#probably bc it. i wouldnt say it was confusing but it did that thing where theres a lot of multi layered conversation
marsixm · 10 months
watching oppenheimer reminded me of the month i spent listening to an audiobook describing the entire history of area 51 (most of which involved nuclear testing and building planes) ive never been super into wwii but i suppose this slice of midcentury american history is something i have a passing interest in
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genshin-hsr-rambles · 2 months
omg I just stumbled upon this account with perfect timing bc I had this wild dream last night and I need to share it with someone. It was like a fusion of HSR and genshin impact but like in a modern au kinda. And it revolved around Ratio, Aventurine, Alhaitham and Kaveh (with the obvious ships ofc bc even in sleep I’m a diehard shipper lol) but like Aventurine was the mc of sorts of the dream yknow like I wasnt seeing from his perspective or anything but it kinda focused on him. It’s so OOC that I was confused as well but it’s chaotic good.
but anyway so the dream started in what I assume was Ratio and Aventurine’s bedroom bc they were in bed and it was night n shit. for some dumb reason that I don’t remember there was a map of Florida on the wall (they weren’t in america or anything) and Aventurine was convinced that Ratio couldn’t fall asleep without looking at the map even though there was literally no reason to think that and it wasn’t even Ratio’s idea to have the map in the first place. This scene was wildly irrelevant and is only rly mentioned like once later and I find it hilariously out of pocket.
cue the next day where Aventurine and Ratio are invited over to Alhaitham’s house (and kaveh’s but they wouldnt stop calling it alhaithams) for a meal, dinner I think even though it was literally daytime? But yeah they were invited over and so they pulled up and for some reason in my mind the house looked weirdly like my house irl ig dreams are like that. Idk rly where Ratio and Kaveh go off to for a moment but they do go off somewhere whilst Aventurine climbs into alhaitham’s car.
Should probably mention Alhaitham was already in the car so the two kinda just chat for a while and Alhaitham is pretty much like “hey can you not do something stupid or be an asshole for just this one day this is important to me” and Aventurine wasn’t offended by this at all bc apparently Alhaitham was genuinely his friend?? (I was expecting Kaveh and Aventurine but my dream said no) but Aventurine is a bit confused why having dinner with him and ratio is a big deal bc it’s just like having friends over tf. So Alhaitham reaches around to the back seats of the car and pulls out this big stack of books which seems random at first but Aventurine checks all of their front covers and discovers they all say Veritas Ratio on them. Alhaitham explains that he is fascinated by Ratio’s work and was looking forwards to talking abt it so if Aventurine could behave that would be great.
Aventurine doesn’t get to reply or anything tho bc Ratio and Kaveh come along and knocks on the car window to tell them that dinner is ready (looking back on it, I think Ratio might’ve been helping Kaveh cook which is a crime that I didn’t get to see it). When I tell you I have never seen anyone move as fast as Aventurine and Alhaitham did in my life I mean they were FAST bc neither of them wanted to be caught dead by Ratio himself with those books so they just kinda shoved the books into the back seat again (blackout windows I assume?) and got out of the car.
cue the dinner which actually looked really tasty but Aventurine can’t keep his mouth shut despite what Alhaitham said and neither can Kaveh. Kaveh won’t stop complaining abt all the things Alhaitham hasn’t done bc apparently it was his turn to cook and Aventurine for some reason is determined to ruin Alhaitham’s admiration for Ratio and proceeds to bring up the Florida map thing (again, entirely irrelevant). In a moment that must be why he didn’t get into the Genius Society, Ratio decides the only way to get out of this god forsaken dinner is to literally climb out a window… Yeah. Aventurine, Kaveh and Alhaitham are all equally confused.
After much confusion Aventurine decides to excuse himself and follow after Ratio. For some reason the two of them end out in Alhaitham’s car??? And Aventurine shows Ratio THE books and they talk and it was actually surprisingly sweet n wholesome. By this time its actually getting dark tho so they go back into the house eventually to say goodbye and go their seperate ways. When Aventurine and Ratio get home the Florida map isn’ there, then I promptly woke up and was like wtf.
Very long ask and there isn’t even a question either but I had to tell someone. thank you SO MUCH
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Lmao this has made my day. I wish I dreamt about HSR and Genshin Impact, that’d be so fun. This has serious crackfic potential lmao.
But you’re right, the whole Florida map thing is so out of pocket. Why do they have a map of Florida? Why did Aventurine choose to hang up a map of Florida in the bedroom? And better yet, why does he think Dr Ratio can’t fall asleep until he sees the map? This is the kind of thing only dream logic can explain. Dream logic also likes to make fictional places look like places you know in real life.
The idea of Kaveh and Alhaitham inviting Dr Ratio and Aventurine over for dinner is actually quite nice. Definitely didn’t expect Alhaitham and Aventurine to be friends, nor will I ever get over Alhaitham straight up telling Aventurine “yo can you like not be a dick for once”. Also Alhaitham having books on Dr Ratio’s studies weirdly makes sense. I too am salty that you didn’t get to witness Kaveh and Dr Ratio cooking. Missed opportunity.
After everything that’s been happening in Penacony, I think Aventurine deserves to be chaotic and determined to ruin Alhaitham’s view of Dr Ratio. Though Dr Ratio straight up climbing out the window— anon, you’re entirely right about the Genius Society. Their sweet moment makes up for all the chaos though (even if Dr Ratio would definitely still be a little pissed Aventurine was spreading misinformation about him).
And to end it all off, the Florida map is just… gone? What, did someone take it down? Or was it never there to begin with? Maybe the real haikaveh/ratiorine was the Florida maps we met along the way.
Thank you for this masterpiece.
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quodekash · 9 months
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I think they should probably kiss right now. that would be nice please and thank you
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bro why he look so confused
is he having gay thoughts or smth and hes confused as to why it's soccer-ball-usb induced?
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I love this woman so much
my goddess
my queen
milf fr
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like yeah, sailom can't rly control kang's study habits outside of their tutoring sessions, but I wouldn't say he can't control him like... at all, ever.
he has top vibes tbh
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"um, excuse me bitch (respectful), sailom controls me very well, I am a submissive QUEEN"
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"do you want to go on a date with me?" "will you be my boyfriend?" "can I kiss you?" all of the above?
I know it wont be any of the above but I can dream
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he was fine with being the worst part of Sailom's life, and then suddenly discovered so many other things in his life that Sailom has to face every day, and the punishment he gets every month if he doesn't pay his debt, and Kang realises he's the least of Sailom's problems, and he suddenly wants to help him as much as he possibly can. previously, he was offering his money to Sailom but not as comfort or help, but because he recognised his privilege and power and used it to taunt Sailom and to remind him who is in charge. but then he saw two grown men assaulting him and nearly pressing a hot iron to his face, and Kang suddenly saw just how much power and privilege he has, in the sense that he can literally solve most of Sailom's problems (because they mostly boil down to money) without any change in his own status whatsoever
he went from wanting to be the worst part of Sailom's life, to wanting to fix the actual worst parts of his life, and I just love him so much can you blame me for loving him so much
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like. are they just taking a detour on the way home from school? or did they run away?
ive got my fingers crossed for an episode (perhaps two?) where they've run away and it's all happy and fluffy and they're away from the pain and the drama and its just me and you and you and me and we can be happy while we're here, we don't have to worry what anyone else thinks about us because we're together. and its probably at a beach.
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just give me a moment while I sob
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why am I crying.
can someone please explain to me why this is making me cry.
its so domestic. help.
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wait now I think im going down, maybe im going to hell
I have no sense of direction, I got lost on the way to wherever I was going and now im back in my body but HOLY FRICK ITS VERY LIKELY THAT I WILL DIE AGAIN
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oh look, a not-so-subtle ✨metaphor✨
I think it's about them studying? without wind, the windmills can't spin, and then can't produce energy. without Sailom, Kang wouldn't have the push he needs to study?
it's something like that
it also might not be about studying. it could be about kindness
if it weren't for Sailom's situation, Kang wouldn't have had the change of heart that caused him to be kinder (particularly towards Sailom but im also hoping that he's helping him develop deeper empathy for others who also aren't as fortunate as Kang)
idk its something like that
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he leaned closer and now I can't tell if he's genuinely asking the question, or if he's trying to flirt
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I think he should give him a good luck and goodbye kiss
I think they should kiss is what im saying
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I know they're not actually gonna kiss. I know he's just gonna like tell sailom about how his grandma wont let him tutor him if he fails his midterms BUT I DONT CARE, I FELT VICTORIOUS FOR A SECOND, AND THAT'S NOT A FEELING I GET OFTEN SO LET ME BASK IN THE GLORY FOR A MOMENT
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I mean maybe it's the exams hes thinking about. but he's mostly thinking about how, if he doesnt pass all his exams, he'll lose sailom, and he doesnt want that because a) sailom could get beat up to a pulp again, and b) he doesn't want to lose sailom as his tutor when tutoring is like the only time they get to see each other and hang out, and he's realised how much he likes sailom and that he desperately doesn't want to lose that friendship - or the potential for it to become something more
conclusion: gay.
