#procreate team rules
faygos · 3 months
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test animation |ω・)ノ
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tizeline · 5 months
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All the Cool Kids have these introduction posts on their blogs so I’m gonna get one too!
Tizeline - She/Her - Digital Artist
Mostly fanart with some original art sprinkled in here and there
Pr*ship & Tc*st go awayyy
Tag navigation, FAQ and AU info under cut 👇
#tizel art - Art tag
#tizel talk - Me rambling about random stuff
#Tiz Sep AU - My dumb RotTMNT AU
Can I repost your art? No! Please don't!
Can I use your art as a profile picture / header? Yes, I am fine with that! Preferably with credit
What do you use to create art? I mostly draw in Procreate on an iPad
What brushes do you use? This is something that changes as I like to switch things up sometimes, but lately I've mostly been using the Shale Brush in Procreate
What canvas sizes do you usually work with? Depends, on the drawing, but usually either A4 format (2480 x 3508 pixels) or a square canvas (ca 2000x2000 pixels). As a rule of thumb, I rarely go lower than 1000 pixels on either side. I always use 300 dpi.
What's Tiz Sep AU?
A seperated RotTMNT AU where Raph, Leo and Mikey were raised by Draxum and Donnie were raised by Splinter, check out the tag for more info!
Some highlights of the Tiz Sep AU
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(there's more to find under the hashtag, but if you don't wanna scroll through it all, here are some of the more important/interesting posts)
(ALSO! These are not in chronological order, they're in the order that I posted them, so they jump back and forth in the story quite a bit)
First Post (original concept)
Turtle Hands
Powerhouse Mikey
Donnie's complicated relationship to his brothers
Leo Fanboy Moment
Everyone sucks at names (including me)
Leo-Brooding-In-A-Pizzeria Arc
- Run of the Mill encounters
- Jealousy
- Leo AND Donnie Fanboy moment
Overprotective Big Bro
Unusual Team Up
Raph + Casey Friendship Moment
Leo is a Poor Winner
Raph + Casey Friendship Moment PART 2!
Cell Talk - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Little Bro...?
Separation anxiety and it's consequences - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Gearing Up (Follow up to Cell Talk) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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cauldronlakefiles · 6 months
Alan Wake and The Implications™️ of Gnosticism as told by Carl Jung (1916)
So in AW2 NG+, there is a new video called "Spiral," where he ruminates on the implications of what the Spiral could mean (spoilers below, and a very long post ahead)!
"There are loops beyond these loops. Vast, complex super structures. Beyond what's happening to me now, ahead of me. And I'm there as well. A version of me, something I have become- some elevated, enlightened version- an archon, a demiurge, a demon of some sort- playing a secret game."
Now this is veeeery interesting to me. 
In the Gnostic religion, The Demiurge (literally "artisan" in Greek) is described as a creator of the material world. He is the God of the world, but not the God of the universe. Think Cronus or Odin, under Uranus and Burí. The Demiurge cannot create something out of nothing. He takes matter, already existent and created by the upper god, and turns it into our world, though it comes out imperfect due to the matter being imperfect. 
Then, we have another Greek word admist his monologue: the "archon." The archon is Greek for "ruler" but in Gnosticism, it is the builder(s) of the universe, composed of a team. There's usually seven, and each one rules a planet.
And finally, the demon. That's self-explanatory. In Gnosticism, the definition is interchangeable with the Archons. The Archons are demons and the demons are Archons. Yes, this is relevant.
What I find interesting is the intersection where these definitions meet, the center of the Venn diagram. The Demiurge, the Archon, and the Demon is Yaldabaoth, The Son of Chaos and The Prince of Darkness. He is also known in some iterations as Samael, the Angel of Death, and is primarily viewed as the precursor to our modern day Satan, as well as the Gnostic equivalent to Seth, Saturnus/Cronus, and Typhon. He is described as having a face made of "half flame, half darkness, defiled with blood." 
If you ask what his morality is, you will spur a fishtfight among the occult (as I found out by perusing the various forums and subs). He is generally considered evil or amoral, but he used to be depicted as a genuinely "good" God. He is usually described as arrogant, a "fiery nature," ignorant of higher powers and jealous of other gods. 
Now, Jung further developed his idea of the Demiurge and Archon and Demon from Yaldabaoth, giving him the name of Abraxas, as taught by Basilides. Little is known about Abraxas, as the sources beyond Jung are scarce, though his name dates back to the ancient Greeks. The church burned much of the text that held his name. The Catholic Church outright banned him for being a pagan God and a demon. He is the God of time, and is more powerful and more dualistic than the aforementioned Yaldabaoth (both morally and figuratively) . He was a prominent figure in his book, *Seven Sermons to the Dead,* where he had this to say about him:
"That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. . . He is the God of the cosmos, extremely powerful and fearful. He is the creative drive, he is form and formation, just as much as matter and force, therefore he is above all the light and dark Gods. He tears away souls and casts them into procreation. He is the creative and created. . . His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it at all. He is magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn. To see him means blindness; To know him is sickness; To worship him is death; To fear him is wisdom; Not to resist him means liberation … Such is the terrible Abraxas … He is both the radiance and the dark shadow of man. He is deceitful reality."
Abraxas is duality, the God and the Devil combined in one. He is the beginning and the end. The first word and the last.
Anyway, we reach the part where he has successfully Ascended. He pronounces himself the "Master of Many Worlds." He becomes, in this sense, an "archon, a demiurge, a demon," and I can only imagine what that entails. Talk about a character arc! 
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genericpuff · 1 year
Why would she use Dropbox for? Is that for the assistants to get the panels to work on instead of over email? Because every artist I know keeps their files on an external hard drive so they aren't reliant on services that can be taken down/removed without notice. Using Dropbox as her sole place of storage seems dangerous.
I mean, she hopefully has other means of backing up her work, we just wouldn't know it LOL That's a very STRONG hopefully because it's a pretty standard rule of thumb to keep backups like litter boxes - always have what you need + 1 extra LOL
Cloud services like Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. may not be safe as a primary backup, but they are definitely useful for working with teams. What I don' t understand is why she doesn't homogenize her software workflow. Rachel alone seems to jump between three different software - Photoshop, Clip Studio, and Procreate - and it seems her assistants all work on their own preferred software as well. This is such a poorly structured way to work, there's a reason Adobe is the golden child in every corner of the digital art industry from comics to film because it allows for team uniformity. As great as programs like Clip Studio are, everyone who's trained in digital art knows how to use Photoshop and Illustrator, and everyone else in every other department are also using Adobe products, so the last thing you need is that one guy who doesn't use Adobe mucking up the workflow process with different file extensions, lower color bitrates, and different processes. It sucks for those of us who don't like Photoshop but it's built like that for a reason.
So with Rachel working on multiple software herself and then hiring people who work on their own preferred software... like christ, no wonder the comic comes out looking as shitty as it is, beyond just its obvious lack of effort and lack of buffer.
Not to simp for CSP, but if she exclusively used Clip Studio, she would undoubtedly have an easier time because it literally comes with a built-in team function that allows you and your team to edit pages together from the cloud. No Dropbox uploading/downloading required.
I don't know why she does it this way. It's incredibly amateur for the #1 Webtoon on the platform.
