#roselle rambles
rosellemoon · 1 month
Well, I read Soman's post, and I have a few things to say.
First of all, fanfiction.
I'm not surprised to see another published author look down upon fanfiction, treating it as if all it's good for is providing new writers with training wheels. (Never mind the fact that writing someone else's characters is its own unique challenge!)
Fanfiction isn't just someone else's sandbox in which to hone your skills. It's expanding established lore. It's giving more voices and more life to pre-existing characters and worlds. Originality isn't just making something entirely your own, it's also putting your own spin on things, sharing your perspective through fiction that speaks to you and brings you joy on some level. Art is meant to be shared and engaged with and built upon. Art is a collaboration between you and others, and this has been the case for most of human history! I don't mean to offend, but belittling the power and importance of transformative works is just plain ignorance.
The obsession with originality can do more harm than good. Granted, I'm currently working on a novel that has a handful of inspirations yet seemingly no real comps, but that's not why I'm writing it! However, if someone does manage to find an actual comp, I won't care because I'm not writing to be original. That isn't why I write at all!
The real question writers should be asking themselves is: why do you want to be original?
Do you want to feel more special than others? Do you think being original increases your chances of notability? Do you want to go down in history as the Most Original Author of All Time™? These can be valid reasons, but let's be honest with ourselves. Honesty is good. We should embrace that more, even if it makes some of us look egomaniacal.
I'm afraid this emphasis on originality only feeds the stigma around fanfiction and ruins the true joy of writing. It's great to want to do something different because you're bored of the same plots and messages, or you don't find yourself or your perspective represented enough. But that shouldn't require you to give up the tropes or settings you love just because they're familiar.
I also want to address the common disregard for people with aphantasia like me. I don't have full-blown aphantasia, but it's enough that I can hardly visualize my own characters and worlds without external references. I've found my strength lies in "creativity outside the self," as Elaine Sturtevant put it. I'm most creative with things that don't come from within. I love mixing and matching (which especially shows in my digital collages) and seeing where that takes me.
So, fellow writers, ask yourselves: why do you write? What do you want to say? Could it be expressed through fanfiction rather than original fiction? Is being totally original more important than conveying your message/exploring creative what-ifs/simply enjoying the act of creation?
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calekinnieplus · 8 months
“29th December. It’s almost a new year again.
“All the mausoleums have been built. What’s done cannot be undone.”
Klein was deeply puzzled as he read the corresponding content, his gaze freezing up.
“I believe I’m not the only transmigrator in this world.
“If there’s anyone else who can read my diary, remember to carefully select your Beyonder pathway.
“Once you choose this, it pretty much confirms your allies and your enemies.
“A useful warning is to not choose pathways with Sequence 0s that are occupied, and also be careful of neighboring Sequence 0s and Sequence 1s. I’ve suffered tremendously on this aspect.
“As for what Sequence 0 represents, search for my other diary pages if you aren’t aware.
“Heh heh, this page is equivalent to the afterword of my life. If I succeed, I’ll be a god, and it will be another story. If I were to fail, there wouldn’t be a future. Perhaps, well—you know.
“Go, my friend who understands my diary, go seek out the secret of transmigration and the truth hidden within. I’ll be watching you, if I’m still alive.
“Finally, let me warn you that you have to remember:
“Be careful of the moon!”
Oh man, this diary entry is. Oh, man. So there's one more except Klein? Or did Roselle foresee that there'll be another person in his situation? Nevertheless... this indeed feels like the afterword. Roselle's story is, without a doubt, very interesting, as we have seen from his entries.
I don't know what to say, this entry feels special. Wanted to post it
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superherokisser · 2 years
i was right ms. afton x ms. emily is the best
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elizaellwrites · 19 days
Out of all the strange things I could have done as a writer, I still don't know how one of my main characters is dead at the beginning of book 1.
She's always been dead too, from the conception of her character.
She rose from the dead at some point and grew a unique character of her own that has become among my favorite ocs. So that's how I decided to write the prequel series about her to Legacy of the Fallen because I had to share just how alive this dead character is.
