#rivetra fanfic
love4-bunny · 8 months
She acts like a woman should
Ao3 link
1 , 2 , 3
Chapter 3: Are you any different?
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If you recognize the song reference I love you.
Peeking out the window of the room they shared with other girls, Petra and Nifa were trying not to be seen by the other two girls.
"Oh, by the goddesses of the walls, they're kissing! "Nifa said, indicating the scene of two of her girl companions having a date in the backyard of the institution. "How envious; I want someone special too." Petra puts her hand over Nifa's mouth.
"Keep your voice down; do you want to get them in trouble with the governess?" She pulled her hand away slowly, and Nifa nodded her head. "I don't think we should be watching them like this. It's not fair to invade their privacy," she whispered, feeling guilty for being a part of it. The other girl nodded in agreement, and they all turned away from the window, deciding to give their friends some space.
They walked over to Petra's bed and both sat on it, facing each other. Petra looked down at her hands, which were resting on the bland gray dress, a uniform they all wore there. She took a deep breath and looked up at her friend, saying, "I feel like I'm stuck here forever."
The other girl put a comforting hand on Petra's shoulder and said, "We're in this together." Petra smiled weakly. They both knew that life in the institution was tough, but they also knew that they had each other to lean on.
Petra leaned her head on her friend's shoulder and closed her eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. They sat there in silence for a few moments. The Academy of Instruction for Young Ladies was a dreary place full of tutors with terrible tempers. Even though it was called an 'Institution', it wasn't a school per se; the girls here liked to call it an "Academy for crazy girls." It was a secluded place to 'correct' them. Petra had been sent there by her grandmother because she thought she was too wild and disobedient. But being with her friend made her feel like herself again, not the person the Academy wanted her to be.
"I'd like to get out of here," Petra said, looking up. "We've been here for two years, but it feels like an eternity. I know how to behave; it's always the same; I don't have to have it repeated to me over and over again," she grumbled.
Nifa responded. "I understand how you feel, but we have to be patient. We're almost done with our program, and then we can leave this place behind us forever." Despite her friend's reassurance, Petra couldn't help but feel trapped and desperate to finally leave. "Just a few more months, and when we turn 18, we won't be leaving this madhouse." Nifa reached over, taking Petra's hands.
That's when they felt screams from other girls, and some teachers were running around or trying to calm down all the ones who were scared. Nifa's grip tightened as they both looked around in confusion. Suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the halls, causing them to jump in fear. The emergency bells had been activated. The two jumped out of bed and walked quickly, following the inspectors, to the safety zone, which was the dining room. Once they arrived, they saw that all the other students had already gathered there. Some were crying, while others were trying to comfort them. Nifa and Petra sat down together.
Nifa felt her friend grab her arm tightly, and they hugged. Nifa squeezed her close to her heart to hear the soft beating. Not that Petra was particularly a scaredy-cat, but she knew her father lived very close to the first wall, and she couldn't imagine the anguish she must be feeling now. Nifa whispered words of encouragement to Petra, telling her that everything would be okay. As they waited for further instructions, the room fell silent, except for the occasional sniffle or sob. The tension was palpable, and Nifa couldn't help but wonder what would happen next.
Amidst murmurs and whimpers, they began to hear the younger girls sing along, with more people joining in. It was one of the first songs they taught you in school. The melody was simple, but the words were powerful, and it brought a sense of unity to the room.
Why do we build the wall?
We built the wall to keep us free.
That's why we built the wall.
We built the wall to keep us free.
 Wall Maria was attacked.
How does the wall keep us free?
The wall keeps out the enemy.
And we built the wall to keep us free.
That's why we built the wall.
We built the wall to keep us free.
Petra doesn't think of this as freedom.
At night, already in her comfortable bed, she realized her bad behavior towards the commander of the military police; if her grandmother found out how disrespectful she was, she would be disappointed and in trouble again.
A redhead's temperament...
She needs to apologize to the commander the next day and work on controlling her temper in the future, along with Levi, of course. She knew that her actions could have consequences beyond just disappointing her grandmother and that it was important to show respect to those in positions of authority. As she drifted off to sleep, she decided to approach the commander with humility and sincerity to make amends.
Petra and Levi were in the stable at the residence. Petra had always enjoyed riding since she was a child, so on the last day, she told Levi that she wanted to go out for a ride in a somewhat remote place. The one she used to entertain herself with her mare. It was a large meadow with lush grass and few trees, perfect for them. She is used to riding in a light dress without the bothersome petticoat. Levi agreed, and they set off early in the morning.
"All right, this is my dear mare, Noemi," Petra said, introducing her horse to Levi. "She's a bit of a handful sometimes, but I love her fiery spirit." Petra stroked her head as she handed her an apple. Levi let out a little smile, admiring the mare's glossy white coat and strong build. He had always been fond of horses and enjoyed riding them. Now Petra showed Levi the black horse he was going to ride today, bringing it to him on the leash. "And this precious one here is Hidelfonso." She stroked the horse, and this time it was Levi who gave him the apple. Hidelfonso made a happy sound. "I think he's perfect for you."
