#regina hagen
vintagestagehotties · 13 days
Hot Vintage Stage Actress Round 1
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Uta Hagen: Nina Mikhailova Zarechnaya in The Seagull (1938 Broadway); Georgie Elgin in The Country Girl (1950 Broadway); Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962 Broadway)
Tallulah Bankhead: Hallie Livingston in Nice People (1921 Broadway); Judith Traherne in Dark Victory (1934 Broadway); Regina Giddens in The Little Foxes (1939 Broadway); Sabina in The Skin of Our Teeth (1942 Broadway); Midgie Purvis in Midgie Purvis (1961 Broadway)
Propaganda under the cut
Uta Hagen:
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Tallulah Bankhead:
There is nothing about this woman that does not turn me on. Sexiest woman to have ever lived
ambisextrous, alcoholic, supported foster children, helped families fleeing the spanish civil war and world war ii, related to several alabama politicians, supported civil rights, wild sex life, top of the hayes commission doom book, her last words were a request for codeine and bourbon, drank champagne out of her shoe at the london ritz, inspiration for cruella de vil
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wumblr · 1 year
2022 albums missed list progress: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%...? highlights: daphni was good. girl talk/wiz khalifa impressed me. nina hagen but i already said that. y'all were right about mura masa. production on regina spektor was good (she co-produced with john congleton, finally got the drums she deserves). kojey radical booked kelis? damn
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astroimages · 3 months
ASSINE AGORA O SPACE TODAY PLUS PREMIUM, APENAS R$29,00 POR MÊS, MENOS DE 1 REAL POR DIA!!! https://spacetodayplus.com.br/premium/ QUER FAZER SUA CIDADANIA ITALIANA OU PORTUGUESA, CONSULTE AGORA A MASTER CIDADANIA, SIGAM ELES NO INSTAGRAM E DEIXEM UM COMENTÁRIO NA ÚLTIMA POSTAGEM: https://mastercidadania.com.br/ O Observatório do Vaticano ( italiano : Specola Vaticana ) é uma instituição de pesquisa astronômica e educacional apoiada pela Santa Sé . Originalmente baseado no Colégio Romano de Roma , o Observatório está agora sediado em Castel Gandolfo , Itália , e opera um telescópio no Observatório Internacional Mount Graham, nos Estados Unidos . No século 18, o Papado apoiou ativamente a astronomia, estabelecendo o Observatório do Colégio Romano em 1774. Em 1787-1789, a Specola Vaticana na Torre dos Ventos dentro do Vaticano foi estabelecida sob a direção de Mons. Filippo Luigi Gilii (1756–1821). Quando Mons. Gilii morreu, o Specola foi fechado porque era inconveniente para os estudantes da cidade porque a cúpula de São Pedro obstruía sua visão. Seus instrumentos foram transferidos para o Observatório do Colégio. Uma terceira instalação, o Observatório do Capitólio, funcionou de 1827 a 1870. Padre Angelo Secchi SJ transferiu o Observatório do Colégio para o topo de Sant'Ignazio di Loyola a Campo Marzio (Igreja de Santo Inácio em Roma ). Em 1870, com a captura de Roma , o Observatório do Colégio caiu nas mãos do Governo italiano. Contudo, por respeito ao seu trabalho, o Padre Secchi foi autorizado a continuar a utilizar o Observatório. Após a morte de Secchi em 1878, o Observatório foi nacionalizado pelo governo italiano e renomeado como Regio Osservatorio al Collegio Romano ("Observatório Real do Colégio Romano"), encerrando a pesquisa astronômica no Vaticano. Em 1891, porém, o Papa Leão XIII emitiu um Motu proprio fundando novamente o Specola Vaticana (Observatório do Vaticano) e um novo observatório foi construído nas paredes nos limites do Vaticano. O novo Observatório do Vaticano permaneceu lá durante os quarenta anos seguintes. No final do século XIX, o Observatório do Vaticano fazia parte de um grupo de importantes instituições astronômicas de todo o mundo que trabalharam juntas para criar um "Mapa Celestial" fotográfico (" Carte du Ciel ") e um catálogo "astrográfico" identificando as estrelas. posições. O astrônomo italiano Padre Francesco Denza liderou a contribuição do Vaticano para o projeto até sua morte em 1894. No início do século XX, o Padre John Hagen assumiu o projeto e recrutou um grupo de freiras das Irmãs do Santo Menino Maria para trabalhar no necessário gravação e cálculos. As irmãs eram Irmãs Emilia Ponzoni, Regina Colombo, Concetta Finardi e Luigia Panceri. Na década de 1930, a fumaça e o brilho do céu da cidade tornaram impossível realizar observações úteis em Roma. O Papa Pio XI transferiu o Observatório para Castel Gandolfo, que fica a 25 quilômetros (16 milhas) a sudeste de Roma. Em 1961, os mesmos problemas de poluição luminosa dificultaram a observação em Castel Gandolfo. O Observatório estabeleceu então o Grupo de Pesquisa do Observatório do Vaticano (VORG) , com escritórios no Observatório Steward da Universidade do Arizona em Tucson , Arizona . DKJ O'Connell produziu as primeiras fotografias coloridas de um flash verde ao pôr do sol em 1960. Em 1993, a VORG concluiu a construção do Telescópio de Tecnologia Avançada do Vaticano de 1,8 metros (71 pol.) , que fica em Mount Graham , perto de Safford, Arizona . A sede do Observatório permanece na Itália, em Castel Gandolfo. No início de 2008, o Vaticano anunciou que o Observatório seria transferido para um antigo convento a um quilómetro e meio de distância do castelo, como parte de uma reconstrução geral da residência papal. Seu antigo espaço seria aproveitado para oferecer mais espaço para recepção de visitantes diplomáticos. Os bairros antigos do castelo eram apertados e muito mal preparados para uso do Observatório. As atividades de pesquisa da VORG no Arizona continuaram inalteradas. #VATICAN    #OBSERVATORY #UNIVERSE