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waterghostype · 2 months
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a bit of an unconventional post but here is rosel!!! struggling princess and novice of void she is my ninjago oc bc ive been infected with deadly oc brainrot disease…
oc ramblings under the cut lel
she is a princess with a tragic backstory . super original i know
in all seriousness she basically conjured up in my head while i was thinking “what could they ever do to recover harumi’s character from crystalized in dragons rising” and it all went downhill from here
she’s super energetic, lively, dramatic, basically a cringe theatre kid who doesnt shut up at all. she loves animals and nature and life and being elaborate and performing and all that jazz.
she’s basically harumi’s surrogate little sister. after being on her own for a bit and traveling all across realms she landed in this weird magical realm (one that i made up. lol) and was taken in by the royal family as a knight (basically) after she brought back rosel when she got lost in the forest. she’s having a terrible time in there BUT she’s staying because… there is a freakazoidal organization trying to take them down. super original once again.
harumi feels like shes sort of called to do something about it to somehow atone for her wrongdoings but she doesn’t want to do any more than she has to aka she doesn’t want to get close to rosel bc shes obviously very Not right in the brain and also because of her past
rosel originally had an older sister who was supposed to be the actual heir to the throne and she was totally chill with that! she liked to just have a second say in important stuff and do a lot of commercials like that was her whole thing and she enjoyed it. then her sister got assassinated so now she has to be the one to worry about everything and just be an heir all of a sudden. this is part of the reason why she got very easily attached to harumi and harumi knows this and understands what’s going on in rosel’s brain because a losing family then getting badly attached to someone bc you think they can fill that hole in your heart?? yeah not cool
doesnt help that harumi currently hates herself and thinks shes the worst person in the world (tbf she did do All that.) but the difference is when she was being unhealthily attached to garmadon he mistreated her BAD but here harumi actually tries protecting rosel and gets unfortunately attached as well which sucks! it’s like that grumpy old man adopts daughter trope except it’s a ~20 yo girl and a little sister
before she died rosel swore she hated her sister and they would fight allll the time. older sister (havent decided on a name) is really strict and pressured to do all her work as an heir and the oldest princess and i could go into more detail abt their relationship but just think oldest sibling vs youngest sibling shenanigans. theyd fight abt how rosel would never understand the pressure of being the heir in their political cilmate thing (yeah the made-up realm is going through it) but too bad so sad she got executed in front of literally the whole kingdom.
after a surprisingly short while rosel gets back on her feet after her sister’s death but shes just fakering oops. she has a bunch of bottled up issues but it’s ok! it’s ok!
also shes the elemental master of void. oops
this one is fucky wucky complicated but BASCIALLY my bs reason for her little mary sue op power is bc time twins were stuck in that weird time vortex all throughout everything And then the merge happened and the merge’s weird elemental energy whatever caused the time vortex and the twins’ elemental powers to get weird and because time is being messed up reality can be messed up and so this basically broken version of the time element gets transferred onto my girl rosel as if it was a regular degular elemental power which sucks bc it’s even harder to use and control and she doesnt even know how to fight so shes just struggling
she finds this out while on a journey with the ninja and harumi. like if it was a season itd be like episode 15+ she finds out. this is because she accidentally caused an important artifact to disappear out of nowhere, got sad about it bc she messed everything up, and then she accidentally makes a whole bunch of stuff (including living things) disappear too. yikessss
she doesnt want to hide it she tells the ninjarumi right away and theyre all like What the hell and shes freaking out but after some help she can at least keep herself from destroying literally everything.
until she messes up gets mega emotional loses control of her everything and starts voiding a bunch of stuff so she gets even more stressed which makes her void even more stuff and now shes basically destroying the kingdom shes been trying so hard to be able to rule. ooooopsies
after a whole thing with the power of siblingship and empathy harumi snaps her out of it and now shes absolutely baffled with what shes done and is a bit crazed abt the whole thing. bc of this she decides it’s best to train with the ninja (idk if she actually becomes one) so she can use her power better. btw harumi was able to snap her out of it and give her a hug without being voided because a) power of friendship and b) overlord resurrection she’s literally dead inside She basically is already voided in a way
so thats basically what goes on very sorry this is too long but i hope it all makes sense… i swear her story is better than the way i explained it (or maybe it’s not idk) i just have many MANY MANY thought abt her! i might ramble even more in the future so be cautioned. thx
heres zoomed in ver of the notes in case u need it
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tatertotcosmonaut · 4 months
So two months ago I started reading Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish and now that I’m on break and all done with finals I’ve started reading it more.
