#rika simping on main
ilikesaladforks · 1 month
most hinged rika fan
rika's design means a lot to me because her particular build is something you don't ever see (at least, i haven't so don't shoot me)
design stuff i love but it gets more unhinged as you go down the list
wearing a men's shirt (buttons on right instead of left)
wearing a very visibly loose men's shirt (loose enough that she rolls her sleeves up once before rolling it up again on top of that)
foot tapping habit (denoting irritation, which she also does in battle when you damage her babies. she's got a resting bitch face up but you are absolutely getting on her nerves!!!!)
that itty bitty little bit of shave at her parting
her legs are longer than her body and i want to highlight this so much that the paper tears from the amount of highlighter fluid being used because sure long legs are a pretty normal thing but rika's long legs are practically disproportionate like if you compare her with literally anyone, i fucking dare you, just put her in game model next to literally anyone her legs are actually longer than they (typically) should be for her height she has such a tiny fucking waist and the fact that the anime normalised her proportions (understandable. anime. just anime things. not the worst thing that could come out of anime concept art so i close an eye at this) makes me shed a single tear. she has no fucking torso she's so lanky her legs look like they trip over themselves on the regular and that's rika pokemon for you
the comically smooth curve that you can draw from her shoulder to her legs that gets straighter once you get to her waist down on her official art is a big chef's kiss i can't just compliment the chef i need to french kiss them
broad shoulders that get her unexpectedly occupying more horizontal space than she looks like she should mmmm MMMM mmMMmmM
boobless woman
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fumifooms · 2 years
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The Penny x Atticus agenda was furthered in the post game and I’m so happy. I’m making this rarepair from my own two hands screenshotting every second of interaction and smashing my keyboard if I have to! 
Until someone else finds a better name or something, I’ll call this ship SewnEevee shipping! Since Penny clearly has a fondness for eevee and wears that big plush backpack of hers, and one of Atticus’ main interest is sewing and clothes! You could make really cute headcanons with that too, hehe
Now, the whole “my greatest treasure” is a very obvious and intense profession of affection, but that’s with whole team Star, so. Why do I ship these two in particular? Easy, just look at the screenshots! Atticus has this formal and old-fashioned way of speaking and uses titles frequently, but lordship titles? If I’m not mistaken she’s the only person he uses lord and lady with, and it’s not a one time nickname either; he uses it for her thrice (the only times he adresses her while knowing her identity in the whole game) which suggests it is the way he’ll be referring to her from then on. Idk about you but it sounds very flattering and romantic to me, it’s not don or comrade or such else- she’s special in the way he adresses people. It’s not exactly a term for equals like comrade is, nor shows some hierarchy like calling her boss, it’s truly an honorific. And then, the first thing he says to her after discovering her identity is “you’re pretty m’lady”, like, everyone else is like, normal greetings or “wow it’s nice seeing you” (you can see the lines here) but him? He goes the extra mile to say her appearance/presence is pleasing or rejuvenating or whatever. It stood out so much in the moment I immediately started shipping them lol. Also “oh noble and kind big boss” to me sounds like an even larger amount of simping than the others’ way of talking about Cassiopeia too lol. On the other hand, you could say that Penny has an equal amount of affection and care for every team Star member, and that that affection is of the same nature for every one, but!! See the post game interaction there??! Indeed, brethren, thy eyes are not mistaken. She worries for him most!! You could say that’s not necessarily a good thing and you’d be right, but it does mean she has him on the brain and in a way she cares for him most/in a special way compared to the others. But ho, ho-ho oh no that is not all, for!!!!! She calls him handsome too!!!!!! She’s so shocked she jumps back and goes “no, focus!! He might get hurt stop looking at his pretty eyelashes!!”. Mate do you know how often they call characters pretty in Pokemon? Once in a red moon. In this game, it’s Rika, Tulip and then Atticus. Like, wow ok. They be crushing on each other highkey. I’m honestly shook at how high of a level they made it canon. Also! Penny gets three post custscenes with the other team star members, one is with Giacomo and Ortega, one with Mela and Eri, and the other one is with Atticus alone! Team Star has 5 members (Penny excluded) so of course they were going to need to cut it uneven, but still, Atticus is the one given more or less more importance here! Also!!! Atticus is the only one she doesn’t have a nickname for, she calls him by his full name!! Coincidence??! I think not! Omfg guys she breaks her nickname convention for him and he calls her his lady they’re so special to each other…
I just think they’d be good for each other, and cute together! Atticus obviously thinks highly of her and I can’t see why they wouldn’t get along swimmingly well when hanging out, especially if they share an interest like say plushies (and Penny could pirate animes for him for free and they could watch them together <3 because!! It’s mentioned that Penny likes binging them and Atticus is obvi into it, Naruto stan lol). They’re both introverted and are somewhat quiet, esp for Penny she’d enjoy his gentle and composed countenance more than the rowdier characters (which is canon esp if you look at the time they spent in Area Zero), and man. He’s so honest and direct and I think that she’d appreciate that a lot, seeming pretty blunt and no-nonsense herself. Also, he’s very capable of and confident about standing for himself and his friends, so I think once she realizes that more it’d ease her anxiety a bit. Atticus is just so gentlemanly and it’s highkey charming and idk she’s already a bit 😳 about him it wouldn’t take her much to full on pine imo. I wanna finish by saying: Some would call her judgy and mean for being worried for him bc he has an unconventional demeanor (and appearance) but I wanna reiterate that this is out of care and trauma from having been bullied herself: it’s being realistic, and she’s otherwise never shown any reluctance or dislike of his interests in the least so, there ain’t an argument to make here imo. Plus it literally got addressed and she set out to better herself on it, so.
