#rap monster holiday au
rollup2theparty · 4 months
—₊˚⊹♡ boy next door! sungchan
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❦ seeing your ex after rough breakup can be tough, but everything is made easier when your 6 ft tall neighbor steps in as your fake boyfriend
౨ৎ SHORT IMAGINE (gn!reader x j.sungchan)
⟡ fake dating au (fluff)
note! this is sth i wrote at a whim a year ago, plz look pass the imperfections
three months, a few boxes of kleenex, and whole lot of takeout food after your worst heartbreak and you're still in a runt. the passing whispers about that 5"7 jerk's foreign conquests post-breakup hasn't been very helpful to your healing process either. the world was a blur and you barely had any energy to decipher your living conditions or take a good look at the cute neighbor who just moved in next door.
until one morning in the warm breeze of the summer sun, you woke up feeling... fine? your cheeks bore no residue of tears, you had a spring in your step, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, you had a inkling feeling that you were going to have a great day (your first one in a while). your euphoric state of being is interrupted by a fleeting sight in the corner of your eye. your unfortunate habits that accumulated from march to june has attracted an unwanted guest, the monster of your nightmares, your single worst fear, a cockroach.
you leap and dash out of your flat, in a state of panic you rap on the door of apartment 305. the owner of the dog barking through the paper thin walls greet you at his doorstep, you physically lift your head up to lock eyes with a titan's offspring blessed with a model's physique and a charming deer-like appearance. your hysteria pauses for a split second to admire the doe-eyed adonis who's staring back at you with a visible question mark. after you take another second to condemn yourself for not introducing yourself sooner, you work up exactly three words "help, please, roach" to which he nods and emerges out of his room with a half a pair of old slippers like a soldier prepping for battle.
the scene back in your living room corner was like a blockbuster, you stopped yourself from drooling while standing barefoot on your leather couch, choosing to ignore the tiny screeches of fear coming from the kind gentlemen who introduced himself as jung sungchan.
just when you thought your misery was over, you hear your doorbell ring and a familiar voice. terror rushed through your blood and bones, and your paranoia was confirmed when you open the door to a midget man in a suit and holiday tan, bombshell model in hand.
"hey, did you get my text. im here to pick up my things-... and you are?" shifting his vision to the semi stranger on your couch.
"he's my um- boyfriend?" you look at your neighbour with a silent plea. to your pleasant surprise he rises from the sofa with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a knowing grin, he circles one hand around your waist and another out for a handshake with the man he towers over. "nice to meet you. im sungchan."
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taevbears · 7 months
To Be Loved - 03
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Please be our guest
⤑ pairing: namjoon x reader (a bit of reader x jungkook) ⤑ genre: hybrid au, romance, hurt/comfort ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.3k ⤑ warnings: hybrids are seen as sub-human, brief descriptions of abuse throughout the chapter, a bit of angst, the boys are very guarded and kind of mean toward the reader, reader is stress lol ��� note: sorry for the delay in this chapter, it's been really hectic these past few weeks being sick and super busy. i'm curious what your thoughts are and what you guys think namjoon is! also, i hope you all have a safe and warm holiday full of delicious food!
Chapters 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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Dinner is served.
Laid out across the table is a small feast consisting of homegrown vegetables from their garden, hand-picked fruits of the season, grilled fish caught from a nearby river, roasted poultry and cooked eggs, and homemade brew that’s been aging in their cellar. Food that’s clearly been hunted and gathered from around the manor.
“You two are our guests,” Rap Monster says to you and Jungkook from the head of the table, sitting directly across from you. “Please feel free to help yourselves.”
He glances over at the wolf hybrid and gives him a tiny nod. The eldest among the pack picks up his utensils and begins to put food on his plate, and the others soon follow suit, reaching for whatever appeals to their appetites. Even Jungkook begins to pile up on the food he’s been eyeing since they’ve been set down before him, and then passes the dish to you, starving after everything you’ve both been through since you’ve ventured off the main roads.
“This is seriously so good!” Jungkook praises between bites. His eyebrows are furrowed together, as if he’s angry at how incredibly tasty everything is.
“You’re just hungry,” the leopard hybrid remarks, shoulders raising a bit as he puts some fish on his plate.
“Thank you for cooking,” you add softly, though you’re not really sure who to direct it to. Jimin had mentioned that someone named Seokjin and someone named Yoongi prepared tonight’s meal. The deer hybrid only stares at you with a frown, the leopard hybrid doesn’t even bother to make eye-contact with you, and the wolf hybrid merely nods his head without saying anything back.
The table is relatively quiet, but you can tell that it’s a level of silence they’re not used to. Although the pack of hybrids try not to make it too obvious, you can tell they’re all observing you closely.
It starts to make you feel self-conscious as you bite into an apple, not really tasting the food but going through the motions of it.
You hate attention. You’ve always had.
The pressure of everyone’s eyes on you, watching your every move, and judging your every word and action makes your skin crawl, constricts your breath, and knots your stomach. Whenever you’re forced into the spotlight – Kangdae dangling you around like a pretty thing to envy – you keep your gaze on the ground. Your voice starts to tremble. You hear people asking what’s wrong with you.
As your eyes burn on the plate, you realize that’s what’s happening now. The hybrids are making you as nervous as you’re probably making them.
Humans, after all, are the most dangerous threat to them.
“My name is Jimin.”
To your right, opposite of Jungkook, the swan hybrid speaks. He seems to sense your uneasiness and then gestures for the others to follow.
Next to him, the bear hybrid grunts, “Taehyung.”
“Seokjin,” says the wolf hybrid, gnawing on a bone.
“I’m Hoseok,” the deer hybrid pipes up from the other side of the table, across the wolf.
“Yoongi,” the leopard hybrid calls himself, sitting between Hoseok and Jungkook.
Across from you, at the other end of the table, the one you know as Rap Monster merely smiles. The dimples on his cheeks are deep as he looks at his pack fondly before his colorful eyes meet your gaze. “I don’t go by Rap Monster anymore, so you can call me by my real name. It’s Namjoon.”
Finally, you have the name of the mysterious rapper.
You tell them your name, and Jungkook finishes the round of introductions with his. With one question answered, another one pops up. This time, from you. “How do you all know each other?”
The air shifts with a sudden tension, and you instantly regret the words leaving your mouth. It feels like you’ve come across a taboo topic. Information that, perhaps, none of them feel comfortable sharing with a human. You can see, by some of the emotions that cross their faces, that it hadn’t been easy for them to get here.
“The short story is that I took them all in,” Namjoon explains lightly. “Society isn’t exactly kind to creatures like us. Humans only see us as abominations. A lot of them can be unnecessarily cruel to the things they’re afraid of. To the things they don’t understand. I found them and I offered them a place in my home.”
“Which brings us to question,” Seokjin interrupts, his yellow eyes practically glowing when he looks at you, “what brought you into our territory?”
It’s a question they all seem to be wondering. Even before the car accident in the woods.
The words get stuck in your throat. 
Taehyung crosses his arms. He looks broader when he does that. More intimidating. “We don’t allow humans to come anywhere near this place.”
“But she’s not like other humans!” Jungkook speaks up on your behalf, eyes wide as if that would help convince them of his plight. “She’s really nice, and she’s my friend.”
“Jungkook,” you start, your voice barely above a whisper. You want to stop him. To tell him that he doesn’t need to defend you. That you understand their hostility, and that you swear you’ll be gone as soon as the storm stops.
His ear twitches toward you, showing that he’s heard you, but he decides to ignore you.
“I was in bad shape when I met her, but she helped me. She treated my wounds after my owner nearly…” He shudders, unable to finish his sentence. Given the bruises and cuts on his face, and the welts and scars on his body, it’s not hard to imagine what could’ve happened. Or how far his owner would’ve gone to hurt him. “She fed me too. And bought me ice cream and banana milk.”
Seokjin snorts at that. For a brief second, Hoseok and Taehyung look a little amused by his last comment. Whereas Yoongi and Jimin visibly frown as they look more closely at Jungkook’s wounds. Namjoon’s eyes meet yours for a moment, and you feel your heart flutter before he turns to Jungkook and gives him a nod, encouraging him to go on.
“And she’s been trying to find a safe place to take me to,” he continues, turning to look at you. There’s gratitude in his eyes when he does. “We were trying to take a shortcut through the woods, but it was raining so hard and we could barely see where we were going. We’re both just trying to get away from our bad humans.”
By the silence that follows, you’re not entirely sure if they believe you’re a good person yet. That, despite Jungkook trying to defend your honor, there’s still a bit of skepticism over a human helping a hybrid out of the goodness from their heart. After everything they must have gone through by the hands of those who try to control them, you can’t blame them at all for feeling jaded.
“I believe it,” is all Namjoon says. His gaze is fixed on you now, and again, you start to feel nervous at the attention. But… not in an entirely unwanted way. “You were kind to me once before, too.”
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For years, the old manor has been something straight out of a storybook. A beautiful, old home, stuck in time, untouched by humans. Deep in the woods and hard to find unless you know your way to it. Forgotten, but with a timeless and enchanting charm.
It begins with Namjoon, who discovers it. And then Yoongi, who helps him rebuild and restore it. Then, they find Hoseok, and for a while, it’s just the three of them. But that all changes when they meet Jimin and Taehyung and take them in at the same time. And finally, Seokjin joins their pack.
One by one, the hybrids have contributed and worked together to make this abandoned place their own. You see the way they protect each other, how they take care of each other. Humans haven’t stepped near their secret haven for years, and yet, here you are – an intruding threat to their sanctuary. A walking reminder of what they’ve run away from.
Yoongi, captured and thrown into a cage, about to be sent overseas in cargo to be auctioned off had he not managed to escape from his captives.
Hoseok, left for dead by the hands of hunters, antlers forcibly cut by the time Namjoon and Yoongi find him barely breathing.
Jimin and Taehyung running away from a shelter that was abusing the hybrids, starving them out, depriving them of basic essentials, and throwing them into tiny, cramped spaces before they’re next in line to be euthanized.
And Seokjin, forced to become a lone wolf after violently losing his home, family, and everything he knows to the greed of humans until he finally found the others.
“If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask,” Namjoon assures you, clearing the plates away from dinner to wash. “I want you to feel comfortable while you’re here.”
“I appreciate it, Namjoon. Thank you,” you tell him sincerely. He grins at you, practically beaming as his name rolls off your tongue. You can’t help but smile back at him, although shyly.
It’s strange how flustered you feel around him.
“Can we look around?” Jungkook asks, coming up between you and Namjoon. He looks at him curiously as the two of you finally look away from each other.
“Of course. Jimin? Mind showing them around?” Namjoon asks the swan hybrid, who just finishes up wiping down the table.
He looks a bit surprised, but nods his head. “Oh. Sure. Let me finish this up and I’ll be right with you guys.”
“I’ll go with you guys,” Taehyung offers, glancing at you for a brief moment before he finishes up sweeping.
“What about you?” you ask. Not that you don’t mind Jimin. He’s been nice to you. Taehyung as well, though out of obligation.
You were just hoping to spend more time with Namjoon.
“I’ll catch up with you later,” he promises as he looks at the other hybrids, all pretending they aren’t listening to the conversation. “I need to make sure no one else followed you here.”
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As requested, Jimin and Taehyung show you and Jungkook around the manor.
The east wing is where you’ll be staying. The room that you woke up in is yours, and Jungkook has his own room near you. Dinner is at the same time every evening, and it is expected that the two of you will join the rest of the pack. There are many rooms that make this place feel like a modern castle: a ballroom with a grand piano, a lounge room with board games, puzzles, a pool table, and old gaming consoles, a conservatory with curtainless windows, table tennis, a seating area, and a greenhouse.
You can see that Jungkook is fascinated with the manor as much as you are. Maybe even more so. His eyes practically sparkle with excitement when he sees a familiar game that he played as a child, or that cheeky smile on his face when he asks if you can dance or play any instruments in the ballroom. You see Jimin and Taehyung eager to show him the cool stuff around the manor too, and you suspect that at one point, they’ve forgotten you’re on this tour as well.
Still, it’s so nice to see Jungkook smiling and laughing. Despite everything he’s been through, there’s still an endearing, childlike innocence to him. A shy, friendly aura that makes him so approachable and well-liked.
You can see him being very happy here. Even if you’re not in the picture.
“What’s over there?” Jungkook asks, curious as he nods toward the west wing.
“Oh, that place is off-limits,” Taehyung explains without giving it a second glance. “No one is allowed to go there.”
You’re a bit surprised by that. The west wing looks completely normal from where you stand. “Why not?”
“It just is,” Taehyung cuts in a little harshly as he glares at you. Your mouth immediately snaps shut, a bit hurt and taken aback by the outburst.
“You’re free to go anywhere else in the manor,” Jimin adds, trying to drop the topic. His voice is gentler as he shoots his companion a warning glance. “Just not the west wing. Understand?”
You merely nod your head, not trusting your voice at this point.
While the hybrids like Jungkook, it’s clear that they don’t feel the same about you. And you’re not certain they ever will.
As the tour continues, you can’t help but notice the other hybrids’ reactions when you come within their personal spaces in the manor. Yoongi stares at you from the high wooden beams on the ceiling. His spotted tail slowly swishes back and forth in distrust as his glaring, feline eyes never leave yours. Hoseok hides from you whenever he hears you approaching. He’s so scared, he’s trembling as you catch his wide-eyed, petrified gaze, and the guilt of almost hurting him weighs more heavily on you. Seokjin covers his mouth to hold back a low growl when you come near his room. His body is tense and his lips are curled back into a snarl. Even Taehyung is only accompanying you to make sure that Jimin is safe. That you won’t harm his dear friend.
Rain continues to heavily pour outside. You wish that the storm would die down already. Clearly, you’re not welcomed here.
A hand touches the small of your back, and you raise your head to see Jungkook giving you a tiny, comforting smile. Just like at the motel stop with the scary men, he subtly assures you that he has your back.
You give him a wry smile back, squeezing his arm in appreciation. It’s a silent exchange that doesn’t go unnoticed by the other two hybrids with you.
“This is our last stop,” Jimin announces as he and Taehyung open the double-doors. Your eyes widen in awe at the sight before you.
A library.
There are two levels, and both have standing shelves full of books. Art pieces that look like they belong in museums decorate the room as well, from busts of philosophers to exquisite paintings hung on the walls. In the center is a large couch that looks cozy enough to sink into, curled up with a good book. It’s a place much bigger and prettier than the tiny book nook in your town.
“Wow…” You step inside, mood instantly lifting as you marvel at the sight before you. You could spend months here, just trying to read through the massive collection. “This is amazing!”
Jungkook looks surprised. “You think so?”
“Is it okay if I look around?”
Jimin and Taehyung exchange looks with each other, but they nod their heads. You disappear into the nearest aisle, browsing around. Your fingers run across the spines of books and their printed titles before landing on the ones that catch your interest. Things that were in your to-read list, things that you’ve just discovered now, things that you fondly remember reading before.
To the two residential hybrids, it’s probably one of the more boring parts of the manor, yet you’re absolutely enthralled by the room.
