goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here. So.. here’s my weird.. live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode ll. 
Alright so.. Once again the opening crawl is very politicy. 
Count Dooku I think is mentioned for the first time in it and Padme becomes a Senator instead of a Queen in it.. which.. is weird. 
The Naboo ships im not sure about.. I like the design but they seem too new and clean for being a prequel. That said they are owned by royalty so i can let it slide i guess. 
“I guess i was wrong, there was no danger at all” *EXPLOSION* ffs Jeff, you couldn’t keep your mouth shut? 
Nooooooo! Not.. Cordey? Omfg that was the worst death i’ve ever seen. Terribly acted. 
Ayy it’s the Jedi avengers, no but like why is like i presume the whole or half the jedi council in this meeting? Shouldn’t they have like 1 representative? 
Yooo thats live action Barriss Offee in the back... hey girrrll ;) 
actually she’s probably supposed to be like 13 or somehting so i take that back. 
 I love just all the traffic flying by the window
YOOOO it’s my boy Jar Jar aka Darth Plagueis the Wise, don’t @ me. 
Spice mines on the moon of Naboo you say? Isn’t Spice a drug but you mine for it.. there are drug miners in Star Wars.. good stuff. 
That elevator would be terrifying. 
Obiwan just like.. LOL I fell into a nest of Gundarks.. what a character I am. .. Love him. 
Anakin like “I haven’t seen her since i was underaged master.. now i can  get my fuck on!”
“Ani you’ll always be that little boy” *Police sirens*
Anakins a little bitch
I think Jar Jar’s ears things are much longer.. but might just be me imagining things. 
She’s not forgotten you, she said your name.. you creep. 
Heeyy look it’s your custom star wars character Zam. 
Obiwan is so sassy
Anakin is pretty creepy towards Padme. 
Those worm things are naasty
Yo tbf that was some smooth lightsabering, they were like an inch tall and right up on Padme and he didnt even hurt her accidentally. I’d have killed her there. 
Obiwan just fucking dives out the window like its nothing. Mad man. 
Zam is the worst, instead of shooting Obiwan she shoots her own damn droid. 
Damn it Anakin, he’s told you to stay away from power couplings. 
Obiwan is just gonna be like “FFS ANAKIN!” this entire movie... well.. Saga. 
I wonder how Jedi pick their robes because like some are very similar and then theres like a few that have darker leather stuff, it’s like there’s a jedi stylist or something.. Someone make that OC. 
 Amazing catch Obi. 
So Obiwan is his real name but he goes by Ben later on and then Ben Solo is named after him but shouldn’t it be Obiwan Solo? 
A changeling, she really is a custom character. 
Yoo that Twilek wasn’t stupidly thin, I’m here for Thicc Twilek. 
What species is Death Stick guy! I wanna know what he does with his life after he rethinks it
I hope it backfires and he’s like “Hey.. I could be doing so much more” and he ends up like the head of a crime family. 
She didnt even change.. so much for changeling. 
....she did when she died i take it back. 
Damn the background Jedi are ugly. 
I like how this shows that Palpatine has already begun manipulating Anakin. 
Still dont understand why Jedi see the balance being a good thing when it’s leaning heavily towards the light side right now. 
Anakin “IM READY FOR THE TRIALS!” .. you aint. You a moody bitch.
I like Padme’s dress. 
Anakin just got warned to back down because he’s being a creep. 
Omfg whats that rape face. 
Dormy or whatever her name is, better actress than Padme. 
Poncho! Cal approves. 
Jawa Juice? Ew.
Wtf is the Rishi maze?
Dex suddenly went sinister at the end, why? 
Yess the librarian! She’s the best. I think she has a badass Order 66 story if im remembering correctly. 
She’s very sure about her records though.. calm down lady. 
“No droids” says the droid to the other droid. 
So i presume the head of the Jedi Council is always the one who looks after the younglings. 
Awwh the little babies and they’re all gonna get killed by Creep Vader. 
Yoda is so soft, good dad figure. Best boy. 
They elect queens on Naboo.. thats interesting. 
I love the Jedi fighter look. 
.... some bullshit. 
I should really look into Sifo Dyas
And Why are there not more Clones in Star Wars... 
Other than like.. .. spoilers for.. you know what nevermind. 
