#river’s tagging system
katasstrophy · 1 year
# —riv.talks! [-> non-fandom]
# —riv-blogs! [-> reblogs ; still laughing at my own pun btw]
# —ping! message from: (anon/user) [-> asks]
# —my dearest<3 (name) [-> moots]
# —(fandom)! [-> eg. —hq!]
# —(fandom).art! [-> eg. —bllk.art!]
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# —riv.favs! [-> fic recs]
# —(fandom).thoughts! [-> sfw ; eg. —bnha.thoughts!]
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# lame bf isagi <3 // # bachibabe <3 // # rin loml <3 // # sleepy gf nagi <3 // # loverboy reo <3 // # sae >:( // # shidou my hellcat <3 // # househubby barou <3 // # bastard kaiser </3 // # fboy aiku <3
HQ —
# king kags <3 // # ninja shoyo <3
# heart eyes shouto <3 // # bakuhoe >:) // # deku bbie
# sukuna my king ;) // # mega babes megumi <3
-> feel free to browse through any tags of interest / block ones you’re uninterested in !
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philcoulsonismyhero · 3 months
There's a lot of lines in Amongst Our Weapons that make me want to wave my arms around and yell incoherently about Peter and Nightingale and how far they've come and how much they mean to each other, but right now the one I want to yell about the most is this one from right at the end:
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Image text: 'The wider the base, the greater the stability of the building,' said Nightingale. 'You taught me that.'
Because, like. Peter wanted to be an architect. The thing he always wanted to do was to build things. And look what he's built! He hasn't just rebuilt the Folly as it was, he's built something modern and completely new out of its constituent parts and he's done it by caring about people and being interested in how things work and by what Beverly jokingly calls 'compulsive networking'.
And everything he's done for the Folly, he's done for Nightingale on a personal level too.
Nightingale was So isolated when Peter first met him. His police colleagues didn't want much to do with him, his social circle seemed to consist of Molly and Dr Walid and not much more, he was completely out of touch with the modern world. And to his credit, he was the one who decided to take on an apprentice, but that was pretty much all he was planning to do. Train up a replacement for himself in case he got killed, pass on the Forms and Wisdoms properly, keep the status quo going.
But he chose Peter, and suddenly he's got an apprentice who wants to study the science behind magic and modernise the Folly's record keeping and work out better ways to liaise with other police and fundamentally Make Changes. Nightingale ends up with all these connections through Peter, to Beverley and the other Thames girls, to Lesley, to Abigail, eventually to the rest of Peter's family, to other police like Guleed and Stephanopoulos and unfortunately for him Seawoll... He has people he can rely on, and who choose to rely on him, and not just for magic -I especially love how Peter's mum eventually starts using him to babysit Peter's dad, and the fact that he helps Abigail's family with her brother. He's not alone anymore, and he goes from just living to genuinely thriving.
And it's all down to Peter, and what the two of them have built together. In fact, they've built something so significant that in a few years Nightingale isn't going to be necessary anymore. He's been Britain's Last Official Wizard for seventy years, all the weight of that tradition resting on his shoulders alone, and in a handful of years Peter has helped him to build something that'll be able to take the weight instead if he wants it to. There are people who can help do everything he's been doing alone and more, so finally he can think about what he actually wants for himself. (And don't even get me started on his arc re: teaching and discovering that it's what he wants to do for the rest of his life, I Will start yelling even more.)
And it's Peter who's taught him to let other people take the weight. That you can build something stable and lasting if you're willing to share the load. The wider the base, the greater the stability of the building.
Not bad for a wannabe architect who can't draw, huh?
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agentx8d · 2 months
ONLY 1% OF GOAL. Gilan and his family need to evacuate Rafah NOW! Gilan has just begun his life with his family. His baby son was born just five months before the war began, barely having a chance to know anything but a constant risk of DEATH. With the threatened invasion of Rafah, Gilan and his family need help to evacuate NOW for their LIVES. PLEASE HELP ME SHARE THIS MESSAGE! Thank you!
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idlenight · 2 months
i dont talk much about anathema/river but know that they are canon in my heart during the sidestep days.
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
¿got a Ninjago dragons rising season link? pass it in the notes !
please my family is starving-
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Thinking of the one imp and skizz podcast ep with tango in the house where they described the life series as a bunch of tech kids with a bunch of theatre kids. Thinking of if Impulse was a tech (man) in the hermitcraft theatre troupe who keeps trying to get his friend skizz to audition except he keeps being away for work during audition timings until. Until.