“Are there any comics?” Jungkook shyly asks, and Taehyung’s eyes brighten a bit as he takes his wrist and shows him where they are. The two leave Jimin alone as he watches you with curiosity.
“That’s funny,” he says to himself before he follows after the other hybrids. “This is his favorite room too.”
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Sleep doesn’t come easy for you. Not tonight, at least.
After everything you’ve been through – running away from Kangdae, being on the road for days, looking for the perfect home for Jungkook, being careful to cover your tracks and not get caught, and finally ending up here – you’d think you would’ve been knocked out by now, exhausted from everything.
But as you turn to face the window, the relentless storm outside seems to reflect the turmoil you feel.
The storm won’t last forever. You’ll probably be here for two or three nights. Maybe a week at most. Then, as soon as the rainy days clear up, you’ll be out of here.
But Jungkook should stay.
As you toured around the manor with Jimin and Taehyung, it’s so clear to you that this place could be exactly what you two were hoping to find for him. A place to call home.
The hybrids provide for each other. They take care of each other. And they’ve clearly taken a liking to Jungkook. He’ll have his meals, a warm bed in his own room, plenty of fun things to do, friends to talk to. He’ll be happy here with them.
You turn to face the ceiling, already dreading the inevitable conversation you’ll have to have with him. He’s become your friend, and someone you care a lot about. You just hope he won’t be so stubborn and make it harder for you to let him go.
Especially since the other hybrids don’t like you as much. Or rather, at all. In fact, you’re pretty sure they’re eager for the storm to pass as much as you are so that you can leave their secret haven.
The mean looks some of them give you. The way they snarl and hiss and tremble at your presence. It feels like there isn’t anything you can do about it. Even if Namjoon allows you to stay, even if Jungkook is there to vouch for you, they’ll just hate you no matter what, simply because you’re human.
You sigh. You can’t force them to like you, of course, and you don’t blame them for being weary of you. But the bigger problem seems to be how you’re going to get out of the woods without a car. With your face all over the news. With Kangdae’s family exhausting all their efforts to look for you.
And as you roll to face the door, you think about Namjoon.
He’s as much of a mystery to you now as he was back then. He has a charisma that commands the room, that makes it obvious that he’s the leader of the pack. That alone has all the hybrids respect him and look up to him. And to top it off, he’s also so kind for letting you and Jungkook in, for making you both feel comfortable in his home.
You can’t remember the last time Kangdae treated you as nicely. He was always so selfish and cruel, and you feel foolish to think that’s what love was.
When in reality, ever since you finally left him, you realize you know nothing about love at all. You thought, if you stayed with him long enough, you could learn to love him. That you could learn how to be loved back.
But the pitiful ache in your heart only makes you realize that, at least with Kangdae, there was never any love at all. 
And yet, Namjoon…
With a finality, you throw the covers off of you. Since you can’t sleep, you decide to do something else to force your thoughts away.
You try your best to avoid the creaks on the floor as you quietly sneak out of the room. The halls of the east wing are dark, but luckily, you aren’t met with any grumpy hybrids just yet. As quietly as possible, you shut the door to your room and try to navigate through the shadowy hall, trying to remember where exactly the library is located in the huge manor.
However, your endeavor is halted when you hear voices at the end of the hall.
“You could be a little nicer to her,” Jimin begins, standing near a window where the moonlight illuminates his face. The tone in his voice sounds like he’s disappointed.
Standing before him is no one other than Taehyung. “She’s human.”
“She could be—” Jimin starts, but lowers his voice. You barely hear him as he tells Taehyung, “I think she’s it.”
His eyes widen a little, seeming to know exactly what he’s talking about.
“You think she’s—” An abrupt silence follows when they sense they’re not alone. Both of them turn to you. Even in the darkness, you think they can still see you. Then, Taehyung confirms they can when he asks, “Little human, where do you think you’re going?”
“I can’t sleep,” you reply honestly. On cue, the rumble of thunder ominously rolls in, sounding like the roar of a beast. You’re vaguely reminded of the sound that spooked Jungkook right before the accident, and you wonder if whatever it was is still out there.
“Are you afraid of the storm?” Jimin asks with a tilt of his head.
“It’s not that.” You don’t mind the rain or the sound of thunder, especially if you can stay safe and cozy indoors, sheltered from the bad weather. Under other circumstances, you might even enjoy the ambiance it brings in the background of a good book. “I think I just want to read something before I go to bed.”
“Are you afraid of us?” Taehyung suddenly asks you. His eyes glowering as he waits for your response.
But you look confused. “What do you mean?”
“Do you think we’re monsters?”
“Taehyung,” Jimin warns with a frown. He turns back to you, opening his mouth as if he’s about to tell you to just forget about his friend’s question.
“You’re not monsters,” you tell him seriously, without hesitation, without looking away. Your answer surprises not just the two hybrids before you, but also the ones in the shadows, listening in. “None of you are.”
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You love books.
From the stories that your parents would read you to sleep, to the short stories full of childlike adventure and wonder, and later opening up to genres of drama, horror, fantasy, and romance. Even now, you love immersing yourself in the worlds of writers, escaping and overcoming trails that aren’t your own, and imagining yourself as the main character with every page you turn. It’s something that you can’t get enough of.
You love the weight of a book in your hand, the smooth texture of paper beneath your fingertips, and the earthy, musty smell of aged and worn pages that’ve been sitting on their shelves. You love being so captured by a story, you forget everything else around you, hung to every inked word across the page until the final conclusion.
Entering the library for the first time, surrounded by one of your favorite things, brings you a comfort that you haven’t felt in a long time.
Kangdae never understood your fascination with books. He couldn’t relate to that interest at all, finding it boring and a waste of time. It got harder to indulge in reading when you were with him. There were always chores to do after a long day at work that he never bothered to help with, or spontaneous trips and outings that he’d drag you to just so he can ignore you for his friends and other pretty women throughout the night. Even the books you do own, Kangdae never respected them – he never did with any of your belongings – throwing them when he was mad until the pages were bent and torn from the bindings, or using them as coasters or to spill his drinks on.
Finding yourself in a place like this brings you back to a time before you ever met Kangdae. Where no one really knew you, and you could quietly indulge yourself in the stories you’ve always loved.
Of all the books in the library, one of them catches your eye.
It’s your favorite one. The one about a far-off place with daring sword fights and a prince in disguise.
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you hold the book in your hands, flipping through the pages. It’s been well-kept, as have all the other books here. Unlike the copy you had at your home, ruined beyond repair. As you skim through the pages, the story immediately jumps out at you. The descriptions make it easy to imagine, and the flow of words make it hard to put the book down.
Even though you’ve read this story countless times, it never gets old. Because within the pages, entwined with all the action, adventure, and drama, is a love story.
To be loved and to be loved in return.
You’ve always wished for something like that for yourself.
All you’ve ever known about love is from Kangdae. The misery, the arguments, the fear, the anger. You think that’s just the reality of what love is supposed to be. But at least in this story, love seems nice. Even if it’s only fiction.
“That’s a good one.”
You’re startled when Namjoon appears beside you, looking at the book that you have in your hands. He looks wet, as if he’s been outside. Water drips from his soaked clothes, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it at all.
You smile at him sheepishly and admit, “It’s actually my favorite.”
He returns your smile. Those deep dimples pop up on his cheeks as he offers, “If you want it, it’s yours.”
“Oh! Thank you, I appreciate it, but I really can’t,” you decline, although very touched and almost tempted by the gift. “I don’t know how I can repay you for letting us stay here until the storm passes.”
“You don’t need to repay me anything,” he assures you sincerely. Perhaps to him, he’s just returning the favor you did for him years ago.
“I should at least give you money or something.” You don’t have much on you, though. Just whatever is left of what you’ve been secretly saving up.
Namjoon seems to consider it, but then, almost a bit shyly, he asks, “What about a date instead?”
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You’re not entirely sure what Namjoon is thinking when he asks you on a date.
It’s still raining outside. Thunder, lightning, strong winds, and all. Even if you could leave the old manor, there isn’t anywhere to go. You’re surrounded by a thick forest in the middle of nowhere.
Still, Namjoon has you close your eyes.
His big, strong, and incredibly warm hands take yours in his, as he guides you to wherever he plans to take you. He smells like rain, and his clothes are still slightly damp from patrolling outside.
Your footsteps echo together in the quiet manor as he leads you out of the library. You can feel his gaze on your face, making sure you don’t ruin his surprise, and taking in all your features up close. And you bite back a giggle when you hear him bump into things every now and then before quickly assuring you that he’s okay and reminding you not to open your eyes yet.
“Watch your step,” he warns as he takes you somewhere colder. You clumsily stumble over the step anyway, nearly falling if it isn’t for his hands steadying you.
“Namjoon, where—?”
“Okay,” he says with a baited breath. “Open your eyes.”
Connected to the curtainless sunroom with the tennis table and the comfortable seating area is a greenhouse. You noticed it when Jimin and Taehyung showed you around earlier, but you didn’t have a chance to look inside. Namjoon smiles eagerly as he shows you his private, indoor garden: the bonsai trees that are starting to bloom with flowers, monstera plants standing tall with giant leaves, and bundles of flowers like roses, snapdragons, and lilies.
“Wow, Namjoon,” you say in awe, looking around. It feels like walking into the library for the first time, marveling at the magic the room brings. “These are beautiful.”
“I grew them myself,” Namjoon proudly states, rubbing his neck shyly. “They’re nothing compared to Hoseok and Jimin’s garden, but I thought I should still show you this place. I like coming here when I have a lot on my mind.”
“I can see why,” you remark. It’s nice here. All the flowers and plants look like they’re well-taken care of, healthy and thriving despite the ominous weather conditions. You come across a flower that you’ve never seen before. It looks like a cross between a lily and a rose, iridescent in color but with a thing of blue and purple. Their leaves and stems shine green like emeralds. “What are these?”
“Pretty, right? I call them smeraldo flowers,” he explains. His eyes light up with the way you admire them. “In the language of flowers, they mean non potevo dire la verità – the truth that couldn’t be told.”
“I’ve never seen anything like them.” You carefully touch the soft, delicate petal of the flower. They almost look like they’re made of magic.
“They’re beautiful like you.”
You look up at Namjoon just then, a bit surprised by the compliment. He seems a bit embarrassed, trying to hide his face as if he hadn’t meant to say those words out loud.
You’ve been called beautiful before. Sometimes, you think your natural beauty is all that Kangdae sees in you. It’s the only reason he ever tried to pursue you. But hearing it from Namjoon, who seems sincere with his words and intentions, it feels different.
It feels nice.
“I don’t know about that. These are very beautiful flowers,” you reply with a shy smile. “But thank you, Namjoon. You’re really kind.”
“I know the other guys are having a… difficult time adjusting to you. We haven’t had a guest here in a long time, especially a human one,” Namjoon tries to justify on their behalf. “They’re not bad, though. None of us are. So, you don’t need to be afraid while you’re here. But if you ever feel lost or scared, you can always come here. This place, these flowers, they bring me comfort. I hope they do the same for you.”
“Thanks Namjoon,” you repeat with a small smile. He really is so kind to you. “And I get it. Don’t worry. I don’t know what any of them have been through, but I don’t blame them for being cautious of me.”
Although you haven’t had many encounters with hybrids before, you know of the mistreatment they’ve endured from humans. How they’re treated like outcasts, and are constantly on the threat of being enslaved as laborers, entertainers, or pets. You see them protesting for their rights, and how laws constantly change to their disadvantage. 
But if you’ve learned anything while being with Jungkook, it’s that he isn’t too different from you. He likes to sing and dance to music while you’re driving, he snores in his sleep, he loves the taste of banana milk and ice cream.
It hurts a little, but you understand why they’re weary of you. Why the hybrids aren’t able to easily trust you the way they can trust Jungkook, even though he’s just as much of a stranger to them as you are.
“You really are different from other humans,” Namjoon states with intrigue. The look in his colorful eyes is full of warmth and sincerity.
“I don’t think I’m doing anything different than what any decent person would do.”
“It’s because not a lot of humans treat us like decent people,” Namjoon explains again with a sad smile. “You know, you humans are so fascinating to me. You build grand cities with tall skyscrapers, you create beautiful art pieces that evoke feelings and different interpretations to your work, you write countless moving stories of wisdom, fantasy, and poetry. I wanted to be a rapper because I felt like I needed my voice to be heard in this world. All the anger I felt about being born a hybrid, all the sadness and loneliness I felt from being shunned away, all the fear of never being able to be heard or accepted. I went to the underground to prove that I can be as good as the humans are. That my voice is just as worthy to be heard as theirs.”
“It is worthy,” you tell him firmly. “I still remember the night I saw you perform so clearly. You were the best one out of all of them. Even better than some professional rappers in the industry these days.”
He looks away bashfully, but quietly replies, “Thank you. I’m glad you think so.”
“After the incident,” you start, both of you recalling that night when people discovered that he was a hybrid, “I was hoping that I’d see you again.”
“I had hoped to see you too.”
The confession is soft, but you still hear it over the sound of rain and thunder. In the greenhouse, standing in the garden where loneliness is in full bloom, you feel something stir inside you. Something warm. Something real.
You can’t place your finger on why. But you start to think about the meaning of love.
And you have to wonder, has Namjoon been thinking about you this whole time? Does he remember that night he met you as clearly as you do? Is that why he’s so welcoming to bring you into his home? Is that why he’s been so kind to you?
His eyes are so mesmerizing, you don’t realize the rain has stopped. That the roars of thunder and flashes of lightning have suddenly died down. That all you can hear is your own heartbeat in your chest as you look up at the handsome man before you.
“What kind of hybrid are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
For the other hybrids, it’s obvious what they are: Seokjin is a wolf, Yoongi is a leopard, Hoseok is a deer, Jimin is a swan, Taehyung is a bear, and Jungkook is a bunny. But Namjoon, who mostly looks human, you have a hard time figuring out what he could be.
“I’m a beast. A miserable, ugly beast.”
Your brows furrow slightly. “I don’t think you’re—”
“But I am,” he interrupts with a frown. He looks at you seriously. “Trust me. You don’t want to see me in that form. You’ll be scared.”
You want to disagree. But you can tell that he doesn’t want to talk about the side of himself that he seems to hate so much, so you drop it. “Sorry for bringing it up.”
“No, it’s okay. I knew you’d be curious.” He sighs and rubs his neck again, seeming a bit torn with himself. A clash of thunder sounds from the distance, as if the storm is about to pick up again. As if the anger and sadness in the skies reflect Namjoon himself. “It’s just… if I had it my way, you’d never have to see it. You’ll always remember me the way that you see me now.”
You nod your head in understanding. Perhaps that’s why you’re also forbidden to go into the west wing. Maybe the truth of what kind of beast he is lies in that area.
Your gaze turns back to the smeraldo flowers. Under the moonlight, they almost look like they’re glowing with an ethereal and tragic beauty Flowers that mean an untold truth. Somehow, that makes you feel a little sad.
“Whether you’re a beast or a human, you’re not a monster, Namjoon.”
He smiles at you sadly. “I wish I could believe that. But thank you.”
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The spontaneous “date” comes to an end, and like a gentleman, Namjoon walks you up to the east wing and stops in front of your bedroom.