"He is," Levi said, letting the horse lick his hand, puzzling Petra because she didn't think such a neat man would allow himself to be licked by an animal. "A retired warhorse."
"He's seen a lot, but he's still gentle and obedient," Petra added, smiling at the horse. "I'm sure you two will get along just fine. Sadly, his golden years were over. I couldn't allow another to take him away." Petra's voice had melancholy overtones.
"I'm glad you were able to give him a good home," he said, patting the horse's neck. "He deserves it after all he's been through," his eyes softened as he looked at the horse. "I think we'll make a great team." The horse nuzzled his hand, and Levi felt an immediate sense of connection with the animal.
As they rode, Petra felt the familiar rush of excitement and freedom that always came with being on horseback. They reached the meadow just as the sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the landscape. It was a peaceful and serene moment.
"I apologize for yesterday's attitude; I didn't mean to be disrespectful and crude. It won't happen again; I believe the wine was to blame." Surprised by Petra's abrupt apology, Levi turned to face her.
"You certainly created quite a stir last night."
Petra grinned, apologetic. "I know I sometimes get a little defensive, but that is not an excuse. I'm telling you; it won't happen again."
"So, you weren't lying when you told me you came from the 'academy'?" he chuckled. "Alright then, apology accepted."
"I'm grateful,"
"There's no need to say that."
They continued on their journey, the tension between them dissipating with each passing moment. Petra felt relieved that Levi had accepted her apology. She realized that she needed to work on controlling her defensive reactions in the future.
Petra couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Levi. He was a skilled fighter and a natural leader, and she knew that she could learn a lot from him.
That was the reason why she had been the one to react abruptly; while she recognized that the man seemed rude, she knew what Levi had done and continues to do for humanity. But that didn't mean she liked it. Petra needed to separate her personal feelings from her duty as the future wife of Ackerman. She knew that his role as a public figure would require her to support her husband's career, even if she didn't agree with it. Petra also understood that being in a position of power meant making difficult choices and sacrifices for the greater good, but she hoped that one day war would no longer be necessary.
At that moment, as she rode beside Levi, admiring the beauty of the morning, she wanted to cry. Petra didn't want to marry this man, but if she refused... she closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears from falling. Petra's family's reputation and financial stability would be at risk. Despite her desires, Petra recognized the importance of fulfilling her duty to her family and society, even if it meant sacrificing her happiness. She didn't want to have children, at least not with the man by her side. The sense of freedom she had felt just a little while ago vanished. Petra felt trapped and suffocated, but she knew that this was the reality for many women in her society. She wondered if there would ever be a time when women could make their own choices without fear of judgment or consequence.
Levi noticed Petra's uneasiness and distress because he had Hidelfonso block Petra's path, causing her mare to stop. Levi was frowning in utter confusion, minutes before she was wearing a bright smile. "Is something wrong with you? You look like you've been chopping onions."
Petra forced a smile and shook her head, not wanting to burden Levi with her thoughts. She urged her mare forward, hoping to leave the conversation behind. She couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness.
However, Levi caught up with her and took the reins from her to finally stop her escape. She just looked at him with her eyes watery and puffy. "Don't take me for an idiot, woman," he said harshly. "Have the decency to stop lying to me."
Petra's lips were trembling, and she was ready to say something back to Levi, but tears came out of her eyes, and she covered her face with her hands.
"I'm so sorry; you must think I'm just a stupid, privileged little girl crying over nothing." She was still crying, unable to form coherent words.
"Oh Fuck," Levi said, taking off his cravat and passing it to Petra to wipe her face. "Shit, I didn't mean to—" he said, panicking, not knowing what to do or say. "Shit, Petra, stop crying." Then Petra cried even louder. "It's not that I think you're stupid," he said, his tone softening. "I just need you to be honest with me."
Petra took a deep breath and slowly composed herself before accepting Levi's cravat to wipe her face and blow her nose. Levi made a face at the loud sound; it caused him a bit of disgust. Petra wanted to give the cravat back to Levi, but Levi refused.
"No, it's okay. Keep it in case you need it later."
"Thank you," Petra said before blowing her nose again.
Levi waited patiently for Petra to calm down before continuing the conversation. Petra just told Levi that it was a women's issue and that she got emotional and very sensitive for no reason. The soft voice and fake sincerity convinced Levi not to ask more. He knew better than to pry into someone else's matters, especially when they didn't want to talk about them. Instead, he suggested that it would be better to go back so she could rest. She replied that he was right and that she was very tired. When they were riding back, Petra could feel Levi's gaze scanning her face, looking for something. She wondered if he could sense that there was more to her emotional outburst than just tiredness. But she decided to keep it to herself and let him think about what he wanted.
Petra was in front of the headquarters of the Reconnaissance Legion. It was the first time she saw it; it was not as imposing and luxurious as that of the military police in the capital, a place Petra was used to visiting. She sighed wearily and instructed her escort to wait for her outside in the carriage. She descended gracefully and demurely, walking quietly to the door and opening it to a simple reception desk with a secretary behind it. The woman had a card on the desk indicating her last name, a bouquet on the counter, and several books behind her. She had noticed that the woman in front of her was looking at her strangely, yet she gave her a smile and a welcome.