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schnuckiputz · 1 year
this will never be a fic but it also refuses to leave me alone so...braindump. 
When Steve is a kid, everyone around him assumes he's going to be an alpha. His parents don't assume. They expect - or else. Because his parents believe in the whole big-strong-alpha/quiet-weak-omeganess of it all. And while female omegas are at least useful for procreation, male omegas? Useless wastes of space.
And as future alpha heir to the Harrington fortune and company, he must excel. Unfortunately, it's pretty apparent pretty quickly that he's not going to fulfill their expectations in school. His parents are...disappointed, to say it lightly, but academics aren't everything. At least he's "good-looking enough," according to his mother. They also sign him up for all the sports they can fit into his schedule.
Steve hates it. He likes sports, likes the physicality of it, loves the camaderie. But he hates how he's not allowed to do it on his own terms - even when his parents start to stay away for longer and longer business trips, the whole Loch Nore gossip pipeline works to keep him in his mother's control. "Steven, the Millers next door didn't see you jogging this week." Or "Oh, Steve, Mrs. Hagan told us about the tryouts. We really expected better of you." Or "Did you gain weight, Steven? You know you have to keep to the plan I made for you." He feels caged in, imprisoned by his parents' plans for him. But at the same time, rebellion feels impossible. (The concussion Jonathan will give him might not be his last, but it's also not his first.) So, he plays his role, plays by the rules even if they chafe and chafe and chafe. Enough to make him feel raw like an exposed nerve. Enough to make him lash out, to make him cruel.
November of 1983 comes around, and Steve is mostly on track with his parents' plan: he is co-captain of the swim team, captain of the basketball team, and his courtship of acceptable-to-his-parents Nancy Wheeler is going well. But then he gets his brain re-arranged by Jonathan, fights a demogorgon with a baseball bat, and two days later presents as an omega.
While his body tries to rearrange itself and fails, he huddles in his shower, cold water on blast, and gasps himself from one panic attack to the next. After, when he can put one foot in front of the other again without wanting to puke his guts out, he calls the number on the stack of government papers in a box under his bed and leverages his continued silence against a monthly supply of suppressants. Because, in his parents' eyes, a late bloomer is still better than an omega. Suppressants are mostly illegal, especially for underage omegas, but the government is happy to bend some rules as long as he keeps his mouth shut.
He knows he won't be able to keep this up forever. So he starts saving up and puts together a little go-bag for when the worst happens. As long as he has his suppressants, he might be able to bullshit himself into an apartment when the time comes. His grandfather left him a little bit of an inheritance. He tells his father that someone scratched up the Beemer and he had to use it for the autoshop. It doesn't go over well, but it's better than the alternative. He plays up his charmer reputation, helps out a couple of neighbors for a few bucks. Every dollar wanders into his freedom fund.
1985 is basically a cluster fuck from start to finish. He never tells Nancy about presenting, not after both her and Jonathan presented as alphas. (When he finds out about that, he takes the bat he never gave back, drives out to the junkyard, and beats the shit out of a couple of cars for hours. He keeps coming back in the following year. For a while, that's the only thing that keeps him sane some days. His own little violent form of therapy.) When Nancy starts on her quest for Barb, he understands, but he is doubly afraid of what will happen if she digs too deep, if his little deal with the government gets blown up by her need for justice. (And he knows, deep down, even if he told her she would not stop.)
And then...bullshit. He's bullshitbullshitbullshit. Everything is bullshit.
In the end, it's fucking Hargrove that blows up his little castle in the sky. After the tunnels, Hopper force-drives him to the ER, and Steve is too out of it to tell him why that is a really shitty idea. The hospital does a blood test. A blood test that shows very, very clearly the illegal suppressants in his blood.
They make him quit cold turkey and call his parents, who are apoplectic with anger. The concussion is the perfect opportunity to keep him isolated at home for weeks. It's enough time to rearrange his entire life. They practically rip apart his room. The money and go-bag they find result in another screaming lecture. The keys for the Beemer get confiscated until "he can be trusted." They pull him out of the basketball and swim teams because that's not proper for an omega. He gets signed up for home-ec and "omega studies" instead. Because, in the end, he might not be the alpha they wanted, but at least he can be used to sweeten a business deal of his father's choosing. ���
School becomes a new level of hell. His fall from grace a source for gossip and vitriol from the student population. He takes a page from the books of all the little socialites his mother made him meet and ices everyone out as best as he can. The king is dead, all hail the ice queen. He has the kids keep their distance, but now and again, he can sneak off for some quality time with them.
His encounters with the Upside Down have made him brave(r). He tries rebelling as best as he can. College is definitely off the table. Instead, he gets paraded around one alpha business partner after another like a piece of meat. He wishes he had access to his mother's drug stash to numb himself. But he does his best to make himself as unappealing as possible. Spills food on himself and/or his date, talks about inappropriate topics (he once spends twenty minutes interrupting some geriatric alpha asshole with random DnD facts he learned from Dustin - that one ends with a bruised cheek but he's a little bit proud of himself). Sometimes, he looks at his so-called prospects, stares them in the eyes, and thinks about the heft and weight of his nail bat (confiscated, thrown away and then saved from the trash can in the middle of the night when he crawled out of his bedroom window), thinks about the power needed to hit something and make it stay down, what it feels like to have skin and tissue give under nail-studded wood. He thinks about the smell of blood and fear and terror and watches those alphas recoil from whatever they see in his eyes.
The months after November 1984 are filled with screaming matches with his father and endless lectures from his mother on how to be the right kind of omega. She controls everything he wears and everything he eats. He loses weight, loses his strength. After his showers, Steve looks in the mirror and wants to scream. He is starting to disappear into another role his parents chose for him and he hates himself for it. He starts doing exercises at night to keep in shape as best as he can. His mother doesn't notice so long as his clothes still fit. It becomes a kind of solace, something he still has control over.
Shortly before graduation, his father loses his patience and makes him get a summer job at the new mall to "teach him a lesson." As if he wouldn't rather spend hours every day in some shitty minimal wage job than with another sexist alpha dickhead that just wants to put him on his knees. But his father actually thinks this is how he will finally see the light of an arranged marriage.
One of the only places hiring unbonded omegas is Scoops Ahoy. Their uniforms are, of course, terrible. There are men's uniforms with long pants, but of course, he gets one with short shorts. But Scoops isn't all bad. It gives him back a little bit of freedom. And, most importantly, that's how he meets Robin Buckley.
Robin Buckley hates him with a passion. The first time he comes in for a shift and she's there, she complains loudly and colorfully to their shift supervisor and later to Steve himself. But he can't even be angry because Robin is the first person in over half a year that gives zero fucks about his secondary gender and it's really fucking refreshing. Even the kids, even Nancy, couldn't get over his status. No wonder he never won a fight. No wonder he was a little slow on the uptake. No wonder he was a or b or c.
But Robin feels like the sun after a long, dark winter, and he's a flower, stretching his weak little petals towards her warmth and light. She doesn't give a shit about King Steve, doesn't give a shit about Omega Steve, only gives a shit about his prowess in slinging ice cream. After a week or two, she starts to warm up to him, going so far as to ask how he's doing when he has to miss three days of work for his heat. And despite the endless drudgery of a minimal wage job, it's fun. Robin is smart and sarcastic and reminds him of all his favorite people. For a while, things are...not great but good.
