#randy march imagine
shall-we-imagine · 9 months
That's what friends are for! (Serge DurandalxAmelia Nile)
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Some Amelia love!
Unedited because I'm lazy
Genre: basically dis a romcom 🤷🏻‍♀️
Summary: You better come get your man; I think he wanna be way more than friends. (Juice by Lizzo)
(Third person point of view)
"I'm tired, Amelia...he'll never feel the same way towards me..." Liz sighs, staring at their shared dorm's ceiling.
The ginger frowns, "Come on; don't say that. I'm sure he likes you. Maybe he's just...I don't know- not ready to confess yet."
"Amelia, he's THE Emperor. All girls like him; why would he go for the clumsy idiot?"
Amelia sighs, "Liz, he makes you clean his desk, doesn't he?"
"Yeah?" She looks back at her roommate in confusion.
"See? He totally likes you!" Amelia beams.
"Amelia, that makes no sense..."
She rolls her eyes, "Liz, you really don't understand men, do you? Think about it. Klaus isn't lazy, so why would he make someone else do his work for him? He's always around when you do it too, right? What do you think he's trying to do?"
"Torment me?"
"No! He's trying to spend time with you! I bet he even tries to start conversations with you."
"I mean...he yells at me a lot if that counts..."
"Hmm.." The ginger brings her her fingers to her chin, pausing to think for a bit. "Well, every guy has a different way to express affection, I guess." She shrugs.
Regardless of how unreasonable Amelia was being, Liz wanted to believe her. "You think so?"
"I know so! You just need to get him to realize he should confess to you."
She sits up to face her friend, "How do I do that?"
A few moments of silence pass before Amelia speaks up, "I have an idea."
Liz perks up in excitement.
"But you won't like it..."
She slumps back once more. "I should just forget about it and move on."
"Liz! How could you just give up on Klaus Goldstein?" Amelia scolds.
"That's the point, Amelia! He's Klaus Goldstein!" The brunette retorts.
Amelia sighs, "I'll help you out. Just leave it all to me."
"I don't understand how lemonade is supposed to help..." Liz ponders.
"Just do as I say, and you'll see for yourself."
"If you say so..." Still uncertain, the small brunette pushes the door open gently. "Prefect Klaus?"
"Oh, come in, Liz. Klaus is teaching a class at the moment, but you can wait here if you want." A familiar, cheerful voice invites them inside.
Just as the girls had planned, Klaus would still be busy for the next couple of minutes, and Serge was alone in the Prefects' room- the plan would turn out nicely.
Amelia nudges Liz the second they step into the room.
"Oh! We brought you lemonade!" Liz hesitantly approaches Serge, who happily accepts the suspicious drink. Liz hopes she isn't unknowingly poisoning her friend; surely, that couldn't be Amelia's oh so smart plan, right?
A few confused sips in, Serge drops to the floor, smashing the glass of lemonade in the process.
Liz barely manages to save his head from a concussion or worse. "Is that supposed to happen?!" Her head snaps to an equally horrified Amelia; the answer was a clear no.
Amelia rushes to place herself on top of an unconscious Serge, "Serge?! Serge!!" She holds his face in her hands.
"Amelia, what did we give him?" Terrified of what her friend's bizarre instructions had lead to, Liz hopes they could still save Serge (preferably, before Klaus comes back).
"A love potion; I was hoping we could try to get Klaus jealous, so he'd confess to you, but-" She frantically tries to explain before getting cut off by a ray of hope.
Serge moans in pain and confusion. "What's happening?" His eyebrows furrow together.
"Serge?!" The girls exclaim in happiness and relief.
"Oh, Amelia, I'm so happy to lay my eyes on such beauty." He dreamily rubs his face into her hand.
"Uh, er, I- you mean Liz?" Blushing, Amelia retracts her hands and tries to redirect the situation to the original plan.
"Well, Liz is not the one straddling me, is she?" He shoots a cheeky grin at a flustered Amelia.
She fumbles to get off but he grips her thighs, holding her in place.
"I- Serge, what are you doing?!" Liz semi-screeches.
"Mmhm, nothing." A dumb grin remains plastered on his face, as he continues to stare at Amelia.
"S-serge, I- this isn't-" Before Amelia could put together a sentence, someone barges in.
"Hey, I thought I told you- um...what exactly is going on here?" Klaus's irritated tone quickly switches to one of plain confusion and a lil bit of...suspicion? Disgust? Who knows?
"Prefect Klaus!" Amelia quickly pushes herself off of Serge while he was distracted by the interruption.
"That's me; yes." The blond raises his eyebrows, "still waiting for that explanation though." He crosses his arms.
"It's, uh, for a play!" Liz offers.
"A play?" Klaus repeats.
"A play!" Liz nods vigorously, eyeing a very confused Amelia. "Serge and Amelia are playing two lovers, so they were practicing!"
"Is this true?" Klaus stares right at Serge.
He giggles in response, "yes, in fact, we were just about to get to the kissing scene!"
"W-what?!" Amelia blushes furiously.
"What?" Serge blinks innocently.
"N-nothing! I think I have to go!" Amelia tries to escape the weird situation she found herself in, but Serge grips her wrist.
He pushes himself off the ground, "Aww, so soon? We haven't finished practicing the fun parts!" He pouts.
Amelia's face heats up even more; how was that even possible? She didn't know.
This was all going horribly wrong; Liz was the one he was supposed to be after not her!
"M-maybe later..." She frees her hand from his and quickly rushes past Klaus, her face remaining as red as humanly possible.
"Amelia!" Serge calls after her, but she doesn't look back.
Unfortunately for her, Serge soon catches up to her, "Amelia, wait!"
She almost stops, but her embarrassment pushes her to keep going until Serge grabs her by the wrist.
"Okay, okay, maybe I took it a little too far; I'm sorry." His other hand finds the back of his neck, as he gives an apologetic smile to a red faced Amelia.
"I- huh?" She faces him.
"You have to drink the whole thing for a love potion to work, Amelia; I just wanted to mess with the two of you."
"Oh." She responds before it registers in her brain what that actually means.
"Oh." She realizes. Then takes off sprinting.
"Amelia??" Serge is left behind, dumbfounded, "What just happened?"
"You ran away?!"
"Yes, Liz, I ran away; what else did you expect me to do?!" She groans into her pillow.
"Well, I guess I've done that before too, if I'm being completely honest." Liz chuckles, "but you're gonna have to face him eventually; plus, didn't you kind of have a thing for him anyways?"
"I'm gonna run away. Or fake my death." She groans louder.
"Amelia, come on, it's not that-" a knock on their window interrupts Liz.
Liz pushes herself off the bed and walks towards the window. She pushes the curtains aside and almost falls back in surprise.
"S-serge?" She pushes the window open, and he climbs in.
"Hey, Liz!" He beams, like he didn't just jumpscare the hell out of her.
Amelia moves slowly, pulling the covers over her head, hoping she won't get noticed.
Alas, things don't work that way.
"Hey, Amelia!" She jumps at the mention of her name.
"Hey, Serge..." Amelia slowly uncovers her head to look at the intruder.
"Oh, I just remembered I...have to be somewhere...important!" Liz exits the room, leaving Amelia to face her crush on her own.
"That little-" Amelia mutters.
Sighing, Amelia directs her attention back to Serge. "So, what brings you here?"
"I came to ask you out!"
"Huh?" Her face heats up; she really needs to work on that.
"See you at 7; wear something comfy!" He jumps back out the window casually.
"Hey, I didn't even say yes!" She calls out, but he was already gone. "Is this guy insane?"
She falls back on her bed, "well...guess I'm going on a date tonight..."
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
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Has Randy ever done this because I saw this post and immediately thought of your Randy.
Someone hit me with that joke way back in early March. I had to ask what the joke was, but I was never told that it was actually a guy named Randy in the original. Suddenly it makes a lot of sense why they'd use it on me. XD
I suppose it's possible my Randy's done that. He does like to sleep, after all. X3 I can imagine Akoya shouting at him lol!
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yunhsuanhuang · 3 months
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With apologies to A.L.
When I'm seventeen, I put a picture of Loretta Lynn in the back of my clear phone case. With the same care my best friends take in decorating trading cards of Jungkook and Jisoo, I get a pair of tweezers and my most expensive stickers, and make an afternoon out of sticking little daisies all over a glossy black-and-white printout of Loretta in the 70's. In the picture she's leaning against a tree, her dark hair long and thick, smiling at the viewer with the same unshakable confidence she's always had.
The next day, I slap my phone face-down on the cafeteria table. My friends go oh-my-god and you-actually-did-it and wait-that's-kinda-cute. We propose swapping some of our cards–I get Minho, she gets Randy– until the conversation derails to exams and teachers and the presentation that's due on Wednesday but none of us have started.
Then it's two weeks later, and when I wake up, thirteen hours after Kentucky does, I read that Loretta Lynn has passed away. A clickbait news site uses the same picture for her obituary.
Sometimes I feel like everything I love is already gone and I just don't know it yet.
so why do you like country music, my friend Alex asks me once.
Alex is American, but the South is as alien a place to him as it is to me– he grew up in suburban New Hampshire, after all, in an impossibly huge house bursting with beach-themed paraphernalia. America, to him, is Dunkin' Donuts and perfectly manicured lawns and the pale foam of the Atlantic cutting itself open over and over again against the sharpness of the rocks.
I squint at my phone. It's late, and I'm probably supposed to be asleep by now, but I'm fifteen and the year is 2020 and time stopped mattering somewhere in the middle of March. It's not like I have school tomorrow, anyway.
I type and retype my message for a while. Then, because it sounds about as good a reason as any, I say, idk i just like the fiddles
It's true. I do like the fiddles, and the steel guitar and the autoharp and the banjos too– the joyful clatter of it, the melody so much like flight. During quarantine, I spend a lot of time lying on the bedroom floor with my headphones on, blaring bluegrass at ear-destroying volumes. Maybe if I play it loud enough, if I squeeze my eyes shut hard enough, I can transport myself into the real thing: a honky-tonk with wood-panelled walls, heat and whiskey in the air, some familiar rhythm reverberating through the floorboards. Sometimes I even imagine myself there in the crowd, singing along.
In 1957, a song called Geisha Girl by Hank Locklin topped the country and western charts. It's about this American guy who arrives in Japan, falls in love with the titular Japanese geisha, and leaves his American wife for her. Well-trodden ground, both in art and in reality– after World War 2 ended, tens of thousands of Japanese women married American men for love, for money or for everything in between. Locklin's Geisha Girl became so popular that a song was released in reply to it–Skeeter Davis' Lost to a Geisha Girl, in which Davis takes on the persona of the man’s lover back home, scorning her fickle-hearted husband. As is common in reply songs, lyrics from the original are changed to fit the new perspective:
Locklin sings, Have you ever heard a love song that you didn't understand / when you met her in a teahouse on the island of Japan?
Davis sings: Why a love song with no meaning makes you happy, I don't know / I've lost you to a geisha girl where the ocean breezes blow.
A song you don't understand.  A song with no meaning. A song in a language you don't speak. What's the difference, anyway?
In post-war Japan, a whole plethora of country music bands sprung up around the country, playing American hits for homesick soldiers: Tennessee Waltz, Lovesick Blues, Your Cheatin’ Heart.. The closer they were to the originals, the better. They'd bill themselves as the Japanese Hank Williams or John Denver or Patsy Cline. The catch? Some of these singers barely spoke English. painstakingly memorising each lyric until their L's and R's sounded just right. Yet, every Friday night they'd get up on that stage and sing songs they didn't understand about a country they'd never been to. 
Just a few years ago, America had been Japan's worst enemy. But here their sons and daughters were, singing American songs, working in American jobs, marrying American men. In the present day, you could almost argue that the tables’ve turned: middle-schoolers debate anime at the cafeteria table; red-blooded blue-collar workers drive Toyotas and ride Kawasakis.
One thing that's stayed the same, though– American boys, Japanese girls. Love songs in a foreign language. Kind of a funny thing.
For hundreds of years, the West has been fascinated by the geisha. In Puccini’s 1904 opera Madama Butterfly, fifteen-year-old Butterfly is making her living as one when she’s bought by an American soldier named Pinkerton. He marries her, knocks her up, then ditches her in Japan while he marries an American woman. The whole time, Butterfly’s left to pine for him, and when Pinkerton returns to Japan with his wife, Butterfly stabs herself so that her son will be able to live in America with his father. 
(Pinkerton, as you can probably tell, is kind of an ass.)
I keep thinking about Butterfly in that lonely, empty house in Japan, waiting for someone who didn’t love her back. I keep thinking about Alex: Alex and his horrible stupid round glasses and his old embarrassing love of Panic! at the Disco and his stupid cringe emojis, Alex who’s still the smartest person I know, Alex who was the first guy to ever pay attention to me. When I’m sixteen, I think about him almost constantly, a constant hum of obsession in the back of my head. I know I’m in love with him because that’s how all the songs go: Randy Travis declares that it’s deeper than the holler / stronger than the river; Deana Carter says it’s bittersweet / green on the vine; Keith Whitley confesses that it’s what I hear when you don’t say a thing.
Alex asks me, so what do you like about country music? And I don't know what to say to him, so I say nothing at all.
