#wizardess heart serge imagine
shall-we-imagine · 9 months
That's what friends are for! (Serge DurandalxAmelia Nile)
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Some Amelia love!
Unedited because I'm lazy
Genre: basically dis a romcom 🤷🏻‍♀️
Summary: You better come get your man; I think he wanna be way more than friends. (Juice by Lizzo)
(Third person point of view)
"I'm tired, Amelia...he'll never feel the same way towards me..." Liz sighs, staring at their shared dorm's ceiling.
The ginger frowns, "Come on; don't say that. I'm sure he likes you. Maybe he's just...I don't know- not ready to confess yet."
"Amelia, he's THE Emperor. All girls like him; why would he go for the clumsy idiot?"
Amelia sighs, "Liz, he makes you clean his desk, doesn't he?"
"Yeah?" She looks back at her roommate in confusion.
"See? He totally likes you!" Amelia beams.
"Amelia, that makes no sense..."
She rolls her eyes, "Liz, you really don't understand men, do you? Think about it. Klaus isn't lazy, so why would he make someone else do his work for him? He's always around when you do it too, right? What do you think he's trying to do?"
"Torment me?"
"No! He's trying to spend time with you! I bet he even tries to start conversations with you."
"I mean...he yells at me a lot if that counts..."
"Hmm.." The ginger brings her her fingers to her chin, pausing to think for a bit. "Well, every guy has a different way to express affection, I guess." She shrugs.
Regardless of how unreasonable Amelia was being, Liz wanted to believe her. "You think so?"
"I know so! You just need to get him to realize he should confess to you."
She sits up to face her friend, "How do I do that?"
A few moments of silence pass before Amelia speaks up, "I have an idea."
Liz perks up in excitement.
"But you won't like it..."
She slumps back once more. "I should just forget about it and move on."
"Liz! How could you just give up on Klaus Goldstein?" Amelia scolds.
"That's the point, Amelia! He's Klaus Goldstein!" The brunette retorts.
Amelia sighs, "I'll help you out. Just leave it all to me."
"I don't understand how lemonade is supposed to help..." Liz ponders.
"Just do as I say, and you'll see for yourself."
"If you say so..." Still uncertain, the small brunette pushes the door open gently. "Prefect Klaus?"
"Oh, come in, Liz. Klaus is teaching a class at the moment, but you can wait here if you want." A familiar, cheerful voice invites them inside.
Just as the girls had planned, Klaus would still be busy for the next couple of minutes, and Serge was alone in the Prefects' room- the plan would turn out nicely.
Amelia nudges Liz the second they step into the room.
"Oh! We brought you lemonade!" Liz hesitantly approaches Serge, who happily accepts the suspicious drink. Liz hopes she isn't unknowingly poisoning her friend; surely, that couldn't be Amelia's oh so smart plan, right?
A few confused sips in, Serge drops to the floor, smashing the glass of lemonade in the process.
Liz barely manages to save his head from a concussion or worse. "Is that supposed to happen?!" Her head snaps to an equally horrified Amelia; the answer was a clear no.
Amelia rushes to place herself on top of an unconscious Serge, "Serge?! Serge!!" She holds his face in her hands.
"Amelia, what did we give him?" Terrified of what her friend's bizarre instructions had lead to, Liz hopes they could still save Serge (preferably, before Klaus comes back).
"A love potion; I was hoping we could try to get Klaus jealous, so he'd confess to you, but-" She frantically tries to explain before getting cut off by a ray of hope.
Serge moans in pain and confusion. "What's happening?" His eyebrows furrow together.
"Serge?!" The girls exclaim in happiness and relief.
"Oh, Amelia, I'm so happy to lay my eyes on such beauty." He dreamily rubs his face into her hand.
"Uh, er, I- you mean Liz?" Blushing, Amelia retracts her hands and tries to redirect the situation to the original plan.
"Well, Liz is not the one straddling me, is she?" He shoots a cheeky grin at a flustered Amelia.
She fumbles to get off but he grips her thighs, holding her in place.
"I- Serge, what are you doing?!" Liz semi-screeches.
"Mmhm, nothing." A dumb grin remains plastered on his face, as he continues to stare at Amelia.
"S-serge, I- this isn't-" Before Amelia could put together a sentence, someone barges in.
"Hey, I thought I told you- um...what exactly is going on here?" Klaus's irritated tone quickly switches to one of plain confusion and a lil bit of...suspicion? Disgust? Who knows?
"Prefect Klaus!" Amelia quickly pushes herself off of Serge while he was distracted by the interruption.
"That's me; yes." The blond raises his eyebrows, "still waiting for that explanation though." He crosses his arms.
"It's, uh, for a play!" Liz offers.
"A play?" Klaus repeats.
"A play!" Liz nods vigorously, eyeing a very confused Amelia. "Serge and Amelia are playing two lovers, so they were practicing!"
"Is this true?" Klaus stares right at Serge.
He giggles in response, "yes, in fact, we were just about to get to the kissing scene!"
"W-what?!" Amelia blushes furiously.
"What?" Serge blinks innocently.
"N-nothing! I think I have to go!" Amelia tries to escape the weird situation she found herself in, but Serge grips her wrist.
He pushes himself off the ground, "Aww, so soon? We haven't finished practicing the fun parts!" He pouts.
Amelia's face heats up even more; how was that even possible? She didn't know.
This was all going horribly wrong; Liz was the one he was supposed to be after not her!
"M-maybe later..." She frees her hand from his and quickly rushes past Klaus, her face remaining as red as humanly possible.
"Amelia!" Serge calls after her, but she doesn't look back.
Unfortunately for her, Serge soon catches up to her, "Amelia, wait!"
She almost stops, but her embarrassment pushes her to keep going until Serge grabs her by the wrist.
"Okay, okay, maybe I took it a little too far; I'm sorry." His other hand finds the back of his neck, as he gives an apologetic smile to a red faced Amelia.
"I- huh?" She faces him.
