#puritan culture is sexism
Remember kiddos, polygamy and polyamory was only demonized for four core reasons:
Tw: homophobia, sexism, religious commentary, political commentary, oppression
1.) America wanted more taxes
Part of the legal institutionalization of marriage is that there is tax benefits for the individual parties when they get married, and financial ties/power is attorney between married people. It becomes messy when these ties extend to multiple people/marriages and the I*RS wants they tax money, and America would rather just make an entire way of life illegal than make laws and systems that accommodate people. See point #4 for more on that
2.) Puritan culture (aka thinly veiled sexism)
Puritan culture relies heavily on systems of control that villainize sex and women (that's a whole other conversation but I won't digress), and lots of marriages/polygamous marriages having sex with each other is obviously bad bad bad!! Hard to control!! Save the defenseless women from their pimp husbands! Orgies, the devil's work! And...
3.) Homophobia
Good god, women being in marriages together! Married to a man, but what if these women end up by being married to each other by extension! And having sex with each other! And what if a woman marries more than one man! Would these men become inferior to their wives? Would one of these husbands be less dominant than another? Would the men function in these complex marriages like a woman?! Disgusting! That's gay (derogatory!) Would these husbands be having sex with each other? But that's gay and gay is bad! Sex is bad! God, purge these sinners of their Sodomy!
(Surprise surprise, homophobia has very little to do with actual gay people and has everything to do with puritan culture, control, sexism and the demonization of sex, and points two and three are actually the same thing)
4.) Christian nationalism
Polygamy and nonmonogamy is normalized and integrated with several non-Christian and alternative Christian cultures going back thousands of years, like Islam, Mormonism, feudal Japanese/samurai cultures, Hinduism, several Native American cultures, etc... even in the Bible in Judeo-Christian history and biblical era cultures nonmonogamy was normalized. Banning nonmonogamy in America is banning the right to engage in non-christian religious rite and practice. It's only something criminal to post-puritan Christians and those beliefs becoming law, regardless of other religious beliefs and practices also existing in America, is the unseparation of church and state.
So before you tell a polyamorous person "oh that's cheating with permission" or "I could NEVER do that," or "I love my partner too much to do that/cheat like that," remember that these are the institutions and the propaganda you're upholding with your judgement. Supporting/ being kind about polyamory is religious tolerance, and biting your thumb at the I*RS.
Tl:dr, the dissolution of separating of church and state, puritan culture and the sexism/homophobia associated with puritan culture is why nonmonogamy is demonized and why polygamy is illegal in America.
Tone indication/post intention: satirical and exaggerated tones criticizing longstanding institutions of oppression with the intent to explain why judging, hating or criticizing nonmonogamous practices is oppressive and a result of propaganda. This post is not intended to persuade people who practice monogamy to practice nonmonogamy instead or to demonize monogamy. It is intended to advocate for breaking the stigma around nonmonogamy.
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clowningaroundmars · 5 months
anyone else scared to death of the REAL obvious signs of control the younger generations are exhibiting lately
like im watching all these yt video essays on microblading, "looksmaxing", anti-aging routines, "signs that your partner is micro-cheating", teens and young adults' obsession with categorizing everything and turning everything into an aesthetic/trend (wtf was up with those "blueberry milk nails" like???), the existence of PURITEENS... i mean like
im not saying younger teens are developing OCD or anything but jfc this is all snowballing into scary symptoms lately. how tf are 14 year olds on tiktok doing a 19-step skincare routine "to prevent wrinkles"? YOU ARE FOURTEEN
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sheabutterbitch · 9 months
Barbenheimer was further proof to me that there’s certainly been a shift in how otherwise “progressive” folks are willing to adopt binary identities so long as it’s presented in the right consumer package. I think memes can be used as a sort of social thermometer and some examples: girls drugs/boy drugs, girl dinner, ‘I’m just a girl,’ etc. are a few examples of ironic language that isn’t so ironic, actually.
Other “ironic” memes or jokes focused on thinness [skinny as a positive adjective, for example], “bimbofication,” hard er/racial slur jokes, f/t slur jokes, and many more were like… funny but I don’t think people are joking all that much anymore. The illusion that because you belong to an oppressed group, you are exempt from popularizing language that furthers said oppression, is so damaging in this digital world. Gone are the days where you could have an inside joke that remains in your social group, your viral tweet or tiktok video does not count as intracommunal discussion.
