#research paper essay writer free
Research Paper Essay Writer
Elevating Academic Narratives: Research Paper Essay Writer - Simplified Solutions
In the expansive realm of academia and intellectual inquiry, the Research Paper Essay Writer emerges as a guiding force, tasked with synthesizing, analyzing, and disseminating complex information in a manner that educates, inspires, and advances human understanding. Charged with the formidable task of bridging the gap between theory and practice, these writers play a pivotal role in shaping discourse, challenging assumptions, and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. In this exploration, we unravel the significance of their role, the challenges they confront, and the profound impact of their contributions on the pursuit of truth and innovation.
At the heart of the Research Paper Essay Writer's mission lies a relentless quest for knowledge—a commitment to unraveling the mysteries of the universe, one hypothesis at a time. Whether delving into the intricacies of quantum mechanics, exploring the nuances of sociopolitical theory, or dissecting the molecular mechanisms of disease, these writers serve as torchbearers of intellectual curiosity, illuminating pathways to discovery and enlightenment. Each research paper crafted is a testament to the writer's dedication to rigorous inquiry, critical thinking, and scholarly integrity.
The significance of this profession extends far beyond the hallowed halls of academia. Research papers are not mere academic exercises; they are catalysts for change, blueprints for innovation, and beacons of progress in fields ranging from medicine and engineering to social sciences and humanities. Through meticulous research, cogent analysis, and clear communication, Research Paper Essay Writers contribute to the collective pool of human knowledge, paving the way for transformative breakthroughs and paradigm shifts.
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However, the path to becoming a proficient Research Paper Essay Writer is fraught with challenges and demands unwavering discipline, rigor, and intellectual humility. Mastery of research methodologies—from experimental design to statistical analysis—is essential, but equally critical is the ability to synthesize diverse sources, navigate conflicting perspectives, and construct coherent arguments that advance understanding. Moreover, the writer must remain steadfast in the face of setbacks, embracing failure as an opportunity for growth and refinement.
The journey of a Research Paper Essay Writer is characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence—to uncover truth, challenge assumptions, and push the boundaries of human knowledge. It is a journey of discovery, of grappling with the unknown, and of daring to ask questions that have yet to be answered. Through their research papers, these writers contribute to the ongoing conversation that defines the fabric of academic discourse, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of human understanding.
Yet, amidst the challenges and complexities, the journey of a Research Paper Essay Writer is imbued with profound meaning and purpose. With each paper crafted, insights are gained, paradigms are shifted, and new horizons of possibility emerge. Whether it's unraveling the genetic basis of disease, elucidating the mechanisms of climate change, or exploring the socio-economic factors that shape human behavior, the impact of this profession transcends mere academia—it influences policy, informs practice, and shapes the course of history.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Whether you're a student, a journalist, or a business professional, knowing how to do high-quality research and writing using trustworthy data and sources, without giving in to the temptation of AI or ChatGPT, is a skill worth developing.
As I detail in my book Writing That Gets Noticed, locating credible databases and sources and accurately vetting information can be the difference between turning a story around quickly or getting stuck with outdated information.
For example, several years ago the editor of Parents.com asked for a hot-take reaction to country singer Carrie Underwood saying that, because she was 35, she had missed her chance at having another baby. Since I had written about getting pregnant in my forties, I knew that as long as I updated my facts and figures, and included supportive and relevant peer-reviewed research, I could pull off this story. And I did.
The story ran later that day, and it led to other assignments. Here are some tips I’ve learned that you should consider mastering before you turn to automated tools like generative AI to handle your writing work for you.
Find Statistics From Primary Sources
Identify experts, peer-reviewed research study authors, and sources who can speak with authority—and ideally, offer easily understood sound bites or statistics on the topic of your work. Great sources include professors at major universities and media spokespeople at associations and organizations.
For example, writer and author William Dameron pinned his recent essay in HuffPost Personal around a statistic from the American Heart Association on how LGBTQ people experience higher rates of heart disease based on discrimination. Although he first found the link in a secondary source (an article in The New York Times), he made sure that he checked the primary source: the original study that the American Heart Association gleaned the statistic from. He verified the information, as should any writer, because anytime a statistic is cited in a secondary source, errors can be introduced.
Dive Into Databases
Jen Malia, author of The Infinity Rainbow Club series of children’s books (whom I recently interviewed on my podcast), recently wrote a piece about dinosaur-bone hunting for Business Insider, which she covers in her book Violet and the Jurassic Land Exhibit.
