#s: john mulaney
lucyybradford · 4 months
Bradley: I would never say my boyfriend is a bitch and I don’t like him. That is not true. My boyfriend is a bitch and I like him so much.
Bradley: He’s a dynamite, six-foot, blonde bitch and he’s the best.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 months
Mirror Knight, holding a bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume?
*Glenfire snatches and chugs the entire bottle, he belches as a large plume of flames erupts from his head.*
Mirror Knight:...
Glenfire: ...It’s perfume.
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Round 4 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
he’s a priest. he can punch your lights out. he would never hurt a fly. he has connections in the black market. he gives everything he can to the local orphans. he will not hesitate to play pranks on you. he wants everyone to be happy. he has daddy issues probably. he wants a promotion sososososoooooo bad.
I accidentally submitted the last 5actors name but it’s the same guy
Hey everyone please vote for this man I love him he truely is what we need more of in this world the kindest most relatable character has flaws etc etc. Deserves the world
Enrico propaganda
He grew up in the church and became a priest. so devoted to his faith he ended the UNIVERSE to achieve the perfect world aka heaven
Hes Catholic but also so gay for this one vampire that he ended the world for him
He is LITERALLY one big metaphor for the catholic church as a villain. He’s a guy who believes himself to be a martyr on a fundamentally altruistic quest that will better humanity and the world, but in truth hes a destructive force blind to his faults and hypocritical of the atrocities he commits. Even his altruisim is just a lie (that he does believe himself though) because it all just stems from a deep rooted desire he has to alliviate the guilt he feels. Also hes obsessed with ”the world to come” to the point that hes downright nihilistic towards the current world he actually lives in, as well as the other people in it. which i mean. lol. Ultimately hes an insane delusional queen and he should win this because he is just That catholic. also he is a catholic priest :)
his names pussy bc he served cunt (in a catholic god honoring way)
I want my bestie’s guy in bere
No one could feel guilt to this level if not catholic
Religious Allegory mostly woth how his power(white snake) is contradictory it has white to make you think of good things but it contrast with snake a creature that tempted adam and eve. Although he is a Man of faith his stand’s design is far from it being incredibly intimidating and lined with the genetic of dna whihc is scientific compared to faith.
Bro tries to kill a child
serial killer priest bro
HE IS INSANE He spent his whole life believing in fate and when his world turned around Shakespeare tragedy style he made it his mission to bring 「HEAVEN TO EARTH」, which means TEARING AWAY THE FABRIC OF REALITY SO THAT EVERYONE IS AWARE OF THEIR OWN FATE. How does he get there? Simple! By using a half-baked horse to SPEED UP TIME UNTIL THE UNIVERSE RESETS AND LAUNCHES EVERYONE INTO A NEW WORLD. How did he GET this horse??? Oh, as one does - his (dead) best friend’s toe bone grew into a baby made of leaves that vored him, but he survived and grew even more eyebrows than he already had. And that’s without getting into the STUFF that makes him a phenomenal, S-tier, fine wine that EXPLODES and causes you to see VISIONS type of character. That’s just the surface. But, ah, that’s Catholics for ya. Vote Enrico Pucci for king of the Catholic tournament. 👍🏻
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dimity-lawn · 27 days
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Traveling can get kind of lonely sometimes…er, no, not traveling. What’s the word? Uh…life. Life can get kind of lonely.
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girlpog · 1 year
Boney M could do Love Shack AND The B-52s could do Rasputin. Love wins
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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (PG): Death stalks us all.
#onemannsmovies review of "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" (2023). Fun sequel to the 2011 Shrek spin-off, with a top cast of voice talent. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” (2023). We all know that “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinnochio” is going to walk off with the BAFTA and the Oscar for the Best Animated Feature. But, to be honest, I preferred “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish”. Packed with funny audio and visual sight gags, it was an entertaining return for the world’s most swashbuckling feline. Bob the Movie…
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jmunneytumbler · 1 month
Entertainment To-Do List: Week of 5/3/24
Darkness on the Edge of Matter and on the Edgerton (CREDIT: Apple TV+) Every week, I list all the upcoming (or recently released) movies, TV shows, albums, podcasts, etc. that I believe are worth checking out. Movies –Evil Does Not Exist (Theaters) –The Fall Guy (Theaters) –I Saw the TV Glow (Theaters) –The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Re-Release (Theaters) – I probably won’t have enough time…
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firewireblog-blog · 2 months
John Mulaney Presents: Everybody's In LA - Live On Netflix During Netflix Is A Joke Fest
John Mulaney Presents: Everybody’s In LA, a special run of six episodes created by and starring Mulaney will stream live on Netflix during the Netflix is a Joke Fest. The comically unconventional show will feature special guests and field pieces shot in Los Angeles.  John Mulaney Presents: Everybody’s In LA debuts on May 3, with additional episodes streaming nightly from May 6 – 10. All new…
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merkerlerspeaks · 3 months
I want to talk about Zodi again. Have I ever mentioned her real name is Celeste?