Before you go inside, you turn to face him. “I had a nice time, Namjoon.”
You mean it, too. Quiet nights in, looking at beautiful flowers in the garden, sharing book recommendations in the library. It’s the perfect night for you.
“You don’t have to go after the storm ends,” Namjoon suddenly tells you. “You can stay here if you want. Both you and Jungkook.”
“I don’t know, Namjoon. Your pack—”
“I’ll talk to them. I’m sure they’ll come around to the idea,” he starts, looking like he wants to add more to it. Because, for some reason, you’re very special to him.
“It’s not just that.”
He’s already done so much for you already. There’s no way you’ll be able to repay him.
“How about we make a deal?”
You pause, looking at him with hesitance. “What kind of deal?”
“I don’t want your money, or do anything that you won’t feel comfortable with,” he quickly assures you. “The woods are dangerous, and the storm isn’t going to stop anytime soon. At least here, you’ll be safe. You’ll have your own room, you can have dinner with us, you’re free to wander the east wing and use the common rooms. All I ask is that you go on another date with me tomorrow night. And the night after, if you still decide to stay.”
You think about it. It seems like the best option for now.
You’ll still be hidden from Kangdae and the people looking for you. You’ll be safe from the wolves and other predators lurking in the deep, dark woods. You won’t have to say goodbye to Jungkook so soon, and you can spend another night like this with Namjoon.
“Why would you want me to stay when I’m human?” you ask him.
“Humans are fascinating. You’re fascinating,” Namjoon admits with a shy smile. “I just want to get to know you more.”
“I don’t think I’m that interesting of a human.” You can’t build skyscrapers, you can’t create masterpieces, and you can’t write stories the way your favorite authors do. “You’ll be disappointed.”
“I won’t. Because you’re you.” He seems so sure of that.
You smile a little at that.
“I’ll consider it,” you decide, heart fluttering as you half-joke, “I feel like you’re trying to make me fall in love with you.”
“You won’t,” Namjoon softly says, also just as sure. The way he looks at you makes your heart ache. “Why would someone as beautiful as you ever love a beast like me?”
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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trashbag-baby666 · 26 days
Fuck it, Everett/Dougie hs au hc’s!!!
MOTA Masterlist!
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•Are they dating? I don’t know…? No one truly knows.
•They call each other bestie a lot and they change their names in each others phones like once a week. One week Everett is ‘sexy bean pole🫛🥵’ another week Dougie is ‘Daddy✨💕🎀’ Y’know stupid shit like that!
•They have a special spot out in the state park that only the two of them know how to get to. Or at least they just found it while walking and just kept going back there. It’s right on the river that runs through the park.
•They like to go out there and just lay there and be in each other’s presence. Sometimes they yap about this, that, and the other. Sometimes they don’t, it all just depends on how they’re feeling.
•They spend a lot of time sitting in empty parking lots they go and get snacks. They park and smoke a jay, drink their 7/11 slurpee’s. Then they turn on Nicki Minaj and just totally sit there and jam.
•The only person who’s ever out Nicki Minajed John was Everett. He proudly can say he can rap her entire verse in Monster.
•Dougie made out with him after he watched him do it.
•On Saturdays the two go to garage sales with Brady and Ham.
•Everett likes to find all his Hawaiian button ups at garage sales and the thrift!!! He said, it adds character to them if they’re maybe a little haunted.
•They pass Dougies cart in the back of Brady’s car on the way to the antique center. By the time they’ve arrived and parked both are clutching the others hand tight as they walk through the large antique store.
“I just saw that doll move.”
“Shut up, stop its eyes are staring into my soul.”
•Both are clinging onto one another and Brady has to come escort them away.
•Because Dougies mom is from Chicago and both Everett’s dad and step mom are from Minnesota and California. The other gets lonely if they go to visit family, whether it’s vacation or holidays. They FaceTime each other before bed and they text all the time. All the guys know the routine of them being whiny if the other isn’t there. They both huff and puff and act like their husband is at war.
•The two of them will sit across the room from each other sending the nastiest sexts backs and forth.
•There’s a time where Curt’s reading over Dougies shoulder. He thinks about it like a car crash, he wants to look away but he can’t. He also wants to see how this plays out.
•But it’s not long before Everett gets up to ‘use the bathroom’ and Dougie gets up five minutes later to ‘get something to drink.’
•They’re gone for awhile and you can hear the sounds of them throwing each other around.
•Nasty boys.
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Disastrous [pt.7]
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Word count: 1614
Genre: fluff, comedy, romcom
Main Characters: Kim Namjoon; Gu Dasom (OC)
Setting: holiday AU; friends to lovers AU
I knew that this holiday will be difficult with Namjoon by my side but I never thought that it would be this difficult.
An arranged holiday with my best friend to a breath-taking island? What could actually go wrong? In my case, the question is, what didn’t go wrong?
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Our third day was actually kind of pleasant until we ended up at the local hospital.
We could finally visit the attractions which we had missed a day before because we had to get back Namjoon’s backpack. We went to the Wugong Temple, the Hairui’s Tomb and ate lunch on the Qilou Old Street. In the afternoon, we took a bus to the Nanwan Monkey Island which was like a zoo with monkeys but they weren’t in their cages, they were freely running around us. It was kind of terrifying at first, especially when a monkey almost slapped Namjoon in the face when it jumped on his head, but we soon got used to their presence. We took dozens of pictures and I couldn’t recall a moment when I had laughed more in only a short spare of time. There was an interesting statue with a monkey which was sitting on a book, holding a skull in its right hand and rubbing its chin with the other one. He looked like he was pondering for a thought and I just couldn’t hold myself back when I saw it.
“It actually looks like you, you know,” I turned to Namjoon whose jaw dropped upon hearing my sudden observation.
“You think I look like a monkey?” he winched huffily.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s sitting on a book and thinking, so I guess it’s an intelligent monkey. You’re also intelligent,” I complimented gently but he didn’t seem to get my point. Okay, I knew that my correspondence wasn’t the most rational idea ever but it was so fun to tease him with it.
“But it’s a monkey!” he exclaimed shakily and a huff of air left his nose in disbelief. I couldn’t stop grinning because I must have hurt his emotions when I blurted out that I thought that the statue looked like him. I couldn’t understand why he took my bickering seriously but I made sure to calm him down when I hooked my arms with him and gently touched his hand.
“I say it because it’s cute. It may look intimidating and mighty at first but its features are actually tender just like yours,” I explained carefully and looked up at him. His eyes formed happy little crescents when he puzzled up the words I had just said. Therefore, he stopped fuming and didn’t even hold a grudge anymore.
For the first time in my life, I even took a cable car and the scenery was so beautiful that I had to hold my breath for a moment. We could see the sea beneath us with the tiny little houses along the seaside which looked like little pearls in that vast amount of water. I merely wanted to take an imaginary picture about the landscape in my head and remember it for the rest of my life. Instead, I took lots of photos with my camera but didn’t forget to enjoy the view with my own eyes as well.
I had to admit that I was cautious all along because I was terrified that something awful will eventually happen. Nonetheless, it didn’t happen. I felt as I was the luckiest person on Earth and the devils finally found someone else to mess with. Those hours were the highlight of our holiday but I wouldn’t say that the whole day was perfect because the twist came after we got back to the guest house.
It was after our dinner when Namjoon decided to have a shower. I was trying to bring the Wi-Fi signal back to life when I heard a horrific thud from the bathroom’s direction. I swear my heart stopped functioning for a moment.
“Namjoon! Are you okay?” I scooted closer to the bathroom’s door and tried to eavesdrop what was going on. I heard his whimpering and voices of shambling.
“I-I’m fine,” he shouted back but I wasn’t in the least convinced. “I just fell,” he mumbled and his voice was barely audible. Let me tell you that our shower cubicle didn’t have walls, nor tiles, just a thin curtain, so you could easily fell onto the wet ground if you didn’t pay enough attention to your steps. Luckily, I avoided getting hurt but I almost ripped the door out of its frame when I heard that my best friend fell.
I don’t even know which was one of us was more surprised when I stepped into the bathroom. Namjoon was blinking sheepishly after he realised that I caught sight of him while he was examining his right wrist. My hand immediately flew to my mouth when I realised that he wasn’t wearing anything. Oh my lord! I mentally gave myself a good slap and immediately turned around but almost slipped on the wet floor.
“Namjoon, just grab a towel and tell me if you are really alright!” I shouted impatiently with my back to him but I was still in the state of utter shock. I had never seen him naked despite being friends for 15 years and I wouldn’t say that it was a bad sight – he was quite masculine, to be honest – but I was so dumbfounded that I just wanted to curl up and die.
“I’m alright. Just my wrist and right arm hurt a little,” he stammered while I heard that he was searching for his towel. Soon, I felt his rough hands on my shoulder and I immediately turned around, only to see his silver-grey orbs filled with worry. “I don’t know if I sprained it but it really hurts,” he whined while looking at his arm and I nearly fainted at the sight of his bare bust. I gulped.
“It’s the best if we call an ambulance and see what it’s about,” I looked him in the eye so seriously that he didn’t even dare to protest.
While we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I got him a shirt but he couldn’t pull it on, so we stayed in the living room; Namjoon half-naked with a grievous frown on his face and me half-dead with my gaze fixated on the white wall and not my best friend’s body. I was so worried and although I knew that he wasn’t on the verge of dying, my heart was beating in bewilderment until the doctors arrived and took him to the hospital. Of course, I went with him but it was a mistake because I was so anxious regarding his condition that I needed to walk back and forth in front of the patient’s room to calm myself down. I was driving the nurses crazy.
Luckily, the doctor – who was Korean by the way - confirmed that he only sprained his wrist, so it would take him two to four weeks to fully recover but he didn’t break his arm. I was so thankful that I almost gave Dr. Kim a bear hug but stopped right away when he turned to me and said:
“You don’t have to worry, Miss. Your boyfriend is fine but he will need to rest his right arm for the next couple of weeks.”
“Thank you, Dr. Kim,” I bowed respectfully but didn’t forget to correct him. “But he’s not my boyfriend,” I gave him an awkward half-smile and he could only snicker in response.
“I’m sorry. I might have made the wrong preconception,” he bobbed his head but a knowing smile was still evident on his face. He gave some medicine for Namjoon who took it gracefully and left us alone in the corridor.
When I met his gaze, I couldn’t help but furrow my eyebrows at his clumsiness. It was right until he had lost our bags because at least it meant that he didn’t hurt himself. But how could he be so gawky that he even fell and sprained his wrist? My best friend was the most unfortunate man on Earth.
“Yah, Kim Namjoon!” I shrieked to cover up my concern and saw as he flinched at my sudden change of behaviour. “How dare you to hurt yourself like that? You know how worried I was while Dr. Kim was examining you? You scared the hell out of me! You better take care of yourself from now on because I don’t want to have another heart-attack in the next 15 years of our friendship!” I fumed angrily and took a step closer to him. Then, another and another until I was face-to-face with him and hit his left shoulder. “Don’t you dare to do this again!” I admonished him and instead of being ashamed of what had happened, he boasted a cocky smile and even giggled a bit. I huffed.
“You think it’s funny?”
“I think you are cute when you get pissed off,” he chortled while his eyes were shining with childish playfulness. I wasn’t in the mood to receive compliments, so I carried on reprimanding.
“I’m not cute but you really got me pissed off. I don’t get how you can be so careless and hurt yourself like that. I know that you don’t usually listen to me but please just for once−“ I was just talking and talking when he suddenly took a step closer and sealed my lips tight. I was out of words while my heart was constantly jumping up and down. I thought that I was only dreaming. My best friend just kissed me? It was a gentle yet searing kiss which I was waiting for so long. I quickly melted into it and my anger drained from my body just like that.
I was relieved. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one who fell in love with her best friend.
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missdreamshade · 3 years
Started -> 03/23/2021
Updated -> 07/07/2022
~ BTS || NCT || Stray Kids ~
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You’re Naive/Innocent (Maknae Line)
❥ yandere au
They Notice Hickeys On Your Neck (Rap Line)
❥ yandere au
You Trick Them And Try Escaping (Dance Line)
❥ yandere au
A Friend Tries To Take You Away (Maknae Line)
(Hyung Line)
❥ yandere au
You Develop Stockholm Syndrome
❥ Park Jimin
❥ yandere au
He Finally Found You
❥ Jeon Jungkook 
❥ yandere au
You Try To Hide From Him
❥ Min Yoongi
❥ yandere au
❥ yandere au
One Shots:
I’ll Never Hurt You
❥ Jeon Jungkook x reader
❥ yandere au
Teddy Bear [18+]
Summary: Little did you know the teddy bear that was anonymously left on your doorstep contained a little hidden secret
❥ Park Jimin x reader
❥ yandere + stalker au
Kiss Me
❥ Jung Hoseok x reader
❥ yandere + mafia au
All I Want For Christmas
❥ Jeon Jungkook x reader
❥ yandere au + holiday au
Restless Nights
❥ Kim Taehyung x reader
❥ soft yandere au
Predator and Prey
❥ Psychopath!Jimin x reader
❥ yandere au + serial killer au
Summary: Your parents invite you to come take one last look at all your childhood belongings. Little did you know one held a sinister monster that you released from it’s prison - and his eyes are set on you.
❥ Jung Hoseok x reader
❥ yandere au + monster/demon au + imaginary friend au
Jimin As A Yandere
Hoseok As A Yandere
His Perfection
❥ Park Jimin x reader
❥ yandere + stalker au
Yan!Jungkook + zombie apocalypse au
Yan!Jimin + non-virgin s/o
01  02  03 04
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You Try To Run Away (NCT Dream)
❥ yandere au
You Ask Them To Hold You (NCT Dream)
❥ yandere au
coming soon
One Shots:
Cat and Mouse
❥ Lucas x reader
❥ yandere au
When He First Met You
❥ Lee Taeyong x reader
❥ yandere + mafia au
coming soon
Yandere!Knight!Jeno x Princess!Reader
Yandere!Haechan x Arachnophobe!Reader
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Stray Kids
You Try Running Away / You Run Away
❥ yandere au
You Talk Back To Them
❥ yandere au
You Are Innocent/Naive Pt.1
❥ yandere au
Coming soon
One Shots:
I Belong to You
❥ Bang Chan x reader
❥ yandere au
The True Beast
❥ Gaston!Hyunjin x Belle!reader
❥ yandere + beauty and the beast au
Where You Truly Belong  Pt.2  Pt.3
❥ Bang Chan x reader
❥ yandere + mafia au
How They Treat You When You Behave
❥ yandere au
coming soon
coming soon
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cyro-starfire · 3 years
Yes I know there are Sonic X FnF mods that were done to death but I haven't really seen any AUs regarding any actual stories where a crossover would've happened so I'll do it myself
I call this AU Friday Night Dashin
This is an AU where Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Cream, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Blaze, Silver, Tangle, Whisper, Sally, Bunnie, Cyro, Charmy, Espio, and Vector all get teleported into the funkverse (FNF universe where the mods exist along with the main characters) thanks to Eggman managing to gather up all seven chaos emeralds to permanently get rid of the main thornz in the mad doctor's side, however, in the process of teleporting the main heros, Eggman also accidentally teleported the 7 emeralds to that same universe, so while our heros search for all 7 emeralds in the funkverse, he tries to find a way to teleport him and Metal into that same universe so he can retrieve all emeralds before those rodents get their filthy paws on them first and use the emeralds to get home! Our heros ask the assistance of the residents of the funkverse, including Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Pico, Skid and Pump, Whitty, Carol, Sarv, Ruv, Daddy Dearest, Mommy Mearest, and others as well! However, Eggman isn't the one and only threat to our heros, other villains within the funkverse also want the mystical stones of unlimited power for themselves as well, especially a particular lemon headed monster, who wishes to use the chaos emeralds to corrupt the entire world quickly and easily so he can finally rule the world as he sees fit, With every emerald you collect, you are forced to face a villain, upon facing that villain you must rap battle for the emerald, if you win the battle you keep the emerald, however, if you lose, the villian runs away with the emerald and then it's game over.