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twistednuns · 4 months
November 2023
With the rental car still outside my house, I followed Christian's invitation and drove over to Grafing on a gorgeous autumn morning. I enjoyed driving fast, the sunshine, the colourful foliage. Finding the front door unlocked, I got undressed and snuck into bed with him. Played some more with my very versatile washing line. Stood outside in the garden with his housemates talking about chicken duties. Decided to go to the airport together to return the car. Kissing on the bus. On the escalator. Ending up at Flaucher with Mephy, Helmut and BaLu. Talking about our party ideas and support group plans. I loved the concept of a mirrored, yin and yang style location for some sort of duality party.
The drive through the forest. Everything yellow, orange and red. Glimpses of sunlight through the leaves. Listening to some of C.'s favourite tracks.
Picking up Anna from the train station. Spending an afternoon together for the first time, getting to know her a little. Eating baozi in Schwabing, receiving a free tote bag at Motel a Mio after bonding with the girl from Guadalajara, walking over to Haus der Kunst hoping to get into the Inside Other Spaces exhibition but ending up in the bookshop and Goldene Bar. Cherry-chocolate cake. &otherstories. I paid for everything and felt like the fancy/weird aunt (even though we're cousins).
Impulse buys at Doc Martens and H&M Home.
Christian picking me up by car after a few disastrous hours in public transport chaos. Over-caffeinated, cold and wet, not being able to cope with my emotions. He brought me a blanket and bought food for me. We watched a movie and the atmosphere was a little tense so I gave him some space which turned out to be the right decision. In the morning, we talked about everything which felt so liberating. My new favourite things: radical honesty, eye-gazing, slow sex, sugar-roasted almonds on toast.
The baby kitten walking past the terrace door.
Our choir weekend: karaoke street cred +100 (performing a duet with Peter, channelling my inner Nina Hagen), learning all the alto parts, getting to know Anne and Julia and talking to almost everyone else (I even managed to talk to a few people I don't really get along with yet like Christa and Lilo - who really engaged with me after she realized that she hadn't fully accepted my compliment), singing for Kathrin and being offered a solo part immediately - now I have to open the Christmas concert and sing the very first note (I'm scared, what a challenge), finding a wine buddy in Daniela, massaging Regina and giving her a bunch of honest compliments on Sunday, our LeiLeiLei closing dance.
Driving through the car wash on our way back from Freising. It was my first time in what must have been a decade, I was so fascinated that I had to take a video of the whole experience.
Sucking off the soft parts of a still moist / freshly opened ball of mozzarella.
Karlo sending me a whole folder of fantastic photos of Robert and me kissing and playing around with our leash. Some of these are really sensual. I wish I could publish them...
Someone blocking the subway doors for me so I could still board the train.
A neck and jaw massage from Hannah. Helpful exercises. A warm mud pack.
Uli's naked party! Interesting new connections among the guests. Lukas in drag. Christoph who was seemingly fascinated by me. Teasing Sandra. Testing the Triangle Method on Robert (looking into one eye, then the other, then down to the lips). The Katharinas were there, too. I played with Uli, Stefan and Miriam. Painted Robert's legs and gave him a bite mark on his right butt cheek in a competition with Sandra. Mike was there after we texted each other that we were on a way to a party which turned out to be the same event. I had a good conversation with him and BaLu.
Research about the Subspace.
A woman who quietly smiled to herself on the subway listening to music.
The sparkly cat mask I bought for next to nothing.
Salted and roasted pistachios I don't have to peel first.
Running into Andrea who told me about Costa, the cute orange cat who keeps visiting her.
Stained glass. Almost are my glassware is colorful with very thin walls now. Fragile, pleasing, marvellous. I even got matching glass straws. And three new bubble glass candlestick holders. I can't get over how cool they are. I've been obsessed with candles for a few weeks now. Preferably black and twisted. I like how special everything looks in candlelight.
Twisting from Mountain Pose into the Wheel in yoga class.
Showing a girl at school how to draw a cat.
A video call with Chili and Christian. Distracted by my own image on screen; noticing how attractive Christian is.
Following an impulse to rent a car and FINALLY get rid of the content of most of my moving boxes. Sweet salvation.