But of course, Upside Down shit happens. Russians happen. The fucking mindlflayer happens. Hopper dies.
He gains a soulmate, several new scars, another concussion, and a few broken ribs, and he loses what's left of his hearing in his left ear.
This time, when Owens puts down a stack of NDAs in front of him, Steve shamelessly asks for money put into an account under his own name - omega status be damned.
His parents lose their shit after they come home from the hospital. There's nothing to be done about his ear and the scars. His eyesight is bad enough now for glasses to be a must and not just a maybe. He's damaged goods and with that: useless.
His father gives him an ultimatum: he either chooses one of the eligible alphas in Hawkins to be mated, or he gets put into some camp for "problematic" omegas.
The binder that gets put in front of him is big, but the choices are grim. It's stuffed to the brim with all those asshole alphas from school who cornered him in the hallways. Who would love to beat the attitude out of him, who wanted to see him face down on the floor, just a wet hole for them to fuck.
Steve turns page after page after page until he gets from J to K to L to M. He flips a page, stops, and stares. At the top of the page, he reads:
Munson, Edward
And he doesn't need to see the picture to remember a boy. Tall and lanky, with long fluffy hair and big brown eyes, he came into Scoops Ahoy every Thursday for some kind of chocolate ice cream monstrosity. Robin and him got along like a house on fire, cracking jokes and making fun of the customers. He mostly ignored Steve. Except...except that one time Steve brought in two ice cream tubs, arms flexing, shirt riding up. And he remembers the look, remembers the bright red spreading across two freckled cheeks. And he also remembers passionate speeches in a cafeteria about forced conformity and sticking it to the man.
Steve takes a breath. He spreads his fingers across the picture in the binder, stares his father down, and says: "Him."
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maddyshome · 8 months
Heyyyyyyy everyone, im in the mood to hate on something so yeeeey lets analyse getou suguru's natal chart 😋
warning: dni if you are a hardcore getou fan that thinks he is a innocent puppy that did nothing wrong. or crazy mad satosugu fan. im not here to feed your delusions. go somewhere else. thank you.
Someone here wanted me to drop his chart. Well well well here you go. Have fun with it:
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hahahaah sucks to be a getou fan for yall because im right and this dude is trash.
Ok so Mr. fascist here is an Aquarius with a Taurus Moon. The neverending revolutionary with the conservatist mind. Clap everyone. 👏👏👏
Right, Aquarius people are well known for going off the path, lets say, they prefer to make their own rules in life. I think most have serious ego issues because they think they are smarter than anyone else, but that's another topic for another day. The good side of aquarius, i can't see it, but it is said they are clever, analytical, progressive and innovative. I think, from the bottom of my heart, that Getou is the exact opposite definition of the word clever. He, not only demonstrated a lack of self awareness, but a really concerning lack of intelect because what the fuck was his plan? To kill all non sorcerers in this whole world? There is no universe where that would solve any problem ever. First of all, it would be impossible to kill all non sorcerers in a matter of seconds. Which means he would need enough time and resources to do so. Time will generate cursed energy created from the negative feelings the still living non sorcerers feel after finding out their friends, families etc were basically wiped out. Naturally genocide will generate immense cursed energy and that means curses powerful enough to wipe out groups of sorcerers. A natural disaster if you want to call it like this. So how exactly is this a solution??
Now lets say he somehow manages to kill all non sorcerers. Existing sorcerers are a very small number of the population. That would mean humanity could be at risk of extinction. So their efforts would go to procreating right? Hmm I wonder how the women in that society would live like. Baby making machines? I wonder.
But what if a baby of two sorcerers is born without jujutsu, so a non sorcerer, as it is shown in the story that is possible, is he going to kill that baby? Hmm? Its fine right? Thats not murder or anything.
ANYWAYSSSS sorry sorry i will stop here. what do i know, im just a dumb pisces 🤕🤕 lets go back to astrology.
His Taurus Moon is opposite his Scorpio Pluto. A Moon-Pluto opposite means he struggles with the themes around Moon (emotions) and Pluto (power, control). I would say its a sign for a person who wants to be in control over other people, groups, classes. Like someone at work who wants to have a higher position than you. Because they want to feel powerful, not because they feel they are responsible to support and manage the team. You know? Like how a leader should feel?
Funnily enough, these people do get higher positions. No matter if we like it or not. His other aspects with the Moon are surprisingly good. So dude knows how he feels. He is fine with expressing his feelings.
Now Getou here would be a great con artist. I'm looking at Neptune when I'm saying this. He has a lot of conjunctions with Neptune. This planet can be a dream, but it can also be a goddamn nightmare. Neptune is the ruler of the mystic, of the spirit, the fantasy. But it is also the ruler of illusion, deception and lies. His Capricorn Neptune has aspects with all of his personal planets. Mostly conjunctions. They can go in any direction. Positive or negative. Conjunction is the closest aspect between two planets. It just means their energies are intertwined. He has Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus conjunct Neptune. The Mercury(mind)-Neptune conjunctions can indicate someone that has a veryyyy easy time telling lies. They do it naturally because they believe it. Some lie enough until it becomes their truth. They live in some form of lala land where anything they make up is true. Now, for anyone with some experience in astrology, this looks exactly like the chart of a cult leader. I mean seriously lmao.
He has a Mercury-Venus conjunction too. So if you combine it with his Mercury-Neptune conjunction, he is a sweet talker. That's how he attracts people. He knows what to say, when to say. He knows who needs what to hear. So if he knows that then vulnerable people are just easy prey. Why? Because vulnerable and lonely people always want to find a place to belong. Someone that understands them. That soothes their pain. And he can be that someone. For anyone.
Normally I would say Uranus is the most important planet for an Aquarius, but Mr. fascist has too much Capricorn energy for me to dare say it. Nope. His dominant planet seems to be Saturn (its the traditional ruler of aquarius so yey im still right).
In astrology Saturn represents limitations, obligations, responsabilities and authority. Saturn blocks anything it touches with the goal of teaching discipline. It is a harsh planet but if a person learns Saturn's lessons then they are one step closer to enlightment. I think Getou failed Saturn. Just like Gojou failed Jupiter.
Anddd Im done hating for today yall. Cheers. And rest in pieces to getou, you dumb fuck. im so glad to know i would be an enemy. goddamn right. (yuuta n yuuji are pisces sup gang)
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loversmask · 10 months
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Terrance Prescott gets his lavender beard & red eyes from his father. A 27,000,000+ year old god, been around so many places; archive of a head space makes it so he never forgets anything. Then one day, he met a goddess; Tchacona Barnes. No relation. But he forgot so many things when he first saw her, then forgot many other things the more he pursued her. Then he became pursued; then all of the universes were never the same. As his extremely old life had new meaning; he found new inspiration in creating. One of his creations was a team collab; procreating with Tchacona created Terrance Prescott. Where he was given his own universe to grow up in then eventually rule. That would be his home universe but Achronus & Tchacona were always seconds away & even stayed with him as he matured into graduating high school. That's when Lover's Mask, sorta began. As the first metaphorical scroll of love language was etched into the ether of the universe. All glorious forms of his imagination, came in the form of animated series. Then boom, went the dynamite as everything changed for the ultimate better.
