#remus kicks them both out of the dorm because he's not down for the drama
starsandmoonys · 1 year
James: Moony, would you take a hit for me.
Remus, confused: You are my best friend, I suppose.
Sirius, angrily running through the door: POTTER!!
James, jumping out the window: Thanks, mate.
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booksarelife-stuff · 2 years
My baby’s fit like a daydream
Jily (James Potter/Lily Evans Potter)
Rating: Explicit 
“Then he noticed it. The way she perked up when she saw him. The dazzling smiles she gave him. How she would be affectionate with him outside of their tiny confines of the head dorm and she would grab his hand at any moment both of them had one freed.
It allowed him to stop holding off the inevitable and fall hard for her.”
Word Count: 4,809
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Even if James hadn’t had a small shot of Firewhiskey, he knew his whole body would be tingling from the sound of Lily’s laugh.
It was bright, unrestrained, and loud enough to be heard over the music that was filling the Gryffindor Common room. She and Mary were dancing to some song, dancing being a loose term. It was more like they were just twirling each other around, leaning into the slight buzz from the alcohol in their cups.
It had been a surprise party, so Lily was still in her uniform, though her tie was gone, the top buttons of her white shirt undone. One of her socks was pulled up and the other had fallen down.
Absolutely stunning, in James’s opinion. He didn’t need to drink any alcohol to feel buzzed when he saw Lily like that.
His hands itched to go over there, pull her into him, and dance. But it was her birthday and she wanted to be with her friends. James could be patient.
Sirius came up and plucked the whiskey from James’s hand.
“You look like a love-sick puppy,” he said, before taking a sip. “Or should I say stag?”
James rolled his eyes and made no move to grab his drink. “Like you haven’t been drooling over Moony.”
“It’s not my fault seeing him drunk is a rare occurrence,” Sirius said, nodding over to where Remus was dancing with Marlene and Peter with the grace of a newborn giraffe. All limbs, no rhythm, and reckless abandon.
“You got me there,” James said. “It is pretty funny.”
“Why aren’t you snogging the birthday girl?” Sirius asked, his eyebrow arched. “Figured you two would be setting a bad example tonight.”
“She’s spending time with her friends,” James said. “She can snog me any day.”
“What about a nice birthday shag?” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows successfully.
“Did that this morning,” James responded. “And in between Potions and Charms.”
“Ick,” Sirius shivered. “Didn’t need the details.”
“You started it.”
“And I’m ending it now,” Sirius said, before downing James’s drink. “Let’s go kick those fifth years off the couch.”
James grabbed a butterbeer and followed Sirius, who had successfully kicked the younger kids off the couch just by flopping his body onto the couch.
As James set next to him, obnoxiously kicking his legs onto Sirius’s lap who begrudgingly accepted them, his eyes found Lily once again, mouthing the words to the song on the wireless to Mary. He couldn’t help but smile.
“I still can’t believe the pet names worked,” Sirius said, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m like your fairy godmother. I helped get you the girl of your dreams.”
James leaned up and shoved him playfully, earning a smack on his arm from Sirius as he pulled away.
“It was my charm, not the pet names, thank you very much,” James said, leaning back against the armrest of the couch.
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Or was it because you’re so fit?”
“Aw, you think I’m fit?”
“Nah, I’m saying Evans thinks you’re fit.”
James gasped dramatically, clutching his chest.
“You’re saying I’m not fit?” James said, amping the drama up just to get an eye-roll from Sirius. “I’ll have you know that—”
“Who is saying James isn’t fit?” Lily’s voice rang out from behind James, making him jump.
He heard the playful edge in her voice and he pictured the glare she was probably giving Sirius.
“I will not have you spreading lies about my boyfriend,” Lily said, arching an eyebrow at Sirius, while she placed her hands on James’s shoulders. James rested his head against her stomach.
“I tell nothing but the truth, Evans,” Sirius drawled. “He’s a lanky, speccy git.”
James made a face at Sirius as Lily ran a hand through James’s hair.
“Who is very, very fit,” Lily said with a note of finality. “Who also needs to dance with me.”
He tilted his head up, looking at Lily above him, upside down. She looked down and smiled. James wondered how anyone could still look absolutely breathtaking while upside down, but there she was, bright-eyed and flushed from the alcohol and dancing.
“Did the girls get tired?” he asked. “I want you to have a good time with them.
“No,” she replied, pouting a little. “I am having fun with them. But now I want to dance with you. It’s my birthday, so you have to.”
He would never tell her no, not in a million years especially combined with the wide-eyed and pout combo. She must have had a little more to drink tonight, because would never expect a sober Lily to jut her full bottom lip like that. Unless she was trying to entice him to suck on it, knowing how much of a tease she was, that was probably the case.
He smiled and pulled his legs off Sirius, who was grumbling about being ignored. Lily’s smile was brilliant as he stood up and took her hand, having her drag him to the spot in the common room that had been cleared for a dance floor.
Dancing was one of those things James could never tell if he was doing right. He had long suffered through dancing lessons, something almost every pureblood had to go through in their youth. He could waltz, foxtrot, and whatever else, but dancing to this kind of music, urging one to grind against one another was something he was still completely unsure of himself about.
Lily had no such reservations, wasting no time pressing herself against him. If she felt his uncertainty, she didn’t let on, keeping her hands all over him and moving to the beat.
James just did what felt natural. The sway of his hips, where to put his hands on Lily. Every inch she touched on him felt like it was on fire, even though their clothes. It was too easy for him to imagine what it felt like without clothes, the slow delicious drag of their skin against each other as they moved in a rhythm.
And the flush of her skin made James think of the afterglow of sex. It was one of the signs James knew to look for when she was close to cumming. The pink glow started in her cheeks by the time it reached her chest, she was on the edge. He knew it was from alcohol, but it was too easy to imagine that it was him giving her that glow.
James had to take a second and think about other things, his cock starting to stir in his pants. He couldn’t get excited, not now with people around, and the promise of them doing anything tonight was slim, especially if Lily wanted to drink more.
He pushed all those thoughts away and just focused on having fun with her, laughing at each other’s clumsy movements, and exchanging smiles when they made eye contact.
There had been a large part of James that had been worried that this was just a physical thing between them. It was his greatest fear for the first few weeks of their relationship, that she only wanted him because of what he could do and not him.
What made him realise that wasn’t the case was for every physical moment they spent together, there were ten more of them just talking or simply existing in each other’s space. They’d be up to early mornings, not because of sex but because they were sharing their secrets, telling stories of times out of Hogwarts.
Then he noticed it. The way she perked up when she saw him. The dazzling smiles she gave him. How she would be affectionate with him outside of their tiny confines of the head dorm and she would grab his hand at any moment both of them had one freed.
It allowed him to stop holding off the inevitable and fall hard for her.
James hadn’t told her yet. Probably wouldn’t for a little while. Things were still new and Merlin, he couldn’t imagine Lily would be too happy to hear it after nearly two months of dating. But he kept the fact that he loved tucked away like a note in his pocket, ready to hand to her at any moment.
It was hard though, biting back the words. Especially in moments like these, while she just looked so happy, carefree, and beautiful.
It could have been hours that dancing together, only breaking to locate some water from their alcohol-dried mouths. It wasn’t until the crowd was thinning and they were sweaty that Lily tugged on his hand, gesturing towards the portrait of the fat lady.
They left, hand in hand, the fat lady grumbling behind them as Lily pulled James down for a toe-curling kiss, Lily’s tongue impatient for his and her hands pressing on his lower back, pushing him into her. He could faintly taste the cinnamon of the firewhiskey on her tongue.
James melted into the kiss, tilting his head while one hand went into her hair on the back of her head and the other to her waist while the warmth of her hands on his back pushed him closer.
When they parted for a breath, the fat lady cleared her throat, making James release his hold on Lily.
“Back to our rooms?” he whispered. Lily extended herself up on her toes to steal one more light kiss before nodding.
The head dorm wasn’t far from Gryffindor tower, and as head boy and girl, they were allowed to roam the halls at night. James thought Professor McGonagall didn’t quite think it through when she allowed James to have that kind of privilege. But they didn’t have to worry about getting in trouble, especially when Lily jumped on James’s back with a giggle, forcing him to piggyback her to their dorm.
James had goose flesh appear as he felt the drag of Lily’s nose against his neck before she pressed light kisses.
“I want you,” she whispered into his ear, the words making James’s breath catch and go straight to his cock. He let out a breath while Lily started kissing his neck again, feeling like he was getting licked by fire the way his body responded to it.
“You’re drunk, Lils,” he replied, after clearing his throat. He tried to ignore the way her legs tightened around him. He doubted that it was because she was slipping, her arms were tight around him and he had a good grip on the back of her thighs.
“Am not,” she whispered firmly. “I had three shots of whiskey two hours ago.”
Fuck, James thought, especially when Lily took his ear lobe between her lips.
“Are you sure that you aren’t drunk?” James asked, heat thrumming in veins as they neared the head dorms.
His breath caught in his throat as Lily released his earlobe.
“Absolutely sure,” she whispered low in his ear.
James didn’t reply, just focused on putting one foot in front of another, resisting the urge to drop her and push her against the stone wall. Lily kept up kissing his neck and James let out a curse when she started sucking on a spot.
He couldn’t get the password out fast enough and once they were through the bookcase entrance to the head dorms, Lily was hopping off his back and grabbing his hand, pulling him towards her bedroom, a playful smile on her face as they crossed the common room in the dim firelight.
James couldn’t take it. His knees felt weak and he filled with a wanting so deep, he couldn’t wait another moment for his lips to be on hers. He tugged her arm and brought her around to him, his other hand cupping the back of her head as he pressed his lips against hers, his mouth needy for hers as he sucked on her bottom lip, remembering the way she had pouted earlier.
Lily responded just as needy, her mouth accepting him with her own soft lick against his lips. James pulled away for a second before pressing his lips to hers again and then again, teasing her with the promise of deeper kisses.
Finally with a “Fuck, James,” her arms reached around his neck pulled him into her, her tongue entering his mouth in a smooth motion while James’s own hands went down, tapping on the back of her thighs in question while she swirled her tongue around his.
She understood him, feeling her hands move to his shoulders, bracing them before she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his chest to chest. James supported her with his hands holding the back of her thighs. James pulled away for a second, just to make sure that he was headed in the right direction before capturing her back into a kiss, walking with her until her back connected with her door.
Now that she was supported between him pressing her into the wall and her arms and legs wrapped around him, James let his hands wander while they explored each other’s mouths, his hands running up and down the back of her thighs before finally sneaking up her skirt that was almost ridden up so far it was pointless to even have on.
James swallowed Lily’s moan as he ran a finger under her panties, feeling the swell of her ass. He loved touching her everywhere but where she needed him most. He loved building her up until she was willing to put matters into her own hands.
Lily’s patience must have been wearing thin, because James felt her press her heels into his back and her own hips move as much as they could, looking for friction. James rolled his hips, loving the way Lily curled into him as her clothed crotch brushed against hers.
One hand reached up and tugged on James’s hair, forcing him to pull away, their lips releasing with a smack.
James opened his eyes to her looking at him through her lashes, the green barely visible in her eyes with the pupil blown so wide.
“I need you now,” she breathed out, the command coming out more like a plea. “I need your hands on me. Your tongue. Fucking anything.”
It was a bit clumsy with James opening the door she was pressed against, but he made it work, Lily kissing along his jaw as they entered her room before he dropped her on the edge of the bed.
She looked like pure sin, her ass on the bed with her legs down to the ground. Even more so when James dropped to his knees and spread her legs apart, his mouth immediately going to the inside of her thighs for wet, sloppy kisses.
His hands traced down her legs, fingers catching on the left sock that was still pulled up. He hooked a finger, pulling it down while his right matched the descent, his fingertips teasing.
Once he reached the ankle, his mouth went to the other thigh, his glasses pushing painfully against his face as he licked her skin. James’s fingers found her shoes and he pulled away from her thigh, looking down to untie her shoes, leaning back on his heels to take them and her socks off, throwing them somewhere else.
When they were disposed of, James cupped her ankles, dragging both of his thumbs up her shin bone to her knee while he looked up, his cock giving a painful twitch at the sight of Lily in front of him.
The waning gibbous moonlight was casting a perfect glow in the room, allowing him to see the most beautiful sight in front of him. Lily, propped up on her elbows, tendrils of hair in front of her breasts. Her skirt hiked up to her waist, James only saw a flash of colour for her panties. Her chest was rising up and down, her breaths shallow, her mouth open a bit as she looked at him with palpable wanting in her eyes.
James's hands grabbed her thighs and rubbed up. It was a slow down, a check-up on her. Her lips turned into a small smile, the kind that made a special heat not only grow in the base of his spine but in his heart as well.
“I’m good, baby,” Lily said softly, reaching down and running a hand through his hair. “Keep going.”
James kept eye contact with her as his hands slid up until they found the waistband of her skirt, him rising up to his feet with a question in his eyes. Lily wordlessly answered, lifting her hips up, letting him pull her skirt off and to the ground.
He kept eye contact, sinking back to his knees as his hands light touched her stomach, his fingers tracing the skin above the waistband of her panties. Lily shifted a bit, the only sign of her impatience was that he slid his fingers over her hips and back to the softness of her inner thighs. He resisted the urge to look down and inspect the blue panties she had on, or what he could see around him.
“You’re being quiet,” she mused, her way of fighting the urge to tell him to hurry.
“Just wanting to appreciate you,” James said, tilting his head down and kissing one of her thighs, his eyes falling shut.
He heard the unsteady breath she took as he went to kiss her other thigh.
“Why don’t you take your glasses off?” Lily said, her hands fisting in the comforter while started kissing up her left thigh.
James opened his eyes and took his lips off the soft skin.
“I wanna see you,” he whispered, finding her biting down on her bottom lip.
Having her like this, fighting for control made James unbelievably turned on. He knew it was the same for her because Lily loved the control. She loved being the one to make James quiver in anticipation, but it felt like a challenge in this moment, Lily being spread out and in such wanting.
James closed his eyes and started kissing again, this time working up until he was kissing the fabric over her hips and the waistband. He kept one hand lightly tracing her inner thigh and the other reaching up, acting like he was going to curl his fingers and pull them down.
He felt the impatient sigh leave her as his fingers pulled down, pressing and dragging down until it found the line around her legs and followed it in. James revelled in satisfaction as he felt her tense as his finger traced her panty line in, so close to where he wanted her. He pressed his finger into the curve, smiling to himself as he felt her leg twitch a bit.
Pressing kisses over her hips and back down to her thighs, his right hand going down and gripping her ankle, his finger traced the edge again, this time sneaking under the fabric until he felt her heat. He opened his hand, all his fingers going underneath her panties and up to her mound.
Just when James thought Lily was going to start begging, he spread two fingers into a ‘V’ shape and pressed down, touching just around her clit, sliding easily with how wet she was. Lily let out a noise and her legs twitched of their own accord.
He took his fingers back up, opening his eyes to watch Lily’s head roll back, her eyes closed. It immediately came back up when James pulled his hand away, frustration in her eyes before James took his two fingers pressed down on her clit through her pants.
A soft noise escaped her lips as he slowly swirled his fingers. James resisted the urge to palm himself though his cock of aching for contact. He didn’t want to take his hands off of her.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” James whispered against her skin. He pressed a soft kiss again. “Wanting me like this.”
James heard the rustling of her hands gripping the sheets.
“Do you need more, baby?” he asked. “Or is this enough, just me touching you like this?”
“More,” Lily whispered breathlessly.
“What do you want?” James asked, lifting his head to see the flush appearing on her cheeks.
“How, baby?”
“Mouth,” Lily gasped out, her legs tensing.
James kissed her leg.
“Fuck, you know where, James,” Lily said, her voice desperate.
He smirked as he finally took her panties off and used his hands to spread her legs more, laying it all in front of him. Lily dropped to her back as James pressed a light kiss on her stomach before he licked a broad stripe up her folds, tasting her.
Finding her clit with his tongue, Lily releasing a shuddering breath, he swirled around it, her legs twitching in response. James flattened his tongue and licked up, making Lily reach down and grab a fistful of his hair.
“Like that, James,” Lily whimpered
James did as he was told, his tongue moving in measured licks while his hand grazed up, sneaking up her shirt, touching the soft skin of her ribs and the line of her bra.
He could watch this forever; Lily’s shallow breaths in raising and falling, her head thrown back. James brought his hands back down, gripping her hips tight enough to bruise, the way she liked it and pressed her down.
James knew her like the back of his hand, listening for her moans and feeling her clenching and twitches of her body. He did as much as he could keeping an even pace until he could feel that she needed more. He placed more pressure than increased his frequency before releasing one of her hips and used his fingers to tease her entrance. He used light touches, loving the way Lily responded with moans.
It was the breathless whisper of “please” that let James’s fingers enter her, curling up just the way she liked, earning her legs fighting to tighten around him and her hand pushing him in on the back of his head.
He created a rhythm, his fingers pumping while his tongue flicked. James knew the crescendo was coming, he could feel her arching up, her body tense. Her moans become more like breathless whimpers, his name whispered somewhere in between the growing cries.
James couldn’t take his off of her. Not when he knew that the most beautiful sight was about to grace this Earth. Lily’s other hand released the sheet and appeared with her other, pushing James closer to her, trying to break the tension.
The tension snapped, Lily’s whimpers turning into sobbing moans. James felt her legs shake and he had to release her hip to keep one of her legs from closing in on him as he continued, wanting her orgasm to last long and hard. His name, pleases, and curses left her lips, especially when James kept his rhythm, starting to earn tremors from her. He pulled his fingers out but kept on her clit, opting to now suck it lightly, earning tremors and whimpers from her.
It wasn’t until she tugged on his hair and her body twitched away from him that he pulled away, coming to terms with his painfully hard cock and his girlfriend, who was boneless in front of him.
“You were so good for me, baby,” he whispered, earning a small whimper from Lily as he pressed kisses on her thigh, working his way until he hit her shirt. He stood up, his knees thankful, and undid the buttons on her shirt, wanting to kiss every inch of her body while he recovered.
Once the buttons were undone, he pulled the pieces of the shirt away and bent down, using his arms to stabilise himself on the bed while he pressed kisses over her stomach and worked his way up to her ribs. He kissed the valley between her breasts and the parts of her breast that he could get to because she still had her bra on.
She laughed when he got to the collarbone and James pulled away to smile at her, Lily looked back at him with a warm fondness, her eyes fluttering around his face like she couldn’t get enough of it.
“Hey, baby,” James whispered, shifting his weight to one arm and bringing a hand up to caress her face.
“Hi,” she replied softly, her smile widened.
“You doing okay, love?”
She hummed in the affirmative, her eyes locked on his, her eyes wide. Her hand came up to his face too, her thumb brushing across his cheekbone. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped short.
“What is it?” James asked, frowning.
“I-I love you, James,” Lily whispered, her voice soft and earnest.
James could have sworn the whole world stopped turning. There was no one else in the world. Just the two of them breathing between each other, while his heart leapt out of his chest.
He must have froze because Lily’s hand trailed up, grabbing his hair.
“Was that okay?” she asked, her eyes wide.
“More than,” James whispered breathlessly. “I love you too.”
Their lips crashed together, kissing each other passionately.
It felt like a dream, whispering that they loved each other while stripping each other of the rest of their clothes. Lily took full control, letting her hands and lips be the ones all over James. There was no teasing, only praise, and love.
Lily pushed James by his chest, making him sit on the bed after she rolled the condom on. Before James could scoot back, intending to lay on his back, Lily straddled him. She tossed his glasses off somewhere on the bed.
One hand gripping him and the other keeping herself steady on his shoulder as she sank down on him. James couldn’t fight the moan back even if he wanted to, his hands gripping her ass and his head resting on her shoulder as she sat fully down on him with a whimper.
It was hard for him to sit still, giving her a second to get used to the sensation of him inside her. She distracted him by pulling him into a kiss as she moved her legs, wrapping them around him.
James’s hands couldn’t stop moving when Lily started rolling her hips. Up her back, brushing hair behind her ear, pulling on her hips with her movement. Lily had one hand in his hair, the other lightly scraping her nails against his back.
“Fuck, Lily,” James breathed out when their kiss broke. “Feels so good.”
“You feel so good,” Lily whispered back. “So good, baby.”
James started meeting the roll of her hips with shallow thrusts, earning a breathy moan from Lily that James swallowed as he captured her into his kiss.
Time slipped away, both of them loving the falling of being like this, them pressed chest to chest, touching every inch of each other. James could start to feel the tension build in himself. Lily encouraged it, rolling her hips with quicker movements.
“I want you to cum,” she whispered as James tucked himself into her neck.
James groaned. “You haven’t yet.”
Lily held him tighter.
“You got me three times today, baby. It’s your turn.”
She clenched around him while he tried to fight the feeling back.
It was too much, the feeling of Lily, her whispering that she loved him into his ear, the pull she had on his hair, and the light scratching of his back.
His toes curled and he let out a moan as the waves crested inside him and he came.
After a beat, James lifted his head, wanting to kiss her. Lily knew what he needed, ready to press her lips to hers for a slow kiss.
They took their time cleaning up, going to their respective bathrooms for showers. James stepped out of his, a towel around his hips. He jumped, seeing Lily sitting on his bed, her hair damp and one of his t-shirts on.
Lily snorted as James’s hand tightened around the towel like it was hiding something she had never seen before.
“I just wanted to make sure you knew I wanted to sleep with you tonight,” she said, a small smile on her lips.
“I was going to come over there,” James said, returning her smile.
She hummed as she threw back the covers on his bed and tucked herself in. James fumbled around his room, getting a clean pair of pants on and setting his glasses on his bedside table before climbing in next to her.
He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her back flush against his chest.
“Happy birthday, baby,” James whispered.
She moved her arm, covering his hand on her stomach with her own.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Pamper”: A Sirius Black Imagine:  Plus Size Reader
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Sirius Black Imagine Sirius Black x reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
Sirius Black narrowed his eyes at the sight before him.
His best mate of since first year and his girlfriend of just over a year sat there practically giggling together.
You'd always got on well with the boys but it would seem that over the last week or so you and James had decided to become the best of friends.
At first, Sirius had found it comical when he'd walked in and James was letting you paint his fingernails because you'd been kinda sad that day.
He knew his best mate was a good guy and he genuinely did like to see most people happy.
Especially if they were important to him and the one's he cared about it.
So Sirius hadn't really thought much else of it.
However, the next day he'd walked in his dorm to find the two of you again, laid back in his bed, eyes closed as your faces were covered in a bright blue face mask.
Sirius had teased the both of you for it relentlessly and honestly hadn't thought too much of it.
James had had a rather nasty pimple that day anyway and everyone around knew that you knew all the tips and tricks for anything beauty related.
"It's a muggle trick but I swear by it." you had told him.  "Toothpaste on it at night to bring it to a head.  Gently, and I can not stress this enough, Jamie love, GENTLY pop it the next morning.  Clean it and immediately begin moisturizing.  If you don't it'll scar." you had told him and he had nodded with rapt attention.
Sirius who knew you know your stuff very well didn't question it but that little nickname had turned his stomach just a tad.
Jamie, love.
He didn't know why it bothered him so much but it had.
The next day, he'd literally nearly had an anuerism when he found you sat across James' lap as he let you put makeup on him.
He refused to say anything and had to force a smile when you turned James' made up face to him.
"Isn't he stunning, love?" you'd asked him.
He hadn't said anything and James fluttered his newly mascara coated eyelashes at him.
"I just knew this would turn out great." you had said. "You've got lovely eyes, Jamie, love.  And great lashes!"
Sirius physically twitched at that name again and he'd drawn everyone's attention to himself when he literally stomped up the stairs to the dorm.
You tried to see him later on that night- even retrieve him for the evening meal but he wasn't having it and made Remus tell you that he wasn't feeling well and wanted to sleep.
You knew this to be a lie because even if he wasn't feeling well the first thing he'd do is actually make one of them find you to cuddle and coddle him until he felt better.
It's just the way he was and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
You were a bit put out for the rest of the night and worried after him but you knew him well enough to know that you couldn't push him.
He'd freak out if you did and so you just waited for him to come to you.
Decided not to draw attention to it and just let it go ... for now.
So needless to say... that morning you carried on as usual, perhaps even a little chipper because the pictures you'd taken of James had officially finished developing.
Loads of photographs of him prancing around in his full face of makeup wearing your clothes and being the drama queen he is.
You rushed the Great Hall and practically tackled him.
"'Ello, there, love." James had chuckled at you when you excited produced the pictures and the two of you laughed at the silly little adventure.
Meanwhile, Sirius' blood continued to boil as he sat across from the two of you.
So much so, in fact, that his face had begun to change colors.
It eventually gained your attention and you looked at him alarmed, "Siri, love, are you ok? You don't look so good, ba-"
"No, apparently not!" he snapped.  
Your eyes widened at his outburst.
Sirius had never raised his voice at you.
He was rarely snippy with you because you always gave him the space he needed and then doted on him when he was ready.
So to have him so angry and it seemingly directed at you, threw you a little.
"Hey, Pads, what's wrong?" James said.
"Oh, you shut it!" he snapped at him and James lifted his brows at him. "I don't know what's worse. The fact that my girl is after my best mate or that my best mate is after my girl."  
"Excuse me?" you gasped.  "What on earth are you on about?"
"Oh come off it!" he seethed, seemingly unaware that he had gained most of the hall's attention.  "You were literally in his bed the other day! In his lap after that!"
"That's out of context, Sirius and you know it!" you said, offended that he would even insinuate such a thing.
"You know, everyone gave me hell about dating you." he said venomously.  "Said I could never settle down and get with a good girl like you. Doesn't look like I'm the one who couldn't settle down does it?"
The boys just stared at him... along with just about everyone else.
You leveled Sirius with a look that he had never seen grace your angelic features and for a moment he knew he fucked up.
For a second, he thought you were going to cry but you simply lifted your chin.
"Sirius, I love you but you are being really, really stupid and mean right now." you said and he narrowed his eyes.
He opened to his mouth to say something but you cut him off-
"No, don't you even.  You just shut your mouth." you snapped and he flinched.
You never talked to him that way.
You'd only ever been so sweet to him, even long before either of you had expressed an interest in each other.
"I love you." you said. "This is about as obvious as the fact that Lily is a redhead.  And don't you think that it would be nice when you love someone to get to know those that are important to them a little better?"
Sirius just stared at her and she shook her head.
"I've always got on well with the boys.  Remus and I have been fairly close since third year and after Peter started dating my sister, we learned alot about each other.  The only person who I didn't have an extremely close bond with was James.  Which is exactly the person that I wanted to because he means so much to you.  He's your best mate.  He's like your brother.  He's important to you and you're important to me... therefore HE'S important to me."