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8lue8ird · 11 days
do YOU kin from vampire: the masquerade bloodlines?
are YOU looking for a place to talk about your kinning experience and meet other vtmb kins?
as of now, we have two, yes TWO whole members!
if this sounds enticing to you, click that link and join your fellow vtmb kins!
(server is 16+ , and systems are more than welcome to join)
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deercliff · 1 year
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Some expression/palette drawings I did from prompts on my non-art account. It was a lot of fun. I lined traditionally and colored digitally which tragically. Does look very good. All those people who do that are onto something. Unfortunately I enjoy coloring traditionally and am sorta meh on lining traditionally. Sad.
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Being a writer means sometimes you just gotta let yourself write the grimmest thing ever knowing it'll never see the light of day just to get it out of your system. And that's valid.
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akatusk · 2 years
*looks up real actual spelunking guides and stats because I'll lose it if the videogame fanfiction doesn't have accurate safety advisories*
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philcoulsonismyhero · 6 months
A thing I've been thinking about a lot as I've been obsessively re-listening to the Rivers of London books on a loop and putting colour coded bookmarks into my paperbacks (in short, being Extremely Autistic about the series) is just how interesting it would be to explore what it would be like to be an autistic wizard in that 'verse.
Like, take vestigia. It's a whole extra category of sensory impressions on top of everything else that you're picking up on, and you only get more sensitive to it the longer you train for. Peter wonders at one point if Nightingale isn't just straight up listening to the magic of the city in order to find out about cases, and even if he isn't doing that he's still got to be picking up on a Huge amount of sense impressions from the magic around him. Would an autistic practitioner be even more sensitive to vestigia? Just how much of a sensory overload trigger would it be, given that it's not a true smell/sound/whatever? Do really skilled practitioners like Nightingale ever get overloaded by just how much they can sense? Would an autistic wizard have to train themselves to shut out their sense of vestigia so they didn't get overwhelmed?
And then there's how you learn magic in the first place, which is a lot of repetition, doing the same thing over and over again until you produce an effect, and then continuing to repeat it until the effect becomes consistent. And you build spells by learning more and more formae, memorising them in the process. Which sounds to me like Such an autism-friendly way of learning to do anything, I fucking love repetition and memorising huge amounts of information.
Also, it's pointed out a bunch of times that Nightingale has almost scary levels of focus. In Broken Homes he spends ages watching CCTV footage, and then a full half hour just staring at the dog batteries at Skygarden. And it's pretty obvious that his level of obsessive focus is what's made him such a powerful wizard, since he's willing to put in the hours of practice, so autistic obsessiveness would be useful too.
(Sidenote, but I'm not sure if I actually think Nightingale is a character I'd read as autistic. He's definitely got a bunch of traits in the right direction, like the single-minded focus, the scary levels of concentration, the things he's very particular about and the way he can miss Peter's sarcasm sometimes, but in his case I think it's more just his personality and training and age, plus all the trauma. But I do think it would be a fun possibility/what-if to explore.)
And when it just comes down to it, I don't think I've ever encountered a magic system that appeals more to the specific way that my brain works than the RoL one, it seems like it would be So fun to learn. Even, tbh especially, the Latin and all the other studying that's also involved. So it does rather entertain me that I've gotten really autistic over a book series that has such an autism-friendly magic system, it feels Good and Correct.
Although. Ben Aaronovitch. My guy. Give me a list of all the formae and how they work, I am Begging you. I've never wanted an in-universe textbook tie-in book as much as I do for this series and Eventually I'm going to get my hands on the TTRPG book and obsess over every little detail of how they've interpreted the magic for that.
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agentx8d · 2 months
Mahmoud, his wife, and his one year old child are currently living in the refugee camps of Khan Younis. He has lost his home and his source of income: his three fitness centers he had spent years building up. Mahmoud cannot find proper food and care for his baby. Food is insanely expensive and diapers are costing $100. Mahmoud has just begun his life with his child. PLEASE, help me spread this message so that he can LIVE and see his child grow up, just as any good father wants! His family deserves to live safely and allow their dreams to grow just like any other! Please help me share this! THIS IS URGENT!
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vivian-violet · 2 months
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zorkaya-moved · 2 months
I might actually move my blog later this week oof. :')
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fischotterkunst · 10 months
ough i wanna get my sideblogs up and running again the draft piles are. Large.
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5sospenguinqueen · 9 days
Play Pretend | Charles Leclerc x Law Student! Reader
Summary: He's Lightning McQueen. You're Elle Woods. But, when Charles misses you, he makes it known that perhaps your career isn't as important as his wishes to start a family.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Baby fever? Miscommunication.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Pics found on Pinterest.
