tumydixah · 1 year
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pallastrology · 10 months
the ascendant and descendant
aries on the ascendant makes for a powerhouse of a native; they are feisty, straightforward and motivated. there is a sharpness to them, when it comes to their minds, tongues and even behaviours. they’re fast-paced and sometimes quite impatient, which can make them seem rude at times. aries risings are never intentionally rude, but their quick-wittedness mixed with their tendency to act before thinking can mean they come across pretty badly. aries risings have an interesting dichotomy to them, in that they are both extraordinarily motivated, driven and passionate, and very easily bored and disenchanted. they can pursue a project with unstoppable force, then just abruptly quit when it no longers serves them. with aries on the ascendant, their libra descendant has them searching for balance, peace of mind, reflection. aries risings are fiercely independent and driven, but they can lack patience and sticking power, losing interest and motivation quickly. they sometimes need a cheerleader, a supportive figure to encourage them and help them over the hurdles. it’s partnership that aries risings need, more than anything; an equal, someone who won’t hold them back but won’t just sit by and watch them go up in flames. aries risings do beautifully alone, but they can sometimes fall into thinking that they’re better off that way, that they aren’t able to deal with people, or love, or even family at times. but we all need connection in life, it’s just part of being human. the right people aren’t always easy, but they aren’t the explosive, uncertain bond that the native might be used to, either; they’re worth the fight to find a sense of calm that might feel quite foreign to aries rising. not every conflict has to escalate, and not every peaceful moment has to be empty or dull. 
taurus on the ascendant brings an air of grace to the native; they are stoic, grounded and really quite charming. they aren’t the most social, despite being ruled by venus; taurus risings embody a different side of the planet of love. they are happiest at home, with their hands in the dirt or in dough. they love to pamper and be pampered, and love high-quality items that will last the test of time. they are romantic in an elegant, cool and nurturing way, and one of the most beautiful things a taurus rising does is hold space for their loved ones. it makes sense then, especially given that the natives have scorpio on the descendant, that in a partner they need to be able to share parts of themselves, and be shared with too. they can’t have a relationship where they give but don’t receive in return, it just doesn’t work that way for the native; there’s no intimacy without trust and exchange when it comes to taurus rising. in a sense, they are very similar to plutonians in relationships; trust, balance and intimacy are incredibly important to them, but they tend to be more reserved and calm than plutonians. taurus risings tend to be cool, whether that is through self-assuredness or stubbornness. 
with gemini on the ascendant, the native is impish, restless and cerebral. they are very curious, whose minds are always whirring away in the background, making for a seemingly-scatterbrained individual at times. they are clever and intellectual, but can lack focus and discipline, flitting from one interest to another without really gaining ground with any one topic. gemini risings can be quite nervous sometimes, and are prone to anxiety and insomnia. they really struggle to be mindful, to rest. that being said, their energy is infectious, and they have a playful nature that can lighten the hearts of those around them. a real thinker, and overthinker, gemini risings are funny as well as fun, with a good sense of humour and a way with words. they have a tendency, like aries risings, to speak before they think, which can lead to being misunderstood easily; but they are quick to try and make amends when they realise they’ve hurt feelings. as a gemini ascendant, the native has sagittarius on the descendant, and so we see that they need focus, wisdom, devotion. while gemini wants to know something about everything, sagittarius wants to know everything about something. gemini has the intelligence, the energy, the curiosity and passion, but they lack certain skills for “staying power”; prioritising, discipline, patience, focus. they need someone to anchor and ground them, to support them through their journey, wherever it may take them; someone who won’t drag them down, as the native is sensitive and easily hurt at times, but someone who will help the native learn to pace themselves better. they need a mentor, in a sense, to help them figure themselves and the world out, and their place in it. 
cancer on the ascendant makes for a guarded and sensitive individual. highly-attuned to the world around them, they are receptive and reflective. they aren't quick to act, despite being a cardinal sign; they are very protective of themselves and their loved ones, and so take their time more than their fellow cardinal signs. people gravitate towards the familiar, warm vibes they give off, often building intimacy much faster than the native. they are sensitive but not necessarily soft, owning razor-sharp tongues, a brilliant and almost-photographic memory, and a defensive nature. the native is maternal and compassionate, prone to melancholy and attacks of nostalgia. with their descendant being in capricorn, cancer risings seek out security, comfort and familiarity. they are happiest in a nurturing role, and look for more authoritarian types in partners. this isn't to say the native is a push over; in fact, they often grew up having to be a mother figure, and so they now just want a break from managing everything. they want a partner who will look after them and provide a safe and stable life. cancer risings, when they find their match, give selflessly and happily, and finally show their softer side.
leo on the ascendant brings power and grace to the native. they are often, ironically, a little clumsy with their words, being quite impulsive. but they mean well, and have an infectious enthusiasm for life that draws people to them like the sun in winter. leo risings are strong-willed, energetic, generous and creative. they can be hotheaded and a little jealous, especially when it comes to love. they can sometimes be quite dependant on external validation, but over time, they will learn to validate themselves and not rely on others to an unhealthy degree. there is a brightness to the native; they are often more intelligent than they first seem, they can apply themselves to almost anything, and are happiest when they feel great at something, and so are hardworking. when it comes to love, their aquarius descendant often won't settle for something dull or ordinary; they need a person who ignites the spark within, someone a little unconventional and a little intriguing. they love to feel part of something bigger than themselves, and their partner may introduce them to a community very different to their own. the native can be hot and cold in love, and crushes come and go, but true love is forever, and leo risings treat their lovers like royalty.
with virgo on the ascendant, the native is alert, sensitive and dedicated. they are highly-attuned to their environment and take stress very hard, in the form of somatic illness. virgo risings are often quite controlling of the people and things around them, which, at its best, makes for a good manager or leader; someone who can multitask and doesn’t neglect the details, someone caring yet professional. at its worst, this tendency to control can make virgo risings overly critical, tense, fatigued and irritable. they can lose the big picture for the details at times, and stepping back is a skill that takes time for them to learn. perfectionism runs deep with this placement, and they are highly self-conscious, veering into self-critical at times. with virgo on the ascendant, pisces is on the descendant, indicating that the native craves spontaneity and to be able to let go, to love without overthinking, essentially, to get out of their own heads and experience the world without worrying quite so much about what could go wrong without them there to fix it. virgo is a very loving placement, often being associated with ceres. but they aren’t really the romantic sort, and don’t go for big gestures. they will remember everything about their lover, will take care of them, will work their hands to the bone for them. they are highly dedicated, and really, devoted, though the native doesn’t always see it that way. deep down, virgo risings want to be taken care of the way they do the people in their life. 
libra on the ascendant makes for a dark horse of a native. they are reflective, disarming and elegant. they love romance, and appreciate beauty in all its forms, often being quite artistic and cultured. they are cerebral and witty, and make for great conversationalists. they are generous and giving, a little flirty, and can be quite spontaneous (depending on the rest of the chart). there's a sense of looking in the mirror when you're with them; they rarely show you their true selves, and tend to reflect you back at yourself instead. this makes them very attractive, with an air of mystery about them and a pull toward unveiling what's underneath. the native can struggle with their own identity at times, as their reflective nature isn't a deliberate thing; it's a natural defence of theirs, and they can get lost in all the versions of themselves. their worst nightmare is having to combine different groups of loved ones, as sometimes the masks they wear don't mesh. in a partner, their aries descendant puts its foot down and tells them enough! it's time to be appreciated for who they are, not the version of themselves their loved ones think they see. libra risings need a partner that grounds them, lets them explore themselves without judgement or containment, sees past themselves and really meets the native where they're at.
scorpio on the ascendant brings fire and water to the native. they are intense, moody and guarded, but equally, they are steady, tender and open-handed. they put on a stern front to protect themselves, being owners of water sign sensitivity. they take a long time to warm up to people, and keep their circle small, preferring to be alone than to spend their precious time with people who don't keep them interested. they can be quite intense, especially when hurting, and aren't the easiest people to get to know. the natives are acutely aware and connected to the darker side of life, and can be melancholic and brooding at times. what they need is someone to help them step back into the here and now, and this is where we can clearly see their taurus descendant. these natives need stability and intimacy, trust and a steadfast person. scorpio risings can be tumultuous and chaotic, get stuck in morbid thought patterns and feel trapped and alone; they need a partner who can help bring some lightness and security to their lives, someone they can share these darker sides of themselves with. scorpio risings thrive on intimacy and connection, on sharing and being vulnerable. and they need a person who can prove their worth, and who can handle the intensity of the native. someone who won't be scared away, someone who loves them regardless.