Sirius' jaw tightened as things began to click into place.
"And yes, we have been spending a lot of time together."  you said.  "We've invited you multiple times because I didn't want you to have to juggle spending time with me versus your friends.  I was trying to merge it all together.  For you.   And yes, we do have fun.   We have a lot of fun.  I don't have any brothers and my sister never let me do makeovers on her so when James didn't mind and actually enjoyed spending time with me, I jumped at the opportunity."
Sirius began to curl in on himself a little when he realized.
"Sirius, I love you." you said. "And I want those that are important to you to like me.  I want your family to like me.   And you're family isn't your last name.  I couldn't give two fucks about them.  But James and his parents are your family.  And that's important." you said taking a shaky breath.
No one said anything for a moment and you just shook your head.
"Peter." you said gaining the boys attention.  "Will you help me look for your girlfriend?  I think I need a little sister time."
Peter nodded and the two of you left the Hall... which promptly burst into whispers of gossip as soon as you did.
James gave it all of about three seconds after Sirius sat back down before he kicked the shit out of his shin.
"You shut it." he said reaching over and pulling Sirius in by his collar.
"Get off!"
"No, I will not." James said. "First of all, how dare you ever think I would do such a thing?  I'm your best mate and I'm obviously hopelessly in love with Lily.  Who by the way, did not seem to be phased by Y/N and us hanging out because she has some common sense."
Sirius finally shoved James off him.
"And two, I could murder you right now for even thinking that Y/N would ever hurt you." he said narrowing his hazel eyes. "You know she adores you. You're literally her favorite person in the entire world."
Sirius said nothing for  second, "I know. I'm sorry."
James just nodded, still honestly a bit miffed.
"And for the record, I enjoyed spending time with her too." James said. "I don't have any siblings.  We're like brothers now.  You, me, Remus, Pete.  But I've always been an only child.  And I certainly don't know about what it's like to have a sister.  It was fun to let her play 'dress up' on me so to speak."
"I'm sorry, Prongs." Sirius said, feeling worse by the second. "I didn't realize."
"I know you didn't." he said. "And we're fine, Pads.  But you have to know I'd never do that to you.  You're happier than I have ever seen you with Y/N.  She wanted to get closer to me for you.  And I wanted to get closer to her for you as well. It just so happened that we ended up clicking really fast.  I like spending time with her.  She's like a little sister to me now."
"Except for the fact that she's older than you." Remus said with a smirk trying to ease the tension.
"Shut it, Moony." James chuckled.
"I should go find her and apologize." Sirius sighed.
"You should definitely apologize." James said. "But I'd let her cool off a bit.  Let her talk to her sister.  You hurt her feelings and she probably doesn't want to talk to you right now."
Sirius' heart broke a little at that.
"But I have to make it up to her." he stressed.
"Oh, you're going to." James said pointedly before a smirked worked it's way onto his features making both Remus and Sirius lift an eyebrow at him.
"We're going to have a pamper night." he said matter of fact.  "Complete with facials, nails and hair styling."
"I don't let anyone touch my hair." Sirius said automatically.
It was true.
He didn't.
"You're going to let that precious angel do whatever she wants to you hair and you'll shut your trap about it." James snapped.  "Now, quit being a toad and eat your breakfast.  We've got a busy day of planning ahead."
Sirius didn't feel like eating and just poked around at his breakfast.
"And Remus, you will be participating." James said making the boy's jaw open and close.
"But I didn't-"
"I don't want to hear it." James said. "Pamper night in our dorm tonight. Now, excuse me while I figure out what we'll need."
And with that he was off to join Lily, Marlene, Alice and Dorcas to discuss the plans.
All four of them were in, of course and they spent the rest of the Saturday collecting what they'd need.
Later, that evening after a much needed cry with your sister you began to make your way towards the Great Hall for supper.
You weren't really feeling it to be honest but you knew you needed to eat so you figured you'd just get it over with and then go to bed.
Maybe tomorrow would be better.
However, you never made it there because you were intercepted almost instantly by Marlene and Dorcas who claimed that they had a fashion emergency in the dorm room.
"Guys, I'll look in a bit.  I just want to grab a quick bite and then go to bed.  But I promise I'll help you sort you fashion catastrophe in a bit." you had sighed.
"It can't wait!" Marlene had said. "I have a date tonight and I'll be late if you don't help me!"
"It really can't." Dorcas agreed and you groaned but let them drag you to the tower anyway.
As soon as you stepped foot inside you were tossed over someone's shoulder and being carried up the stairs to the boys dormitory.
After some wiggling, you discovered that it was in fact James who'd kidnapped you.
"James, listen, I love you to death and all and just cause Sirius and I got into a fight doesn't mean we'll stop hanging out but I really don't know if facials is gonna help anything right now considering."
"Oh ye of so little faith." he said with an impish look.
You simply lifted a brow at him.  "Really?"
He smiled, "Listen you've had a rough day.  So we've got a bit of a surprise for you."
"We?" you pressed and he simply yanked you into their dormitory.
You furrowed your brows at the room.
It was covered in more beauty products than you'd ever seen in your life as well as more snacks that you even thought were possible.
All four boys were there as well as the girls and in the middle, looking rather sheepish, was Sirius.
"Hey, love." he said.
You just looked at him for a moment and said, "Hey."
"Listen, I-"
"We're starting with hair masks!" James announced.
"Yep." Lily said joining his side. "So Sirius, you're first.  Y/N, wash his hair.  You're the best at it. Off with you!"
The two of you were shoved into the small room adjacent to the boys dorm and you glared at the door.
"Suddenly, I am remembering why it was a blessing that I never had a brother." you grumbled and Sirius couldn't help but chuckle.
"Eh, he has his moments." he said and his hand came up to hold you cheeks, "Baby, I'm sorry."
"I know." you said.
"And not just a sorry son of a bitch." he teased. "Although, still true."
You couldn't help but laugh and he smiled, a thumb tracing over your cheeks.
"There it is." he whispered. "My favorite thing in the whole world."
You simply looked at him for a moment and finally let out a breath, the tension easing out of you.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel left out, Sirius." you said.
He shook his head, "No, love.  I was being stupid.  I just couldn't see the forest for the trees.  What you were doing, the both of you, was really nice.  And if you and him ending up bonding and having some kind of cool brother sister moment, then that's great, baby.  Honestly.  I just got a little jealous."
You nodded and peered at him through your lashes.
Making him absolutely weak like you always did when you did that.
"Are we ok now?" you asked, softly- just a little fear trickling into your voice. "Because I love you, Siri and I don't wanna fight with you anymore. I just want us to be ok again."
He melted and cradled your cheeks in his hands, bringing your lips together in a sweet kiss.
"Of course we're ok, baby." he said, resting his forehead against yours and staring into your eyes.
"Ok." you said, a little smile tugging at your lips. "You, uh, you gonna let me wash your hair?"
He sighed and winked at you, "I guess I kinda owe you."
You grinned mischeviously and shrugged, "I mean, you don't but I want to play with your hair so I'm going to play into this and let you think that you do until I've had my fun."
He laughed and you set to work washing his long, thick locks.
His eyes rolled back as you scratched his scalp and he looked up at you from his spot on the floor by the tub as you poured water over it to wash it out.
"This does kinda feel good." he admitted.
"Yeah." you shrugged. "I know."
You gently squeezed the water from his hair and he handed you a towel but you threw it at the door aggressively.
"No!" you said, clearly offended by such a notion.
"You want me to walk around like a wet dog?" he laughed.
"No, but we can't use a towel on your hair." you said, "It'll ruin the curl pattern."
"My hair isn't really-"
"Yes it is." you said. "I know it because when you play Quidditch and you get sweaty it stays to curl.  You just brush it while it's wet with a vengeance so it doesn't show."
He lifted a brow at you again but let you wrap his hair up in an old clean t-shirt anyway.
"Don't brush when your hair is wet by the way." you said. "It can cause breakage."
"You're amazing you know that?" he said and you just nodded.
"Yes, now out with you.  Go let one of them put a mask on your face.   Be sure to let them know you want something with  honey and preferably almond oil. It will make you glow as well as other things." you said.
Sirius just smiled and pecked your cheek, "I love you."
"I love you too, lovebug." you said. "Now send James in so I can attempt to do something with his rat's nest."
Sirius barked out a laugh before sending James in and settling down for Lily to give him a face mask.
"Not a word." he said when she smirked at the pink shirt in his hair.
"I wasn't gonna say anything." the redhead smirked.
"She said to ask for something for honey and preferably almond oil.  For glowing skin or something like that." he said.
Lily smirked evilly and produced a pink face mask which made him sigh but he let her do it anyway.
Not long after, James emerged from the bathroom, hair wrapped in a purple shirt and ready to be pampered.
Dorcas approached him and he hissed at her.
"No one touches my skin but my little evil genuis." he said, yanking you along with him.
He flung himself across his bed, "Now work your magic, you skincare enchantress! My body is ready for your secrets."
"Prongs..." Sirius said with a warning but a smile still tugged at his lips.
You smiled softly and pecked Sirius' lips before turning to James and covering him in a green face mask.  
Sirius watched the two of you for a moment, cutting up as siblings would do and he realized that he was actually really happy.
Everyone he loved was in this room and having a good time together.
The love of his life and his best mate were getting on really well and he never been so at peace.
He didn't care if you wanted to dress him up as the Queen of England for the rest of his life.
He'd let you do it just to watch you laugh like that for the rest of his life.
Hello loves! I hope you liked this little request! I had fun writing it! If you want to see more of this version of Sirius/Reader please let me know! I had such a good time writing them and also writing the sibling dynamic between James/Reader.  I hope you're all having a lovely day and I would love to hear from you in the comments/ask box!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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starlocked01 · 3 years
Look Alive, Sunshine
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Dukexiety Week Day 7- Music WC: 1.8K Summary: Remus picks Virgil up from his dorm in the middle of the night to combat an old fear. Content Warning: Swearing, Panicking, references to past suicidal thoughts
A/N: This is actually in the same universe as When Can I See You Again? which is the first dukexiety story I wrote featuring Soul mark timers, lots of miscommunication and drama, and fun. And fight club. If you've liked this week's oneshots, maybe give WCISYA? a try ^_^ Thank you everyone for reading along and sharing this week <3
Despite Remus' progress with Dr. B. and despite over a thousand nights with no incidents, Virgil still could not shake his fear of the Xs. He hadn’t seen them in years, but some nights Virgil stayed up to watch his soul mark countdown the seconds until Remus could reassure him he'd lost sleep for no reason.
Most of the nights when he stayed up watching with growing anxiety, Virgil didn't even try to text Remus. His boyfriend needed the sleep and would just worry when he woke up until Virgil finally rolled out of bed and answered his reassurances. Tonight was too much. Tonight, not even the steady passage of time promising he'd see his soulmate the next day was enough to allay thoughts of horrific unforeseen accidents.
Tonight Virgil texted his soulmate at quarter to two am and watched as the numbers changed without warning.
Five minutes. Virgil gulped and couldn't help but feel like he'd fucked up. He glanced at his phone several times, bewildered by the lack of an answering text, but mostly watched his wrist counting down.
At about the two-minute mark he finally realized he should probably get dressed and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans to struggle into. He struck his foot on the corner of the bed and bit his lip hard to avoid waking up his roommate. Virgil quickly shrugged on his hoodie and shoes before checking his wrist again.
He laughed to himself at the near deja vu feeling, walking over to the window to watch for Remus’ car in the parking lot.
To his surprise, there was a knock at the dorm door instead. Virgil jumped and rushed over to the door, cracking it open just in time to glimpse his soulmate grinning out in the hallway.
"Remus! What are you doing here?" Virgil asked in a hissing whisper, sliding out into the hallway and shutting the door as quietly as possible, "do you know what time it is?"
"Uh yeah, babe. 2 am. You're the one who sent a distress signal, what was I supposed to do?" Remus answered at his normal, too-loud volume, wrapping Virgil in a tight hug before the smaller man could answer or object.
"You coulda just told me you were alright," Virgil grumbled, hugging his soulmate back tighter anyway, "do I want to know how you got in?"
"The desk worker recognized me and let me in. Don't worry, I would only break in if mildly inconvenienced," Remus grinned, starting to pull Virgil with him down the hall, "so why are you up so late? You weren't waiting for me to croak, were you?"
Virgil started to respond but stopped before he got a syllable out. That was what he was technically doing, even if he dreaded that very thing more than anything. "I- don't make it sound like I would ever want that! I just… got worried."
Remus tugged Virgil closer to his side, "I'm okay. And I'm not going anywhere, worrywart." He waved briefly at the night guard and ushered Virgil outside, "c'mon. We're gonna fix this."
"How? You're okay tonight but what about tomorrow? How do I know you're going to be okay every night? What if-" Virgil gulped, not wanting to vocalize his worst fear.
Remus stopped just outside the door and turned to Virgil, "come on, Virgie. I always call when it's a bad day. And I haven't had one in a while."
"Yeah, but what if-"
"If I had a bad day, I'd call. C'mon. We've gotta get your mind off this," Remus murmured, pulling Virgil towards his car.
Virgil huffed but followed Remus easily enough, sliding into the passenger's seat as Remus scanned through a pile of CD cases.
“Oh my god, you still have those?” Virgil asked, a bit surprised to see his old emo collection.
“Of course I do. One of the best your-birthday presents I’ve ever gotten,” Remus giggled and picked the album he’d been looking for, “I get that you get scared. When I die you can listen to The Black Parade and mourn me, but tonight we are gonna Look Alive, Sunshine.” Remus started the car and fed the CD to the center console before backing out of the spot and zooming out of the parking lot.
Virgil hummed happily, giggling as Remus recited the initial traffic report along with Dr. Death-Defying, “I love Danger Days. Remember how you convinced the DJ at Prom to play this song?”
“How could I not? He only did it because of your pouty little baby face back then,” Remus teased, earning himself a smack on the shoulder, “what? He certainly wasn’t doing me any favors.”
“You’re an ass,” Virgil chuckled.
“I’m your ass,” Remus corrected him, headbanging along as he drove.
“So where are we headed, ass of mine?” Virgil asked just over the music, watching as streetlights and neon signs advertising closed stores flashed by.
“Nowhere special,” Remus replied carefully, pretty quickly turning into an empty parking lot and pulling into a space as far from any lights as he can.
“Yeah.. not kidding about that... Is this a bookstore?”
“Bookstore parking lot.”
“Okay, why a bookstore parking lot?”
Remus didn’t answer, just unbuckled and tried to squeeze between the front seats of the car to the back. Virgil watched in amusement until Remus managed to push himself through and got settled in the back.
“C’mon. You do this for me all the time, now it’s your turn.”
Virgil laughed and turned the key to the battery-only position in the ignition and locked the car doors before following Remus, sliding back to the back seat a touch more nimbly. He settled into Remus’ lap and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you,” he murmured, settling in as Remus wrapped his arms around him and started singing along with the music.
“If that's the best that I could be? Then I'd be another memory. Can I be the only hope for you? Because you're the only hope for me,” Remus sang softly to Virgil, running fingers through his hair.
Virgil sniffed and sang the rest of the verse, “And if we can't find where we belong we'll have to make it on our own. Face all the pain and take it on because the only hope for me is you alone,” he tried to relax and let Remus’ presence reassure him that neither of them was going anywhere without the other, “is it weird to say I wish you were around more often?”
Remus stopped humming along with the music to hug Virgil tighter, “not weird at all, V. You’ll graduate soon and we can move in together. Then you’ll really be sick of me.” he smiled and kissed Virgil’s hair, “we’re so close to forever, love.”
Virgil sighed and began to sing along again a few songs later, “we can leave this world, leave it all behind. We can steal this car if your folks don't mind. We can live forever if you've got the time,” he buried his face in Remus’ chest, almost wishing they could just start driving tonight and never looking back.
“My pretty little heart attack in black hair dye,” Remus giggled, “you gotta finish school first so I can just kick Roman and Remy out.”
Virgil laughed at that, “as if you’d ever kick your brother out.”
“Easier done than said. I’ve lived with that asshole for far too long already,” Remus replied pointedly, “you know, we can work out transportation if you would perhaps consider moving off campus next semester.”
Virgil sat there silent in consideration. The only thing really stopping him from agreeing was the wall of anxieties over moving in with his boyfriend and living off-campus and paying rent and having to find a job in between homework and classes. It was a lot to figure out, not even considering the implications of actually moving in with his boyfriend. What if Remus did something crazy like suggesting they get married? What if everything changed and he didn’t like it or get used to it? What if nothing changed and he still woke up at 2 in the morning from dreams of Xs despite falling asleep in Remus’ arms? What if-
“Virgil- where’s your head, Stormcloud?” Virgil’s thoughts were interrupted by the question and a soft steady tapping on the back of his neck.
Virgil sighed and shook his head, “sorry. It got away from me. I kinda want this moment to last forever. It’s safe and predictable.”
“An abandoned parking lot is not life, sweetheart. Trust me, I love how safe this is. I love holding you and knowing nothing can happen to you while we’re here. But life doesn’t happen in safety. We can face it together, we always will. But we do have to go out and face it eventually,” Remus spoke softly, letting his voice mingle with the music.
“You’re here now. You’re here and real and not going anywhere. That should be enough. Why isn’t it enough?” Virgil asked in a small voice.
“Because you care. Your love isn’t limited to this moment,” Remus laughed softly, “your love has saved me before, so don’t you dare try to limit it now.”
“I- oh wow, Rem, I am so sorry,” Virgil caught himself and sighed, “I think I get it now.”
“Oh? Figure something out?” Remus asked quietly, continuing to tap on Virgil to the beat.
“I haven’t been trusting your love. I’m an asshole,” Virgil shook his head, “ of course I won’t wake up and find Xs. You love me. I’m so dumb for not trusting that because of course you’re not going anywhere.”
Remus chuckled, “now you’re getting it, V. I know you can’t help worrying, but you’ll at least let me prove it when the worries get too much?”
Virgil sat up carefully, “I didn’t want to bother you with it before. Goodness knows we both need the sleep, but I think next time, I’ll just reach out like tonight.”
Remus smiled and pulled Virgil back down, “you said it yourself. We need sleep. So sleep, mister. We’re not going anywhere until morning.”
Virgil laughed and feebly tried to push away, “nooo not in the car! At least let's go find a bed.”
“Aww but that’s no fun… unless..”
“Sleep. It’s nearly 3 am. We are gonna find a bed, either mine or yours, and go to sleep.”
“Boo,” Remus pouted but reached to unlock the car, not trusting his ability to climb back upfront.
“Love you too, boo,” Virgil grinned and leaned down to kiss Remus properly, quickly getting lost in the contact. Remus pulled him close, willing to spend the rest of the night that way until the second to last track of the album began and his speakers started blaring a distorted version of the American anthem. They broke apart, laughing together at the awkward background music. Then they managed to kiss the whole way through Vampire Money before climbing out of the back seat and back upfront.
“Alright. Let’s go home. Maybe I can convince you to make it home better from there,” Remus grinned and started up the car again, driving off towards the apartment as the CD restarted the album from the beginning.
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beykhabarr · 4 years
How The Sun Pours In (Wolfstar Fluff)
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I wake up, the sun pouring in through the dorm windows in gentle trickles across the bare white curtains, the remnants of the nightmare already fading out of my periphery. I am covered in sweat and my heart is racing out of my chest. I sit up and hug my knees to my chest, my head balancing on the top of my knees. My eyes inexplicably trail to the bed across from mine, and like every morning, I am surprised by the sunlight reflecting in his hair, it's like golden locks shining bright against the fading sun. I smile at how the sunlight tugs at his eyelids, breaking the deep sleep and how his eyes flutter open. He catches me staring and smiles at me, the nightmare is gone and I am now full of this, this beautiful boy, smiling in the morning light. I can’t help but smile back.
“Morning Pads,” He says, his voice thick from sleep. He moves and the smile fades, as he flinches from the pain shooting up his body, I am already on my feet, grabbing the vial on his bedside, I am on his side, holding his head up, helping him with the medicine.
“Morning Moony, how are you feeling?” I ask him.
“Sleepy” He mumbles and laughs to himself. “How are you up so early on a weekend?”
“I don’t know, you were snoring”
“Was not!” He states indignantly and shoves me with what little strength he has.
“Ow,” I double over, pretending to be hurt. “I can’t believe it you hit me, you ungrateful bastard, I carried you on my back!”
“You are such a drama queen, shut up you are going to wake Peter and James,” He says.
“Let me have a look at your wounds,” I say, and his smile fades slightly, but he nods. I put a finger under his jaw and he moves his head, exposing his neck, and the gash running across it. “It’s looking much better, these medicines are better than the ones we used to use, don’t you think?” I say. “Does it hurt a lot?” 
“Not as much now,” He says.
I open his drawers and take out the ointments and medication Pomfrey left me last night after we put Remus to bed.
“I think this is going to burn a little, Moons, but you are a big boy now, aren’t you?” I say, and he laughs and shoves me again. 
“I swear to Merlin if you don’t stop hitting me, I am going to steal all your chocolates and give them to Minnie”
“You can’t find them,” He mumbles, already bracing himself for the impact of the thick and gooey ointment.
“I am sorry you have to go through this Moony, I wish I could take the pain away,” I say as his eyes flutter close when I apply the ointment on to his gash. 
He doesn’t say anything, I am glad.
“Merlin the smell is horrific, it smells like Goblin piss,” I say when I am done, and he laughs again.
“Smells better than all those cigarettes you’ve been smoking” He says not meeting my eyes, I don’t know how he knows, but Remus always knows, I wonder what took him so long to bring it up.
“Err” I laughed sheepishly.
“Seriously how many did you smoke last night?” 
“Great, you know how hard it was for you to give it up, why would you start  again?”
“I didn’t know what else to do!” 
“Great, that explains everything!” he deadpans
“We can have this conversation later, Moony, I need to look at the wound on you back.”
“I don’t want to talk to you if you are going to be like this, Sirius, I want you to live a long life, and a healthy one”
“You sound like Euphemia”
“That’s because I am right”
“Take off your shirt and turn over to you back”
“Why should I listen to you?” He says, “You never listen to me”
“What! I listen to you all the time!”
“Give me one instance” 
“Let’s not forget I gave up smoking because you asked me to, then I didn’t kick Malfoy in the shins just because you asked me to, let’s not forget I didn't skip Transfiguration just because Remus Lupin asked me"
Remus chewed the inside of his lip as he often did when he was disappointed.
I want to kiss him, but I can't.
"Now turn over Moons"
He doesn't fight it this time.
And moves his hands up to remove his shirt and cries out in pain, his muscles must hurt from the transformation.
"Here, let me" I offer.
I stand up, and pull the shirt off, over his head, my fingers graze the smooth skin of his back accidentally and I gulp down the nervous tremors now running across my body.
He lies down on his stomach, exposing the gash across his smooth back, anew among countless scars. I try not to flinch when I look at it, it reminds me too much of the ones on my back, the ones my mother gave to me.
I can’t help but dwell on the fact that we are bound by the pain our blood has forced upon us, stories and scars that are embedded in our life that only our death will set us free. It is a string that binds us both. The stories of our pain.
When I am done, I help him put his shirt back on and he lays back, his eyes drooping shut, from the medicines.
I sit down beside him, and he puts his hand over mine. It seems so innocent, childlike, to be reminded of my presence when he is barely hanging onto the string of consciousness. 
“Hey, you should sleep now, I am going to see what is there to eat” I tuck a stray lock of hair away from his eyes, my fingers lightly grazing his face.
“Don’t leave, you look beautiful here”
He is under the influence on medicine, I tell myself in vain, as a blush breaks free and spreads all across my face.
“I look beautiful everywhere,” I say and he laughs.
“I wonder what it would be like to be loved by you, Sirius Black”
“I think you already know”
“I do?” He asks his voice barely a whisper now.
“More than you can imagine, more than I can ever fathom,” I say, my eyes fixated on his face as he fights to stay awake. “Only you”
I don't know where the words are coming from, but half of me believes that he cannot hear me, that he is too far gone to hear my declaration, and I am glad, I can’t ever say this to his face, but then he intertwines his fingers with mine, and all hell breaks loose.
His cold, slender fingers gliding perfected into my calloused arms. I close my eyes and remind myself to breath.
“Why would you love someone like me, Pads?” He whispers.
“No one but you, only you, I can’t help it” 
“Why,” He says, and a single tear escapes his eyes and falls onto the pillow, in the sunlight, it almost looks like a diamond.
I cannot put to words, how he is the only thing that saves me, each and every time, how his brightness overpowers the darkness that lives inside of me, I don’t think I can explain why I love him, even if I could, it would scare him.
“Because you are the brightest star,” I say, a thousand words summed up into one, I wish he would understand.
I wish he would say something, but he is already asleep, a gentle smile playing across his features, our fingers intertwined, I wish I could stay here, like this, forever.
But, I pull my hand slowly out of his and walk out, I want him to be awake when I tell him this.
My eyes open flutter open, James and Peter are whispering about something across the room while clearing the pieces of shattered glass from the floor.
I sit up and they jump at the sound of my bed creaking.
"Err, hey Remus!" James says nervously.
"Hey Prongs what are you up to?"
"Err nothing?"
I dart my eyes towards Peter.
"He was making Poly Juice Potion with one of Lily's friend's hair and he slipped" Peter explains, and I smile as James rubs a hand across his face, exasperated.
"Where's Pads?"
"He'll come to check up on you I about two minutes from now"
Realization suddenly dawned on me, the morning light, Sirius's hand in my. "Only you" he had said.
I get to my feet, and my vision blurred, but I need to see him, right now. Years of longing.
It seems like a dream. I dream. Only a dream.
I rush out.
And there he is sprawled on the couch, his eyes find me almost immediately and he sits up.
"Moons" he whispers "what are you doing out of bed?" He is on his feet, but I am faster still.
"Pads, tell me I wasn't dreaming" I ask him, he seems unsure "I wonder what it would be like to be loved by you" I say, looking down at me feet.
He doesn't say anything.
"Tell me I wasn't dreaming"
"You weren’t dreaming, Moons" he says. 
"I love you, Sirius Black, I-"
But I am gone, because he is kissing me and I am lost in his arms, in his smell, his lashes on my cheeks, the way he gathers me like I am weightless.
I love you Sirius Black. I Love you more than the stars.
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How it may have gone - Humble Beginnings
A fic taking place in the marauders era. While the political climate seems to head to a conflict, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter are still just teenagers. Dealing with typical teenage problems.
But this year their little group grows. Who would have known that more prefects would be a good thing?
Eight: New Year, new me III
We nearly missed breakfast. As the very last student we walked into the Great Hall to grab the rest of the Sunday buffet. None of us looked truly alive but the adrenaline of sharing a secret and the excitement of maybe running into Crick had us all on edge. 