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kafkaoftherubble · 4 months
做工前肯定要讲几句有关249的事: 憂太的 领域展开
// I Must Talk About c249 Before I Work: On Yuta's Domain Expansion
This post contains spoilers for Chapter 249 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
If I don't dump it here, these thoughts will distract me later! I'm already very distracted lately! Too distracted for my own good! Ahhhhh!
First off, I was eating so good. Yuta fans, simps, appreciators, and Rika (good taste, y'all)—rejoice, for this chapter is basically 95% Yuta! That's right; the next 5% was Yuta's Eyebags!
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Look at this! He's so cute! So handsome!
Oh, I have to learn to exorcise spirits now. Then I can kick that fake Rika away and become his Rika!
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Also, some people are somehow even more handsome just by being shown slow breathing. Is it just me who thinks that? Or is this what "rizz" truly means? I mean, look at that slight frown! Look at those eyebags! Look at him breathing!
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... I'm sorry. I'm usually not one to write something with such trifling, substanceless content.
It's just... Yuta, man.
Anyway, the main point. Please, look at Yuta's
Domain Expansion
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Shit is so magnificent. The many swords are obviously the first thing one would notice (and all that joke about Unlimited Blade Works and that Bleach... thing), but it's the abundance of crosses and the knots behind them that attracted my attention.
I'll get the easy out of the way first.
The Crosses
I would suspect these are meant to be "gravestones." Not too hard to think of "till death do us part," right? Though, to be fair, death didn't do Yuta and Rika part. In fact, it strengthened Yuta's split-moment craving for Rika and cursed her—in true dukkha fashion—into something quite macabre.
If one's Domain is the extension of their mental-scape, then it makes sense that Yuta's would incorporate gravestones, since his genesis as a cursed energy user effectively began on the day Rika died.
The Knots
Now this is the part that attracted the most of my attention!
Japanese knot-tying traditions are largely influenced by Chinese knotting (中国结) [1]. The word for knots in Chinese, 结, means "to bind," which then comes to represent all kinds of "union." Marriage, for example, is 结婚 (hanzi) /結婚 (kanji) [2][3]. Given Yuta's "love" motif, you can already see why the knots are part of his Domain.
There are plenty of meanings for the word 结, inter alia, it's a pun on 吉 (blessed) [2][3]. The fact that these knots are intertwined also comes to represent "interdependence," "connection," and "bonds." [2]
It's a bit of a stretch, admittedly, but I suppose one could probably draw this to that time Yuta described himself as "blessed." He is blessed because he was loved—he is enriched by connections and bonds with other people.
What is the knot type in Yuta's domain, then?
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There are two candidates I could find.
I always rank each possibility from the highest confidence level to the lowest, so here goes. Note that I'm using the Chinese name (I would love it if someone added a more Japanese-focused viewpoint in this post on a reblog. I'm much more familiar with Chinese and cannot read Japanese, so...):
(1) 双钱结, The Double Coin Knot, 淡路結び [1]
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It's shaped like two copper coins that are intertwined, hence its blessing is largely related to fortune and money [2][4].
However, the pronunciation of 钱 ("money") is similar to 全, "whole." Meanwhile, there is a pair of coins in this knot. This gives 双钱 an alternative reading—双全, "a pair that makes the whole." It also means 好事成双, "good things come in pairs." [4][5]
Yuta, as a jujutsu sorcerer, is more of a pair than an individual—he fights with Rika and is connected to her. These two together make a whole. A force of good that comes in a pair.
Due to sturdy enough sources corroborating the meaning of this knot, the similarity in appearance to Yuta's Knot, as well as the very fitting "pair + whole" symbolism, I have a higher confidence in this knot being the one in Yuta's Domain.
(2) 八字结, The “Figure 8” Knot
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It's a pretty dime-a-dozen knot where the number 8 is formed. It has pragmatic purposes (eg. rock climbing), but here, because these two loops are intertwined, it apparently means "honest love" and "unchanging friendship." [6]
I rank this knot as lower in confidence level. It does at least pertain to the motif of love, according to one source, but it doesn't resemble Yuta's knot quite as well as the Double Coin Knot.
A bit of a caveat, in the spirit of intellectual honesty and rigor: The meaning of this knot has been found in only one source (see Citation #6), and it doesn't actually pass my internal rigor test. I've tried to search for corroboration from Chinese sources, but no dice. The only site in Chinese that corroborates the meaning of "eternal love" has busted web certificates and links.
The Name of Yuta's Domain Expansion
The translated name by OP Scan is terrible. It certainly pays homage to Yuta's fame (infamy?) as "The War God of Pure Love," but the actual kanji is 真贋相愛。
真 - Truth or real
贋 - False or fake
相愛 - mutual love, or reciprocal love, or "in love."
真贋 literally means "truth and false. Together it usually means "veracity." Here though? I'd interpret it as "The (Mutual) Love Between The Real and The False."
Isn't this shit metal as fuck? I mean, it's also fucking poetry. Truly the kind of magnificence only one with premium quality eyebags could provide!
It's worth nothing that 真贋 itself makes a contrasting pair, which again, links back to the Double Coin Knot's meaning.
I'm sure yall can make your own interpretation of what 真贋相愛 could symbolize vis-a-vis Yuta and Rika. Let's go, people!