They read it in the tea leaves and it's written in the sand
I found love by the heart-full in a foreign distant land
Alex likes Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, the outlaws and the jailhouses and the pistols at the hip.  My classmates like the feminist murder ballads, where they think she did it but they just can't prove it, where afterwards the girls sell Tennessee ham and strawberry jam / and they don't lose any sleep at night. I personally have a fondness for the silly and unserious: Alan Jackson extolling the virtues of grape snow cones, George Strait selling me the Golden Gate.
In the end, though, what I end up listening to most are the old songs– the really old ones, all the way back to the dawn of recording, the Golden Age of the radio.  These songs, collected in the 1920s and 30s, are impressively varied in lyrical content: you’ve got the ones that are basically a soap opera stuffed into three minutes flat (Lorena, My Heart’s Tonight In Texas); the religious ones (Anchored in Love, Will the Circle Be Unbroken); the relatable ones (Give Me Your Love); the unrelatable ones (The Dying Soldier, No Depression In Heaven). What I like about them, I guess, is the familiar hiss of the vinyl, the way the lyrics are both specific and universal at once, their ability to make a time and a place that you’ve never been to before feel, inexplicably, like home.
Alex and I aren't anywhere near poor– his parents are both surgeons, and I spend my evenings trying not to fall asleep in increasingly expensive private lessons. But then again, neither were the Japanese country singers of the fifties and sixties, mainly college kids from elite families who could afford custom-made cowboy hats and genuine guitars. Hell, even the prince of Japan was said to be a country music fan in his youth. None of us have worked in the fields or in the mines, none of our parents have had to tell us here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down. We're the people Garth was referring to when he sang about that black-tie affair, those social graces, the ivory tower.
What does it mean to understand a song? How do you sing something and really, truly mean it?
When I'm sixteen, my fun fact on the first day of school is that I listen to country music. When I go out with my friends, I wear ankle-length denim skirts and lacy blouses and tie my hair in twin ponytails. I beg and beg them to listen to Loretta, to Dolly, to Patsy. In response, they buy me a Cowboy of the Month calendar and save me in their phones as "the horse girl".  In one inexplicable picture that we've since lost, I've got my face in my hands, trying to hide my laughter, as my friends gleefully blast a Fox News clip about Randy Travis' drunken escapades.
So maybe my taste in music is the most interesting thing about me. What else is there? I'm not very pretty, only sometimes funny, and, to my eternal embarrassment, not good at all at being Asian. If I was smarter– fine, if I was Alex, Alex with his books and essays and critical theory– I might say that I do everything I do because I don't want to be the whitest girl in a room full of Asians (lame, boring, suck-up) but the most interesting thing in a room full of white people (exotic, rare, unique). A geisha girl, dressed in Oriental style. 
Even so, I don't like to think that that's all there is to it. You can shrink the world down to words on a page, map out the complicated intersections of nations and culture and war that make up the popular imagination of America, call it pentatonic scales, the mixolydian mode. Of course there's value in that, I know– but all that stuff's a foreign language to me. You can try to explain why music sounds the way it does, but in the end you just have to hear it for yourself.
For a genre obsessed with authenticity, modern country music's chock-full of performers: Toby Keith singing We'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way, Hardy singing My small town is smaller than yours, Jason Aldean singing, I sit back and think about them good ol' days / The way we were raised and our southern ways.
A geisha's a performer, too, in a way. She trains her whole life to sing, to dance, to entertain. In yet another adaptation of Madama Butterfly, David Henry Hwang's play M. Butterfly, a Communist actor seduces a French man by pretending to be a woman for years. When the actor's finally caught, he's asked how he got away with it. He responds: Because when he finally met his fantasy woman, he wanted more than anything to believe that she was, in fact, a woman.
Don't tell this to anyone else, but when I curl my hair and put on lip-gloss and toddle around in heels, wondering if Alex would like what he sees, I feel like I'm a walking caricature in the shape of a girl. When I’m online with him I simper, I preen, I ask stupid questions just to keep him talking to me– and he likes it, or at least I really hope he does. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wonder what'll happen if I stop performing. I wonder if there’s anything left of me below the performance.
I used to worry that I fell in love with something that doesn't exist: the myth of America, the barbeques and the cornfields and the porches, the honky-tonk and the church social and the choir all singing, the cowboys on their vast, empty ranches. A place that's already gone, or else never existed at all– but what does that matter? An unreal place for an unreal girl. If everyone's performing, then no one is.
How much of this is true, then?
It's true as backroads and cold beer and pickup trucks. True as private jets and cowboy hats and exaggerated drawls. True as Nashville and Wallen and the CMAs. Which is to say, it's as true a story as you want it to be.
Tell the home folks that I'm happy, with someone that's true I know
I love a pretty geisha girl where the ocean breezes blow
In the months around my eighteenth birthday, my parents start screaming at each other. Suffice to say, they never really stop. I take up temporary residence in the school library instead, and spend my afternoons staring at maths textbooks while regretting every decision I’ve ever made. My exams are drawing closer. I’m sure I’ll fail them. It doesn’t feel real. Nothing does. I can’t bring myself to look at my future, I can’t, and yet like the long black train / coming down the line I know what’s going to happen when it hits me, and I know, I know– it’s not gonna be good. I start learning how to fall asleep to the background noise of things getting thrown. When my friends come over to study, they call the house beautiful. I guess it is.
On the way back from school, pressed into a corner of a sardine-packed bus, I put one earphone in and watch the sunset fall over the expressway, the heat turning the sky a gorgeous, deadly pink. Loretta Lynn sings: Well, I look out the window and what do I see? / The breeze is a-blowing the leaves from the trees / Everything is free, everything but me. The Chicks sing: She needs wide open spaces / Room to make her big mistakes. John Prine sings: Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery / make me a poster of an old rodeo / Just give me one thing that I can hold on to / To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Meanwhile, in my headphones, a thousand different stories unfold, familiar missives from some far-off place:  a son buries his parents. A wife kills her husband. Two childhood friends fall in love. A girl convinces her father to let her marry her boyfriend. A woman pins a runaway to a motel wall. Somebody calls his ex, even though he shouldn’t. A mother sells her daughter to an older man. A traveller gets on a train. The unfamiliar place names rush past. Amarillo, Charleston, Jackson, Cheyenne, Chattahoochee: evidence of an existence outside of calculus and grammar and pushing my desk against my door to block it. In my head I picture as if through a window some wide, sprawling prairie, some open starry sky, and think of Mary Oliver – so this is the world. I’m not in it. It’s beautiful.
(Meanwhile, online: it’s a different story.)
If it was a breakup, would it have been better? There's no shortage of breakup songs in country music, after all. Like, What right does she have to take you away / when for so long, you were mine? Like, I'm crazy for loving you / Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you Like, Nothing much for us to say / One last goodbye and you drove away.
Instead, it’s the stupidest, most mundane of reasons: we just stop talking. I couldn’t tell you exactly why. For me, I’m wrapped up in exams, family stuff, a clown car full of childhood friends crashing their way back into my life without warning; for him, he’s busy at Harvard, busy with his new friends and new projects and new– 
Okay. Fine. His new girlfriend.
I can’t blame him. I don’t have any right to. I still don’t know whether I actually loved him or I was just sixteen, lonely and looking to write myself into a song. Still, after I learn that he’s dating her, I fall into a haze of social-media stalking: I scroll through their Instagrams, their Twitters, anything that’ll tell me more about who he was, who they are. She’s cute, I’ll give her that, and they’re cute together, the kind of forever and ever, amen couple whose profiles are full of heart-shaped chocolates, of candid kisses and in-jokes I’ll never get to hear.
(A love song with no meaning. A language you don't speak.)
For weeks and weeks on end I dream of him, but the really funny thing is that even in these dreams he’s nothing but a spectre: texting me, calling me, writing long-winded letters in the mail.  The closest I ever get is this dream where I’m walking through his hometown, the one I looked up in Google Earth in a fit of desperation. It’s just like I thought it would be, every house gorgeous and stately and ancient, the trees barren but still grand. My hometown’s always been warm. It’s the one thing I have in common with the people in the songs, that overwhelmingly oppressive heat, the kind that sucks all the energy out of your bones. Even though Alex lives at the edge of America, Stephen King and sweaters country, in the dream it’s not cold at all– Georgia hot, hometown hot. As I run from house to house, ringing every doorbell, the roads seem to stretch out beneath my feet until the next door seems oceans and continents away. Nobody’s home. Nobody’s there. In the dream, I’m not surprised.
Sometimes I worry that everything I love is already gone, but I guess I knew that already. That doesn’t mean I didn’t love it. 
When I'm eighteen, my parents spend a small fortune on a family holiday to America, some last-ditch effort at holding the household together. I miss most of it, however, because the moment I step off the plane I come down with the worst cold I've ever had in my life. Thankfully, during the last couple of days I begin to feel a little bit more like a human being and not just a collection of symptoms, so I manage to go down with my family to the shore.
Maybe it's the ghost of the fever coming back to haunt me, or maybe it's just December, but the beach is bitingly cold, the evening light only just poking through the clouds. Standing there, I find myself thinking– predictably– of Alex. We haven't talked in months, at this point: the last thing I texted him was im in the us lol to which he responded Haha enjoy, and that's about it.
On some other shore, so far away we might still be in different countries, Alex is at Harvard writing essays about America– learning how to understand it, how to shape it, how to make it somewhere he can love without reservation. But I'm not him. I know, now, that I know nothing at all about America: not the blue and far-off one in my songs. but the real place, full of contradictions, land of guns and welfare and Walmart and the Free.
I keep going back to what Alex asked me when I was fifteen, when we barely knew each other: so why do you like country music? And it's only here, now, freezing in a down jacket on the California coast, that I finally have an answer for him.
I think: because every good country song is a love song in its own way.
I think: because country music is the only thing I've ever known how to love.
I think: I have stood and watched the sun rise from the waters of the sea / and I've wondered how much beauty in this cruel world can there be / My dreams are all worth dreaming and it makes my life worthwhile / to see my pretty geisha girl dressed in oriental style.
I think: does there really need to be a reason, A?
From somewhere behind me, I hear someone call my name. I turn. It's my mother yelling: “Come back to the car! It's getting cold!”
“Coming!” I yell back, and run to her.
Before I have to go back home, I manage to get my hands on a Shania Twain t-shirt, which honestly makes the entire trip worth it.
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greenwood106-blog · 1 year
66 Years And The Legend Continues
December is generally known for Santa, Trees, and Reindeer, but for me and many others, December has been so much more.
Let's start with the good.
On this day in 1956 in Santa Monica, California, Randy Rhoads was born. His mother was a music instructor, and over the few years of his life, Randy became one of the greatest guitarists ever.
At 17 Randy formed Quiet Riot with bassist Kelli Garni. Quiet Riot developed a huge fan base and had record deals overseas, but could never land one here while Randy was in the band.
In 1979, Rhoads met his destiny when he auditioned for Ozzy Osbourne, who had been kicked out of Black Sabbath and was starting a solo band.
I heard him at a friend's house. when he dropped the needle and I Don't Know started on the debut album Blizzard of Ozz, my life was changed forever. I knew then that I wanted to play guitar.
I remember night after night working to learn I Don't Know on a guitar my dad owned. His guitar was very hard to play, and we had no internet the, so it was listen and try to play it until my fingers literally bled.
The second album was Diary of a Madman and the tour came through Phoenix on New Year's Day 1982. At that age, I snuck out and went to many concerts, since concerts only cost $10 back then. But for some reason, I chose not to go to this show, a decision I still to this day regret.
After their show in Knoxville, TN on March 18, the tour bus was headed for Florida. It stopped in Leesburg, Florida to work on the bus. The driver knew the owner of the place they stopped. He was a licensed pilot and convinced Randy to take a flight with him.
He flew too close and clipped the bus and flipped directly into the house and burst into flames. At just 25 years old, Randy Rhoads was gone.
Back then we didn't have 24 news outlets, so it was the next day or so when the newspaper had the news of his death. I can still see the article.
At one point in my youth, my walls were covered of pics of Ozzy and Randy. I remember Elvis Presley and John Lennon dying and the way it impacted people, but I was fairly new to their music. Randy was the first person who was such an influence on me to pass away.
Randy was also the inspiration to teach guitar. He used to say he learned more from teaching than ever would have imagined. Man was he right. Teaching taught me a tremendous amount, and it made teaching and sharing my love for guitar a real joy.
This year, Randy Rhoads: Reflections of a Guitar Icon was released. A documentary 40 years after his death that showed he was still an impactful player that still influences young players.
To have such an impact in such a short life tells you what a force he was.
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thelonesgroup · 2 months
Buyer Brokerage Agreements
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This week's Zebra Report is an important one. With all the laws changing around buyer-brokerage agreements, it is so important to know that soon, before a buyer can even go look at a house with you, that you will need to get them to sign a buyer-brokerage agreement. Even today, I recommend that when you begin providing your buyer with real estate services that you have a buyer services agreement in place.
Now, the challenge with that is that they may not know you very well. Maybe they are calling you because they saw your sign in their neighborhood and are thinking, "Hey, I'll just give this agent a call and maybe they can show me a home." That means that you need to be able to have these kinds of discussions. It also means that many buyers are going to go online, they are going to go to your website, and they are going to want to check you out.
Just this morning, as I was preparing for today's Zebra Report, I looked at twenty-six real estate agent websites. Just random ones that I found in search results for various areas. Some here in Washington, others in California, Florida, Arizona, Texas, and elsewhere. As I visited these websites, I was imagining that I was a potential buyer that was going to buy a house. So as I visited these websites, I looked for a buyer services page for more information.