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you can do it bby, you are incredible
I think he'd do a lot better if he had adhd meds
because he has adhd. it's canon I decided.
do you want some of my Vyvanse, kang?
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oh look at that, I ran out of screenshots
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its MUTANT MENACE DAY which means im about to be SUPER ANNOYING !!!!!!!
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ok ok so a few thoughts (specifically about the royal inhumans parts) and also
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i dont have a ton to say about this i just really like how this panel looks. i still havent gotten around to the first ms marvel comics (slowed down on the comics reading for a,, bit) but i like these little monologe boxes. maybe i should just skip ahead to them,,, we're also *still* not given anything about where the inhumans are hiding out! i wonder if there's even anybody outside the family living there at this point?
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once again still not a lot to say im just very excited to see them again. THEY'RE STANDING!!! THEY HAVE LITTLE NAME BOXES!!! THEY LOOK SO GOOD!!!!
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i absolutely adore how lockjaw is drawn in this comic. and medusa laying kamala down against him is the cutest thing <3 lockjaw really IS the best cure for all things
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now i can definitely see some people getting,,,, upset about these panels. before this i did theorize that the inhuman dna was probably causing problems with the mutation and that was what was causing the "glitching", and i think it makes a lot of sense that terrigen (or lack thereof) IS the cause of this problem! and obviously the mutants wouldnt be able to replicate terrigen, and regardless on if they knew this would cause problems or not (im going to assume they probably didnt have any idea but i also havent read like, any modern xmen comics set in krakoa) of course they wouldnt go ask the inhumans. but im also not sure they could have if they wanted to?
the same with them telling kamala she should have reached out, the inhumans live in hiding right now. and although johnny has been able to call crystal, he (and probably in extension the entire ff) are obviously very close to the inhumans and its reasonable that he and crystal would still be talking. as for anyone else being able to just,,, call them whenever? do most of the xmen have any idea whatsoever that doti even happened? does most of *anyone* on earth know whats going on with the inhumans? so i do think theyre being a bit unfair with this, but also,,,, yeah of course theyre still bitter about the ivx thing!! of course medusa in particular would still be bitter about that!! that was one of the most difficult points in her life, and theres been like no resolution to most of that bc the inhumans just *left* and she just kinda got back with bb after maybe one or two conversations?? it makes complete sense to me that she (and karnak too but mostly medusa) would still be upset about it and i honestly dont know why she *wouldnt* be.
and also scroll back up and look at how adorable lockjaw is <33
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now this had me pause for a moment. the plan is to expose kamala, a resurrected *mutant*.... to terrigen? also as im typing this i just realized kamala has a cheeseburger (something she commented on wanting at the very end of last issue. red dagger probably went to get it w lockjaw and im very happy she got to eat her burger) BUT ANYWAYS. i thought we made a big deal about how terrigen is deadly to mutants?? wasn't that a thing??? pretty sure that was a thing.
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once again pointing out lockjaw i love him so much. HIS EARS !!!!!
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aaaand this confuses me even more again. terrigen just... stops her from getting her mutant powers, and maybe only temporarily? although this does seem to kind of fit in with what was going on with luna (who isnt even half mutant anymore last i checked), luna rules are very different from 2014-2018 rules. which are the rules that applied when kamala got inhuman powers in the first place. why does terrigen not hurt her if she's a mutant? is this explained in a comic i havent read yet? if it is ignore how confused i am ill figure it out eventually.
if this hasn't been explained i am very curious about why she specifically would be fine with terrigen exposure. also why are karnak and medusa seemingly not concerned at all about how exposing her to terrigen might kill her? even if there has been an explanation, how would they know that? this seems like a giant "lets just see what happens and hope for the best" situation!! which,,, i guess actually isnt ooc for either of them at all, but still, this is like very dangerous science experiment-y even for them 😳
and disregarding all the kamala being immune to terrigen stuff.... how do the inhumans even *have* terrigen? all of it was put in a bomb, which was blown up, and then all of it was in a cloud, which was destroyed. of course, maximus learned how to make more, but all the terrigen he made was destroyed like five minutes after he made it. and considering he then immediately went to space and then finally returned only to live on the moon again (and the ingredients he requires for terrigen are on earth), im pretty sure he also needs triton's help to gather some of those ingredients, and idk if they would just let maximus and triton run off together again. i dont remember if doti gives any clear timeline references (and considering it basically completely ignores uncanny, royals, and the bb series, im gonna guess it doesn't) but even IF maximus somehow had time to go back to earth and make more terrigen, it all would have been destroyed again when vox attacked. and then maximus died. so there should be NO terrigen and NOBODY who knows how to make it.
now granted, considering this was about 6 years ago and the inhumans have pretty common continuity issues this is probably just a "we need this to fix the Problem" and its,,, whatever. im sure they can fit some explanation in there somewhere. unless we're retconning everything past inhumanity and before doti? which i reallyyy am not too keen on the idea of. i know ivx was a really unpopular story but ignoring it means retconning a LOT of stuff, and sets up a ton of new problems about the terrigen cloud, and im pretty sure the current xmen stuff still acknowledges that as canon.
once again Not an expert so dont kill me if any of this has an explanation and this is just a useless Leo Complaining Post 🥺
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i dont have any more space for images and this is about the last that we get of them, too. fairly minor, but still doing stuff!! and they get to have dialog!! pretty pleased overall with this (even if i wonder what exactly is happening continuity-wise) and hoping we get some more appearances later this year !!!! once again lockjaw. lockjaw was the best part of this issue for me. put lockjaw in every comic ever 2k24.
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toffee ramble, sorry
The whole Toffee thing in the show confuses me... because of the narrative and plot and the ending. I'm not against him being a villain who wasn't redeemed, but his role in the show feels like he was a very long-term plot device.
Just hear me out. The Magic High Commission turned out to be "bad" people who have lied and concealed truth to save themselves, causing many lives to be destroyed Because of their actions. I heard that some of them were even partially resposible for the tensions and war between Butterfly Queens and monsters. They basicallly commited big crimes against people, but their actions were addressed in the show and sort of talked about. And they still contributed to plans of the main characters despite everything they'd done.
The key if not Core part of the show is uh... monsters vs Butterfly Queendom, where monsters are the ones who deserve to get what was taken from them, that monsters arent evil, etc. And Toffee is A Monster. The show treating him like a hindrance that needed to be killed, felt off, Even if we take into account that Toffee is a cold murderer who takes his ideas too far. Even if Toffee was this way, he still needed some other treatment in the show, Beause of the Plot of the show (mewmans vs monsters thing) . Maybe Toffee could have worked as a foil or "reverse image" of Globgor, aka a monster who is also oppressed but who makes wrong decisions and turns to a dark path so he must be stopped. But the show didnt treat Toffee that way either: essentially what he was , was just "a random villain who did bad stuff and therefore our princess must kill him".
If the show had made Toffee not a monster but someone else it probably would have been better. But making him a monster and giving him the role of a hindrance or "a character who moves plot forward" feels v out of place.
The show making Toffee a mysterious smart monster who appears in the 1st season, it feels like the creators only intended for him to lure the audience and to keep them hooked for the Other characters to show up. It was as one of the crew members said "Toffee was just a pawn in Eclipsa's plan". Toffee feels like a very long introduction to Eclipsa and not like his own character, judging from the show's perspective. Me thinking about how he was not intended to have deeper character and how he was planned by the creator herself as "a pure evil", led to me thinking that the crew only intended for Toffee to be a plot device for the show's future seasons. I mean...If (hypothetically) I thought my character was just evil, and I had other characters who had a lot more to them, I'd use said evil character as a device for my other characters to proceed further in the story.
(explanation: I DOnt think Toffee is an empty character, I Dont think he is just a device, what i was saying is that he was Intended By The Crew to be one. Im trying to say that I feel kind of sad about that decision).
And I feel like, the problem with Toffee as a Svtfoe show character was probably that he was a Monster. If he was something else. and not a monster, his death would not have caused as much upsetness in fandom as it had. Toffee being a plot device villain while being a monster really undermined the message the show tried to convey.
Or, maybe Tofffe should have been introduced in later seasons. not in the first season. I feel like, had he been introduced in later seasons, he wouldnt have been given role of a plot device, bc there would not be much insentive for the team to do that to him (the plot reached its peak, must work on this character's flaws and motives and write dialogue between him and others, - is what i imagine they'd plan for him)
Also after watching reviews on High Commission I realized something..... characters being stubborn and not wanting to change their views, seemed to be a common trait for many characters in the show. People see Toffee as the type to never change his views and to never change as a person (or monster), but..isnt almost every character in svtfoe that way..? I mean, MHC hasnt changed their views and stayed biased against eclipsa and monsters until the end, even though they are supposedly the good guys. Moon hasnt changed either. Star hasnt changed either but she was never that much biased against monsters in the first place (she did beat them up but she always saw them as "fun rivals" and not as "evil evil must eradicate").