"You have to drink the whole thing for a love potion to work, Amelia; I just wanted to mess with the two of you."
"Oh." She responds before it registers in her brain what that actually means.
"Oh." She realizes. Then takes off sprinting.
"Amelia??" Serge is left behind, dumbfounded, "What just happened?"
"You ran away?!"
"Yes, Liz, I ran away; what else did you expect me to do?!" She groans into her pillow.
"Well, I guess I've done that before too, if I'm being completely honest." Liz chuckles, "but you're gonna have to face him eventually; plus, didn't you kind of have a thing for him anyways?"
"I'm gonna run away. Or fake my death." She groans louder.
"Amelia, come on, it's not that-" a knock on their window interrupts Liz.
Liz pushes herself off the bed and walks towards the window. She pushes the curtains aside and almost falls back in surprise.
"S-serge?" She pushes the window open, and he climbs in.
"Hey, Liz!" He beams, like he didn't just jumpscare the hell out of her.
Amelia moves slowly, pulling the covers over her head, hoping she won't get noticed.
Alas, things don't work that way.
"Hey, Amelia!" She jumps at the mention of her name.
"Hey, Serge..." Amelia slowly uncovers her head to look at the intruder.
"Oh, I just remembered I...have to be somewhere...important!" Liz exits the room, leaving Amelia to face her crush on her own.
"That little-" Amelia mutters.
Sighing, Amelia directs her attention back to Serge. "So, what brings you here?"
"I came to ask you out!"
"Huh?" Her face heats up; she really needs to work on that.
"See you at 7; wear something comfy!" He jumps back out the window casually.
"Hey, I didn't even say yes!" She calls out, but he was already gone. "Is this guy insane?"
She falls back on her bed, "well...guess I'm going on a date tonight..."
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shall-we-imagine · 5 years
A Liz in wonderland. (Part 1)
Yes, I'm shamelessly proud of that title.
Genre: Light hearted messing around but that's not a genre what even is a genre anymore I-
Summary: Imagine falling into an alternate universe where everything you never believed in is actually real- and vice versa. Or an alice in wonderland inspired story lol.
(First person point of view)
I tried. I really did, but the more he talked the harder it was to keep my eyelids from reuniting and sending me off to a deep sleep.
"Excuse me? May I use the bathroom?" I make sure not to use "can", considering I was in no mood to discuss the differences between may and can. We get it: you speak perfect English; now let us be.
Mr. Stuck up or whatever his name is sighs before mumbling a sure and turning back to explaining his love for Charles Dickens's A tale of two cities.
I take my sweet, sweet time, fully enjoying the silence of the normally bustling hallways. Plus, of course, the lack of lectures about Charles Dickens. Unsurprisingly, the bathroom too is completely empty: convenient for me, a person that's only here to scroll through her phone for a bit and doesn't want to be stared at cuz she's as awkward as could be.
Quiet murmurs distract me from my screen in hand; looking up, however, I find no one else in the bathroom. A stranger thing is how distant the voice felt, plus the fact that it came from a specifically strange direction...
"Huh? Was that always there?" I mumble to myself. The mirror that I'd previously assumed to be squeaky clean was decorated with about a billion tiny hearts and a giant one in the middle with the words GO OUT WITH ME? spelled in a neat handwriting inside. There's no way I missed this lipstick confession on the mirror, right?
More murmurs follow, but I still can't figure out what's being said, and at this point, I'm ready to just bolt out in fear rather than understand. However, as my eyes dart around in panic, I catch sight of some hearts being erased and redrawn.
"Is this a prank?" I hesitantly ask in a shaky voice, reaching to touch the thick, red lines.
A scream violently rips through my throat the second my fingertips come in contact with the glass. No, I wish it had made contact with the mirror. That's the thing, though: it didn't. My fingers slipped right through it.
No, it couldn't have. I imagined it; I must've.
With trembling hands, I once again reach for the mirror. I can't explain it. I don't know why it's happening, but I'm wrist deep into the supposedly solid barrier.
As I was trying to make sense of it, something latched onto my hand, aggressively pulling me towards my reflection. I scream and pull away as hard as I can; I grip the granite edge with my left hand, silently cursing myself for eliminating my dominant hand. Next time I wanna throw a hand into the unknown, I'll make sure to remember I do so with my left hand instead.
You'd think at this point someone would just burst in and save the day, right? Yeah, somehow I was left to fend for myself.
My hand is already getting weaker (curse you, (Y/N), for not exercising enough!), and with a sudden surge of power, I find myself thrust towards whatever was pulling me. I half-hoped I'd just slam into the mirror then stand back up normally, and everything would be okay, but instead I open my eyes to find myself on top of some brunette.
"Uh, hi." She laughs nervously.
"Who are you?!" I straighten my elbows but remain on top of her, mainly to corner her but also because I could barely find any power in me to even move an inch.
She slides herself backwards a few centimeters, just to prop herself up on her elbows. "Who are you? You're the one who reached out my mirror! ...Well, maybe not my mirror, but you get the point." She pauses for a moment then brings her face closer to mine, observing me intently and curiously. "What are you anyway? At first, I thought you were a ghost, but you're very...solid and...opaque...hmm.." She places her hand beneath my jaw, fingers pressing tightly towards the end of my cheeks. Unable to withstand the pressure, I open my mouth to relieve the pain.
"I don't get it." She frowns and releases me.
I rub my face in agony, "Don't get what?" By now, I'd sat up straight, maybe subconsciously I'm scared of the unexpectedly strong weirdo and needed to create more distance between us, who knows?
"You're not a demon either...these are the only creatures that can transport through mirro-" Her eyes widen. She pushes me away and quickly takes a fighting stance, cat ears shooting open from the top of her head. "Are you a witch?"
"Are you insane?!" I stand up, adjusting my clothes.
"I won't fall for this, witch! I'm not gonna be anyone's pet!" Thick claws spring out of her fingers, replacing her previously less intimidating painted nails.
