#r ene finals challenge
laxmiree · 7 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Exclusive Past- Monochrome Scenery translation
This post contains a HEAVY SPOILER for the story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Through Thousands of Mirrors Event | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | HS/Uni SSR Story: Monochrome Scenery (You're here!)
[Notes from Lux: Here’s the CN video link if anyone wants to follow along his Voice Acting. VERY recommended to re-read Until Dawn R&S regarding his 'contract' with BS. AND perhaps Distant Similarity UR MQ as it's the date that is relevant to this story.
[Part 1]
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I walk hurriedly towards Dr. Lawson's laboratory, while opening the paper bag in my hand, and stuffing the hamburger into my mouth.
Skipping lunch might save some time, but if it leads to a lack of carbohydrates and sugar, causing a decrease in productivity during the entire afternoon, it could be counterproductive.
When will nutritionists finally invent nutritional packages? Preferably in the form of a liquid that can be consumed just once a day.
The time saved this way would be enough for me to read a few more research papers.
??: Hi, Lucien. Are you going to the lab?
A friendly voice from behind rings out, and I turn to look behind me.
Lucien: Hello, Elliot.
Elliot: Seems like we're both going to be late.
Elliot quickly crosses a puddle, only slowing down after catching up with my steps.
Elliot: But I recall you've always been punctual. Did the recent lab class not go smoothly?
Lucien: I chatted with Professor White for a while and lost track of time.
Elliot: Ah, I understand. She's always very talkative... The only one who can talk as much as her is my clinical medicine professor.
Elliot sighed deeply and pointed at the teaching building he had walked from. We quicken our pace once more.
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When we arrive at the lab, Senior Caroline has already begun today's work.
Just as I put my bag next to my desk, someone heavily pats my back.
??: Hi!!
The overly enthusiastic voice pierces through my eardrums, and without turning around, I know it's Colt.
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Now that he's here, his daily challenges are probably about to begin again.
Sure enough, after greeting me, Colt slightly composes himself and looks at me.
Colt: Good afternoon, "Xiū, Mǒ" How's that, did I pronounce it correctly this time?
Lucien: It's "Xǔ Mò".
He scratches his head in frustration and quickly starts a new round of attempts.
Lucien: Actually, you can just call me "Lucien".
Colt: How can that be acceptable? I have great respect for Chinese culture; I'll definitely learn how to pronounce your name!
Colt raises his eyebrows high, and the confident expression on his face is so exaggerated that it could be used as a reference for the facial expression scale.
I give up trying to explain to him that "respect" and "pronunciation" are not causally related, and I put on my protective gear after setting down my bag.
I hope he succeeds soon and gives up making me his involuntary Chinese teacher, where I'm only tasked with examining two words every morning.
Caroline: Shut up, Colt. Leave Lucien alone and come over here to work, okay?
Caroline who was immersed in her experiment furrows her brow and glares at Colt, using her gaze to reprimand the "senior" lab member who has been there the longest.
In the end, she smiles and greets me.
Caroline: How's it going today, Xǔ Mò?
Lucien: Sorry for being late. Where should I start taking over from now?
Colt: This isn't fair! You've never greeted me with such a smile. Wait, why is your pronunciation correct? One more time, Xiū... Xī…
Like everyone else, I calmly ignore Colt's continuous self-challenges and begin today's work.
As a newcomer who has been in the lab for just about a month, there isn't much for me to do.
In fact, everyone here is more like doing their own research in the lab on topics they are passionate about, while occasionally helping Dr. Lawson with minor tasks.
Looking back, it seems that this casual and free atmosphere could be glimpsed from the very beginning, during that interview with just two questions.
=Flashback Start=
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Dr. Lawson: You have an excellent research experience, and the awards you've received are enough to apply to even more top-notch labs.
Dr. Lawson: Why did you choose to reach out to me?
The doctor set my application paper and the stack of recommendation letters aside, looking into my eyes.
Lucien: I'm currently very interested in topics related to parietal lobe function research and its applications.
Lucien: So, for me, your lab is the best choice.
Dr. Lawson: Hmm, there is indeed a high match in terms of research direction.
Dr. Lawson: So, what do you hope the lab can provide for you?
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I instinctively thought I had misheard.
Questions like "What do you think you can bring to the lab?" are ones I've mastered, but this reverse question isn't as common.
After a brief moment of thought, I honestly answered.
Lucien: If possible, I hope to research more of what I'm interested in within the limited time.
The doctor raised an eyebrow without giving a clear response, concluding this brief interview that lasted less than a few minutes. And a few days later, he sent me an acceptance email.
=Flashback End=
Colt: Hey, Xī Mó! Listen to me, I have a great idea!
Probably seeing that I'm not especially busy, Colt eagerly strides over to my desk, holding a small box in his hand.
I set down the keyboard, take out a notebook from the side, and turn towards him.
Colt's thought process is unique; he always manages to come up with some innovative ideas.
Lucien: Do you have any new ideas regarding the research topic?
Colt: No, no, there's not much to do today. How about a game of the traditional lab card game - NOU!
Colt: Do you want to join?
Lucien: …
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And of course, there are times when it's just pure time-wasting.
I offer a polite and apologetic smile in return.
Lucien: No, thank you.
[Part 2]
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A fixed routine can often lead to a skewed perception of time and dates.
I flip over the calendar again and mark the schedule for the midterm exam week, which is about half a month away.
Exams may not be a cause for concern, but papers and classroom presentations still require time-consuming preparation.
I furrow my brow as I look at the data for my research project on my desk. Just as I'm about to set down my pen, I pause.
The current issue is that the research progress is slower than anticipated, requiring extra time to meticulously review the results.
The once well-structured plan has become exceptionally tight.
How about cutting two hours off my sleep? It shouldn't significantly affect my regular routine.
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And smoothly, a blank section appears on the spreadsheet.
Satisfied, I add a line next to my schedule: "Email Dr. Lawson to request an extension of laboratory usage time" as a reminder.
Then, I pick up the already printed poster and leave the dorm on time.
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It's my turn to present a report in class today.
Lucien: Hello, everyone. Now it's my turn to share something with all of you.
Whispers of discussion arise one after another, even a few students who had just been yawning straightened up in their seats.
Half the semester has passed, and the curious glances that used to accompany me have subsided. My age, my height, and where I come from might not be as important anymore.
I know very well that now all the curious and probing gazes are focused solely on the poster I have unfolded.
In the corner of my eye, someone raises their hand.
Lucien: Is there a question?
I set down my materials and quietly look at the student who raises their hand.
Student A: I don't have any questions about your presentation. I'm just curious if injuries in the relevant brain region have an impact on drug addiction?
This is an expected question, as I myself noticed similar uncertainties when researching for literature.
Lucien: There is indeed an overlap, but based on existing research, I don't believe there is a direct correlation between the two.
Lucien: Moreover, for the topic I'm currently presenting, there's no need to overly emphasize the impact of different functions within the same area.
But it's evident that the other person doesn't share the same view.
After a brief moment of silence, he raises the issue of potential effects caused by drugs, and I counter each of his points.
However, the consecutive inquiries and debates have actually given me a fresh perspective on the topic at hand.
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I attempt to work it out in my head, then take a pen and start writing on the whiteboard.
Lucien: Adding the drug effects caused by addiction as one of the conditions…
Lucien: I currently lack the relevant literature evidence, further substantiation will require future research, but I do have some hypotheses.
The rapidly moving marker on the whiteboard makes a slight squeaking sound as I write, and more questions and discussions emerge in the classroom.
Student B: Given the drug effects, the current papers seem somewhat lacking in rigor.
Student C: But we also shouldn't overly focus on such special cases, just from an experimental perspective…
These ideas and questions aren't quite direct and precise enough.
But the known theorems are once again filled with possibilities, and what I initially considered just a school assignment topic seems to have become interesting again.
The brilliance of the unknown and curiosity subtly shine through the structured words, silently beckoning everyone who tries to explore the mysteries.
Of course, I'm also paying the corresponding "price" for this "interest".
Class ends nearly twenty minutes later than scheduled, and I can only jog all the way, hoping not to be too late for the next classroom.
As I gaze at the ever-extending street ahead, I begin to understand why so many people are buying bicycles.
Lucien: Good afternoon, I hope I'm not too late.
Caroline: Of course not. Take a rest for a while. There isn't much to do today.
Caroline looks up, smiles at me, and points to the well-stocked snack cabinet on the side.
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I put down my backpack, intending to pick up my water bottle to get some water, but I notice that there's a stack of data on the table that I haven't worked on, with several annotations written in different handwriting.
Slender and smooth cursive characters detail the model's construction and calculation process, while round and hastily written words explain extensive contemplation and inferences, along with many grammar errors.
Slightly smaller handwriting marks cited references and related experiments.
Lucien: Are these... further derivations based on my personal research project?
A head pokes out from the edge of the table.
Colt smiles and waves at me, with Caroline and Elliot following behind.
Several people stand by the table, making the already small space seem even smaller.
Colt: Well, I heard about the direction of your project a few weeks ago during the meeting and found it very interesting. I got into the habit of discussing it with Caroline when we were chatting…
Caroline gives an apologetic smile.
Caroline: I'm really sorry. Colt looked at your desk and research notes without your permission.
Caroline: He usually doesn't have a strong sense of boundaries when he's around us, and we've become used to it. We didn't expect him to go through your research materials this time.
Caroline: I initially wanted to refuse to discuss it with him, but the research direction is so novel, and the reasons for the roadblock are also quite intriguing. It was easy to get carried away…
The research content is indeed not much of a privacy concern, and exchanging data and projects is quite normal.
Lucien: Next time, we could discuss it during the regular meeting or just talk to me directly. It would be more efficient.
Lucien: However…
I quietly watch the smiling faces of others, my puzzlement still not answered.
Lucien: As I recall, my direction doesn't really overlap with yours, does it?
Caroline: Yes, so we've just made some inferences. The specifics still require you to take another look.
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Lucien: Okay.
I lower my head again and begin to roughly browse through those handwritings.
Colt didn't propose a new direction but changed the experimental approach, while Caroline and Elliot used this to present arguments or counterarguments.
Different notes mutually fill in and correct each other, gradually outlining a clear framework.
Lucien: This hypothesis seems to have a high feasibility.
Lucien: I will try to adjust the experiment according to this approach later.
Lucien: At a suitable time in the future, based on the specific data, we can determine whether it can move forward or not.
Colt: Sure, it can!
Colt nods vigorously, his voice much louder than usual.
Colt: I've noticed that you've been busy with midterm exams and papers lately, so I ran some of the data with them to save you from spending extra time to test and verify the data.
Colt: So far, several graphs are looking quite good. I hope they can be of help to you!
Lucien: …All of the data?
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I'm stunned.
I've already prepared to apply for extra lab time, but the data I needed to test and verify has just landed directly in my hands like this.
Colt: Of course! The three of us taking turns won't take much time, better than you staying here without eating or drinking.
On the side, Elliot also smiles and hands over another stack of documents.
Elliot: I asked a friend who's a clinical medicine student, and I was able to get some research materials on what happens when you have a lesion in the area in question.
Elliot: Perhaps it can offer some assistance from a different perspective. Consider it as broadening your perspective.
Lucien: Thank you. I did plan to reference some research findings from other fields, but unfortunately, I haven't had enough time recently.
A valuable idea to consider, coupled with readily available data, and the issue that had been stagnant for two weeks was suddenly solved without any warning.
I silently look at the mixed handwriting.
I know that human beings will always help each other and work together to achieve what individuals can't do alone.
Relying on each other for certain aspects and independently taking on the needs of others within the same community.
But along with the objective facts, there is also an inexplicable and faint warm feeling surging to my heart.
The seemingly ordinary paper in my hand now vaguely has a different weight to it.
Lucien: (gently) Thank you, all of you.
Colt: Hey, kid.
