#religious procession
shihlun · 6 days
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Buddha's birthday procession in Taichung, date unknown.
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charlesreeza · 1 year
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Reliquary statue of St. Lucy, 1590, silver, Pietro Rizzo and Nibilio Gagini
Duomo di Siracusa, Sicilia
Photos by Charles Reeza
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sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Kathmandu, Nepal
A devotee participates in a religious procession carrying oil lamps on his body as an offering during the Magh Mela
Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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jeronimoloco · 1 year
Thaipusam 2023
Following two subdued editions in 2021 and 2022 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the celebration of this year’s Thaipusam on 5 Feb 2023, saw a return to long-held traditions — with a procession of kavadis or burdens (including spike or vel kavadis). The procession starts at the Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple along Serangoon Road and ends at the Sri Thendayuthapani Temple at Tank Road. The…
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wolfythewitch · 5 months
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i have so much rage in me one day i think i will explode. i dont think i know how to forgive as much as i know how to forget
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"Procession de la fête-Dieu à Notre-Dame," La Presse. June 19, 1933. Page 12. ---- On voit, en haut, le clergés et le dais arrivant rue Saint-Denis, près de la rue Sainte-Catherine, et se dirigeant vers le reposoir érigé sur le péristyle de l'Université de Montréal. Des officiers de police, des chevaliers de Colombe et des Éclaireurs canadiens-français escortent le Saint-Sacrement, tandis qu'au premier plan, en avant de la foule les cadets du Mont-Saint-Antoine forment la garde d'honneur. En bas, à gauche, Son Excellence Mgr Deschammps, évêque auxillaire de Montréal, bénit le port de haut d'un estrade érigée au pied de la rue Berri; on reconnait parmi les porteurs du dais, le premier, à gauche, M. E.-A. Veillieux, de composition de la "Presse"; à droite, on voit Mgr Deschamps bénissant la foule au reposoir de reposoir de l’Université de Montréal (Clichés la 'Presse")
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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A very moving and beautiful modern Traditional Catholic religious art image of children in a Catholic religious procession. I don't know who the artist is, but I'd really like to know!
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I want a story where the angels didn't fall, they jumped. they clipped their own wings, knowing their Master wouldn't have a use or a need for them once they were damaged and less-than-holy. they could not defeat the Tyrant who exerted absolute control over their lives, so they abandoned heaven their homeland in exchange for independence, accepting exile as its own form of freedom. and hell is just the place where all unwanted things are sent--be they angels or souls who just will not obey.
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hermit-frog · 2 months
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(...) his black hair parted in the middle and curling about his ears, so that he looked now in his dreamy, fevered state like one of those lithe androgynous creatures of a Botticelli painting.
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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definitelynotshouting · 5 months
A Kemetic prayer to Bast for Jellie
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Hail to You, O' Bast, Who guards the Two Lands! Hail to You, Iryt Ra! You who are swift and cunning, You who strike down enemies and nurture children. I ask that You protect and nurture the cat Jellie as she crosses into Your domain, through the Duat and into Your Hour. I ask that she is kept from harm and given safety and shelter in the cradle of Your arms. Hail to You, O' Bast, Devouring Lady, Mother of my Soul! I offer sweet cheese and fruits. I offer spiced tea and toasted nuts. I offer the ring of my sistrum. May Jellie only know warmth and good food with You, the comfort of the sun. May she hunt on under Your guidance. May she find peace and joy within Your company. Hail to You, O' Bast, Lady of the Ointments, the Knowledge through which death cannot approach too closely! I light this candle and ask that all those who have called this cat family find comfort and peace in this time of her absence. I ask that Your Light guides her to You, and that she remains safely within Your domain. May her name be forever remembered. May her ba be forever nourished through the shrines and images made in her honor. Thus it is done. Dua Bast!
this is free to reblog if you so choose, and i hope whoever reads it can find even a small measure of comfort in it❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
Invisible scars
(TW: religious trauma)
Looking at me, you wouldn't know that I've survived religious trauma. The marks of religious trauma are seldom visible. In fact, I had no idea for the longest time that I had religious trauma (I thought it was a thing that happened to other people). I simply spent decades questioning the reasons I felt like I was so broken on in the inside. I kept trying to figure out what I was doing wrong and why I never felt happy or like I was never able to connect to anyone. I had no idea that my experience with the church as a small child is what shaped me into the anxiety-ridden, majorly depressed disaster creature I am today.