Staring into her glowing green eyes in fear, I sputter out the first coherent thought that forms in the midst of my panicking mind, "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"Hmm?" Her glowing eyes take their earlier human-like form. She begins sniffing around, closing the distance between us. "Doesn't smell very witch-y...oh, silly me, I jumped to conclusions! Sorry about that!" She giggles.
I heave a sigh of relief, "Ha ha, yeah, silly you..."
Her cat ears suddenly perk up, as if picking up something interesting from a distance. Judging by her expression, I'm right. "What's-"
"You have to leave; you'll ruin my confession!" She tries to push me back into the mirror, but when that fails, she kicks me out the bathroom. What? Does she own the bathroom or something?! Who confesses in a bathroom anyway?!
The door slams shut behind me. I sigh. Probably useless to fight her anyway; she's completely bonkers. Perhaps I should come back later and try to understand whatever the fuck happened with that mirror...
"You seen Amelia?" A tall blonde blocks my way, (possibly) a fox tail swinging calmly behind her. "Cat hybrid. 'Bout this tall.." She holds her palm, facing downwards, near her chest.
"Uh, yeah, I think she's inside." I point to the bathroom door, stepping aside to make way for the girl, who I assume is the one Amelia is waiting for. Poor girl is getting a bathroom confession.
"Thanks!" She smiles and walks inside the bathroom.
Well, where am I supposed to go until their little love scene is over? I sigh, trudging away from the bathroom door- unsure where I'm headed to.
"Hey, newbie!" A voice calls, directing my attention to a green-haired male with a dangling earring in one ear.
I tilt my head in confusion. "How do you know about me?"
"Saw it in my crystal ball earlier." He shrugs.
"Ha ha. Very funny." I roll my eyes. "What do you want anyway?"
"Very rude. Tsk tsk. Well, I was going to help you get back into that mirror you came out of, but I guess this isn't what you want, so I'll be off then." He smirks and begins walking away, hands casually shoved in his pockets.
"What?! How do you know about that?!" He doesn't budge. "Hey! Wait!" I call and rush after him, but the second I quicken my pace, he takes off running. "What's wrong with you?! Are you insane?! Stop!" Yelling isn't the solution I guess, but at least I'm taking out my irritation on something, right?
He reaches an intersection, and I pay close attention to make sure I know which direction he takes. It doesn't help at all, however, when he takes all three directions.
I saw him with my own two eyes split into three identical forms and take off running in each of the three directions.
Unable to comprehend the scene, I subconsciously stop in my tracks, head jerking to each side to make sure I actually saw what I saw. "What the fuck?" I breathe out.
"Luca?" A voice questions from behind me.
I turn around to face a blue haired boy with an eye patch. "Who?"
"The green haired guy. Annoying. Show off. Barely understandable. You know, the one that just ran off." He says in a semi-monotone.
"Uh, yeah? Did- did you see the way he.." I trail off. Do I want this person to think I'm insane? Probably not. Should I be telling him I saw this Luca dude split in three? Again, Probably not.
"Yeah. Luca's a witch." The guy informs me, seemingly unimpressed by the fact.
My mind takes me back to the moment Amelia freaked out at the mere thought of a witch. It made me wonder if this Luca guy ever tried anything on her. I wouldn't be surprised.
"Is that..common?"
"Witches? At this specific school, not really. In general, yeah, kinda." He responds.
Unable to get Amelia's reaction out of my head, I find myself asking for more information. "Are they evil?"
The stranger stares into my eyes for a few moments, but I suspected he wasn't staring at me at all, that he was staring into something beyond that- beyond me. "There's evil within anything and everything."
His eyes flicker back to present life. "But no. Not all of them are what you would label as evil. They're just mischievous, mostly harmless."
"Oh." I don't comment on his sudden disconnection with the real world; something told me it was better not to, anyway.
"Well, do you know if he can actually help me get back to where I came from?"
"Can? More likely. Will? I doubt it." The boy shrugs, "Unless you can offer him something interesting, I suppose. That's just a witch type of thing, I'm guessing." He places his fingers around his chin thoughtfully. And for the first time, I notice the tail swaying lightly behind him.
"A wolf?! You're a wolf hybrid!" I exclaim, as if I just made a life-changing discovery, but he just nods while staring at me like I'd gone insane.
He shakes off my exclamations and proceeds, "As I was saying...even though Luca might not be of too much help, there's another witch who is also known to be very good in this school." He reaches into his backpack to pull out some newspaper; it appeared to be the school's newspaper. He flips through it, eyes scanning the pages for whatever he was looking for. "Aha!"
He hands it over, pointing to a specific photo of a dark-haired guy with beautifully mismatched eyes. Class 6F-777's Joel Crawford wins yet another magic tournament! read the headline. The class assortment confused me, but I paid it no attention; this Joel person seems to know what they're doing. "Is it okay if I burrow this?"
"Yeah, no problem!" He smiles.
"Thank you so much! I'm (Y/N), by the way." I take hold of the newspaper and hug it tightly to my chest, like it was the map to a treasure I so desperately needed to find, which it is. I need to leave this place.
"Yukiya." He nods.
"Well, I'm gonna go try to find this Joel. Thank you again for helping me, Yukiya!" I wave as I walk off, but he hesitantly interrupts me.
"I can help you if you want." He offers, to which I immediately agree to.
"Okay, so we can start by checking Class 6F-777." He marches forward, me tailing behind. I take in the corridors as I walk; it looks like a normal school, yet somehow it's home to creatures I thought never existed. Part of me believed it would be interesting to spend some more time here, but I couldn't. I had to go back home.
"Ow!" Coming to a sudden halt after bumping into someone, I pause to take in the lack of anything for me to bump into.
"Watch where you're going!" The person who fades into existence in a matter of seconds glares at me as he leaves.
"That's Lucious. Don't mind him; he gets like when he argues with his girlfriend, but he's actually a very sweet guy. Ghosts can phase through everything, including other bodies; he just chose to bump into you on purpose, but as I said- don't mind him." A blond steps forward, resting an arm on Yukiya's shoulder while keeping his sparkling purple eyes on me.