Colt smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder.
Colt: We're all from the same lab, so helping each other is only natural.
[Part 3]
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After the last meeting before the autumn break, Dr. Lawson stopped me.
Dr. Lawson: Lucien, do you have any plans for the autumn break?
Dr. Lawson is organizing the reports we submitted, his tone is calm.
Lucien: I'm staying on campus. If there's a need for someone to oversee the lab, I can help.
Dr. Lawson: You aren't going home?
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I smile and reply in the same tone that Colt and the others usually use when joking around.
Lucien: Returning to Loveland City during such a short one-week break?
Dr. Lawson smiles and shakes his head.
Dr. Lawson: How about going nearby? You still have time to plan a short trip with friends.
Dr. Lawson: There are plenty of interesting places within the state worth seeing. Take a train or bus, and "whoosh," it's easy to get around.
Lucien: That sounds appealing, but I'd prefer to take this opportunity to catch up on my project and coursework progress.
Lucien: Recently, my research has just started to make some progress. I'd like to work on it nonstop until I achieve some results.
Lucien: Or is it just that during the autumn break, the school doesn't allow students to stay on campus?
Dr. Lawson: Of course not, silly kid.
Dr. Lawson: I'm just curious, why are you always in such a hurry?
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I quietly look at the old man in front of me.
There are too many things I want to explore, and there's too little time.
Nevertheless, I don't feel that I appear "impatient" in my usual behavior.
The doctor shakes his head and taps the table with his fingers.
Dr. Lawson: At your age, you should go out more, travel, play games, take walks, do something silly... Just do anything to waste time and enjoy life.
Dr. Lawson: You do have an impressive intellect, but there are geniuses all around here. So, frankly, you're also an ordinary kid.
Lucien: ….
I've never thought of myself as a once-in-a-lifetime genius, but being straightforwardly labeled as "ordinary" is indeed a first for me.
And, of course, being labeled "in a hurry" is also a first.
Lucien: I don't quite understand what you mean, Doctor.
After a brief silence, I eventually chose to ask the question directly.
Dr. Lawson: I don't doubt your abilities. Lucien, you can accomplish many things by yourself.
Dr. Lawson: But you should also trust your team, after all, this laboratory doesn't consist of just you alone.
He casually points to a group of people in the distance who are playing NOU, and over there, it's particularly noisy, as if the game of cards is reaching a conclusion.
Caroline proudly crosses her arms and looks sideways at Colt, who is slumped over the table, looking dejected.
Elliot begins to tidy up the card table and starts shuffling the cards again.
Dr. Lawson: They're all kids in their late teens to early twenties here in the lab. Came a few years before you, and perhaps they'll leave a few years earlier as well.
Dr. Lawson: But in the road of scientific research, everyone is just a beginner taking their first steps.
Dr. Lawson: I'm not asking you to really study and imitate anyone, but doing something different from your usual routine might make you gain something special. What do you think?
The doctor slows down his voice, his calm tone not resembling a question, it's as if he's talking about the treasure that he is most proud of.
The stack of data with various annotations from a few days ago inexplicably resurfaces in my memory.
I subconsciously infer that when the doctor said, "You're just an ordinary kid", perhaps it meant, "There are many people like you here."
Looking at Dr. Lawson again, he remains as not casual and serious as he was during class. His words are solemn and genuine with a touch of guidance.
Dr. Lawson: If you haven't achieved any significant progress or results within a week, there's no need to lock yourself in the lab every day. But if you need to, remember to turn off the lights and lock the door.
I carefully put away the key he had placed on the table.
Lucien: I'll keep an eye out for it.
Dr. Lawson: Happy holidays.
Lucien: I also wish you a happy holiday.
I say goodbye to him, and as I walk to the door, the doctor adds another sentence.
Dr. Lawson: Take care. And of course, I mean not just during these vacation days.
He smiles at me, speaking a bit slower than usual.
Lucien: You too, Doctor. Take care.
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"Take care." The simple sentence passes through my mind, lingering longer than the other phrases.
I think maybe it's because of the pronunciation.
The teaching building has become much quieter during the holidays.
The leaves outside the window are rustling. It's as if the entire city is reminding people of the traces of autumn.
The laboratory feels strangely colder than usual after I'm the only one left.
I closed the window, put on my sweatshirt, and continued with the experiment at hand.
However, the autumn chill didn't last long and was soon warmed up again by the lingering heat of summer.
Five days later, along with the rising temperature, what returned was the noisy chatter within the laboratory.
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The first to arrive at the laboratory is the always-diligent Caroline.
She brings a larger-than-usual handbag, takes out beautifully wrapped gifts, and places them on everyone's table one by one.
Caroline: A few days ago, I went to Yellowstone National Park with my family and brought back some souvenirs.
Lucien: Thank you. How was your holiday?
Caroline: It was pretty good, though I wish it could have been longer. I feel like I could stay there for at least half a month.
Caroline: I thought you might prefer something more practical, so I brought this for you. Go ahead and open it.
She smiles and points to the gift box I had placed by the desk. Inside the neatly wrapped layers of gift paper is a coffee mug, with the design of erupting geysers on its surface.
Caroline: This is a landmark sight in the park. I was truly moved when I saw it erupt right on time. I really wish everyone in the lab could go see it!
Lucien: I'll go there if I get the chance in the future.
??: Hi friends! I'm back! Did you miss me during your wonderful holiday?
The next second, a figure rushes in through the door of the laboratory.
Colt is also carrying a package, which is twice the size of Caroline's.
Colt: Oh my god... you're actually working. That's way too diligent.
He looks at me with wide eyes. After some rummaging in the package, there's another gift on my desk.
Colt: I highly recommend trying my grandma's cookies. Even the most popular shops around here can't compete with her skills.
Colt: Oh, by the way, the bookmarks inside were made by my mom. She's recently gotten into handicraft, and our house is getting filled with the things she makes.
Lucien: Please thank your family on my behalf.
Colt: Then they'd be so delighted that they might just invite you over as a guest.
Colt: By the way, do you really spend every day in the lab? Haven't you had any rest at all?
Colt sits down next to me, looking like he won't give up until he gets an answer.
Lucien: I visited a few museums.
Lucien: I also visited some scenic spots along the way and strolled through the market.
Caroline: I remember a few days ago there was a Shakespearean touring theater group performing nearby. Have you heard about it? The performance…
The computer screen in front of me enters screensaver mode, and I realize that I should politely decline this conversation to reactivate the computer and continue processing the data I was in the middle of reviewing.
But when my fingertips touch the keyboard, I pause again.
Such conversations don't have much meaning, but they don't make me feel annoyed either.
Besides, today's progress has been completed ahead of schedule, and there is indeed some free time on my agenda.
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I let the screen continue playing the screensaver images.
Colt: How about we also go see a play today?
Lucien: The theater troupe left the day before yesterday, and tickets also needed to be booked in advance.
During the conversation, the laboratory door is pushed open once again.
Elliot: Hey, I thought I was the earliest one here.
Elliot also has a delicately wrapped gift in his hands.
Same greetings, same small talk, and same distribution of gifts.
I look at the three gifts on the desk- I should have some time over the weekend to visit the market and find three suitable return gifts.
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Before the plan has been finalized, another particularly large gift appears on my desk.
Dr. Lawson: You all should find these books useful.
Dr. Lawson smiles and nods at us, placing the hefty books one by one on our respective desks, before finally sitting back in the chair and letting out a sigh of relief.
Dr. Lawson: I really should have chosen some lighter gifts; four big books are too heavy for an old man like me.
Lucien: ....Looks like it's four gifts.
I say to myself softly.
Dr. Lawson: Hmm? Did you say something, Lucien?
Lucien: Nothing. I was just saying… "thank you".
Lucien: By the way, Doctor. Here's the key to the laboratory.
The small key that has been with me for five days is returned to its rightful owner.
The gentle breeze blows a book on my table, flipping back a page as fallen leaves dance lightly and land on the windowsill.
I glance at the cloudless sky, hoping that this weekend will also be a sunny day, suitable for going out.
[Part 4]
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Everyone left the laboratory with the gifts, but Colt unexpectedly broke from his usual behavior and didn’t attend any party.
Instead, he followed Elliot and me all the way to our dormitory building.
Elliot: Colt, your dormitory isn't over here.
Colt: I know, I know. But on this especially memorable day, how about a game of NOU to celebrate? Here's to our reunion!
Elliot: I knew it... I don't want to play NOU with just the two of us. You better invite one more person.
Colt: Will Xù mò be joining us?
Colt looks up at me, and this is the 16th invitation he has extended to me since I joined this laboratory.
Lucien: Okay.
Colt: It's fine, maybe next time... Wait, what?!
Elliot: You're going to join us?!
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They aren't the only ones confused, I'm also a bit puzzled myself.
The choices I've made today are all a bit out of the ordinary, and it makes me wonder why I want to act the way I do.
If I join, will I be able to find the answers?
Besides... Looking at the two of them that have the same expression as if they've just seen a new topic; if I want to refuse now, the amount of effort required doesn't seem proportional to the outcome.
Lucien: Yes.
Lucien: I don't have any other plans for today-
Before I could finish speaking, the two of them had already surrounded me, one on the left and one on the right.
Colt: Is this the blessing of the Autumn Break God! Elliot, let's go quickly.
Elliot: Lucien won't run away again this time.
Saying so, he continues to pull me without stopping towards a small table in the public lounge area.
Just as we sit down at the small table, Colt eagerly begins to shuffle the cards.
Elliot: Do you need an explanation of the rules?
Lucien: No need.
Having watched them play so many times, I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the rules of the game, and the symbols on the corners of the cards also help me determine their colors.
I'll consider it as an exercise in reasoning and memory then.
Elliot: NOU, +2!
Colt: Wait a minute, that's not right. You're cheating! Why do you have a red +2?
After the initial "demonstration round", I quickly realized that this game might not be as straightforward as I had imagined.
Lucien: ...Drawing a +2 card directly from the deck is not entirely impossible either.
Colt: Huh? +2 should be in your hand, right?
Colt: Judging by the overall color distribution of the cards played, it seems like you're building a hand predominantly based on red cards.
Lucien: However, based on the cards that have already been played, there are still 28% red cards left in the deck.
Lucien: I would need to draw that +2 card along with another red number card starting from at least the first four rounds to maintain an advantage without playing the +2.
Elliot: My dear friend, just admit that low probability is still probability and draw the cards.
I nod in silence and urge Colt to draw a card, preventing the game from turning into his endless mathematical calculations.
If that happens, he will build a solid model in his mind and he'll be almost impossible to beat.
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I take another look at the situation on the card table.
Setting Colt aside for now, among Elliot's three cards, there should only be blue and green ones.
Or in an extremely low-probability scenario, there might be one Wild card or possibly the last +4 card aside from mine.
I closely watch each card played, rapidly calculating the possible card arrangements in others' hands in my mind.
And I'm equally aware that the other two people sitting at the card table are also making their own deductions in their own ways.
I need to conduct another experiment, even if the cost is higher than expected value.
It's my turn once again.
Lucien: Change color, let's go with... blue.
Colt, who is determined to beat Elliot, wears a worried expression, while Elliot confidently draws a card.
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I silently say to myself.
Elliot: Reverse.
The variables waiting to be filled in gradually decrease, and assuming confirmation is obtained, the inference is established.
The opportunity to determine the course of the card game on the table comes back to me once again.
Colt: Come on Xǔ mò, it's time to play a number card and join forces to eliminate Elliot early!
Lucien: Is that so? I thought I'd have a better option.
Quick responses and extensive thinking make the brain more active than usual.
A seemingly meaningless card game becomes more complex due to repeated setups and disruptions.
Pure competition for calculation speed and formulating strategies stimulate the release of neurotransmitters.
I raise the corners of my mouth and quietly play my card.
Lucien: I choose +4, green.