This is a disorganized rant but I hope my point is coming across. We’re reaching a point where homophobia, sexism, bio essentialism, puritanism, etc. are just a part of popular culture through memes and other silly goofy content. This is undoing decades of work. The push to be less serious, more relatable, is a destabilization tactic from the right.
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teaspoonnebula · 2 months
Hullo, I am so sorry if this ask is a weird one but. You are in the fandom for a long time, and I need to know, is it me or is the ACD SH fandom *not* insane?? Everywhere else where I've been, I see people turning on each other, fighting over characters and the morality of liking them and not liking them, telling people to go kill themselves and here. I have been in this corner of Tumblr for a few months now, and everybody seems normal? Am I just not deep enough yet to sew the drama, or is this really just a place where people hang out to enjoy something together??? Are we just too old of a fandom to do this?
(feel free not to answer if this is too weird or anything)
Sorry my reply got really long. I've broken it up with memes in the hope that it makes it more readable.
I've been in the fandom for a few years now, and I don't have much to compare against because I've generally avoided fandom spaces because they seem pretty intense (and I've not had a piece of media grab me quite like this before) but yeah it seems pretty chill?
I think there are lots of possible reasons why.
It might be that the fandom skews a little older, with lots of people who have enough life experience to know how to de-escalate tension when they encounter it, and when to walk away from the keyboard.
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It might be that there's a century-old understanding that we're all playing a silly tongue-in-cheek game with characters from magazine stories that were never supposed to be analysed this way. Remember the term "canon" as used in fandom circles was invented by Sherlock Holmes fans (specifically my boy Ronald Knox) as a joke, a deliberate cute misapplication of a term used for discussing the Bible to something frivolous. Not taking yourself too seriously is very baked into Sherlockian culture.
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I sometimes get glimpses from other fandoms of this puritanical attitude that to like or not like a character or a piece of work is somehow a moral act, and I find that... bewildering. A bit scary. To be a fan of Sherlock Holmes is inherently to love something dearly which also contains things which should be hated: racism, sexism, imperialism. I think that fans tend to be people well used to approaching literature with the level of nuance required to process that dichotomy. To acknowledge it rather than hide from it.
It might also be because it's public domain. A big blockbuster movie or pastiche by a celebrated writer is precisely as legitimate as every fanfic on Ao3. Or the CGI movie where they're gnomes. Or a slightly wonky point and click game someone is obsessively making in their spare time (...coughcougheveryonewishlist 'The Beekeepers' Picnic' onsteam) Sherlock Holmes belongs to everyone equally regardless of how much money and power they have, which is why I love it.
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Like, I love him as a character, I love the Victoriana, I love the mysteries, but the #1 reason I've gone gaga over Sherlock Holmes these past few years is the joy of loving a thing which isn't controlled by a corporation and which does not exist to make money (anymore).
I'm not saying there's zero drama because I think when you get a bunch of people passionate about something there will always be a little drama. I'll see things like the jostling of people who are very protective of asexual readings of Holmes and people who are very protective of gay readings of Holmes, things like that. Feelings can run high when personal identity is involved. But I've never seen anything got too vicious.
Errrr yeah idk if you wanted an essay as a response but you got one!
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The thing that makes me the most sad about how many people fall for radfem ideology on this website is that many of them genuinely think that they are fighting for liberation, and have various levels of class consciousness. Especially when it’s young people.
This is why I talk a lot about both the online rabbitholes/pipelines that pull people into terf circles and also the I would estimate somewhat smaller one that funnels into the whole ‘anti-shipping’ community. They both often have people in them who claim they are against overt oppression in other forms.
The terf pipeline in particular is functionally the same as the inverse blackpill ideological rabbit hole which targets young men: the incel pipeline. Both are reflexively reactionary ideologies that respond to the promises demands and expectations of cultural patriarchy. And both in the end, serve white supremacy and capital.
Terfs are so focused on violence against women that it is truly the only violence they see. And of course finding an easy scapegoat who is already disempowered under patriarchy is easier than confronting the complexities of the underlying social issues. Such as plainly acknowledging that trans feminine people, particularly black and native trans people, face the most intensive mysoginistic violence of anyone, and that all queerness and gender noncormity is counter to the rigid gender expectations of patriarchy and thus under threat of patriarchal reinforcing violence.