Tangents to My Research - Side Dish
Knots have come to be a very important symbol of relationships, especially love, since the Tang and Song Dynasty [1]. To draw to the Japanese side of the practice, Chinese knotting practice reaches Japan during the Tang Dynasty as well [1]. It's not too surprising that this love connotation could also have been passed to Japan.
The entangling property of knots also comes to mind the term "连理(枝)", which means "interlocking (tree branches)." Here are two poems referring to the word:
(1) 同心结缕带,连理织成衣. —By Luo Binwang (骆宾王)
We tie this ribbon into a concentric knot, and we turn our interlocking branches (of love)into our clothes. Translation mine.
(2) 在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝 —By Bai Juyi (白居易)
In heaven, I want to become a Biyi Bird (with you). On earth, I want to be (a mesh of) interlocking branches (with you). Translation mine.
The Biyi Bird is a mythological bird recorded in the purely fantastical geographical treatise, The Classics of the Mountain and Seas (《山海经》). The bird is born with only one eye and one wing on one side. To fly, it needs a partner with the other eye and wing of the other side—and the two will fly together as a complement. [7]
It's very lovey-dovey and romantic and shit.
...Damn, Yuta is really all about love and connection, isn't he?
Wow, I didn't work on my actual job at all. Because I deadass spend hours just on this. Seriously?
But then again, there has been a precedence to me breaking my lackadaisical attitude toward writing JJK-related things—and that is when it concerns my favorite character. You don't need to click on the link to know who that other one is; it was Gojo Satoru.
Yuta, bless his rizz, deserves all of my time. If he dies (NO FUCKING WAY, GEGE!!!), then at least I have made something of worth about him.
Thank you for reading my ramble!
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"Chinese knotting" from Wikipedia
"中国结的历史来历和寓意" ("The history and meaning of the Chinese knotting") from 妍妍旅行记 on Sohu.com (in Chinese)
"Chinese Knots, Winding the Best Wishes with Cords" by Beijing Tourism
"双钱结寓意和象征,双钱结编法" ("The meaning and symbolism of the Double Coin Knot; How to Make a Double Coin Knot") on 结艺网 www.zhongguojie.org (in Chinese)
双色绳的编法有哪些?("Whast are the ways to make knots using two different colors?") on Zhihu (in Chinese)
"19 Popular Types of Chinese Knots and Their Meanings" on AnyofChina
"比翼鸟" from Wikipedia (in Chinese; English page not created)
There are also other links embedded in the ramble; these are references for that one specific instance and so do not warrant their inclusion under this section.
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space-diablo · 1 year
Right back at you with the TS main 5 + Senya, and I'm adding Shika ;)
one aspect about them i love Yuri - She is a great friend. Everyone needs such a friend as Yuri. Nise - That's very personal. But she actually shows typical borderliner behavior and that hits me right in the heart❤ Kuon - She's the Goddess. Her duality actually. So lovely cute and tender girl who is very likely the most coldhearted and cruel person among all the participants❤ Sniper - His entire personality❤ I can elaborate but it's not the time, so in a short... He is so cool and reliable... and at the same time pathetic mess and a Loser. Yes with capital "L". In other words I love that same thing ppl usually hate him for. Rika - That thing... how he hates Sniper and at the same time looks at him like at some kind of an Idol and even forget sometimes that his brother also a living human. Yes, seriously, I do love it. Senya - Little cutie doesn't understand how traumatized he is. Shika - The fact that Shintarou was right. She resembles Kuon. In some ways x)))
one aspect i wish more people understood about them Yuri - She is the most attentive person among all the characters. Nise - She is 16yo old already traumatized by REAL WORLD girl who used to adapt to any situations to survive. Kuon - When she used the railgun for the first time... She didn't forget to think about other ppl who could be in that building. She DID NOT CARE about them in a first place. Like you know she doesn't give a fuck and have no idea why should she. *the list continues* Sniper - I just want to ask ppl to stop throw away that parts of his personality that don't fit their vision of him. Like most of the simps see him just as a kind of sexy-shmexy doll and haters only point at his mistakes. Non of them thinks about his character, non of them sees his traumas and suffering because of his own mistakes, non of them ever tried to understand his actions. The fandom's most popular character? Yes. But also the most misinterpreted one. He deserves better. Rika - He deserves more attention. That is all I can say 'cause... You know, I've never seen any bad word about him. Nor the good one actually. Ppl literally forget about him, some even skip his parts while rereading (yep, I know a few). Senya - That's normal!!!!! I don't want to elaborate. Just this phrase. Shika - That would be nice.. if ppl start talk about her first, so I could tell them that they are wrong 😏😏😏
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character Yuri - can't cook well, but sews really good. Nise - She gives names to stuffed toys... as well as her knives. Kuon - She doesn't want to return home. I can elaborate about that, but not now - to much to say. Sniper - I can't choose so. Vegetarian (but not vegan), gloves are not just part of the image, also he spends all of his free money to support animal shelters. And will be afraid of the grenades for the rest of his life. Rika - He keeps a secret diary. Don't ask. Senya - everyone already knows my fav headcanon that he will choose astrophysics in the future instead of becoming an astronaut. Shika - I'm shamed but I don't have any headcanons for her. Maybe if I would reread TSA more often something could born... But we know the problem with TSA rereadings for me =')))