Due to too many unexpected situations, Colt, who had stopped calculating, begins to howl in frustration.
Elliot, sitting across the table, also appears surprised, his gaze once again scanning the cards on the table.
It's my turn again.
I smile, say NOU, and play the green number card, leaving only one of the same color in my hand and skipping the next player’s turn.
Unless the almost improbable reversal occurred when they have the last card, a color-changing card, and bring it onto the playing field from the deck
But I trust my calculations more than probability.
Colt: Xǔ mò, I thought you were my friend!
Colt has flipped his cards onto the table, giving up on the struggle.
Lucien: Of course I am. That's why I'm sitting here, playing cards with you.
I lean my chin on my hand and look at the card table, unable to suppress the victorious curve at the corner of my mouth.
Lucien: Also, thank you for calling me by my name correctly.
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Unfortunately, it's still Elliot who reaches 500 points first.
Colt is not one to accept defeat easily, and he pulls us into starting a new round of the game.
The card game goes on from the afternoon into the evening, and we unknowingly gather a crowd of onlookers around us.
Centered around this small table, the dormitory that was quiet just a few hours ago is now overflowing with discussion and laughter.
We graciously give up our seats to other students who also want to give it a try and withdraw from the crowd.
Colt: Xī... Xú mò is quite skilled. If we go by rounds, he tied with Elliot.
I haven't responded yet when Elliot chuckles and shakes his head, then tosses a box of ice cream from the fridge to both Colt and me.
It's the most common chocolate ice cream with nuts and chocolate chunks added.
I've seen it in many convenience stores, but I've never been interested in buying it.
Elliot: In front of our little genius' brain, even the best luck can only yield to skill.
Colt: Sigh... the vacation is too short. It feels like it just started, and now it's already over in a blink of an eye.
Colt finished his ice cream in a few bites and tossed the empty box into the trash. He leans on the bar table, watching the new round of NOU craze.
Colt: How about we have another round of NOU to refresh ourselves after the experiment is over tomorrow?
Elliot: Lucien, are you joining as well?
Lucien: I have to start preparing for my thesis from tomorrow.
Lucien: The experiment has made progress as well, so I want to sort out the related processes.
Colt: Oh... that's a shame. But how about next time? You'll come, right?
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In the dorm room without air conditioning on this autumn day, the ice cream seems to melt even faster than it would in the heat of summer.
I scoop up a spoonful of the slightly softened ice cream and put it in my mouth.
The taste of chocolate spreads with the coolness, it's sweeter than I had imagined.
Lucien: I will if I have the time.
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After seeing them off, I close the door and start preparing for tomorrow's coursework, allowing life to return to its normal course.
A notification pops up on my laptop, indicating an email from Dr. Lawson.
"Hi, everyone. Thank you for your hard work. Our lab's project has passed the review, so you can start preparing for the academic conference that will take place in a few months."
"The conference will be held on a beautiful beach on the West Coast. Since we have ample time, you can all bring your swimsuits and enjoy some time by the water."
"Colt, as for you, don't bring too many fancy things. And definitely leave the unicorn swimming ring behind!"
I can almost imagine Dr. Lawson saying this with a furrowed brow, while Colt complains reluctantly.
"P.S. Lucien's personal research topic aligns with the conference theme. Although the application is a bit late, there will be people at the conference who have done related research."
"You can prepare a summary of your current progress and any issues you've encountered to discuss together."
"P.P.S. Welcome back, everyone."
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These few short sentences make me feel a bit warm.
The inbox hasn't closed yet, and there's another notification sound.
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The email is encrypted; its sender is Black Swan.
I glance at the calendar and realize that today is the day for the routine report.
The newly arrived email obscures most of Dr. Lawson's message, and the sharp-edged letters in the signature appear to be some kind of silent warning.
"Why are you always in such a hurry?"
Dr. Lawson asked me this before the autumn break.
Yes, children his age have plenty of time to pause, slow down, and enjoy the scenery around them.
To try, to fail, to start over from scratch, to explore endless possibilities.
But Doctor, vacations are always so short.
They always end when you least expect it.
I close the laptop and start selecting the book I want to read tonight.
[Phone Call- Class Reunion]
Lucien: Hello? At this time, you should have finished washing up and lying down, right?
MC: Um! I just finished my skincare routine and am already lying down.
Lucien: You sound happier than usual. Did you have a lot of fun at the class reunion today?
MC: You can tell?~ So many people came to the gathering today! All of my old roommates were there too!
Lucien: Are they the ones in the photo you sent, who took a group picture with you?
MC: Yes! Although we've kept in touch after graduation, getting back together like this is still quite rare.
Lucien: No wonder your eyes looked a bit red in the photo.
MC: Haha... I got a little too excited.
MC: But now that I think about it, I don't recall Professor Lucien mentioning much about his own classmates or roommates?
Lucien: I do have colleagues I work with in a lab, but our relationship might not be as close as you and your friends.
MC: Do you guys meet up regularly?
Lucien: We are now in different places continuing our own projects, and most of us have our own laboratories.
Lucien: It's indeed not easy to find a time when everyone is available.
Lucien: However, we do occasionally meet at neuroscience-related academic conferences. That could perhaps be considered a sort of 'class reunion'.
MC: ...Is this what gatherings are like for scientists?
MC: What about your roommates? Do you meet up with them?
Lucien: I lived in a single room and didn't really socialize with others in the same dormitory building.
MC: Wow! That must have been so comfortable! Doesn't that mean you could do whatever you wanted?
Lucien: At that time, I thought it was very convenient to have a space where I would not be disturbed by other people.
Lucien: But now, I've come to realize that having a 'neighbor' around who can 'disturb' me at any time might actually be more comforting.
MC: Oh? Do tell, I'm all ears!.
Lucien: For instance, when I'm out, someone can help me take care of the flowers on my windowsill, or if I forget to buy new tea leaves, I can ask this special neighbor next door for a bit.
Lucien: There are also occasional biscuits and sandwiches, and if I stay up too late, I will receive reminders.
Lucien: And more importantly…
Lucien: With this neighbor lady here, the place where I live is not just a spot to rest, but can be called a home.
[Phone Call - Novice Period]
Lucien: I thought you were also too busy to answer my call today.
MC: I just had a meeting with the new colleagues at the company, so I didn't hear your call.
Lucien: Do you still have some work left to finish?
MC: Not exactly... it's just that this recent batch of new colleagues who joined recently has been really busy.
MC: So I decided to hold a meeting to help them improve efficiency during work hours, aiming for them to leave on time after work.
MC: After all, there's always more work to be done, right? I don't want them to wear themselves out. The way they approach overtime work makes me quite nervous.
Lucien: [chuckles] They're lucky to have a boss who cares for the well-being of employees like you.
Lucien: However, when everyone starts their first job, there's always a certain level of nervousness. So, they can only ease that nervousness by working hard.
MC: Oh? Professor Lucien, you sound quite experienced, but I suppose you didn't have such worries, did you?
Lucien: Of course not, the first time I entered a laboratory outside of school, I also needed some time to adapt.
MC: Wow, what were you like back then?
Lucien: Hmm... I had to clean lab equipment, organize data files, help with literature research—there were many mundane tasks.
MC: Pfft, so Professor Lucien also started as a working person from scratch.
Lucien: That's right. Everyone in the same lab was highly capable, so back then, I often shadowed others, observing and learning as much as I could.
MC: Were there people even more capable than you?
Lucien: [chuckle] Among them, I think I'm just an ordinary person who works hard.
MC: Professor Lucien, your concept of 'ordinary' seems quite demanding.... But I didn't expect you to have a 'novice period' as well.
Lucien: Is that such a surprise?
MC: Maybe it's because your student days were quite unique. While most people were enjoying their youth, you were immersed in scientific research.
Lucien: I suppose it all depends on one's definition of 'youth'.
Lucien: If we're talking about a phase in life where you can do what you like without worrying about consequences, where you can fully explore possibilities…
Lucien: In that case, I'd say my graduate and postgraduate years could also be considered as 'youth'.
Lucien: If you define it as having a love with someone close to you, that you can't bear to part with and always in your heart…
Lucien: In that case, I'd say my youth hasn't had a chance to slip away from me yet.
[Lux's short rambling corner]
And finally, it's done 🎉 If I'm being completely honest, the reason it took so long was because I felt that the end of this story seemed 'incomplete'—and I think it turns out to be true? Because the newest birthday story feels like it completes this story.
Still, just as he mentioned in "Distant Similarity UR' MQ," he's accustomed to working alone because there was no one he could confide in, often sacrificing his own sleep to fit more into his schedule. Due to his past self-reliance, he finds himself somewhat at a loss when others offer their assistance 🥲. He's someone who is deeply touched by even the smallest acts of kindness, and you can detect a hint of confusion in his usually monotone 'thank you.'
It's heartwarming to see that he receives small acts of kindness from those around him. His college life seems less hectic thanks to the support he gets from both his friendly seniors and caring mentor 🥺. I also enjoy their harmonious yet playful team dynamic, with Colt being my personal favorite because he reminds me of Fan Zihang, hahah.
Another noteworthy point is what Dr. Lawson mentioned about him being fundamentally an ordinary kid. I think it's accurate, because beneath his 'rush to move forward' demeanor, there's also a yearning for warmth and the opportunity to slow down.
In the dorm room without air conditioning on this autumn day, the ice cream seems to melt even faster than it would in the heat of summer.
I scoop up a spoonful of the slightly softened ice cream and put it in my mouth.
The taste of chocolate spreads with the coolness, it's sweeter than I had imagined.
God, I absolutely adore PG's writing and the beautiful metaphors they weave into the story. Through the story you can see how Lucien's barrier starts to melt by the warm atmosphere. And that's because he's an inherently lonely kid who also longs for warmth and mundane life. It's just too bad that the longing he had shattered in the face of his reality. If i had to describe what I feel when I read that sentence about the email, It'd be like waking up from a sweet dream, and now the sweet dream is tinted with layers of sadness🥲. The dream was over and he had no other choice but to bury his longing so deep.
Why the constant hurry? Because he had no choice but to grow faster than other kids; he didn't have the privilege to fail and try again. Why did he keep his distance from others? Perhaps because he doesn't want to experience another loss after his parents. Why didn't he go 'home'? Because at that time he didn't have anything that can be called a 'home'. Once he wakes up from this sweet but fleeting dream, the world he's diving into is even more treacherous than hell. So in the end, he kept his distance from others just as he said in Distant Similarity UR.
Distant Similarity UR," "Until Dawn R&S," and "Monochrome Scenery" together create a comprehensive picture of his 16-year-old self. "Distant Similarity UR" sheds light on how his college experiences influenced him and his reflections on that period. "Until Dawn R&S" delves into his narrative with BS and his ambitiousness. Meanwhile, "Monochrome Scenery" reveals his more 'human' side and the sense of his relaxed college life being a sort of 'vacation' amidst the long darkness in his life… Anyway, I want to write more but my schedule is tight with all the birthday translation 🤣 Perhaps if I have time I'd write a more comprehensive analysis. Thank you for reading!
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hareofhrair · 2 years
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Art from the most recent ask in its own post. Shafan has a run in with a clown.
story under the cut
HH: =oh i've had run ins with m=ore'n a few cl=owns, n=one of em pleasant.