I spent 12 years learning inside of Catholic schools. It has taken me more than 20 years to process and deconstruct, and I am always going to be a work in progress. I was brainwashed into believing the very worst about myself, and I was always just beyond saving because I had the misfortune of being a woman in a church that taught us that women experience pain during childbirth as a natural consequence of Eve eating the apple, which is why they enjoy making us suffer in the first place. They taught us that Adam ate the apple because Eve seduced him, so even though Adam also ate the apple, his sin still wasn't as bad as Eve's because she did it first and used sex to get him to do the same. They placed the blame for Original Sin squarely on Eve and thus onto every single girl who entered the church. If a boy did something to me that I didn't like, it's probably because I did something to provoke him first.
Do you know what I learned to do at a very young age just to be able to cope with that?
I learned to use humor to deflect when I was struggling. I smile when I don't want people to know I'm sad. I laugh at inappropriate times, especially when I'm uncomfortable. I learned to bottle up all of my emotions because expressing anything other than happiness is bad. I learned to compartmentalize. I taught myself how to pull out the right emotion for the right occasion because I was always striving to be who I thought everyone else wanted me to be. It was exhausting.
In the midst of all of this, I'm trying to figure out which parts of me are really me and which parts of me are things that were put into my head. If you've experienced indoctrination, you know what I'm talking about. They pulled us apart as small children and placed us in specific boxes and told us that deviating from the norm was bad.
Crowley is a fallen angel. His change from angel to demon is drastic on the outside.
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You know he fell and that his wings turned black and he ended up in a pool of boiling sulfur. It's the reason Crowley is so easy to sympathize with. He suffered unfairly because of arbitrary rules that deemed him unforgivable. He's accepted that part of himself. He's clever and creative and it has helped him find ways to get out of doing his job for centuries. Hell doesn't care how jobs get done just as long as someone does them, and at this point humanity is doing more to damn themselves than the demons are able to keep up with. They're tired and overworked. Hell is overpopulated even though it should be infinite in size. Crowley wants no part of that system because he sees it for what it is, just as he sees Heaven for what it is. He has the marks to prove that he is one of the damned, but that has given him all the perspective he needs to see that both sides are fucked up and toxic and "irredeemable" (just like him). He has yet to fully let go of the hold Heaven has over him because of how badly he got hurt.
Aziraphale is still an angel.
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He never fell, and he doesn't know why. He has lied to God. He has lied to Gabriel repeatedly. He lies to protect Crowley. He lies to protect humanity.
Remember, Crowley and Aziraphale started off in the same place.
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They both started off as angels who were created to do God's bidding. Aziraphale is the one who told Crowley what he'd heard about everything shutting down in 6,000 years. He was simply trying to make conversation. He didn't think it was something Crowley would object to. Angels were just supposed to go along with God's plans, but Crowley had a different opinion and was vocal about it. Where did Aziraphale get his information in the first place? Why does nobody ever ask this question?
Aziraphale knows Heaven is toxic. He's not blind. We need to move past this idea that because he still has love for God that he doesn't know Heaven is fucked up. He never fell, and it's something he still fears because who the hell doesn't fear the thought of eternal torment, especially if you know it's real? God has never cast him out of Heaven though and he doesn't know why. It's probably something that hangs over his head like the Sword of Damocles.