He finally turns to the wolf hybrid, "Who's your friend, Yukiya?"
Yukiya glances at me, as if to say oh, this one? and looks back to his friend, "(Y/N). She's a human."
"No way!" The blond gasps, "Are you sure?"
"It's a scent I've never smelled before, Elias."
"Still- that could mean a lot of other things! Humans can't be real..."
"I'm right here." I finally announce my presence, though I didn't think I'd need to.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Elias Goldstein." The blond blushes and holds his hand out for me to shake, which I do.
Before the conversation could pursue, a loud crash catches everyone's attention, eyes quickly searching for the source of the disaster.
"Serge! I told you not to do that here!" A voice growls, as a pink-haired guy rushes outside a classroom in absolute terror.
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shall-we-imagine · 5 years
Sorry, wrong person.
Someone requested Joel trying to tell Elias about his crush on Klaus then accidentally sending it to the group chat I was immediately excited to do this tbh so here we go!
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
A night out. (Gone wrong)
Request/(suggestion?): The idea of a fake text group chat has been running around in my head. what would happen if the gang went out to do a club hop during a random Friday night? just a suggestion :)
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This was a little more gay than I intended but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Master List.
Yes, I've finally gotten around to fixing the Master List! 😂
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Whatever you wanna call 'em.
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Click here for some fluff, angst, and fluff. Oh and did I mention fluff?
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They're only a few but they exist.
Some love for the BIR boys too.
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Follow the magical link for some chaos, mostly.
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Yeah idk why these exist, but they do.
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Cuz why not?
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
You've changed. (Azusa KuzexReader)
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Requested: 2. "Define normal." From the prompt list.
Genre: mostly comedy and just randomness but also some fluff
(Second Person Point of View)
"Well, clearly, you've never been to the fairies' world!" You argue, taking a few glances at the signs to ensure you don't miss the library.
"Listen; there's no way a little fairy is gonna win against a mermaid! That just makes no sense! A mermaid can literally lure you into your death!" He claims, using some light hand gestures to emphasize his point.
"Yes, but-" your statement was interrupted by Serge's cheerful voice.
"Guys! Come take a look at this!" He peeks his head outside of a classroom- an empty one, you assumed. He immediately drags you both inside and towards the professors' desk, which carried nothing but an ominous orb of pink and purple. It looked like something a fortune teller would own, and since this was Serge you're talking about, it didn't seem very surprising.
You were previously planning to head to the library with your boyfriend, Azusa, to prove to him the strength of fairies, even though it wasn't exactly necessary, but you felt the need to do it anyway. However, your trip was delayed by your pink haired friend. You could use that as one more proof, though, right? Serge certainly knew enough about fairies!
"Hey, Serge, quick question: In a hypothetical battle between a fairy and a mermaid, who would win?" You pop the question before he begins explaining the psychics' item he was presenting.
Serge being Serge, it took nothing to get him to discuss such a useless topic. "The fairy, of course!" He states.
"See?" You turn to face your boyfriend with a smug expression.
Azusa rolls his eyes. "Come on; this doesn't prove anyth-"
"It's only cuz you've never met a fairy!"
"Well, you've also never met a mermaid!"
"Hey..uh..guys, maybe you can finish that argument later? I have an invention to show you." He gestures to the bright globe.
Azusa sighs; you nudge him, giving Serge an enthusiastic sure! and waiting for the explanation. In all honesty, you were kinda curious about the invention, since all Serge's inventions are amazing; you just wanted to prove Azusa wrong first.
A proud -and slightly insane if you pay too much attention- grin spreads across the inventor's face, "Well! This little sphere can basically combine multiple people's strength and thoughts then portray it onto whoever is carrying it!"
Unsure what that's supposed to mean, you and Azusa merely stare with slightly tilted heads. Serge stares back in anticipation until he realizes you both understood nothing of what he explained.
"Okay, how about we try it? That'll explain it a bit better. (Y/N), do you wanna try it?" He offers.
You hesitate, but seeing the gleam in his eyes, you couldn't object. "Uh, yeah, why not?"
He twists the ball before handing it over to you, which resulted in it splitting right through the middle to show a plain, black strip underneath. "Okay, so first of all, you have to think of a range. So, like maybe think everyone in this room, okay?" Serge explains, as he hands you the invention, that was a lot lighter than you expected.
"Then Azusa and I have to think of a creature or something, while you press the ball together, then it combines our magic and thoughts to turn you into whatever we thought of, get it?"
You nod eagerly, and push the two parts of the sphere together the way Serge instructed.
It was a mistake.
Why? Well, first of all, you didn't even warn them beforehand, so they were both caught of guard. Second of all, someone walked in right as you were trying out the invention, which resulted in their inclusion in the range you thought of- everyone in this room.
You fell to the ground with a loud thump, accidentally letting go of the ball of troubles that went rolling towards the newcomer's foot. At first, you didn't understand why this transformation included you dropping to the ground, but it didn't take you too long to figure out. "What the fuck?!"
Azusa tries not to burst into laughter (he didn't try hard enough). Meanwhile, Serge stares at you, his index finger and thumb around his chin, "Maybe we should've agreed to think about one thing.."
"You should've considered that before trying it out on me!!" You complain.
Serge jumps to the defence of his precious invention, "I mean part of the invention is that it reaches common ground! Which it did! I thought of a fairy, and I guess Azusa thought of a mermaid...but why the bunny ears?"
The intruder walks closer, globe in hand. "I suppose that could be my fault?" Klaus hands Serge the sphere but keeps his confused and slightly horrified gaze on you. "It would've fit you well if it weren't for the other..modifications. Now, you're an actual bunnyhead." He adds, as if that helps in any way.
"Well, can't we just turn her back using the invention again?" Azusa, who seemed to be in a weirdly good mood, asked.
Just when you feel like there's a solution to your strange form, Serge frowns. "You can only use it once every forty minutes.."