Watching Notting Hill. Tearing up a little realizing what a fantastic movie it is. Julia Roberts' impeccable late 90s wardrobe.
A very good therapy session talking about communicating boundaries, self worth, hard rest, leveling up, outgrowing people.
Zotter Miso Caramel and Black Sesame chocolate.
Getting my annual Sonnentor tea advent calendar.
Trying on sexy bodies and bras at a lingerie store. I got a silver one with a low neckline and shoulder pads.
Spending a few hours at V-Markt with Robert. We had so much fun but it was also very draining - we got overstimulated quite quickly. We bought Play-Doh, Bud Spencer malt balls, stacked Pombären crisps. More: Holding hands. Advent calendar rating. The softest carpet. Afterwards we had delicious Indian food around the corner (with a huge Hanuman statue outside the entrance) and all the guests at the restaurant wore beautiful traditional clothing.
Almost kissing. Inventing and executing Bite Massage.
Petting a lovely little dog outside the bakery with a warm butter croissant in my hand.
Double Sagittarius energy in my life. These two, really, what can I say. Grateful. (And, come to think of it, Dyana is a Sag, too!)
Watching the girl sitting next to me on the subway eating a bright green Granny Smith apple in the window reflection. A crisp little sound.
Buttered rolls with sea salt and honey.
The clothes swap party I organized with Marah was a great success! So many friends stopped by, found something they liked, enjoyed the vibes and conversations. I talked to Sandra for a while, hoping to resolve our issues. Julian performed some kind of gloved choking/breath retention exercise on me. We ended up at Marah's place and she made dinner for us. A lovely day. I got to know Yeli and the two Alex-es a little better. Offered my services as a stylist. And, last but not least, got rid of a few boxes of stuff I didn't need anymore. Sweet release.
Relying on Robert and fox as phone support on the bad days.
Finding out about Robert's vision and skillset. And that he would make a perfect partner for my business vision. I love how much more resources and support I have than I thought.
Gemstone clusters in my fridge.
One of Lucie's mantras reminded me of Zu Asche, zu Staub from the Babylon Berlin soundtrack. She gifted me her CD after the yoga class!
A long conversation with Sonja about the important stuff. I was super late already but it felt relevant. She told me about her daughter's homosexual relationship. Her husband's brutal suicide.
Renting a karaoke box for Emily's goodbye party. We went full-on more passion/more energy mode and had so much fun. I got lots of compliments for my singing. The facial expressions in the photos were priceless and afterwards we went dancing at a shitty little club and I had fun teasing Chili.
Kathrin checking in on me when I missed choir practice.
Drawing another set of spot-on cards: Postponement/Trust. And the Thunderbolt for Robert. Even he had to admit how relevant it was.
A good therapy session.
Katharina reminding me of the two notes with quotations I got from an art tutor (Karl Schleinkofer) at uni. I rummaged around in a few drawers and actually found one of them!
The illustration of a cute little Earth ball nestled in a pair of hands on the toilet paper packaging.
Getting more and more into classical/epic music.
The affirmation video Anna Zona sent me.
A little get-together with my colleagues. Cold pizza and hard liquor. Attempted karaoke. Connecting with Toni. Coming out of the tech room together just to run into Andrea's arms. Hot gossip.
A trip to IKEA with Robert. Assessing the model rooms, standing in a shower together, testing pillows. Egg McMuffin for breakfast.
The roadtrip to Austria with Christian. What an intense night. I loved our creative/deep talk sessions. How much I trusted him right away. Doing his make-up and really bringing out his features. We looked fantastic. A warm welcome at the party. Our own sneaky projects (like chatting up the blue-haired girl). Boobs. Learning more about myself, my self-worth, jealousy. Watching him engage with others, going through the motions of looking away, taking part and then just leaning back, watching, admiring his work, knowing that I'd go home with him later. So we eventually did, admitting that it just wasn't our scene and the people were really not a good match. And magic ensued. He triggered me emotionally, repeatedly, through pain, through letting me tell my story, and he held me when I was crying. He was there for me and bathed in my openness. We celebrated our kinks, challenged each other (reference: "to gross out"). His grotesque face over me. Resolving the pregnancy discussion, reassuring him. Spending another hour in the car talking instead of going back inside. How we both realized that we want to be there for each other. The phone call right that evening. A video of his fireplace. It all feels quite inevitable.
A rainbow in the misty mountains on the way home.
Meeting Elena at the opening of her creative space at Gasteig. Lava lamp visuals. Talking to Seda. The little interaction with the older guy in the parking garage.
Grading tests using the rainbow ruler D. brought me back from Thailand.
The Amaphupho Trinix remix.
An Archer scholarship application in my mailbox right when I admitted to myself that I needed a career change. Realizing that I still have the free coaching session with Valerie Junger that I can use for this too.