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sirgiant-blog-blog · 2 years
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Robin and I were still doing the radio show in 2011 when we were asked if we could help raise money for the Marion County Literacy Council.
The team that raised the most money would have the honor of kissing a horse. (Ocala is horse country)
Of course, the easy way to raise money would be to simply ask our listeners for donations.
But, our nature is to never beg for money. So, instead, we decided to paint landscapes on canvas, “en plein air,” and sell them.
To paint “en plein air” requires getting outdoors.
At that time I had a dog named Hu. (I called her Hu Baby.) I wanted to bring Hu along on our outings but we discovered that our city and county parks did not allow dogs.
BUT, Florida STATE Parks DID allow dogs!
So Hu Baby traveled with Robin and I as we visited more than thirty state parks in Florida and painted over SIXTY landscapes (in oil, by the way).
The amount of STUFF we had to tote with us on those plein air painting trips, plus the amount of walking we had to do, was akin to a workout in a gym!
Anyway, we DID raise the most money and we DID get to kiss the horse (well, I kissed the horse by myself because, apparently, horses get spooked if more than one person is trying to kiss it (don’t ask me, I’m not a horse person, I was only following THEIR rules!)
This painting shows beautiful Robin painting a beautiful landscape “en plein air” while Hu Baby enjoys lying in the grass.
This painting was done digitally using Procreate on an iPad, with a combination of oil, turpentine, and dry brushes, and an Apple Pencil as the stylus.
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austenmarie · 2 years
just say you fucking hate poor people and move on cunt
How dare I, a professional long time freelance artist, show that clip studio is actually making subbing OPTIONAL and making it so you can just stick with the version you have for free, so people don't have to spend money. Like I get your vibe must be being nasty and hide behind anon, and it must be exhausting having to take everyone at the absolute worst bad faith angle, but at least go through the bare minimum steps to comprehend what you're trying to be mad at before you embarrass yourself in my inbox??? Babes!! You know I gotta reply to anon publicly right? I mean I'm also assuming its you who called me a bootlicker (in a separate ask?? You're so mad??) which is also hilarious cause... again, complete lack of comprehension but that's on you babes Anyway, while I have people here, I also wanted to point out that a lot of the past updates for clip, which would fall under similar vibes (educated guess) of the 2.1/2.2 etc that will all be behind the battlepass DLC (until the next full version releases with them all) will PROBABLY be tools that the average person has no need for. Besides liquify (which rules) I don't see a LOT of the updates being handy for 99% of artists who are outside of the full time webtoon/webcomic making and who use Clip full time. like one of the updates was to view your webtoon as a preview on a phone which is handy but also if i had the choice to, even as a professional, i wouldn't sub and would wait. Oh also, one was like 'better shadows on 3d models' which again, I don't even know a lot of professionals who use the shadows on the models either. IMO would be a waste for a lot of artists and this way you can at least SEE what is going on and make an educated purchase if you want to. ANYWAY- if you have Clip now, hell yea, it whips ass and is extremely cheap for desktop if you can get it for a sale, but RIP the fellow artists already on that ipad sub. At least for me it has paid for itself every year, but I'm also on EX and the price is definitely steep and not recommended for the hobby artist. If you're not making any money right now off your art, which is totally fine, I wouldn't recommend doing any kind of sub and just vibe with the very free options for desktop, or if you did get an ipad maybe procreate since its $10. But it would also be 27.7(and some change) YEARS before the EX yearly sub price would come out to the same price as an Ipad pro and an apple pencil, so for the people saying 'just get procreate' -- its only a viable option if you already have the very expensive hardware. Got it? ok cool!
So ultimately you can just not buy anything and then see if these updates are make or break for you as an artist, and if they're not you save money. Cause wouldn't it suck if you DID sub and then none of the updates were for your version??? or for you specifically? (yes it would.) Also the clip team is a small team and a far cry from adobe saying they'd sue people who used older versions so, idk, cry more Anon? I already know you're not a professional artist cause no professionals would speak that way to someone trying to help, so I hope you sort it out soon and touch some grass weirdo! xx Or don't! I don't care lol. Ask your parents for money or something cause it seems like you're a big baby who is way too entitled. Hope this helps :)
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aadlerarts245-01 · 8 months
Blog 5: Kerning... Spacing Elements, Flowering Type + Remaking Language
It was interesting reading more about different types of spacing this chapter. I knew a few things about these different variations, but I hadn’t learned a lot of the nuances, technical names, and rules until now. I’m on design team for Garnet and Black here, so I have been working a bit with spacing types for print layouts lately, and I’m looking forward to using some of these ideas to clean things up. I liked reading more about justifying text; when I was younger I used to wonder why some books had huge spaces between letters in certain words. It would always jump out at me, and bug me a little bit before I kept reading, so it’s interesting to learn just why things like that happen. Before reading this chapter, I didn’t know that you aren’t supposed to stack lowercase letters, but it does make a lot of sense. It’s hard to read them, especially when letters like g have descenders. I also didn’t know to align the x-heights when mixing font families, so I’m glad to have learned that. 
This week, I’ve just finished up the flowering type project. I used one of my designs from the gladiolus sketches, but used the gentian flower instead, as I thought the shape was just more interesting. I learned a lot this unit on vectors in Illustrator; I’ve done some logos before in Procreate but never really known how to make proper vector shapes, so it’s a skill I’m grateful to have learned on this project. I feel I’ve gotten a better grasp on some design tricks, as well as learned so much more about the layout and tools on Illustrator. I'm looking forward to keeping up with learning about Illustrator through the Remaking Language project; I have attached my initial 8 sans serif and 8 serif sketches below. It took a bit for me to get into the sketches and really figure out how to tackle it, but it was an interesting exercise and I'm excited to see where it goes.
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mumblesplash · 4 years
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arcade-vinyl · 3 years
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Some more sketches I did for bennett's birthday :) ☆
(Tap for better quality)
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jayzooart · 3 years
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man of the hour 🌊
Had to take my hand at @colornin’s loanshark Aogiri
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost In Your Current (P.4)
Title: Lost In Your Current (Part Four) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Tony Stark. After the snap, the team realizes that certain males were given Alpha status and certain females were assigned as Omegas, all across the galaxy, as a way to control procreation. Only Omega can give birth now. Both are marked and their DNA is tied through their marks. Tony lost Pepper and fell into depression after being rescued by Carol. Even the information that he could have happiness again could not pull him out. Until the loneliness and his new Alpha gene got to be too much. When Steve contacts him that his Omega had been found, Tony cannot resist to collect her. Words: 3,057 Warnings (for the whole fic): Dub-con, a/b/o elements, smut, forced mating, 18+ as always Warnings for this chapter: Controlling behavior
Part Three || Part Five || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
You ventured out of the closet timidly as the smell of fresh food being cooked downstairs hit your nostrils. Your stomach was rumbling loudly, and you grabbed the throw blanket off the end of the guest bed to wrap yourself up in. You were still bare and even though there was slim chance anyone would be looking through the window, you still felt better with it on.
Sitting down at the table, you watched Tony work. He had sent a glance your way when you padded in, the blanket dragging along the ground as you walked.
It was quiet as he worked, and you sat patiently.