After a visit to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Malia, whose books are set in Philadelphia, found multiple resources online and on the museum site that gave her the history of the Bone Wars, information on the exhibits she saw, and the scientific names of the dinosaurs she was inspired by. She also used the Library of Congress’ website, which offers digital collections and links to the Library of Congress Newspaper Collection.
Malia is a fan of searching for additional resources and citable documents with Google Scholar. “If I find that a secondary source mentions a newspaper article, I’m going to go to the original newspaper article, instead of just stopping there and quoting,” she says.
Your local public library is a great source of free information, journals, and databases (even ones that generally require a subscription and include embargoed research). For example, your search should include everything from health databases (Sage Journals, Scopus, PubMed) to databases for academic sources and journalism (American Periodical Series Online, Statista, Academic Search Premier) and databases for news, trends, market research, and polls (the Harris Poll, Pew Research Center, Newsbank, ProPublica).
Even if you find a study or paper that you can’t access in one of those databases, consider reaching out to the study’s lead author or researcher. In many cases, they’re happy to discuss their work and may even share the study with you directly and offer to talk about their research.
Get a Good Filtering System
For journalist Paulette Perhach’s article on ADHD in The New York Times, she used Epic Research to see “dual team studies.” That's when two independent teams address the same topic or question, and ideally come to the same conclusions. She recommends locating research and experts via key associations for your topic. She also likes searching via Google Scholar but advises filtering it for studies and research in recent years to avoid using old data. She suggests keeping your links and research organized. “Always be ready to be peer-reviewed yourself,” Perhach says.
When you are looking for information for a story or project, you might be inclined to start with a regular Google search. But keep in mind that the internet is full of false information, and websites that look trustworthy can sometimes turn out to be businesses or companies with a vested interest in you taking their word as objective fact without additional scrutiny. Regardless of your writing project, unreliable or biased sources are a great way to torpedo your work—and any hope of future work.
For Accuracy, Go to the Government
Author Bobbi Rebell researched her book Launching Financial Grownups using the IRS’ website. “I might say that you can contribute a certain amount to a 401K, but it might be outdated because those numbers are always changing, and it’s important to be accurate,” she says. “AI and ChatGPT can be great for idea generation,” says Rebell, “but you have to be careful. If you are using an article someone was quoted in, you don’t know if they were misquoted or quoted out of context.”
If you use AI and ChatGPT for sourcing, you not only risk introducing errors, you risk introducing plagiarism—there is a reason OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is being sued for downloading information from all those books.
Historically, the Loudest Isn’t the Best
Audrey Clare Farley, who writes historical nonfiction, has used a plethora of sites for historical research, including Women Also Know History, which allows searches by expertise or area of study, and JSTOR, a digital library database that offers a number of free downloads a month. She also uses Chronicling America, a project from the Library of Congress which gathers old newspapers to show how a historical event was reported, and Newspapers.com (which you can access via free trial but requires a subscription after seven days).
When it comes to finding experts, Farley cautions against choosing the loudest voices on social media platforms. “They might not necessarily be the most authoritative. I vet them by checking if they have a history of publication on the topic, and/or educational credentials.”
When vetting an expert, look for these red flags:
You can’t find their work published or cited anywhere.
They were published in an obscure journal.
Their research is funded by a company, not a university, or they are the spokesperson for the company they are doing research for. (This makes them a public relations vehicle and not an appropriate source for journalism.)
And finally, the best endings for virtually any writing, whether it’s an essay, a research paper, an academic report, or a piece of investigative journalism, circle back to the beginning of the piece, and show your reader the transformation or the journey the piece has presented in perspective.
As always, your goal should be strong writing supported by research that makes an impact without cutting corners. Only then can you explore tools that might make the job a little easier, for instance by generating subheads or discovering a concept you might be missing—because then you'll have the experience and skills to see whether it's harming or helping your work.
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wyrmfedgrave · 4 months
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Pics: Just a small sampling of H. P. Lovecraft's influence on popular world culture...
1. There's stores now that only sell Lovecraftiana!! This is as amazing as the 1st stores that sold comics & related paraphernalia alone...
2. This would make for a great paper head on your personal website...
3 thru 5. Here we see the effects of more modern culture on Lovecraft's own ideas. An unholy melding of humor, madness & the commercial realms of the Peanuts, a now free Disney rat & (fittingly) sea monkeys!!
6. This 1 is a new ad - but, is it real?! Or, just another fever dream?!! I can't tell...
7. The long time coming - strange eons? - meld between the Great Old One & Victorian retro-stylings. Hoping for more to come...