The Potter-posse was nowhere to be seen when we sat down and dug in but waited for us on the steps when we walked back into the foyer. They weren’t the only ones, though. Magnus leaned against the wall and waved Chloe over, Toby standing next to him. My heart dropped. Hopefully they would talk about something completely irrelevant and not me or Crick. 
“I hear you’ve become quite the ladies’ man!”, Nica bellowed messing up Pettigrew’s hair. 
“So, you told them”, he looked at me. 
“Everything?”, Remus asked cautiously. 
“Then we finally get to brag about our heroism! Killed me that we couldn’t do that yesterday!”, Potter cheered and pulled us all into the snowy courtyard, telling the story from his perspective – it nearly sounded creepy the way he described how Crick tried to kiss me – and giving all the girls sufficient time to ‘oooh’ and ‘aaah’.  
“And that is how us noble men saved the fair lady”, he ended. 
“I’m so proud of you, James”, I applauded him. “You haven’t even exaggerated that much.” 
“Hang on, did you just call me James? Are you feeling alright?” 
“Yes, I am. I just figured after you have rescued me from a truly uncomfortable situation and provided shelter for me, it would only be a token of my gratefulness and respect to use your first name.” That wasn’t completely true. Not a lie necessarily, but not the truth either. I had decided to call Sirius Sirius and I had decided to not tell any of the girls that I knew he lived with the Potters. So, I had to come up with a reason to call him by his first name and this was the best I had. Besides, I was grateful. And I did respect all of them. 
“Does that go for all of us?” 
“It does, Peter, if you’re okay with it.” 
“Won’t change anything for me, I guess. You already call me Remus all the time.” 
“I could go with Remus John. Or Rems.” 
“Remus is fine, thanks.” 
“And obviously the honourable man who took a hit for you for will be referred to by his given name”, Milla cleverly directed the conversation towards the question we all had. To be perfectly honest I hadn’t thought about what Sirius might have done to get punched by Crick until I retold the story but I now really wanted to know. I was properly shocked to hear that their conversation had gotten physical but Sirius had made a point of not telling me what he did to get his bloody lip. When he pushed Crick away from me he was calm and calculated, but I reckoned Crick would have not punched him without provocation. 
“Obviously”, I answered. 
“Why did he punch you?”, Blair asked quickly. 
Sirius extinguished his cigarette. 
“Why does it matter?” 
“Because a) we don’t know Crick to be violent and b) we didn’t think you would take it without striking back”, Blair answered. 
“I didn’t ‘strike back’, he sarcastically stretched the last two words “because I figured Cricket was already feeling like shit.” 
“Okay, and how did you get that busted lip?” 
“I said something he didn’t like to hear.” 
“Come on! What did you say?”, Nica whined. 
He still wouldn’t look at me. Not once since we’d been out here. Now, he hesitated to answer, scuffing his feet. I was sure that he would have normally used his soul-seeing eyes to get my approval or okay but he didn’t. 
“I really don’t think it matters.” He abruptly walked through us, bumping into Remus and Milla and went back to the castle. 
“What the hell?” 
“He’s been weird recently”, James explained. “Don’t focus on that too much. Reckon he’ll be back to normal in no time.” 
“You know what he said, right?”, Milla bat her doll eyes at Remus, frowning in the cutest way possible. Stellar performance. 
“Oh, don’t look at me like that!” 
“But I’m really curious! And Jette feels bad about it.” 
Remus looked at me. “You do?” 
“Of course, I do. Felt bad about all of it. Feel bad about all of it. I didn’t want my naiveté to cause anybody any harm…” 
“For the one thousandth time: Not your fault”, Peter said, stern face and voice. 
“Just tell them, man”, James demanded. “They’ll be bugging us about it anyway and he’s just being dramatic.” 
“You tell them.” 
“Fine! Cricket kept going on about how de… Jette – feels weird to say that –“ 
“I know. We’ll all get used to it.” 
“… how Jette was a tease and did all of it on purpose. He got really angry. Sirius told him to calm down and asked whether he honestly believed Jette would do that. But that didn’t help and Cricket got even more furious and called you some nasty names, apparently”, James said, head turned to me, face apologetic. 
“Sirius said something along the lines of: “No wonder she doesn’t want you if that’s what you think of her. You don’t deserve her. ‘And that was the last straw and Cricket hit him.” 
I stared at him open-mouthed.  
“He didn’t!” 
“You saw the lip Milla, it wasn’t there before he took Cricket away.” 
“Not what I mean. Crick didn’t really call her a slut, did he?” 
“Sirius didn’t give us the details. But something like that I’m sure.” 
Not only did he get beat because he helped me out. He also got beat because he defended me. I had expected him to have told Crick that I wasn’t worth the drama. Not that he didn’t deserve me. Good thing I told him that people didn’t give him enough credit when he still talked to me. I hadn’t given him enough credit. Not by a long shot. 
“Has he gone mental?” Nica’s yelling got me out of my head and I closed my mouth. “He’s known her her whole life, he knows that she’s as much a slut as skunk!” 
“Thanks, love. But he was really upset. I don’t think he meant it.” 
“Sounds like you haven’t talked to him yet”, Peter found. 
“Not since New Year’s.” 
“Your decision or his?”, Peter asked on. 
“Both I’d say. I don’t even know where to begin and he probably still hates me. Jonas said he’d calm down but I doubt it. Couldn’t wait to get away from me after Dad dropped us off at the station.” 
I heard their voices shouting and arguing before I even entered the foyer. I knew that it was them before I saw them.  
“Are you really that thick!?! Of course that’s what she’d say. As if she’d admit to it!” 
“You know her! As if she’d ever do it!” 
“Why would Crick lie?” 
“He doesn’t on purpose, you idiot. He’s hurt. He’s overreacting.” 
“So, you’re taking her side? You think what she’s done is okay?” 
“Not falling for someone who fell for you? Yeah, that’s okay!” 
“What about her leading him on?” 
“Mer-lin! She didn’t! Or did you see her do that?” 
Magnus fell silent for a moment to think whether he had and I used the opportunity jump in between them. 
“Chloe, you promised me you wouldn’t argue about it. Please, just agree with him and be together and be happy.” 
“He thinks you kept Crick on the hook for kicks!” 
“So, what? I really don’t care, Chloe. I know that Crick hates me. I expect him to convey that to his friends. Magnus is a good friend. He believes what Crick says. Just agree with him and be done with it.” 
“But you didn’t do that, Jette!” 
“Chloe, please! I don’t need to ruin anybody else’s January. Crick’s fuming, Sirius’ got a bloody lip, Jonas is all awkward. You two will not fall victim to this goddamn drama! As soon as Crick doesn’t give me looks of death anymore, I’ll talk to him and try to clear it up. Until then I’m perfectly fine with Magnus and Toby wishing the Dragon pocks upon me as long as you’re still his”, I vaguely gestured at Mag. “girlfriend.” 
Not waiting for an answer I pulled her with me by her arm, leaving Mag and the rest of our friends behind. I dragged her into the common room, made her promise again that she would not argue with Mag over me and went up to my dorm. I was not perfectly fine with Magnus and Toby wishing the Dragon pocks. I hated it. Just like I hated Crick looking at me in disgust. Just like I hated Sirius not looking at me at all. Just like I hated Jonas avoiding me. Just like I hated keeping secrets from and lying to my friends. 
I kept hating all of that for the next three weeks. Because for those next three weeks it all stayed the same. Mag and Toby were mad at me, Crick looked at me like I was some disgusting insect, Sirius ignored my existence, Jonas avoided me and I had to keep secrets from my friends. In order to not keep lying to them, though, especially after they noticed that Sirius ignored me and asked me about it, I became quite the loner. 
In the beginning I made up excuses to head back to the common room after meals and smoke at the terrace instead of going with the rest. But by the second week I didn’t say anything anymore. 
I had volunteered for all the things in the prefect meetings and taken on more nightshifts than I needed, just to have excuses to get away and be quiet a lot of the time. To keep busy and alone in the weekends I hardly did any of my homework through the week, so I had to do it then. The time I gained by that on week nights I spent either reading in my bed, chatting to Felix or writing to my parents. Actually, for the first time since homesickness-stricken first year I wrote lengthy letters home. In the first one I had explained what had happened with Crick and all the consequences. Turned out that Mr and Mrs Cricket had heard all of it from Jonas on the first of January and informed my parents immediately. They told me to keep my head up and hope for the best. 
The second one was only addressed to Dad. Although I thought that he had told Mum all about Sirius but I didn’t want to feel the risk. I asked him what his pretermitting me meant and how I should deal with it. He said he didn’t know. That I should probably ask him that. Assure him that I was his friend. Stuff like that.
The only good thing that came from all this heartache was that Chloe and Magnus stopped arguing when I disappeared into isolation. I didn’t really know why but I was happy about it. Those two were meant to be together. But I loved Chloe for being on my side. 
“Protego!” Joe’s Tarantallegra didn’t hit me. We were going through the common defences and counter jinxes in Defence against the Dark Arts. 
“Locomotor Mortis!” He reacted well too late and his legs got locked in their current position. I gave Joe a moment to think of the counter jinx but he gave up quickly and shot me a look. 
“Mitterio”, I waved my wand at him. 
In his next attempts he threw arrows and ropes at me which I easily countered with two Impedimenta-spells before I had him laughing on the ground and disarmed. 
“Very nice, Miss de Witt, very nice. Go on like this and your practical OWL should be a walk through the park.” 
“Thank you, Sir.” 
Joe had used Professor Horton’s interruption to throw the Pimple jinx at me and it worked but hardly long enough to even register. “Finite Incatatem!” 
“Oppugno!” I pointed my wand at my empty bag first and Joe second but his Protego worked out this time. 
“By the Sirens, Jette, give me a break”, he huffed, smiling, clearly impressed with himself. 
“Miss de Witt” Professor Horton came over to my desk. “You know that there are extra points in the practical exam for conjuring a Patronus, don’t you.” 
“Indeed, Sir, I do.” 
“Why don’t you give this a read while Mr Fox catches his breath. I think you’ll find it understandable and not too challenging.” He handed me parchment with instructions and illustrations on how to produce a Patronus. 
“I think you’re more than capable of getting those extra points. At least for conjuring a non-corporal one.” 
“Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it.” 
I studied the illustrations first. Nothing overly complicated. Hold out the wand in front of you, arm fully extended. Once your Patronus had materialised you could direct it with your wand to wherever you wanted it to be. Simple enough. On to the instructions. 
“To conjure a Patronus one has to focus all positive energy into the spell. This can be done most effectively when thinking of a happy if not the happiest memory one has. It seems important to note that said memory mustn’t be tainted by melancholy, sadness, nostalgia or any other negative feeling. Alternatively one can manufacture a happy scene in one’s head. In this case the scene should be imagined to every last tiny detail, including the voices of present people, every leave in the background and the position of the sun and the cast shadows. One needs a vivid imagination to conjure a Patronus with such a thought.  Once the happiest memory is fully formed before one’s inner eye, the wand is raised to stretched arm and the charm’s formula Expecto Patronum is spoken. This is the very moment the memory needs to be visible, audible and felt as this is the moment the positive energy is concentrated into the spell.  If the memory was strong enough and the caster concentrated enough the Patronus will now appear, either in corporal or in non-corporal form. The corporal Patronus is the strongest of Patroni, capable of providing protection against most offensive spells and very capable of keeping a dementor at bay. Corporal Patroni take the shape of whatever creature best represents the caster’s personality or values.  A non-corporal Patronus manifests as silvery dust or mist and is a weaker version of the charm. While lesser attacks can be successfully avoided, not all offensive spells can be warded off. Furthermore, a non-corporal Patronus can sometimes be useful against dementors but not always.  A Patronus is directed to defend by pointing the wand at whatever danger one finds oneself in.” 
I read the parchment several times while Professor Horton took it upon himself to partner up with Joe. A happy memory. The happiest memory. I took a moment to concentrate. 
The ceiling was a dark purple, pink clouds spattered upon it, the moon already visible, the sun not yet fully disappeared. It was breathtaking. I took next to Milla holding her hand. Behind us were four huge tables, filled with students of all ages. Crick sat at the second from the left, wearing a yellow tie, Tristan to his left, Jonas to his right. He had smiled and given us a thumbs-up when we had followed Professor McGonnagal through the path in the middle of the Great Hall.  The closer the professor got to the letter S on her sorting list, the harder Milla and I squeezed each other’s hands. Since August we had assured each other that we were too similar and too good friends to be sorted into different houses. It was impossible. Then, again, we saw a set of twins with the last name Brown be sorted into two Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively. Twins were probably as alike as possible.  “Scribe-Anderson, Milla!” A last squeeze, then I let go of her hand. She walked up to the chair calm and collected on the outside but I knew that she was going just as crazy as I was. The hat was placed on her and fell silent. Milla mumbled to herself, pulling her forehead in wrinkles.  “Hufflepuff!”, the high but enormously loud voice yelled through the hall. Crick’s table applauded and stood up. Milla smiled in relief, grinned at me and took her seat between Tristan and Crick at the yellow table.  Part one of our plan had been a success. We wanted to be in the same house as all the Crickets. They were like brothers anyways and we wouldn’t be fully alone in the quest to navigate the terrifyingly big castel.  Part two of the mission was to get me into Hufflepuff as well. Milla had done her job. Now only I could screw it up. I got more nervous by the minute watching the T’s, U’s and V’s all take their seat on the little stool and getting sorted.  “de Witt, Jette!” She didn’t pronounce my name right. She’d said Dooit. Whatever, I thought, more important matters to attend to. I hoped I looked as cool as Milla when I walked up to the little podium but I doubted it. Professor McGonnagal gave me a surprisingly warm smile, then the Great Hall disappeared when the big hat fell over my eyes.  “Interesting, interesting. Both parents Hufflepuffs, but grandparents in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor… A strong need for harmony, for companionship. You don’t like being alone.” I shook my head. I didn’t.   “Your friends are important to you. You’d let nothing ever happen to them, hm? And I see a strong sense of justice in you. Of tolerance. A need for equality. Will you do the best you can in your classes?” I nodded. Of course I would. This was the coolest thing ever. I wanted to do well and learn as much as humanly possible.  “Well, then, I think it’s safe to say that you’re a HUFFLEPUFF!”  My face lit up. Hufflepuff. Like Milla. Like Crick. Like Jonas. Like Tristan. I would be with my family. Thank Merlin. I jumped off the stool and skipped over to the applauding table, got pulled into a hug by Jonas and high-fived by Tristan. Milla beamed and pushed Crick away so we could sit next to each other.  “Told you everything would be fine, Libby, haven’t I? We’ll be best friends and siblings for the next six years. Nothing will ever get between us, I promise”, Crick said when he offered me some pumpkin juice. I believed him. 
I concentrated hard on that feeling lightness and joy and relief when I had been sorted in the only house that was a real option for me. I raised my wand, took another moment and said the spell. Absolutely nothing happened. Nothing of interest, that is. I realised that my eyes had started burning and a lump had built in my throat. 
He’d promised nothing would ever come between us. Seemed I wasn’t the only who lied. I fought back the tears and forced myself to regain my composure. The last thing I needed right now was a nervous breakdown in front of 30 students. 
For the fifth time I read the instructions on the parchment. The  memory mustn’t be tainted by melancholy, sadness, nostalgia or any other negative feeling. Should have taken that into account. With the state I was in at the moment every memory that had Crick in it would be tainted by nostalgia, melancholy, anger, despair, the urge to yell at him and longing for better times. No chance to cast a Patronus with a memory that starred him. 
That basically knocked out at least 90% of all my memories. Crick had been a constant in my life just like Mum, Dad and Felix. Or Milla. What was left? A couple of holidays my family had taken, none of them bad but none of them the happiest memory either. Those were out. I loved going on holiday but the feeling I had when I knew I was going to sleep in the same room as Milla and eat every meal with my ‘brothers’ was practically unbeatable. 
Head on my desk I ignored the shouting and laughing around me, trying to find a memory that would come even close to the one that had just nearly made me cry. Was there any. 
“Look out!” 
“Protego!” Pure instinct. I heard the scream and felt a little breeze and conjured the protective invisible wall without even thinking and before I had looked up. No thirty centimetres in front of me on eyelevel floated a chair, legs pointed at me. Who was so stupid as to throw chairs at their friends? “Finite Incatatem.” The chair fell to the ground with a lot of noise that was even louder because the entire class had stopped duelling to watch me get impaled by dumb piece of wooden craftsmanship.  
“Impressive display of reflex, Miss de Witt. And impressive execution of the protection spell. 20 points to Hufflepuff.” He addressed the rest of the class. “Take note. This is excellent defence and a guaranteed “O” in your OWL exam. This kind of quick thinking and self-preservation is at the core of your lessons for Defence against the Dark Arts. Now, don’t stand around! On you go and practice.” 
Chloe and Blair came over.  
“Wow. I knew you were good but I didn’t know you could do all those spells in your sleep”, Blair grinned at me. I weakly smiled back. It had been forever since we’d had an actual conversation. My self-inflicted isolation hadn’t given us many opportunities. 
“Thanks, mate.” 
“I thought McAllen would blind you!”, Chloe gasped. “Idiot! If you don’t know how to use the goddammn spell, then don’t.” She quickly punished him with a very disapproving look. He still stood frozen in place. 
“Poor thing”, Blair found. 
“Oi, McAllen, I’m fine. No hard feelings, okay? Just practice with pillows for the time being, yeah?” He looked at me in shock. I smiled as warmly and reassuringly as I could manage and he slowly unfroze. 
“Shit, de Witt, I’m sorry, man. I meant to use the jacket.” Well, he would not apply to the auror offices any time soon, that was certain. 
“It’s all good. Don’t sweat it.” 
“He’s got you on Patroni?”, Chloe asked, my parchment in hands. 
“Yeah, but it’s gonna take a while before that’ll ever work.” 
“I don’t think so. You’re excellent at Defence.” 
“Be that as it may, most of my happy memories have Crick in them. So, not exactly untainted…” 
“Still no progress on that front then?”, Blair rubbed my back while she exchanged looks with Chloe. They were worried. Of course they were. They were good friends and had more than just noticed that I kind of fled the room whenever they entered. 
“Nope. He still looks at me like I’m the love child of a ghoul and a mountain troll.” Chloe snorted. “Charming picture.” 
“He’ll come around. Mag’s already coming around to the idea that you might not be an evil bitch but just an unobservant naïve little thing. And if he does, so will Crick.” A flicker of hope lit up in my heart. 
“That’d be great”, I admitted. 
Horton shooed them away to get back to duelling and I looked back down at the Patronus instructions. What other really good days had I had? Moments of pure delight?  
The first thing that came to mind was the last Saturday before Christmas break. No worries, a snowball fight, a couple rounds of quidditch and some sneaking around in secret passages before going to a glamorous party. That was a really good day. But before I really had chosen a still from that day to use as an inspiration for my Patronus, I realised that it would be just as useless as the memory of my sorting. Negative feelings. Sirius had been with us that entire day. Sirius who wouldn’t look at me, who wouldn’t speak to me, who decided I didn’t exist. Sirius who had moved in with the Potters because his own parents had raised their fists to him, and probably their wands. Sirius who didn’t want anyone to know. Sirius who seemed to think I wasn’t trustworthy. 
That memory would never work as an untainted happy one. 
Alternatively one can manufacture a happy scene in one’s head. In this case the scene should be imagined to every last tiny detail, including the voices of present people, every leave in the background and the position of the sun and the cast shadows. One needs a vivid imagination to conjure a Patronus with such a thought. 
A vivid imagination I had. The nightmares that had tortured me ever since the new year had begun were proof of that. I was either chased down the forest path between Marlow’s Creek and Godric’s Hollow by Crick yelling all kinds of insults at me and grabbing me; or I stood in a dimly lit room with black and green walls watching two faceless figurines with shrieking voices fire spells and jinxes and curses at Sirius who lay on the floor screaming in pain, begging for them to stop, blood all over his face.  
In that second dream I was never able to move. I couldn’t help I was absolutely useless and just watched Sirius scream and sob in agony. A mind that can come up with such twisted scenarios had to be capable of imagining a detailed happy scene. Maybe I should give that a go. 
“Okay, wands down!” Horton yelled and restored the class room to its usual state by a wave of his wand. 
“In the next lesson we’ll continue. I’d like you all to hand in a three foot essay on your strongest and your weakest offensive and defensive spells, then. I’d like to do some individual work with each of you in the next weeks. Class dismissed!” 
I packed my bag in record time and rushed to the front table to hand back the parchment.  
“Oh, no, keep it. Use it to practice. I’d love to see you conjure a Patronus in that exam.” 
“Thank you, Sir. I would, too.” 
I pushed the parchment in my backpack and walked out the classroom and to the staircase without taking notice of my surroundings. That had become my new routine. If you don’t see your friends waiting for you, you can’t feel bad for ignoring them.  
I entered one of the secret passages the boys had shown us to make it to lunch without having to navigate all the first years that would block the staircases and was about to illuminate my wand when I heard voices and froze in place. 
“I cannot believe that it’s just the Crick-thing. Why would she run from us if she has trouble with him?” Blair. 
“We all usually came as a combi deal. I mean, for the price of one Scribe-Anderson you got three Crickets and two de Witts. And she definitely saw me talk to him a couple of weeks ago.” Milla. 
She was right. I had seen her and Crick talk and laugh in the common room that day. They seemed like nothing had changed between them and I didn’t want to ruin that. It had been the last drop. When I saw that I decided to keep to myself for a while. 
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Nica. 
“Maybe she doesn’t run from us, maybe she runs from Crick. Crick, who usually comes with a free Milla. Milla who usually comes with a free threepack of friends.” 
“But we’re not always with Crick.” Chloe. 
“She should know that her chances of running into Crick are like zero when we’re with James, Remus, Peter and Sirius.” When had Chloe switched to using their first names?  
“That’s why I said that it’s not just Crick. Since the break Sirius and Jette don’t talk, haven’t you noticed? They used to have those little private conversations all the time an now they don’t even say hello.” 
“Remus says that they were gossiping about him and me, when they did that whispering thing. They tried to get us together. Maybe now that we actually have a date there’s no need for that anymore.” 
“Even if that’s true, why would they stop talking all together?”, Blair asked and I imagined her imitating McGonnagal’s inquisitive look. An art that she had perfected. 
“I bet something happened over break”, Nica commented. 
“A lot happened over break”, Chloe shot back. 
“I mean something neither one of them is telling us. Maybe they had a fight, maybe they snogged. But something happened I’m telling you. Otherwise she wouldn’t dodge every single human being she knows.” 
Touché, Nica. That was nearly spot on. I suddenly felt bad eavesdropping on them and backed out of the passage to take the crowded stairs. At lunch Felix had saved me a seat and I joined the lively discussion he and his friends had about the next quidditch game: Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw. It would take place the weekend after Valentine’s and wasn’t that far away anymore.  
When I got up to go for a smoke I passed the girls who had changed subjects and were now planning their day in Hogsmeade. Milla would finally go on that long awaited date with Remus in less than 24 hours and the rest wanted to spill their Christmas money. I had homework to do and thirdyears to tutor. Besides, I was to work the nightshift on Sunday and needed to rest up for that. None of my friends had bought that story but they also hadn’t succeeded in changing my mind. 
I was dying to find out whether Milla and Remus would get it together and I would have loved to spy on them in Hogsmeade but everybody would be in the village, from Crick to the Potter-posse and I didn’t need that. 
I would have a quiet day in and then interrogate Milla about hers as soon as she got back. While in my head thinking, I didn’t notice where I was going and was rather surprised when I found myself in the courtyard, cigarette in hand. ‘The might of routine”, my mother would have said. I looked around myself. Nobody in sight that would pose a threat to my fragile peace of mind. I inhaled the smoke and instantly the tension in my neck loosened up a bit. 
Eyes closed and head rotating I must have stood there for a couple of minutes. 
“It’s alive!” I jumped at the voice. 
“Hansel, Gretel and the ginger bread house!! You scared the hell out of me, Peter!” 
“And it speaks.” 
While I had tried to calm down and not be a nervous wreck my friends had obviously gone on their after-meal-date. All of them looked at me. All of them but Sirius. 
“Of course it speaks. It always has”, I answered, trying to not sound panicked.  
“Thought you’d had enough of us, now that we’ve become noble heroes. Thought maybe we weren’t interesting or exciting anymore.” 
“Oh, shush. You know that’s not true. I’m just under the weather from that whole… you know. I’m still as charmed and fascinated by you as ever.” I blew James a kiss. It felt good to be here with them and talk nonsense. I had really missed that over the last few weeks. 
“Good. Good. That’s good.” 
“Horton has Jette doing Patroni now. As the only one in the whole class”, Blair said proudly, obviously trying to keep me with them by engaging me in the conversation. 
“Nice!”, Remus raised his hand for a high-five. “How’s it going?” 
“Pretty badly. Turns out most of my happy memories involve Crick and when I think of him I’m not really capable of concentrating my positive energy.” 
“Well, that’s just insulting!”, James bellowed. 
“How much fun have you had with us, hm? Most of your happy memories should include us, not that sulking baboon.” I smiled. 
“I have a lot of happy memories including you, but I’m afraid they’re not as powerful as… I don’t know… first day of school or when I got my first broom. He was there for all of those things.” 
“Fair enough.”  
“If you need help with the charm, though, I’m sure Sirius would help you out. He got an impossible score on his OWLs last year because his Patronus was perfect. Should be worth a try to learn from the best”, Peter suggested. I hesitated for moment. Sirius had still not recognised my existence. Then I decided that I enjoyed conversations like these and being surrounded by my friends too much to live in isolation because he had a problem he didn’t even tell me about. 
“Would you mind helping me out? I mean I’ll give it another go and look through my diaries to think of a good memory but if that doesn’t help could I beg you to take pity on me?” I hoped it sounded sarcastic like usually. Hoped it showed him that we were friends. But he stoically watched the ivy on the other wall and exhaled smoke. 
“Sirius? Would you mind?”, I tried again, now a little louder. Still nothing. 
“I’m asking you a question.” I was audibly irritated. No, I was fuming. I had done nothing to deserve this childish punishment.  
“By Merlin’s Beard, Sirius, we all know that you can me hear me. If you can’t stand the sight of me, fine, but at least have the decency to tell me no.” No reaction at all. Like I was a bird chirping in the distance. 
“This is ridiculous, do you realise that? I’ve done nothing wrong! I was just there. I didn’t even ask the stupid question. That was my dad. And he only made small-talk, he was being polite. The one who actually told me – no him! – was Euphemia and I doubt that you neither can nor should be mad at her, because she had no bad intentions whatsoever. But the one person you can’t blame for anything is me, Sirius! I was just there! And I didn’t know what she would answer, how could I? If I’d known I’d just left that damn kitchen. I didn’t know, though.