one character i love seeing them interact with Yuri - surprisingly - with Rika. Nise - with Sniper. Yeah, best BroTP I've ever seen (after Shin and Noi from Dororhedoro), Dumb & Dumber. Kuon - what do you expect here? Sniper. I'm damn shipper XDDD But well besides him - Yuri. Sniper - besides Kuon... I can't choose between Nise and Rika. Rika - with Sniper... As you can see I'm not immune to any siblings interactions. Senya - with Sniper that's obvious. Shika - haaaard one. Don't know really. Need to reread.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more Yuri - with Sniper about non-surviving themes. Nise - with Kuon... as helping her to catch a man. Kuon - with alien-kun is you understand me they have what to talk about 😏😏😏 Sniper - it will never happen but I'd really like to see him dealing with The Third Stage. Obviously they would hate each other and this would be really FUNNY. Rika - I need more siblings interactions! Guess yourself about which sibling of him I'm talking about XDDDD Senya - with anyone else from TS main crew besides Sniper. Shika - also anyone from TS main crew.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character I will combine some characters here. Sorry not sorry. Main5 - Yuri and Sniper is a deadly combination of idiots and the worst Rika's fear is that these two could get along. But they never really will... for various reasons. So Yuri can't get why Rika becomes so anxious about her and Sniper interactions. Nise sees Rika as a rival 'cause he takes a lot of attention (too much attention in Nise's eyes!!!) of her favorite person a.k.a Yuri. Every time Sniper needs to use bathroom or take a shower he's struggling with asking Kuon to go "for a little walk". Also Kuon can manage his dreams a bit. Senya - also I mentioned that.. long ago. He would overgrow his attraction to Oribe, like yes first love, but there's a lot of more interesting things in the world. Shika - As I said nothing here =(
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
Rika! ❤️
(no on phone so no picture, will edit later
warning, im not in the best mood so i may say salty bs)
send me a character and i’ll list: Rika mf Honjo!
favorite thing about them My baby murderous boy who seems to have the local braincell always with him. He is smart, strong and clever. He knows how to play strategies well. He is already cool, doesn't need to imitate his brother. Also what a nerd
least favorite thing about them (Warning, salt) Stop being so damn salty about THAT bs it wasn't his damn fault he was MF SIX AND WAS THE ADULTS FAULT FOR FUCKS SAKE! maybe if you were together you both would end up dead but then again is it better to be dead or fucked up in the head-
favorite line "Go and Die you fucking bastard."
brOTP His siblings.
OTP Yamarika, Yamajuoka and Juoka are paired. YoshiRika is cute.
nOTP with his siblings- and Nise, and kuon--
random headcanon This mf is bi as fuck. look at him. Knows french and english, but better at french. He learnt english by playing videogames first. He got the soft baby face from his mother.
unpopular opinion (SALT) The anime did him very dirty I will forever be salty for that. People even forget him on the fan merch, do you know how annoying that shit is? can you at least read the mf manga and see how relevant this mf is? no, because you are all simping for a fucking pixel ass--
song i associate with them: This means war from Nickleback but then again i just see violent songs for the anime in general an the main five.
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intomybubble · 5 months
I’m watching this LP of Higurashi and jfc this guy keeps complaining about the MC and various other characters and describing, with too much detail, on how he’d want to have them killed or harmed. Then complains about a character simping for another character (his girlfriend??) but then I have to spend hours listening to him constantly simping over Mion.
When we get to character’s getting into lore and shit, he complains about them leading the MC into the bad things that later in the chapter and getting in his way of hanging out with Mion. BRO THIS IS A HORROR GAME NOT A DATING SIM. The bad is going to happen anyway jfc stop being a bitch (the person explaining just felt like a hobby anthropologist or a historian and the guy I’m watching is calling her a creep psycho. Yeah sure but shut up oh my god)
Like bro you cant explain that away by saying “oh you need a certain sense of humor to get it”. You’re coming off as an ass with everything. I hope your waifu dies in a graphic way you’re forced to read aloud jfc.
I’m just hoping this chapter will be over so Mion will be of less focus. Like idk bc I’m not a guy but I literally do not care too much about the main girls. Like I prefer the nurse, photographer and the officer a bit more currently. I read a few spoilers about them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe it’s more that I’m less invested in the characters and more interested in the narrative (like oooh whats gonna happen next vs idk)
Of the girls I currently don’t care for Mion bc if the dude I’m watching. I’m not a huge fan of Satoko bc of her pranks. I’m fine about Rika, and I’m not fond of Rena’s “kyute” and “hao” sounds but she’s nice.
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lambinthelionsden · 3 years
I'm a horrible person that simps for female villains who've done the worse things
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sprayio · 3 years
When the Mystic Messenger gang play Genshin Impact…
Characters: Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, 707, Unknown, V, Rika
Warnings: SFW. No explicit spoilers for either Genshin Impact OR Mystic Messenger. All Mysmes characters are written in a Casual Story setting. No Deep Story/ Another Story characterisations, other than some references In V/Rika’s HCs!
Genre: Bulleted Headcanons.
Immediate Kaeya main. He sees him in the prologue, simps for him, fights with him, dies with him. 
He doesn’t even play the game properly. He only plays for Kaeya.
Loads it up in the morning going “Hey handsome.” Certified Kaeya Kinnie.
Bonus: His fans were the ones who pestered him into playing, so a week later when he posts a Kaeya cosplay on twitter? Everyone goes WILD.
Horrible Gacha luck but he’s addicted. What can I say? In terms of money…there is no money. Officially broke, slave to wishing </3. Respectable following on twitch, but gets so much SHIT from his viewers bc he is so funny to tease LOL.