Like say, an 'armed' (Heh) Cthulhu Pirate-King!!
Make it so...
8. Finally, the finality of the human race is on!
But, is it so?
Remember, everyone who can hear or even know about the Lovecraftian Truth of Reality... Goes Mad!!
So, I wouldn't be too quick to accept some mad dude's tale... There's no telling what's in his brain stem.
Remember, the original story was that we'd become 'like' the Great Old Ones! Free to know 'beyond' Good & Evil.
If that 'fate' has changed - then, any future possibility is possible...
1914: "End of the Jackson War."
Intro: When writing of HPL, writers use letters, essays & biographies about him. Even his stories can tell us much about his innermost being.
Taken together, this mass of info make Howard 1 of the most well documented fellows ever!
There seems to be few periods that we don't know something about Lovecraft's life.
Even during the "Lost Time" of HPL's retreat from society - as new info is always been discovered...
Researchers now know what books Lovecraft read, who he was with & what they spoke about.
They even know what flavor of ice cream Howard was eating & when!
A good example is how HPL never mentions James Dwyer's "City of the Unseen" published in the Argosy mag of December 1913.
It's not a good story, but, not only did Lovecraft read it, it's central image¹ reappeared in HPL's own later works.
We know Howard owned a copy of it, because this issue contains the 1st return volley in the weird Lovecraft/ Fred Jackson Letter War.
Which HPL had originally instigated in the earlier September 1913 issue of Argosy.
But, all things must pass...
In the end, Lovecraft wrote his War's epitaph. And he didn't use overlong or overblown language!
But, he did sneak in some martial terms...
Work: "Pray spare an inch or two², (to) print (these) critics's joint adieu."
"So long... since we began (this) fray, That readers swear we've (stolen) your Log³ away!"
"Forgive... sinners that presume. To fill with... verse⁴, such precious room."
"Inflamed by war & in... martial rage, We held awhile the center... stage."
"Til, blinded by... (such) furious fire, We battled on, forgetting to retire."
"But, (even) feuds draw... to their ends & foe(s) live to meet as friends:"
"So do we now... in lasting peace, Lay down our pens & slander(s) cease."
"What sound is this? ...A joyous yell, As we say farewell."
1. Dwyer's "City of the Unseen" is a Lost Race story about an ancient city in the Arabian "Empty Quarter"!!
This sounds a lot like Howard's Irem! The City of Pillars that was swallowed by the sands of Araby!!
It was the lost city mentioned in the holy Koran... And, it might have been found - thru spy satellite footage!
2. This is about the measurement of column space given over to stories, pics & letters in newspapers, mags, etc...
In some cases, stories had to be cut in length, summarized or re-edited to fit the available space.
At the worst, the affected story would be 'saved' for later publication...
3. The "Log" was probably the name of the Argosy's letters page...
Some mags might also use a 2nd name like "Action Log", "Adventure Log" - even just "The Letters Log."
4. As mentioned in earlier posts, some letter writers used poetry to project their 'attacks' & to 'defend' each other.
And, Lovecraft was right in the middle of it all, slinging poetic barbs at Fred Jackson's writing skills...
It was this Letter War that brought HPL to the attention of the mighty UAPA.
More next time...
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I’m so genuinely intrigued and curious abt that post you made abt reaching out to the authors when you find a paper you want to read bc.. how are you finding these papers in the first place?? Do they show up on your tiktok fyp?? Do you just search up whatever topic you wanna read about on google scholar? I think that that’s really cool that you do that and I also would like to read about research that like actually interests me and not just papers assigned in class but I dunno where I would start looking for them. Sorry this ask is probably so random but do you have any tips?? lmao 😭
WHAT a fun question!!! of course i have tips!!!
first of all....free urself from the tiktok fyp i am begging u <3 like. ok i am sure there are people on there who are sharing academic articles and such but....more often with tiktok at least in my experience u just end up getting stuck in an endless scroll rather than actually following up on any interesting reading/research suggestions. also i think it is just like. a valuable and enriching skill to be able to think of things on ur own that u want to learn about and then go and find resources urself! like. approach tiktok w caution perhaps it could be helpful for some but i worry a bit that we are all becoming a little too reliant on algorithms to feed us Content, y'know?