with sagittarius on the ascendant, the native is explorative, devoted and witty. they are often quite big characters, with the ability to befriend almost anyone. opinionated but not without reason, sagittarius risings aren’t as hotheaded as other fire ascendants; they are less impulsive and tend to have a longer fuse, in general. there’s an interesting juxtaposition with sagittarius risings; they are silly, energetic, social and fun loving, while also being reflective, wise, escapist and studious. seeing both rulers of sagittarius - jupiter and neptune - work in tandem like this is intriguing, and displays beautifully the multitudes this placement contains within. the native is often a seeker of some kind, going on their journey with some concept in mind. they can be idealistic and escapist, fantasising about something more; they often find that religion, spirituality, travel or even academia are a deeply meaningful and transformative part of life for them. the native has the descendant in gemini, which means that in a partner, they look for people who are able to keep up. they want a partner who can be spontaneous, who can carry on the banter, who can woo the native a little bit. they need people in their lives who they can learn from, and who will learn from the native. sagittarius risings aren't as innocent as their descendant, but sometimes they neglect their love lives until later in life, and so they want to experience the things they didn't do earlier, and have those firsts. their partner needs to be okay with the fact that the native may have gone about life in an unorthodox manner, and might have done things in the "wrong" order. they need to be loved unconditionally and can't be held down or back in any way.
capricorn on the ascendant makes for an individual on a mission. they are studious, determined, driven. they can come across as cold and calculating, are quite elegant, and tend to be serious and somewhat stern. capricorn risings often bear the weight of their early experiences on their shoulders, which is why they come across the way they do. they have a softer side that they keep neatly tucked away, even from themselves. they are focus and hard working, but can prone to depression when life gets frustrating, leaving them stagnant. an often-unappreciated aspect of the native is that they are very creative; whether in the traditional sense of the word, or in that they are brilliant problem solvers and can think unconventionally when needed. they are often managers or leaders in their household, and sometimes grew up this way too. this leads them, and their cancer descendants, to need a bit of tenderness from their loved ones. they don't advertise their vulnerabilities, even shying away from them themselves, but there is a sensitivity to capricorn rising, and they subconsciously protect this side of themselves. in love, they need a slow, steady approach, and a partner who loves gently and unconditionally. tenderheartedness, emotional stability and an almost maternal affection are traits that cancer descendant loves in a partner. they don't want to be alone, but find it hard to open up, and it takes time to find their perfect match. that being said, the wait is worth it when they find unconditional love.
aquarius on the ascendant brings ingenuity and intrigue to the native. they are determined, brilliant thinkers, and a little kooky. they can be quite eye-catching, as they like to express themselves through their personal style, and aren't generally shy. they love people, though their love is a cerebral and hands-off kind. they are often part of some sort of community, whether through choice or through traits they were assigned at birth, and they are passionate about their communities. these groups are their home, their family and an extension of themselves, after all. aquarius risings are often very clever, think creatively and express themselves well. they can be a bit outside-the-box and some people find their sureness of self disconcerting, whether that's from projection or just surprise. the native can sometimes forget about love, feeling it isn't important as long as they have the love of their communities and the people they meet in life. but they are often thinking of something that bores them, stifles and changes them, when they think of love. in reality, love looks different for everyone, and with leo on the descendant, it really is an important part of life for the native. they need to be adored, given space to flourish and thrive, and challenged a little bit. they are generous and kindhearted individuals, and they need a partner who will let them explore but always lead them back home again.
with pisces on the ascendant, the native is ephemeral, delicate and absorbent. they are creative thinkers, but not always the most logical of people. they are incredibly sensitive, and like their sister sign, they are prone to somatising stress and powerful emotions. speaking of emotions, pisces risings are emotional creatures, with a deep well of love within them, that they draw from often. they can be quite romantic, but it’s a different kind of romantic to that of taurus or libra; pisces risings are soft and usually somewhat shy, with a submissive side that means unrequited love is very common for them. pisces risings struggle to organise themselves and can lack motivation, relying instead on bouts of inspiration, that can be as fickle as the native themselves. discipline is a skill pisces rising doesn’t naturally possess, though some overcompensate. pisces on the ascendant means virgo is on the descendant, and so they really need, and often crave, stability and security. they can live very interesting lives, with a lot of ebb and flow, as water signs do, but interesting is often overwhelming and exhausting, and they want to be able to come home to safety, sameness, those quiet moments spent recovering. they are very devoted people, but can neglect themselves and their home life in favour of loving everyone and everything around them; they need someone that holds and grounds them, an anchor so they can return to themselves when the world becomes too much. 
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demigods-posts · 5 months
annabeth chase headcanons, part 1:
she has crippling social anxiety. it's been an ongoing thing since she was a kid, and it went into overdrive once she left camp for the first time. she's too embarrassed to speak in-depth about it to most people, so only a handful of her friends know.
homegirl picked up freestyling when she was nine. she had read that it demonstrated high levels of intelligence and cognitive skill, so she just never stopped practicing it. ironically, it isn't something she'll brag about to people, but she'll definitely do it if you ask her.
as much as she enjoys being around her family (especially her younger brothers), she never fully settled into the family dynamic once she returned home. so she occasionally uses her invisibility cap to move around town unnoticed when it's particularly difficult to be around them.
^^ (she also uses it to sneak into movie theaters and eat snacks for free every once in a while, but she likes to leave that detail out.)
she is a huge procrastinator. it isn't her fault, really. she's just been a trained soldier since she was seven, so she does her best thinking under pressure. honestly, it's saved her ass more times than she can count, so she takes great pride in her quick-wittedness. but it gets her into frequent trouble during the school year.
whenever she gets to stay home alone, she puts the speakers on the highest volume and has a one-person dance party all throughout the house. this habit continued well into her adulthood when she and percy moved in together, and eventually became a familial thing once they got married and had kids.
"maybe i'm just in love with her. i don't know." ~ @demigods-posts
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paintingwhiteceilings · 10 months
❃Seventeen and s/o switches languages during an argument❃
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a/n: Firstly, thank you for sending my very first request; I hope I did it justice! After discussing it together, we decided to make it a more general prompt. This was such a fun prompt to try my hand at, as a fellow EU carat, it was amusing to imagine how they would react to their partner switching languages. Some of these may have become a bit, more like very, long as a result so, well, grab your popcorn I suppose :')
Anyway, it is a bit longer and more serious than my other posts but I hope that you will like it regardless!
TG: some of these are slightly angsty and DK is naked
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❀ In all fairness, the two of you tend to bicker every now and then, mostly because Coups is the pettiest and poutiest person alive. As a result, you tend to be quite used to having irrelevant arguments with him. Neither of you gets incredibly upset; the arguments are mostly harmless and, at times, can be quite amusing.
❀ This time, however, you had quite a stressful day at work and were in no mood to playfully bicker with him. Apparently, you had absent mindlessly borrowed one of his jackets, and he had been missing it all day, giving Hoshi an earful as he believed he had gone out of his way to borrow his stuff again. After he discovered that Hoshi hadn't been the culprit, he texted you, but in the chaos of work, you had forgotten to reply, leaving him on read. Truly, in his eyes, how incredibly offensive. How can his love, his light, his everything leave him on read just like his members do???
❀ Cue a ton of whining and pouting when you walked through the door, wrapped in his precious jacket. He didn't seem to get the hint that you were in no mood for his dramatic antics. It didn't take long for you to snap at him, effectively shutting him up. He didn’t shut up, however, because you actually got angry at him, but because you unconsciously switched to your native tongue in your exhaustion. He had forgotten that was a thing you could do.
❀ He has dealt with the foreign line switching languages during arguments enough to know that you weren't having his tantrum. It is enough for him to realize to knock it off, but he will be pouting the rest of the evening. Not because he is still upset about the jacket, but because he has no idea what you said and he is too prideful to ask until the next morning.
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❀ Jeonghan rarely gets mad at people, meaning that arguments between the two of you tend to be infrequent. The only times the two of you tend to bicker is when he finds yet another way to cheat during game nights. The cheating is all in good fun, and more often than not, you find yourself impressed with his quick-wittedness. 
❀ That being said, losing five times in a row because your boyfriend found another loophole in the game rules really tested your patience. You had been playing Uno together when he decided that whenever he plays the reverse card, it means he gets to go again. Somehow, he stocked up on a ton of reverse cards, and he had been getting rid of most of his cards without you being able to do anything about it. 
❀ Naturally, you started arguing with him, trying to convince him that it was against the rules. It was no use; he knows the rules better than you do. Thus, in the heat of the moment, you couldn’t help yourself, and you cursed at him in your native tongue. He was mighty confused for a second, but was aware from looking at your face that you were not complimenting his quick thinking.