“Guys stop!! I’m not gonna get c4- Keqing stop saying her name in chat!!! I need Kazuha!!”
Has like half of the 5 stars available bc he keeps losing 50/50s LOL. Certified anemo simp. Razor main forever!! Also likes Bennett. A lot </3. definitely a bennett kinnie.
But when Kazuha came out? Oh my god. He was in LOVE. Here’s a character he truly kins. Just loves Kazuha’s chill energy. (crying wishes Kazuha was real because he wants to be his best friend)
Goldfish, casual spender. Her main source of stress relief after a long day of work. She puts on a Zen musical and vibes as she casually 36 stars abyss with her level 90 Ganyu and Jean.
Anonymous in Yoosung’s streams but out of responsibility she comes on to give him a few tips on building characters and stuff. Unspoken legend in Superman Yoosung’s streams- so good at making team comps that work.
Doesn’t play too much- maybe like 1 hour a day and sometimes skips dailies because of work T_T.
Favourite characters are Jean Ganyu and Chongyun! She admires how hard working they are, and seeing them in her party never fails to brighten her day </3.
Crying is he even playing the same game as the rest of us? This isn’t even Genshin anymore straight up- this is the sims.
His AR 25 account is so confusing because somehow he barely did any of the main storyline quests, but here he is in Inazuma casually collecting wood for new furnishings??
100% Zhongli main. Whaled for his c6 but doesn’t know what it does. All he knows is that rock from sky go boom boom and destroy enemies.
Eula and Ningguang appreciator! Uses them to lecture Yoosung and how they rose to power despite their backgrounds.
But at the end of the day, he’s only here for the teapot. And say what you will but…that shit AESTHETIC.
Basically Tony to. Uploads random videos of his solo amber and solo barbara 36 starring Abyss.
Yoosung shit talks him on stream because of how lucky seven is with his pulls, but still only uses amber and Barbara.
Has all the achievements, maxxed EVERYTHING.
Probably a bit soft for Childe though. Projects onto him a lot. Cried in the Teucer quest. Wants Childe to be happy so gets a Zhongli for him (even though he doesn’t use Zhongli). Builds a house for them <3.
Though his main DPS’s are Barb and Amber, his go to supports are Xingqiu and Childe (gets hate comments for using Childe as a support LOL).
Absolutely adores Xingqiu for being a prim and proper young man on the outside, but an absolute MENACE on the inside. Enjoys the Xingyun dynamic he and Jaehee share </3
Manical screaming. Meta player. 5 million damage Hu Tao. Hates 4 star DPS’s with a burning passion (especially Amber ♡).
Angry keyboard sounds. Sticks to conventional teams and artifacts. Maybe a streamer using voice distorter/vtuber model LOL. Rants about new players playing the game wrong by crafting Whiteblind for Razor.
Angry Xiao main. Has him c6 with an r5 primod spear. Maxxed talents. SPAMS the poor guy’s burst for every little thing. Small hillichurl? Well it’s time for evIL coNquERiNg.
Scary villain laughter as he plunges through Teyvat one shotting everything. Doesn’t believe in healers bc they’re ‘for the weak’ so he dies a lot. But never shows it on camera.
But then there Albedo was. In the first 10 pull. And V has never felt such a strong connection to a fictional character ever before.
Started because Seven forcefully installed it on his phone during the Albedo banner in december. Clicked wish randomly and was like “oh boy what does this do” blind hours.
Very nice character owner🥺. Reads all the lore, plays every single character he attains because he doesn’t want them to 'be lonely’. However, Albedo never leaves his number one spot. And then klee in number two because V will do ANYTHING to ensure Albedo’s happiness. But he’ll laugh shyly if anyone asks him about it.
Visits dragonspine and just leaves Albedo AFK in his lab to enjoy the music. Smiles when Albedo sketches during his idle, prompts him to get out a sketch book as well.
Collects flowers, lets anyone into his world. Super wholesome🥺.
Has never felt more at home in Inazuma. Mondstad was overly cheerful and stifling to her; Liyue overly pragmatic.
Empathises with every Liyue NPC. Loves to enjoy the music and walk around, trying to help anyone and everyone.
Feels a very close connection to Baal</3. Preparing to roll for her. Currently an Ayaka main (appreciates Ayaka very much. Was a little teary when she learned that her parents died).
One side of her kins baal and the other kins Ayaka. Kazuha is her sub DPS, she enjoys bringing him along everywhere.
Understands the feeling of being banished from a place. Kazuha reminds Rika of a little brother she wants to protect, and someone she had to leave behind </3.
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firehananas · 3 years
Maybe a hot take but I’m kinda disappointed by the lack of originality in High-Rise Invasion fanfictions.
Look, I’m a simp too but there could be so much more than we have right now. It’s almost always around Sniper Mask and preferably erotica where he doesn’t look like himself at all (when did he became so abusif?? Did we watch the same manga/anime? C’mon Sniper really shines because he is just an awkward boomer stuck in the body of twenty yo and everyone is fool by his façade. And I have seen nobody exploiting this aspect, while there could be so much fun and interesting things to do with this.) 
There is some take on Yurise (thx god, it’s just the main romance but never mind I guess) but it still really minor compared to the astonish amont of smut on Sniper Mask. Not romance, just pure smut. And that’s kinda sad, because somehow, it kinda give me the impression people just go “that dude is hot” and didn’t really like him as an actual character (and I’m not at all against smut in general, that’s just something I notice. The fandom is 90% fuck stories. Once again, I would have keep my mouth shut because that’s something casual along fandoms to have this if the number wasn’t just so high).