And you know what? Not a single one of the agent websites I visited today - a big fat ZERO - actually explained anything about what the process really looks like when you go to buy a house.
Now here, in Washington State, it is even more important because of the law regarding buyer brokerage agreements that went into effect at the beginning of the year. Agents here need to be able to explain:
What is the law?
How does it benefit buyers?
Why should buyers want to be committed to an agent?
While you are working on how to answer these questions you need to consider the very first place that buyers are going to find you - at your website. Back in March 2021, NAR's Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends stated that 97% of home buyers search online first. Today it's likely more and that means that your online presence matters. Your website matters. You need to update your website.
The biggest thing I'm seeing this year is that this incredible, essential piece of information is missing or just not detailed enough on too many agents' websites. Now, more than ever before, you need to get your website evaluated, address these issues, and get a website makeover!
Be objective. Look at your website. Don't do what I did and look at 26 of them, maybe look at five others. Then take the time to ask yourself, "Ok, if I was a buyer what kind of information would I need to find here." Or, "If I was going to meet with a buyer at their home, what kind of information do I need to have prepared to have a discussion about buyer-brokerage agreements." If you are going to discuss it in person, you need to be able to discuss it online, you need to be able to discuss it on social media. Maybe that means posting a short video that explains this to your potential buyers.
If you need help with websites, reach out to us, I'll include a link below. Our Director of Technology, Randy, is our resident expert on real estate websites, online marketing, and anything tech-related - and he understands how the real estate business works and is easy to talk to. He can do an in-depth analysis of your website and propose options to you to get it on track. Be at the front of that line to get the help you need.
Don't wait until a buyer calls you one day and you discover that you aren't ready to have those discussions and you're not ready for them to look at your website.
Book a Demo
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By Denise Lones CSP, CMP, M.I.R.M. The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones has over three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development and more, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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newagesispage · 5 months
                                                              JANUARY        2024 
It’s 2024 and away we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
The hole in the ozone is about to disappear. 
Mac Culkin got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!! 
Rush has their own line of beer and mustard and it is now available in the U.S.!! 
The trains are coming. Finally, we may have some real new high speed rail lines!!!! 
Gotta check out FIRE: The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. The mission statement: To defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans t speech and free thought. 
The Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II who has ruled for 52 years has abdicated. Her son, Crown Prince Frederik will take over. 
Kathy Griffin filed for divorce from her husband, Randy Bick.** Zac Brown is divorcing Kelly Yazdi. 
The NFL will downgrade Brad Allen and the ref crew from the Dec.30 Lions- Cowboys game. There were many questionable calls. 
Not all Trump supporters are racist but ALL of them decided that racism isn’t a deal breaker. * * And what the hell are the Trumpers talking about with whole milk needed for Santa and a trial lawyer bringing up the Grinch?? What??** Behind the scenes, they say that Trump is thinking of Attorney Generals like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. The Atlantic filled a whole mag with what the next Trump Presidency would look like. It is imagined that he now knows what he can get away with after testing the limits on his last Presidency. He now knows who he can really trust and the whole thing would be corrupt.* * People have started to talk about the open secret of his strange body odor as well. 
The Carter Center observed or prepared to observe elections in Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Liberia this year. 
Snoop Dogg will help in the 2024 Olympic coverage. 
Gervais- Chappelle- DeGeneres: Why all the bragging and complaining on stage. Art or just never happy? It is sort of like successful rockers can never write the same after while. They just don’t see the things like they used to, same with stand up? 
Can’t wait to read The life and times of Hannah Crafts by Gregg Hecimovich. 
Elon Musk cussed out the advertisers that wanted out of X. 
Hershey is being sued for lack of detail on their holiday themed treats. 
Will Warner Bros. And Paramount Global merge?? 
Hooray!! Girls5eva was picked up by Netflix after Peacock cancelled them. Look for season 3 on March 14. 
Can’t wait for Manhunt, the story of the 12 day chase for Abraham Lincoln’s killer. 
George Santos is gone from the House.  He filed ethics complaints against fellow GOP members on his way out. Hell hath no fury as a former drag queen turned fabulist con man scorned. - George Takei** He is making big money on Cameo. Why the fuck Jimmy Kimmel wants to help fund that is beyond me. He seems to think it is funny to play ball with these idiots, that he makes them look foolish, I guess. He is just giving them more air- time and more $. ** There is already an HBO movie in the works.** The house is working thru impeachment charges for Biden. They openly admit that is a payback and they just want to hurt his political chances. That is not how impeachment is supposed to work. 
Marjorie Taylor Greene met with the Shaman traitor from Jan.6. ** Colorado and Maine have voted to take Trump off the ballot but Wyoming voted to keep him. What will the Supreme Court do with this?? Do states get to deal with their own elections or what? I thought the states decided. ** Colorado, Arizona and Michigan are on appeal. Wisconsin, Oregan and New Jersey are in state court. Alaska, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont and Virginia are still waiting. 
Police and SWAT teams were called to the homes of law makers. Rick Scott, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Michelle Wu and Brandon Williams were a few that were targeted. There are no answers as to who is responsible for the hoaxes. The ‘swatting’ seems to be coming from outside the U.S. 
Slipknot is being sued for allegedly profiting over drummer Joey Jordison’s death. 
Did Israel fund Hamas? ** Is Benjamin Netanyahu casting shade at Biden who is already getting shit for too much support? 
Pierce Brosnan was charged with trespassing at Yellowstone park. 
The Golden Globe noms are out: Succession is loaded with nominations. Robbie Robertson was nominated for Killers of the Flower Moon. So happy to see Bill Hader, Steve Martin, Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix, Jodie Foster and Lily Gladstone with noms. There is a new stan-d up category with Ricky Gervais, Trevor Noah, Amy Schumer, Chris Rock, Wanda Sykes and Sarah Silverman. 
Christians have been warning about the Anti-Christ for 2,000 years. When he finally shows up, they vote for him. ** Many in politics seem to believe that shameless is a super power.** Scary Clown 45 continues with his racist speak, this time telling us that the blood is being poisoned. Colbert quipped that the real poisoning is people dipping pizza in ranch dressing. I agree that that is wrong. I will never understand that. I have a sister that dips. 
Terry Gilliam is said to be getting ready for his next film, Carnival at the end of Days. Will Johnny Depp play Satan?? 
So excited for the Wilma Mankiller Barbie!!!! 
The House committee on Education and the Workforce has announced their investigation into Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts institute of technology. The charge is rampant antisemitism. One University of Pa. Donor has withdrawn a $100 million grant. 
Finally! About 4,000 military appointments were approved no thanks to Tommy Tubberville. Is he trying to wait out these Generals to leave it to a Trump White House. 
Lucky Hank was cancelled. ** Please somebody pick up American Auto!!!!! I miss it!!! 
Former police chief Alan Hostetter who took a hatchet, tactical gear and pepper spray along with him on Jan. 6, was sentenced to 11 years in prison. 
The son of Sen. Kevin Cramer, Ian, has been charged with manslaughter and fleeing an officer. 
The Chrisley’s and the Harrisons on Pawn Stars seem to be in and out of court.  
A group of nuns filed a lawsuit against Smith and Wesson. 
Give Hunter Biden his public hearing. 
We have the lowest unemployment for minorities ever. 
What a fucking cast list for Palm Royale, the story of the haves and have nots. Kristen Wiig, Ricky Martin, Mindy Cohn, Julia Duffy, Laura Dern, Bruce Dern, Allison Janney and Carol Burnett. 
Highest murder rates in the U.S. 1. Mississippi 2. Louisianna 3. Kentucky 4. Alabama 5. Missouri 6. S. Carolina 7. New Mexico 8. Georgia 9. Arkansas 10. Tennessee 
George Clooney and Adam Sandler will star in Noah Baumbach’s Biggest Dow Jones Record. 
Barbara Streisand will be given the SAG Lifetime Achievement Award. 
Trevor Noah will host the 2024 Grammy’s. 
Anthony Anderson will host the Emmy’s. ** Days of Our Lives won nothing on the Daytime Emmy’s. If it weren’t for Alley Mills winning a guest Emmy for GH, the show would have been pretty bleak.  Yikes!!* *Kevin Frazier and Nischelle Turner hosted. Most of the people seen were part of the CBS family since that is who broadcast it. GH won most everything.  Mayim Bialik was nominated for an Emmy for hosting Jeopardy. Jeapordy decided they did not want her back.  
Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss were awarded $148 mil in the Guilliani defamation trial. ** Rudy went outside and said he meant every word and they sued him again. You can’t make this up. The pillow guy, Fox News and Rudy but so far nothing reaches Trump. ** Rudy then filed for bankruptcy. 
Ivanka has been hitting the gossip pages hard, trying to get back in the swing. 
Why is there a delay in the menthol cigarette ban? 
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum is out of the Presidential race. He was in?? 
The Kennedy Center Honors were awarded. This year we honored Billy Crystal, Queen Latifah, Renee Fleming, Barry Gibb and Dionne Warwick. The show will air on Dec. 27 
When they make the movie of Lisa Marie’s life, I vote for Natalie Portman to play the lead!! 
The Daily show has been thinking of ways to get ahead on the Presidential election. One idea is to make Hunter Biden cool because of all his partying ways. He has been indicted on 7 different charges. The man spent a lot of $ on blow and women. It reminds me a bit of GW Bush and how comedy capitalized on his former partying and made Gore look like a boar. Another idea is that far left liberals and groups like Black Lives matter should suddenly declare their loyalty to Trump and start showing up for his events. The right always runs if they think the greenies like it. If we pretend to love his ideas, they will start to wonder and eventually run away. 
The Philippines had a 7.5 earthquake. 
What the Fuck is wrong with Ryan Murphy???  ***** 
Finally! Gareth Purselove was sentenced to life for the 2020 murder of Amie Harwick. 
Days alert: Bring back Jen Lilley! ** I think I am tired of Holly already and just when I think this, she is laying on the ground and foaming at the mouth. I am sure she will be fine. ** So great to see Xander and Sarah getting along. ** More Andrew Donovan!!!**Oh this John/ Constantine thing is interesting. ** Where have Tony and Anna been??** It is kind of fun to see Sloan slowly unravel. 
Casey Wilson worked on the film, The Santa Clauses and remarked that Tim Allen was terribly rude on the set. Why am I not surprised? 
Nicolas Cage has said that he has 3 or 4 movies left in him and then he is moving on. 
The National Board of Review chose Flowers of the Killer Moon as best film of the year. 
Sexual assault news: More women are coming forward to sue Sean Combs.** Tommy Lee has been sued for sexual assault.** Jonathon Majors was found guilty of the assault and harassment of Grace Jabbari.** Vin Diesel has been charged with sexual battery, emotional distress and a hostile work environment.** Danny Masterson headed off to prison.** Jermaine Jackson has been sued for sexual assault.** Christian Ziegler is being investigated for sexual assault.** Paula Abdul has sued Nigel Lythgoe for multiple sexual assaults. 
Why is Meghan McCain always bitchin’ about something or does the press just like to portray that side? **I do not understand why Trump and all his peeps are soo unhappy all the time. The complaining never seems to end. If they actually worked on problems and came up with some real policy, perhaps they would be a little happier and get things done besides tax breaks for the wealthy. These are not the strong, proud conservatives that I used to know. The big change was with Nixon. He was a whiner too. * * And why do they keep saying Trump does not mean what he says? We all know that he does. ** It appears that so many people believe things that make no sense and won’t accept the norm. Everybody is suddenly Les Nessman! 
Cher filed for conservatorship of her son Elijah. 
Will we end up with a Presidential run with 2 women? Haley vs. Harris.?? 
So, it seems that Robert Kennedy was also a friend to Jeffrey Epstein. 
Kevin McCarthy is dropping out of congress at the end of the year. Did ya see the Robert Costa interview? Why does he smile like a lovesick teenager whenever Trumps name is mentioned?  
Kelsey Grammer gave a BBC interview in which he talked of his love for Trump. The Paramount+ rep shut down the interview. 
Pete Davidson cancelled all his shows until Jan. 6. 
Will Disney sell ABC to get some cash??** Steamboat Willie hits public domain. Disney himself used that domain often. In the near future, the domain will reach The Wizard of Oz, Donald Duck and Gone With the Wind. I think people will have a field day with GWTW.  ***** 
After Midnight is the new late- night show on CBS. 
So John Schneider told us all that Biden should be hung. He may now be under investigation from the secret service. I would hope so after the outrageousness that happened to Kathy Griffin. Fair is fair. 
McDonald’s is starting to roll out Cosmc’s.  It starts in Illinois then moves to Texas. The smaller biz will specialize in drinks like coffee and smoothies. 
Hulk Hogan got baptized. 
A woman, Laneisha Henderson, tried to burn down Martin Luther King’s childhood home. 
Banksy dropped some artwork in London. The stop sign with 3 military drones was stolen and 2 men have been arrested. 
Losing Tommy Smothers made me watch Smothered: The censorship struggles of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. There are so many parallels to today discussed on that show. Quote from the movie: “In 1968, it was like the country was having a nervous breakdown.” Sound familiar? It really is the same divided vibe as the country had then. Trump is our Vietnam, he and his have torn the country apart. Half the country wants s Trump world, the other half wants democracy. Things aren’t as generational as they were then or even the haves and have nots struggle but that is there. The racism is still front and center. We still disagree about our role in foreign problems. 