"Do you have an appointment with Commander Smith?" She asked as she reached for her appointment book. "May I have your name, please, miss?"
"I am Petra Ral, but I am not here for Commander Erwin; I am looking for—" she didn't know how to address him, "I am looking for my fiancé, Captain Levi Ackerman." The secretary opened her mouth in astonishment. Although she had been respectful and kind, she felt awkward in her presence and didn't know why; maybe it was because her only female friend was Nifa.
The receptionist's expression softened. "I see. Captain Ackerman is currently in a meeting, but I can give you his next free schedule if you'd like." She quickly flipped through her appointment book and jotted down the information on a slip of paper before handing it to Petra with a reassuring smile.
They both heard the door burst open and saw a smiling Hange walk in. Petra's discomfort immediately dissipated as she greeted Hange warmly.
"Look who we have here? It's Miss Ral," she said, approaching the two women. "Don't worry, Sarah, we finished the meeting earlier than expected."
"I'm glad to see you, Squad Leader Zoe," Petra said, feeling relieved to have someone else to talk to—someone she at least knew the name of. Hange's infectious energy made her feel at ease.
"Oh," Sarah said, pulling her blonde hair back into a low ponytail. "Then I guess it's okay for her to come in then."
Hange chuckled. "Of course, it is, Sarah; Petra will be Levi's cute wife." Sarah seemed slightly embarrassed.
"Sorry about that," she said. "I just didn't want to disturb your meeting."
"It's totally fine; see you later!" Sarah smiled and saw them leave the reception.
Hange put her hand on Petra's shoulder, directing her to where Levi was. Hange turned to Petra and said, "Don't worry about Sarah; she's just a little shy sometimes."
"She seems pretty nice." It wasn't a lie.
Petra was uneasy as she noticed the men's glares and whistles. She tried to ignore them and focus. The soldiers stopped talking when Hange yelled at them to resume their respective tasks, but they continued to silently scan her up and down. Hange felt Petra's discomfort and laid a comforting hand on her back.
"Don't pay attention to them," Hange said. "They're just immature boys, and the only women they see are the nurses." Petra took a deep breath to calm herself. She knew Hange was right, but it still didn't make her feel any better—the feeling of being objectified. She wished that she could just be seen as Petra, not just a woman in their work or Captain Levi's future wife. Petra straightened her back and met the boys' gazes with confidence, determined to show them that she was not just a pretty face.
"Excuse me, but that's disrespectful behavior toward a lady." Patra tried to sound unbothered. She hoped that her words would make them realize their mistake and treat her with the respect she deserved. However, as he continued to stare at her, the man she approached, who commented that she was the nastiest, started to laugh, disconcerting her.
"Look what the title of humanity's strongest soldier does; I want one of those too." Immediately another man arrived and slapped the back of the other man's head. Hange giggled at the scene, gaining the stare of Petra.
"She is Capitan Levi's woman, Gelgar, so stop being an asshole." He wrinkled his nose and cocked his head in the direction of the soldier named Gelgar. "Were you drinking again?" Once more, he slapped him.
"Eld, stop hitting me!"
Petra felt amused by the exchange between the two soldiers. As Gelgar rubbed the back of his head, Hange spoke up, "Come on guys, she will now think we are just a bunch of idiots."
After that, Eld turned to Patra and apologized for his friend's behavior. He revealed to her that he was Levi's second in command, which made Patra feel better that at least one person in the group was decent. Hange continued to chuckle at the exchange. She wondered if this was a common occurrence among soldiers. Eld reassured her that Gelgar was just a bit of a troublemaker, but that he had everything under control.
They both only had to walk for a few minutes and reached the 3rd floor, where the superior's rooms were located. Hange advised Petra not to be intimidated by those men and that if something seemed out of line, she should just hit them in the crotch. She had their full approval, and Petra let out a reserved laugh, hiding her mouth with her hand. She liked Hange's exuberant personality; she found them warm, and she felt comfortable being with them. Maybe she could ask for a new husband who was more like Hange. As they approached Levi's room, Hange said goodbye and told her good luck. Petra didn't need to announce her arrival because Levi opened the door, revealing him in his uniform. She hadn't, until recently, seen him in it. Hange had mentioned the intention to upgrade the gear and the military uniform on the day of the initial meeting, as well as the excitement to have the prototype when it could be funded... after Levi got married.
"I knew it was you," he said, his voice plain as usual. "It's been barely a week; what's the matter"
Petra blinked a couple of times, staring at him. She might wonder what she did to be paired with a man as sullen as he was. Levi's words were harsh, but Petra knew they didn't mean anything.
"Do I have to have a reason to visit my dear future husband"? Levi clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. "Won't you invite me inside?" she asked.
He opened the door to let her in. Petra stepped inside and looked around the small bedroom. Petra wasn't surprised at how pristine the place was. It was simple: a bed, a nightstand, and a closet. She saw that it had a small personal shower. Everything is naturally organized. Only having the bed to sit on, she went there. Petra also noticed that there were no decorations or personal touches in the room, making it feel sterile and uninviting. She wondered if Levi had purposely kept it that way or if he simply didn't care about adding any personal flair to his living space. It was neat, just like Levi's personality.