❀ He ended up laughing at you, finding it hilarious that he somehow managed to trigger you that much. Be prepared for him to never let you live it down. Every game night, he will cheekily ask you whether it is okay for him to cheat or whether you will curse at him in your native tongue again. From now on, he will up his cheating antics as well, trying to get a rise out of you again. 
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❀ You and Joshua usually don't let your grievances get to a shouting match. Before it can get to that point, one of you sits the other down to calmly talk things out. However, every once in a while, whenever one of you is stressed about something, things tend to escalate. So when Joshua comes home late after a gruelling recording session for the sixth time that week, leaving you to do all the house chores after a stressful work day yet again, you get into a heated argument.
❀ Neither of you wanted to admit to being in the wrong, leading to you bickering back and forth. Joshua had been angrily smiling at you for the past half an hour, trying to explain his side of the story, whilst you were trying to do the same. Arguing in Korean wasn't necessarily your strong suit, and despite English being a lot easier, you couldn't help but switch to your native language as you were trying to find the right words to explain your side of the story.
❀ To be honest, I can't really imagine Joshua being surprised when you switch languages during an argument. Having lived in an environment where he has to speak a second language constantly, he probably is all too aware that when people get emotional, they switch to their mother tongue. He has had too many quarrels and fights with the other members where he kept throwing in English, unable to remember the corresponding Korean word.
❀ Instead, your argument becomes a poly-lingual discussion where the two of you keep switching between all the languages you are familiar with. Joshua doesn't even blink when you switch to your native language anymore; he is used to deciphering what you are saying through context clues.
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❀ Jun is an absolute homebody. He loves to lounge on the couch for hours with his phone in hand, playing mobile games and scrolling on social media. It is the perfect way for him to de-stress after his busy schedule, where he has to constantly be on the move. Usually, you enjoy the domesticity of it, but lately, you can't help but feel like all the two of you have been doing is staying at home. It isn’t like you constantly want to be out and about, but a part of you wants to go on a proper date where you get to dress up and be lovey-dovey with your boyfriend. You have been trying to find the right time to bring it up, aware that Jun doesn’t do well with subtle hints.
❀ However, when the day finally came where you asked him to go on more dates, it ended up in you two fighting. It had all started when you found yourself bored out of your mind with Jun being on his phone again, absorbed in his own world. For the first time in a while, he got to enjoy a bit of a break as promotions had finally ended, and he intended to spend most of it relaxing on the couch. It was a much-needed break from the constant dancing and travelling. Naturally, when you proposed to go out for the day, asking whether he wanted to check out a café that had just opened up in the city, he immediately responded that he didn’t want to.
❀ Perhaps both of your fuses had been short that day, and soon an argument ensued between you two. Jun stubbornly maintained that he wanted to rest and that being at home together was enough for him, whilst you tried to explain that you felt like he didn’t want to make time for your relationship. The two of you argued back and forth, both making valid arguments but unwilling to hear the other out.
❀ Jun was already mixing some Mandarin with his Korean as he got more and more frustrated. It didn’t help either that Jun had started to speak quicker the more agitated he got, making it even harder for you to decipher what he was trying to say. Thus, as the fight reached a boiling point, you started to yell at him in your native language. Jun had never heard you speak your mother tongue at length before, so you completely caught him off guard.
❀ Jun doesn't know what to say in response to your yelling, not knowing what you yelled at him in the heat of the moment. Similarly, you are surprised at your emotional outburst. You switching languages is enough for the both of you to realize that neither of you was listening to the other anymore. After a moment of silence, the two of you decide to leave the argument for the night and calmly talk about it after a good night's sleep.  
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❀ Hoshi has been trying to convince you that his native language is growling, being a tiger, and all that. As much as you try to support your boyfriend’s tiger agenda, you have attempted to dissuade him from growling at you constantly as a way of communicating. You gently told him to stop as, first of all, you can't understand what he is trying to say when he is growling, and, secondly, it is very embarrassing when he does it in public.
❀ Still, he is waiting to find any excuse to growl at you, and you have noticed that whenever you slip into your mother tongue, he sees it as a green light to start. As a result, you try to be extra careful about using your native language around him in public or when other people are visiting. At home, you feel comfortable enough to, at the very least, scold him without anyone else having to bear witness to how shameless this man can be.
❀ It had all gone downhill when you and Hoshi organized a game night with the other members. It wasn't the actual game night that resulted in you yelling at him. Oh no, it had to do with the fact that Kwon Soonyoung has the habit of leaving the toilet seat up despite you having asked, on multiple occasions, whether he could lower it after he finished his business. For the past few days, he had been doing a good job remembering, but with all the excitement of the game night, it had slipped his mind. He was reminded, however, of his mistake upon hearing a splash and a blood-curdling scream leave the bathroom door.
❀ You were livid upon entering the living room and reminded your boyfriend yet again to lower the god-damn thing. In your anger, you slipped into your native tongue without being aware of doing so. You didn't even register it until you saw Hoshi's stunned and guilty expression morph into one of absolute delight.
❀ He growls. At you. In response.
❀ It is safe to say that the other members have to hold you back before you kill your boyfriend.
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❀ Usually, you loved having a gamer boyfriend as it meant that you got to focus on your own hobbies, happily existing in the same space without having to constantly have to do things together. Lately, however, you had been trying your hand at some of the games he had been playing. It was a fun pastime, and you especially liked games that didn’t require a fast reaction time, allowing you to explore a world or story at your own pace without it resulting in you constantly dying. Not to pat yourself on the back, but you had become quite skilled at the games you often played. Recently, you and Wonwoo had even started to play games together; you couldn’t help but smile whenever you saw your joined beds in Minecraft.
❀ So, when Wonwoo asked you to play Keep Talking & Nobody Explodes together, you had expected the two of you to do rather well. However, it couldn’t be further from what ended up transpiring. The game required seamless communication, with one person trying to disarm a bomb whilst the other consulted a manual on how to, unable to see the actual bomb. The first level had been easy enough, but you guys immediately got stuck on the second level. Each level was more complicated than the last one and was making your way through the game rather painfully slow. For some reason, your communication was completely off, resulting in numerous retries. It didn’t even matter who the operator or who the bomb disarmer was; you simply couldn’t get into sync.
❀ You could tell that Wonwoo was getting incredibly agitated when you were taking way too long to read the Korean instructions to him, unable to understand one particular word, causing the bomb to explode yet again. He had played the game with some of the members before, and it hadn’t been this hard. It didn’t help that he kept trying to give you tips and tricks on how to play the game. It felt a bit condescending. Moreover, you could tell he was partly blaming your Korean when he sighed yet again at another failed attempt due to you fumbling over your words. It wasn’t as if this was only your fault. As a result, you snapped at him that he should try to play in your native tongue and see how easy of a time he had with it. Except, you accidentally snapped at him in the wrong language.
❀ As you continue rambling under your breath, venting to yourself that your boyfriend and the game are both stupid, you don’t notice that you switched languages. Wonwoo, in the meantime, has fallen incredibly quiet, unsure how to react. He realizes that it might have been a bit unfair to play a game that requires you to communicate complicated instructions in Korean. When you are finally done ranting in your native language, he will quietly propose playing a different game, muttering a quiet apology when you two agree to switch to Stardew Valley. He makes sure to give you lots of gifts in-game, trying to show that he appreciates you playing with him even if it doesn’t always work out well.
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❀ You were aware that when you started dating Woozi that he was a bit of a workaholic and that there would be times when he would prioritize his work over your relationship. For the most part, you loved his dedication to producing music; you enjoyed hanging out in his studio, watching how he expertly produced a new track. You always felt in awe as you watched him tinker on the piano, trying to figure out what chords to use for the song. In turn, he loved having you there; your questions and curiosity reminded him of the wonder he felt when he first started producing.
❀ However, his passion for making music sometimes did make you feel like a third wheel in your relationship, especially when a Seventeen comeback was nearing. He would be cooped up in the studio for weeks, ignoring all the messages you send him. Where he normally loved having you around in the studio, he would become easily agitated with you watching over his shoulder as the deadlines neared. The expectations of the members and the company would weigh heavily on him, and having you be there as another watchful eye was simply too much for him to handle.
❀ So, when you went to the studio after a concerned Coups had called you, noticing that Woozi hadn’t bothered to eat that day, your presence put Woozi over the edge. It had been a couple of weeks since you had last seen your boyfriend, and you had hoped that seeing you would cheer him up. However, he barely acknowledged your presence when you stepped into the studio, his attention captured by the screen in front of him. Whenever he did respond, it was often curt and borderline insulting. You knew it was due to him being under a lot of pressure, but you couldn’t help feeling hurt.