Toffee not getting redemption seems not like a culmination of what he is and what he's done, but more like the show's narrative trait. Because in the show many characters refuse to change their views , why would Toffee be developed as an exception to that rule.
I used to be one of those who didnt want him to get redemption but now that i think about it.. wouldnt it be more fun if many characters in the show changed? And including him too. Yes I know it would be soapy, yes I know it would be sappy, I know it would be annoying. But it would be fun to see how the crew would play around with their feelings and journey toward character development.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 8 months
ok so basically
my roommate told me that she and her summer bridge roommate are thinking about moving into a dorm together this semester, bc the summer roommate is having problems with her current roommate. now normally, i would be fine bc i think myself a nice person, however... this just brings up all my complaints that i had tried to keep quiet about
one, she is the one who insisted on bringing the fridge and microwave from her home so we wouldnt have to rent it (she'll be taking those with her and btw we're only allowed one fridge and microwave per room)
this really isn't a major complaint but she's a recent turned vegan and makes it seem like such a disability and that she's 'helping the world' by being vegan. i get it if it's a health thing or religious but just because you chose to not have the joy of real cheese doesn't mean you're oppressed bbg
adding on to the previous point, ig since she brought the fridge she thinks that she needs to use every. inch. of space of it. like this girl buys entire shelves of food from the store and gets confused when i say i couldn't fit my lunch for the next day in there. like yes, you did bring the fridge (bc you insisted) but these things are supposed to be 50/50 arrangments
she also takes up like 75% of the room. im glad i chose to loft my bed bc now my desk in under there and my drawers but if i hadn't, we would have a major problem. she brought what feels like her whole room plus a few items. i thought i had overpacked but guys, she has so much shit. her desk is covered in things bc she doesn't have a place to put them after already using most of the "shared" storage she brought (and told me not to worry about bc before move in i had expressed just normally fears of moving in)
she has a giant fucking scooter that takes up even more space, keep in mind our room isn't exactly the biggest. and i already have a vendetta againts people who ride bikes and scooters around campus. i do understand that it's easier and for some, a stressless way of getting to class, but when the sidewalk is packed with students walking and you push through on your bike or scooter i want to scream.
she's also like never in the room bc of being with her bf so im stuck in the room cleaning everything that SHE BROUGHT and when she is in the room, she makes offhanded comments about where i put my stuff (i keep everything i own in my little area, and yes sometimes it gets messy but i literally have no space)
and she never really uses all these things she brought??
this is just me lol but im super sensitive to smell and her food, when she makes microwave food, smells horrible and lingers. you might think im being dramatic but guys ive literally thrown up bc of the smell
this is weird: she firmly believes that catholics aren't christian? that led to me trying to explain the history behind abrahamic reglions and the different secs of christianity but she just brushed me off with a "i know an ex-catholic who said they're not christian"
has severe only child syndrome
now, if (probably when) she moves out, she'll be taking everything she brought with her
since she moved in before me bc of her summer program, idk how much space she truly takes up but ik that she's taking the fridge, the dehumidifier, the microwave, the 'shared' storage drawers, the filtered shower head (i bought the sink one), a lot of the cleaning supplies that she insisted on bringing bc she only uses 'sustainable' products, the big trash can that i said i would buy but when i was at the store she texted me and said she already bought one, and our 'shared' water filter
side note: she was always comparing me to her summer roommate, sometimes to the point that one of my friends had to tell her to stop bc i was visibly uncomfortable
and ik it sounds like i hate her and that im just being bitchy, but we are friendly it's just i don't think she's self-aware of a lot of things.
also, last thing: she makes being from texas her entire personality. i genuinely believe she doesn't know that texas is bigger than most european countries with how much she generalizes it's population
i lied, this is the last thing: she mentions a lot how "she's not like the basic girls" which irks me
ok 'rant' over! ik i sound like a bitch and im sorry but i wanted to get this all off my chest.
idk if anyone will have questions but if you do, i'll answer them lol
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single-malt-scotch · 6 months
i kno theres a lot of comparison for Good Season between s9 and s7 and i love them both bc they really have entirely different vibes. they cant be the same. i dont think its fair to say why one was better than the other but rather recognize what is different about them and think about the numerous things done and why they worked well, potentially thinking about what would be nice to see going forward.
s7 was interesting bc it isnt unlike s9 in having some kind of central location and then hermits spreading out from there, as well of the numerous 'events' that occurred.
i think a central area is key... not just spawning in the same place together, but spawning there and establishing something there. s9's spawn blossoming in that spot with everyone's small starter homes was lovely because it basically made a small neighborhood. it seemed natural to make a little starter base to prepare and live in before going off to build a potentially bigger base imo. my favorite thing about s9 (kind of s8 simply because of proxy voice) is the excitement and chaos of starting and everyone bumping into each other and poking fun etc and i think spawn is a key part of that! its what i look forward to most for the start of a season.
in terms of events, its something the hermits were very good at in s7 and naturally did in s9 again. events are good. they allow collabs between bigger numbers! i cant even count all the events on each season but i realize i feel there is like... a 'roleplay-ish' event and some kinda game event lol. and strangely we had two events that had to do with controlling a district/server etc (s7 mayor and s9 king). which is just coincidence. but, this kinda back and forth of funny 'lets play pretend" to some degree can be amusing to watch and i dont mind it, but its the way that its played out that matters. s7 mayor was pretty simple and didnt effect other people too hard (it was on a much smaller scale tbh), whilst ren's king arc was incredibly involved!! and that is NOT an insult (i think it was done decently in a way where ppl not involved did not have weird video situations of being confused or left out-- they could ignore it easily).
it is just wild to see the progression of work done between these events these ppl created. honestly no matter the ups and downs of the king arc i cannot applaud ren enough for everything he did, it was insane. this is to say-- i wouldnt doubt a pattern potentially coming through-- playing pretend in a way thats a bit more than just a prank war, and obviously making silly games. games are really The staple of the server and the way people get together to have fun. my only wish would be to not have another mayor/king/etc arc lol. i dont think thatll be an issue.
i think what stands out for both season are the things some hermits make that arent mini games or just a little play pretend, but the long going events that get people involved for a longer period-- s7's button, tag, head games, decked out or the base trade. s9's decked out, tcg, mumbo's new button, ren's quests, etc... and i imagine they will all come up with new things again. s9 at least to me felt like it lacked some of that but its probably more because the ones that did come up lasted a long time inbetween giving hermits more time to work on their builds. but they all came in waves that felt fitting. let a thing happen for a while, it slows down, people spend time more specifically working on their base. rinse repeat. i guess in some ways it felt 'organized' but i can see how it maybe didnt work for some people-- some didnt like watching tcg and when it was the main focus, some people didnt watch. same goes with decked out.
and of course, across both seasons, its always a toss up on how "complete" is feels. and my prespective is less of who completes what, but instead how the season potentially affected their ability to work on their stuff. of course there are all kinds of irl things that affect them too so i cant judge this as if i know everything. s9 felt kind of linear? again, in the sense of how larger scale events were spaced out. and i feel like ppl were given good spans of time to work on their stuff. really, it just seemed like irl things is what slowed some people down towards the end, especially when the pauses between things like tcg and decked out were spent dealing with irl, and then returning because of those events. at least from my perspective, s7 felt a bit more chaotic in terms of this pacing due to the randomness of events and the fact they would often take them away from their bases. i dont actually feel like anyone worked less on their bases in s7 than s9, but the big things that happened were not at all paced the same way as they were in s9 (it sometimes made me feel like they werent making much progress at all even though they were lol).
it is interesting taking a look at these two seasons because i think they had a lot of the same stuff, but both went about it differently. i think these two seasons define the hermits very well-- the kinds of stuff they do, the stuff they enjoy, and what they tend to keep doing. assuming s10 doesnt get some kind s8 treatment i can only see this one going forward just as well as the previous. and i hope as well to see some very interesting new ideas from after the insane massive works like tcg and decked out 2.
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Okay so. This gonna be long. But dean headcanon.
This is a bit of a stretch and not one that I think a lot of people lean towards (either that or I'm just not in a circle that talks about it) but. Dean has autism? Maybe not super obvious signs, and I'm much more familiar with the signs in afab than amab, but it feels REALLY similar to myself.
I realize that cptsd has really similar symptoms as low-support-needs (high functioning??? Someone please tell me what term to use I cant figure out if it's problematic or not) late diagnosed autism, as well as several other neurotypes. But a lot of it feels really familiar, and in some of the distinguishments between cptsd and autism, dean leans toward the autism side.