You groan. "How bad does it look?" You could see the blue tail you'd grown where your legs used to be, and you could feel some scales all over your body, but you weren't sure what happened to your face. You hoped for nothing too weird, as you pull out a mirror from your backpack.
"I mean..It could pass off as normal if we exclude the tail?" Serge gives a nervous smile.
Blue hair. Pointed ears like an elf's. On top of your head were also another pair of ears- a bunny's. There were only a few scales on your face, but your skin had turned to a very light sky blue colour too, so there's that.
You bring the mirror down to squint at Serge, "Define normal."
"I mean people are usually not that attentive or sharp, to be fair." Klaus shrugs.
"I have blue skin! And two pairs of ears! And scales! You'd have to be blind not to notice that!" You snap.
"Why are you snapping at me?! Don't force me to give you extra assignments!" He warns.
You pretend to clear your throat, "uh, sorry. Forget that happened."
"It's important to mention that class begins in like.." Klaus glances at his watch, "ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?! What are we gonna do?!" You begin to panic. "Also, being dry makes me uncomfortable." Man, why are you acting like a real mermaid?
"Do you want me to take you to the lake?" Azusa teases, earning a glare from you.
"You guys need to hide somewhere until I figure out a way to reverse it...or the forty minutes are over.." Serge scratches the back of his head nervously.
"How are we even going to leave the classroom without attracting attention?"
Wrapped in both your own cloak and Azusa's cloak, you felt like you were imitating voldemort's look during the beginning of the goblet of fire. It wasn't the best feeling. The fact that Azusa had to carry you wasn't helping either.
"(Y/N)? Azusa? What's wrong? Why are you carrying her?" Elias stops you both, and you use all your power to pray he doesn't notice anything weird with your figure. Elias would be understanding, but let's just say; the less people that got to see your odd transformation, the better.
"Um..she hurt her leg." Azusa blurts out.
"What?! How?" Elias's voice was filled with concern, forcing you to feel guilty for the lie.
"D-don't worry about it; it's not bad! Azusa is just exaggerating!" You laugh nervously.
"Okay.." The blond male nods slowly, as if slightly suspicious, "why are you wrapped up like that?"
"I'm..I'm cold." You wanted to slap yourself for how bad your lies were turning out.
"Are those..bunny ears?" Elias points out the long, furry ears you'd pressed down underneath the hood of the cloak, in attempts to conceal it.
"It's..it's a costume!" You glance between Azusa and Elias in panic, silently asking your boyfriend for help.
"A costume? What for?" You love Elias; you really do, but at the moment, you just wish he'd stop asking so much questions.
"You don't wanna know." Azusa smirks, earning a bashful oh from the smaller boy, before proudly leaving with you in his arms.
"Really, Azusa?! Out of anything you could've said?!" You complain, fairly embarassed by his bold statement as well.
"I panicked." Shrugs a perfectly calm Azusa.
"How much longer do I have to wait?!" You groan, pulling at the hood of your cloak and pressing your second pair of ears further down.
"I don't know; it seems like we'll have to wait for the forty minutes to be over." He gives you a sympathetic smile, but that doesn't stop you from releasing a louder groan and dramatically lying back on the grass in defeat.
You hear a chuckle, directing your attention back to the male sitting opposite to you with crossed legs. "You know you actually look kind of cute like that; I'm considering keeping you from transforming back." He smirks.
"You wouldn't dare!" Your bunny ears push your hood back, taking a stiff, straight position towards the back of your head. It was supposed to show aggression, but it seemed to only look adorable to your boyfriend, who just burst into laughter.
"See? You're so cute." He speaks in utter awe, petting your head to further increase your displeasure.
"Hey! Don't make me get violent with you; I'll-" He connects his pink lips with your pale blue ones, interrupting your empty threat. You could feel your bunny ears relax and stay down near your face. You were glad his eyes were shut; otherwise, he would've once more burst into laughter at your inconveniences.
"Am I interrupting something?" The familiar voice of a person that indeed enjoyed interrupting happy moments for his sadistic pleasures- okay he wasn't so bad, but this was the best part of your day; come on!
"Uh..no?" You give an awkward smile, after you pull away from Azusa in a rush.
"Technically, the forty minutes are over. You're free, bunnyhead." Klaus chuckles, tossing you the troublesome sphere. You could clearly see how much more he's enjoying using that nickname. "Serge was so caught up in figuring out something to reverse it that he didn't notice the time was up anyway."
"Oh! Thank you!" You hold the globe with such relief. "Okay, Azusa think of my usual form!"
"Got it." He gives a thumbs up, signalling you to go on. You comply and once again press the ball together after twisting it the way Serge did earlier. This time your range was just one person- Azusa. This should go perfectly fine.
Your normal skin colour and hair colour were back! Also, no fish tail or scales! You get off the ground, cheering loudly. "Finally! I'm back!"
Klaus was giving you and Azusa confused looks. Azusa was yet again trying not to laugh. You paused, deciding your celebration should probably be delayed- something was definitely up.
"Are we supposed to tell her?" Klaus turns to Azusa.
"Tell her what?" You begin patting your face, trying to figure out what's off. Then you reached it. Those fucking bunny ears were still there. "Azusa!"
"Oops?" He smiles innocently. "You look extra adorable, though, and that's thanks to me." He defends.
"You're pure evil!"
"You know you love me." He states, a smirk decorating his lips.
You huff, trying to distract from your burning hot cheeks. "I do."
"I love you too." You somehow didn't notice until now, but his face was now a lot closer than before. His eyes were switching glances between your eyes and lips.
"You do know I'm still here, right?"
"Yeah, why are you still here?" Azusa rolls his eyes at the blond, reluctantly pulling away from you.
"Oh, yeah, my bad; let me just walk away with this." Klaus had apparently retrieved the orb and was now walking away with the only cure to your current state.
"Hey, Klaus! Klaus, wait!" You chase after the taller male that made it a point to walk faster and ignore your shouts.