And I don’t see why you need to pretend that I don’t exist. It doesn’t make sense. What have I done to deserve that, huh? Nothing. It was obvious you didn’t want me to know and so I pretended I never did. But you had already decided that I wasn’t worth your time or attention anymore.” 
“Oh no, that’s what this is about?”, James cut me off. 
“I didn’t even think of that”, Remus commented. “Never realised it was news to her.” 
“What d’you want me to do? I’ve already tried pretending it never happened, I’ve tried avoiding you – at a high cost, by the way because that meant I had to avoid basically of my friends – and counting this very interaction I’ve tried asking you to not shut me out. 
And I’m done trying! I’m done sitting around alone. I’m done feeling absolutely terrible without even knowing why. I’m done with the nightmares and I’m done lying to my best friends. And that doesn’t mean I’ll tell them what I heard but I will answer their questions and I will be around, so you’ll have to deal with it! Okay?” Of course I didn’t even get so much as a flinch. 
“Okay. Great. Glad we talked about it. Now who has a light that works?” 
Peter lit me up, eyes darting between me and Sirius. 
“Jette, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise you didn’t know. If I had I’d straightened this one out weeks ago.” 
“It’s not your fault, James.” 
“It kind of is.” James aggressively dragged Sirius away from us and started quietly shouting at him. Remus hugged me. 
“Tell me he is not the reason you kept away.” 
“Well, him and Crick. Hard to avoid the both of them without avoiding you.” 
“He’s an idiot. And so are we. It didn’t even register that it happened.” 
“Again, not your fault.” 
“What is even going on?”, Milla asked, hugging me. “What on earth was this all about?” 
“Not my story to tell, Milla.” 
“ It’s his business and he obviously wants no one to know. I might be done attempting to be his friend but I still have principles.” 
“Did you say nightmares?” Peter had sat down on the stone bench and didn’t even look at me.  
“I honestly don’t know what I said, Pete.”  
“Do you have nightmares because of it?”, he rephrased his question. 
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you all have not yet gotten rid of me!” 
“I think it matters.”  Peter got up and joined James and Sirius who were now standing at the staircase to the owlry, both gesturing a lot with their arms, obviously arguing. 
“Will nobody clue us in?”, Chloe wanted to know after a while. 
“All of this happens and we don’t get to know why or how?” 
“Jette’s right. It’s not our place. He’ll come ‘round.” Remus absentmindedly played with Milla’s hair, before he joined his friends. 
Under normal circumstances we would have all freaked out about that little gesture of intimacy and affection but there were other matters to attend to.  
“I mean you could’ve just told us that something was up if you didn’t want to spill a secret”, Blair started but the bell rang and they had to get to their second to last Astrology class. I stayed behind staring at the doors to the foyer. Then I looked back at the boys, all engaged in a very passionate discussion.  
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ink-splotch · 7 years
i have a prompt for you: what if snape hadn't called lily 'mudblood' that day. what if their friendship had stayed strong, unbreakable. would he have grown to be a better person? would lily have loved him, rather than james? would harry just have another godfather? would james and lily have survived?
Okay you have successfully convinced me to write a Snape thing, which is a possibility I have audibly forsworn many times to my loved ones. But I'm a sucker for concepts like "Harry gets another godfather," so, here we go.
When Severus was seven, he fell in love with the girl down the street. She had long red hair and dirty knees and she offered him half her candy bar one drizzly afternoon, waiting outside the school for her parents to come pick her up.
His parents weren't coming— dad working late and mum at the pub recounting old Hogwarts glory stories, talking of years when her life was magical-- but he didn't tell Lily that. He was just waiting for the older bully boys who lurked in the empty lot on his way home to get bored and leave.
He ate the candy slowly in neat little bites while she grinned and told him about her big sister's feud with the science teacher, like her Tuney was some sort of hero in a political espionage drama. She talked with her hands, narrow little things with freckled backs. He watched her wave from the back window of her mother's car and then he started the long walk home.
When Severus was fifteen, James Potter dangled him upside down in the quad and laughed. Severus landed on elbows and knees. The bruises would stay for a week. The memories would not die with them— James's cocky grin, the laughter in the spring air, the long whip of Lily's red hair.
He felt small, bug-like, his knees pressing into the grass. His mother would come home some nights, kick the threadbare carpet, rattle the battered old pans in the cupboard, curse a Ministry that hated purebloods, that sucked up to halfbreeds and Mudbloods, that left the true wizards to rot in filth. He would curl up, make himself small, bug-like, imagine a chitinous shield growing over his shoulders, his spine, the softness of his kidneys. Some days, his father slept through this. Some days he screamed back.
After Severus met Lily, he would curl up under his covers, small, bug-like, and read through the comics she'd lent him with his hands pressed up over his ears. He wanted Professor X to come take him away. He wanted to be someone special, someone saved. He wanted a giant to burst through his door and frighten his mother and offer him a squashed birthday cake and a way out.
When Severus was fifteen, he slammed to his knees on the green Hogwarts quad. Laughter burrowed into his ears, like curses, like the nights his father screamed back, and when Lily stepped toward him he snapped, "I don't need help from a Mudblood."
When Severus slouched up to her door that summer, Lily didn't invite him in. She leaned on the open frame of the door, arms crossed. He had so rarely seen Lily neither smiling or incandescent with rage, but she watched him with snakeskin eyes and a set mouth, still.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't--"
She twitched a strand of hair over her shoulder, the irritation the closest thing to an emotion he could spot on her. He was watching, desperate-- this was Lily, she gave things away. She talked with her hands. He never felt lost, with her. "But why," said Lily. "Why are you sorry? Because I'm upset, or because what you did was wrong?"
"I didn't mean to hurt you."
"You did, and it's not the point. I don't care if it's the part you care about, Sev, it's not the part that matters. That was an awful thing to say-- to say to anyone. You were cruel because you were scared and embarrassed, but Sev I could really care less. You were cruel."
"I'm sorry," he said again.
"Sorry's not enough, Sev. Be fucking better."
He jerked back and tried to turn it into some kind of laugh. "Language, careful, your mum might hear."
She shrugged, and stepped back through the open door, and shut it in his face.
He spent the summer reading comic books, haunting the local library, then the local park once it'd closed, and then sneaking home when he was hopeful his parents would be asleep. He tried to think about bravery, but sometimes he just thought about Lily's hair, the way it went more golden in summer. He tried to think about nobility, ethics and grace, but the clouds chased each other, fat and white, across the sky and he wasn't sure what any of this had to do with him.
His father took him fishing by a dreary brown creek and they sat in silence. Severus could hear every creak of the rods, every lap of the water, every inhale and movement his father made. He thought maybe if he just said nothing, nothing ever, he'd never say anything again that made Lily's face go so flat and distant. If he said nothing, maybe nothing would hurt.
His father reached back for a beer can in a swift movement and Severus froze himself unflinching. He sat in that silence afterward, slowing his heartbeat, picking apart the sudden rigid shell of his shoulders. His father hummed, cracking the can open like a gunshot.
He sat alone on the Hogwarts Express that year, stuffed in a compartment with a handful of second years who gave him half the seats while they giggled among themselves about the haircut of someone named Gertrude. Every summer's end, for five years, he and Lily had boarded the train together, pressed their noses to the window glass, and watched the land rush by.
For the first month of school, Severus practiced pausing before he spoke, for seconds, minutes if he needed them. Sometimes he'd add an answer after the conversation had already moved on, bent over his mashed potatoes, weighing words as carefully as he weighed salamander eyes and mandrake root.
(If you crushed firedrake seeds with the flat of your blade, instead of cutting them, they made a more potent potion. The textbooks told you to stir six times counterclockwise to make Sleeping Draught, but he knew--because he had thought, and tried, and tried again--that if you did five counterclockwise and two clockwise the draught would turn that perfect turquoise and the sleep would be dreamless and sweet and deep. He kept notes in his textbook's margins, because it helped to remember.)
In the second month, he tried to listen. People were starting to think about life after school, a big yawning chasm they were supposed to fill with themselves. People were starting to fall in love, puppyish and petty. People were starting to believe in the war, whispering, dreaming, fearing.
In the common room, one of the kids said something about Mudbloods and Severus's head snapped up. He tried to imagine a shell growing into his shoulders, over his spine, covering all the soft parts of him. He wanted his covers, he wanted to shrink, he wanted Lily's boxfuls of comics, but he rose to his feet and snapped back. Sometimes saying nothing hurt people, too. A small Muggleborn in green and silver ducked away to her dorm, clutching quietly at her sleeves.
For the third month, he tried to watch-- not for warning sneers or cocky grins, clenched fists and broad shoulders, all the things he'd been watching for since before he could name them-- but for the way shoulders might go rigid, the way fists might clench but hide, wishing for something to shield every soft part of them.
Severus was bony and pimply, sixteen years old and graceless in it, but he could be an interruption. He could mock with the best of them, flicking his brows and twisting his nose, and asking pointed questions. He could talk, smart-mouthed and snide, until the focus turned to him, and then he could survive anything they handed out. He could give as good as he got. The pauses were shorter, these days, before he spoke, but they would always be there, an echo offset from the shout, an avalanche that struck late and terrible.
When kids cried in bathrooms or empty classrooms or the library, he didn't move to comfort them, though he heard them. He didn't know how. He wrote his own curses, out in the forest where he could scar the trees in experiment, and they all turned out bloody. He loved few things, even Lily, as much as he loved pouring all of himself into his work, until something new and his own grew out of it. He wasn't sure he'd ever invented something kind.
He didn't try to find Lily, but he came back from the Forest once and almost tripped over her, half-napping in Hagrid's pumpkin patch. He stumbled back into a gargantuan gourd while she pushed hair out of her face and peered up at him.
"I'm sorry," he said, after a pause that rumbled and roiled in his gut, that he clung to with both hands, breathing into it and letting his shoulders go soft. "I'm sorry I said it. I'm sorry I made you feel small because I was feeling-- small."
Lily sat up a bit, in the little semi circle she'd built herself of books and scrolls and gobstones and snacks. She had built fairy circles like that, when they were children, of the flowers he'd transfigured for her.
"I'm sorry anyone has to feel that way, ever," he said. "They shouldn't. I'm angry anyone has to feel that way."
"Me, too," she said, and, fishing around in the detritus that surrounded her, handed him half a candy bar. "C'mon, you want some tea? Hagrid said he'd put a kettle on for me if I finished my Arithmancy."
When Severus was in sixth year, Remus Lupin almost killed him on a moonlit night.
Severus had wanted answers, had wanted to get them in trouble, had wanted something a bit like vengeance, and Sirius had told him about the Whomping Willow. Sirius had grinned when he'd done it, small and bitter, and Severus had wondered if he was fighting with James again, wondering why else he'd sell out his friends.
"I didn't think--" Sirius tried, the morning after, watching Remus across dry toast and cocoa, big juicy bowls of melon.
"You never do," Remus snapped. (A bare handful of years later, standing in the smoldering ruins of James and Lily's house, Remus would think about Sirius's erratic gaze, the sharp edge of his voice, his last name, and wonder if he should have seen it coming. What here was premeditated? What was mischief? Sirius had once almost painted Remus's own hands with red blood.)
But for now, Remus was sixteen and angry; he was sixteen and guilty of things that might have happened. He didn't speak to Sirius for a month.
James refused to speak with Sirius, too, but he only lasted a week. Moony was sulking and Peter was busy studying his little heart out, and James got twitchy without proper and regular socialization.
"I'll punch him in the nose," said Lily, when Severus told her. She shifted where she sat cross-legged on the library table, like she might go off and hunt him down that second.
"Black doesn't deserve the attention," said Severus.
"Getting his ass kicked by a girl? That type of attention?"
"Getting his ass kicked by Lily Evans," Severus said. "It'd be an honor and you know it."
Reports of violence outside Hogwarts got worse. People were disappearing. People were whispering, fearing. The papers were ignoring the important things, and feeding off the fearmongering, or so Lily announced in the library while Severus was trying to study.
Alice and Lily had spent years sharing hissed rants in humid greenhouses. Over an undulating bed of luminescent deadly nightshade, Alice bent her head close to Lily's and asked, "Have you heard of the Order of the Phoenix?"
Keep Reading (Ao3)
It took a series of introductions, arguments, and passwords, but a few weeks later Lily trudged out to the Hog's Head to meet with a group of interested students and graduates. Severus followed behind her, crunching his boots down on top of the smaller footprints she left behind in the snow.
"Is it legal for the Headmaster to recruit students to his guerilla army?" Severus wondered aloud, shoving his freezing hands into his armpits.
"Shush," said Lily.
When they got into the pub, Severus tried to pretend that no one was looking at him. The only other Slytherin was Kingsley Shacklebolt, now an Auror trainee at the Ministry. Severus tugged Lily over to a pair of seats where he could sit with his back to no one.
There were a few adults in the group-- Professor McGonagall, who was perched stiffly on a stool, a slightly smelly man who appeared to be stashing an empty mug into his bag, and a small woman with flyaway hair who had cat dander all over her knees.
Albus Dumbledore rose to his feet, smiling at them in that way of his, like he knew something you didn't and he was proud of you for it. "Friends," he began.
The door thudded open and the Marauders burst in, late and pink-cheeked with cold. The headmaster smiled at them, too, and Sirius gave a cheery little salute back.
Severus sunk lower in his chair, staring witheringly over his butterbeer. "You told Potter about it, too?"
"He might as well put all that energy to good use," said Lily. "And, to be accurate, I told Remus."
"But Potter, really?" said Severus.
"He and Black cooked up a jinx that gives you a boil every time you say a slur to a Muggleborn," said Lily. "It was either invite them to Alice's war club or bake them cookies, and I know where my skills lie."
Severus sniffed. "Don't come crying to me if he tugs your pigtails."
"Come crying to me if he pulls yours, and I'll deck him," said Lily.
At their third clandestine meeting, Dumbledore pulled Severus aside. Severus kept to the side in these meetings, anyway, so Lily didn't even notice him go.
Out in the cold side alley, Dumbledore put his hands in the pockets of his robes and watched Severus slowly. Severus felt weighed. After a long moment he lifted his chin and looked back.
"Severus," said Dumbledore. "I am going to ask something difficult of you. It would mean not coming to meetings anymore. It would mean... a lot of things." In the decades they would fight this long, quiet war together, Severus would come to know Albus Dumbledore better than most. He would see him tired, see where his enigmas faded into exhausted despair. He would come to know that this hesitancy was something the headmaster would grow out of-- one day, when asking children to give their lives for the cause, there would be no stumble to this man's voice.
"I do want to be here," Severus said, quiet and trying his best not to be angry with it. "I'm not--" He took a breath, a pause, clung to it with two hands that were trying to be patient. "I know what side I'm on."
"Of course," said Dumbledore. "That's why I'm asking this of you." He glanced back through the open door, to where Lily was listening intently to Alice.
Words brimmed in Severus's throat, but he didn't say them. Not just for her.
"It will be difficult," said Dumbledore. "It may be heartbreaking. But having a man on the inside might save lives."
Severus snapped his gaze back to Dumbledore. "You want a spy. You want me to be a spy?"
"In the war that is coming? I think we will need one. We are going in blind and things are only getting darker."
"I want to fight," said Severus, and it was still quiet. "I want to stand up for things, for once."
"This is the fight," said Dumbledore. "I know what I'm asking, Severus. I know the sacrifices I am asking. But we need you."
In the warmth of the pub, Lily was talking with her hands. This was a problem for the mug of butterbeer she was holding, which was spilling on her shoes.
"Someone has to," Severus said, the words feeling dull on his tongue. "And I won't look out of place there."
He stopped coming to the Hog's Head. Dumbledore told him to tell no one, but he told Lily.
When he and Lily met up, now, it was out at Hagrid's after dark or snuck into the kitchens to visit the house elves after hours. When the stained glass peach giggled, Lily liked to giggle right back, even in those days. They toasted each other with hot chocolate that never got lukewarm and they didn't talk about the war.
At meals, Severus sat with Avery and Mulciber. He drifted through their conversations, picking at his potatoes, answering their words seconds and minutes too late. "I thought that Evans had you wrapped around her little Mudblood finger," said Avery.
Severus scraped the tines of his fork across his plate. "Seen her mooning around Potter lately?" he said. Avery had already continued on into discussion about holiday plans by the time he said it, but they were used to their housemate's lags by now. "Found a pretty rich boy and dropped me to the curb."
In classes, he sat with Narcissa. He could pretend to hate Lily. He could conjure up his mother's bitter rhetoric on his tongue. But he'd prefer not to tank his studies, and Narcissa at least would see his precise notes as not goodness but ambition.
When Mulciber said hateful things in the Slytherin Common Room, Avery sniggering, Regulus squeaking in wide-eyed amusement, Severus didn't stand. He didn't snap out anything. He didn't laugh, either. He smiled, a cold little thing he'd practiced in the mirror again and again, just the thinning of lips and the lift of a brow.
"Here comes the graduate!" said his mother as Severus pushed through the front gate, his bag slung over his shoulder.
"You'd think he was coming home from the wars, Eileen." But his father came down from the front step to clap Severus's shoulder and try to take his bag. Severus's hand tightened on the strap.
"Actually, I need that," he said. "I'm not staying long."
His father's brow was furrowing. Severus looked him in the eye, like he had with Dumbledore, like he did when he smirked at Avery's jokes. "I've gotten a job," he said. "An internship, dad."
"A sort of grassroots political movement," Severus said and didn't choke on any of the words. "Handing out flyers. Going door to door."
"And it pays?"
Severus smiled. It was almost involuntary, the way one corner of his mouth twisted cold and slow. "In experience."
He turned his head a fraction and saw his mother watching from the step. "This is the group you've been mentioning in your letters? Who Avery and Mulciber's parents work with?"
Her eyes were bright and proud. He could hear the pots of the kitchen clattering in the back of his head, the door slamming, her kicked curses and bitter mutters. "Good," she said, "I think you'll do good," and Severus's smile held and held.
He let his father give him some advice. He let his mother kiss his cheek and he lied when he said he'd write. He looked her in the eye when he said he'd write. Then he adjusted his bag on his shoulder and walked to Lily's house.
He could have Apparated. Someone might see him walking this way, and realize who was at the end of it. But he needed to walk this way again-- past this old elm, the swingset in the playground, the little yappy dog in the yard in front of the yellow house, and the big dog in the yard on the corner, who was always asleep under the jasmine. He knew the cracks in this concrete. He knew the sun on his shoulders.
He knew Lily was at the end of this, like she had been for years-- bright hair and bright eyes, conning him into helping with chores, laying on their stomachs in her room and scribbling in the margins of his textbooks because he liked records, liked recordings, liked having things he could flip back to and look at when he forgot. She had stood cold in her doorway once, giving him nothing, and he had almost walked away and not come back.
The magnolia tree outside of Lily's house was dropping wilting petals on the walk. He stepped over the brown husks. Lily would have kicked them and sent them scattering, for the sake of the sound if nothing else. Severus lifted his head and there she was, hurrying down the steps and dragging him inside.
"Careful, you're not supposed to be here," Lily said, shutting the door behind her and drawing the kitchen curtains-- airy things, embroidered yellow and white.
"I wanted to say good-bye, first," he said. "In case."
"Oh, Sev," said Lily. "Okay."
"You head out--"
"Next week," she said. "Dumbledore says Alastor Moody is going to teach us new kids some tricks, but I think it's mostly just to see what we're made of."
They didn't know what they were getting into. They were eighteen years old and they thought that was grown. They had signed on for a fight and they didn't know what the end would be. Petunia was rolling her eyes from the other side of the room and they thought that was the worse she could ever do.
Severus ate the sandwich Mrs. Evans thrust at him when she saw his skinny bones lurking in her kitchen. Lily gave him a hand-held radio. "Muggle airwaves," she said, "so I don't think they'll be listening. I put some extra protections on it, anyway, but we'll still have to be careful." She wrapped his fingers around the black plastic case. "Because this isn't good-bye, okay?" She squeezed her fingers over his. "You'll be alright, won't you?"
He told her he'd be fine. He looked her in the eye when he said it.
Severus Apparated out to Diagon Alley to meet Avery at the Leaky Cauldron. The inside of the pub was as muggy as the summer's day he'd left outside. Clouds were beginning to claw over the blue and turn the sky overcast. It did nothing for the dull heat. Avery lifted his head from his pint and grinned when he saw Severus. "Hey, Snape," he said. "You ready to save the world?"
It started with favors. Severus got a dingy little apartment and a job stocking the back shelves of Florescu's ice cream shop. When asked, he carried unmarked packages from one place to another. He went to dark little back rooms of restaurants or the reception halls of mansions and listened to rhetoric he could spit out as well as any of them.
He didn't meet Tom Riddle, called Voldemort, until two months in. Tom was still beautiful then, with his dark hair and long fingers and that smile. He'd barely entered the room before Severus felt soft pressure against the walls of his mind, seeking hands, and so he offered up all his discontent. Severus thought about feeling small. He thought, I know why I'm here, and pretended for a long, cold moment that the heart of it was hate.
He didn't call his mother, but he met Dumbledore in the ice cream shop's massive freezer and passed him vials of wispy memory. He surrounded his bedroom in Silencing Spells eight inches deep and radioed Lily as summer turned slowly to fall.
More and more of Lily's stories started to be about James. Severus remembered sitting on the school steps and listening to her talk about Petunia arguing with teachers four times her nine-year-old size about homework and human rights violations. He hadn't heard a Tuney story in years, just caught her sideways glare and ladylike sniffs when he visited over summer vacations.
He hadn't heard stories for ages, but he wasn't sure Lily ever gave up on anyone. Maybe she should, but he was grateful all the same that she didn't. He was grateful, but he was also listening to daily recountings of her adventures with James Potter, and he was trying not to be bitter. Be better, not bitter, Sev. She's happy. She's alive.
Lily saw her first action a week after Severus did. Still high on adrenaline, she whispered to him until almost dawn the night after-- light and fire, the way fear balled up in her throat, how she'd dropped her wand but punched a Death Eater in his jaw. Remus had healed up her knuckles and Alice had snogged Frank in the aftermath and Moody had called them all infants.
"They were going for the Prophet's editor's grandchildren," Lily said sleepily. Severus sat cross-legged on his tucked bedspread, books open around him, overbrewed tea cold where it was levitating beside his left shoulder. "Susie-Lynn and Anthony. They're off in-- off somewhere safe, now."
"Good," he said. Then, "Did Potter tell you you'd never looked prettier than you did covered in blood and dirt and rage?"
"Oh you shut up," she said, and he could almost hear her blushing. He almost smiled, and he knew she could almost hear it, too. "He did, actually," she added. "Don't-- don't say anything or I'll-- I'll tell Mum about the summer our third year, with the slugs, don't think I won't!"
Severus didn't tell her about his first action.
He'd come home smoky and ashen the week before and flicked on the radio and told her instead about the birthday party of an eighty-six year old he'd glimpsed from the back of the ice cream shop that morning. They had stolen each other's dentures with Accio, cackling old grievances and scorning each other's sundae choices. "It's true," Lily had said. "Pistachio and bubblegum is a garbage combination."
"But what about with cookie bits on top," Severus had said, trying to pretend he wasn't slumped nearly facedown on the bed, unmoving from the place he'd collapsed as soon as he walked in. "Doesn't that just pull the whole thing together?"
Maybe if he was braver he'd have told her about green flames. Maybe if he'd loved her less he'd have told her about conjured fire, a stubborn Muggleborn's empty childhood home, how he had stood there in the ghastly flickering light, trying to figure out what he would have done if it hadn't been empty. If anyone had been home. If they hadn't run fast enough.
He had thought, as they burned timber and bedding, tables and rugs and patterned wallpaper-- if I could separate Crabbe from the group, get him alone to Stun. He had thought, if I could distract them, if I carried a pocket-sized Portkey, if I'd learned how to do Cloaking spells wordlessly. Then he had snatched up all those thoughts and set them to the side and told himself, No.
If none of those things worked. If they were home, and we were here with fire in our hands, and there was no way to save them without betraying the mission-- what would I do?
What will I do?
But he had told Lily instead about the way wispy old heads of white hair had been laid on bony old shoulders, the way the gang had snuck all their extra cherries into the little paper cup of the friend they knew loved them the most. And she had talked about how excited she was, how nervous, to be going into the field for the first time in just a week.
They spoke at night-- not every night, but many of them. Severus felt like he was drowning, some days, and Lily wasn't a lifeboat but she was a reminder to keep treading. Three months later, his radio chirped in the middle of a chilly afternoon. He looked up from a book on Portkey creation and frowned at it.
He flicked the radio on but didn't say anything, in case it was a trap. Deviation from standard protocol. Something to be wary of.
"Sev?" said Lily and he frowned more. "Mum died. Stroke. They weren't expecting-- The funeral's on Tuesday. Sev."
"I can't go," he said.
"I know," she snapped, not unkindly. "But I needed you to know, I needed--"
"Yes," he said. "I--sorry. I'm so sorry, Lily," he said. "She was wonderful," he said, and listened to her cry on the other end of the line.
Lily went to watch her mother be buried beside her father under a grey spring sky. Lily was not yet so well known that she had to go in disguise, but Severus imagined her in black, pale and still and silent, her hands folded in her lap, and that seemed like disguise enough.
Mr. Evans had died in the summer after Lily's fourth year at Hogwarts, and back then Severus had been able to hug her, and hold her hand at the funeral, and buy her candy bars after. He spent this day flying classified packages all over Scotland, only pausing in his routes to pry their protective spells open, note their contents, and piece their protections perfectly back together.
He gave the information to Dumbledore by vial-- a dozen snippets of open packages, the locations and faces of the senders and recipients. "You're doing good work here, Severus," the old man said. Ice was gathering in his long beard.
Severus didn't answer, didn't lift his quill from his clipboard, just continued to note down the amounts of chocolate ice cream and rainbow sorbet on the shelves. The work had to get done, and why not now.
On a warm summer night, Severus and Mulciber were sent after an Order informant named Elwin Monroe, who lived at the far edge of a small wizarding village to the north. He had a vegetable garden of blossoming squash plants. They'd been given the assignment late, with no time for Severus to get word to the Order to spirit Monroe away. He and Mulciber grabbed some curry from the village shop and then went through the paved streets by foot.
"You got no head for spice, Snape?"
"Sweet tooth," said Severus and Mulciber laughed all the way up the front walk.
They were alone. The little house was quiet. The squash vines were blooming in the yard. They pushed their way into the front hall and Severus drew his wand. The door clicked shut behind them. Mulciber yanked up his hood and moved forward, starting to kick in doors. "Oy, Mr. Monroe, you have visitors."