Joy of Connection. Playfulness. A surprise massage from my group (being manipulated, tickled, pressed, pushed...) I felt at totally at ease and enjoyed all the shaking, improvising, spinning, rolling around on the floor with Robert. It was so freaking lovely to have him there. And then there was Christian who worked as a DJ that night. His playlist was absolutely perfect. We didn't interact too much during the session because he had to concentrate but when it was over I lay between him and Robert in the cuddle space and felt so much love for these two men. And in return, loved and accepted. Safe. When I had to leave both of them standing on the subway platform and hop onto my train, I felt a little lost and lonely. I texted them and C. actually called me because he'd noticed and wanted to reassure me. Wow.
Talking about feminist issues and Margarete Stokowski's books with one of the IMMA ladies who offered a workshop at school.
Compliments for my stretchiness and nice handwriting.
Connecting with Claudia. Getting Baba Ganoush wraps at Beirut Beirut together after the workshop.
Singing Shiva Shambo with Lucie. Another great yoga class. I really love what she does.
The choir being super positive and supportive despite my less than perfect solo performance during practice. Peter hugged and motivated me. Fiorina, Regina, Silvia, Monika and Sonja gave me such sweet compliments. Felt grateful and accepted.
Taking my time in the morning, trusting that it would be okay. And it was. I got a lot of stuff done (how fantastic is morning energy™?!), packed my bags, stayed calm even when the subway was super late and when I had to pay 50€ extra for a new train ticket. In the end I had my seat and even BaLu and Marah found me!
Some of my highlights from Burn on the Rocks: Marah and BaLu found me in the train after a few annoying complications. Sweet! Then he sat next to me and we had an interesting conversation during our smooth journey to Vienna. There, we had lunch at an "original" Viennese restaurant. Cheap food (roasted dumplings!), Wiener Schmäh, learning about Krampus cards. On the bus, I developed an idea to create a Magical sorting hat for playa names with BaLu and Oz. / a lovely greeting ceremony, eating pussy (cookies), spontaneously welcoming Ariana later that night with David when she showed up after the gate opening hours / doing Luna's make-up - graphic liner to match her bottle green latex dress / whispers in Spanish, directly into my ear. Sensual ASMR. / Thanksgiving dinner (!) cooked by Toni the Beast, an Americal who'd brought her mum all the way to Austria to help her prepare the food; holding hands at the table and giving thanks / kissing Nagu on the dancefloor, letting him tell me the story of how he met Galya (in Zipolite!) / feeling the love with Mephy's interactive emotion machine - I even teared up a little because I realised how grateful I am for all the beautiful people in my life and how positive everything has turned out for me / a sensual workshop (home brew because the facilitators didn't show up) with David, Stefan and Susi - we fulfilled each other's wishes and mainly massaged, bit, pushed and teased / later I connected with Féj and she allowed me to explore her body / my first squirting demonstration - impressive range / Acid Friday with Luna (dancing to Eye of the Tiger in the courtyard) and David (lying in the cloud cube together, playing with the squishy tentacle toy, caressing him, feeding him plums and dry bread with Toni in a smoking hot KGB outfit) / Alex's Metal Massage, a multisensory and in this case rather trippy experience - I loved the soundtrack, the graveyard smell, the pressing and drumming on my body, almost like demons coming to get me / connecting with Ladybird from Portugal and Kevin from Scotland / Meeting Luki A., a fantastically talented saxophone and clarinet player from South Tyrol. A local politician, architect and one of the organisers of the event; he walked around bare-chested, only covered by a little fur cape and his very cool tattoos. I followed his invitation to hop into the air bed with him. We really connected. He told me I was beautiful. A goddess. Introduced me to Ableton. We sang together one morning and then I listened to him jamming with someone while painting with acrylics. What a peaceful moment. He took care of me and kept his promise, just showed up at my bedside one night, checking in on me, holding space. He even got me out of bed and I'm so grateful because I had a lovely night - what a turnaround. He was my teammate in the K-lympics and we retreated to the sofa or cuddle space more than once to ground ourselves and come down together. / the Zen Garden in the kitchen - what a party treat / Saturday Late Night Kitchen Party - everyone danced ecstatically and I felt SO good. Fantastic music, legendary mood. Worshipping Ladybird's and Galya's breasts. What a lovely way to end the weekend after my usual low mood during the Effigy burn. / Mephy coming up with a new nickname for me, inventing a name game for everyone / asking Féj "do you even know what we are doing here?" when our legs were taped together and we were about to do an egg race / going to Nowhere with Mephy's VR goggles / BaLu's box of Jelly Beans in ever flavour / drawing on the rainbow scratch pads in my favourite toilet - ah, and the 00's boy and girl band toilet!
Ordering a Mathmos lava lamp in the middle of the night. It's orange and purple with a copper metal case. I feel like a very happy millennial watching the bubbles float up and down. Blast from the past. I must have had a very similar one in my room when I was a kid.
Peter offering to practice my choir solo with me because he'd noticed how nervous I was. And it really helped to scream that song into a microphone in his basement a few times.
Franky's friend saying hello when he saw me on the street on our way home in the middle of the night.
A long phone talk with Christian. Catching up, sharing ideas, making plans. Sad to hang up after two or three hours, not able to cuddle up to the person on the phone screen.
The fact that I've "only" got a cold so I'll still be able to do all the things I wanna do. Grateful for the little things because let's face it: it could be SO much worse.