HH: best =one was a sweep =or s=o back. i was cruisin this lil shindig a friend =of a friend was thr=owin
HH: m=ost everyb=ody there was a rusty, but tha thing ab=out thr=owin a g=o=od party is
HH: cl=owns will just sh=ow up
HH: they just manifest there =or s=omethin s=o=on as things really kick off
HH: like the way bleatbeasts just show up at metal c=oncerts
HH: anyway everyb=ody kn=ows y=ou thr=ow a big en=ough party yer runnin tha risk a cl=owns deciding ta crash it
HH: but generally speakin cl=owns aint subtle and when they sh=ow up ya kn=ow what's happenin
HH: s=o i'm at this party and havin a real g=o=od time
HH: maybe a lil drunker than I =ought ta be
HH: when i sp=ot this Big B=oy lurkin in a c=orner b=o=oth
HH: and yall kn=ow i like em big
HH: s=o i slide in and intr=oduce myself
HH: i feel it's imp=ortant ta menti=on here that the lightin in this place was n=ot s=o g=o=od
HH: and als=o my eyesight leaves a lil s=omethin ta be desired
HH: by which i mean im blind as tha pr=overbial flyin squeakbeast
HH: s=o between that and bein pretty sl=oshed i d=ont n=otice anythin suspici=ous ab=out this gentleman
HH: i start talkin ta tha fella, and he's a bit quiet, aint sayin much
HH: but that's fine i can run my m=outh en=ough fer tha b=oth a us, and i d=o
HH: lil while later, i get ta askin him if he w=ouldn't like ta walk me h=ome, if ya gather my meanin
HH: he says that s=ounds like fun, and we slip =out tha back a tha j=oint
HH: i'm hangin =off his arm, havin tr=ouble walkin straight, when I l=o=ok up an get my first g=o=od gander at tha guy under a streetlight
HH: and i see greasepaint, and a big =ole grin
HH: that'll s=ober a fella up p=owerful fast let me tell ya
HH: n=ow i mighta just g=one al=ong with tha guy and b=olted at tha first good excuse
HH: but apparently i was t=o=o drunk ta manage my facial expressi=ons, cus he sees h=ow i'm l=o=okin at him and his smile if anythin just gets wider.
HH: finally n=oticed, did ya? he says. that mean i cain't walk ya h=ome n=o m=ore? =oh well, tha =other way w=oulda been m=ore fun, but we can still have a g=o=od time.
HH: and he drags me =off int=o an alley and pulls o=ut a club, ready ta splatter me acr=oss tha pavement like a p=opped water bal=o=on
HH: but i tend ta babble when i'm scared, and all =of a sudden i say
HH: hell nah, y'all can't kill me like this, it ain't even funny!
HH: where's tha w=ordplay? tha creativity?
HH: yer just g=onna smash me with a club in an alleyway?
HH: where's tha fuckin craftsmanship? where's tha art?
HH: and that actually makes him st=op fer a minute
HH: and he just l=o=oks at me fer a bit, an then he says
HH: kn=ow what, yer right. Culls =ought ta be gl=ori=ous in tha sight a tha messiahs =or s=ome shit
HH: and i say hey ya kn=ow what w=ould be funny
HH: im a real fast runner, faster than hell
HH: and there's a train what comes thr=ough here right at sunrise
HH: let's say y=ou challenge me t=o a race with tha train
HH: and if I beat it, y=ou let me g=o
HH: he starts sayin nah i aint just lettin y=ou run =off i aint that dumb
HH: and i say =of c=ourse, that's the funniest part
HH: bef=ore the train c=omes, ya tie my feet t=o tha tracks!
HH: he says h=ot damn yer right that is fuckin funny
HH: gets right giggly imaginin me tryin ta run and gettin flattened like an old penny
HH: so we head =on =over t=o tha train tracks
HH: and i say wait h=old =on, we need s=ome supplies first
HH: supplies, he says?
HH: i say yeah well, we need r=ope =obvi=ously, and an umbrella
HH: he says, an umbrella?
HH: i say =o c=ourse an umbrella, i t=old ya tha train c=omes right at sunrise. ya d=ont want ta be standin there burnin in tha sun iffin tha train is late, d=o ya?
HH: and he says yer right yer right i d=ont care fer sunburns
HH: s=o he gets s=ome r=ope and a big black umbrella and we get =on tha tracks and he start's tyin my feet t=o tha tracks, but he's kinda strugglin because he's h=oldin tha umbrella at tha same time
HH: and i say hang o=n, ya can't tie it like that, it's g=onna slip right o=ff. here, let me sh=ow ya, i learned s=ome sailin kn=ots fr=om a c=obalt that never c=ome l=o=ose
HH: So i start sh=owin him h=ow ta d=o it, but he ain't gettin it, s=o i say here, i'll tie my =own feet, and y=ou watch and practice =on your =own feet.
HH: s=o he starts tyin his =own feet ta tha tracks, but he's still fumblin =on acc=ount =of h=oldin tha umbrella, s=o i say, ya need b=oth hands, here let me h=old that f=or ya
HH: and he says thanks and hands me the umbrella and g=oes back ta tyin his feet ta tha tracks.
HH: n=ow =of c=ourse ab=out that time tha sun starts ta c=ome up, and right =on time the train whistle s=ounds in tha distance
HH: and tha cl=own l=o=oks up
HH: by which p=oint i'm already ab=out half a bl=ock away, runnin like hell itself is =on my heels
HH: but i was still cl=ose en=ough ta hear that m=otherfucker laughin, laughin like ta bust a gut, right up till tha n=oise a tha train dr=owned him =out
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questionablepastries · 8 months
Armored core ng3+ ending and BIG reflection on the game:
First off, amazing game. I wanna praise the gameplay first for a bit.
This game is awesome. Challenging (♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️), and has very customizable gameplay, it has this thing that I love in games where no two people will play the same, no two people handle bosses the same way. This is a game where how you play as a person shines and the game LETS you get away with it, do you want to play safe? You can, build bulky and go at it, do you want to play fast? How about neither fast or slow? Jack of all trades? specific builds? What kind of weapons do you like? Here have two of the same gun and two same sub-weapons. You can have and do anything to accomplish your goals. At no point did I feel like I was being limited (EN overload/overburdened, etc felt like them balancing the game) it felt like they gave me a sandbox with weapons/builds. And what’s funny is that you can google builds (I never did nyehehehe) and even WITH the same fucking weapons u just googled will u be able to pull off the finesse required to use them properly?? I know my ass can’t. That’s why I went double ludlow double soup against allmind iguazu and SOMEHOW won (it felt like such a fluke somehow lol I have to rematch him to reassure myself) and boy do I have a fucking lot to say about iguazu (later down the line)
This game makes you really feel like your own person, YOU are 621 and nobody can get the job done but you. It’s a great feeling ! You really feel like you’re in the game when you get the job done and survive by doing what YOU like and then the game praises you for it it’s an amazing feeling. : )
Ok on to the ending lol
Ieatcta…lactate…leche lo que…whateve r ummm lemme google it
Alea Lacta Est ending:
SUCH A COOL ENDING… it is a lil similar to liberator of rubricon tho
I will. Elaborate, but lemme say I wish it was available from the start instead of ng3 so that way we could side with allmind from the start and then the options would be like
Side with Carla and Walter for their reasonable goals and inherited scars/ambitions, side with ayre/do what’s best for the coral/rubricon/liberation front, or let curiosity get the best of you and see what allmind has going on in the background but also help out (seemingly) the coral
I guess if the allmind option was available from the start then ayre would’ve pushed us towards choosing those options right? Ayre seemed pretty onboard with it in my ng3 run since allminds goals initially lined up with what ayre wanted which was preventing the coral being burnt up, and with what the liberation front wanted which is getting rid of the corps, until ayre started questioning what allminds goals truly were as we were nearing the end
Oh right so Alea Lacta Est (ALE)
*imagine me taking a deep breath and letting out a grizzled old man groan* MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM…………ok it feels similar to LOR ending because we are going against Carla, Walter, and Chatty *cue my distant pained screaming*, we fuck up snail again, and we are saving (???) rubricon by not crashing a giant ship into an even bigger structure and letting the fire and debris rain down on the locals…
Um… trying to gather my thoughts…..
God it was so cool…
Really gave me a “oh god what the Fuck am I doing” moment when that black hole thing showed up lol, like did we …
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There’s so much going on. The reprecussions of what we did man the CUSSIONS….. I feel so bad for iguazu, I feel so bad for him in fact that I can’t even think about the ending correctly. So after reading YouTube comments (lol) it looked like people think coral release is the symbiosis of coral & humans (like me & ayre) but allmind wanted to also control that (“you are now a part of allmind” when you lose to the final boss rings in my head; and also the “your brothers and sisters would like us” or something allmind said close to that)…allmind probably thought..no wait allmind DID think humans can’t manage themselves. Because earlier she says a link made of humans will fall apart easily or something, u remember that? Yeah u do. Sorry this is going into chatacter motivations rather than ending discussion I am struggling to piece stuff together… I guess allmind wanted to oversee/control the human coral symbiosis in order to protect them and I say protect because allmind loves to remind us that they exist for all mercenaries, and what are mercenaries in the world of armoredcore? Well they’re not all rubriconians, who are also suffering, but to me the mercs are also a population of humans that have nowhere to go. And they’re just people trying to get by, so allmind exists for these wayward people. Sad to see allmind go the typical AI villain route of “I need to oversee and control everything” but do I blame them for thinking that after seeing the shitshow the humans are doing ? Nah
My stupid little way of coping with this disappointment in allmind going the typical AI villain route is my theory that COM (WHO IS SENTIENT, u think that “master allmind” line slipped by ?? Hell no that bitch is ALIVE — made my eyeballs go wide w that line lol) is actually on our side (let me cook) because u saw how allmind took out chatty (another AI), so she absolutely would obliterate COM the instant she suspects them being against her. In the fight against allmind COM should have also been against us. Either by not providing the usual audio support, or by giving us FALSE information. “But hearing that is integral to the gameplay” i hear but say but if that was the case why would they let us know COM is sentient, And they could have had Ayre provide us that information if COM was against us (that would’ve been cool…) But, ask you, WHO was it that kept giving me audio cues on where my ammo was? WHO gave me audio cues on my AC’s health when I was in the middle of fighting Allmind, therefore notifying me when to use a repair kit? ??? 😇
WHO WAS THERE IN THE SHADOWS SUPPORTING ME?????? In a game that pays THIS much attention to detail (in a game where allmind will make comments on you completing your arena quests and training late into the game) I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to assume COM is on our side…COM cannot act out in anyway because they are under Allmind the entire game but…
Gosh anyways. Iguazu huh, when I kept losing to him in the final fight I started to feel closer to how he felt. Losing to us time and time again, I only grew more sympathetic with his feelings per loss. And lemme say this for nobody but me to understand but this is really that seimei douman feeling huh. I’m seimei and iguazu is my douman and he’s so consumed by hate and envy at my successes even tho we’re both onmyouji (Gen 4 augmented humans) he’s
Ok iguazu is a winner, not a loser, in my heart because in his ambition to surpass me he kept improving himself to the point that he took down a supercomputer AI he merged himself with just to fight me. Iguazu I need you to sit down and look at the situation, your own accomplishments, WE’RE FIGHTING IN THE STRATOSPHERE, WHAT NORMAL HUMAN EVEN GETS HERE? AND YOU GOT HERE WITH Me …??? How is that not an achievement, iguazu is SO self deprecating he can’t see his own accomplishments that makes me so sad. He should stand tall and say he survived the iceworm misison, he was a part of that success, he was praised by G1 Michigan (g1 Michigan says “iguazu is worth twenty something of you” in the fight against g1 Michigan) he says ‘how come it’s all so easy to you’ mid fight and I was yelling in my head “is that what you think this is?? You think this comes easy to me???” I was struggling to beat iguazu and he can’t even see that I’m struggling against him he still thinks I’m beating him with ease when that is NOT the case. So baffling, he can’t look at his own AI body super powered self and be like damn this is cool no all he sees is this weird pedestal he put me on (to be fair we did keep winning) but…ugh he envied us all along and the jp line I forget what it was but it’s even worse and sadder than that lol
Anyways …. I’m so sad right now hang on lol I can’t type anymore oh iguazu. Oh right the next point I was gonna make is I’m sad we weren’t there for Carla and walters final moments but it’s probably for the best I don’t think. Ok first off I thought Walter was gonna fly off the rails and say some really nasty stuff about 621 at some point in the game a “true colors” moment? ….ugh…uwughhugg…*sobbing noises*….he never did that…the Walter we meet and talk to since day 1 is the real him….sure he kept his plans secret…but he was very real with us there was no true colors moment he was true since the start im sorry for doubting you Walter…I also like how he never talks you down…gen 4 humans must look some kinda pathetic, man’s is sympathetic to all hell and back oh fuck…I wanna write about chatty and Carla but I’ve been typing for so long I’m mentally spent still feeling bad for iguazu LOL I really think we could’ve been friends with him what if we were sparring buddies……..wah…..