"Well?" She looked up, palmed her hand on the bed, and motioned for him to take a seat beside her. Levi hesitated for a moment before sitting down next to Petra. He looked at her, waiting for her to speak.
"You haven't answered my letter or any of my letters. Are you ignoring me?"
His eyebrows rose. "I was busy," he simply responded.
Petra narrowed her eyes. Then she remembered that she couldn't behave as she would with any other man. Her grandmother had told her that she had to keep Levi interested in her because they didn't want him to regret choosing her and look for another woman who could fill her shoes better than her. In anticipation of an unsatisfactory answer, Petra came prepared, with a few tricks up her sleeve. She took a deep breath and decided to use her charm to get what she wanted.
The change of attitude towards him had to be gradual, taking the time to observe his reactions and take the most convenient route. Levi had been interested in that fiery personality she unintentionally displayed the night of the dinner. Petra knew that she had to tap into that side of herself again, without going overboard.
She subtly leaned in toward Levi and lowered her voice. "Well, I hope you're not too busy for me now." She could see the hesitation in his eyes, but she didn't let it deter her. The tactic was to keep the man pleased enough to keep him by her side. Not so vulgar, but not so modest either; perhaps a bit more mature considering his age.
Levi chuckled and shook his head, his eyes meeting hers. Petra felt a flutter in her stomach at the way he looked at her, and she knew that she had succeeded in keeping him interested. She leaned in closer to him, ready to continue her plan. Petra had spent hours preparing for this moment by studying the art of seduction and practicing her flirting techniques. She knew that Levi was a smart man himself, and she was determined to make him think that she wanted him.
So, she tried to sound as sweet as possible.
However, I also understand that you are a busy man. I merely wanted to make sure that all was well between us. He wasn't completely convinced, as Petra could tell. She realized she needed to exert more effort to win him over. As Petra rubbed her hand against Levi's arm and felt the warmth of his skin through his clothing, her heart raced with fear. Although she could sense his reluctance, she was determined to tear down his defenses.
She leaned in and whispered in his ear, " "I am aware that someone like me is unusual for you. But Levi, I need your help because I don't think it's right that I'm the only one who wants this to make progress in some way."
"You don't need to act like you're in some way intrigued by me. I already made a choice, and I don't feel like or have time to make another one." He kept his gaze unwavering.
He is a liar.
Was the first thought that came to Petra. This man dared to think he was superior to all other men due to his inflated ego. Does he pretend she didn't notice how he reacted differently than all the times they interacted before? Does he think she's a foolish little girl? Petra felt a surge of anger rising within her. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw a vulnerability that contradicted his confident exterior. Perhaps there was more to him than she initially thought.
Petra sighed somewhat in exhaustion. "Levi Ackerman: You are too distant and uncooperative for my taste, so I give up. I genuinely have no idea, Levi; perhaps I should consult my grandmother and ask you to pick the following name on the list: I'm sick and tired of my attempts to get to know you and be friends being turned down." Petra kept looking at her feet. Levi didn't say anything and had a blank expression. Petra questioned whether he wanted to make this work or if he was content to push her away. She was compelled to feel both hurt and irritated by his actions.
"You know, even though I don't like this arrangement, I thought you were an attractive man." She motioned to leave, but Levi grabbed her arm suddenly and got up with her. Petra gasped. Levi's grip was firm but not aggressive.
He spoke timidly, "I do care about making this work. Just give me some time to get used to the situation."
Levi caught Petra's attention first, and then she focused on the area of her arm he was grabbing before turning back to face him. After mumbling an apology, Levi released her. Petra stepped back, unsure of how to feel about everything. Levi's words seemed genuine, but Petra felt discomfort from his sudden physical touch.
"I know that this is new for both of us, but please remember to not take my personal space as abruptly as just now." She kept her voice firm. His touch was simply harsh compared to her soft touch. For a brief period, they both stood still as they processed their feelings.
Petra was recognizing the pattern of his dynamic—the constant push and pull. If she was quiet and pleasing, it didn't work; if she was more vivacious and captivating, he was wary of her. But what exactly did she want from him? Yes, she wanted to get to know him, but she was also a little afraid of him. He exuded such an imposing aura that Petra felt smaller than usual. She knew that many men raised their hands against their women, or insulted them. She didn't think Levi would go that far with more than a few crude words, although the title he carried didn't help either. Petra decided to keep her guard up and observe Levi's behavior closely, just in case.
After all, she had no way to defend herself.
"Of course, I'm scared. Please put yourself in my position; I'm at quite a disadvantage compared to you." Petra now knew what was bothering her. In Levi's presence, she felt more helpless than usual. How could she not? She had every reason to be cautious of him; he was a former criminal, who could assure her he wouldn't be a widower after a week.
"Knock, knock. Is it safe to come in, or am I interrupting your privacy?"
Levi opened the door in annoyance, revealing himself to Eld. Levi sharply asked him what he needed because he was busy. Petra looked up at Levi's second in command, grateful for the interruption. Eld seemed to sense the tension in the room and asked if everything was okay.
"No, it's fine. What we can do for you?" She asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from Levi with Eld's help.