❀ It got to you, and before you knew it, the two of you were fighting. Woozi, who already was feeling immense stress, couldn’t deal with the intense emotions and, hence, defensively threw out a painful insult without thinking. Feeling the tears sting in the corner of your eyes, you asked yourself why you were even still here when he obviously didn’t want you there in your native language before turning to leave. He didn’t understand what you had said, leaving him momentarily speechless.
❀ By switching languages unexpectedly, it gets through to Woozi what he had said and how hurt you were by his words. By being unable to understand what you were saying, he is able to solely focus on your tone and emotions. He feels incredibly guilty about his behaviour, and it doesn’t take long for him to chase after you to profusely apologize.
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❀ Although fights do not often happen with DK, he sometimes can be a bit prideful, only recognizing he is in the wrong when the other person gets noticeably angry. You encountered his pridefulness on a normal enough day. DK had texted you that he would be over at your place after practice, so when you came home and heard the shower running, you were delighted at the prospect of spending the evening together with your boyfriend. You briefly called out to him that you were home before waiting for him on the couch to finish showering. It didn't take long for him to be done. When you saw the door swing open with your handsome boyfriend only wearing a towel around his waist, you got up to properly greet him with a hug.
❀ However, before you could do so, you smelled a familiar scent drifting out of the bathroom. You see, one of your friends had gifted you a very expensive body wash that you had been gingerly using whenever you had had a particularly stressful day. Due to it being so expensive, you had asked DK to use the other ones in your shower, just so you could enjoy it a little longer, as you weren't really going to buy it for yourself once it ran out. He hadn't listened. Cue one of the pettiest arguments ever.
❀ In your defence, you weren't even upset about him using the body wash, but instead were hurt that he hadn't respected your wishes. DK, in turn, argued that it was only body wash and that he had simply wanted to smell like you. The argument escalated without either of you meaning to, and before you knew it, a towel hit you in the face. In surprise and anger, you yelled at him in your native tongue, which made DK effectively realize what he had done. He knew that you would never switch languages without being incredibly upset and he felt mortified, recognizing that he had not only let his emotions get out of control but also had parted with the only thing covering up his body.
❀ As you threw the towel back at him, venting in your native language some more, you finally noticed DK standing before you in all his glory, looking both guilt-ridden and like he wished for the ground to swallow him whole. Seeing him standing there butt naked was enough for you to crack up, breaking the tension from the argument. DK, on the other hand, wasn't sure whether to profusely apologize for throwing the towel at you or hide for the rest of eternity.
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❀ Mingyu often feels like the perfect boyfriend; he loves to cook and clean and lives to pamper you whenever he is able to. He takes your teasing very well, enjoying when you cheekily poke fun at him blatantly showing off his trained physique in front of fans. Although staying in Korea can sometimes be overwhelming, he truly makes you feel right at home. He strives to introduce you to his friends and tries to make as many new memories with you so that you wouldn’t have to miss your home country too much.
❀ When you guys moved in together, you had been ready to have it be another cherished memory. That was until Mingyu dropped a very precious ceramic bowl. The bowl had been a present from your family when you moved out, and you had dragged the bowl with you all the way to Korea. It was a meaningful keepsake you had taken with you from your home country, allowing you to have a piece of home in a foreign place. You had mostly used it as decoration in your previous apartment, and you were incredibly careful when using it, knowing that once it fell, it would be incredibly difficult to replace.
❀ Consequentially, when you watched your boyfriend drop it onto the floor, shattering your treasured keepsake into a thousand pieces, you felt a part of yourself fracture simultaneously. Mingyu didn’t seem to recognize what he had broken, sheepishly apologizing to you before jokingly remarking that the bowl had been rather ugly anyway. You knew he wasn’t aware of what he had broken and that it would be unfair for you to get mad at him, as it had been an accident after all. Nonetheless, seeing something so important to you not only get broken beyond repair but also mocked, set you off.
❀ As a result, you started yelling at a stunned Mingyu, who wasn’t expecting your explosive reaction at all. In turn, he got aggrieved, feeling like your reaction was disproportionate to the situation. Voicing that, however, only made you more upset, and as you tried to pick up the broken pieces to throw them out, you started crying, sobbing to yourself that it truly was beyond repair in your native tongue.
❀ Mingyu, in retrospect, doesn’t know whether it had been your crying or you switching languages, but as he watches you tearfully throw out the pieces, his anger completely vanishes, only to be replaced by an intense feeling of guilt. He will hug you tightly, apologizing for breaking something that had obviously been very important to you. After you explain what the bowl stood for, he will try his hardest to get you another bowl as a surprise, contacting your family to have them send over a new one.
❀ In the end, all is well, and to be honest, you might love the new bowl a lot more as it reminds you of how much Mingyu genuinely treasures you.
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❀ Minghao and you had decided to go on a wine painting date; you had stumbled upon it not too long ago, excitedly proposing it to your boyfriend, knowing it combined two of his favourite things. Minghao had been looking forward to the date for the past week, feeling giddy despite the exhausting dance practices. He would tell anyone that would listen about the date, gushing over how well his girlfriend knew him.
❀ It was an absolute surprise to both of you when the workshop ended with you arguing. The workshop had started innocently enough, with you guys following the instructions, laughing whenever a brushstroke failed to turn out how you had intended. The wine tasted great, and both of you were amazed that the workshop was pouring such luxurious wine.
❀ However, as the workshop progressed and the teacher made his way past all the other participants to check on their progress, things turned sour pretty quickly. The moment the teacher laid eyes on you, he was enamoured and absolutely oblivious that you were on a date with your boyfriend.
❀ At first, you assumed that the teacher was only being nice when he lingered longer at your station than others. You presumed that he was being friendly and that, with you and Minghao being the last people he needed to check up on, he stayed to kill time until he needed to introduce the next set of instructions. You failed to notice that Minghao had grown awfully quiet as you conversed. When the teacher reached over to guide the paintbrush in your hand, you started to get the hint that the teacher was trying to hit on you.
❀ Minghao, on the other hand, had been noticing the glances from the teacher since the beginning of the workshop. Although he prided himself in rarely being jealous or upset, the wine made it harder for him to let his gnawing feelings go. He knew his anger was unfair and misplaced, but it didn't make him feel any less upset. Even when you gently let the teacher down by telling him that you and your boyfriend could figure it out yourselves from here, the hurtful feeling persisted.
❀ Thus, when you turned to him afterwards to check on why he had been so quiet, only to be met with a curt Minghao, you began arguing. You knew he was jealous, but he had started to take it out on you. Thus, you did the only thing you knew that could possibly cheer your boyfriend up and shake him out of his jealousy. You took his face gently in your hands, rambling sweet nothings in your native tongue.
❀ Minghao loves hearing you speak in your native language to him, feeling like nothing is more intimate than only him being able to understand the sweet nothings you are saying. He will momentarily blank as he tries to process your sweet words. It is enough to melt away his jealous feelings, making him feel a bit stupid for letting it influence his actions and words (as well as any hope the teacher had to get your number afterwards).   
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❀ We all know that Seungkwan likes to nag and tease, not a stranger to playful bickering. Nevertheless, Seungkwan strikes me as someone who is very open with his emotions, preferring to discuss what is bothering him rather than bottling things up. Thus, you two rarely get into actual fights, as he ensures that you two regularly talk about the problems you experience as a couple. At the same time, Seungkwan is a bit of a sensitive boy, and sometimes it is easy to get into arguments with him without either of you meaning to let things escalate. A joke might not land and instead hurts his feelings, leading to an angry and butthurt Boo. 
❀ During some of your playful fights, he noticed that you struggled to keep up with his Korean, switching to your native language in frustration when the Korean escaped you. He couldn’t help but feel slightly bad about you having to constantly accommodate him, which is why he devised a plan. Without you knowing, he spend a significant amount of time online skewering the internet to search for basic sentences, mildly insulting phrases and not-too-harsh curse words that he could use if you guys got into another playful argument. Instead of only you having to struggle in Korean, he felt it was only fair for him to wrestle with your native tongue as well.
❀ He finally gets to use it when you guys have a heated discussion over which coffee is the best on one of your many coffee dates; he keeps maintaining that Iced Americano is the best coffee that exists, something that you wholeheartedly disagree with. At first, you are able to respond to him in Korean, easily countering his arguments. However, as the discussion progresses, you can’t help but feel like Seungkwan intentionally is using advanced and eloquent Korean, using words you have never heard before. It doesn’t take long before you start switching out Korean for your native language, trying to hold your ground in the discussion.
❀ It is kind of comical when Seungkwan whips out a list of standard phrases, curse words and insulting sentences in your language, way too eager to use them. Rather than you surprising him by switching languages unconsciously, he is catching you off guard by using your own language against you. He is reading the sentences one by one, and although his pronunciation leaves a lot to be desired, you can tell he put a lot of effort into learning it. You don’t even know whether to be impressed by the fact that he poured so much work into arguing with you in your native language or offended by the, albeit mostly harmless, insults that he is hurling at your head.