R.I.P. Sandra Day O’Connor, KISS, Ellen Holly, Eileen Saki, victims of violence, David McKnight, Ryan O’Neal, Andre Braugher, Jeffrey Foskett, Ricou Browning, war victims, Kenny DeForest, Maurice Hines, Shirley Ann Field, Casey Kramer, Laura Lynch, John Pilger, Mbongeni Ngema, Lee Sunkyun, David Leland, Colin Burgess, Selma Archard, Neel Nanda, Richard Romanus, Sandra Reaves- Phillips, Shecky Greene,Tom Wilkinson, Kamar de los Reyes, Denny Laine, Tommy Smothers and Norman Lear. 
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robertfeist-blog · 1 year
Everything’s Coming Up Roses
On New Year’s Day 1971, the Englewood, Colorado high school marching band performed in the Tournament of Roses Parade. I think it’s no exaggeration to say I was third chair sousaphone (marching tuba). The band, 180 of us, boarded several Continental Trailways buses bound for Los Angeles. We drove all night and arrived at the UCLA dorms the next afternoon, our new home away from home. We only had a handful of chaperones for 180 teenagers, and as you can imagine, the hijinks were legendary. It all came to a head when they found a stowaway on one of the buses, a high school girl who just wanted to see sunny California. Our band director, Dr. J.L. Gerardi, had had more than enough. And we all knew it. 
One evening, several upper classmates dreamed up a plan. With a lot of sneaking around and whispers, we grabbed our instruments, and by the cover of darkness, amassed on the lawn under Dr. Gerardi’s second-floor window. Our drum major, Randy Bachman, called us to attention with a blast of his whistle, and we broke into “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.” In moments Dr. Gerardi appeared at the window. We heard he had tears in his eyes. We performed in the Disneyland parade and appeared on national television during the five-mile-long Rose Parade. But my best memory of the trip was that secretive, impromptu performance of “Everything’s Coming Up Roses.” 
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truststandard · 2 years
Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans
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#Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans professional#
During this period, he studied privately with Dennis Sandole, Charlie Banacos, George Garzone, Bob Moses, Joe Morris, John Thomas, Ben Sher, Jack Pezanelli, and John Wilkins, attended masterclasses and clinics with Mick Goodrick, Dave Liebman, Chuck Loeb, Frank Tibeiri, Charlie Kohlhase, Chad Smith, Laszlo Gardony, Jamey Haddad and Alex Skolnick, and took single lessons with Ran Blake, Ben Monder, Ron Thomas, and Tony Marino. While attending CMS for three years, he studied guitar and music theory with Eric Sessler, Don Reese, and James Kinney.Īfter graduating high school from Perkiomen Valley in 1998, he attended the Berklee College of Music receiving a B.A. Ryan Leaver started his journey in music education at the Community Music School (Trappe, Pa) in 1996 at the age of 16. Drum and Bugle Corps, Lansdowne Symphony, Chester County Concert Band, Turke’s Head Brass, Atlantic Brass Band, North Penn Symphony, Southeastern Pennsylvania Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia German Brass Band, Tuba 4’s, Ringgold Band, Immaculate Symphony, The Quakertown Band, The All American Brass Band, Upper Darby Sousa Band, Bushwhackers Drum Corps, The VAMM Band and many, many other groups that needed a tuba player. I am returning to the post of Low Brass Instructor with the Community Music School in Trappe which I previously held from 2005 – 2008. I have performed with The Golden Rams Marching Band (West Chester University), Reading Buccaneers Sr. Chuck Neidhardt to play music and share it with the public, because it truly is a gift we can all share in. Mostly, I really love to play the tuba, and it is more fun with many friends. I was one of many local musicians that came together under the very capable leadership of Mr. My name is Randy MacIver and I have been a tuba playing member of the Montgomery County Concert Band in Lansdale Pa. If you ask Rob, he will tell you that he himself is a constant student of the trumpet, and enjoys passing along his findings to students and colleagues alike. Diener likes to use his vast experience to make learning the trumpet a fun, and positive experience for his students. He has also appeared at the Berks Jazz Fest, The Rehobeth Jazz Fest, the Point Pleasant Jazz and Blues Festival, The Central Pennsylvania Friends of Jazz festival, and Bethlehem Musikfest. He has also Played the National tour of the Broadway musical 42nd Street, as well as subbing on the North American tour of The Producers. Rob has performed with such artists as Greg Karukas, Gerald Veasley, Rick Braun, Chuck Loeb, Jeff Kashiwa, Richard Elliot, Joe McBride, The LA Chillharmonic, Brian Bromberg, The Heads Up Superband, and Chieli Minucci and Special EFX. Diener formed his own band Anomaly, which has 2 cds to its credit that were reviewed nationally. He has played in classical ensembles, jazz groups, rock groups, theater productions, and has even performed for major sporting events such as Nascar. Diener has performed all over the country in every genre of music imaginable.
#Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans professional#
Rob has spent the past 20 years as a professional Trumpet player and educator.
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voxmortuus · 3 years
VoxMortuus Master List
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Hello, so I've been writing more, yay? LOL! Ok, so now that I've gotten into the groove of writing I've decided to make a master list.
DON'T HESITATE TO MAKE A REQUEST! REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN! Just shoot me an inbox or an ask! Anonymous asks are always expectable!
Hannibal Masterlist
Henry Cavill Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Second Masterlist
Other works below the cut
Scream (1996 Movie)
ON HIATUS!!! Stu Macher Silly Crush Series Chap. 1 | Chap. 2 | Chap. 3 | Chap. 4 | Chap. 5 | Chap. 6
Billy Loomis - Mine - Imagine
Randy Meeks - Randy's Car - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
The Punisher (Netflix)
ON HIATUS!!! Billy Russo New Job Series Chap. 1 | Chap. 2 | Chap. 3 NSFW - SMUT
Billy Russo: Want To Try That Again - Imagine
Billy Russo - Making Billy Russo Panic - Imagine
Billy Russo - Billy Russo Having A Daddy Moment - Imagine
Billy Russo - Billards - Imagine
Billy Russo - Late Night - Imagine
Billy Russo - Mute Button - Imagine
Billy Russo - The Voicemail
Billy Russo - Uncle Billy Russo - Request
Billy Russo - Confusion
Billy Russo - Truly Impressed - Anon Event Request
The Boys
Billy Butcher - Joy Ride - Event Request - NSFW - SMUT
Billy Butcher - Size Matters? - Anon Event Request
Billy Butcher - LIAR! | LIAR! pt. 2 - Anon Event Request
Hughie Campbell - Learning Curve - Request
Invisible Man - Know Your Place (NSFW) - Adrian Griffin - Request NSFW - SMUT
The Cotton Club - Swooning Over Dixie Dwyer - Dixie Dwyer - Request - NSFW - SMUT
Prisoners - Quiet Game - Detective David Loki - Event Request NSFW - SMUT
Heathers - Sexy Chaos - Jason Dean - Event Request NSFW - SMUT
Heathers - Stockholm Syndrome - Jason Dean - Event Request NSFW - Light Smut & Violence
American Gods
Behind Closed Doors Shadow Moon - Request NSFW - SMUT
Making You Happy Mad Sweeney NSFW - SMUT
Mad Sweeney - I Will Eat You - Drabble
Shadow Moon - Sleep Tight - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Shadow Moon - New Spot - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Shadow Moon - Fuck Yourself - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Shadow Moon - Date Night - Anon Collab Imagine NSFW - SMUT
Shadow Moon - Curvy Roads - Being Curvy and Dating Shadow Moon Would Include - Anon Request
Shadow Moon - Take-Out - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Shadow Moon - Butt-Dialed - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Shadow Moon - Reflexes - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
The Fall
The Thrill | Chapter 1 - Death (NSFW) - Paul Spector (NSFW due to heavy violence) - Request
Paul Spector - His Eyes and My Last Breath - Anon Request
Paul Spector - Incoming Call - Anon Event Request NSFW - SMUT
Ivar the Boneless - Being Sold by Your Brother - Imagine
Ivar the Boneless - Being His Secret - Drabble
Ivar The Boneless - Teasing Ivar - Imagine
Ivar The Boneless - Hard Talk - Imagine
Ivar The Boneless - Defending His Goddess - Imagine
Ivar The Boneless - Hush My King NSFW - SMUT
Modern Ivar - Power Exchange - Anon Event Request NSFW - SMUT
Ivar The Boneless - Fear Not Slave - Event Request
Hemlock Grove
Roman Godfrey - Under your Skin - Imagine
Roman Godfrey - I Get Off On You NSFW - SMUT
Sherlock (BBC)
Jim Moriarty - Pushing Jim Moriarty's Buttons - Imagine
JPM - Dating James Patrick March Would Include - DWI
I Would Kill For You - Anon Request - James Patrick March
Tate Langdon - Good Books - Imagine
JPM - Little Poppet - Request NSFW - SMUT
JPM - Pleasure Lesson - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Jimmy Darling - Virgin Diaries - Anon Request NSFW - light SMUT
Night Stalker 1984 -Satanic Panic - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Fifty Shades
Christian Grey - Don't Keep Him Waiting - Imagine
Christian Grey - Observing - Imagine
Christian Grey - Asking For It - NSFW - SMUT
Working With Dean - Request NSFW - SMUT
Peaky Blinders
Thomas Shelby - Am I Laughing? - Imagine
Thomas Shelby - Anxiety - Anon Request
Michael Gray - Rough Day - Imagine
Bucky Barns - Strangers - Imagine
Doctor Stephen Strange - Heart Stone - Anon Event Request
Eclipse (Marcos Diaz The Gifted) - Joy Riding - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
BBC Netflix Dracula
Dracula - Caged Dove - NSFW - SMUT
Chris Evans Works
Frank Adler - Summer Fling - Part 1 Part 2
Video Games
Request only. Will not Freewrite
Arthur Morgan - Don't Peek - Imagine
Arthur Morgan - The Distraction - Imagine
Arthur Morgan - Peepin' Arthur - Imagine
Arthur Morgan - A Familiar World - Request NSFW - SMUT
Arthur Morgan - Stranger Danger Mode Off - Request NSFW - SMUT
Lee Everett - Close Bonding - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Joel Miller - Releasing Tension - Request NSFW - SMUT
RL Fantasy RP / RL Fantasy RP AU
Ateez Park Seonghwa - Tonight, I Make You Mine - AU NSFW - SMUT
Neal Schon - Well Shit - AU - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
Eddie Van Halen - Wet Dreams - AU - Anon Request NSFW - SMUT
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
A night out. (Gone wrong)
Request/(suggestion?): The idea of a fake text group chat has been running around in my head. what would happen if the gang went out to do a club hop during a random Friday night? just a suggestion :)
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This was a little more gay than I intended but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Sequels Suck
Part 15
word count: 5,607
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The detectives were a few feet away as you motioned for them to stay back a bit. They exchanged glances but allowed you to be a good 20 feet away. As long as you were within eyesight; it was fine.
'We're in public during broad daylight...I'm pretty sure that's against one of those horror movie rules Randy talks about.' You thought as Randy urged you to follow him. Randy took you beside a building with barely any students nearby as the detectives watched from a bench. Scoping the area in the meantime. 
"Randy, what are you bringing me out here for? Are you okay?" 
He opened his mouth to talk but hesitated when he looked at you. "...By the look on your face, I should be asking you that question. What happened?" 
You faltered and looked away. "I had...Forget it. You won't believe me." 
"YN. After what I just saw; I'll believe you if you say that this college is actually run by undead vampires...Actually, I might believe that anyway. I mean -" He shook his head to stop himself. "Whatever! Just tell me." 
You looked up at him in surprise. "...Are you sure?" 
"YN." He urged as you threw up your hands.
"Okay!...Billy called me yesterday and...I sort of insulted him...A lot. Like...Called him a pussy, a prick and dragged his mom among some other poor choice of words-" 
"Ooooohhh, that was probably not a smart choice. Funny...A little bad ass...But not necessarily smart." He gave with a raise of his brows and a click of his tongue.
 "Yeah, well... I know. I found out today." 
You released a heavy breath. "Randy, they cornered me in the dressing room in the theater and-" You swallowed. Too ashamed to elaborate. He watched you, searching your face for an indication of what happened.  You stumbled over your words as he waited. "-They uh...They still have an obsession with me. They were going to kill me and I barely got away." 
You adjusted your jacket collar. Trying to hide the hickey on your neck. You wanted to take it to the grave on what they almost convinced you to do.
"...Are you okay?" He softly asked. 
You couldn't look him in the eye. "Um, physically yes." You sighed heavily with a frown forming on your lips. "Look, I know you don't believe me-" 
"When?" Randy urgently cut you off as you just blinked at him.
"Uh, about an hour ago?...Why?" 
His face dropped as he combed a hand through his hair. "Fuck my life…" He muttered with a whimper.
You stared at him. "Ray?...What happened to you? You look like you saw a ghost." 
"God, I wish I did." He mumbled before looking up at the sky with a long, shaky breath. He looked back at you. Genuine terror in his eyes. 
"I saw him, YN...I actually saw him." 
"Saw who?" 
"Stu! I saw Stu." He rushed out under his breath.
Your own eyes widened at what he was saying. You were silent as he had a distant look in his eyes and ranted. 