"You see, sir, the boys and I were thinking—"
"How unusual of you," Levi pinched his brow. "So, you want me to introduce you all to Petra? I'm also assuming that involves alcohol, but I don't think Petra wants to—"
"Yes, I do!" Petra composed herself. "I think It would be nice to get to know everyone on the team."
Levi looked back at Petra, thrown off by the fervent excitement. He had never seen her so eager; she seemed more on the quiet side.
"Alright, we can arrange something," Levi finally relented. "But let's keep it low-key and make sure everyone behaves themselves. We don't want any incidents like last time."
13 notes · View notes
capitainelevi · 1 year
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The mission was supposed to be simple enough. Squad Leader Erwin had warned her to avoid making contact with her target no matter what. Then how did Petra find herself sitting next to him in the middle of the crowded bar?
A Choice with No Regrets setting.
First chapter here 
21 notes · View notes
chaztalk · 2 years
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207 notes · View notes
levmada · 10 months
Congratulations Gee!
May I request Rivetra canonverse, existing relationship? Where Petra achieved a personal best in titan killing but got herself injured. She is trying to hurry her recovery but Levi isn't having it.
thank you sparky :3 i used a prompt i saw while tumblr a long while ago so i can’t find the exact wording but:
The usually feminine ‘weaker’ character to the usually masculine stronger character: “I just want to protect you!”
//canonverse, hurt/comfort, misunderstanding, minor injury | 1.4k
participate in my event here!
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He knew this would happen eventually.
No. If he really knew, then he would’ve put a stop to Petra sooner. She was already pushing herself too hard, but he thought that she was far too capable, too level-headed not to push beyond her means.
But no.
He’s not there when she falls—but he hears it happen. The sharp whine of the wire as it drops completely slack, indicative of a landing missed, and a meaty thump, a skittering of leaves down on the forest floor that makes his blood run cold.
Before anyone even knows for sure what has happened, he reaches Petra first, who’s crumpled on her knees, panting wildly. She’s drenched in sweat from midday summer sun, and the sweat has caused leaves to stick. Shes trying to stand, and failing, something wrong with her arm.
Levi feels himself toeing a line between confronting her and helping her up. Acting the part of a leader or her partner.
“I’m fine,” she grits out.
His temper flares. “Hey, idiot. What the hell was that?”
Her head shoots up, causing her to sit back on her knees. She didn’t even know it was him!
“Captain—I just slipped. I’ve gotten a new personal best!—So—really, I’m fine. I just need to walk this off.”
“Do a handstand, and maybe I’d believe you. You’re injured, Petra,” he states tonelessly. “If we were really out killing Titans, you’d be in a stomach by now.”
She bristles. “I was—”
“You were reckless, one. Two, your excuses are pathetic. Now, walk it off.” He motioned with his head. “Get to the san.”
But she wasn’t the only one. He sensed it as soon as he finished talking. Petra is way too strong to show it, but she was hurt in more ways than her injuries by his words.
They spewed from him without a search of a better way to express his worry, not enough time to look through his anger and see that he was actually confused and upset that she’d make such a mistake. The look of her oddly-bent arm. Maybe he’s seen too many broken bodies. Maybe because it’s Petra.
Training went on for the remainder of the day. Soldiers get a few scrapes, or have slip-ups weekly at least, but that’s unheard-of for Levi’s squad.
It’s not an injury to his ego. It’s Petra. She pushed herself too damn hard. Why?
Frustration and imaginings of what he should’ve said boiled inside him, and so he wasn’t done training before the sun was sinking below the horizon. He barely noticed until Nanaba appeared in the yard to wave him back.
“By the way, Petra left the san a bit ago. She shouldn’t be out of commission for more than a few days.”
A debrief shouldn’t have made him bristle so much. Maybe it was foolish to imagine he could tire himself out too much to think. He’s always thinking, always too much in his head.
A bit of relief met him though. Her arm wasn’t broken, it’s just that her shoulder was dislocated on top of a bit of heatstroke and minor bumps and bruises. Nothing some generic pain medication couldn’t solve.
Except it’s not solved.
He has a shower about it, clinical in-and-out like usual, and though it’s good to be clean, it’s hard to look at himself in the mirror. He runs a towel through his dripping hair as he wonders, yet again, what to do. Nothing isn’t the right approach for this, not taking into account the way she looked at him, like he tore down her whole world. Even if they weren’t together, she looks up to him.
All that’s left on the official docket is dinner in the mess hall. Part of him wants to skip it, but, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring Petra dinner as a peace offering on top of scones he had been saving for his squad after the nearing expedition. It’s an investment more than anything. He would sooner make himself sick than waste food, making it another goal to make it back alive for.
He wraps two for her in thin cling-wrap, and heads downstairs.
The problem now presents itself, conveniently enough, next to the big double doors that feed into the mess hall. A few soldiers file in and out—most are probably eating by now.
But evidently not Petra and Miche stood outside, talking. She’s not in uniform. Miche is unmistakable by height alone compared to her, and Levi would spot her by her hair in any crowd. By the way he’s gesturing, he’s giving gentle suggestions that are going in one ear and out the other.