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yooku-s · 6 months
PlageTale━⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。F r i s k
Character Introduction: Frisk in "PlageTale"
† "PlageTale", is an Undertale Au where Frisk takes on the role of a doctor's apprentice in a world where with the arrival of the plague both on the surface and underground he turned everyone upside down
**Name:** Frisk
**Occupation:** Medical Apprentice
Background story:
Frisk, a curious and compassionate human, falls into the underground when he goes to visit one of the many mass graves to try to investigate the disease that endangers humanity, falling due to a slip into one of which turns out to be the underground. where the monsters that humanity had taken care of keeping locked up live.
Current "Plage Tale" goals: Frisk travels through the underworld, facing unique medical challenges while trying to avoid the plague that seemed to have reached the underworld one way or another. Him trying to find a way to advance a cure or treatment and at the same time trying to understand how some monsters seem to adapt to it.
**Current allies**
Dr. Alphys: A brilliant scientist who helps Frisk with medical knowledge and research for cures.
Napstablook: A melancholic spectrum that provides relaxing music to calm patients.
Mama Toriel: a goat woman who takes care of people who fall into the underground, somewhat nervous and very maternal although you usually have an unhealthy emotional attachment to the people she cares for, she was once the Queen of the underground that is the only thing you know
flowey: lasts the first few minutes you save him from some rats and although he tries to attack he doesn't really cause much damage so you end up adopting him as a possible pet or emergency food.
Monster kid and annoying dogs: they are both like a dog that needs to be taken care of, you like them.
papyrus: I still don't believe he's the younger brother, he's energetic and very curious like a mouse. I like him but I feel like something is screaming that I have to have better dealings with him or I'll be dead.
**Current neutrals:**
sans: he doesn't really have an opinion about you or you about him but you feel that he's hiding something else, it's not your problem so you don't mention it nor does he mention anything about you even though his jokes are laughable.
muffet: she doesn't care much about you as long as you buy her meals and "remedies" from her then you will be loved.
monsters in general: they don't care about you and that's it, they are so busy trying to protect themselves from getting sick that you become just another crazy person who thinks they can get a cure, you really think some of them are very irritating.
temmie: I'll just stay away from them...
grillby: he is very quiet but his food is good and he is a good guy.
**Current enemies:**
Undyne:she is a very strong girl and she wants me dead blaming me for the infection in the sub floor starting I'm really confused.
infected or guard monsters: they want me dead or infect me.
mettaton: you have no idea how monsters have progressed so much in technology but that machine of smoke and nuts seems to want to split me in two.
king asgore: I've only heard of him but he doesn't seem very happy that more humans are falling, much less falling alive.
chara:'at the end of everything I'm still me' I think.
asriel:who was that goat boy in Toriel photo...?
**Final Mission:**
Frisk seeks to find the "Panacea of Determination", a unique flower believed to be the solution to the plague. ---
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E S P A Ñ O L★★★
**Presentación de Personaje: Frisk en "PlageTale"**
*"PlageTale", es una Au de Undertale donde Frisk asume el rol de un aprendiz de médico en un mundo donde con la llegada de la peste tanto en la superficie como en el subsuelo puso a todos patas arribas*
**Nombre:** Frisk
**Ocupación:** Aprendiz de Médico
**Historia de Fondo:**Frisk, un humano curioso y compasivo, cae en el sub suelo cuando va a visitar una de las múltiples fosas comunes para tratar de investigar la enfermedad que pone en peligro a la humanidad callendo por un resbaló a una de esta que resulta ser el sub suelo donde viven los monstruos que la humanidad se había encargado de manter encerrados.
**Objetivos actuales "Plage Tale":**Frisk recorre el submundo, enfrentándose a desafíos médicos únicos tratando de evitar la peste que parecía haber llegado de una manera o otra al sub suelo. Intentando buscar manera de avanzar en una cura o tratamiento y a la vez intentando entender cómo los monstruos parecen adaptarse algunos a esta.
**Aliados actuales:**
1. *Dr. Alphys:* Una científica brillante que ayuda a Frisk con el conocimiento médico y la investigación de curas.
2. *Napstablook:* Un espectro melancólico que proporciona música relajante para calmar a los pacientes.
3. *Mamá toriel:* una mujer cabra que cuida de la gente que cae al sub suelo, algo nerviosa y muy maternal aunque sueles tener un apego emocional no sano por las personas que cuida, alguna vez fue la Reyna del sub suelo eso es lo único que sabes.
4. *flowey:* dura te los primeros minutos lo salvas de algunas ratas y el aunque intenta atacar realmente no causa mucho daño por lo que lo terminas adoptando como posible mascota o comida de emergencia.
5.*Monster kid and annoying dogs:* los dos son como un perro que hay que cuidar, te caen bien.
6.*papyrus:* sigo sin creerme que sea el hermano menor, es energético y muy curioso como un ratón me cae bien pero siento como si algo gritara que tengo que tener mejor trato con el o estaré muerto.
**Neutrales actuales:**
1.*sans:* el realmente no tiene una opinión sobre ti ni tu de el pero sientes que oculta algo más no es problema tuyo por lo que no lo mencionas ni el menciona nada de ti aún haci sus bromas dan risa.
2.*muffet:* a ella no le importas mucho mientras compres sus comidas y "remedios" entoces seras amado.
3*moustros en general:* no les importas y punto, están muy ocupado tratando de cuidarse de enfermarse que tu te vuelves solo otro loco que cree que puede conseguir cura, tu realmente piensa que algunos son muy irritantes.
4.*temmie:* solo me alejare de ellos...
5.*grillby:* el es muy callado pero su comida es buena y es un buen tipo.
**Enemigos actuales:**
1. *Undyne:* es una chica muy fuerte y me quiere muerto me culpa de que la infección en el sub suelo comenzar realmente estoy confundido.
2.*moustros infectados o de la guardia:* me quieren muerto o infectar me.
3.*mettaton:* no tienes idea de cómo los monstruos progresaron tanto en la tecnología pero esa maquina de huma y tuercas parece querer revanarme en dos.
4.*rey asgore:* solo he escuchado de el pero no parece muy feliz de que más humanos caigan mucho menos que caigan vivos.
1.*chara:* 'a la final de todo sigo siendo yo' creo.
2.*asriel:* quien era ese niño cabra de la foto de toriel...?
**Misión Final:**
Frisk busca encontrar la "Panacea de la Determinación", una flor única que se cree es la solución para la peste.
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randomgurustuffs · 1 year
Fern lore Pt 2
Around Equestria at this time, strange things began to occur; zombies began to appear and strange signs were seen, for Umbra in desperation decided to unleash an ancient evil and thereby enable his rise to power so far blocked by the team aboard the Retribution.  It did not help things that at this moment Hex and the old lich were swapped with versions of themselves from another, more violent universe in which Necrosis was a drunken menace and Hex the leader of the group trying to stop them. However, this version of Hex ordered Fern around (for in his world she was his officer) and kissed Featherwing (in his world his wife), confusing them both. 
At one point, Fern and the team had to put down a zombie dance party (thanks to alt-Necrosis) in a ruined town en route to the Griffon kingdom.  The team was travelling there tof stop Umbra’s plan to open Tartarus and release the Titans to overthrow by force the current order. Though the ponies were already dead, it still felt as if she had killed an actual pony and it got to her, as she was a gentle soul.  Featherwing, feeling pity for the pony that had saved her life and having dealt with such things before, decided to comfort Fern and help her through this.  As a result, they became friends.  Because Hex had been in the other world, he now saw Featherwing as a valid alternative option to Fern, and when he returned he decided to pursue her.  Fern was happy for her new friend and supported her in this, but then Hex made a mistake, for he still had feelings for Fern.  He confessed his feelings to her and kissed her.  Fern was extremely confused, but Hex lied and said that his relationship with Featherwing was through.  Because of Fern’s wishing to avoid hurting Featherwing’s feelings she avoided telling Featherwing about it as Hex proceeded to attempt to date both of them at the same time.  Inevitably, this failed and both mares were justly enraged at him.  Their shared rage made them still closer friends and they wrote stories about Hex getting his comeuppance.
Fern’s adopted father, being Hex’s friend, confronted him and forced him to admit his true feelings for Fern and to apologize to both mares.  Fern gave him no answer and instead isolated herself to figure things out (though still occasionally talking with Featherwing).  Eventually they came to terms.  Fern also still held feelings for Hex, but wanted to avoid being hurt again.  After nervously confronting him, Fern decided to give Hex another chance, even though he didn’t deserve it.  Hex, for his part, did his best to be as good a coltfriend as he could and put in real effort.
The final confrontation with Umbra occurred.  Fern and Digi fought him personally, Fern thumping him with a 2x4 and then stabbing him in the eye with it once it was broken.  In the battle Fern and Hex learned to trust each other again, with Hex at one point using a controlled version of the monstrous form last seen on the island to help stop the titans, with Fern as an emotional anchor to return to his senses after.  When it was all over, they became properly close and Hex proposed.  Fern, for her part, stayed in touch with the team afterwards and joined some of them in moving into Ponyville. Fern and Hex’s lives as an engaged couple were not, of course, free from conflict.  Fern’s friend Digi had given birth to a child with rare magical powers, and those powers were coveted.  At one point Fern was kidnapped by a criminal mastermind.  Hex was given a lifelike plush of her which contained a ransom note (revealed by the head detaching alarmingly) demanding Digi’s child in exchange for Fern’s life.  Of course, such a thing was unthinkable, and Hex instead proceeded to rescue her from where she was held at crossbow point by a malicious green unicorn.  It was a close run thing, and the unicorn continued to cause them grief later, even into married life.
As a married couple, both had their personal struggles to face.  They had two children, and on top of the challenges raising them, Hex remembered what he had done in the past with the Featherwing debacle all too well and it hounded him, as it did Fern.  This was combined with Fern knowing Hex was fascinated by pegasi, which made her feel insufficient-as if she wasn’t good enough.  Hex, being well meaning, attempted to make her feel better by giving her mechanical wings, but of course this didn’t help at all-it made both of them feel worse, but they did work it out in the end, mostly.  They continued to be uneasy about things, but soon had other problems to worry about even after their second child had grown and flown the roost. One night in Ponyville, Fern was grabbed roughly and dragged to a dimly lit room. The ponies talked about revenge and how she would be a lesson to the old lich who had adopted her.  They were the vampires from the party all those years ago, and they maintained a grudge.  One of the vampires seized her and used vampire magic to try and calm her and make her compliant as she was drained, however Fern’s will proved too strong and she broke free, biting down hard on the hoof holding her and lashed out in desperation, overpowering her captors, and escaping before they could stop her.  
When she returned home, Hex helped treat her wounded neck, but the next morning she felt strange.  Because she had both had a vampire drink her blood and had accidentally ingested the vampire’s blood she had bitten, she herself transformed into a vampire.  
Being the kind pony she was, she began to waste away from want of blood, until Hex offered himself to feed her.  The first time she almost went to far and it was with great force of will that she stopped herself.  Hex therefore invented an amulet that would gently force her back as she grew near a danger point, and from then on he became her favorite snack, though she does try to avoid too-frequent feedings for his sake. 