"I know that goofy ass mug anywhere. I grew up with that annoying look on his face. I can say it's a case of mistaken identity with generic ass Billy but Stu?! No fucking way, no how. Even with all that metal in his face and a bad dye job. I know Stu Macher when I see him!...We are so fucking DEAD!!" He shouted and you had to shush him as the detectives looked over as well as a few students from the sidewalk.
He bit his lip, eyebrows turned up and eyes wide. You leaned over a few inches from his face as you whispered. 
 "Outside the theater building...Maybe 45 minutes ago...An hour. I've been rushing around looking for you!" He laid a hand on your arm. "You're not imagining anything, YN. I saw him too…I did. I freakin saw him!" 
You covered your mouth and had to walk away for a moment as he watched you. You didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You did a bit of both as you took a moment to get it together. You couldn't help shaking your head with a humorless chuckle escaping you.
 Randy threw up his hands at you. "YN, don't you get it? We are fucked!" He hissed under his breath.
You whipped your head around and marched back over to him. Muttering under your breath. "Yeah, no shit...You don't think I don't know how fucked we are?....." 
"HELLOOO!" You exclaimed, ditching any idea of being quiet. "I have BEEN saying it!" You yelled at him as he just blinked at you with a dumbfpunded expression. "I have been TRYING to tell you! I've been trying since I got here!" You threw up your hands with a sarcastic smirk and bitter chuckle. "Did you believe me? Nooooooo! So, if we are FUCKED, then maybe we wouldn't be as fucked if someone would have taken me seriously to begin with!" 
Randy scoffed with an outraged expression and pointed to himself. "Are you seriously blaming ME right now?" 
"No but...God damn it, Ray!" You grabbed your head and slumped against the building. "Why didn't you trust me? Why didn't you just take my word for it? NOW you suddenly want to lose your shit when I've BEEN losing my shit and no one took my word for it this entire time?!" 
Randy ran a hand through his hair. He released a sigh and gave you a subdued look. " I'm sorry...You're right.... I guess I'm supposed to believe that two psychos survived a fire and followed us all the way across the country to Cornfield Ohio just to finish the job they failed at two years ago...Only when you showed up, of course…" He stared a moment before yelling with his arms outstretched dramatically.  "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT?!" 
It was obvious keeping your voices down wasn't happening. You shot him a dirty look as you leaned against the wall. The Detectives were watching but trying not to make it obvious they were eavesdropping. You were grateful a bunch of noisy students passed them as you both were yelling. You tried to quiet your voice as you saw the detectives peeking through the crowd passing by to see you both. 
"I expected my friend to try and listen to me! Not think I'm nuts when I clearly believe what I saw!" You hissed through your teeth.
Randy groaned loudly with an eye roll. "I am sorry YN, OKAY?! I'm a giant jerk that's eating my words right now!...You were right! Is that what you wanna hear?" He gestured his hands wildly between you two. "Is that what is going to get us to work on figuring out how to unfuck ourselves here?!"
You stared at him a moment. Clearly seeing the fear in his eyes and the way his jaw clenched.  You slowly lost your glare and he did too. 
He stared a moment before shaking his head. "...I am sorry, YN. Alright? I should have taken your word for it…I didn't want to think it was true. Who in their right mind would? This is like a freaking nightmare."  He leaned against the wall beside you, sliding down to hug his knees on the ground. You looked down at him as he was furiously mumbling something.
"Randy, what are you doing?" 
"Praying! Just enough to get the message across to God to do me a solid and not let me get gutted..." 
You heard the quiver in his voice as you saw his shoulders tense and his face buried in his knees. You sighed to yourself and sat down beside him in the grass. 
"Hey...It's okay." 
"No, It's not! It's not okay! It will never be okay if they're alive." He was muffled against his jeans as you rubbed his shoulder.
"What happened to the detectives Dewey tried to get the Chief to assign you?" You softly asked
"...I told them no." 
"WHAT? Why would you do that?!" 
He huffed and looked up from his knees.  "I didn't think I needed them! I didn't know we were dealing with THEM...I can handle a wannabe but those two freaks after we metaphorically flipped them the bird and lived?...Now way. It's over." 
"Yeah well, I suggest tomorrow you get those bodyguards. Maybe even this evening."
He groaned loudly and rubbed his head. "Like it matters...The killer always kills the cops in the end." 
You glanced over at your own detectives who were trying to look casual. You really hoped they didn't hear most of this. 
You forced a smile and talked under your breath.  "Randy. We beat them before, okay? Now that we're both on the same team AND we got Dewey with us...Maybe even Gale...Police with guns. They are going down." 
"YN...There's optimism and stupidity. It's a fine line. Right now, you are teetering on that freaking line. We barely got out alive! I was shot, you were shot twice, Gale was stabbed, Dewey was stabbed, Sid-" 
You halted him as he looked away. "Okay, I get it!" You took a breath and nudged him. "Randy...I never said it was going to be easy but I'll be damned if we are going through all this for them to win. We are beating them." 
He looked ahead and monotoned beside you. "Or die trying." 
You didn't argue with that. Knowing there was a chance that he was right. That this was...It. The idea of making it this far just to die before even turning 21 was a sobering feeling. 
Randy sighed heavily. Leaning on his forearms on his knees as he stared ahead at nothing in particular. You did the same. Unsure what to say to make any of this any better.
Randy finally spoke once more. "...There's a really giant chance we're dying. I already knew...Hell, I made a tape. It's always been on my bucket list." 
You raised a brow. "A tape?" 
He glanced over at you. "Yes, a tape...Not that kind of tape. Don't make it weird." You smiled at the slight smirk you saw tug at his mouth before it faded. "It's me explaining how this works. If I die then maybe I can leave my legacy behind. Ya know, my infinite knowledge of horror movie rules. That's gotta be worth something. " 
"So, you made a tape but you didn't get guards?" You gave him a look paired with a disbelieving tone.
He groaned to himself. "Okay, okay I get it! YN. I'm going tonight after I meet with Dewey in the park to talk, okay? I'll get the deputies on guard duty...It won't matter, but hey, at least I'll have company when I'm being hung out to dry." 
You tsked and tilted your head at him. "Ray...You're not dying. Not on my watch." 
He gave a bitter smirk at that. "That's nice, YN. But none of us can prevent it. I'm pretty sure every single one of us has broken a movie rule by now...I know I have...Karen in the video store. Big mistake." 
You blinked repeatedly. Trying to fight the outrageous smirk pulling at your lips. "Karen Kolchek? The goth girl that hexed Jenny Mildreds by cutting a piece of her hair off in art class?! THAT'S who you lost it to?!" 
He gave you an annoyed glare. "YN-" 
You released a chuckle and covered your mouth when you saw the glare he gave you. "I'm sorry but Karen? Of all the people, I never thought of Karen. Randy, she growled at people. I'm pretty sure she's the only one to ever scare Stu. Remember when he was lingering in the porno section and she barked at him? That was AFTER she started chanting in latin." 
You tried to hold in the giggling as he scoffed at you. "Shut up! She's nice, alright? We were working late and we were organizing the porn section and-" 
You held up a hand. "It's alright! Please, spare me the deets. I never had an issue with her; it just took me by surprise." You calmed your teasing just to roll your eyes. "Do you seriously believe that bullshit virgin rule?" 
"Uh, yes? It's the most fundamental rule of horror!" 
"Pft. Sounds like a bunch of conservative propaganda about sex before marriage if you ask me. Just once, why doesn't the slut be the final girl? Who the hell decided that dumbass rule that only girls with no experience are smart enough to live?" 
"It's just not how it works, alright?!...And please don't go on a feminist rant because the rule applies to everyone having sex. Including me." 
You sighed with another eye roll but relented. 
He threw up his hands. No humor in his eyes like he normally had. "That's it. I'm going to die a horrible bloody death. It's decided. All because I let my teenage hormones overcome my will to survive...No one is probably making it out alive except maybe you IF there's a trilogy. And if there isn't, then bad news for you too...We're done for." He winced when you smacked his arm. "Ow!-" 
"God Randy, snap out of it! I'm not laying over to let them kill me and neither are you!" 
He scoffed. "YN, I'm not laying over and letting them but it's a pretty big probability that we will! Sequels always have bloodier kills and someone close to the main character always dies...If you haven't noticed yet; you're the main character here. YOU are the final girl."
You turned completely to look at him, grabbing him by the shoulder to force him to look at you. A determination in you at the idea of defying the two guys whose actions made your life hell ever since that night.
"You listen to me, Randy Meeks." He looked taken aback as you gave him a stern look. " If I am the final girl then that means I live no matter what...Right?" 
"I...I mean, most of the time-"
"Then I'm not letting them win. Ever. If I'm dying, I'm taking them with me...And I will kill them with my bare hands if they touch any of you. I swear it. You are NOT dying, Randy." 
His eyes stared into yours. "You…" He smiled a bit. "Why can I actually see you fist fighting them?" 
"Cause I did. You were blacked out but I did. So did Sidney….And...I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't as fun as it sounds." You deflated a bit. "I can't blame you if that's not comforting...You want to stop being near me? Just hope that staying away from each other keeps you out of danger?...I don't want to see you hurt, Randy. Out of everyone; I can't see you or Dewey hurt." The idea made your chest ache. "I just can't!...I just got you back. I can't lose you again." 
He looked startled by that. Eyes unblinking and brows turned up as he hung onto every word. You took a deep breath before continuing.  "...So, if isolating away from me is the answer then so be it…Because the idea of something happening to you or Dewey because of me is unbearable. It's okay if you choose to stay away or leave campus...Maybe you should. Because they want me, not you. You're just collateral damage...So, go home. Go back home until this is over." 
His face twisted into a glare. "No! Absolutely not! What are you, nuts?!" He furiously shook his head. "YN. I am not leaving you for those two fuckfaces to get! I'm scared to death. I am. But…" He hesitated before reaching out and grabbing your hand. He gave you the most vulnerable look you ever saw on him. "-But I'm going to protect you. No matter how scared I am. I'm gonna make the geek the hero for once...If I die or we both die. We die together or die trying. Fuck them." 
You stared at him as he stared back. You noticed how his chest rose and fell as you seemed to hold your breath. He was gripping your hand tighter than he should and you noticed the slight tremble when he raised his wrist. He looked like he was fighting some inner war with himself.  He swallowed before shaking his head and looking up for a moment.
 He released a huff before mumbling under his breath. "...Ya know what? Screw it."
"Screw what?" 
He looked back over at you. "If I die-...If we don't make it... I gotta say...I-" He fumbled. Mouth opening and closing to say something. He released a shaky breath before he finally said it. He looked terrified while he admitted it as you just stared. "....YN, I think I'm falling for you." He rushed out without blinking or breathing. 
A moment of silence went by as you felt your mouth hang open. "W-what?...Me? You're falling...For me?" You were surprised but not entirely shocked. The signs were obvious and you didn't know how to feel.
He nodded. "It's corny but I really am falling for you. Actually, it's more like finally realizing that I always liked you...I just didn't want to face it." 
"...You did?" You couldn't help asking with raised brows. 
"Y-yeah...Yeah...I did." 
It was silent as you gave him a look. "When? You told me in the car over to Stu's there was no way-" 
"I lied out my ass...Look. I loved Sidney. I loved her since middle school but I had a crush on you too. I just never said anything because you got with James and kind of filtered away from all of us. I just summed it up as a minor fleeting feeling because you were a new girl...Then, I saw you again. You came back and...I realized I never got over it...It's actually worse than in High School."
You stared at him long and hard. The car ride to the party, him always asking you advice with Sid while gazing at you like some silent confession. Both of you red faced at Tatum trying to push you both together before James.
He stared at you. "...I know this is shitty timing but in the hallway the other day I realized you were right. If I'm going to die; I'm dying the guy that took a chance for once." 
He leaned forward, and before you could make heads or tails of the situation, his face came to yours. You wanted to return it. You wanted to give him a chance but...You just couldn't. You stopped him before he was an inch from your lips.
"Randy wait-" You gently shoved him away. It hurt you to see the disappointment in his eyes. He looked devastated.
 "Sorry. Awful timing, I get it. It is timing and only awful timing...Right? If you're not." He forced a smile even though you could see how crushed he looked. "If you don't feel the same; I'll understand and we'll pretend this never happened." 
You bit your lip. "I...Randy. Yes. Beyond awful timing. There's so many reasons...Ray. I'm sorry." 
"I get that. But If anything, that's even more of a reason. We're gonna die anyways-" 
"You don't know that! God, why are you so eager to die? It's like you're saying goodbye!" You stood up and walked away a few feet as he stood up as well. 
"YN, because we might!" 
"We will not! But regardless...This isn't...This can't happen." You turned to him with a desperate gaze. "Damn it, Randy. They will kill you if you're with me! Why would you be so fucking willing to make yourself an even bigger target?!" You harshly whispered to him. Hoping he could wrap his brain around it. The frown he gave you said otherwise.
"Okay um…" He rubbed the back of his neck with a frustrated huff. Debating whether to say it before mumbling. "So, is it really timing or is it me? Because you can passionately make out with Derek with the threat of a killer on the loose but a single kiss with me is completely off limits because of...Timing?" 
You whipped around as you saw the hurt in his eyes. "Randy, stop being so stubborn. You're not even thinking this through right now. I'm thinking of our safety here!" 
You saw how hurt and disappointed he was as he frowned at you. " Well sorry but when Derek just swoops in like a freakin hawk and you're smitten and safety isn't an issue; I'm gonna question it. Suddenly, our safety matters but it didn't matter with Derek?" 