"Avada kedavra," Severus whispered at Mulciber's back, but his wand only sparked feeble green. His gut coiled coldly. His mouth twitched. He was here because at seven he'd fallen in love with the girl down the street. He didn't have enough hate in him.
He adjusted his grip on his wand. He whispered, "Petrificus Totalus."
"You need to get out, away," he told the old man who stepped into the hallway, blinking and clutching at his shirtsleeves over Mulciber's rigid form. "Get to Albus, or Minerva. You didn't see me," he said, and he realized it was true with his hood hiding his face. Monroe vanished and Severus hoisted up Mulciber's stiff body and Apparated out to drop him in the Atlantic. The sea spray soaked into his robes. He cast a cleaning spell over it when he hit land again and then he limped to Avery's.
"The Order," he gasped on Avery's doorstep. "They got there first. They got Mulciber." He thought about Lily alone at a funeral, imagined Mrs. Evans's kitchen going up in magicked green flames, tried to will grief and rage onto his visage.
Avery gripped his elbow. "Those bastards," he said and his voice shook with it.
Severus met his eyes. "We'll get them."
But he couldn't murder every partner he got sent out with. He kept untraceable Portkeys in his pockets. He passed Dumbledore wispy vials of secrets and sabotage in the ice cream shop's freezer room. He learned how to cast Cloaking Spells wordlessly. But sometimes none of that mattered.
Sometimes he watched. Sometimes he helped. Sometimes when he woke up from nightmares he could not begrudge whatever higher entity had sent them down-- could not curse them for the way his limbs sweated and shook, for the way he limped to the toilet and vomited up the images curdling in his gut. He just knelt on his rough rug and let the shivers take him, let the bile coat his tongue.
In the Order's camp, life went on. Alice married Frank Longbottom in a ten minute civil ceremony that would have made Frank's mother disown him if it wasn't wartime and if she'd had more heirs. Lily was there as a witness, but not a bridesmaid-- Alice hated fuss.
"I want to see you," said Lily over the radio on a frigid Friday. It was almost summer, again, but the weather hadn't seemed to notice. "I know it's hard to get away, and hard to get away safely, but I haven't seen you in over a year."
"It's dangerous," said Severus. "Why now, Lils?”
"There's something I want to tell you," she said, and he knew she was chewing on her fingernails, the way she kept saying she'd outgrown.
"Then tell me."
"No, I want to see you. I want to know you're okay-- okay in general and okay with this. Your face is going to do a thing and I want to see it."
Severus wasn't sure his face had done a thing in years. His lifted his eyebrows and one corner of his mouth, like at one of Avery's jokes, as though in query. The mold on his ceiling didn't seem impressed. "Tell me anyway," he said.
"It's my news, Sev."
"Are you getting a tattoo of Potter's face on your bicep?"
"You've signed me up for pottery classes with Petunia. McGonagall has formally adopted you. Black has been turned into a giant canary and you need me to brew up a potion to turn him back-- joke's on you, I won't do it. Oh, no, wait, he'd be terrifying as a giant canary. I will make you a Shrinking Potion, but that's all."
"I'm getting married," said Lily.
Severus took a pause in both hands, held onto it, breathed into it. "To Remus?" he said.
"To James, you dishrag." She sighed, the sound rough through the speaker. "You're my best friend," she said. "I wish you could be there for it." Severus watched the tendrils of mold creeping across his ceiling. "I miss you, Sev."
"Yeah," he said.
"Come visit. Be as paranoid and careful as you want, but come."
Severus took a route that went through six European countries and one North African, used two brooms, a Portkey, a couple hops of Apparation, and four Cloaking spells. He finally stumbled to a stop under a streetlight in north London, drowning in a ratty sweater and baggy Muggle jeans, his hair tied back under an ugly knit cap.
He wiggled his toes in his boots for a long moment before taking the steps two at a time and knocking. When the door opened, Lily was standing there.
"So you weren't done growing," he said, because she was a bare inch taller, and she reached out and dragged him into the house and into a hug.
He hoped one of them had had the sense to shut the door behind him, maybe toss up a few shielding spells, but he didn't care and didn't check. He just buried his face in the top of Lily's sunshine hair and screwed his eyes shut. "You!" she said. "You're really here."
"You asked me to come," he said and she pulled back and smiled at him. Her hair was longer, braided over one shoulder. She looked tired, with hollower cheeks and dark circles and bright eyes.
"I missed you," she said.
Her voice was different in person, and he'd almost forgotten.
"You said."
"You missed me, too, you dork. Now come on."
Lily had her hand tight around his as she dragged him up to the attic and he watched the place his sallow skin met her freckled fingers. She squeezed her grip once more as she pulled him up the last step and into a cluttered room done up with Cloaking spells so thick that even Severus relaxed a little. A young man stood up from a bare crate, shoving through his hair with one hand and giving an awkward half-wave with the other.
"James," Lily said, smiling ear to ear. "This is Severus. Sev, James."
"We know each other," said Severus.
"You don't, though," said Lily. She sat down, then hopped up to shove Severus gently into another chair. Severus shifted his weight on the old chair experimentally, listening to the squeak of wood and screws. He looked up after a wordless moment to find Lily staring at him with pained intensity.
"You look like a skeleton, Sev, this is awful," Lily burst out. She leapt up again.
"I eat," he said. "I do fine, Lily."
"I'm getting tea, and I'm getting bread, and I'm getting jam," said Lily. She fled toward the attic door.
The moment Lily ducked out of the attic, James turned to him with a gaze so earnest that Severus gripped the edge of his chair and glared back. "I was a dick to you, in Hogwarts," James said.
"Um," said Severus and then frowned at himself. He detested filler words. But maybe this was a special occasion.
"I'm sorry," said James. "You've got perfect right to hate me, but I'd like it if we could be friends."
Severus gripped his chair harder. He considered this. James--was the sky purple? were all the pig-flying spells all over England failing for one shining moment? was his mother's basement freezing over?--waited for him to find his words. "It would make certain things simpler," Severus managed.
James grinned, cheeks creasing, and Severus had forgotten he was handsome. It was frustrating. "Lily has made it extremely clear that no matter what I think of you or you think of me that you're not going anywhere without her."
"I go a lot of places without her, these days."
"That's not what I--" James sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. "You're important to her, and I love her so much. You were there for her, mostly, when I was a raging dick-- and I was a raging dick to you. And you were a raging dick, too, but--"
"Stop groveling," said Severus. He would have liked to have interrupted earlier, but it still took awhile to get his thoughts in order. "You're bad at it."
James stopped and blinked at him with those dumb pretty eyes. What color was that, even. What right had it to look warm.
"I've been hearing about you for years, now," said Severus. "And anyway I trust Lily's judgement. You don't have to prove anything. You don't have to apologize."
"But I want to," said James, and oh lord the earnestness was making Severus itchy. "I don't like who I was. I don't like who I'd have grown up to be." He hesitated. "And I think you understand that, better than most."
Severus's cheeks were lifting just softly, and he wondered why he felt like crying before he realized-- no, this was just a smile, tucked away in this dark attic. He creaked the chair back and forth for a second and then he said, "It's hard to survive Lily and not end up better for it."
James laughed and Severus's eyes flicked up to him, startled. "Yeah," he said. "I bet someone could resist it, but god I'm glad I'm not him."
Lily clomped up the last of the steps, the tea balanced precariously on an old cutting board. She had three pots of jam and she set them down before Severus like a challenge. "Hey, boys," she said. "What you talking about?"
"Your fiancé’s hair is stupid," Severus told her.
They spent the whole rest of the day and night cooped up there, but James and Lily had patrols to run and weddings to headline in and Severus had some sort of heinous appointment with Igor Karkaroff and a Gringotts vault of ugly, heirloom curses. He also had a list of spells twelve inches long that might just be able to turn their break-in pear-shaped (or a list that would have been twelve inches long had his life been so blessed that he could write such things down ever).
"I'm happy for you," he said, before he left. Severus didn't look Lily in the eyes when he said it, just squeezed her hands in his, because he meant it. She squeezed back. He wrapped her up in his arms and she buried her nose in his shoulder. "I'm so happy for you," he said.
"Me, too," she said and pulled back, sliding her hands down his arms to grip his hands again. "Take care of yourself, Sev." She kissed him on one cheek and he tried not to blush about it. "And this still isn't good-bye."
Lily Evans married James Potter under a bespelled blue sky. Petunia did not attend, and neither did Severus. Lily's father walked her down no aisles, but Hagrid brought giant, beautiful squash blossoms from his garden for her bouquet. Alice (now Longbottom) painted up her eyelashes while Remus worked patiently on her nails. Sirius, Peter, and James passed around a flask of whiskey Sirius had stolen from his father's best stores.
While Severus distracted Karkaroff with talk of Quidditch prospects and tugged and tweaked and amplified and cloaked the guard spells on a Gringotts vault, the girl down the street became Lily Evans Potter. She kissed James to the sound of cheers and catcalls. Almost everybody she loved was watching her laugh, watching James pick her up and swing her around and crush her into a hug that involved only happy crying.
James asked McGonagall how she could manage to look disapproving even on his wedding day, grinning ear to ear. Albus wiped his tears with his long white beard. Alice romped around the dance floor with Lily, both of them smiling furiously, almost flying, impossible to catch. Mad-Eye Moody gave a speech, only stopping twice during it to throw friendly hexes at any of his cadets he didn't think were being vigilant enough. He called Lily "a reckless hellion child," and he called James "damn lucky."
Severus collapsed into bed at four the next morning, the tips of his hair singed with dragon flame and his throat sore with unspoken spells. If Lily had pinged his radio for a congratulations or a hello or a good-bye, he hadn't been around to hear it.
There were few things Severus didn't give to Voldemort. He gave him waking nights and ugly mornings, the power behind his wand and his hands and his mind. When he felt that gentle invisible pressure along his temples, he gave himself small and buglike under his childhood covers, the banging of pots, the thump of a boot, and his father screaming at his mother. He gave himself in makeshift labs out in the Forest, the gouges deep into the tree bark, the hot joy of something new dug out of his chest and made real.
He gave him the transfigured flowers in his hands at seven years old, half a chocolate bar on schoolhouse steps, the way ugly words had boiled in his throat on his bruising knees in a green Hogwarts quad-- but not sitting with James in peaceable dark, talking about surviving Lily Evans.
The more Severus gave, the less Voldemort would search. Severus had told Albus Dumbledore once that he wouldn't look out of place here, and he didn't. He understood how someone could believe in this garbage, could feel at home here, but he had given himself better things to hold onto.
When he overheard Dumbledore's interview in the Three Broomsticks with Sybil Trelawney, he gave Voldemort that, too. He didn't give him the vials of wispy memory in his pockets that he meant for Dumbledore, but he gave him the rest of it-- spotting Albus in the streets cluttered with autumn leaves, following him quiet as a shadow, dropping in a nearby booth to hide behind a mug, ghosting up the stairs to lurk. He didn't realize.
Severus was used to Lily being one of the pillars of his world, the heart of his orbit, the voice in his ear. Maybe he should have known her story would change the whole world, not just his own. But he heard a prophecy through a locked door-- power he knew not, things thrice defied-- and he didn't think oh god, it's Lily and James until too late.
Albus figured it out on his second listen-through of the prophecy, holding an empty vial in Fortescu's ice cream shop's freezer room-- but he didn't tell Severus. In this world he needed to tempt Severus into nothing, not yet. This would only complicate things, and Albus was outgrowing any need for hesitation here.
Lily radioed on a tepid Thursday night and told Severus she and James were pregnant. Severus had a few moments of only-somewhat-complicated joy before his heart turned to lead and dropped down to pool in his toes.
"When are you due?" said Severus, and he was still smiling, because this was good news.
"The end of July," said Lily and everything in Severus's body turned into a static buzz.
"I," he said. As the seventh month dies. "Lily--" Thrice-defied. "Lily, he's going to come after you, he's going to, there's a-- I didn't, I didn't know." Oh god, he thought, oh god it's James and Lily. "I didn't think--" said Severus and he almost choked on it. He hadn't thought-- yes, where had his pauses vanished to?
"I know," said Lily. "We know. We're going into hiding. Albus found a prophecy. There's something special about our kid, or there could be. Him, or Alice's boy."
"Alice had a boy?" said Severus, dull, numb. "Leaving me out of all the gossip, Lil."
She gave a wet little laugh. "Neville, his name's going to be Neville, and he's not here yet. We're placing bets on Frank fainting in the hospital, and Remus is knitting him a baby blanket."
"You're going into hiding," Severus said, still dull, still numb, still bursting. "Neville. That's a nice name."
"I can't tell you where. We're getting a Secret-Keeper." There was a rustle, like Lily was rolling over. "I wanted it to be you, but Albus says you're under too much pressure, and too much surveillance, so we're asking Sirius."
"Lily, I'm the one who told him, Lily, I gave him the prophecy." Severus's breaths were caught in his staticky chest. His lungs were wet paper bags and his hands were shaking.
"I know." Her voice floated through, distant and warbling, as though through water or sludge. "That's your job right now, Sev. It's okay. That's what you're supposed to do. You can't get caught, okay, you can't."
"You can't," he said. "You can't, okay, you can't. Lily." Flickering green flames were burning up the Evans family kitchen in his mind, the yellow and white curtains burning and blackening, even though Severus knew Lily hadn't been there in months. They'd boarded it up and put it on the market.
"Hey, um, this is James? Lily's crying-- ow, Lils, I mean uh she's having Emotions but in like a really manly way-- ow, okay, a very ladylike way? And, Snape, dude, I think you're having a panic attack, so I thought I'd help out with this talking bit. Everyone, breathe?"
"Oh fucking shut up, Potter," wheezed Severus. "You're not comforting, you're a peacock cursed with human speech."
"Ir's going to be alright," James went on. "Sirius is going to brag forever that we love him best, but don't worry, we love you all equally."
"Go fly into a tree."
"I have never flown into a tree in my life," James said. "And if Lily has been telling you otherwise, well, she's a dirty liar trying to turn you against me."
"Not gonna be hard to do." Severus shoved his forehead against the radio's blocky side, trying to force air in and out of his chest cavity.
"Lies," said James as Severus dropped a hand against the thick weave of his bedspread, willing the pattern into the skin of his palm. "You sent me a hat. It wasn't marked but I know it was you. It matches Lily's eyes."
"That was because your hair is stupid, you incorrigible bastard, and should be hidden from innocent eyes." Severus pushed himself up to shaky feet and went for a glass of water. He pressed the heel of one palm into the rickety counter and put the radio down next to it. He could feel his heart beat in his fingertips.
"It's going to be alright," James said.
"But what if it's not." Severus took a long drink of water and only got a little down his shirt front.
"We're going to fight with everything we've got and you know it," Lily said, rasping on it a little. James better be fetching her a glass of water at that very moment. He probably was, the considerate ass. "Sev, I don't want to talk about this. I want to talk about happy things. Sev, I'm going to have a baby."
"Yeah," said Severus. He scrubbed at a cheek, scowling when he found it damp. "You are, Lils." He padded back to sit on his bed. He didn't own any other place to sit. "I hope it looks like you and not your ugly husband."
"Me, too," said James. "Here, Lily, you should hydrate."
Three weeks later, Severus came home to his landlord fighting off the biggest tawny owl he'd ever seen in his life. There was a lot of hooting and hollering from each of the respective individuals and Severus had something he was trying to pretend wasn't a migraine. "Excuse me?" he said and the landlord stumbled back from the bird.
"Mr. Snape." He pushed his glasses back up his sweaty nose. "I was just trying to move this down to my office for safekeeping, but this monster attacked me."
The owl had dropped back down to perch on a large package wrapped in brown paper, where it was now grooming itself with off-handed arrogance. The package was tied in twine. Severus squinted at the thick scrawl of handwriting in the center of it, which read Slimy Git.
"Yes," he said. "I believe that's mine. Thanks, sir, if you'll excuse me?"
He approached the package warily once the landlord had left, but the owl hopped peaceably off of it and then followed Severus into the flat. He dug around in his cabinets for some old dry cereal the owl accepted dubiously and then sat down to open the package. He could feel the protective spells recognizing him, peeling away softly to let him in.
This is an old hand-me-down of mine, read the note strewn on top of soft, silver folds of what seemed to be a cloak. Figured the missus and I wouldn't have much use for it for a bit, but you might.
Severus slipped his fingers under the silky fabric and watched them vanish. "Of course James had an Invisibility Cloak at school," he told the tawny owl. She nibbled serenely on her cereal. "Of course he did."
The cloak wouldn't take an illusion spell when he tried one, the magic sluicing off silkily, which was rather suspicious in terms of how much of a spoiled git Potter must be. "Old hand-me-down, like a goddamn ragged sweater," he said and then jerked away at a sudden tug at his shirtsleeve.
The culprit hooted at him with soft disapproval and went back to nibbling on the loose thread at his cuff. Severus put his wand down.
He put the Cloak in the bottom of his bag, below his Portkeys and his everyday potions (some for lying, some for hiding, some for transformation, some for healing, some for truth, some for mercy). The owl hung around, so he started picking up mice from the Emporium and fruit from the grocer's and leaving his window open for her at night.
It was the end of summer. Severus sweated through the worst nights and shivered through others.
"Guess what?" Lily's voice came over the radio on a Wednesday that had felt about three weeks too long-- Severus might burn the robes he'd been wearing, might lay down in bed and never get up. But Lily's voice was half a shriek and half a whisper and he lifted his head to hear it better. "I've got a kid. He's eight pounds and he screams like a hellbeast and I am never doing this again, I already know for sure, that was wretched."
"Lils," Severus said, and that's all he could do. His throat was thick and his chest was so full he could barely fit any air in. If she'd been there, he'd have hugged her so tight. If she'd been there, he might have cried on her and she'd have laughed at him.
"But he's perfect, Sev. My son. We're calling him Harry."
"Tell me everything," Severus said, and Lily did her best.
"You're his godfather, you know, on my side," Lily whispered through the radio near the end of the call. Harry was sleeping on her chest, she'd said, and Severus laid back on his bedspread and tried to imagine it-- her long red hair, the purple bags under her eyes, and a tiny dark head cupped under her slender palm and its freckled back. "Sirius is his on James's. Oh, shush, don't you say a word-- you'll have to share. Or compete and spoil Harry rotten, I don't mind. I'll keep him humble."
"Like you could teach humility to a mouse," Severus said.
"You charmer," said Lily. "Oh, shit, I think he's hungry. I'll talk to you later."
Severus felt like he was just waiting for it, all those weeks before it happened. Trying to convince the tawny owl not to rip off Bellatrix's fingers when she reached for one of his letters, and he was just waiting to hear they'd found the Potters. Whispering to Lily over the radio, trying not to wake the baby, and he was wondering if this would be the last time he talked to her. Walking back from Avery's, and he was scanning all the newspaper headlines for the news-- FAMILY OF THREE FOUND DEAD. EX-HEAD GIRL AND HEAD BOY OF GRYFFINDOR KILLED BY DARK LORD.
"Have you heard?" said Bellatrix, reclining onto the plush seat back in Lucius's third-best sitting room. "Big night last night."
("Have you heard?" Lily said over the radio that evening, and Severus almost collapsed with relief to hear her distorted voice even though he'd known by then that it wasn't her. "It's terrible news.")
Bellatrix's hair was a mad cloud, but unlike most of the other Death Eaters Snape knew how long it took her to get it to that perfect chaotic mess. She stretched, her spine curving, her smile curving. "Rodolphus and I and little Crouchy the Crotchety Junior made a visit to the Longbottoms. Sanctimonious fucks-- you remember them from school, Snape?"
("We got there, but not in time," Lily whispered. "It was terrible. There wasn't any blood, because Cruciatus isn't like that, you know, it's not-- but we could hear them screaming-- I could hear Alice just screaming--")
"They had a cute little hide-away spell up, but you know how baby Barty is with those."
("They haven't woken up," Lily said. "Neville's with his grandmother, in hiding, thank god. They're in St. Mungo's, and they say they might not wake up, or if they do they might not ever, not ever--")
"Frankie tried to get between us and her, of course, and," Bellatrix sniggered. "I told him to wait his turn."
("It's Alice," said Lily. "And Frank. I don't even know how to--" She was crying. James was in the background, voice indistinct. Severus laid on his bedspread and stared up at the mold on the ceiling. He would sleep tonight, eventually, but not for a very long time.)
"Should have seen her little weasel face when Rodolphus grabbed her by the hair." Bellatrix shook out her hair, grinning up at the ceiling. "God, I'm going to marry that man."
"I'm sure you'll be very happy," said Severus. "Excuse me, Bella, but I have actual work to do."
"Wet blanket," she called after him.
Severus finished everything that had been asked of him-- from Voldemort, Avery, Lucius and his dumb posh voice. He bought a mouse for the tawny owl. He met with Dumbledore in the freezer room and passed him clinking handfuls of vials. "I marked a few in blue I think are urgent," he said. Then he climbed the steps to his room, dropped the mouse on the counter, and fell into bed.
His radio made a short, sharp sound and after a long moment he reached out to flick it on.
"Have you heard?" said Lily. "It's terrible news." He closed his eyes.
Severus was waiting for it, and then it came.
"Guess what," said Bellatrix, draping herself over the counter like she was some kind of hanging moss with too great an affinity for eye makeup.
"You and Crabbe are eloping," Severus said. He didn't look up from the Sleeping Draught he was brewing in Avery's kitchen. There was a meeting tonight and he'd promised Goyle some potions for his kid, who was having trouble sleeping through nights.
Bella cackled, swinging a foot at him but missing. "Rodolphus might kill ya for that."
"I can take Lestrange," said Severus. "Hand me the newts' eyes, there?"
She slid it along the counter to him, almost knocking some of his papers off the edge. When he glared at her, Bella giggled triumphantly and he fished out a newt's eye. She said, "The Potters' Secret-Keeper squealed."
No, he thought. Oh god, he thought. Oh god, it's Lily and James.
The newt's eye disappeared into the thick liquid with a plop. Bella stretched up to rifle through Avery's cabinets, looking for something to eat or fiddle with or steal, snickering. The potion was grey sludge. Severus's whole body was static. "Do you know what he said?"
She shrugged, one cheek stuffed with a marshmallow. "The Dark Lord went himself."
"You don't know where."
"You don't ask the Dark Lord--"
"Excuse me, Bella," he said. Avery asked things. Avery couldn't keep his mouth shut, and while Voldemort Crucioed him for it half the time, the other half he answered his questions because Avery was rather more useful when he knew things, despite all appearances.
Severus thudded up the stairs to where Avery was sitting in a sunbeam. "Where did the Dark Lord go? Did he tell you?" said Severus.
Avery quickly stuffed his trashy romance novel under his thigh. The cover, which bore a swooning witch in half-open robes, creased and Avery made a small sad sound.
"Avery," said Severus. "This is urgent. I cannot explain how bad it's going to be if you don't tell me where he's gone, right now."
Avery stared at him. "I don't think I've ever heard you say that many words."
"Godric's Hollow," he said and the crack of Severus Apparating away cut off the end of the second word.
There was smoke rising from the house. If he had come here a week before he wouldn't even have been able to see it-- this brick and wood little home, the massive hedge rising up over the back fence, the bare branches of the tree out front. But someone had betrayed the Potters. Someone had burned up their safety, broken a promise, doomed their friends. One day Severus was going to kill Sirius Black for this.
Severus hit the front door at a run-- it was hanging open, the night air billowing in. He didn't have time to look close but he wasn't sure the whole top of the house was there anymore. A wail thudded down the stairs, deafening even to Severus's ears, which were filling with desperation and static and rage.
He'd never been here before and he'd never be back. There was a rag doll rabbit on the hideous living room rug. Lily had recited all the wedding gifts to Severus over the radio, and this rug had been from Sirius, an ugly thing he'd meant as a joke and that James and Lily had kept just to spite him.
There was a body on the hideous rug. Severus had seen a lot of bodies on a lot of floors. This one had messy dark hair peeking out from under a green knit hat. Severus took the stairs three at a time.
He had his wand out. He was hoping he would need it-- that this would be a firefight, that there was still something here for him to fight, to do, to leap in front of-- but he didn't.
Severus stopped in the door of the nursery and clung to the frame to stay standing. There was no sign of Tom Riddle. There were no ghostly fingers slipping over his temples, just a screaming storm that shook through his whole skull.
Lily was lying on the floor, under the torn apart roof, the billowing night wind.
Harry was crying, little chubby fists around the wood of his crib, and he was the only living thing here. It was the first time Severus had ever seen him. He looked like James, even tiny and red-faced and bawling. He had his same dumb mop of hair.
Severus stepped into the room, onto the faint purple carpet, much lovelier than the one downstairs-- past a painted shelf of little books and toys, past a crumpled quilt on the floor, past Lily.
His chest was thudding in and out. He wondered if it was going to injure anything--lungs or muscles or his curving ribs--the way he was shaking and shuddering, his heart something violent, his hands something weak.
"Hey," he said. "Hey, kiddo, it's okay." Harry was not very convinced but to be fair neither was Severus. Lily was on the floor. He reached slow hands down to wrap around Harry's tiny soft baby ribs and lift him up. He tried to remember how you were supposed to hold babies. Harry was too big to need his head supported, right? He seemed to have that down.
Lily's nightdress was being tugged about by the wind, her gauzy sleeves dragging over her wrists. Harry didn't stop crying but he grabbed at Severus's robes with those tiny chubby hands and shuddered there in Severus's careful, shaking hands. "I got you," Severus said, and his voice was terrible-- steady and small and cracked only around the edges. "Lily, I got him. I'm sorry but we can't stay here." He wrapped one long-fingered hand around the back of Harry's still-soft skull and with a crack the Godric's Hollow house stood empty.
When Severus got back to his apartment (he took two intermediary Apparations to confuse any trackers), he threw every lock he had on the door and pulled up every shielding spell he'd ever worked into the walls. He laid Harry down in the center of the bed-- Harry had found the first Apparation terrible and shrieked about it, but he'd found the next two to be fairly captivating if nothing else and had quieted down-- and watched him anxiously while he tied a note to the tawny owl's leg and sent her off to Dumbledore.
The owl beat her wings against the cold night air and lifted away. Severus moved back to the bed, close enough to catch Harry if it looked like he might roll off. Harry tried to put one of his own toes in his mouth. Severus stared at him-- tiny and breathing, alive.
The kid's cheeks were damp so Severus rummaged around for a clean handkerchief and wiped them off. "Oh," said Severus. He sat heavily on the bed. "You've got your mum's eyes."
"Pah," said Harry, muffled by some delicious toes.