My ramblings under the cut-
I’m on chapter 16 out of over 1400 and so far I’m not disliking the vibes, I’m intrigued enough to read more but it hasn’t been a perfect read so far. I’m unaware if that’s because of Cuttlefish’s writing or because this translation is like…rocky. I can’t say how well it’s translated because well…I don’t know mandarin, but the translation I’m reading (epub of the one on Webnovel) is like full of grammar errors, weird vocabulary, stiff dialogue, and just elementary level mistakes.
The quality of translations when it comes to Chinese web novels is always something I’ve been miffed when since I’ve started reading xianxia and xuanhaun novels, but usually I can get by. But here there’s just spots where I can’t ignore it and writing that is supposed to be serious or incite mystery comes off us unintentionally hilarious.
I will say if there’s two things that I had to be critical of when it came to Cuttlefish’s writing it’s that, while I love similes, they sometimes use similes that are really long and don’t make sense in the context of the situation. This is a small thing and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The second complaint would be the very long multi-paragraph dumps of exposition that happen either through dialogue or Klein’s own thoughts.
Considering this is a fantasy world where we’re new to it, just as new as Klein is to it, some exposition here and there doesn’t bother me. But when it happens a lot and can even be very random history dumps about the world that aren’t needed in the context of the situation, then it can get tiring.
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Like here. Mingrui gets a memory fragment from Klein and learns about the origination of tarot in this world and how similar they are to the ones on Earth. Leading Mingrui to theorizing that Roselle is possibly also someone who transmigrated like he did.
That’s interesting, that holds a lot of mystery and makes me want to know more about Roselle! But what was not needed (at least in my view) was the almost 4 paragraphs of history about Roselle including his conquests, a church receiving a hold revelation (nothing to do with Roselle), the era of colonialism, and tidbits about his marine fleet.
This is something that happens multiple times. Where Cuttlefish has Mingrui speculate about the history of something or Mingrui is having difficulty settling to the new world around him and Mingrui will just go on 3-4 paragraph thought exposition dumps that clearly are trying to flesh out the world, which is cool, but it’s like an overload of information and it feels like a tour guide is talking to me rather than someone trying to figure out a mystery or the wonder of the world around them.
Those are like my only complaints so far. I will continue my read with intrigue!
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the-flooded-mind · 4 months
inro post:
hello! we are the flooded mind!, we are alexs ( @alex-is-gay0v0 ) mind, we have phone god (who has their own blog under @phonegod ), error, hope, aurorah, and alex ( @alex-is-gay0v0 )
(phone god and alex dont have one, i mean alex has one but it might be triggering)
error is phone gods brother, they never talk but they know each other exist, error was in foster care cause of his horns and tail, so the first time phone and error met phone god turned him into a glitch, and despite them never talking error lives in alexs head, he is also is alexs anxiety and depression.
not much is known about hope, but what is known is she and auorah are related, we dont know how but they are, hope was experimented on and is now a goat/angel hybrid, she also has alexs eyes but they glow gold, we sometimes wonder if hope is related to alex, hope is alexs hope and happiness.
again, not much is known about aurorah, she unlike hope was self experimented instead of by lab, she wanted to be special like hope since she remembered hope as the favorite child, (think of peter parker from spiderman across the spiderverse in universe Earth-65/gwen stacys best friend)but aurorah alexs anger and sadness.
rosella suffers from memory loss but does remember a few things, she does remember that she likes puppet alot kins her however, error and phone god were in the void and found her having a anxiety attack, she sees herself as herself but prefers being called puppet/marionette/charlie/charlotte, her shortened names are rose/rosey/rosell.
purple/☎️:phone god, blue/✝️:error, orange/🍊:hope red/👻:auorah, black/♦️:alex, green/🌹:rosella.
phone god:he/they/its.
alex: he/they
rosella: it/its
i am down to roleplay in dms. ( *cough* @british-randyjade-rambles / @theartshift *cough*)
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the-ellia-west · 1 month
Happy WBW!