When he put the plate in front of you, your mouth practically watered. Grabbing the fork, you thanked him as you were already bringing a forkful up to your mouth. He took his plate and sat next to you. You slowed down, embarrassed about how much food you had already put away before he even had sat down.
“I’ll get you set up on the streaming accounts so you can watch things,” he started to say. “And if you tell me what books you want, I can have them ordered and delivered here.”
“Okay,” you said quietly, in between bites. You were just going to let him talk; you did not want to ask any questions just yet. You were still feeling him out; you had only been around him for a handful of days before you had fallen into your heat. There was still much to know about his personality, what was expected of you.
He saw you were almost finished, and he picked up his pace to finish his plate with you. As soon as the two of you were finished, he picked up the plates. In the process, his hand brushed over yours and your hair stood on end. There was a fleeting smirk from him – he had done it on purpose, testing you. He was scenting you again and seeing how you would react and you just stared at him, still, waiting to see if he was going to do it again. He gestured for you to give him the fork and you had barely noticed you were still holding it. You held it out and his fingers brushed yours again and you bit at your cheeks.
Tony was proving to also be testing the boundaries with you.
Dropping the plates in the sink, he turned back to you, “You need to shower. So do I. Come.”
You got up obediently, holding the blanket still tight around you. You followed him upstairs into the master bathroom and your eyes widened at the large tub. There was a waterfall shower in the corner, complete with what looked like jets for a massage, and a detachable shower head too.
Tony called out as he went to one of the tall cabinets, “FRIDAY, run the jacuzzi.”
The water in the tub began running, startling you. What the hell was FRIDAY? You should not be surprised about the technology in this cabin though, it was Tony’s after all.
Tony came back with body gel, shampoo, and conditioner, a brand you did not recognize. He placed them besides the tub as you asked, “Who’s FRIDAY?”
“The AI system that runs the house,” he answered. “I need to program her to respond to simple commands from you. Lights on, lights off, run the shower, you know, simple.”
His hands were on you as you stood staring at the bath filling up. He pulled the blanket from you, tossing it onto the floor a bit away. With you bare again, his hands fell to your sides, and your breath quickened. His fingers were gentle as they traced over your skin, dipping as your body curved. His bare chest pressed against your back, and you barely held back a soft moan. His scent was clouding you and you were acutely aware you were slipping under its influence. You tried to move away as it became too much but he stopped you firmly.
“Omega, I told you that you need to shower.”
“T-that’s a bath,” you pointed out weakly.
“That it is. Fine, you need to bathe. Is that better, love?”
“Quiet, Omega,” Tony cut in impatiently and you felt compelled to follow his order, despite the anxiousness he was igniting with all his touching. He meant to bathe with you. And you were still coming down from your heat. He could stoke the fire again and maybe that is what he wanted to do. Alphas you had heard were notorious for squeezing as much out of an Omega during their heats. “Get into the tub. Leave me room.”
Sinking into the water, you held yourself close as the water turned off, the tub full. Tony pulled his boxers off and followed you in, settling down behind you.
He was gentle, using his hands to rub away at your shoulders and down your chest. You felt calmed with him washing away the remnants of the last few days away from you. Alpha was taking care of you like he should. And you could not deny a good scalp massage was sorely needed, further relaxing you.
Tony pulled you in between his legs and you leaned back against his chest. His fingers trailed down your stomach and to the apex of your sex. Relaxation dissolving in a moment, you clenched tight, and he sensed your tension. He only slipped a single finger in between your folds instead of the two that had been sliding down. You mewled and he kissed softly at your ear. The one finger circling your clit.
“Knees up, precious,” he ordered. You did as he asked, and he added a second finger, delving deeper.
Your pussy was sensitive after the last few days, but his touch set you alight, and you shuddered against his touch. Tony hummed in approval, caressing at your nub. You began rocking your hips, trying to increase the contact. Tony tsked you, nipping at your ear and you let out a disappointed whine. He was working you back up and you were just focused on getting more. You wanted him inside you.
“There are gonna be rules and you just need to follow them. You get to stay here. With me. Safe. Loved.” His free hand came up to touch your stomach. “Hopefully become round sooner rather than later…”
“Alpha…” the thought of that sending you even further down the spiral.
His fingers entered you and he kissed at your cheek, vowing in a whisper, “I’ll keep you safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The front porch creaked, and you thumbed the page of your book, calm, thinking it was Tony coming back inside. But then there were a second pair of footsteps and hushed tones. You froze. There was a loud knock on the front door, and you sat up in alarm. Your book dropped to the floor as you got up quickly. Who was here? No one had come here in the weeks you had been here. And Tony had not told you anyone was coming. The hair on your arms was on end at potential danger.
Thankfully, the blinds were drawn on the living room window. You could not go up the stairs though because that was by the front door and the person – whoever they were – would most certainly see you since the door was open, letting the fresh air come through the screen. Tony was outside getting the boat prepped. He was going to take you out on the lake with him while he fished.
Another loud knock came, and you hesitated. The cabin was out in the middle of nowhere. And if someone was knocking… that was a good sign, right? If someone meant harm, they would not take the time to knock.
Tony had told you specifically to not answer the door though.
But… you were curious. You had not seen anyone else for weeks. Your bond tugged at you, jostling deep inside as you turned back towards the door, considering to ignore your Alpha’s direct order. The bond was warning you to be good. But…
Outside the cabin, Carol peered in through the window, scanning the front room.
She shrugged, looking back at Natasha. “There’s no one inside that I can see from this window.”
“Well, he’s obviously here if the door is open and his car is here.”
“Maybe they’re upstairs…?” Carol said, hinting at the bedroom activities they were sure Tony would be engaging Y/N in if he had not already.
Natasha exhaled sharply, turning from the door, and going back towards the stairs. She spotted the boat house and also the large shop on the property. He could be in there as well. She sure as hell was not going to be entering his cabin without his permission for fear he had not mated Y/N yet. Or if he had mated her and Y/N was pregnant. Even if she was Beta, he would be threatened by her presence, especially without being invited.
Just as she stepped onto the gravel, she heard Carol behind her say, “Oh, Y/N. Hey.” Natasha stopped on a dime and whirled around on her heel. “Remember me?”
There she was behind the screen door. She looked healthy enough, like she had been eating and drinking enough. But she was timid, not opening the screen door. She still wanted that barrier between her and Carol.
Y/N must have answered Carol, but so quiet Natasha could not hear as she approached because Carol asked, “That’s good. I hope I’m not forgettable. Where’s Tony?”
You eyed Natasha as she came back up onto the wrap around porch and looked back at Carol, answering, “In the boathouse. He was getting it ready to take it out for lunch.”
Noticing that both of them had stolen a glance at your exposed shoulder, you shifted uncomfortably. You knew they had been seeing if you had been mated. That was apparent in your tank top; there was no hiding the mark at the base of your neck.
They both acted unperturbed by it though, carrying on with pleasantries.
“Tony fishing. That’s something I wouldn’t expect to be happening,” Natasha chimed in, giving a small smile. “But times have changed.” She looked over her shoulder towards the boat house and she asked you, “Mind if we go out there to talk to him?”
She was… asking you for permission?
You shrugged in response, “Yeah, that’s okay.”