Anyway, a list in no particular order:
Knows a lot about random topics -- that one case where he knew the guy used the wrong country for a proverb to come from, mentioning vonnegut, possible hyperfocus on weapons and fighting
Seems to have a fairly good musical understanding despite having little to no experience -- you're telling me John taught him how to sing? And he picked up on guitar as quickly as was implied? I think the fuck not
Hyperfocus on a TV show/genre -- Scooby-Doo, dr. Sexy, westerns
Perfectly happy driving for hours on end listening to the same tracks on repeat -- apparently this isn't normal???
Seems to dissociate really easy -- he could be desensitized to violence, and probably is at least a little. But when he's already emotional, or caught by surprise, he's immediately horrified, almost like he's not as careless towards it as normal.
Described as having too many emotions. Very much cannot communicate them. Seems overwhelmed.
Very much likes blankets, hot showers, massage bed -- sensory issues. Also, that could be why he wears flannel and jeans all the time. Yeah, it's practical, but the clothes don't bother his sensory issues.
Also, sensory stuff could be why he's constantly chasing sex. If your constantly feeling everything, why not make the everything be mostly good? People with asd also typically are either on the grey scale of sexuality or hypersexual.
He clearly understands communication, but masking. Also, he's fairly social. The puzzle of human communication may be a hyperfixation of his. Not to mention that a few of the times people say things he isn't expecting he gets flustered and confused.
He seems to see grey points in a very black and white way, and black and white as grey. I don't know how else to describe that.
The thing with asd people typically struggling more than nts to understand things like capitalism bc why WOULDNT you give up some fancies if other people can eat enough -- that's literally why he can't get himself to leave hunting.
Not willing to change the impala or his music.
Had the whole dean cave put together without Sam knowing (I think? Correct me if I imagined this)
Routine. He's impulsive when it's his decision, but if someone else decides, he wants nothing to do with it -- getting up in the morning, I swear there's more but my brain is getting tired
Struggles to make close connections. Very few actual friends (especially compared to sam) and very few actual relationships.
The close friends he has are not nt. Charlie most likely has adhd or asd, cas acts very similar to someone with asd, Sam's at least really traumatized. This is common with nds.
He has different personalities depending on who he's with (masking) -- cas vs Charlie vs Sam vs Donna vs Claire vs Benny... etc
Prone to addiction -- the need for routine and chronic stress from masking makes this true for asd people as well.
I think it was called existential suicidal ideation or something like that? Doesn't want to die necessarily, but doesn't really want to be around but does, but doesn't really care. It doesn't seem like a big deal so he's sorta apathetic to it.
I think there was more, but I cant remember right now. Am I crazy???
Sorry is asd autocorected to sad. And yes I did hyperfocus on this for a week and a half.
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flightfoot · 2 years
people are now back again with the double standards, blaming Adrien and making him out to be stupid and oblivious because he has troubles believing that Ladybug suddenly loves him for real when we had the development of 4 seasons of Ladybug rejecting Chat Noir, making him understand that she is not interested in him which had its last finale episode in s4 Glaciator 2 where LB angrily chucks CN into a trashcan, throws him up on a roof in it and then kicks him out of it. She said she needed him to understand and accept that she doesnt love him and he did make that effort for good.
I find absolutely shitty that people are giving Adrien crap for being "oblivious" and "stupid" when he is doing exactly what Marinette asked him to do for 4 seasons: Not immediately interpreting every bit of affection from her as a romantic chance. Wasnt that EXACTLY what the discussions in- and out of universe were about? That just because Ladybug shows (flirty) and genuine affection doesnt it mean its supposed to be read by him as her suddenly having changed her mind entirely, that she suddenly loves him now?
I dont like how the fandom, encouraged by the show to a certain degree, just pulled a 180 here and its exactly what I expected to happen. That the moment Marinette changes her mind absolutely NOTHING about the prior rejecting of 4 seasons gets to matter anymore as if the rejecter is the only person in this whose feelings and emotional development has any importance. Chat told Ladybug at the end of Determination that he has discovered his true feelings (for someone else) too and sees LB and himself as the best partners in the world...
So for the fandom ignoring being rejected and being told that someone has feelings for another person is okay now when its the GIRL doing it? After 4 seasons of rejecting and enforcing the "no" means "no" message, THATS the morality we're going with now? Just throwing it out of the window the moment the BOY is the one saying "no"? Really? The fandom is actually going to give Adrien shit AGAIN, just this time because Marinette herself doesnt act accordingly to the situation at hand and her partners mindset regarding the topic she herself asked for to be like this.
I just... Marinette changing her mind is not even the problem. You can absolutely change youre mind in romance even after several rejections, thats not the problem and it was obvious from the start that it would happen at one point here in Miraculous. But the sexist double standard the fandom is pulling once again for a sorely Marinette-focused Morality as per usual is honestly ruining the Lady Noire and Mister Bug interactions for me.
Just let this boy live for 2 secs in a state where he isnt returning marinettes love the way she wants it without branding him oblivious, stupid and "not treating her right". How is this NOT the female equivalent of fuckboy logic the fandom is spitting out?
And for all it is, wouldnt it make MUCH more sense that Adrien IS noticing that Ladybug's approach to him has changed in the romantic direction, but he is interpreting it as "As I know Ladybug is currently emotionally totally overwhelmed because of everything that was thrown at her, she lost the miraculous, the entire team, she probably fears to date the boy she loves for real bc of her position as Ladybug and thought that I would leave her too because of how things stood between us. Ladybug isnt in love with me but she thinks she is because she is confusing her blooming platonic affection for me, as her partner who is still on her side and takes care of her, for love. When all of this settles down again she will be able to properly sort out her feelings again"
That is the most logical take for me right now for how Adrien approaches Ladybugs love. And that isnt offesive or infantilizing her, confusing platonic affection with real love is not uncommen for people in Marinettes position and emotional state. I'm pretty sure thats how I would approach the situation if I were in Adriens shoes. So isnt it GOOD that Adrien is not immediately taking Ladybugs love as face value, since that would basically be him taking advantage of her overwhelmed emotional state? Isnt this what we as a fandom should WANT him to do?
Dude, this FANDOM
I haven't actually seen Adrien getting any flak, but I'm pretty sure I've blocked or unfollowed people to the point where that just doesn't happen as much. Everyone I follow has just been squealing about how cute Adrien's blushing over Marinette is. So I can't totally relate to this ask? Like I can believe that there are segments on Twitter somewhere that are yelling at Adrien for supposedly being oblivious (especially the people who already hate Adrien, though the level of Adrien slander you're outlining here is very mild by those standards. Adrien salters are WILD), but it's not a take I have personally seen in the wild so far.
Anyway, I don't think Adrien deserves to be yelled at any for not grasping that Ladybug IS returning his feelings now - I mean, his relationship with Ladybug has always had a flirtatious element, and she's returned his banter flirtatiously often enough. Plus, like you talked about, she's made it pretty clear in the past that she doesn't view him that way. Of course he doesn't think she's changed her mind. Even just in Jubilation she was still denying her feelings for Chat Noir, how real that Gift would be, to his face when he directly asked.
And yeah, I'm thinking that Adrien's probably noticed the change in Ladybug's approach to Chat Noir, but personally I think he's noticed on some level that it's reminding him of Marinette more than anything, so he might just be thinking she's being endearingly sweet and funny.