I noticed that a few of your characters are/have experiences with "Shades", and I'm under the impression that they're kinda a big deal, so: What are Shades, do normal people know they exist, and what's their primary sphere of influence?
Fantastic question @phoenixradiant and Thank you for the Ask! You made my day :]
And this is info everyone interested in Reading TCOT should know!
@aestheic-writer18 @ajgrey9647 @agirlandherquill @baconandeggs-25 @clever-naming-convention @darkandstormydolls @harleyacoincidence @illarian-rambling @nkikio @pastellbg @ryahisbored @sunnyjustice @smudged-red-ink @smallgear @thepeculiarbird @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling
Shades are a species in The world of Arinaka - [TCOT] which were created by a strange entity over 50 years ago in universe.
Their Body build is akin to a Harpy in that they have the talons of a bird of prey for feet, and Large wings. But shades also have scales covering specific parts of their bodies. They have scales on their hands up to their elbows, feet up to their knees, and the base of their wings.
Shades are a hidden society of these creatures, comprised of 2 tribes, North and South, both of which are ruled by the same king. Though each has a representative of the king known as a Vessel.
This story takes place in the Southern kingdom of Jeskyin, the continent where the shades live, so we focus on the Southern tribe.
The shade's goal is to carry out their King's will of taking over the Feyranite Kingdom and usurping and/or destroying the rest of the rulers of the Five Star Archipelago, which is comprised of the five islands: Jeskyin, Rosel, Mysteria, Calisk, and Sofil.
They do this by turning people into Shades, and killing people. Shades have a Hierarchy
Consisting of:
Shadows - The first and lowest rank, people who have been forcefully turned into shades by exposure to the unstable magic of The King. They have no free will and are completely controlled by the King and Vessel
Natural Born Shades - Shades Born by shade parents, and raised as shades to be soldiers
Transformed Shades - The shades target unstable, lost children and turn them into shades by pure, intentional Magic by the King. (That rarely happens, though)
Transcendent - A Shade who proves themselves worthy in some way to the King and is allowed a chance to evolve and gain great power.
The Consumed - A transcendent who volunteered to be sacrificed for an unknown purpose
Shades also recruit Human children as Spies instead of turning them into Shades. Because they need people to spy on the Kingdom for them and wreak havoc, using curses to enslave those humans to their king's will.
But a few years ago, someone provided the King with a prophecy about curses. So... y'know... inciting incident.
If you thought this was interesting, please check out My In-progress Book: The Cursed One's Throne on my Blog ;] Starting Here
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
So, I'm a relatively new FCB fan and I've been doing some research about why the club had a downfall. What I understood was that everything went to shit since Neymar left. Plus he didn't even have any legit reason to leave apart from more money being offered by PSG. People say he left because he was in "Messi's shadow" but that's not true. All I saw was love and appreciation for him by the fans and his fellow players. Especially Messi. He treated him with so much love and respect. Even now, after going through so much shit at PSG, Neymar doesn't seem to want to leave that club. In my opinion, he is one reason why Barcelona went downhill. The club spent so much money on his replacements which all ended in failure. I think if he hadn't left at that time, Barcelona would be in a relatively better place right now. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I interpreted. Please correct me if I'm getting it wrong or if I missed some important thing amidst all of this. I have nothing against Neymar, he's a wonderful player, but I can't help but put a little blame on him.
Hii ! I love ranting about this stuff, so warning: long ass ramble, I'm putting it beneath.
I think it's fairly common for people to assume Neymar's departure in 2017 was the thing that started FCB "downfall" (which is a pretty dramatic term in of itself), because it's such a public move that made everyone talk. It's a transfer whose consequences on the market value of players and the way we appreciate those is still underappreciated; genuinely, that Neymar saga is mad, it changed everything (to me, for the worse). But the decline of FCB, the institution, began way earlier than 2017. 2017 is kind of, the first most visible consequence of every prior stuff.