“You wanna come with us?” Carol offered. She was trying really hard to be friendly and gentle, and you appreciated it.
But you shook your head immediately, “I’m not allowed outside without Alpha.” You had already broken one of his rules by answering the door, there was no need to press your luck.
“Even on your own property?” Natasha asked before she could stop herself it seemed.
Carol gave her a vexed look, chastising her with her eyes. Natasha cleared her throat sheepishly before tossing another look to the boathouse. You knew it was silly and what she said was right. You wanted to go outside on your own, lay down in the grass. But Tony did not completely trust you on your own yet; you feared he never would, especially if you were pregnant. That would make him all the more overprotective.
“Well, looks like I won’t have to stretch my legs,” Natasha commented, and you peered between the pair of them trying to follow her gaze. “He’s coming to us.”
You could not see him, but you could sense him, the irritation rattling your bond. He was displeased and you could think of a handful of reasons why. You had hoped they would have gone to find him before he realized they were here but there were a lot of windows on the boathouse that had a clear view of the front porch.
“Tony,” Carol called out in greeting about the time you were able to see him coming up the path.
As he came up the stairs, Tony was staring you down and you sunk back into yourself.
Natasha and Carol could sense the tension and they both took a step back away from the door and subsequently away from you. The movement did not go unnoticed by him, his eyes following their shift.
“Tony, afternoon. We were just checking in to see how it was going. You know we have to,” Natasha told him calmly.
Tony’s stare was piercing you, and you averted your eyes, not wanting to challenge him with direct eye contact. “Well, it’s apparently not going without bumps. Y/N, I told you specifically to not answer the damn door!”
“I’m sorry,” you said timidly, flinching at him swearing at you.
“I don’t care if you’re sorry. You’re supposed to do what you’re told!” He snapped his fingers, pointing back behind you and ordered, “Go make lunch. Now!”
You refrained from mentioning that you had already done that, wanting to be ready whenever he came to fetch you to go out on the water. You left the door and decided you might as well make extra sandwiches for the two women to busy yourself and be hospitable.
When Tony turned his attention back to Natasha and Carol after Y/N had retreated back into the cabin from view, he was met with a dispassionate look from Carol but Natasha on the other hand, she looked miffed.
“Can I help you with something?” Tony asked dryly.
“We’re here to check up.”
“And… discuss something.”
Tony wagged his finger, “There’s always a catch. Well, lay it on me. And do it quick. Y/N and I are going out on the lake for lunch.”
Carol cut right to the chase, “There’s talk about either taking samples from Omega—” That already was setting Tony on edge, that was clear as day in his expression and tense body. “To try to figure out if there can be a cure given to people who should be able to have children and can’t.”
“Absolutely not,” Tony said immediately. His tone was firm.
“Or,” Carol continued ignoring his outburst. “They want to use Omegas as surrogates.”
A muscle in Tony’s jaw twitched at that, his eyes hard.
“There’s talk of it. High up in the government,” Natasha added. “Thought we would come talk to you about it.”
“For?” Tony spat. His brow pinched a split second before he gave them a belittling laugh. “Wait, did you two think I was going to agree to this? That’s what you wanted to come ‘talk to’ me about? Giving Y/N up to the government?”
“You won’t be giving her up—”
Tony cut in forcibly, “This is not even a conversation. I don’t know what two think you’re playing at.”
Natasha countered quickly, “You always were advocating for protecting Earth.”
“And it is protected. What’s not protected here?”
“What? We took a stance and we got royally railed. Bent all the way over the table. I almost died in space. Did you forget that?”
“No, I didn’t for—”
“So many people died. Just… disappeared out of existence! Blink of an eye. Well, Thanos got what he wanted and he’s dead now! Earth is going on and there are no more threats from up above. Everyone’s too busy reeling with what happened themselves on their own planets to even care about trying to come here. No, we’re doing fine. I mean, maybe the US government isn’t doing fine which is no new news there. But we are fine”
Carol tried to persuade him now, “We aren’t fine. People are grieving everywhere, and people want to be able to have children again to bring some sense of happiness into their lives and they can’t. So—"
“You’re not taking her,” Tony spat defensively.
“I’m not asking to do that,” Carol said, standing her ground despite Tony’s aggressive stance and the wild look in his eyes.
“Then what is it you’re asking?” Tony asked, his tone dripping with condescension. “Cause that’s sure as hell what it sounds like.”
“I’m asking you to consider the possibility in the future—”
“And I’m telling you, not gonna happen,” Tony declared, cutting her off.
“I thought you were insufferable before,” Natasha scoffed, completely done with how quickly he had become pugnacious at the mere mention of anyone else laying a finger on Y/N.
Tony fixated his death glare on her now and sneered, “I think you’ve overstayed your welcome.”
Carol cleared her throat and said, “Fine, we’ll leave.” She almost turned but implored him once more, “Just keep that on your mind that it’s being spoken about in the government.”
“So, maybe you should do it on your own accord, Tony, before someone forces you to. Because I know how much you love being told what to do,” Natasha quipped coldly as she did begin to walk off. Carol followed her.
“Tell me. Did Cap agree to it?” Tony called out after them, taunting. Natasha and Carol both refused to answer which was answer enough and Tony let out a wry laugh. “That’s what I thought. You two are nuts.”
Natasha slammed the car door so hard, Carol was worried it was going to fall off when she tried to open it to get out. Natasha glared at Tony through the windshield. He was still standing on the porch, pacing slowly, eyes right back on her. He was making sure they were really going to leave.
Shaking her head, Carol turned the car on and said disappointed, “I thought this would be easier.”
“I didn’t. I expected to want to knock his head off his shoulders. Just like Steve. And any other Alpha we are going to talk to about it. It’s going to be futile to convince any of them to let their Omega carry another person’s child.”
“Well, let’s hope we find others that are more open. Because I don’t want this becoming a mandated thing from the government. Things will really get ugly then. I’ve read Handmaid’s Tale,” Carol sighed as she backed out of the driveway.
Tony and Natasha kept eyes on each other until Carol turned the car around and started driving back down the long driveway towards the main road.
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
Humans are weird: Serial Killers
Official debriefing report for lead Magistrate Opto Mobui pertaining to the events of the series of murders in Mega-City 4, publicly known as the “Masquerade Murderer”.
Note Taker: Please state your full name for the record. Opto: Optop Mobui. Note Taker: Official title? Opto: Lead Magistrate for Mega-city 4.  Note Taker: And- *Door opening* *Unknown*: That’s enough of that. *Sounds of chairs being pushed back* Opto: High Councilor Mooq! Mooq : At ease Magistrate.  *sounds of seats being taken* Mooq r: Forgive my note taker, he’s very detail oriented but sometimes forgets the tone he projects which can be misleading.  Note Taker: Apologies High Councilor.  Mooq : Let me be clear; you are not hear to be held accountable for these heinous crimes but to explain your investigation and the events in detail. Opto: I don’t understand; was my submitted report not good enough?  Mooq: After reading it I felt that you were scraping over some details and holding back your personal thoughts on the matter.  *pause of silence* Opto: I felt it was unprofessional to mention my inner thoughts on the matter.  Mooq:  Publicly yes, but this is to be held between us in private.  Mooq: Tell me everything. Opto: Everything?  Mooq: Everything.  Mooq: Let’s start from the beginning.  Opto: The incidents- *Finger tapping on metal* Mooq: “Murders”. Opot: Apologies.  Opto: The first of the murders happened just about three solar cycles ago.  Mooq: And you are sure of this?  *Uneasy rustling* Opto: No; I believe there were additional murders before that discovery but we have as of yet not been able to locate the bodies. 