Every search party goes in pairs, with 7 emeralds there are 7 search party pairs:
1 - Boyfriend and Sonic
2 - Pico and Shadow
3 - Girlfriend and Amy
4 - Skid and Pump and Cream and Cheese
5 - Whitty and Knuckles
6 - Hex and Tails
7 - Carol and Cyro
Over time Eggman and Metal Sonic do find their way into the funkverse and encounter monster, Eggman being the greedy fuck he is wants to use the creature to his own advantage so he "partners up" with it, agreeing that both will use the emeralds to rule the multiverse, but Lemon had other plans, upon getting on it's last nerve, the creature decides that it has had enough of the doctor's bullshit and corrupts the doctor. Metal upon seeing the doctor's corruption immediately darts out of there and finds out heros to warn them of the lemon shaped monster, and the heros have to band together to face the monster in one last battle, the heros have the upper hand at first but Lemon, being the dirty cheater he is, corrupts all of our heros but Sonic and Boyfriend, who use the chaos emeralds to turn super and end Lemon's reign of terror once and for all, the heros prevail, saving the funkverse, and they return home with emotional goodbyes but Boyfriend promises Sonic that this won't be the last time they encounter, over time Tails builds a universal teleporter allowing them to visit the funkverse at will, for hanging out or occasionally, the holidays! All's well that ends well! Right...?
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tsingadark · 4 years
Monthly Fic Rec
you can leave the cape on by ebenroot  E | 9.8k | AU | There's some asshole photographer that's taking pictures of esteemed hero Rap Monster's unfortunate erections for a sleazy magazine. It's Jeongguk. Jeongguk is the asshole.
More Hesitation by themarmalade E | 16.1k | AU | “Good morning, husband.” He pulls the pillow from his face. There in the bedroom doorway is Jungkook, Hoseok's family android. Well, not theirs anymore technically, now that the law has changed. “Oh god,” Namjoon yelps, last night's events crashing down around him.
your lips are the key by anw1998 M | 8.6k | AU | where yoongi likes to draw jungkook constantly but can't help to get the lips right.
when everything's made to be broken (i just want you to know who i am) by jonghyunslisterine G | 9.9k | Canon | jungkook's been trying to chase away his love for yoongi for many years. when jungkook's diagnosed with vocal nodules, suddenly yoongi's around a lot more, and everything gets complicated.
at first k___ by declemonts T | 3k | AU |  "apparently you're supposed to kiss under a mistletoe when it's above you. tradition."
those nights (when you crave someone to be there at dawn) by bellamees M | 30.9k | AU | (I really don’t want to spoil anything, but pls be particularly aware of the tag Implied/Referenced Character Death!) | he meets yoongi’s eyes for a moment before pulling his shirt a bit down, leaving the crook of his neck exposed, the patch of skin possibly flushed.
This Town Is Ours by dreamingdaegu E | 150.6k | AU | A fight is coming. And Yoongi's ready for it. [sequel to Run This Town]
a different kind of danger by sundaytimes E | 3.3k | AU | Jungkook doesn't do any of the things the previous three applicants did. There's no questions about whether the furniture has to stay, or if they can bring their own. He doesn't ask Yoongi the building policy on late-night noise, or if guests can stay for days at a time, or if Yoongi can drop the rent a little in exchange for drugs. He just stares around the room, cataloguing every detail, before asking: "Can I move in today?" "Um," Yoongi says. He glances at Jungkook: the way his collarbone sticks out above his dirty white t-shirt, the hunch of his back. The ears. "Sure, if you want."
Turn and aim ourselves true by murkya E | 33k | Canon | Min Yoongi: idol wrangler, professional spreadsheeter, manager. Jeon Jungkook: newly solo.
doesn't really matter if you're on the run (it seems like we're meant to be) by bellamees T | 6.8k | AU | “i jumped the precipice.”
With a Wound Stuck in My Heart by endearings T | 9.1k | AU | Jeon Jeongguk, Yoongi notices, is very, very pretty. His hands are warm, in Yoongi’s. The priest officiating them is talking, asking Jeongguk a question in a low voice, the crowd around them straining to hear. “I do,” and Jeongguk’s voice is so soft, a harmony made of only two words.Yoongi feels a little stunned, after hearing it. He barely registers being asked the same question, numbly lets the answer leave his mouth without much fanfare at all. “I do,” he murmurs, feels Jeongguk squeeze his hands, palms unbearably warm in this city made of ice. Their first kiss is chaste; Jeongguk’s lips are soft though and Yoongi leans into it, lets his hand slip unconsciously around Jeongguk’s waist, the curve of it fitting his palm perfectly. Faintly, Yoongi registers that Jeongguk tastes like the moon.And just like that, they’re married. (alternatively: Yoongi is a fire bender and Jeongguk is a water bender. They get married.)
Nothing Hurts Like Your Mouth by lz-01 (lily_zen) T | 2.6k | Canon | Namjoon asks Yoongi to teach him how to kiss.
heart-work by 777335 E | 14k | AU | namjoo and yoonji are in love.
It's a Love Story (Baby Just Say Yes) by Runchrandom (infraredphaeton) T | 3.8k | AU | Jungkook has been crushing hopelessly on Kim Namjoon since first year. Now, it's third year, and he's pretty sure that any chance he ever had is gone, and Min Yoongi has already hopped that train. That is, until they all get assigned to a group project together, and Jungkook gets a chance to meet Namjoon and Yoongi properly. --- He looks like a particularly punk rock hedgehog. But sexy. Sexy punk rock hedgehog. That's not a thing people say, he thinks desperately, as Yoongi brushes his white hair out of his eyes and pulls Namjoon to a seat, where he throws his legs across Namjoon's lap and crosses his arms, staring at the rest of the class like he's challenging them to say something.
Happy Orgasming by Only_A_Fangirl E | 96.8k | Canon | “I can’t…” Jeongguk tries again then exhales sharply, takes a deep breath and, “I can’t come.” “Come where?” Namjoon asks. “To the interviews tomorrow? That’s okay. We’ll figure something out. Reschedule-“ “No,” Jeongguk cuts him off, blushing and looking down into his lap. He can’t believe he has to say it again. “Come, like… Like, I can’t… orgasm. I can’t orgasm.”
got the cream by ohko, snooki E | 26.6k | Canon |  Being one of the first hybrid idols is a big deal for Jungkook, and it helps that he has Yoongi as a mentor, but having a crush on your band's leader is tough when you're nothing like the hybrids in the porn on his hard drive.
Best I Ever Heard by dontknowwhatimdoing E | 7.8k | AU | “We could fake fuck.” “Fake fuck?” Jimin repeats. “Yeah.” Jungkook shrugs. “When he’s about to come home, let’s just lock ourselves in my room and start making really loud sex noises. Maybe he’ll take the hint and realize how thin the walls are.” Jungkook and Jimin both like their other roommate just fine. But what they don’t like is having to listen to him and his girlfriend have obnoxiously loud sex whenever she comes to visit. So, they come up with a plan to make their roommate realize just how loud he is. Things don’t exactly go according to plan.
Black Swan by serendiplini E | 24.4k | AU | After spending hours painstakingly following a tutorial from his favorite beauty youtuber Jeongguk, Jimin just so happens to run into him at a club.[or: hot twink does my makeup - not clickbait]
oh no, he's hot by goldenhearts for pandora_min E | 5.9k | AU | Hold on. Must still be asleep. Jimin waited a moment for the scene before him to change but the dream stayed very much intact. The pain behind his eyes was becoming sharper and the vision of Jungkook beside him only became clearer. It was clear enough to see that Jungkook wasn’t wearing a shirt. The bare skin against Jimin’s legs told him Jungkook wasn’t wearing anything under the blankets either. Jungkook sleeping naked in his bed and Jimin - yup, Jimin was naked too.
ramen love with you by rire E | 3.4k | AU | “We didn’t order a ramen cooker.” “Oh, I ordered it on Amazon,” Seokjin says brightly. “Now, what do you say?” “We have pots,” Yoongi snaps. Seokjin sighs. “You’re supposed to say, ‘what’s cooking, good looking?’ Come on, Yoongi, work with me here.”
Winter Winds by jvante E | 18.k | AU |  The holidays are hard. The holidays where Seokjin wants to properly introduce Jeongguk to his parents are even harder.
A Tale of Two Bottoms by Only_A_Fangirl E | 41.2k | Canon |  “Now,” Jimin whispers, hands gently massaging Yoongi’s shoulders as he leans in close to Yoongi’s ear. “Now what?” Yoongi asks, matching his volume to Jimin’s, turning his head to find Jimin glaring at him. “Now,” Jimin repeats. “We’re never gonna get another chance like this.” “We’re not ready,” Yoongi whispers. This is too soon. “Yes, we are,” there’s absolute conviction in Jimin’s voice. Yoongi looks at where the other members are sprawled in different places around the room. Maybe they are ready.
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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here's another playlist with all the songs that the songs in Daisies are based on with the spotify playlist, enjoy x
a/n: almost all of the song titles come from part names of daisies parts lol and I also wrote this super late last night but the wifi stopped working as I tried to upload it so sorry for how... sleep deprived I come across in this lmaooo x
1. Intro: Spring - KTH = Winter Bear - V
From the very first mixtape skit, Tae suggested having Intro: Spring and Outro: Summer so y’all know I had to call the intro Intro: Spring lol. I based this one off Winter Bear bc even though Winter Bear is about... a winter bear (lmao), I thought it’d be cute to have the message of this song as even though it’s spring, the singer still loves the person they fell in love with during the winter (and winter doesn’t necessarily refer to the season, but maybe a dark time in the singer’s life).
2. Mayday - KTH & JJK = Lay Me Down - Sam Smith & John Legend
So the reason I chose this song is that it’s quite a sad and dark love song and rather than seeing it as an unrequited love song (which is what it is), I see it as more a doomed love song. From the point of view of the singer, they see the relationship as something amazing and beautiful and something they want, but there are doubts/barriers in the way. This could be reflective of how both Tae and JK initially saw their relationships with Chae and Lisa due to the whole idol dating thing, or maybe even their past with sleeping around. 
3. Injustice - Jisoo & Jennie = Extraordinary - Clean Bandit & Sharna Bass
Again, this is another song about loving someone, but there are issues/doubts/barriers in the relationship. This again could be reflective of doubts that Jisoo and Jennie both had about Jin and Joon at the beginning of their attractions to one another/relationships. 
4. Psychic - KNJ & Jennie = Fine Line - Mabel & Not3s
This song is all about how they both have feelings for each other, but he’s more open about his towards her. Jennie is reluctant but feels like there is a very fine line (ba dum tsh) between their relationship being casual and her falling head over heels for him.
5. Missing Out - MYG, JHS & Lisa = Take It Or Leave It - Rae Sremmurd
Now I really really love this song bc it gives me major ‘I really like you and i’m trying my best to act like I don’t really care whether you like me or not but I really do and I’m not a good actor so you already know’ vibes. It’s a real laidback and chill ‘end-of-the-night-when-everyone’s-high’ kinda song and I love it.
6. Outings - MYG, JHS, PJM & JJK = New Flame - Chris Brown, Usher & Rick Ross
I chose this song bc it talks about finding love in an unlikely place; the club. In Outings, the boys sing/rap about finding love in a different unlikely place; on tour. It’s so hectic and busy that you wouldn’t think there’d be any time, but it happened regardless.
7. Possessed - JHS, Jennie & y/n = All My Friends - Snakehips, Tinashe & Chance The Rapper
This song is the ultimate introvert anthem and talks about the idol lifestyle for idols that don’t like the idol lifestyle. y/n wasn’t into all that getting high and drunk and sleeping around kinda thing and this song reflects that mentality, and the mentality of the boys when they used to do that shit.
8. Parents - KSJ, Jisoo & JJK = Boyfriend - Ariana Grande & Social House
This song just talks about how Jin, JK and Jisoo (and Lisa) are in relationships where they really like the other person and they don’t want them with anybody else, but they’re also not quite ready to commit and put a label on it or make it official just yet.
9. Booking Flights - KSJ, JHS, Jisoo, KNJ & Jennie = Finders Keepers - Mabel & Kojo Funds
This song is about how you will not catch Jin, Jisoo, Joon or Jennie booking a flight to see the other person they’re in a relationship with; they’re not ready for that yet and they’d prefer to keep it casual and make the most of the time they do have together before becoming serious.
9.5. Skit: Brainstorm Pt. IIIII - All
This is literally just them lot brainstorming and i’m so sorry but I am too tired to come up with what they say so you can just make it up yourselves
10. Really - Girls (Blackpink Cover)
This song is a little bit of turning point; it’s where the girls have decided that ‘okay, I like you and I’m ready for us to be something more; if you feel the same way, let me know’. This is where the girls are addressing their feelings and wanting the same from the boys.
11. Reunion - PJM & y/n = Learn To Love Again - Lawson
This song is y/n and Jimin talking about how they know that they are meant for each other bc of the fact that they’ve been able to learn to love each other again and forgive each other, despite everything that happened between them; it’s an admittance of how deep their feelings for each other really go.
12. Enjoy - Lisa & JJK = Fetish - Selena Gomez & Gucci Mane 
This song is about how JK and Lisa are feeling each other in a sexual way and no matter how they’ve tried to repress their feelings, they want the other; not just in a sexual relationship but in an actual relationship too (and they’re both aware of the other’s feelings). It also talks about how they don’t blame the other for liking them so a lil bit of self love in there too.
13. Blushing - Chae = Lover - Taylor Swift
There’s not much to say about this one; it’s literally just Chae admitting to Tae that she really likes him, wants to go where he goes and stay this close to him forever. It’s a really cute lil love song and I think it suits Chae and Tae’s relationship perfectly.
14. Clouds - MYG & KTH = Waves - Kanye West & Chris Brown
This song is about all the different relationships that the twelve of them have, discussing the fact that they are like waves; they change and move and (as Genius lyrics says) flux and reflux, but they never truly die and are always still there. Basically it’s about how no matter what happens, their relationships will exist and stay just as strong forever.
15. Close Your Eyes - Boys = Wake Up - The Vamps
This song is the boys admittance of their feelings for the girls and how they’re here and ready for the girls whenever their hearts are ready. That’s it, lol.