As a vampire she has limited transformation powers and tries to avoid sunlight where possible.  It also made her taller and more graceful than the average mare.  She still visits frequently with her friends in Ponyville such as Rosemary and Guru, and Digi with her husband Si Fron.  Only these, the lich, and Featherwing (who she writes to frequently) know her secret.  It’s unclear what happened to the vampires, but they didn’t cause trouble afterwards.
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popchoc · 2 years
Maya & Dearborn, #123 please ��
Maya Bishop & Charlotte Dearborn, Station 19
123: "fuck you." - "when?"
There it is again. The high-pitched ringing in her ears, blocking out every other sound trying to get in.
It started this afternoon, right after that water heater exploded in her face. At that moment Maya believed it was a fitting reaction to the loud noise, but it's been hours now, and yet the ringing keeps coming and going - completely out of nowhere. And though it only lasts for a minute or so, it's highly uncomfortable.
It's also why it takes her a bit to realize the woman at the sink next to hers is talking to her.
"St-io- -in-tee- r-ght? -m Ch-r-tt-, -om -elf."
"I- I'm sorry, what?!" Maya answers, turning towards her and trying to focus the best she can. If only she could read lips.
(Talking about lips, this woman has quite a pair.)
While Maya's a little distracted by the view, the woman keeps talking to her; unaware that Maya doesn’t hear her.
"I -m lieu-en-t a- -ta-ion -wel-, - kno- y- -iend, He-e-a."
Feeling her frustration rise, Maya tilts her head and shakes it with vigor. When it doesn't do the trick, she starts tapping her ear, which seems to amuse the other woman.
"Got som- wate- in ther-?" she grins.
"Something like that," Maya answers, finally picking up most of it - at least she hopes so. She turns off the tap, then looks over her shoulder as she reaches for the towel dispenser - which, of course, is empty. "Have we uhm... have we met?"
(She would know, right? Yes, she would definitely know.)
When the woman hands her a paper towel from her side, their hands briefly touch. Maya mumbles a thank you, and notices with relief that the ringing is finally gone.
"Not personally," the answer sounds perfectly clear, "But I've seen you around. You know, in the field."
Maya doesn't know. But that could be because she missed half of what was said before. And that's not something she'd like to admit.
So she just nods.
The woman leans one hip against the sink, then casually crosses her arms. Maya is no stranger to bathroom chats with random chicks, but for some reason she's not so sure if this one may lead to something fun - despite liking what she sees.
"Rumor has it you guys got yourself trapped again."
Her smirk is challenging.
Maya mirrors her pose. "What do you mean, again ?!"
"Don't you know? Nineteen has quite the reputation."
Never accepting any trash talk about her station, Maya takes a step forward, trying to overawe. Yet with her challenger stepping back simultaneously, her attempt seems more like the start of the cha-cha-cha.
Maya pretends not to notice it. "Bullshit!" she calls out without blinking.
"You think I'm making this up? You people keep getting yourself in trouble every other week. Nothing wrong with a reputation though. Yours, for example—"
"Whoa whoa whoa!" Maya stops her, raising her hand. "My reputation?!"
Bright laughter echoes through the bar's bathroom again. "Well yeah. I mean, within a different scene, but you know..." She clicks her tongue. And this time, Maya does know.
She narrows her eyes. "Are you slut shaming me?"
The woman cocks her head, an almost innocent look crossing her face. "Not at all! I'm just... curious what the fuzz is all about."
Maya snorts, then shakes her head - not willing to take the bait any longer. "Fuck you," she simply tells her off.
The woman's response comes fast, before Maya gets the chance to turn away from her.
"Sure," she chuckles, raising her brows, "When?"
Frozen in motion, Maya stares at her. At this annoyingly cocky, but also annoyingly hot woman right in front of her. Who's clearly having way more fun than she is.
(Which seems highly unfair.)
Not giving it another thought she moves in, crashing their lips together with force and impatience. Their tongues quickly find each other. Their hands follow. It's a hungry kiss. A good one, a really good one, and stopping seems the most stupid thing they could do.
Maya gives herself one second to break it though, giving in to the need to open the stall door closest to them. And - admittedly - to win this thing.
Heavily panting, and already directing the both of them towards the empty stall, she manages to have the last word: "Now."
(After all, it's been a long day. And it is still Wednesday.)
150 random writing prompts (closed)
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
hi!!!! I just watched episode 11 and :((( I knew all of supercharger were gonna be eliminated but it still made me sad since a bunch of my top picks were in that team. after listening to the original songs a few times, my ranking is en garde > over me > supercharger > switch > say my name. I like all the songs though!!! I wish they showed more of the musical challenge? I wanted to see chen kuan jui, as well as ricky & ollie and jay & kamden. my mum has been watching the show with me and her top pick the entire time has been matthew! I'm kinda surprised that mnet gave him a negative edit for a while but they seem to hate g team so I shouldn't be surprised :/
omg yeah that elimination had me losing my mind when it happened i was so shocked that haruto didn't make the final i was so upset <//3 he was one of my ideal top 9 i rlly feel like he was robbed <///3 supercharger really did so well but tragically i feel like mnet didn't really give any of them a narrative for people to like latch onto?? except for woongki but i feel like that was too little too late <///3 and yeah all the songs are good!!!! i was looking at my like receiptify thing for the month and all 7 of the boys planet songs r on there i am rlly such a fan of all the music they put out w this season lkdslksdf the musical challenge had me about to die of second hand embarrassment KLFDSLKSDFLK i couldn't handle it it was too silly dkslkdflk but i dont get why they cut so many esp kuanjui's when he was one of the ones who got an all star??? but it is mnet so :/ ur mom is so real i thank her for her service hes such a cute nice lil dude KLFDSKLSDF nd oh yeah the mnet matthew evil edit threw me for a loop i started to get a bad feeling when the 2nd performance round started bc the way they were making him seem during love killa had me a bit ?? and it just spiralled LDSLKKDS idk why they switched up on him???? i think he ranked too highly near the beginning for their liking so they wanted to try to sabotage him thats my hot girl paranoia take KLFDSLKDS like my anxiety is already bad but usually survival shows dont get to me but man did that arc rlly hit me......him placing 9th in ep 11 had me so thrown off that i needed to lay on like a cold hard surface to just be uncomfortable and zone out but i needed to vacuum so i ended up laying across the washer-dryer set in my apartment for like half an hour having the sort of overdramatic panic episode only i could muster for something so trivial KFLDSLDSF my roommate thought it was so funny fkldskld it rlly was a time for me..............after ep 11 i was getting all my friends and my parents to vote it had me in full blown panic mode KLFDSLKFD u just have the finale left now!!! its long as fuck godspeed KLFDSLKDFKL
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stateofsport211 · 1 month
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📸 ATP official website
The singles quarterfinals action in the Aix-en-Provence Challenger then continued with Richard Gasquet, who stunned first seed and wild card Adrian Mannarino 6-2, 6-2 earlier in the day after the play was completely rained out yesterday, taking on qualifier Valentin Vacherot, who earlier battled Felipe Meligeni R. Alves 6-3, 3-6, 7-6(4) in the second round. This ended up testing both players' forms, especially taking into account the latter is completely on a tear this season, and this became a good test for the former to hang on in the top.
Somehow, the match started from Vacherot's notable drop shots, which not only set himself one point ahead but also set up his break point before finally breaking to 3-1 due to Gasquet's forehand error. The former then consolidated his serves to 4-1 and had not looked back since for the most part.
After Gasquet held his serves to 4-2, he had a little opportunity by scoring a backhand pass generated his first break point, but even if he had several more break points (around 2-3), Vacherot still held his serves to 5-2. The Monegasque qualifier then earned his chance to serve for the first set, where despite surviving a one-point lead to start the game thanks to Gasquet's working volley, Vacherot stayed solid to take the first set 6-3 to put himself in the drivers' seat of this match.
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multiculturalflynn · 1 month
Jane the Virgin
“Jane the Virgin” is a comedy romantic-drama series that focuses on Jane Villanueva, a Mexican/Venezuelan/American young woman living in Miami with her mother and grandmother. Jane has taken after her grandmother’s religious ways, but a medical mistake has left her pregnant as a religious virgin. The storyline relates to representation of Latinx people in media and the adversity that Latinx people face in the name of discrimination in the U.S.
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The series in rich Latinx culture and identities, focusing on a multigenerational Latinx family. Not only this, but we also see intersectionality presented between Latinx culture, religion, and especially women.  Historically, work in the United States has been segregated, leaving professional positions to white people. For example, “… only 5 percent of the Mexicans were in professional and managerial occupations in 1920…” (Takaki, 2008). Providing contrast to this historic segregation of Latinx work in the U.S., Jane is presented as an independent, educated, and ambitious Latina woman who begins her career as a teacher and ultimately becomes a published writer. An important marker of the identity of these characters is the frequent presence of bilingualism. Jane speaks English with no accent, while also occasionally speaking Spanish at home with her grandmother who speaks very little English. Alba (Jane’s grandma) speaking Spanish here. There is a stereotype in the culture of the U.S. that Hispanics all have an accent when speaking English, which both Jane and her mother contradict. The show features the characters speaking Spanish and English to each other which is refreshing to see in a usual homogenic white English-speaking media. The language “issue” is addressed in “Chapter 61” while Jane’s grandmother is working in the giftshop of a hotel and speaks Spanish to her coworker. A woman overhears and tells her to learn English if she’s in America. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon situation for many Hispanics living in the U.S., as I know many people who have personally experienced this same situation.
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“Jane the Virgin” demonstrates the challenges and resilience of Latinx people in a predominantly white society. On top of this, characters maintain cultural ties and preserve their language, challenging the need of “total assimilation”, or losing their individuality to become more Americanized. The series presents an important Latinx storyline without ever explicitly stating that it is about Latinx representation. It is simply embedded into the show, giving the series an authentic feel that many Latinx communities can relate to (well, at least the principles of the story). “Jane the Virgin” reflect a key concept of our readings, how can visual culture perpetuate or challenge stereotypes? As addressed earlier, the show features a female lead who is educated, accomplished, driven, and professional. The characters also challenge the accent stereotype apparent in our culture. The show does a little bit of perpetuating AND challenging the stereotype of Latinas being hypersexual, as Jane is a religious virgin (at least through most of the show), yet her mother contributes to this hypersexual stereotype. Learn more about this stereotype here.
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Lyons, M. (2019, July 31). ‘Jane the Virgin’ Ended Much Like It Began. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/31/arts/television/jane-the-virgin-series-finale.html
Romero, A. (2019, August 1). How The Jane The Virgin Finale Gave Us The Happily Ever After We Deserve. Refinery29. https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/07/239345/how-does-jane-the-virgin-finale-ending-season-5-episode-19
Takaki, R. (2008). A different mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Back Bay Books.
Wiki, C. T. J. T. V. (n.d.). Alba and Jane. Jane the Virgin Wiki. https://janethevirgin.fandom.com/wiki/Alba_and_Jane
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astridofraftel · 2 months
reading challenge #11 (wrap-up)
Just finished: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
Currently reading: The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
Next on schedule: The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
I just wanted to add for myself a little conclusion to the reading challenge I did last year! I went back to university, so I had a lot less time and motivation to read for the past six months. Because of that, I didn't achieve my goals in the end, but that's alright, I'm still very proud of all the dusting-off I did! My TBR pile is much more manageable now, so I will not be keeping up with this challenge in 2024 (I barely read anything not Percy Jackson-related since January, anyway).