He’s not too near when she raises her head and sees him. What is worse, feeling confused, or feeling resigned? Well, she looks like both.
Miche follows her gaze, and gives a wave. Levi is looking at her when he returns it, though. With a motion of his head, he turns back. The steady scrape of dirt behind lets him know she’s following.
When he gets up the steps and to the doors, he holds one open as she steps inside, much like a kicked puppy.
“Levi,” she acknowledges quietly. Her arm is pinned across her chest in a sling, impossible to hide, but it seems she’s making efforts to.
He sighs silently. “Come on.”
He gives her hair a fleeting pat as they approach the stairway. The walk is crammed in with tense silence.
He lets her into his office, where she idles awkwardly before he goes to the adjoining door as well, to his personal quarters. This is one of those times where he reminds himself to find time to take Petra up on her suggestions to decorate a little. All he uses them for is baking and sleeping, and only one of those things is very relevant.
He stops in the kitchen, and awkwardly holds up the scones.
She blinks. “Why?”
He pulls out a chair. “You know why.”
She deserves more than that. Don’t be so useless.
Apparently that’s asking too much, because everything he should and wants to say gets crossed in his mind, stuck in his dry throat.
I want to protect you. Those words should be simple. They aren’t.
Petra takes them from his hands gratefully, a little slower than necessary, testing what he’ll do? His fingers brush hers, and then they’re gone.
“Th-Thank you.”
She sits, placing them down on the table. Just when he’s putting the right reassurances together, her expression contorts to grimace.
She’s about to cry. She’s sitting there with her arm in a sling, banged up, and he’s making her cry.
“I know I messed up today. But… I succeeded, and you just… I just want to protect you!” she squeaks out, fighting fiercely not to sob. “Why. Why can’t I be g-good enough to?”
“Is… that what earlier was about?” He thinks he understands even less than before. “I don’t need to be. You don’t need to wear yourself out—you’re perfectly capable as you are.”
“I don’t care,” she says, glaring sharply at the floor. “Aren’t we a team…? Don’t we take care of each other?”
She’s not referring only to their squad when she says that.
At first, he thought she was naive. Maybe she is just a bit, but that’s far from what matters. She wants to look after him, and he… He’s been selfish.
He kneels down in front of her, taking her hand, placed upon her knee, and matches her soft gaze, made glassy by tears.
“Don’t cry, because you’re right.”
“Maybe it is pointless, but…”
“It’s not pointless,” he argues. “How do you give a shit about someone and not want to protect them?”
She relaxes a little, which allows him to do the same.
“You’re…” He stares at their intertwined fingers as he finds the words. “You do a fine job at doing the same. I am… proud about back there. But you can’t protect someone without protecting yourself. I don’t want to see you take a fall like that again with me as the reason.”
She nods, and then seems to realize something. “Wait, you are? Proud?”
“And it wouldn’t be a bad thing if you surpassed me, either.”
She laughs at that. “Yeah, right. But still… thank you.”
She puts her arms—arm, around him. He returns it with enough strength for the both of them.
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its-lulu-dee · 5 months
December 6th! Petra’s birthday! 🎂 🥳 🎉 I celebrate it with a new chapter to my fic, and a cute Petra by my side (Okay, it's Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen, but I like to pretend it's Petra).
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annawheel · 1 year
Levi and Petra deserve happiness. I intend to humbly do my best to provide that in a way that I find realistic. I call this "post canon compliant". Please enjoy❤
"The Girl From Paradis"
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captain-natey · 2 years
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Hey hey hey! ♥ Let's do our best!
chapter 1
Ko-fi Shop and Donations | Commission Info
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thena0315 · 6 months
A world where OG Levi Squad survived to see Season 4
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donaculkin · 2 years
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COMO ELE É NA CAMA? ... 💭 capa feita para Tecido, pedido pessoal
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ydrance · 1 year
fanfic/story writers I have a question
People that write fanfictions, or stories, I have a question : How do you do when you have let's say a concept, ideas or images of a concept, you know what you want to show, as an emotion about a character BUT you don't have ... like you don't know what to write, in words, as a story. you don't have a concrete idea of something to do, or what to say, just those abstract concepts, images.
but you are super inspired and really really want to write it but nothing really comes.
It's something that regularly happens and I don't know how to unlock it. I tried to force it and write anything that comes to mind, a bit like automatic writing but it doesn't work. I mean I manage to write things but it doesn't fit what I want to say.
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warm-starlight · 6 months
Just seen that bolo tie image and oh wow I'm honestly impressed by the shippers train of thought.
In my years in this fandom I've seen Levihan shippers , creating headcanons and analysis out of the canon source, and placing the "maybe canon proof" from the original source. ( Yet Levihan in a way is treated like a rare pair)
But for this ship ER and L, anything is canon proof for them and have to applaud their confidence. Outside of the promise scene and them proving the ackerbond is real, the arguments I've seen in them trying to prove it's canon, is from marketing arts or things the most ludicrous I've seen was "E and L shared a room because they put 2 wax statues of them in the same room." I truly seen someone say that Er*ri is their favourite ship but they prefer, hc and fanfics because they're not a fan of their in manga dynamic.