Being satisfied with my last solo performance during dress rehearsal. I just sang more quietly and it helped a lot.
Delicious Vietnamese food at a lunch date with Becky. Herbal strawberry and basil seed lemonade.
Sebastian repaired my bike for free!
A slow and cozy morning. Christmas porridge in the bathtub. Getting a lot of stuff done. Having a little time to myself. I felt so calm. I even listened to a few classic Christmas tunes and made a huge pot of tea.
Lucie's Thursday yoga class. More challenging asanas, more advanced teachings.
Making myself a gooey mushroom wrap for dinner. Mmh!
My new electric purple cashmere beanie. So soft.
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awesomecollectible · 11 months
vif712 _ https://www.ebay.com/usr/vif712 _
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
Moons of Munnopor! Wow, a lot has happened since I last sent an ask. NWH trailer, DODS trailer, What If?, Defenders #2, and a new SS. Fyi, I'm sure it is Illyana. Why? If you look at the shape of the head, nobody has a had that long. So unless Kaare Andrews can't draw heads (he can), it would be hair going over. And who has that exact hairstyle. Illyana. So, boom. Also, Stephen flirting with Taaia was so cute. Could you give us a compilation of Stephen flirting. Anyone, Carol, Clea, VICTOR. Bye!
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Hi, MoM anon, how are you doing?
Yes, we've been through A LOT! I also agree it's Illyana, I even made a comparison ehehe
And absolutely, but I'll leave the comp for last hehehe
About the cover, I noticed it's the classic cover, but I also noticed some familiar figures from the old Defenders era (that villain whose name I forgot but it's that guy with two faces, you know? that one). It could be Hulk as you pointed but it reminded me of this particular villain. Your theories are always on the money, so you're definitely right about the archetypes. Oh, and of course, more tentacles, yes!!
I could commission them do it but I'm broke lmao hopefully the cover is not bait. I'm pretty sure Illyana will rise assuming she co-starred in the teaser. MANIFESTING, amen, Vishanti.
Lastly... FLIRT KING
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I wish I could post more but Tumblr is mean and will only allow 10 pics grrrr
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From Mighty Valkyries #003
Art by Mattia De Iulis, Erica D’Urso and Marcio Menyz
Written by Jason Aaron and Torunn Grønbekk
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comicsiswild · 2 years
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Dr. Strange (2019) #4
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actualbird · 2 years
You posted the pic of van watching a burning house. I read the caption. Now I can’t stop thinking of Vyn as Regina George singing “World Burn” - Book
kjbjskHBSKFS BOOK!!!! omfg......
in the tune of World Burn from Mean Girls the musical....
from stage left enters.....
My name is Vyn Richter And I am a massive deal I will grind you to sand Beneath my Oxford heel
This is what I get for helping Helping this wretched brat fit in Marius von Hagen, enjoy your temporary win....
(i hope vyn can hit Those Notes towards the end of the song tho kjkJBKSKJBSJDF)
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wumblr · 1 year
albums i missed because i was fucking busy: kelly lee owens, lykke li, christina aguilera, bonobo, cat power, JANIS IAN, 2chains, animal collective, cate le bon, jlo??, altj, joss stone, metronomy, mary j blige, judy collins, tears for fears, jenny hval, angel olsen, soft cell, LITTLE BOOTS, bloc party, kehlani, bonnie raitt, miranda lambert, martin garrix, psy, warpaint, black keys, moderat, obongjayar, flume, swedish house mafia, arcade fire, andrew bird, purity ring, neneh cherry, SHEARWATER, ZOLA JESUS, LAURA VEIRS, black midi, interpol, odesza, sza, erasure, hudson mohawke i guess, SYLVAN ESSO, DIAMANDA GALAS, kenny beats, muse, kt tunstall, blood orange, COSEY FANNI TUTTI, death cab, little dragon, TIRZAH, broken bells, lindsey stirling, brian eno, tove lo, BIBIO, duckwrth, serj tankian?? tegan and sara, nosaj thing, helena hauff, mgmt, plaid, busta rhymes, honey dijon, loreena mckennit, nina hagen, sugababes, and the aforementioned in the tags alice glass and beach house. begrudgingly, perhaps empress of, or king princess (they're nepotism babies, i don't really care but they each had a couple good songs). weezer? wilco? rhcp? what am i even saying. somebody should do a mashup album of devin townsend lightwork and kerli shadoworks lol (quick, call danger mouse)
ibeyi, ravyn lenae, flo milli, dragonette, steve lacy, doechii, and saweetie probably should have made my end of year list (which i haven't even officially finished since i guess i'm re-researching it now). sorry. pretty sure i listened to khruangbin (one of them?), cypress hill, regina spektor, cudi, bjork, christine/queens, rtj, and snoop. not totally sure. lissie's album was good. billllllllllie, ho99o9, mdou moctar, beabadoobee, snotty nose rez kids, and molly nilsson look interesting. i knew about kojey radical, mura masa, kilo kish, mylene farmer, and carly obviously but i don't think i ever got as far as actually listening to their albums. i guess i never listened to latto's album either but i feel like i did because she did features with EVERYBODY
is the girl talk/wiz khalifa collab good or like. is khalifa straightedge now? what's going on there. (i'm joking but he just released a single called #neverdrinkagain.) do the wiggles have appeal for someone who is not a child? tumblr is probably not the place to ask that. should i get into father john misty if i never got into. fucking. what's his name. take me to church guy. with the oatmeal. probably not the right place to ask that either, where is the right place? is perfume genius's album actually industrial? (edit: no...? why would wikipedia say that) aldous harding isn't a guy? noah cyrus is the girl from ponyo? daphni is caribou? i hope gayle gets hit by a truck. sorry. fakeass. sorry. was poot's album any good? SORRY. is meghan trainor's? did mwami ever come through with an album? i've been waiting on it since he was featured on clairo's soundcloud mixtape. did mars argo?