Anyway, long story short: now the entire academy thinks you can make some very good, convincing costumes. How you wish that was the case..
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Exceptions. (Doctor!Serge DurandalxReader)
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Summary: Sometimes you just need to avoid apples at all costs. Think about it.
Genre: Fluff.
A/N: Aahhhh sorry I haven't been feeling very well lately so this isn't very good TT~TT and it's sort of short too :")
(Second Person Point of View)
"Amelia, I'm not going in there!" You try to escape hell -also known as the hospital-, but your friend uses all her might to drag you inside. "You told me we were going to the mall!" You silently accuse her of betrayal.
"We are!" She defends then mutters in a barely audible voice, "after you're done with the vaccine.."
"I told you I can't do it!" You struggle against her grip around your wrist, but the frail-looking girl was actually stronger than you expected. If there was something out there you hated more than anything, that'd be shots. Some may say you're scared, but that's not the case. Not at all. You're not scared. You merely prefer to avoid being within 20 kg radius of any needle. Simple as. It wasn't like you felt like passing out just viewing the sharp, thin, malicious tip or anything. Nope.
Amelia places her hands on each side of your shoulder, giving you a few, light shakes, as she gives her everything but motivational speech, "Listen; if you don't want to spend what's left of your life suffering in bed because of that disease then die looking like a failed attempt at DIY from Pinterest, you have to gather the courage and do this!"
"Die looking like a what now?" You give her a look.
"I had some free time, but it just didn't go very well, even though I followed the tutoria-hey! Don't distract me!" She cuts off her own babbling to scold you. "Now, come on; it's your turn already!" She pulls you towards the reception desk.
"What do you mean it's my turn?! We just got here!" You could feel your heartbeat speeding up, fear taking control of all your senses. You didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone, but you were truly terrified to the core. Your friend just didn't understand the way you feel at the moment.
While you were busy planning your escape from hell, a tall figure approached you. "Miss (Y/N), isn't it?" The male smiled, eyes staring at you with such glee. It almost looked as if he were meeting a friend of his or something.
"Uh, y-yes." You allowed yourself to take in his features; he was so beautiful that it would be a shame not to do so. His fluffy pink hair gave him an innocent adorable look, yet it certainly wouldn't hold him back from looking hot either. You were worried you'd get carried away and look like a creep, but it was physically difficult to look away from the handsome stranger in the white coat. White coat. Is he your doctor? You silently prayed for it. However, the reminder of what you supposedly came here for slapped you back into reality.
"Oh, Doctor Durandal! Yes, that's her; I told you about her!" Amelia interjects. You look at the brunette, told you about her? She dismissed your obvious question, keeping her conversation with the doctor going. "She's such a baby! I had to trick her into coming here!" Your friend continues to ignore your existence.
Embarrassed by her speech, you nudge her, urging her to keep her mouth shut before she decides to humiliate you further. The doctor notices your actions, resulting in the cutest chuckle you'd ever witnessed. He was so adorable for a person about to shove a deathly, nightmare-infusing tool into your arm. You shiver at the thought. You had to leave as soon as possible.
"Well, uh, you two have fun; I'm just gonna go have a look at something. Outside." You give a nervous laugh, trying to rush away from them, but to your dismay, a hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you backwards.
"You can have a look at that something when we're done. It won't take a second." He smiles. Dammit, why does the villain here look so precious?!
An innocent smile spread across her face, Amelia tilts her head and waves at you, as the doctor drags you away and into his office.
I'm going to chop your head off. You glare, ensuring your telepathic message reaches your friend, who seems extremely unfazed.
"Listen, I can't do this; I-" you try to object while the doctor seats you on a chair and a nurse rushes around you to prepare for the shot.
You could feel your heart beat quicken out of pure terror. This was it. There was no way out of it.
Your breath hitched, as the doctor brought himself closer to you. Your eyes squeezed shut in preparation for the worst. But it never came. Instead, a gentle touch sent warmth, seeping through your tensed shoulder.
"Are you okay?" A quiet, concern-induced voice asked.
Upon fluttering your eyes open, you were met with a pair of hazel eyes staring down at you. Your cheeks flushed at the distance, or the lack thereof, between your faces. "Um..I.." You attempt to piece together a sentence, but only incoherent speech comes out of your mouth.
"Hey, calm down." He gives you another one of his sweet smiles, "it's gonna be fine."
Fine my ass, you wanted to say, but something about the softness in his voice made it near impossible to snap at him. He seemed to genuinely try to comfort you.
You felt a cold sensation rub at an area in your arm on the opposite side of the doctor. You turn your head, attempting to take a look at the source of that touch, but before you can fully turn your head, the doctor reaches to touch your cheek and turns your head back to him.
"Um?" You give the male a questioning look. That's not what doctors usually do, is it?
"Ah, s-sorry!" He pulls his hand back, "I just wanted to..um.." his eyes flicker back and forth as if searching for the correct words. "Your eyes!" He exclaims, causing you to jump a little.
"What about my eyes..?"
He freezes a bit before resuming his odd explanation, "um..they're..they're pretty."
"Thanks?" You tilt your head, confused. Yeah, sure, being complimented by the cute doctor feels good, but something was definitely strange here.
"And we're all done!" The nurse cheers, directing your attention to her. She was placing a bandaid on your arm. What?
Your head quickly snaps back to the doctor. He was trying to distract you while the nurse does the work.
"Sorry." He laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck, "I figured the only way we could do it is if you aren't aware we're doing it."
A sense of betrayal dawning upon you, you frown. How come you didn't feel it?
A sudden reminder of how close he was to you and the amount of effort he put to distract you allowed warmth to settle into your chest. Without thinking, you chuckle lightly.
"You're not mad?" His eyes widen. You sort of wondered why he'd care if you're mad, considering he was just your doctor, but the cute expression he showed was enough to make you overlook it.
"Ah, no." You smile, "thank you."
"Thank..you?" Was the shocked expression now permanently etched on his face?
"I had prepared myself that you'd just storm out after you know." He laughs lightly.