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❀ Vernon strikes me as an emotionally mature person. Therefore, the two of you rarely argue with each other, if at all. Vernon is such a chill guy; it takes a lot to truly get him riled up, and even when he gets emotional, he is capable of maturely handling his emotions. Because of it, you haven’t had any real fights, only mature discussions on how to best navigate whatever problem you two were experiencing in the relationship.
❀ However, there was one thing that you and Vernon could argue for hours about, films. Usually, your film discussions are very civil, with each respecting the other’s opinion even if the other wholeheartedly disagrees. Hence, you guys have made it a routine to put a film on every other night, spending the rest of the evening talking about what you liked or disliked. Both of you enjoyed watching films together in this manner, with the discussions often taking up as much time as watching the films did.
❀ Tonight, however, you made the mistake of putting on a film you adored for nostalgic reasons. The film had been produced in your country, and after searching for it for a while, you had finally found a version with English subtitles. You were incredibly excited to be able to show Vernon the type of films you had grown up with. At first, you thought he was enjoying it; Vernon seemed absorbed as he watched the screen, nodding to himself when he appeared to like a particular scene. Nevertheless, once the film had ended and you eagerly turned to ask him whether he had liked it, he briefly hesitated before calling it mid.
❀ You stared at him in confusion, wondering whether you had been watching the same film. How could he call one of your favourite films mid? Sure, the budget might not have been spectacular compared to a Hollywood blockbuster film, resulting in some questionable CGI and cinematography choices. Still, it was a great film, in your opinion. When you asked him to explain himself, he shrugged, explaining that he simply thought it hadn’t been that good and that both the plot and cinematography left a lot to be desired.
❀ You were greatly offended, and before you knew it, you were heatedly arguing with him. Vernon remained calm rather than matching your energy, explaining that it was okay for you to like a film that just wasn’t his taste. Somehow his indifference annoyed you more, and before you knew it, you were ranting at him that he simply didn’t get how innovative the film was despite the constraints the director had to overcome. Perhaps by being exposed to your native language for such a long time, you brain got reset, and without you being fully aware of it, you had started using your mother tongue. Where before Vernon had been attentively listening, he now seemed lost, alerting you to your accidental mistake.
❀ It was the first time where you had switched languages in his presence, and he realizes that perhaps he had been overly critical. He will gently propose that maybe he was unable to fully enjoy the film as much as you did due to things getting lost in translation. You know he is mostly humouring you, but regardless, it is enough for the one-sided argument to dissipate. How can you stay mad at someone who is the definition of calm and respectful?
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❀ In retrospect, you should’ve listened to Jeonghan’s warning when you decided to order Soju during dinner. Neither of you had expected to drink, but after a busy workweek, the two of you had decided, “Why the hell not.” You were massively regretting it now, having to deal with a drunk and stubborn Lee Chan.
❀ He refused to do anything you asked of him, and you were practically dragging him through the streets of Seoul, whilst he kept repeating that he wasn’t drunk and could take care of himself. Yeah, sure, he definitely did not keep stumbling over his own feet and was only kept from falling by your grip on his arm. It didn’t help that he kept trying to dislocate himself from you either, claiming that, as your boyfriend, he should be helping you.
❀ It all came to a boiling point when you decided to hail a taxi, too tired and exhausted to continue carrying him. Jeonghan had told you all about stubborn drunk Dino, but you had hoped that you, as his significant other, held enough sway over your boyfriend to coax him into the taxi. Spoiler alert, you didn’t, and instead, the two of you got into an argument. No matter what you said, he kept repeating that he could hail his own taxi. He’s a big boy now.
❀ Maybe it was your sore muscles from carrying him, perhaps it was Dino stupidly refusing your help the entire time or possibly it was the taxi driver warning that he would drive off if the two of you didn’t get in, but suddenly in the midst of your sentence, you switched to your native tongue. In an attempt to get him moving, your tipsy, fuzzy brain resorted to the easiest language for you to yell in. Apparently, that was all it took for Dino to shake himself out of his stubbornness.
❀ The poor guy will be so confused that he’ll easily let you drag him by the arm into the taxi. He can’t determine whether he is truly so drunk that your words have become illegible or that you actually spoke a different language. At the very least, for the time being, you have managed to break through stubbornly drunk Dino, and he lets you guide him whilst he is trying to figure it out in his fuzzy brain.
❀ He will definitely be asking you about it the next morning whilst nursing a massive hangover, thinking it was all a dream.
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argreion · 4 months
A Pretty Little Mouse You Are
Dragon-shifter Leon x Female Reader smutty drabble.
Warnings: Tiny gore talk. Dragon munch Leon, him having sensitive horns and doing a little grinding... I'm really passionate about this, shut up. Low-key monster fucking.
Val Here — We don't get banners, we get pussy ate. IM GOING THROUGH A 2AM PHASE RN. SHITTY SMUTTY WRITING MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND Y'ALL! I need to make s'mores with him you don't understandddd! We love stupid crappy endings too. cbyushajkcn. It's literally 4AM, and I'm just gonna say again so sorry if the writing is shitty I'm not proofreading I'm TIREDDDD!
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Was it easy to be a 'mate' to a dragon? Being shipped off like those cliché stories. Yeah, uh, thanks to the village, you got thrown on a horse. Having to watch as this 'dragon' feasted on it, gore covering his face. Next, wanting to look at you with ravenous eyes. Oh, how this would be fun...
Fun that you would be put to such torture. Feeling his burning tongue swipe against your bundle of nerves. Your hands curling around those rough horns; ridges against your soft hands. The dragon-kin bucking against the sheets he often ruined. Letting himself get lost in your sweet taste.
“S-stop...” You moaned, weak from the overstimulation. It was like he never lost any energy. Infinite stamina for a beast that was alive for so many fucking years. Couldn't remember what he told you, the only thing that mattered was that skilled tongue he had—both in quick-wittedness and sex.
Only hearing a grunt against your lips, already got your answer. A stubborn no, as he pushed his tongue inside your weeping hole. Causing you to tighten your grip on his horns, head tossed back.
Leon couldn't help that you were so pretty. Arriving on that horse, crying your eyes out and your screams muffled. Watching you struggle as he grew closer to your form. All vulnerable, soon to be become his little pretty jewel. Painted in claw marks and bites. His little mate.
He also couldn't help his hips as he ground against your shared bed. Well, more like lazily thrown together nest. With the help of Leon, 'graciously' stealing pillows and a fancy blanket for you. Luxurious for a common girl from a village.
Hearing him mutter words in her mother tongue against your folds almost made you cum on the spot. Watching as he stared at you, staring at that fucked-out look on your face. Made his hips act up more, jutting his hips against the bed harshly.
“Make those noises, make those pretty little mews.” Leon hissed, suddenly biting into your thigh. Forcing a moan to come from your lips. Fangs threatened to make blood pour from the bite if he so desired. Pretty little human cries...
“My pretty little human.”
Already gotten what he needed, he finally let you cum on his tongue. Feeling the roughness grind against your pussy, fangs tracing against your folds. Sucking on your clit and pulling off with a pop. Watching as you would squirm, your hips thrusting into his mouth at the very last seconds. High impending on you as you heaved through your noises, before cumming with a high-pitched cry. Followed by expletives, and by expletives, many of 'em.
The look on his face, covered in release. Cloudy fluids leaked down his face, from his cheek to his chin. Licking the small drop on his lips with a satisfied hum. Watching as you faded in and out of consciousness. In the irk of temptation, he brought his hand up and brought it down against your mound. Making you yelp in surprise, bringing you out of the haze.
“What the fuck was that for!?” You yelled, yanking your head up to glare at him. Watching as he chuckled, gently caressing it as a nonverbal apology. Shifting to lay beside you, letting his tail lay across your stomach.
“Mmmm, you're cute when you squeak, like a mouse.” He purred, vibrating from his chest to his throat. Snuggling against you with a gentle, loving kiss to your temple.
“My pretty little squeaky mouse...”
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archiveikemen · 1 month
『Crown's S-Tier Mission』 Story Event
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Event Run Date
04.05.2024 (16:00) — 14.05.2024 (22:59)
* All timings are in JST
Routes Available
Ellis Twilight, Roger Barel, Alfons Sylvatica
Jude Jazza (95K LP Bonus)
< more info below cut >
Event Info
95,000 Love Points Bonus Story
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Inside the burning mansion, Jude and I were in a life threatening situation.
Thank to my quick-wittedness, we managed to escape our predicament by a hair's breadth...
