#salem graves
noxsylvania · 1 year
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New Salem render!!!
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clobeast · 2 years
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Going to try playing a Shadar-Kai Wizard next session... pretty excited about it. He ponders his orb and craves the sweet release of death
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oh no I have a type
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solventabvser · 7 months
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micahonsaturn · 5 months
★ introduction !! ★
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Hellooo! my name is micah ! or u can call me micc i am a writer & traditional artist :3 this is not my first time posting but i just thought id make an introduction so, lets get this show on the road ! ★ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
MICAHS INTRO! 🐠﹒──── 🧡!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ🪸﹒
◞ ★ ︉﹒micah or bea!︔ ᨳ 19 ﹕bday-may 19th! ◞ ★ . "
◞ ★﹒- - - - genderfluid︔ ᨳ pansexual & asexual ﹕
◞ ★ ︉﹒ ︉likes︔ mlp, 2000s anime, rock music, history, marine biology, sanrio, COD, bluey, and Splatoon, scream and other slasher films ^^
ᨳ dislikes ﹕silence, and thunderstorms (dni if you make rape or gore jokes
◞ ★ ﹒I'm delusional, i have adhd and autism, and im a hopeless romantic︔🫧; ︉im a black creator so id be appreciative if you'd support me!! ^^ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ◞ ★ also I'll write for ; redacted characters, yuurivoice characters, slashers, jjk, haikyuu, COD(mainly COD), and occasionally my own characters ^^ ◞ ★ and i will write these genres ; fluff, smut and some angst. i dont rlly like angst so it'll prolly be scarce. ◞ ★ I will NOT write these kinks ; dub-con, cnc, r4pe, incest, f00t f3tish and other dark kinks. i shouldnt have to justify why. ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── tysm for looking at my introduction! asks will be open during sometime of march or febuary so feel free to ask then and hopefully i will get some fics out! >0<
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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The Grave of Meg Shelton
Lancashire, England
In the late seventeenth century the people of Woodplumpton, a small village in Lancashire, England believed a woman called Meg Shelton to be a witch. They claimed she would steal the milk from other people’s cattle and transform herself into animal form at night as she carried out her mischievous deeds. According to legend, when Meg was crushed to death by a barrel that pinned her to a wall when she was buried the town took extra precautions to prevent her and her powers from ever rising again. The townspeople buried her vertically, head first in the ground in a small, tight shaft so that if she tried to dig her way out she’d be going the wrong way. They then covered the hole with a large stone so that she may never escape. The stone remains to this day in the churchyard of St Anne’s Church accompanied by a small plaque warning visitors that the Witch of Woodplumpton lies buried beneath. This seemed to work as she was never seen again, although in the 1920’s a young boy said that he had seen a woman dressed in funny clothes wandering in the graveyard.
The famous Eye of God carved into the tower at Newchurch near Pendle Hill was said to keep evil at bay and similar symbols can be seen in ancient houses in the area. At a cottage in Rawtenstall is a witch’s post designed to stop evil coming down the chimney.
Many of the stories associated with Meg tell of her ability to change her appearance and how she would use this ability to cause mischief and steal from the local farmers. On one occasion a farmer became suspicious when he discovered that he had more sacks of corn piled up than there should have been. He grabbed a pitchfork and began to prod the sacks. Suddenly one of the sacks let out a scream and turned into Meg.
On another occasion a farmer looking into one of his fields where he kept his cows saw an old woman with a goose which was feeding on the grass. He thought nothing of it until he noticed that from the goose’s bill was dripping a white liquid. He rushed into the field and kicked the goose at which point it shattered into a thousand pieces spraying milk everywhere. Meg had been stealing milk and had turned her jug into a goose to fool the farmer. Meg screeched with rage and flew off.
One day a farmer saw a hare in one of his fields and set his great black dog after it. The hare moved like the wind but the dog was even faster and a desperate race ensued. Gradually the great black dog moved closer and closer but mysteriously the hare headed straight for Meg’s cottage and escaped through the front door but just at the last moment the dog managed to nip one of its hind legs. From that time on it was said that Meg walked with a pronounced limp!
So if you think someone has given you the evil eye, here are some remedies: 
If you are bewitched
a cross made from rowan twigs is said to be effective
A lump of metal, such as an old key or sickle, put under the threshold stone or a broom laid across the doorway will keep evil at bay
Horseshoes nailed onto doors keep the luck in
Stones with holes in them, called hag stones or hex-stones, are very good when hung up at keeping out witches or devil-doings
In old houses have been found glass jars filled with bent nails. These were designed not only to ward off spells but to return the evil to those who had sent it
If this doesn’t work try salt. The purifying properties of salt are renown for destroying a witch’s power
Don’t forget to crumple old eggshells to prevent witches using them as boats or hiding in them
sounding church bells is a sure way to stop witches flying on their broomsticks.
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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Digging through the archives for blog content and came across the photos I took on Halloween, 2012, in Salem, MA, in the Salem Pioneer Cemetery.
Have always been fond of this one in particular. I'll show more on the blog when it launches.
The detail on these headstones is exquisite. Intense craftsmanship. And they are much thinner than you think, they are incredible works of art.
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dailyjsa · 3 months
JSA Member Tournament: Round One, Part Four
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rroaddkill · 3 months
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Thank heavens
BTW it's called the 'Fairy curduroy' by dollskill/the grave girls bc I don't wanna gatekeep; Thats annoying.
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Here's me in it if u don't believe me
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Let’s be real Scylla won the in-laws like a peace of cake 🤣 I mean come on she’s so cute!!
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noxsylvania · 7 months
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Didn’t get to do a fun Cryptadia Halloween piece so here’s a doodle of a silly little role swap idea I had.
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clobeast · 1 year
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E-boy variant Salem Graves because that's how we roll in my den of SIN
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rowanmeierotto · 2 years
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Billy Butcherson
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askarin-blythe · 2 months
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Featuring OCs from (tell me if you guys mind btw, I can delete this): @czlowiek-lasu (Salem Hedge, aka the hedgehog, 2nd panel) @chaotic-deity (Lu'uzelith, aka the light, 3rd panel).. and I think Bitey, aka the plant, from the 1st panel is shared between y'all(?)
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eldritchmochi · 2 months
i have been in boston for five days and ive absolutely Nothing nice to say about it. west coast continues to be best coast if only because you dont need 200 years of lore to navigate the transit system
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Charter Street Cemetery October 21, 2023 Salem, Massachusetts
This is the cemetery where some the bodies of the victims of the witch trials were dumped and never given a proper burial because it was considered unclean or bad luck to touch the body of a witch. The grave of John Hathorne, the most hated judge during the trials, is also here. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in the US, which opened in 1637.
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