"Pah," Severus agreed and offered him a finger to chew on. There was a sharp knock at the door-- Severus had the Anti-Apparation spells over his room warded against everyone except himself. Severus scooped Harry up in one arm and drew his wand with the other to spell the door open and then to defend against whatever came through it.
"You have the child," said Dumbledore. He bustled past Severus, into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him-- one two three bolts slotting into place. "Thank Merlin."
"Is it actually you?" said Severus. Harry burbled wetly into the shoulder of his robe. "Albus. Lily and James. They're dead."
Dumbledore took Severus's shoulder gently. "It is me." His eyes twinkled behind crescent-moon glasses. "Confetti cake remains my favorite ice cream flavor." He leaned forward, peering at Harry, who reached up for his glinting glasses. "What is this?" Dumbledore moved to brush his thumb over the jagged scar on Harry's forehead. Severus stared at it.
"That's a scar, not a wound," said Severus, taking a step back. "He's not bleeding, it's healed over. He must have fallen sometime."
"No," said Dumbledore. "He got this tonight."
"Where are you going to take him?"
"To his family. He has an aunt and an uncle and a cousin. Muggles."
Severus nodded, staring at his stained rug. "Good. Petunia can do something useful for once in her life," he said in a rush of sound. Harry was warm on his chest, sweet-smelling and heavier than it seemed like he should be.
"Severus?" said Dumbledore, and it was soft.
"They're dead," he said, and his voice still wasn't right. He shouldn't be able to say those words and not choke on them. He moved back toward the bed, leaning down to put Harry carefully in its center. "I can't-- I don't know how--"
"Severus," said Dumbledore, gently. "I realize Lily is gone, but this fight still needs you."
Severus lifted his head and looked him, still bent over the bedspread. There were words bubbling in his throat, hot and thick, but he clung to a silent pause with two white-knuckled hands. He took a long breath, straightening up.
"This child is going to need you," said Dumbledore, and Severus decided he'd probably paused enough now.
"You think you have to convince me," said Severus. He put one word down after the other like he was laying a path to someplace, heavy stones dropped onto the earth. Harry made a little sound on the bed and tried to get his toes in his mouth again. "After all of this. After everything. You think because they murdered the most important person in my entire world I'm going to jump ship now-- now?"
"Do you understand what I have done for this fight?" said Severus. "For them? For you? Do you understand what I have bled and what I have cut away-- I would have died for them. I have been dying for them."
"This won't be the end of it," said Dumbledore like he was a wise old sage and not an old man who loved socks and hated straight answers and trusted no one-- that was the thing about Albus, Severus would learn. He knew it even now, but he would learn and learn-- Albus didn't trust anyone, and he trusted himself least of all. "And their child-- he must be protected. He will need to be protected. Severus, you must listen to me, before you do anything rash."
"You think you have to twist this for me, to make me stay?" Severus shook his head, taking a wobbling step back, skewing his face with scorn he'd been perfecting for years. "Albus, I'm flattered I mean so much to you but put a sock in it. I've got this twisted up enough for myself. Your pretty words were never why I was here."
"But Lily was." Albus looked stricken even as he said it. "And now-- I'm sorry, this isn't the right time for this conversation."
"It will never be the right time for this conversation. Please take the baby. Please go. I will contact you when I have something new to report."
"His name is Harry."
"I know his name," said Severus. "Get out."
He checked the locks on the door, after Dumbledore left. He opened the window for the owl. He laid down on his bed and looked at the mold creeping across the ceiling.
"This still isn't good-bye," Lily had said.
Severus reached out and flipped on the radio and laid there in the dark until dawn, listening to the crackle of empty airwaves.
In the morning they told him the war was over. He hadn't realized. In retrospect, that made sense, but he hadn't seen Riddle's body.
He watched people stumble in the streets, happy and hungover, and thought that they were right-- that the most important thing that had happened the night before was the end of a war. But he sat in the quiet of his room-- the ice cream shop was closed, like it was a holiday, and maybe it would become one-- and he couldn't get himself to believe that.
He hadn't seen Riddle's body though, so when Avery came knocking at his door the next afternoon he let him in like a friend. "You knew," said Avery.
Severus poured hot water into a chipped mug. He put the kettle down and fished out a tea bag and then he spoke. Avery didn't even blink at the silence, because this was Snape and they'd all agreed awhile back that he was a bit of a weird bloke. "I'd only just figured it out," said Severus. "I still don't quite know what they did."
"You were trying to warn him. Whatever weapon those cowards had..."
"They weren't cowards," Severus snapped and then he tried to bury it back down into his throat. He stirred his tea and handed the other mug to Avery. "How dare you call someone with the courage to face against our Lord coward. Fools, maybe."
Avery snorted. "They're saying it was the baby, but clearly that's nonsense."
"Mm," said Severus.
"What are we going to do now?"
"Grovel," said Severus. "Apologize. Lie." They hadn't found Riddle's body, after all. They had found no ugly husk of Voldemort's. Severus was having a hard time calling this a victory, and one of the reasons was because he wasn't sure they'd won. He didn't tell Avery that part, just sent him away and went back to bed. His untouched tea cooled on the counter for a few days before he finally poured it down the sink.
Fifteen minutes of patient knocking woke him up at 3 p.m. on a disgustingly bright Tuesday.
"I've burnt no covers," said Severus into his pillow, after he'd fished his wand out from under it and waved open the locks on the door. "My fucking evil cult leader just turned to smoke. I'm in mourning. Leave me alone, Albus."
"I've vouched for you with the Ministry," said Dumbledore. "You've been pardoned." He threw open the curtains, letting a beam of angry daylight in.
Severus sat up, resigned, but he pulled his blankets around his shoulders mutinously. "So you're burning my covers, then."
"When he returns, you will give him information on me and on the Order, and you will be more valuable than ever. And in the meantime you won't rot in Azkaban."
"Hurrah," said Severus. And then, "When? Not if, but when, you think."
"I fear so," said Albus. "I know something of what dark magics Tom played with. I do not think he can be dead, not yet."
"Lovely," said Severus.
Albus sat on the edge of the bed, so Severus rolled out of it and stumped over to the sink to splash some water on his face. "My Potions master resigned," Albus said.
"Good riddance," said Severus. "He couldn't teach his way out a game of children's checkers."
"I'd like to hire you for the position," said Albus.
"Can't do it. I'd miss the ice cream," said Severus. "Those rainbow sprinkles are the only bright spot in my life."
"When," said Albus, "and not if he comes back-- he will come for Hogwarts, you know this."
"Obsessive nostalgic creeper," Severus agreed reluctantly.
"He will come for Harry," said Albus. "I want you there. I need your help, Severus."
"God, alright," said Severus. "I don't have to start tomorrow, do I?"
"No," said Albus. "But please consider it. I think it will be good for you."
They put up a statue in Godric's Hollow. Severus didn't go to see it. Instead, he Apparated out to a wide, fenced in green hill near Sussex and walked among the gravestones, quiet, until he found the ones he was looking for. He hadn't been here since he'd been fifteen years old, holding Lily's hand, sweating through one of his father's old ill-fitting suits.
"Lily's grave is a tourist attraction, nearly," he told the patch of greening earth at his feet. "I'd be seen, and I can't answer those questions. Hi Mr. Evans. Hi Mrs. Evans. Sorry."
The sky was blue and breakable and that was absurd because Lily was dead. Lily was dead and there should be no sunlight left. A bird sang prettily from the bushes and a squirrel dashed down the row of graves, tail high and bushy. Absurdity. He'd be angry if he wasn't so tired.
Bellatrix and her husband went to Azkaban. Barty Crouch Jr. vanished somewhere and Severus didn't pay attention to it. The papers rolled out lists of arrests and pardons and speculation, but Severus had been anxiously scanning the headlines for months and he was a bit done with that. Karkaroff dropped desperate confessions and information at the Ministry's feet and then left the country with their grudging blessing.
Lucius Malfoy asked Severus over for tea and when he arrived in Lucius's second-best sitting room there was a bulky unmarked package on the tea table.
"No," said Severus and he almost laughed at how easy it was to say it. He slid into a seat and took a scone. "I'm not your mule, Lucius."
Lucius's face twisted. Severus resisted the urge to put his boots up on the pale peach chair cushion opposite him and smear black dirt all over them. "You were the Dark Lord's," said Lucius. "Jumping up at every snap of his fingers."
"You're no Voldemort," said Severus and Lucius, even now, flinched at the name. "And I hear you weren't even a Death Eater, these days."
"I hear you're an Order spy, these days."
Severus snorted. "If you believed that, I wouldn't be here. I'm a spy as much as you're an Imperioed innocent. Just trying to survive a defeat, is all. You understand." He brushed crumbs off his robe and snatched up another scone. "These are quite good," he said. "Say hello to Narcissa for me and smuggle your own damn packages."
"Don't you want a window?" Albus asked, after Severus had turned down a few nice tower or ground floor rooms and headed straight down the dungeons. He'd found the potions lab and then taken a few turns to find some nested empty storage rooms. "These will do," he'd said and started scouring them out.
"Not really," said Severus, surveying the room for the proper place to put a work bench. He'd have to install some ventilation spells to whisk away the more toxic gases, but he had a dozen of those tucked under his tongue.
"Minerva has a full floor of one of the towers," said Albus. "Professor Sprout built herself a half-buried cottage out on the grounds. All the students just think it's a pretty bush. We don't lack for space here. Severus, it is a magical castle."
"You know, I've been here before, actually," said Severus. "I'll take these two, thanks. You said you wanted me to start classes tomorrow?" He conjured a sturdy workbench, a set of knives, and a cauldron from the class stores down the hall and set them up in the best corner.
"You can brew in the classrooms or the labs," Albus said. "Severus, there are plenty of available facilities."
"I'm sort of in the habit of being self-contained," Severus said.
He set up the first room into an office and the second, whose only entrance was through the first, into a bedroom. He thought the lack of windows would discourage her, but the tawny owl pecked patiently at his door until he let her inside to roost. "There's an Owlery," he told her. "I'm told it's very nice."
She hooted disapprovingly at him and shredded the corner of the stack of old Potions assignments he'd been reviewing. The previous professor, he saw, had still been teaching Goeinger's brewing methodologies even though Ralph et. all had thoroughly debunked those in the 1940s. Severus pulled the pile out of her reach.
"I should probably name you," he said. She fluffed up her neck feathers and ducked her head under her wing to nibble away some dirt there. "You look like an Agatha," he said, and she didn't seem to take offense, so that's what he called her.
Not all of the teachers had known him before, but Minerva McGonagall had. She made it clear she was only tolerating his presence out of respect for Dumbledore's wishes. His owl hissed angrily whenever McGonagall glanced balefully his way at the breakfast table, which he didn't really think was warranted but he unwillingly appreciated it anyway-- though he did wonder if owls normally hissed. Agatha preened primly, stole a triangle of toast, and took off with a massive flap of her wings.
He set the kids to brew a grade-appropriate potion first, just to see where they were at. Where they were at was terrible. He spent the rest of the year trying to drag them up to standard.
"Do you really want me teaching children, Albus?" he asked one late night. Outside the wide windows of the headmaster's office he could see all the way to the Forbidden Forest.
"I know few people who understand Potions as well as you, professor." Albus beamed when Severus's nose twisted at the title.
Severus snorted. "Knowing the subject isn't teaching. I am not patient. I am not kind."
"Neither is Minerva." Dumbledore hesitated. "And you cannot be kind," he said. "You do have a reputation to maintain."
"Don't worry about it,” Severus said. "I'm using you as an excuse. When a bunch of pureblooded parents come running to you demanding your head on a platter for meddling, please know who sent them."
When little Slytherin children whose terrible relations Severus knew a bit too well came to him and complained he was favoring Hufflepuffs (he wasn't, he was favoring people who did their goddamn homework), he looked aggrieved and regretful and bitter and complained about Albus Dumbledore and his nosy administration. "Look for who has the power, kids," he said. "Look for who's using it, and then you survive whatever world you find yourself in."
For the first two years he taught to the book. It was adequate, even if adequacy generally made Severus curl his lip in disgust. Once he got a decent white-knuckled grip on the basic curriculum-- running a classroom was nothing to navigating a meeting of Death Eaters, except for how it was about a billion times harder-- he started folding in his own methods and recipes.
He tutored any student who requested it, but few did, so he approached the ones he thought would get the most out of it-- the most talented, but also the ones who seemed to love it most, and the ones trailing far behind, who he just couldn't reach in class.
He made sure to scowl through all of it. He complained to his Slytherin students that the headmaster forbade him to favor only one House in his choices for private tutoring. "If I had may way," he assured the sons and daughters and nieces and nephews of Death Eaters and they nodded sagely. The first time Nymphadora Tonks brewed a perfect Sleeping Draught, he had to feign a coughing attack to hide the smile. "Acceptable, Ms. Tonks," he told her and she rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag and left for lunch with her friends.
(Three years later, Severus found an unsealed envelope on his desk, with his name in Albus's fluid hand on the front. Inside were the Auror exam results of Tonks, Nymphadora, who had failed Stealth but aced both Disguises and Potions).
The first time Nymphadora had stepped into Severus's classroom, her hair had been bright blue but her nose had been the one she’d been born with and her chin and her smirk, too. Severus had almost jumped to his feet. He almost grabbed his wand, but instead he just sat there and clung to stillness. Bellatrix had been in Azkaban for years. When he had tripped over his tongue and told Nymphadora she looked like her aunt, she had cast him a disgusted glance and told him she looked like herself.
Halloween came around every year, and Severus sat through the feast drinking pumpkin juice and feeding Agatha. When Agatha visited him at meals, the other professors made sure to give him enough elbow-room to accommodate her entire wingspan, and she always visited him on Halloween. He found this to be very acceptable.
His birthday was in January, and so was Lily's. Everything frosted over for miles and Severus woke up in the winter mornings with cold toes. Severus turned twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five and Lily stayed twenty-one and dead.
The sun went down early in January, but you couldn't tell from his sunless rooms, except from the way his fingers and toes ached if he didn't light a fire or cast a warming spell. He often didn't.
She's dead, he thought. She's dead and you're alive. Be alive.
He went up to the kitchens and got some hot cocoa from the house elves. It never got cold. He never got warm. He went to bed.
The second time Severus ever saw Harry, the kid was stepping through the Great Hall doors in a crowd of tiny first-years. (They got smaller every year, Severus swore). Harry wasn't saying anything to the first-years talking beside him, his head tipped back to look at the ceiling-sky.
He looked even more like James than he had the last time Severus had seen him, which made sense because now he could walk and presumably talk and likely didn't chew on his toes so much.
Severus wasn't sure how to feel about it, so he decided it didn't matter. Instead he peered down the long aisle at the kid-- uncomfortable in new robes (he remembered how Lily had wrinkled her nose at those), standing near a kid who looked like he was probably the latest Weasley. Of course.
The entire hall held its breath as Harry went under the Hat, which Severus thought was fairly rude. Give the kid some sort of complex, would you? And how were the rest of the children supposed to feel about this?
"GRYFFINDOR!" The table of raucous hellions cheered and hollered. Severus fiddled with his fork sourly. Of course.
"Well, this will be an interesting year," Flitwick said cheerfully, beside him.
"Yes," said Severus. He was looking over Quirrell's shoulder at Harry as he made his way to the cheering table of gold and red. When the boy turned to look up at him-- eleven, he was eleven, had he and Lily ever been that small?-- Severus saw him flinch. He frowned and turned back to his plate.
Severus watched him carefully over the next few weeks, because he watched them all carefully. He weighed his options and decided ignoring Harry in class was probably the best answer. He did take ten points from Gryffindor over Harry's missing tie and heard the Weasley boy next to him hiss, "He's got a soup stain on his robes from last week, what right--"
"Another ten, I think, Mr. Weasley," he said and the Granger girl beside them kicked at Weasley under the table. That could have been another handful of docked points, but he thought she was rather justified.
The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher stunk of dark magic. DADA professors often did, of course-- it was a matter of course that defending against dark magic would get some of it on you, and also there was the matter of the curse on the position. But there was something almost familiar about Quirrell and Severus spent the beginning of the year making sure his shields were up and his face was right, trying to figure out exactly what tragedy the DADA curse was dragging into the school this year.
Dumbledore had also told him he was keeping an immortality-causing magical object in a third floor corridor, so Severus had additionally spent several sleepless nights over that.
"You're keeping that thing in a school, with children?" Severus had demanded, pacing Dumbledore's office. "You know exactly who's going to want that Stone most. You know exactly who... Albus, if you are putting bait in the middle of this school I will make your vocal chords constrict such that you speak an octave higher for a week."
"That could be an adventure."
"I hate you sometimes,” he’d said. “Albus, what are you doing?"
"It is not bait, Severus. This is simply the safest place I have for the Stone, and Nicholas asked me a favor. I'd like to ask your help with its defense."
Severus had sighed. "I'll come up with something."
Severus thought of Petunia Evans Dursley as "Tuney," because that was what Lily had called her in stories. Standing in the kitchen with Lily, a lifetime ago, he couldn't have imaged that Tuney could hate a child for years just because he was a reminder of all the things she couldn't have. But that old kitchen was gone now, the Evans house boarded up and sold, and Harry was skinny for eleven, knobbly-kneed and untrusting.
When Severus looked at Harry he did not see James. He did not see Lily. He saw a half-blood boy from an ugly home and his heart turned to static in his chest.
"You could be better than this," he thought, when he saw Harry unflinching, when he saw his rigid shoulders in the Hogwarts halls. "You should have been better than this. Tuney, she thought you were going to save the world."
Dumbledore had told him about the protections in Harry’’s blood, the rules and sacrifices they worked under, but he wasn't sure that was worth this.
Severus didn't see James when he looked at Harry, or he tried not to, but he saw James when he looked at Fred and George Weasley. He saw James and he saw Sirius and he gave them detentions for every careless thing they attempted in his orbit.
In the weeks before Halloween, all the leaves died. As a child it had been one of Severus's favorite seasons-- the autumn, the fall-- because Lily had worn over-sized scarves and caps and held his hand through bulky mittens and kicked at the dry leaves. She had liked the noise they made, skittering over the concrete walks outside her house.
Lily had called them the changing seasons, spring and fall, and she had liked that their names were verbs. Severus thought about that, in those long months of the fall.
For Halloween, every year, Severus nursed his pumpkin juice and fed Agatha where she skulked on the back of his chair. McGonagall got stiff around Halloween, every year, snapping at Severus in staff meetings and ignoring him in hallways. He was rather sure he knew who she thought he was mourning on rainy October days.
Her sharp silences meant he was doing this right, he was certain. It was a victory. He tried to feel smug. He fed Agatha a bit of pastry.
"Troll!" Quirrell burst through the hall's doors and Severus snapped up his head, feeling like the muscles of his neck were fighting molasses instead of just air and gravity. "Troll in the dungeons."
The prefects rounded up the first-years, herding them back to the dormitories like anxious pimply sheepdogs. Severus thought that was Harry handled, so he whisked away to protect the second most important thing in the castle. But, of course, it was James's son, it was Lily's son-- so while Severus was guarding the Stone and getting his leg ripped open by Hagrid's three-headed monster pet, Harry faced down a mountain troll in a girl's bathroom.
Once the troll had been dispatched and all the eleven-year-old children had been sent off to bed, Severus climbed up to Dumbledore's rooms and spent a few hours nursing a firewhiskey and moaning about how foolhardiness was hereditary.
But over the next few weeks Severus watched Harry bobbing through crowds at Hermione's elbow, or Ron's, saw the way they leaned close and stood close and rolled their eyes at each other. There were some things that were worth even staring down a twelve-foot mountain troll, and that friendship was one of them.
"The Longbottom kid," Severus asked in the teacher's lounge when there was no one around but Professor Sprout. "How's he doing in your class?"
"Green thumb."
"I thought maybe," said Severus. "He sucks in mine, but I think it's approach, not ability. I should probably do something about it."
Sprout buttered her toast in peaceable agreement.
"If I call him in for tutoring I think he'll die of fear though."
"I'll tell him I asked it of you, as a favor," said Sprout. "And that you're terrified of my wrath and therefore will be on your best behavior."
"I am terrified of you," said Severus.
"Why thank you, sweetheart."
Christmas brimmed anxiously on the horizon. He heard Harry telling the youngest Weasley boy in class that last year he'd gotten a clothes hanger and a stale biscuit.
Severus bought Agatha the plumpest mouse he could find, and Albus some socks, and then he dragged James's Invisibility Cloak out from the bottom of his closet. He'd last used it to drop some belladonna in a Death Eater's nighttime tea, which he figured was about as noble a purpose as something could have. He folded the silky silver fabric on his desk and then he conjured some wrapping paper.
He didn't know what James had used the Cloak for, as a child, but Severus remembered being seven and curled under his blankets and hungry, too scared to sneak out to the kitchen because his father was snoring on the couch.
Your father left this in my possession before he died, he wrote. Use it well.
Severus thought maybe if he had been a different person he might have talked to Lily in his head. Hey Lily, today I ate a grapefruit and you're right, they're disgusting. Hey Lily, it's been raining for weeks but today I saw some kids up at the Owlery trying to give every owl there an umbrella spell. Hey Lily, I miss you.
But he had never talked to Lily because he had had things he wanted to say. He had made her flowers from leaves. He had told her about the birthday parties of 86 year olds because he hadn't wanted to talk about other things.
He had wanted to hear about her day and how she was doing and what idiot thing James had done recently, who was Remus knitting a sweater for, had Alice gotten tired of charming the breakfast toast to dance? He wanted to talk to Lily because he wanted to hear Lily, what she wanted to share and what she wanted to say.
So when the irises came back up in spring, he didn't tell her. When he cornered Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest, he didn't tell her, he just hissed threats in the wooded shadows and missed Harry eavesdropping from the branches. When Neville managed his first potion without a burn, a boil-over, or any billows of poisonous gases, he told the boy, "Acceptable, Longbottom," and he told Lily nothing.
Her son took to the skies above the Quidditch pitch, and Severus had never seen the kid look so at peace. He didn't think, Lily, look.
He thought Quirrell was a minion, some glory-seeker or blackmail victim trying to track down the Stone. To be fair, Albus assumed the same thing, but Severus was still furious when he found at the end of the year that Tom Riddle had been hitching a ride into Hogwarts classrooms.
He had kept in character all year, towering and hissing over the stuttering man. He had warned Quirrell away from the third corridor with threats and flashing black eyes, like he had wanted it for himself, like there was some master he dreamed of serving it up to. If he ever saw Tom in person again he could drop to his knees in shock and regret-- "I thought I was protecting your interests, my Lord. I didn't realize. If you had just told me--"
Of course Harry, too, had spotted his torn-open leg after stopping Quirrell from getting past Fluffy, had heard him hissing bile and threats at Quirrell out in the Forest-- but that was how it was supposed to go, after all. Harry watched him balefully in the hallways and Severus named it victory, it was a victory, it had to be, this was what he had.
Severus had been asleep in his rooms when Harry, Ron, and Hermione petrified Neville, fought past the protections of a half dozen Hogwarts professors, and finally faced down the fragment of Voldemort that was living on the back of Quirrell's skull.
Dumbledore told him about it later and Severus sank down with his face in his tired, tired hands. "Well," he said. "He's certainly theirs, isn't he? Oh god, he's going to die."
The next year Narcissa's kid bought his way onto the Quidditch team. He was very little like his mother, except for the hair and the bone structure and the excellent ability to turn his nose up at things. But Narcissa had moved through Hogwarts with a spine of exquisite steel. She had known who she was and what she wanted and she would have ground herself down to the bone to get it.
Draco wanted things, but he didn't know what he was doing. He parroted his father's words and not his mother's and Severus wondered when the kid would find out where the power in his family lay.
That year Severus taught Harry Expelliarmus from a Dueling Club stage. He brought Polyjuice Potion up in class and Hermione stole the supplies from his stores. All around them students fell frozen and rigid, lining the infirmary beds. Sprout hovered over her mandrakes and Severus spent most of that year down in his dungeons, brewing ineffective practice draughts with mandrake substitutes.
Dumbledore told him it had been Voldemort, after. He tucked the destroyed diary into the vault behind his desk and told Severus about Tom Riddle, sixteen years old, already a killer of children. "How many more are there?" Severus asked, looking at the painting above Dumbledore's desk and thinking about the Horcrux lying dead behind it.
"There's no way to know," said Dumbledore. "But he is a... traditionalist. I think there will be seven."
"Lovely," said Severus. "Just lovely."
Dumbledore nodded, seated at his desk with his shoulders bowed, like he was old, like he had seen this all before.
"D'you wanna come down to the greenhouses for some tea?" Professor Sprout asked the day the students boarded the trains for home, when she found Severus nodded off in the staff room. He squinted down at his own cold cup of tea, but she kept patiently smiling down at him so he gripped the mug and followed her down to the big glass houses.
"You know Aguamency, of course," she said after she'd made them both big steaming mugs and set them to floating beside them. "That bush needs about three gallons, this little fellow here needs about one..."
Severus lifted his wand obediently. He had watered the hedge behind the Evans’s house sometimes but it had been with a hose. Sprout hummed a little tune and started going through the foliage, tsking over brown leaves.
"The littlest Weasley," he said.
"Yes?" said Sprout. "Oh, honey, no, you can't grow that way. Respect your neighbors."
"If you could keep an eye on her next year. A hand if she needs it."
"Why don't you?" said Sprout.
"Do you know what happened to her?" he said instead of answering.
Sprout was half inside a bush now. "I saw the writing on the wall. And know her brother and the Potter boy got her out. Gilderoy, too, I suppose, though I doubt he was much help, poor lad. She must have been terrified."
Eleven, Severus thought. God, they get smaller every year.
"The thing that opened the Chamber," Severus said. "The Heir. It was... bothering her all year," he said. "In her head. In... a haunting, sort of." Through the warped greenhouse glass the sky was a fierce and terrible blue. Tom Riddle had been creeping through Severus's school all year, again, and he hadn't known.
"I know some of what it's like," he said. "To have that man walking around your head. Touching your best things. Whispering. She just might need someone, when she comes back."
"Well, I'm always around," said Sprout. "The greenhouses are good for escaping whispers."
Severus couldn't quite figure out how to say thank-you, so he hung around in the warm silence of the place and helped her water the garden beds.
Even professors couldn't Apparate onto Hogwarts grounds. At the beginning of the next school year, Severus hunched his shoulders and trekked past drifting dementors at the gates. It was like the wettest days of October, the worst frosts of January-- cold grabbed him by the bone marrow and dragged down and so he set his jaw and walked up the gravel path.
It wasn't like it was a big deal, anyway. People said they could hear things sometimes, when dementors came too close-- that they would step back into the worst inhales of their lives and drown there. Severus pulled his cloak more firmly around his shoulders. All he could hear was a radio, flicked on to empty airwaves. All he could hear was the wind.
