kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
can someone help me find the poem about taking a bug outside, and how “if i were ever somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, I hope someone would gently usher me outside too” but i KNOW thats not the line pls help
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
If you like the word “queer” reblog.
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
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A League of Their Own baseball trading cards
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
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A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN (2022 - ) S01E06 · Stealing Home
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
What do you think Joey’s reservations about Carson were? That Greta liked her too much and couldn’t keep her cool and it was too dangerous?
It seemed like at first Jo was like “ffs here we go again 🙄” and was (jealous and) covering for them like “THERE’S NO CANOODLING WE’RE BEING SILLY OVER HERE” but eventually was like “but you LOVE her and she’s good for you. Let yourself enjoy it”
So one thing the show does with not just this situation but with a few different instances is make it look like its falling into cliches and then recontextualizing those interactions later on when you eventually have more information about characters and what not, and completely pivoting away from the cliche.
On an initial viewing, it absolutely looks like Jo is jealous when Greta is flirting with Carson. That's never actually what's going on though. There was never an instance of Jo being jealous. Not in the sense where she secretly has romantic feelinds for Greta, or in the sense where she's just jealous at having to share Greta's attention in some way. Every annoyed look she ever gave Carson and Greta was always about Greta not being careful.
Because if Jo was noticing it, then someone else could too.
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Like, the first time we really get a clear indication that it isn't jealousy Jo has, is when she's basically trying to get Greta to be more careful. Because Greta was up until this point technically following all of the rules. She was doing what she is supposed to do to keep everyone safe and acting like that was enough, but not being careful outside of that.
I don't there were any reservations about Carson herself specifically, at least not past the point where Greta proved that farm girl was fruity, but just sort of the concern about what Greta getting too close to Carson could mean for Greta. Like, let us not forget that Greta literally calls Jo her "wingwoman" and in the first episode, Jo does in fact help Greta get Carson alone for that overly sexual haircut. Like Jo is not against them hooking up as like, a concept. She literally helped Greta get there.
Ok anyway I have more thoughts on this.
So in episode 5, when Jo seems to change her mind about Greta and Carson, its not just about them. She again brings up Dana and says that after Dana, Greta had to be careful. "We both did." They're talking about Greta's issues, so yeah that makes sense. Jo eventually tells Greta this:
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Which is actually kinda sad if you read into it because she's saying that Greta is different because she's happy, but that's beside the point.
Immediately after she tells Greta that Greta is different she says this:
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So like.
Jo is saying that she is gonna forget the rules too. Because she figures that things are changing. The fact that they're where they are now is proof of that. But really its not just that Greta is happy or that they are getting more opportunities or that they might be safer. Its really that Jo has changed. Seeing Greta happy and going after what she wants probably has something to do with it, but look at what she tells Greta when she's leaving in episode 7.
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She is refusing to go with Greta because she is a star of the league and isn't gonna run away from it. She says that Greta is someone who runs away at the first sign of danger and drags Jo along with her. She says that she used to be like that too, but she isn't anymore. She actually went through one of the worst things that could happen to her and she decided that wasn't enough to make her run scared. She still wanted to be a star.
So like yeah very long way of saying that Jo was never jealous of Greta and Carson, nor disliking of them. She was just nervous for Greta, but eventually realized that happiness is worth some danger and uncertainty, which is both why she "changed her mind" about Greta and Carson and also why she refused to runaway with Greta again.
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
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You’re my pitcher. And when you tell me you’re ready, you’re ready. Carson & Lupe in A League of Their Own
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
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A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN | 1x08 "Perfect Game"
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
i hate you subscription services. i hate you streaming. i hate you computers that aren’t made to be able to use dvds or cds. i hate you not being able to have anything as your own. i hate you having to endlessly pay for something you should only have to pay for once.
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
It’s also strangely comforting
my favorite thing about humans is they will pause, have a random moment of awareness of their mortality and the scale of the universe and the impermanence of reality--and then just go back to doing tasks. i find that endearing actually
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
Also, as a teacher in public school, a system that is grossly underfunded, many teachers are just surviving because they have so much on their plate. So, whenever I hear “why didn’t I learn about [historical figure who is important in the history of an oppressed group but didn’t have a huge impact on the Big Picture of the world] in school?” ... a part of my brain thinks, “that teacher simply did not have the time to create a lesson plan around said historical figure.”
Teaching shares some similarities with working in retail. You are understaffed, you have too many responsibilities, and your boss keeps asking if you can do one more thing. Also, there is not enough money for you to be mentored, or in other words, an embarrassingly small amount of time has gone into training you. And there’s the small factor of needing to manage, teach, and support 30 humans five days a week. And I haven’t even included the marking and all the paper work.