Anakin you creep
Why the fuck would Padme even lean in at all? He’s been nothing but a creep and she’s shown 0 interest in him at all so far. 
The Camino people are pretty chill. 
That was the first bit of actual chemistry between Padme and Anakin 
Omfg the pear, fuck off. 
Also forgot to comment but theres some clear like.. oohhhhhh moments im having with how order 66 got set up. 
Has Padme had an outfit change again?
She’s got her sexy outfit on to turn him down.. seems right. 
Her make up is a bit.. much
Sooo the force is weaker with the jedi because the light sides had it so good for so long that the force is trying to balance out and bring it back the other way, makes sense. 
It’s actually his connection to his mom that brings him towards the darkside to start.. nice. 
Padme trying to be inconspicuous is super conspicuous 
I like that the droid said okey dokey. 
I love how Watto is happy to see Ani. 
Watto doesn’t deserve the shitty life he ended up with. 
Love some New Zealander up in my Star Wars. 
Seismic charges have such good sound design. 
Thats one hell of a missile. 
Eyyyyy it’s c3p0 it’s amazing how much i’d forgot of this. 
Tusken Raiders are dicks. They know sign language but they’re dicks. 
Even Anakin is like “These are good people”, good. They’ll raise your son. 
Is that general grevious’ voice? 
What the fuck are these aliens
Awwwh noooo she waited just to die in her sons arms. 
Tbf i’d go full darkside if someone tortured my mom. 
You know what.. this Ani is nothing like the ones from the cartoon, he seems like less of a whiney bitch in the clone wars but we’ll see.. 
Cleg Lars’ hover chair is pretty dope. 
Anakin got over hating Obi Wan real quick. 
Even captured Obiwan is a sassy boy. 
Jar Jar as badass as he is.. is basically putting the Sith Lord in charge. 
So far if you dont know that palpatine is the Sith there isnt really anything obvious telling you which is pretty interesting. 
Padme has had another outfit change, another iconic look. 
And so behind the adventures of r2 and c3po
C3PO had a costume change, he’s been watching Padme. 
The fake out they have you thinking Padme is covered in magma is pretty good
Okay then suddenly she loves him.
Also bye bye lightsaber
Genosians are pretty gross
In my head they were always the same as Toydarians for some reason
I like that bug monster, i remember killing them in one of the older battlefront games.. as maybe Aayla Sekura but maybe i made that up. 
Anakin surely got the best one to fight. He basically tames it.
The fucking peck on the cheek, was that needed? 
Droidekas are still cool as fuck. 
Suddenly Jedi. 
The Jedi that made it up to Dooku is terrible, he cant even reflect a few blaster blasts.
Well.. Jango lost his head. 
The smile on that green jedi’s face is beautiful, what a beautiful alien man. Kit Fisto.
Obiwan is an icon. 
Dooku is pretty reasonable all things considered. 
Woo clones!
“Around the survivors, a perimiter, create.” Yoda.. just speak normally damnit. 
Yoo what if Jaro Tapal shows up in the new Clone Wars cartoon season.. i’d lose my shit. 
I like Dooku’s bike. 
Anakin you dumb fuck. 
I always thought Dooku’s curved lightsaber was weird. 
Rey should have done this sick ass catching the lightning trick instead of the two lightsabers. 
Jedi flips all over the place woop. 
As obvious as it is that Palpatine is the hooded Sith, i feel like they dont show his full face because i feel like a little kid might not be able to tell. 
I kinda like how it shows a bunch of clones (the basic start of the stormtrooper) and then star destroyers and it’s like.. heres where the empire started. 
Aaaaaand they’re married? so yeah.. congrats Ani you creeped your way into being a husband. 
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britishchick09 · 3 years
dnp’s hometown showdown livewatch
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dan and phil are back!!! we’re going back to basics with this one... putting thoughts down (with no screenshots!) while we watch it live! it’s just like the ‘yellow submarine’ livewatch that started it all and i know it’ll be just as fun! :D
here’s the only pic of the livewatch...