Everything was a mess by 2006/2008, for the team & institutionally wise. It got better from 2008 - 2012, under Pep Guardiola (coach) & Laporta/Rosell (presidents, although both not v good men) & which is now commonly referred to as the "golden age" of FCB's recent History. Then, from 2012 on, everything kind of started to decline. It's not very visible since we won the treble in 2014-2015 (KING SHIT VISCA BARÇA VISCA CATALUNYA etc. etc.) , but already behind the scenes it was rocky as hell. Political stuff, power struggles within the board, etc. Even that 2014-2015 "golden" season was a mess, what with the breach of the Transfer Regulations (we couldn't sign players until 2016), firing of our sporting director, firing of medical/staff members, lies about state of finances, restriction of said finances, Messi/Enrique/Chelsea conflict, etc. That 2014-2015 team winning the Treble effectively masked to posterity & the general public how fucked up the club's politics were at that time. But on the long run, that bad gestion did end up affecting that team that arguably should've gone on to win way more in 2016 - 2017, what with the bunch of talents we had in hands.
Then there was the Neymar stuff in 2017, Iniesta leaving in 2018. Of course, by then the mess that was the cub began to reflect on our style of play; by 2017/2018 already we weren't playing as good as we had. There were moments of brilliance of course, games to remember, iconic ones, but still. It was already falling, there were ovious issues, weaknesses, boring times, some alarming performances. I think that 2018-2019 UCL campaign symbolizes everything that had changed since that 2015 UCL ; we didn't have a team, we had one guy, surrounded by too unstable performances from players around. As football proves times and times again, you can have the current best player in the world, if he's alone, you'll never win shit. You'll win games, not competitions. That's the beauty of the sport, you need a team, or you'll go nowhere. Ultimately that "downfall" confirmed itself by more harsh and evident results, with the 2019-2022 period being rock bottom. Jesus Christ that period.
As for that Neymar stuff: it's so real complicated. And not as black/white as it appears. As a FCB supporter, when he left, I despised his guts for a bunch of years, genuinely. Many still do, just look at the comments under the rumors of his comeback; large portion of culers don't want him there, because we really saw it as a treason. A guy who left for money and some more fame. I guess you can say the fact that most culers still haven't swallowed that pill six years later is a testament to how much we loved him.
First, let me state that it's fucking tragic, for him as for the club. He left at his prime and, arguably, wasted it at PSG (tell anyone from 2015 that Neymar Jr doesn't have a single Ballon d'Or to his name and they'll rightfully laugh at your face) ; while Barca drowned as well, failing to find a proper replacement (FCB players were upset with the board at that failure), as you said. Had he stayed, as Pep said, and had the club managed itself better (but that in itself prompts the argument of: could they really? After all the decline started in 2014?) we could've won at least one, if not two UCLs. Honestly, now that we can take a few steps back and reflect, it seems none of the parties (except PSG, who propelled itself forward on the European scene) benefited from that move. But in truth, there can be a million reasons he left. We don't know if it was a personnal initiative or one of his family. We don't know how the Remontada and the aftermath really affected this decision. We don't know if he's the one that wanted to step out of « Messi's shadow » or if his father/agent pushed him to. We don't know if it's because Barcelona rendered public some elements of his contract, effectively breaking the trust his side had towards the club. This mess is a mix of money, ego, power, ambition, personnal relationships, psychological stuff in the brain of a 25 years old and his surroundings, Barcelona being Messi's club (whether you want it or not, it has been true since 2009. Barcelona and Messi were (still remain) synonymous, and that in itself paused a problem later on), PR/image manipulation/communication, and background stuff we'll probably never know of/or much later. The guy even pushed to comeback to Barcelona a mere year or two later. The whole Messi part is a theater play in of itself, between a starstruck kid who went on to play with his idol, who became friends and formed the most successfull Trident of the decade with him, who upon each occasion praises him and rambles about their friendship/love for each other, yet leaves. I mean, the guy reportedly told others he was leaving the club on Messi's wedding, without telling Leo - if that doesn't indicates you how fucked up/messy it was in his own head, Jesus. And yet the friendship Neymar had with other FCB players showed through the very summer he left, what with them posting a pic together following the legal actions of FCB against him. So yeah.
I think part of why he stayed at PSG after they retained him from going back to Barcelona is because he's, like every great player, a winner, he wants to get everything, he genuinely wants to give Paris what he came to do, but also cause, in the long run, he's trapped himself there. The more time passed the more it became that kind of need: he wanted/needed his move to mean something, he wanted that UCL so he could feel like he didn't waste so much time and talent and prime there. All in all, it's a bit tragic, I could ramble about it for hours but I'm gonna cut it short now cause that's not your ask lmfao.