"I mean I could still do that if you want." You joke.
His hands immediately shooting into the air to show refusal, "No!" Realizing his reaction was a little too much, he clears his throat and straightens up, trying to hide his embarassment.
The grin wouldn't leave your face, as you watch his reactions. He was too adorable.
Let's just say..you hated doctors a little less now. Well, at least a specific doctor was certainly one you could never hate.
Whether you were still planning to kill Amelia or not was debatable, though.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Not much of a catastrophe. (Azusa College!AU*-ish*)
Genre: indeed some fluff :3 lol okay it's more comedy I guess 😂
were- /wər/
man; prefix most commonly used with animal names to indicate a person who changes shape into that animal.
(First person point of view)
I couldn't tell if I was more frustrated or confused. I had spent hours trying to fall asleep, just so I could wake up about two hours later, due to some cat meowing outside. That's the strange part. What in the world was a cat doing outside my dorm room?? It couldn't have just walked into the building; they always have the doors locked. Pets weren't allowed either. So, a cat disturbing my very much needed sleep was nothing I had anticipated.
Don't get me wrong; I absolutely love cats, but when it's 3 A.M, and you haven't had nearly enough sleep for the past week, and you've been working on some random project for college...there's no such thing as love and logic; there's only coffee and irritation.
I tried to ignore the noise; I really did. Yet, the more I tried to fall asleep, the more unbearable the scratching and meowing became.
Letting out a defeated sigh, I pushed myself off the bed and walked towards the door to my dorm. I pushed my hair down in an attempt to look less like a zombie and more like a human. Slowly, I pulled open the door and peeked outside.
It wasn't in front of my door but in front of the door to the dorm opposite to mine. There stood a slightly oversized cat with various shades of brown hair.
The feline calmly turned to look at me, revealing its beautiful pair of blue eyes. The cat looked glorious, and if it hadn't been for the fact that it woke me up, I would've been in much more awe.
I expected it to run off or at least cower in fear, but instead, it showed no interest in me, whatsoever, and turned back to the door it originally looked at.
Once again, it started meowing, and even hissing, at the door, bringing its paw to the wooden frame and clawing at it.
I crouched on the ground as if it'd make me seem less intimidating, not that it seemed at all fazed by me but still, and spoke up in a low voice, "Hey!" I shuffled slightly closer, "Hey, are you hungry? Do you want some food?" I asked, making the cat stare back at me.
Showing the same amount of disinterest, the cat proceeded to ignore me and went back to clawing at the door frame.
I huffed, as I got up and walked back into the dorm. "Let's see what do I have here...what can I feed a cat?" I stared at the mini fridge in my room. There wasn't much I could feed to a human, let alone a cat. "Hmm..maybe this could work?" I mumbled as I pulled out a milk bottle. I mean it's not food, but let's hope it appeases the nuisance at my door.
I poured some of the milk in a plastic bowl I found and carried it to the cat. I slowly placed the bowl near it, "I got you some milk, come on." I gave a smile and motioned for it to come closer. The cat held my gaze for a few moments before pushing its body off from its sitting position and cautiously raising its paw. I waited for it to take step closer..but it never did. Rather, it quickly pushed its paw down on the edge of the bowl, splashing milk on itself and me, while the rest of the liquid was spilled on the floor.
"Hey! What did you do that for?!" I snap in frustration, while wiping the drops of milk off my face. With its tail up and ears forward, the cat kept licking its paw, clearly pleased with itself. I swear I could almost see a taunting smirk on its face! Ugh!
Groaning, I got up and walked back into the dorm, finding myself an old rag to clean up the mess that thing caused. That cat is evil; I tell you! Evil! I'm certain!
I walked back outside with the rag, ready to wipe off the spilled milk. Unlike before, the cat seemed to have been excitedly waiting for me to come back. I got on my knees and used my left hand for support while using my right hand to wipe off the pool of milk on the floor.
As I was focused on cleaning, the cat slowly walked towards me and started rubbing its head on my thighs, and soon after, it started rubbing its entire body on my thighs. "Awwhh." I couldn't help but sit back on my knees and reach behind its ears. I started rubbing its head lovingly, earning a purr of pleasure in response. It closed its eyes and leaned into my palm, encouraging the gesture.
Well, okay, maybe it's not that evil.
The cat turned its head towards my door, that I had left wide open, before allowing itself inside my dorm. Was it really a good idea to let a stray cat inside my dorm room? No. Was I going to kick it out? Certainly not. Besides, it didn't really look like a stray cat; it was very well-groomed. Perhaps a student was able to sneak his or her pet in here?
Looking at the cat, I could tell it was here to stay, so I didn't bother wait for it to come out again; I just walked in and closed the door behind me. The cat kept wandering around the room in curiosity. It was really strange how it didn't seem to be scared at all; in fact, it seemed very comfortable. This only stressed the fact that this was no stray cat; it seemed familiar with humans.
I sat on my bed, watching as the cat explored the small space. Suddenly, it jumped on top of my desk, toying around with my hair ribbon, that I left on top of my paper stack. Scared for the life of my books and paper work, I got up to keep the cat away. I lifted the surprisingly light pet and carried it towards my bed.
I put it down and realized it hadn't let go of the red ribbon. "What is it? Do you like that ribbon?" I ask. It stops the war against the accessory to look at me. Then, an idea popped into my head- one that won't be very lovable to the cat, but I wanted to try it.
I carefully took the ribbon and tied a little bow around the cat's neck. It immediately started whipping its tail from side to side, showing irritation. The dark cat kept pulling at the ribbon with one paw, followed by the other, which ended up making it fall on its back, yet that only frustrated it even more, making it try to use even its back paws to remove the ribbon.
Unable to help it, I started giggling at how angry the little thing was. It stopped fighting with the ribbon to look at me. Slowly, it stood up and hissed at me. Did it just threaten me? "Okay, okay, I'll take it off." I complied, considering it felt like that cat was capable of murder, probably.