Letting go is not an easy task. Aziraphale has always been an angel. He didn't have his identity ripped from him the same way that Crowley did. Crowley had to adapt to a brand new way of existing because he was cast out of Heaven.
Crowley's trauma is evident on the outside. Aziraphale's trauma is hidden on the inside. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.
Crowley was an angel and then he was a demon, but he doesn't want to be labeled as either.
Aziraphale has only ever known how to be an angel. He's only ever known the ways of Heaven.
I'm only in my early 40s. It has taken me 20+ years to undo 12 years of religious abuse. Aziraphale is immortal. He and Crowley have abandoned their jobs, but four years in the space of millions isn't a lot. No one overcomes indoctrination in four years. Especially when you had millions of years of blind obedience indoctrinated into you. It simply does not work that way no matter how much you want to believe it can.
It has taken me more than two decades to learn how to stop hating myself. I still have no idea how to love myself, but it's something I'm trying to learn.
My entire identity was wrapped up in what the church told me it would be. Once I fully denounced it and all organized religion, I found out I had no idea who I was. No one had prepared me for a life outside of this one very specific identity and role that I was expected to fill based on a very specific box I was placed into.
I still struggle with black and white concepts. It's hard to unlearn when you have no other basis for comparison, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. It means that these changes do not and will not ever happen overnight.
The fall didn't just affect the demons though. It affected the angels as well. Look at how tightly wound the angels are. They're always trying to do the good thing, but they have no idea what that actually means, and you realize this when Uriel asks The Metatron if they had done something wrong. They are scared of making mistakes, but none of them know what they are supposed to be doing since Gabriel disrupted the status quo. You can see they are unsure of themselves and of each other. The concept of free will is so foreign to them, but Aziraphale showed all of them that it was in their grasp when he allowed Gabriel and Beelzebub to decide where to go so they could be together.
It takes a lot of audacity (and sheer ignorance) to dismiss Aziraphale as power-hungry and abusive.
Aziraphale did nothing to punish Gabriel and Beelzebub. He allowed them to leave because they were in love with each other, and he knows what that feels like. He thought he was about to get the same fate with Crowley until The Metatron showed up and refused to take no for an answer.
He doesn't want to fix Heaven because he thinks it's perfect. If he thought it was perfect he wouldn't want to fix it.
Aziraphale is going back into the Lion's Den. He knows what he's going up against. He's been humiliated and belittled and abused by Heaven for thousands of years.
His scars are there even though you can't see them, and he hides his pain with humor and silliness.
When I see people advocating for Aziraphale to suffer even more because they don't think he has suffered enough, I find myself sitting back in one of those classrooms in Catholic school being told that I deserve the bad things that happen to me because I somehow failed to measure up to some impossible metric. The cruelty of that mindset aimed at Aziraphale is kinda the reason Crowley hates Heaven in the first place because he's been there too.
And as someone who is processing religious trauma, it's disheartening to see people say that because Aziraphale has yet to fully let go of Heaven that he deserves harsher treatment. Crowley would definitely not agree with that sentiment.
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sheltiechicago · 2 years
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Bhaktapur, Nepal
Hindu devotees participate in a religious procession during the month-long Madhav Narayan festival
Photograph: Prakash Mathema/AFP/Getty Images
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jeronimoloco · 2 months
Portugal in Singapore
Good Friday at the Church of St Joseph at Victoria Street is a special occasion. The church’s commemoration of the solemn occasion is when the church’s Portuguese influences are best seen, especially in its elaborate re-enactment of the events that followed the crucifixion of Christ that is accompanied by the visual spectacle of a candlelight procession. The church is thought of as the spiritual…
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illustratus · 2 months
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Pompa Circensis by Julio Borrell Pla
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fredthedemonpartner · 8 months
Extremely fucked up that instead of being a sad babygirl horror protagonist because of my childhood trauma I have to process it through “therapy” and “talking to people who care about me.”When I could be simply facing eldrich horrors or hungry gods that threaten my life and sanity.
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