"... Did ya do something praiseworthy this time? I don't know, though."
Ranking, Story Clear, and LP Rewards
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Entry Rewards
☆ Multi Gacha Ticket x1
☆ Lipstick (Love Points +500) — only for players who join the event within 24 hours of it starting.
Fever Time
Fever time will start immediately after the event starts.
The amount of love points and coins obtained from doing escorts will be doubled during fever time.
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fishcow99 · 19 days
shawn spencer could absolutely be the doctor. hes got that like fast talking quick wittedness about him that gets him outta situations. he has a companion and even travels around in a tiny blue vehicle.
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moonypears-blog · 6 months
I like to imagine an alternative world where Cedric's sass went straight to Sofia. She spends so much time with him that she's basically a little copy of him with her sass and quick wittedness, imagine Lily from modern family. Cedric's a proud dad when she swings another brusque comment, whilst Roland and Miranda are horrified. The more time she spends with Cedric the more quippy she gets.
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lurking-lark · 1 year
A different topic in honor of the Empires Team winning in MCC.
First and foremost, that was an amazing thing to watch. Beautiful. The communication is just on point. They did admirably in individual games but just blew the waters off everyone else in team games.
Scott's quick-wittedness and leadership skills really put the team on track. His advice and tips helped the team calibrate themselves on what they should focus on. Fitting for the King of Rivendell who mounted the plan to seal Xornoth.
Joel, once again, proving himself to be an adrenaline junkie. Once he gets the ball rolling, it is just to the moon and beyond for him. Mad King of Mezalea and Lonely Red Wizard of Last Life indeed.
GeminiTay, or better yet known as GeminiSlay. Proving herself to be the queen of Skyblock in Skyblockle. Wizard of the Crystal Cliffs, taking charge of the game she had never played before but ultimately winning it in the end.
Fwhip who has not been in MCC for almost a year but proving he still got the skills. Excellent Sandkeeper and an even more jaw dropping Buildmart player. The way he fly through those recipes and builds. What do you even expect on the Grimlands' inventor extraordinaire?
But the best part will always be the final round in Dodgebolt. Because what better way to finish MCC and prove the strength of Empires SMP than having the famous Roseblings be the last people standing in their team? What more poetic way could it end than Fwhip shooting an arrow and ending the competition just like how he pulled the trigger and caused the Rapture?
Thank you for the event. Thank you for the teams. It was absolutely wonderful.
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firefirefruit · 4 months
Steel in Her Veins, Chapter: Twenty-Six
Read On: AO3 | Table of Contents | Next Chapter
Characters: Fem!Reader x Roronoa Zoro
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Chapter Twenty-Six: Simple. Practical. Easy
Zoro doesn’t know how to deal with all of…this.
Really – he may be many things, but dealing with…feelings is simply not his forte. Nor when he has to talk things out. And, God save him, when he’s given the task to comfort others.
Zoro silently rests himself on one of Raya’s stools, standing on the precipice of not knowing whether he should leave, but not quite wanting to just yet. He flips the beautifully crafted Enma between his fingers, a soft frown set on his lips.
With swords…well, you don’t really need to do all of that. You don’t gotta bare your soul to it. To comfort it and tell it everything’s going to be okay. To apologise sincerely and express your own grief.
After all, in Zoro’s opinion, a sword is just a sword. You swing, you slice, you offer gratitude to it, and it’s a job done.
Zoro knows, that if Raya was here, she would’ve adamantly disagreed with that logic. She would’ve said something about how swords have souls, and that they understand the complexities of human feelings as much as we do. For a split second, Zoro takes an odd solace in that thought, his fingers fumbling over Raya’s lovingly wrapped leather over the hilt of his sword.
But after a paused moment, realisation flickers across the samurai’s face. He looks away from the humming Enma, helplessly turning his head around within the empty workshop. Out of all things, he’s thinking about what she thinks? He kisses his teeth. Some resolve he has.
See, swords don’t make him feel like this. They don’t hurt his head or press heavily against his chest with no way of escape. They lift, they slice and they charge onwards, tongue constantly sharpening for their next foe.
Swords don’t scream. Swords don’t cry or grieve or burst into flames when a tragedy occurs. They don’t hiss or give you the silent treatment, either.
Swords don't have skin, where inked fingers can trace over its body so delicately, so intimately, that it feels like Zoro’s accidentally intruded in on a forbidden moment. Swords don’t sarcastically wave at him from a distance, either, and flick a switch upwards to keep his watchful eye away.
And eyes. Swords don’t have eyes. They don’t have eyes, brim with fire he’s never experienced before. With grit and hatred that pools suffocatingly around his presence. They don’t show their wonder and curiosity and wisdom through the use of pupils, nor does their quick-wittedness or sharpness translate through the use of looking.
 Only through metal and a sharpening stone do they offer their most acceptable use.
And on that thought, nor do they have lips – soft, plump ones that fold underneath a little appearance of teeth, deeply thinking, considering a problem that secretly renders them anxious. The only tell of their discomfort being of their pulled-in lips and softly chewing teeth.
They don’t cry. They don’t have the power to spin their own bodies around like a threatening whip, broken words unfolding at the tip of their tongue, tears pooling up in shells that do their best to keep them at bay. They don’t make him feel…
They don’t make him feel…
Well, how did he actually feel?
The looming samurai shakes his head with a grunt, running a hand through his tousled hair.
No. Fuck feelings. He doesn’t need those.
All Zoro knows is that his chest felt tight and his breath rendered shallow after he bore witness to those stinging words.
And unlike some people, swords don’t withhold their thoughts or feelings. They're always straightforward and honest, without any reservations towards Zoro, and they most certainly do not prefer to disclose their inner secrets to the Surgeon of Death over the likes of him.
Swords are swords. They’re simple. They’re practical. They’re easy.
But this…
Whatever’s churning around in his stomach, whatever’s making his heart stutteringly displace its beats…
Well, he hasn’t felt this way since…
He clenches his jaw, the muscles of his neck tensing. His eyes flicker to the Wado Ichimonji, its broken shards nestling within a makeshift cocoon of a dark blue blanket.
He hasn’t felt this way since Kuina’s death.
Zoro raises his eyebrows. Is that was this feeling is? Is it grief? Is he grieving over the old man the way he grieved for Kuina?
Or is it guilt? The guilt of standing there and watching him and doing fuck all.
No, Raya was right. There's no honour in spectating, in standing by while someone else suffers. And yet, that's exactly what he did when she needed him the most.
The weight of his inaction settles heavily on his shoulders, a burden he's carried with him for far too long. He thought he had buried those feelings deep down, thought he had moved on from the guilt and regret that had haunted him since Kuina's death. But now, staring at the shattered remains of her, he realizes that they were never truly gone.
He reaches out a trembling hand to touch the Wado Ichimonji, his fingers tracing the familiar contours of the broken blade. Memories flood his mind, memories of a time when he was young and foolish, when he believed that strength alone could conquer any obstacle.
What would Kuina think if she could see him now? Would she be proud of the man he's become, or would she be disappointed by his failures?
The thought gnaws at him, twisting like a knife in his gut. He can almost hear her voice, sharp and cutting, chastising him for his weakness, for his inability to protect those he cares about.
Zoro squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block out the memories, but they refuse to be silenced. They taunt him, torment him, reminding him of his shortcomings, of his failures.
If it were Kuina instead of Sukiyaki in that moment, would he have ignored her honour code? Would he have furiously snapped at her to shut up and to let him fight? Would he have saved her regardless, and interfered with her martyred resolve?
Zoro holds his breath.
Yes. The simple answer would be yes. He would have.
Zoro's heart twists with the weight of his realization. He knows, deep down, that if it were Kuina in that moment instead of Sukiyaki, he would have acted without hesitation. He would have thrown himself into the fray, risking everything to save her, consequences be damned.
But Sukiyaki was not Kuina, and Zoro's loyalty to the samurai code had bound him in place, like chains forged from honour and duty. It's a bitter truth to swallow, knowing that his commitment to honour had cost him the opportunity to intervene and potentially save someone's life.
The echo of Kuina's voice rings in his ears, her words a cutting reminder of his perceived weakness. She would have scolded him for his failure to live up to the ideals they had both cherished, for his inability to protect those in need. And as the weight of her disappointment settles upon him like a suffocating blanket, Zoro can't help but feel the crushing weight of his own inadequacy.
And amidst the pain and the guilt, there's a sense of profound loneliness that threatens to consume him whole. He is adrift in a sea of his own making, lost in the depths of his own despair.
A shuffle of heavy feet burrows its way into the heel of the workshop, a long shadow dancing through the soft splinters of candlelight. There’s a heavy silence, and Zoro, for a second, doesn’t want to turn around. His chest tightens once more, teeth clenching hard together.