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daffythefox · 2 years
no bc we’re doing smthn about the legal system in my abpsych class and about insanity pleas and all that and putting aside my opinions on the matter it keeps reminding me of the time i poured my heart into my dnd character with NPD and I put so much time and effort into his backstory and I put a lot of effort into roleplaying him and he got corrupted and manipulated by this super powerful evil entity and i made a dungeon they went through that was like a manifestation of his psyche and they learned what happened to him and how what happened to him effected him and made him the sad man he is today and essentially was like “he just fucking wants a healthy relationship where he doesn’t have to constantly put on this performance of being “better” to have value and be respected” and then they got to the final boss room and they just kinda brute forced through it all and then put him on trial for killing his abuser in a fit of rage while almost completely corrupted by the evil entity and they didn’t have any redirects so the prosecutor (one of the other people in the party who did a bunch of research and shit out of game before this event we didn’t know for sure was gonna happen took place) went first and fucking grilled me. and then my defense (my boyfriend who was unaware this was going to happen until the very moment they said we were going to have a trial) tried to refute all his shit but every time he asked up a witness after he laid groundwork the prosecutor just knocked it all down because the defense didn’t get a moment to be like “actually that’s not true/taken out of context” and then afterwards the other people were the jury and they were like “yeah you killed him involuntary manslaughter” and they were like “see it’s not so bad all you’ve gotta do is like some community service” and then afterward one of the people got ahold of the evil entity (that apparently wasnt powerful/evil enough to corrupt me enough to make me kill this guy) and it ended up destroying half the city and killing my character (while I was home because I was throwing up) and afterwards he was resurrected and the charges were dropped and then nobody talked about anything else that happened in that dungeon in character. Ever. And the whole time we were going through the dungeon this same guy who was the prosecutor was like “oh my gosh I wish I could’ve had a father figure like that” while they were watching this guy get fucking gaslit to hell and refused dinner if he didnt do anything he wanted and the whole nine. and then afterwards he was like “yeah we probably should’ve killed you once you first were being corrupted by the evil entity in the first place. save you the suffering of being taken over by it” BITCH ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS STOP MAKING FUN OF HIM AND THERE WAS LIKE A 90% CHANCE HE WOULDA REALIZED THIS THING WAS EVIL. OH and the WHOLE time they were making jabs at him for no reason than him reacting to them poorly because HE HAS NPD and it got so bad the dm had to say something about it. OHHH and while he was being corrupted 3 of the other players made a code word out of game so if they thought my character was getting bad enough corrupted by this evil thing & that he was in a vulnerable position that they could decide to kill my character! And then they got angry at me for finding that offensive. Like if I was a neurotypical person this probably would’ve gotten on my nerves but it felt like everyone was conspiring against me and my character just because I made someone with NPD. I mean, he was supposed to be one of those cocky “I am confused when we are not about me?” types and he was like “obviously I am the smartest one here so I think *I* should be the one to solve the riddle” but if you like befriended him at all (like held out even the smallest olive branch. like an olive twig) then he would be like, apologetic for if he was rude bc he’d care abt you and he wouldnt want to make you sad if you were his friend and such. It made me so goddamn frustrated and angry. and after the trial and the town being destroyed he was just kinda shelved the rest of the campaign. and nobody apologized to me for anything
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 6! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 51-60
On these next few parts i really just kept ranting oops. Also I just keep getting busier and forgetting to read more, but I haven't caught up with what I've read yet and that's the only thing keeping me going. Does anyone read these? Last part:
Ep 51
“What about my brother” artemis please its kinda clear at this point
So did hermes question anything or
“ i have no right to be jealous” yeah also theyre just friends dude
“Oh but hermes liked persephone” no hes a gay man argue with the wall(/j)
Why they got eels
I love how tall and slender hecate is seeing as like eventually everyone dissolves into one shape
Yes im over exaggerating what about it
Who are the fire people i love them
Bro imagine dying and like “finally free from this hell where i have to work all the time” only to be put to work when you die
“Everyone should get a fair trial with the king of the underworld” i agree but wouldnt that take forever too like there are so many deaths all the time
I literally get so tired of hades in this episode mfer has such a lack of control in his emotions
like . are you physically unable to have a conversation with her without losing it so you gotta ice her out??
“I cant accept gifts from employees” i mean yeah if they are trying to bribe you its just fuckin food man
Also this part minthe keep it in ur pants ur at work
Ep 52
Wow all women hate persephone bc shes so gorgeous so they treat her bad and like make out with her crush
My point got lost there but you get what i mean like women cant just exist they either are used to compare persephone and show how good she is or uplift her
Im not saying you cant have mean women please do but the way it all comes together just. :/
Persephone is like trying to hard to be nice and friendly and hades just kinda sits there like an idiot smh
Hermes my beloved
I want bakalava now
How would she have a driver's license demeter kept her in the mortal realm you think she would let her get that
Why do they want a car thanatos you have wings my guy
I mean. Did you die hades?
Also smth to ask before hand lmao thats on you
Hecate, agent of chaos, my wife, my everything, my-
Ep 53
I know hecate has reasons to do things but i like to believe she doesnt and she does what she wants
Theres no way minthe sounds happy on the phone when she knows its just hecate
Nah nvm shes probably scared of her
How. how does anything get done at this place
Hades can you. Can you treat her like a friend or even a worker instead of a crush its not that hard youre a big guy
I love the eels
The moment when the artstyle changes randomly and you have to get adjusted to a new one
Hecate is now a different shade of blue what
Fuck you hades putting all your emotions on a 19 y/o
Unfortunately he does treat her like any other of his employees hes just. A shitty boss
“Oh no she thinks im mad at her” yeah dude ur acting like a dick
Sorry this just pisses me off
“Shes like me” she just like me fr
Why is the building confusing what do they gain from that
Its actually so rachel doesnt have to remember the layout
Ep 54
“Is she angry” no shes tired wtf do you think
I know rachel tried so hard on the “please dont grab me” panel girl was sweating
Personally id just leave if i was the reporter but ig he needs smth
Asking for a statement isnt the bad thing its the grabbing and like pressuring yknow
Do they have close ties
I know its supposed to be casual but i wouldnt hold my mothers friend/ business partner. Whatever their lie was, like that
Idk how i would actually im going to be thinking of that
I do like how she has a trigger but im gonna be real i dont think its ever brought up again
Sure you could say she is just good at avoiding it but idk
“I dont always get to do what i want” you literally do unless it doesnt help the story
Rereading has made me see how many things are in place for the story that disappear when not needed
“Man im a lousy tour guide” and a lousy boss :D
I do just want to make sure you guys know how much i hate hades as a boss
Ep 55
Its a lobby. Thats funny ill laugh at that
“That not exactly what we do here” what do you do
I havent read greek mythology in so long
“They may become hysterical” please explain psyche i saw i reply talking about how we didnt see her reactions to phone
They were so right that mustve been fucking bonkers
How do they ease them into it? Do they go through all the years of technological advancements just quickly??
Who is hecate talking to
Let her get the jacket make hades pay the designer to make another one
Also only 3? Like 20 id get but 3? Nah
“Why is she employed here?” you were there yesterday minthe remember she got an introduction
I think hades needs an HR department yknow what
I agree with hecate except no one treats it like a work place
Not even you really lmao
If they are scared of her why would they go bitch to her esp if they know she doesnt care
Small medium cause shes so petite but she has curves bc shes gorgeous and-
Rachel smythe sniped me :/
How did she put that on
Ep 56
Whose the green person in the back poseidon idk
Also glasses again :)
“Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes”
Yes i already made the joke its funny tho
meg/persophone is my otp /j
Seriously its already more healthy than hades gotta be honest
So nice of her to let her borrow it how is she gonna return it. They talked more im sure but its funny to think that she actually doesnt know who meg is
Why does his hair get longer in the mortal realm get up
Omg does he have extensions that would be so funny
“I have to have control” yeah you do its gross
I love persephone fury look tho
Wait why did her hair grow
I get like thats the style in that time or whatever but
“I for one find you terrifying” is such a cute line not gonna lie
Persephone why do you look like youre trying to kiss him
“How can she be doing better than me” because zeus is married
I feel like thats obvious
Blue nymph obviously evil she has to be shes a woman and-
But also i forgot her name. Tha. no uh
Its thetis :)
Ep 57
“My visions arent always correct. But they are most of the time” is such a sloppy line
Omg i forgot that hera was the reporter
Also idk how her visions work but couldnt it have been literally anyone? How does she think shell narrow it down
Persephone you are wearing a skirt thing be careful
Also. dont push off people chest just generally
Her hair got much longer but i can excuse this one bc shes using her powers and they tend to coincide
“I gotta inspect that volcano” yep. Sure is a volcano
“But once they die theyre all in service to the underworld for the rest of the eternity” is there a way to die after death bc that sounds awful
Ok but why do they have to wait how does that earn you money
Like no i get the like immediate ride for a obol or whatever but why 100 years. You lose out on so many laborers for a while that way
I love Styx hand in marriage
Haha why is she bald in the last panel
Ep 58
“Reminds me of a younger me” is supposed be like a red flag but was zeus not chill during his formative years
Why does he get so mad a her vision genuinely
Also like why he get mad about her guessing apollo
I know i know “reputation ruined and so is ours” people change yknow also i do second guess your ability to choose olympians
Spit on him queen
This is one of the spots where i feel like rachel was just pushing to make zeus a bad guy. Not like a dick but actually antagonistic qualities
“I prefer the financial benefits of ongoing unpaid labor” haha so funny /s go fuck yourself
Yeah theyre dead and have nothing else to do but damn
“Why would my mom hide it from me” i mean. Thats fair but youre the one that calls her like hovering so i doubt she wants people trying to sex you
I mean fertility doesnt have to mean sex its more than that also one second
Nvm i googled it i was gonna say hestia was a goddess of fertility but shes the goddess of home a stuff my bad
Arnold reaction meme
Oh why is it dangerous
No i know why lmao
Persephones jaw goes from ) to ] in a matter of seconds
“Just stay away from tower 4 until we get to the” THE WHAT??? THE WHAT
Thats not a joke the sentence ends there
“OH you said yes!’ to you helping her like friends do
Ok but how will he know its her
Ep 59
Yes persephone you communicate clearly!! Be healthy!!