Where are the silly Casual AU? Fluffy OS? The prequel/childhood on X character? The “heroes from an other story” (Yoshida, Aohara, or Tanabe for example)? Character Study on a random Mask (idk China Mask, Great Angel or Ein for the most well know, or even an OC while we are at it)? 
Or even on Kuon? 
I know people tends to hates her a lot (for less than good reasons imo, but that’s an other story) yet if you have read the manga, you must know she is so much more than you think at first glance. She kinda has a ‘Kaede syndrome’ if you know Assassination Classroom. She’s not that easy to write honestly and that’s pretty challenging! 
Or even more stimulating: a whole rewrite of High-Rise Invasion. I’m really surprise no one is into it because there is so much you can do with the premise of the show and no one is playing with it (and it’’s not like Arrive don’t do it too sooo). But that’s maybe because I am/was in the Fire Emblem: Fates fandom who were used to do such a thing lmao.
And let’s not start on discontinuity and divergences we can do:
What if Kuon met someone else before Sniper Mask? Like Rika, Juo or Yoshida? Would she had been the same? Would she survives? Would she snaps and just murders everyone who goes in her way? Would she has been attract to Sniper Mask at all? Would she falls in love with someone else (or no one, it’s not an obligation lol)?
What if Uzuki becomes disgust of his mother because of what she did? Would he prefers to run away, denies what happen, asks Sniper Mask to end her suffering? What if Yayoi didn’t get moved nor recognized her son, would she thinks he gets in her way? Turns him into a mask?
What if Haruka discovers her father wants to betray Rika? Would she complies because “he is her father and he should know better than she”? Would she betrays him? Would she regrets her decision later on?
What if Yoshida and Kuon swapped their God Power? Would Yoshida act braver and more confident? Would he became even more terrified with such an overpowering power and refuse to use it at all, if just for bluff? Or would he snaps and decides to gets revenge on people using their power for “evil”? Or starts shooting people randomly as his paranoïa overwhelm him? Would Kuon actually be able to control Sniper Mask? Would she starts an army and applies what her father taught her? Where their alliances would lied?
What if Rika don’t get brainwash but sincerely agrees with Aikawa? How would Yuri reacts? And Sniper Mask? Would they have to kill him? Or would he be actually the one who kill them? What if thanks to that Aikawa becomes a perfect God and gets his plans to practice? You can go with the point of view of a bystander or Aikawa himself, either way it can be neat.
What if someone manages to use the helicopter? Would they really escape? Would guilt would be too heavy to have left people behind? Would they start questioning their sanity? Tries to go back in the High-Rise Invasion world? Becomes jaded on humanity if they were not already? Ended regretting passing their chance to become powerful because their life sucks now?
What if people don’t come randomly in this universe but because they wished/did something particular? Like “if I only I were God, I [insert something you would change]” or some kind of ritual? It would change the whole dynamic of the situation because people were somehow willing to risk their life for this.
What if Yuri is the one who become a mask and the Makoto bros has do cooperate to save her, and eventually meet all the others in their journey (with all the drama of their backstory who have to be resolved along the way)? Or if it was Rika (if you don’t like Yuri being the one in distress)? Knowing Yuka and Yuri don’t know each others but have access to their memories, how would this affect their dynamics?
What if Juo and Aikawa met and fight for Rika? All of that while his boyfriend Kohei tries to save him in the background.
* What really happens when a perfect God is created? To this day, there is no answer yet.
Or I don’t know, OS prompt with couple/group (not necessarily shipping) if a whole story isn’t your cup of tea.
I could go on and on, but you get the idea(s).
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ladyhavilliard · 3 years
Who I think the mysmes characters would main in Genshin, except I'm not explaining because I'm right
Jumin: either doesn't play at all or Zhongli
Jaehee: doesn't play a lot, but her Ningguang is somehow still so op oml
Yoosung: Diluc. Bennett never leaves his team either same, yoosung, same
Zen: didn't know how to switch characters and that the gacha existed until like ar 35. Doesn't matter tho, cause he still mains Kaeya rip kaeya he's probably never changing your weapons and artifacts... only got to ar 35+ because of seven and yoosung
Seven: Hu Tao or Venti as a main. Plays Childe often for the memes. Enjoys to set Yoosung on fire with Klee. Whale, if that wasn't obvious.
Saeran: Xiao
Ray: Xingqiu
Rika: Signora simp. Probably mains Rosaria, but uses Barbara in coop
V: Traveller. Didn't make it past the opening scene.
Vanderwood: pretends he hasn't heard of genshin. Mains Yanfey? Idk not sure about this one
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glassesandswords · 2 years
hello ness who is rika? i keep on hearing you guys talk about her, but can't find her on tumblr or anywhere.
Ah, rika (or as I affectionately call her, Rat) is a mythical creature who pretty much rivals satan in her gremlin-ness and her proclivity for pranks. She's the admin of the Yet Another Unrequited Love For A Titan Discord server which caters to the Levihan community and is one of the main reasons why a good part of the Levihan community is so close-knit.
(Join us in the discord if you haven't already, btw. It's a really wholesome, friendly and fun community of more than 350 incredible members. Click here for the invite)
She also created @levihan-drabbles account and heads the team that holds events for the Levihan fan community including drabble weeks, workshops, server-exclusive carnivals and events, and monthly podcasts.