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littly philly watching the show with me! :D
it starts in 10 minutes! the chat is so excited! :D (and so am i!)
it’s 5 minutes now! :D
the trailer is epic! :D
the new countdown isn’t as cool as the old one :/
1 MINUTE!!!!
someone in the chat just said ‘theres wasps in my brain’ :D
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1
IT STARTINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooh house icons!
phil is the narrator! :D
phil: “two best buddies!” lol :D
dan: “WOT!” lol
“some guy called ‘daniel howel’ lol :D
this is local AF
dan’s on the railway!
phil’s on a train! :o
phil: “SUP NERD!” lol :D
“welcome to the north!” the greaat north! :D
“you’re the most extra person in the whole world.” erik anyone? ;)
dan wants ‘the police on hand’ omg! :o
phil already lost because of the town name!
the train car is beautiful! :)
cake tap! :D
phil: “suns out GUNS OUT” ohhhh!!!! :D
omg there’s a hole in a wood thing! :o
doggies!!! :D
aaaand phil just runs off
with more pups! :D
dan to the pups: “hell-o! hell-o!” aww :D
just two lads walking their doggos! :D
phil was a dog walker! :o
the town is so pretty! :)
dan said it’s ‘charming as heck’ head! :D
so many people names!
aww phil wants dan to get a trim!
phil teeth banged a girl! :o
of course phil wants snacks!
the ‘phil’s special’? :o
dan: “it’s working damnit.” lol! :D
dan: “cruising around town with a pack of bishes!’ lol! :D
ooh they’re at a temperance bar! :o
phil: “it’s like a party in my mouth and only my tongue is invited!” ooh nice! :D
dan: “you’re gonna run out of steam.” train: *steams!*
aww dan thinks it’s nice!
he’s reluctantly having a nice day! :)
ooh cows! :o
there’s an alien thing! :o
it’s a halo!
phil: “take me home alien daddy!” omg! :o
aww phil felt like an alien :(
yay treats!!! :D
omg a big cake cookie! :o
ooh spice cake!
p a r k i n
grandma’s house was ‘a little bit of tobacco and a lot of parkin’ lol :D
his town is doing well! :D
pure adrenaline time! :o
they got dressed for a joke lol!
dan spelled rossondale backwards omg! :o
dan: “GET YEETED!”
phil can’t spell ‘snow’ backwards only screams! :o
dan: “rossondale is really lit, my friend phil IS A TWIT!” OHHHHH
dan: “PUT A CUPPA ON FOR YA WOULD YA???’ so northern!
phil recreated his first yt video! :D
dan sang ‘get wreeecked!’ :D
aww dan never cared about where he was from :/
phil’s just waiting :)
train: “BEEEEP!!!!” phil: *waits* train: “BEEEEP!!!!” phil: *waits*
dan: “CHOO CHOO BISH.” lol!
dan: “FULL STEAM AHEA- ...well medium steam ahead.” lol! :D
omg dan’s doing everything phil did but slightly better!
winnersh is so nice! :D
very green just like rossondale!
omg doggies in the bin???
aww they’re so nice! :)
winnersh is ‘field field’ and not a place! :o
it’s just car parks and roads!
time for the true danny boi! :D
...at winnersh transport
...in a car park
omg formative car parks!
phil: “this car park’s a thicc boi!” lol! :D
dan compared the cart to a bloody llama!
they’re at the hardware store that dan was fired from!
the phans loved that! :D
omg axe throwing????
phil called the cart a trolley that’s so british! :D
dan: “it’s all in the wrist. that’s what she said!” lol! :D
dan: “three, two, three!” lol epic countdown! :D
one last place!
phil: “can i get an ice cream mum?” dan: “for goodness sake!”
ohh the theater! :D
or would it be theatere since it’s a play thing!
aww 2005 dan is in a pic in the theater(e)! :D
aww dan had so friends :(
all the gays are in the theater(e)! :D
he wants phil to warm up his acting!
phil’s the queen filming a youtube vid SEXILY???? :o
ooh shake those hips philly!
phil: “my name is [elizabeth]!” lol! :D
dan is a sad coming out gay goose!