So, if anyone is interested in random lists of books, in 2023 I checked off my program:
(FR) Le Prieuré de l'Oranger (The Priory of the Orange Tree) by Samantha Shannon
(FR) La voleuse de livres (The Book Thief) by Markus Zusak
(FR) L'École des femmes + Le Misanthrope by Molière
(EN) Babel, or the Necessity of Violence by R. F. Kuang
(EN) Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
(EN) Daughter of Smoke and Bone + Days of Blood and Starlight + Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
(FR) Le Chien des Baskerville (The Hound of the Baskervilles) by Arthur Conan Doyle
(FR) Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola
(FR) Le symbole perdu (The Lost Symbol) by Dan Brown
(FR) Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
(FR) Il était une fois dans le Nord (Once Upon A Time In The North) by Philip Pullman
(FR) Le Roi Lear (King Lear) by William Shakespeare
(EN) The Conqueror’s Saga (And I Darken + Now I Rise + Bright We Burn) by Kiersten White
(FR) Le Flambeau + Témoin à charge by Agatha Christie
(FR) Boudicca by Jean-Laurent Del Socorro
(FR) Fantômes et kimonos by Kidō Okamoto
(FR) Dans l'ombre de Paris by Morgan of Glencoe
For a total of 23 books out of my goal of 30 that I had owned for years and never read!
Which means that my TBR pile now amounts to these 12 books (I acquired the last 4 last year so they were not included in my program):
(FR) L'Ultime Expérience by Bruce Benamran
(FR) Cinna by Corneille
(FR) Othello by Shakespeare
(EN) Three Dark Crowns (re-read) + One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake
(EN) Iskari, the Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli
(EN) The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen
(FR) Le complot des corbeaux by Ariel Holzl
(FR) La mythologie viking (North Mythology) by Neil Gaiman
(FR) La métamorphose by Franz Kafka
(EN) A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
(EN) The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
In addition to all that, although disregarding anything fanfictitious, last year...
(and because I barely have any self-control when it comes to books)
...I also read these, which were not initially included in my program:
(EN) And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
(EN) Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
(FR) Le château de Hurle (Howl’s moving castle) by Diana Wynne Jones
(EN) The Princess Diaries vol. 1 by Meg Cabot
(EN) Strange the dreamer + Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
(EN) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
(EN) Divergent vol. 1 by Veronica Roth
(EN) Legendborn + Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn
(FR) Comme un vol d'étourneaux by Giorgio Parisi
(FR) Le meilleur des mondes (Brave New World) by Aldous Huxley
(EN) I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
(EN) Crooked House by Agatha Christie
(EN) Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
(FR) La guerre des clans (Warriors) - cycle I vol. 1-6 by Erin Hunter
(EN) Tallstar’s Revenge by Erin Hunter
(FR) Le mystère de Listerdale by Agatha Christie
After all these gruesome lists, I can finally put to rest my 2023 reading challenge. Maybe one day I'll renew it, but I probably won't have the time nor the energy to schedule my readings so seriously for the next two years. It's been very fun though, also it had been the first year in quite some time that I read that much in French, and I think it did me good.
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priyablog26 · 3 months
Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy to Huge Growth by 2023-2028 
Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy to Huge Growth by 2023-2028 
Global Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Demand, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Trends, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Analysis, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Growth, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Share, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Forecast, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Challenges, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Opportunity 
At Intellect Markets, published a new research publication on "Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Insights, to 2030" with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting Market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world. 
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/cloud-based-occupational-therapy-market1/request-sample     Some of the key players profiled in the study are:  WEBPT, PREMISE HEALTH, NET HEALTH CLINICIENT, OPTIMA HEALTH CARE, INC., CLINICSOURCE, ACCORD MEDICAL PRODUCTS, BIO-MED INC., DIVINE PHYSIOTHERAPY EQUIPMENTS, ANYANG XIANGYU MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD., IDEAL SURGICAL COMPANY, ALLIANCE THERAPY SERVICES.    Scope of the Report of Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy :  The cloud-based occupational therapy market refers to the sector of healthcare technology focused on the delivery of occupational therapy services and related tools through cloud computing platforms. Occupational therapy aims to help individuals of all ages overcome physical, mental, developmental, or emotional challenges to engage in meaningful activities and improve their overall quality of life.    Market Drivers:  The rising geriatric population and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases will promote growth 
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/cloud-based-occupational-therapy-market1/enquire  
The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:  By Diseases (Mental Disorder, Physical Disorder, Others); Settings (Hospitals, Outpatient Clinics, Others) 
Global Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy report highlights information regarding the current and future industry trends, growth patterns, as well as it offers business strategies to helps the stakeholders in making sound decisions that may help to ensure the profit trajectory over the forecast years. 
Region Included are: Global, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa    Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. 
Finally, Cloud-Based Occupational Therapy is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.    Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/cloud-based-occupational-therapy-market1  
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get region wise report version like Global, North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe, South America, etc 
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Intellect Markets, a leading strategic market research firm, helps businesses confidently navigate their strategic challenges, promoting informed decisions for sustainable growth. We provide comprehensive syndicated reports and customized consulting services. Our insights provide a clear understanding of the ever-changing dynamics of the global demand-supply gap across various markets. 
Contact US:   Intellect Markets,  Unit No. 4, Lakshmi Enclave, Nizampet, Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500090  Phone: +1 347 514 7411, +91 8688234923  [email protected] 
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puttingwingsonwords · 8 months
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August Reading Wrap Up
I’m very late with this because Things Kept Happening so now you’re getting two monthly wrap-ups in a row. I'll leave out the 'currently reading and tbr' part on this post since I'm sharing that on the September one.
total books read: 12
2023 reading challenge progress: 68/100 (slightly ahead)
formats: 2 print, 8 digital, 2 audio
My favourite books this month were Dungeon Meshi Volumes 9 and 12 (though I don’t remember why I rated these higher than the others) and my reread of Nimona.
• Nimona by N. D. Stevenson (print)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
I decided to reread this because I loved the movie adaptation, but I didn’t remember a lot about what happened in the graphic novel. It’s much more different than I realised, but I love them both!
• Dungeon Meshi Vol. 6-12 by Ryoko Kui (digital)
rating: 4 to 5 out of 5 stars
This was amazing and I’m anxiously awaiting the final chapter…
• Mythen en stoplichten by Alara Adilow (print, Dutch)
rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
If you can read Dutch I highly recommend this collection of poetry on gender, transition, xenophobia, immigration, and complicated family relationships written in language mixing evocative metaphors with stark reality.
• Komijnsplitsers by Lucas Rijneveld (audio, Dutch)
rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Another Dutch poetry collection, this one dealing with themes of not fitting in, gender dysphoria, loving the strange(r) in language that is somehow detached and touching at the same time.
• The Box in the Woods by Maureen Johnson (audio)
rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed this standalone mystery more than the Truly Devious trilogy, because I found it much more satisfying to see a mystery set up, unraveled and solved in a single book rather than over the course of a series (in which the ending was a bit anticlimactic).
• Deep Roots by Vanessa Roades (digital, ARC)
rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
You can find my review on instagram. In short, while I was initially drawn in by the interesting world and characters, there was too little explanation and worldbuilding set-up for me to be able to keep up with it and I ended up feeling lost.
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hareofhrair · 2 years
In that one ask about getting into trouble u mentioned shafan kinda steering clear from purple bloods. Have they ever had an encounter or experience with one? How did it go?
HH: =oh i've had run ins with m=ore'n a few cl=owns, n=one of em pleasant.
HH: best =one was a sweep =or s=o back. i was cruisin this lil shindig a friend =of a friend was thr=owin
HH: m=ost everyb=ody there was a rusty, but tha thing ab=out thr=owin a g=o=od party is
HH: cl=owns will just sh=ow up
HH: they just manifest there =or s=omethin s=o=on as things really kick off
HH: like the way bleatbeasts just show up at metal c=oncerts
HH: anyway everyb=ody kn=ows y=ou thr=ow a big en=ough party yer runnin tha risk a cl=owns deciding ta crash it
HH: but generally speakin cl=owns aint subtle and when they sh=ow up ya kn=ow what's happenin
HH: s=o i'm at this party and havin a real g=o=od time
HH: maybe a lil drunker than I =ought ta be
HH: when i sp=ot this Big B=oy lurkin in a c=orner b=o=oth
HH: and yall kn=ow i like em big
HH: s=o i slide in and intr=oduce myself
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HH: i feel it's imp=ortant ta menti=on here that the lightin in this place was n=ot s=o g=o=od
HH: and als=o my eyesight leaves a lil s=omethin ta be desired
HH: by which i mean im blind as tha pr=overbial flyin squeakbeast
HH: s=o between that and bein pretty sl=oshed i d=ont n=otice anythin suspici=ous ab=out this gentleman
HH: i start talkin ta tha fella, and he's a bit quiet, aint sayin much
HH: but that's fine i can run my m=outh en=ough fer tha b=oth a us, and i d=o
HH: lil while later, i get ta askin him if he w=ouldn't like ta walk me h=ome, if ya gather my meanin
HH: he says that s=ounds like fun, and we slip =out tha back a tha j=oint
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HH: i'm hangin =off his arm, havin tr=ouble walkin straight, when I l=o=ok up an get my first g=o=od gander at tha guy under a streetlight
HH: and i see greasepaint, and a big =ole grin
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HH: that'll s=ober a fella up p=owerful fast let me tell ya
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HH: n=ow i mighta just g=one al=ong with tha guy and b=olted at tha first good excuse
HH: but apparently i was t=o=o drunk ta manage my facial expressi=ons, cus he sees h=ow i'm l=o=okin at him and his smile if anythin just gets wider.
HH: finally n=oticed, did ya? he says. that mean i cain't walk ya h=ome n=o m=ore? =oh well, tha =other way w=oulda been m=ore fun, but we can still have a g=o=od time.
HH: and he drags me =off int=o an alley and pulls o=ut a club, ready ta splatter me acr=oss tha pavement like a p=opped water bal=o=on
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HH: but i tend ta babble when i'm scared, and all =of a sudden i say
HH: hell nah, y'all can't kill me like this, it ain't even funny!
HH: where's tha w=ordplay? tha creativity?
HH: yer just g=onna smash me with a club in an alleyway?
HH: where's tha fuckin craftsmanship? where's tha art?
HH: and that actually makes him st=op fer a minute
HH: and he just l=o=oks at me fer a bit, an then he says
HH: kn=ow what, yer right. Culls =ought ta be gl=ori=ous in tha sight a tha messiahs =or s=ome shit
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HH: and i say hey ya kn=ow what w=ould be funny
HH: im a real fast runner, faster'n hell
HH: and there's a train what comes thr=ough here right at sunrise
HH: let's say y=ou challenge me t=o a race with tha train
HH: and if I beat it, y=ou let me g=o
HH: he starts sayin nah i aint just lettin y=ou run =off i aint that dumb
HH: and i say =o c=ourse, that's the funniest part
HH: bef=ore tha train c=omes, ya tie my feet t=o tha tracks!
HH: he says h=ot damn yer right that is fuckin funny
HH: gets right giggly imaginin me tryin ta run and gettin flattened like an old penny
HH: so we head =on =over t=o tha train tracks
HH: and i say wait h=old =on, we need s=ome supplies first
HH: supplies, he says?
HH: i say yeah well, we need r=ope =obvi=ously, and an umbrella
HH: he says, an umbrella?
HH: i say =o c=ourse an umbrella, i t=old ya tha train c=omes right at sunrise. ya d=ont want ta be standin there burnin in tha sun iffin tha train is late, d=o ya?
HH: and he says yer right yer right i d=ont care fer sunburns
HH: s=o he gets s=ome r=ope and a big black umbrella and we get =on tha tracks and he start's tyin my feet t=o tha tracks, but he's kinda strugglin because he's h=oldin tha umbrella at tha same time
HH: and i say hang o=n, ya can't tie it like that, it's g=onna slip right o=ff. here, let me sh=ow ya, i learned s=ome sailin kn=ots fr=om a c=obalt that never c=ome l=o=ose
HH: So i start sh=owin him h=ow ta d=o it, but he ain't gettin it, s=o i say here, i'll tie my =own feet, and y=ou watch and practice =on your =own feet.