So rather than fighting for women’s liberation in any actually meaningful way, which would mean acknowledging that anyone who betrays gender roles is harmed by patriarchy, they rely on an outdated model of biological essentialism which hasn’t been relevant to thoughtful feminist critique since second wave feminism. We have fifty years of further gender theory in academia that they will ignore in favor of a 6th grade level basic and also plainly incorrect understanding of genetics. And in so doing they, usually unwittingly and unintentionally, fall for obvious white supremacist grifters like that woman who had a milkshake thrown on her and is Jo Rowling’s new best friend who has straight up said MANY times that ‘we need to abandon feminism’ and that she herself is not a feminist. Yet she’s one of the main and most popular speakers driving “radical feminist” ideology.
There is a REASON why terf thought leader speeches are protected by groups of Proud Boys.
Similarly the anti-shipping rabbithole also reinforces christofash puritanical sexual morality while claiming to fight sexual violence and be a liberatory movement.
If you are falling for these regressive ideologies, you are not fighting capitalism. You are not fighting racism. You are not fighting sexism.
You are falling for white supremacist christofascist recruiting schemes.
You are falling for the oldest trick in the book, blaming other members of the working class for your own oppression instead of acting in solidarity to fight for systemic change.
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The big failure with early 2010’s internet skeptic dudes was that while they rejected the literal worldview of the evangelical church, they still held onto deep-seated, toxic beliefs from the religious cultures they were raised in, that then got incorporated into their idea of atheism. They found scientific sounding excuses to recreate the sexism and racism they’d grown up with.
But you can lob the same criticism at huge swaths of the white online queer community: people who use progressive language to enforce hyper-puritanical/reactionary ideas about sex/desire, and enact draconian punishments towards any perceived sins from (mostly non-white and neurodivergent) queers who can’t perform virtue correctly.
The point I guess is all of us who grew up within American culture probably still have a lot of evil shit we’re clinging to, whether we realize it or not, and if we don’t stay conscious of that and put in real work to separate ourselves from the it, it’ll corrupt *anything* we build outside. But that’s not a reason to discard alternate modes of being. Just cuz some white queer people suck obviously doesn’t make queerness irredeemable, and shitty Reddit guys from 10 years ago aren’t a reason to demonize atheists.
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yourlocalswan · 2 months
feeling pretty down about the political state of things for women particularly. so much rampant transmisogyny and sexism. it’s not just chronically online nutjobs; the republicans are systematically embracing straight up, unironic, full-send puritanical, fascist values. no surprise there ofc.
the US of course was founded on these extremes, polarity has always been the name of the game, but this level of moral panic and lashing out against women, particularly, so despicably mirrors the witch trials. what the movies don’t tell you is the cultural forces that were ratcheting up over decades that led to the mass killing of innocent women. it wasn’t an overnight thing; it wasn’t magic mushrooms or exposure. history always repeats itself in the most abhorrent ways but we never fucking learn.
my sisters, i stand in solidarity with you. it’s been such a hard week for trans women especially. WOC, trans women, fem-leaning, cis women, etc are being systematically dehumanized before our eyes and i can’t even find anger in myself anymore. i’m just so deeply saddened by the world around me hating us for existing. as a cis WW i have safety and privilege that is denied to my sisters and it’s sickening to know what little control i have.
they’re after us all, and to draw further divisions is utterly counterproductive. TERFs etc have drank the conservative kool aid. an attack on one is an attack on all, and we’re being hit from all sides.
i think i’ll need to step back from the news reel for a little while and try to recenter on my immediate world and help those around me. i recommend others do the same. spend time with the women in your life and remind them you love them. embrace whatever level of femininity you want and fuck what anyone says. be smart, be safe, and spread love.
also, not a bad idea to stay strapped. just sayin.
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years
I love how people keep saying that Belos/Phillip would be devastated to find out that women can vote and gay people can get married in the human realm and I just keep thinking:
The Boiling Isles is MILES ahead of the human realm. Women have been in respectable positions of power for centuries. Raine Whispers, a non binary person, was made Head Bard. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, etc... don't really exist on the Boiling Isles.
It must have been a huge culture shock for the Wittebros when they first arrived, (POC weren't discriminated against, women had rights, and there were openly queer people all in the same place. The Wittebros were 17th century white Puritans lmao) but after 400 years, I'm sure Belos is used to it by now.