...he’s just a goose lol :D
omg the last thing better be big if they’re in a big white building...
a virtual reality drone race????? :o
omg IT BE EPIC!!!
this looks really cool! :D
it incorporates all the things they’ve done in one!
dan: “I’M GONNA KILL A COW!!’ OMGGG!!!!!t :o
the hole is the goal!
someone in the chat said this is dnpgames IT TRULY IS! :D
phil: “hope you enjoyed ‘hometown showdown’!” i sure did! :D
and they both won!
bye guys! :D
that was such a fun time! both hometowns looked so nice and it was neat to get a glimpse into the lives of dip and pip! :D
*jams out to ‘you’ll always find your way back home’!*
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darwinsdetectives · 5 years
The Beginning
Caden woke up with a groan, His vibrant green eyes darted to the alarm clock on his nightstand. 5:33 AM, Monday. He sighed in relief- the weekend was over, and he had school as an excuse to get out of the house. He woke his brother up and made him some toast before sending him out. Caden was going to stay here for a bit longer, but wanted to make sure he left before his parents woke up. Caden had pale skin and slightly chapped lips. His hair was dark brown and long, down to his back. Small amounts of acne littered his face. He had on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt on. “...” he sighed and grabbed his backpack before walking to school. He was on his phone texting Chris as he felt a hand cover his mouth and drag him away. A sack went over his head and he was pushed into a car which started driving off. A gag was in his mouth, so he couldn’t speak. All he could do was hear the man who had just taken him. “Kid, you’ll be fine. If you stay calm, the whole process may actually feel good for you.” He chuckled and got out of the car, grabbing Caden back up. He dragged the younger male into a building, where Caden was quickly tied down. “Alright, now don’t struggle.” Caden felt a hand go onto his waist. He did struggle, but only to be smacked by the man. At the same time, Caden felt something crawl up his back and into his skin. His vision went blurry… Caden was standing over the man now- or, what was left of him at least. Body parts and blood was splattered everywhere. The head had been ripped off, and multiple holes littered the torso. Don’t worry. This wasn’t you.” said a voice to Caden. He felt something move through him. “This was me- Chaos. Let me explain- I am a symbiote. You are now my host.” Caden freaked out and ran out of the building, but the ‘symbiote’ kept speaking to him. “Well, go along to school. Since you left so early, you might still be able to make it.” Caden took a couple moments to calm down before running to school. Hey, Caden, wheres your backpack?” Asked Chris as he talked to Caden. “Oh, uh, I must have forgotten it.” Caden chuckled and rubbed the back of his head as Chris looked at him skeptically. Truth was, Caden had left it at the warehouse. Chris sighed and looked up at the ceiling as Caden stared at him for a couple moments. His blonde hair was long and swept over to one side. His skin was tanned from all the surfing and time spent outside. He was pretty buff, for being 14 at least. Caden chuckled and lightly punched him in the chest. “Anyways- what about your backpack? Did you forget it at the bank after stopping a villain?” Oh- one more thing. Chris was a superhero by the name of Waterfall. He could control the shape of water, and breathe oxygen from it. Chris shook his head to the question. “Nah, i left it at home too.” He said, glancing at the wall. “Anyways- I’m just here to talk to people and get a basic education. I don’t care much about passing, because… you know. Superhero stuff.” He chuckled. “And Caden- you should be fine, too. You’re smart, and probably don’t even need to study at all.” Caden shrugged. “Eh.” “Well, he seems nice. Chris, huh?” Chaos sorted through Caden’s thoughts and memories of Chris. “Oh, What’s this?”  Chaos asked as he found a particularly explicit fantasy about Chris. ‘Shut up.’ Thought Caden to the symbiote. Surprisingly, the symbiote followed the command. ”Hey, Caden, you okay? You seem kinda-” Chris was quickly cut off by Caden saying, “No no, I’m fine. Just thinking about school ahead- Middle school is horrible.” “You can say that again.” Chris said with a chuckle as he and Caden went about their day. ”You know, we could just kill your parents.” Caden stopped in his tracks as he was walking back home. He took a deep breath. ‘Why?’ He thought back to the symbiote. “Because- I can. I am powerful, you saw how easily I killed that other guy- no?” ‘I mean... fine, just do it quickly and don’t get me in trouble.’ Caden sighed and walked home. His brother was at a friends house, so he wouldn’t have to worry about him seeing this. Caden sighed and stared down at the two bodies below him. He had made sure that it looked like a bullet wound in his parents head, like they were assassinated. That wasn’t too far out of a possibility, since they were rich and did have some political influence. Caden walked out of the penthouse and down the stairs, eventually making his way out of the building. —~•~—•~•—~•~— The soft drone of bugs in the air around slightly annoyed Caden. The road was pretty busy, and cars were driving by at a quick speed. Helicopters and planes flew overhead as they came from and headed to the nearby airport. People’s voices were soft and blended together when Caden wasn’t concentrating on what everyone else was saying. Eventually, the teenager had made it to Chris’s house. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting for a response. He smiled brightly when he saw the door open and the pale blue eyes and blonde hair of Chris. “Hey!” He said brightly, strolling in and taking a glance around. Chris nodded. “Hey.” He said in return and watching Caden move. Caden glanced back over at him. “Well, want to hang out for a bit? I’m avoiding my parents because, well... you know.” Caden sighed and then looked back up at Chris. “Anyways, let’s watch something- you still have Star Wars on DVD?” Chris chuckled and lead Caden to the couch where they sat down. “Yeah, but I have something else in mind.” He opened up a drawer on the TV stand and pulled out a disk for “Beach Boys”. “Really?” Caden said in a slightly sarcastic tone. “The gay rom-com about a surfer dude and a biker dude making out?” Chris smirked lightly and put in the disk before sitting next to Caden. “I’m guessing since you know the plot, you’ve seen it?” Caden blushed slightly and glanced away. “Well, uh... fine. I’ll watch it, just shut up about it.” Within half an hour of the movie starting, Caden and Chris were already making out on the couch. Then they heard a voice and sat up quickly. “Hannah! Damnit-“ Chris yelled out to his older sister as she hid her phone behind her back. “Oh, come on.” She replied, rolling her eyes. “You two are so CUTE together!” She said, giggling slightly. ”Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you have to record it!!” Chris yelled back, angrily. Caden was chuckling and staying from the conversation for now. Chris went to say something else but was cut off by Caden pressing his lips against Chris’s, so he wasn’t able to say anything. ”Now Shush, Chris.” Caden said with a smirk after he pulled away. “Now, why don’t we finish this movie, and I’ll let you go out for your hero duty- that okay, Babe?” Caden chuckled as he called Chris “babe”. Chris nodded and slumped back into the seat. “Yeah yeah, whatever.” He said as he turned his attention back to the movie. Hannah giggled a bit more and ran back up the stairs to her room. The movie slowly reached an end, where Caden and Chris were snuggled tight together watching the movie end. Chris stood up and stretched slightly. “off to do some hero work?” Caden asked. Chris nodded and smiled at Caden a bit before walking to his room where his costume was. •~•—•~•—•~• >You are a detective, a part of the police force tasked with finding and taking down the menace that has been ravaging the city. You suspect it is Caden Alex Smith, Though your group has been unable to find conclusive evidence on this. There are some crime scenes, though, that may have some information. >Evidence Piece 1: At all the crime scenes where the suspect has killed, there has been writing nearby written with the blood of the victim. These state unintelligible phrases such as “Pvmwd wd vae”, “Nlfrh Maj”, And “W’x dannj, mnaevrn.” >Evidence Piece 2: Theres a google account called “Raven Boy”, Which seems to be researching a lot of murder-related articles and is definitely keeping up with the murders related to the killing spree happening. >Evidence Piece 3: shoe prints leading away from the murder are size 11 US men’s, 13 US women’s. 
We hope to be working with you In the future. Signed, Nico.