She deactivated her tumblr a while back and I don't know her new tumblr address (or if she even has one lmao), but she was earlier @pinkweirdsunsets here. You can now find her at discord and twitter or maybe stumble across her in the Genshin fandom. She simps over Xiao.
She also likes to hear people talking about her a lot and thrives on attention, so I won't be surprised if you are actually rika sending me an ask about herself, anon.
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ilikesaladforks · 21 days
rika strips down and underneath her boobs is just darkness. a void. nothingness.
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graysongraysoff · 2 years
Fandom: JJK Ship: Chuuya/Dazai Character: Nanami
001 | Jujutsu Kaisen
Least Favorite character: sukuna >:c
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): yuta/rika, satosugu, nobamaki, um. uh. i don’t know if i have five. *sweats.*
Character I find most attractive: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: christian gray wants what kento nanami has
Character I would marry: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: kento nanami is the dilf of all time and if you disagree you are playing yourself
Character I would be best friends with: my irl best friend is essentially a carbon copy of nobara kugisaki, so definitely nobara 😊
A random thought: cursed speech is the coolest fucking curse technique and i go feral every time inumaki gets to use it
An unpopular opinion: my most unpopular opinion is that i’m not all that into fushidori but that is entirely a personal thing and not at all, like, a condemnation of the ship at all, if that makes sense??? like i think it’s a good ship that the text 100% supports, i’m not saying i don’t like it bc it feels ooc or anything, bc it absolutely doesn’t, and there’s all kinds of Symbolism that backs it up, too. i just typically don’t really tend to ship my faves bc you know. hashtag just aro/ace things.
Most Badass Character: nobara “let’s play a game of chicken” kugisaki
Most Epic Villain: there are a lot of good ones in jjk tbh but i think it’s gotta be sukuna for me. what the fuck are you planning you bastard.
Pairing I am not a fan of: uh damn well while i’m raining on people’s parades, lol, i’m also not really into yuta/inumaki. again, not because i think it doesn’t make sense or anything!! it super does!!! but also yuta is in deep, pure, everlasting love with his monster gf and i just can’t bring myself to care as much about yuta/inumaki as i care about yuta/rika.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): look into my eyes. gege akutami has never done anything wrong in their life, ever. (at least not in terms of characterization, lol.)
Favourite Friendship: i cry noble tears of joy every time the main trio interacts in any capacity.
Character I most identify with: he’s a much better person than i am and way like cooler and stronger, etc, but i do identify with yuji bc he is the same brand of stupid as me and it’s nice to see someone with terminal dumb bitch disease represented in media.
Character I wish I could be: Bakery Girl, iykyk
002 | Soukoku
When I started shipping them: i think i started like shipping-shipping them when i watched dead apple.
My thoughts: did you really think you were going to give me a character who has a power that could kill him and another character who is the only one who can keep that power from killing him and i wasn’t going to end up fully, madly and deeply invested in them?
What makes me happy about them: i’m a chuuya simp so this is a chuuya-centric answer, and i talked to you about this already, but i always love it when a character who has the huge, op powers gets to feel protected by someone else. chuuya is the best martial artist in the port mafia, he can manipulate gravity, and he’s able to go sicko mode via corruption; he’s a fucking atom bomb. but because dazai can nullify his powers and pull him back from the brink of literal self-destruction, chuuya doesn’t have to be the protector in their relationship; he gets to trust that someone is going to catch him when he falls.
What makes me sad about them: moving on from the port mafia and joining the armed detective agency is clearly what’s best for dazai and he absolutely seems happier and like he has more of a purpose with them, but it makes me sad that him leaving also kind of sets chuuya adrift. chuuya has been dazai’s partner for as long as he’s been a member of the port mafia, since he was 15 years old; he essentially left his previous gang, who looked up to him and trusted him, to partner up with dazai. so then when dazai just leaves and breaks contact one day i’m sure it not only hurts like hell, but also makes chuuya question whether dazai ever cared as much for him as he did for dazai and what he’s even doing with the port mafia in the first place.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i haven’t yet read enough fanfic for things to start bothering me.
Things I look for in fanfic: major character death and grief/mourning are literally the tags i search, lol. i am who i am.
My wishlist: if i can be frank, at this point in the narrative i just want these guys to have some hatesex, lol. The One Where Dazai Hooks Up With His Ex.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i think ultimately kunikida is probably a healthier match for dazai, lol. chuuya is my fave so, again, having a hard time shipping him with anyone else. i feel like he’s the kind of person who really wouldn’t be interested in romance unless it was as deep and encompassing as what he has with dazai, and it doesn’t seem like anyone else in the canon so far comes anywhere close to that.
My happily ever after for them: i guess ideally chuuya would eventually either 1.) become the new boss of the port mafia and form some sort of alliance with the armed detective agency or 2.) he’d join the ada. either way he and dazai would Talk It Out and reach an Understanding, and even if they didn’t end up back together romantically they’d be like back on good terms with each other, and chuuya would get to feel protected again and dazai would get to feel Challenged.