16. Babie - KSJ = This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris & Rihanna
This song is about a really powerful woman who can command the entire room, but the feeling of her having her eyes on you. Basically, it’s just the boys empowering the girls; it’s them saying ‘you guys are really amazing and powerful and we’re honoured to even know you, let alone have your love’.
17.  Forever Young - All (Blackpink Cover)
This song is literally just them talking about feeling young when they’re all together and they’ll be together the rest of their lives, making them young forever.
18. About Time - MYG, JHS & y/n = Congratulations - Post Malone & Quavo
This is just a flex bc they're record breakers and award winners bitch lmao
19. Interlude: Hedge - JJK & y/n
y’all know I had to fucking do it to you !! okay so the backing track is literally just basic asf and it’s just JK and y/n rapping the following lines together (it’s only like a minute long lmao):
sitting on a ledge, thinking ‘bout a hedge. we gon’ make a pledge to grow ourselves a hedge. our tools we will dredge (up) and in the garden we will wedge, some seeds between our flowers and grow a baby hedge. the baby hedge will grow, ‘til it can’t no mo’, ‘til it’s bigger than Tae’s toe and taller than Joon’s old ‘fro. our hedge matters most, it’ll grow from coast to coast, ‘til the world from edge to edge will fall in love with our hedge 
(that’s it. I have reached the peak of crackheadedness. I will never do anything more crackhead-like than what i am doing right this second; writing a rap about a hedge at 1am in the dark with Monsters vs Aliens on the tv)
20. Apocalypse - KTH, Lisa & y/n = This Is Love - Will Smith & Eva Simons
This song is legit just how much love they all have; for each other, for their fans, for their families and friends and for their music. That’s it, ion know what else to say.
21. Lucky Stars - Chae & y/n = Unconditionally - Katy Perry
This is just another big love song about how no matter what, they will all still love each other unconditionally, without holding back anything.
22. Masterpiece - PJM & y/n = Ordinary People - John Legend
This is y/n and Jimin realising that there will be ups and downs in their relationship, but that’s okay bc that’s life and they’ll get through it bc they love each other. It’s also them realising that they need to just go slow this time and let things happen naturally rather than rushing into anything and forcing anything.
23. Tipsy - PJM & y/n = Drunk In Love - Beyonce & Jay-Z
Nothing has changed; they both still like sex a lot. Also, rapper!Jimin which we love (yes, i’m still not over that Tony Montana performance and I want it tattooed on my forehead pls)
24. Whiplash - Boys = Better Man - 5 Seconds Of Summer
This song is dedicated from the boys to y/n bc she made them better men; she threw away their drugs (lmao) and got them to stop sleeping around and helped to realise their worth and love themselves, so this is their thank you to her for changing them into better people.
25. Holiday - Chae, JJK & y/n = Malibu - Miley Cyrus
This song is about how they were reluctant about relationships at first and never saw themselves where they are now, but they love it and feel indebted to their other halves (and also their friendship group) for giving them new experiences, changing their lives for the better and making them happier than ever.
26. Promise Pt. II - PJM = Serendipity - BTS
This is dedicated to y/n (obviously) and is basically just Jimin’s promise to y/n that he loves her.
27. Angel Boy - y/n = Video Games - Lana Del Rey
This is y/n’s love song to Jimin - just listen to it and you’ll understand (listen, it’s late and i’m tired but I just wanna get this uploaded so I can finish daisies in the next couple of days and start the new au so sorry if the descriptions are too brief lol)
28. Back On - All = All Weekend Long - Jack & Jack
RTG might have left the toxic lifestyle behind them but they’ll never say no to a good party lmao
29. Business - KNJ & Jennie = Touch - Little Mix & Kid Ink
Jen and Joon like each other a lot and like to touch too lmao i’m tired forgive me
30. Peachy - KSJ & Jisoo = Toothbrush - DNCE
Jin and Jisoo not wanting just one night stands and asking the other to stay the night and the next day bc they like each other a lot
31. Dream - Lisa & JJK = Cold Water - Major Lazer, Justin Bieber and MØ 
This just in: JK and Lisa really like each other and will save each other from cold cold water bc of it.
32. Worldwide - KTH & Chae = This One’s For You - David Guetta & Zara Larsson
Just a super feelgood, uplifting and empowering love song that’s totally not about football.
33. Daisy - PJM & y/n = Middle - DJ Snake & Bipolar Sunshine
This song is where I got the line ‘staring at two different views’ from and both y/n and Jimin have captioned pictures of each other with that line so I felt obliged to have this as their song, and then I called it daisy and made myself sad lmao.
34. Goodbye - All = The Time - Black Eyed Peas
They had the time of their lives on The Rose Tour and can’t wait to do it all over again on The Daisies Tour.
35. Outro: Summer - All = Waiting For Love - Avicii
They’ve all been hurt in the past but that doesn’t matter anymore bc they’ve found love in each other and that’s all that matters. 
taglist💕: @khaoticamour @rjsmochii @minniestudies @oodlespadoodle @shay-the-turtle @yasbts705 @goldenchemistry @arvbellas @anothershorthuman @golden-pixie-dust-200 @onlinewhale @maknaeroni @sweetchocolategoblin @conslack @missbowkimjinju @pocketfullofsuga @booklover240 @dimple-jungkook @squishyshit @sakurauchiha2018 @keylowmonie @untainted-memories @babybluebisexual @dearbangtan07 @joyful-jimin @glossdust @mayumioutloud @needyvmin @the-real96 @brinnalaine @lovebuginlove @smolchild95 @miraisnotavailable @eilowyneleyne @kiddrauhlfeels @silverlightprincess
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Evak Fics - Strangers to Lovers
Strangers to lovers Under a read more:
Crossed Lines by evak1isak (628 words) - Even's and Isak's telephone lines are crossed
maybe, if we’re lucky by cammm (1k words) - Isak and Even meet at a tram stop
In A Heartbeat by Lisa94 (1.5k words) - Based on this YT video 
makin' me a mess by itjustkindahappened (3k words) - plus pretend dating. Isak gets stood up
Netflix and Chill by colazitron (3k words) - Even's one night stand's bed is far too comfortable to leave the morning after
the one with the disastrous double date by orphan_account (3.1k words) - Isak and Magnus agree to set each other up with blind dates, but Magnus forgets to find Isak a guy.
The Adventures of the Snapback by littlemovie (Lejla) (3.1k words) - “That’s my snapback!”
we could burn and crash, we could take a chance by orphan_account (3.4k words) - Even meets Isak outside of a wedding and experiences love at first sight.
The second time I followed you home by Tuii (3.5k words) - When they had left Oslo at the end of May to do a tour of the Scandinavia, there was no way he would have thought he would find this beautiful boy in Denmark
Stuck in the Void with You by Flatfootmonster (3.8k words) - "I don’t have long."The words travel through me, I shiver. My throat is tight again but it’s not for myself.“What do you need to do?” I ask quietly. Warning: suicide attempt. 
blow out all the candles by shadesofcool (4.1k words) - It's Eskild's birthday, Even works at a cake shop and Isak doesn't know how to make tea
special agent by thekardemomme (4.9k words) - In which Even is the FBI Agent in Isak's phone
let's have a team talk by colazitron (5.1k words) - Even is out for some non-alcoholic gløgg with his friends when he catches sight of a pretty blond boy. His friends play matchmaker
Safest With You (Green Curtains) by eavk (5.3k words) - Isak keeps staying up too late studying at the library, but luckily there's an escort service that gives students a buddy to walk with to keep safe at night
10/10 would recommend by KatNorth (6.8k words) -  Isak's friends keep setting him up. The dates aren't going well. Isak finds himself in a restaurant bathroom angrily leaving a message for Jonas. Enter Even. Maybe this night won't be so bad after all.
Never Long, Always Meaningful by NeonViolet (7k words) - Isak is an over-worked neuro-surgeon. One night, a new patient with a devastating accident changes everything
Don't You Let Me Go Tonight by cuteandtwisted  (7.5k words) - 3 times Isak walks away from a gorgeous blue eyed stranger named Even on New Year's Eve and one time he doesn't
Just two boys and a piano by depressed_mermaid_53 (8.5k words) - Isak plays piano and Even suddenly has a love for listening to piano music 
Just A Summer Dream by hjertetssunnegalskap (9.1k words) - Even can’t tear his eyes from Isak’s lips. He knows that Isak knows, that he really doesn’t object to this situation at all. Isak might not know that Even could have said okay to almost anything at this moment, though. Even likes Isak so damn much. He knows that this thing is temporary. And yeah, he knows that to do this, here, probably is a stupid thing to do.  He knows that it’s just a summer fling and that he’s too invested and a quick fuck in this bathroom will do nothing to help that, but the thing is… he doesn’t have the energy to care. He wants Isak so much, and he wants him now. 
Beat of My Heart, Rhythm of My Soul by i_once_wrote_a_dream (9.4k words) - Isak raps, Even directs, and two boys fall in love 
baby we’ve got new love by itjustkindahappened (9.5k words) - Isak is hella fucking gay and desperately single, and Eskild wants to change that. Even just has a thing about timing. Coffee shop AU with an ironic amount of tea enthusiasm and a whole lot of pining. 
The one where Isak has a jealous ex by colazitron (9.6k words) - Even's pretty sure he and Isak headed towards a nigh of mutual orgasms when Isak's boyfriend shows up
a constant state of closeness by chevythunder (9.7k words) - It starts with a hug. “I just got this feeling, you know? Just- I want to make sure he’s okay and safe and… stuff.”
possibly (maybe) i’m falling for you by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug, safficwriter (10k words) - Even tries to get Isak to smile with coffee. Every time he buys Isak coffee, he becomes more determined to find the perfect drink 
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by BluebeardsWife (10.8k words) - Fake dating AU, you know the drill. Even hires Isak to pretend to be his boyfriend at his ex's wedding. 
Into the Night, With You by cuteandtwisted (11k words) -  a drunk Isak runs into a strange boy with perfect hair who insists on fixing his boring summer in one night 
Slippery Slope by Laika_the_husband (11k words) - the one where the guys wrestle in sun oil and the Balloon squad shows up. 
Strawberries & Cigarettes by shinystar66 (14k words) - Based on Troye Sivan's song, first year Isak meets a mysterious third year stranger at a Bakka party who is about to change his life forever 
All I Ever Wanted by MinilocIsland (14.8k words) - Isak is such a good friend. Probably the best there is. How else could he explain that he's agreed to join Magnus to this place deep in the woods for six full days of silence, meditation, and utter boredom? One thing, he knows. There's nothing exciting for him there. Right? Or: the silent retreat AU. 
Invisible Monsters by phanhorsedoris (15k words) - Even is still living with his past mistakes. Isak has given up on life, closed off, trapped inside his mind
Tell Me One True Thing by cuteandtwisted (15k words) - Isak works at a 24/7 food court at the airport and Even is a very frequent traveler who likes to leave him notes on receipts
as if by magic (thoughts of you are gone) by hippopotamus (16k words) -  Isak hates being the third wheel to his best friends, until that means he gets to sit next to a handsome stranger on a rollercoaster.
from an earth to its sun by traumatic (18k words) - the entire world goes to bed normally and wakes up with glowing countdowns above their heads. No one's sure what causes the numbers to drop, only that when they hit 0, you hit the ground
Alone by Midlifecrisis (20k words) - Isaac (Isak) Walterson goes on holiday to Oslo alone. AU meeting for our aged up boys.  
Behind These Four Walls by Lisa94 (26k words) - Isak's mother is in a mental institution and one day when he goes visit her he sees a beautiful boy painting outside
Nothing Softer Or More Flexible by colazitron (27k words) - Even is suffering from writer's block. He finds unlikely inspiration in an old essay from one Isak V
A Midsummer Night's Dream by LaventiyaGrace (38k words) - Even Bech Naesheim, pappa and kindergarten teacher, and Isak Valtersen, researcher and professor
Skin & Bone (Break My Heart) by endlessandinfinite (42k words) - Isak is sleep walking through life. He doesn't do sweet and sappy and cute. He doesn't do relationships. Until he meets a certain blue eyed boy with an infectious smile and loud laugh
blue like the night in cuba by piccadilly (44k words) - Isak and Even meet on a train and spend a night exploring Paris, losing themselves and finding each other. Before Sunrise AU
Never let me go by hannakin (151k words) - Isak is 20 years old and struggles hard to balance his medstudies with his job as a waiter. Even is 32 has a good job and an amazing daughter.
***** WIPs *****
it always means something, it has to by Bolomapa, pagnilagni - Last updated Oct 2019. Apple picking.
before i ever met you, i never knew i liked to be kissed for days by Skamtrash  - Last update Oct 2019.  Isak, the pastor's closeted son meets Even, who's out and proud and the brother of his best friend. Even helps him explore his sexuality.