this is mostly for my own reference (which is why i'm crossing them out as i listen, which is not a review but i generally give good reviews to everybody). but anyway it was RUDE of y'all not to tell me. especially the ones in all caps. LOVE them. what else did i miss
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Case File Theories
Kidnapped/Murdered By A Stranger?
Could Tamra have been kidnapped and/or murdered by someone outside of her inner circle? Maybe.
The police did question numerous sex offenders in the area, but came up empty handed. Could one of them have discovered the unlocked backdoor, entered the home, and kidnapped Tamra? This is possible, I suppose, but there was plenty of activity happening in the house that evening, and the perpetrator would have needed to time their crime of opportunity perfectly.
Lorena holds fast to this theory, believing that someone “stole” Tamra because she was so smart, like a “little Einstein.” I don’t think this is a very probable scenario, but I cannot blame a distraught mother for wanting to think that her daughter is alive and well somewhere.
At least one tip that the Regina Police Service investigated indicated that a stranger may have been involved in Tamra’s disappearance. An anonymous man with the user name MySecretIsOut posted a crudely drawn map indicating Tamra’s location on Reddit (the map has since been taken down but is widely available online). The map suggests that Tamra’s remains can be located on the Muscowpetung Saulteaux First Nation reserve. Also, the map says to “check the wells” for Tamra. The investigators did just that, but no evidence of Tamra was found. Later, it was determined that the Reddit user found the map amongst his grandmother’s possessions after she died. She had told people that her sister had given her the map, after making it “based on visits to someone in a prison out that way.” The grandma, though, suffered from dementia, which I think seriously calls the map’s validity into question.
Map to Tamra’s remains
Tamra Keepness Reddit Map
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Source: Panow.com
Kidnapped/Murdered By Someone She Knew
Was Tamra kidnapped and/or murdered by someone close to her? Many people think that this is the likely explanation for her disappearance.
Soon after Tamra vanished, the police turned their focus on her family and their friends. Lorena told the media that the police repeatedly questioned her and Dean, and even interviewed the children. Lorena and Dean don’t like discussing the police investigation. Instead, they like to focus on the possibility that Tamra could be alive. Both Lorena and Dean deny any knowledge of what happened to Tamra.
There is no question that Tamra’s home life was unstable. Lorena and Dean struggle with alcohol and drug addiction, and several of Tamra’s siblings are now in provincial care. Tamra’s home life was also especially violent. When Tamra vanished, Dean had recently been released from prison after serving a “three-month sentence for beating Lorena in a drunken rage.” Additionally, Dean spent six months in jail for his assault on Russell on the night of Tamra’s disappearance.
Lorena Keepness and Dean McArthur
Photo of Lorena Keepness and Dean McArthur👇🏾
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Source: CBC News
Lorena is the first to admit that her life choices have not been ideal. However, Lorena, like many Aboriginal persons in Canada, struggle with numerous issues that have been passed down through the generations. Lorena is a residential school survivor, as was her mother before her. She grew up in a dysfunctional, abusive home and had to forage for food in neighbourhood gardens to survive. Lorena struggles with substance abuse and fell into sex work after Tamra vanished.
According to the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, nearly 59% of the province’s missing women and girls are of Aboriginal ancestry. Tamra’s case is another heartbreaking example of the hundreds of instances of missing and murdered aboriginal women and girls in Canada. Although Aboriginal women comprise only 4% on the Canadian total population, they “make up 16% of female homicide victims and 11% of missing women.”
Regardless of the reasons for it, I can’t help but wonder if Tamra’s unstable home life played a role in her disappearance. When the police investigated, they said they found “no signs of forced entry or struggle at the home.” I think this makes it improbable that she was taken by a stranger. And could Dean and Russell really have had a brawl within whispering distance of the children sleeping in the living room without waking them? I just don’t know. There are lots of unanswered questions about that night. I fear that someone in Tamra’s inner circle could be responsible for her disappearance. Hopefully one day we find out.
What do you think happened to Tamra?
Tamra’s loved ones refuse to give up on their little girl, holding vigils and events honouring her memory and trying to get the case some much-needed media attention.