He shoved past the first row of hedges on the grounds and the dementors faded back behind him. The cold stayed.
That third year, the Granger girl got a pet monster cat and it played tag with Agatha in the Great Hall, going screaming down the aisles between the tables and terrifying the first-years. Agatha seemed to be enjoying herself, though, so he let it be.
Remus Lupin joined the Hogwarts faculty and it was peculiar. Some days Severus didn't feel much older than sixteen, uncertain and raw (some days he felt older than Dumbledore, intimate with the way those skinny shoulders hunched and knotted)-- but with Lupin standing there in those same old sacred halls, it was easy to see where they were. Lupin's visage was as threadbare as his clothes. You had always been able to see his bony elbows, even when he was the sensible shadow over Potter and Black's shoulder, the ballast against their worst ideas except when he was Black's worst idea.
Severus had sulked in Dumbledore's office when he heard the news. "What about full moons?"
"You'll make him the wolfsbane potion," Dumbledore had said easily and Severus had sunk down in his chair and sulked more.
"I should get a raise."
("It tastes worse cold," Severus said, putting the steaming mug down on the desk on the first full moon day. "If you want to wait."
"Thank you," said Lupin as Severus stalked out of the room.)
Severus lurked around Madame Pomfrey after the student's first meal, during which Draco had loudly acted out Harry's supposed fainting on the train. "What do you prescribe to students with bad reactions to dementors?" he asked. "Is it a potion? I've never come across them in my studies."
"Oh nothing so fancy as that," she said. "A bit of chocolate and a warm place to sit is often the best medicine." She straightened beds and told him how the nice new professor had handed out chocolate to his cabin of third-years. "Potter hardly looked shaken, for someone so badly affected," she said. "But I suppose I'm used to seeing the lad in more terrible straits-- regrowing bones, that sort of thing."
"Hm," said Severus and stole a lollipop from the jar on her desk.
It was Halloween and the children were celebrating excess desserts at dinner and Lupin was drawing nonsense designs in his gravy with slow drags of his fork.
"Wasn't she your friend once?" Lupin asked. He asked it like he was curious, like he was kind.
"Wasn't Black yours?" said Severus. "We all make sore decisions. Pass the potatoes, would you?" He went back to sipping his pumpkin juice and Lupin stopped asking him questions Severus couldn't answer.
The Weasley twins still reminded Severus of Potter and Black, up to how they vanished and reappeared without notice, like the way you could never get rid of glitter or that stain in the Cat in the Hat books. But Severus was fairly sure Harry wasn't lending them James's old Invisibility Cloak, because after all they had been this annoying before he'd given the Cloak up to Harry's possession.
They had something more up their sleeve, it seemed, and whatever it was they taught it to Harry-- because the boy started vanishing and then floating up to the surface like a bad egg in places he wasn't allowed.
Harry wasn’t allowed out to Hogsmeade, with Black on the loose, but Severus was pretty sure the boy was sneaking out there anyway. He found him in the castle with his pockets full of Zonko’s toys and tricks, and as Harry stood in front of him, mulish and stubborn, Severus remembered James bold and arrogant at school, remembered Harry’s small soft weight on his chest as he carried him out of a home Sirius Black had betrayed. In among the detritus, Harry had an old piece of parchment, folded with care. Severus assumed it was another Zonko toy until he jabbed it with his wand and saw ink spread across its surface.
He didn’t know the nicknames because they had been their own, but he knew that heavy script. Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.
“It’s clearly from Zonko’s,” said Lupin when he appeared and got between between Harry and Severus’s rigid shoulders. He was smiling, with his scarred face and his hands closing over the parchment, and Severus let him do it. Whatever it was, this remnant haunted by James’s hand probably belonged to Remus.
The year rolled on. On a frozen February morning, Severus gave fifty points to Slytherin for Crabbe having his tie on straight, and heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Still favoring Slytherin, I see," said Lupin.
"I don't think Slytherin was the word you meant there," Severus said. "Old loyalties die hard, as I'm sure you know." And on his next walk to class he took fifty-five points from a Gryffindor for whistling out of tune.
On full moon days, Albus asked Severus to take over Lupin's classes. Severus stalked into the classroom, threw up page numbers on the board, and sat with his boots up on Lupin's desk.
"Um," said Granger. "We're not there in the book yet."
"Does it seem like I care?" Severus said.
"This is--" she flipped through the book. "Um, it starts in the section on blood poisons and then goes into a chapter on illusion magic? Did you... choose these on purpose?"
"Obviously," said Severus. "Ten inches on how the two subjects affect each other."
"They don't," said Granger.
"Ten points from Gryffindor, Ms. Granger," said Severus and tipped his head back and thought about how best to brew dragon bone extract for the rest of class.
The last full moon of the school year came, but when Severus went to bring Lupin his potion he was gone. The parchment left unfolded on his desk was no longer blank, with ink moving and squirming on the page.
Severus would have remembered Lupin's potion, steaming on the cluttered desk, any other day-- but he saw Black's name on the Map and all he could think was Lily. All he could think was you promised you would keep her safe.
He knew the way through the grounds, to the Whomping Willow, and the knot at its trunk that would freeze its violent thrashing for a time. He felt frozen, violence stretching before and behind him. He knew these dark little stunted passages. He remembered being sixteen and jealous and petty, looking for a secret at the end of this buried corridor and finding a snarling, aching monster instead.
James had come for him, and Severus hadn't known what to do with that, then, other than gamble on taking his hand and running. They had run, and Lupin had apologized later, tight-wound and furious, and Severus had regretfully not taken Lily up on her offer to punch Sirius Black in his handsome nose. They had run and Severus was moving, now, through that same musty dark.
James's hair had been wild, his mouth tight and unsmiling, his hand outstretched-- they had both been so rarely unsmiling, Lily, James, always either laughing or incandescent, furious, blinding-- and maybe that had changed, in the long cold days of the war, but his trenches had been so far from their warm foxholes. Had Lily gone still? Had James gone quiet, turned to bedrock and frost?
Severus had been lifetimes away from them, pretending to become something he hated. He had not been there to see them break apart, in those ends of days, in those days they did not know were the end. Lifetimes away, listening to the crackle of voices late at night-- it felt like Lily had been dead for lifetimes now.
James had risked his life for Severus, once, because the man at the end of this corridor had thought it would be funny. James was dead, because this man had betrayed him. Lily was dead. What here was mischief? What was cold malice? What was cowardice?
When Severus burst through the door to the Shrieking Shack, he had an Avada kedavra on his tongue, ready. He had been more certain of few things in his life than that he had enough hatred in him to cast it.
But apparently three simultaneous Expelliarmuses, even cast only by some third-year wizards, can knock a man unconscious.
Severus didn't hear what came after, but he would have understood. "I would have died rather than betray Lily and James," Black screamed at Pettigrew in that Shack. "I would have died rather than betray my friends."
But Severus didn't hear it. He was unconscious through Black's story, through Pettigrew squealing, through Harry standing with frightened, certain fists and saying, "My dad wouldn't have wanted you to," like he knew anything at all about what James would have wanted.
Severus didn't hear any of it, but he would have understood. He would have understood Black screaming in Pettigrew's face, thirteen-years gaunt and hollow-cheeked. He would have understood the way Harry's stubborn face froze them in their tracks.
Severus had walked through the long dark corridor, a killing curse roiling in his gut, and he didn't know, but Black would have understood that, too.
Severus woke cold and damp, his nose squished into mossy pebbles. Lupin was gone. Granger, Weasley, Black and Harry were strewn around him, under the fog crawling in off the water's surface. "Th' hell," mumbled Severus, and then he conjured stretchers for the children and the Ministry for Black. He was cold and he was aching, the fire out in his gut, and he thought maybe Black deserved Azkaban's long slow torture more than a clean death.
Severus wasn't sure what the kids had been thinking-- he couldn't imagine what Black could have told them. What had Lupin said? What had he been thinking? Where was he-- hell, the potion.
He levitated each of them onto the conjured stretchers-- their dangling limbs, Ron's cast, Granger's bush of hair, the way Harry's slipped across his scarred forehead. Severus had never seen Harry without a scar. Screaming in his nursery, heavy on his chest with Albus thin and tired at his front door-- Harry had always had a lightning storm writ into him, healed over and scarred. It had never gotten to be a wound.
Severus got them to the infirmary, and then he hovered around the edges of the gathered Aurors and Ministry officials, so he was there when the ruckus started off-- Black was gone.
Black was gone-- and so was Hagrid's hippogriff, of all things, though Severus didn't point that out to the Aurors. Harry was looking smug, like James at his worst, and Severus stormed up to Dumbledore's office while the kids got on the trains home.
"You cannot let them do this," Severus said.
"Mm?" said Dumbledore. "Lemon drop?"
"Trust Black," said Severus. "Albus, he got James and Lily killed."
"Not mentioning Pettigrew and the dozen Muggles, I see," Dumbledore said.
"Don't you tell me what to care about," Severus snapped. "I am caring about Harry and I know you. Why did you let this happen? I know they helped him get away, on Hagrid's giant angry bird."
"You're one to talk about angry birds."
Dumbledore sighed. "It wasn't Sirius."
There was a rush in Severus's ears and he tried to bat it down. "It was," he said. "He was their Secret-Keeper, because you wouldn't let them choose me."
"They swapped at the last moment, without telling anyone. They thought Sirius would be too obvious, so they asked Peter."
"Pettigrew," said Severus. "That wet paper bag of a person, they--"
"They thought it would be safer. Sirius knew, of course, and he hunted down Pettigrew after they died. Peter was the one who killed all those people, and took off his own finger--"
Severus lifted a hand, shaking his head. "Pettigrew," he said. "You're sure?"
"Do you know if he's alive?" said Severus.
"Alive, and I fear rejoining Voldemort as we speak."
"He'll be easy to find, then."
"Severus," Dumbledore said sternly. "Do nothing rash. We need you."
"When have I ever been rash?" said Severus.
He didn't hunt down Peter that summer and roast him over hot coals. He considered it, at length and with much imagined detail, but instead he went on a long backpacking trip through the Alps, seeking brewing ingredients that only bloomed under certain moonlights.
Albus was right-- Harry was the priority, and that meant Severus keeping his cover. But Severus had a list, and Peter was on it. He tucked it away in his mind-- his life had not so changed that he had the luxury of being able to write such things down.
In Harry's fourth year of school, the Goblet of Fire chose him as a frankly illegal second Hogwarts champion. "But what about sportsmanship?" Severus asked Dumbledore dryly. "What about the kid not dying before he figures out how to brush his hair?"
"I must figure out who's placed his name in the Goblet," said Albus, tearing apart a lemon drop wrapper. Sunlight was pouring through the windows and Severus put his feet up on Albus's desk. "There can have been no reason for it except to endanger him."
"I bet he thinks it was me," said Severus.
The first task was dragons, so Severus lurked down by the dragon handlers, asking about some of the rarer dragon-derived potions ingredients. During the actual task he sat rigid in the stands and tried not to think about Harry, eleven-- god had he ever really been that small?-- dangling from his broom while Severus hissed Anti-Jinxes under his breath.
Severus had been seeing Neville once a week since his first year for tutoring. He scowled through it and sometimes napped at his desk for the safer stretches of brewing, when he knew there was something Neville got. The kid was approaching grade-level standards, though, and had on at least one instance corrected Granger on a brewing fact.
"What's that?" Neville asked when Severus put a box of gillyweeds on his desk while rummaging through his ingredients for some fire flower essence. He scowled and snored and snubbed, but Severus tried to encourage questions, however sourly he answered them.
"Gillyweed," said Severus. "Ingested, it allows a wizard to breathe underwater. But you have a Illumination brew to make, get to it, Longbottom." And then he put his boots up on his desk and pretended to snore through Neville tentatively robbing his unlocked gillyweed stores.
Alastor Moody cornered him out on the grounds-- now he smelled of Dark Arts, but Severus supposed he'd had plenty of terrible years to get the stuff on him. Like glitter, it never really came off. Severus was glad to have him, though, because when whatever Voldemort flunky was lurking raised his ugly head, he could trust ol' Mad-Eye to kill him dead without a flinch. Small comforts.
"'Course Dumbledore trusts you," Moody said. "He's a trusting man, isn't he? Believes in second chances," he said and Severus almost laughed because people kept telling him these false things about Dumbledore. Instead he raised both eyebrows and one side of his mouth and waited.
"But me," said Moody. "I say there are spots that don't come off, Snape. Spots that never come off, d'you know what I mean?"
"Always nice to see you, too, Alastor," said Severus. "But I'd like to get back to my walk."
Karkaroff cornered him, too, down in his dungeons, his hand wrapped tight around the inside of his opposite forearm.
"Karkaroff, long time," said Severus. "So I see they put you in charge of children? How odd."
"You're one to talk, Snape." Karkaroff's hand around his forearm was white-knuckled, pressing into marked flesh. Severus knew the feeling. His Dark Mark had been prickling and darkening all year, but he had had Quirrell haunting his classrooms, had seen Dumbledore locking a destroyed diary away, had been waiting for this.
"Hold yourself together, Karkaroff," he said and swept off to grade some papers.
The Cup was supposed to make some sort of signal when a champion reached it, but nothing happened. The spectator views of the third task were poorly thought out, but while the crowd wondered and peered at the high hedges Severus felt the Mark on his forearm burst into blinding life. It cut into his skin like he was getting it all over again, arm outstretched, Voldemort's cold fingers around his wrist, the tip of his wand dragging along the skin.
By the time Severus got to Albus in the crowd of spectators, Harry was back. He was on his knees in the grass, both hands clenched in the robes of a dead boy. Cedric had been terrible at neat dicing in Severus's class but wonderful at lending his supplies to those around him who'd forgotten to bring what they needed.
Everything was noise. The pain in his forearm was dragging at his attention. Amos Diggory was on his knees, in the grass.
Moody-- no, Crouch the younger, what had Bella called him, Barty Jr, Crouch the Crotchety-- took Harry and Albus realized his mistake in time. Severus and Minerva flanked him, and Severus dug up Veritaserum from his stores when asked. His forearm was aching-- the skin, yes, but it felt like the pain was cutting down through tissue and sinew to bone.
"He's back," Harry was saying. "He's back." His hair was in his eyes and his hands were shaking and he looked like no one except a scared fifteen year old boy with grass stains on his knees. When Severus and Lily had been children they had come home from summer afternoons covered in grass stains and Mrs. Evans had put Severus's things through the wash before she sent him home. "Don't want your mum to fuss," she'd said, hands hesitating over Severus's bony shoulders without touching him.
Albus pulled Severus to the side, slow and quiet. "Go," he said. "You know what you need to do."
Severus wrapped his hand around his opposite forearm, holding so tight his knuckles turned white with it. He knew where he was meant to be and he could feel Voldemort's impatience pacing up his spine.
Severus grabbed nothing, just paced out of the room and out of the castle and out of the grounds, past the main gates and the Anti-Apparation charms. He vanished with a violent thud of air and appeared in a poorly lit room somewhere below London.
They'd left the graveyard, but here was the tall pale ghost of an angry young man. Here was the feeling of gentle fingers whispering over the inside of Severus's skull. The men arrayed around Voldemort wore their masks and hoods, except for Pettigrew cringing in the corner, but Severus stood bareheaded in his professor's robes. He inhaled the musty air of the room.
"My Lord," said Severus, and dropped to his knees.
Severus slunk back into the school the next day. He had to keep his cover, he'd told Voldemort. Yes, here, he'd said, take a walk through fifteen years of Albus's exhausted shoulders, it's all yours, this was for you, all for you, Lord. A headache was dragging along his temples like cold fingers, the tip of a wand.
Hogwarts felt nearly empty, its corridors echoing, its classrooms shut. Severus moved over stone and past armor and painted canvas until he found them-- the whole student body, the faculty, the staff-- in the Great Hall. Albus stood at the head of the podium and Severus could see the weight on his shoulders. "There will come a time," Albus said. "When you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy," he said, and Severus turned and walked away, back down the empty hall.
Dumbledore's voice followed him. "Remember Cedric Diggory."
Severus went down to his room and sat on his bedspread behind the closed door. He put the tip of his wand to his temple and pulled out wispy white strands full of musty air and low voices, pulled them out of him and bottled the memories away for Albus's old tired hands.
Severus could have run for the edges of the grounds, the moment he felt the Mark scream into full life. He could have run far enough to Apparate to the graveyard and maybe Cedric would still have been alive. Maybe he could have done something, burned his covers, saved a child.
He thought about a house in flames, wallpaper, yellow and white lace curtains. Harry never told the full story of the graveyard and Severus never knew that Cedric had been long dead before the Mark ever activated. He laid on his bed and searched his ceiling for mold and wondered about what price was too high to pay.
"You checked, didn't you, Albus?" said Severus. Mad-Eye Moody glared at him from just inside the door of Grimmauld Place and Severus said, "Hey, lil Barty got the glares down pat, that's doing you no favors."
Dumbledore sighed. "I'm sure, Severus."
"Mm," said Severus and slunk inside past Moody. He followed a step in Dumbledore's wake, so any concerned, questioning, accusing looks could glance first off the old man's knowing smile and their protests could die in their throats.
The front hall loomed and the big table outside the kitchen was still half-drowned in dark despite even Molly Weasley's best attempts to light it. Voices were muffled in the corners of heavy wood. Bread and lamps and briskly scrubbed floors did their best, but something in the room resisted.
Severus gave Molly's food a wide radius and sat at the furthest corner of the table, ignoring Black's glare and Lupin's considering gaze. He wanted neither of them. A woman's voice caterwauled down the stair, thumping on the expletives, shrieking on the verbs.
Shacklebolt was looking concerned at the sound. Black said with a groan, "My mother's portrait was put up with some damned powerful Sticking Charms. She's not going til the house burns down."
The shriek rose to a crescendo. "Maybe burn it down," said Severus, and Black swiveled to look at him.
"Should Snivellus really be here?" said Black.
"I trust him," said Dumbledore and Severus raised two eyebrows and one side of his mouth until Black twisted up his face and looked away.
Tonks entered the room via a tumbled coat rack and a knocked over chair, and then the first meeting of the second Order of the Phoenix began. Severus didn't ask Tonks if she'd kept up with her brewing, and she didn't look his way.
They didn't tell Harry about the steps they were taking or the measures they were making. Harry didn't write his least favorite Potions professor, but Severus heard from Dumbledore that the kid was reaching and asking, desperate and angry. He'd been born into a war, once. People had been pretending it had been over for years, but Severus knew better, Albus knew better, and now Harry did, too.
Severus went to Order meetings in Grimmauld Place, the location safe in Dumbledore's Secret-Keeping hands. (Safe.) He went back to Lucius's third-best parlor (new carpet, old chaises), to Avery's cramped little kitchen, a rotating cast of basements and back rooms. He bottled up white wisps of memory for Dumbledore and he let Voldemort walk around his mind. The summer passed. Severus only got a glimpse of Harry in Grimmauld Place, twitchy and scowling, but he liked the way Granger and Weasley looked at him with their hearts in their anxious throats.
Severus had never seen McGonagall so angry about anything as about Dolores Umbridge-- and he had been the recipient of her glares more than once in his three decades of life. It confused him, that she could be as angry about this toad of a woman as she was about the maybe Death Eater in her midst-- but he supposed she'd been able to fight Voldemort, when it came down to it, and there wasn't much she could do about Umbridge. Minerva broke a mug in the staff room and once she was gone-- long gone, no witnesses-- Severus cleaned it up.
The day Umbridge sat in on Severus's potions class was the smuggest he'd ever seen Harry and co., and Severus stood stiffly at the front of the room, trying to think of nothing but newts' eyes and pewter-- not James with curses and grins, not James in a green knit cap, not Black's thirteen years, not Pettigrew cowering but breathing in the back of Voldemort's meetings.
He didn't let Umbridge sit in on Neville's tutoring, or on Goyle's, who was trying and who could follow the instructions if you sat still and explained them patiently enough and let him fiddle with the knives.
Sue Li was a Ravenclaw who had hunted him down at twelve to demand extracurricular potions. He let Umbridge hover while he quizzed Li on the liminal tendencies of red-spot toadstools. Li blasted him with clarifying queries and suppositions that led them all the way down the track to the philosophical gestalt inherent in brewing, and Umbridge slunk out of the dungeons looking frankly dizzy.
Tom Riddle was slinking around Harry's mind, Albus said. They had a connection, Albus said and Severus stared out the windows over the headmaster's shoulder. Harry needed someone to train him in Occlumency, Albus said, and Severus tried.
He scowled through it, because that's how this went, and Harry scowled on back. The boy's mind was brittle and wide-open, grasping and desperate for answers no one was giving him. Severus tried to pretend he had too many ugly answers heavy on his shoulders to have any sympathy for him.
"I cannot do this," said Severus, a bare few weeks into the lessons. "He's a nosy, irresponsible little brat and I can't do this. I can't be there. I can't be dragging this shit up. Do you think I'm not doing enough lying, Albus?"
Dumbledore frowned at him over steepled fingers, all warm concern, and Severus scowled back. Albus said, "I thought you would enjoy the chance to connect with him."
"He shouldn't be connecting with a goddamn Death Eater, and that's what I am."
"You are the best Occlumens I've ever known, including myself," said Albus.
"That's too bad. Find someone else."
Harry had dug into Severus’s Pensieve and found a sunny afternoon that flooded even Harry goddamn Potter with pity-- Severus's knees in the grass, bile in his throat, James laughing and Lily not. Severus had felt small, bug-like, a chitinous shell growing over all his softest parts. He couldn't remember, these days, living without that exoskeleton over his skin, and he didn't mind so much anymore.
He climbed back down to his office and straightened up the innards of his Pensieve, sorted the spools of memory with the softest grip he could manage.
What Harry had found-- that was not Severus's worst memory. That was not when he had lost her.
Umbridge outlawed everything she could get her hands on, and Severus watched. Granger founded a resistance group in the back rooms of her schoolhouse, and Severus watched. Albus was ousted from his own office, and Severus watched. He gave Umbridge fake Veritaserum when asked, and he slept as well as he ever had.
Severus saw them in halls, grouped around their smallest members; in the detentions writing out lies with firm strokes of their quills. Fred Weasley reminded him of James-- sitting beside a frightened first-year and waiting for him find his words.
Harry's shoulders were going rigid like he was growing a shell over all the soft parts of himself-- something steady and shining, like the suits of armor that lined the corridors. He stood up in classes and hallways and common rooms and told his truth again and again.
Severus was something like jealous. He was something like proud. He didn't talk to Lily, even alone in his rooms late at night, even when Harry was standing in Umbridge's line of fire, refusing to be bowed. He didn't think Lily, look.
Late in the spring, Harry had a nightmare. His mind was brittle and desperate, grasping for anything, given nothing-- and so old Tom slipped fear and knowing into his sleeping mind. Severus didn't know all of this until later, until he was talking to Albus, subdued in his office among broken odds and ends.
Harry was in Umbridge's office, at wand point. Even in the worst of Severus's first war Hogwarts, at least, had never been a battlefield. Severus had almost died in a tunnel under a willow, perhaps, but that had been pettiness and children and an inability to see consequences-- but here was a woman standing shaking and pointing, here was Draco Malfoy with a badge on his chest and a smirk he thought he meant.
"Snuffles," said Harry. "He has Snuffles in the place where it's hidden," he said.
Severus could see Granger churning through courses of action like a woman behind enemy lines. He could see the desperation that was living behind Harry’s snakeskin eyes. The littlest Weasley had a bruised cheek and a stubborn visage and Severus wondered if Sprout had ever taken her out to the greenhouses. He told Umbridge he was out of Veritaserum and that Potter was speaking nonsense, and then he went to call the rest of the Order to arms.
They met in Grimmauld Place, every person he could find-- Kingsley and Moody, Tonks and Lupin. They came, and he tried not to be surprised. Molly fussed and fretted and Arthur was still too pale, but they came and they listened and they went.
It was almost nostalgia-- hearing the bang and crack of people going off to fight without him. The Mark on his arm spiked into painful life, but he knew he wasn't expected by either side.
In the Department of Mysteries, six Hogwarts students clashed with grown, hooded fighters. In a room haunted by a veiled archway, reinforcements came for them. Sirius Black died at Bella's eager hand. Voldemort flooded into all the empty places in Harry's chest, sending him writhing over the atrium floor, and Severus sat in the dark of Grimmauld Place and listened to Black's mother shriek.
Severus Apparated back to Hogwarts' outer gates, when they told him it was over, and strode back to the castle with his cloak flapping behind him. At Hogwarts, you were always a step away. At Hogwarts, you had to rush to its boundaries before you could vanish to anywhere useful.
He climbed up to Albus's office, where his trinkets and toys and treasures had been smashed here and there by Harry's fifteen-year-old grief. Fifteen-- had Severus ever been that small? He had held Lily's hand, at that age, sat through the muggy heat of her father's funeral and bought her a candy bar after.
Albus was reinstated and Umbridge had gone missing. Severus gave a lesson about bezoars and watched Harry scowl and clench his hands in the back row.
Severus wasn't sure how Harry thought the Order had gotten the news, if not for Severus. He didn't corner the boy and snap that he hadn't abandoned him in Umbridge's office-- he'd passed on the message, as asked, what did he want? Sometimes you had to say one thing and do another.
But maybe Harry did know-- if Severus hadn't alerted the Order, Black wouldn't have gone to the Ministry and Black wouldn't be dead. Harry might be, then, but Black wouldn't. Severus watched the boy stalk through the halls, fifteen years old with his shoulders hunched up to his ears, and he could understand that. He had been that small before.
That summer, Dumbledore found the Gaunt ring and murdered the snippet of spirit living inside it. Hogwarts was empty over the summer holidays except for Hagrid out weeding the grounds. Severus met Albus up in his high study and turned his blackening hand over in his sallow fingers.
"This is an ugly curse," he said, like he'd comment on the warm weather burning the grass outside.
"Did you expect any less of Tom?" Albus said.
"You apparently didn't," Severus snapped, laying Albus's hand gently back on the table.
"There are some things you cannot defend against," said Albus. "I made a call."
Severus rose to pace, a hiss held tight behind his teeth.
"Dark times are coming," said Albus.
"Obviously," Severus snapped. "Did you hear the news I brought? He's recruiting the giants. He's got Fenrir out after the werewolves--" Albus wasn't looking at him. "Albus, what do you know? What have you heard that I don't know?"
"Narcissa Malfoy may soon ask you a favor," Albus said, looking at his hand.
"Albus, tell me."
"I have more sources than just you, Severus. It is just-- she may ask you a favor. Please say yes."