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deadcactuswalking · 3 years
For the first time ever after being released in 1994, Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” has hit #1 on the UK Singles Chart, like it did on the US Billboard Hot 100 last year and will probably do so this year. This is a really short week full of nothing so that might be the biggest story here, and the song deserves it. It’s a great song and it’s genuinely massive. I wonder how newer songs like Kelly Clarkson’s “Underneath the Tree” will be able to enter themselves into the Christmas canon after Mariah Carey proved that it can be done with modern pop. Well, that’s not for us to find out today, because this is REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Like I said in the introduction, this is far from a busy week, which almost surprises me. Sure, nothing important was released – except that Shawn Mendes album which flopped remarkably and debuted at #12 on the Albums Chart this week – but I did expect another festive flood of holiday tunes. To my surprise, this didn’t happen or at least not to the extent that I assumed it would. Sure, we still have a lot of Christmas songs replacing newer pop songs that had already been in the charts, ‘tis the season, but this week only had five notable drop-outs from the UK Top 75, and none of those are that notable. I guess “Ain’t it Different” by Headie One featuring AJ Tracey and Stormzy, one of the biggest hip-hop hits of the year, dropping out is a pretty big deal, but otherwise we just have “Diamonds” by Sam Smith, “UFO” by D-Block Europe and Aitch, “Come Over” by Jorja Smith and Popcaan, and I guess “Chingy (It’s Whatever)” by Digga D. All of these songs are recent and might have a rebound after the Christmas season is over, but I do have my concerns about the longevity of these songs, particularly because of how, you know, none of them are actually good. I guess now we could discuss some of our biggest fallers, which are of some quantity considering the season, so I’ll run these off quickly: “Midnight Sky” by Miley Cyrus at #15, “Therefore I Am” by Billie Eilish at #18, “Levitating” by Dua Lipa at #20, “you broke me first” by Tate McRae at #21 (these last four songs were all in the top 10 last week, by the way), “Prisoner” by Miley Cyrus featuring Dua Lipa at #22, “Really Love” by KSI featuring Craig David and Digital Farm Animals at #31, “Monster” by Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber continuing to free-fall to #33, “Train Wreck” by James Arthur at #35, “Get Out My Head” by Shane Codd at #37, “Mood” by 24kGoldn and iann dior at #38, “Head & Heart” by Joel Corry and MNEK at #40, “Lemonade” by Internet Money and Gunna featuring NAV and Don Toliver at #45, “Dynamite” by BTS at #46, “Lonely” by Justin Bieber and benny blanco at #52, “See Nobody” by Wes Nelson and Hardy Caprio at #54, “i miss u” by Jax Jones and Au/Ra at #56, “What You Know Bout Love” by the late Pop Smoke at #57, “Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)” by Post Malone and Swae Lee at #61, “All You’re Dreaming Of” by Liam Gallagher off the debut at #62 (our biggest fall this week), same goes for “No Time for Tears” by Nathan Dawe and Little Mix at #71 and some long-lasting hits right at the tail end of the chart: “Princess Cuts” by Headie One featuring Young T & Bugsey at #72, “WAP” by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion at #73, and “Looking for Me” by Diplo, Paul Woodford and Kareen Lomax at #74. We do have a lot of Christmas gains and returning entries, so before we get to anything non-Christmas, let’s round off those real quick. Returning to the chart are “Santa’s Coming for Us” by Sia at #69, “Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!” by Frank Sinatra at #66 and “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby at #63. There are a lot more of our notable gains though: “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” by Sam Smith at #65, “Cozy Little Christmas” by Katy Perry at #58, “Love is a Compass” by Griff at #53, “Feliz Navidad” by José Feliciano at #51, “Christmas Lights” by Coldplay at #49 (the biggest gain and deservedly so), “Santa Baby” by Kylie Minogue at #44, “Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!” by Dean Martin at #43, “Sleigh Ride” by the Ronettes at #41, “Mistletoe” by Justin Bieber at #36, “Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney at #32, “Holly Jolly Christmas” by Michael Bublé at #30, “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono with the Plastic Ono Band featuring the Harlem Community Choir at #29, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by Andy Williams at #28, “Merry Xmas Everybody” by Slade at #26, “One More Sleep” by Leona Lewis at #25, “Driving Home for Christmas” by Chris Rea at #17, “This Christmas” by Jess Glynne at #13, “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande at #11, “Step into Christmas” by Elton John at #10, “Do They Know it’s Christmas?” by Band Aid at #8, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” by Michael Bublé at #7 and finally, “Merry Christmas Everyone” by Shakin’ Stevens at #6. That’s not all of our gains and returning entries though, as we do have some peculiar events outside of the Christmas singles. First of all, “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd is up to #39 thanks to a remix with ROSALIA, and secondly, “WITHOUT YOU” by The Kid LAROI returns to the chart at #23. I have no idea why or how this happened but I want it gone as quickly as possible. Anyway, we have three new arrivals to talk about, none of which are particularly interesting, so let’s get on with those.
#75 – “Real Stuff” – Juice WRLD and benny blanco
Produced by Dylan Brady, Jack Karaszewski, Henry Kwapis, Cashmere Cat and benny blanco
The song’s not called “Real Stuff”, but come on, this is a family show. About a year ago, Jarad Higgins, or Juice WRLD, died tragically at age 21 of a substance abuse-related seizure. Naturally, since it’s Juice and his label we’re talking about, they’re still pumping out unreleased content. Two songs of this nature were released around this time, one with Kid LAROI and Kim Petras we’ll probably see next week and even higher on the chart, but first of all, an emo rap anthem produced by benny blanco and Dylan Brady of 100 gecs. I mean, okay, sure, it is 2020 after all. Blanco posted on social media about how this was his first ever recorded song with Juice when they had a studio session before Juice was that recognised, and before he was signed, they cooked up a lot of music. This makes it surprising how it didn’t leak after all this time but it shouldn’t matter. What’s important is the quality of the song and since this is a genuine song from a real-life studio session, it’s not nearly as insincere and cynical as some of the other posthumous projects from Juice. Sadly, I don’t this makes it any good. The clicking, stuttering trap beat doesn’t sound bad with his bumping 808s but doesn’t complement the acoustic guitar strumming or even Juice as much as it should – and this is really early Juice, so it’s not like he’s mastered his style of emo-reminiscent self-loathing and painful, drug-induced relationship ramblings. It’s not even as catchy as Juice would start to be later on, so it is just a primitive version of whatever Juice’s sound would end up being. Sadly, we won’t get more development from the guy other than these cheap releases, and if benny blanco guided Juice more into a lane he’s comfortable with and more importantly, Juice was still alive, this could be an example of something great yet to flourish but since his incomplete discography of disposable output is all we have to evaluate, it makes Juice’s work much more difficult to appreciate, especially posthumously, where every throwaway bar about substance abuse has this haunting, unnerving impact it didn’t have before. Oh, and I really like the first verse, which is just aimless flexing but with more charm than he usually has, and with some promises of extra detail he could have gone into, before of course, it switches onto a different topic, an issue plaguing much of the man’s work. In conclusion, the song is fine but I don’t think I can listen to Juice’s work, complete or incomplete, released when he was alive or scrambled posthumously, without feeling sad or just having this contempt for the yes-men who surrounded him. Rest in peace, Juice.
#67 – “Oh Santa!” – Mariah Carey
Remixed by Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson
Produced by Scott M. Riesett, Marc Shaiman and Daniel Moore II
“Oh Santa!” is an original Christmas tune Mariah Carey wrote and released with Jermaine Dupri in 2010, for her second Christmas album, aptly titled Merry Christmas II You. The song wasn’t a success, and it couldn’t live up to “All I Want for Christmas is You”, which is fine. We don’t need more Mariah Carey songs in the Christmas canon if we already have an absolutely perfect one at the top of the charts, but if she wants to start flooding the market, I guess it’s best to do it with two experts at vocals, because for her little Apple TV Christmas special, she’s bought along Jennifer Hudson and Ariana Grande for whatever the triple version of a duet is. I assumed this would have been a returning entry because it’s a remix but the original never charted in the UK so I’ll have to talk about both here, and, well, there’s a reason “All I Want for Christmas is You” has never been replicated in terms of success and just sheer quality. I talked about this on my best list but there’s never been a song I feel is so ubiquitous of modern Christmas in the current millennium than “All I Want for Christmas is You”, an outright rejection of festive commercialism in preference of just having her significant other around for the holidays. “Oh Santa!” has a similar presence, but in this one, Mariah Carey’s asking for Santa Claus himself to wrap her crush in wrapping paper and gift it to her for Christmas, with a lot less of the warm intimacy of the classic song and without any of the charm. The 2010 version has this really gross drum machine and a lot of cheerleader-type chanting and clapping that starts off as really ugly – and the chanting still is – but honestly makes a pretty good backing for Mariah sliding over the beat with vocals that may not be as impressive as her best but are just as smooth as they should be over a more coy, low-key festive instrumental. My main issue with it is pace because whilst it is a short song, and she does treat us to some whistle notes and runs by the end, it just fades out and the instrumental doesn’t feel like it goes anywhere, making this song sound slow as all hell. If anything, this remix sounds dated, especially with the more modern vocal production with Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson, both in a constant struggle with Mariah for getting a word in, to the point where Hudson over-sells her belting and Grande is the only voice recognisable enough here that actually works. Half way in, the song completely devolves into a bridge of aimless runs and “harmonising” from everyone with that ugly chanting, seemingly unchanged from the original. Yeah, this isn’t pretty, and if anything is a remix of an older song that needed a lot more updates to make it work in a 2020 context and fits all of these incredible vocalists in. This could have been great with an original song that was completed to flatter everyone, but there’s too many cooks in the Christmas kitchen here and the cookies being made are being overcooked. Sure, let’s go with that analogy. Next.
#59 – “Daily Duppy – Part 1” – Digga D
Produced by AceBeatz
It’s not uncommon for freestyles to chart in the UK, particularly important British hip-hop tastemaker GRM Daily and their “Daily Duppy” freestyles, which have been the break-out moment for many rappers like Aitch or DIgDat because they reach a level of viral fame and attention that music videos can’t do as well, mostly because of the platform just letting them spit bars over usually decent beats. Digga D was actually opposed to doing one and even sparked some kind of feud with GRM Daily but that dried up soon enough for him to provide them with two “Daily Duppy” freestyles on two different beats but with one cold verse each. Only the first part charted here, as you’d expect, but I’ll cover both. The first part, produced by Ace Beats, has a pretty nice pitch-shifted vocal sample quickly abandoned for the same sample pitched differently, and then it comes back, under a pretty messy drill beat, and whilst Digga D’s riding it really well, I find it hard to be convinced by his delivery here, which is either checked-out or edited so heavily it’s bizarre. I mean, I thought this was a freestyle, right? He can just spit bars over the beat and it’ll be fine, but they add all these stuttering effects, ad-libs and censors that censor pointless words like “juice” but keep actual vulgarities completely intact, as well as censoring some locations but not others. It takes me out of the whole verse, honestly, even if some of it is some pretty slick and nice wordplay, with some funny punchlines and the typical pop culture references you can expect from the more lighthearted of UK drill. I know that people like to make references to their guns in ways that make them even more threatening and eerie, but just like 21 Savage calling his Draco a paedophile, I don’t think Digga D saying that he grooms young ethnic minority boys to sell drugs is “hard” or even enjoyable. I just think it’s pretty awful. I said I’d talk about the second part here, but honestly, it’s a lot less interesting, with a more trap-adjacent beat and boring synths instead of the cool vocal sample. Admittedly, it sounds more like a “freestyle”, but he wastes the moment where the beat cuts out by just rapping filler, and the quarantine references are going to date this, so, yeah, whilst I’m impressed by Digga D’s flow switches here, I’m not a fan of really anything else.
There’s not enough here to give an Honourable or Dishonourable Mention, so I’ll just have to give out the big ones... but everything here is mediocre, so I’m left with not a lot of content at all. I guess Best of the Week can go to the late Juice WRLD and benny blanco for “Real Stuff”, almost purely out of respect, even if the song is just listenable. Worst of the Week was really a toss-up, but I think I’ll give it to “Oh Santa!” by Mariah Carey featuring Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson for being such a waste of talent and potential. Only time will tell what comes next week, but I predict a busy one with Christmas music, Taylor Swift and hopefully Kid Cudi, but we’ll see really. I’m going to hazard a guess that we’ll get at least two songs from Taylor and only the Skepta track from Cudi, but I think we could easily have three from each. Here’s this week’s top 10:
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You can follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank for Imanbek fan-girling and thank you for reading, I’ll see you next week!
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You Sound so Good on Radio (RapMon AU)
Plot: AU You’re a DJ at your university’s student-run radio club and were called in to do a sample show last minute for a tour group of potential students. You caught his attention and he knew that he couldn’t go anywhere else. Especially if it meant he could share the airwaves with you at some point.
Rating: PG-13 (Language, implied cheating)
Characters: University Student!Kim Namjoon/Rap Monster x female Reader, University Student/Radio Club President!Kris (EXO-M), University Student/Fellow DJ!Johnny (NCT-127), and mentions of Seokjin and Yoongi (BTS)
Notes: This is an AU setting – all characters, background content, and storyline are fictional! This was an idea I’ve had kicking around in my head inspired by the writer’s personal experience of working in student-run radio shows at school. (It sat on the back burner until I realized it would be a good fit for music lover and brainy student Kim Namjoon.) Y/S/N stands for “your screen name”, Y/E/N is “your ex’s name”, and Y/DJ/N is “your DJ name.”
Happy Birthday Namjoon!
“Can I ask you to do a last minute show?”
“Uhhh maybe,” you drawled as you pressed your phone to your ear, “when?”
He sucked in a sharp breath and forced a smile as he revealed that he needed you to get over to the student radio booth in 40 minutes. Your eyes widened and you changed direction.
“Damn you Kris,” you hissed as you dug around in your bag, briefly checking that you had the essentials. “You’re lucky my next class was canceled – what’s this all about?”
“Potential students tour,” Kris explained. “Sorry Y/N – they threw this on me last minute too. Admissions wanted to show off the student radio program and they wanted a show playing live when the tour came through. I sort of panicked and didn’t know who to ask.”
“You owe me,” you warned him as you made a beeline for the studio, unlocking the door with your ID card. “Are there any rules Admissions set?”
“No profanity because it’s a daytime show, don’t run over into the next scheduled show’s slot…” Kris trailed off, biting his lip. “Um maybe pick some happy tunes or something? I don’t know – just make it seem cool to join radio, okay?”
“I’ll try. Wonder why they care all of sudden,” you droned as you pulled out your laptop and began pulling songs into a playlist.
“How do you take your coffee?” he asked.
“Make it the largest size available and you’re a godsend,” you said before hanging up. You plugged in the cords from the dashboard and began adding in bumpers that would play in between every 3 songs to promote the studio radio station. Complaints aside, radio was a welcome escape for you whenever you wanted a break from the stress of college. Anyone could apply to have a radio program, as long as they showed up for their time slot, followed the radio airwave rules, and attended the radio meetings that took place every other week.
“You’re listening to a special broadcast of Nocturnal Beats, coming to you live and in stereo from the radio station,” you announced into the microphone. “You just heard music from Halsey, a beautiful cover of Adele’s “Hello” by Alice Olivia, and “Skool Luv” by BTS. Speaking of school love, why not show your support for our talented lacrosse team at this Saturday’s game? Game starts at 7 PM, tickets are $7 at the gate…” You tore a glance at the bulletin board nearby to make sure you were covering all of the announcements posted during your talking break. From the corner of your left eye, you spotted a large group of families coming into the building, led by a student tour guide. Satisfied that you covered everything posted, you wrapped up your talking segment as you teased the next few songs coming up in the hour.
“Over here is the student radio booth – all of the programs broadcast are put on by students for students,” the guide said as she gestured to the booth. “Parents and friends are welcome to download the app or live stream it from your computer or WI-fi enabled devices to listen in as well. We have programs running 7 days a week from 7 AM to midnight, ranging from music, talk shows, and we’ve even had a few radio dramas played during the airwaves.”
You avoided the crowd’s gaze as you slotted in a bumper that announced that they were tuned into the student radio site, before blending it out to the next song – a mellow R&B tune from BIGBANG called “Blue”. You pulled the headphones off and switched the mic to off before checking the volume controls and scrolling through the radio instant chat function to answer messages.
js_giraffe: U cheating on me for daytime?
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you typed back to Johnny, AKA your friend who hosted a late night rant/talk show on Wednesdays. Occasionally you put in a guest appearance if he needed someone to banter with on the topics of choice for the shows – most people found your dynamic with him hilarious, especially if he tried to switch accents while you called him out for being a loser.
Y/S/N: ha try Kris needed someone to show off for the tour groups.
js_giraffe: O.o The model DJ…
js_giraffe: I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!
Y/S/N: It’s a one-time deal – get over your damn self!
“Now if you follow me, I’ll show you the mailroom,” the tour guide announced as she gestured to a hallway. Most of the families began to follow her to the next room while one young man lingered behind, tilting his head as he watched you switch between answering Johnny’s IMs and queuing more music for the remaining 15 minutes. He glanced over his shoulder at the group and quickly made up his mind to walk over to the glass separating you from him, tapping lightly on it.
You jerked your head up from looking at your laptop screen and held up a finger as you got up, making your way over to the entrance to the booth.
“Hi, may I help you?” you asked as you stuck your head out.