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pjscribble · 7 years
a lot of you I have begun to tell you about your behavior.. some are autistic.. some are simply retards and idiots... and most of you are on a list that is exclusive.. it means that no you wont..... it seems that you are posers.. if you pop up.. I will bring you something that only those on the list will experience.. it is something that I do.. .. I am screaming pissed off.. you don't play and bring that shit.. no you wont.. get the fuck out... tunnels for what you cant buy something like this.. no ... I am sorry you couldn't even scratch the surface finding something like this.. and you wont keep bothering me to the tune of 36000 dollars of things stolen... ruined... and the suffering.. people will see that is about all that you are.. and I could prove it.. I'm sorry.. it isn't good... in fact it is a hate crime.. and a class action law suit.. buying .. finding... you walk in my shadow.. nice .. nasty.. it is not given a minute an hour or a day.. not any notion of the concept that can conceive.. because of the source and the integrity or any commitment to make it desirable.. creative.. integrate and grow... no.. mimic contrive and make a course to impede..well I integrate.. myself .. I don't get zero... I am insignificant to you ... seems that the expression with the factors that you introduce to be included doesn't make any sense..  until you realize that they are insignificant.. and it converges on zero..  insignificant... no.. that makes me insignificant.. I don't get zero.. without you .. I am insignificant... eh you figure it out... maybe I am infinity or negative infinity.. alone... anyway there is no notion of a concept.. a bunch of insignificant figures.. making the expression converge on zero.. not insignificant... negative infinity insignificant.. is that what you will see that I am... because of that... ... not a minute not an hour not a day... maybe infinity... and insignificant... would that be... what I get for an answer.. because you will see what I am... able to go outside of the vehicle, a vehicle like the one that you are locked in.. I am not locked in.. I am not unable to interact with anything on a personal level.... in fact the universe bends to me.. this is what you will see that I am... a way ... your way you haven't a notion... of the concept.. you acquire buy scratching around but locked in a vehicle.. unable to interact on a personal level.. yeah yeah.. blood bone.. no no... get the fuck out... right.. a notion of a concept... you have none.. right find your way... no you are part of a universe the name is asshole donkey troll prick... I was never here... you figure it out.... why would I do something like that.. you will see that this is what I am... personal.. the universe bends to me.. I woke up and I had a dream that you were eating your own pussy and/or sucking your own dick... you had a thought that it was the answer interact on a personal level... and that was believed to be a notion of a concept... yeah yeah... we all can do that... we got in line.. .. no we all cant do that... it is nonsense... locked in your own vehicle..... the universe... well it seems .. that  I have a way out... maybe you will see that is what I am... no.. why would I do that... maybe you will see that I can interact on a personal level.. create integrate grow mature.. well ... I am convinced that there is a way... it is my philosophy... you ... you haven't a notion.. if you want a dream where you are sucking your own dick or eating your own pussy.. that is okay.. I believe that you will find you are still locked in a vehicle and unable to interact on a personal level.. maybe you aren't here.. don't care.. play.. buy scratch around and find something acquire... provide... dream... you will find that the universe is asshole donkey troll prick .. maybe you came here with only that notion... no you are here because you think that I am insignificant... creative grow mature express you haven't a notion of these concepts.. you will see that this is what I am... anyway get the fuck out... hehe.. yeah... I was never here...yeah yeah can god... but personal ... I feel it .. the angels are in here again.. what is it.. .. hehe.. fuck right the hell off.. I am not going to see... what it is.. its me I was never there... how would I know the universe is asshole donkey troll prick.. .. maybe that's what it is.. can you feel it.. are you going to go see.. no you were never there maybe you can have a dream that you aren't... no you are here.. I am not here... I was never here.. I wonder what happens if I do this about  my dreaming... I still was never here.. when I dream I wake up like it was a day of the creation.. it seems that the days always started in the evening and why not start later … maybe that is the feeling there… why not start later.. I like that .. like let there be light.. right.. fricken dark here… tomorrow.. gonna do something about the smelly angels and them coming in here and other stuff.. like stop coming in here… go on the land… or over the sea.. heaven and earth .. maybe the days began at night after let there be light… uh.. I may have mixed it up again… maybe start over… what ya think… maybe fix it ..what ya think.. nm… what ya doing in here again theres plenty of candles right.. nm… omg once it took so long to make candles… and there was life trees and grass and stuff….. maybe…then like fish and birds.. fix that better.. no… uh … land animals.. messing with the angels somemore gotta love angels ..and bisquits.. fix that yes what happened… unless they come in here…. adam and eve… well bad description.. adam was feral.. and self destructive… and well eve… then to be in the presence.. I feel it is greatness.   fix it? uh… and the others….. what the others.. they were to learn faster be still and advance… not multiply and fill the earth.. I have heard that but fix that   hell yes… anyway … the others… not in the presence of greatness.. but by far loved… and that was great… because well there you have it .. god wasn’t feral… maybe just became feral…. fix that… and get some candles to spare.. what there is still night… they got fires and stuff going.. … I love them but I want my days to start out .. with many candles… and maybe later just some well placed ones…the fires.. omg.. it doesn’t matter of course there are others but not in the presence of greatness… damnit.. fires… hehe fix that .. well no… make a rule… and give the others some bliss because… they are loved… it wasn’t fair for only adam and eve to have bliss.. gotta love fires.. what can you do.. everyone enjoyed that.. maybe god became feral only because the fires from the ones that were loved.. it was.. something to enjoy… its like maybe a cvs.. or fires just in view.. well turned out the fires were pretty good…
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