ylieke · 2 months
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Sauron sacrifices a branch of Nimloth, the white tree of Numenor, in the Temple for Morgoth.
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empirearchives · 5 months
Napoleon’s coronation oath — 1804
“I swear to maintain the integrity of the territory of the Republic, to respect and enforce respect for the Concordat and freedom of religion, equality of rights, political and civil liberty, the irrevocability of the sale of national lands; not to raise any tax except in virtue of the law; to maintain the institution of Legion of Honour and to govern in the sole interest, happiness and glory of the French people.”
Source: Steven Englund, Napoleon: A Political Life
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francepittoresque · 2 months
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27 février 1594 : Henri IV est sacré roi de France à Chartres, Reims étant tenue par la Ligue ➽ http://bit.ly/Sacre-HenriIV Le roi avait résolu de se faire sacrer, mais la ville de Reims était au pouvoir de la Ligue. Son conseil décida que cette cérémonie aurait lieu dans l’église de Chartres, « pour la particulière dévotion que ses ancêtres y avaient toujours portée »
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
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👑 🎶 God Save the King 👑 🎶
Gif d'après la BBC
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negreabsolut · 2 months
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Records d'Hiperborea.
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year
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EXTREMELY DELICIOUS GUMMIES! And super nostalgic. I used to eat Sacré all the time in the summer; it's delicious lemon-flavored shaved ice with one thin slice of lemon on the top. It's been a while since I've had one so it might not be the same exact flavor, but these are so damn good!
(Also, writing this I realized that I think of Sacré as "Italian ice," and now I'm wondering if that's a New England term? Calling Sacré "shaved ice" feels a bit off, but I wouldn't say snow cone or granita either..... The packaging says "kakigori," which sounds okay to my Japanese-speaking brain, but the actual ice is crunchier and harder packed and less fluffy than fresh kakigori, and my English brain refuses to accept this anything other than Italian ice 😂)
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sekkaifractures · 1 year
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ok now that’s all of them FOR NOW >:)
- Balu
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neshimah · 1 year
Mes chers frères et sœurs, voici mon message du jour.
Voici le lien : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ydBcpHazqMI#searching
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kos-moso · 1 year
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margotonbeee · 2 years
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Ma cotehardie fin XIVe en action... Au sacre royal chartistique d'hier, ou plutôt de 1382.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 53880 photos (nouveau compte approximatif !)
2013. Arras, le Musée des Beaux-Arts avec une expo, “Carrosses de Versailles”.
Ici le carrosse du sacre de Charles X.
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empirearchives · 1 year
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Why is the painting of Napoleon’s coronation so funny when you actually zoom in on the spectators faces?
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francepittoresque · 2 months
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13 février 1575 : sacre de Henri III en la cathédrale de Reims ➽ http://bit.ly/Sacre-HenriIII C’est un habitué des trônes, puisque deux ans plus tôt, à 21 ans, il s’était déjà installé sur celui de Pologne, qui était vacant. À l’époque le roi de France était son frère, Charles IX
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marthashlyn · 2 years
Tit : Titre = <<< What is a River girl. >>>
As the days have passed, I’ve learned so much. I actually want to learn more. You have to have your feet planted and worship daily. Prayer is a must. Hence, <<seaweed>> on Twitter. I’m not from the ocean though. In the water (congregation), I’m stuck worshiping with my feet firmly planted on the ground.
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rpcpositivitea · 1 year
To Sacre, we used to write over a year ago! Crazy how long it’s been! I since stopped writing in that genre but I hope you’re well. You were super enthusiastic about our plots. Always thinking of new things and we would bounce off of ideas. I hope you are well with real life as I remember you shared a lot of big events were to come. Wishing you the best and May we meet again in writing
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