I love the flower nymphs personally i know everyone says we dont see persephone be close with them but its the little things i think
“I literally have no idea why you want to be here” me either hades
Haha flower nymphs are dumb! Village people! Haha racism
No i know thats not what shes saying but the racism of nymphs is overlooked
Me, everytime she was handed something pomegranates: :OOOO ITS THE!! ITS THE THING
No minthe has a right to be upset id be pissed if id have to change someones entire schedule
Not the snapchat filter
Why is his name big spenda thats so funny
Ep 60
As someone who has been jealous before i have to say this isnt healthy
Like duh but so intense for someone you barely know
Hades, watching her in silence: wtf is happening
Im glad she realizes its unhealthy
Ok i know i said they dont ever bring up the “any time any place” question but they do here which reminds me that that deal should no longer exist now that hes her boss
I dont think hooking up is bad esp when they werent in a relationship tbh
Like now she is in a relationship so yeah its bad
I love snarky chat that is the most real thing in this comic
“ we need to do smth about persephone” or yall could do your jobs. Kooky idea i know
She is still flirting with thanatos which is bad
Yknow assuming the boundaries her and hades set was monogamy and no flirting
And yeah hes flirting too thats also bad
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I had the cutest Liam dream ever ever like this is my fave im so happy
But i don’t remember the full thing cause it was several hours ago. But it was so cute, it (and im not kidding) was like the babe dream but if babe was just Liam (not in a wheelchair). 
So just try to fill in the details 
We were at chip but present day. And all of extended family was there, like any extended family that could be there was there.
At first though, i think before people got there. It was just me, bff, and him in the living room sleeping on air mattresses/the couches etc
And we were a little leftover high and watching movies and stuff all cuddly and warm (but separate). Well actually we werent cuddly and warm at first
Bff had something to make them warm, but Liam and i did not and it was cold in the house. So i was feeling like i’m cold right now, i know bff isnt but Liam probably is. And for some reason i was nervous to ask him lol. But i was like Liam are you cold, cause i am. And he was like ehh im okay, but then i said “i have two blankets right here!! and i can turn on the heat!” and he was like....well okay then yea i am cold i just didnt wanna say anything lmao. 
So i gave him the blue blanket with all the sports on it, like Dalvins old blanket. And i started going around and turning on the heat. But it was weird bc, i was looking for getzdawl dials but there was chip dials and it was confusing. Anyway, i turn on the heat and now we all have blankets and are cozy. 
And Liam was so cute he said “oh look at my blanket, it has sports on it!” and i was like “yeaaa this was always the blanket growing up where if there was a “boy” at a sleepover (like when was that?) my mom would give him it” 
So now we’re all cozy, and Liam is being sooo sweet. Like i saw i can always tell when he’s super soft and being a cutie, and when he talks to me and is extra nice and worried. 
Like i knew my mom was coming home soon, and i was wondering if we’d have time to pack another bowl before she got here, cause once she did we wouldnt be able to smoke. I remember it was 4:57pm on the clock. But i was also tired and trying to take a nap all day and catch up on sleep. 
So i was like “dammnnn i want to pack another bowl but i dont know if we’ll have time :(” and he was like “aww im sorry Arielle” but not in a patronizing way. Like he wasnt giving a solution but he was so sad to see me sad 3:33. And he would like come up behind me and rub my back and i felt so loved by him. There would be times where we would be standing real close and i slipped my hand into his, and i was nervous that he’d be weird about it. But ne never was and it was just the softest forms of physical touch and we were so cute. 
At one point idk if it was cause something was on tv, but something happened where, i said (about me and bff maybe?) “we don’t have unspoken boundaries or rules that we follow” and Liam was like “UH yes you do” like don’t even play with me rn. And i was like “like what?? what do you mean” and he just gave me a look, like you know. 
Basically he was trying to say, there are boundaries or rules that we have between us that are unspoken but we can’t cross. And i was answering on account of me and bff, saying no we don’t. But then i was like “does he mean just me?” because that i can understand. Obviously we have history, we have boundaries. But i wanted to push the envelope and i was curious if thats what he meant. Because that would mean acknowledging that we have history (which he doesnt do) 
Theennn, i think? bff went home and the family party began. And Liam was still here and everyone was meeting him and EVERYONE WAS LOVING HIM. It was a dreaaammm (literally). Like he was separate from me for little spurts and he was doing so great at talking with people and it made me heart so happy. I knew people were like “are they dating? are they together?” like the babe dream but it sorta didnt matter the title. Like people got it. He wasnt the only one of people i invited hanging around cause we were just friends. 
So then...i think i was so tired and i fell asleep for a little. Like i even remember Liam encouraging me to go lie down cause i had been up and busy for so long and i was exhausted. So i took probably a two hour nap. And when i woke up i hadnt even meant to sleep that long. So i was like....shit where is everyone, wheres Liam. 
And i look out the blue bathroom window. And homies in his car hotboxing with Erikka, Ia, Dalvin, and Phillipe like WHAT. Like okay gang, okay squad but now i have so much fomo, like babe u know i wanna smoke. So it made me anxious to join because duh everyones experiencing him, and getting to know him, and theres no way in hell i wanted to miss that. Like are they talking about me, what is he saying about me!! what is he saying about US. But also im just giddy that hes mending so well with my family and everyones enjoying him. 
So now im texting erikka, and dalvin like how long have you guys been out there, im on my way type beat. I was so jealous. 
And im putting on shoes and a jacket to get out there, and i can’t find what im gonna where. 
Next thing i remember is somehow talking to dalvin, and he was crossed but he said he was talking to Liam and HE SAID “So are you gonna marry my sister, like whats going on. Marry her pleasseeee” kinda joking kinda not as in, we want you around youre so cool, you have so much weed, be in the family! And he told me Liam was like “nahh nahh” but in bashful shy way. Like not saying no. 
So then i’m like where IS he? So then i see Ia’s on LIVE and shes saying “so my cousin and this guy, when i ask her she says “shes waiting for him to say lets date” and when i ask him he says “hes waiting for her to say lets date” sooooo they obviously both want to be together” 
and im like WHAT, this bitch is live streaming from inside THE HOUSE literally. So i close that and i go in the den and im like WHERES SHANECIA?? ANd then also gigggling like “and wheres Liam?” so i run upstairs ia’s in our walk in closet. 
And im like whats going on?? So she starts talking about Liam like, “okay so you found a guy who’s tough on the outside but soft on the inside” and i am immediately so mushy and giddy wanting to talk about him im like “he’s the sweetest, oh he’s the cutest little bear” and shes like yea but on the outside he’s tough, and im like “HAVE YOU SEEN HIS ARMS, omg have you seen his arms” cause he’d been wearing the blue sweatshirt all day and i didnt know if people saw it. 
And then she was just looking at me for a second, and i paused and went “Liam’s in here isnt he” and all of a sudden he came from behind me and shouted AHHHH scaring me and grabbing me from behind. 
Then.....i woke up? maybe? Happy February 1st. 
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fabulouslygaybean · 4 years
i was about to head to bed but now im just. so insanely sad about the whole tyler joseph situation and i feel sick to my stomach
#just. ive been a fan of the band for almost 6 years now. theyve helped me thru so much shit and even saved my life a couple times.#it fucking hurts to see what hes doing#on one hand i can see how it isnt that big of a deal and how in all honesty its just an insensitive joke that dragged on for too long#but it hurt so many ppl including myself and its impossible to ignore the fact that its a shitry thing to joke about#i understand why he may not wanna post about it bc a lot of the time people get pissed anyways because they think its performative#but he didnt need to fucking make jokes about it then derail it with mental health talk#yes. mental health is very important! im not denying that! but he didnt need to belittle the blm movement to do that!!#someone pointed out that the joke may be about how fans pressure him to post anything bc hes not very active and i can understand where -#- that view may come from#but even if he did mean it in that way his reaction wasnt good. if people misunderstood then he couldve just.. idk... explained it and -#- apologized? he couldve easily just owned up to it but he didnt.#with the time he used to try and defend himself he couldve just said 'hey im sorry. that was an insensitive joke and i apologize' -#- and then share some resources and voice support. he didnt have to go on a massive rant about mental health to try and derail the issue.#if he had just apologized early on and made amends the clique probably wouldnt be having such a bad reaction.#i agree with what he had to say about mental health especially since its suicide prevention month#but he shouldnt have spoken about it in response to people calling him out over an insensitive joke#im just kind of sad and confused as to where i stand on all of this#im not siding with tyler completely because he didnt want to own up to something he fucked up on#but im not siding with the clikkies who are cancelling him and completely ditching anything related to the band bc of this alone#i hate cancel culture. calling him out and wanting him to actually apologize rather than the half-assed apology he gave is good but -#- cancelling him over this is a bit much.#idk. im just seeing a ton of people taking this to two extremes and its driving me up the wall.#cancelling him and making hate posts is a bit much. bending over backwards to support and defend him is also a bit much.#it was an insensitive joke and his reaction was bad. he should own up to it instead of making excuses and acting manipulative.#i sincerely hope that he actually apologizes and does a little more than the bare minimum after this shitty joke since hes hurt a lot of ppl#but some people are taking it too far#its great to be critical of him but acting like its a black and white situation where you either loathe him or defend his every word is bad#im gonna try and remain neutral and lean towards the fans rather than tyler unless he actually does smth about it#if he fucks up even more or in an irreparable way then ill side with the fans and ditch the slightly more neutral stance#anyways im exhausted and i hit the tag limit. i just needed to get my thoughts out. im gonna head to sleep
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Frank fathering a little girl,
but shes older now hcs
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Reader: Female
Type: headcannons (part 4)
Notes/Warnings: Typical Violence, shit gets real in the end, also may make a whole fic off this bc I enjoyed these ideas so much.