Post note: That anon who told you to not come back to the fandom if Levihan become canon should realise people can have different opinions. And take a break from the internet, damm
Wish you a great day and less crazy anons!!
Nah the most ludicrous is that they had seggs because of two books on a bed... This will never be beaten by anything 😂😂😂
And yeah, those anons need to touch some grass, look at some nice LH art and chill.
I am of the people who really does not care whether i am a part of a community. My blog is literally just me screaming my thoughts into the void. I contradicted myself 100s of times and probably forgot all about it.
People choose to read it. Some like it (i appreciate it) some don't (that's ok too). I never did anything for attention. Hell, my posts have like 10 likes or 0 likes....and i don't even care.
Mostly i creates this blog to talk to myself and share my thoughts that i can't share to anyone irl. That's it. 🤷‍♀️
If LH becomes canon i will, of course, accept it and consider their bond romantic just like if Eroori or Rivetra becomes canon. Doesn't mean i'll join those fandoms though. EM is a canon romantic ship. Guess what, i don't even like it, i much prefer Eremin, but if anyone will say EM is not canon, i will argue it, because it Is canon. And some other ships aren't. Which is totally ok.
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capitainelevi · 2 years
Canonverse in which Levi and Petra elope & live somewhere quiet together idk i just wanna see them madly in love and choose each other instead of humanity cuz they didn’t have those in canon🥺
Hello, I hope you enjoy it!! ❤️
Words: 926
Canonverse, in which Petra and Levi elope. 
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"I'm home." 
"Home" still felt like an odd word on his tongue. It was a pleasant change from the shithole he had shared with Kenny in the Underground what seemed like a lifetime ago. The thought of the grime covering the walls and the dirty mattress Kenny had called a bed made him shiver, and instead, he focused his sight on the yellow curtains Petra had recently sewn for their kitchen. 
Lately, life had been treating him... well. After years of constant fighting to survive, he struggled to comprehend the safety of a home. But Petra had changed his life completely. And while life by her side was quiet most of the time, ghosts from his past would haunt him and cause the restless nights he had not missed. He could not argue he had been happier since leaving the military life behind, but the guilt would eat at him as Levi thought of the people he had left behind, as well.  
As always, Petra's face lit up at the sight of her husband coming back home to her after a full day of work with a flower in hand. A small habit he had picked up after leaving Petra on her own for most of the day. While their military pension used to cover most of their expenses, as Petra's due date was getting closer, Levi picked up a job at a farm nearby. 
"The vase is on the dinner table," Petra said as she continued to stir in her pot of stew. She had never been a decent cook, but thankfully for her, Levi would even eat burnt food if he knew it came from her. If it was out of love for her or related to his upbringing, Petra did not know. Levi was the better cook of the two of them, but his job had kept him busy most of the time. Of course, he would always spoil her with her favourite dish as soon as he had the time for it. He loved having someone to dote upon.
Petra's hand immediately dropped to her bump as she pictured Levi with a small bundle in his arms. She could sense his nervousness as the due date approached, and the thoughts of impending fatherhood occupied his mind more often each day, but she had no doubts. Despite what people might have imagined, Levi was an extraordinary husband, and she was sure fatherhood would suit him as well. 
After putting the flower along with the others, Levi wrapped his arms around Petra's waist, resting his head on her shoulder. A smile came upon his lips as he inhaled the scent of lavender emanating from her skin. His favourite one she loved to wear for him. 
"I can't believe this is real," Levi whispered as he closed his eyes, as if he were in a dream he was frightened he would wake up from. He had shared Erwin's wish once, or what he thought it to be, but all he needed, for now, was to wake up with the love of his life in his arms. 
"If someone had told me years ago we would be here..." Petra stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence, as the grim reminder the people from their past had left them ahead of their time. Knowing what her silence meant, Levi wrapped his arms tighter around her form. 
"Do you think they blame us?" Petra often inquired. While the fight with the Female Titan had left her incapacitated, Levi had been their hope once. And while she had initially decided to refuse his question to elope, she could not find it in herself to do so as she saw what the pain of losing Erwin caused him. And she loved him, plain and simple. 
"I don't know," Levi answered honestly. He knew Hange had understood and signed his resignation papers without much trouble, but he could sense it was with a heavy heart as the dangers of the outside world made themselves known. He was aware humanity still needed him to fight, but he had no fight left in him. For now, at least. He had often thought of the possibility of being called to pick up arms again and how he would respond to it. 
He had not told Petra about it, but he did not need to. She knew him well enough to have his cape and ODM gear ready and packed for when it happened. Levi would always fight for a better world for her and their child to live in.
"I spoiled the mood," she remarked with a sad smile on her lips. But the people they had lost were always on their minds. She could only hope they would be happy for them. 
But before he could get a word out, Petra crashed his lips onto his, and he understood the message. Sometimes, being silent was the better answer. 
"I was going to make a shit joke to lighten up the mood." No shit jokes while we eat, he could hear Petra's warning echoing through his mind. She had accepted his unusual humour, but she had her limits. He deepened the kiss, but Petra pulled away from him. 
"I know," she responded smugly. Levi had always been an easy read for her. And because of it, she knew what he had in mind even before his hand trailed up her thigh. 