2024 but some events switched around 
I'm trying to make all of these different to each other so I'm sorry that this one was less baby fever and more baby mention.
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, francisca.cgomes and others 
YourUserName the cause of stress v. the support systems   tagged: charles_leclerc, YourBestFriend
User1 i love how all her captions ft her degree are legal themed 
User2 our favourite elle woods 
charles_leclerc ❤️💛
charles_leclerc mon ange, what are you doing in that second photo
→ YourUserName it’s probably best you don’t know, char
→ YourBestFriend cocktails were involved
→ charles_leclerc this is why i don’t like leaving her with you 
→ YourBestFriend cry me a river, vroom vroom boy 
User3 i love that max follows charles’ gf but not charles himself 
francisca.cgomes get that degree, girl! 
lilymhe i still think i would be a better support system than charles
→ YourUserName and i fully agree. let’s run away together
→ alex_albon whoa, whoa, whoa. get your own girlfriend
→ charles_leclerc she already has her own girlfriend! 
→ charles_leclerc wait, no
→ User4 the prettiest girlfriend
User5 i swear charles and y/n are the cutest f1 couple
→ User6 they always look so infatuated with each other 
→ User7 umm, how? she's literally never at races 
→ User8 because she’s off being successful in her own way, and charles supports that? plus, she’s always snapped in ferrari merch on race days whether she’s there or not
→ User9 omg yes! when a classmate took a pic of her leaving a final in bright red, and she was easily the most spottable person in that hall 
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc and others
charles_leclerc welcome home baby leo  tagged: YourUserName
User10 omg dad charles!! 
User11 charles in his dog dad era
User12 we’ve only had leo for a minute now but if anything happened to him, i would kill everyone here and then myself 
YourUserName my two favourite boys ❤️
→ User13 mom and dad!! 
User14 did you see in the background of one of the pics, they have his “birth certificate” framed and it says leo leclerc-y/l/n. he truly is their child
→ User15 omg they would make the best parents
→ User16 agreed! i can’t wait for them to have a baby. it would be too cute, i fear
roscoelovescoco can’t wait’s to see’s a new’s friend in’s the paddock’s 
→ User17 roscoe-leo play date when please
→ User18 not until 2025 😂
User19 but let’s all take a moment to appreciate how cool leo’s parents are. he has an f1 racer for a dad, and a fashionable law student for a mum
→ User20 haha his parents are lightning mcqueen and elle woods 
pierregasly thanks mate. now kika is going to want one
→ YourUserName and you should give her one. i need a mum friend 
User21 first they adopt ollie and now leo. who’s next
→ YourUserName oscar
→ User21 omg i love you! 
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User1 the interviewer was asking about future races and charles wasted no time in bringing up his girlfriend. he’s so down bad 
User2 the way his face lights up when he talks about her. he really does love her. 
User3 how cute. they’ve just gotten a puppy together, and he’s already thinking about all the future things he wants to do 
User4 oh Charles, honey, that’s not giving what you think it is 
User5 any other woman slightly uncomfortable with the way this was worded?
→ User6 lets all take a moment to remember that english isn’t his first language. he obviously meant well, and the love in his eyes shows that he’s excited about a life with y/n, it just wasn’t worded in the best way 
User7 the interviewer was so skeezy for that last comment though
→ User8 it’s the way charles' face changed when the interviewer said that. like he realised what he was saying came across the wrong way 
User9 i feel so bad for y/n. she’s always so supportive of charles' races, even when she’s not there, and charles is talking about how he can't wait for her to be done with her degree so she can follow him around the world 
→ User10 i don’t think he meant it that way. he looked horrified when the interviewer interpreted it that way but the interview ended before he could clarify further 
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User11 do we think mom and dad are fighting after his *slightly* misogynistic comments about making her a kept woman
→ User12 i really hope not but my heart says yes because he basically said he’ll turn her into a travel wife who only cares about his career but said nothing about her career that she’s working really hard on
User13 i’m hoping that she’s just mad at him and eventually they’ll talk this through
→ User14 praying. like it wasn’t a great thing to say but hopefully they argue, say a few harsh words and carry on being the most adorable couple in f1
User15 i didn’t realise how much i depended on y/n’s post race posts until i didn’t get one
→ User16 she always posts the most panty-dropping post race charles pics 
User17 i miss them already 
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User1 oh god, it’s official
User2 i am not feeling good
User3 brb just gonna go cry my eyes out for an hour 
User4 what do you mean mum and dad have broken up 
User5 literally half of her insta posts have disappeared because they were all charles 
→ User6 the only thing keeping me sane is that any post where he wasn’t the main focus but slightly in them have been kept 
User7 omg I just checked and it’s true!!!