anyway! as for how i find papers 2 read that interest me! most often it is a matter of finding something that sparks my interest + then going down a rabbit hole. and there are soooooo many ways to do this!! the internet is an amazing resource!!!! here is a list of some ways that i find interesting articles:
tumblr <3 lol i follow various blogs that post interesting stuff abt theory + academia every so often, and if i see a quote that interests me i'll go and try to find the article it came from! (you could also use tiktok this way if you've found some good people to follow! my main hesitation w tiktok is just that. it's an endless scroll + an algorithm which are both 2 things that i find distracting, and why i prefer tumblr)
substack - same kinda deal as tumblr; i subscribe to bloggers who write about topics that interest me and if they cite research in their posts i'll go try to find that research to read it myself
news articles/blog posts/essays that i come across online - again, if there's some interesting research cited, i'll go and try to find it
search by writer - if you keep hearing about an academic or someone suggests "oh read some so-and-so," go and look up so-and-so and see what they've written + what u can find online for free! most really famous/influential academics will have some free pdfs of their more influential work floating around online, and for smaller/niche academics--email them!
along the same lines - if u find an article or essay or speech by an academic and u like it, go find their biography page on the website of whatever school they teach at! schools will usually list professors' work, or at least a few examples, and you can find more stuff to read from that same person whose article you enjoyed. this is especially helpful if ur researching something kinda niche
wikipedia! people shit on wikipedia all the time as if it's not a "real source" but that's simply false! wikipedia is a great jumping-off point if you're interested in a broad topic but don't know where to start. go scroll through the wikipedia article about said topic and see what's cited there to get an idea of where you might be able to find some interesting articles/research to narrow ur focus!
look through the bibliography/citations on other research! if ur reading a book or article on an interesting topic + want to learn more, actually take a minute to scan through the citations and see if any titles catch ur eye!
ask people for recommendations! if u have an old/current professor or a friend or something who u know is interested in the same topic as u, ask if they have any reading recommendations!
if ur a university student--take advantage of that shit!!! look thru the papers on ur syllabus and scan the citations of the most interesting ones for further reading or go look up the writers u like best from the course to find more stuff they've written! look at the class listings for classes u aren't taking and if ur interested, ask those professors if they'd be willing to share their reading lists with you! keep an eye out for free lectures or events on new topics that interest you as a jumping-off point for finding new things to learn about! ask ur friends in other majors what they're learning about and go look it up if it interests you!
go to the library and look through the nonfiction section for topics ur interested in; check out books with cool titles! if they're boring, u can just return them
go to thrift stores or used bookstores and do the same thing! look for nonfiction books with interesting titles! i loooooooooove love love love looking through gender studies sections of bookstores for nonfiction--and then if i find a book i like, guess what that book's gonna cite?? more articles + books!!!!!! there is so much research + knowledge in the world just waiting to be shared!!!!
anyway. these are just some ways that i have found interesting new things to learn about! it sounds like u are currently a student--and like, trust me, i get that when ur constantly being assigned readings for classes it can just become a drag. but college is an AMAZING resource; i still go back and reference old notes from school to find research that i'm interested in, and some of my classes introduced me to articles that i still return to + cite today. research can be so so so fun + rewarding when ur just doing it for the joy of learning; the key really is to treat it like a little spiderweb. maybe most of ur assignments are boring, but this one article for class was really interesting and u actually find urself wanting to learn more--look at the research that article cited! google the names of the writers to see what else they've written! ask ur prof if they have any more suggestions similar to that article! the possibilities are endless!!
+ if ur a student, ur institution probably has access to a whole bunch of research databases where u can find articles + books for free, which is amaaaaaaaazing take advantage of that shit. but i am not currently a student, so my process for finding articles usually goes:
google + see if a free pdf magically pops up (happens more often than you'd think honestly)
failing that -- if it's a book, i check the online collection at my library + also on openlibrary and project gutenberg and zlibrary; for articles i usually check library genesis (sometimes i look for books here too) or sci-hub (usually works best if you search by doi)
failing that -- if it's an article, i go hunt down the email address of whoever wrote it and email them to ask for access! for books, if you really really want to read it you can usually put in a request at your local library for them to get it, but sometimes i do just have to give up if i can't find a book for free online anywhere :(
hopefully some of this was helpful !! and if ur looking for nonfiction book recs i have a post here with some stuff i've read over the past year or two and i also have a post here with like...some suggestions for intro gender studies/queer theory reading (mostly articles)!
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robert-peters · 1 year
Academic writing service
When it comes to online essay writing services, one platform that students may come across is EssayMarket.net. This website claims to provide assistance with various academic writing needs, including essays, research papers, and dissertations.
Before using any writing service, it is essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research. Consider the following factors:
Reputation and Reviews: Look for reviews and feedback from previous customers to gauge the reliability and quality of the services provided by EssayMarket. This can give you an idea of the experiences of other students and help you make an informed decision.