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ur-mag · 8 months
John Mulaney Once Watched an 'Erotic' Movie With Olivia Munn's Mom | In Trend Today
John Mulaney Once Watched an ‘Erotic’ Movie With Olivia Munn’s Mom Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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awardswatcherik · 11 months
Final 2023 Emmy Predictions: Variety, Reality and Talk Series Categories Get Shaken Up; Game Shows Head to Primetime
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John Mulaney's Dad Orders One Black Coffee
John Mulaney could have ended the joke right then and there...
Why John Mulaney is a Great Storyteller: A Tip to Comedians. Have you ever told a story and struggled to get the reaction you wanted because you left out a detail? I have, and it was just as humbling as responding to, “enjoy your movie” with, “thanks, you too!” And if you’ve never experienced this, congratulations! You are probably great at telling stories. Some of us (me) could take a few notes…
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Round 3 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Propaganda below ⬇️
he’s a priest. he can punch your lights out. he would never hurt a fly. he has connections in the black market. he gives everything he can to the local orphans. he will not hesitate to play pranks on you. he wants everyone to be happy. he has daddy issues probably. he wants a promotion sososososoooooo bad.
I accidentally submitted the last 5actors name but it’s the same guy
He is an angel and Jesus-coded (has the soul of kind of a god in a human body and willingly dies for the sake of humanity)
famously known as Gay Space Jesus
HE'S THE ANGEL OF FREE WILL. He lacks emotions but he loves humanity and how they love and feel pain and he loved shinji!!! He tells shinji his heart is like glass and because of that he deserves empathy. AND HE DIED FOR SHINJI (and humanity) BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY SHINJI. A vote for Shingi is a vote for EVA. The shows whole themes are of individuality, consciousness, freedom, choice, and responsibility. If that's not catholic af idk what is
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bits I remember from John Mulaney's tour act that didn't make it into the Netflix special:
- his Natasha Lyonne impression 😔 it was much funnier than the Fred Armisen one tbh
- something to the effect of 'before my intervention everyone agreed to be nice to me in their speeches. except they all forgot to tell Nick Kroll that. and he went FIRST'
- during the 'trust doctors' bit he got sidetracked and started making a flat earth joke, he was like 'I'm not saying I believe it, but like-' and someone in the audience yelled 'BOO' and he immediately shot back 'OH FUCK YOU YOU DO NOT WALK AROUND GOING WOOOOoooooOOOO I-I-ITS A-A-A S-SPH-PHERRRREEEE' while doing this truly incredible flailing of his limbs
- 'do you know how weird it is for your baby to get mixed reviews? do you know how goddamn weird it is to announce your baby and have people go 'ehh, I liked his old work better'
- he also joked that getting divorced, getting into a new relationship and having a baby so fast was just him following the "baby steps" rules of getting clean lol
- when he was listing everything he was addicted to one of the drugs got a 'woo!' from the audience which turned into crowd work of finding out what everyone in the theater was addicted to
- he asked a teenager in the audience if he vapes and the kid said no and then his friend sitting next to him screamed 'DON'T LIE TO HIM!!!' loud enough for the whole theater to hear
-oh also there was a lot more about going back and forth with his poor accountant lol. this is all I noticed off the top of my head! wondering what was different in other tour spots?
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
i remember a fic where crowley accidentally became the author of a book called 'heaven might be a bookshop' or something similar but i cant remember what its called
This is...
A Guide to Fame for the Enterprising Demon by asideofourown (T)
tildeathdoustogether ok friends so i know we all joke about, like john mulaney and keanu reeves and hozier being immortals, but… i really think we gotta add anthony j. crowley to that list thelongest27yearsofmylife reblogged and said: Christ, Beth, Anthony Crowley is an increasingly popular, openly queer creator with explicitly queer rep in his work that’s really important to some people, can you not make this into a meme for ONCE in your life? tildeathdoustogether reblogged and said: you think i’m joking but.  i’m not.  l i s t e n  i did not get a history degree for nothing, i have RECEIPTS. buckle in kiddos this is a wild ride [Crowley accidentally gets a bit famous, and the internet figures out he may be a bit immortal]
- Mod D
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