But yes, why didn’t schools teach us x?
from observations, I feel like many people took “history books are full of propaganda” and ran with it and instead of more deeply investigating history from varying sources, they just don’t know jack shit about history
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
Again, thank you for sharing your insights <3
One SEVERELY underrated moment in the Fellowship of the Ring, one of my favorite subtle moments in the film, is Aragorn’s reaction to Weathertop.
First the Hobbits/Aragorn travel out of Bree and into a barren wilderness. After struggling for days through barren plains and disgusting marshes full of so much nothing, they arrive here:
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A bare, melancholy landscape in the middle of nowhere.  The music is bleak and lonely.
There is nothing around except a pile of broken ruins on a far hill. 
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Aragorn’s reaction is to say, basically to himself: “this was once the great watch tower of Amon SĂ»l .” 
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And you realize that the lifeless landscapes these characters have been journeying through for the past few days used to be part of a beautiful, vibrant kingdom that no longer exists. 
And that Aragorn understands that, and feels that loss, but the hobbits don’t.
Then they set up camp on Weathertop. The hobbits all put their things down and start to relax
.but Aragorn stands up, and walks away.
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Then he stands on the edge of Weathertop, and looks out over he landscape:
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It actually took me a while to notice that you can see his silhouette under the overhang, against the clouds:
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And while this moment is tiny, it reminds me of a moment in the book. When Aragorn and co. arrive at Weathertop in the book
..Aragorn suggests they all look out over the top, so that they can see the same view the ancient kings saw when they used Weathertop as a watch tower.
And that’s what I feel like Aragorn is doing in this little moment– surveying the horizon the way the ancient kings used to do before everything fell apart.
And I love that because
. there’s a recurring thing in the films where Aragorn comes across symbols of  his kingdom, but the symbols are always decayed or broken. The most obvious example of this is Narsil, the Sword that Was Broken.  (And Aragorn’s character arc in the films is about learning that his kingdom, though it seems hopelessly broken, is not beyond repair.)
And I think Weathertop is another, more subtle, example of that.
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
Wow, really enjoyed reading this! <3
I just love so much that one of the first things we see Aragorn do is have a ptsd flashback, with a panic attack during their initial meeting in Bree 
‘You can do as you like about my reward: take me as a guide or not. But I may say that I know all the lands between the Shire and Misty Mountains, for I have wandered the over them for many years. I am older than I look. I might prove useful. You will have to leave the open road after tonight; for the horsemen will watch it night and day. You may escape from Bree, and be allowed to go forward while the Sun is up; but you won’t go far. They will come on you in the wild, in some dark place where there is no help. Do you wish them to find you? They are terrible!’ 
The hobbits looked at him, and saw with surprise that his face was drawn as if in pain, and his hands clenched the arms of his chair. The room was very quiet and still, and the light seemed to have grown dim. For a while he sat with unseeing eyes as if walking in distant memory or listening to sounds in the Night far away. 
‘There!’ he he cried after a moment, drawing his hand across his brow. ‘Perhaps I know more about these pursuers than you do. You fear them, but you do not fear them enough, yet.’ 
which is like, he is having a flashback so bad that he is feeling the pain again, he grips the chair tightly to ground himself/it’s a reaction to the adrenaline, and then disassociates hard enough that the hobbits/onlookers can see that he’s not seeing them/isn’t mentally there. he breaks himself out of it, but at that point has panicked hard enough that he has to wipe (presumably sweat off of) his brow. 
and, like, yes this is what a panic attack can look like to onlookers because it is often very tight/restrained/drawn inward and while you feel like your heart is racing so fast you might die you might look like you’re just gripping your chair/yourself/the wall/your bag and your eyes are distant 
and for that to happen in the second chapter of meeting Aragorn means so much to me because here is a tall, strong man with years of experience, one of the best fighters in Middle-earth, and he’s having a panic attack as one of his introductory actions
and it’s like so nice to read that after today when I had a panic attack bad enough that I had to take medication so strong that my friends go oh hmm be careful with that because no one seems to understand what is happening inside of me because it looks like that outside. I’m clinging to my own arms and staring at the wall but it feels like I’m dying again 
it just means so much to me. like look at Aragorn he’s so brave and strong, right? he has ptsd flashbacks and panic attacks, and he’s still brave and strong. because breaking down doesn’t make you weak
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
Wow, I say this all the time! I’m also an old woman though, because of the witchiness.
honestly the only reason im not an old man is that i happen to have been born somewhat recently. other than that 
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
I’ve actually seen comments where people felt “bad” for Tex because Debbie stole the TV station from under his moustache 🙄
whenever i see people saying debbie eagan is “bad “i feel the need to block them.
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kindrednerdspirit · 2 years
#GLOW #GLOWS4 #sheknowshowitended?! #respectfornotsaying #ialsoneedtoknow
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