I feel like all that might be the least shocking thing to Belos/Phillip if anything. Even with modern culture, the Boiling Isles has its own version of cell phones and social media. I'm sure he's aware of memes and internet culture, at least, a version of it.
Would Belos think is this all apart of the "evil" that resides on the Boiling Isles? Maybe. But he realizes the human realm must have changed significantly after 400 years, and having lived in such a progressive place for so long, I feel like it wouldn't come as such a big shock.
What WOULD be a huge shock to Belos I feel like would be like, modern politics and just how much the human race fucked up America lmao. Like imagine Belos comes back to America and, boom, the electoral collage. The nation he nation he grew up in and witnessed in its earliest stages can't decide whether public health is a concern or not. He lived with "evil" witches for 400 years and saw how for the most part they were a thriving harmonious society (before he decided to fuck it up obviously) while humans are on the brink of fighting over water.
He'd be embarrassed that the "evil" witches are more advanced than human race lmfao.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning takes place on the fourth Thursday of November, this year it’s on November 24. If this date sounds familiar to you, it’s because the fourth Thursday of November also coincides with Thanksgiving in the U.S. Every year on the National Day of Mourning, Native American people in New England gather together to protest. To them, Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of the unjust treatment that Native Americans have received since the 1620 Plymouth landing.
History of National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning reminds us all that Thanksgiving is only part of the story. Native Americans, since 1970, have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving Day.
Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and established the first colony in 1620. As such, it’s the oldest municipality in New England. Many Native Americans, however, don’t celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving, to them, is a brutal reminder of “the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture.”
They participate as a way to honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. “It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”
The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) sponsors this event. They maintain that the Pilgrims arrived in North America and claimed tribal land for their own, as opposed to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the local inhabitants. UAINE members believe that these settlers “introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system.”
The National Day of Mourning generally begins at noon and includes a march through the historic district of Plymouth. While the UAINE encourages people of all backgrounds to attend the protests, only Native speakers are invited to give these speeches about the past, as well as current obstacles their people have overcome. Guests are asked to bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruits and vegetables, or pre-cooked items. The protest is open to anyone, and has attracted other minority activists.
National Day of Mourning timeline
​1998 No permit needed​
UAINE receives permission from local authorities to march in protest without having to obtain a permit. ​
​1997 Protests got violent​
State troopers use force against protesters who gathered together to observe the 28th annual National Day of Mourning. ​
​1970 National Day of Mourning began
The first annual protest for the National Day of Mourning takes place.​
​1620 Pilgrims arrived​
English separatist Puritans, who had broken away from the Church of England, land at Plymouth Rock. Today we refer to them as Pilgrims.
National Day of Mourning FAQs
What really happened in 1621?
The Pilgrims celebrated their first successful harvest by firing guns and cannons in Plymouth. The noise alarmed ancestors of the Wampanoag Nation who went to investigate. That is how native people came to be present at the first Thanksgiving Are federal offices closed on a national day of mourning?
U.S. government offices are closed on the National Day of Mourning due to the Thanksgiving holiday. What happens on the National Day of Mourning?
Native Americans and supporters gather in Plymouth to “mourn our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands.”
How to Observe National Day of Mourning
Brush up on your history
Learn more about the United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
Attend a protest
Do you know much about the first Thanksgiving? Do some research online, stop by your local library, or watch a documentary that will help give you a better understanding of what Native Americans actually went through.
UAINE is responsible for helping the National Day of Mourning protest take shape. To observe this important day, take some time to learn about about the UAINE. It's a fascinating organization that has done a great deal to promote better treatment for the Native American people.
Protesters gather on Cole's Hill, a location overlooking Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts. Everyone is welcome to observe these gatherings, and recently, other minority groups have started to become involved in the events of this day.
​4 Reasons To Thank Native Americans
​They've been here a while
​Thank you for your service
Your great-grandma is who?
An important vocabulary lesson
Native Americans have existed in what is now known as the United States since 12,000 BC. ​
Although they were not considered American citizens, over 8,000 Native Americans served in the military in World War I. ​
​Many of the first families who settled in Virginia trace their roots directly back to Pocahontas.
A bunch of Native American words have made their way into the English language; for example, coyote, tomato, poncho, potato, and chia.​
Why National Day of Mourning is Important
It serves as an important history lesson
It's a time to come together
It shifts our attention away from turkey
Textbooks often glaze over the unjust treatment of Native Americans. The National Day of Mourning, however, is a reminder that the people native to the Americas have been the recipients of a great deal of unfair treatment. It's important to discuss.