Dedicated to: @pietromaximoffluvr so they can live out there dreams
You're super glad you have your relationship is back on track: old man and kid, father and daughter back at it again.
He knows he cant stop you from being a vigilante and shit he cant even stop himself, not that he finds himself much of one
So the least he can do is protect you more: showing you how to handle yourself better, using others weight, knives, the whole shebang
Turns out you actually knew how to do alot of that already
He wonders how? And you tell him you've watched the best at work, him hes the best
Doesnt mean he cant kick your ass though, he still does, decorated marine corp? Remember
But that doesnt mean you didnt land one or two punches on him.
"Come on old man I can take it."
"No. No you can't"
"Yeah I can come on! I can!"
First few times you couldnt take it but now you can
You'll both patch each other up, he'd never gone too far with you, but sometimes you do run into things so you'll stich each other up
You go out and box Peter too, you know show him how much you improved. You improved alot, shit maybe your even Avengers Quality?
Oh Tony for sure sticks his nose into your business now
There was a knock on the door luckily Frank was out and you had put all the guns in hidden locations while you tiddied up.
Opening the door you smiled, "Hey! Peter nice to see you- how did you get my address?"
"Me. That was me," a man spoke rushing to stand behind Peter, "Names. Stark. Tony Stark you probably knew that already."
"I could give one shit man." You shrugged, "Never seen you before to be honest."
"Iron man?" He asked.
You shrugged in confusion, "you dont look very iron to me."
"Thats not the point kid. Spiderling here's got some pretty hefty stuff on you. Being what? A dead terroists kid-"
It was quick you pullled the gun from the back of your pants, aiming it at his head.
"I advise you to say your next word very careful."
"Woah! Y/n! Y/n! Its okay!-"
"Its words." Tony argued, "my next words very carefully"
"You should be glad I'll even give you one."
So Tony likes you for sure.
Stark Approved
And once peter got you to chill out, you brought them in and let him explain.
"We need a sniper."
"In your dreams."
"It'll pay well" Tony spoke under his breath, "Just...sayin..."
You watched him hand over a check, and you snatched it, this check? Could set you and Frank for a while.
"Thats just a little over half of it."
"So what am I an Avenger now if I take this?"
"No." Peter spoke, "You can't become one so easily- trust me-"
"Yeah sure why not."
"Fine. I'll do it."
Luckily it was a one hit job, simple enough, and you went home clean, your prints not there, you not even existing within the parameters of the scene afterwards
And you were able to hand over the check to Frank.
He was disappointed in you, clearly he showed you how to shoot a gun, but not how to line up your morals
But once he learned you were simply backup, nothing more, but did shoot the guys kneecaps out to let the others to tag him and throw him in jail of where ever they sent him. He was relieved.
He sat you down and talked to you about how this wasnt about money, it wasnt about fame, it was about whats right.
So you promise to take no more jobs for money.
And he's proud of you: and also wants to kill this Tony Stark guy now
On a positive note, you guys go out for breakfast every sunday still and go to the Parker household for Sunday Dinner.
Thats where he hears about school events, because you wouldnt tell him, not that you didnt want him there: you knew he couldnt go.
"Did you get the email?" Peter questioned, Y/n looking up from her plate.
"No what email?"
"About the dance tickets-"
He ow'ed quickly as Y/n had kicked him, quickly clearing his throat and shoveling food in his mouth.
"This is Junior prom for the both of you?" May asked.
Peter and Y/n glancing at each other: "No Ma'm..." Y/n responded.
"Its a parent child thing." Y/n responded, "Funraiser type deal.."
"Like a Father daughter dance?" Frank questioned.
Peter nodded, "Yes sir."
You didnt talk much else during dinner had feeling as if you got caught once again.
You were quiet on the ride home too.
"Were you gonna tell me?" Frank questioned, parking the car.
Y/n shook her head no keeping her eyes forward.
"I know you can't go." Y/n told him, "I know you would of tried to go to. Its not worth the risk."
He sighed, hand running over the bottom half of his face in thought; "Come on. Its late."
You were glad there was no arguement. It wasnt worth it.
You didn't know how to dance either
And Peter had asked you to help him pratice as he was going with his Aunt.
You did, but damn did your feet hurt afterwards, how many times he steped on them.
He still had time to learn atleast.
Meanwhile school was good, you didn't hang out with Liz but rather MJ, Ned and Peter. Especially during lunch or after-school.
You're grades were good. You were good.
Life was good.
That was until Matt Murdock was waiting outside of school for you.
And now your guiding him through the streets.
"Haven't argued with you in a while." Matt started, "I miss you at confessional."
Y/n laughed, Matt smiling at his own stupid joke.
"I don't regret anything. Not as of recent." Y/n told, "I'll call you up when I do. Plus you know the church is quiet enough for me to clear my head."
Matt chuckled, "Good times good times. But this isn't about Confessional or your religion."
Y/n looked at him, "Yeah? Whats this about then Murdock?"
"Friendship." Matt responded.
"A bit werid to be hangin out with a 17 year old Matt."
"Let me rephrase that. Let's have a cup of coffee? Maybe a small meal and talk about how you know Im Daredevil and I know your Bullet Red."
Ah shit....
Yeah your keeping that one secret from Frank for sure.
So between being busy with school and now building a soild frienship with Matt, keeping up Vigalntte work and Stark trying to get you to permanently join the team your for sure busy.
But you prevail, and still find time to spend with your old man. Even if you push off something for a good hour or two to just get a nap with your head in his lap while he reads
Or for him to braid your hair
Weekly breakfast, your keeping strong on sundays
So you forsure didnt realize Frank kinda sneaking around.
Turns out he was gonna buy you a dress for that father daughter dance, but he's never really seen you in anything but pants so he just went with a suit
Your both not fuckin with ties
Open collar and button for the win
Still you dont realize what he's done till the day off.
You walking into your room to see the suit nicely laid on on the bed.
"Karen helped me pick it out."
Y/n turned around, Frank leaning against the door frame, he dressed in the classic colors, black and white. His shirt white and his coat and pants black.
"What's it for?" Y/n questioned, looking back down at the suit.
"What's the point in being your old man if I can't get you into danger some times?" He asked with a playful shrug, "Come on get dressed."
She smiled at him, he leaving her room, closing her door with a smile.
He's gonna cry when you seem come around that corner, some heels Karen had let Frank Borrow for you accompanied the slightly baggy suit, it matching Franks except you had a few more buttons undone that him.
He thinks your so beatiful, his little girl all grown up.
Not that grown up to have those buttons undone though, no he fixed those
"I like it like that."
"Its cold."
"We're inside-"
"Its cold."
God was he so proud.
He'll hold your face with a hand, rubbing a thumb over your cheek, god hes so proud of you
Has he mentioned how proud of you he is?
"Would you look at you..." He smiled, "all grown up..."
You know this is special for him, with whats happened to his own kids and wife.
You can only pull away from his hand and hug him instead,
He knows that this is when he has to slowly start letting you go, you're becoming an adult
"My baby girl all grown up."
"Okay. Don't start cryin on me old man."
"Pfft. Yeah right..." he spoke, pulling away and "rubbing" his eyes.
He drives you both to the school where the dance is being held.
You both stick to the walls, being both wall flowers.
But you make small talk with May and Peter.
Even Ned came along with Mj but they were there on "volunteer hours"
"What did you both do this time?" Y/n asked with a smile.
"I was asked." MJ spoke, "to volunteer."
"And you?" Y/n asked Ned.
"I didnt dress for PE."
"Kinda harsh punishment for not dressing." Y/n spoke and Ned shrugged, "anyways this is the Old man. You know. The construction worker."
Ned kinda geeked, I mean The Punisher is just a Superhero in bad light. Right?
Mj was super chill though
You swear if one more honry highschool comes up to you and says hi to you just to be near Frank your gonna snap a neck
Like...they never liked you in the first place...and there moms
Its like there arguing over Frank and its GROSS
Luckily a new decent song starts and You ask him if you two can go do a cheesey father daughter slow dance
Thank god he never thought he get away quick enough
"Thanks for saving my ass kid." Frank thanks.
Y/n shrugs, "Got my old mans back is all. Plus what horn dogs."
He laughs, arm hand on your waist and other hand in yours, your hand is on his shoulder.