Mooq: Why do you say that?
Opto: The arrangement of the victim’s body was too precise, too planned to be a spur of the moment. 
Note Taker: It sounds as if you are admiring the killer. 
Opto: Tread carefully, I take that as a challenge to my honor.
Mooq: What made this murder so different from the rest? 
Mooq: By records account there are at least three hundred and seventy four murders a month in mega-city 4. 
Note Taker: Sounds like someone isn’t doing their job. 
*Sounds of a chair being kicked over* 
Mooq: Please sit down Magistrate.
Opto: The next time he speaks I will strike him High Councilor. 
Mooq: Noted; now please sit down. 
*Chair being picked back up and sat in*
Opto: In a city of 4 billion people it is common to have such a murder rate, but most of those are from robberies gone wrong, gang fights, or other such criminal elements. 
Opto: But this murder......it looked as if the killer had done it for fun. 
Mooq: Fun?
Mooq: Explain. 
Opto: None of their belongings were missing, when we located their living unit we found it had not been broken into or robbed, even the access card to her transit vehicle was still in their pocket. 
Mooq: Could it not be a crime of procreation? 
Opto: From our later investigation we discovered that they had no mate nor had been courting anyone so it was ruled unlikely. 
Mooq: So it was murder for the sake of murder?
Opto: Not necessarily. 
Opot: As I said, the way the body was positioned and scared made it appear as something else. 
Mooq: Please describe the state of the body. 
Opto: No clothes were torn nor and there were no visible wounds from a confrontation.
Opto: What was unusual was a strange burn like pattern that had appeared across the victims face from ear to ear covering most of their face. 
Mooq: I thought you said the body wasn’t wounded? 
Opto: It wasn’t.
Opto: The burn marks were superficial and only slightly burned portions small portions of the skin that were not deep enough to be considered a normal burn wound. 
Mooq: Was there anything else?
Opto: The body was arranged in a strange manner; hunched over at the base of a wall in a dark alley, arms outstretched as if trying to embrace someone. 
Mooq: What happened after the body was discovered?
Opto: We exhausted every lead but after twenty lunar rotations we came up with nothing and the case was closed. 
Mooq: That was when the second body was discovered; correct? 
Opto: Yes. 
Opto: This time it was found on the opposite side of the mega-city in the thermal plant.
Opto: A worker discovered the body being held atop one of the steam vents by a series of cables. 
Opto: Whenever the steam vent opened the body appeared to dance in the exiting steam. 
Mooq: What made you believe this murder was related to the original?
Opto: Despite the steam burning portions of the body the face had the same burn marks as the previous victim.
Opto: More than that, the positioning of the body was the same over the top manner as the previous one.  
Mooq: Were the victims related? 
Opto: Not in the slightest. 
Opto: The first was a clerk in a clothing store near the upper quarter, and the second victim was a thermal worker down in the under city. 
Note Taker: A question if I may?
Mooq: Make it a good one or chances are your face will soon be rearranged.
Note Taker: If these two murders, gruesome as they were, were in isolated areas with limited witnesses how did this spiral out of control into a media blitz? 
Mooq: A fair point.
Mooq: Did you not implement silencing measures?  
Opto: We did, but that only seemed to make it worse. 
Mooq: Explain. 
Opto: This is my personal theory, but I think by not announcing the murders to the media it pushed the killer to ever more elaborate configurations. 
Mooq: I don’t understand. 
Opto: I believe the murder felt like they had been cheated by our silence, that their theatrics were not worthy of being mentioned. 
Note Taker: Interesting word choice to describe the murder of two innocent people. 
Opto: I’d agree were it not for what happened in the following lunar cycles. 
Mooq: You are referring to the-
*sounds of rustling paper* 
Mooq: -Motori Elevator incident? 
Opto: Correct.
Opto: In Motori park there is a crystal clear elevator that links the park to level 37 above. 
Opto: During the busiest hour of high sun the park was packed full of citizens when the elevator went up and revealed three more bodies hanging from underneath the elevator. 
Opto: Their hands and legs had been bound together in different patterns to make it appear as if they were some sort of entertainment act. 
Opto: Citizens were initially confused by this until the elevator came back down and the bodies were caught between the elevator and the glass panels resulting in a bloody smear being dragged down the entire elevator shaft. 
Mooq: I remember. 
Mooq: The media were all over the scene before you could arrive and lock the place down. 
Opto: From their things only became worse.  
Opto: I believe that the media coverage only encouraged the killer to continue their work; as if they were fueling them to go even grander and grotesque. 
Mooq: Did you express your ideas at the time?
Opto: I did, but they were ruled as irrelevant by the rest of the team.
Mooq: And why is that?
Opto: They couldn’t believe that someone would go through all of this just for attention. 
Mooq: The following events appear to justify your line of thinking. 
Opto: I wish they hadn’t. 
Opto: There came the upper city impalements that spun their bodies in the wind, then came the waiting valet whose body was positioned in their vehicle with a slow burning iglo stick in their hand, then the sister twins of hoblo lane found dead on benches positioned to make them look like they were drinking tea. 
Mooq: And this entire time there was still no connection between the victims? 
Opto: Nothing at all. 
Opto: Each lived in entirely different society circles that never would interact with each other. 
Opto: The only connecting fact was their strange burn like marks on their faces that we later identified to resemble a form of alien mask worn to parties. 
Mooq: If they were all so disconnected what led you to discover the killers hideout? 
Opto: It was when  I was looking at a 3d model of the mega-city with each of the murders marked that I noticed something. 
Opto: At the very center was Motori park’s elevator shaft. 
Mooq: And that was the clue?
Opto: Exactly. 
Mooq: I still don’t follow. 
Opto: I didn’t make the connection until I watched security footage of the bodies in the shaft just as they became wedged between the shaft and the elevator. 
Mooq: A rather careless mistake for a murder so specific with details. 
Opto: Forgive me High Councilor but it was not a mistake; it was intentional.
Mooq: Excuse me? 
Opto: The smear only triggered as soon as the elevator began to go down. 
Opto: It made a clear line going down through the heart of the mega-city on the map.
Opto: I had a hunch that the killer was provoking us to try and catch him; pointing where to find him.
Mooq: But that elevator ended at the park, it didn’t go any lower. 
Opto: True, but that is when I started going back through the murders and found something disturbing about each one. 
Opto: Each one held a clue that when added together with the rest of the murders pointed to the killers hideout. 
Mooq: Really? 
Opto: The first victim had their arms outstretched not in a hug but pointing in a direction. 
Opto: The valet’s meter was stopped on a specific number that when entered into a computer resulted in a downward angle. 
Opto: The two sisters drinking tea had liquid spilling out of their cups in a downward angle. 
Opto: Each murder had a feature pointing in a downward direction
Mooq: That sounds like over analyzing the situation. 
Opto: It would be were it not that each direction that was being pointed in intersected with a specific location that was directly under the Motori elevator. 