For protesters, the National Day of Mourning serves as a time to rally together to advocate for what they believe in. UAINE has worked to improve relations between the government and native people.
Yes, Thanksgiving can be a great day filled with tons of good food and time spent with loving family and friends. However, the mission behind the National Day of Mourning is to highlight that the Thanksgiving holiday is actually quite painful for some people. For quite a few Native Americans in New England, Thanksgiving marks a time when their ancestors were treated poorly.
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sweetpeathecat · 1 year
Belos/ Philip is literally a colonizer. Like the show never outright says it but is does heavily imply it. I know know the fandom make jokes about Him being a Puritan but doesn’t fully unpack how much damage Puritans, and other colonizers did to the native people(and are still doing).
And that Luz being Afro-Latina Dominican is a big deal. Her family’s home country is well acquainted with colonialism. Unlike Philip who went to another land only to exploits and also successfully in actual genocide. Luz went to a new land and respect the native people and learned their ways. Caleb is implied to do so as well but Philip murdered him for it.
The fact that Camila welcomed Vee and other into her home. Accepted them for who they are and never tried to change them. Going out of her way to try to accommodate their dietary needs(trying to find a substitute for Apple Blood for example). Amity thanking Luz for “standing up for them”.
How the Coven System and the rewriting of Boiling Isles history is a from of genocide. One of the forms of genocide is “ the purposefull attempt from the governments and churches to eradicate all aspects of Indigenous culture”. Philip/ Belos peddles the idea that Boiling Isles is using magic wrong and disrespecting the Titan by using Wilde Magic/ glyphs. After becoming Emperor, he had the school rewrite history to “demonize” Wilde Magic and Wilde Witches. Witch and demon kids never learn Wilde magic. Their magic useage is restricted further by the Coven System. Kids are forced to pick one magic to study through the Coven Track System. Once you join a coven you can only sue that form of magic. The Coven Sigil literally cut off you access to other tracks of magic. If you refuse to join a coven then you get hunted down and petrified(Like Eda). By Amity, Willow and Gus’s generation one one questions this. It only be about 50 years(I think) since Belos came to power. I’m pretty sure that if Philip could get rid of all Magic her would. Another form of genocide is the Day of Unity. He literally masked a genocide as a holiday. Using the Coven Sigil to try to kill everyone.
Philip tricking and weaponizing the Boiling Isles belief in the Titan reminds be of a darker take on Dreamworkss Road To Eldorado. How the two leads trick the indigenous people that they have connections/control of their gods in order to get gold.
The little background detail that Camila throw out her flatiron. Camila and Liz’s is curlier than it was before Luz came back home. How both their hair was curly in the flashbacks. Showing that they are still being affected by Colonialism. But are reclaiming their natural hair as a good thing.
Side note: does this mean Luz was straight into her hair in the Demon Realm. Because in the amount of time she was there, her root would have gone back to it nature curl pattern. Curly/colily hair tends to curl back up went introduced to water in less seriously heat damaged. I know straightening technics for hair exists in the anoling Ilene because Lilith only recently stopped straightening her naturally curly hair.
I mostly address colonialism in broad strokes but Racism, white supremacy, sexism, religious discrimination, (hair) texturism, ableism, anti-LGBT+ should be address too.
Anyone who is Dominican want to share their thoughts and anyone else affected by colonialism?
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splathousefiction · 7 months
"porn is-"
Let me stop whatever puritanical bullshit you're about to say right there. Let's cut all the fuck-shit hand wringing and get right to brass tacks.
Does the adult industry have its issues?
Abso-fucking-lutely. Every industry has a base exploitation of labor, and under a capitalist system often that will be to a de-humanizing degree. Every single job in the world fucking sucks, even if it's a job you love. The porn industry especially has it's share of horror stories both from the production side and how the consumer market treats sex workers.
But I'm not gonna sit here and let your fucking opinion of what I do for a living - a profession where I was given bodily autonomy and respect for that autonomy, both legally and from my audience - turn into federal laws and regulation.
