#tenkuu shinpan arrive
toky09 · 1 year
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highriseinvasion · 8 months
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September 13th - Yuuka Makoto’s birthday
Arrive chapter 82
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elmaxlys · 7 days
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+ bonus blue one because I'll be honest I like it a lot and if it were not already Tenma's color I might have gone with it
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space-diablo · 5 months
It's 4.30am and I can't sleep so I'm making that poll again.
But with zero (no) details.
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Start the cat fight!
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
Kuon: Who are you?
Zeon: I’m you but I can say "fuck."
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firehananas · 2 years
@ tenkuu shinpan fandom : anyone to help me update the tv tropes page of ts(a) characters? It’s kinda upsetting to see the pages completely devoid of tropes 👁_👁
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geckopann · 1 month
Hii! For the fandom ask game (tenkuu shinpan) 1, 6, 19? :3
Heyyyyy, sorry for the late reply. Arriving home took me longer than I expected umu
1. My favorite thing from the fandom
The fact that together we are a small number but still strong lol. It shows that even though the community is currently dead, the fans with genuine interest in the series are still alive and kicking, wich is great.
2. My favorite character
I know it's a hot take...but, Sniper Mask. And I SWEAR this is a genuine interest, it's not that I'm just horny for him. Since I saw him I loved his character design and when reading the series I enjoyed his character development, not to mention also that him being a fucking dumbass makes him more endearing Imo. In conclusion he's my comfort character ♡ (And he's also the reason I almost started smoking lmao, but I stopped myself from doing it since I don't know if I have lungs of iron like him 👽)
19. Favorite headcanon
Ooooooo I like this question. Well, I once readed a post talking about what Yuri and Mayuko's relationship would be like once they leave the realm. Among what they mentioned, I quite liked the idea of ​​Nise going to live with Yuri and her parents. I always disliked the fact that she lived on her own, so her living with her girlfriend and her in-laws would be very wholesome (¯▿¯)
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normalsnails · 10 months
My name is Iso.
I am a teenager.
She/her please <3
Most of my posts/reblogs are about tenkuu shinpan and tenkuu shinpan arrive (my main hyperfixation)
I do post/reblog other things too!!
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amefansub · 26 days
¡10º aniversario de Ame Fansub! (I)
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¡Abril es un mes muy especial para el fansub y es que... cumplimos 10 años!
Parece que fue ayer cuando me dio por crear este pequeño grupo y ponerme al volante de un fansub pero el tiempo pasa volando y aquí estamos, 10 años más tarde.
Como bien comentamos, este mes tendremos principalmente dos grandes actualizaciones dedicadas a este aniversario porque los aniversarios hay que celebrarlos a lo grande~
Hoy lunes, publicaremos la primera parte con 6 nuevos capítulos de 6 proyectos y la próxima semana se vendrán unos cuantos más. Aún no tenemos fecha para la segunda parte pero a lo largo de la segunda semana de abril.
Ahora hablando de los capítulos en sí... ¡Retomamos oficialmente Tenkuu Shinpan Arrive junto con Btooom Fansub! Así que los fans de la obra, confirmamos que se retomará a un ritmo más constante ahora que el grupo inglés actual está bastante activo y son capítulos cortitos.
Seguimos con un nuevo capítulo de Kakushigoto Secrets y es que estamos en la recta final de la obra a falta de 4 capítulos :D
Nuevo capítulo de Kenrantaru tras un tiempo sin saber nada del proyecto pero... esperamos que eso cambie próximamente~
Y un nuevo capítulo de Joou no Hana junto a Last Heaven Fansub donde empezamos un nuevo volumen con 70 nuevas páginas de puro trabajo.
Continuamos... ¡Con nuestro querido Watashi no Shounen! Sé que muchos estáis ansiosos por ver como continua la obra y después de todo el aniversario, se vendrá post y algunos cambios en el fansub que os alegrarán. Pero por ahora, no digo más. Que lo disfruten porque como siempre, sigue tan intenso como siempre.
Y por último... ¡Nuestro querido Colori vuelve! Sé que a muchos les ha enamorado la obra (como a mí) y os dejo por aquí un nuevo capítulo. ^^9
Dicho esto, no puedo más que agradecer al pequeño grupo de staff que queda en Ame y por todo el trabajo de los joints para poder publicar un nuevo capítulo en una fecha tan especial para nosotras. Gracias. Gracias a todos los fans que nos siguen y apoyan con mensajes bonitos. Recordad que esto es un trabajo de fans y para fans y cada comentario de apoyo es el único "pago" que recibimos. ^^9
¡Por último, no puedo pedir más que disfrutéis de esta actualización y nos vemos la semana que viene con la otra mitad!
Para leer online ya sabéis:
P.D. El capítulo de Tenkuu solo está para descargar por ahora, en un ratito estará ya disponible en TMO.
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toky09 · 1 year
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highriseinvasion · 1 year
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April 8th - Rikuya Yoshida’s birthday
Arrive chapter 80
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elmaxlys · 2 months
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space-diablo · 5 months
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yuricides · 4 years
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
Mochizuki, reading: Hmm, queer coding.
Kawamura, working on his programming: Well. Trying to.
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firehananas · 2 years
Oh, and Yoshida 💖
The last ask I got! And it's for the precious Yoshi <3 (take in mind I'm still not up to date with Arrive)
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everyone but me is wrong about them/they're deeper than they seem: that's probably odd, but the fact he is the more normal and sane in the Tenkuu Shinpan world make him so interesting for me. He can't fight and have to relied on others to do the dirty job done. He wants to act for the good (tm) to escape, but he still a fragile and traumatized teen who'd easily be manipulate by other (hello supervisor).
He's not all sugar and sweet. He's selfish too. He wants allies to help him first. But it's also because he's lonely (and horribly social awkward).
He's always putting himself down because he can't get his hands bloody by himself. But Rikuya, you're just a normal 16 yo boy. Of course you can't do such a thing. It's different between wishing and actually do it. Of course you wanted Juo dead but who wouldn't after all he had done and was willing to do?
wow they are literally me!/I like them enough to project my own issue onto them: ooooh maaaan.
The feeling to never be enough... To feel so lonely it hurts... To fail for the same mistake...
*hug him tightly and squeeze him to death*
didn't get enough screen time/wasted potential: listen, I absolutely do NOT believe Rikuya is protag material for the solace reason he is too vanilla. Too generic.
I wished to see more his relationship with his team. With Kohei. With Megumi. With anyone!!
I wished to have him remember his past life with his parents. With his friends.
I wished he could tell how he was bullied at the very least to Kohei.
I wished he could have meet Rika in face to face. Maybe be admiring him but also put off by his cold blood. I know he realizes some of his allies need to be ruthless, but it's not the same to see it and imagining it.
I wished a cute romance between Rikuya and Kuon, making them bond over their loneliness.
they're blorbo: I want to be his big sibling and kick his bullies...
why do they look like that: ...but the first thing I'd done is either cutting his hair or turn his haircut into a ponytail. What the heck is this. You can keep the pineapple haircut at 16. You'll get no bitches with that on the head.
Ponytail: yes, very sexy.
Short hair: classic
the pineapple haircut: you're either 8 or you don't care about your look and that's a no-no.
(no offense to those who like it, but I've never met a grow man managing to make it look good)
they've done nothing wrong in their life: was too pure for TS's world damnit.
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