You shook your head with a frustrated groan. "You don't even know what you're talking about!... The reason I was okay rushing with Derek is because I don't have a friendship with him that could be ruined! I do you...And I told Derek the same thing I'm telling you! That I couldn't see him again because of these murders." 
"You did? When?" 
"After the hospital. I told him nothing romantic could happen between us. Not while this is going on. Look, I know this isn't the reaction you wanted and you're hurt and I'm sorry for that. I really am...But I promise you I gave Derek the same reaction yesterday. This is not the freaking time to even think about relationships." 
You got closer to him to offer a hug or pat on the shoulder or at least to be able to talk without fear of being overheard. His eyes darted to your neck and you subconsciously adjusted your jacket. His face slowly formed into a knowing frown. You felt a nervousness twist in your stomach at what you knew he was thinking.
He shrugged with a mocking fake smile. "So...You didn't see Derek alone today? Not at all?" 
He interrupted you. "Yeah, yeah. I know bad timing...YN, if you don't feel that way for me just say it. Stop lying, I can handle rejection. I can't handle you lying to my face." 
"I'm not lying to you! I didn't even have time to see Derek alone after the theater incident with those assholes. Detectives wouldn't allow it anyways, not after what happened at least." 
Randy stared at you a moment. His mind reeling and you nervously bit your lip. He opened his mouth to speak, brows furrowing in thought. "YN… You didn't have that yesterday. So either you're lying or-" His face dropped and you knew your poker face was absolute shit by his reaction. 
Randy eyed you, with his jaw clenched and eyes wide as the realization hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Randy, wait a minute here-" 
His face twisted in complete mortification. "Oh my God...That-" He pointed with a shaky hand and swallowed. "That wasn't from Derek, was it? And I'm pretty sure you aren't the type to make out with random people...YN...What the hell?!" 
You felt your shoulders drop. "No...No, It's not…Ray, don't give me that look!" 
"W-what look?" He asked, backing away a bit. "YN, just stay right there." 
You rolled your eyes with a groan. "Randy, do NOT be a Gale! I told you I'm not involved." 
"Then explain, YN! Because those rumors aren't looking good right now with two guys that were obsessed with you currently stalking us. This is a trope just waiting to happen! The final girl lived because she was with the killers all along-" 
"Keep your voice down!..." You hissed in his face as he flinched. He was looking at you like everyone else did and you hated it. " I am not involved. You know me, Ray. Please." 
He bit his lower lip with his brows turned up. You couldn't decide if it was sadness, fear or just inner turmoil. 
"How can I trust that? You're admitting the killers gave you that- " He pointed to your neck. "The same guys that Gale's book swears were your partners in crime! The same ones that threatened me at the video store after accusing you." He lowered his voice. "Same ones who killed our friends and saved their lives!  You expect me to just trust that you're innocent?" 
You realized how bad it looked and calmly mustered the patience to calm him down as he slowly backed away. "Randy...You know me. You care about me. You're my closest friend." 
"Yeah, I do! But what if that's an act just like Billy did to Sid?!" 
"Ray." You gave him an earnest look. "I didn't willingly let this happen. They grabbed me and...It happened." 
He stopped in his tracks to stare at you. It was like a switch when it came to that. He quickly got closer to you once again with concern in his eyes. "Oh God, I'm so sorry YN. Did they?-" 
"So, you're okay?" 
You nodded.
He looked relieved for only a moment before shaking his head at you. Skepticism in his eyes. "So, what? What happened to make one of them give you that on your neck but they didn't cut you or take it farther?" 
You clutched your temples. "I know it looks bad, Randy. I know! But...They cornered me and they started kissing me and I froze and they acted genuine and then when I realized they were going to try and follow those dumb movie rules; I ran. Just another trick! Okay, that's all they do. I am not on their team, I swear on my life!" 
He looked confused a moment before his eyes narrowed as the idea dawned on him. Multiple emotions in his eyes as he stared at you. "So if you're not with them and this isn't a giant trick-" 
You gave him an annoyed look. "Randy, why would I go telling you this if I was?" 
"...They seduced you then? And you...Believed them?" 
"I never said that!" 
"But you were tricked and they seemed genuine. Meaning, you almost fell for their bullshit...Damn it, YN!" His temper gave way as he smacked the wall behind him and turned away. 
You didn't match his anger. In fact, it felt awful knowing you were hurting at the same time disappointing him because there was no excuse. You didn't fight them. You honestly might have going gae in and act like they weren't murderers. The thought made you sick to your stomach.
"I didn't know what to do or think! They kissed me and talked to each other and I put two and two together and got out!" 
He turned back to you. Fuming with his jaw tight and brows furrowed. "Thank god for it! Because if those fucking pieces of shit got further and hurt you-" He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his mouth and looking away. You could see the anger radiating off him. He turned that anger to you. "Regardless, you trusted them didn't you? Y-you fucking let your guard down enough to let them give you a dark ass hickey! If they were forcing you, you would have been cut. They're two sadistic of freaks not to." 
You remained silent as he ranted. "I'm not saying you were asking for it; never in a million years! I know you. You wouldn't...Unless...Unless Gale's right and I don't know you."
You desperately grabbed at his sleeve to look at him. "Randy, I am not with them!" 
"Do you want to be?" 
He tilted his head with a pained expression. "...That's another lie." He shook his head, voice heavy. 
You released his sleeve. Feeling backed in a corner. "Don't fucking tell me what I feel and don't feel!" 
He deflated a moment, staring at you sadly. "But deep down inside, you still like them...YN. It's not me or Derek, is it? Deep down inside, it's still those two-" 
"You better hold that thought before it comes out of your mouth, Ray! I told you already, I want them fucking caught." 
"Do you? Or is this going to be the party ALL OVER AGAIN?! Where they convince you to feel bad for them or that they have a conscience and care about you and you straddle the fence and someone else ends up dying!" He faltered after it came out of his mouth. "I'm sorry...I'm not blaming you for Sid but I'm just stating the obvious." 
You gave him a bitter smirk as your eyes burned. "Yeah, I bet." 
Randy slammed his fist into his leg at his side in frustration. "YN, don't act like I'm the bad guy here! You're the one claiming you told Derek the same thing and that you aren't giving me a chance because of our safety and now that is on your neck from Billy and Stu. That it was supposedly some unwillful thing but there's not a mark on you AND you have an entire character based on the rumor that you were with them...And you want to act like I'm the one being ridiculous here? God, YN if you're going to let me down; Just say you're not into me over Derek or god forbid those two and get it over with. You have better options, right?" He bitterly gave. 
You covered your neck and felt your chest ache. "Ray...I know you're hurt right now but you're wrong. I would NEVER choose them over you. "  
"Oh, so Derek is still a maybe. Let's just get right to the jugular here. I am the last option if Derek is dead and if those assholes are too. If our lives weren't in danger, you'd be with Derek right now. It wouldn't shock me if you go cuddle him for comfort after this...WORSE you might be with Billy or Stu… Just say it!" 
"Yep, Ray. Just be a giant dick because you're hurt. That will REALLY solve things and make me choose you...What if I don't want anybody? Ever contemplate that?!" 
"Yeah well, pardon me for being skeptical with you getting hot and heavy with him in front of half the Kappa brothers less than a week ago and now that is on your neck." He sarcastically gave with a sneer. "If you don't want me; cool. But don't fucking lie to my face."
You pointed at him, your own temper flaring as you were backed in a corner. "Okay, you wanna play that game? We can play that game. You wanna talk about options and who would pick who? Cool. If Sidney was here-" 
He threw up an exasperated hand and you snapped at him. 
"No! Answer the question; if Sidney was here, would I HONESTLY be an option?!" 
"Bullshit." You growled to yourself low in your throat. "You want to point fingers but you ALWAYS loved Sidney until she was gone. Now, suddenly I'm the option? All you're doing is filling a void where Sidney was by getting with the closest thing to her...ME."
"God- No one is comparing you to her! Sorry for being a human being and being capable of liking more than one woman. It didn't stop you with them!" 
You gasped in outrage at him. "Okay, why would you even bring all this up?! Of all the times to confess your fucking love why the hell did you choose to after seeing a psychotic murderer?!"
"Because we're probably dying soon and I was stupid enough to think that maybe you would want someone without a criminal record or fucking list of mental issues!...MY MISTAKE!" He yelled 
"And you are just giving up! You didn't get Sidney so now you're going after the next girl. You are scared so you're rushing me just so you selfishly don't have to die alone!" His eyes widened at that and you sighed heavily. You huffed and tried getting close to him. "I'm sorry...I just..Randy, come on. We're both angry and just saying stuff."
You reached out to him and he jerked away as your sentence died in your throat. 
"YN...I don't know what to believe right now. I want so freakin badly to think you really are just blindly optimistic and you care about my safety and that's why...But then again, that's admitting they want you. I mean, if just a potential kiss is enough for me to be a target." He bit his inner cheek; voice wobbling. "The worst of it all is...Not only did I get rejected, but whatever. I'm a loser. I'm used to rejection." 
"Ray...That's not true-" 
"But no. The worst of it all is that I can see you repeating two years ago all over again. This time, it's ten times worse after what they've done. I thought Derek hurt but...This absolutely sucks." 
"Randy, please just trust me. You know me!" You begged.
He looked at you. You frowned deeply at seeing his expression and his eyes glistening. He quickly turned away from you. "YN...I meant what I said, I'm not leaving you but...I need some time to think… Follow the rules in the meantime and I promise I'll get over this...At least the whole not liking me thing. As for the other thing; I really, really hope that Gale's wrong like I always thought she was." 
He rushed away and you threw up your arms with a desperate plea. "Ray! Get back here and we can talk about it or something!...Randy!"  
He squared his shoulders and wiped at his face before roughly shoving his hands in his pocket. 
"Randy, we don't need to be alone with a murder spree happening!...RAY!...I'm sorry!" You shouted one last time as he rounded the corner to walk away. 
You completely felt your shoulders sag as you put your face in your hands and groaned. Things have gotten messier by the day in only your second week in college.
You wanted to like Randy and maybe you could in time...But right now, all you could think of was protecting him and Dewey and your new friends while not getting mangled yourself. You just couldn't go along with it! It felt like he was purposely painting a bullseye on his head by kissing you goodbye. You just couldn't accept it. The idea that he was now questioning your loyalty felt as painful as Sidney did.
You jumped when a hand touched your shoulder. You turned to see it was Richards. "...You okay, Miss YN?" 
"...Yeah." You lied. Sucking in air and pushing an unconvincing smile on your face. Hoping the tears didn't fall. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just bringing up old skeletons in closets and comparing notes...Like it matters...How much did you hear?" 
Richards nodded even though you could tell he didn't believe it for a second. "How much did you not want us to hear?" 
"Like it matters. Just me and Randy having it out over nonexistent bullshit." 
"Sorry to hear that. He'll get over it." 
Andrews cut in. "We need to get to the station." 
"What? Why?" 
"They apprehended a guy hanging out in the back of the theater you were attacked. We need you to identify him." 
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kindrednerdspirit · 3 years
GLOW S3: Debbie & Ruth
This is a work in progress. I present to you, Snippet 1.
Fuck. Debbie puts the phone down with a sigh. Tex isn’t able to make it tonight, because his flight has been massively delayed, which means she now has a babysitter for Randy but nothing to do. And no fucking way she’s cancelling the babysitter, because she needs a night to herself, away from work and toddler drool.
Debbie knows she should march over to Ruth’s room, but she hesitates, because lately, she’s been avoiding her friend. Everything has felt weird since the camping trip. Ever since Ruth confessed her love for Sam. 
“Sam told me he’s in love with me.” Ruth blurts.
Debbie is grateful it’s dark out, because she feels winded. She doesn’t know why but she doesn’t like this confession. Her and Ruth had been having so much fun lately, like they’ve finally healed over the whole fucking Mark scenario. And now Sam… Sam likes Ruth?
“You’re gonna have to tell me how you feel about that cause I can’t see your face in the dark.” 
“I don’t know.”
Ruth sounds overwhelmed, but not necessarily pro Sam. And lately, Ruth hasn’t even seemed pro Russell, which has made Debbie strangely happy, too. Not that Ruth has complained to Debbie about Russell, but she knows her best friend.. It won’t last. Ruth always loved being flattered and getting attention from men and that was Russell’s main purpose–to make her feel special. Ruth deserved more, not some boring, unattractive cameraman with a fucking porno moustache.
Debbie tells herself it’s no use being annoyed that Sam has a crush on her best friend, because it’s Sam for Christ sake. He’s not only a giant asshole but unbelievably self-destructive. That wouldn’t last either.
You know what relationship would last, though? Herself and Ruth. How many people stay friends after their best friend fucks their husband? Granted, a husband Debbie didn’t even like to begin with, but still.
The thought of her importance to Ruth brings momentary relief, but then Debbie remembers that night in the changing room. The image of Ruth’s boobs flopping out of her mustard Depression-era blouse has been a recurring image lately. At the time, Debbie’s first and only thought was “Wow,” along with a racing heart rate and wetness between her thighs, which previously was only a symptom brought on by men. Yet, there she was–enjoying herself. Enjoying herself looking at Ruth’s perfectly round, perky tits.