The Regina Police Service has investigated over 1700 leads and interviewed over 500 leads during their search for Tamra. Police Chief Troy Hagen is “cautiously optimistic,” holding out hope that police will someday solve the case.
The police doubled the reward for information about Tamra’s whereabouts to $50,000 in 2014. Anyone with information regarding Tamra is asked to contact the Regina Police Service at 306-777-6500, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
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haljathefangirlcat · 3 years
Tagged by @janiedean. Thanks, Janie!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how ridiculous or non-descriptive. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it, and then tag as many people as you have WIPs!
... so this is the day I face all the old stuff I half abandoned and the shiny new stuff I abandoned it for that I haven’t finished either, huh. 
- A[ce]A[ttorney] Untethered
- AA kids
- galadred jb
- heartfic au
- hero
- it doesn’t start with the fish (... yeah ok that’s literally the first line because I didn’t have any title ideas and wouldn’t even bother with a mini summary to label it)
- La Regina della Terra dei Morti e il Ratto della Fanciulla della Primavera e altre storie (trad: The Queen of the Land of the Dead and the Rape [in the classical sense before anyone freaks out on me, gdi] of the Spring Maiden and other stories) (... fuck the last time I even touched this was in 2019 wasn’t it)
- leggende arturiane ginevramordred (trad: Arthurian Legends GuinevereMordred)
- mitologia greca ariannadionisominotauro (trad: Greek Mythology AriadneDionysusMinotaur)
- Mitologia Norrena HagenLoki (trad: Norse Mythology Hagen/Loki)
- MOR mozalieri angst
- MOR rockband crack thing
- The thing was (... same as above only lazier)
Tagging @dream--spinner and @lordhellebore and @thewinedarksea... and @convenientalias and @goldentailedmermaids? Look, I’m not even sure how many of my mutuals write. But if you do, please feel free to do this!
... also I’m not tagging THAT many people anyway.
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paolatelesca · 2 years
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Paola Telesca Werkschau Kunst Etagen Pankow (KEP) 11.+12. Juni 2022 14 bis 18 Uhr Prenzlauer Promenade 149, 13189 Berlin Arbeiten von Mechthild Beckmann, Rory Biddulph, Mira Brunner, Ipek Burcak, Christine Dreher, Swen Daemen, Maria Fernández Verdeja, Valerie Funk, Dagmar Gester, Johanna Grotze, Nathan Henderson, Monika Jarecka, Marco Kaufmann, Buffy Klama, Felix Loycke, Peter Krabbe, Olga Monina, Toshi Design - Tobias Schirmer, Regina Müller-Huscke, Justine Nocon, Liesl Pfeffer, Sabine Jahnke, Malte Hagen Olbertz, Ulrike Prib, Johanna Hochholzer, Helmut Kraus, Ariane Rabel, Lydia Seaman, Axana Lebendinskaya, Sabine Ruff, Nathalie Snel, Lars Wiedermann, Kassandra von Aschenbach, Silke Weyer, Grazyna Zarebska, Sandra Zuanovic, Mona Babl, Christian Badel, Marion Berg, Erdmute Blach, M.-Ulrike Callenius, Christel Daesler, Stefan Kraft, Marika Die Como, Esther Glück, Monika Maria Nowak, Simone Ommert, Paetrick Schmidt, Cori Schubert, Raimund Schucht, Ina Stachat, Paola Telesca, Beate Tischer, Thomas Weidner, Thomas Wolf, Olena Donchyk, Olena Karnatska, Olga Sabadin, Asikan Ilinchyk #artspring2022 #PaolaTelesca #werkschau #kunstetagenpankow #berlinpankow (hier: Berlin-Pankow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeYzhknIYdZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
I just find out that Stephen also has a cameo in Jean Foster's comic this week! OMG They are so cute! I just love their little chitchat.
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Hello, there! Thank you for sending me the whole image! I was going to post it today because I figured I spammed you guys a lot yesterday with the Carol and Stephen thing. But thank you for doing it for me!
To be honest, I haven’t had the time to read it yet (I just read the first two pages because of Stephen lmao) but I intend to do it today. I really love Jane and the new Valkyrie. I also loved to see Regina again, I could swear she would be forgotten after Surgeon Supreme yikes. Also he doesn’t seem interested in her anymore, which is good, I suppose?
Stephen’s love life is a mess right now...
Thank you again! Have a wonderful day!
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
I know that what I'm about to ask is major... But since you have that au with TDC... I wanted an OUAT one, or at least your thoughts. Who do you think the Winx characters would be if they were OUAT characters? (Like do you think Griffin would be Zelena or Stella is Belle?) (Not my predictions, just making examples.) Thank you. :)
To do this I will have to completely disregard any and all relations between the OUAT characters so that I can just focus on which Winx character reminds the most of that specific OUAT character without worrying about their relations.
Griffin actually works as Zelena but you have to mash Zelena as she was when she first appeared and season 7 Zelena in order to get closest to the vibe Griffin gives off. There is the jealousy Zelena had towards Regina which Griffin kind of displays towards all fairies in season 1 but there is also the more caring and motherly side of season 7 Zelena that Griffin shows when it comes to her students.