Plagiarism Concerns: Ensure that the writing service guarantees original and plagiarism-free content. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can have severe consequences, so it is crucial to choose a service that values academic integrity.
Communication and Support: Check if the platform offers a convenient and reliable means of communication with the writers. It's important to have clear and open lines of communication to address any questions, provide additional instructions, or track the progress of your paper.
Pricing and Policies: Consider the pricing structure and refund policies offered by the platform. Make sure you understand the payment process and any potential extra charges to avoid any surprises.
Personal Responsibility: Keep in mind that while using a writing service can provide assistance, it is ultimately your responsibility to learn and improve your own writing skills. Use such services as a learning tool and reference, rather than relying solely on them.
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How to Write a Persuasive Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide
Are you feeling overwhelmed by a persuasive essay assignment? Don't worry! Writing an effective persuasive essay doesn't have to be a daunting task. With careful planning, research, and a little bit of creativity, you can craft an essay that will wow your teacher and earn you a great grade.
Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Choose Your Topic: Start by selecting a topic that you are passionate about and that you have strong opinions on. This will make it easier to write your essay with conviction.
2. Do Your Research: Once you have a topic in mind, it's time to do some research. Read up on the topic, take notes, and look for sources to support your argument.
3. Create an Outline: You don't have to write your essay in linear order, but it's important to create an outline to help you organize your thoughts. This will make it easier to write your essay when the time comes.
4. Write a Strong Introduction: Begin your essay with an attention-grabbing introduction that introduces your topic and presents your argument.
5. Support Your Argument: In the body of your essay, make sure to include evidence to back up your argument. Use facts, statistics, and quotes from experts to strengthen your points.
6. Counter Arguments: Be sure to address any potential counterarguments and refute them. This will make your essay more convincing.
7. Write a Powerful Conclusion: Wrap up your essay with a conclusion that reiterates your argument and leaves a lasting impression on your reader.
With these steps, you'll be well on your way to writing a great persuasive essay that will wow your teacher and earn you a great grade.
By the way, I would like to recommend an excellent writing service for guys who have absolutely no time for an essay.
Essay Market is an online platform that provides academic writing services to students and professionals. The platform offers a variety of services such as essay writing, research paper writing, term paper writing, dissertation writing, thesis writing, editing, and proofreading services. The company also offers custom writing services, and has a team of qualified writers and editors. Essaymarket.net also provides a 24/7 customer support team to assist with any questions or concerns. The company offers free revisions and a money-back guarantee on all orders. The website is also secure, and all payments are processed through secure payment gateways.
Good luck!
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scholarlysolutions · 4 months
Crafting Educational Excellence
Welcome to ScholarlySolutions, your premier destination for top-notch academic writing assistance! Our mission is to provide tailored solutions that elevate your academic performance and alleviate the stress of deadlines.
With over 8 years of experience in the academic writing industry, we understand the challenges students face when it comes to crafting compelling essays, research papers, online classes, discussion posts, theses, and more. That's why we offer a range of services tailored to your specific needs, including:
Custom essay writing: Our team of expert writers can tackle any topic with precision and expertise, delivering well-researched and original essays that meet your requirements.
Research paper assistance: Whether you need help with research, outlining, or writing, we're here to guide you through the process and ensure your paper is of the highest quality.
Thesis and dissertation support: From proposal writing to final editing, we provide comprehensive assistance to help you navigate the complexities of thesis and dissertation writing.
At ScholarlySolutions, quality is our priority. We guarantee plagiarism-free work, timely delivery, and a personalized approach to every project. Let us be your academic ally, guiding you toward success with our reliable and professional writing services.
Join our community of satisfied clients who have achieved academic excellence with ScholarlySolutions. Explore our services and contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in reaching your academic goals.
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ravenkings · 6 months
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so the tricky thing with this is that most of the ai detectors out there (at least the free ones that i use) have a fairly low accuracy rate. you can get a ton of false positives and different ones will often disagree with each other, so i find them to be deeply untrustworthy. i feel like they can be helpful if like......the student REALLY isn't subtle about it and they've literally just copy-pasted the whole thing into a word processor and submitted it as their own work (which I HAVE seen......)
the other unfortunate part of this is that the institutions i work at (and i suspect the us education system in general) have not really been able to come up with a systematic way to deal with this issue so (surprise, surprise) it falls upon the underpaid faculty like yours truly to figure out what to do.
also, this semester was really the first time i had to deal with students submitting ai papers (at least as far as i know) so i'm honestly still trying to figure out how to deal with it going forward (since it will obviously continue to be an issue thanks for fucking NOTHING sam altman and all you silicon valley ai dipshits............)
