kinds of famous people are hanging around him and his fellow stars at the time. He’d immediately let you know who to stay away from, and to the average person it may seem that he’s being a little bit controlling, but really he’s just keeping you safe.
• He loves it when you play with his hair after he’s had a long day. It’s calms him and relaxes him more than almost anything else whilst also letting him have your attention which is something he’s grown to always crave. He’d do the exact same thing back to you if he knew you’d like it - but there are a lot of times where just lying down together and playing with each others hair becomes a regular thing.
• Despite being quite bubbly and open to the majority of people he knows, there are still some things that Corey struggles to open up about emotional wise - and tries to keep it from you in the hopes that you won’t be upset by whatever’s bothering him. Due to this, there are many times where you have had to reassure him about not worrying about you or making you sad which helps him to come to you for comfort a lot more in the long run.
• He absolutely loves the idea of showing you off in public, but also despises the idea of you having a celebrity life. He knows how brutal it is and how little privacy you would get once he introduced you to the world and only after he sees you handling it quite well and settling in comfortably with that life with him would he start to feel at ease about the whole thing.
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cupids-diner · 2 months
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About me’s:
The Mighty Ducks
Guy Germaine:
Sweaters and cuddles
The School Bus Graveyard
Logan fields:
Batman family
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
My babysitter is a vampire
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Young justice
Nothing yet
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omgsquee2001 · 2 years
In The Dark of The Night: Marko x Fem! Emerson! Reader
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[Y/N] Emerson is the middle child of the Emerson Family. She is quiet and mostly keeps to herself. 
When [Y/N], her mom and two brothers move to Santa Carla, [Y/N] expects a new, quiet and boring life. What she didn't expect, was to fall in love with a Child of the Night.
//I do not own The Lost Boys or the characters. I do not own any gifs, pictures, or screenshots used in my stories. I do not own You. You belong to You.
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mayonnaise2004 · 4 months
Meeting and dating Micheal Emerson Headcannons
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You and Micheal met at a ‘Saxophone man’ concert.
You were trying to appreciate the music, but some boozer blond wouldn’t leave you alone. Micheal noticed this and walked over.
With a furrow of his dark eyebrows and a very deep pitched, ‘I suggest you get lost before I kick your spine so hard you end up looking like a PEZ dispenser.’ The blond scoffed and walked away.
You stood there, face deep red with blush as the handsome stranger in front of you asked if you were alright, snickering softly at how red he had made you.
After getting to know you (and buying you a slushie with whatever pocket change he had), Micheal said goodbye and walked off the boardwalk.
Over the next few weeks, Micheal silently prayed he would see you again. So when he saw you talking with Lucy at Max’s store, he was a bit confused.
Turns out you also worked at the store, and had gotten along pretty well with the single mother.
After a few more meetings, Micheal mustered up the courage to ask you out.
Your first date was dinner at his place. It went terribly wrong (nanook drooled all over you, Sam had a fever, Lucy burnt the spaghetti sauce so you had to get takeout, and Micheal was embarrassed as hell.)
Michael is deeply in love with you, he would go to the ends of the earth for you.
Boardwalk/beach dates (which usually include Sam being a third wheeler)
Michael is a bit odd when it comes to PDA, some days he just wants to hold your hand, others he wants to be to enough to be inside your skin.
Lucy absolutely adores you, she thinks your a great influence to help tame Michaels new ‘attitude’.
Wearing each other’s jewelry
Holding hands under the table at family dinners
Play fighting in the pool/ocean
Random hugs from behind
He is adamant you shouldn’t go anywhere near David and his group, he really doesn’t need to deal with more vampires then he already does.
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