Conclusion to the essay: Neymar's transfer to PSG didn't start anything, rather was the consequence and the accelerator of a decline that began years prior in the institution's background. Hope it helped bring some elements to the table, anon! ❤️
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First thoughts from just one watch under shitty circumstances with bad internet and worse sound:
I was very worried about this episode with how sacred the S5 DENNIS System episode is to us all. Didn't want a Thunder Gun 4 situation on our hands and thankfully they avoided it so hard! I think having the plot with Charlie, Frank, the mums, Uncle Jack and chess really helped out to make it feel more than a direct sequel.
SINNED -> DENNIS -> SINNED -> DENNIS — I'm so impressed with this. How did I, a wholeass Sunny fan, miss this for so long?! Three cheers to whoever came up with that inversion, really! Definitely something that happened in the writer's room and made everyone lose their shit for sure. I wonder who it was, could be Meg or another writer too, given how collaborative they all are!
And can I just say, Dennis the Restaurant Manager... oh how I love you so much! The Waitress is Getting Married is a personal favourite of mine and I wasn't expecting a bit of a redux of that whole situation.
I was so worried about all the "Mac getting a boyfriend and it being Ryan Reynolds" theories and I absolutely wanted none of that. Everyone had speculated it to death and it wouldn't have been fun anymore (not to mention I do not care for RR in my Sunny, I'm sure he's fine, but I don't need his and Rob's PR relationship filtering through into my dickandball show no I don't "find them cute" and I won't elaborate here anymore).
I know we'd guessed that Johnny could've been Dennis catfishing Mac, but it definitely felt like we were doing an Insane Fan Speculation more than anything — and for it to turn out to be correct! And in the best way, because we never could've seen the vibrating anal beads coming!! That's the best kind of "called it but it's still unpredictable".
It really broke my mind, this episode did. And don't even get me started on the Macdennis and queer Dennis of it all! As a longtime believer in Bisexual Dennis, I won so hard! All of us Queer Dennis Truthers won so fucking hard!
[Unpopular Take incoming] This is the first Sunny episode credited to Meg for writing that has felt so wholly "Classic Sunny" and super fuckin hilarious to me. I always appreciated her understanding of the characters and she's always a very solid writer, but this is the first time where I felt myself thinking ok, you she write RCG/Hornsby/Marder-Rosell/Chernins-level of an insane chaotic Sunny episode with multiple belly laughs and not just slightly Community-fied versions of the gang.
The closest her writing has felt like true Sunny to me before this was Dee Day, so I'm glad to see her grow and improve too, and I wonder if the podcast rewatch has helped in that regard! Must also help to have a classic S5 structure to play off in The D.E.N.N.I.S. System! (And ofc writing is collaborative, so well done to RCG and all the writers who pitched ideas and rewrites that ended up shaping this episode!)
I knew Heath Cullens directing meant a good chance of some interesting camerawork (and I've gotta say that even The Gang Inflates had some more dynamic shots than we've been getting in some of the later years and it's got to be the Cullens directing), but I wasn't expecting a whole visual callback to Being Frank! Loved it.
And the editing! The DENNIS System has always been great for cutaway gags and fun little inserts, so I loved seeing that carried out here with the cuts to Mac and Dee fucking up their dates and then finally pulling out the Magic Tissue of Mummy Issues (oh the potential for meta especially with the twins!). The pacing was so good!
Sunny pacing needs to feel like Mac crashing Dee's car into a wall while we are all Charlie watching it in real time and screaming when it's over.
Random strings of words because I'm too excited to be coherent:
Glenn's acting. His faces. His eyes. His range in this episode. Glacting. Juilliard. All the hits. All the big ones.
Mac and Dennis have canonically had sex in two different ways now, and yes, I'm including their sex tape/porn viewing sessions where they both masturbate together
Did Dennis pull out Mac's anal beads when he was asleep?
Vibrating fucking anal beads what the ACTUAL FUCK!
How many people did the gang drug again?
Danny DeVito with a vibrating asshole comedy acting 12/10 he's an international treasure for a reason
Dee stealing people's phones she's so stupid and bad at men. Never change Dee.