ANYWAY, how do i tell if a paper was written by AI? first of all, it will NOT sound like the student's writing style at all. chatgpt and other language models have a very distinctive writing style/voice which i would characterize as like corporate, customer service voice but in text form. it's bland, it's general, and it can't talk about anything with any level of specificity. when you're teaching a student how to write, you grow familiar with their distinctive voice as a writer pretty quickly, and so, if you're paying attention, you can usually tell when there's something off.
another thing is, if it's a paper with cited research sources, the sources might either NOT EXIST when you go to look for them or they will mostly be open access (which is fine but like.....if you're a student at a university, you will definitely have access to databases that the university library pays for so like.........come on.)
another thing i've been told anecdotally and which seems to align with my experience is that most ai papers will NOT directly quote sources since a lot of these ai companies are deathly afraid of being accused of plagiarism lmao. i've also heard of ai papers where they would get the ENTIRE plot of a published story wrong and INVENT CHARACTERS who weren't in the original story!
tbh though the best way i've found to try and detect ai papers is by literally opening up chatgpt and putting the essay topic through it to see what it comes up with. it won't come up with EXACTLY THE SAME paper, BUT it will, often, come up with something VERY SIMILAR using extremely similar language and it may even be structured the same way and use the same sources.
again, part of what makes this so fucking annoying is that, as of now, there's no way to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that an essay is ai-generated if the student doesn't own up to it, but, honestly, you just KNOW.
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maggy-flaggy · 9 months
Textero.ai Review 2023: Legit Essay Generator
In today's digital world, AI writing tools have changed how we approach academic writing. Textero.ai offers writing unique essays, idea generation, and article summarizing. But is it as good as it sounds? What about pricing? In this review, we'll find out if Textero.ai is worth using or not. 
Advantages of Textero.ai
I’ve generated an essay on the topic “The Power and Responsibility of Media in Today's World”. According to the results, here is a list of Textero.ai’s pluses:   
Original and mistake-free texts
Textero.ai effectively ensures your paper's originality while maintaining proper grammar and punctuation. 
Rapid content generation
Textero.ai is all about speed. It can create a 4-page document in just about 2 minutes. You can preview the produced text on the website or download a document to your computer.
Easy paper formatting
Formatting essays becomes easy with Textero.ai, which supports both MLA and APA citation styles.
Great essay helper
Textero.ai quickly finds sources for your paper and generates ideas. The produced text can become a great starting point for your essay or other academic materials. 
Convenient website 
Pleasant colors, an easy-to-use platform, and a window with customer support service. 
Disadvantages of Textero.ai:
1) You can use Textero.ai for free, but this version has limited features: only 3000 words per month and basic essay quality (not pro quality).
2) Textero.ai doesn't offer the option to select a specific word count. You're limited to indicating the number of pages for your text. 
What are the main use cases of Textero.ai?
Textero.ai helps you write essays, start writing quickly, and do research more easily. It's a useful tool for academic work, especially for formatting papers and finding reliable sources. 
Is Textero.ai a safe tool?
Yes, Textero.ai is a legitimate platform that uses Google authentication for secure access. 
Can Textero.ai create unique essays?
The tool generates plagiarism-free essays without mistakes. But I also recommend you revise it as this is your personal paper. 
How does Textero.ai work?
The tool employs AI technology to create distinctive content for academic purposes.
Can Textero.ai overcome writer's block?
This is the main aim of Textero.ai, and the tool works perfectly with it.
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essaywritertool · 9 months
MyEssayWriter.ai: Revolutionizing the Way We Write
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Fortunately, artificial intelligence has taken a giant leap forward in this domain, and MyEssayWriter.ai is at the forefront of this revolution. In this article, we will delve into MyEssayWriter.ai, a cutting-edge AI tool that is changing the way we write.
What is MyEssayWriter.ai?
MyEssayWriter.ai is an advanced artificial intelligence platform designed to assist individuals in generating high-quality written content. Developed by a team of expert engineers and language specialists, this AI essay writer assistant is capable of understanding context, generating coherent and well-structured text, and adhering to grammar and style guidelines. Whether you need help with academic essays, professional reports, or creative writing, MyEssayWriter.ai is equipped to meet your needs.
How Does MyEssayWriter.ai Work?