003 | Nanami
How I feel about this character: I’m Aro/Ace But When I Tell You I Would Fully Become A 1950s Housewife For This Man,,,,,
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: you are probably getting tired of hearing this lmao 😅 but i don’t….. really ship him……. with anyone………. (except, of course, for me). i don’t hate nanami/higuruma but the canon compliant bitch inside of me can’t really get fully behind it. i could see him and bakery girl being cute if they decided to flesh her out and go that route 🙂
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: his mentorship of yuji 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: i feel like nanami is the kind of character that’s easy to kind of fall into the shorthand of characterizing as Stuffy and Boring and Proper, etc, but he honestly isn’t any of those things? he’s, like… quiet, lol. a little blunt, sure. massively depressed. but his entire philosophy about corporate jobs is that you should milk them for all that they’re worth without working a second you’re not being paid for; he has a lot of the same issues with the jujutsu world that gojo does and he helps train yuji while he’s Supposed To Be Dead, so it’s not as if he’s some kind of strict rule-follower or anything; he’s a foodie and he loves bread 🥺; he had an emo haircut as a teen so you canNOT convince me his taste in music isn’t fire.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish we had gotten to see him interact more with geto, especially post-[spoiler].
Favorite friendship for this character: it’s a tie between haibara and gojo; i think they’re both very important people for him to have had in his life in different ways.
My crossover ship: he could easily be swapped out for kunikida in bsd, i doubt dazai would even notice.
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sleepy-binch · 3 years
Rules and Tags:
Minors dni. I know I can’t stop y’all from seeing/reading if you are seeking out 18+ content, but just know if I see a minor, or a blank or otherwise questionable blog interacting with my content you will be blocked.
All characters we are simping after on this blog are written and viewed as 18+ unless stated as otherwise, and while I might make reference to sexual encounters from characters pasts as teenagers, or if there is relevant trauma within darker or more emotionally heavy content, I will not write smut for minors.
We are a relatively inclusive space here, no homophobia, transphobia, racism, or anything else of that nature will not be tolerated, and while constructive criticism is encouraged, just remember, the only dicks we want to see here are in the smut.
Dark/heavy content might make an appearance, and will be tagged as #dark content and #tw/dark content.
Nsfw requests are encouraged, this blog is 18+ only, and will be tagged #ns/fw #nsfw #smut, and #(insert character name) smut when needed.
Fluff will be tagged similarly, with #fluff and with the characters tagged
I will also use the tags #headcannon #drabble #thirst #oneshots #ongoing fics, and #full fics
I will also tag the original content
Thirsts welcomed, requests open in the form of drabbles, headcannons, and oneshots.
I don’t typically write ship content as the main storyline in my fics, but I may include some ships as a background pairings within a fic.
I currently feel able to write for:
Obey me:
the brothers, and willing to try my hand at the formerly undatables
Twisted wonderland:
Boku No Hero Academia:
Aizawa, Bakugo, Dabi, Fatgum, Fuyumi, Hawks, Izuku, Jiro, Kirishima, Kaminari, Midnight, Mina, Mirio, Mirko, Natsuo, Sero, Shoto, Shinso, Tamaki
Hunter x Hunter:
the adultrio, Kurapika, and Leorio
Love Unholyc
Mystic Messenger:
everyone but Rika
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Choso, Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Inumaki, Sakuna, Yuuji
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Joseph, Jotaro, Giorno, Mista, Kakyoin, Narancia, Fugo, Bruno, Abbacchio
Bungo Stray Dogs:
Helvetica, Limbo, Mozu, Scarecrow, Shu
Psycho Pass:
Tokyo Debunkers:
Alan Mido, Romeo (Fico) Lucci, Haku Kusanagi, Haru Sagara, Jin Kamurai, Jiro Kirisaki, Kaito Fuji, Lucas Errant, Ren Shiranami, Ritsu Shinjo, Rui Mizuki, Shohei Haizono, Taiga Hoshibami, Tohma Ishibashi, Towa Otonashi
Vash, Wolfwood, maybe Knives depending on the scenario
If I have any fandoms or characters unlisted that you may want to see I don’t mind if you drop them in my ask box, just know I might be less likely to answer it, or may not know the character as well, and always feel free to check this list as character’s can and will be added or removed depending on how well I feel I understand a characters personality as stories develop, and if I’m still having major brainrot about them.
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esshades · 2 years
I watched the jjk movie today, it was really good! There was one dude in a group chat that said it was overrated and I have no idea what he was on about bc it was really good! Lots of fanservice too. The atmosphere in the theater was really good too. There were so many people, 2 people said "Eren Yeager" when the movie started, I heard some girls loudly simp when Gojo appeared on screen and my friend next to me loudly said wtf when Yuuta kissed Rika (monsterfucker Yuuta supremacy babyy and yes you can block me). One of my friends also said he was disappointed that there weren't more fight scenes like okay dude I see where your priorities lie 🤨 everyone clapped when the movie ended too that was super nice
Off the top of my head the 2 main criticisms I have (not major ones) is that they didn't need to show the flashback scenes so many times, like for a serialized anime I understand but what's the point for a movie, and also how did Yuuta learn to reverse curse heal people or whatever. Like when did he learn that. It kinda came out of nowhere imo idk I didn't read the manga. I do kinda want to now that I've seen the movie tho.
Definitely a solid movie that I would not mind watching again. Keep in mind there's a post-credits scene too
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sugar-carnival · 3 years
Kinlist, go!
omg first anon!! *starts break dancing*
Okay okay, so Homura Akemi and Talia are the main ones I dont like doubles on!! But im fine with doubles on everyone else !!
but i kin satoko hojo, rika kawai, yashiro nene, teruhashi kokomi (I have yet to decide if im just one big simp or a kinnie), legoshi, and sayori!!
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