Uncle Jack though, pls change plz, I'm an IASIP loving degenerate so I laughed in horror at his creepiness ofc as I have since 1x7 but fucking hell man, can he be in his jail era already! Poor Charlie!
Hey, Charlie's got new America's just as we were promised on the pod
Oh I should make a post about everything we saw in this episode and that episode of the pod where they gave us all those hints, especially Meg talking about struggling with this cold open — added to the never-ending list of drafts and posts that will hopefully one day make it onto the blog yeah I'm lying to myself now
Parental issues everywhere this season, especially with the mums. Reynolds kids, I can't wait to lovingly put you under my microscope. Once I've rewatched this episode with good sound.
Also just in general, the SINNED system just says SO much about our babygirl's psychology, does it not? Why did so much of it sound like self-insert speeches, like he's been doing this to Mac or smt? Don't even talk to me about The Gang Chokes!
What does r/iasip have to say about— no, I'm in my happy place, I'm not even gonna go there.
Mrs Mac and Mrs Kelly watching TV together like that, they really are lesbian life partners.
Dennis blue shirt with top-stick between those buttons, my beloved. I am looking, respectfully.
And can we talk about the "opening the ketchup bottle" scene? We have to take about that scene! Dennis... he's ruining me... need to gnaw on him and suck on his fingers wait I'm browning out...
Sidenote: I love whenever the show references news stories which were super fucking big at a very specific time in a very specific niche, especially with my whole family being so chess-obsessed. The cheating scandals and anal bead… never thought I'd see a Sunny crossover but can't say I'm not loving the shit out of it!
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thetrolltolls · 10 months
i missed the marder & rosell podcast bc i was on vacation and completely forgot about it so i watched it last night and WAHHHH all of them talking about writing the early seasons of the show and not really knowing what they were doing and they didn't even know what an episode of it's always sunny was and how much fun they always have making it and hearing marder & rosell compare it to other writing rooms they've been in 🥺 (at the same time as aaron paul saying he had so much fun on set and now wants to do more comedy) and marder & rosell talking about how lucky they are that they come up with these outrageous concepts and they actually do make it to air. like when you look at early sunny and the other sitcoms that were on the air at the same time it is really insane to see what they got away with and IDK i'm rambling but i feel so lucky to be watching this show in real time idc what anyone says there is no show out there like sunny and i am just so happy to be part of a little community centered around the funniest tv show of all time
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rosellemoon · 22 days
Just felt an earthquake. Last year was a tornado.
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invited-anarchy · 11 months
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first two designs done yippee
height is not at all accurate given my style just changes for some reason when it comes to taller and shorter characters. it is what it is but i'll try and work on it
anyway!! jake and rebecca :]
decided i would start with those two given jake is obviously my favorite (if you're sam and knows my rambles, that is) & rebecca is also a character i have thoughts about a lot. next ones are probably going to be harry & roger?? no guarantees however
i'll probably also make designs for edward (unused phone guy, im fairly sure) & the rest of the phone guys that arent the main 6... 7??? i've lost count cackle (man this means my era of putting woodrow in horrific outfits because i have no clear design is ending)
[Part 1 - Jake & Rebecca - this post]
[Part 2 - Harry & Roger - unfinished]
anyway identity & some other headcanons are under the cut if anyones interested in them. they arent mandatory and are just fun extra bits i decided to add!!
Jake Wilson
he/they/it because projection!! (its literally just my main pronouns but the order is swapped around. sorry folks who expected something else.)
very much not completely straight at all, but i honestly havent figured something out here. maybe demiro pan, since my brain keeps picking that out of the pool of stuff in my thoughts (definitely polyam though??? shrug)
lesbian or at the very least wlw
i headcanon her full name to be rebecca myelove roselle :] (figured i might as well include it)
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superherokisser · 2 years
if anyone has any ms. emily x ms. afton fics pls share or i will hunt you down /j /nf
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elizaellwrites · 7 days
Character Voice Tag
Thanks @willtheweaver for tagging me!
My Prompt: I overslept!
Annamarie: Bolts upright in bed and wildly checks the time. "Oh god, I have to leave in five minutes!"
Jacob: Checks time. "Gotta go!"
Rachel: Earlier, she woke up to her alarm but dozed back off. It is now 10 minutes before she has to be at her bus stop. "SHIT!"