MyEssayWriter.ai employs state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand and generate human-like text. Here's how it works:
Input: Users provide a prompt or topic to MyEssayWriter.ai, along with any specific instructions or requirements.
Analysis: The AI thoroughly analyzes the input to grasp the context, target audience, and desired style.
Generation: MyEssayWriter.ai generates a first draft of the content, ensuring it aligns with the given parameters.
Refinement: Users have the option to review and refine the generated content. They can make adjustments, add personal touches, or request revisions as needed.
Final Output: Once the user is satisfied with the content, MyEssayWriter.ai delivers the final version, ready for submission or publication.
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Key Features of MyEssayWriter.ai
a. Plagiarism-Free Content: MyEssayWriter.ai ensures that all generated content is original and free from plagiarism. This is crucial for academic integrity and professional credibility.
b. Customizable: Users can tailor the AI's output to match their specific writing style, tone, and voice. This level of customization allows for a seamless integration of AI-generated content with one's own writing.
c. Grammar and Style Correction: MyEssayWriter.ai is equipped with grammar and style checking tools that help users produce error-free and polished content.
d. Speed and Efficiency: The AI can generate content quickly, saving users valuable time on research and writing tasks.
e. Multiple Writing Formats: MyEssayWriter.ai supports various writing formats, including essays, reports, articles, and creative writing, making it versatile for diverse writing needs.
f. 24/7 Availability: Unlike human writers, MyEssayWriter.ai is available round the clock, enabling users to access its services whenever they need assistance.
g. Paraphrasing Tool: Avoiding plagiarism is a cornerstone of academic integrity. MyEssayWriter.AI’s Paraphrasing Tool assists students in rephrasing existing content while retaining the original meaning. This ensures that ideas are presented in a fresh, unique manner.
Benefits of Using MyEssayWriter.ai
a. Improved Writing Efficiency: MyEssayWriter.ai streamlines the writing process, allowing users to produce content faster and more efficiently.
b. Enhanced Writing Quality: The AI's ability to analyze context and generate coherent text ensures that the final output is of high quality and relevance.
c. Time-Saving: With MyEssayWriter.ai, users can save significant amounts of time on research and drafting, freeing them up to focus on other important tasks.
d. Academic Success: Students can benefit from MyEssayWriter.ai by receiving guidance and support in producing well-structured and academically sound essays and papers.
e. Professional Advancement: Professionals can use MyEssayWriter.ai to create impressive reports, proposals, and other documents that make a lasting impact in the workplace.
MyEssayWriter.ai represents a remarkable leap in the realm of artificial intelligence, transforming the way we approach writing tasks. With its ability to generate high-quality, original content quickly and efficiently, it has become an indispensable tool related to essay writer services for students, professionals, and writers of all kinds.
More About MyEssayWriter.ai:
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alovelylight · 1 year
editing/proofreading/beta reading services
Hi everyone! I want to make some cash on the side while I job-hunt.
As a writer, my poetry has been published in various literary journals (will provide link to publications if asked) and my fiction has won several prizes such as Salt Hill’s flash fiction prize. I was also a finalist for my university’s research paper award (also will provide link if asked).
Willing to proofread and edit any kind of writing, including: short stories, novel chapters, fanfiction, flash stories, poetry, creative non-fiction pieces, essays, articles, program applications, statements of purpose, etc.
Feel free to DM me for more details.
$5 - I will thoroughly proofread your document for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
$15 - I  will proofread and edit or rewrite specifically chosen sections of your document with regards to tone, syntax, style, and clarity.
$30 - I will proofread and effectively edit your document on a line-by-line basis with regards to tone, consistency, structure, syntax, style, and clarity.
$50 - I will proofread and edit your document on a line-by-line basis as well as provide additional written feedback with regards to tone, consistency, structure, syntax, style, clarity, and more.
As a sensitivity reader:
$.05 per word - I can serve as a sensitivity reader for your story from my perspective as a lesbian Southeast Asian American / Thai immigrant who can speak Thai.
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paigewilliams · 1 year
Best College Essay Writing Service: Top 5 Paper Writing Companies
Essay Clan: Essay Clan is widely regarded as one of the best College essay writers available. With a team of experienced writers, they offer a wide range of writing assistance, including essays, research papers, dissertations, and more. What sets Essay Clan apart is their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. They provide 24/7 customer support, ensuring that students can communicate with their writers and resolve any queries or concerns. Moreover, Essay Clan offers free revisions and a money-back guarantee, ensuring that you receive a well-crafted essay that meets your expectations.
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writing-advices · 1 year
Is Essaymarket a Reliable Source for Academic Writing Services?