The porn industry has safety checks, physical consent slips, mandatory STI testing and much more to the point it would make an OSHA inspector blush. If you're a solo star working out of your home with a modicum of understanding re: how to market yourself, you can make a living wage ($20 an hour and up) as opposed to the federally mandated minimum wage ($7.25 an hour as of this writing). As such you're also more than likely an independent contractor, so you can walk away from the job at any time for any reason whatsoever unless you've signed a contract (in which case, read your terms).
Porn historically has, and continues to have, a racism and sexism problem. But this isn't the 60s and 70s. /Because/ of a combination of /labor regulations/ AND /consumer demand/, the market now has more female/queer and BIPOC industry leaders than ever before. Which is a far cry more than you're going to get in most corporate offices.
The adult industry was the first place I was respected for both the true value of my labor and on terms with my identity, with both often protected by the platforms I worked for (and my audience!). To disregard it as "immoral and exploitive" is to use verbatim the same fascist ideals of a "pure" culture those particular slack-jawed, gravel-brained, total wastes of spaces are gonna use to eventually /eliminate you/ when you're not good enough for the cause anymore.
The denigration of sexual expression is the destruction of freedom of expression, and the element which weathers away the strength of the human spirit.
I'm sorry me posting my fat cock on the web sends you into a tizzy, but at the least I'm affirming my will to live.
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l3opardsp0ts · 1 year
I get the aro/ace Midnight headcanons, I do. But it also kinda feels like people use it as an excuse to project the super puritanical culture we have in the west where sexuality is taboo and weird and you’re not supposed to feel good about it. Like she’s a hyper sexual character, why can’t she just enjoy it? Why can’t she feel powerful reveling in her own sexuality?
Most aro/ace Midnight people also say that Midnight’s persona is a political statement, and yeah maybe but why does it have to be one or the other not both? Why can’t she use it to point out the sexism in society and feel good and powerful by embracing her sexuality?
I’m not using sexuality like sexual identity, I’m saying sexuality as in the experience and expression of oneself sexually. This isn’t about tearing down aro/ace rep, you need more, but there’s also a need for positive examples of sexual expression.
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
I've been thinking about how any "Abrahamic" (I use the term very loosely as I know it's a terrible way to lump Judaism, Christianity, etc. together, sorry!!!) religion gets the front of criticism for its sexism and puritanism as compared to other religions despite those same religions having problems themselves (the Greek Goddesses of the myths and ritual practice are definitely not feminist role models and almost every god out there has a morally dubious kill count). Catholicism just so happened to be the chosen religion of a totalitarian empire, and many of the people who developed the sects of Christianity did so with antisemitic and genocidal agendas in mind, and they just so happened to obtain the right amount of political power. I feel like had a totalitarian empire been Hellenistic instead, then Hellenists would get all the unwarranted oppression and vitriol that plagues the Jewish people, and had it been atheist instead, then atheists would receive the same vitriol as an inherently "evil" belief system. I don't know, just something I was contemplating
I think you bring up a good point, though one exception being that Christianity* was the one given systemic power, not Judaism! But I see what you're trying to say.
Christianity being in systemic power for CENTURIES definitely makes it a driving force behind sexism in the modern day, but it's not like they invented it. I think a lot of folks in this community treat Pagan religions especially like they're "less problematic," highlighting empowered female figures and LGBT representation as a contrast to "Abrahamic" religions while brushing over/excusing myths with more troubling stuff.
Often times with those elements in Pagan religions we offer the grace of, "Wow, this part didn't age well. Why might have it been written this way in its cultural context, and how might we handle this in the modern day?" Which is a GREAT conversation to have. We just need to recognize that every tradition (except super fundamentalist ones) is having that same conversation.
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itisthefunpolice · 2 years
Something that has been bothering me about the movie Turning Red is that it brings up strippers.
This movie which is so relatable and speaks so frankly about parts of tween girlhood that are often overlooked for being uncomfortable or messy or "inappropriate" felt that strippers were part of that experience that needed to be brought to screen, even if it's only just one line.
It implies the target audience of tweens will know what "stripper music" means and what strippers are and tells them "what's wrong with that" as if there could be not legitimate criticism (also, as a former stripper, none of us were doing routines to boybands or any other young male artist popular with tweens).
The girls aren't sexualized, sexism isn't really dealt with at all outside of some brief quips like respecting "not just the dudes" in her family ancestry, and those kinds of cultural sex dynamics just aren't the focus of the movie...
...and yet women who are sexualized, who's job it is to be sexualized, are mentioned though it isn't necessary or relevant.