“Oh um ye-yeah!” the young man said. “How is the radio program here? Do you like it?” he asked with a faint accent.
“It’s a lot of fun,” you said slowly with a smile. “I really like it – this is my second year doing it. I started last spring and I’ve been doing it ever since. You can focus on any topic/style of show you want for the most part.” You frowned when you noticed the tour group was long gone.
“Oh I think you um-”
“I’ll find them – no worries,” he replied. He asked you more questions about the studio equipment, scheduling, requirements, etc. before you realized you were at the final 2 minutes of your program.
“Hang on, I need to close out the hour,” you apologized before running back into the station. You slipped the headphones on and turned the mic on, fading out the last song that was playing. “Looks like it’s last call gang – thanks for tuning into this special edition. I’ll catch you at my usual slot Friday night from 10-11 PM. Until then.” You turned off the mic and carefully unplugged your laptop, turning on instrumentals recorded in the station’s dashboard’s memory to fill the void while you packed up. Once you secured your bag on your shoulder, you headed to the door and frowned when you saw the young man was gone.
“So are you crossing this school off your list Joonie?” Yoongi asked his friend over the phone. “I mean, it’s kind of far and you don’t know a lot of English –“
“Actually I think I’m going to apply,” Namjoon replied with a grin as he leaned against the wall. “Campus is nice, professors seem decent, and I like their student life.”
“Wae?! But you can’t leave meeeeeeee!!!” the other male whined. “You’ll be too far away!”
“I think you can survive without me,” Namjoon chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair. “Besides, we can always call or Skype. Plus I’ll be home for the holidays.”
“But you have to apply first,” Seokjin interrupted, taking the phone from Yoongi. “There’s no guarantee this school will take you. Make sure you have back-ups in case.”
Namjoon snorted as he changed his phone to his other ear. He reassured Seokjin that he’d apply to a few local schools back home, just to be safe before hanging up and heading back to the area where the tour started. It was clear in his mind – he was getting in here no matter what.
“Welcome back,” Johnny greeted you as you took a seat in the auditorium beside him.
“Right back at you,” you replied, dropping your bag on the ground. “How was your summer?”
He shrugged and muttered that he split his time between Chicago and South Korea, thanks to his parents’ divorce. You listened as he described the tension during each stay, as both single parents had expressed their true feelings about one another to Johnny.
“Sorry Johnny,” you said with a sympathetic smile, “hey so, are you doing late night again?”
Johnny nodded and you confirmed that you were in again for another late night slot, as it was your favorite time to broadcast. You weren’t forced to be as strict with the profanity during timeslots closer to midnight and it was a fun way to get hyped for the weekend. Because this would be your third year of radio, you’d get first dibs on timeslots. A few days prior to the start of the new semester, you had gotten an e-mail from Kris asking if you wanted your old timeslot back, which you replied you did.
“All right guys! Can I have your attention please?” Kris called out, trying to regain control of the large group of students chattering away. He waited a few minutes before speaking again.
“Welcome to University Radio Club,” he began, “if you’re here because you’re taking radio as an elective or just because you want to, you’re in the right place. We meet every other week here at 9 PM – attendance is mandatory for those taking this as an elective. If you are brand new to radio, we’ll start taking sign ups for timeslots via e-mail. Please send us your top three choices and we’ll let you know if any are available. Past DJs will get first choice. Any questions so far?”
“The D-bag’s not doing radio anymore, right?” Johnny whispered as he leaned closer to you.
You shrugged, trying to seem indifferent. The “D-bag” in question was your ex, who cheated on you for two sorority chicks during a Greek life party. You swore he purposely chose the timeslot after you so he could saunter in and ruin your good mood with his presence, as his show was after yours for 3 semesters.
“I’ll deal with it like usual,” you muttered as you watched Kris start discussing the history of radio to the students taking this for credit.
“Welcome back to your place for top hits, fresh sounds, and jams to get you in the mood for your weekend – this is Nocturnal Beats!” you said into the mic with a smile. “Hope everyone stayed cool this summer. The bell may have rung but the fun’s never ending – I’ve got some new sounds to share from EXO and Twenty One Pilots so keep it here for this hour.”
Once you switched off the microphone, your phone buzzed with a text from Kris.
I’ll buy you a drink this weekend if you can do a last minute training for the rookie coming in after you.
Sent 10:07 PM
Sent 10:08 PM
Hang on – rookie? Not Y/E/N?
Sent 10:08 PM
Nah he never answered my e-mail about radio this semester. This guy’s a first year – asked specifically for this slot.
Sent 10:09 PM
Tall, blonde hair in an undercut, name’s Namjoon Kim. He’s doing a rap show.
Sent 10:10 PM
You frowned as you re-read the texts and typed back a simple OK to Kris. Well, you could breathe easy – no asshole ex to deal with this semester. But you were surprised this kid got a prime spot – most first timers weren’t so lucky and would get an afternoon slot or an early morning time. Albeit his radio show content was probably better suited for nighttime versus editing out every curse word and innuendo possible. You’d meet him soon enough.
You shuttled a few IMs to Johnny and tore your gaze away from your laptop to see a tall Asian guy approaching the station, eerily fitting the description Kris texted you. He was busy typing something on his phone as he approached the radio station, walking into the door with a thud.
You blinked as you scrambled to your feet, eyes wide as he staggered back a few steps, wincing and cursing in Korean as he touched his forehead. Without wasting more time, you queued up a few more songs and a bumper before opening the door and checking on him.
“Hey you okay?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, yeah I’m fine,” he said as he pushed his dark framed glasses up on his nose. He shot you a sheepish smile and put his phone away in his pocket.
You studied him thoughtfully, examining his features. He looked awfully familiar…
“Hey so Y/N right? I don’t know you if you remember me, well I had dark hair last time we met, but um…” he trailed off, a shy smile on his face.
“Hang on, were you the guy who got left behind by the tour group to ask me questions about the radio station?” you recalled as you stepped out of the doorway. “Last semester in mid-March, right?”
He nodded as his smile spread across his face, resulting in the cutest dimples on his cheeks. You blinked as you silently compared the previous image you had of him in your mind to the guy standing before you now. He was cute then but with the blonde color and new haircut, he looked hot. It also sounded like his English had improved and the lingering trace of his accent was barely noticeable. Summer sure was kind to him…
“Wow I didn’t know you got in – congrats!” you replied as you nudged the door open wider, letting him into the station waiting room. “Welcome to university! I can’t believe you decided to take up radio too.”
Namjoon stepped through the doorway and watched as you closed the door to the station. “Well, it’s a funny story,” he began as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “A really chill DJ was doing a special show during my tour visit and she had a really hot voice. I was kind of a loser just staring at her and asking her dumb questions about radio, but she was so patient and really nice. So I felt encouraged to apply – I mean, I liked the classes and the professors too, but hearing this DJ was like the icing on the cake. I wanted to come here and do radio too. Maybe run into her again.”
You ducked your head and smiled, crossing your arms over your chest. “You found me Namjoon,” you replied.
He squared his shoulders and allowed a slightly cocky smile to cross his lips. “Rap Monster. No DJ, just Rap Monster around here.”
You contemplated his moniker and nodded in approval.
“It suits you,” you said. “Well you’ll go live for your first show in 10 minutes – think you’re ready?”
He removed his glasses from his nose and swapped them for a pair of dark wayfarers, pushing them up on his nose.
“Bring it on Y/DJ/N.”
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ao3feed-minjoon · 6 years
The Best Gift I Could Ask For
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D6oO18
by WhenItsDarkOut
Jungkook is lonely, he's moved to a new city with a new job and it's the holidays. Yoongi just happens to have someone as Secret Santa.
Seokjin doesn't just give out the BigHit Corp. Annual Secret Santa pairings out randomly, everything is planned.
Words: 2202, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS)
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook & Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, Secret Santa, office workers, Shy Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster & Min Yoongi | Suga Are Best Friends, Kim Taehyung | V Is a Little Shit, Christmas Party, Christmas AU, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D6oO18
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aflamethatneverdies · 7 years
Tagged by @pilferingapples. Thanks! 
 Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
Post 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people.
1.– You can have any three superpowers you want, no unpleasant side effects, no pesky physics ruining things, Standard comic-book-Supers level full power. What are you picking?
Flying or Teleportation, so I can travel everywhere and meet friends. Also probably just a superpower to be less clumsy. For the third, probably to become really really good at playing any musical instrument. 
2.- Do you use your powers for Good, or for Awesome? 
I...think I’ll probably be one of those people who will probably use the superpowers at first for little things to make life easy and then later will probably use them for good. Probably. 
3.- I’ve seen it before but I love the question: if you could wear whatever you wanted, with social judgement/ practicality of any sort being a complete nonissue, what would you wear?
Cloak. either with the full costume or just over jeans and t-shirt, I realise I may be a complete parody of myself, but cloaks are very handy for cosplaying *ahem* certain Romantics or just to look like a wizard or a vampire and I’m totally okay with all these options.   
4.-What’s your favorite holiday?
The only holiday I really know is Eid, so Eid. Though I do like the Christmas carols and Christmas in general. 
5. What would your Ideal Home be like (again, cost and physics and practicality not an issue)? 
I have thought a ridiculous amount about this question generally, my ideal home is definitely something small, probably a 2 bedroom flat or a 1-2 bedroom house, with a view of the mountains or lakes or forests but also close to the basic amenities and the city. I want the best of both. Alternatively, I would like to live in a house with 18th or 19th century architecture.  
6-If you could cast yourself into any AU setting, and have any role you wanted, what would it/you be?
I really want to live in the Shire among the hobbits and eat and drink and be merry like them. But it would not last because I would definitely follow Frodo and the others into adventure, because I so want a life of adventure if I end up living in an AU. 
7-You get to make one law that will absolutely be implemented on a national level for at least ten years, full government support guaranteed. What is it?
It has to be universal free education and/or universal free healthcare. I feel very strongly about both. 
8- Is there a historical/cultural figure you think gets a bad rap? Maligned, misrepresented, unfairly forgotten? What would you like to say about them?
Apart from some Romantics who should be more famous than they are, I really can’t think of anyone right now. Also the really obvious answer is probably Robespierre, Marat and all. I may need to think it over a bit.  
  9- How would you describe your Aesthetic, if you absolutely had to?
Confused, I suppose. I like several different things and find it hard to stick to one aesthetic. 
If I had to describe it, it would probably be a quiet rainy/winter afternoon where I could cuddle with a book and coffee.  
10- What is your favorite monster? Individual or Kind, either way!
Werewolves I guess or any being, like a sprite that causes mischief, cause it would be fun to hang out with them. 
11-  You get one kind of magic –necromancy, cooking-related, etc– what would it be?
I mean since you mention cooking related, even though I’m not too bad at cooking, magically making all the chores such as buying groceries and cleaning the house disappear with a simple spell, and have the place always look great, is very tempting. 
1. If you could live in any fictional world, where would you live and what would you do there? 
2. if you could meet any historical/cultural figure who would it be and what is the first question you would ask them? 
3. Is there any particular time period that interests you and that you know about or that you might want to know about? What is one thing you like/would like to know about that time period? 
4. Name a song that you think represents any of your favourite characters well. 
5. If you had to choose one thing to buy, money being no issue, what would you buy (could be anything, even something that does not exist)?
6. Is there any advice that you would give to a current public or political figure?
7. If you could change places with any character (books, tv, etc)  for a day, who would you choose? 
8. If you could magically be good at one thing, (acting, singing, etc) what would you choose?
9. Describe your favourite tv show/movie badly or in a funny way.
10. If you could own any pet (including any mythical creature or a pet you already own) what would it be?
11. List your top 5 songs you would recommend listening to?
This is an invitation to anyone who wants to do this meme, consider yourself tagged. Feel free to say that I tagged you. :D 
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chronotopes · 7 years
i got memed by @pilferingapples
answers (and perhaps questions!) below the cut! 
1. you can have any three superpowers you want, no unpleasant side effects, no pesky physics ruining things, standard comic-book-supers level full power. what are you picking? 
it’s down to time travel, flight, or teleportation. uh.. time travel would be really sick but probably paradoxy in a kind of freaky way? so i’m saying flight so long as flight can get me places faster than walking which combines its benefits with that of teleportation. flight it is. 
2. do you use your powers for Good or for Awesome? 
honestly... mainly for mundane things. like, for hitting up audrey whenever i want and for getting places easily. 
3. if you could wear whatever you wanted, with social judgement/practicality of any sort being a complete nonissue, what would you wear? 
i’d be channeling terrible nineteenth century men literally all the time. from the “showing up at the door after a Wild Romanticism Party, in my shirtsleeves” look to something more polished. but still overall what i imagine the geneva ‘16 kind of aesthetique to be. that or armor of some sort. 
4. what’s your favorite holiday? 
new year’s eve or bust!!! but not like the boring american kind where you get drunk and stress out about who to kiss or whatever, rather the nice russian kind where you.. probably also get drunk, but ALSO just fucking. roll all important holidays into one and fucking throw down. and like give each other presents also with the whole “secular christmas” vibe. 
5. what would your Ideal Home be like? (again, cost and physics and practicality not an issue) 
i lack the imagination to come up with really wild things for these? every time i picture my Ideal Home it’s either a) an apartment in chicago and i live there with someone i love and it’s relatively spacious and well-lit and within walking distance of some nice exciting things, or b) a lighthouse on the wild coast of maine where nobody will ever find me or my future lesbian wife, and we have twenty cats which i’m NOT allergic to and an herb garden and we grow wild strawberries. 
6. if you could cast yourself into any au setting and have any role you wanted, what would it/you be? 
small child voice uh i want to be in starfleet. i have no starfleet-adjacent skills but nonetheless. i can be like. an expert in alien literature. in such a way that makes me a helpful consultant to alien sociologists. hey it’s probably helpful in certain hyperspecific contexts!!! (sideways look at 2x22 the wire). anyway i want to be in starfleet and all my friends are also there? except it’s not during the dominion war or whatever because i don’t want us all to be traumatized. 
7. you get to make one law that will absolutely be implemented on a national level for at least ten years, full government support guaranteed. what is it? 
uh... universal health care? not to be predictable but that’s the answer that came to mind. i can hit up People Who Know Shit for like, details on how to make it the most effective thing possible because i myself don’t know a damn thing but in concept that’s what it would be
8. is there a historical/cultural figure you think gets a bad rap? maligned, misrepresented, misrepresented, unfairly forgotten? what would you like to say about them? 
aah i think . i think a.e. housman in most cases (i’m overlooking tumblr niches here!) is overlooked as one of the staples of Gay Edwardian Poetry and misrepresented as being Dry and Dull and Sad only even tho. surely that is not all he was! that’s what i’ve said about him, what i’d like to say TO him is don’t fuck with straight guys alfred it’s gonna be okay
9. how would you describe your Aesthetic if you absolutely had to? 
rugged natural wildernesses that i’ve never been to, autumnal antics, vaguely historical things that don’t really commit to being historical, heavy-handed light imagery(tm) etc 
10. what is your favorite monster? individual or kind, either way! 
lord george gordon byron
11. you get one kind of magic - necromancy, cooking-related, etc - what would it be? 
i want to be able to cross into alternate universes and i’d use it exclusively to watch all the au canonically gay versions that exist of things i like. and to hit up au versions of audrey all mysteriously like when julian “universe prime directive whom” bashir finds o’brien and is like “back in real life, we’re BEST FRIENDS” which is by the way a blatant lie at the time lmao. 
anyway i don’t think i have eleven whole people i don’t have unfounded anxieties about tagging, but @themainannoyance @rileyball2 @zulubunsen @scary-faery @butchantigone @clownprophet @cryptyper and like @ anyone else who decides these questions speak to them spiritually
what’s a music album u think is a vital piece of art that u could write a paper about if you wanted to 
a thing you like about the month of november
favorite theater experience
if you could travel to any time period where would you go and what would u see
who’s a historical figure you would physically fight given the chance
excluding technology, what physical possession of yours do you most value
if you had to spend a day in the life of your twelve-year-old self what would you do 
if you could live literally anywhere where would you go
you can rescue one dead fictional character, fundamentally altering the canon of the established work but not altering the timeline of real life in any way. who do you pick
what songs would you use to describe your mood of the moment
rank the star trek captains from best to worst using whatever pre-existing information you have about star trek captains; if you need to, look them up and rank them based solely based on the vibe you get from them. 