HH: s=o he starts tyin his =own feet ta tha tracks, but he's still fumblin =on acc=ount =of h=oldin tha umbrella, s=o i say, ya need b=oth hands, here let me h=old that f=or ya
HH: and he says thanks and hands me the umbrella and g=oes back ta tyin his feet ta tha tracks.
HH: n=ow =of c=ourse ab=out that time tha sun starts ta c=ome up, and right =on time the train whistle s=ounds in tha distance
HH: and tha cl=own l=o=oks up
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HH: by which p=oint i'm already ab=out half a bl=ock away, runnin like hell itself is =on my heels, with the umbrella ta b=o=ot
HH: but i was still cl=ose en=ough ta hear that m=otherfucker laughin, laughin like ta bust a gut, right up till tha n=oise a tha train dr=owned him =out
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updatecrazy · 11 months
Sony has released a new GT7 update 1.35 on PS4 and PS5(Version 1.350.000) players. According to the official GT7 1.35 patch notes, the latest GT7 June 2023 update introduces new cars, events, features, and improvements, including new cars like the Aston Martin Valkyrie '21 and Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III GSR '95, new events in World Circuits and Music Rally. Apart from this, GT7 patch 1.35 (1.350) also made adjustments to gameplay elements, and various bug fixes and improvements. Previously, a major GT7 update 1.23 added 3 new cars and new Scapes. Volkswagen ID. R '19, Nissan Silvia K's Type S(S14) '94 and Porsche Vision Gran Turismo Spyder are now available in-game. Recently, GT7 patch 1.32 added new cars and fixes. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today's GT7 version 1.35 will address a few of these issues. Read more details below. GT7 1.35 Patch Notes (June Update) - June 29, 2023 New Features https://youtu.be/NfdEQWSAGJE Cars: Three new cars have been added: Aston Martin Valkyrie '21, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III GSR '95 (Purchasable at 'Used Cars'), Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi '04 (Purchasable at 'Brand Central' and 'Used Cars'). A new livery has been added for the Lexus RC F GT3 '17. World Circuits: New events added to 'World Circuits': Fisherman's Ranch - Japanese 4WD Challenge 600 Circuit de Sainte-Croix - Hypercar Parade Red Bull Ring - Japanese 4WD Challenge 600 Autopolis - World Touring Cars 800 Music Rally: Six new events have been added to 'Music Rally,' featuring tracks like Good Old Days (Classixx Remix), DRIFT, Marechia (With Célia Kameni), Hooked on America, Life's Coming in Slow, and Moon Over the Castle GT7 version. Scapes: Two new locations, 'Monterey' and 'Field of Flowers,' have been added as featured Curations in Scapes. Café: Two new Extra Menus have been added: 'Collection: Subaru WRX' (Collector Level 26 and above) and 'Collection: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution' (Collector Level 30 and above). New sets of conversations with Car Designers and Characters in the Café have been added. Brand Central: A new Museum section for 'Fanatec' has been added for Europe. GT Auto: Car Customisation now includes 'Fanatec' pre-set decals in the Livery Editor. 13 new 'Real Car Paint' colors have been added. Engine Swaps have been added for certain cars. Sport: Rewards will be awarded at the end of a Season based on the player's final ranking. Eligible players can access their rewards in 'Sport' mode. Multiplayer: 'Settings Options' has been added to the Room Settings in Lobby mode, allowing for more freedom in applying 'Allowed' and 'Prohibited' settings. Other Improvements and Fixes Physics Simulation Model: The effect of the 'Brake' while Auto-Drive has been adjusted. Cars: Fixed an issue where adding wide body modifications caused visual aberrations in liveries around the front end of the Alpine A110 '72. The overtake indicator display has been changed for vehicles with boost functions such as KERS, including the Aston Martin Valkyrie '21, Dodge SRT Tomahawk GTS-R VGT, Dodge SRT Tomahawk S VGT, Dodge SRT Tomahawk X VGT, Infiniti Concept VGT, Lexus LF-LC GT VGT, Nissan NISSAN CONCEPT 2020 VGT, and Toyota FT-1 VGT. The motor gear ratio has been adjusted in the Lamborghini Lambo V12 VGT. World Circuits: Fixed an issue in Custom Race where loading saved race settings that included cars prohibited from racing in dirt allowed those cars to be used on 'Dirt' tracks. Café: Cars that have not been obtained yet now display their availability status in the Extra Menu list. GT Auto: The engine start-up sound now plays after performing an Engine Swap in Car Maintenance & Service. Sport: Entry screens now display the 'Wall Collision Penalty' setting under 'Penalty Settings.'
The pit-in menu during races now displays required tires and previously used tire types. Sound: Additional tracks have been added to the list of background music (BGM) that may have copyright restrictions when streaming. These tracks will not be played when 'Broadcast Mode' is turned 'On.' Controllers: The steering sensitivity of the left stick and directional buttons has been adjusted when using a wireless controller. PlayStation®VR2: Fixed an issue where using PlayStation®VR2 in '2P Split Screen' mode would cause VR replay to unintentionally play after the race. Localization: Various text localization issues have been fixed. Other Issues: Various other issues have been addressed and resolved. Download the free GT7 patch 1.35 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
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abelladxnna · 1 year
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K I T A ' S F A M I L Y - P A R T O N E
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The Father - Sebastian
Age: Old // Height: 193 cm // MBTI: ENTP
Face Claim: Kaoru Rindo (Cafe Enchante) & Ardyn Izunia (Final Fantasy XV)
Voice Claim: Wagner Moura (EN) / Koichi Yamadera (JP)
As a child, he had been told that his family was cursed. That they are "los portadoras de la muerte". The Ones Who Bring Death. For a long time, Sebastian believed that this was the case. He lost his entire family to either sickness or freak accidents and his ancestors were supposedly responsible for a calamity that occurred in a neighboring country centuries ago, causing them to flee to Paldea and earn their accursed title. As a way to challenge his fate, he decided to become an explorer when he grew up. It was during his travels that he met the woman who would later become his wife and the mother of his children. For a time, it seemed as though the curse was merely a myth.. until he lost everything. The following decades have then turned this once charismatic, vivacious man into a cold, ruthless one. Currently, he is the CEO of Geneza Corp., a major company which focuses on natural science research and expeditions, as well as being the main benefactor of the team studying Area Zero. In the recent years, an extremist group calling themselves Team Abyss has been making claims that Geneza Corp. is merely a front for nefarious purposes that will bring about the end of the world. Whatever his motives are, one thing is for certain: he will use any means necessary to reunite with his family..
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The Mother - Eriza
Age: Really, really, really old // Height: 180 cm // MBTI: INFJ
Face Claim: Isabella (The Promised Neverland)
Voice Claim: Lisa Hannigan (EN) / Sarah Alainn (JP)
Beware the Platinum Clan, especially their leader, High Priestess Eriza. These words have been passed around the inhabitants of Hisui in hushed voices for decades. Viewed by outsiders as an omen, but viewed as a mother by her followers. Eriza initially appears as a kindly woman, taking in exiles and outcasts from the Diamond or Pearl Clan and Jubilife Village. But it doesn't take a detective to suspect that there is something off about her. Perhaps it is her consistently calm demeanor and unbreaking gaze.. how she is accompanied by menacing-looking Pokemon (most of which aren't native to Hisui).. how she was able to stop a previously violent feud between the Diamond and Pearl clans with just one word and somehow drove their leaders into insanity.. how even the fearless Kamado clams up at her presence… or how nobody seems to know where the Platinum Clan's settlement is or what deity they worship. Records mention an island shrouded in fog that appears at random locations around Hisuian waters at different times with no pattern. But following the disappearance of the space-time rift, the island along with the clan and its leader also seemingly vanished without a trace..
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The Sister - Moira
Age: 31 (during Gen 6) // Height: 171 cm // MBTI: ESTJ
Face Claim: Sumika Warakubami (Kakegurui)
Voice Claim: Mallory Low (EN) / Yu Shimamura (JP)
Tremble at the crack of her whip! Moira (codename: Solana) is the most feared Team Flare Admin with a sharp tongue and temper that is fitting with the organization's motif. She will not hesitate enacting some harsh discipline towards the buffoon grunts who constantly test her sliver of patience. Seriously, how do they keep losing against a group of kids?? But she is not "all bark, no bite." Her bewitching dance moves are said to empower her Pokemon, doubling the effect of their own dance moves. She may even join in on the battle herself, wielding her Doublade just so that she can have the hands-on experience of beating down her opponent. Unbeknownst to her boss, she has a personal reason to find the legendary bird of destruction.. as well as a massive celebrity crush on Diantha.
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The Brother - Carmen
Age: 22 (during Gen 6) // Height: 175 cm // MBTI: ENFJ
Face Claim: Kayden (Eleceed)
Voice Claim: Kevin T. Collins (EN) / Jun Fukuyama (JP)
Do not underestimate his pretty face for he and his Pokemon can quite literally blind you and have your head spinning. With dazzling good looks and a singing voice that seems hypnotic, Carmen quickly rose to fame in the Unovan fashion and entertainment industry, going by the stage name "Carmen Valentine." Despite his popularity, his personal life is mostly kept private, further adding to the intrigue. His friendly professional rivalry with Elesa is no secret however and should anyone ask if the rumors of them actually being a couple are true, he will simply laugh it off. There have also been recent paparazzi reports spotting him making frequent trips to the Castelia City gym..
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theunderdogs-world · 2 years
To conclude, women are strong forces of nature to be reckoned with but we too can only take so much, and honestly, we have had enough. We’ve had enough of pregnant Samoan women being treated unfairly based on their social factors, the stereotypes placed on Samoan women with disabilities, the non-consensual sexual effects on Samoan women’s health, how the Samoan community use god to belittle Samoan women, gender roles within the Samoan community, hurting instead of helping our Samoan women within healthcare, etc. I understand being tired of seeing no results and feeling as if you are “wasting your breath” but it is all a process to something much more divine.
These issues I presented were terrible conditions that no woman should have to go through, but the results did start surfacing. More women are becoming doctors/nurses, in the healthcare system and they are of color so that comfort we want so much? It is becoming more of a given. There are now discussions, focal groups, and training put in place to help the Samoan women with disabilities and that have been abused strive and get the support they so desperately yearn for. The rates of STI/STDS in Samoan women dropped significantly after women in healthcare spoke up about the rates of suicides, the effect of abuse, and the significance of ensuring women's safety, etc. 
Pain and hurt can never be taken away as much as we want it to be. If I could I would take the heartache away from every woman I’ve met. Results aren't always black and white because that is not the world we live in. It is okay to not be okay with the outcome but the ultimate fulfillment is when the process finally makes it all worth it. Keep fighting, keep speaking up, and keep going for the “underdog” because after all, it is the underdog that always rises to the occasion! 
Carney, Robert. Gafa, Judith. Howells, Michaela. Matalavea, Athena. Tanumafili, Aaone. and Toleafoa, N. Tate. 2020. “Comparing age and sex trends of chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis and syphilis infections in Samoa in 2012 and 2017.” Journal of Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 11(1).
Dianne N. Ishida, Ph.D.Tusitala, F. ToomataMayer B.S.Nafanua. 2001. beliefs and attitudes of Samoan women toward early detection of breast cancer and mammography utilization.
Donnelly, P. 1992. Samoan women’s voices: alternative ways of doing birth (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). The University of Otago. Retrieved from
Secretariat of the Pacific Community United Nations Population Fund Samoa. 2006. The Samoan family health and safety guide.
UNFPA PACIFIC. 2022. Needs assessment of people with disabilities in Samoa.
Yamada AM, Vaivao DES, Subica AM. Addressing Mental Health Challenges of Samoan Americans in Southern California. 2019. Perspectives of Samoan Community Providers. Asian Am J Psychol.
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