Would this have been in there if the movie was about a group of boys and girls or was just about boys? Why are we so okay with this? Disney, the company who consistently cut overt homosexuality from their content, felt a child main character saying the term "stripper music" was brand safe enough to keep in a Pixar film.
If you're familiar with my blog at all you'll know this isn't a puritanical "think of the children" argument, this is a moral objection based on my lived reality. Stripping is not fun or safe or something girls should be discussing casually, the same way sex trafficking should not be a lighthearted topic you bring up at a sleepover.
This movie really spoke to growing up as a tween, I hope no tween girl has to relate to my experiences in the sex industry.
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azureflight · 3 years
I, for one, am grateful that WoW Devs have come out in support of the changes.
They exposed themselves as the absolute hacks they are. I have been saying for years now, that devs are definitely a huge part of the problem if not straight up responsible for the most of it. This is where the no fun allowed bullshit is coming from. This right here, is the real source of arbitrary restrictions, punitive gameplay and braindead design.
Look at them. Look at the shit they are concerned with. Look at that self-absorbed, condescending tone. Look at that completely tone deaf, fake ass virtue signaling nonsense they spew.
More inclusive game? Really? Because two random picture that no one even knew were there until these changes were made, was the thing gate keeping? This is the major concern devs have about their game and their environment? Really? This is what you have done with your court scared, law firm suggested feedback time? REALLY?
Look that entitled ass attitude. “We wanted this, as devs, we have an opinion on it”. Well, I hope you also enjoying paying for your own game, because I sure as shit won’t be. This bullshit of making a game for themselves instead of their customers, is why this game sucked ass for years now. Because they put themselves and their own weird hysterics to the forefront instead of the actual god damn money paying player base’s demands.
Oh no! Not the vaguely female-ish, naked-ish figure on a god damn painting that most people never saw! Not that! That right there is killing the game and making it exclusive! Constant plot of genocide Olympics? Lol, that’s fine!
Bunch of loud mouths managed to push their own personal petty bullshit through. Say it so. Stop trying to sell me the morality you clearly do not have.
Not only does the game still have bunch of ridiculous shit within the same vein, the stuff they obviously have no problem having and the stuff they try to sell as a must go are so wildly out of proportion it is mind boggling.
YO! BLIZZARD! The plot of the 4 out of your last 6 expac was “Horde/Orcs commit genocide. Everyone forgets and forgives within the year and those who don’t, get demonized.”
How did we reach a point where rampant, actively genocidal racism is an a-ok plot device, but a god damn picture showing some cleavage became an acceptable thing that needs to go?
I have been waiting for almost 20 years for the nations of Azeroth to get over their racism and come together. Instead we have pearl clutching, puritanical censorship of random references to sexuality. Any instance of sexism or homophobia (well, the arbitrarily selected ones they feel personally icky about) gets retconned from the game, but the racist genocidal part has only gotten worse. WTF does that say about your priorities?
Who the fuck is this game being made for? Players? Devs? Hysteric wokies? Extremely racist genocide larpers? WHO?
You have no problem writing every single hurt female character as this irrationally mad bitch that needs to get over or get chopped. You have no problem constantly making rape jokes about men. You have no problem constantly writing stories where a nation suffers genocide and they all just need to get over it and the genocidal side is actually good. But a basic ass masturbation pun and a joke mount with a joke name are these totally unacceptable things that needed to be removed?
When you retcon the sexism that characters managed to overcome and succeed despite, that societies have managed to grew out of, that doesn’t make me feel included. When you tell me that this setting never had a cultural norm of homophobia, I believe you. But then you go on and say hysteric, murderous racism is an inherent, unchangeable and dominant dynamic of this setting, that doesn’t make me feel included.
I seriously wanna know, who is this game for? Who is the target audience, because it sure as shit ain’t me. And if you have a new base that pays for it, all the more power to you, such is the free market. But don’t you fucking dare try to gaslight and guilt-trip me into buying this hot mess. Because no, I don’t fucking support you, and I don’t have to. This ain’t a fucking charity.
Defend the shit ass covenant restriction, come out of the woods to confirm that yes, these completely unnecessary and arbitrary changes were your brilliant idea... I do love feeling validated for my low opinion on devs, but unfortunately, I am more angry about how they will keep ruining the game. Or rather, keeping it in a ruined state.