Is it Raya? It must be. But is he even able to face her right now?
He doesn’t know. Most of all – he doesn’t want to. Because right now, he’s not ready.
He sits on the stool, hands firmly gripping over the one and only thing that offers him a modicum of comfort. His sword. So practical. So easy. So simple.
“Zoro-ya?” A male voice reverberates within the fragile air. Zoro hears him advance a few steps further, and he can just feel the questioning expression of the man behind him - one eyebrow raised, a pair of dark eyes narrowing, arms tucking comfortably together.
Law’s voice interferes with the silence once more, his voice louder, and a lot closer now. Zoro, still, does not turn around. Simply, he does not want to.
“What are you doing here?” Law asks.
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witchthewriter · 4 months
Hi! May I request a character profile for Shuri Udaku from Black Panther? If that is alright with you.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞: 𝑆ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑖 𝑈𝑑𝑎𝑘𝑢 ✨
𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑷 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑧𝑒𝑟
Shuri is Wakanda's youthful tech genius. The one people look to for new technology, for updates, for ... protection. She's innovative, creative and headstrong. Also incredibly stubborn and passionate; Shuri really is a goddamn trailblazer.
𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑵𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍
Yes, I know a lot of you weren't exactly expecting that. Shuri often breaks the rules, she is chaotic, which my first thought was - Chaotic Good. But she loves Wakanda, she loves her family and she has done everything to keep those traditions alive.
While Shuri respects these traditions and values, she is also shown to be open to change and adaptation.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏
Upright: Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
The Magician card represents Shuri's resourcefulness, creativity, adaptability, and her ability to wield her knowledge and skills to bring about positive change.
The Magician card represents manifesting one's intentions, creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to harness the powers of the universe to bring about change.
Shuri embodies these qualities through her exceptional intellect, technological prowess, and innovative mindset. She is a masterful inventor and scientist, constantly creating and utilizing advanced technology to serve her nation and protect her people. The Magician card also signifies adaptability and versatility, which are evident in Shuri's ability to quickly adapt to new situations and come up with creative solutions.
Aquarius is often associated with innovation, intellect, and a forward-thinking mindset. Shuri's technological expertise, inventiveness, and desire to push the boundaries align with some of the traits commonly associated with Aquarius.
Gemini is known for curiosity, adaptability, and versatility. Shuri's ability to quickly adapt to new situations, her multifaceted interests and talents, as well as her quick-witted and communicative nature, definitely remind me of Gemini - especially in her moon aspect.
Aries individuals are often characterized as confident, independent, and driven. Shuri has so much goddamn drive; it's ambition mixed with passion and that's Aries. Shuri's assertiveness, leadership qualities, and her willingness to take charge made this a pretty easy choice.
Shuri is like a lightning bolt; offering opinions, ideas and insights in the blink of an eye. With her agile mind, and ability to process information so quickly, all align with the qualities associated with this aspect. (Sidenote: Shuri would actually make a great Doctor Who!)
Okay so this was really difficult because it's totally upto interpretation. I couldn't choose between Gemini, Aquarius or Aries for her Venus aspect. But ultimately, I've gone with Gemini. I know you might be thinking, 'jesus she's chosen gemini for so much,' but Shuri is like ... the embodiment of Gemini.
With the ever so fleeting moments of romance she had with Namor - Shuri brightens up when they're on the same communication level. I think there would be something about engaging conversations and a partner who can keep up with her quick-wittedness and diverse range of interests. Shuri would be attracted to individuals who can engage her intellectually and stimulate her curiosity.
Sagittarius is associated with adventurousness, enthusiasm, and a desire for freedom. With a Sag Mars, it shows that Shuri possesses a thirst for knowledge and a drive to explore the world around her. Her actions are guided by a sense of purpose and a desire to seek truth and wisdom. Shuri is an energetic and optimistic individual, always seeking new experiences and pushing her boundaries.
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max1461 · 3 months
That Einstein meant what he said about the relevance of philosophy to physics is evidenced by the fact that he had been saying more or less the same thing for decades. Thus, in a 1916 memorial note for Ernst Mach, a physicist and philosopher to whom Einstein owed a special debt, he wrote:
How does it happen that a properly endowed natural scientist comes to concern himself with epistemology? Is there no more valuable work in his specialty? I hear many of my colleagues saying, and I sense it from many more, that they feel this way. I cannot share this sentiment. When I think about the ablest students whom I have encountered in my teaching, that is, those who distinguish themselves by their independence of judgment and not merely their quick-wittedness, I can affirm that they had a vigorous interest in epistemology. They happily began discussions about the goals and methods of science, and they showed unequivocally, through their tenacity in defending their views, that the subject seemed important to them. Indeed, one should not be surprised at this.
"Shut up and calculate"...
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 year
Suitable Careers/Job Based on YoUr RiSing SigN💫
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Aries Ascendant: With your natural leadership skills and competitive spirit, careers in politics, law enforcement, or entrepreneurship may be perfect for you.
Taurus Ascendant: You have a natural talent for the arts and an eye for beauty. Consider careers in fashion, interior design, or even architecture.
Gemini Ascendant: Your quick-wittedness and communication skills make you a natural fit for careers in media, advertising, or public relations.
Cancer Ascendant: You are naturally compassionate and nurturing, making careers in the healthcare industry or social work fulfilling options for you.
Leo Ascendant: With your natural charisma and love for the spotlight, careers in entertainment, public speaking, or even teaching may be perfect for you.
Virgo Ascendant: You have a sharp attention to detail and a love for organization, making careers in accounting, data analysis, or even editing ideal for you.
Libra Ascendant: You have a natural aesthetic and a love for harmony, making careers in fashion, interior design, or even law perfect for you.
Scorpio Ascendant: You have a deep understanding of human psychology and a natural intuition. Consider careers in psychology, investigative journalism, or even detective work.
Sagittarius Ascendant: You have a love for adventure and a natural curiosity, making careers in travel, journalism, or even higher education perfect for you.
Capricorn Ascendant: You have a natural drive and ambition, making careers in business, finance, or even politics ideal for you.
Aquarius Ascendant: You have a love for innovation and a natural interest in technology, making careers in science, engineering, or even social activism a great match for you.
Pisces Ascendant: You have a natural empathy and creativity, making careers in the arts, counseling, or even non-profit work perfect for you.
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lilgoblinbitch · 18 days
i just need someone to talk to about carol peletier 🥺
that woman is one of the most versatile and quick-witted characters in twd. she is also one of my favorite characters, because how could she not be?
when i first started watching twd, in season 1 & 2 i just remember being like “holy fuck give this poor woman a break,” i mean her husband was a sack of shit and then her daughter goes missing and turns... and then she has this immaculate character arc. i mean here's this pure, fragile woman who went from being a punching bag for her husband to a literal ass-kicking anti-hero boss ass bitch.
when i got through seasons 3 - 4, i was totally rooting for her! she was presumed dead in the beginning of season 3 but saved by daryl — which btw i have to say they are beautiful together (idk if i completely ship them but i am not against it and do love seeing them together; i’d say i’m a sideline caryl supporter rn) their friendship blossomed very quickly and i loved seeing that happen. season 4 was where carol really started to show her quick-wittedness; she killed karen and david to stop the illness from spreading in the prison. rick said himself later on (i think in like season 6) that he would’ve done the same. also during season 4, carol had to do something extremely difficult—and that was killing lizzie. she knew she had to do it, and she made sure not to let it eat her up for the rest of her life. i think that’s what i love most about carol, her strength. geez, that woman holds so much weight on her shoulders, but never fully lets it bring her down. she’s resilient.
my all time favorite carol moment was during season 5 when she blew up terminus. GODDAMN BADASS BITCH ALERT!!!! and ooohhh my god the look on rick’s face when he found out she saved them — priceless!
there are so many more epic carol moments, but if i talked about them all i would have to make a novel lol. needless to say, i can’t wait to see her on screen again with daryl. 🥹
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xyourearthquakex · 17 days
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Of all people in the world, you've got by far the most beautiful soul. The day we first met, you blew me away. Your smart mind, your smile. Your vulnerability, hidden by your quick-wittedness. It took some time, but eventually you opened up to me, too. You became my anchor. My best friend. In times when nobody else was there, you were. You really cared. I could fall apart beside you and you'd collect the pieces and put me back together. We shared our highs and lows and became family.
Over time, I began thinking of you as more than just my best friend. My pulse started racing, everytime I saw you. When you left, I wanted to be near you again. My heart found its home in the warmth of your embrace and I fell so damn deeply in love with you. To have you - my soulmate, my home - by my side, fullfills me everyday.
Today is your day, @treatmewkindnesss. You deserve all the love and kindness this world has to offer. To make that smile of yours shine brighter each day is what I live for.