And ever since Ruth oh-so-graciously rubbed her boobs on Debbie as a joke, Debbie has gone back to this moment more times than she can count. Every time she calms herself with reason, “Hey, you’re attracted to men, so how can you be attracted to Ruth?” or “You cannot possibly like Ruth, because she is the only woman you’ve ever been attracted to” or “You would’ve been attracted to more women by this point in your life if you were capable of being physically attracted to women.” And the math adds up, so Debbie puts the matter to rest until the whole mad cycle of Ruth’s boobs starts over again.
Debbie somehow manages to give Ruth some choices, despite her emotional assault. She is, after all, the veteran of masking her feelings. “Okay. Here are some choices: A - happy, B - scared, C - excited, D - repulsed.” She carefully picks the word, “repulsed,” because she wants Ruth to be repulsed by the small gaggle of porn-stachio’d men that are pursing her.
“B and… C?” Ruth says “C” as if she’s unsure. 
Or is she just imagining that?
“Okay, well what are you gonna do about it?” Debbie asks.
“I don’t know. I thought I wanted a job and a boyfriend. Now I have a job until the end of the year and a boyfriend, and somehow I still feel lost.”
Debbie’s breath catches. Ruth feels lost, despite the fact that two men are confessing their love for her? Debbie feels her heart thumping faster, yet again. It’s at this point that she feels fucking insane. A heavy dose of logic is needed for her to get through this conversation without losing her Goddamn mind. 
I have never been attracted to another woman. Girls crush on girls all the time, and it doesn’t mean anything. Many straight women find their friends attractive.
She swallows, readies herself to pass on some sage wisdom.
“Maybe you feel lost cause you’re holding yourself back from something that you want.”
As soon as Debbie finishes speaking, she twinges. Did she seriously just push Ruth toward Sam of all people?
“So what? I’m supposed to go back to the hotel, tell Sam I love him, then what? We ride off into the sunset?” Ruth is exasperated.
All the frustration, confusion, and jitteriness from this conversation floods out of Debbie. She finds herself yelling like a maniac and moving her arms in wild motions. “Jesus! You love him?! What?!” She laughs because everything seems insane right now.
“Then, yeah, that’s what you should do.”
And then… Debbie does what she does best. She distracts herself. Finds something else that’s frustrating her. She harnesses that anger and steers their talk toward Bash and how he has rendered her career meaningless. Anything to stop talking about the undeserving entourage of men that love Ruth. 
Fucking Ruth.
Then Tex came along. Charming, understanding, handsome Tex. Big DISTRACTION Tex. Debbie threw herself into their relationship much like she threw herself into her relationship with Mark.
But this was a bit different. For one, she actually enjoyed Tex’s company. Because (a) he wasn’t a dimwit and (b) he didn't look like a giant fucking baby and (c) he genuinely made her laugh.
And it was nice, because Debbie wasn’t thinking about Ruth so much. Between Randy, Tex, and work she was swamped. She didn’t have time to think about her. Or her tits.
Until now. She had a free night. 
But what was one night with Ruth? Big deal. They used to hang out all the time.
Tonight, Debbie would hang out with Ruth and it would be normal and fun. She wills herself to not think anymore on why she was avoiding Ruth in the first place, and instead, focuses on what to wear. She picks out her velvety dark blue dress from the closet and makes her way over to Ruth’s room.
Knock knock. 
No answer.
“Ruth?” Debbie calls her name cautiously. She hears shuffling, which instantly changes her tone. “Open up” She yells.
The door slowly opens.
“Hey.” Ruth is in her pajamas. Debbie looks past Ruth as if she expects to see somebody in her hotel room, but all that’s on her bed is a scene study book.
“Let’s go. We’re having fun tonight!” Debbie grins.
“What about Tex? And Randy?” Ruth sounds tired.
“Tex is stuck at the airport.” 
Ruth frowns, then looks back at her bed. “I dunno, I should…”
“For fuck sake’s, Ruth, I need this!” Debbie barges in and opens Ruth’s closet. “Here. Wear this.” She hands Ruth the gold glittery dress she wore ages ago when they first arrived in Vegas. It was literally the only flattering thing on a hanger.
Ruth bites her lip, then smiles. “Okay.” She says it grudgingly but her energy has noticeably changed. “But you better dish on why you need me.”
Debbie rolls her eyes. “Seriously, Ruth? I’m not getting down on my hands and knees.”
“Remember how you were telling me you NEED me?”
Debbie loves the tongue and cheek, but Ruth has also unwittingly pushed her into an uncomfortable corner.
She starts to undress in front of Debbie, and Debbie waits for Ruth to slip out of her bra before speaking. They had undressed in front of one another a million times before, big fucking deal, right?
“Okay, I need you, because I need a break from little people and diapers.”
Ruth nods, realizing this is a mum thing.
“I’m talking about Bash, of course. But Randy is a close second.”
While Ruth is laughing at her quip, Debbie tells herself it’s not strange to be curious about another woman’s tits. But as soon as she catches a glimpse, she looks away, pretending to be distracted by Ruth’s bedside table. Any inanimate object will do as long as she’s not staring at her friend’s naked body.
“What are we even going to do?” Ruth asks as she pulls her dress over her head and walks over to the bedside table.
“Whatever. Dance, drink, people watch.”
Ruth has a big, goofy smile on her face as she puts in her earrings. “You look…” She pauses as she looks Debbie up and down. “Like you’re trying to get laid. Trying to make the valets feel sorry for their loss?” She’s smirking while her eyebrows suggestively move up and down.
A scoff escapes Debbie’s lips. “Oh, please. They’re jealous when I’m in my sweatpants.”
Ruth cackles and throws open the door. “With that ass, hell yes they are!” 
Their heels click as they walk down the hallway. Ruth turns to her friend with big eyes and that sincerity that is so foreign to Debbie. “I’ve missed this.” She says with a warm sigh and a shoulder bounce.
Debbie feels her mouth open and close without noise before a short, “Same,” drops out. It’s all she can muster, because anything more would give her away.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuckity fuck.
It’s awkward as they ride in the elevator, because the fact is, Debbie has been a stranger for months, ever since Tex entered the picture. And while she knows Russell isn’t around, the question of Sam looms and lingers.
“I’d like to meet Tex.” Ruth blurts.
Debbie is metaphorically kicking over a garbage can and she cannot entirely articulate why. “Okay,” She replies shortly.
The swish of the elevator, and its quiet and repeated dings fill the silence.
“Does he…” Ruth’s eyes have this mischievous glitter. “Does his…” She’s changing the tone of her voice, and Debbie already knows what’s coming.
She cannot help but laugh and roll her eyes. “Oh my God. Ruth!”
Ruth has her hands on her hips and she’s pushing herself forward with pelvic thrusts. She tries on her best manly Texan accent. “You know what they say about a man’s hands… it means they... wear.... large.. huge... giant…” She’s now repeatedly thrusting into Debbie’s side.
“....gloves.” The eruption of giggles that burst out of Debbie only encourages Ruth who is miming a cowboy hat by repeatedly lifting her hand up and down over her head. 
Debbie hasn’t laughed this hard in ages. And she doesn’t stop, because now Ruth is miming a piece of grass in her teeth.
The elevator pings and the duo stumble out, keeled over in laughter. 
“Let’s get some drinks, weirdo.” Debbie carefully wipes the tears from her eyes before she throws her arm around Ruth’s shoulder and they navigate their way to a bar.
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therealjordan23 · 3 years
This feel personal my asks aren’t being answered by any of you guys
Hey, anon, so I’m gonna assume that you’re the ones sending in those long analyses about DuckTales, because those seem to be the ones that are very prominent in my inbox so far :) So, when you say “you guys”, I guess you’re referring to me, @sophfandoms53, and @randomduckydoodles, because we seem to be the only ones to get those long paragraphs about DT. (if not I’m sorry for calling y’all out XD)
So, obviously I love my followers, I love my friends, but we do have responsibilities outside of our online persona :) There are a lot of reasons why I’m not answering, but I promise you it’s not because I don’t want to answer, it’s mainly school, because all 3 of us go to university, and we’re full time students. And March is where the bulk of my assignments take place, and since I’m in my last year of uni, it’s getting heavy. And since my university cancelled March break, they’re putting more work on us. Another factor as to why this is happening is because I personally work, I’m not sure about the “you guys” you’ve mentioned :) But regardless, we’re all busy, and on top of that, I’ve got 81 messages in my inbox. And 15 of those are all paragraphs/analyses about DuckTales. 
So, I promise you, it’s not personal, I also have no idea who you are XD, but you’re very knowledgable when it comes to breaking down the episodes. So, my advice for you is to create your own blog! You can call it, “Why DuckTales Turned to Shit!” or whatever you want! And you can post there: you can post your dissection each and every episode, your problems with Season 3, some art, whatever you want. And if you need my, Randy, or Soph’s opinion, just tag us! Like dude, one of your asks got me 112 notes in 24 hours. Imagine what you can do with an actual blog :)
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madpanda75 · 4 years
The Romantics Series “In Sickness and In Health” Part One
Revisiting my Romantics Series with a little two parter. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now. A huge thanks to @sass-and-suspenders​ for giving me the idea for the title and letting my blursty monkey ass send her snippets 😜
Warning: NSFW— Just a pinch of smut
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The first warm spring weekend at Harvard meant frat boys tossing a frisbee and sorority girls sunbathing. For you and Rafael, it was a chance to go outside under your favorite oak tree and study. However, little studying was being done by either of you. You were laying on the blanket with your legs propped up against the tree trunk, crossed at the ankles. Kate Chopin’s The Awakening lay abandoned on your chest as you napped.
Rafael, on the other hand, was more focused on you than his philosophy notes. From your polished toes, up your long legs to the delicate forearm shielding your eyes from the sun, and finally the crown of hair haloed around your head. The sunlight streaming through the leaves, made each strand shimmer. He could turn his head and brush his lips against your calf if he wanted to. Instead he shifted in his seat, using his binder to cover his half-hard cock as he watched you stretch like a cat. Your Nirvana t-shirt rising up to reveal a strip of bare skin on your stomach.
Perhaps it was the stress of school or maybe it was the four years of pent-up emotions Rafael had for you, finally bubbling up to the surface. Whatever it was, it seemed as if all you had to do was glance his way or accidentally brush up against his body and he was hard as a rock. He felt like a prepubescent middle schooler.
“I feel you,” you mumbled.
“Excuse me?” Rafael cleared his throat and silently willed his body to calm down.
“I feel you watching me.” You lowered your arm and opened one eye, peering up at him. “What’s up?”
The irony of your words was not lost on Rafael. “Nothing,” he replied, suddenly fascinated by Kirkegaard’s existential philosophy.
A smile tugged at your lips. “Liar.” You propped yourself up on your elbows and nudged his shoulder with your foot. “Come on, I can always tell when you’re lying. Your right eye twitches a little bit.”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a burger. Maybe go see a movie? Como agua para chocolate is still playing at the theater.”
“I can’t. I’m supposed to help Chet Aldrich study for our feminist literature studies exam.” You glanced down at your watch. “Actually, I need to get going.”
Rafael scoffed. “You mean to tell me that misogynist frat boy is taking a feminist literature class?”
You shrugged and laced up your Doc Martens. “I think he thought it was a bird course. Little did he know that Dr. Gupta is ruthless. Poor guy is in way over his head. And anyways, he’s kinda cute in a Jason Priestly sorta way.”
Rafael rolled his eyes. Chet Aldrich was a legacy and the president of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the oldest fraternity at Harvard. Having had a few classes with Chet, Rafael had seen firsthand what a flirt he was, always talking up the pretty girls to help him pass his classes and maintain his subpar GPA.
Despite his misgivings, Rafael walked with you over to where Chet said he would meet you. “I still can’t believe you’re doing this.”
“He asked for my help. What was I supposed to say? I think you’re judging him way too quickly. You don’t even know him.”
“Wait a minute.” He narrowed his eyes a bit, noticing the way you were fidgeting, the blush on your cheeks. It was as if someone had adjusted the antenna on a TV just a hair and all of a sudden the picture became clear. “Do you like this guy?”
“Maybe,” you admitted.
Rafael felt like his heart sank into his stomach. “Maybe,” he softly repeated.
You stared down at your shoes, unable to look your best friend in the eye. Four years. That was how long you had pined over Rafael. There were moments where you just couldn’t take it anymore. Moments where you thought about marching right up to his dorm room and confessing your feelings, but fear always stopped you from taking that next step. You were afraid he wouldn’t reciprocate. Afraid that your friendship would never be the same. But most of all, you were afraid that you’d be left heartbroken and alone. Once the spring semester started, you decided it was time to move on and try to find someone else. It was better to have Rafael as a friend than nothing at all.
After your confession, both of you stood in silence when a Red BMW blaring Informer by Snow came around the corner, screeching to a halt in front of you. Chet Aldrich hopped out of the car and gave you a dazzling smile. Well, you thought it was dazzling. Rafael thought it was smarmy. “Hey, baby. Ready to study?”
You giggled and twirled a strand of your hair. “Absolutely!”
Chet walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for you. “Your chariot awaits.” He pointed to Rafael, who was currently trying to choke back the bile rising in his throat. “Hey, I know you. It’s Rudy or Randy, right?”
“Actually it’s Rafael,” he snapped at the frat boy.
Chet nodded his head. “Oh yeah, Ra-fa-el,” he slowly said.
“Are you kidding me with this guy?” Rafael mumbled so that only you would hear.