Valtor would be Hades in that case. Wants to rule the world - check. Had his heart stopped (symbolically) and needed love to reset it - check. Fucked up with said love and made her turn against him - check. Has family he wants to be free of - check. Is sorta immortal - check.
Faragonda, I think, could work as Regina if she never went evil (and in that case Faragonda’s mother - the way I imagine her - would fit perfectly as Cora). Regina was a good-hearted and hopeful person before she turned evil and she also has that resilience that I think fits with Faragonda, too. So when you remove the Evil Queen parts from the equation, I think the two come pretty close.
Saladin, for some reason, is giving me Gideon vibes. Good-natured but still sort of... temperamental, I guess. I know that was just Gideon being controlled by the Black Fairy but the vibes are still there.
Hagen seems perfect to fill in for Robin. Neither exhibited too much personality but both left behind the women they were (supposedly) in love with in the name of a noble cause. Also, good with weapons (or at least one specific kind).
Marion & Oritel I will just put as Elsa and Anna’s parents bc they got lost and were (presumed) dead, leaving behind their two daughters. Plus, they had a big responsibility to shoulder with their kingdom (which Gerda sort of had too after she had the memories of her sisters erased).
Daphne would be Anastasia Tremaine (from s7). She totally gave her life in her attempts to protect her little sister and was then kind of dead and in need for her body to be revived. Also, has pretty powerful magic. Works for me.
Bloom I would put in the role of Merida. They are both impulsive and good in a fight and also princesses that needed to claim their kingdoms. Very determined to the point of being irresponsible with themselves.
Stella is really giving me Ruby vibes. Her facade is very similar to Ruby’s cursed persona but inside she is a gentle soul an a romantic and Ruby is both of these. Also, Stella’s more aggressive side totally corresponds to Ruby’s werewolf form.
Flora actually reminds me of Snow a lot. Kind and gentle but also ready to throw down if you hurt the people she loves. And Snow used to live in the forest for a few years so that would also make Flora a good stand-in for her.
Musa kinda reminds me of Dorothy. Very brash and aggressive on the outside but actually only wanting to be among friends and feel loved. And also to do what she loved.
Tecna I would actually put as Belle because they are both the ones with the research and info but they get it in different ways. I also think their personalities sort of correspond bc Tecna is a kind person who is also not afraid to stand up for herself and Belle is the same.
Layla actually reminds me a lot of Tiana. Both need to carry the weight of their kingdoms on their shoulders and sometimes that gets in the way of personal life and just completely pushes it away.
Teredor is kinda giving me Merlin vibes but obvs without the magic.
Niobe could totally be Nimue from before she became the Dark One. I think.
Zarathustra & Ediltrude - Drizella & Gretel 2.0. Although, I can’t exactly tell which would be which. They both kinda have a mix of Gretel and Drizella’s personalities (at least the way I headcanon them).
Sky I could put as Neal on account of Neal loving Emma but still hiding things from her and sort of screwing her over when he let her go to jail. Sky really let Bloom down with the whole Diaspro thing and that wasn’t the only time he lied to her. And there are some of Neal’s better qualities that he also has. Plus, he is a much better person than his father but still loves Erendor no matter how big of an asshole he is.
Brandon actually gives me David vibes. Honorable, kind of a warrior, brave, charming and supportive of the ones he loves, kinda dumb as fuck at times. That seems to check out.
Riven kind of reminds me of Killian at his worst. A little less charm and a little more rage.
Timmy as adult Henry. I think he has the same energy of not really knowing what the hell he is doing but still handling himself and managing to romance his way with his girl. They kinda give me a very similar vibe.
Helia I don’t really know what to do with. I am not quite sure who to put here.
Nabu would be Naveen. Not much to say here since I don’t really remember that much of Nabu but I think he would fit as Naveen. Maybe his ego is a little smaller than Naveen’s. But then again, maybe not.
Icy gives me vibes similar to Maleficent. Cold and competent. Sassy as hell. Totally doesn’t take shit from anyone. And it is kinda ironic that Maleficent can turn into a dragon.
Darcy would fit pretty well in the role of Cruella. She certainly knows how to make herself look innocent and appealing while she’s an actual nightmare.
Stormy I would put as Ursula just to have our complete trio and because I think there is some merit to that even if Ursula doesn’t quite have the chaotic energy of Stormy.
Darkar I would put as Pan. Kinda has his own realm, kinda wants the ultimate power (parallel to Pan’s chase of immortality), kinda has a master plan and pulls the strings of everyone around like they’re marionettes. Also, Pan got Henry’s heart and Darkar used Bloom’s in a sense so that fits as well.
Fake Avalon I would put as Rumplestiltskin because of the way he also played everyone around them. And his work on turning Bloom dark really reminds of what Rumple did with Regina. Also, kinda changes appearances from a man to a beast.
(I really wanted to do Mike and Vanessa but I have no idea which OUAT characters they would be so... we’ll have to do without that.)
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From The Mighty Valkyries #001
Art by Mattia De Iulis
Written by Jason Aaron and Torunn Grønbekk
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