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Disastrous [pt.6]
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Genre: fluff, comedy, romcom
Main Characters: Kim Namjoon; Gu Dasom (OC)
Setting: holiday AU; friends to lovers AU
I knew that this holiday will be difficult with Namjoon by my side but I never thought that it would be this difficult.
An arranged holiday with my best friend to a breath-taking island? What could actually go wrong? In my case, the question is, what didn’t go wrong?
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The next hours were spent with walking back to the bus station. The distance was long, so it took us 5 hours to get there. Namjoon said that we could have gone faster if the weather hadn’t been so hot and it hadn’t been around midday. I sometimes really felt like I could faint because as I’ve mentioned, we had no food, nor water. Luckily, we found a fountain on our way where we could drink a little but because we didn’t have money, we couldn’t even dream about buying anything. It was so humiliating. I didn’t have any kind of headwear, so I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had gotten sunstroke. Namjoon also felt a bit dizzy but he always felt it as his priority to encourage me to keep going.
I was never keen on walking or hiking or any kind of those outdoor physical activities but after our 5-hour journey, I hated even the idea of moving my pinkie for the next few hours. I’d never been more tired in my whole life and I immediately sat down on the ground when we got back my best friend’s backpack. I was just so exhausted. So, so exhausted.
“Ah, I’m so happy it’s over!” I blurted without much thinking and took a big sip of the water bottle. It felt incredibly good as my throat had been dry for hours.
Namjoon also let himself slide down to sit on the ground beside me. I voluntarily leaned onto his shoulder while he slung his arms around mine. It was beyond reassuring, it was almost like heaven. I could pacify my crazily beating heart and wildly rumbling thoughts by then, so I could finally feel at ease. He was beside me, I was beside him and nothing ever seemed more perfect than that.
“I feel like I could eat a cow right now,” I murmured out a jumble of words and earned an ethereal chortle from Namjoon.
“We don’t have enough money to buy you a cow,” he said in between laughs but I just playfully smacked him in the chest.
“Yah! Don’t make me sad, Namjoon!” I pouted like a little girl and it made him laugh even more. I adored watching him laugh because I never considered myself a funny girl and he still had a fun time beside me. I was kind of proud of that.
“I don’t want to but that’s the truth.”
“I know.”
“But I’ll pay for your dinner. Deal?” he raised his eyebrows in question when I withdrew. I knew he wanted to compensate me for losing his bag and making me super worried throughout the day, so I gave in. I didn’t want him to feel worse.
“Deal,” I nodded as excitedly as I could but I must have looked like a runner after completing the marathon. My hair was more like a bird nest and my face was all red thanks to the heat. My clothes were covered in sweat and I was happy if I could walk back safely to our accommodation on my feet.
We just sat there for God knows how long before we decided to find a cosy and fairly cheap restaurant to eat something. I was never really fond of hamburgers but when I saw that it was on the menu, I didn’t hesitate to order one. A really big one. I was hungry and my stomach was growling again and again, its weird noises an urging for me to get some food. Namjoon chose the same and we were munching away on our hamburgers without saying a single word out loud. We desperately needed those extra calories.
Due to the fact that it was already 5 o’ clock and we were hardly in a condition to continue our sight-seeing tour, we headed back to the guest house. I was never happier to see those dull, white walls and familiar bunk-bed than that particular night. I realised that a lot of mishaps occurred during our holiday and our room wasn’t even the worst of them.
“Can I sleep now?” I sneaked a glance at Namjoon like I needed his permission to go to bed. He looked at me dearly and pinched my cheeks. If the hot weather didn’t make them heat up a bit, his touch definitely did.
“Of course you can. We had quite a rough day, so you deserve a good night’s sleep,” he nodded and pointed to the bottom mattress. I hopped down without hesitation but before I fell onto the quilt, I made sure that I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me. It didn’t take him by surprise, thus he didn’t even protest.
I wanted to doze off against his shoulder because I didn’t really remember the last time when we slept like that. We were best friends for 15 years now but our friendship started just like any other; totally unexpectedly. We encountered at a playground in Goyang and made a pinky promise that we will be together until the end. It all started with silly things that 6-year-old kids do; killing our time at the playground, sharing our toys with each other, talking about our favourite animated shows and playing hide and seek in our garden.
We weren’t neighbours but we spent a lot of time together and the more we grew, the more we needed each other’s company. I remember vividly that I always shared my fears with him while we were looking at the stars from the terrace of his room. He listened to me patiently and waited until I didn’t have anything else to say. Then, he rubbed his chin, tilted his head in contemplation and started talking about solutions how I should be more confident and face those obstacles. I never knew how that 6-year-old immature guy with the grey braces turned into a wise, philosophical teenager but he definitely changed. Puberty hit him so hard – or me, I don’t know – that I started seeing him as a man and not a boy. But soon, I felt the same way about my male classmates as well and that thought never flew across my mind again until 2 months ago.
“You know it’s funny,” Namjoon whispered as I rested my head on his shoulder. This silence wasn’t like the one before; it was serene and soft like a cloud hovering on the clear-blue sky.
“I saw a lot of sides of you in the last 15 years but you never fail to show me new sides since we started our journey,” his hushed voice was full of awe and I didn’t really know why. I was pretty sure that witnessing how I had acted in the last couple of days was nothing but troublesome. I was whining, I was yelling at him and I was screaming because of a giant spider. What could have been so pleasant about that?
“Is that a good thing?” I glared at him, not sure what kind of answer I would get. His serious expression slowly dissolved into a nostalgic smile.
“Yes, it is. You are my best friend and it’s such a pity that we can’t spend as much time together as we used to since we started university. I guess that’s why I felt like we slowly drifted apart in the last couple of years. You know, there was school, assignments, new friends and you had Hyeonuk as well−” he suddenly confessed and I couldn’t help but flinch painfully at the mention of my ex-boyfriend.
I met Heyonuk 2 years ago at a college party and we had been a couple for 23 months when he said that he wanted to break up. That asshole. I inwardly cursed myself for ever trusting that guy, even though he was such a sweetheart until he announced that it was over.
“You felt like we drifted apart because of Hyeonuk?” I asked, almost frantically because I’d never thought that Namjoon would feel like I had chosen my boyfriend over him. He wasn’t jealous, he seemed to get along well with Hyeonuk when I was around, so he didn’t show any sign of jealousy. Or he was a really impressive actor.
“Yes, a little bit,” he admitted without hesitation. He didn’t seem nervous, he didn’t even nibble his lips but the dimples deepened with his smile. He wasn’t mad and I admired him for his understanding. It was one of the things on the endless list of what I loved about him. “But I don’t blame you. If you’re in love, you have to spend more time with your boyfriend than with your best friend.”
“That’s not true,” I shook my head immediately because I learned from my parents that you shouldn’t neglect your friends and family even if you are in love. “You should have told me if it really irritated you.”
“It doesn’t really matter anymore,” he waved his hands in an attempt to leave the subject and move on. “Hyeonuk doesn’t know what he missed when he said that you’re too dull and worthless for him,” he quoted the exact same words that my boyfriend had told me two months ago and even flinched like he was hurt.
He was the one who scooped me up after Hyeonuk said goodbye and that’s when I started developing feelings for him. Seeing how he cared about me and cursed at my ex-boyfriend made me feel touched. He never acted like that before when my relationships ended but that’s also true that none of my relationship were as long yet painful as the one with Hyeonuk.
“That douchebag,” I snorted furiously but my expression suddenly changed when I heard my best friend’s reaction. I couldn’t suppress the urge to smile as widely as possible.
“That crazy bastard,” he spluttered the words dismissively and when we met each other’s gazes, we broke into little fists of laughter. That made me remember for the good old days when it was so usual that we dissed my ex-boyfriends and his ex-girlfriends like that. The thought that we were getting closer and closer again melted my heart a bit.
We were talking for an hour or so and I wish we could speak more but I had already stifled a yawn like 12 times and when he noticed my sleepy eyes, he turned off the lights and walked up on the ladder. When I heard that he arrived on his mattress, I whispered to him like we always did when we had a sleepover at each other’s houses.
“Good night, Namjoonie.”
“Good night, Dasomie.”
His deep, hoarse voice was the sweetest melody that could cherish me to sleep.
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Forbidden Love- Rap Monster (BTS)
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Genre: Romance, Angel/Demon!AU, Soulmate!AU
Prompt: We’re supposed to be sworn enemies, but you just saved my life? Perhaps its not so uncommon for an angel and demon to be in love… but what will fate say to that?
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Author’s Note: Namjoon would be such a good angel omg. Enjoy!
Namjoon smiled to himself as he walked merrily down the street. The sun shined golden streaks of light through the white clouds and onto his face. 
As a teenage angel-in-training, it was his task to stay on Earth for a dew days disguised as a human to do random acts of kindness to make the human’s lives better. Namjoon loved his upbringing. As a child prodigy in the subject of his angelic powers, all the other angels knew that he would do great things one day. Not only did he have true passion for helping people, but he was was ahead of his peers. 
“Your son is well on his way to becoming the next archangel!” people would tell his father. Half angel and half human, Namjoon was the son of an angel on the high council. 
Today, he wasn’t doing a very good job of blending in. Nothing could hide how ethereal he looked, with his glowing skin, bright eyes, and glimmering white suit. And of course, the official mark of angels, a golden harp, was tattooed on his wrist.
You glanced at the tattooed smudge on your wrist, tracing over the dark red outlines of the pitchfork engraved in your skin. Branded by the mark of demons, you were trying to pass as a human on Earth for a couple of days. Your father had really been ticking you off lately. He was a demon, after all. But you decided you would spend a week with your good natured human mother. 
Being half demon certainly had its challenges. You belonged to the dark side by immortal birth, however, the human side of you wanted to good things for the world instead of wreaking havoc on humanity. However, you couldn’t just cross over to the angel’s side. As soon as they saw the pitchfork embedded in your wrist, they’d despise you no matter what your morals were. It really sucked that they were always looked upon as the good guys, yet they took impunity to looking down on anyone who looked and seemed different than them. 
So, as half demon girl trying your best to make it through hell, you remained moody, distant, and of course, full of teenage angst. 
It was on one particular day when you were walking down a familiar sidewalk that something caught your eye. It was a man, walking with such light steps that he seemed to be floating down the sidewalk. He glistened with radiance as a cheerful smile beamed on his face. You took notice of the way his clean white suit sparkled in the reflection of the sunlight. 
You knew he was the exact opposite of you. You glanced down to your ripped jeans, black cut off tank top, and red high top converse. You knew he wasn’t the typical man you you’d double take for, but he was so… what’s that world the mortals use?
Before going on with your wandering, you noticed that he wasn’t stopping as he crossed the street. He was dreamily looking at the sky. However, as he did so, a car was turning down the street at top speed. Being a demon gave you certain powers. You could hear, see, and predict things that others couldn’t… and right now you could hear the driver of the car talking on her phone and focusing on her stereo. She wasn’t paying attention to the road, and neither was this glowing and extremely attractive stranger.
“Hey!” you yelled, running towards him, feet pounding on the pavement. He was a fair distance away, and you weren’t going fast enough by your normal speed. You knew you weren’t supposed to use your powers on Earth without a proper quest, but something was motivating you to save this guy. Something deep inside your soul was telling you that you had to do this. 
You quickly shut your eyes and concentrated, and before you knew it your legs were moving at lightning speed. When you got close enough, you threw your arms around the man and ran towards the other end of the street, right before the car came in contact with him. In half a second you were both on the sidewalk, safe, and tangled in each other’s arms. Being used to pain, you ignored the scrapes on your arms and looked up at his face. As you did so, he seemed to do the same, and your eyes locked in on each others. For one moment, time seemed to stop as you looked into those sparkling brown eyes.
It was so confusing to Namjoon. One second, he was walking down the street, and then it seemed as if without anytime passing, he was on the other side of the street staring into a pair of glistening golden eyes. As he looked over his shoulder, he saw a car zip by where he would have been standing… if not for this girl. 
“You… you just saved my life!” he managed to get out. 
The girl stood up, wiping the dirt off her jeans. She took her black beanie off her head, letting her bright blue hair tumble from the top. Namjoon took notice of how her piercings and tattoos glistened in the sunlight. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt a connection to her somehow. 
“I suppose I did.” she said jokingly. She then stuck her hand forward. “I’m Y/N.”
“Namjoon.” he responded, shaking her hand. As soon as they touched, they both felt an electric shock. Quickly, they pulled away from each other, realizing what this met. The girl looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I thought that only happened when you met your soumate?” she said, confused. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think immortals could be soulmates with mortals…” Namjoon told her, eyebrows furrowed.
“Good thing I’m half immortal.” she responded. He snapped his head back up. 
“You’re… a half human half angel too?” 
“Wait, you’re an angel?”
“You’re not?” 
They both glanced down to each others wrists, seeing the other’s branding. 
“Oh my God, this can’t be right…” you stuttered, holding Namjoon’s wrist in your hand. You ran your finger over the halo tattooed on it. As soon as you touched it, it turned blue. 
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain.” Namjoon scolded. “I don’t understand it either, but according to fate, we’re soulmates.”
“Does fate know that we’re supposed to be sworn enemies?” you inquired. 
“Do we?” he asked with a bright smile. He then grabbed your hand and ran off down the street. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, trying to keep up with his long legs. 
“To the ice cream shop!” he exclaimed, happily running down the street. 
“How is that going to help up figure this out?” you inquired.
“What’s there to figure out?” he said, stopping. “We’re soulmates… we should go on a date to learn more about each other.”
“But, our families-”
Namjoon rolled his eyes. “I’ll bring a devil’s food cake to your family’s holiday party, you send an angel food cake to my Dad’s house, our human mothers can persuade them into liking us, I’m sure we’ll be able to find a way.”
And with that, he pulled you back down the street, in anticipation of sprinkles and a delicious dairy dessert. 
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed this! I had a little trouble figuring out just how to write this :p Thanks for reading!
-Marie 💗
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