"That's for dessert," she replied with a smirk as she walked away from him, with the unspoken promise of continuing after dinner.   
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sleeperswakewriting · 2 years
Have you heard about the soulmate phantom touch AU? Its where the soulmates share the sensation of touch in their bodies. I discovered it recently and can't help but laugh when I imagine Levi getting horny and being like "she's going at it again??" 😂
my fanfic author confession is that sometimes I go through the soulmate AU list and imagine different rivetra scenarios 😂
Rating: M
Word Count: 800
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You’d think Levi would be used to it by now. Those little touches, caresses, sometimes hug if it were around dinner time and he was alone in his office. Even before he met Petra, the fact that she existed meant he was never touch starved. After his mother died, when he was on death’s door and crawled into the dark, cold corner with nothing but a threadbare nightgown to keep him warm, the small skirting along his arms and phantom kisses on his forehead kept him warm. 
He knew, even back then, that whoever his soulmate was, she was loved. 
Not all soulmates were romantic. Platonic wasn’t a strong enough word. Sometimes soulmates existed because the universe knew you needed each other. Pain didn’t exist in this soulmate algorithm, and Levi wished he had something to offer his soulmate in return. When Isabel and Farlan entered his world, he let the handshakes go on longer and the hugs from Isabel linger. He wondered if she could feel the gentle press of their bodies as they made it through their next night while it guided him into slumber. 
“Hello, sir. My name is Petra Ral and I’m honored to be selected as a member of your squad.” 
People called the soulmate connection a reckoning. Levi scoffed at that; the only reckoning he ever faced was getting the shit beat of him in the streets and seeing his friends murdered before his eyes. He didn’t expect a woman to turn his world upside down, much less someone he assumed he’d never cross paths with within a life that seemed set on killing him. But here it was, fair-skinned, ginger hair, and a smile that he’d be lucky to elicit. Time stopped as her palm pressed into his, their fingers like a fire receiving its first stoke, and all at once, Levi knew.
She felt it too. Though later, when he asked her about it, Petra would say it felt like everything was finally right in her 25 years of existence, and she was glad it was him. 
“I knew you were out there. I felt handshakes now and then. But the thing that struck me was how faint the other touches were. It wasn’t until I saw you on the battlefield that I finally understood. You always touch inches from death.” 
The first time she caressed his face, feeling the sensation on his cheek and the tingle in his hands, it was too much. As if in a trance, he just let her trace her like a cartographer making a map.
“You’re beautiful, you know,” she murmured, pressing her forehead to his heart, then pressed a palm over her own. “But we don’t have to be anything more than this. I know the position I put you in.” 
More than captain and subordinate? Or friends? Levi didn’t know what love was before her. He received glimpses from his mother, but it was feeling more and more distant as time went on. Soulmates were more than arbitrary pairings, he could listen to Petra talk for hours, hold her hand in the cold, and rest his head on her lap for eternity. 
When they were together, it was like a weighted comfort, but they never breached that wall of intimacy, treading into romance. If simple touches overwhelmed him, then he knew he would cry the moment they kissed. Petra wasn’t new to this, dabbling with boys when she was younger, a fact Levi remembered as a late teenager. It nearly tripped him the first time he felt it, a late summer afternoon after a theft job. Farlan made fun of him, asking what his soulmate was up to this time, and he guessed by the red look on Levi’s face. 
Farlan didn’t have a soulmate. Neither did Isabel. Did the goddesses know they didn’t have a lot of time left? Or did theirs meet the same fate before either of them knew? 
It was night, and Levi tapped his foot against the wood of the floor. Petra’s ministrations were growing; sexual touches were never spoken about between the two of them even though they knew it occurred. That was the special thing about soulmates, your secrets were theirs too. But something was different this time, with Petra taking her time, and he swore she was teasing him with how he felt his own need flaming. 
But like a whisper, with a nail scratching against his left forearm, the murmurations of his name began to form. 
L e v i 
She repeated the letters over and over again while the yearning grew in their centers. Faster, firmer, Levi squeezed his eyes shut, thinking of Petra touching him until—
It was gone. 
Already chasing her high, releasing her fingers, Levi stood up from his chair as he darted down the hallway, not even bothering to knock as he flung Petra’s door open. Flushed, sweat-slicked, with her mouth gaping open with her hand between her legs, he took her face between his hands. Grinning, Petra closed the gap between them, and Levi could feel the smile between her kiss. Like a thousand explosions, their souls sighed with each nerve igniting and reigniting.
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love4-bunny · 8 months
Sorry, I am kind of on hiatus now, but I have 7 chapters of my rivetra fanfic to randomly post 🤧
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its-lulu-dee · 3 months
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Over 50k words into my fic so far!! 🥳🥳🥳 Thanks to everyone who's reading, I'll be honored to hear your opinion!
You can read it here:
Sidenote: the fic is about rivetra, but I'm thinking about maybe adding some jeankasa later on. How would you feel about that? 🤔
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sparkywrites25 · 9 months
Your rivetra fanfics are great!
I like reading from Levi's POV
Awww thank you very much! I did rather enjoy writing from his POV though I'm less confident about it than Petra's. He's a great muse to write though.
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