“Umm, ackchyullay, your fun won’t be ruined by them removing those few things”. No, it won’t. But it will continue to be ruined by a self-absorbed dev team obsessively wasting time and resources on meaningless arbitrary shit like that while still refusing to accept they have been wrong on their stupid ass design decisions.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning takes place on the fourth Thursday of November, this year it’s on November 23. If this date sounds familiar to you, it’s because the fourth Thursday of November also coincides with Thanksgiving in the U.S. Every year on the National Day of Mourning, Native American people in New England gather together to protest. To them, Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of the unjust treatment that Native Americans have received since the 1620 Plymouth landing.
History of National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning reminds us all that Thanksgiving is only part of the story. Native Americans, since 1970, have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving Day. 
Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and established the first colony in 1620. As such, it’s the oldest municipality in New England. Many Native Americans, however, don’t celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving, to them, is a brutal reminder of “the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture.” 
They participate as a way to honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. “It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”
The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) sponsors this event. They maintain that the Pilgrims arrived in North America and claimed tribal land for their own, as opposed to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the local inhabitants. UAINE members believe that these settlers “introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system.”
The National Day of Mourning generally begins at noon and includes a march through the historic district of Plymouth. While the UAINE encourages people of all backgrounds to attend the protests, only Native speakers are invited to give these speeches about the past, as well as current obstacles their people have overcome. Guests are asked to bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruits and vegetables, or pre-cooked items. The protest is open to anyone, and has attracted other minority activists.
National Day of Mourning timeline
No permit needed​
UAINE receives permission from local authorities to march in protest without having to obtain a permit. ​
Protests got violent​
State troopers use force against protesters who gathered together to observe the 28th annual National Day of Mourning. ​
National Day of Mourning began
The first annual protest for the National Day of Mourning takes place.​
Pilgrims arrived​
English separatist Puritans, who had broken away from the Church of England, land at Plymouth Rock. Today we refer to them as Pilgrims.
National Day of Mourning FAQs
What really happened in 1621?
The Pilgrims celebrated their first successful harvest by firing guns and cannons in Plymouth. The noise alarmed ancestors of the Wampanoag Nation who went to investigate. That is how native people came to be present at the first Thanksgiving
Are federal offices closed on a national day of mourning?
U.S. government offices are closed on the National Day of Mourning due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
What happens on the National Day of Mourning?
Native Americans and supporters gather in Plymouth to “mourn our ancestors and the genocide of our peoples and the theft of our lands.”
How to Observe National Day of Mourning
Brush up on your history: Do you know much about the first Thanksgiving? Do some research online, stop by your local library, or watch a documentary that will help give you a better understanding of what Native Americans actually went through.
Learn more about the United American Indians of New England (UAINE): UAINE is responsible for helping the National Day of Mourning protest take shape. To observe this important day, take some time to learn about about the UAINE. It's a fascinating organization that has done a great deal to promote better treatment for the Native American people.
Attend a protest: Protesters gather on Cole's Hill, a location overlooking Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts. Everyone is welcome to observe these gatherings, and recently, other minority groups have started to become involved in the events of this day.
​4 Reasons To Thank Native Americans
​They've been here a while: Native Americans have existed in what is now known as the United States since 12,000 BC. ​
​Thank you for your service: Although they were not considered American citizens, over 8,000 Native Americans served in the military in World War I. ​
Your great-grandma is who?​: Many of the first families who settled in Virginia trace their roots directly back to Pocahontas.
An important vocabulary lesson: A bunch of Native American words have made their way into the English language; for example, coyote, tomato, poncho, potato, and chia.​
Why National Day of Mourning is Important
It serves as an important history lesson: Textbooks often glaze over the unjust treatment of Native Americans. The National Day of Mourning, however, is a reminder that the people native to the Americas have been the recipients of a great deal of unfair treatment. It's important to discuss.
It's a time to come together: For protesters, the National Day of Mourning serves as a time to rally together to advocate for what they believe in. UAINE has worked to improve relations between the government and native people.
It shifts our attention away from turkey: Yes, Thanksgiving can be a great day filled with tons of good food and time spent with loving family and friends. However, the mission behind the National Day of Mourning is to highlight that the Thanksgiving holiday is actually quite painful for some people. For quite a few Native Americans in New England, Thanksgiving marks a time when their ancestors were treated poorly.
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