Mooq: That is it? 
Mooq: That was the tip you finally needed? 
Mooq: Why would the killer directly point out where they were?!?
Opto: I think they thought of this as some sort of twisted game and felt it only sporting for us to be given clues. 
Mooq: From your remarks it sounds as if much of your deduction was guessing. 
Opto: It had to be since no rational reasoning was linking the crimes. 
Mooq: What did you find when you raided the location? 
Opto: It was located in the mid levels that had been abandoned due to a level collapse. 
Opto: The large run down building was recorded as once being a chemical storage facility for beauty products when it was at the very top of the mega-city before the above levels were built. 
Opto: We had brought in a full three sector houses worth of officers for the raid and surrounded the building. 
Opto: On command we stormed the building from all sides. 
Opto: What we found inside was just as disturbing as any of the other 
Mooq: How so?
Opto: The best way to describe it would be the victims we had found were guests on their way to the “masquerade”. When we entered the main storage chamber we found the party was in full swing. 
Opto: Dozens of bodies held together by cables and spare metal being dragged back and forth in some horrific dance of the dead. 
Opto: The rooms smelling of rotting flesh, aged chemicals, and some form of bile that only lingered on the dead. 
Mooq: And that was when you saw the killer correct?
Opto: Correct. 
Opto: They sat on a large throne near the back end of the chamber looking down at the grizzly display. 
Note Taker: Could you make them out?
Opto: They wore some form of red suit that draped into their backside with coat tails, white gloves, and a grinning mask of black and white.
Opto: Their build wasn’t as large as ours and I was easily able to identify them as a human. 
Mooq: Rather fitting all things considered. 
Opto: How so?
Mooq: Who else but a human would go through such great lengths only to be the result of their own downfall. 
Opto: As soon as we made it half way into the chamber the human rose from their throne and began clapping. 
Opto: They didn’t say anything as they took a bow and I could feel as if they had been waiting for us to finally put the pieces together. 
Opto: I ordered my men forward to apprehend the masked figure and they rushed the raised dais that held the throne. 
Opto: They had just made it to the base of the dais when the masked human clapped their hands together and the room erupting into chaos. 
Opto: Each of the bodies that had been dancing  erupted outward in violent explosions.
Opto: The front ranks of my men that had been closest to the throne died instantly before the secondary explosions began ringing out. 
Opto: Through the smoke and burning flesh I saw the masked human staring directly at me, their masked face mocking me as the building came crashing down around us. 
Mooq: It was fortunate you were able to escape before you were crushed as well. 
Opto: I lost half of my sector house in that raid.
Opto: Lucky is something I don’t consider myself. 
Mooq: Fair enough. 
Opto Afterwards we began sifting through the debris searching for any survivors and the body of the killer. 
Mooq: What did you find?
Opto: Three survivors, but we also found the chemical compounds that had been stored in the facility were the ones used to cause the strange burn marks on all of the victims confirming that the masked figure had been the killer. 
Mooq: And the killer?
Mooq: Did you find their body? 
Opto: We were unable to find the body.
Opto: All that we could recover was the grinning mask worn by the killer. 
Note Taker: Then that means...
Opto: Yes.
Opto: The killer-
Mooq: Is dead. 
Opto: Pardon?
Mooq: The killer is dead. 
Mooq: They died during your daring raid on the villains hideout where you were able to corner the fiend and bring him to justice only for them to take their own life with the building explosion.
Opto: We don’t know if they are-
Mooq: We do and this is it. 
Mooq: The city needs to recover from these grizzly crimes and hearing of the murders death will calm their fears. 
Mooq: Besides, no human could survive that explosion. 
Opto: I hope you’re right high Councilor. 
Opto: For all our sakes. 
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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August 27th is...
Banana Lovers Day -  Whether you like it straight from the peel, sliced on cereal, or baked into a banana bread, the whole world loves bananas.  What you may not know is that the whole world is eating ONE kind of banana, and that banana type is not the same thing your great-great-grandparents were eating during WWI or WWII. Banana’s have been one of the biggest examples of monoculture in our history, and sometime in the past hundred years we had a massive plague hit, wiping out every banana of this strain in existence. So an entirely new banana was introduced and is now the one that is grown everywhere.
Daffodil Day -  As the first flower to bloom in Spring, daffodils quickly became a symbol of hope when cancer societies started using the flower in the 1950s. The image became iconic, forever tied to the efforts of volunteers, researchers, and those who wanted to raise awareness ever since.
International Bat Night - Established to help promote the good image of bats, and to help start creating some clarity on the facts about them above and beyond the rumors and Hollywood image. While we often think of bats as nocturnal predators feasting on the blood of the innocent and harboring rabies, the truth is quite different. Yes, there are bats that feed on blood, but they mostly feed on insects and believe us, you want bats to be out there patrolling the night and helping eliminate them. Bats are one of the major contributors to keeping down obnoxious night insects like mosquitoes. There are also bats that feed on nectar and fruit, and actually help to pollinate and spread the seed of plants, in many cases they’re the only ones working to help those plants procreate.
Just Because Day -  Every day we all do things that are expected or required of us. Sometimes we even do things because we have to do them; we don’t know why.  Well, on this occasion, that does not apply.  This day is a chance to do something without rhyme or reason.
Petroleum Day - Contrary to popular belief that it is a substance humanity has only recently started using because it was needed for vehicles, petroleum has been used in one form or another since ancient times. According to the renowned Greek historian, Herodotus, petroleum was one of the substances used to build the walls of Babylon. The ancient Persians also used petroleum for lighting purposes, filling their lamps with it, as well as for various medicinal purposes. In the mid-1800s, Scottish chemist James Young began distilling petroleum, resulting in the production of kerosene as well as a thicker, darker oil that was perfect for lubricating machinery. Today, about 90% of the world’s vehicles are powered using petroleum. 
Pots De Creme Day - Recipes for this delightful French dessert date back to the 17th century. Its name means “pot of custard” or “pot of creme” which also refers to the baking dish. On the spectrum of custards, pots de creme is a loose custard. It should not be set when baking completes.  Recipes vary, however, the basic ingredients in pot de creme remains the same. Count on needing eggs, egg yolks, cream or milk, and either chocolate or vanilla for flavor. The mixture is baked in the porcelain cups at a low temperature. A water bath helps the custard bake evenly. 
Tug-Of-War Day - Tug-of-war is a competitive sport that takes place around the world and has a long and ancient history. Two teams hold each end of a large rope and attempt to pull the other towards them in order to win. Contests often take place over bodies of water or muddy areas so that the losing team suffers the indignity of falling in, which is preferable to the Viking version of tug-of-war when teams competed over a pit of fire.
World Rock, Paper, Scissors Day - Rock Paper Scissors is considered the oldest hand game in the world. In fact, the game dates all the way back to the Chinese Han Dynasty. This era began in 206 BC and ended in 220 AD. There are also accounts of this game in Japanese history. The earliest versions of this game consisted of a slug, snake, and frog. Rocks, papers, and scissors were used in a later version of the game developed in the 17th century. It wasn’t until the 1920’s that the popular Asian hand game made its way to Great Britain. In 1932, an article in the New York Times described the rules of Rock Paper Scissors.
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