User8 i know we didn’t get her in the paddock all the time but i’m going to miss seeing her ferrari themed fits 
User9 the nation of monaco is in mourning
User10 can someone check on ollie? see how he’s coping as a child of divorce 
liked by OllieBearman
User11 yes, yes. this is all very sad but now that i’m done crying, can we talk about what is going to happen with leo? is this going to be a shared custody agreement?
→ User12 how could i forget about leo. do you think they’ll see each other at child drop off or make arthur be the middle man?
User13 i can't believe they just got a puppy together and now they’re going to be co-parenting instead :( 
User14 i no longer believe in love
User15 maybe this is just a minor speed bump in the road to their everlasting happiness? (yes, i’m hoping that they’re simply taking a small break)
→ User16 may all your delulus come trululu
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lilymhe, arthur_leclerc and others 
YourUserName the verdict is unanimous… I’m stressing
YourBestFriend this barbies practices law
→ YourUserName and she wouldn’t be complete without her historian barbie
→ YourBestFriend not long left, babe. just a couple of exams and we’re qualified adults
→ YourUserName i don’t think we should ever be classed as qualified adults lol 
→ YourMum i still can't get over the fact that you two used to play pretend lawyers as little girls and now you're actually going to be one
lilymhe good luck, y/n. you’re gonna smash these! 
→ YourUserName if not, fancy running me over with your golf cart? 
francisca.cgomes good luck, beautiful girl. and if all else fails, at least you can boast that you know latin
→ YourUserName ut dulcis es, kiks. 
→ francisca.cgomes see, not a clue what you said. But i miss you trying to teach me. brunch soon? 
liked by YourUserName
arthur_leclerc good luck, y/n/n. try not to drink too much caffeine 
→ YourUserName i’m not that bad! 
→ arthur_leclerc you cannot lie to me. i have had to listen to you after three red bulls
→ landonorris betrayal! 
User1 she’s so real for that last slide tho. like miss y/l/n you are gorgeous and we’re glad you know it
YourClassmate how do you look so nice despite being in the library until 2am?
→ User2 dude, no. that line is not going to pull the stunning y/n y/l/n
→ User3 literally, the love of her life is charles leclerc and this guy thinks he’s going to win her over with a bad line 
User4 i’m jealous of how neat those notes are though. i don’t think i’ve ever written that neat 
User5 good luck. don’t let charles’ silly comments stop you from achieving your goals 
User6 guys, is anyone else missing the sweet comments charles would always leave 
→ User7 he would be agreeing with the last slide and telling her how beautiful and smart she is 
→ User8 how about we don’t remind her of her ex-boyfriend the day before her life-changing exams
User9 good luck, y/n. we’re all hoping you do well! 
carlossainz55 good luck🤞🏼
→ User10 not sainz being messy on main
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc there is nothing like racing in italy for ferrari. i wish we had a better result, but that was the maximum today. we’ll try again next week. 
User11 the maximum? babe, you were still on the podium. we’re all proud 
User12 eyes on monaco! charles leclerc, prince of ferrari 
User13 how does one man look THIS good 
User14 did you see his interview of him on his way out of the paddock? man was in a rush with poor leo tucked under his arm
→ User15 it’s y/n’s week with leo so charles was running out there because it was time to go see his favourite girl 
→ User16 he was not wasting a minute to see the love of his life 
User17 charles racing faster to go see his ex-girlfriend who he’s wildly obsessed with than he did all weekend 
→ User18 bestie you better pray he doesn’t see this 
→ User17 why? ‘cause he’ll have to fight the urge to like it 
→ User19 uh, he got a podium. i'd say he drove pretty fast
→ User17 omg guys this wasn’t a criticism on his driving, more of a comparison for how badly he wanted to see y/n
User20 i’m so happy that it’s y/n’s week with leo because we’re going to get the most adorable puppy pics on her story all week
→ User21 also it means that his parents will be conversing 
User22 i love that we’re all depending on leo to get f1’s favourite couple back together 
→ User23 a bad argument tore them apart but an adorable puppy will mend everything 
→ User24 literally, the more they see each other and the more they talk, the sooner they’ll realise they couldn't be with anyone but each other 
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Baby Fever Angst
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Lance's Version | Oscar’s Version
Oscar's version will come out next and then I promise, I'll release some of the Part 2s before making any more
(This wasn’t due out until tomorrow but I’ve released it earlier in honour of THE MONACO WIN BABY!!!!!!) 🥳🍾🥳🍾
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