She smiles at him, "Plus I might get jealous,"
He shakes his head: "Wouldnt want to see that now."
Y/n shrugs, with a smile, "I don't know. I go run off my friends for a mintye just for you run off with a mysterious woman into the night."
"Keep usin that imagination of yours." He snarked.
"Im being serious. Maybe you do need a girlfriend."
Frank just shakes his head, "Your all the girl I need. Just an Old man and his not so much kid."
"Don't tell me that means breakfast on Sunday is canceled?"
"Never in a-"
He's cut off by an explosion, you pulling him to the floor quickly and him covering you with his own body, arms wrapped around your head in a protective matter.
You don't know what happened, a pipe burst? Something in the science lab? You couldnt get the ringing out your ears to even focus
But you know someones pulling you to your feet and its not Frank.
So you fight back, its a man dressed in black, and not like "oh im a vigilante" shade, it's "im the bad guy" shade
Your earings are still ringing and it throws you off balance, you get your ass kinda handed too you before Peter Dress as Spiderman and a very late Matt Murdock dressed as Daredevil come in to save you and others.
"Y/n! Y/n! It's me!" Matt shouts at you, he pulled you into an empty hallway, hoping to get you back on your feet.
You're grabbing at his shoulders, theres a large wound on your temple, you cant hear him.
Its buzzy, and it rings, thats all your ears can hear.
Your shaking your head at him, eyes fill up with tears.
"Hey! Hey! Y/n! Where is Frank!"
Why can't you hear him.
"Y/n!" It finally reaches your ears loud and clear along with the blaring firealarm.
"Y/n! Where is Frank!?"
You can only shake your head, "I. I don't know!"
"Come on we're getting out of here-"
"No. Im not leaving without Frank!"
He knows your gonna be stubborn but he also needs you safe.
So lucky the art rooms right there and he can put a mask on your face, orginally used for spray painting and you guys are off.
You find a gun on the ground and use that to your advantage. Theres smoke in the gym, where some people still are.
You know the enemy is still here and are catious.
Your pretty good at hearing the bullet before its shot, and are able to shoot that bullet so they collide and stop, or splinter small enough to not too major damage.
"That is enough!"
It goes silent, the three all hidden within eyesight of each other, and all look at each other confused.
"I see the Devil of Hell's kitchen does not work alone! Not anymore!" The man laughed, "You must have heard of me. I had a run in with your father when you were younger Ms.Castle."
Y/n tensed, "now my intentions are not to kill him. Not yet aleast! Frank Castle is a vaulable too-"
"You stay the fuck away from Frank!" Y/n shouted in anger, "If you touch him I swear to fucking god! I'll rip your throat out!"
"Just like your father." He laughed, "Watch who you make friends with Ms.Caslte."
"Don't go." Matt argued quietly to her, he could sense her getting ready to fire, "play this smart."
Y/n stayed silent, hearing the men moving and the man leaving.
They came out from Cover, the room empty besides the people hiding for cover.
Your so angry, you could have protected him, you could have saved him.
Matt and Peter have to argue with you to play this smart
You just want him back
"He took my dad." Y/n panted, "He took all I fucking had!"
"I know. I know." Matt spoke, "we have to play this smart. He knows how to get under your skin. You have to calm down."
Peter griminced at the cut as he touched it causing you to wince: "We have to close this first."
"I just want him back." Y/n cried.
"I know. I know." Matt spoke, "and we'll get him back. He threated people we all care about."
"Who is he?"
"His names Fisk. Wilson Fisk."
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carpisuns · 2 years
Ok question though. If Felix felt so sad and guilty about Strike Back being blasted to the sun, and fwlt so happy and relieved after finally getting the peacock miraculous, all that because he is a senti, then why he mistreats Adrien? If Adrien was alao a senti, wouldnt Felix emphatize with him? Feel bad for him like he did with Strike Back. Those two behaviors dont match
I don��t think there’s too much of a mismatch. There’s a big difference between watching living beings get literally yeeted into the sun and being kind of a binch to your cousin lol. If felix were watching adrien die he’d be a lot more devastated than he was watching strike back die.
My feeling is that Felix is a complicated character who’s kind of morally gray so far, mostly acting out of self-preservation, not compassion. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the capacity for compassion. and the fact that he has mistreated adrien is not necessarily an indication that he doesn’t care for adrien at all. adrien clearly has affection for felix and there has to be a reason for that. they were friends growing up and Adrien’s initial attitude toward felix in Felix is very warm. Adrien’s a trusting kid who gives a lot of second chances, as we’ve seen with Chloe, but if Felix had given him a reason to mistrust him before, I think adrien would’ve been treating him more the way he’s currently treating lila.
I also have to assume that felix has affection for adrien—I think probably a lot more than he actually shows. Ofc Felix’s treatment of adrien isn’t ok; I just think it’s hard to fully judge him as a character yet when we actually don’t know much about him or his motives. Personally I don’t feel that Felix’s actions in the episode Felix are a great indication of what he was like when adrien knew him before—adrien seemed surprised by the behavior and quick to forgive him after an apology, and he even asked felix to call him next time he felt “out of control.” That seems to indicate that adrien knew this wasn’t typical behavior but that felix was acting out because he didn’t know how to cope with losing his father (adrien even told plagg as much). Presumably this is also around the time felix first learned he is a senti, which would make him even more confused and upset and erratic before he came to terms with it. His goal in Felix was to get the ring that contained his amok, and once he was in possession of it, he seemed a lot more calm and in control.
This isn’t to say that we should trust felix as a character—he’s clearly very sus and shady and he’s kind of a wild card in the series because we’re not sure what his deal is or where his loyalties lie. I do think though that after protecting his own life and autonomy he is also concerned about protecting his cousin’s. He came back in risk to switch places with adrien, and yes he used that opportunity to snoop around Gabe’s stuff, but he also did stand up to gabe as he promised adrien he would. And the way he worded it seemed to show that he realized that adrien literally couldn’t stand up to his father bc of the ring, so this was an opportunity for felix do it for him. If Felix came to Paris just to steal the miraculous, he didn’t actually have to help adrien, but he still chose to. Felix talked a lot about freedom to adrien and even though he was condescending about it, to me it does seem like he wants adrien to have the same freedom he does. So he does emphasize with how Adrien’s sentihood keeps him trapped.
Idk I just don’t think felix was always as “bad” as he has appeared on the series so far, and even with what we have seen, there are a lot of missing pieces. I think a more complete picture would show that while felix certainly does questionable things sometimes, he is isn’t “evil,” and he’s definitely capable of love/affection, toward his mother in particular but also toward adrien, and potentially others in the future. Based on what I’ve seen so far, I’d classify him as a true neutral, kind of doing what is most beneficial for him and playing by his own rules on whatever team is most convenient at the moment. He could potentially tip either way into being a true villain or a true hero—we’ll just have to wait and see.
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dinkedupfink · 2 years
One Piece characters reaction to just a really gen z s/o
Haha it me i know i havent been online for a while but here i am with a one piece post bc i am currently having one piece brainrot so y not ya know.
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Sabo.
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One day you said that something was "not very cash money of you to do" and he stared at you with a blank face that literally screamed 'what the fuck does that mean'
His reaction are literally the funniest shit ever like, one day you were just telling him alot of monkey facts so he asked you why you knew them. You answered "mmm monke". "What the fuck" *leaves*. He hasnt really verbally questioned you since because what the hell do you mean by mmm monke????
One day someone literally verbally told him "stay mad + L + ratio" so he asked you what it meant and you just burst out laughing like nawww😭😭 the poor guy. He then took you to the person because you asked him to and you punched the person into the ground because noone gets away with trying to ratio Law 😡😡.
He was like🧍‍♂️, wouldnt want you to do it again, he would just want you to explain it to him but kinda proud deep inside to have an s/o that would punch someone that hard for him.
Sometimes you call him your "babygirl". Doesnt really get why, does blush a bit when you so it because you just called him your BABYGIRL???? but doesnt mind too much. Sure he does get a bit flustered but thats mostly it.
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Probably gets gen z humor a bit more than Law but isnt really that much educated on it.
You call him your 'scrunkly'. Doesnt really mind since it doesnt sound too weird, 'scrunkly little bimblo man' is a bit too weird for him tho, you tried already and his reaction was "please dont call me that 😀💧" so you stopped 😕.
Probably has been worried that you were on drugs atleast once or twice, but he mostly trusts that you wouldnt harm your health like that.
There was like a whole day where you were just crying to him about some "el gato" and he was like "????", he did try to comfort you but sadly it didnt work because el gato 😔.
There was this once you went off on some guy who was insulting him and you literally recited a whole copypasta. He didnt know it was a copypasta of course so he was just impressed on how much creativity you had to make that whole thing up. Pet you on the head when you were done and gave you a little confused "slay?" Because he was trying his best to like,, make you proud of his knowledge on this humor. Very cute, 10/10, should say it more often.
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