When it comes to finding reliable academic writing services, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Fortunately, there are a number of reputable companies out there that offer excellent quality and reliable writing services at an affordable price. One such company is Essaymarket.com, a company that has been providing high-quality academic writing services.
Essaymarket.com is renowned for its reliability, quality, and affordability. It offers a number of services including essay writing, research paper writing, book reviews, proofreading and editing, and even dissertation writing. The company employs only highly qualified and experienced writers who have years of experience in the academic writing industry. Their writers are knowledgeable in a variety of topics and have the ability to produce high-quality papers within tight deadlines.
In addition to its reliable writers, the company also provides a variety of guarantees to its customers. These include a money-back guarantee, a satisfaction guarantee, and a no-plagiarism guarantee. The company also provides customers with free revisions. This allows customers to get a better understanding of the quality of the paper before they commit to purchasing it.
Overall, Essaymarket.com is a reliable and trustworthy source for academic writing services. From its experienced writers to its comprehensive guarantees, the company provides unparalleled quality and reliability for its customers. Whether you're looking for a one-time essay or a long-term research paper, essaymarket.com is the ideal choice.
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Top 3 Assignment Help Websites in Australia for Students
With the increasing level of academics, the complexity level of assignments and pressure of study has become increased. It is not easy for students to handle the academic writing task and manage the increasing volume of study. Assignment often becomes a huge hurdle for students in the path of academic success. Writing assignments require extensive knowledge of the subject, sufficient time, and skills to prepare quality solutions. Due to a lack of necessary skills and required knowledge of the subject, many students face problems in handling assignments perfectly. To support students in this situation, many Australian writing services offer assignment help for handling difficulties and writing assignments successfully.        
In the realm of academic writing assistance, you may have a plethora of options available. We have performed meticulous research on the available options to unveil the best and most reliable writing service. In this blog, we shed light on trustworthy services and provide you with the necessary aspects of services that help you identify the right one for your assignment.    
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The Struggle of Students in Assignment Writing
 The assignment writing is a great endeavor when it focuses on gaining knowledge and developing skills. However, the common issue addressed in assignments is that it increases the stress level of students. Students often battle with assignments when they are committed to several other academic tasks and responsibilities. Lack of time management, writing potential, and inadequate subject knowledge lead to stress for students.
To deteriorate these academic challenges and perform well in writing tasks, students seek professional assistance from writing services. The services offer several benefits in assignments that help you to submit top-quality solutions.    
List of Top 3 Assignment Help Websites in Australia
This service has established itself as a reliable assignment help website in Australia for students. By connecting with greatassignmenthelp.com service, you can access writing support from a specialized team of writers. They guarantee you deliver the best quality assignment solution within the deadline. The writing platform is dedicated to support in all possible ways for their assignment. 
The service offers 100% accurate and plagiarism-free work.
The competitive prices of services are easy to afford for students.
The service has a team of writers in diverse academic fields, they ensure the assignment is properly structured and based on valuable data and facts.
The service emphasizes on timely delivery of work to help you meet deadlines.
The quality of the paper may vary if you do not provide clear instructions to the service about the assignment requirement.
The payment options are negotiable.     
The next on our list is the Assignmenthelppro.com service. The service has an exclusive team of writers who can provide user-friendly support in assignments. By hiring an assignment helper from this service, you can prepare a tailored assignment solution.
The team of service is responsible and punctual in their work. They provide timely delivery of assignments to help you meet deadlines.
Students can request unlimited revision of work to ensure accuracy in assignments.
The services offer all types of assignment writing support like essays, term papers, dissertations, theses, etc.
Every paper is written from scratch which maintains originality and academic integrity.   
Hiring professional writers for assignments can limit your ability.
It is impossible to miss the importance of Greatassignmenthelp.co.uk when talking about the best writing services in Australia. This is the most popular name in the realm of assignment writing services. It continuously focuses on maintaining a good reputation in the industry by providing satisfactory solutions for assignments to its clients. The assignment writer in Australia ensures quality assurance in work.   
You can access writing support from any corner of the world at any time of your assignment need.
The paper is written by experts by considering your specialized requirements.
With their support, you can easily meet deadlines and save time.
The prices are highly cost-effective.
During the rush hour, you may wait longer for their response.
Assignment requests on an urgent basis can slightly change the assignment quality. 
Academic success requires consistent effort and proper guidance at each step. By getting help from a reliable service in assignments or academic tasks, you can embark on the educational journey. With the explanation, you can get an idea of selecting the best writing service for your academic paper.
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