“Be nice,” you quietly chastised and patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Y/N, wait,” Rafael called out as you walked away, taking your hand and pulling you into a hug. “Just be careful, ok?” he whispered in your ear, squeezing you tight for a second longer before letting go.
Your face grew hot at your friend’s sudden surprise affection and you briefly wondered if he even noticed as you tried to brush it off. “Relax, Rafi. I’ll be fine. I’m not being shipped off to war. I’m going to study.” Waving one final time, you went back over to Chet.
“Don’t worry,” Chet said, shutting the passenger door after you stepped inside. “I’ll be sure to have her back in one piece.” He winked and got in the car, driving away and leaving Rafael alone in the dust.
You straddled Rafael on the bed, kissing him hard, all teeth and tongue. Your books tossed aside and long forgotten during your hot and heavy makeout session. You rocked against his denim-clad erection, your hair tickling his face as you caressed his tongue with your own.
Rafael whimpered and ran his hands down your back. Grabbing your ass, he encouraged you to continue your movements, the wet spot in his boxers growing larger. The collective sounds of your labored breathing and soft moans echoed around the room with every slow drag of your hips.
“Rafi, make love to me,” you murmured between kisses.
He groaned, already on the brink of coming in his jeans. “Are you sure?”
“Please, I need you,” you purred, your voice dripping with desire.
In an instant, Rafael flipped you over, rendering you on your back. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed you were completely naked. “What?” He looked around the bedroom, the clothes you were wearing only seconds ago were nowhere to be found. “How did you—”
You giggled and licked your lips, your gaze lowering to his groin. “Damn. All these years and I never realized you were packing.”
Rafael looked down and realized that his clothes were gone. “But I didn’t—”
“Rafi, fuck me,” you whined, your eyes half-hooded with lust.
No longer caring where your or his clothes were by that point, he crashed his mouth into yours, spreading your legs. His large hand palmed at your breast, pinching your hardened nipple.
“Rafael,” you gasped and arched into his touch.
“Oh, Y/N,” he moaned, aligning himself with your entrance when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Tilting his head back, Rafael’s jaw dropped when he saw Chet Aldrich standing by the bed.
“You’re too late, Rudy. She’s mine,” he said with a smirk.
“It’s Rafael,” he sneered.
“Whatever. Get out of the way.” Chet pushed Rafael off you, sending him flying off the bed.
Rafael sat bolt upright, his t-shirt soaked with sweat. Running a hand over his face, he glanced over at his bedside clock. It was 7:30. Chet Aldrich was probably putting the moves on you at this very moment. He flopped back onto the mattress, his mind reeling over you, over Chet, over the bizarre dream he  just had.
Your behavior that afternoon bewildered him. He had never seen you flirt before. That wasn’t you. You were the girl that would make a quippy remark whenever someone put the moves on you, choosing to walk away arm in arm with Rafael instead. Maybe after four years, he didn’t know you at all. Maybe he really had missed his chance with you. Putting his hand over his heart, he felt dull ache radiating from beneath his rib cage.
He sighed and looked down to find his painfully hard cock sticking straight up. Apparently, you made quite an impression in his dreams, that is until Chet Aldrich interrupted. Unzipping his jeans, he freed his erection and closed his eyes. He began to stroke himself, imagining what he would do to you if you were there— worshipping every inch of your skin, making you come undone with his mouth before crawling on top of you, thrusting into your pussy, feeling your slick walls grip him.
“Oh, Y/N,” he moaned, smearing the precum that had leaked out of his weeping head against his shaft. His breath hitched as he sped up his movements, squeezing himself at the root of his cock all while fantasizing about how you would writhe in pleasure underneath him. The noises you would make. Your sweaty bodies molded perfectly to each other. He was so close, right about to tumble off the edge when the phone ringing pulled him back.
Rafael whined and wiped his hand off, reaching for the phone on the nightstand. “Hello,” he grumbled.
“Rafael? It’s Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Mrs. Y/L/N,” he squeaked and nearly dropped the reciever while covering himself with a pillow, as if your mother had the ability to see what he was doing through the phone. “Is everything ok?” A small sob escaped her lips and his pulse began to quicken. “Did something happen?”
All the color drained from his face listening to her, only processing certain parts. Car accident. You. Mount Auburn Hospital. “I’m on the first flight out of Chicago,” she said. “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind staying with her until I get there? I would ask her roommate, but Rebecca is away at a crew competition.”
“Absolutely. I’m on my way.” Rafael stood up and nearly walked out of the room when he realized that his pants were still dangling around his ankles.
“Thank you. You’re such a good friend to Y/N.” She sniffled. “You know, she hates hospitals. Ever since—”
“I know,” he softly replied. “I’ll head over right now.” Panic began to set in as soon as he hung up with your mom. Running out the door, several thoughts came to his mind—for you to be ok and that he was going to murder Chet Aldrich. 
@glimmerglittergirl​ @southern-magnolia​ @sweetcannolicarisi​ @delia26​ @obfuscateyummy​ @sass-and-suspenders​ @eclecticminded​ @thatesqcrush​ @katmstanton​ @amirightcounsellor​ @beltzboys2015-blog​ @letty-o​ @sonnysdoll​ @lyssa1385​ @sweetsummertime99​ @burningsorr0ws​ @gibbs274​ @izzythefanfreak​ @babypink224221​ @livxrafa​ @esparza-army​ @obsessionprofessional​ @ottosuricato​ @melsquared79​ @dreila03​ @frenchiefoxy​ @tropes-and-tales​ @thecraziestcrayon​ @goodluckfindingone​ @scarlettsoldier​ @amirightcounselor​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @imjustreallynosy​ @graniairish​ @ashley-chi​ @lolacolaempath @cocomel0613​ @imagine-all-the-imagines​ @mysterioustrashadventures​
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fromtheringapron · 3 years
WWE WrestleMania XXVI
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Date: March 28, 2010.
Location: University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. 
Attendance: 72,219.
Commentary: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Matt Striker. 
1. WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match: ShoMiz (The Miz and Big Show) (champions) defeated R-Truth and John Morrison 
2. Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. 
3. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Jack Swagger defeated Christian, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, and Shelton Benjamin. 
4. Triple H defeated Sheamus. 
5. Rey Mysterio defeated CM Punk (with Serena and Luke Gallows).
6. No Holds Barred Lumberjack Match: Bret Hart defeated Vince McMahon. Bruce Hart was the special guest referee.
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Jericho (champion) defeated Edge. 
8. Layla, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Michelle McCool, and Vickie Guerrero defeated Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Eve Torres. 
9. WWE Championship Match: John Cena defeated Batista (champion) to win the title. 
10. No Disqualification Career vs. Streak Match: The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels. Per stipulation, Michaels retired.
My Review
WreslteMania XXVI is a difficult show to sum up. It’s a pretty good WrestleMania, but also one that happens to be all over the place in tone and focus. Perhaps its reflective of how indeterminate the future of the WWE felt at the start of the 2010s. The roster was such a mishmash of eras that you’d be forgiven of not having a clue where the hell the company was going. John Cena, Batista, and Randy Orton were at the top of the card after their rise to superstardom in the 2000s, but the spotlight was still shared guys who rose to stardom in the ‘90s like Triple H and The Undertaker. Then there was a new generation of talent—The Miz, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, etc. — bubbling in the undercard who seemed poised to rocket into the top at any moment. But wait! Time was also given to  . . . the 13-year-old feud between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon?!? Suffice to say, with the show splintering off in so many different directions, it’s not surprising it has some misfires.
Let’s start with the good stuff, though. The main event between Undertaker and Shawn Michaels is fantastic and I’m gonna throw it out there that I like it more than their match from the previous year. The stakes feel higher, the suspense level feels higher, and there’s more of a story here than just Shawn needing to beat Taker. He puts his entire career is on the line here, for heaven’s sake! And speaking of his career, like many at the time, I didn’t have a clue this would be Shawn’s last match. Most on-screen wrestling retirements are never legit, so there was plenty of basis to believe this one would be no different. But alas, this one was different, and we get about as good a sendoff as we could’ve gotten for someone who’s been dubbed Mr. WrestleMania.
On another show, the WWE title match between John Cena and Batista would’ve been the main event. Their match here is great fun. It’s actually an end of an era for the two men who were crowned as the leaders of the next generation at WrestleMania five years earlier. Batista would move on to Hollywood shortly after this and, while certainly not his last WWE run, it would mark the end of his career as a full-timer. Interestingly enough, Batista was really coming into his own as a heel at the time of his departure, even winning over fans who previously couldn’t stand him. He would resurrect his heel run in 2014 and 2019, again only for a short spell. A shame we haven’t been able to spend much time with arrogant heel ‘Tista and his impeccable designer fashion, but then I guess that’s what makes it so special.
As for what doesn’t work, I probably don’t need to go into much detail about the Bret/McMahon clash. The basics of the story are solid — Bret gets his long-awaited revenge on McMahon, with his family right by his side. It’s just not super fun to watch in execution, however well-meaning it may be. They match is dragged out much longer than it should and it takes the crowd completely out of it. Another misfire is the Money in the Bank match. This would be the final iteration of the match at WrestleMania before it becomes its own pay-per-view. It’s clear the concept needs some rejuvenation by this point as it’s now a lazy, bloated affair where everyone gets in their allotted number of spots and there are way too many participants. To cap it all off, the ill-advised decision is made to push Jack Swagger into the main event scene, an idea which would run out of gas in a matter of months.
The show seems to have some weird pacing issues as well. In the era of the Network, I’ve grown so accustom to Manias being stretched to the point of exhaustion, so it’s always little odd to go back and watch one that feels like it doesn’t have enough time. It’s almost like it’s struggling to figure out how spread out time across a card so stacked. The tag opener and Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk feel like abridged versions of the matches we would’ve otherwise gotten, while Bret vs. McMahon gets more time than either combined. Even Money in the Bank feels somewhat rushed. I’m definitely not a huge fan of WrestleMania becoming a seven-hour event, and WWE has proven they struggle with time management on longer Manias, but this is one show where it seems an extra hour absolutely would’ve been to its benefit.
At its best, WrestleMania XXVI is a nice sampler plate of eras, even if struggles to give you equal portions for all of them. The multi-generational makeup of the card ensures there’s a little something for everyone and even closes the books on a couple of legendary careers. You’re bound to dislike some it but for better or worse, and this is a cheeseball thing to say, it definitely puts the “showcase” in the Showcase of the Immortals.
My Random Notes
No joke, I really did not think this would be it for HBK and even seriously thought Taker’s streak was in jeopardy. Am I a fool for thinking that? Maybe, but I like that wrestling conned into believing it in a way it hardly ever does anymore.
I feel like the temple entrance set is something that should’ve been more impressive than it is in actuality. They just stacked LED screens on top of each other and just rolled with it. It looks like something from Minecraft.
Ah, this show reinvigorates my fond feelings for Matt Striker. Such a handsome chap! Not surprising at all he would appear on a Bachelor ripoff a whole decade later.
I chuckled at Bruce Hart being the special guest referee for Bret vs. McMahon. You just know he huffed and puffed his way into that one, much to Bret’s annoyance.
I also chuckled at Diana Hart-Smith walking down to the ring with her best “evil, vindictive femme fatale on the cover of a pulp novel” look. God bless her. She needs to write another book.
I know Rey singing Happy Birthday to his daughter is meant to be a heart-warming thing but if I were a kid in the same situation, I would be traumatized. Just think of how uncomfortable it is when a room full of people is signing at you and then think of enduring that in an arena filled with thousands of people. CM Punk did her a huge favor by crashing the moment, as far as I’m concerned.
Not saying anything new here, but the whole Spear thing with Edge is cringe as hell and it’s for the best that it’s been forgotten in the annals of his career.
I know some people like to mock Vickie Guerrero doing Eddie’s frog splash, but I personally thought it was a sweet moment while staying true to comedically heel Vickie.
The official theme song to this Mania is “I Made It” by Kevin Rudolf. A time-period appropriate choice, I must say. I feel like the dawn of the 2010s is the only time a Kevin Rudolf could be a success.
I identify myself as someone who will always be more embarrassed by John Cena haters than Cena himself and I gotta say him posing next to the guys in the front row hating his guts is fucking hilarious. Cena is funny sometimes when he just straight-up trolls.
On the Legacy fallout: The storytelling for this was weird as hell. Am I the only who remembers that one time on Raw where they teased Ted turning face and the crowd was actually kinda into it? Then they completely abandoned it for whatever reason and just had Randy be the breakout face (as if he needed it) and dunk on both Cody and Ted at WrestleMania. I feel like Cody’s AEW origin story more or less began here.
Awwwwe, this show has little baby Drew McIntyre. It’s so interesting watching this with the benefit of hindsight. I remember a lot of people Not Feeling It when he was anointed as the Chose One, and truthfully I wasn’t feeling it at the time either, but watching it back really makes you appreciate how much hard work he put in to get to where he’d be a decade later. A lot of folks were dreading the inevitable Drew world title run in 2010. The title run did happen, but it was much later and much more welcome than anyone back than anyone could’ve imagined.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Master List.
Yes, I've finally gotten around to fixing the Master List! 😂
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Whatever you wanna call 'em.
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Click here for some fluff, angst, and fluff. Oh and did I mention fluff?
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They're only a few but they exist.
Some love for the BIR boys too.
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Follow the magical link for some chaos, mostly.
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Yeah idk why these exist, but they do.
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Cuz why not?
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