Severus's parents had died and he had buried them in shallow earth, so the house in Spinner's End was his now. Narcissa had never been there before and he was trying to decide if he appreciated the way she looked at him and not at the water stains or the battered pans or the threadbare carpet. Bellatrix came in after her and dropped down on a sunken couch, soft cushions curling around her hips.
"He's asked Draco to--," Narcissa said, voice catching, and Bella said, "Yes, it's an honor," and Severus went to pour himself a glass of water. He didn't offer either of them any.
Narcissa didn't ask him for the Dark Lord-- she asked him for her own sake. Severus wondered if it was because she knew something. She took his hands and squeezed them like they were still teenagers, like he was in love with Lily Evans and Cissa was soberly considering the curve of Lucius's adolescent jawline. "My son," Narcissa said. "Whatever he needs to do, you must promise to help him."
Bella demanded the Unbreakable Vow, because she didn't understand any of him-- that Narcissa's dry hands gripping his were all that was needed to bind him here, that Severus would break any promises he needed, no matter if his blood boiled in his veins from the lie.
"How would you like to fill the DADA position, this year, Severus?"
Severus stared at Albus. "Within the year, then, you think?" said Severus. "You think this will all come crashing down within the year-- if you're willing to hand me over to that curse, now." Dumbledore's withered, ashy hand sat on the desk between them. He'd kept the Gaunt ring on his finger, the morbid soul.
"I do not think I will survive the year, and when you kill me you will no longer be welcome at Hogwarts."
"What if I don't want to kill you, Albus? I promised to help Draco, not--"
"When has this ever been about wanting, for you?" Dumbledore shook his head-- had he always been this old? Severus wondered. Had he always been this small-- narrow-shouldered beneath generations of portraits of dead wizards and witches?
Albus said, "I will tell Harry about the Horcruxes, this year. Draco will try to kill me and we cannot let him, Severus. Killing scars the soul— he’s too young to carry that, we cannot let him."
Too young-- Had they ever been that young?
"What about my soul?" Severus said. "Or did I not make it into your calculations, headmaster?"
"It won't be a killing, from your hands," said Albus and Severus scoffed and stalked toward the windows. "You know more than he does. From you, it will be a mercy."
"Not for me," said Severus.
"For me," said Albus. "Please, Severus."
"Do you know what I have done for this fight?” Severus had screamed at Albus once, but he didn't say it now. “For them? For you? Do you understand what I have bled and what I have cut away—”
"Alright," said Severus. "When it's time. Make sure you say your good-byes this year, Albus."
"To who?" said Albus and Severus dropped his head down and laughed.
Draco slunk around corners that year, looking pale and heavy-eyed. He looked worse than Harry, which was fairly saying something. Harry slunk around behind him, still desperate, still grasping, and Severus remembered trying so badly to dig out Lupin's secrets at sixteen.
He cornered Draco when he could-- offered help, pretended to know secrets he didn't, threatened, anything to get anything at all off the boy's shoulders. But Draco stood and shook and refused.
Severus and Lily had written in the pages of his textbooks, on their bellies in her bedroom, leaning over them at Hogwarts library tables. He'd filled his potion textbook with irritated corrections to imperfect recipes and she'd drawn little comics of their classmates-- James messing with his hair so much it all fell out; Lucius leaving a trail of sleaze behind him; Alice standing on the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall and shouting about non-human rights.
Severus had invented things out in the Forest, ripped magic from his chest and considered what he found there. So little of it had been kind.
Severus heard noises from a bathroom, years after he had written those things down, lifetimes after, and he found Narcissa's son bleeding out on the grungry tile from a spell he'd invented at sixteen.
"I didn't," said Harry. "I didn't mean-- I didn't realize--"
Everyone always said Harry looked like his father, and Severus had known James petty and young, ugly and hurtful; he had known him quiet in a dusty attic, waiting for Severus to find all his words. Draco's blood was on the bathroom tile and Severus would clean it up, later, when he was done with the kid's wounds and giving Harry Saturday detentions until the end of the year.
Everyone always said Harry looked like James, but Harry was standing over a bleeding classmate and all Severus saw in that moment was Tom.
Albus told him later that Harry had been angry, that he had been frightened, that he had thought Draco had been up to something, that he hadn't known what the Sectumsempra spell did.
Severus wasn't sure that made anything better. He went out to the Forest and turned tree trunks bloody, like he was sixteen and curious with it again. He thought about Levicorpus on James's tongue, all the things Severus had dragged out of his own chest and then found in other people's careless hands.
There were Death Eaters on Hogwarts ground, that year-- more than the back of Quirrell's skull or Riddle's diary or a rat curled up high in Gryffindor Tower-- more than Lucius Malfoy come to give his son a present or Barty Crouch Jr. hiding in other peoples' skin. Draco made them a gate and they came, in pairs, in robes, wands drawn, smiling under their hoods.
"Please," said Albus, standing in the Astronomy tower among enemies and Draco and Severus-- and how did Severus get to a point in his life where Albus Dumbledore was the only person alive who knew anything at all about who he was? "Please, Severus," he said, and how was this real, that Albus Dumbledore was going to die begging?
Draco was shaking, his wand arm no longer even lifted, and Severus wanted to scream at him-- about Narcissa's dry hands, how in school Severus had been so certain she was going to go somewhere, conquer things, shine-- about being eighteen in a burning bloodless home, deciding then and there what to do the day someone alive was at the end of his wand. Severus wanted to scream at him, if you were stronger I wouldn't have to do this, but Draco was a child and Severus hadn't been one of those in a long time.
Draco couldn't do it-- not for his mother and not for himself. He couldn't even raise his wand and Severus was something like jealous. He was something like proud.
"Please," said Albus, and Severus found enough hatred in his soul to kill him.
It might have been a mercy to Albus. It might have been a rescue for Draco, and a boon for Narcissa, but Severus watched the light go out of Albus's eyes. He heard Harry scream from below the floorboards, and he had heard that scream from smaller lungs. The wind billowed through the Astronomy Tower's high window and Albus Dumbledore hit ground somewhere far below.
"You'd better run," Severus told Draco. His voice didn't even shake, because he asked it not to.
Hogwarts rose against the invaders and Severus blocked their curses and thought good. Ginny Weasley hurled Bat-Bogey Hexes at Avery and Susan Bones ducked under Bella's Avada kedavra and Neville Longbottom charged at Rodolphus with his wand in his thick fist and Severus thought, were we ever that young?
Dumbledore's body was going cold on the flagstones. Severus was so tired of running for the edges of Hogwarts. He was so tired of not being where he needed to be. He was so tired of people screaming at him. He was so tired.
And here was James's son, here was Lily's son charging down the grass after him. Harry was screaming about cowardice because he didn't know how to scream about how he had lost too many fathers lately. He had Lily's eyes. He had James's stupid fucking hair and Severus was tired.
Death Eaters were disappearing all around him with a crack and a boom. The castle was alight behind Harry and his furious Stupefys. Albus was dead at Severus's hand. He had begged for it, in the end, for the sake of a scared boy's soul, and Severus could not name it a mercy.
"Don’t call me coward," said Severus. He took a step backward over the Hogwarts property line and vanished.
He would have liked a day. He would have liked to ask Sprout to feed Agatha. He would have liked to find a corner where no one would bother him and sit there until he fell asleep, but instead Severus appeared with a crack in the foyer of Malfoy Manor. Voldemort rose up with whispering robes, with a smile, and Nagini curled around his ankles. Soft fingers pressed against Severus’s skull and he filled his mind with hate.
The summer rolled on, muggy and thick. They buried Dumbledore and Severus read about it in the papers and Rodolphus slapped his back, grinning. Agatha found him and he shooed her away with angry sweeps of his arms— she was large even for an owl, but Nagini was massive for a snake and Severus couldn’t, he couldn’t—
"How would you care to be Headmaster of Hogwarts?" Voldemort asked him, smiling. "I need someone there I can trust, Severus, and you know it better than any of us."
"Whatever you need, my Lord."
Harry and his friends didn't return to Hogwarts. Alecto Carrow took over as Muggle Studies teacher, and the old professor writhed over Voldemort's dinner table. The first blows fell in Hogwarts hallways-- Neville Longbottom, of all people (of course Neville, of all people), getting between Amycus and a second-year, and Severus watched.
In Defense class, students practiced curses on each other under Amycus's eye and Parvarti's fists were small and taut in her robes. She and Lavender paired off with Crabbe and Goyle so no one else would have to. Anthony Goldstein hid out in the library and tried to invent untraceable shielding charms to give to the youngest students, and Severus watched.
The littlest Weasley, the Lovegood girl, and Neville tried to steal Gryffindor's sword from the Headmaster's office. Alecto rose up to her full height, hissing threats, and Severus stepped in and gave the kids detention out in the Forest with Hagrid, as though it was a punishment. Harry, Granger, and Weasley stole the locket Horcrux, and Severus fell asleep with his feet up Albus's old desk and woke up only when his chair unbalanced and threw him to the floor.
McGonagall watched him balefully across the Great Hall table, and Flitwick wouldn't speak to him, but Sprout stamped into his office and left mud all over the carpet. "I know you're scared of him," Sprout said, and he could see her trying to be compassionate with it. "But how can you let them do this?"
"Please, Professor," Severus said, because they were only so many moments of his life he could hide from Voldemort's eyes, because in the end what did the opinion of one old woman really matter? "If you would see yourself out."
"I expected better of you," she said.
"And I apologize for that," said Severus.
She hid them out in her greenhouses, he knew-- first years she thought were too fragile or children who were painting bull's-eyes on their backs. Sprout took them out there for quiet afternoons of peace, breaths in the middle of drowning, and some she just never sent back. She knew every hillock and tree of the Hogwarts grounds. Some she had made herself and she hid the children there who she thought needed it.
First-years disappeared into Sprout's hedges. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott vanished into the Hogwarts walls, sharing warm foxholes with Neville, Weasley, and Lovegood, who'd already gone. Neville had stood on the Gryffindor table before he left and shook the Great Hall with a voice as big as Alice's, and Severus sat alone in the Headmaster's office and talked to the portraits of dead witches and wizards like they knew anything about what he was supposed to do.
Sue Li brewed up Polyjuice Potion in the girls' bathroom with ingredients stolen from Severus’s old stores. Astoria Greengrass giggled at Amycus's jokes and cried appealingly and stole hairs and fingernail clippings to sneak back to Li. Anthony hid out in the Forest, scarring the trees and trying to invent untraceable counter-curses, shields that snapped back, and Severus misplaced some of his old notes into Anthony's book bag.
Lee Jordan's radio whispered through the dorms and hallways and courtyards of the castle. Seamas Finnegan didn't sleep through the nights anymore, going over maps in the Room of Requirement, and Severus sent his Patronus to guide Harry to Gryffindor's true sword, drowned in a frozen pond.
They called Weasley, Lovegood, and Longbottom generals. They called Amycus and Alecto Dumb and Dumber and Severus didn't listen to what they called him, because he had earned it. This was victory. This was what he had.
They found the cup, the locket. They had killed the diary, already, and the ring. The diadem was waiting at Hogwarts, the snake at Voldemort’s feet, and Harry didn’t know, even now, what he was carrying in his chest.
Severus had thought Granger might guess about the eighth Horcrux, but she didn’t. He wasn’t sure what she would have done with that knowledge— contingency plans, flight, denial, a knife in a boy’s sleeping back?
Or maybe she had guessed and had just decided to do nothing. Maybe she was waiting.
The castle rose up against the invaders. McGonagall banished Severus from the Great Hall, like she’d been dreaming of doing every Halloween for sixteen years.
Hogwarts rose up and Severus, fleeing out the Great Hall’s wide windows, thought good.
People turned to Neville, listened when he spoke, nodded and gripped his hand— Severus had been watching the boy become a lodestone, all year. Fred Weasley died mid-laugh and Severus, dragging his robes through the mud on his way to the Willow, didn’t know. Nymphadora Tonks went down on damp stone, her hair fading back to a plain mousy brown, and Severus would never know.
Minerva had banished him and Voldemort had called him, and so Severus was going. He was a dark shape moving through pale weeds and everyone thought they knew him. Flitwick thought good riddance, and Harry thought about Albus begging on the Tower, and Sprout thought he was scared. Voldemort thought he had a right to the power of the Elder Wand, but Severus had nothing.
"I'm sorry, Severus," Voldemort said out in the Shack. Harry was listening from the shadows, Harry had run, Harry was trying to figure out what to do next, and Voldemort didn’t know but Severus did. "You have been nothing but loyal, but only one of us can live forever."
And Severus wanted to tell him-- you want the one who defeated Dumbledore? Look for the child in your flinching shadow, because I killed him empty-handed. I was a mercy.
Severus wanted to scream at him, what do you know of loyalty? What do you know of living? He has her eyes. He's going to kill himself at your hands, because I'm going to tell him he must, because it will save everyone he loves. What have you ever been, Tom, that could compare to that?
Do you know what I have done, for them? Do you know what I have been?
I would have died for them. I have been dying for them.
And he did.
It was a selfishness, but when Severus pulled wisps of memory into the air, he gave Harry more than the last of Dumbledore's battle plan.
Harry needed to know that he had a piece of Tom Riddle living in him, and that it had to die-- but he also needed to know that he had some of Lily alive in him, and James, and that they had lived and lived. Severus's chest was turning to static under the weight of it all.
"Go," he told Harry. He was gasping on the floor of the Shack and Harry was staring at him— the blood, the greasy hair falling over his eyes, his shaking eyes. Had Harry ever seen someone die before? Of course, of course he had… "Please," Severus said, and he didn't know if these were even words anymore. "Please, listen."
Harry left, and then the room was empty, except for darkness, and dust, and him.
He's alive, Severus told himself. His ears were turning to static, his eyes.
Not for long, though, something whispered.
He's alive, he told himself. And that means making choices. And that means dying, sometimes.
He hurt, an ache spiraling outwards from the wound. He was cold.
He's alive. He has her eyes. He has her heart, and yes that means he won't live long, but he's alive. We made it here, all the way to the end.
The room was getting darker. Severus let his head fall back, his breath rattling in his chest. He didn’t even manage to outlive you. I'm sorry, Lily.
I would have saved him, if I could have. I would have made it turn out different, if I could, but I didn't have any way out. And so we're here. But I think you would have been so proud of him.
The poison sank into his veins. The cold didn't leave. Severus died alone, in pain, and in that moment no one mourned him, not even himself.
But his memories did not die with him.
Harry walked back down the tunnel that he had raced down once in desperation, after Ron and an emblem of death; that Severus had once walked in quiet rage.
Severus had been pulling bits of himself out of his skull for years and handing them over-- in the dark of his room, in the cold sugar-sweet air of the freezer, standing before Albus's desk with the light streaming in through the windows.
Harry climbed up to what had once been Dumbledore's office with a vial of white smoke clenched tight in his fist. It was the only thing Severus had left behind other than a set of annotated textbooks and one angry tawny owl. Harry poured it out into the silver bowl of the Pensieve and leaned forward until he felt like he was falling.
Everything was static, and then he hit ground.
Harry had been here before.
He was kneeling in green grass, with his father laughing and bruises blooming. He spat out the bile on his tongue and he would never be able to swallow that back down.
That's a reason to hate him, Harry thought down to his balled fists, their ink stains and the way they lacked his scars. Not a reason to hate me.
The grass was green, and the sky blue, and Lily was running across the quad with her long hair flying, and Harry started to rise up--
Yellow and white lace curtains flapped in the window of a kitchen Harry had never known. A woman with greying yellow hair muttered at the to-do list inked onto her palm until she spotted him hovering there. "Oh, honey, you scared me. Lily should be back from flute practice in a sec."
She leaned her weight on the counter. Her nails had been painted magenta with an unsteady hand, but she smiled at him and Harry recognized his own nose on her face. "You want a sandwich, kiddo? I swear you're all bones."
"I'm looking for an answer," said Harry, while his grandmother made him a ham sandwich and cut off the crusts because Severus had always hated crusts. "I need to know what to do next. You promised you’d tell me—”
Green flames roared through a small house-- blackening timbers, withering curtains, crumpling wallpaper. Harry could hear it but he couldn't feel the heat, just his hand wrapped tight around a wand.
"What is this?" said Harry. "Is this the last war?" He turned around and there were hoods all around him, like in the graveyard, in the Astronomy Tower, and the house was burning.
What would you have done? asked a whisper. What will you do?
You do not have to know, you do not have to know, you just have to die--
Severus was screaming in Albus's office about raising a child like a pig for slaughter, but Albus's voice was the loudest thing there. It shook the earth and filled the air and weighed Harry down with the sunlight coming through the windows.
"You must understand," Albus said, and part of Harry was screaming at the sound. It sank like lead to pool in his toes. It shook the rafters. "When he killed Lily and James, he made another Horcrux."
"Getting his ass kicked by Lily Evans," said Severus and Harry stood there in a library that had saved his life over and over and he looked at his mother's face. He was eleven and losing nights and nights of sleep staring at an enchanted mirror. He was thirteen and poring over Hagrid's photo album. People were telling him, again and again-- You have your mother's eyes.
Lily scowled at him, cross-legged on the table and her gangly elbows on her knees. Severus said, "It'd be an honor and you know it."
The door to the Godric’s Hollow house hung open. Smoke rose. Half the roof was missing, and Harry stood there in the shadow of it, looking up. “You were here?” he said, but Severus was gone, into the house, vanishing.
Harry pulled himself through the open door. Severus's feet pounded up the stairs, because the baby was screaming still, because where was Lily, because maybe maybe they weren't too late-- but Harry stopped at the edge of the ugly garish rug.
Severus had been too late, but Harry remembered.
Lily! He's here. Take Harry and go.
There was a rag doll rabbit strewn on the floor. James was strewn on the floor, his mess of hair falling out from under his green knit cap. Harry stood there, counting years, counting stitches, trying not to cry, and thought He's Fred's age.
He took the stairs one at a time. He and Hermione had come here but with seventeen years of weather writ into the walls. He touched the wallpaper and the tips of his fingers drifted through it, leaving white wisps curling behind him.
He reached the top of the stairs and the wind blew him away.
The sound of leaves kicked over hard pavement. The crinkle of a candy wrapper--
Lily reached up from a fairy circle of schoolwork and detritus, cross-legged among pumpkins the size of boulders. Apologies ached in his throat.
Lily pulled him through the snow and into the bare warmth of the pub, and Harry stood in the Hog's Head and watched Dumbledore draw Severus out into the side alley. He wondered if Severus had ever realized that Dumbledore had waited until Lily was distracted to pull him aside. The winter air billowed through the open door and froze him down to his bones.
Lily pulled him up a stairway and Severus stared at where her freckles met the sallow skin of his wrist. She sounds different when she's not on the other end of a radio, thought Severus.
She sounds different when she's not standing between her child and a killer, thought Harry, and then the wind stole him away again-- out the attic, past three open jam jars and James leaning forward to hear them both better.
Harry's hands had never moved this smoothly over knives. Long green stalks fell to perfect splinters. Electric blue mushrooms became perfect cubes, diced and piled to the side. Bulbs he crushed under the flat of a silver blade, and he could hear their names in a dozen languages dancing behind his eyes.
He pushed greasy hair off his forehead and everything was quiet, quiet, quiet for just a second before the static rose up and up.
"I know the sacrifices I am asking," said Albus, and Severus was sixteen and standing in the dirty snow. He didn't scream at the old man, but you don't, you don't, you don't. I will do it but you do not know--
"Oh, honey, eat another sandwich, would you?" said Mrs. Evans, and the yellow and white curtains were burning-- they had never burnt, but they were burning-- they had boarded up the house and Lily had buried her mother without him--
"You sent me a hat. It wasn't marked but I know it was you," and here was James laughing. "It matches Lily's eyes," and here was James lying on the terrible rug Sirius had bought them and that James and Lily had kept just to spite him.
A chitinous shell was growing up over his shoulders, over all the softest parts of him and he would die with it-- die for it--
A blanket was pulled tight over his head-- a Cloak was hiding him, and he was stealing secrets and slipping poisons in drinks and swallowing poisons and spitting poisons--
Put on your armor, kid, c'mon-- build it up and build it out of you. It won't be pretty, kid, but you can be stronger, you can be--
"Because this isn't good-bye, okay?" said Lily.
Not just for her. Not just-- Not her, not her, no, I would have died for her, I would have died--
You can't. You can't, okay, you can't. Lily.
The sound of leaves kicked over hard pavement. The crinkle of a candy wrapper. The hiss of empty airwaves.
A girl sat on schoolhouse steps, under a slate sky, offering half a candy bar. She was seven and Harry felt too small in his oversized sweater, felt at home in the careless mending over his knees. A bird shrieked from the maple tree.
He had a pebble in his shoe, but Lily was smiling at him with a chocolate smudge over the freckles on her thumb. He sat down and ate the candy in slow careful bites while she told him how, one day, Tuney was going to grow up and save the world.
There was a boy lying on a bed, staring up at a moldy ceiling, listening to the static of empty airwaves. He did not die there. He went on. He dragged memories from his head and marrow from his bones and the shaking from his hands.
There was a half-blood boy in an ugly home, hungry, listening to his father snore on the couch. There was a half-blood boy who sat invisible on his aunt’s kitchen counter in the summer midnights of his second and third and fourth and fifth years of school and ate Nutella straight from the jar.
There was a half-blood boy in clothes too large for him. There was a boy walking the halls of Hogwarts while someone hissed at him from the crowd. There was a boy in love with a girl who talked with her hands. There was a boy weighing the words on his tongue.
Severus was taking James's hand in a buried tunnel. Severus was storming down the same tunnel, squeezed with rage, certain with it, ready. You promised. You were supposed to keep her safe. Severus was overhearing a prophecy and he didn't realize, he didn't realize--
Lily was washing dishes and flicking soapsuds at him. Lily was running too fast across a green field. Tom Riddle had his fingers wrapped tight around Severus’s wrist, his wand dragging down his forearm. James sat in an attic, waiting for Severus to find his words. Lily had leaves in her small freckled palms, trying to turn them to flowers. Severus had Harry heavy on his chest in a broken-open bedroom and the wind was stealing the words from his mouth. "Hey. Hey, kiddo, it's okay. I got you. Lily, I got him."
Harry was walking the memories of a man he'd thought had hated him and Lily was on the other end of a radio, laughing, whispering, her belly and her ankles swollen. "I want you to be his godfather, on my side."
"There will come a time," said Albus and it shook the walls, it rattled the windows, it brought down the rafters. "There will come a time," said Albus, "when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy," and Harry turned on his heel and walked down the long, empty corridor.
Albus's voice followed him. "Remember."
"Please," said Severus. "Listen."
Harry opened his eyes in Albus's old office in the middle of war. The carpet was rough under his knees. The day was ending and nothing was pouring through the high windows but dusk.
He was seventeen years old. He didn't want to die, but what had wanting to do with any of this?
Everything-- wanting had everything to do with it. It was every reason he had.
Harry wanted to never see Molly cry over anything the way she'd wept over Fred's body. He wanted Hermione to have long afternoons to curl up in an armchair, in the sun, with a stack of "light reading" and Crookshanks purring in her lap like he could bring the house down. He wanted to wipe the bags from under Luna's eyes and take her out in her most paint-splattered overalls and find her a field of wildflowers and the best brushes money could buy.
He wanted to always be around for Ron to come back to, proud and clever and too quick to catch himself; he wanted to lose at chess at Molly's big kitchen table, and he wanted to see Ron touch Hermione's shoulder thoughtlessly, warmly, in a tiny terrible flat, and he wanted to watch Hermione kill every poor plant they tried to keep in pots on the windowsill.
He wanted to go to sleep at night with Ginny breathing in the dark beside him, and he wanted to come home at night to an accidentally empty larder and eat hasty take-out while she waved her chopsticks around and told him about every stupid thing she'd seen that day and everything wonderful thing, too. He wanted to tease her when she wore three years of Christmas sweaters in winter and still had icicle hands, and he wanted her to be alive. He wanted all of them to be alive.
Harry would think, as he walked out to the Forest: There is a difference between being dragged into the stadium to die, and walking with your head held high. Dumbledore knew that, and my parents knew that, and I do, too.
Severus would have said it differently, but Harry didn't know that, and he would never know that. There is a difference between dying, and dying for something.
The trees in the Forest were old and alive under the billowing wind. In their shadows, Severus had failed all his life to invent anything kind, but he had died for this.
Harry would live, but he didn't know that. He walked out into the Forest with nothing but a stone and a stick of wood and all the ghosts who loved him at his sides. He was seventeen.
Harry died in Forest mulch and he rose up in a Hogwarts courtyard and he killed Tom Riddle. He didn't have enough hate in him, but he didn't need it.
He found Ron in the crowd, lanky and freckled, a dirt smudge on his nose-- he found Hermione bushy-haired and teary and blazing-- he found Ginny and she grabbed his hands and laughed and crushed him in a hug and the last of the static faded from his ears.
The war was over. The war was won.
When Harry had stood in the clean white place that had looked like King's Cross Station, he had wondered.
In the years to come, the long years, the warm years, he thought about Ginny on the battlefield with her red hair like a war banner; thought about Hermione, who never left, and Ron, who always came back; and he wondered if Severus had stood in a place like that, in his last moments. He wondered if he had had a choice.
Harry wondered if anyone had taken Severus’s hand and told him he could go-- he could get on a train and just go, and that there would be people waiting at the end of the journey who loved him.
epilogue: seven years later
James Sirius was asleep on Ginny's chest, her freckled hand cupped around his small dark head.
"If it's a girl we're naming her after Luna," said Ginny.
"Godmother, namesake, and role model?" said Harry. "That's a lot of pressure and Luna's so tiny."
"Tiny and terrible," said Ginny with eyes half closed. "Conqueror of worlds, dreamer of dreams, shaker-up of stagnation. She's my favorite. I'm not sure how you can possibly compete, Potter."
"My rakish good looks."
"Nope," she said.
"My rakish charms," he said.
"What charms? Where are you getting this impression that you're rakish? You wear Mum's sweaters unironically--"
"They look good on me--"
"Shush, shush," said Ginny. "If you wake him, I'll have Charlie set a dragon on your pretty face, don't think I won't."
"If I wake him," Harry hissed and Ginny giggled, her chest shaking under James's sleeping head.
There was a stack of battered old textbooks in the corner, their margins filled and heavy with two inked hands. Harry had carried them along, from Andromeda Tonks's spare room, to his and Ron's first flat where Hermione crashed constantly during her university years, to the little place with Ginny above the ice cream shop, to here.
Pea shoots climbed up the garden wall outside. In a few minutes, Agatha would come with the mail and mob them until Harry got up to make her some toast.
Ginny had tipped her head back, smiling, but she turned to Harry when he made a sound.
"If it's a boy," said Harry.
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