After I untied the ribbon, it seemed to calm down, and eventually proceeded to wander around again.
The more I tried to stay awake, the sleepier I got. I kept yawning a hundred times per second; I needed sleep. I rubbed my eyes and lied down on the bed. The normally uncomfortable pillow seemed a billion times softer at the moment, and slowly I was dozing off.
Before I could fall asleep, I felt the cat jump on top of the bed. It climbed on top of me, stopped, and started kneading on my tummy. I chuckled softly, "I haven't had any sleep.." I yawn, "I'm sorry I can't play with you now..maybe we can play tomorrow?" I ask it, as if it could reply to me. Somehow, it just seemed to understand. It simply just moved a little closer and made itself comfortable on my chest before trying to sleep too. A light laugh escaped my lips because of the adorable sight. Following the cat's actions, I also made myself comfortable and tried to fall asleep, which didn't take long at all.
I felt something wet on my nose, and my eyes fluttered open to see the cat had decided to start licking my nose for some reason. "I'm trying to sleep; just stop." I turn my head to the other side, trying to fall back asleep. Yet, the cat persistently started licking my ear lobe. "Oh my god! What is wrong with you?! That's gross; just let me sleep!" Not bothering to open my eyes, I covered my ear for a few moments to keep the cat away, before trying to bury my head deeper into the pillow, as if that's possible.
A few, suspicious moments of silence passed, before I started to relax once again and doze off. However, of course, I spoke too soon. I felt hot breath on my neck and before I could dismiss it as the cat, a deep, raspy voice whispered in my ear, "Good morning, sleepyhead." A chill ran down my spine.
My eyes snapped open, and I looked towards the voice; first thing that met my eyes were another pair of eyes. A pair of human eyes.
I shrieked in terror, and in the process of jumping away from him, I fell off the bed. "Who the heck are you?! You freaking pervert! What are you doing here?! How did you come in here?!" I started shouting random questions, to which he rolled his eyes.
"I'm not a pervert; you let me in." The stranger sitting on my bed replied. "What in the world are you talking about?! Are you crazy?!" I yelled back at him, "And why are you shirtless?!" My eyes fell to his bare chest, thankfully the blanket was covering the rest of his body. My confusion was just increasing by the second. "Because I don't have any clothes with me?" He raised his eyebrow, making it sound as if I was the crazy one. "I'm calling the police!" I say as I reach for my phone, but he snatches it away.
"I'm the cat!" He says, "The cat you brought in last night! My highly intelligent roommate locked me out and fell asleep! I couldn't get in and you let me stay here!" He gives what he would call an explanation. I burst into laughter, "You are crazy!" I shake my head.
He stared at me with a deadpan expression before gracefully turning into a familiar, little cat. I've snapped, haven't I? I've been sleep deprived for too long, and now I've gone mad!
The cat jumped off the bed and stood in front of me, and equally as gracefully as before, it turned back into the tall, buff stranger from before, "Was that enough proof?" He asks, but his question was drowned out by my squeal, "My goodness! Put some clothes on!!" I looked away in embarrassment, using both my arms to cover my face.
"I told you I didn't have any clothes!" He defends, "Just use ANYTHING to cover yourself up! God!" I blindly reach for the blanket and toss it towards him.
"You can stop hiding now." Though unable to see him, I was certain he rolled his eyes. I slowly removed my arms and looked at him to see he had wrapped the blanket around his torso.
"You could've covered up a lot more, you know??" I complain, "if you don't stop whining, I'll take it off." He smirks when my eyes widen at his reply, "Ugh! Just nevermind! Why didn't you say you were human earlier anyway?!" I scowl. "Again, same highly intelligent roommate gave me a potion that should've kept my human form last longer, but instead did the exact opposite, and I wasn't able to turn human until today morning, so.." He replied.
"Anyway, thanks for having me." He walked towards the door before giving me a chance to reply, but I was quick to stop him. "Where do you think you're going, dressed like that?!" I look at him in disbelief. "My dorm is just opposite to yours; it's not a big deal." He shrugs and reaches for the door knob, "Students will see you and get the wrong idea!" I stopped him once more.
"Students are either in class or asleep; trust me. Plus if you're that worried, you can just check yourself." He rolls his eyes for the billionth time. I huff and face the door. Quietly, I open the door and peek my head out; I hated to admit it, but he was right. Everything was extremely silent outside.
"What did I tell you?" A whisper near my ear made me jump in terror, "Would you stop doing that?!" I place my hand on my chest, trying to recover from the jumpscare. "How can you be so stealthy anyway?! I can never feel you getting closer!" I run my hand through my hair in frustration. "Well...I am a cat.." he raises his eyebrows at me, before pulling the door open for him to pass.
He was about to walk out, but he stopped and looked at me. He brought his face closer to mine, "Once again, thanks for having me." He whispered before placing a kiss on my cheek.
I was startled by the gesture, but I didn't have time to react. He chuckled before walking out. He was charming. Strange..but charming. And for a few moments I could only watch, as he went to knock on the door, which was then answered by an apologetic guy with pink, fluffy hair.
The pink-haired guy cheerfully greeted me and introduced himself as Serge, but before he can keep talking to me, he was shoved inside by the taller guy. "Fine! Fine! I'm sorry!" Serge said as he walked inside the dorm room, "Byyee, (Y/N)!" I could hear him yell from inside.
Meanwhile the brown-haired stranger face palmed before directing his attention back to me, "I'm Azusa, by the way." He said when he was sure Serge was away from earshot. "I'll see you around." He smirks as he turns around to walk inside, but, once again, he stops.
"Oh, and one more thing.." He looks at me, "last night's pillow was rather comfy; thanks for that." He winks then finally walks inside his dorm, shutting the door.
Tilting my head in confusion, I stood there with furrowed eyebrows. It took me a few moments to register what he meant, and when I did, my face immediately heated up.
I turned quickly to walk inside and slam the door behind me, "I knew he was a freaking pervert!" I muttered, still unable to keep my face from turning a deep shade of red.
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