Ben: Rushes out of bed and throws on clothes. Doesn't even stop for breakfast and rushes out the door without a word.
Amber: Sees time. "Oh," she observes without inflection. "Oops, I'm late to another council meeting. Father will hate this!" Smiles.
Cameron: Doesn't happen. He automatically wakes up at 8:00 am without any exceptions because he's trained his body to have an amazing sleep schedule.
Ryan: "Ahhh! I'm gonna be late for my shift again!"
Elaine: Gets up and acts the exact same as she would if she woke up on time. No need to overreact and act stupid when she wakes up three hours before she has to do anything anyway.
Eleanor: "Oh no, I woke up fifteen minutes late. The morning is all wrong now, so it might as well just be thrown out the window because my schedule will be all thrown off if I even try so I won't even try."
Roselle: "I'm late- oh wait, it's Saturday. I'm going to go back to sleep then."
Prompt: Uh oh, you forgot to do something very important!
Tagging: @astras-rambles, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @worldstogetlostin, @somethingclevermahogony, and @sm-writes-chaos
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jimmys-brewcuppia-shit · 11 months
rambling about Chamomile Cookie bcs I want to lol
also tagging @paidexp, oc rambel tiem!!1!1!1!
she is also pretty good at playing the violin and guitar! before her sibling Roselle ran away from home, they used to play the piano. hmmmm a violinist and a piano being siblings, I wonder what this could be referencing-
she has a pet cat named Little Mister Purrfect! he’s pretty friendly towards others, but not towards Lemon Kombucha and Sour Choco because of their semiavian cambion origins. you probably know how cats are with birds lol
she’s allergic to tap water. no seriously, if she were to drink a single cup of it she’d probably collapse on the floor and pass out
she likes to wear both feminine-presenting and masculine-presenting outfits! i drew her in a tuxedo once :)
she smells like chamomile tea, which is kind of obvious!
she has a British accent (well, she’s made of tea so yea)
before Roselle ran away, they and Chamomile used to play a lot of 2010s flash games together. this includes the CR equivalent to club penguin
she’s pretty good with animals, especially cats!
she snores like this
also there will be some mentions of death here so uhhhhh,,,,
she’s a people-pleaser. this doesn’t really help her much,,
the coat on her back once belonged to her dad! she wears it often so she can remember him :’)
the same goes for her teaspoon staff, but it was actually passed down from generation to generation! it’s somehow still not rusty :D
she has been friends with Lemongrass since kindergarten, and Chocolate Meringue has been friends with her and Lemongrass since the 5th grade! they are very close with each other :)
she’s been dating Lemon Kombucha since they were 15 (which means they’ve been dating for 2 years), and they’re doing pretty well! she’s also pretty good friends with Sour Choco, and has taught him a lot of things.
wizard cookie is her cousin! they get along pretty well, but talking is kinda hard since Chamomile’s basically 5’8” in Cookie height and Wizard is a short motherfucker-
before he kicked the bucket, her dad Amber Mountain taught her a lot about tea magic! he’s gone now, but she’s been learning more from the books at the Arcane Bookstore in Brewcuppia (her hometown and the town she lives in).
speaking of Brewcuppia, her mom Rosehip is actually the mayor! though, it’s a really big city, so she unfortunately doesn’t have much time for her daughter. Chamomile does like spending time with her adoptive brother Cassava Werehound though!
she isn’t allowed outside the city. Rosehip’s kind of overprotective (since Amber Mountain is dead and Roselle is considered “missing”), so that’s why she can’t really leave :(
being made of chamomile tea, she is often relaxed (and might fall asleep at random intervals). though at other times, she is either the most awkward bitch you will ever meet or a very tired smart person
as the desc of her Spotify playlist says, she is autistic, and so is her girlfriend!
noelle holiday from Deltarune is actually one of the main basis for her character, both personality-wise and design-wise! she also takes some inspo from Twilight Sparkle lol
i have never drank chamomile tea once in my entire life
she has a LOT of similarities to the song “Sweet Hibiscus Tea” by Penelope Scott, but I actually listened to it after I made her and went “holy fucking shit this is CHAMOMILE’S SONG”
anyways yea!!
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