So, let's celebrate my stunning girlfriend!
Happiest of birthdays to you, my love.
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theshittymarimo · 2 months
Dreams and Daemons
Chapter 2: Nami, Usopp, Robin Fandom: One Piece Summary: Introduction of Kaito, Iso and Rodney. Words: 1 675 Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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Nami - KAITO, Eurasian Magpie
“Expressive, Perceptive, Flamboyant. Magpie people tend to be creative, curious, true to their natures, gregarious, and energetic. They are free spirits who enjoy being in the thick of things and as such, tend to get a reputation for the dramatic. They are good at taking joy in the unpredictable aspects of life, making opportunities out of any circumstances. They see things more clearly, look past illusions and see through falsities. But they are also playful, social, communicative, and confident. Magpie people are full of intelligence and cunning, but are more light-hearted than its other corvid cousins the crow and the raven.”         - “Dæmons Unveiled: Navigating the Bonds of this World”, Filipe Haulman
Kaito was the only one Nami could trust for a very long time. He was the only one who saw her tears in the darkness and understood her. He worked with her in both light and darkness, standing by her side, always helping her in her work to earn money for their village. He stole from people’s pockets and acted as her eyes in the sky whenever she needed it. When she felt insecure, he helped her see more clearly and understand what sort of people she met on her travels. He always warned her when he felt someone was too dangerous for them; she could always trust his word. The first time he sounded uncertain about someone was when they met Luffy. “What do you mean?” she hissed at him while they were hiding on the nearby roof, watching the strange boy who had literally fallen down from the sky. “I don’t know Nami”, Kaito whined in her ear. “They just … they feel good.” “Good?” Nami hissed back disbelievingly. They had never met someone who just felt good. Everyone had an ulterior motive, that’s what she had learned through harsh lessons on the sea. She mistrusted Luffy even more when she realized that he was a pirate. No pirate was ever “good”, no matter what Kaito felt about them. But in the end, on their home island when she cried and tried to chase Luffy away, he stayed. She was lost, didn’t have anyone left. She looked to Kaito, who stood in front of her, and saw the answer in his eyes. A final string of hope was dangling in front of her, and Kaito nodded at her, daring her to take the final leap, to trust someone else. It felt both terrifying and relieving to share her burden with someone else. But finally, she dared to ask someone to help her.
And in the end, she had to admit that Kaito was right about them.
Now Kaito loved flying high above their ship, enjoying the wind. Looking far across the blue seas she could hear his reports about what he saw and his laughter at the crew’s antics. She could never stop herself from laughing as well when she heard him, even when she was mad at Luffy for doing something idiotic. Her heart soared as high as Kaito did when she heard him being so happy and free.
Usopp - ISO, European Hare
“Self-sacrifice, humility, family. Rabbit people tend to be soft-spoken and non-self-assertive. The symbol of the rabbit is strongly tied to the cycle of life, fertility, death, and resurrection. The rabbit is also a symbol of luck, health, and clear-sightedness. In the wild, Rabbits are terrific planners and escape artists. In other words, the Rabbit Spirit’s mantra is, “Look before you leap” and keep one foot in reality. Rabbit people live life spontaneously, and are the life of a party. They also afford quick wittedness and creative problem solving. The rabbit energy challenges their reflexes and hones dexterity spiritually and physically.” - “Dæmons Unveiled: Navigating the Bonds of this World”, Filipe Haulman
“Ahaha, don’t worry Iso!” Usopp bragged loudly to his daemon, Iso. “They will be joyous to greet us again! How can’t they not be, to have the great warrior Usopp with them again!” One of Iso’s long ears tilted down to the side as she watched her human pacing back and forth on the beach of Water 7, talking out loud and practicing his speech for returning to the straw hat crew. “I will even offer to be the vice-captain!” He quickly turned to Iso in excitement as another idea clearly hit him. “Iso! You should turn into a white horse!” he told her excitedly. “Imagine us riding in all glory, surely they will just fall on their knees and beg us to return!” “… No”, Iso said softly. “Huh?” Usopp blinked, stunned, a flash of confused anger crossing his face. “What do you mean no? Isn’t that a great idea?” Iso hadn’t found her final form, still able to change into different animals. Some people called them immature for that but they mostly ignored them, telling themselves that it was funnier this way anyway. But now she had an uncomfortable feeling in her gut; it didn’t feel right. It bothered her as much as seeing Usopp like this; she could feel him through their bonds. Beneath all that anger and pride, she could sense his shame and fear… When Iso didn’t answer, he soon shrugged and continued. In the end, they had nearly been too late. Usopp had been shouting after the boat, and Iso feared that the worst was going to happen. “USOPP!” She shouted at him. “They are going to leave!” “Well, well”, he stuttered, “change into something else and we’ll go after them!” “I can’t! I’m stuck like this!” she finally found the words to explain. She saw the horror growing in his eyes as he stared after the ship, their crew, their family. He finally realized that they were going to lose them. It was too late, she thought, and blamed herself as Usopp shouted his apology. Tears streamed down her face as Usopp cried. In the end, she never loved Luffy’s rubber powers more than in that moment. “I’m a coward, huh?” Usopp asked her later, when it was just the two of them. She could hear the insecurity in his words. It was said that the animal the daemon ended up taking mirrored the soul of the human. Iso knew what he meant, but she went up to him and put a paw in his hand. When he looked at her in surprise, she responded with a grin. “No, we are lucky!”
Robin - RODNEY, Domestic cat
“Cat represents a balance of strength in both physical and spiritual, psychic and sensual powers, merging these two worlds into one. They tend to have most energy during the night. Curious, intelligent, and independent, cat people tend to live in a world all their own. They are free ardent adventurers who explore the world as well as their inner space. Their perspectives are unique as they like to explore all the angles. Naturally agile and are able to land on their feet in seemingly impossible situations. However, they need to be careful. […] People with black cats as daemons can be wonderful leaders who rarely lose dignity under pressure. The colour black represents authority, elegance and adaptability. However, they need to be cautioned that they can succumb to the idea that somehow, they are bad luck to those around them, or somehow lesser to them. They need to learn to reach out for help from those they love.”         - “Dæmons Unveiled: Navigating the Bonds of this World”, Filipe Haulman
Robin had to grow up fast with her daemon, Rodney, finding his final form soon after the first time someone betrayed them for easy money. They had been sitting in a dirty alley, and she had looked down at his pitch-black small form of a cat, with green eyes gleaming in the dark, and somehow known. “A cat”, she said with a weak smile. “We will stay in the shadows”, his deep voice hummed deeply inside of her chest. “No one will find us unless we want to.” “You promise?” she asked softly, shivering from the cold as she tried to keep warm. “I promise”, he answered as he went up into her lap, and she could feel the purring from somewhere deep beneath the warmth of his fur. Years later, in Enies Lobby while she waited in chains, she remembered that moment as she thought of the straw hats – “They found us.” “Well”, Rodney hummed, seemingly immediately knowing what she meant. “Maybe we wanted them to find us.” She looked at him in surprise, but he remained silent by her side despite Franky’s curious looks at them. “I don’t want them to come”, she told him angrily. “You sure?” he responded calmly. She didn’t answer. Later she had to admit that he had been right. Like he always was. “How did you know?” she asked him later that night. She couldn’t sleep, still reeling from the day, it had all happened in just one day. “What?” he asked lying on her chest with closed eyes. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to ask. How he knew that they would come? No… How he knew that she wanted them to come? … That she wanted to live after all? All the questions flew around in her head but she didn’t say any of them but looked down on him. One of his eyes glowed in the dark as he looked toward her. “Well... I wanted to”, he admitted, sounding a little abashed. She blinked in confusion. “I wanted you to live”, he purred. And they were one. She remembered reading about daemons and how they were supposed to be two parts of one soul. That the dreams and will were flowing freely in the bonds between the human and the daemon. As long Rodney was there, and wanting for her … did that mean she never lost that flame of hope in the first place? That it was always there, kept safe by Rodney? Her eyes suddenly burned. “Thank you”, she whispered. He responded by simply purring.  
Notes: I choose a magpie for Nami because it was perfect for a thief to have an animal that loves shiny things to steal. The name Kaito means "sea, ocean" and "soar, fly". Usopp got the hare, at first I thought of an animal that was kind of famous for being a coward and/or running away. But when I read about the symbolism behind it I felt the first part was fitting as well, he matured that day and his daemon is a symbol of his lesson in humility. The name Iso is said to mean "beach, seashore". Robin's daemon was a black cat from almost the start. It feel very fitting for her. I gave him the name Rodney because it's close to Robin, some people tend to give their children's daemon a name as close to the child's.
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